RCD Modules
RCD Modules
RCD Modules
Types of concrete:
1. Lightweight concrete
2. High density concrete
3. Mass concrete
4. Ready-mix concrete
5. Shotcrete
Steel reinforcements
Rebar (short for renforcing bar) also known as reinforcing steel, is a steel bar or
mesh of steel wires used primarily as a tension device in reinforced concrete and
reinforced masonry structures to strengthen and hold the concrete in tension. In
some instances, rebars are also used as compression reinforcements.
Where load and resistance factor design is used, structures and all portions thereof
shall resist the most critical effects from the combinations of factored loads:
1.2(D + F + T) + 1.6(L + H) + 0.5(L or R)
1.2D+ 1.6(L or R) + (f1L OR 0.5W)
1.2 D+ 1.0W+ f1L + 0.5(L or R)
1.2+ 1.0E+ f1L
0.9D + 1.0W + 1.6H
0.9D + 1.0E + 1.6H
D = dead load
E = earthquake load
F = load due to fluids well- defined pressure and maximum heights
H = load due to lateral pressure of soil and water in soil
L = live load, except roof live load, including any permitted live load reduction
P = ponding load
R = rain load on the undeflected roof
T = self straining and effects arising from contraction or expansion resulting from
temperature change, shrinkage, moisture change, creep in component materials,
movement due to differential settlement, or combination thereof
W = load due to wind pressure
f1 = 1.0 for floors in places of public assembly, for live loads in excess of 4.8kPa, and
for garage live load.
f1 = 0.5 for other live loads
The common load combinations for most applications are the following:
1.2D+ 1.6L
1.2D+ f1L + 1.0W
1.2D + f1L + 1.0E
0.9D + 1.0W
0.9D + 1.0E
Note that in equations (2) and (3) maximum wind load and earthquake forces are
applied simultaneously since both are extreme and the statistical probability of
these two occurring simultaneously is nil.
The latter two load combinations are applied for tall structures and retaining walls
to ensure stability against overturning
Determine the design moment for beam shown with a dead load of 35kN/m and
a live load of 15kN/m. The beam span length is 7m
1. Flexure
Extreme fiber stress in compression 0.45f′c
2. Shear
Beams and one-way slabs and footings:
Shear carried by concrete, vc (1/11)f′c
Maximum shear carried by concrete plus
shear reinforcement, vc
Shear carried by concrete, vc (1/11)f′c
Two-way slabs and footings:
Shear carried by concrete, vc but not greater
than (1/6)f′c
3. Bearing on loaded area 0.3f′c
Steel Reinforcement
1. Grade 280 reinforcement 140 MPa
2. Grade 420 reinforcement or greater and
170 MPa
welded wire fabric (plain or deformed)
3. For flexural reinforcement, 10 mm or less in
diameter, in one-way slabs of not more than 4 0.50fy
m span but not greater than 200 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity
Modular Ratio for Beams with Compression Steel (NSCP 2015 Sec 429.6.5) (NSCP
Assumptions in WSD
Consider a relatively long simply supported beam shown below. Assume the load
wo to be increasing progressively until the beam fails. The beam will go into the
following three stages:
At this stage, the gross section of the concrete will resist the bending which means
that the beam will behave like a solid beam made entirely of concrete.
The beam will behave elastically and remains uncracked. The tensile stress of
concrete is below rupture.
Cracking Moment (NSCP 2015 Sec. 424.2.3.5) NSCP 2010, Section 409.6.2.3
Ig = Moment of inertia of the gross section neglecting reinforcement
yt = distance from centroid of gross section to extreme tension fiber
The location of the neutral axis is determined by summing of the moments of the
areas above and equating this to the sum of moments of the area below the
neutral axis
ΣMoment of area above = ΣMoment of area below
b 2
c nAs c nAs d 0
By quadratic equation:
nAs (nAs )2 4(b/2)(nAs d)
But steel ratio, ρ or As ρbd
fc = M c/INA (concrete)
fs/n = M(d−c)/INA (Tension steel)
Doubly reinforced beams are called as such because aside from tension
reinforcements there are also compression reinforcements as shown where the
section is subjected to positive moment, tension at the bottom and compression
at the top.Doubly reinforced sections are resorted to when large moments have
to be resisted but there are limitations to the beam size. Thus, additional moment
capacity is provided by introducing compression bars together with an increase in
the tension bars.
Creep flow is the plastic flow of concrete that occurs slowly over a long period of
time when the concrete member is under a constant compressive stress.
Compression Area:
(bc - As’) + (2n As’)
(bc) +(2n - 1) As’
Therefore, the two terms above can now be considered as two regular polygons.
Flexural Stress:
a β1c
F x 0
C c Ts
0.85fc A c A s fy
0.85fc ab A s fy
M 0
Mn (C c or Ts ) d
According to the NSCP(Table 421.2.2), the usable portion of the nominal moment
capacity is only 90% or a reduction factor = 0.90. This is applicable to tension
controlled classification where the tensile strain of the rebar exceeds 0.005
Also, USD requires that Mu (ultimate moment)
Mu φMn
Flexural members are required to be ductile. These members are designed to
undergo ductile failure when their ultimate capacities are reached. Ductile failure
is preferred over brittle failure because failure for the former is slow in developing
and more than adequate tell-tale manifest before the section collapses. In
contrast, brittle failure is sudden with little or no warning leading to disastrous
In order to ensure that the flexural member will be ductile, the amount of the
tension reinforcement is controlled. The NSCP ensures that the flexural member
will be under reinforced by prescribing a minimum strain of 0.004 for the tensile
Reinforcement(NSCP 2015 Sec 409.3.3.1). It must be noted that under reinforced
beam sections will have larger strains in the tensile rebars.
c 0.003 3
d 0.003 0.004 7
C c Ts
0.85fc ab A s fy
0.85fc ab A s fy
bd bd
Introducing the notation ρ
0.85β1fc' c
fy d
0.85β 1fc' 3
ρ max
fy 7
Minimum steel ratio, ρmin:
Also, the code has a minimum steel ratio with the same objective of making the
beam section ductile. If the steel reinforcements are too few, then the effect of
the steel reinforcements is no longer felt as if the section is pure concrete only.
Concrete being a brittle material, will lead to brittle failure if the amount of
tension reinforcement is negligible. Therefore, there is a need to provide a
minimum amount of steel reinforcements. This is specified in NSCP 2010 410.6.1.
0.25 fc' b w d
Minimum Area of steel, As min
0.25 fc'
ρ min
However the NSCP stipulates further that this steel ratio should not be lower than
Analysis of a Singly Reinforced Rectangular Beam
3. Compare the actual steel ratio ρact with ρmin and ρmax
if ρact > ρmax then use ρ = ρmax
in this situation the existing reinforcement exceed the NSCP maximum limit. Thus,
only the amount of reinforcements corresponding limit is valid
if ρact < ρmin then use ρ = ρmin or ρ = (4/3)ρact
in this situation, the existing reinforcement also are below the NSCP minimum limit.
However the NSCP has a provision (Art. 409.6.1.3) that states that the minimum
steel requirement can be waived if an additional 1/3 of the required
reinforcement is provided. Conversely, for an existing beam section with
reinforcements below the NSCP limit, then only 4/3 of the actual reinforcements
will be counted
if ρmax > ρact > ρmin then use ρ = ρact
this is the case where the NSCP steel reinforcement limits are complied
with and thus no reduction in the actual reinforcements is made
5. C = T and solve for “a” (with assumptions, if steel will yield(fs < fy) or steel does
not yield(fs ≥ fy)
6. Check assumptions
The design of beams to resist the factored moment is made up of two parts:
Mu φMn
Mu φMn
Mu a
Ts d
φ 2
Mu a
As fy d
φ 2
Mu As fy
As fy d
φ 1.7fc'b
Mu As fy
As fy 1 d
φ 1.7fc'bd
Mu As fy As fy 2
1 bd
φ bd 1.7fc'bd
Mu ρ fy 2
ρfy 1 bd
φ 1.7fc'
ρ fy
Rn ρfy 1
1.7fc' …………coefficient of resistance
Mu φRnbd 2
0.85fc' 2Rn
ρ 1 1
fy 0.85fc'
The design procedure can be formulated as follows:
1. Solve for Rn
2. Solve for ρ, ρmin, ρmax
3. Solve for As
4. Compute for a and c
5. Check if tension controlled
6. If no, designed as DRB
7. If yes, designed as SRB and compute the number of bars
A reinforced concrete beam has the following properties
Beam width, b = 320 mm
Effective depth, d = 640 mm
fc’ = 25 MPa
fy = 400 MPa
Service dead load moment, Mdl = 250 kN-m
As = 4-25mm RSB
Determine the service live load moment if the beam is to be designed as singly
reinforced. USE 2015 NSCP
Calculate the ultimate moment capacity of a rectangular beam with b = 300mm,
d = 500mm, As = 9-28mm. Assume fc’ = 34 MPa, fy=414 MPa. USE 2015 NSCP
Given the following properties of a rectangular concreten beam, b=280mm, d
=480mm, fc’ = 21 MPa, fy =415 MPa. The beam is reinforced for tension only.
Determine the design strength under the following conditions.
A. When the beam is reinforced with 3-25mm diameter bars
B. When the beam is reinforced with 4-25mm diameter bars
C. When the beam is reinforced with 7-25mm diameter bars
A simply supported beam shown is to support a total dead load of 5kN/m.
Determine the live load that the beam can resist in accordance with the
requirements of NSCP2015. Use fc’ = 35Mpa and Grade 40. The reinforcements
shown are 5-16mm bars.
A 350mm x 500mm rectangular beam is reinforced for tension only with 5-28mm
bars. The beam has an effective depth 0f 446mm. The beam carries a uniform
dead load of 4.5kN/m including its own weight, a uniform live load of 3kN/m and
a concentrated dead load of P and 2P as shown below. Assume fy=414MPa,
fc’=34.5MPa. Calculate the following
A. The ultimate moment capacity of the section in kN-m
B. The maximum value of P in kN.
2P P
2m 2m 2m
A reinforced concrete beam has a width of 300mm and an effective depth to
tension bars of 600mm. Compression reinforcement if needed will be placed at a
depth of 60mm below the top. If fc’=30MPa and fy=414MPa, determine the
tension steel area if the beam is to resist an ultimate moment of 650 kN-m.
A rectangular concrete beam has a width of 300mm and an effective depth of
550mm. The beam is simply supported over a span of 6m and is used to carry a
uniform dead load of 25 kN/m and a uniform live load of 4o kN/m. Assume
fc’=21MPa and fy=312MPa
A. Determine the maximum tension steel area for singly reinforced condition
B. Determine the required tension steel area
C. Determine the required number of 25mm diameter tension bars.
Compute the ultimate moment capacity of the beam shown . Assume fy = 345MPa
and fc’ = 21MPa
Compute the moment capacity of the beam shown. Assume fy=345MPa, fc’ =21MPa
Compute the required As of the beam shown. Assume fy=345MPa, fc’ =21MPa, d’ =
A. Mu = 200 KN-m
B. Mu = 500 KN-m
A hollow beam shown below has fc’=28MPa and fy = 345 MPa. Assume d’=75mm
Calculate the required tension steel area when Mu = 800 kN-m
Calculate the required tension steel area when Mu = 1200 kN-m
Ts Asfy
fs' Es εs' fy
c - d'
fs' (0.003)(200 000)
c - d'
fs' (600) fy
Cc Cs Ts
Cc 0.85fc' ab
Cs As'(fs'- 0.85 fc' )
Mn Cc d Cs(d d' )
To ensure that the beam will be ductile, the NSCP requirement for a minimum
tensile strain of 0.004 still has to be complied with.
Then substituting:
a β1c
c 3
d 7
ρmax ρ' ρ ; assuming fs’=fy
0.85fc' 0.85fc'
ρ max ρ - ρ' 1 ρ max ρ - ρ' 1
fy fy
However if ρ > ρmax then analyze as doubly and follow the steps discussed below
4. Compare ρmax with ρ - ρ' 1
ρ - ρ' 1
If fy
> ρmax
then consider only the amount of tension steel satisfying the code requirements
As ρmax - ρ' 1 bd
ρ - ρ' 1
If fy < ρmax
the original As is fully effective
The beam shown has a height of 600mm and a width of 300mm. determine the
maximum safe live load that the beam can carry. The dead load is the beam
weight plus a superimposed load of 15kN/m. The stirrup size is 12mm, the top bars
are 2-20mm and the bottom bars are 5-28mm. the clear distance between layers
of bottom bars is the bar size, 28mm. Use fc’ = 30Mpa, grade 60 reinforcements
and concrete cover of 50mm.
Flexural members have two bending forces, moment and shear. Thus the design of a
beam is completed by designing it for shear. By the time that a beam is to be
designed for shear, the beam section dimensions (b and d) are already known as well
as the details of the main reinforcements.
Diagonal Tension
The diagonal tension σt is the cause for shear cracks shown. The diagonal tensile stress
can be expressed as
σt = sinθ + cosθ
Shear Strength
The NSCP requirement for shear capacity is that this should be greater than the
factored shear force (NSCP 422.5.1.1)
Vu φVn
Nominal Shear
In NSCP 422.5.1.1, the total nominal shear capacity is the sum of the contribution
of concrete and reinforcement shear capacities.
Vn = Vc + Vs
Av min 0.062 fc' or
Av min 0.35
The NSCP has an additional requirement for maximum spacing, NSCP 409., the
additional maximum requirements are set.
2. Solve for s’ from the stirrup spacing formulas for minimum shear reinforcements as
per NSCP table 409.6.3.3. Adopt the lesser value from the two formulas.
0.062bw fc'
Av fy
0.33bw fc'
4. Compare s, s’ and s”
A. If s > s’, the NSCP requirements for minimum shear reinforcements are violated,
thus the shear capacity is
Vu φ 0.50Vc
B. If s” < s < s’, in this situation two more possible cases will arise based on the
comparison between the actual spacing s and the maximum spacing s max (the
least of s’, d/2 and 600mm)
i. If s > smax, this means that the actual spacing again violates the maximum
spacing requirement
Vu φ 0.50Vc
ii. If s < smax, then the contribution of shear reinforcement Vs is needed
Vu φ (Vc Vs)
Av fy d
C. If s < s”. In this situation, the NSCP requirements in table 409. changes the
maximum spacing of shear reinforcements as follows: smax is the least of s’, d/4
and 300mm. Again in this situation two possibilities arise.
Av fy d
Based on NSCP 418.6, there are at least three different types of spacing will be
adopted to incorporate the requirements
A. The first spacing “s0” will be 50mm (as per NSCP 418.4.2.4)
B. The second spacing “s1” will be used from 50mm to 2h from the face of support.
C. The third spacing “s2” will be used from 2h to the rest of the length of the beam
towards midspan.
7. Determine the spacing which is lesser of the required s and smax. The resulting value is
rounded down to the nearest centimeter and designate as “s1”
8. Determine “x1” equals 2h - 50mm. It is over this distance where spacing s1 will be
A 7.2m simply supported beam carrying a uniformly distributed load has an effective
depth d=430mm and a width b=250mm. It has 2 legged 10mm diameter stirrups
spaced at 130mm on centers all throughout the beam length. Determine the
maximum ωu that the beam can carry based on the shear capacity of the beam. Use
fc’=21MPA and Grade 276 rebars.
Determine the shear reinforcement spacing of the beam shown within and beyond 2h
from the support using 10mm diameter two legged stirrups. The beam width is
300mm, height is 700mm and effective depth of 630mm. Use fc’= 24MPa and Grade
414 stirrups
4m 3m
Determine the spacing of vertical stirrups near the left support of the 3m beam loaded
as shown below. The concentrated load is placed 0.5m from A. Use 10mm diameter 3
legged stirrups.
w D, wL
Floor systems are made up of slabs and stringers. Stringers are beams that are
supported and frame into other beams.
Slabs are classified into 2 types: one-way slabs and two-way slabs. For one-way slabs,
the action is in one direction only, namely the short direction. The load applied in the
slab will be directly transmitted in the short direction only. In contrast, the best example
for a two way slab is for a slab panel which is square in dimension. The load applied at
the center of the slab will be transmitted in two directions.
One way slabs and two way slabs are distinguished using L/S ratio as the basis. One
way slabs are for slabs having panel dimension L/S ratios greater than 2.0, whereas
two way slabs are for slabs with L/S ratios less than or equivalent to 2.0.
The floor system carries the live load directly. Therefore, these structural components
which are in the forefront in carrying live loads will have the lightest loads. Thus, the
required sizes of these flexural members will be small when based on strength
requirements only.
However, the NSCP code requires that the design should satisfy not only the strength
requirements but also the equally important serviceability requirement. Thus, for floor
system members , the NSCP Sec 407.3.1.1 requires that the serviceability requirement
be met by prescribing a minimum thickness for the slabs.
One way slabs are analyzed as continuous beams over several spans. The analysis is
done by considering a slab with one meter strip which is conveniently used for SI UNITS.
The code provides empirical formulas to determine the design moments in a very
quick manner using moment coefficients. The coefficients are listed in NSCP Table
From NSCP 407.7.2.3, The maximum spacing for the main reinforcements is lesser of 3
time the slab thickness or 450mm.
In the same article, the maximum spacing for the temperature bars is lesser of 5 time
the slab thickness or 450mm
The provisions for shrinkage and temperature reinforcements are found in NSCP 424.4
Design a one way slab based on the figure shown below. The slab has a
superimposed dead load of 2.5 kPa and live load of 2.0 kPa. Use 10mm diameter bars.
Also used fc’=22MPa and fy=276MPa. Assume that the slab is indoors. Unit weight of
concrete=24 kN/cu.m.
0.30m 2.70m 0.50m 2.70m