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2 On Screen Upper Test 4

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Test 4 (Modules 7-8)

NAME: .............................................................................. DATE: ......................................

CLASS: .............................................................................. MARK: ____ /100

(Time: 60 minutes)

Vocabulary & Grammar

A Choose the correct answer.

1 When I first .......... eyes on Machu 6 Students at this school are urged to
Picchu, the sight took my breath away. engage .......... sports activities.
A turned C set A to C at
B launched D hit B in D with

2 Mike hates the idea of going to a .......... 7 John has .......... himself to setting up an
school because that would mean living athletics club for the children of low-
away from home. income families.
A vocational C specialist A inspired C encouraged
B nursery D boarding B motivated D committed

3 The police are confident they can find the 8 We’re driving down to Cape Canaveral to
thief and .......... the stolen artefacts. watch NASA .......... the new shuttle into
A discover C recover space.
B uncover D encounter A launch C emit
B release D orbit
4 Solving problems by themselves helps
students to develop .......... thinking skills. 9 The best thing about this college is that it
A academic C accurate .......... students’ ability to think creatively
B critical D valid and develop their own ideas.
A imposes C promotes
5 Last night we watched a documentary B burdens D stifles
where a team of scientists searched the
ocean .......... for signs of the lost city of 10 David came .......... his old history teacher
Atlantis. as he was walking down the street.
A floor C strip A across C forward
B ground D peak B into D up

Marks: _____
10 x 2 20

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1 On Screen Upper-Intermediate B2+

Test 4 (Modules 7-8)

B Choose the correct answer.

1 You .......... run in the school corridors. 9 Look through the telescope .......... the
It’s against the rules. guide showed you.
A aren't able to C couldn’t A in the same way C as though
B mightn’t D mustn't B as if D how

2 .......... it was raining, they didn’t cancel 10 .......... I drive you to your French lesson
their trip to Stonehenge. later? It’s on the way to my friend’s
A Although C However house.
B Despite D Yet A Must C Might
B Would D Shall
3 Rarely .......... to the theatre these days.
Marks: _____
A Nigel goes C does Nigel go 10 x 2 20
B is Nigel going D doesn’t Nigel go
4 It’s 10 o’clock, so the museum .......... be
C Choose the correct response.
open now.
A must C shall 1 A: Would you like to leave a message?
B can D ought B: a I suppose that’s true.
b No thanks. I’ll call back later.
5 His latest film wasn’t received by the
critics as .......... he had expected. 2 A: What do you think of the Planetarium?
A well C better than B: a I couldn’t agree more.
B well as D better as b Don’t get me wrong, but I prefer the
Science Museum.
6 We stayed up late .......... see the eclipse.
3 A: I suggest we visit Stonehenge while
A in case C so as to
we’re in the UK.
B in order that D with a view to
B: a Maybe we could stay in tonight?
b That’s a great idea.
7 Jessica .......... enrol on the IT course,
but nothing’s certain yet. 4 A: It would be a good idea if we got more
A can C might students interested in the recycling
B will D would scheme.
B: a Great! See you then.
8 They decided against driving to the city b But how?
centre .......... there was too much traffic.
A on account of C due to 5 A: In my opinion schools should serve
B because D because of healthy lunches to children.
B: a I suppose so.
b On the contrary!
Marks: _____
5x2 10

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 On Screen Upper-Intermediate B2+

Test 4 (Modules 7-8)


D You are going to read a text about an ancient civilisation. For questions
1-4, mark the answer that fits best from options A, B, C or D.

You may think that it’s only thanks to modern Garamantes are believed to have introduced
technology that the human race is able to build the horse and wheeled vehicles to the Sahara
desert cities such as Las Vegas. In fact, the region. Roman culture also influenced their
first urban society situated in a major desert architecture. In the early 21st century,
was flourishing 2,000 years ago in the Sahara. evidence of a Roman-style tiled bathing room
The Garamantes, as the Romans called them, was discovered on the site of the Garamantian
occupied an arid region in the west of modern- capital, Germa.
day Libya from at least 500 BC. The Garamantes were skilful engineers who
Perhaps because the Garamantes didn’t leave designed an impressive network of water
behind spectacular ruins their civilisation is not tunnels. For their construction and maintenance,
very well known outside archaeology circles. however, they relied on slave labour. Yet while
It’s not their buildings that provide us with the the Garamantes enjoyed a diet that included
most significant evidence of their success, but cereals, figs and grapes, the slaves who enabled
the mark they made on the land. From the air, them to grow such crops were given only the
pale straight lines can be clearly seen on the most basic supplies and living conditions. They
dry earth that was once the Garamantes’ certainly wouldn’t have been able to afford the
territory. These were once channels that wine and olive oil that the Garamantes imported
carried water from sources deep underground from the Roman Empire – and which they
and enabled the Garamantes to develop sometimes stole from the Romans in raids, which
agriculture and support scores of towns across caused the Romans to write about the
an area of 402 square kilometres. Evidently, Garamantes as a barbaric people.
the desert’s low rainfall had little or no effect The fall of the Garamante civilisation provides
on the growth of the Garamantes’ population. a warning about the over-exploitation of non-
By 150 AD, the Garamantes’ largest city was renewable natural resources. Around 1,700
home to some 4,000 people, with another years ago, the water stores they relied on
6,000 in its suburbs. began to run low, and they didn’t have enough
Trade with the Romans, who ruled the coastal slaves to allow them to access deeper
areas to the north of their lands, was key to sources. This situation must have caused food
the Garamantes’ wealth. They supplied, for shortages and possibly violent conflicts which
example, many of the beasts the Romans devastated the population.
used in gladiatorial competitions. Perhaps as a
result of their dealings with the Romans, the

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3 On Screen Upper-Intermediate B2+

Test 4 (Modules 7-8)

1 What was one of the main reasons for E Read the text again and mark
the Garamantes’ success? the following statements as
A Their homes were hidden in the T (true) or F (false).
B Their towns were able to communicate 1 The Garamantes have lived near
with each other. modern-day Libya for 2,000 years. ........
C Their survival didn’t depend on 2 There’s no significant architectural
rainwater. evidence of the Garamantes’
D Their population grew quickly. existence. ........
3 The Garamantes produced large
2 The Garamantes provided the Romans quantities of olive oil. ........
with 4 The Romans did not have a very
A animals. C builders. high opinion of the Garamantes. ........
B transport. D soldiers.
Marks: _____
4x2 8
3 The Garamantes used slaves to
A gather food from the desert.
B carry water to water the crops. F Answer the following questions
C steal supplies from the Romans. based on the text.
D build and repair water passages.
1 What do Las Vegas and the
4 What happened towards the end of Garamantes’ society have in common?
the era of the Garamantes? ..............................................................
A Their slaves rebelled against them. ..............................................................
B Less water was available than in the 2 What did the Garamantes mostly eat?
past. ..............................................................
C They were raided by barbaric tribes. ..............................................................
D There was a natural disaster.
Marks: _____
2x2 4

Marks: _____
4x2 8

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 4 On Screen Upper-Intermediate B2+

Test 4 (Modules 7-8)


G You will hear a guide talking to people during their visit to an

archaeological museum. For questions 1-5, choose the best answer
(A, B, C or D).

1 The speaker suggests that the Ice Man 4 What did the early examinations of the
was Ice Man fail to notice?
A elderly. C Egyptian. A His clothes needed repairing.
B fit. D a miner. B Part of his body was missing.
C Some of his equipment was broken.
2 What do we know happened shortly D He was injured.
before the Ice Man died?
A He altered his appearance. 5 The speaker advises scientists to
B He developed a dental problem. A never say something unless they are
C He ate something dangerous. certain.
D He hurt his hands. B use better research techniques.
C re-examine results from the past.
3 What was the Ice Man’s most D reconsider conclusions they thought of
impressive possession? as wrong at first.
A some plants
B his weapons Marks: _____
5x2 10
C a deerskin container
D a fire-making kit

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5 On Screen Upper-Intermediate B2+

Test 4 (Modules 7-8)


H Write an answer to ONE of the questions in this part.

1 You are a member of the student 2 You’ve had a class discussion about taking time
council in your school, and the issue off before starting university. Your teacher has
of the school’s poor sports facilities asked you to write an essay. Write an essay
ay on
was discussed during the council’s using all the notes and giving reasons for your
last meeting. Write a report for the point of view. A lot of young people take a gap
school’s Head Teacher. year before they start university. Do you think this
Your report should : is a good or a bad thing?
- describe the current state of the Notes
facilities Write about:
- suggest ways to improve them 1 experiencing different cultures
saying how the school would 2 gaining work experience
benefit from this. 3 ...................... (your own idea)
Write your report (140-190 words). Write your essay (140-190 words).


© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 6 On Screen Upper-Intermediate B2+

Test 4 (Modules 7-8)


Marks: _____

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 7 On Screen Upper-Intermediate B2+

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