Lists by Decade and by Year
Lists by Decade and by Year
Lists by Decade and by Year
The list below was originally made in the 1980s, and is not updated.) 1. Orson Welles: Citizen Kane (1941) 2. Alfred Hitchcock: North By Northwest (1959) 3. Orson Welles: Touch Of Evil (1958) 4. Roman Polanski: Chinatown (1974) 5. Robert Altman: Nashville (1975) 6. Sam Peckinpah: The Wild Bunch (1969) 7. Francis Ford Coppola: The Godfather Part II (1974) 8. Elia Kazan: Splendor In The Grass (1961) 9. John Ford: The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) 10. Lars von Trier: Riget/ Kingdom (1995) 11. Fritz Lang: Metropolis (1926) 12. Billy Wilder: Sunset Boulevard (1950) 13. Charles Chaplin: Limelight (1952) 14. Emir Kusturica: Underground (1995) 15. Theo Angelopoulos: O Thiasos/ Travelling Players (1975) 16. Robert Aldrich: Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte (1965) 17. Luis Bunuel: Belle de Jour (1967) 18. Ingmar Bergman: Persona (1966) 19. Josef von Sternberg: Der Blaue Engel/ The Blue Angel (1930) 20. Krzysztof Kieslowski: Rouge (1994) 21. Ingmar Bergman: Det Sjunde Inseglet/ Seventh Seal (1956) 22. Sergei Eisenstein: Bronenossets Potyomkin/ Battleship Potemkin(1925) 23. Michelangelo Antonioni: Blow-Up (1966) 24. Luis Bunuel: Viridiana(1961) 25. Howard Hawks: Bringing Up Baby (1938) 26. Blake Edwards: The Great Race (1965) 27. Alfred Hitchcock: Psycho (1960) 28. Charles Chaplin: Modern Times (1936) 29. Roman Polanski: Rosemary's Baby (1968) 30. Stanley Kubrick: 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) 31. David-Ward Griffith: The Birth of a Nation (1915) 32. Stanley Kubrick: Dr Strangelove (1964) 33. Marcel Carne`: Les Enfants du Paradis/ Children of Paradise (1945) 34. Alfred Hitchcock: The Birds (1963) 35. Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau: Sunrise (1927) 36. Bela Tarr: Satantango/ Satan's Tango (1994) 37. Frank Capra: John Doe (1941) 38. Sam Peckinpah: Convoy (1978) 39. Terrence Malick: Days of Heaven (1978) 40. Sergio Leone: C'era Una Volta il West/ Once Upon a Time (1968) 41. Martin Scorsese: Mean Streets (1973) 42. Akira Kurosawa: Rashomon (1950) 43. Steven Spielberg: Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
44. Erich von Stroheim: Greed (1924) 45. Robert Aldrich: Whatever Happened to Baby Jane (1962) 46. Federico Fellini: La Dolce Vita (1960) 47. Andrei Tarkovsky: Stalker (1979) 48. Donald Siegel: Charley Varrick (1973) 49. John Huston: The African Queen (1951) 50. Fritz Lang: The Big Heat (1953) 51. Charles Chaplin: City Lights (1931) 52. Frank Capra: It's A Wonderful Life (1946) 53. Terrence Malick: Badlands (1973) 54. Don Siegel: Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) 55. Francis Ford Coppola: The Godfather (1972) 56. Woody Allen: Manhattan (1979) 57. George Miller: The Road Warrior (1981) 58. Ridley Scott: Blade Runner (1982) 59. Vittorio DeSica: Miracolo a Milano/ Miracle in Milan (1951) 60. Leo McCarey (Marx Brothers): Duck Soup (1933) 61. Ernst Lubitsch: Heaven Can Wait (1943) 62. George Stevens: Giant (1956) 63. Yasujiro Ozu: Tokyo Monogatari (1953) 64. Orson Welles: The Magnificent Ambersons (1942) 65. Emir Kusturica: Black Cat White Cat (1998) 66. Elia Kazan: On The Waterfront (1954) 67. Buster Keaton: The General (1927) 68. Jan Svankmajer: Conspirators of Pleasure (1996) 69. King Vidor: The Crowd (1928) 70. John Huston: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) 71. Charlie Chaplin: The Gold Rush (1925) 72. Jim Jarmusch: Stranger Than Paradise (1984) 73. Terry Gilliam: Brazil (1985) 74. Billy Wilder: Double Indemnity (1944) 75. Jonathan Demme: The Silence of the Lambs (1991) 76. Alfred Hitchcock: Rear Window (1954) 77. Robert Aldrich: Kiss Me Deadly (1955) 78. Quentin Tarantino: Pulp Fiction (1994) 79. Theo Angelopoulos: Topio Stin Omichli/ Landscape In The Mist(1988) 80. Wim Wenders: Der himmel uber Berlin/ Wings of Desire (1988) 81. Robert Aldrich: Emperor of the North (1973) 82. Fritz Lang: M (1931) 83. Ermanno Olmi: L'Albero degli Zoccoli (1978) 84. Elia Kazan: A Face in the Crowd (1957) 85. Fritz Lang: Das Testament des Dr Mabuse/ Last will of Dr Mabuse(1932) 86. Manoel de Oliveira: Francisca (1981) 87. Takeshi Kitano: Sonatine (1993) 88. Lewis Milestone: Front Page (1931) 89. Luc Besson: Leon/ The Professional (1994)
90. George Lucas: Star Wars (1977) 91. Frank Capra: Lady For A Day (1933) 92. Woody Allen: Annie Hall (1977) 93. Jean Renoir: La Grande Illusion (1937) 94. Sergei Eisenstein: Aleksandr Nevskii (1938) 95. Orson Welles: Lady from Shangai (1948) 96. Jerzy Skolimowski: The Shout (1978) 97. Billy Wilder: Buddy Buddy (1981) 98. Akira Kurosawa: Ikiru/To live (1952) 99. Woody Allen: Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) 100. Theo Angelopoulos: O Melissokomos/ The beekeeper /Il Volo (1986) 101. Hirokazu Kore-eda: Maborosi (1995) 102. Louis Feuillade: Fantomas (1913) 103. Alfred Hitchcock: Marnie (1964) 104. Jim Jarmusch: Dead Man (1995) 105. John Sayles: Lone Star (1995) 106. Orson Welles: Mr Arkadin (1955) 107. Fritz Lang: While the City Sleeps (1956) 108. Ingmar Bergman: Smultronstallet/ Wild Strawberries (1957) 109. Werner Herzog: Aguirre (1972) 110. Ettore Scola: Brutti Sporchi e Cattivi/Down And Dirty (1976) 111. Jean Eustache: La Maman et la Putain/ The Mother and the Whore(1973) 112. Don Siegel: Dirty Harry (1971) 113. John Boorman: Zardoz (1973) 114. Andrei Tarkovsky: Zerkalo/ Mirror (1974) 115. Mario Monicelli: L'Armata Brancaleone (1966) 116. Jerzy Skolimowski: Deep End (1971) 117. Sam Peckinpah: Ballad Of Cable Hogue (1970) 118. Elliot Silverstein: Cat Ballou (1965) 119. Mario Monicelli: La Grande Guerra/ Great War (1959) 120. Manoel de Oliveira: Nao/ Non (1990) 121. Richard Fleischer: Soylent Green (1973) 122. Bela Tarr: Panelkapcsolat/ Prefab People (1982) 123. Don Siegel: Coogan's Bluff (1968) 124. Stellan Rye (Paul Wegener): Der Student von Prag (1913) 125. Walter Hill: 48 Hrs (1982) 126. Henry Hathaway: Niagara (1953) 127. Paul Wegener: Der Golem (1920) 128. Mike Figgis: Leaving Las Vegas (1995) 129. Shohei Imamura: Dr Akagi (1998) 130. Joel Coen: Miller's Crossing (1990) 131. Shohei Imamura: Narayama-Bushi-ko/ Ballad of Narayama (1983) 132. David Lynch: Lost Highway (1997) 133. Michael Powell: Peeping Tom (1960) 134. John Woo: Face/Off (1998) 135. John Woo: Lashou Shentan/ Hard Boiled (1992)
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Takeshi Kitano: Hana-Bi/ Fireworks (1997) Billy Wilder: The Apartment (1960) Michael Powell: A Matter of Life and Death (1946) John Frankenheimer: The Manchurian Candidate (1962) Alfred Hitchcock: Vertigo (1958) Federico Fellini: 8 1/2 (1963) Roman Polanski: Repulsion (1965) Nicolas Roeg: Walkabout (1971) Sam Wood (Marx Brothers): A Night at the Opera (1935) Theo Angelopoulos: To Vlemma tou Odyssea/ Ulysses' Gaze (1995) John Ford: The Searchers (1956) Frank Capra: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) Preston Sturges: Sullivan's Travels (1941) Michael Curtiz: Casablanca (1942) Francis Ford Coppola: Apocalypse Now (1979) Nicolas Roeg: Insignificance (1985) Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau: Nosferatu (1922) Buster Keaton: Sherlock, Jr. (1924) King Vidor: The Big Parade (1925) Blake Edwards: Victor/Victoria (1982) Federico Fellini: La Strada (1954) David Wark Griffith: Intolerance (1916) Jean Renoir: La Regle du Jeu/ The Rules of the Game (1939) George Stevens: Shane (1953) Georg Wilhelm Pabst: Das Buchse der Pandora/ Pandora's Box/ Lulu(1928) Luis Bunuel: Un Chien Andalou (1928) Dziga Vertov: Chelovyek S Kinoaparatom/ Man With a Movie Camera (1929) Victor Heerman (Marx Brothers): Animal Crackers (1930) William Wellman: The Public Enemy (1931) Robert Siodmak: Killers (1946) Michael Cimino: The Deer Hunter (1978) Jean Vigo: Zero de Conduit/ Zero For Conduct (1933) John Boorman: Point Blank/ Senza un Attimo di Tregua (1967) Jim Sharman: The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) Andrei Tarkovsky: Sacrifice (1986) Istvan Szabo: Mephisto (1981) Theo Angelopoulos: Mia Eoniotita ke Mi Mera/ Eternity And A Day(1998) Yasujiro Ozu: Umarate Wa Mita Keredo/ I Was Born But (1932) Jean Vigo: L'Atalante (1934) Victor Sjostrom: Korkarlen/ Phantom Chariot/ Carretto Fantasma(1920) Agnieszka Holland: Europa Europa (1991) Rainer Werner Fassbinder: Handler der vier Jahreszeiten (1971) Ernst Lubitsch: Ninotchka (1939) Francis Ford Coppola: The Conversation (1974) Bernardo Bertolucci: 1900 (1976) David Lynch: Blue Velvet (1986)
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Josef von Sternberg: Shanghai Gesture (1941) Victor Sjostrom: The Wind (1928) Ernst Lubitsch: To Be or Not to Be (1942) Otto Preminger: Laura (1944) William Wyler: The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) Alfred Hitchcock: Notorious (1946) Joseph Mankiewicz: All About Eve (1950) Martin Scorsese: Taxi Driver (1976) Steven Spielberg: Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) Krzysztof Kieslowski: Bleu (1993) David Lynch: Eraserhead (1978) Brian DePalma: Dressed to Kill (1980) Bela Tarr: Werckmeister Harmoniak/ Werckmeister Harmonies(2000)
Ken Russell: Altered States (1980) Bela Tarr: Karhozat/ Damnation (1989) Kenji Mizoguchi: Sansho Dayu/ Sansho the Bailiff (1954) Wim Wenders: Paris Texas (1983) Sergio Leone: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (1966) Roberto Rossellini: Roma Citta` Aperta/ Open City (1946) John Boorman: Deliverance/ Tranquillo Weekend di Paura (1971) Stanley Kubrick: A Clockwork Orange (1971) Alex Cox: Repo Man (1983) Fred Zinnemann: From Here to Eternity (1953) Blake Edwards: S.O.B. (1981) Akira Kurosawa: Shichinin No Samurai/ The Seven Samurai (1954) Billy Wilder: Some Like It Hot (1959) Raul Ruiz: Les Trois Couronnes du Matelot/ Three Crowns of the Sailor (1983) Rene` Clair: Le Million (1931) Ernst Lubitsch: Trouble in Paradise (1932) Francois Truffaut: Les Quatrecents Coups/ The 400 Blows (1959) Georges Franju: Les Yeaux Sans Visage/ Horror Chamber of Dr Faustus/ Eyes Without a Face (1959) Federico Fellini: Nights of Cabiria (1957) Shohei Imamura: Kuroi Ame/ Black Rain (1988) Juzo Itami: Ososhiki/ Funeral (1984) Jean-Luc Godard: A Bout de Souffle/ Breathless (1959) Francois Truffaut: Jules et Jim (1961) Frank Capra: It Happened One Night (1934) Tsui Hark: Wong Fei-hung/ Once Upon a Time in China (1991) Frank Capra: State of the Union (1948) Vittorio DeSica: Umberto D (1955) Steven Spielberg: Schindler's List (1993) Jane Campion: The Piano (1993)
Arthur Penn: Bonnie And Clyde (1967) Mike Nichols: The Graduate (1967) Stanley Kubrick: The Killing/ Rapina a Mano Armata (1956) Abel Ferrara: The Addiction (1995) Yasujiro Ozu: Ukigusa Monogatari (1934) Jean-Luc Godard: Masculin Feminin (1966) Milos Forman: Jedne Plavovlasky/ Loves of a Blonde (1965) Istvan Szabo: Hanussen (1988) Rainer Werner Fassbinder: Faustrecht der Freiheit/ Fox and his Friends (1975) Elia Kazan: America America/ Ribelle dell'Anatolia (1963) Zhang Yimou: Hong Gaoliang/ Red Sorghum (1987) Jane Campion: Angel at my Table (1990) Jacques Rivette: La Belle Noiseuse (1991) Zhang Yimou: Ju Dou (1990) Victor Erice: El Sol del Membrillo/ The Quince Tree Sun (1992) Sergej Paradzanov: Sayat Nova/ Tsvet Granata/ Color of Pomegrenates (1969) David Fincher: Se7en (1995) Ridley Scott: Thelma and Louise (1991) Jacques Rivette: L'Amour Fou (1968) Karl Freund: The Mummy (1932) Basil Dearden: The League of Gentlemen (1960) Alexander Mackendrick: The Man In The White Suit (1951) Sidney Lumet: Dog Day Afternoon/ Quel Pomeriggio di un Giorno di Cani (1975) Robert Hamer: Dead of Night (1945) Alain Corneau: Serie Noire (1979) Claude Miller: La Meilleure Facon de Marcher (1976) Maurice Pialat: Loulou (1980) Rene` Clair: Paris qui Dort (1923) Jacques Becker: Groupi Mains-Rouges/ La Casa degli Incubi (1943) Jacques Becker: Touchez Pas au Grisbi/ Grisbi (1954) Claude Autant-Lara: La Traverse` de Paris/ Four Bags Full (1956) Slatan Dudow: Kuhle Wampe (1932) George Cukor: Sylvia Scarlett (1935) Victor Sjostrom: He Who Gets Slapped (1924) Shohei Imamura: Nippon Konchuki/ Insect Woman (1963) Krzystof Zanussi: Struktura Krysztalu (1969) Youssef Chahine: Iskandariya Kaman wa Kaman/ Alexandria Again and Again (1990) Yasujiro Ozu: Banshum/ Late Spring (1949) Yasujiro Ozu: Jamma no Aji/ An Autumn Afternoon (1962) Agnieszka Holland: Fever (1981) Henry Hathaway: Call Northside 777 (1948) Anthony Mann: Winchester '73 (1951) Anthony Mann: Naked Spur (1952) Robert Aldrich: Ulzana's Raid (1972) Robert Aldrich: Vera Cruz (1954)
Robert Aldrich: Attack (1956) Robert Aldrich: Dirty Dozen (1967) Robert Aldrich: Grissom Gang (1971) Robert Aldrich: Twilight Last Gleaming (1976) Robert Aldrich: Frisco Kid (1979) Leos Carax: Les Amants du Pont Neuf (1991) Abbas Kiarostami: Zendegi Va Digar Hich/ And Life Goes On (1992) Abbas Kiarostami: Namayeh Nazdik/ Close-Up (1989) Abbas Kiarostami: Ta'ame-gilas/ A Taste of Cherry (1997) Mohsen Makhmalbaf: Salaam Cinema (1995) Werner Herzog: Auch Zwerge Haben Klein Angefangen/ Anche i Nani Hanno Cominciato Dal Nulla (1970) Pedro Almodovar: La Ley del Deseo/ Law of Desire (1986) Pedro Almodovar: Mujeres al Borde de un Ataque de Nervios/ Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (1988) Victor Erice: El Espiritu de la Colmena/ Spirit of the Beehive (1973) Manoel de Oliveira: Viagem ao Principio do Mundo/ Journey to the Beginning of the World (1997) Manoel de Oliveira: Benilde (1974) Kenji Mizoguchi: Shin Heike Monogatari/ New Tales of the Tara Clan(1955) Manoel de Oliveira: Os canibais (1988) Joao Cesar Monteiro: A Comedia de Deus (1995) Hou Hsiao-hsien: The Puppet Master (1993) John Woo: Bullet in the Head (1990) John Woo: Die Xue Shuang Xiong/ Killer (1989) Theo Angelopoulos: The Suspended Step of the Stork (1991) Edward Yang: A Confucian Confusion (1995) Edward Yang: Mahjong (1996) Wong Kar-wai: Ashes of Time (1994) Wong Kar-wai: Days of Being Wild (1991) Wong Kar-wai: Fallen Angels (1996) Stanley Kwan: Actress (1991) Maurice Pialat: Le GarU (1995) Ning Ying: On the Beat (1995) Arturo Ripstein: The Woman of the Port (1991) Arturo Ripstein: Queen of the Night (1994) Tsai Ming-liang: Rebels of the Neon God (1993) Paul Verhoeven: Basic Instinct (1992) Eric Rohmer: Le Rayon Vert/ Summer (1986) Eric Rohmer: Conte d'Ete`/ A Summer's Tale (1996) Olivier Assayas: Une Nouvelle Vie/ A New Life (1993) Olivier Assayas: Irma Vep (1996) Olivier Assayas: L'Eau Froid/ Cold Water (1994) Aki Kaurismaki: Kauas Pilvet Karkaavat/ Drifting Clouds (1996) Aki Kaurismaki: Pida Huivista Kiinni Tatjana/ Take Care of your Scarf (1993) Aki Kaurismaki: Leningrad Cowboys go to America (1989)
Aki Kaurismaki: Hamlet Goes Business (1987) Aki Kaurismaki: I Hired A Contract Killer (1990) Aki Kaurismaki: Tulitikkutehtaan Tytto/ Match Factory Girl (1989) Aki Kaurismaki: Calamari Union (1984) Philippe DeBroca: Le Poudre d'Escampette/ Touch and Go Darsela a Gambe (1971) Claire Denis: Chocolat (1988) Robert Zemeckis: Back to the Future (1985) Stanley Donen: Charade (1963) Richard Donner: Lethal Weapon (1987) Alejandro Jodorowsky: Holy Mountain (1973) Babenco: Pixote (1981) Allan Dwan (Douglas Fairbanks): Robin Hood (1922) Jack Lee Thompson: Cape Fear (1962) Ronald Neame: Hopscotch (1979) Richard Fleischer: Narrow Margin (1952) Richard Fleischer: Fantastic Voyage (1966) Richard Fleischer: See No Evil/ Blind Terror (1971) William Friedkin: To Live and Die in L.A. (1985) Zhang Yimou: Huozhe/ To Live (1994) Zhang Yimou: Shangai Triad (1995) Don Siegel: Madigan (1968) Don Siegel: The Beguiled (1971) Don Siegel: Escape From Alcatraz (1979) Stanley Kramer: Defiant Ones (1958) Stanley Kramer: It'a A Mad Mad World (1963) Stanley Kramer: Oklahoma Crude (1973) Stanley Kramer: Domino Principle (1977) Mark Robson: The Prize (1963) Mark Robson: The Champion (1949) Mark Robson: The Valley of the Dolls (1967) Susan Seidelman: Desperately Seeking Susan (1985) Alan Pakula: Parallax View (1974) Robert Mulligan: The Stalking Moon/ La Notte dell'Agguato (1969) Robert Mulligan: Up The Down Staircase (1967) Stephen Frears: Sammy and Rosie Get Laid (1987) Stephen Frears: The Hi-Lo Country (1998) Paul Schrader: Affliction (1998) Mike Leigh: Secrets and Lies (1995) Mike Leigh: Naked (1993) Mike Leigh: Life is Sweet (1990) Mike Leigh: High Hopes (1988) Mike Leigh: Home Sweet Home (1982) Mike Leigh: Meantime (1984) Paul Leni: Das Wachsfiguren Kabinett (1924) Paul Leni: Hintertreppe (1921) Paul Leni: The Cat and the Canary (1927)
Paul Leni: The Man Who Laughs (1928) Thomas Ince: Civilization (1916) Patrice Leconte: Monsiur Hire (1989) Lupu-Pick (Carl Mayer): Sylvester (1923) Lupu-Pick (Carl Mayer): Scherben (1922) Arthur Robinson: Schatten (1922) Karl Grune: Die Strasse (1924) Karl Martin: Von Morgens bis Mitternachts (1920) James Cruze: The Covered Wagon (1923) Henry King: The Gunfighter (1950) Wayne Wang: Chan's Missing (1982) Wayne Wang: Smoke (1995) Peter Hyams: Capricorn One (1978) Robert Fuest: Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971) Bill Forsyth: Local Hero (1983) Bill Forsyth: Gregory's Girl (1980) Derek Jarman: Sebastiane (1977) Thomas Vinterberg: The Celebration (1998) Alex Proyas: Dark City (1998) Penelope Spheeris: Senseless (1998) Tony Scott: Hunger (1983) Takashi Ishii: Gonin/ Five People (1995) Alan Parker: Mississippi Burning (1988) Alan Parker: Birdy (1984) Michael Winner: Scorpio (1973) Michael Winner: Death Wish (1974) Richard Lester: Finders Keepers (1983) Peter Watkins: O Gladiatiorerna (1968) Miklos Jancso: Szegenylegenyek/ Round-up (1965) Tony Richardson: Tom Jones (1963) Karel Reisz: Who'll Stop the Rain (1977) Lindsay Anderson: O Lucky Man (1973) Lindsay Anderson: Britannia Hospital (1982) John Schlesinger: The Marathon Man (1976) Woody Allen: Sleeper (1973) Woody Allen: Bullets Over Broadway (1994) Terry Morse: Gojira/ Godzilla (1956) Stuart Gordon: Re-Animator (1984) Tom Gries: Will Penny (1967) Val Guest: Quatermass Experiment (1956) Val Guest: The Day The Earth Caught Fire (1961) John Guillermin: The Towering Inferno (1974) Claude Jutra: Mon Oncle Antoine (1971) Randa Haines: Children of a Lesser God (1986) Laszlo Benedek: The Wild One (1954) Raoul Walsh: Roaring Twenties (1939)
Andzej Wajda: Brzezina/ Bosco delle Betulle (1971) Josef von Sternberg: Underworld/ Il Castigo (1927) Josef von Sternberg: The Last Command (1928) Josef von Sternberg: Docks of New York/ I Dannati dell'Oceano(1928) Josef von Sternberg: Morocco (1930) Josef von Sternberg: Scarlet Empress (1934) King Vidor: Duel in the Sun (1946) King Vidor: Man Without a Star (1955) Henry Hathaway: Peter Ibbetson (1935) Henry Hathaway: Diplomatic Courier (1952) Henry Hathaway: Sons of Katie Elder (1965) Abraham Polonsky: Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here/ Uccidero` Willie Kid (1969) Nicholas Ray: They Live By Night (1947) Nicholas Ray: Knock On Any Door (1949) Anatole Litvak: Snake Pit (1948) Anatole Litvak: Sorry Wrong Number (1948) Jerry Paris: Viva Max (1969) Tobe Hooper: Poltergeist (1982) Mervyn LeRoy: I Am A Fugitive From A Chain Gang (1932) Howard Hawks: Scarface (1932) John Schlesinger: Midnight Cowboy (1969) Tod Browning: Freaks (1932) Lloyd Bacon: 42nd Street (1933) Howard Hawks: The Big Sleep (1946) Ernest Schoedsack: King Kong (1933) Otto Preminger: Anatomy of a Murder (1959) Rudolph Mate: D.O.A. (1949) Howard Hawks: Sergeant York (1941) Howard Hawks: Monkey Business (1952) Howard Hawks: I Was a Male War Bride (1949) Howard Hawks: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) Howard Hawks: Man's Favorite Sport (1964) Howard Hawks: El Dorado (1967) George Stevens: Woman of the Year (1942) Delmer Daves: Dark Passage (1947) Gordon Douglas: Them (1955) Roland Joffe: The Killing Fields (1984) Stephen Herek: Critters (1986) George Roy Hill: The Sting (1973) Walter Hill: Long Riders (1980) Walter Hill: Southern Comfort (1981) Walter Hill: Streets of Fire (1984) Walter Hill: Johnny Handsome (1989) Jean Renoir: The Southerner (1945) Arthur Hiller: Love Story (1970) Arthur Hiller: The In-Laws (1979)
Arthur Hiller: Babe (1995) Fred Niblo: The Mark of Zorro (1920) Woodbridge Van Dyke: Tarzan the Ape Man (1932) Tobe Hooper: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) James Ivory: Howard's End (1992) Peter Jackson: Bad Taste (1988) Peter Jackson: Dead Alive (1993) Miklos Jancso: Csillagosok Katonak/ Red and White (1968) Vincente Minnelli: An American In Paris (1951) Alfred Hitchcock: Strangers on a Train (1951) Fred Zinnemann: High Noon (1952) Martin Scorsese: After Hours (1985) George Cukor: A Star Is Born (1954) Nicholas Ray: Johnny Guitar (1954) Bernardo Bertolucci: The Last Emperor (1987) Norman Jewison: The Russians Are Coming (1966) Norman Jewison: In The Heat of the Night (1967) Norman Jewison: Rollerball (1975) Neil Jordan: The Crying Game (1992) Lawrence Kasdan: Body Heat (1981) Roger Vadim: Et Dieu Crea la Femme/ And God Created Woman(1957) Hiroshi Teshigahara: Suna no Onna/ Woman in the Dunes (1964) Elia Kazan: Viva Zapata (1952) Delbert Mann: Marty (1955) Barry Levinson: Rain Man (1988) Charles Laughton: The Night of the Hunter (1955) Nicholas Ray: Rebel Without a Cause (1955) John Ford: Stagecoach (1939) Teinosuke Kinugasa: Jigokumon/ Gate of Hell (1954) Andrei Konchalovsky: Runaway Train (1985) Jacques Rivette: Celine et Julie vont en Bateau (1974) Jacques Rivette: Out One (1973) Jacques Tati: Playtime (1967) Edward Yang: Gling Jie SHaonian Sha Ren Shijian/ A Brighter Summer Day (1991) Chen Kaige: Ba Wang Bie Ji/ Farewell my Concubine (1993) Chen Kaige: Huang Tudi/ Yellow Earth (1984) Edward Yang: A Brighter Summer Day (1991) Tsai Ming-Liang: Aiqing Wansui/ VIve l'Amour (1994) Wong Kar-Wai: Chongqing Senlin/ Chungking Express (1994) David Cronenberg: Crash (1996) Emir Kusturica: Dom za Vesanje/ Time of the Gypsies (1989) Michael Mann: Heat (1995) Martin Scorsese: The King of Comedy (1982) Lindsay Anderson: This Sporting Life (1963) Robert Altman: The Long Goodbye (1973) Jacques Becker: Le Trou (1960)
Louis Malle: Ascenseur pour l'Echafaud (1958) Pierpaolo Pasolini: Il Vangelo Secondo Matteo (1964) Vittorio DeSica: Sciuscia` (1946) Luchino Visconti: Senso (1954) Yilmaz Guney: umut/ Hope (1970) Joseph Losey: Mr Klein (1976) Walerian Borowczyk: Goto (1968) Alexander Mackendrick: The Ladykillers (1955) Frank Borzage: Man's Castle (1933) Mauritz Stiller: Erotikon/ Verso la Felicita` (1920) Alfred Hitchcock: Blackmail(1929) Sam Peckinpah: Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (1974) Robert Bresson: Au Hasard Balthazar (1966) Paul Morrissey: Flesh (1968) Giovanni Pastrone: Cabiria (1914) Cecil DeMille: The Cheat (1915) Louis Feuillade: Les Vampires (1915) Louis Feuillade: Judex (1916) Victor Sjostrom: Berg-Ejvind och Hans Hustru/ The Outlaw and His Wife/ I Proscritti (1917) Abel Gance: J'accuse (1918) Ernst Lubitsch: Die Austernprinzessin/ Oyster Princess (1919) Victor Sjostrom: Karin Ingmarsdotter/ Ingmar's Daughter (1919) Erich von Stroheim: Foolish Wives (1920) Robert Wiene: Das Cabinet des Dr Caligari (1920) Fritz Lang: Der Mude Tod (1921) Marcel L'Herbier: Eldorado (1921) Rex Ingram: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1921) Fritz Lang: Doktor Mabuse (1922) Cecil DeMille: The Ten Commandments (1923) Mauritz Stiller: Gunnar Hedes Saga (1923) Buster Keaton: The Navigator (1924) Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau: Der Letzte Mann (1924) Iakov Protazanov: Aelita (1924) Lev Kulesov: Neobychainiye Priklucheniya Mistera Vesta/Mister West (1924) Sidney Lumet: Twelve Angry Men (1957) John Huston: The Misfits (1961) Robert Mulligan: To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) Sam Fuller: Shock Corridor (1963) Douglas Sirk: Written on the Wind (1956) Frank Tashlin: The Girl Can't Help It (1956) David Lean: The Bridge On The River Kwai (1957) Lewis Milestone: All Quiet On The Western Front (1930) Tod Browning: Dracula (1931) Stanley Donen: Singin' In The Rain (1952) Howard Hawks: Rio Bravo (1959)
Vittorio DeSica: Ladri di Biciclette/ Bicycle Thieves (1948) Federico Fellini: Amarcord (1974) Robert Rossen: The Hustler (1961) Robert Wise: West Side Story (1961) Martin Ritt: Hud (1963) George Cukor: My Fair Lady (1964) Robert Wise: The Sound of Music (1965) John Huston: The Maltese Falcon (1941) Russ Meyer: Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1965) John Frankenheimer: Seconds (1966) Alexander Mackendrick: Sweet Smell of Success (1957) John Huston: Prizzi's Honor (1985) D.A. Pennebaker: Don't Look Back (1967) George A. Romero: Night of the Living Dead (1968) Lindsay Anderson: If.... (1968) Elem Klimov: Idi i Smotri/ Come and See (1985) Bob Rafelson: Five Easy Pieces (1970) Ida Lupino: The Hitch-hiker (1953) Ritwik Ghatak: Meghe Dhaka Tara/ CLoud Capped Star (1960) David Cronenberg: Shivers (1974) Monte Hellman: Two Lane Blacktop (1971) Monte Hellman: The Shooting (1966) Abel Ferrara: King of New York (1990) Abel Ferrara: The Funeral (1996) Abel Ferrara: Bad Lieutenant (1992) Jack Arnold: The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957) Jack Arnold: It Came from Outer Space (1953) Krzysztof Kieslowski: Blanc (1994) Chantal Akerman: Jeannie Dielman (1975) James Cameron: The Terminator (1984) Dorothy Arzner: Dance Girl Dance (1940) John Cassavetes: A Woman Under the Influence (1974) Luigi Comencini: Lo Scopone Scientifico (1972) Jean-Claude Lauzon: Leolo (1992) Hou Hsiao-Hsien: Beiqing Chengshi/ City of Sadness (1989) John Cassavetes: The Opening Night (1977) Hou Hsiao-Hsien: Haonan Haonu/ Good Men Good Women (1995) Zhang Yimou: Dahong Denglong Gaogao Gua/ Raise of the Red Lantern (1991) Souleyman Cisse: Yeelen (1987) Raoul Walsh: Thief Of Bagdad (1924) Sergei Eisenstein: Stachka/ Strike (1924) Fred Newmeyer (Frank Lloyd): The Freshman (1925) Georg Wilhelm Pabst: Die Freudlose Gasse/ Joyless Street/ La Via Senza Gioia (1925) Ted Browning: The Unholy Three (1925) Clarence Brown: Flesh and the Devil (1926) Ewald Andreas Dupont: Variete` (1926)
Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau: Faust (1926) Georg Wilhelm Pabst: Geheimnisse einer Seele/ Secrets of a Soul/ Misteri di un'Anima (1926) Lev Kulesov: Po Zakonu/ Dura Lex (1926) Vsevolod Pudovkin: Mat/ Mother (1926) Carl Theodor Dreyer: La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc (1927) Frank Borzage: Seventh Heaven (1927) Marcel L'Herbier: L'Argent (1927) Walter Ruttmann: Berlin (1927) Alexander Dovzhenko: Zvenigora (1928) Boris Barnet: Dom na Trubnoi/ House on Trubnaya Sq (1928) Charles Reisner (Buster Keaton): Steamboat Bill Jr (1928) Fritz Lang: Spion/ Spies/ L'inafferrabile (1928) Vsevolod Pudovkin: Potomok Cingischana/ Storm over Asia (1928) Georg Wilhelm Pabst: Das Tagebuch Einer Verlorenen/ Diary of a Lost Girl/ Diario di una Donna Perduta (1929) Grigorij Kozincev & Leonid Trauberg: Novyj Vavilon/ New Babylon(1929) Alexander Dovzhenko: Zemlja/ Earth (1930) Luis Bunuel: L'Age d'Or (1930) Alexander Korda (Marcel Pagnol): Marius(1931) Carl Theodor Dreyer: Vampyr (1931) Jean Renoir: La Chienne (1931) George Stevens: Gunga Din (1939) Howard Hawks: His Girl Friday (1940) George Cukor: The Philadelphia Story (1940) ALfred Hitchcock: Rebecca (1940) James Whale: Frankenstein (1931) Jacques Tourneur: Cat People (1942) John Huston: The Asphalt Jungle (1950) Alfred Hitchcock: Shadow of a Doubt / L'Ombra del Dubbio (1943) Vincente Minnelli: Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) Preston Sturges: The Miracle of Morgan's Creek (1944) Billy Wilder: The Lost Weekend (1945) George Roy Hill: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) Jacques Tournier: Out Of The Past (1947) Max Ophuls: Letter From an Unknown Woman (1948) Stanley Kubrick: Paths of Glory (1957) William Wellman: The Ox-Bow Incident (1943) Howard Hawks: Red River (1948) George Cukor: Adam's Rib (1949) Carol Reed: The Third Man (1949) Jean Renoir: Boudou Sauve` des Eaux/ Boudou Saved from the Waters (1932) Marc Allegret (Marcel Pagnol): Fanny(1932) Rene` Clair: A Nous La Liberte` (1932) James Whale: The Invisible Man (1933) Edgar Ulmer: Black Cat (1934)
Jacques Feyder: Kermesse Eroique (1935) Jean Renoir: Toni (1935) Leo McCarey: Ruggles of Red Gap (1935) Fritz Lang: Fury (1936) Julien Duvivier: La Belle Equipe (1936) Marcel Pagnol: Cesar (1936) Fritz Lang: You Only Live Once (1937) James Horne (Laurel & Hardy): Way Out West(1937) Julien Duvivier: Pepe` le Moko (1937) Julien Duvivier: Un Carnet de Bal (1937) William Wellman: Nothing Sacred (1937) Andrei Tarkovsky: Ivan's Childhood/ L'infanzia di Ivan (1962) Marcel Carne`: Quai de Brume/ Harbor in the Fog (1938) Michael Curtiz: Angels with Dirty Faces (1938) Howard Hawks: Only Angels Have Wings (1939) Alfred Hitchcock: Suspicion/Il Sospetto (1941) Manoel DeOliveira: Anikibobo` (1941) Rene` Clair: I Married A Witch (1942) Carl Theodor Dreyer: Vredens Dag/ Day of Wrath (1943) Henri Clouzot: Le Corbeau (1943) Jacques Tourneur: I Walked With A Zombie (1943) Darren Aronofsky: Pi (1998) Jean Gremillon: Lumiere d'Ete` (1943) Rene` Clair: It Happened Tomorrow (1944) Sergei Eisenstein: Ivan Groznyi/ Ivan the Terrible (1944) Alfred Hitchcock: Spellbound/Io Ti Salvero` (1945) Orson Welles: The Stranger (1946) John Ford: Fort Apache (1948) Jules Dassin: Naked City (1948) Michael Powell: Red Shoes (1948) Robert Hamer: Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949) Alfred Hitchcock: Stage Fright (1950) Jules Dassin: Night in the City (1950) Nicholas Ray: In A Lonely Place (1950) Charles Crichton: Lavender Hill Mob (1951) Christian Nyby: The Thing From Another World (1951) Joseph Mankiewicz: People Will Talk (1951) Mario Monicelli: Guardie e Ladri/ Guards and Thieves (1951) Robert Wise: The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) Jacques Becker: Casque d'Or (1952) Luis Bunuel: El(1952) Rene` Clement: Jeux Interdits (1952) Henri Clouzot: Le Salaire de la Peur/ Wages of Fear (1953) Ingmar Bergman: Glycklarnas Afton/ Sawdust and Tinsel/ Una Vampata d'Amore (1953) Kenji Mizoguchi: Ugetsu Monogatari/ Racconti della Luna Pallida d'Agosto (1953)
Vincente Minnelli: The Bandwagon (1953) Jules Dassin: Rififi (1954) Vincente Minnelli: Brigadoon (1954) Alfred Hitchcock: To Catch A Thief/ Caccia al Ladro (1955) Billy Wilder: The Seven Year Itch (1955) Anthony Mann: The Man From Laramie (1955) Carl Theodor Dreyer: Ordet (1955) Fritz Lang: Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (1955) Ingmar Bergman: Sommarnattens Leende/ Smiles of a Summer Night(1955) Max Ophuls: Lola Montez (1955) Satyajit Ray: Pather Panchali (1955) Alfred Hitchcock: Wrong Man/ Il Ladro (1956) Andzej Wajda: Kanal (1956) Henri Clouzot: Les Diaboliques (1956) Kon Ichikawa: Burmese Harp/ Biruma no Tategoto (1956) Robert Bresson: Un Condamne` a morte s'est echappe'/ A Man Escaped (1956) Akira Kurosawa: Kumonosu-jo/Throne of Blood (1957) Budd Boetticher: The Tall T (1957) Delmer Daves: 3:10 to Yuma (1957) Ingmar Bergman: Ansiktet/ Magician/ Volto (1957) Michail Kalatozov: Letjat Zuravli/ Cranes are Flying (1957) Akira Kurosawa: Kakushi Toride no San-akunin/Hidden Fortress(1958) Andrzej Munk: Eroica (1958) Jacques Tati: Mon Oncle (1958) Kurt Neumann: The Fly (1958) Mario Monicelli: I Soliti Ignotri/ Big Deal on Madonna Street (1958) Youssef Chahine: Bab al-Hadid/ Cairo Station (1958) Alain Resnais: Hiroshima Mon Amour (1959) Grigorij Chukrai: Ballada o soldate (1959) Ingmar Bergman: Jungfrukallan/ Virgin Spring (1959) John Cassavetes: Shadows (1959) Masaki Kobayashi: Ningen no Joken/ Human Condition (1959) Michelangelo Antonioni: L'Avventura/ Adventure (1960) Robert Bresson: Pickpocket (1959) Henri Clouzot: La Verite`/ The Truth (1960) Jacques Rivette: Paris Nous Appartient (1960) Luchino Visconti: Rocco e i suoi Fratelli (1960) Roger Corman: Little Shop of Horrors (1960) Rolf Willa: Village of the Damned (1960) Stanley Kubrick: Spartacus (1960) Akira Kurosawa: Yojimbo (1961) Alain Resnais: L'Annee Derniere a Marienbad/ Last Year at Marienbad (1961) Ermanno Olmi: Il Posto (1961) Francesco Rosi: Salvatore Giuliano (1961) Agnes Varda: Cleo de 5 a` 7 (1962) Chris Marker: La Jetee (1962)
Francois Truffaut: Tirez sur le Pianiste/ Shoot the Pianist (1962) Ingmar Bergman: Nattvardsgatterna/ Winter Light (1962) Luis Bunuel: Exterminating Angel(1962) Roman Polanski: Noz w Wodzie/ Knife in the Water (1962) Terence Young: Dr No (1962) Bo Widerberg: Kvarteret Korpen/ Il Quartiere del Corvo (1963) Francesco Rosi: Le Mani sulla Citta` (1963) Georges Franju: Judex (1963) Jerry Lewis: The Nutty Professor (1963) Joseph Losey: The Servant (1963) Nelson Pereira: Vidas Secas (1963) Terence Young: From Russia with Love (1963) Jacques Demy: Parapluies de Cherbourg/ Umbrellas of Cherbourg(1964) Jan Nemec: Demanty Noci/ Diamonds of the Night (1964) Jan Troell: Har Har Du Ditt Liv (1965) Jean-Luc Godard: Pierrot le Fou (1965) Luchino Visconti: Vaghe Stelle dell'Orsa (1965) Marco Bellocchio: I Pugni in Tasca/ Fists in the Pocket (1965) Alfred Hitchcock: Torn Curtain/ Il Sipario Strappato (1966) Billy Wilder: The Fortune Cookie (1966) Luis Bunuel: /Simon del Deserto/ Simon of the Desert(1966) Richard Brooks: The Professionals (1966) Alexander Kluge: Die Artisten in der Zirkuskuppel/ Artists under the Circus Tent (1967) Ingmar Bergman: Bargtimmen/ Hour of the Wolf (1967) Jean-Pierre Melville: Le Samurai/ Frank Costello (1967) Roger Corman: St Valentine's Day Massacre (1967) Franklin Schaffner: Planet of the Apes (1968) Ingmar Bergman: Skammen/ Shame/ La Vergogna (1968) Luis Bunuel: Le Fantome de la Liberte`/ Phantom of Liberty (1974) Peter Yates: Bullitt (1968) Mack Sennett: Mickey (1918) Erich von Stroheim: Blind Husbands (1919) Mario Camerini: Il Signor Max (1937) Alessandro Blasetti: Quattro Passi Fra le Nuvole (1942) Ernest Schoedsack: Dr Cyclops (1940) John Blystone (Laurel & Hardy): Block-heads (1938) Ernest Schoedsack: The Most Dangerous Game (1932) Mario Camerini: Gli Uomini che Mascalzoni (1932) Norman McLeod (Marx Brothers): Horse Feathers (1932) Norman McLeod (Marx Brothers): Monkey Business (1931) Mervyn LeRoy: Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933) Mario Camerini: Daro` un Milione (1935) Kenji Mizoguchi: Gion Na Shimai/ Sisters of Gion (1936) Sam Wood (Marx Brothers): A Day At The Races (1936) Harry Lachman (Laurel & Hardy): Our Relations (1936)
James Horne (Laurel & Hardy): The Bohemian Girl (1936) Max Linder: Seven Years Bad Luck (1921) Fred Newmeyer (Harold Lloyd): Safety Last (1923) Mervyn LeRoy: Mister Roberts (1955) Elia Kazan: Wild River/ Fango sulle Stelle (1960) Billy Wilder: The Big Carnival/ Asso nella Manica (1951) John Carpenter: Dark Star (1974) Fred Wilcox: Forbidden Planet (1956) Mary Lambert: Siesta (1987) Charles Lamont: Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man (1951) John Landis: National Lampoon Animal House (1978) Ang Lee: Xiyan/ Wedding Banquet (1993) Erich von Stroheim: Wedding March (1928) Spike Lee: She's Gotta Have It (1986) Sergio Leone: Per Un Pugno di Dollari/ Fistful of Dollars (1964) Barry Levinson: Bugsy (1991) John Lasseter: Toy Story (1995) Richard Linklater: Slacker (1991) George Lucas: THX 1138 (1971) Sidney Lumet: Fail-safe (1964) Adrian Lyne: Fatal Attraction (1987) Alexander Mackendrick: Whiskey Galore (1948) Joseph Mankiewicz: A Letter to Three Wives (1949) Joseph Mankiewicz: Sleuth (1972) Joseph Mankiewicz: There Was A Crooked Man (1970) George Marshall: The Ghost Breakers (1940) Norman McLeod (Bob Hope): Road to Rio (1947) David Butler (Bob Hope): Road to Morocco (1947) Paul Mazursky: Moscow on the Hudson (1984) Penny Marshall: Awakenings (1990) Clive Barker: Hellraiser (1987) Robert Siodmak: Spiral Staircase (1946) Robert Siodmak: Criss Cross (1948) Russ Meyer: Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970) Nikita Mikhalkov: Raba Ljubvi/ Slave of Love (1975) John Milius: Dillinger (1973) Arthur Penn: Night Moves (1975) Vincente Minnelli: Gigi (1958) Robert Stevenson: Mary Poppins (1964) Kenji Mizoguchi: Saikaku Ichidai Onna/ Life of Oharu (1952) Bryan Singer: Usual Suspects (1995) Russell Mulcahy: Highlander (1986) Marco Ferreri: Dillinger Morto (1969) Marco Ferreri: La Grande Bouffe/ The Blow Out/ La Grande Abbuffata (1973) Marco Ferreri: Ciao Maschio (1978) Jan Sverak: Kolya (1996)
Sam Peckinpah: Junior Bonner/ L'Ultimo Buscadero (1972) Sam Peckinpah: The Getaway (1972) Sam Peckinpah: Killer Elite (1975) Wolfgang Petersen: Das Boot (1981) Wolfgang Petersen: Never Ending Story (1984) Wolfgang Petersen: Outbreak (1994) Daniel Petrie: Fort Apache the Bronx (1981) Michael Almereyda: Nadja (1995) Michael Almereyda: Twister (1989) Mel Brooks: Young Frankenstein (1974) Roman Polanski: Cul de Sac (1966) Roman Polanski: Le Locataire/ The Tenant/ L'inquilino del Terzo Piano (1976) Roman Polanski: Pirates (1986) Roman Polanski: Frantic (1988) Sydney Pollack: Jeremiah Johnson/ Corvo Rosso Non Avrai Il Mio Scalpo (1972) Sydney Pollack: Three Days of the Condor (1975) Abraham Polonsky: Force of Evil (1949) Michael Powell: The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp/ Duello a Berlino (1943) Michael Powell: Black Narcissus (1947) Richard Quine: Bell Book and Candle/ Una Strega in Paradiso (1958) Richard Quine: It Happened to Jane (1959) Richard Quine: Sex And The Single Girl (1965) Godfrey Reggio: Koyaanisqatsi (1983) Ron Fricke: Baraka (1993) Nora Ephron: Sleepless in Seattle (1993) Carl Reiner: Where's Poppa (1970) Jean Renoir: The River (1951) Yves Robert: La Guerre des Boutons (1963) Stuart Rosenberg: Cool Hand Luke (1967) Stuart Rosenberg: Amityville Horror (1979) Stuart Rosenberg: Pocket Money (1971) Stuart Rosenberg: April Fools (1969) Alan Rudolph: Trouble in Mind (1986) Roberto Rossellini: Deutschland im Jahre Null/ Germania Anno Zero(1947) Richard Sarafian: Vanishing Point/ Punto Zero (1971) Richard Sarafian: Fragment of Fear (1970) Andrzej Zulawski: Possession (1981) Jerzy Kawalerowicz: Matka Joanna od Aniolow/ Madre Giovanna degli Angeli (1961) Wojciech Has: Sanatorium Pod Klepsydra (1973) Carlos Saura: Elisa Vida Mia (1976) Claude Sautet: Les Choses de la Vie/ Things of Life/ L'Amante (1970) Franklin Schaffner: Papillon (1973) Franklin Schaffner: The Best Man (1964) Fred Schepisi: Barbarosa (1982) Fred Schepisi: Iceman (1984)
Volker Schlondorff: Die Blechtrommel/ Tin Drum/ Tamburino (1979) Volker Schlondorff: Die Verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum/ The Lost Honor of K.B./ Il Caso K.B. (1975) Barbet Schroeder: More (1968) Barbet Schroeder: Maitress (1976) Barbet Schroeder: Reversal of Fortunes (1990) Martin Scorsese: Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (1974) Martin Scorsese: The Color of Money (1986) Colin Serreau: Trois Hommes et un Couffin/ Three Man and a Cradle(1985) Kaneto Shindo: Hadaka No Shima/ Island/ Isola Nuda (1961) John Singleton: Boyz N the Hood (1991) John Smith: The Boys of St Vincent (1993) Alf Sjoberg: Hets/ Torment/ Spasimo (1944) Vilgot Sjoman: Syskonbadd/ Sister's Bed/ Letto della Sorella (1965) Steven Soderbergh: Sex Lies and Videotape (1989) Penelope Spheeris: Suburbia (1983) Penelope Spheeris: Wayne's World (1992) Larry Clark: Kids (1995) Steven Spielberg: Duel (1971) Vasilij Suksin: Kalina Krasnaja/ Viburno Rosso (1974) John Sturges: The Magnificent Seven (1960) John Sturges: Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (1957) John Sturges: The Great Escape (1963) Preston Sturges: The Great McGinty (1940) Preston Sturges: Hail the Conquering Hero (1944) Costantin Costa-Gravas: Z (1969) Glauber Rocha: Antonio das Mortes (1969) Ken Loach: Kes (1969) Sydney Pollack: They Shoot Horses Don't They (1969) Bernardo Bertolucci: Strategia del Ragno (1970) Claude Chabrol: Que le Bete Meure/ This Man Must Die (1970) Nicolas Roeg: Performance (1970) Roger Corman: Bloody Mama (1970) Alan Pakula: Klute (1971) Dusan Makavejev: W.R. (1971) Joseph Losey: The Go-Between (1971) Ken Russell: Devils (1971) Robert Altman: McCabe and Mrs Miller (1971) Robert Altman: Brewster McCloud/ Anche Gli Uccelli Uccidono(1970) Robert Wise: Andromeda Strain (1971) Walerian Borowczyk: Blanche (1971) Ingmar Bergman: Viskningar och Rop/ Cries and Whispers (1972) Luis Bunuel: Le Charme Discrete de la Bourgeoisie/ Discreet Charm(1972) Charles Chaplin: The Great Dictator (1940) Manoel DeOliveira: O Pasado e o Presente (1972) Francois Truffaut: La Nuit Americaine/ Day for Night (1973)
Krzystof Zanussi: Illuminacja (1973) Otar Ioseliani: Zily pevcy drozd (1973) Peter Bogdanovich: Paper Moon (1973) Wim Wenders: Alice in den Stadten (1973) Dusan Makavejev: Sweet Movie (1974) Franco Brusati: Bread and Chocolate/ Pane e cioccolata (1974) Liliana Cavani: Il Portiere di Notte (1974) Ousmane Sembene: Xala (1974) Akira Kurosawa: Dersu Uzala (1975) Bertrand Tavernier: Le Juge et L'assassin/ The Judge and the Assassin (1975) Tsui Hark: Shangai Blues (1984) Tsui Hark: Peking Opera Blues (1986) Francesco Rosi: Cadaveri Eccellenti (1975) Marguerite Duras: India Song (1975) Bae Yong-Kyun: Why Has Bodhi Dharma Left For The East (1989) Michelangelo Antonioni: Professione Reporter/ The Passenger (1975) Werner Herzog: Jeder fur sich und Gott Gegen Alle/ Kaspar Hauser/ Every Man for himself(1975) Bertrand Tavernier: L'horlogr de St. Paul/ Clockmaker (1976) Tran Anh Hung: Scent of Green Papaya(1993) Hal Roach: Obe Million B.C. (1940) Paul Schrader: Blue Collar (1978) John Carpenter: Assault on Precint 13 (1976) Lina Wertmuller: Pasqualino Settebellezze/ Seven Beauties (1976) Terrence Malick: The Thin Red Line (1998) Todd Haynes: Velvet Goldmine (1998) Erik Skjoldbjaerg: Insomnia (1998) Vincent Gallo: Buffalo 66 (1998) Ang Lee: Ice Storm (1998) Nagisa Oshima: Ai No Corrida/ In the Realm of the Senses (1976) Ettore Scola: Ci Eravamo Tanto Amati/ We All Loved Each Other So Much (1977) Paolo Taviani: Padre Padrone/ Father Master (1977) Wim Wenders: Der Amerikanischer Freund (1977) John Carpenter: Halloween (1978) Louis Malle: Pretty Baby (1978) Bertrand Blier: Buffet Froid (1979) Hal Needham: The Villain (1979) James Bridges: The China Syndrome (1979) John Cassavetes: Gloria (1980) Brian DePalma: Blow Out (1981) David Cronenberg: Scanners (1981) George Miller: Mad Max (1980) Joe Dante: The Howling (1981) John Carpenter: Escape from New York (1981) Louis Malle: Atlantic City (1981) Chantal Akerman: Toute une Nuit (1982)
Paolo Taviani: La Notte di San Lorenzo/ The Night of the Shooting Stars (1982) David Cronenberg: Videodrome (1983) Toshiharu Ikeda: Evil Dead Trap (1988) Peter Greenaway: The Draughtsman's Contract (1982) Ted Kotcheff: First Blood (1982) Werner Herzog: Fitzcarraldo (1982) Yilmaz Guney: Yol (1982) Yilmaz Guney: Duvar/ The Wall (1983) Alan Rudolph: Choose Me (1984) Brian DePalma: Body Double (1984) Dusan Makavejev: The Coca-cola Kid (1984) Ivan Reitman: Ghostbusters (1984) Ken Russell: Crimes of Passion (1984) Martin Brest: Beverly Hills Cop (1984) Milos Forman: Amadeus (1984) Theo Angelopoulos: Taxidi sta Kithira/ Voyage to Citera (1984) Wes Craven: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) Agnes Varda: Sans Toi ni Loi (1985) Emir Kusturica: When Father Was Away on Business (1985) Joel Coen: Blood Simple (1985) Percy Adlon: Zuckerbaby (1985) Eric Rohmer: Pauline a la Plage/ Pauline at the Beach (1983) James Cameron: Alien (1986) Jim Jarmusch: Down by Law (1986) Jonathan Demme: Something Wild (1986) Abbas Kiarostami: Khaneh-Je Doost Kojast/ Where is my Friend's House (1987) Brian DePalma: The Untouchables (1987) John Sayles: Matewan (1987) Luigi Comencini: Incompreso/ Misunderstood (1987) Percy Adlon: Out of Rosenheim/ Baghdad Caf (1987) Andre` Techine`: Les innocents (1988) Charles Crichton: A Fish Called Wanda (1988) Giuseppe Tornatore: Cinema Paradiso (1988) Jonathan Demme: Married to the Mob (1988) Mike Nichols: Working Girl (1988) Robert Zemeckis: Who Framed Roger Rabbitt (1988) Tim Burton: Beetlejuice (1988) Bertrand Tavernier: La Vie est rien d'Autre/ Life and Nothing But(1989) Gus Van Sant: Drugstore Cowboy (1989) Jim Jarmusch: Mystery Train (1989) Kidlat Tahimik: Perfumed Nightmare (1989) Terry Gilliam: The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1989) Bertrand Tavernier: Daddy Nostalgia/ These Foolish Things (1990) Peter Greenaway: The Cook The Thief His Wife And Her Lover(1990) Tim Burton: Edward Scissorhands (1990) Chantal Akerman: Nuit et Jour (1991)
Gus Van Sant: My Own Private Idaho (1991) Luc Besson: La Femme Nikita (1991) Terry Gilliam: Fisher King (1991) Wim Wenders: Until the End of the World (1991) Andre` Techine`: Ma Saison Preferee/ My Favorite Season (1992) Jean-Marie Jeunet: Delicatessen (1992) Roberto Benigni: Johnny Stecchino (1992) And Lee: Eat Drink Man Woman (1994) Andre` Techine`: Les Roseaux Sauvages/ Wild Reeds (1994) Atom Egoyan: Exotica (1994) Bertrand Tavernier: L'Appat/ Fresh Bait (1994) Hal Hartley: Amateur (1994) John Sayles: Secret of Roan Inish (1994) Andrei Tarkovsky: Andrej Rublev (1966) Michael Redford (Massimo Troisi): Il Postino/ The Postman (1994) Peter Chelsom: Funny Bones (1994) Peter Jackson: Heavenly Creatures (1994) Robert Zemeckis: Forrest Gump (1994) Gus Van Sant: To Die For (1995) Jean-Marie Jeunet: La Cite` des Enfants Perdus/ City of Lost Children(1995) Kathryn Bigelow: Strange Days (1995) Lars von Trier: Breaking the Waves (1996) Martin Scorsese: Casino (1995) Mohsen Makhmalbaf: Gabbeh (1995) Terry Gilliam: Twelve Monkeys (1995) Stanley Kubrick: Full Metal Jacket (1987) Joel Coen: Fargo (1996) Luc Besson: The Fifth Element (1996) Peter Greenaway: The Pillow Book (1996) Shohei Imamura: The Eel (1997) Gianni Amelio: Porte Aperte/ Open Doors (1990) Pierpaolo Pasolini: Mamma Roma (1962) E.B. Clutcher: Lo Chiamavano Trinita` (1970) Luigi Zampa: Bello Onesto Emigrato Australia (1971) Barry Levinson: Wag The Dog (1998) Roberto Benigni: La Vita e` Bella/ Life is Beautiful (1998) John Cassavetes: Faces (1968) Richard Lester: Petulia (1968) Robert Rossen: All the King's Men (1949) Gordon Parks: Shaft (1971) William Friedkin: The French Connection (1971) Peter Bogdanovich: The Last Picture Show (1971) Bernardo Bertolucci: The Conformist (1971) Woody Allen: Bananas (1971) John Schlesinger: Sunday, Bloody Sunday (1971) Bob Fosse: Cabaret (1972)
Bernardo Bertolucci: Last Tango in Paris (1972) George Lucas: American Graffiti (1973) John Waters: Pink Flamingos (1972) John Ford: My Darling Clementine (1946) Nicolas Roeg: Don't Look Now (1973) Mervyn LeRoy: Little Caesar (1930) William Friedkin: The Exorcist (1973) Blake Edwards: Pink Panther (1964) Perry Henzell: The Harder They Come (1973) Gerard Damiano: The Devil in Miss Jones (1973) Terry Gilliam: Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) Mel Brooks: Blazing Saddles (1974) Lina Wertmuller: Travolti da un'Insolito Destino/ Swept Away By An Unusual Destiny Steven Spielberg: Jaws (1975) Milos Forman: One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest/ Qualcuno Volo` Sul Nido del Cuculo (1975) Rainer Werner Fassbinder: Die Ehe der Maria Braun/ The Marriage of Maria Braun (1978) Martin Scorsese: Raging Bull (1980) Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, Jerry Zucker: Airplane! (1980) Irvin Kershner: The Empire Strikes Back (1980) David Lynch: The Elephant Man (1980) Steven Spielberg: E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) Sydney Pollack: Tootsie (1982) Peter Weir: The Year of Living Dangerously (1983) David Lynch: Wild At Heart (1990) Woody Allen: The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985) Peter Weir: Witness (1985) James Ivory: A Room With A View (1986) Joel Coen: Raising Arizona (1987) Norman Jewison: Moonstruck (1987) Michael Apted: 28-Up (1985) Amy Heckerling: Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) Warren Beatty: Reds (1981) Sidney Lumet: Network (1976) Gillian Armstrong: My Brilliant Career (1979) Bob Fosse: All That Jazz (1979) David Cronenberg: Dead Ringers (1988) John McTiernan: Die Hard (1988) Philip Kaufman: The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1988) Preston Sturges: The Palm Beach Story (1942) Spike Lee: Do the Right Thing (1989) Katsuhiro Otomo: Akira (1989) Robert Altman: Short Cuts (1993) Quentin Tarantino: Reservoir Dogs (1992)
Martin Scorsese: GoodFellas (1990) Neil LaBute: In the Company of Men (1997) Aki Kaurismaki: Ariel (1998) Curtis Hanson: L.A. Confidential (1998) Eric Rohmer: Comte d'Automne (1998) Michelangelo Antonioni: L'Eclisse/ Eclipse (1962) Taylor Hackford: Devil's Advocate (1998) David Wark Griffith: Broken Blossoms (1919) Atom Egoyan: Sweet Hereafter (1998) Alfred Hitchcock: The Lady Vanishes/ La Signora Scompare (1938) John Sayles: Men With Guns (1998) Hal Hartley: Henry Fool (1998) Steven Spielberg: Saving Private Ryan (1998) Peter Weir: Truman Show (1998) Francis Ford Coppola: Peggy Sue Got Married (1986) Richard Lester: A Funny Thing Happened at the Forum (1966) Leo McCarey: The Awful Truth (1937) Fritz Lang: Die Spinnen (1920) Louis Delluc: La Souriante Madame Beudet (1923) Dimitri Kirsanov: Menilmontant (1926) Oliver Stone: Platoon (1986) Rouben Mamoulian: Applause (1929) King Vidor: Hallelujah (1929) Alexander Korda: The Private Life of Henry VIII(1933) Maurice Tourneur: The Poor Little Rich Girl (1917) Rouben Mamoulian: The Unknown (1927) Tran Anh Hung: Cyclo (1996) Alberto Lattuada: Il Bandito/Bandit (1946) Luchino Visconti: La Terra Trema (1946) Robert Flaherty: Nanook Of The North (1922) Robert Flaherty: The Man Of Aran (1934) Giuseppe DeSantis: Riso Amaro (1949) Pierpaolo Pasolini: Accattone (1961) Charles Vidor: Gilda (1946) Edgar Ulmer: Detour (1945) Joseph Lewis: Gun Crazy (1950) John Ford: She Wore A Yellow Ribbon (1949) John Ford: Rio Grande(1950) Vincente Minnelli: The Bad and the Beautiful (1954) Luis Bunuel: Los Olvidados/ The Young and the Damned (1950) Yasujiro Ozu: Bakushu/ Early Summer (1951) Satyajit Ray: Aparajito (1956) Mrinal Sen: Bhuvan Shome (1969) Andzej Wajda: Popiol i Diament/ Ashes and Diamonds (1958) Sam Fuller: Pickup on South Street (1953) Frank Tashlin: Hollywood or Bust(1956)
Frank Tashlin: Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter(1957) Claude Chabrol: Les Bonnes Femmes (1960) Jacques Demy: Lola (1961) Agnes Varda: Le Bonheur/ Happiness (1965) Jean-Luc Godard: Alphaville(1965) Jean-Luc Godard: Weekend(1968) Eric Rohmer: Ma Nuit Chez Maud/ My Night at Maud's (1969) Gillo Pontecorvo: La Battaglia di Algeri/ Battle of Algiers (1966) Shui Hua: Linjia Puzi/ Lin Family (1959) Xie Jin: Wutai Jiemei/ Two Stage Sisters (1965) Glauber Rocha: Barravento (1962) Nelson Pereira: Como Era Gostoso o Meu Frances (1971) Humberto Solas: Lucia (1969) Tomas Gutierrez Alea: Memorias del Subdesarollo (1968) Ousmane Sembene: La Noire De... (1966) Shadi Abdelsalam: El Mumia (1969) Nagisa Oshima: Nihon No Yoru To Kiri/ Night and Fog in Japan(1960) Nagisa Oshima: Koshikei/ Death by Hanging (1968) Shohei Imamura: Kamigami No Fukaki Yokubo/ The Profound Desire of the Gods (1968) Shohei Imamura: Jinruigaku Nyumon/ The Pornographers (1966) Masahiro Shinoda: Shinju Ten No Amijima/ Double Suicide (1969) Steven Spielberg: Sugarland Express (1974) Carl Theodor Dreyer: Gertrud (1964) Milos Forman: Hori Ma Panenko/ Firemen's Ball (1967) Jiri Menzel: Ostrie Sledovane Vlaky/ Closely Watched Trains (1966) Aleksandr Petrovic: Skupljaci Perja/ I Even Met Happy Gypsies(1967) Sergej Paradzanov: Teni Zabytykh Predkov/ Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors (1964) Andrei Tarkovsky: Solaris (1971) Andzej Wajda: Czlowiek z Marmuru/ Man of Marble (1976) Alain Tanner: Jonas Qui Aura 25 Ans En l'An 2000 (1976) Woody Allen: Zelig (1983) John Hughes: Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) Susan Seidelman: Smithereens (1982) Melvin Van Peebles: Sweet Sweetback's Bad Asssss Song (1971) Raul Ruiz: L'Hypothese du Tableau Vole/ Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting (1978) Errol Morris: The Thin Blue Line (1988) Alfred Hitchcock: The Thirty-Nine Steps/ Il Club dei Trentanove(1935) James Whale: Bride of Frankenstein (1935) Victor Fleming: Gone With The Wind (1939) Wu Tianming: Lao Jing/ Old Well (1986) Tenghiz Abuladze: Monanieba/ Repentance (1984) Vasily Pichul: Malankaya/ Little Vera (1988) Denys Arcand: Le Decline de L'Empire Americain (1986) Luis Puenzo: La Historia Oficial (1985) Preston Sturges: The Lady Eve (1941)
Kathryn Bigelow: Blue Steel (1990) Charlie Chaplin: The Circus (1919) David Lean: Lawrence of Arabia (1962) Blake Edwards: Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) John Landis: Blues Brothers (1980) Martin Brest: Scent Of A Woman (1992) Dario Argento: Inferno (1980) Sam Peckinpah: Ride the High Country (1962) Michael Curtiz: Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942) David Hand (Walt Disney): Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) Michael Curtiz: The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) William Wyler: Jezebel (1938) David Lean: Brief Encounter (1946) Jack Arnold: Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954) Taylor Hackford: Dolores Claiborne (1995) Walt Disney: Fantasia (1941) Richard Brooks: Elmer Gantry (1960) John Ford: The Grapes of Wrath (1940) Raoul Walsh: White Heat (1949) Woodbridge Van Dyke: The Thin Man (1934) Roberto Rossellini: Generale Della Rovere (1960) Vittorio DeSica: The Garden of Finzi Contini (1971) Mark Sandrich: Top Hat (1935) Tay Garnett: The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946) William Wyler: Wuthering Heights (1939) Dennis Hopper: Easy Rider (1969) Elia Kazan: East of Eden (1954) Carol Reed: Odd Man Out (1947) Paul Verhoeven: Robocop (1987) Michael Curtiz: Mildred Pierce (1945) George Marshall: Destry Rides Again (1939) William Wyler: Ben-Hur (1959) Fred Zinnemann: A Man for All Seasons (1966) Rob Reiner: A Few Good Men (1992) Frank Lloyd: Mutiny on the Bounty (1935) William Wyler: Roman Holiday (1953) Roberto Benigni: Non Ci Resta Che Piangere (1984) Sam Raimi: Evil Dead (1983) Alejandro Jodorowsky: El Topo (1970) Gregory LaCava: My Man Godfrey (1936) William Seiter (Laurel & Hardy): Sons of the Desert (1933) Stephen Elliott: The Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert(1994) Eddie Cline (W.C.Fields): The Bank Dick (1940) Ben Sharpsteen (Walt Disney): Pinocchio (1940) Victor Fleming: The Wizard of Oz (1939) Ben Sharpsteen (Walt Disney): Dumbo (1941)
David Hand (Walt Disney): Bambi (1942) John Badham: Saturday Night Fever (1977) Lewis Teague: The Jewel of the Nile (1985)