What Is WTO: Ministrerial Conference +
What Is WTO: Ministrerial Conference +
What Is WTO: Ministrerial Conference +
What is WTO
WTO is the only international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations. It’s
function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
The way to achieve that: tariff and non-tariff barriers.
- Negotiated and signed by the majority of the world’s trading nation and ratified in their
parliaments(nghị viện).
- Legal ground rules for international commerce
- Are essentially contracts, ensuring important trade rights to members.
- Bind governments to keep their trade policies within agreed limits to everyone’s benefits.
- Handle trade agreements
- A forum for trade negotiations
- Settling disputes
- Review national trade policies
- Assist developing countries in trade policy issues.
- Cooperate with other international organizations
- Ministrerial Conference
+ top level decision-making body.
+ Meets at least once every 2 years
+ Decision made by entire membership. Typically by consensus
+ Majority vote is possible but never used in WTO.
General Council
- + Meets several times a year at Geneva headquarters
- + Also meets as the Trade Policy Review Body and Dispute Settlement Body.
The Council: the Goods Council, Services Council & Intellectual Property Council (TRIPS) report
to the General Council.
The Committees, working groups and working parties: deals with the individual agreements and other
areas (environment, development, membership applications, regional trade agreements).
- Provide legal assistance in dispute settlement process
- Advises countries that wants to join WTO
- Supply technical support for councils and committees and ministerial conferences.
- Provided technical support for developing countries
- Analyze world trade
- Explain WTO affairs to the public and media
Dispute Settlement
What does the Dispute Settlement system aim to achieve?
Enforce rules, ensure that trade flows smoothly.
Policy Review
What is the aim of the Trade Policy Review Mechanism
To improve transparency, provide more understanding of the policies that countries adapt, and to
assess their impact. Many countries see this as a way of constructive feedback.
WTO and Vietnam’s trade policy: Only gives consultation but doesn’t get deeply involved.
Non-tax objects
- Goods transited and transported by mode of border gate transshipment through Vietnam’s
border gate or border gates under the provisions of custom law
- Humanitarian aid goods or non-refundable aid goods
- Goods exported from non-tariff zones to abroad, goods imported from abroad to non-tariff
zones and consumed therein, goods brought from one non-taiff zones to another
- Exported Petrolium beloing to the State’s natural resources.
Tax rates
How is export tax rate calculated?
Export tax rates for each goods are specified in the Export Tax
Ad-valorem tax: tax levied depending on the value of the goods
Example: Product assessed value is 1000, tax is 10% -> Pay 100 in tax to the government
Specific tax: tax levied based on the quantity of the goods (very straightforward)
Example: Import 1000 cars, specific tax is 10$/car -> Pay 10000$ in tax to the government
Dutiable Value
What is dutiable value of exports?
The selling price at the border gate, excluding insurance and freight
What are NTMs?
Any methods to distort or restrict international trade without using tariffs.
What does TBT cover?
The technical regulations and standards to regulate the entry of traded goods
What does SPS deal with?
Sanitary deals with human and animal safety and health
Phytosanitary deals with plant life and its protection
Besides agricultural products, what does SPS also cover?
Forest and fish products.
Which one covers boarder range of health protection and trade measure? SPS or TBT?
The SPS covers a boarder range of health protection and trade measures
Clarity and Transparency
What role does SPS play in clarity and transparency
To reduct arbitrariness in government’s SPS decisions and regulations.
Features of SPS?
- Equivalence
- Harmonization
- Special treatment towards developing countries.
- Transparency
- Disease free areas
2. Non-automatic
- No restrictive or distorting effects
- No discrimination
- Time limit for processing applications
- All relevant information are published
- Validity of a license
What is Quota?
A government-imposed trade restriction that limits the quantity of goods imported or exported during a
particular time period.
Producer surplus: + a
Consumer surplus: - (a+b+c1+c2+d)
Government: + c2
Social: - (b+c1+d)
C1 = Quota rent
C = 5 x 20 = 100 (Always increase because government always collect tax)
What is defined as “Subsidies”
i. Financial contribution
ii. By the government or any public body
iii. To grant benefits
All three must be satisfied to be considered a subsidy
What are the boxes for AOA and what does each box mean?
1. Green Box
- Subsidies that do not distort trade or have negligible effect on agriculture trade.
- No limit
- Usually not for specific products
2. Amber Box
- Subsidies that distort trade.
- Limit of 5% (10% for developing countries)
- Distort trade because it creates excessive production (Gov provide subsidy for a product ->
more farmers produce that crop -> excessive)
3. Blue box
- Subsidies that limit the production
- No limit
SCM (Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures)
1. Red light
- Prohibited Subsidies (subsidies that outright distort trade)
- Export subsidies
- Import substitution subsidies (subsidies that promote use of domestic over imported goods ->
creates imbalance)
2. Yellow light
- Actionable subsidies
- Subsidies that are specific
- Subsidies that causes injuries, harm or impairment.
3. Green light
- Non-actionable subsidies
- No action can be taken against non-specific subsidies (everything is neutral and spread out