Piston Manufacturing
Piston Manufacturing
Piston Manufacturing
Piston manufacturing
finline address
Project at a glance
Piston manufacturing
finline address ,123456
Email : sample@finline.in
Phone : 1234567890
Constitution : Proprietorship
Scheme : sme
Number of employment : 5
Phone : 1234567890
Designation : Founder
Category : na
E-mail : sample@finline.in
Project Feasibility Ratio
Expense Splitup
The piston ring is one of the most important parts of the Deisel/Petrol engines. It is an open-ended ring that
fits into a groove on the outer diameter of a piston in a reciprocating engine such as an internal combustion
engine or steam engine. The principal function of the piston rings is to form a seal between the combustion
chamber and the crankcase of the engine. The goal is to prevent combustion gases from passing into the
crankcase and oil from passing into the combustion chamber The three main functions of piston rings in
reciprocating engines are: 1. Sealing the combustion/expansion chamber. 2. Supporting heat transfer from
the piston to the cylinder wall. 3. Regulating engine oil consumption. During the compression and power
strokes, the compression ring seals the combustion gases and prevents blow-by. Although blow-by is not
completely eliminated it is kept to an acceptable limit. During the compression and exhaust strokes, the
cylinder walls are lubricated with oil by a throw off from the connecting rod bearings. Excess oil is wiped off by
the piston rings. Not only does the oil ring have the responsibility of wiping the excess oil off the cylinder walls,
but the job is also shared by all of the rings, leaving a fine layer of oil on the wall to provide lubrication for the
following ring. As rings wear, the ability to perform these functions is decreased resulting in oil consumption
and blow-by. When this happens it is time for a new set of rings.
Product / Services & process
Piston rings are generally made up of cast iron. The blanks of cast rings of required size and desired
properties are procured from the local foundries. After that blanks are cleaned and get ground. Then the
blanks are undergone through various processes like facing, rough diameter, rough bore, finish diameter &
finish bore. The rings are generally machined to the required shape by means of turning, a process in which
the ring blank, already axially ground, is copy turned on the inside and outside diameters. After a segment
equivalent to the free gap is cut from the ring it assumes the free shape that will give it the required radial
pressure distribution when fitted into the cylinder..
Raw materials / Consumables
The materials used to make Piston Rings are one of the most critical factors in its performance.
Listed below are some of today's common material used in manufacturing of piston rings and metallic seals:
Cast iron Cast iron alloyed for piston rings Nodular cast iron alloyed for piston rings Bronze Aluminum Bronze
Phosphor Bronze Steel Stainless Steels for use in high temperature
Quality & Pollution Control
QUALITY CONTROL The procured blanks castings should be checked very carefully as per given requirement
(size,grade etc). This is the very first step in quality control.The product should be monitored after completion
of each stage so that chance of rejection at the end is eleminated. Piston rings should be manufactured as
per IS : 5791-1971 & IS: 8422 for IC engines.The entire operation of surface treatment/ coating should be
closely controlled. For the inspection process proper callibarated gauges should be used.
POLLUTION CONTROL As this unit doesnot comes under heavy polluted industry, although No Objection
Certificate from pollution control board should be taken.
Plant & Machinery / Equipments
Sl no Machinename Qty
1 Lathe machine,1800 mm bed with 3 H.P motor 2
2 Lathe machine,900 mm bed with 2 H.P motor 1
3 Face grinder with special attachment, 4 H.P motor 1
4 Bench drill machine.12mm capacity 1
5 Bench grinder,250mm wheel dia,1H.P motor 1
6 Gauges,tools & other equipments LS
Market potential & Strategy
Piston ring is the one of the most replaceble part of the diesel/petrol engines.It has great demand in the
replaceble market as well as in new engines market.For the last few years there is noticeble increase in the
automobile industry, which is the vast market for it. Piston rings are not only used in the automobile industry
but also used in : • Railway Engines • Compressors • Steam Hammers • Cars • Retaining Rings • Pumps •
Industrial Applications • Cranes • Gearboxes So, by maintaining quality and using proper marketting
techniques there is alwayes a great market of this product.
Project Cost
Sl. no Item Amount Rs.
1 Building 1,00,000.00
2 Machinery 1,00,000.00
Total 14,50,000.00
Working Capital Computation
Sl. no Item Amount Rs.
5 Payables 75,000.00
Total 38,55,715.00
Total Yearly Expense
Expense is calculated from November 2023 .
1 Salary 5,00,000.00
Total 30,00,000.00
Application of Fund
Sl. no Item Subsidy % No. Rate Amount Rs.
Add :
Less :
Repairs and maintenance charges 12.00 3.25 8.40 9.00 9.60 10.19
Less :
Profit before interest, tax and depreciation 7.56 9.76 10.07 10.26 10.30
Cash Outflow
Fixed Assets 7.00 0 0 0 0 0
Increase in Current asset 3.75 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.22
Interest on TL 0 0.19 0.51 0.41 0.29 0.17
Interest on WC 0 0.28 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66
Income Tax 0 1.38 1.63 1.72 1.79 1.83
Decrease in Term loan 0.27 0.86 0.96 1.07 1.20
Drawing 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Cash Outflow 7.00 5.86 3.85 3.95 4.03 4.08
Opening balance 0 0 9.94 15.89 22.06 28.33
Net Cashflow 0 9.94 5.94 6.16 6.27 6.26
Closing balance 0 9.94 15.89 22.06 28.33 34.59
Balance sheet
All figures are in lakhs
Liability Pre operative period As of 31/03/24 31/03/25 31/03/26 31/03/27 31/03/28
C.Current Liabilities
B. Current Assets
Trade receivables 0 0 0 0 0 0
Also the total expense for the firm during the projection years will be as follows
Particulars Value
Building 5%
Machinery 15%
• Value of raw materials & utility charges as per the current market conditions
• All other assumptions are calculated based on the basis of experience of the promoter and deep study
This report is created using www.finline.in . Finline have bears no financial responsibility on or behalf of any of
the authorized signatories
The project as a whole describes the scope and viability of the Manufacturing industry and mainly of the
financial, technical and its market potential.The project guarantee sufficient fund to repay the loan and also
give a good return on capital investment. When analyzing the social- economic impact, this project is able to
generate an employment of 5 and above. It will cater the demand of Manufacturing and thus helps the other
business entities to increase the production and service which provide service and support to this industry.
Thus more cyclic employment and livelihood generation. So in all ways, we can conclude the project is
technically and socially viable and commercially sound too.
When we take a close look at the Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR), the avg: DSCR is 7.08 : 1, which is at a
higher proposition and proposes a stable venture
The Profit and Loss shows a steady growth in profit throughout the year and the firm has a higher Current
Ratio (average) of 3.84, this shows the current assets and current liabilities are managed & balanced well.
Break Even Point
All figures are in lakhs
31/03/24 31/03/25 31/03/26 31/03/27 31/03/28