Project Report On: Automation OF SUDHA DAIRY Booth
Project Report On: Automation OF SUDHA DAIRY Booth
Project Report On: Automation OF SUDHA DAIRY Booth
Automation OF SUDHA DAIRY Booth
Submitted to
SESSION: 2020-2023
Submitted By
Roll no. – 16
Under Guidance Of
The matter embodied in this project is genuine work done by myself and has not been
submitted whether to this University or to any other University / Institute for the fulfillment of
the requirement of any course of study.
Date: ………………..
This Major Project is the result of contribution of many minds. I would like to
acknowledge and thank my project guide Prof. R.K.Mahto for his valuable support and
guidance. He guided me through the process from conception and till the completion of this
project. I would also like to thanks my Institute Director, Mentor, Dy. Director and all faculties
Prof. Seema Rani, Prof. Ganesh Pandey, Prof. S. Shakib etc. I also thank to other faculties and
lab. Staffs/members Md. Reyaz and other non-teaching members of this institute.
I am very thankful for the open-handed support extended by friends, family members
and many other people. While no list would be complete, it is my pleasure to acknowledge the
Signature of Student
(Name of student)
(Roll No ------------)
(Enrollment No -----------------------)
-------------------------------” is done by me, and it is authentic work carried out for the partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Computer
name). The matter and software embodies in this project has not been submitted earlier for
Signature of Student
(Name of student)
(Roll No ------------)
(Enrollment No ---------------------------)
Certificate from Project Guide
name) (Place) under my guidance. The matter and software embodied in this project work has
not been submitted earlier for the award of any degree or diploma to the best of my knowledge
and belief.
MOBILE-NO. : 6201027637.
DATE : 21/06/2023.
SRS 006.
ER Diagram 020.
DFD 021.