AP Physics 1 2015 MC PDF
AP Physics 1 2015 MC PDF
AP Physics 1 2015 MC PDF
Section I
40 Questions
Time—90 minutes
Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete statements below is followed by four suggested answers or
completions. Select the one that is best in each case and then fill in the corresponding circle on the answer sheet.
1. In which of the following situations is the kinetic 3. A 2 kg object traveling at 5 m/s on a frictionless
energy of the object decreasing? horizontal surface collides head-on with and
(A) A sphere is dropped from a building. sticks to a 3 kg object initially at rest. Which of
(B) A satellite is moving in a circular orbit the following correctly identifies the change in
around Earth. total kinetic energy and the resulting speed of the
(C) A baseball is heading upward after being objects after the collision?
thrown at an angle. Kinetic
(D) An elevator is moving upward at a constant Energy Speed
(A) Increases 2 m/s
2. Two protons are held a distance d apart. The (B) Increases 3.2 m/s
electrostatic force and the gravitational force that
(C) Decreases 2 m/s
one proton exerts on the other are F and F ,
(D) Decreases 3.2 m/s
respectively. Which of the following correctly
compares the magnitude and direction of these
forces? 4. A stone of mass tn is thrown upward at a
30° angle to the horizontal. At the instant
Magnitude Direction the stone reaches its highest point, why is the
(A) F>F Opposite stone neither gaining nor losing speed?
(B) Fe > Fs Same (A) Because the acceleration of the stone at that
instant is zero
(C) Fe < Fg Opposite (B) Because the net force acting upon the stone at
(D) Fe < Fg Same that instant has magnitude mg
(C) Because the angle between the stone’s
velocity and the net force exerted upon the
stone is 90°
(D) Because the stone follows a parabolic
trajectory and the peak of the trajectory is
where the parabola has zero slope
12. To determine the speed of waves on a string, 14. Some students want to calculate the work done by
some students tie a long string of unknown friction as an object with unknown mass moves
length between a wave generator and a wall. along a straight line on a rough horizontal surface.
They vary the frequency /of the generator to The students have a force probe, a meterstick, and
get a standing wave. They count the nodes n a stopwatch. Which of the following will allow
and measure the wavelength A . They repeat the students to take the measurements needed
the experiment, creating standing waves with to calculate the work done by friction?
different frequencies. Which of the following is (A) Pulling the block at an unknown constant
the best relationship to graph to determine the acceleration with the force probe for
speed of the waves on the string? a measured time
(A) /as a function of A (B) Pulling the block at an unknown constant
(B) /as a function of 1/A speed with the force probe for a measured
(C) /as a function of n
(C) Pulling the block at an unknown constant
(D) /as a function of 1/n acceleration with the force probe for
a measured distance
13. A ladder at rest is leaning against a wall at an (D) Pulling the block at an unknown constant
angle. Which of the following forces must have speed with the force probe for a measured
the same magnitude as the frictional force exerted distance
on the ladder by the floor?
(A) The force of gravity on the ladder
(B) The normal force exerted on the ladder by
the floor
(C) The frictional force exerted on the ladder by
the wall
(D) The normal force exerted on the ladder by
the wall
String 2 •
18. The figure above represents two guitar strings of different materials and lengths, which are on two guitars
of different sizes. String 1 is plucked so it vibrates in the pattern shown. Very soon after string 1 is plucked,
string 2, which is a short distance away, vibrates in the pattern shown. The guitars are placed in a sealed chamber
and then the air is pumped out of the chamber. String 1 is again plucked and vibrates in the pattern shown. Does
string 2 again vibrate in the pattern shown, and why or why not?
(A) Yes, because waves again carry some of the energy produced by string 1 to string 2
(B) Yes, because the strings share the same fundamental frequency
(C) No, because the amplitude of the vibration of string 1 becomes zero too quickly for string 2 to start vibrating
(D) No, because almost no energy associated with the vibration of string 1 reaches string 2
0 Time 0 Time
Time Position
Graph 1 Graph 2
26. The figure above represents the orbits of two
25. A cart of known mass moves with known speed planets of equal mass that orbit their star in the
along a level, frictionless track, as shown in the counterclockwise direction as a double-planet
figure above. The cart hits a force sensor and system. From the point of view of an observer on
rebounds. The force sensor measures the force either planet, the planets appear to orbit each other
exerted on the cart as a function of time and as while also orbiting the star. The dots on the orbits
a function of the position of the cart. The results represent the position of the planets at time to,
will be graphed on the axes shown. Which of the and X is the position of their center of mass at
two graphs can be used to determine the cart’s that time. Which of the following arrows best
speed after it rebounds? represents the acceleration of the center of mass
(A) Only graph 1; graph 2 will have no of the double-planet system when it is at point X ?
information useful for finding the speed.
(B) Only graph 2; graph 1 will have no
information useful for finding the speed.
(C) Either graph 1 or graph 2 can be used.
(D) Neither graph alone is sufficient; both
graph 1 and graph 2 are needed.
m 2m
the Sphere of Mass m (N)
A system consists of two spheres, of mass m and
2m, connected by a rod of negligible mass, as shown
above. The system is held at its center of mass with Time (s)
the rod horizontal and released from rest near Earth’s
surface at time t = 0 .
29. The graph above shows the rate of change of
linear momentum of the sphere of mass m as
a function of time. What is the linear momentum
of the two-sphere system at time r = 3.0 s ?
(A) 5 kg*m/s
(B) 15 kg-m/s
(C) 45 kg-m/s
(D) 60 kg-m/s
Two identical spaceships are traveling in deep 36. Which of the following graphs best represents the
space, far from any planets or stars. The ships travel net force Fnet exerted on the two-ship system?
in the same direction, with the slower one directly
behind the faster one. The ships are connected by
a cable attached to a spool, so that the part of the
cable outside the ships can be made longer or shorter
as needed. The cable is used to bring the ships to
the same speed for a transfer of cargo. The graph Time (s)
above shows the speed of the two ships during
a 10 s interval.
(B) F
net (N)
Time (s)
O 2 4 6 8 10
(C) F (N)
Time (s)
131. Two hollow, uncharged conducting spheres hang
by threads from the ceiling, as shown above. The
spheres have the same mass but are different
sizes. A charge +Q is deposited on the larger
sphere. The spheres are then momentarily brought
into contact and separated, after which they move
away from each other. Which of the following
statements about the final state of the spheres and 132. A student wants to demonstrate a transverse wave
strings must be true? Select two answers. for a friend. The student holds a long spring with
his fingertips and lets it hang vertically over the
(A) The spheres have charges of opposite sign.
edge of a railing, as shown above. The student
(B) The sum of the charges on the spheres is +Q.
can move his hand in a way that creates waves
(C) The tension in each string is larger than it was
that propagate down the spring. Which of the
following movements of the student’s hand will
(D) The force exerted by the ceiling on each
create a transverse wave? Select two answers.
string is directed vertically upward.
(A) Left and right
(B) Forward and backward
(C) Up and down
(D) Releasing the spring
133. . Suppose two square wave pulses that are in the
same plane could be created on a string, one with
a maximum displacement of 4 cm and the other
with a maximum displacement of 2 cm. Which of
the following is a possible displacement of the
string when the wave pulses overlap? Select two
(A) 2 cm 134. The figure above shows a circuit with three
(B) 3 cm resistors—two with known resistance and one
(C) 6 cm with unknown resistance—and a battery with
(D) 8 cm unknown potential difference. Which of the
following sets of measurements of potential
difference will allow determination of the
unknown resistance R ? Select two answers.
(A) Between points b and e only
(B) Between points a and f and between
points b and c
(C) Between points b and c and between
points c and d
(D) Between points a and f and between
points b and e
Answer Key for AP Physics 1
Practice Exam, Section I