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AP Physics 1 2015 MC PDF

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Section I
40 Questions
Time—90 minutes

Note: To simplify calculations, you may use g = 10 m/s2 in all problems.

Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete statements below is followed by four suggested answers or
completions. Select the one that is best in each case and then fill in the corresponding circle on the answer sheet.

1. In which of the following situations is the kinetic 3. A 2 kg object traveling at 5 m/s on a frictionless
energy of the object decreasing? horizontal surface collides head-on with and
(A) A sphere is dropped from a building. sticks to a 3 kg object initially at rest. Which of
(B) A satellite is moving in a circular orbit the following correctly identifies the change in
around Earth. total kinetic energy and the resulting speed of the
(C) A baseball is heading upward after being objects after the collision?
thrown at an angle. Kinetic
(D) An elevator is moving upward at a constant Energy Speed
(A) Increases 2 m/s
2. Two protons are held a distance d apart. The (B) Increases 3.2 m/s
electrostatic force and the gravitational force that
(C) Decreases 2 m/s
one proton exerts on the other are F and F ,
(D) Decreases 3.2 m/s
respectively. Which of the following correctly
compares the magnitude and direction of these
forces? 4. A stone of mass tn is thrown upward at a
30° angle to the horizontal. At the instant
Magnitude Direction the stone reaches its highest point, why is the
(A) F>F Opposite stone neither gaining nor losing speed?

(B) Fe > Fs Same (A) Because the acceleration of the stone at that
instant is zero
(C) Fe < Fg Opposite (B) Because the net force acting upon the stone at
(D) Fe < Fg Same that instant has magnitude mg
(C) Because the angle between the stone’s
velocity and the net force exerted upon the
stone is 90°
(D) Because the stone follows a parabolic
trajectory and the peak of the trajectory is
where the parabola has zero slope

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5. A small cart is rolling freely on an inclined ramp
with a constant acceleration of 0.50 m/s2 in
the -^-direction. At time t the cart has a
velocity of 2.0 m/s in the +x-direction. If the
cart never leaves the ramp, which of the following
statements correctly describes the motion of the
cart at a time t > 5 s ?
(A) The cart is traveling in the +x-direction and is
slowing down. 7. A box of mass m is on a rough inclined plane that
(B) The cart is traveling in the +x-direction and is is at an angle 6 with the horizontal. A force of
speeding up. magnitude F at an angle • with the plane is
(C) The cart is traveling in the -x-direction and is exerted on the block, as shown above. As
slowing down. the block moves up the plane, there is a
(D) The cart is traveling in the -x-direction and is frictional force between the box and the plane
speeding up. of magnitude f What is the magnitude of the net
force acting on the box?
(A) F sin - mg cos 6 - f
Item 6 was not scored.
(B) Fcos(+e)+mgsin9-f
(C) Fcoso - mgsine - f
(D) Fcos( + 0) - mgsine - f

8. An object’s velocity v as a function of time t is

given in the graph above. Which of the following
statements is true about the motion of the object?
(A) The object is not moving from 1 = 4 s
to t = 10 s.
(B) The object’s initial and final positions are
the same.
(C) The object is slowing down from t = 14 s
to t = 16 s.
(D) The average acceleration of the object from
t = 0 s to t = 4 s is different from the
acceleration from t = 34 s to z = 36 s.

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Questions 9-10 refer to the following material. 9. What is the current through the battery?
(A) 4 A
(B) 5 A
(C) 8 A
(D) 20 A

10. Resistor R} and the 2 Q resistor are now

In the circuit shown above, the sum of the resistances swapped. How does the current in the right branch
of resistors R and R2 is 82. of the circuit change, and why?
(A) The current does not change, because the
total resistance does not change.
(B) The current increases, because the total
resistance will always decrease.
(C) The current decreases, because the total
resistance will always increase.
(D) The change in current cannot be determined
without knowing the resistances of
R and R2 .

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11. A block of mass 10 kg moves from position A to position B shown in the figure above. The speed of the
block is 10 m/s at A and 4.0 m/s at B. The work done by friction on the block as it moves from A to B
is most nearly
(A) -280 J
(B) -220 J
(C) -200 J
(D) 0J

12. To determine the speed of waves on a string, 14. Some students want to calculate the work done by
some students tie a long string of unknown friction as an object with unknown mass moves
length between a wave generator and a wall. along a straight line on a rough horizontal surface.
They vary the frequency /of the generator to The students have a force probe, a meterstick, and
get a standing wave. They count the nodes n a stopwatch. Which of the following will allow
and measure the wavelength A . They repeat the students to take the measurements needed
the experiment, creating standing waves with to calculate the work done by friction?
different frequencies. Which of the following is (A) Pulling the block at an unknown constant
the best relationship to graph to determine the acceleration with the force probe for
speed of the waves on the string? a measured time
(A) /as a function of A (B) Pulling the block at an unknown constant
(B) /as a function of 1/A speed with the force probe for a measured
(C) /as a function of n
(C) Pulling the block at an unknown constant
(D) /as a function of 1/n acceleration with the force probe for
a measured distance
13. A ladder at rest is leaning against a wall at an (D) Pulling the block at an unknown constant
angle. Which of the following forces must have speed with the force probe for a measured
the same magnitude as the frictional force exerted distance
on the ladder by the floor?
(A) The force of gravity on the ladder
(B) The normal force exerted on the ladder by
the floor
(C) The frictional force exerted on the ladder by
the wall
(D) The normal force exerted on the ladder by
the wall

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15. A pendulum consisting of a sphere suspended from a light
string is oscillating with a small angle with respect to the
vertical. The sphere is then replaced with a new sphere of
the same size but greater density and is set into oscillation
with the same angle. How do the period, maximum kinetic
energy, and maximum acceleration of the new pendulum
compare to those of the original pendulum?
Maximum Maximum
Period Kinetic Energy Acceleration
(A) Larger Larger Smaller
(B) Smaller Larger Smaller
(C) The same The same The same
(D) The same Larger The same

16. Planet X has twice Earth’s mass and three times 5 kg

Earth’s radius. The magnitude of the gravitational
field near Planet X’s surface is most nearly 17. A force F is exerted on a 5 kg block to move it
(A) 2 N/kg across a rough surface, as shown above. The
magnitude of the force is initially 5 N, and the
(B) 7 N/kg block moves at a constant velocity. While the
(C) 10 N/kg block is moving, the force is instantaneously
(D) 20 N/kg increased to 12 N. How much kinetic energy does
the block now gain as it moves a distance of 2 m?
(A) 10 J
(B) 14 J
(C) 24 J
(D) 34 J

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String 1

String 2 •

18. The figure above represents two guitar strings of different materials and lengths, which are on two guitars
of different sizes. String 1 is plucked so it vibrates in the pattern shown. Very soon after string 1 is plucked,
string 2, which is a short distance away, vibrates in the pattern shown. The guitars are placed in a sealed chamber
and then the air is pumped out of the chamber. String 1 is again plucked and vibrates in the pattern shown. Does
string 2 again vibrate in the pattern shown, and why or why not?
(A) Yes, because waves again carry some of the energy produced by string 1 to string 2
(B) Yes, because the strings share the same fundamental frequency
(C) No, because the amplitude of the vibration of string 1 becomes zero too quickly for string 2 to start vibrating
(D) No, because almost no energy associated with the vibration of string 1 reaches string 2

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20. A system consists of a disk rotating on a
frictionless axle and a piece of clay moving
19. The figure above represents standing wave
toward it, as shown in the figure above. The
patterns in two identical tubes. The tubes contain
outside edge of the disk is moving at a linear
the same amount of water, and the standing waves
speed v, and the clay is moving at speed v/2 .
are produced by holding a vibrating tuning fork
near the top of each tube. What is the relationship The clay sticks to the outside edge of the disk.
between the wavelengths Ax and Ay of the How does the angular momentum of the system
after the clay sticks compare to the angular
standing waves?
momentum of the system before the clay sticks,
and what is an explanation for the comparison?
(A) ax = 72
(A) It is the same because there is no external
(B) Ax = 72y torque acting on the system.
(B) It is greater because the rotating mass
increases, which increases the rotational
(C) 2x = inertia.
(C) It is less because the speed of the disk
(D) Ax = decreases when the clay sticks to it.
(D) It is less because the angular momentum
of the clay opposes that of the disk.

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21. A disk of known radius and rotational inertia
can rotate without friction in a horizontal plane
around its fixed central axis. The disk has a cord
of negligible mass wrapped around its edge. The Boulder: Force F to the left
disk is initially at rest, and the cord can be pulled No acceleration
to make the disk rotate. Which of the following
procedures would best determine the relationship
between applied torque and the resulting change
in angular momentum of the disk?
(A) Pulling on the cord, exerting a force of 15 N Wagon: Force F to the left
for 2 s and then 25 N for 3 s, and measuring Acceleration a to the left
the final angular velocity of the disk
(B) For five different time intervals, pulling on
the cord, exerting a force of 15 N, and then
measuring the angle through which the disk
rotates in each case
(C) For five different time intervals, pulling Truck: Force F to the left
on the cord, exerting a force of 15 N, and Acceleration a to the right
then measuring the final angular velocity
of the disk 23. Each of the figures above shows a tractor attached
(D) For five forces of different magnitude, to an object. The tractor exerts the same constant
pulling on the cord for 5 s, and then force F on each object in every case. Which of the
measuring the final angular velocity following is a true statement about an object and
of the disk
the relative magnitude of the force exerted by the
object on the tractor?
22. When object X with charge +2 pC is 1 m from
object Y with charge -3 uC , the magnitude of the (A) The magnitude of the force exerted by the
truck on the tractor is greatest, because the
force between them is F. Object Yis removed
resulting motion is in the direction opposite
and object Z with charge -2 uC is placed
the tractor’s pull.
2 m from object X. What is the magnitude of (B) The magnitude of the force exerted by the
the force between objects X and Z ? boulder on the tractor is least, because no
(A) F/2 motion results.
(B) F/3 (C) The magnitude of the force exerted by the
wagon on the tractor is least, because the
(C) F/4
resulting motion is in the direction of the
(D) F/6 tractor’s pull.
(D) The magnitude of the force exerted by each
object on the tractor is equal, because the
tractor exerts an equal force on each object.

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24. A planet is in an elliptical orbit around a star, as shown above. Which of the following best represents the
mechanical energy Eplanet of just the planet and the mechanical energy Eslar.p[ane( of the star-planet system as
functions of time for one complete orbit?
(A) F

0 Time 0 Time




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Force Force

Time Position
Graph 1 Graph 2
26. The figure above represents the orbits of two
25. A cart of known mass moves with known speed planets of equal mass that orbit their star in the
along a level, frictionless track, as shown in the counterclockwise direction as a double-planet
figure above. The cart hits a force sensor and system. From the point of view of an observer on
rebounds. The force sensor measures the force either planet, the planets appear to orbit each other
exerted on the cart as a function of time and as while also orbiting the star. The dots on the orbits
a function of the position of the cart. The results represent the position of the planets at time to,
will be graphed on the axes shown. Which of the and X is the position of their center of mass at
two graphs can be used to determine the cart’s that time. Which of the following arrows best
speed after it rebounds? represents the acceleration of the center of mass
(A) Only graph 1; graph 2 will have no of the double-planet system when it is at point X ?
information useful for finding the speed.
(B) Only graph 2; graph 1 will have no
information useful for finding the speed.
(C) Either graph 1 or graph 2 can be used.
(D) Neither graph alone is sufficient; both
graph 1 and graph 2 are needed.



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27. Two identical blocks are connected to the 28. A person holds a book at rest a few feet above a
opposite ends of a compressed spring. The blocks table. The person then lowers the book at a slow
initially slide together on a frictionless surface constant speed and places it on the table. Which
with velocity v to the right. The spring is then of the following accurately describes the change
released by remote control. At some later instant, in the total mechanical energy of the Earth-book
the left block is moving at v/2 to the left, and the system?
other block is moving to the right. What is the (A) The total mechanical energy is unchanged,
speed of the center of mass of the system at that because there is no change in the book’s
instant? kinetic energy as it is lowered to the table.
(B) The total mechanical energy is unchanged,
(A) 5v/2
because no work is done on the Earth-book
(B) 3v/2 system while the book is lowered.
(C) v (C) The total mechanical energy decreases,
(D) v/2 because the person does positive work on
the book by exerting a force that opposes
the gravitational force.
(D) The total mechanical energy decreases,
because the person does negative work on
the book by exerting a force on the book in
the direction opposite to its displacement.

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Questions 29-30 refer to the following material. Rate of Change of
Linear Momentum of

m 2m
the Sphere of Mass m (N)

A system consists of two spheres, of mass m and
2m, connected by a rod of negligible mass, as shown
above. The system is held at its center of mass with Time (s)
the rod horizontal and released from rest near Earth’s
surface at time t = 0 .
29. The graph above shows the rate of change of
linear momentum of the sphere of mass m as
a function of time. What is the linear momentum
of the two-sphere system at time r = 3.0 s ?
(A) 5 kg*m/s
(B) 15 kg-m/s

(C) 45 kg-m/s

(D) 60 kg-m/s

30. Which of the following best explains why the

system does not rotate around its center of mass
as it falls?
(A) The Earth exerts the same gravitational force
on both spheres, causing them to accelerate
at the same rate.
(B) The Earth exerts the same gravitational force
on both spheres, generating torques that
cancel out.
(C) The Earth exerts a larger gravitational force
on the sphere of mass 2m, but that sphere is
closer to the center of mass and the torques
cancel out.
(D) The Earth exerts a larger gravitational force
on the sphere of mass 2m, but that sphere
has more inertia and the torques cancel out.

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31. A person is running on a track. Which of the 32. In a one-dimensional perfectly elastic collision,
following forces propels the runner forward? an object of mass m is traveling with speed Vo in
(A) The normal force exerted by the ground on the +x-direction when it strikes an object with
the person mass 3m that is at rest. What are the objects’
(B) The normal force exerted by the person on velocities following the collision?
the ground
Object of Mass m Object of Mass 3m
(C) The force of friction exerted by the ground on
the person (A) Zero Vq/3, +x -direction
(D) The force of friction exerted by the person on
(B) Vo/4, +x -direction Vo/2, +x-direction
the ground
(C) Vo/2, +x -direction Vo/2, +x -direction
(D) Vo/2, -x-direction Vo/2, +x -direction

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33. A student conducts an experiment to determine the relationship between applied torque and change in angular
velocity. The student uses the apparatus shown in the figure above, consisting of two disks that are glued
together and mounted on a horizontal axle. Blocks of varying mass are hung from a string wound around the
smaller disk. The blocks are released from rest, exerting different torques on the disks, and are allowed to fall
a fixed distance. For each block, the time of fall t and the final angular velocity of the disks are measured.
There is considerable friction between the disks and the axle. Which of the following best represents a plot that
can be obtained from the student’s data?


0 Applied Torque 0 Applied Torque



Applied Torque Applied Torque

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34. An athlete with mass m running at speed v grabs
a light rope that hangs from a ceiling of height H
and swings to a maximum height of h . In
another room with a lower ceiling of height H/2,
a second athlete with mass 2m running at the
same speed v grabs a light rope hanging from the
ceiling and swings to a maximum height of h .
How does the maximum height reached by the
two athletes compare, and why?
(A) The first athlete reaches a greater height,
because this athlete swings on a longer rope.
(B) The second athlete reaches a greater height,
because this athlete has a greater mass.
(C) The two athletes reach the same height,
because the effect of the rope length offsets
the effect of the athletes’ masses.
(D) The two athletes reach the same height,
because the athletes run with the same

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35. Does at least one of the ships have its engine
turned on during the time interval shown, and
what evidence indicates so?
(A) Yes, because Ship 2 is speeding up.
(B) Yes, because the momentum of the
two-rocket system increases.
(C) Yes, because an engine is needed to keep
the system moving.
(D) No, because the cable alone could be
responsible for making Ship 1 slow down
and Ship 2 speed up.

Two identical spaceships are traveling in deep 36. Which of the following graphs best represents the
space, far from any planets or stars. The ships travel net force Fnet exerted on the two-ship system?
in the same direction, with the slower one directly
behind the faster one. The ships are connected by
a cable attached to a spool, so that the part of the
cable outside the ships can be made longer or shorter
as needed. The cable is used to bring the ships to
the same speed for a transfer of cargo. The graph Time (s)
above shows the speed of the two ships during
a 10 s interval.
(B) F
net (N)

Time (s)
O 2 4 6 8 10

(C) F (N)

------ 1----- |------ 1----- 1----- —-Time (s)

0 2 4 6 8 10


Time (s)

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Directions: For each of the questions or incomplete statements below, two of the suggested answers will be correct.
For each of these questions, you must select both correct choices to eam credit. No partial credit will be earned if
only one correct choice is selected. Select the two that are best in each case and then fill in the corresponding circles
that begin with number 131 on page 3 of the answer sheet.

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131. Two hollow, uncharged conducting spheres hang
by threads from the ceiling, as shown above. The
spheres have the same mass but are different
sizes. A charge +Q is deposited on the larger
sphere. The spheres are then momentarily brought
into contact and separated, after which they move
away from each other. Which of the following
statements about the final state of the spheres and 132. A student wants to demonstrate a transverse wave
strings must be true? Select two answers. for a friend. The student holds a long spring with
his fingertips and lets it hang vertically over the
(A) The spheres have charges of opposite sign.
edge of a railing, as shown above. The student
(B) The sum of the charges on the spheres is +Q.
can move his hand in a way that creates waves
(C) The tension in each string is larger than it was
that propagate down the spring. Which of the
following movements of the student’s hand will
(D) The force exerted by the ceiling on each
create a transverse wave? Select two answers.
string is directed vertically upward.
(A) Left and right
(B) Forward and backward
(C) Up and down
(D) Releasing the spring

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133. . Suppose two square wave pulses that are in the
same plane could be created on a string, one with
a maximum displacement of 4 cm and the other
with a maximum displacement of 2 cm. Which of
the following is a possible displacement of the
string when the wave pulses overlap? Select two
(A) 2 cm 134. The figure above shows a circuit with three
(B) 3 cm resistors—two with known resistance and one
(C) 6 cm with unknown resistance—and a battery with
(D) 8 cm unknown potential difference. Which of the
following sets of measurements of potential
difference will allow determination of the
unknown resistance R ? Select two answers.
(A) Between points b and e only
(B) Between points a and f and between
points b and c
(C) Between points b and c and between
points c and d
(D) Between points a and f and between
points b and e

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Answer Key for AP Physics 1
Practice Exam, Section I

Question 1: C Question 21: D

Question 2: A Question 22: D
Question 3: C Question 23: D
Question 4: C Question 24: C
Question 5: D Question 25: C
Question 6: * Question 26: A
Question 7: C Question 27: C
Question 8: B Question 28: D
Question 9: B Question 29: C
Question 10: D Question 30: C
Question 11: B Question 31: C
Question 12: B Question 32: D
Question 13: D Question 33: A
Question 14: D Question 34: D
Question 15: D Question 35: B
Question 16: A Question 36: C
Question 17: B Question 131: B, C
Question 18: D Question 132: A, B
Question 19: A Question 133: A, C
Question 20: A Question 134: B, C

*Item 6 was not scored.

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