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Fiche Final CSE205 A IMPRIMER

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LECT 1 - BASH Load/use hasard = use data before a Implicit free list: Header & footer with

$PWD (current dir), $$ current process id, previous stage has loaded it from memory size and allocation status (linear time)
$PPID parent process id, and solve req 1 cycle stall. Explicit free list: As implicit and free
Processes = a mem space + threads of Control/Branch hasard = should not jump blocks have a pointer to prev + next
execution + kernel (process dscript), ps -l but suppose that jump is taken, mispred, free block, Last in 1st out policy (root)
Ls -l, chmod “g+x” or “o-rw” or “u=rw, cancel it by adding bubbles. Segregated free list: free lists for di
g=r” user/group/other (rwx) (sans les “”) size classes, cut + sort free blocks
Redirecting < le.txt (redirect to stdin), > LECT 6 - X86-64 Malloc, calloc, realloc give pointers !
le.txt (create, truncates le ∃, then Stack grows down (toward lower Heap is cleared when program term
stdout), >> le.txt (create, appends if le addresses), allocated in frames, %rsp Top of heap brk pointer, increment
∃, then stdout), 1>&2 redirects stdout to stack pointer, %rbp frame pointer heap size with void *sbrk(int incr)
stderr le (duplicate le descrptr to other) - pushq src = decr %rsp by 8, move Max throughput + peak mem utilisat
Combining commands Cmd1 | cmd2 operand to (%rsp) (the address) (max(sum payloads alloc) / heap size)
(output = input next), ; then, && run cmd2 - popq dest = increment %rsp by 8, move
if cmd1 success, || if cmd1 not success operand from -8(%rsp) to dest LECT 9 - SYSTEMS I/O
echo “she’s $NAME” = she’s Lea. - movq (ne precisions), movz(ero)bq, 0 stdin, 1 stdout, 2 stderr, dev/sda, /
Pattern matching * any string, ** any le, movs(ign)bq, movabq (mov 64-bit to reg) sda2, /tty, /kmem, -=reg, d=dir, l=link,
**/ any subdir, ? Any solo character, [a-z] - leaq (save what is in address to register), c=term, b=disk, p=pipe, s=sock type
any these characters, —> alphabt sort - jo, jno (OF), js, jns (SF) Lseek() to change le o set, ags
Job control ctrl-z (kill -STOP) stop, ctrl-c - cmpl, cmpq (compare a-b), testq (a&b) with open() O_RDONLY/WRONLY/
Memory address / array allocation:
(ps) kill, jobs (list) fg (continue), bg(stop), RDWR/CREAT/TRUNC/APPEND
kill %#, in bckgrnd (sleep 2; echo “hi”) & D(Rb, Ri, S) = Mem[Reg[Rb] + S*Reg[Ri] + Unix I/O: systm call, async-signl-safe
D], array decl: T A[R] [C]; RIO: no short count, work w/ sockets
LECT 2 - BITS, BYTES Array ordered in order of declaration, Standard I/O: C std lib, uses bu ers,
Shifts <3 (left shift by 3) arithmetic right starting by the biggest is optimal array work with disk or les + 1 system call
shift > most signi cant bit, logical > 0 size = Row*Col*K(bytes of T el) to write ( ush() at “\n”). BUFFER to
Word Size Char(1), short(2), int/ oat(4), Aligned = address is multiple of K, or read more than 1 by 1 byte, ll up, ptr
pointer/double/long/quad(8), succes addr inserts gap to ensure alignment, Metadata (= le data, stat), sharing a
words di er by 4 (32 bits) or 8 (64bits) le = 2 descriptor tables point to
Negative bits LECT 7 - Exceptional Control Flow same le table + 1 arrow to v-node,
1=-, 0=+ 2’s complement neg value = CPU: kernel mode, user mode redirect dup2(oldfd, newfd),old in new
(logic complmt+ 1) mod 2^(wordsize) Operating System Kernel deals with FIFOs: system call, sending bytes
2 = 0010, -2 = (1101+1)mod (4) = 1110 exceptional situations. Exceptions: streams between unrelated process
Asynchronous (interrupts, events external Pipes: child-child, parent-child
LECT 3 - MEM & STATE MACHINE to the processor), synchronous: traps
Combinatorial circuit = input based on (intentional, system call then next), faults LECT 10 - Memory Hierarchy
output VS Sequential circuit = also use (recoverable, reexecute), aborts (unrecov) Locality: temporal (referenced again
memory (previous input, clock cycle) Context space = address + registers, so in the near future), spatial (nearby
Von Neumann model cntxt switch w/ CPU (user - kernel - user) address referenced close together)
The state machine (hardcoded control in Fork: concurrent prog, get_pid, get_ppid Misses: Cold = empty cache; con ict
combinatorial circuit) interprets the fork() == 0 => child, gives order of exec = multiple map to same; capacity
program stored in memory, the same wait(), waitpid() to reap, otherwise init LRU, LFU, random replacemnt policy
state machine can perform di tasks WIFEXITED, WEXITSTATUS etc. Put Cache size = S(set)xE(line)xB(block),
Stages Fetch (read inst from inst mem), execv() in child for di prog in a process S=1 full associat, E=1 direct mapped
Decode (read program reg), Execute argv[0] = lename in %rsi, envp[0] %rdx Tag, set index, addr in hex or binary !!
(compute val/address), Memory (read/ Background job done = kernel send signal Midde bit set idx. valid, tag, data
write data), Write Back (write program Signals have IDS (1-30), force the dest Write-back (write to mem from cache
reg), PC (update pc go next instr) process to react, can block recv only when evicted from cache) /
No signal queue, getpgroup, setpgid write-allocate (write + put in cache)
LECT 4 - PROCESSOR Y86-64 \bin\kill -9 -2817, “-“ = process group
0xBAFE at 0000, BA for big-endian (msb STAT (ps), sleeping, stopped, running LECT 12 - Linking
rst), FE for small-endian (lsb rst) Pnb = pending & ~blocked (==0 pass to p, .so: shared obj le, .a: archive static
Instructions mrmovq, rrmovq, rmmovq, else force p to recv all nonzero k signals libraries, .o: relocatable object les
irmovq, (addq, subq, andq, xorq they set and then pass to p process) Strong symbol: functions & initialised
condition codes, ags), pushq, popq Signal handler to change reaction to global Weak sym: uninit global var
nop, bubble, halt, ZF = if the result is 0 signal of a process signum + handler Symbol resolution -> symbol tables
OF = over ow (sign change (- + - = +)) async-signal-safe = uninterruptible by Linker Symbol Rules:
CF = carry ; SF = if the msb is 1 (sign is -) signals + reentrant (all stored locally) - No Multiple strong symbols
setjmp: ret 0, then longjump (only to env - Strong symbol > weak symbol
LECT 5 - PIPELINE (faster in prllel!) of called but not completed func) - Arbitrary one if multiple weak
Data dependency (dd) = next op dep on Shared lib = sol to static libraries
the result of previous op = RAW LECT 8 - Dynamic Memory Alloc DLLs: dynamic link libraries, .so les
Data hazard = dd cause wrong comp Internal fragmentation: block larger then Load-time dynamic linking: automatic
To avoid them: Stalling (nop (bubble) to payload, External frag: enough memory when loading Run-time dynamic
hold back), Forwarding (give new data but no good free block. 1st/next/best t, linking: during prog execv w/ dlopen()
back in earlier stage to be used), and Coalescing. Garbage collection: block that Ldd -> list shared lib need, where dyn
even reordering instructions! is never freed —> Mark-and-Sweep linker nds them + what load address
LECT 11 - Virtual Memory TLB to speed up (avoids calls to main
mem): small hardware cache in MMU
Multi-level page table: table maps to other table,
last table map to PPN
Sharing: 2 VMs can map to same Physical memory
When VM writes, create a new private copy
Unallocated, cached, uncached (VM but not PM)
Useful for: efficient use main mem, simplify mem
management, isolating address spaces (users can’t
access privileged kernel info), memory mapping

Page hit or page fault (then restart)

Working set size (wss) < main mem size
If sum(wss) > mms THRASHING (cst page swap, meldown, infinite)

Extend PTEs w/ permission bits (Superviser, Read, Write) + can have both sup and unsup ptr to PA ! Mem protection


X86-64 !!

2-way, 1024-
byt, 16 blocks,
4 offset, 5 indx,
tag 23, sets 32,
lines 64

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