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Progress in Organic Coatings 72 (2011) 410–422

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Progress in Organic Coatings

journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/porgcoat

A study on the anticorrosion performance of the epoxy–polyamide

nanocomposites containing ZnO nanoparticles
B. Ramezanzadeh a , M.M. Attar a,∗ , M. Farzam b
Department of Polymer Engineering and Color Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology, P.O. Box 15875-4413, Tehran, Iran
Petroleum University of Technology, Abadan, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Epoxy nanocomposites were prepared using different loadings (2, 3.5, 5 and 6.5 wt%) of ZnO nanoparti-
Received 18 October 2010 cles. Nanocomposites were applied on steel substrates. Samples were immersed in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution
Received in revised form 21 May 2011 for 1344 h. Corrosion resistance of the coatings was studied by an electrochemical impedance spec-
Accepted 23 May 2011
troscopy (EIS). The effects of addition of nanoparticles on the mechanical properties of the epoxy coating
were studied by a dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA). Curing behavior of the coatings con-
taining nanoparticles was studied by a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). Atomic force microscope
Epoxy coating
(AFM) was utilized to investigate the surface topography and surface morphology of the coatings. Coating
ZnO nanoparticles
Corrosion resistance
resistance against hydrolytic degradation was studied by FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared).
EIS Results showed that addition of low loadings of nanoparticles can increase Tg of the composite. Decrease
DMTA in Tg and cross-linking density of the coating were observed at high loadings of nanoparticles. It was found
DSC that nanoparticles can influence the curing behavior of the epoxy coating. Nanoparticles improved the
corrosion resistance of the epoxy coating. Increase in coating resistance against hydrolytic degradation
was obtained using nanoparticles.
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and micro-Al2 O3 [1–10]. The mechanical and optical properties as

well as anticorrosion performance of an organic paint can be sig-
Conversion coatings as well as organic coatings have been exten- nificantly improved using these pigments. However, micro-sized
sively used to protect metal bodies from corrosion [1–5]. It has particles produce some unwilled defects at the surface and/or
been shown that organic coatings can improve the corrosion resis- bulk of the coating. As a result of this, the appearance and opti-
tance of steel bodies. However, decrease in corrosion resistance cal properties of the coating cannot be improved using such
of organic paints has been reported after short immersion time pigments [1–3].
[2–5]. This can be mainly attributed to the hydrolytic degradation Research on nanoparticles has been developed during last
of the coating exposed to corrosive electrolyte. Coating degradation decade. Owing to their small size, these particles are less apt to
leads to increase in number of pores and crevices. Corrosive elec- produce negative effects [11–21]. Nanoparticles like nano-SiO2 ,
trolyte can permeate underneath coating through the pores and/or nano-TiO2 , nano-Al2 O3 and nano-ZnO (with different particle sizes
crevices. This can lead to corrosion products creation (and there- and surface modifications) have been utilized to improve the
fore decrease in adhesion of the coating to metal) at the interface mechanical properties as well as the anticorrosion performance of
of the coating/metal [2–5]. the organic paints.
Attempts have been carried out to improve the anticorrosion It has been shown that ZnO nanoparticles are non-toxic par-
performance of the organic paints using anticorrosive pigments ticles which can be used to produce environmental friendly
[6–8]. Inorganic pigments have been widely used to improve the coatings. Excellent optical, chemical, mechanical [22] and biologi-
mechanical and optical properties of the organic paints. It has cal properties are obtained with nanoparticles. Resistance against
been shown that micro sized pigments can improve the corro- photo-degradation is also improved [3,12,19]. Epoxy coating has
sion resistance of the organic coatings. In recent years, the search generally a poor resistance against ultraviolet (UV). Dhoke and co-
for pigments that improve many properties has led to the use of workers [2,17] and Yang et al. [18] showed that ZnO nanoparticles
micro sized pigments such as micro-ZnO, micro-TiO2 , micro-SiO2 can improve corrosion resistance of polyurethane and alkyd-based
waterborne coatings.
In this paper, anticorrosion resistance, mechanical properties
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 21 64542404; fax: +98 21 66468243. and curing behavior of epoxy coating containing ZnO nanoparticles
E-mail address: attar@aut.ac.ir (M.M. Attar). were studied.

0300-9440/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
B. Ramezanzadeh et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 72 (2011) 410–422 411

2. Experimental graphs. The values of roughness parameters (Sy, Sz, Sa and Sq) are
presented in Fig. 2.
2.1. Sample preparation As it can be seen in Fig. 2, addition of nanoparticles can increase
surface roughness of the coating. The increase in surface roughness
Different concentrations of ZnO nanoparticles were added to is more pronounced at 2 and 3.5 wt% loadings. Increase in surface
epoxy–polyamide coating. To this end, a pre-dispersed nano-ZnO roughness may be attributed to the presence of nanoparticles on
(BYK-3842)), dispersed in an aromatic-free white spirit solvent was the surface of the coating. Surface roughness was reduced using
prepared from BYK Co. The average particle size (D50) and density nanoparticles loadings greater than 3.5 wt%. Decrease in surface
of the pre-dispersed nanoparticles were 40 nm and 0.0017 g cm−3 roughness at high loadings may be attributed to the low surface
respectively. Epoxy resin of Araldite GZ7 7071X75 (based on concentration of the nanoparticles. It seems that nanoparticles tend
bisphenol-A in a xylene solution) was prepared from Saman Co. to affect bulk properties more than surface of the coating at high
The solid content, epoxy value and density of the resin were loadings.
74–76%, 0.1492–0.1666 Eq/100 g, and 1.08 g cm−3 respectively. Dif- Topographic AFM images (phase images) of the coatings are
ferent weight contents (solid/solid resin) of nanoparticles (2, 3.5, 5 shown in Fig. 3.
and 6.5 wt%) were added to the epoxy resin. Nanoparticles were The homogeneous and/or heterogeneous dispersion of the
dispersed in resin matrix using a high shear mixer (2000 rpm). nanoparticles can be studied on the phase AFM images [23,24]. As
Stoichiometric values of polyamide curing agent (solid content of it can be seen in Fig. 3, only one phase is observed on the blank sam-
80 wt%) were added to the epoxy nanocomposites. ple. On the other hand, two phases were observed on the surface
Steel samples with dimensions of 5 cm × 5 cm (St-37) were pre- of the samples containing 2 and 3.5 wt% loadings of nanoparticles.
pared from Foolad Mobarakeh Co. Steel samples were polished by These phases can be understood from the light dots and dark parts
a magnetic polisher. They were then degreased by a commercial observed on the samples containing 2 and 3.5 wt% nano-ZnO. It
acetone. Finally, samples were washed by distilled water. has been shown that light dots are attributed to the high elastic
Nanocomposites were applied on the cleaned steel samples parts of the coating. On the other hand, the low elastic parts of the
using a film applicator (at wet thickness of 120 ␮m). Samples were coating can be seen as dark parts. These observations can reveal
then baked at curing temperature 120 ◦ C for 30 min. Nanocom- that light dots observed on the surface of the samples contain-
posites were also applied on the glass sheets followed by curing ing 2 and 3.5 wt% nano-ZnO are attributed to ZnO nanoparticles.
at 120 ◦ C for 30 min. The free films of each nanocomposites were Moreover, parts of the coating which is not including nanoparti-
prepared from glass sheets. cles can be seen as dark areas. Uniform distribution of light dots
on the surface of the coatings containing 2 and 3.5 wt% nanoparti-
cles can show uniform nanoparticles dispersion in coating matrix
2.2. Characterization (Fig. 3b and c). Decrease in number of light dots is observed on
the samples containing 5 and 6.5 wt% nano-ZnO (Fig. 3d and e).
Anticorrosion properties of the nanocomposites were studied This may be attributed to the nanoparticles aggregation at high
by an electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The test was loadings. These observations are completely in agreement with
carried out by an AUTOLAB G1 at frequency range and perturbation the results shown in Fig. 3. Nanoparticles aggregation can cause
of 10 KHz to 10 mHz and ±10 mV respectively. To this end, 9 cm2 decrease in surface particles concentration and therefore surface
areas of the coatings were exposed to 3.5 wt% NaCl solution. The test roughness. The nanoparticles aggregation at high loadings was
was done in a standard electrochemical cell including steel sample studied in the previous work [22]. UV–vis was utilized to evalu-
(working electrode), saturated (KCl) Ag/AgCl electrode (reference ate the effects of particles distribution on optical properties of the
electrode) and platinum electrode (auxiliary electrode). FRA soft- epoxy films. It was found that coating transparency was signifi-
ware was utilized to analyze the results obtained from Nyquist and cantly affected at nanoparticles loadings greater than 3.5 wt%. It
Bode plots of each sample. EIS was carried out on three replica- was found that nanoparticles in aggregated form could scatter visi-
tions of each sample in order to evaluate the standard deviations of ble light intensively, causing decrease in coating transparency. The
measurements. Hydrolytic degradation of the coatings exposed to results shown in the precious work demonstrated nanoparticles
corrosive electrolyte was studied by Equinox-55 FTIR spectrome- aggregation at high loadings. The same results are obtained in this
ter. Mechanical properties of the coatings were studied by a Tritec study.
2000 DMTA instrument. The test was carried out at frequency, tem-
perature and heating rate of 1 Hz, −30 ◦ C to 160 ◦ C and 5 ◦ C min−1 3.2. Mechanical properties of epoxy/nano–ZnO composite
respectively. The curing behavior of the epoxy nanocomposites was
studied by a Mettler Toledo DSC. The test was carried out at 120 ◦ C DMTA was utilized to investigate the mechanical properties of
for 30 min (isothermal DSC). A DME scanner (DS 95-50) AFM was the epoxy coatings. Variations of loss peak (Tan delta) and stor-
utilized to investigate the effects of addition of nanoparticles on the age modulus versus temperature of the coatings are shown in
surface morphology and topography of the coatings. Figs. 4 and 5.
The values of Tg , loss peak height, loss peak width and cross-
linking density of the coatings were calculated from Figs. 4 and 5
3. Results and discussion (Table 1). The cross-linking density was calculated according to Eq.
(1) [25]:
3.1. Microstructure analysis
e = (1)
Effects of addition of nanoparticles on the surface morphology 3RT
and topography of the epoxy coating are studied by an AFM. AFM where E and T are the minimum storage modules and temperature
micrographs of the epoxy coatings containing different concentra- at rubbery plateau zone.
tions of nano-ZnO are shown in Fig. 1. Based on the results presented in Table 1, adding nanoparticles
As it can be clearly seen in Fig. 2, nanoparticles can signifi- (2 wt%) to the clearcoat causes increased in Tg , loss peak width and
cantly influence the surface morphology of the coating. The values loss peak height. Results show that addition of 2 wt% nanoparti-
of surface roughness of the coatings are evaluated from AFM micro- cles can reduce the cross-linking density of coating compared to
412 B. Ramezanzadeh et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 72 (2011) 410–422

Fig. 1. Three-dimensional topographic AFM images of the nanocompoites.

Table 1
Parameters obtained from DMTA analysis (Figs. 4 and 5) of different coatings.

Nanoparticles loading (wt%) Tg (◦ C) e (mol cm−3 ) Loss peak width (◦ C) Loss peak height

0 83.9 0.0011 9.80 1.080

2 85.2 0.0005 12.10 1.290
3.5 83.5 0.0005 11.80 1.060
5 80.5 0.0001 12.10 1.330
6.5 83.9 0.0003 11.50 1.060
B. Ramezanzadeh et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 72 (2011) 410–422 413

Fig. 2. Values of roughness parameters of the epoxy coatings reinforced with different concentrations of ZnO nanoparticles.

the blank sample. It is well known that nanoparticles have elas- 3.2.1. Differential scanning calorimetric study
tic modulus greater than epoxy coating. Therefore, nanoparticles Curing behavior of the epoxy coatings containing nanoparti-
can increase Tg of the coating by producing strong physical inter- cles has been studied by a DSC. The isothermal DSC diagrams
actions with coating matrix. As a result of this, loss peak height of the coatings are shown in Fig. 6. The values of curing
and therefore damping behavior of the coating can be significantly enthalpy of the samples are calculated from DSC diagrams
increased. The physical interactions between coating and nanopar- (Table 2).
ticles lead to increase in coating viscosity before curing [9]. It seems Results show that addition of nanoparticles can reduce curing
that nanoparticles may reduce the curing degree of the coating. enthalpy of the coating. Decrease in curing enthalpy is more pro-
Increase in coating viscosity as well as steric hindrance effect of nounced at 5 wt% loading of ZnO nanoparticles. Decrease in curing
the nanoparticles can be responsible for the lower reaction of the enthalpy can be attributed to the decrease in curing degree of the
functional groups of coating. Decrease in curing degree can lead coating. It seems that nanoparticles can reduce the cross-linking
to a decrease in cross-linking density of the coating. Decrease in density of the coating by affecting its curing behavior. As it has
cross-linking density may also cause decrease in Tg of the coating. been previously discussed, the higher viscosity of the coating con-
It seems that nanoparticles can produce physical networks whilst taining nanoprticles as well as steric hindrance of nanoparticles
they can reduce the chemical cross-links between resin chains. may be responsible for the lower curing degree of the coating rein-
Results show that decrease in cross-linking density of the coat- forced with nanoparticles. Increase in curing enthalpy is seen at
ing containing 2 wt% nanoparticles is not significant. Therefore, nanoparticles loadings greater than 5 wt%. This observation can
increase in Tg is mainly attributed to the effects of physical inter- again illustrate the lower effect of agglomerated particles on the
actions which nanoparticles could produce with coating matrix. curing behavior compared to the well-dispersed particles [28].
Decrease in cross-linking density is more pronounced at nanopar- Results shown in Table 1 are completely in agreement with the
ticles loadings higher than 2 wt%. This can reveal that addition of results presented in Table 2. It has been previously shown that
nanoparticles (with high elastic modulus) cannot increase elastic addition of nanoparticles can cause decrease in value of cross-
modulus at rubbery plateau zone. In fact, decrease in cross-linking linking density of the coating. However, increase in cross-linking
density of the coating (in presence of nanoparticles) has more density can be seen at nanoparticles loading greater than 5 wt%.
impact than the physical interactions between particles and coating Based on the results shown in Table 1, addition of nanoparti-
on the storage modulus. Decrease in Tg and cross-linking density cles up to 5 wt% can cause decrease in curing enthalpy of the
is obtained at nanoparticles loadings greater than 2 wt%. The low- coating. The curing enthalpy was increased at 6 wt%. These obser-
est Tg and cross-linking density are obtained at 5 wt% nanoparticles vations can all reveal that nanoparticles have lower negative effect
loading. Results show that addition of higher nanoparticles (6 wt%) on the curing behavior of coating at 6.5 wt% loading compared
cannot lead to further decrease in Tg and cross-linking density of the to 5 wt% loading.
coating. This may be attributed to the aggregation of the nanoparti-
cles. It seems that aggregated nanoprtaicles have lower influence on
the curing behavior of the coating compared to the well-dispersed
According to above explanations, addition of high elastic Table 2
The values of curing enthalpy of the coatings reinforced with different concentra-
nanoparticles could not increase storage modulus at rubbery
tions of ZnO nanoparticles obtained from isothermal DSC thermograms.
plateau zone. This can be attributed to the significant effects of
nanoparticles on reducing storage modulus by affecting coating Sample Heat flow (m/W)
curing behavior. Decrease in storage modulus at rubbery plateau 0 185.53
zone not only can be attributed to the decrease in curing degree of 2 178.42
the coating but also it can be attributed to the ball-bearing effect of 3.5 131.38
5 72.23
nanoparticles [26–29].
6.5 115.0
414 B. Ramezanzadeh et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 72 (2011) 410–422

Fig. 3. Phase mode AFM micrographs of the nanocomposites.

3.3. Corrosion performance of epoxy/nano–ZnO composite Decrease in cross-linking density is obtained after using nanopar-
coatings ticles. It is well known that cross-linking density is one of the main
parameters affecting the barrier properties of an organic paint in
According to the results shown in Figs. 5 and 6, nanoparticles exposure to corrosive electrolyte. Decrease in cross-linking den-
can negatively influence the curing behavior of the epoxy coating. sity may cause increase in electrolyte permeation into the coating
B. Ramezanzadeh et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 72 (2011) 410–422 415

1.4000 1.2000
Blank Blank
1.2000 Nano 2% 1.0000 Nano 3.5%


Tan delta
Tan delta




0.0000 0.0000
-50.0 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 -50.0 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0

Temperature (ºC) Temperature (ºC)

1.6000 1.4000
Blank Blank
1.4000 Nano 5% 1.2000 Nano 6.5%


Tan delta
Tan delta



0.2000 0.2000

0.0000 0.0000
-50.0 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 -50.0 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0

Temperature (ºC) Temperature (ºC)

Fig. 4. Variations of tan delta versus temperature of different coatings.

matrix. On the other hand, nanoparticles are well known materials The optical micrographs of the coatings, immersed in 3.5 wt%
to increase the barrier properties of the coatings. NaCl solution, are shown in Fig. 7.
Based on the above explanations, ZnO nanoparticles can affect As it can be seen in Fig. 7, the number of holes and defects are
barrier performance of the epoxy coating in two different ways. increased after the blank sample exposure to corrosive electrolyte.
Anticorrosion performance of the coatings containing nanopar- This indicates that corrosive electrolyte can severely deteriorate
ticles is studied by EIS. Moreover, coating resistance against blank epoxy coating. Decrease in number of holes and defects are
hydrolytic degradation is studied by FTIR. obtained using nanoprticles especially at 3.5 and 5 wt%. However,

Fig. 5. Variation of storage modulus versus temperature of different samples.

416 B. Ramezanzadeh et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 72 (2011) 410–422


Heat flow (m/W)



-2.5 Blank Nano-2% Nano-5%

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Time (Sec)

Fig. 6. Isothermal DSC thermogram (obtained at 120 ◦ C and 1800s) of different samples.

using nanoparticles at higher loading did not cause further decrease Table 3
The values of polarization resistance (Rp ) of the coatings exposed to 3.5% NaCl solu-
in number of defects. As it has been previously discussed, nanopar-
tion at different immersion times.
ticles tend to produce some agglomerations at high loadings. The
agglomerated nanoprticles could not produce good barrier proper- Nanoparticles Rp (G cm2 )
loading (wt%)
It is well known that hydrolytic degradation of coating (in expo- Immersion time (h)
sure to corrosive electrolyte) is responsible for the holes and defects 24 168 336 720 1056 1344
creation. Corrosive electrolyte can permeate into the coating matrix
0.0 0.18 0.073 0.069 0.052 0.036 0.048
through the holes and defects. This will cause decrease in anti-
2.0 2.36 2.08 0.581 0.44 0.475 0.32
corrosion performance of the coating. As it can be seen in Fig. 7, 3.5 4.80 2.66 2.66 2.44 2.26 1.46
nanoparticles increase coating resistance against hydrolytic degra- 5.0 4.64 2.39 2.02 1.78 1.20 1.07
dation (specially at 3.5 wt%). FTIR was performed on the blank 6.5 4.76 1.19 1.48 1.08 1.032 0.83
sample and epoxy coating containing 3.5 wt% nano-ZnO (after and
before exposure to corrosive electrolyte) to evaluate coating degra-
dation after exposure to corrosive electrolyte (Fig. 8).
The values of  [NH/NH2 and OH]/CH] (at 3400–3500 cm−1 ) and hydrolytic degradation of the epoxy coating exposed to corrosive
 [Etheric bonds] (at 1035 cm−1 ) are obtained from FTIR spectras electrolyte.
(all peaks were normalized with respect to hydrogen peak). It is well EIS was utilized to investigate the anticorrosion performance of
known that hydrolytic degradation of the epoxy coating can cause the coatings. The Nyquist and Bode plots of the samples are shown
etheric bonds cleavage and therefore hydroxide groups creation in Figs. 9–12.
(Eq. (2)). As it can be seen in Fig. 9, the Nyquist plot of the blank sample
exposed to 3.5 wt% NaCl solution for 24 h includes one time con-
stant semicircle. However, two-time constant semicircle can be
seen at longer immersion times for this sample. This may reveal
the electrolyte permeation into the coating/metal interface at long
(2) immersion times.
Two times constant semicircle can be observed for the coat-
As it can be seen in Fig. 8, the value of  [NH/NH2 and OH]/CH] ing reinforced with 2 wt% ZnO nanoparticles after 24 h immersion
of the blank epoxy coating is considerably greater than the epoxy (Fig. 10). However, the Nyquist plots of the coatings reinforced with
coating containing 3.5 wt% nanoparticles. Moreover, more nega- 3.5, 5 and 6.5 wt% nanoparticles include only one time constant
tive value of  [Etheric bonds] is observed on the blank sample. semicircle after long immersion times.
These observations can demonstrate that etheric bonds cleavage The Nyquist and Bode plots shown in Figs. 9–12 were fitted
of the blank epoxy coating is significantly higher than the coating by the electrical models shown in Fig. 13. Different parameters
reinforced with nanoparticles. It seems that blank epoxy coating including Rct (charge transfer resistance), Rs (solution resistance),
experienced greater hydrolytic degradation compared to nanocom- Rc (coating resistance), Cdl (double layer capacitance) and Cc (coat-
posite. Two main reasons can be mentioned for the lower hydrolytic ing capacitance) are calculated from the Bode and Nyquist plots.
degradation of the epoxy coating containing nano-ZnO particles. Rp and C are the polarization resistance (in which Rct and Rc are
First, nanoparticles can increase barrier properties of the coating. included) and capacitance (in which Cdl and Cc are included) respec-
Therefore, they can reduce electrolyte permeation into the coat- tively [29,30].
ing matrix. Second, unlike blank sample, the interactions between The values of Rp , impedance at 10 mHz and OCP of the nanocom-
nanoparticles and coating are mainly in form of physical inter- posites are shown in Tables 3–5.
actions. Physical interactions can show greater resistance against Polarization resistance (Rp ) and impedance (at 10 mHz) of
hydrolytic degradation compared to chemical interactions among about 1.84 × 108  cm2 and 8.293  cm2 are obtained for the
resin chains. Therefore, incorporation of nanoparticles can reduce blank epoxy sample after 24 h immersion. Rp and impedance
B. Ramezanzadeh et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 72 (2011) 410–422 417

Fig. 7. Optical micrographs of the coatings exposed to 3.5 wt% NaCl solution for 1344 h.

of 4.83 × 107  cm2 and 7.217  cm2 are obtained after 1344 h obtained after 1344 h immersion. Corrosive electrolyte permeation
immersion for this sample. Results show that corrosion resistance through the holes and defects is responsible for the low corrosion
of the blank epoxy sample is significantly decreased after 1344 h resistance of the blank epoxy sample. Corrosive electrolyte perme-
immersion. As it has been previously discussed, corrosive elec- ation into the coating/metal interface may cause corrosion products
trolyte can cause severe hydrolytic degradation of the blank sample. creation beneath the coating. As it can be seen in Tables 3 and 4, the
Increase in number of holes and defects of the blank sample are values of Rp and impedance are increased after 1056 h immersion.
418 B. Ramezanzadeh et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 72 (2011) 410–422

Fig. 8. FTIR spectra of the (a) blank epoxy coating and (b) epoxy coating containing 3.5 wt% nano-ZnO before and after exposure to 3.5 wt% NaCl solution.

Increase in corrosion resistance at long immersion time (1344 h) Decrease in value of phase angle of the blank epoxy coating can
may be attributed to corrosion products creation beneath the coat- be seen at 10 kHz after 1056 h immersion. It is well known that
ing. Corrosion products may cause pores plugging and therefore phase angle of an intact coating is near to 90◦ [31]. Decrease in
increase of the corrosion resistance of the coating. Corrosion prod- phase angle may indicate decrease in coating intactness. Corrosion
ucts creation may be also understood from reduced values of phase products creation beneath the coating can cause decrease in coat-
angle of the blank sample after long immersion time (Fig. 12). ing adhesion to substrate. Therefore, decrease in phase angle of the

Fig. 9. Nyquist plots of the blank epoxy coating exposed to 3.5 wt% NaCl solution.
B. Ramezanzadeh et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 72 (2011) 410–422 419

140003 3000003
2 wt%-24 h 2 wt%-336 h 3.5 wt%-24 h 3.5 wt%-336 h

2 wt%-720 h 2 wt%-1056 h 3.5 wt%-720 h 3.5 wt%-1056 h

120003 3.5 wt%-134 4 h
2 wt%-1344 h 2500003


-Z'' (KOhm cm 2)
-Z'' (KOhm cm 2)




3 3
0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000 3000000
Z' (KOhm cm 2)
Z' (KOhm cm2)
6.5 wt%-24 h 6.5 wt%-336 h
5 wt%-24 h 5 wt%-336 h
6.5 wt%-720 h 6.5 wt%-1056 h
5 wt%-720 h 5 wt%-1056 h 6.5 wt%-1344 h
2500003 5 wt%-1344 h


-Z'' (KOhm cm 2)
-Z'' (KOhm cm 2)




3 3
0 50000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000
0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Z' (KOhm cm 2)
Z' (KOhm cm2)

Fig. 10. Nyquist diagram of the nanocomposites exposed to 3.5 wt% NaCl solution.

blank epoxy coating is attributed to the corrosion products creation ing. Decrease in polarization resistance and impedance of the
at coating/metal interface. nanocomposites are obtained at long immersion times. Polarization
Polarization resistance (Rp ) and impedance (at 10 mHz) of resistance and impedance of 1.46 × 109  cm2 and 9.269  cm2
4.8 × 109  cm2 and 9.664  cm2 were respectively obtained for are respectively obtained for the coating containing 3.5 wt% ZnO
the coating containing 3.5 wt% ZnO nanoparticles after 24 h nanoparticles after 1344 h immersion. This observation can clearly
immersion. This observation shows that ZnO nanoparticles can reveal that decrease in corrosion resistance of the nanocomposite
significantly improve the corrosion resistance of the epoxy coat- is considerably lower than the blank sample after 1344 h immer-
sion. As it has been previously shown, the Nyquist plots of the
nanocomposites reinforced with 3.5, 5 and 6.5 wt% ZnO nanopar-
Table 4 ticles include one time constant semicircle. This can indicate that
The values of impedance at 10 mHz of the coatings exposed to 3.5% NaCl solution at
different immersion times.
corrosive electrolyte cannot easily permeate into the coating/metal
interface when the coating includes nanoparticles. As it can be seen
Nanoparticles Log (Z/ cm2 ) in Fig. 12, the values of phase angle (at 10 kHz) of the coatings rein-
loading (wt%)
forced with nanoparticles are not significantly changed after 1344 h
Immersion time (h) immersion. This can reveal that corrosion products were not pro-
24 168 336 720 1056 1344 duced beneath the coating after immersion. This observation can
also show the high barrier properties of the epoxy nanocomposites
0.0 8.293 7.751 7.661 7.540 7.183 7.217
2.0 8.654 8.198 8.181 7.932 7.951 7.635
than the blank sample.
3.5 9.664 9.432 9.287 9.265 9.269 9.269 Results show that, although, cross-linking density of the
5.0 9.663 9.453 9.342 9.293 9.230 9.10 epoxy coating was reduced in presence of ZnO nanoparticles,
6.5 9.987 9.614 9.249 9.129 9.096 8.94 the anticorrosion properties of the epoxy coating was consid-
420 B. Ramezanzadeh et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 72 (2011) 410–422

10 10
0 w t%-24 h 2 w t%-24 h 0 wt%-168 h 2 wt%-168 h
3.5 w t%-24 h 5 w t%-24 h
9 3.5 wt%-168 h 5 wt%-168 h
6.5 w t%-24 h 9
6.5 wt%-168 h

8 8

Log (Z/Ohm cm 2)
Log (Z/Ohm cm 2)

7 7

6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3
-2 0 2 4 -2 0 2 4
Log (f /Hz) Log (f/Hz)
10 10
0 w t%-336 h 2 w t%-336 h 0 w t%-720 h 2 w t%-720 h
3.5 w t%-336 h 5 w t%-336 h 9 3.5 w t%-720 h 5 w t%-720 h
6.5 w t%-336 h 6.5 w t%-720 h

8 8
Log (Z/Ohm cm 2)

Log (Z/Ohm cm 2)

7 7

6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3
-2 0 2 4 -2 0 2 4
Log (f/Hz) Log (f/Hz)
10 10
0 wt%-1056 h 2 wt%-1056 h 0 wt%-1344 h 2 w t%-1344 h
3.5 wt%-1056 h 5 w t%-1056 h 9 3.5 wt%-1344 h 5 w t%-1344 h
6.5 wt%-1056 h 6.5 wt%-1344 h

8 8
Log (Z/Ohm cm 2)
Log (Z/Ohm cm2)

7 7

6 6

5 5


-2 0 2 4
-2 0 2 4 6
Log (f/Hz)
Log (f/Hz)

Fig. 11. Bode plots of the nanocomposites exposed to 3.5 wt% NaCl solution.

erably improved. This may be attributed to two main reasons. As it can be seen in Table 5, the values of open circuit poten-
First, nano sized ZnO particles produce high barrier proper- tials (OCP) of the coatings reinforced with ZnO nanoparticles are
ties against electrolyte diffusion into the coating matrix. Second, more positive than blank sample after 24 h immersion. Increase in
nanoparticles can increase coating resistance against hydrolytic OCP (in positive direction) of coating is obtained using higher load-
degradation. ings of the nanoparticles. Results show that values of OCP of the
B. Ramezanzadeh et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 72 (2011) 410–422 421

90 90
(a) (b)
80 80

70 70
-Phase angle (degree)

-Phase angle (degree)

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 B la nk s a m ple 30 B la nk s a m ple

Na no Zn O 2 wt% Na no ZnO-2 wt%

20 20
Na no Zn O 3.5 wt% Na no ZnO-3.5 wt%

10 Na no Zn O 5 wt% 10 Na no ZnO-5 wt%

Na no Zn O 6.5 wt% Na no ZnO-6.5 wt%

0 0
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Log f (Hz) Log f (Hz)
90 90
(c) (d)
80 80

70 70
-Phase angle (degree)

60 60
-Phase angle (degree)

50 50

40 40

30 Blank sample 30
Nano ZnO- 2 wt% Blank samp le"
20 Nano ZnO- 3.5 wt% 20 Nano ZnO 2 wt%
Nano ZnO 3.5 wt%
Nano ZnO- 5 wt%
10 10 Nano ZnO 5 wt%
Nano ZnO- 6.5 wt% Nano ZnO 6.5 wt%
0 0
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Log f (Hz) Log f (H z )

Fig. 12. Bode plots (phase angle versus frequency) of the nanocomposites exposed to 3.5 wt% NaCl solution, (a) 24 h, (b) 720 h, (c) 1056 h and (d) 1344 h.

nanocomposites (containing 3.5, 5 and 6.5 wt% ZnO nanoparticles)

are positive after 1344 h immersion. Decrease in OCP of the blank
sample is much greater than nanocomposites. The negative values
of OCP of the blank sample can reveal the electrolyte permeation
into the coating/metal interface of this sample. These observations
can reveal that nanoparticles can significantly reduce electrolyte
permeation into the coating/metal interface.
Based on the above explanations, coating containing 3.5 wt%
ZnO nanoparticles showed the highest corrosion resistance. Lower
corrosion resistance of the coatings reinforced with 5 and 6.5 wt%
ZnO nanoparticles than the coating reinforced with 3.5 wt% nano-
ZnO particles can be attributed to two main reasons. First, the
cross-linking densities of the coatings containing 5 and 6.5 wt%
ZnO nanoparticles are lower than the sample including 3.5 wt%
nano-ZnO. Second, high tendency of the nanoparticles to produce
aggregations at high loadings (specially 6.5 wt%) can also lead to a
decrease in barrier properties of the coating.
Variations of Rp and OCP versus cross-linking density of the
coatings are shown in Fig. 14.
Based on the results shown in Fig. 14, the higher cross-linking Fig. 13. Electrical Equivalent circuits for the epoxy coatings exposed to 3.5 wt% NaCl
density of the blank sample did not lead to greater corrosion solution.
resistance of this sample. On the other hand, lower cross-linking
densities of the coatings reinforced with 3.5 and 5 wt% nanopar-
422 B. Ramezanzadeh et al. / Progress in Organic Coatings 72 (2011) 410–422

Table 5
The values of open circuit potential (OCP) of the coatings exposed to 3.5% NaCl solution at different immersion times.

Nanoparticles loading (wt%) E (V) vs. (Ag/AgCl)

Immersion time (h)

24 168 336 720 1056 1344

0.0 −0.015 −0.109 −0.11 −0.164 −0.297 −0.253

2.0 0.084 −0.097 −0.12 −0.169 −0.18 −0.208
3.5 0.234 0.212 0.215 0.163 0.215 0.223
5.0 0.244 0.253 0.161 0.126 0.091 0.053
6.5 0.256 0.155 0.113 0.068 0.068 −0.010

1.6 0.3
3.5 wt% OCP 0.2
5 wt%

E (V) vs Ag/AgCl
Rp (GOhm cm )

0.8 0
6.5 wt%
0.2 0 wt%
2 wt%

0 -0.3
0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.001 0.0012
Cross-linking density (mol/cm )

Fig. 14. Variation of OCP and Rp versus cross-linking density of various nanocomposites exposed to 3.5 wt% NaCl solution.

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