Hamdan 2017
Hamdan 2017
Hamdan 2017
5/6, 2017
1 Introduction
The separation of ownership and management led to the emergence of agency costs, in
addition to information asymmetry (Fama and Jensen, 1983; Jensen and Meckling, 1976).
As a result of this separation, managers could have a control over the corporate processes
and revenues, consequently, shareholders who do not have daily presence in the firm
could not have the same amount of information, as managers do (Cullinan et al., 2012).
Thus, the basic source of information for shareholders and outside interested is the
financial reporting lists prepared by managers and that adds up to the doubt regarding the
credibility of those reports and to their being a representation of shareholders’ interests.
Parallel to the dominance of management over accounting information, a research on the
mechanism which supports shareholders’ interests was conducted. One of which is
corporate governance whose most important element is ownership structure.
Corporate governance has become a manifestation, creating interplays of political,
private, academic, cultural, and economic consequences (Tinker, 2005; Afolabi and Sy,
2016). Generally speaking, it is anticipated that compliance with corporate governance
principles decreases capital costs, has a positive impact on the company’s economic
activities and that such results are reflected on stock returns with the provision of
efficient market conditions (Akdogan and Boyacioglu, 2014). The ownership structure is
considered to be a basic variable of governance variables. A study by Berle and Means
(1932) indicated that the dispersion of ownership in US firms led to managerial
dominance and aggravation of agency problems that contrasted with no-Anglo-American
firms which distinguished by ownership which is concentrated in the hands of a few
number of shareholders. This provides them with power and authority over managers
(Aslan and Kumar, 2014; Kumar and Zattoni, 2014a). But, the strong concentration of
ownership might lead to the loss of minority rights in the company despite constricting
the opportunist managers (Kumar and Zattoni, 2014b). Because GCC financial markets
have become recently aware of the principles of governance which reduce agency
problem between managers and shareholders, we need a supportive mechanism that
contributes to the decrease of dispute intensity, provides a highly credible accounting
information which serve all interested and enhances ownership variables of which is
accounting conservatism.
Accounting conservatism may help reduce information asymmetry between managers
and shareholders which eventually reduces agency costs and better secures the interests
of shareholders (LaFond and Roychowdhury, 2008; Lara et al., 2009). One characteristic
of higher quality accounting information is accounting conservatism, which has been a
characteristic of accounting information for over five hundred years (Basu, 1997). In fact,
accounting conservatism functions as a governance mechanism which serves
management when the behaviour of information asymmetry appears and as a mechanism
to prevent this behaviour (Cullinan et al., 2012).
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The actual contribution of this paper lies in showing how accounting conservatism
can play a significant role in creating equilibrium between shareholders and managers in
emerging markets where governance is low. The paper also argues that accounting
conservatism enhances the role ownership structure plays in improving firm performance.
GCC countries were taken as a sample, these countries have a great extent similar social
milieu, in addition to having a similar economic model and organisational and legal
environments which controlling economic life. Our findings might contribute to: a better
understanding of the mechanism by which GCC firms are run, developing governance,
specifically, as the GCC goes through economic openness for foreign investments and
that exposes firms to a challenge to meet governance principles to secure investors trust.
The remainder of this paper is organised as follows. First, we present the background
literature and develop our research hypotheses. We then discuss the methodology
including data gathering, empirical proxies and models employed. The results of our
analyses are then presented. The paper closes with the implications of our findings and
2 Hypotheses development
monitoring possible are likely to boost the demand for conservatism as part of
institutions’ monitoring efforts. It is difficult to directly monitor firms that have more
growth options and higher information asymmetry. Smith and Watts (1992) point out that
when firms have more growth options, it is more difficult for shareholders to observe
managers’ actions and the full set of growth options from which managers choose
(Ramalingegowda and Yu, 2012). Such an argument leads us to the third hypothesis of
the study:
H3 Accounting conservatism plays a significant role in enhancing the positive impact of
institutional ownership on firm performance.
measurement tools to measure the firm performance. The first one is return on assets
(ROA) and the second one is simple Tobin’s Q.
The modelling and testing of the impact of the moderator variable on the relation
between ownership dimensions and firm performance pass through the following
Initially, the impact of ownership dimensions, in addition to other control variables, is
tested without taking conservatism into consideration in model (1).
FirmPerfitg E 0 E1Concitg E 2 Managitg E3 Instititg E 4 Sizeitg
E 5 Leverageitg E 6 Ageitg E 7 Industryitg E8 Countryitg H itg
Interactive variables between ownership dimensions and accounting conservatism are
created and added to model (2) as follows.
FirmPerfitg E 0 E1 (Conc * Conser )itg E 2 ( Manag * Conser )itg
E3 ( Instit * Conser )itg E 4 Sizeitg E5 Leverageitg (2)
E 6 Ageitg E 7 Industryitg E8 Countryitg H itg
If the interactive variables (Conc * Conser, Manag * Conser and Instit * Conser) shows a
statistical significant and the adjusted R2 in model two increases, this is an indication of
the influence of moderator variable on the relation between the dependent variable and
the independent one.
Table 2 Empirical proxies
Variable Definition and measurement
Firm performance:
Return on assets The ratio of the net income to the total assets
Simple Tobin’s Q Is the (Market value of equity + Book value of short-term
liabilities) ÷Book value of total assets
Ownership dimensions:
Ownership concentration The ratio of total percentage of shareholding by the largest
shareholder (top1) divided by the sum of shareholdings of largest
five shareholders in the company
Managerial ownership Fraction of shares owned by the executive directors
Institutional ownership Fraction of shares owned by the Institutional investors
Moderation variable:
Accounting conservatism Ratio of total accruals to gross profit; calculated by dividing total
accruals on gross profit, the total accruals are calculated according
to cash flow techniques as net income minus operating cash flow
Control variables:
Firm size Logarithm of the company’s total assets
Financial leverage Total debt divided by total assets
Firm age The natural log of the number of years that a firm is listed on an
Industrial dummy Dummy variable that equals one for industrial firms, otherwise
Country dummy Dummy variable that equals one for particular country firms,
otherwise zero
The role of accounting conservatism in the relationship 531
4 Primary results
This part of the study aims to provide advanced descriptive analysis. We do not need to
repeat what past studies had come up to regarding ownership structure and performance
of GCC firms (e.g., Khamis et al., 2015b) or describe levels of conservatism in the
financial report of such firms (e.g., Hamdan et al., 2012), but aim to provide an advanced
analysis of the relation of ownership structure to the performance of GCC firms.
Table 3 Path analysis between ownership structure and firm performance
Ownership structure
Statistics of performance Ownership Ownership Ownership
concentration institutional managerial
Return on assets
Mean of high level 0.447 1.796 3.898
Mean of low level 3.110 1.320 1.184
Difference in mean –2.663 0.476 2.714
t-statistic 5.503*** 0.831 3.303***
p-value 0.000 0.407 0.001
Tobin’s Q
Mean of high level 2.132 1.848 1.462
Mean of low level 1.188 1.479 1.697
Difference in mean 0.944 0.369 -0.235
t-statistic 6.862*** 2.582** –1.131*
p-value 0.000 0.010 0.085
Notes: The t-statistic is based on parametric test two-independent sample t-test. The
difference significance at: *10%; **5% and ***1% levels.
In Table 3, the firms are divided into firms with high ownership concentration,
managerial and institutional ownership, and firms with low ownership concentration,
managerial and Institutional ownership based on the median. The mean of performance
was calculated for both categories of firms. To assure the significance in the variance
between the means of the two samples, the parametric two-independent sample t-test was
From Table 3, we notice that firms with high ownership concentration, the ROA were
0.447%, while firms with low ownership concentration have achieved an ROA 3.11%.
This difference was of statistical significant at 1%. It is clear that ownership
concentration may result in low ROA for GCC firms, due to the intensity of disputes
between owners and management as the firm is run in a way to secure the interests of a
few numbers of owners. Tobin’s Q result often differs from the ROA. Thus, we notice
that firms with high concentration of ownership achieve better Tobin’s Q than those of
low concentration. The Tobin’s Q measurement reflects for investors, the status of the
firm in the market. Ownership concentration in the hands of a few may positively reflect
the situation of the firm in the market. Those who have a control over the firm are mostly
greater businessmen from well-known families of trade as that endows ownership the
trust of investors in the financial market.
As for the institutional ownership, from Table 3 we notice that GCC firms controlled
by institutional ownership have achieved a high level of performance compared to other
532 A.M.M. Hamdan
firms with low institutional ownership. The effect of the institutional ownership is better
demonstrated in the market performance and in the firm name in the financial market
than its actual performance seen in the ROA. This might be referred back to the trust
investors have in institutions that play a role in improving firm governance and in
decreasing conflict of interest because of the experience they have in the field.
Institutions are distinguished for caring about the firm to last and for profitability in the
long run, contrary to the individual investors who only are after profits without any
regard for firm interests and stability. A group of true social-scientific or behavioural
professionals should be inside the corporate organisation propounding an ethic based on
values higher than the economic ones of the corporation (Tinker et al., 2016).
Results presented in Table 3 reflect the mistrust the GCC financial community has in
managerial ownership. It is clear that firms with high managerial ownership have
achieved low performance, according to Tobin’s Q, though such firms with high
managerial ownership achieved satisfactory results according to ROA measurement but
excelled firms with low managerial ownership.
5 Empirical results
Tobin’s Q models
Moderated model by
Variables Non-moderated model
E t-statistic E t-statistic
Constant 3.285 4.364*** 2.217 3.220***
(0.000) (0.001)
Ownership dimensions:
Ownership concentration 0.018 2.605**
Managerial ownership –0.016 –1.114
Institutional ownership 0.014 0.099
Concentration * conservatism 0.031 0.407
Managerial * conservatism 0.022 0.059
Institutional * conservatism 0.010 2.466**
Control variables:
Firm size –0.086 –1.499 –0.002 –0.046
(0.135) (0.964)
Financial leverage 0.580 1.675* 0.292 0.876
(0.095) (0.382)
Firm age –0.018 –2.621*** –0.020 –2.887***
(0.009) (0.004)
Industrial dummy 0.356 1.986*** 0.486 2.654***
(0.003) 0.002
Country dummy 0.592 1.361 0.879 1.499
(0.176) 0.15
R-squared 0.181 0.391
Adjusted R-squared 0.064 0.274
F-statistics 2.551*** 3.348***
Hausman test (Chi2) 0.420 3.785
p-value (Chi2) 0.981 0.706
Notes: t-critical: at df 644, and confidence level of 99% is 2.326 and level of
95% is 1.645 and level of 90% is 1.282. F-critical (df for denominator
n-E-1 = 645-8-1 = 336) and (df for numerator = E = 8 and confidence level of 99%
is 2.51 and confidence level of 95% is 1.94 and confidence level of 10% is 1.67.
The upper value is for t-statistic test and the lower value in brackets (p-value) is
the probability value for this test. Symbols mean significance at: *10%; **5% and
***1% levels.
The role of accounting conservatism in the relationship 535
From the two Tables 4 and 5, it is noticed that Hausman test emphasised the necessity for
using FE for the model ROA and RE for Tobin’s Q model. This implies that GCC firms
have similar environments with regard to organising, size, and work conditions, but
different with regard to market environment in which they operate. This is logical as
every GCC financial market has its own special conditions and different order that copes
with its economic situation. Based on the results in the two Tables 4 and 5, we can
discuss hypotheses test as follows:
firm. Accounting conservatism will enhance the role of managerial ownership in the
performance of GCC firms, seen in the ROA, as the results presented in Table 4
demonstrate. But, the GCC financial community still looks negatively to managerial
ownership. Thus, we find that the effect of this ownership was negative in Tobin’s Q with
no statistical significance, as shown in Table 5. We find that accounting conservatism can
help change this investor negative attitude toward managerial ownership in the firm.
However, we can accept the second hypothesis of the study that accounting conservatism
helps in consolidating the positive role of managerial ownership in firm performance.
The level by which owners can control management behaviour is regarded one of the
basics determining ownership structure. In the changing conditions in which it is difficult
for owners to control all daily problems, managerial ownership can be more efficient in
such conditions for it reduces control costs (Demsetz and Lehn, 1985). In another hand,
increase of ownership from outside the firm will lead to an increase in the asymmetrical
information, i.e., managerial ownership will decrease asymmetrical information
according to the study of Lafond and Roychowdhury (2008).
6 Conclusions
During the latest period, corporate governance found its way to practice in the GCC
financial markets. These markets have recently acknowledged such principles. Due to
that, these markets resorted to commercial law to organise firms and secure interests of
The role of accounting conservatism in the relationship 537
different parties. In this study, we would like to draw the attention to another mechanism
which might help in organising the relation between stakeholders; this mechanism is
accounting conservatism. The study aimed to investigate the role of accounting
conservatism in the relation between ownership structure and performance. It
investigated three dimensions of ownership structures: ownership concentration,
managerial ownership, and institutional ownership. It explained firm performance
through two different measures: ROA and Tobin’s Q. Sample of the study consisted of
215 firms from all gulf countries for the period 2013–2015.
In summary, accounting conservatism in GCC financial markets play a significant
role in reducing asymmetrical information and in improving control over management
behaviour and governance. The study also showed that ownership concentration has a
negative effect on the ROA, while accounting conservatism reduces this negative effect
and presents useful information that might help to fairly asses’ firm investors. It was also
made clear that conservatism plays a role in consolidating the positive relation between
managerial ownership and firm performance. Conservatism also makes investors trust
managerial ownership. Finally, accounting conservatism enhances the role of institutional
ownership in improving performance of GCC firms as this kind of ownership enjoys
acceptance and trust of investors in GCC markets.
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