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Clinical Sheets

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General Gynecological sheet

1)Personal History: (NAM PORSH)

Name , age, marital status,

gravidity and parity, occupation, residence, special habits, husband data (in infertility sheet)

2) Complaint:

 The most distressing symptom (why she is admitted in the hospital)

 Written in the patient’s own words
 Mention the duration

3) Present history:

 Analysis of the complaint (onset, course, duration)

 Analysis of other gynecological complaints (bleeding, mass, pain, discharge)
 Analysis of causes and consequences of this complain
 Analysis of treatment and investigations
 Review of other systems

4) Menstrual history:

 Menarche , Rhythm,
 Duration/ Frequency (menstrual index)
 Amount of menstrual blood (change how many pads per day)
 Dysmenorrhea, PMS
 Intermenstrual pain bleeding, discharge

NB: L.M.P (unacceptable to forget it, in some sheets as bleeding, infertility, obstetric sheet…. it
needs to start within the present history even)
5) Obstetric history:

 4-Digit Code: F P A L

Full term Preterm Abortion Living

 For each pregnancy (whether term, preterm, abortion, ectopic, v.mole)

Year of GA at Outcome Mode of place Pregnancy Postpartum lactation

pregnancy termination delivery/ complicati complications
/ delivery termination ons

 Contraception:

method, duration , complications

6) Past history:

 Past Medical disorders e.g. HTN, DM, BA, TB, RHD, RF, bilharziasis.
 Past Surgical
 Allergy

7) Family history:

 Similar condition
 Medical disorders e.g. HTN, DM
 Twins

8) Provisional Diagnosis:

Name, Age, Gravidity and parity, Complain and its duration in medical terms,

Most probable DD, relevant medical problems, relevant surgical procedures done
II. Obstetric sheet
1) Personal history : (NAM PORSH)
- Name - Age - Marital state

-Gravidity and parity

e.g. 4th gravida para 3 with 3 living offsprings

(don’t say G4 P3 )

-Occupation -Residence - special habits of medical importance

2) Complaint:
She is pregnant in the …. Month and coming for antenatal care due to …..

3) Present history:
 She is pregnant …. Weeks as calculated from the 1st day of her L.M.P. which was on…..
 Review of the 1st trimester:
 nausea
 vomiting
 bleeding
 Review of the 2nd trimester:
 perception of fetal movement (quickening)
 relieve of first trimesteric symptoms
 Review of the 3rd trimester: Warning symptoms :
 headache , blurring of vision, vomiting
 epigastric pain, Rt hypochondrial pain
 number of fetal movement
 vaginal bleeding , gush of fluid
 LL oedema
 Analysis of the complaint
 Analysis of investigations and treatment
 Review of other system

4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Menstrual history, Obstetric history , Past history, Family history, Diagnosis:

All as general sheet
III. Bleeding sheet

1)Personal history: as general sheet

2)Complaint: Excessive or Irregular or Excessive irregular vaginal bleeding for how long

3) Present history:
 Analysis of the complaint:(menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, menometrorrhagia)
 onset, course ,duration , amount of bleeding (number of pads, clots)
 Analysis of other related gynecological complaints :
 pain (type,site,radiation,severity,…..)
 mass (onset, course, duration,site,..)
 discharge (amount, colour, odour ,itching)
 Analysis of the causes :
 preceding event e.g. period of amenorrhea, I.U.D. insertion, injectables
 contact bleeding
 bleeding from other body orifices, ecchymosis
 thyroid disorders
 heart disease (dyspnea ,palpitation ,L.L.O. ,….)
 hypertension
 Analysis of the Consequences: anemia ( dyspnea, easy fatigability, blurring of vision)
 Analysis of investigations and treatment : U/S, D&C, CBC, coagulation profile
 Review of other systems.

4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Menstrual, Obstetric, Past, Family history, Diagnosis: as general sheet

Modifications in a case of postmenopausl bleeding

1)Personal History: if widow or divorced should be stated

2) Complaint: vaginal bleeding after ……. years of cessation of menstruation.

3) Present history:

 Duration of menopause
 Symptoms suggestive of distant metastasis:
 Lung (cough , hemoptysis,..) Liver ( rt hypochondrial pain , jaundice )
 Bone ( aches and pathological fractures ) Brain ( projectile vomiting ,
 G.I.T. symptoms ( vomiting , constipation , bleeding per rectum)
IV.Genital prolapse sheet
1)Personal history: as general sheet
2)Complaint: mass protruding from the vulva , sense of heaviness + duration

3)Present history:

 Analysis of the complaint:

 Onset , course , duration,
 effect of straining and lying down, (mention if the onset was following delivery)
 Analysis of other gynecological symptoms:
 bleeding( menorrhagia)
 pain ( congestive dysmenorrhea)
 discharge (leucorrhea)
N.B. these are the triad of pelvic congestion due to prolapse.
 Analysis of the consequences :
 urinary symptoms: frequency, nocturia, dysuria, sense of incomplete evacuation,
urine retention, loin pain, pyelonephritis, stress incontinence, inability to complete
micturition except after digital reduction of the mass.
 rectal symptoms: inability to complete defecation except after digital reduction of
the mass , constipation , incontinence to flatus or stools ( if associated with
complete perineal tear)
 sexual troubles: dyspareunia
 backache (traction on uterosacral ligaments in uterine prolapsed)
 Analysis of the Causes:
 precipitating factors: chronic cough , chronic constipation, obesity
 predisposing factors: symptoms suggestive of weak mesenchyme e.g. hernia, flat
foot, varicose v.
 Analysis of investigations and treatment: previous repair , use of pessary
 Review of Other systems:

4) 6) 7) 8) Menstrual, Past, Family history, Diagnosis: the same as general sheet

5) in Obstetric history: It is important to ask whether her deliveries were difficult and prolonged
ended with use of forceps of ventouse ,delivery of macrosomic baby
V. Infertility sheet
1) Personal history As general sheet plus
 ask about previous marriage
 children from previous marriage
 the age of the youngest child
 husband personal history: age/ occupation/ smoking/ another marriage and the age
of the youngest child from the other marriage.
2) Complaint : Failure of conception for …….. years despite of regular marital life
3) Present history:
 Duration of her current marriage:
 Analysis of the causes:
 Male factor of infertility:
o semen analysis ( results, time) - treatment (nature, duration, result)
o previous operations (hernia, varicocele) - medical disorders and drugs.
 Ovarian factor:
o symptoms suggestive of ovulation (regular cycles ,spasmodic dysmenorrhea,
premenstrual mastalgia, intermenstrual bleeding ,pain and discharge)
o hirsuitism , oligomenorrhea ,hypomenorrhea (P.C.O.)
o symptoms suggestive of ovarian failure (hot flushes , nervousness , bony aches)
 Tubal factor:
o symptoms suggestive of salpingitis ( bilateral lower abdominal pain associated
with offensive vaginal discharge, fever and chills)
o previous abdominal operations that may lead to adhesions
 Uterine factor :
o previous dilatation and curettage followed by decrease in the amount of menstrual
flow ( suggestive Asherman syndrome)
 Cervical factor: vaginal discharge + backache, erosion, cautery, cervical amputation
 Sexual factor: Fequency per week, Dyspareunia ( superficial or deep ), vaginismus,
effluvium seminis
 Analysis of investigations and treatment :
 Investigations as: hormonal profile, hystrosalpingography , sonohystrography,
premenstrual endometrial biopsy, folliculometry, laparoscopy ( mention the results )
 Induction of ovulation : tablets, injections, how long,
 History of Tuboplasty
 Previous ART (IUI, ICSI)
 Review of other systems: General or Endocrine as thyroid dysfunction, DM, TB,
4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Menstrual, Obstetric, Past, Family histories and Diagnosis: as General Sheet.
VI. Primary Amenorrhea sheet
1)Personal history: As general sheet
2)Complaint: Non occurrence of menstruation Or Absence of menstruation

3) Present history:

 Analysis of the complaint a case of primary amenorrhea till age of ….

 Development of secondary sexual characters : breast development, pubic hair,

axillary hair

 Analysis of the cause:

 Hypothalamic cause: psychological disorders, stress, anosmia, head trauma, drugs
 Pituitary causes: galactorrhea , symptoms suggestive of increased intra cranial tension,
visual field changes
 Ovarian causes: hirsuitism, deepening of voice , pelvi-abdominal mass
 Uterine causes: History suggestive of T.B.( night fever ,night sweat, loss of weight, loss
of appetite)

 Out flow obstruction (cryptomenorrhea): cyclic lower abdominal pain , progressive

abdominal swelling, if +ve ask about urine retention .

 General causes: thyroid dysfunction, DM, severe debilitating disease

 Analysis of investigations and treatment:

 Hormonal profile, ultrasound, IVP, MRI
 Progesterone withdrawal
 E .+P. withdrawal

 Review of other systems

4)5)No menstrual or obstetric history

7)Family history: ask about similar condition in the family (her sisters)

6)8) Past history and Diagnosis: as general Sheet

Modifications in case of 2ry amenorrhea

1)Personal history: as above

2)Complaint: cessation of menstruation for …..(how long)

3)Present history:

 Exclusion of pregnancy:
 pregnancy symptoms (nausea, vomiting, abdominal enlargement)
 pregnancy test

 Analysis of the last pregnancy event:

 post partum hemorrhage ( amount , cause, blood transfusion )
 puerperal sepsis ( fever , offensive lochia)
 in case of abortion ask about ( fever , D&C, offensive discharge )

 Hormonal treatment: e.g. injectable contraception

 Hypothalamic cause: psychological troubles

 Pituitary cause:
 galactorrhea
 symptoms suggestive of pituitary adenoma ( increased I.C.T. ,
visual field changes)

 Ovarian cause :
 hirsuitism , deepening of voice , pelvi-abdominal mass
 hot flushes , nervousness, bony aches

 Uterine cause:
 Symptoms suggestive of T.B.
 history of D&C (overcurettage suggestive of Asherman syndrome)

 General cause:
 As 1ry amenorrhea
N.B. menstrual history taken about menstrual condition before amenorrhea

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