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ISO 45004
Occupational health and safety First edition
management — Guidelines on 2024-03
performance evaluation
iTeh Standards
Management de la santé et de la sécurité au travail — Lignes
directrices relative à l'évaluation des performances
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ISO 45004:2024

Reference number
ISO 45004:2024(en) © ISO 2024
ISO 45004:2024(en)

iTeh Standards
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ISO 45004:2024


© ISO 2024
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ISO 45004:2024(en)

Contents Page

Foreword..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. v
1 Scope.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
3 Terms and definitions................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
4 Performance evaluation........................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4.1 General.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
4.2 Why performance evaluation is important................................................................................................................................ 2
5 Performance evaluation process..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5.1 General.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................2
5.2 Elements of a performance evaluation process...................................................................................................................... 3
5.3 Performance evaluation sources of information and tools...........................................................................................3
5.3.1 General......................................................................................................................................................................................................3
5.3.2 Inspections............................................................................................................................................................................................3
5.3.3 Pre-activity and post-activity reviews......................................................................................................................... 4
5.3.4 Exposure assessments and occupational health surveillance................................................................4
5.3.5 Health and safety meetings....................................................................................................................................................5
5.3.6 Focus groups........................................................................................................................................................................................5
5.3.7 Surveys......................................................................................................................................................................................................5
5.3.8 Interviews.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
iTeh Standards
5.3.9 Injury and ill health tracking................................................................................................................................................ 6
5.3.10 Incident investigations................................................................................................................................................................6
5.3.11 Audits.........................................................................................................................................................................................................7
5.3.12 Management review......................................................................................................................................................................7
6 Performance indicators
6.1 General
Document Preview
............................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
6.2 Selection of performance indicators.................................................................................................................................................7
6.3 Key characteristics of indicators ISO 45004:2024
.......................................................................................................................................................... 8
6.4 Life cycle of indicators ...................................................................................................................................................................................
6.5 Types of indicators.........................................................................................................................................................................................10
6.5.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................................10
6.5.2 Leading and lagging indicators........................................................................................................................................11
6.5.3 Quantitative and qualitative...............................................................................................................................................11
6.5.4 Potential unintended consequences........................................................................................................................... 12
6.5.5 Value and limitations of benchmarking................................................................................................................... 13
7 Integration of OH&S performance evaluation into business processes............................................................. 13
8 Monitor, measure, analyse and evaluate.............................................................................................................................................. 14
8.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
8.2 Uncertainty.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
8.3 Monitor and measure................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
8.4 Analyse.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
8.5 Evaluate...................................................................................................................................................................................................................16
9 Communication............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
10 Act on results..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
11 Review performance evaluation processes...................................................................................................................................... 17
Annex A (informative) Performance evaluation examples.................................................................................................................. 19
Bibliography.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30

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ISO 45004:2024(en)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
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in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the different types
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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 283, Occupational health and safety
Any feedback or questions on this Document
document should be Preview
directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www.iso.org/members.html.

ISO 45004:2024

© ISO 2024 – All rights reserved

ISO 45004:2024(en)

This document is intended to help organizations to effectively monitor, measure, analyse and evaluate
occupational health and safety (OH&S) performance.
OH&S performance evaluation includes the processes that the organization uses to assess the adequacy of
activities that are expected to achieve intended results. OH&S performance is normally evaluated by using
a combination of processes and sources of information such as incident investigations, inspections, audits,
qualitative and quantitative indicators, culture surveys and interviews.
This document gives guidance on performance evaluation processes, including:
— selection and use of performance processes including indicators;
— monitoring and measuring to obtain data;
— analysing the data to allow performance of evaluation;
— unintended consequences;
— limitations, such as under- and over-reporting, and data distortion.
This document can be used by organizations of all types, regardless of whether they have implemented a
formal OH&S management system (see ISO 45001 and ISO 45002).
This document provides examples which demonstrate how to evaluate performance to drive continual
improvement and support the organization in achieving its intended results.
iTeh Standards
This document recommends a balanced approach based on selection of performance evaluation processes

and indicators, with emphasis on proactive (leading) OH&S performance indicators. It recognizes that over-
emphasis on past performance (lagging) indicators, such as incidence and frequency rates, can undermine
efforts to improve OH&S performance.
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As every organization is unique, and intended results vary, there is not a standardized set of performance
evaluation processes or set of indicators that fulfil the needs of all organizations. Therefore, every
organization has to identify performance evaluation processes and indicators to suit its needs.
ISO 45004:2024
Effective performance evaluation can help the organization to demonstrate continual improvement, and
therefore may need to be adjusted when the organization’s performance changes. Effectiveness is the
result of selecting the appropriate performance evaluation processes and properly implementing them.
When performance evaluation processes are used inappropriately (e.g. in a way that is perceived to blame
individuals for system deficiencies), they can produce unintended consequences. The most common of these
consequences are discussed in this document.
This document is designed to complement ISO 45001 by providing performance evaluation approaches that
align with requirements of that standard. This document can be used independently, by any organization, to
improve OH&S performance.

© ISO 2024 – All rights reserved

iTeh Standards
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ISO 45004:2024
International Standard ISO 45004:2024(en)

Occupational health and safety management — Guidelines on

performance evaluation

1 Scope
This document gives guidance regarding how organizations can establish monitoring, measurement,
analysis and evaluation processes, including the development of relevant indicators for the assessment
of occupational health and safety (OH&S) performance. It enables organizations to determine if intended
results are being achieved, including continual improvement of OH&S performance.
This document is applicable to all organizations regardless of type, industry sector, level of risk, size or
location. It can be used independently or as part of OH&S management systems, including those based on
ISO 45001:2018, or other standards or guidelines.

2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes
requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
iTeh Standards
ISO 45001:2018, Occupational health and safety management systems — Requirements with guidance for use

3 Terms and definitions

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For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 45001:2018 and the following
ISO 45004:2024
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://​w ww​.iso​.org/​obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https://​w ww​.electropedia​.org/​
process to determine a value
Note 1 to entry: Measurement can relate to managing activities, processes, products, services, systems or

[SOURCE: ISO 45001:2018, 3.31, modified — Note 1 to entry replaced.]

variable that can be measured or described, representing the status or a characteristic of operations,
processes, management, and conditions or outcomes
Note 1 to entry: Indicators are generally measurable and can be quantitative or qualitative.

Note 2 to entry: Lagging indicators relate to past performance.

Note 3 to entry: Leading indicators relate to factors that can influence future performance.

Note 4 to entry: Some organizations use the term “metric” instead of “indicator”.

© ISO 2024 – All rights reserved

ISO 45004:2024(en)

Note 5 to entry: Significant indicators used to direct decision-making by top management are sometimes referred to
as “key performance indicators (KPIs)”.

4 Performance evaluation

4.1 General
Performance evaluation is a process or set of processes that compares performance achieved by an
organization against intended results. The organization’s intended results can include continual
improvement of OH&S performance, achievement of OH&S objectives, and fulfilment of legal requirements
and other requirements.
The organization should take into account that there are many sources of information that can provide
input to performance evaluation (see 5.3). The organization should consider using a variety of sources of
information as inputs to achieve a more comprehensive assessment, as a single source used in isolation can
lead to an incomplete or inaccurate assessment.
Clause A.3 provides examples of processes that can help achieve intended results.

4.2 Why performance evaluation is important

The intent of performance evaluation is to assist the organization in determining the extent to which
intended results are being achieved.
For example, performance evaluation allows the organization to determine:
a) iTeh Standards
if top management is demonstrating commitment to and support for OH&S;
which processes are achieving planned results and which are not;
c) the degree of variation in processes or activities that affect OH&S performance and the causes of those
variations; Document Preview
d) if there are opportunities or if there is a need for actions to improve processes.
ISO 45004:2024
Performance evaluation is essential to ensure effective management of OH&S performance and to contribute
to the effectiveness of the organization’s decision-making process(es).

5 Performance evaluation process

5.1 General
When implementing the performance evaluation process, the organization should take into account:
a) its processes (e.g. purchasing, planning, manufacturing, service provision, logistics, training) relevant
to its context and activities (e.g. working at height, permit to work, exposure assessment);
b) the effectiveness of OH&S management, including worker participation, hazard identification,
assessment of risk and risk controls;
c) its conscious or unconscious assumptions about OH&S that influence organizational behaviour;
EXAMPLE It is a common erroneous assumption that incidents are always caused by unsafe behaviour by
workers. Similarly, it is often erroneously assumed that a low incident rate always means the workplace is safe.

d) organizational culture that influences behaviours that affect OH&S (e.g. reporting OH&S incidents or
issues is encouraged and supported, without fear of reprisal);
e) interdependencies within the system (e.g. the effectiveness of inspections can depend on the time
available, training of inspectors and the willingness of workers to report issues to inspectors);

© ISO 2024 – All rights reserved

ISO 45004:2024(en)

f) processes of the organization that can impact OH&S performance.

NOTE Examples of processes that can impact OH&S performance are provided in Clause A.1.

5.2 Elements of a performance evaluation process

The organization should undertake specific performance evaluation processes to determine if the intended
results are being achieved. The organization should take into account the types of activities being undertaken
when considering the frequency and nature of performance evaluation processes.
The organization should:
a) establish the intended results;
b) determine what should be done to achieve the intended results;
c) choose the performance evaluation processes, sources of information and tools (see 5.3);
d) determine the information needed (e.g. inspection results, evaluation outcomes, audit findings) and
whether it is possible to obtain it (see 5.3);
e) monitor, measure, analyse and evaluate performance (see Clause 8);
f) take action based on evaluation of performance (see Clause 10);
g) review unintended consequences (see 6.5.4);
h) take action to address issues identified within the performance evaluation process and its results (see
Clause 11). iTeh Standards
5.3 Performance evaluation sources of information and tools

5.3.1 General Document Preview

The organization should determine the most effective performance evaluation sources of information
ISO 45004:2024
and tools to evaluate if intended results are being achieved. This activity should include consultation with
workers or worker representatives.
The organization should consider OH&S processes such as training, risk assessments, contractor safety
and management of change, or information acquired from incidents such as near misses, overexposure to
airborne contaminants, injuries, chemical spills or illnesses. Further information on the selection and use of
indicators is provided in Clause 6.
Subclauses 5.3.2 to 5.3.12 provide a list of the most common sources of information and tools; however, the
list is not exhaustive. The organization should take into account that there are many sources of information
that can provide input to performance evaluation (see 5.3). These sources of information may include non-
OH&S business processes and activities.
The organization should identify additional sources of information or tools where appropriate due to the
nature of work, type of OH&S hazards and exposures, and level of risk.
The organization should respect the confidentiality, protection of privacy and sensitive information of
workers throughout the performance evaluation process.

5.3.2 Inspections

Inspections can provide organizations with relatively quick, efficient means for reviewing the status of
OH&S risk control implementation, progress toward and achievement of objectives, and fulfilment of legal
requirements and other requirements.

© ISO 2024 – All rights reserved

ISO 45004:2024(en)

The organization can use inspections to:

a) observe and learn from workers how work is actually being done;
b) acquire both general and specific information (e.g. work conditions; if workers are using controls as
intended; fulfilment of legal requirements and other requirements);
c) acquire information on more than one aspect of OH&S performance at one time (e.g. correct use of
personal protective equipment (PPE); operation of ventilation systems and other controls; how workers
interact and collaborate; safe use of machinery or equipment; opportunities for improvement);
d) gain insight into hazards and risks and why incidents happen, as well as to assess high-risk and non-
routine work performances which were successful;
e) review information related to processes (e.g. procedures during equipment breakdowns).
The organization should consider if it is useful to implement regular inspections for specific OH&S objectives
(e.g. daily checks of safety-critical equipment such as cranes, ventilation, chemical enclosures or safety
devices on power presses).

5.3.3 Pre-activity and post-activity reviews

Pre-activity reviews (sometimes referred to as “pre-job reviews”, “pre-task reviews” or “dynamic risk
assessments”) and post-activity reviews (sometimes called “post-job debriefs” or “after-action reviews”) can
be a rich source of performance evaluation information. The organization should consider the use of pre-
and post-activity reviews, to acquire information on aspects such as:
iTeh Standards
resource issues, including the need for more workers or workers with different skills, equipment repair,
availability and condition of safety-critical items such as ventilation systems, air quality monitoring and

machine guards;
competence gaps and the potential need for training;
c) gaps in the fulfilment of legalDocument
requirements and otherPreview
d) current working conditions compared with those anticipated when the job was planned;
ISO 45004:2024
effectiveness of hazard identification and assessment of risks, and identification of opportunities;
f) effectiveness of existing controls, procedures and processes;
g) the protection of privacy and personal data as reported.
The organization should ensure that workers involved in the task participate in pre- and post-activity
reviews, and determine the necessary actions to be taken to ensure information is comprehensive and

5.3.4 Exposure assessments and occupational health surveillance

The organization should use information from exposure assessment monitoring and health surveillance
programmes to help evaluate the effectiveness of processes and controls (e.g. ventilation, hearing protection)
and determine the level of exposure before harm to workers occurs.
The organization should compare exposures against established OH&S criteria and determine if levels are
The organization should use health surveillance programmes to identify signs or symptoms of ill health.
To understand OH&S performance, the organization should measure and monitor exposure to health
hazards, such as:
— chemical (e.g. liquids, gases, other airborne contaminants);

© ISO 2024 – All rights reserved

ISO 45004:2024(en)

— biological (e.g. toxins, viruses, bacteria, fungi, animal bites);

— physical (e.g. excessive heat or cold, noise, radiation, vibration);
— psychosocial (e.g. work overload, bullying, stress);
— ergonomic (e.g. repetitive movement, tasks requiring awkward postures, manual handling).
The organization should take into account that it can take months or years before negative effects of exposure
result in symptoms of ill health. The organization should combine the data from health surveillance and
exposure assessments. The organization can take into account additional information resulting from worker
information including vulnerable groups (e.g. pregnant women, disabled workers) and surveys to evaluate
the effectiveness of controls and identify opportunities for improvement.
The organization should protect the confidentiality of the personal health surveillance data.

5.3.5 Health and safety meetings

If appropriate to its size and the number of workers, the organization can implement health and safety
meetings at different levels of the organization (e.g. corporate, facility, department, work team). The
organization should consider using the results of safety meetings as part of the performance evaluation
process, to analyse information from other activities and sources, such as injury and ill health rates, incident
investigations, exposure assessment data, results of surveys or findings from inspections. The organization
should take into account the objectives of meetings to determine their frequency and who participates.

5.3.6 Focus groups

iTeh Standards
The organization should consider the use of temporary focus groups to gain insight and improve
understanding of specific concerns and topics of interest. A focus group can consist of a small number of
people more closely related to the issue of concern or with knowledge of the subject, and the organization
should consider this mechanism when it needs to acquire a deeper understanding of a particular issue.
The organization can use short-term Preview
focus groups for activities such as identifying opportunities to improve
OH&S performance, how a task is performed, or to explore the underlying causes of process failures, such
as why workers are reluctant to report an incident. The organization should ensure the focus group is
ISO 45004:2024
facilitated in an unbiased way and that the workers involved feel comfortable to share information.
EXAMPLE Focus groups can be used when an organization does not understand the results of a culture survey
and wants to learn why workers responded in a certain way.

5.3.7 Surveys

The organization should consider using surveys to acquire insight on aspects such as organizational culture,
evaluation of OH&S performance related to internal and external issues, needs of interested parties, work
environment, health and well-being, or perception of effectiveness of processes and controls.
Surveys can be integrated into existing employee surveys and performed at different levels of the
organization and with relevant interested parties, depending on the subject of the survey. The organization
should consider the use of anonymous surveys, when appropriate (e.g. for potentially sensitive issues such
as the work environment, psychological health and safety, psychosocial factors, effective leadership or
potentially unsafe working practices).
NOTE Surveys can be helpful to quantify issues or clarify if concerns are limited to a small number of workers
or more general. They can also provide qualitative indicators or information if they include open questions where
responders can provide their insights.

5.3.8 Interviews

The organization should consider the use of formal and informal interviews with workers at all levels to
gather information on hazards, the effectiveness of controls, performance of the management system or
business processes, adverse health symptoms, recent experiences, how workers are feeling, their concerns

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