1.-ISC-History 040424 2025
1.-ISC-History 040424 2025
1.-ISC-History 040424 2025
There will be two papers in the subject: Muslim League’s Direct Action and its
Paper I: Theory 3 hours ------ 80 marks impact.
Paper II: Project Work --------20 marks 1947: Attlee’s Declaration of 20th February
1947; Mountbatten Plan – main features:
PAPER I (THEORY) – 80 Marks reasons for acceptance of the Plan by
major political parties.
SECTION A Modifications in the Indian Independence
2. Establishment of Indian democracy (1947 –
1. Towards Independence and Partition: the
Last Phase (1935-1947)
(i) The main objectives and growth of the The following should be discussed:
Kisan Sabha movement. (i) The role of Sardar Patel in the
(ii) Growth of communalism (Hindu & reorganization and integration of princely
Muslim) (1930s-1940s).
(iii) Government of India Act, 1935. states.
(ii) Problems of integrating Junagarh,
The main features of Government of India
Act, 1935 should be explained. A critical Hyderabad and Kashmir.
account of the election of 1937. A summary (iii) First general election (1952): problems of
of the main developments under Congress preparation and their solutions, process,
and non-Congress ministries should be result and impact of the elections.
(iv) The linguistic reorganization of states:
(iv) National Movement during the Second
Features of the States Reorganisation Act,
World War:
1956 with particular reference to Andhra,
Reasons behind the August Offer and the
Cripps Mission. The proposals and the Bombay and Punjab.
reasons for their rejection leading directly 3. Development of Indian Democracy (1964 –
to the Quit India Resolution. A compact 1977)
account of the movement, its suppression
and a brief analysis of its significance. The following to be discussed:
(v) Subhash Chandra Bose and the INA. (i) Lal Bahadur Shastri – his contributions as
Prime Minister
Bose’s organisation of the INA, a brief
account of its operations, eventual defeat (ii) Importance of the election of 1967
and significance. (iii) Main Opposition political parties and their
(vi) Transfer of power (1945-1947): ideologies – Socialist Party (SP);
Reasons for change in the attitude of the Communist Party of India (CPI);
British government after World War II. Communist Party of India (Marxist
Cabinet Mission: its aims and major (CPI(M)); Bharatiya Jan Sangh;
provisions. Shiromani Akali Dal.
Controversy between Congress and League (iv) Naxal Movement: factors of its rise; main
over the question of: (a) grouping of leaders (Charu Majumdar and Kanu
provinces under the terms of the Plan Sanyal); areas where they operated (West
(b) being part of the Constituent Assembly Bengal and Andhra Pradesh) and the
(c) being part of the Interim Government. struggle carried out by peasants and
Election to the Constituent Assembly and students.; government measures against it;
the results.