Application options
The FD+ application allows you to verify squared and rectangular
foundations cast with or without pocket/sleeve.
External loads can optionally apply centrically or with a uniaxial
or biaxial eccentricity.
The software application calculates the soil pressure underneath
the four corner points and the position of the zero-line in case of
a gaping joint.
The required flexural reinforcement is calculated for the
foundation and the punching shear resistance verification is
You can optionally calculate the required connection
reinforcement (Option "Connection Reinforcement" under
The flexural design is performed at the centre of the column (axis) – the graph of the moment will be rounded.
Optional it is performed at the column edge.
Connected programs
Interfaces to other FRILO design programs:
see fig. on the right
The additional option can also be tested for 30 days without a licence. If a function is selected from this
option and no licence is available, the programme asks whether the 30-day test period should begin.
Basis of calculation
Reinforced concrete
DIN EN 1997-1:2010
ÖNORM B 1997-1:2010/2013
BS EN 1997-1:2007/2014
NF EN 1997-1:2018
PN EN 1997-1:2011
EN EN 1997-1:2009
Nationale Bemessungsnormen
DIN 1054:2005/2010/2021
DIN 4017:2006
DIN 4019:2014
ÖNORM B 4435-2:1999
NF P 94-261:2013
BS 8004:2005
still available:
DIN 1045:1988
DIN 1045-1 (2001 + 2008)
ÖNORM B4700:2001
DIN 1054:1976
The punching shear resistance is verified in accordance with the selected reinforced concrete standard. The
constructive rules specified by the Booklets 240 and 525 issued by the German Committee for Reinforced
Concrete DAfStb are optionally considered.
The decisive reduced shear force Qred is calculated by reducing the existing column load by the reaction force
of the soil pressure portion attributed to the base surface of the punching cone.
The shear resistance verification is performed if the foundation geometry produces a uniaxial supporting
- In combination with a rough/toothed pocket surface, the punching cone can be assumed outgoing from
the surface of the pocket because the effect of the composite action allows such load distribution.
- In combination with a smooth pocket surface, the column base is considered to be the upper boundary of
the punching cone.
- If the total bottom face of the foundation is inside the punching cone assumed with an inclination angle of
45 degrees, the verification can be dispensed with.
The column moments and horizontal forces are decomposed into the equivalent force groups Ho and Hu. An
inclined strut D results. The inner lever arm z depends on the roughness of the surfaces. The limiting cases
"smooth pocket surface, no bond" and "rough pocket surface, full bond" are distinguished. The lever arm z is
assumed to be approximately 6/10 of the penetration depth t with no bond. With full bond, its value is
multiplied with 1.4. If the bond is not ensured by appropriate measures, additional reinforcement should be
installed to compensate the lower force component Hu.
Case 1:
The distances of two opposite column or pocket sides to the foundation edges
are smaller than or equal to the statically effective height d. At the same time, the
distance of one of the remaining sides to the foundation edge is greater than d
(see illustration 1).
Illustration 1:
a1 and a2 <= d
a3 and/or a4 > d
In this case, only shear resistance, not punching shear resistance, is verified.
If the pressure is unevenly distributed along the shear section, the shear resistance is verified in the area with
high pressure (see illustration 1a).
Shear force resultant with variable pressure distribution along the shear section.
Examined area of the resulting shear force in the shear resistance verification section
Illustration 1a
Case 2:
The dimensions of the pocket or column are comparable to those of a wall.
a1 > d and a2 > d and cx > a1 + a2 + cy + cy + Ls (Ls ≥ 1 m)
According to Booklet 240 of the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete DAfStb, the punching shear
resistance for walls on stiff foundations is verified on an equivalent system where a square column (cy · cy) is
positioned on a symmetrical rectangular foundation at the wall end.
The shear resistance is only verified if a wall is at least as long as the two equivalent systems at the wall ends
plus an addition Ls (length of the shear section).
If Ls < 1 m, a minimum length of 1 m is taken into account (see ill. 2).
The shear resistance verification is performed in the central area of the wall between the two equivalent
systems. In addition, the punching shear resistance is verified on an equivalent column with a side lengths
ratio of 1:1.5.
If the foundation height h >= 1 m, the foundation height h is set for the length of the shear section Ls.
Illustration 2:
Case 3:
The distance of one side of the column or pocket to the foundation edge is smaller
than d and the distance of at least one other side of the column or pocket to the
foundation edge is greater than d, but the conditions of case 1 are not satisfied. At the
same time, the length of the column or pocket must at least be equal to 2d (see
illustration 3).
Illustration 3:
In this case, punching shear resistance is verified on an equivalent column with a side lengths ratio of 1:1.5.
The shear resistance is verified in the area of the wall.
If the pressure is unevenly distributed along the shear section in the area of the wall, shear resistance is
verified in the area with high pressure (see illustration 1a).
If a wall is as long as or exceeds the minimum length defined in case 3 and is located at the edge, the
software examines if the border or central area of the wall has higher shear reinforcement and perfoms a
shear resistance verification in this area.
For the verification of punching shear resistance it is recommended to specify a total load factor for the
punching shear load in the program.
In the standards based on the partial safety concept, the limit distance d specified in the cases above is
defined as 1.5 d.
The option “shear force as beam” in the Design menu allows you to verify shear force resistance on a beam
instead of a plate.
DIN EN 1997-1
ÖNORM EN 1997-1
BS EN 1997-1
NF EN 1997-1
PN EN 1997-1
DIN 1054:1976/2005/2021
NF P94-261:2013
BS 8004:2015
Position stability
When performing the verification of the position stability in accordance with Eurocodes, the stabilising and
destabilising moments are determined on the four outer edges of the foundation. If the result load cases are
used instead of the characteristic ones, no reduction factors are considered in the calculation of the
stabilising and destabilising moments. In this case, only self-weight is multiplied with the partial safety factors
that have a favourable or unfavourable effect.
Gaping joint
Under permanent loads, in the German-speaking area no gaping joint must occur and under the total load,
gaping of the foundation joint is allowed only up to the centre of gravity. The limitation of the gaping joint for
permanent and variable loads according to first and second order theory can be set user-defined. In
combination with Eurocodes, the calculation of the gaping joint is based on representative instead of
characteristic loads.
If design values are used instead of characteristic loads (Basic parametersType of actions), the loads are
reduced to the characteristic level with the help of reduction factors before considering the gaping joint. In this
connection, it is important to define whether the individual load cases are the result of permanent loads
exclusively or of both, permanent and variable loads. A gaping joint up to the centre of gravity is only
permitted for the combination of permanent and variable loads. It is not permitted if only permanent loads
equivalent area for the design value of the bearing pressure is based on representative instead of
characteristic loads.
If design values are used instead of characteristic loads the loads are reduced to the characteristic level with
the help reduction of factors before considering the equivalent area. The design value of the bearing pressure
is obtained by dividing the design value of the vertical loads by the representative or characteristic equivalent
area. As additional information, the software determines the inclination of the characteristic or representative
bearing pressure resultant in order to check whether the inclination is suitable for a simplified verification.
the effective perpendicular output stresses of the ground. These criteria are verified at the deepest point of
the last defined soil layer and there is an appropriate message about it in the printout.
It can happen, that highly compressible soil layers are present below the determined settlement effective
depth, therefore the depths of the layers greater than the limit depth can be defined by the program. The
settlements are calculated according to DIN 4019:2014 (3) for a rigid foundation in the characteristic point
(see DIN 4019:2014, figure 3).
At first, the program calculates the settlement s, which consists of the immediate settlement s0 and the
consolidation settlement s1.
s = s0 + s 1
sges = s + s2
If eccentricities occur in the decisive superpositions or the significant load case for the settlement calculation,
the additional settlement part Delta S is calculated. If there is a gaping joint, then the program reaches its
applications limit for settlements calculations.
The four-sided different definition of the surface is taken into account in the bearing failure analysis. Different
embedment depths, berms, constant slopes and polygonal slopes are possible. This surface definition is
particularly important for the earth pressure calculation.
Assistant/ Wizard
The Assistant (formerly called wizard) appears by default / automatically
at startup, but can be switched off.
Basic parameters
Type of actions
Design values The loads are entered with their partial safety
factors and reduced by the specified reducing
factors in the soil engineering-specific
verifications, if applicable.
characteristic The loads are specified with the characteristic (1.0-fold) value.
Reinforced concrete
Soil bearing resistance If the option is selected, only the bearing capacity of the soil is output in the form of a
table with the design values for the bearing pressure resistance.
The selection of concrete type (normal/lightweight concrete), concrete grade
and reinforcing steel grade can be different for foundation and column.
Via "Precast c / s" a dialog with options for the partial safety factors of the
material is called up.
Location foundation
The global position related to the foundation axis is only required for
communication with other programs such as GEO and SBR+.
Click on the button, to enter your own comments to the system.
In the foundation ground plan, the x-axis (positive) runs from the left to the
right and the y-axis (positive) from the bottom to the top.
Width x Foundation dimension in x-direction
Length y Foundation dimension in y-direction
Height z Foundation height
Anchoring depth d Lowest foundation depth below the ground level or
the top edge of the basement floor.
Density Weight density
Pocket FD+: tick this option to actvate the menu “Pocket”
(will be displayed under "System").
Base inclination and a 4-sided different surface definition are possible with
the additional option FL+ PRO.
Specification of the following dimensions:
Round column Option for round columns
Width x Width of the column
Thickness y Thickness of the column
Height z Height of the column
Layer of Reinforcement Reinforcement layer in the column
FD+: The "Pocket" menu is only available if the option "Pocket" (menu
“foundation”) was selected.
Design Moment of Found.. Middle of the wall, pocket axis (FD+), Wall cut
Specify here in which sections the bending
design of the foundation should be performed.
The bending moment is rounded for design
sections in the pocket center line but not in the
wall axis of the pocket or in the section of the
wall of the pocket.
Formwork FD+: indented (toothed) or smooth; FDB+:
Note for surfaces with indentations:
Column base and pocket wall are manufactured
with serrated formwork (profile depth at least 10
mm) - see examples to design according to Euro
code 2, Volume 1 and EC2-1-1, 6.2.5 and
Pocket Calculation according to
Leonhardt or Schlaich/Schäfer.
Pocket check If the option is activated, the required anchoring
depth is calculated and displayed.
The geometry test takes place according to
DAfStb booklet 399 p.64-66 and Leonhardt part
3 16.3.3 as well as examples for dimensioning
DIN 1045 p.237. The anchoring depth corresponds to 1.5 times the column
width with related moments M/(N*d) of less than 0.15. With related moments
of M/(N*d) of more than 2, the anchoring depth is twice the column width.
Intermediate values are interpolated. The anchoring depth is at least 50 cm. For
smooth formwork surfaces in the pocket, the anchoring depth increases by a
further 40% according to Leonhardt Part 3 In the reinforcement dialog,
the program also offers the option of dimensioning the column and pocket
reinforcement to match the anchorage and lap lengths.
Increase composite stress 50% When calculating the lap joint ‘I0’ between the longitudinal column
reinforcement and the vertical pocket reinforcement a bond stress increased by
50 % may be assumed in accordance with booklet 399 due to the existing
transversal pressure.
… anchoring depth t The required/selected anchoring depth.
Overhang Absolute distance between the top edge of the foundation and the top edge of
the pocket.
For recessed pockets, the pocket overhang should be set to "0".
Width/Length FD+: pocket dimensions in x/y-direction
Joint width Width of the joint underneath the column base.
Clear width
Top / Bottom FD+: clear width at pocket top/bottom edge in x / y-direction
Width FDB+: clear width of the pocket in x / y-direction
The wall thickness must amount to 1/3 of the lowest pocket opening width at least. The distance of the
column to the edge must be at least 10 cm at the upper pocket opening and 5 cm at the lower pocket opening.
These geometrical conditions are verified during the definition of the column and adjusted, if required.
Soil properties
Determination R,d Select whether the design value of the bearing
resistance should be entered directly, or to come
from a standard table (DIN 1054) or from a user
defined (own) table - see section below.
Load-bearing resistance In the case of “direct specification”, input of the
design value of the bearing pressure resistance
R,d for the permanent design situation BS-P. For
the design situations BS-A, BS-E and BS-T, the
design value is increased according to the ratio
of the partial safety factors of the bearing
capacity. For example 1.4/1.2 = approx. 116% or
1.4/1.3 = approx. 107%.
Permissible settlement Permissible settlement for comparison with the
calculated settlement and presentation of the
utilisation of the settlement verification.
Eff. friction Angle ´ Angle of the inner friction underneath the
foundation base.
Load tilt Enter the maximum tilt of the characteristic or representative bearing pressure-
resultant H/V, which should be checked in the case of simplified verification.
Otherwise, default values are used.
Dialog If the determination R,d is not specified directly, the design value of the bearing
pressure resistance is taken from a table (standard or user defined)
Click the “open” Button to open the tabledialog.
Edit: Open the dialog to enter the design value of the bearing
pressure resistance Rd. The value Rd should come from a
geotechnical report and should have sufficient guarantees
against ground failure and a sufficient limitation of
settlements. Furthermore, the corresponding foundation
width and anchoring depth must be specified.
The meaning of the other buttons can be seen from the Tooltips.
Settlement analysis
ks Permeability coefficient of the rate of consolidation. The value can be extracted from
the soil report.
Both sides drained For the calculation of the time to approximate decay of consolidation settlement in
unilateral drainage the full layer thickness is set, in bilateral drainage only half the
layer thickness.
C' The creep coefficient Cα can be determined from a time-settlement test according to
DIN 18135. Usual value range 0.001 to 0.00001.
Ground water
Ground water existing This option allows you to define whether groundwater exists (displays the entry
“Ground water”).
Ground water Only if ticked option “Ground water existing”.
Absolute depth of the groundwater below the bottom edge of the foundation body.
Negative values can be used to define a groundwater level below the base of the
Anchoring depth Anchoring depth of the foundation body.
Additional Terrain load Additional characteristic permanent area load on the
bearing failure figure, which increases the
characteristic punching shear resistance.
Slope The ground level can be modeled as horizontal, with a
continuous slope, or with a broken embankment.
Here you can define a berm and the slope - see
extended soil mechanics dialog.
Input of the embankment sections. The "+" symbol
creates a new table row for a further section.
Parameters are length, height or inclination or rise
(the height adjusts automatically to the incline).
With an existing FDPro license, the terrain can be defined differently for each of the four foundation faces. To
do this, remove the tick from the “All around the same” option – the entry will be extended accordingly.
Self-weight Automatic consideration of the self-weight.
If the groundwater is above the base of the foundation,
the self-weight cannot be deactivated.
H loads base Option not ticked:
The horizontal loads apply at the top edge of the base
and generate a moment with a particular lever arm
Option ticked:
The horizontal loads apply directly in the base joint
without generating a moment
Delete horizontal loads Delete all horizontal loads with one click!
This is useful if many load cases from other
applications (GEO, B5...) have been imported.
Right-hand coordinate system (new standard)
Coordinate system based on the right-hand rule, also
referred to as right-hand coordinate system. The signs
comply with the sing definitions in engineering
mechanics. Positive moments about the x-axis
generate pressure on the bottom and/or in the negative area of the foundation.
Positive moments about the y-axis generate pressure on the right and/or in the
positive X-area of the foundation. If this option is unchecked (default setting until
recently) positive moments generate pressure on top right and/or in the positive
X/Y-area of the foundation. In the graphic representation, both variants are shown
with their absolute values. The arrows indicate the actual direction of action. The
values in the data entry fields and in the output documents are indicated with
their signs. If you change the sign definition, the sign of the moments about the y-
axis changes as well.
Accidental snow load When you check this option, snow loads are automatically included as accidental
action in addition to the typical design situations. The user can either specify a
freely selectable load factor for the accidental snow loads or have it determined
automatically by the software. The default value is 2.3
The remarks editor is called up via the button. This text appears in the output.
Note: The horizontal loads of the individual load cases can be found/entered under the following point
"Load cases".
Load Cases
Enter the data of the first load case via the data-entry mask or directly in the load case table, which can be
To add additional load cases, click on the button once more (a new empty input mask is displayed each
Tip: A description is displayed in the status line each time you click into an input field.
Column Loads
Description Optional text to the selected action can be
entered. This text is included in the output.
Action The appropriate actions can be selected from a
list: Permanent loads ... seismic loads
(calculation method "characteristic").
Vertical force in Z Vertical force in the centre of the column
Moment about x/y Positive moments generate pressure on top
right or in the positive x/y section of the
Horizontal Force in x/y Horizontal loads apply to the top edge of the
foundation or the top edge of the column, if a
column height was defined. These horizontal
loads generate moments on their way down to
the foundation base, which are taken into
account automatically by the software.
Standard for the load input are characteristic (1.0 times) values from the
support of the column or the wall. Alternatively, the type of stress can be
changed to 'design values' in the basic parameters – see ill. right.
By clicking on the arrow icon you can access a load value summary.
Design situation
The selection of the design situation is displayed if "Design values" has been selected under
Basic Parameters Type of actions. In the accidental design situation, the option "foundation checks"
Foundation checks
Here you can disregard the foundation design for individual load cases of the accidental design situation
(remove check mark). For different situations, such as impact from forklifts, it may be useful to have a load
case for the safety checks in earthworks and foundation engineering (gaping joint, positional safety, simplified
detection, ground breaking, sliding and subsidence) and in concrete (bending, shear force and punching)
disregarded. In this case, only the connection reinforcement or the pocket are dimensioned in connection with
this load case.
Note: According to DIN 1055-9: 2003-08, para. 6.2 (6), the effects of impacts in general structural
engineering are not to be passed on to the foundation. With reference to the explanations to the
inquiries of the building law authorities and inspecting persons at the working meeting of the
union of the test engineers for structural engineering Baden-Wurttemberg from 14.11.2013 can
with use of DIN EN 1991-1-7 NDP to 4.1 (1), note 3 it can be assumed from the same point of
Reduction Factors
These input fields are enabled if "Design values" was selected as calculation method.
Reduction Factor N Reduction coefficient for the forces acting in the z-direction (axial force in the
column) and loads (additional concentrated loads, line loads and surface loads).
Reduct. Factor Others Reduction factors for other internal forces. If a column was designed in a second
order analysis, the internal forces are only available on the design level. In order to
make verifications in soil engineering available on the characteristic level, the
reduction factors are used to adjust the internal design forces to a characteristic
level. When using the characteristic calculation method (Basic parameters
Calculation method) in combination with first-order columns, the afore-mentioned
situation does not occur.
Group membership
The assignment to a group is displayed if "characteristic" has been selected under Basic parametersType
of actions.
Alternative group
Different variable load cases with similar actions can be assigned to an alternative load case group via the
allocation of an alternative group number. Only the decisive load case of this alternative load case group is
invoked in the superposition.
Positive moments Mx and My generate compressive strains in the
foundation joint in the right top corner and/or the positive x/y
The moment Mx rotates about the x-axis and the moment My about
the y-axis; the horizontal forces Hx and Hy act in direction of the
axes. Hx generates a moment My and Hy a moment Mx.
The moments resulting from first and second order calculations are
used for all verifications. The scope of data to be put out is defined
in the Output profile.
Single Loads
Tip: A description is displayed in the status line each time you click into
a particular input field.
Notes: If a single load is assigned to one or several load cases it acts only in combination with the
load case(s.
In the case of the calculation method design values single loads are processed with the
corresponding reduction factors.
Single loads that are not assigned to load cases are not taken into account in the calculation.
All verifications are referenced to the column loads. Additional single loads are defined only
to check the effects on the bearing pressure, tilting, position stability, sliding and ground
For the verification of punching shear resistance, the loads that apply in the area of the
punching cone must be summarized to a resulting load, because the shear design would be
unsafe otherwise.
With foundations for twin columns you should combine both columns to a single column
instead of defining the second column as an additional single- or line load. Otherwise, you will
obtain incorrect results in the verification of punching shear resistance .
Line Loads
General operation as described under single loads.
P1 Value at the begin of the line load
at x1/y1 Position of P1 relative to the foundation center
P2 Value at the end of the line load
at x2/y2 Position of P2 relative to the foundation center
Active in load case As described under single loads
Area Loads
Loads by soil on the foundation Height of the earth surcharge, if applicable. In combination with the
weight density , the soil load generates an area load on the foundation, which is
taken into account in the calculation.
Explanatory note: The earth surcharge load refers to the top edge of the foundation. If
a wall, column, wall base or pocket exists, the earth surcharge load is reduced in
accordance with the geometry of the structural component.
Note: This value has nothing to do with the self-weight of the foundation.
Density k Weight density of a possible soil load.
Area Load q,k Additional area load on the foundation body.
Explanatory note: The area load acts on the surface of the foundation. If a wall,
column, wall base or pocket exists, the area load is reduced in accordance with the
geometry of the structural component. If a top-mounted pocket exists, the area load
also acts on the pocket, but not in the area of a column casted in the pocket. See the
description of the option “Earth surcharge height“ for more information.
Active in load case As described under single loads.
Design / Verifications
Remarks Remarks editor is called up via the button. This text appears in the output.
The Eurocodes provide several methods for the punching shear analysis. In
accordance with DIN 1045, constant -coefficients are used in the punching
shear analysis.
Column type: Selection of the type of column:
- automatically
- inner column,
- outer (edge) column in the x- or y-direction and
- corner column.
This setting affects the way how the control
perimeters are generated.
If you activate the "Automatic" option, the type of
column is determined as specified by DIN 1045-
1:2008, figure 41 on page 105.
Reinforcement ratio The degree of reinforcement relative to the anchored tensile reinforcement is
generally to be calculated as a mean value taking into account a plate width
corresponding to the support dimension plus 3d per side. Decide whether this
simplification should be used.
Min. moments In order to ensure the transverse load carrying capacity, the plates in the area of the
supports are to be dimensioned for minimum moments, if the shear forces
determination does not lead to higher values. Decide whether the minimum moments
are to be included in the reinforcement distribution.
Ignore κRed Only DIN 1045-1: disregard the reduction factor Red specified in Booklet 525 [2010]
page 98.
Sector model
The calculation of the total load factor β in accordance with the method of fully plastic shear stress
distribution is optionally available. The moments applying at the column base MEx,col and MEy,col are used to
calculate ẞ. These moments are internally converted to the centre of gravity of the critical perimeter. In the
iteration process to determine the critical perimeter, the load factor ẞ is re-determined in each iteration. For
corner columns, punching shear resistance is verified on all four corners; for outer columns in the x-direction
or y-direction, punching shear resistance is only verified on the two decisive facing sides. Inner columns
cannot have an eccentric position. Outer columns can have an eccentric position on the respective axis and
corner columns on both axes. The calculation of β is based on equation NA.6.39.1 in the National Annex for
Germany. You can optionally transfer the decisive superposition and/or the decisive load case to the B6+
When using the sector model, the foundation body is divided into sectors. These sectors are located between
the critical perimeter and the outer edge of the foundation or a gaping joint.
The stress over the sector section bordering the perimeter and over the statically effective height is calculated
from the resulting shear force in the sector.
The maximum stress in a sector at the perimeter border divided by the average stress at the perimeter gives
the -coefficient, which is provided here just for information.
The punching shear resistance is verified with the maximum stress at the perimeter. The maximum stress is
obtained by dividing the shear force of the decisive sector by the length of the sector section bordering the
perimeter and by the statically effective height of the foundation.
The lowest possible value resulting from the calculation is = 1.0.
The minimum value may result if the column has a circular cross-section, the foundation is loaded double-
symmetrically and has a circular base area. Relevant standards assume a minimum value of = 1.1 because a
completely symmetrical case as previously described cannot occur in practice according to these codes.
Therefore, FD+ always uses a -value of 1.1 minimum.
You can define up to 2 mats and 2 layers of steel rods over the whole upper
foundation area.
Lower layer: 2 mats and one layer of steel rods in the X- and Y- direction
according to the selected distributuion of the reinforcement (acc. to booklet 240
or variants of it).
See also „chapter „Distribution / extended reinforcement” dialog.
Durability: activating the button displays the Durability dialog. When you confirm your settings in this
dialog with OK, the concrete cover, reinforcement layers and their diameter are checked and
adjusted accordingly.
Reinforcement: per m Selection whether the reinforcement
should be put out per metre or as an
absolute value referenced to one eighth.
Concrete cover Actual concrete cover of the specified
reinforcement on the bottom side of the
foundation (cV,u) or at the outer sides
(cV,s) and on the top side (cV,o). The
specified foundation is constructed inside
the foundation body in accordance with
the specified actual cover. The generated
2-D and 3-D representations are based on
this construction.
Layer of reinforcement See chapter “Reinforcement”.
Longitudinal diameter: See chapter “Reinforcement”.
Stirrup diameter Select the stirrup diameter to generate the
required reinforcement. If the minimum
and maximum bar spacing is not feasible,
larger diameters are used.
Include transverse fabrics ... see also Design/Settings - Program settings.
Peak values according to booklet 240 … see also Design/Verifications.
Generate new reinforcement A reinforcement is calculated which covers a minimum of the required
reinforcement and a reinforcement for the punching verification without stirrups,
as long as the compression strut remains stable (punching shear resistance
verification) and the maximum possible bending reinforcement for punching
shear resistance verification is not exceeded.
If the minimum and maximum bar spacings are not feasible with this longitudinal
diameter, larger diameters are used.
If the defined reinforcement is deleted or modified, the automatic generation of
reinforcement is disabled and the defined reinforcement remains.
Should this be insufficient, the program issues a warning.
If no reinforcement is specified, no warning will be shown.
With the automatic generation of reinforcement, the program begins with the
specified longitudinal diameter.
With a new generation of the reinforcement an automatic optimization is
Delete reinforcement Deletes the defined reinforcement. Only the required reinforcement will be taken
into account.
Reinforcement distribution Only the type of distribution is set via the area selection. Click on the button to
open the selection dialog for the area selection – see chapter Area selection
Reinforcement distribution Area selection in X/Y-direction acc. to booklet 240 DAfStb or “user defined”.
For user-defined reinforcement distribution, you define here an individual
Column / connection
Connection conditions Bonding conditions for the column
according to NCI Re 8.4.2, Figure 8.2
(automatic, good, moderate). The good
bond range may be assumed to be 300
mm high in the lower component area,
i.e. Figure 8.2b: h ≤ 300 mm, Figure 8.2c:
h > 300 mm. The good bond range can
also be assumed for horizontally
manufactured rod-shaped components
(e.g. supports) that are compacted with
an external vibrator and whose external
cross-sectional dimensions do not
exceed 500 mm.
Layer of reinforcement Selection:
As spread over side Ali = Are
As spread over side Asu = Aso
As spread over corner 4 * 1/4
As spread over perimeter
As spread over perimeter each As/4
Corner bar quantity Number of bars.
Corner bar bended Bending shape of the bars in the column
(outwards / inwards, closed / inwards,
open / straight bars)
Corner bar Number and diameter of the corner bars.
Intermediate bars You can define intermediate bars for the
column reinforcement with their vertical
legs and hooks arranged parallel to the x-
axis that bear torques about the y-axis.
The intermediate bars are arranged in
groups of up to five bars between the
corner bars. The number of groups is
determined by the maximum bar spacing and the selected number of intermediate
Specify column reinforcement Checking this option allows you to specify the required column
Note: some parameters only apply to FD+ or FDB+.
Shear force
Number of rows Number of stirrup rows.
Stirrup Number of stirrups per row and the diameter
of the stirrup. No stirrups are placed in the
area of the support and the pocket.
Direction Selection of whether the stirrups are to be
installed lengthwise or crosswise.
Foot leg length Length of the foot legs of the stirrups.
Stirrup diameter Select the stirrup diameter with which the
reinforcement is to be generated. With this
diameter the programme starts to generate
reinforcement that covers the required
reinforcement. If the minimum and maximum
distances cannot be realised with this diameter, larger diameters are used.
Generate new reinforcement Starts the automatic generation of the stirrup reinforcement.
Delete reinforcement Deletes the stirrup reinforcement.
Stirrup in X-/Y-direction Indicates whether the amount of stirrups is sufficient (required/available).
Stirrup spacing Indicates whether the stirrups are placed close enough to each other.
Sections (cuts)
Font height Select the font size.
Dimension chain width Scale the distance of the automatically arranged
dimension chains to the foundation. You can also
move the dimension chains in the sections with the
Pocket reinforcement
Note: some parameters only apply to FD+ or to FDB+.
Ring Stirrup
Number and diameter of ring stirrups (in the bottom and in the top of
the pocket).
Laying measure... cV Position of the reinforcing steel in the pocket
(actual concrete cover).
Type Type of the pocket reinforcement. There are various types for larger and smaller
Angel hooks Check this option if the vertical stirrup should be equipped with an anchoring hook.
Diameter Informative display.
Interstice tF Displays the resulting distance between the column edge and the wall of the pocket.
Lap length ring stirrup Lap length of the ring stirrups themselves.
Rebar spacing horiz. Horizontal distance a between column reinforcement and the connection
a = d1,col + tF + cnom + ds,fd/2
Arrangement height Percentage of the distribution height of the top/bottom horizontal stirrups relative to
the anchorage depth of the column in the pocket.
Sleeve geometry Click on the edit button to open a dialogue for the pocket (sleeve) properties.
Area selection
Areas in the x- and y-directions
The area selection only determines the way the defined reinforcement
will be distributed. Reinforcement is only generated when you activate the
button "Generate new reinforcement" or when you define reinforcement.
8 areas: correspond to the distribution of the reinforcement in accordance
with Booklet 240 of the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete DAfStB.
Additional options: 5 / 3 / 1 area(s).
When selecting the number of areas, the peak values of the distribution
specified in Booklet 240 of the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete
DAfStB are covered.
In the illustrated example, the distribution of the reinforcement over three
areas in the y-direction produces a rate of 122 % ( =
14+14+14+19+19+14+14+14) of the reinforcement to be distributed. This rate
is higher than the rate required by the standards, but distribution is easier to
realise then.
Reinforcement ratios
The software calculates the absolute reinforcement quantities in eighth-part stripes in the x- and y-directions
of the foundation body in accordance with the requirements specified by Booklet 240 of the German
Committee for Reinforced Concrete DAfStB. In this calculation, the individual rebars in an eighth-part area are
NOT added up but the quantity of reinforcing steel per metre of the reinforcement object in the area of one
eighth is added up. See also the following calculation example.
Calculation example
See the illustration on the previous page.
The eighth-part area of a foundation with a width of 2 m has a width of 25 cm. The reinforcement object
defined in this area consists of 10 bars with a diameter of 14 mm each. The spacing of the bars from axis to
axis is 10 cm. The object covers a total width of 1 m. The width from the first bar to the last amounts to 90
cm. 5 cm on each side (half the bar spacing of 10 cm) must be added because of the affected width of the
first and last reinforcement bar of the item. The total width is consequently 1 m. This object produces the
following reinforcement portion:
As = [1.4 cm 1.4 cm π / 4 ] 10 bars / 1 m = 15.4 cm²/m.
Due to the edge distance of this object of 17.5 cm (rounded to 0.18 m), it extends only 12.5 cm into the eighth-
part with a width of 25 cm. The value of 12.5 cm is obtained by deducting the affected width of the last rebar
of 5 cm due to a bar spacing of 10 cm from the edge distance: 17.5 cm – 5 cm = 12.5 cm. Therefore, only a
reinforcement portion of 15.4 cm²/m 0.125 m = 1.92 cm² results for this object in the eighth part.
The existing and required reinforcement quantities in the eighth parts are represented graphically and in the
form of text in the data entry and output sections, optionally in cm² or cm²/m – see
The reinforcement in the eighth parts is also used in the shear force resistance verification and in the
punching shear analysis. All reinforcement quantities in the eighth parts of the examined perimeters are
added up and converted to ratios. If the existing reinforcement quantity exceeds the required quantity, it is
used instead. The resulting reinforcement ratios are limited by the maximally permissible reinforcement ratios
for the shear force and punching shear analyses.
Soil Mechanics
Proof format Define here whether a
- simplified proof, a
- exact proof or a
- userdefined proof
should be performed.
The simplified verification includes
compliance with the design value of the
base pressure resistance with limitation
of the inclination of the load resultant.
The exact verification format includes a
bearing failure verification, a sliding
safety verification and a settlement
Checks soil engineering Click on this symbol to open the
extended dialog with graphical
illustrations for bearing failure, bearing
pressure and settlements.
User-defined proof format
Ground failure
Ground water
Calculate settlement See page before.
Settlement Settlements can be calculated
with permanent loads or with
permanent and variable loads.
You can use combination
coefficients for variable loads in
characteristic load cases. See
also DIN 1054:2010 2.4.8 A
Creep settlements Optional calculation of secondary
or creep settlements.
Diagrams subsidence
Bearing pressure
Display of the bearing pressure graphic. The input fields are explained in the chapter Soil.
User defined
Mark this option if you want to change the safety factors and design rules that
deviate from the set standards.
The corresponding input fields/editing buttons are then displayed.
Use the "Edit" button to open the respective tables for changing the values - the
information texts for the individual parameters are displayed in the lower
window area when you click in an input field.
The following calculation method is available for the calculation of a sleeve with smooth formwork:
Leonhardt and Mönning: "Vorlesungen über Massivbau”, Part 3, page 227 and subsequent pages,
analogously to “Beispiele zur Bemessung nach DIN 1045“
Introduction of the shear force VEd into the sleeve via the tensile force T2 horizontal
T2 = VEd
Req.As,horizontal = T2/fyd
Absorption of the tensile force T3 due to the expansion effect of the compression struts
C1 and C2 horizontal stirrups
tanΘ = [exist.l0-0.5(l0,z1+l0,z2)]/a
T3 = C1 = T1 / tan θ
Req.As,horizontal = T3/fyd
The required horizontal stirrups are to be distributed over the lap lengths of the vertical stirrups l0.
"Vorlesungen über Massivbau", Part 3, page 227 and subsequent pages, analogously to "Beispiele zur
Bemessung nach DIN 1045"
Rough formwork
Introduction of the shear force VEd and the moment MEd into the sleeve
MSt = design moment of column base
Hst = VEd
Ho = 6/5 MSt + 6/5HSt = horizontal force on top
Ho = 6/5 MSt + 1/5HSt = horizontal force on bottom
z = 5/6 t = lever arm
dw = sleeve wall thickness
a0 = sleeve wall width
dw = sleeve wall thickness
tan α = z / (a0 - 0.15a0 - dw/2)
Zh = ho
Zv = Zh tan α
Vertical sleeve reinforcement:
Req.As,z = Zv / fyd
Horizontal sleeve reinforcement:
Req.As,horizontal = T3/fyd
Smooth formwork
Introduction of the shear force VEd and the moment MEd into the sleeve
MSt = design moment of column base
Hst = VEd
Ho = 3/2 MSt + 5/4HSt = horizontal force on top
Ho = 3/2 MSt + 1/4HSt = horizontal force on bottom
z = 2/3 t = lever arm
dw = sleeve wall thickness
a0 = sleeve wall width
dw = sleeve wall thickness
tan α = z / (a0 - 0.15a0 - dw/2)
ZHo = Ho
ZHu = Hu
Zv = Zh tan α
Vertical sleeve reinforcement
Req. As,z = Zv / fyd
Horizontal sleeve foundation on top
Req.As,horizontal = T3/fyd
Horizontal sleeve foundation on bottom
Req.As,horizontal = T3/fyd
Anchorage of the tension rods in the column for the tensile force Fs
The required anchorage length for the tension and compression bars of the column reinforcement is
calculated and compared to the existing anchoring length. The existing anchoring length is determined by the
embedment depth minus the actual concrete cover. It is assumed that the column reinforcement can also be
a compressive reinforcement. In combination with the German standard, hooks, angular hooks and loops are
not allowed. Therefore, straight bars are used in the calculation, α1 = 1.0.
lb,rqd = (ds/4) / (σsd/fbd) = basic value of the anchoring length
lbd,erf. =α1 * lb,rqd * (As,req.. / As,exist.) = required anchorage length
lbd,vorh. = t – cv = existing anchorage length
The lap lengths of the column reinforcement and the vertical sleeve reinforcement are calculated. The
required lap length is decisive in this connection. When calculating the lap length of the column reinforcement,
the fact that only the tensile force portion that is transferred via the compression strut C1 is transmitted via
the lap joint is taken into account. When calculating the lap joint l0 a bond stress increased by 50 % is
assumed in accordance with Booklet 399 due to the existing transversal pressure.
If you have checked the options “Text on reinforcement” and “Details of anchorage” in the in the Scope of the
output menu, the equations and intermediate results of the sleeve calculation are put out.
Block Foundation
Block foundations can be calculated in program “FDB+”.
You can access the program FDB+ directly from the FRILO Control Center or
from the program Isolated Foundation – FD+ under the item “Connected
Programs” (assuming that the FDB+ program is installed on your computer).
The calculation is performed in accordance with the method described in
"Deutscher Beton- und Bautechnik-Verein E.V. - Beispiele zur Bemessung
nach Eurocode 2".
A block foundation is a foundation, in which the pocket is embedded.
A block foundation is characterized by an appropriate connection between
the bottom part of the column and the walls of the pocket, due to which a
monolithic work of the foundation with the column can be assumed.
The flexural design of a block foundation, in contrary to an isolated
foundation, is conducted for a cross-section along the edge of a column.
The resulting flexural design is made according to Heft 240, T 2.10. The
task is made separately for x and y directions. Connection reinforcement in
the foundation, as well as anchorage and overlapping lengths of the column reinforcement and the connection
reinforcement are determined.
Fig.: Determination of the vertical stirrups Asv with tensile force Z1, determination of the horizontal
stirrups Ash with tensile force Z2
Output as PDF
The Document tab displays the document in PDF.
See also Output and printing.
Export to Allplan
The menu option ‘File’ - ‘Export’ allows you to export a suitable file to Allplan.
Note: The existing reinforcement is not the result of an addition of individual rebars. It is determined by the rebar
diameter and the bar spacing per m of the reinforcement area (e.g. the eighth part). The eighth parts at the
edges of the foundation are not considered with their full width because of the concrete cover. Therefore, the
reinforcement totals in the areas close to the edges may differ even though the reinforcement per m is the
same. In the example, there is a difference in the x-direction between the existing reinforcement As = 3.6 cm² in
the first eighth part and 3.7 cm2 in the second and 3.7 cm2 third eighth parts.
The reinforcement is put out in a table. If no type of reinforcement is selected, the existing reinforcement is
put out. In the upper table section, the coordinates and the widths of the individual areas are indicated. In the
middle part of the table, the selected rebars and fabrics are specified. In the lower part of the table, the
required and the existing reinforcement are represented in cm² and cm²/m.
If detailed presetting was selected, a first table gives an overview of the required and the existing
reinforcement in each eighth part. In a second table underneath, the used reinforcement objects are listed.
For centrically loaded foundations, the design moment is determined in accordance with Booklet 240 in the
following expression:
M Nb b
b refers to the foundation width and d to the column width.
or 2
A W 3b c
The resulting stresses are used to calculate the moments MS around the column axes. The design moments
result from the expression:
With biaxially loaded foundations, the foundation is separated in strips and the internal moments are
calculated as on uniaxially loaded foundations. The sum of these moments reduced by the portion N d/8
constitutes the design moment.
In general, design is done in the column axis. As this approach is too far on the safe side for stiff pockets, a
section through the centre of the pocket wall can optionally be selected with pocket foundations.
With centrically loaded or uniaxially but eccentrically loaded foundations, the distribution of the reinforcement
is represented in accordance with Booklet 240, part 2.10. Separate values for the x- and y-direction are put out.
If need be, the required upper reinforcement is calculated in addition.
Behaviour of Σ Mx
In accordance with EN 1992-1-1, (1), a minimum reinforcement transverse to the main loading
direction is taken into account.
If 2 02 > R > 1 01, the reinforcement ratio µ must be increased or shear additions must be installed
alternatively. The software puts both values out. For the shear additions, an inclination of 45 degrees is
If R > 2 02, the reinforcement ratio µ must be increased so that the condition
R < 2 02 is satisfied at least. The resulting reinforcement is put out.
Reinforcement either consisting of additional longitudinal reinforcement or shear addition must be installed in
addition. Both values are put out.
For the pocket, the required horizontal As for the force Ho and the required vertical reinforcement for the
vertical component of the compression strut are calculated. With cast-in pockets, the reinforcement should be
arranged laterally next to the opening and anchored thoroughly.
Illustration: Pocket with rough surface Illustration: Pocket with smooth surface