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A Project Report on

Design And Analysis Of

Experimental Setup For Extraction
Of Water From Atmospheric Air
Ms. Shruti Chintawar Ms. Rasika Dalvi
Mr. Mayur Karale Mr. Manish Jumde

Dr. H. U. Tiwari
Coguide :V. P. Desai

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And
Research, Ravet

This is to certify that Ms. Shruti Chintawar, Ms. Rasika Dalvi, Mr. Mayur Karale,
Mr. Manish Jumde have successfully completed the Project Stage - II entitled “Design
and analysis of experimental setup for extraction of water from atmospheric air”
under my supervision, in the partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Engineering - Mechanical
Engineering of University of Pune.
Place: PCCOER Ravet

Prof. Dr. H.U. Tiwari Internal examiner


Dr. S.H. Mankar Dr. H.U.Tiwari

Head of the Department Principal

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)


We are greatly indebted to my project guide Prof. Dr. H. U. Tiwari and co-guide Prof. V.
P. Desai for his able guid- ance throughout the project. It has been an altogether different
experience to work with him and we would like to thank him for his help, suggestions and
numerous dis- cussions.

We are gladly taking this opportunity to thank Head of Mechanical Engineering Prof.
Dr. S. H. Mankar and Prof. Ganesh Fodase project Coordinator for their valuable
guidance and providing facility during progress of project.

We are heartily thankful to Dr. H. U. Tiwari (Principal, Pimpri Chinchwad College of

Engineering & Research, Ravet) for providing research environment; also for his kind
inspiration. Last but not least we are also thankful to all those who help directly or
indirectly to develop this Project work and complete it successfully with Deep

Ms. Shruti Chintawar

Ms. Rasika Dalvi

Mr. Mayur Karale

Mr. Manish Jumde

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

Certificate ...….…………………………………………..…………………………….2
Acknowledgements ...………………………………………………………………….3
Abstract ...……………………………………………………………………………...9
1. Introduction ..……………………………………………………………....………10
1.1 Problem statement ...……………………………………………………...11
1.2 Objectives ...…………….…………………………………………...……11
1.3 Scope ...………….…...………………………………………………...…11
1.4 Methodology ...……………………………………………………...……11
2.Literature Review ...…………………………………………………………...…....13
3.Project Work ..……………………………………………………………………...19
3.1 Refrigerant Selection …………….………………………………………19
3.1.1 3D Model of Experimental Setup ……………………………...20
3.2 Calculations ...…………………………………………………………….21
3.2.1 Compressor ...………………………………….…………….….21
3.2.2 Refrigerant ...……………………………………………………22
3.2.3 Evaporator ..…………………………………………………….23
3.2.4 Condenser ....…………………………………………………....31
3.2.5 Capillary tube ...………………………………………………...38
4.Manufacturing of Components ……….......………………………………………...42
5.Costing ………………….……………………………………………………….….45
6.Experimental Validation …………………………………………………………….46
7.Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………..48
8.References …………………………………………………………………………..49

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

List of Figures

Sr. No. Description Page No.

1. Organisation of Dissertation 18

2. 3D model of setup 20

3. ph Chart of R134a 22

4. Psychrometric Chart 23

5. Fin Specifications of Evaporator 24

6. Cross section view of Evaporator 24

7. Fin Specifications of Condenser 32

8. Cross section of Condenser 32

9. Components I 42

10. Components II 43

11. Setup 44

12. Comparison Graph 47

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

List of Tables

Sr. No. Description Page No.

1. Refrigerant Comparison 19

2. Properties of refrigerant at 5℃ 26

3. Properties of air at 35℃ 27

4. Properties of refrigerant at 54.4℃ 33

5. Properties of air at 35℃ 34

6. Capillary Tube Calculations 40

7. Costings 45

8. Result Table 47

9. Comparison Table 47

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)


do - Outlet diameter of refrigerant (m)

d1 - Inlet diameter of refrigerant (m)

𝐴𝑓- Flow area of refrigerant(m)

ṁr - mass flow rate of refrigerant (kg/s)

ṁa1 - mass flow rate of air in Evaporator Chamber (kg/s)

ṁa2 - mass flow rate of air around Condenser (kg/s)

vr1 - Velocity of refrigerant in Evaporator (m/s)

vr2 - Velocity of refrigerant in condenser (m/s)

va1 - Velocity of air inside Evaporator Chamber (m/s)

va2 - Velocity of air around Condenser (m/s)

𝑅𝑒 - Reynolds Number

𝑃𝑟 - Prandtl's Number

𝑁𝑢 - Nusselt Number

hi - heat transfer coefficient of refrigerant (W/m2K)

ho - heat transfer coefficient of air (W/m2K)

U - overall heat transfer coefficient (W/m2K)

Qtot - total heat exchange (W)

A - Total area

𝐿 - Total length

COP - Coefficient of performance

𝞺 - Density
V - Specific volume

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

𝝻 - Viscosity
Cp - Specific heat
𝛎 - Kinematic Viscosity
LMTD - Log mean temperature difference
hf = enthalpy of saturated liquid (kj/kg)
hfg = enthalpy change of vapourization (kj/kg)
μf = dynamic viscosity of saturated liquid (cp)
μg = dynamic viscosity of saturated vapour (cp)
vf = specific volume of saturated liquid (m^3/kg)
vg = specific volume of saturated vapour (m^3/kg)
x = dryness factor
v = velocity (m/s)
G = mass velocity (kh/m^2s)
Min - minute
Ref - refrigerant

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)


In the vapour compression Refrigeration system, it generates fresh drinking water and
also extracts water from humid ambient air by using the Cooling Condensation process.
The two primary techniques in use are cooling and desiccants. In a cooling condensation
based atmospheric water generator, a compressor circulates refrigerant through a
condenser and an evaporator coil which cools the air surrounding it, lowering the air's
dew point and causing water to condense. A controlled-speed fan pushes filtered air over
the coil. The resulting water is then passed into a holding tank with a purification and
filtration system to keep the water pure. Atmospheric water generating technology offers
99.9% pure drinking water 365 days a year. The atmospheric water generator is an
environmentally safe source of sustainable water.

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

1. Introduction

Water is indispensable for human life. Water resources are rapidly declining. However
two-thirds of the global population (4.0 billion people) live under conditions of severe
water scarcity at least one month per year[2]. Even in water rich areas, it's difficult for
people to find clean water in the remote outdoors.Therefore, how to obtain potable water
in a special way has become a new research direction.

The atmosphere is estimated to contain over 12.9 × 1012 m3 of renewable water[1].

Extracted water from atmospheric vapor is an alternate potential solution to relieve water
resource shortages.

There are three mainly types of water generating methods:

1. Rainwater harvesting
2. Seawater desalination
3. Atmospheric water vapour processing
In that project we are mainly focused on Atmospheric water vapour processing in that
also two types of method i.e,
1. Desiccants (absorbents or adsorbents)
2. Condensation method
From above two methods in that project we focused on Condensation method in that also
having three types of method
1. Condensation bty tail tower built in high altitude
2. Traditional compression refrigeration methods
3. TEC water generator
Among all these methods, water generation by using traditional refrigeration is suitable &
practical for all regions despite the geometrical location, as long as it uses low grade heat
So, in that project we are working on a traditional refrigeration method that is a VCR
system (Vapour Compression Refrigeration System) to extract water from atmospheric
humid air.

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

1.1 Problem statement

To design and analyse an environment-friendly vapour compression refrigeration system

for extraction of water from atmospheric air.

1.2 Objectives

● Selection suitable refrigeration system

● Extraction of maximum amount of water from air within a specific period.
● The system should be economically feasible
● Design and Development of every component of refrigeration system

1.3 Scope

● The atmosphere is a potentially limitless alternative water source that has gained
increasing industrial interest.

● Atmospheric water generation technology entrance into the commercial market is

mainly to offer a solution to the worsening water crisis.

● Provide water for Farming , Residential and Office purposes.

● Provide water resources for the Military applications .

1.4 Methodology

● Selection of type of System

● Listing all components
● Selection of Refrigerant
● Selection of Compressor
● Design of Evaporator
● Design of Condenser
● Selection of Capillary tube
● Costing of components
● Purchasing components
● Manufacturing

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

● Assembly of the manufactures components
● Testing
● Assembly
● Final Product

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

2. Literature Review

Dr. J H Bhangale,Y B Desale - “Effect of sub cooling and air velocity on water
generation from using vapour compression cycle”[1]
This paper mainly focused on the effect of sub cooling and air velocity on water extracted
from vapour compression cycle system. In that paper it is given by doing subcooling of
water cooled condenser how to improve performance of a vapour compression system
with maximum condensation of air moisture and in that research paper it is concluded that
at 3.8 m/s flow rate of air got the maximum condensate.
Nasiru I. Ibrahima, Abdulghani A. Al-Farayedhib, P. Gandhidasan - “Experimental
investigation of a vapor compression system with condenser air pre-cooling by

The main focus of that study is to lower the energy consumption and improve the
performance of vapour compression system by utilizing condensate. In that research
paper it is given pre-cooling the air before it enters to the condenser by condensate. And
the performance is calculated on the basis of that and it is found that a system with
pre-cooling is more efficient and gives better performance than a vapour compression
system without pre-cooling.

Christopher Bolsinger, Spencer Ralphs - “Atmospheric Water Generation”[3]

In that project provides comparison of all methods that are used to extract water from air
and mainly focuses on how to extract 500cc water per hour from the system . For that
studies the various parameters like humidity of air, temperature. To do this, the system
was first simulated using the relevant thermodynamic and heat transfer phenomena in the
VCC to determine the design parameters.It is concluded that the VCC Vapour
Compression Cycle system is most effective system than other system available.

Sahar Zolfagharkhani, Mohammad Zamen, Mohammad Mohsen Shahmardan -

“Thermodynamic analysis and evaluation of a gas compression refrigeration cycle for
fresh water production from atmospheric air”[4]

In that research paper the main focus is on the performance of the evaporator and by
doing dehumidification to extract water from atmospheric air. In that they are doing a
virtual trial on a computer programme developed to carry a flexible thermodynamic
model for vapour compression cycle. And it is concluded that The amount of water
production and energy intensity under different climate conditions are analyzed and The
results show that a residential size of the system can produce 22–26l/day fresh water
while energy intensity is between 220 and 300Wh/l.

Jatin Patela,Krunal Patela,Anurag Mudgala,Hitesh Panchalb,Kishor Kumar

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

Sadasivunic - “Experimental investigations of atmospheric water extraction device under
different climatic conditions”[5]

In that research paper working on vapour compression refrigeration system, so main

focused on how to get maximum condensate on the surface of the evaporator for that they
studied seven different climatic conditions like dry and mild, dry and warm, mild, mild
humid and warm, humid and warm, humid and mild, humid and cold. It is concluded that
the minimum energy intensity is found as 0.75 kW h per liter of water at the rate of 1.78
L per hour for warm-humid condition and maximum energy intensity is found as 4.71
kWh per liter of water at the rate of 0.28 L per hour for mild and dry condition.

Vipin Nair, A.D. Parekh, P.R.Tailor-”Experimental investigations of vapour

compression refrigeration system using R134a/Nano oil mixture”[6]

In that research paper study on the application of nano oil mixture on the vapour
compression refrigeration system. Main focus of that research paper is on the effect of the
nano oil mixture on various parameters like compressor power and discharge temperature,
refrigerant capacity. It is observed that refrigerant capacity with R134a/Nano oil mixture
is higher than that of R134a/PAG mixture.

Chong Zhao,Yunfeng Wang ,Ming Li, Wenkui Zhao, Xuejuan Li, Wenping Du,
Qinfen Yu -“Experimental study of a solar adsorption refrigeration system integrated
with a compound parabolic concentrator based on an enhanced mass transfer cycle in
Kunming, China”[7]

In that research paper is mainly focused on the CPC adsorber Activated carbon -methanol
is employed as the working pair used in vapour adsorption refrigeration system.Due to the
concentration properties of the CPC,the temperature of the adsorber can be raised
faster.The temperature of the CPC adsorber was more likely to change with fluctuating
solar radiation intensity, because of no any thermal insulation around the adsorbent tubes.

Manish Kumar Ojha, Anoop Kumar Shukla, Puneet Verma, Ravindra Kannojiya -
“Recent progress and outlook of solar adsorption refrigeration systems”[8]

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

In that research paper proposed that theoretical analysis and comparison of various solar
adsorption systems.Most of the adsorption refrigeration systems deliver a COP in range
between 0.1 and 0.3.In order to achieve a continuous cooling effect a minimum of two
absorbers are required.

Lucia Cattani, Anna Magrini , Paolo Cattani -“Water Extraction From Air by
Refrigeration Experimental Result From an Integrated System Application”[9]

In this research paper Compression cycles are used to extract water from air by
Refrigeration. Extraction water from air by means of a reverse compression cycle.
Here the system given to extract water from atmospheric air is vapour compression
refrigeration cycle and experimental result is calculated from an integrated system

Wei He, Pengkun Yu, Zhongting Hu, Song Lv, Minghui Qin, Cairui Yu-
“Experimental Study and Performance Analysis of a Portable Atmospheric Water

In this research paper TEC used to extract water from air by Atmospheric Water
Generator. Based on thermoelectric cooling (TEC) technology, a portable water generator
(Model A) was designed to maximize water yield

Shanshan Liu, Wei He, Dengyun Hu, Song Lv, Delu Chen, Xin Wu, Fusuo Xu, Sijia
Li - “Experimental Analysis of a Portable Atmospheric Water Generator by
Thermoelectric cooling Method” [11]

In this research paper Thermoelectric cooling is used to extract water from air.The water
generator could be supplied by a Photovoltaic panel directly without operation cost,
which was energy-saving. And in that research done on analysis of a portable atmospheric
water generator by thermoelectric cooling method.

Andrej Gibelhaus, Nicolas Fidorra, Franz Lanzerath, Uwe Bau, Jürgen Köhler,
André - “Hybrid refrigeration by vapour compression cycle and water-based adsorption
chiller: An efficient combination of natural working fluids”[12]

In that research paper studied a Fully integrated hybrid system.The wasted heat of CO2 is
recovered to drive an adsorption chiller.The cooling power of adsorption chiller is
re-integrated into CO2 cycle to increase efficiency does not need a separate heat source.In
that two system combines i.e. vapour compression cycle and water based adsorption

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

Manoj Kumar, Avadhesh Yadav - “Solar-driven technology for freshwater production
from atmospheric air by using the composite desiccant material CaCl2/floral foam”[13]

In that research paper CaCl2/floral foam is used as desiccant material for the extraction of
water from atmospheric air. In that research paper mainly focused on the capability of
composite desiccant material CaCl2 and floral foam. Based on the calculations done
results show that the water production rate can be increased with increasing the
concentration of CaCl2/floral foam.

Shobhit Srivastava, Avadhesh Yadav - “Water generation from atmospheric air by using
composite desiccant material through fixed focus concentrating solar thermal power” [14]

In that research paper water generated by using composite desiccant(LiCl/sand,

CaCl2/sand and LiBr/sand). In that the regeneration and absorption process is done to
extract water from atmospheric air. Based on the composite desiccant used it is concluded
that CaCl2/sand generate maximum amount of water i.e. 115ml/day in 270 min

H.I. Abualhamayel, P. Gandhidasan- “A method of obtaining fresh water from the

humid atmosphere” [15]

In that research extraction of water from humid air is done by using liquid desiccant.in
that research paper process is done for day time as well as night time i.e. in night time
moisture absorption and in the daytime moisture desorption. Based on the research it is
concluded that absorption of water increases with increase in flow rate of desiccant in

Shanshan Liu, Wei He, Dengyun Hu, Song Lv, Delu Chen, Xin Wu, Fusuo Xu, Sijia
Li- “Experimental Analysis of a Portable Atmospheric Water Generator by
Thermoelectric cooling Method”[16]

In that research paper the method used to extract water from air is Thermoelectric
Cooling Method. This system is designed by using two thermoelectric coolers. Based on
the research it is observed that increase in the inlet RH and air flow rate water generation
is increased.

V. P. Joshi, V. S. Joshi, H. A. Kothari, M. D. Mahajan, M. B. Chaudhari, K. D. Sant -

“Experimental investigations on a portable fresh water generator using a thermoelectric

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

In that research paper the method used to extract water from air is Thermoelectric
Cooling Method.Based on the research paper it is concluded that the use of internal heat
sink, the quantity of water generated increases as compared to without internal heat sink.

M.K. Russel, D. Ewing, C.Y. Ching- “Characterization of a thermoelectric cooler based

thermal management system under different operating conditions”[18]
In that research paper the method used to extract water from air is Thermoelectric
Cooling Method. From that paper it is concluded that decreasing the hot side thermal
resistance for a given system increased the maximum heat dissipation capacity.

C.P.Arora in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning has explained theory and practical
procedure to design expansion devices like capillary tube briefly.[19]

NPTEL lectures on Condensers and Evaporators have design procedures, calculation and
interrelation between various parameters involved in designing of plate fin and tube type

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

Organization of Dissertation:

2020 -2021
Description \
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June
20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21

1. Finalization
of group and
selection of
2. Study of
research papers

3. Finding a
solution for
4. Finding a
5. Designing of

6. Designing of

8. Testing

9. Final

Figure 1: Organisation of Dissertation

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)


3.1 Refrigerant Selection

In the previous studies, refrigerants R22 & R134a were being used in water extraction
setups. Hence comparing both to select a better and safer refrigerant for experimental
setup of extraction of water from atmospheric air[12].

Parameters R22 R134a

COP 2.352 2.31

Condenser pressure (MPa) 1.938 1.314

Evaporator pressure (MPa) 0.432 0.25

Heat transfer rate (kW) 94.36 98.12

Normal boiling point (°C) -40.81 -26.074

Critical pressure (bar) 49.90 40.59

Latent heat of Vaporization at 233.75 216.97

Atmospheric pressure(kJ/Kg)

Saturated Vapor Density at 4.7038 5.2581

Atmospheric pressure(kg/m3)

Saturated Vapor Density at 0°C 21.229 14.428

Molecular weight (kg/ kmol) 86.47 102

Critical temperature (°C) 96.25 101.06

GWD 0.36 0.25

ODP 0.06 0
TABLE 1: Refrigerant Comparison

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

R134a is a safe refrigerant with ASHARE safety classification of A1.
R134a has 0 ozone depletion potential so it becomes environment friendly.
R134a is not flammable and it has a very low toxicity level.
Specific volume of R134a is 1.47 times larger than R22.
Latent heat of evaporation is small so cooling capacity of R134a units is only 60% of R22
R134a is more powerful than R22 on the swelling of rubber and leakage rate is higher in
actual operation.
R134a has 77°C auto-ignition temperature.
R134a has 0.15% solubility in water.
Therefore, selecting R134a instead of R22 because it is more safe than R22.

3.1.1 3D Model of experimental setup

This is our proposed 3D model of the experimental setup of a refrigeration system to
extract water from atmospheric air.

Figure 2: 3D model of setup

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

List of components in this model is as follows:
1. Evaporator
2. Compressor
3. Condenser
4. Capillary tube
5. Water Collection Tank
Also other components in the setup are service valve, pressure gauges, thermocouples,
wattmeter, insulation etc.

3.2 Calculations:
We have done all the calculations for the main components.
Calculations for each components are as follows :

3.2.1 Compressor
For the design and development of this experimental setup we have used the Emerson
Model KCJ513HAG type of compressor.

Specification of the compressor are as follows:

Model name – KCJ513HAG
Refrigerant - R134a
Cooling capacity - 3553 W
Input Power - 1419 W
Rated voltage – 180-260 V, 50 Hz, 1 phase
Motor Type – PSC/CSCR
Evaporating Temperature – 5℃
Condensing Temperature - 54.4℃
Net weight- 22.7 kg
Displacement – 38.04 cc/rev
Start Capacitor – 80/100 Mfd
Run Capacitor – 36 Mfd

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

3.2.2 Refrigerant
In this system refrigerant used is R134a.
We have calculated the mass flow rate of refrigerant by plotting a ph chart at the given
evaporating and condensing temperature of the compressor.

FIGURE 3: ph Chart of R134a

Calculation For 1 ton Compressor

From ph chart:
h1 - Enthalpy at inlet of compressor = 401.7 ×10-3 J/kg
h2 - Enthalpy at outlet of compressor = 425.6 ×10-3 J/kg
h3 - Enthalpy at outlet of condenser = 279.8 ×10-3 J/kg
h4 - Enthalpy at inlet of evaporator = 279.8 ×10-3 J/kg
Ton Capacity = ṁr ×(h1-h2)
3553 = ṁr ×(401.7×10-3 - 279.8 × 10-3)

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

∴ ṁr = 0.029 kg/sec
3.2.3 Evaporator
First we have designed an evaporator where the moisture from atmospheric air will be
extracted in the form of water, i.e. its liquid phase. To design the evaporator we first
calculated the amount of heat that is to be extracted from ambient air.

Qtot = Q + 10% Losses

Q = ṁa1 × (h1 - h2)

Therefore, by using psychrometric chart,

For Dry Bulb Temperature = 35°C & Relative Humidity = 59.3%

↳ Specific enthalpy = h1= 93.42 × 103 J/Kg

For Apparatus Dew Point Temperature = 5°C

↳ Specific Enthalpy = h2=19.53 × 103 J/Kg

FIGURE 4 : Psychrometric Chart

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

Evaporator Fan Specifications :
Sweep Diameter = 100 mm = 0.1 m
Speed = 2400 RPM
Discharge = 100 m3/hr = 0.027 m3/sec
Assuming atmospheric air to be at 35°C,
∴ Density = 𝝔 = 1.145 kg/m3

Discharge = area × v1
0.027 = ( π/4)× 0.12 × v1
∴ v1 = 3.437 m/sec

ṁa1 = 𝝔 × area × v1

= 1.145 × ( π/4)× 0.12 × 3.437

ṁa1 = 0.031 kg/sec

ṁa1 = 111.26 kg/hr

Q = ṁa1 × (h1 - h2)

= 0.031 × (93.42 × 103 - 19.53 × 103)

Q = 2290.59 W

Qtot = Q + 10% Losses

= 2290.59 + 229.059

Qtot =2519.649 W

Total Mass of Water:

mw = 0.496 g / sec

mw = 1785.6 g / hr = 1785.6 ml/hr

(Expected mass of water to be extracted)

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

Copper pipe Diameters :
do = 9.5 ×10 m
di = 9.2 ×10 m
Fin Specifications :

FIGURE 5: Fin Specifications of Evaporator

FIGURE 6: Cross section view of Evaporator

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

Ab = 𝐷×𝐵
−3 −3
(2.11×10 − 0.15×10 )
= −3 −3 ×π×9.5×10-3
2.11×10 ×0.15×10
Ab = 1.10 Ab → Bare tube area

Af = ×[C -
𝐷 4×𝐵
2 −6
π×9.5 ×10
−3 ×[18×10 - -3
−3 ]
Af =14.37 Af → Fin area

×[1- ]
Ac = 𝐷 𝐵
−3 −3 −3
×[1- ]
(2.11×10 − 0.15×10 )
= −3 −3
2.11×10 25×10
Ac =0.57 Ac → Minimum flow area

Ao = A b + A f = 1.10 + 14.37 = 15.47 Ao → Total heat transfer area

Dh =
4×18×10 ×0.57
= 1000×15.47
Dh = 2.65 × 10-3 m Dh → Hydraulic diameter

Ai = 𝐵
= −3
Ai = 1.156 Ai → Inside heat transfer area
For refrigerant,
Refrigerant Properties at 5℃ (41℉) Pressure = 349870 Pa (3.4987 bar) :

Sr. no. Property SI unit

1 Density (𝝔 ) 17.140 kg/m3

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

2 Specific heat (Cp) 0.83×103 J/KgK

3 Viscosity (𝝻) 0.01018 ×10-3 kg/ms

4 Thermal conductivity (k) 0.01 W/m

TABLE 2: Properties of refrigerant at 5℃

Af = ( π/4)×(9.2 × 10-3)2 = 6.647 × 10-5 m2

ṁr = 𝝔×Af ×vr1
0.029 = 17.140 × 6.647 × 10-5 × vr1
vr1 = 25.45 m/s
Re = (𝝔 × vr1 × di) / 𝝻
=(17.140 × 25.45 × 9.2 × 10-3 ) / 0.01018 × 10-3
Re = 394220
Pr = (𝝻 × Cp) / k
= (0.01018 × 10-3 × 0.83 × 103) / 0.01
Pr = 0.84494
Nu = C× Ren × Pr1/3
C=0.0266 , n=0.805
∴ Nu = 0.0266 ×3942200.805 ×0.844941/3
Nu = 803.63
Also Nu = (hi ×di) / k
803.63 = (hi ×9.2 × 10-3) / 0.01
∴ hi = 873.51 W/m2K

For Air,
Air Properties at 35℃ (95℉) :

Sr. no. Property SI unit

1 Density (𝝔 ) 1.145 kg/m3

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

2 Specific heat (Cp) 1007 J/KgK

3 Viscosity (𝝻) 1.895 ×10-5 kg/ms

4 Thermal conductivity (k) 0.02625 W/m

TABLE 3: Properties of air at 35℃

Also v1 = 3.437 m/sec , ṁa1 = 0.031 kg/sec

Fin face velocity = va1 = v1/Ac = 3.437/0.57 = 6.02 m/sec

Re = (𝝔 × va1 × Dh) / 𝝻
=(1.145 ×6.02 × 2.65 × 10-3 ) / 1.895 × 10-5
Re = 963.9147

Pr = (𝝻 × Cp) / k
= (1.895 × 10-5 × 1007) / 0.02625
Pr = 0.726

Nu = C× Ren × Pr1/3
C=0.683 , n=0.466
∴ Nu = 0.683 ×963.91470.466 ×0.7261/3
Nu = 15.088

Also Nu = (ho ×Dh) / k

15.088 = (h0 ×2.65 × 10-3) / 0.02625
∴ h0 = 149.456 W/m2K

𝐴𝑜 15.47
= 1.156
= 13.38

𝑑𝑜 9.5×10
= −3 = 1.032

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

Fouling Factor = Rf = 0.001
Thermal Conductivity of copper = Kcop = 398 W/m.K
Ri = 4.6 × 10-3 mm ………………… Inner Radius of copper tube
ηf = 0.9010 ………………. Fin efficiency

U = 𝐴𝑜 𝐴𝑜 𝐴𝑜 𝑅𝑖 𝑑𝑜 1
+𝑅𝑓× 𝐴𝑖
+ 𝐴𝑖
× 𝐾𝑐𝑜𝑝 ×𝑙𝑛( 𝑑𝑖
)+ ℎ𝑜(𝐴𝑓× η𝑓+𝐴𝑏)

13.38 4.6×10 1
+0.001×13.38+13.38× 398
×𝑙𝑛(1.032)+ 149.45× (14.37×0.9010 +1.10)

U = 34.27 W/m2K

Inlet temperature of hot fluid (i.e. air) = Thi = 35℃
Outlet temperature of hot fluid (i.e. air) = Tho = 10℃
Temperature of cold fluid (i.e. refrigerant) = Tc = 5℃

θ 1
−θ 2
LMTD = θ
𝑙𝑛( θ 1 )

θ 1= Thi - Tc = 35 - 5 = 30℃

θ 2= Tho - Tc =10 - 5 = 5℃

35 − 5
LMTD = 35
𝑙𝑛( 5

LMTD = 13.95℃

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

Qtot = U ×A×LMTD
2519.649 = 34.27 ×A× 13.95
A = 5.27 m 2

Area of 1 fin = [(.25×.055)-( 4 ×.01×.01×30)] ×2

= .0228 m2

Fins required for area 5.27 m2 = 5.27/0.0228

= 231.14
≈232 fins

2.11 mm distance between 2 fins

∴ Distance between 2 fins in inch = 2.11/25.4
= .083 inch
Length in inch = 232 ×.083 = 19.256 inch
∴ Hence evaporator will be of dimensions (10×20) or (14×14) Inch2

do - Outlet diameter of refrigerant

di - Inlet diameter of refrigerant

𝐴𝑓- Flow area of refrigerant

ṁa - Mass flow of air

ṁr - Mass flow rate of refrigerant

vr1 - Velocity of refrigerant

va1 - Velocity of air

𝑅𝑒 - Reynolds Number

𝑃𝑟 - Prandtl's Number

𝑁𝑢 - Nusselt Number

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

hi - heat transfer coefficient of refrigerant

ho - heat transfer coefficient of water

U - Overall heat transfer coefficient

Qtot - Total heat exchange

A - Total surface area

𝐿 - Total length

3.2.4 Condenser

The superheated vapor refrigerant passes through the condenser. This is where the
circulating refrigerant rejects heat from the system as it cools and condenses completely.
The rejected heat is carried away by the air. Here we are providing a condenser fan for a
faster heat rejection process. The total amount of heat to be rejected by condenser is given

Qcon = ṁr × Lr

= 0.029 × 145.8 × 103

Qcon = 4228.2 W

Copper pipe Diameters :

do = 9.5 ×10 m
di = 9.2 ×10 m

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

Fin Specifications :

FIGURE 7: Fin Specifications of Condenser

FIGURE 8: Cross section view of Condenser

Ab = 𝐷×𝐵
−3 −3
(2.11×10 − 0.15×10 )
= −3 −3 ×π×9.5×10-3
2.11×10 ×0.15×10

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

Ab = 1.10

Af = 𝐷 ×[C -
2 −6
π×9.5 ×10
−3 ×[18×10 - -3
−3 ]
Af =14.37

×[1- ]
Ac = 𝐷 𝐵
−3 −3 −3
×[1- ]
(2.11×10 − 0.15×10 )
= −3 −3
2.11×10 25×10
Ac =0.57

Ao = A b + A f = 1.10 + 14.37 = 15.47

Dh =
4×18×10 ×0.57
= 1000×15.47
Dh = 2.65 × 10-3 m

Ai = 𝐵
= −3
Ai = 1.156

For refrigerant,
Refrigerant Properties at 54.4℃ (129.92℉) Pressure = 1492590 Pa ( 14.9259bar) :

Sr. no. Property SI unit

1 Density (𝝔 ) 1077.9 kg/m3

2 Specific heat (Cp) 1.38×103 J/KgK

3 Viscosity (𝝻) 0.22685 ×10-3 kg/ms

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

4 Thermal conductivity (k) 0.09 W/mK

TABLE 4: Properties of refrigerant at 54.4℃

Af = ( π/4)×(9.2 × 10-3)2 = 6.647 × 10-5 m2

ṁr = 𝝔×Af ×vr2
0.029 = 1077.9 × 6.647 × 10-5 × vr2
vr2 = 0.4047 m/s

Re = (𝝔 × vr2 × di) / 𝝻
=(1077.9 × 0.4047 × 9.2 × 10-3 ) / 0.22685 × 10-3
Re = 17691.339

Pr = (𝝻 × Cp) / k
= (0.22685 × 10-3 × 1.38 × 103) / 0.09
Pr = 3.478

Nu = C× Ren × Pr1/3
C=0.193 , n=0.618
∴ Nu = 0.193 ×17691.3390.618 ×3.4781/3
Nu = 123.343
Also Nu = (hi ×di) / k
123.343 = (hi ×9.2 × 10-3) / 0.09
∴ hi = 1206.62 W/m2K
For Air,
Assuming atmospheric air to be at 35°C, Air Properties at 35℃ (95℉) :

Sr. no. Property SI unit

1 Density (𝝔 ) 1.145 kg/m3

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

2 Specific heat (Cp) 1007 J/KgK

3 Viscosity (𝝻) 1.895 ×10-5 kg/ms

4 Thermal conductivity (k) 0.02625 W/m

TABLE 5: Properties of air at 35℃

Condenser Fan Specifications:

Sweep Diameter = 380 mm = 0.38 m

Speed = 900 RPM
Discharge = 2200 m3/hr = 0.6112 m3/sec

& Density = 𝝔 = 1.145 kg/m3

Discharge = area × v2
0.6112 = ( π/4)× 0.382 × v2
∴ v2 = 5.389 m/sec

ṁa2 = 𝝔 × area × v2

= 1.145 × ( π/4)× 0.382 × 5.389

ṁa2 = 0.699 kg/sec

ṁa2 = 2516.4 kg/hr

Fin face velocity = va2 = v2/Ac = 5.389/0.57 = 9.454 m/sec

Re = (𝝔 × va1 × Dh) / 𝝻
=(1.145 ×9.454 × 2.65 × 10-3 ) / 1.895 × 10-5
Re = 1513.76

Pr = (𝝻 × Cp) / k
= (1.895 × 10-5 × 1007) / 0.02625

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

Pr = 0.726

Nu = C× Ren × Pr1/3
C=0.683 , n=0.466
∴ Nu = 0.683 ×1513.760.466 ×0.7261/3
Nu = 18.619

Also Nu = (ho ×Dh) / k

18.619 = (h0 ×2.65 × 10-3) / 0.02625
∴ h0 = 184.433 W/m2K

𝐴𝑜 15.47
= 1.156
= 13.38

𝑑𝑜 9.5×10
= −3 = 1.032

Fouling Factor = Rf = 0.001

Thermal Conductivity of copper = Kcop = 398 W/m.K
Ri = 4.6 × 10-3 mm ………………… Inner Radius of copper tube
ηf = 0.9010

U = 𝐴𝑜 𝐴𝑜 𝐴𝑜 𝑅𝑖 𝑑𝑜 1
+𝑅𝑓× 𝐴𝑖
+ 𝐴𝑖
× 𝐾𝑐𝑜𝑝
×𝑙𝑛( 𝑑𝑖
)+ ℎ𝑜(𝐴𝑓× η𝑓+𝐴𝑏)

U= 13.38 4.6×10
+0.001×13.38+13.38× 398
×𝑙𝑛(1.032)+ 184.43× (14.37×0.9010 +1.10)

U = 40.225 W/m2K

Temperature of hot fluid (i.e. refrigerant) = Th = 54.4℃
Inlet temperature of cold fluid (i.e. air) = Tci = 35℃

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

(ṁ ×Cp × ∆T)air = ṁr ×Lr
0.699 ×1007×∆Ta = 0.029 × 145.8 ×103
∆Ta = 6℃

Tco = Tci + ∆Ta = 35 + 6 = 41℃

θ −θ
LMTD = 1
θ 1

𝑙𝑛( θ )

θ 1= Th - Tci = 54.4 - 35 = 19.4℃

θ 2= Th - Tco = 54.4 - 41 = 13.4℃

19.4 − 13.4
LMTD = 19.4
𝑙𝑛( 13.4 )

LMTD = 16.215℃

Qcon = U ×A×LMTD
4228.2 = 40.225 ×A× 16.215
A = 6.482 m 2

Area of 1 fin = [(.25×.055)-( 4 ×.01×.01×30)] ×2

= .0228 m2
Fins required for area 5.27 m2 = 6.482/0.0228
= 284.21
≈285 fins

2.11 mm distance between 2 fins

∴ Distance between 2 fins in inch = 2.11/25.4
= .083 inch
Length in inch = 285 ×.083 = 23.655 inch
∴ Hence condenser will be of dimensions (10×24) or (14×17) Inch2

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

do - Outlet diameter of refrigerant

di - Inlet diameter of refrigerant

𝐴𝑓- Flow area of refrigerant

ṁa2 - Mass flow of air

ṁr - Mass flow rate of refrigerant

Lr - Latent heat of condensation

vr2 - Velocity of refrigerant

va2 - Velocity of air

𝑅𝑒 - Reynolds Number

𝑃𝑟 - Prandtl's Number

𝑁𝑢 - Nusselt Number

hi - heat transfer coefficient of refrigerant

ho - heat transfer coefficient of water

U - Overall heat transfer coefficient

Qcon - Total heat exchange in condenser

A - Total surface area

𝐿 - Total length

3.2.5 Capillary Tube

As Expansion device we used a capillary tube in this experimental setup. In capillary tube
fall in pressure of refrigerant takes place due to very small diameter of capillary tube. We
design a capillary tube for pressure drop from 14.7252 bar to 3.4966 bar.

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

Calculation for Capillary tube:
D = Diameter of capillary tube (m)
ṁr = mass flow rate of refrigerant (kg/s)
hf = enthalpy of saturated liquid (kj/kg)
hfg = enthalpy change of vapourization (kj/kg)
μf = dynamic viscosity of saturated liquid (cp)
μg = dynamic viscosity of saturated vapour (cp)
vf = specific volume of saturated liquid (m3/kg)
vg = specific volume of saturated vapour (m3/kg)
x = dryness factor
v = velocity (m/s)
G = mass velocity (kh/m2s)
Re = Reynolds number
f = friction factor
L = length of capillary tube (m)

ℎ 0− ℎ
x1 = ℎ𝑓𝑔

µ 1
= 𝑥 1
× µ𝑔 1
+ (1 − 𝑥 1) µ𝑓 1
z = D×G
Re1 = µ 1
f1 = 0.32×𝑅𝑒
𝑓 +𝑓
f= 0

v1 = 𝑣𝑓 1
+ 𝑥 1(𝑣𝑔 1
− 𝑣𝑓 1)
u1 = G×v1
𝑢 +𝑢
u= 0

y= 2𝐷
𝑢 0
+𝑢 1
∆𝑢 = 2
∆𝑝 = 𝑝0 − 𝑝1

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Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)
TABLE 6: Capillary tube calculations

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

4. Manufacturing of Components:
● Evaporator
● Compressor
● Condenser
● Capillary tube
● Water Collection Tank
Also other components in the setup are service valve, pressure gauges, thermocouples,
wattmeter, insulation etc.

Figure 9: Components I

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

Figure 10: Components II

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

Figure 11: Setup

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

5. Costing

Sr. No. Components Price (₹)

1 Compressor 10500

2 Copper tube(3/8") 5905

3 Copper Elbow (3/8") 2376

4 Capillary Tube 50

5 Multipoint temperature indicators 3953

(Metravi DTI-101M6)

6 Service Valve (Real Life Solution) 350

7 Evaporator Exhaust Fan 1500

8 Condenser Fan (Blower) 3384

9 Kill Switch (LAY7) 800

10 Refrigerant R134a 2050

11 Sheet metal, square pipe,powder coating 2000

12 Thermocouple 1840

13 Butane gas (weldfire) +filler material (Harris) 1800 +1200 = 3000

14 Electrical equipments 1000


15 Filter drier, insulation ,MSB + other Expenses 300 + 500 + 1500 = 2300


TABLE 7: Costing

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

6. Experimental Validation

6.1 Testing:
6.1.1 Leak test
For checking the leakages in the water line the condenser leak test has been carried out. In
this test using a 12 v DC water pump the water is circulated through the water line. The
points of leakages are marked and brazed again to make the line leakproof.
After the brazing the line is again tested by using the same procedure.
6.1.2 Vacuum Test
Vacuum Test is carried out for checking the leakages in the refrigerant line of a system.
During the vacuum test vacuum pump was connected to the charging valve attached to
the charging port of the compressor. The gauge manifold is connected between the
vacuum pump and charging valve to note down the readings of vacuum obtained. After
running the vacuum pump for 10 min we were able to achieve the vacuum of about 60 cm
of hg. After turning off the vacuum pump the pressure suddenly raised and hence the
leakage in the system was detected. After Finding the leakage manually at bends it was
brazed properly. Again after repeating the procedure vacuum of 60 cm of hg is achieved.
The readings in the compound gauge are again noted after 24 hours. Since there was no
change in the readings hence the refrigerant line is proved to be leak proof.
6.1.3 Actual Test
Before performing the actual test it is ensured that the condenser and evaporator is
properly insulated. For the final testing, the Refrigerant was charged in the refrigeration
line with the help of a charging valve. The pressure was maintained at about 4 bar relative
to the lowest temperature in the system i.e. 5℃.

6.2 Table:
We ran the setup for 1 hour, while recording the amount of total water collected after
every 15 minutes. These recordings were taken for both the conditions, first being the
condition where the evaporator fan was kept off and second being where the fan was kept
on. Note that the condenser fan is on throughout the experiment.

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

Time Water Collected with Fan Off Water Collected with Fan On
(Min) (ml) (ml)

Reading Reading Reading Avg. Reading Reading Reading Avg.

1 2 3 1 2 3

15 100 125 125 116.66 250 250 275 258.33

30 325 300 325 316.66 500 475 525 500

45 500 475 450 475 750 750 775 758.33

60 775 750 775 766.66 925 950 1000 958.33

TABLE 8: Result Table

Comparing actual amount of water collected in one hour to theoretical amount of water
obtained in one hour from previous calculations,

Expected Amount of Water Amount of water when Efficiency

(ml) (ml) (%)

Fan Off Fan On Fan Off Fan On

766.66 958.33 42.935 53.669
TABLE 9: Comparison Table

Comparison graph:

Figure 12: Comparison Graph

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

7. Concluding Remarks
The project work is about the design of an experimental setup of extraction of water from
atmospheric air. The following conclusions can be drawn through it:

1. Total heat to be extracted from air flow having 0.031 kg/sec is 2519.649 Watt.
To extract this heat we have designed an evaporator of 0.3556×0.3556 m2 (i.e.
14×14 inch2 ).
2. The expected amount of water to be collected is 1785.6 ml/hr.
3. Total heat rejected from the condenser is 4228.2 Watt. The condenser designed for
this purpose has dimensions of 0.3556×0.4318 m2 (i.e. 14×17 inch2).
4. The actual amount of water collected while keeping the Evaporator Fan OFF is
766.66 ml in an hour, indicating an efficiency of the setup as 42.935%.
5. The actual amount of water collected while keeping the Evaporator Fan ON is
958.33 ml in an hour, indicating an efficiency of the setup as 53.669%.
6. Since the setup works more efficiently when the Evaporator fan is kept ON, it is
the recommended condition to obtain more water.

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

8. References
Reference Books:
C.P.Arora, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Edition 2013, pp. 312 - 317

Papers from Journal:

● Dr. J H Bhangale,Y B Desale - “Effect of sub cooling and air velocity on water
generation from using vapour compression cycle”[1]

● Nasiru I. Ibrahima, Abdulghani A. Al-Farayedhib, P. Gandhidasan -

“Experimental investigation of a vapor compression system with condenser air
pre-cooling by condensate”[2]

● Christopher Bolsinger, Spencer Ralphs - “Atmospheric Water Generation”[3]

● Sahar Zolfagharkhani, Mohammad Zamen, Mohammad Mohsen Shahmardan -

“Thermodynamic analysis and evaluation of a gas compression refrigeration cycle
for fresh water production from atmospheric air”[4]

● Jatin Patela,Krunal Patela,Anurag Mudgala,Hitesh Panchalb,Kishor Kumar

Sadasivunic - “Experimental investigations of atmospheric water extraction device
under different climatic conditions”[5]

● Vipin Nair, A.D. Parekh, P.R.Tailor-”Experimental investigations of vapour

compression refrigeration system using R134a/Nano oil mixture”[6]

● Chong Zhao,Yunfeng Wang ,Ming Li, Wenkui Zhao, Xuejuan Li, Wenping Du,
Qinfen Yu -“Experimental study of a solar adsorption refrigeration system
integrated with a compound parabolic concentrator based on an enhanced mass
transfer cycle in Kunming, China”[7]

● Manish Kumar Ojha, Anoop Kumar Shukla, Puneet Verma, Ravindra Kannojiya -
“Recent progress and outlook of solar adsorption refrigeration systems”[8]

● Lucia Cattani, Anna Magrini , Paolo Cattani -“Water Extraction From Air by
Refrigeration Experimental Result From an Integrated System Application”[9]

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)

● Wei He, Pengkun Yu, Zhongting Hu, Song Lv, Minghui Qin, Cairui Yu-
“Experimental Study and Performance Analysis of a Portable Atmospheric Water

● Shanshan Liu, Wei He, Dengyun Hu, Song Lv, Delu Chen, Xin Wu, Fusuo Xu,
Sijia Li - “Experimental Analysis of a Portable Atmospheric Water Generator by
Thermoelectric cooling Method” [11]

● Andrej Gibelhaus, Nicolas Fidorra, Franz Lanzerath, Uwe Bau, Jürgen Köhler,
André - “Hybrid refrigeration by vapour compression cycle and water-based
adsorption chiller: An efficient combination of natural working fluids”[12]

● Manoj Kumar, Avadhesh Yadav - “Solar-driven technology for freshwater

production from atmospheric air by using the composite desiccant material
CaCl2/floral foam”[13]

● Shobhit Srivastava, Avadhesh Yadav - “Water generation from atmospheric air by

using composite desiccant material through fixed focus concentrating solar
thermal power” [14]

● H.I. Abualhamayel, P. Gandhidasan- “A method of obtaining fresh water from the

humid atmosphere” [15]

● Shanshan Liu, Wei He, Dengyun Hu, Song Lv, Delu Chen, Xin Wu, Fusuo Xu,
Sijia Li- “Experimental Analysis of a Portable Atmospheric Water Generator by
Thermoelectric cooling Method”[16]

● V. P. Joshi, V. S. Joshi, H. A. Kothari, M. D. Mahajan, M. B. Chaudhari, K. D.

Sant - “Experimental investigations on a portable fresh water generator using a
thermoelectric cooler”[17]

● M.K. Russel, D. Ewing, C.Y. Ching- “Characterization of a thermoelectric cooler

based thermal management system under different operating conditions”[18]

Reports, Handbooks:
Jeffrey B. Williams, Double pipe heat exchanger, September 18, 2002, pp. 3 - 5
Nptel lecture, Condensers & Evaporators, IIT Kharagpur, pp. 12 - 22
Industrial Refrigeration Consortium University of Wisconsin Madison, WI USA,
PROPERTIES OF R-134A, pp. 4 - 28

Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering And Research, Ravet, B.E. (Mechanical)


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