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The Human Animal - High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

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The Human Animal

HP Hooded Cobra 666

Nov 13, 2018

[Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής] wrote:

[Hoodedcobra666] wrote:
If one pays close attention to the animal kingdom, the only animal
that is stupid enough to complain, is the human.

“Awesome sermon with very important points but next time I think we
should not say that human is also an animal because it's not really true. As
we know the jews call humans "animals".

I understand when we use the term "goyim" in ironical way but sorry, it
annoys me when I read such statements that human is also an animal and
part of animal kingdom…”

What's disgraceful about being part of the animal kingdom? Man exists in the
animal kingdom, and it depends on where he falls based on his quality or lack of

Many people dislike animals over the erroneous belief that animals are stupid, or
that they lack wisdom, or that they are dirty and defiled, or that they are simply
'inferior' to humans. But when it boils down in explaining why animals are 'inferior'
to humans, then I do not see many arguments supporting this from an existential
standby. I see them quite equal and sometimes also man, in some situations,
sinks on the lower.

Man is an animal, because animal simply means 'animating' as in the animating

soul. The only ones with the audacity to declare themselves 'above nature' in a
disgraceful manner while sinking on it's lower level are the jews, who call
themselves 'human' while all their behavior just parallels the behavior of any virus
and parasite in nature.

The real problems begin when man is out of sync with, or does not possess this
animating soul. Aka, when he sinks past the level of being animal, and loses his
synchronicity with the cosmos, and sinks into the soulless level of
The jew claims it is superior to nature but in actuality the behavior of jews is just
the behavior of ticks and fleas in a manifested human form. Arrogance and
hatred against nature is the key element of the jewish religion. Their "God" is an
NPC, life hating borg, they themselves are the most inferior manifestation of
natural parasitism, and their vision of the world is a world which has fallen lower
than cattle, filled with unaware NPC's that follow their borg, to absolute
nothingness, for all time.

Goyim is actually a lower level than a so called 'animal' as we say dog or cat.
When jews say 'animal' they mean a level more subservient to that of animals
like dogs and cats.

A dog can be severely beaten and will understand to run away from its so called
master. Take the average goyim today and the amount of level of abuse, and just
keeps praising the jew. This behavior is lower to an animal. Man today is not
even equalized to the level of animals. If man was equalized to the level of
animals, this world would have been more just and better. We may have been
better off.

What happens today however is that many beings who are just on the animal, or
lower than animal, level of advancement, scorn this fact, and do not seek
advancement, as everyone is told they are 'perfectly human' while they have
hardly any of the developed abilities of being human, such as logical judgement.

Another example is that humans just sit in a region and can literally procreate to
the point all the resources and everything of said resource are completely
drained and destroyed. There are many cases of people destroying rivers, which
are associated with life. The Pagan Egyptians considered this a spiritual offense.
You cannot pollute the river that gives you life... How stupid is that?

Animals are innocent, great, and in many cases nobler than man and they do not
act in deception, nor out of the cycles of nature. They just are, what they are.

What many people call "Man" is constantly going outside of this order of things,
sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. Today, it is more towards the
lower the level of things. Everyone today also defines their so called "Humanity"
but their ability to do disturbing things that go away or against nature in every
way. And this is what they believe makes them 'human', and they pride
themselves in not being 'like the animals', and feel 'superiority' of this state of
being too.
Animals do not kill other animals over superficial things such as a bag of chips,
and kill only when it is to receive necessary nutrition. Man can just rob and kill
another man merely by feelings of jealousy or hatred.

"People" today it's debatable in some cases if some of them are actually human
or animal. Because human is a being who is more dominated by the part of the
mind which is associated with logic, understanding, higher emotions, and seeks
to move towards the better than higher aspect of life. But most people are just
sunk on a lower level. While being an animal is characterized by gross actions
but even these actions do have some sort of logic of existence behind them.

But the behavior of many modern people in the present jewish system doesn't
resemble either.

All human drives are also rooted in the primal 'animal' drives and their raising to a
higher level. The man who sacrifices for his nation does not really understand
reincarnation on a logical level, but on the back of his mind, he understands both
the fact that his sacrifice will contribute to the general life of the whole, or it's
raising of quality or life, and that he himself, if the whole exists, will exist again.

This man from the remote forgotten village where everyone scorns in some
corner of the world, can be superior in all respects to the Swedish woman who
was just 'protesting' in the airplane to keep a child rapist and homicidal ape into
her country, simply because someone taught her 'this is the right thing' in the
university. This villager illiterate man probably if he saw a person robbing his
villages reserves, he would react. He would raise an axe, or at least seek to
avenge this behavior, or prevent it. This man can be illiterate and be more just
than the so called 'literate' based on the natural laws of life.

This is because the Swedish woman in this case was Goyim-ified by jews, while
the man in the remote village has not had the same fortune.

Goyim by serving the jews are forming themselves into something very antithetic
and evil to both being spiritual (human) and to being animal (normal state of
existence). They are creating themselves by force into a soulless NPC, that
serves a specific unnatural and evil agenda. They have sunk into an altogether
and new level of inferiority and evil. What level of inferiority does it take to literally
pray so your own people go extinct, and that you cease existing as a species?

There are no animals in the animal kingdom that can be so errant or arrogant.

Disrespect about all other forms of animals came because man just keeps
repeating by xianity that he is some sort of 'superior' being to nature while this a
lie. Especially, if one observes the jewish programs, one is in reality lower than
an animal, since animals are superior to man in that they do not fail in natural
observation and the laws of nature, but man can constantly close his eyes and
perception to natural laws, even when he is many more times capable to
understand his environment.

The jews call this state they have caused on mankind, "Goyim" state of

Many animals are also superior to man in terms of integrity, understanding, and
many other qualities, so yes, man may not be exactly an animal: He can be way
lower and inferior to an animal, and he can also be quite superior, but part of his
middle line is always stuck in the generative nature of the world and there is
nothing bad here. If man was not an animal, there would be no volition to
develop, take over his environment, fight, kill, gather resources, procreate, and
many other things which define the life of animals.

It's not evil to glorify or godify animals either. All animals have a representation of
their own powers. Even today, we use many animals as symbols of strength and

What is shameful is not to be an animal, but to sink lower than an animal, and to
be a Goyim as the jew intends humans to become. I will continue to call some
people Goyim because they deserve frown and ridicule, and anathematize their
choice to serve the jew, while being a bio hazard to all other life on earth. These
people do not deserve to be called human until they wake up and move towards
their humanity.

I know with the cucking levels in the 21st century this will make some people cry.
People do not whine over being called something most of the time, but in this
case, this is something they dislike because simply it alerts them to a reality.
When Christians, humble as they pretend to be, are called "Worthless Goyim
Slaves Of the Kikes", or "Dumb filth", their little ego gets offended simply
because this is what they are actually doing, this is what they are.

They are so weak and inferior to animals they act lower than animals in cruelty,
deception and greed, and pretend to be so many times superior to animals, and
they will not tolerate be called over the fact. Constantly the humans of the world
such as the people who brought the Renascence had to fight the Goyim aka the
jewish troops and their leprous jewish masters, as does healthy bodies fight
deathly diseases in order to exist. They want to be called 'holy humans' and
'saved humans', and 'pious humans' instead.
No, I'll call them Team Toilet Goyim.

The Christian is the only being that wants to inject an erroneous consciousness
and mind virus into your brain, simply because he himself is infected, by his slave
master. The Muslim is even inferior nowadays as the will also do it by the sword
even to this century. So we aren't talking about animals here but the precise
statement of Goyim. Lower than animals. Animals do not go to on purpose
spread their affliction to anyone else, "just because".

Then you have these so called 'humans' like nihilistic (and materialistic scientists)
and many others who simply ignore the fact that animals feel love and other
emotions like that, because they say animals are dumb, or because they say
they have a smaller brain or lack of understanding. They judge these animals
based on vision, which animals have superior, smell, which animals have
superior, touching, where animals also in many cases have superior, and based
on the world of the senses, while the irony is that man is superior in
understanding and mental perception, based on which he can only claim
superiority to judge other beings with. But animals are not judged based on this
but empiricism, in which man simply fails.

Man can be sitting on the side of his wife, and not know if his wife loves him or
not. He can be sitting on the side of another who is the greatest threat to his life,
and not be aware of it. A huge earthquake can be coming, about to extinct him,
and he can be focused on superficial matters. A dog can simply smell all of that.

If one was equally an animal, he could feel the so called 'animation' in the soul of
another animal by some natural instinct, and as such be able to escape great
perils. A dog could smell if the animals do experience emotions, but man cannot
smell it. If some mothers cared for their kids as much as a dog who just gave
birth cared about them, then we would be better off, since it's rare or impossible
for mothers to abandon their own children.

And if one was at the actualized human level of consciousness they would see
that animals in their own very way are wise, pure in spirit, and truly innocent and
respect their abilities.

Many of these people aren't even close to this level, they are inferior, and they
inflict torment which they believe is superficial because these animals are

Actually because the ancients also understood the importance of what I say here,
many people were portrayed with Horns and other similar aspects which are of
the animal kingdom. Or simply in union to an animal form such as the Ascended
Serpent. The highest God Pan wasn't only portrayed as "Human" but as a form
between man and human. The Gods in Egypt wear masks simply because it's
not derogatory to do so. This is to describe that the sound understanding of
animal and natural consciousness exists. Then after there is mastery of this one
can also move towards the projects which are more considered human and/or

Man should not be afraid of being an animal, because man is part of the natural,
animating continuum. What man should be afraid of is fallen INFERIOR to the
animals, and also, not rising into his fully superior and higher level of potential.

Only after the part is accepted for its wisdom (and its faults) one is attained to
move towards to better things.

So is man an animal? Well man is existing between totally subhuman and inferior
to animals, to animal, to a full realization of what it means to be human. The
subhuman level is called Goyim is just the lowest level possible. The Ancient
Pagans were softer on the term they just called this 'level of delusion' or 'false
reality'. Called simply "Spiritually unawakened" or "Samsaric" or "Tamasic" level
of consciousness the animal level is higher than that, and is in the middle, and
the top level of existence is where man has understood his humanity and divinity.

Animals do not suffer from delusions. At least mostly… There are some
chihuahuas that believe they are lions… LOL

It's not a crime for man to be an animal to some extent as we are animals,
animating beings. What is evil and corrupted is to disregard this part of our
nature, and not rectify the drives so that we reach a higher level. Those who do
not understand their own animal and living drives such as sexuality, food, and so
forth, will not understand their divinity.

What differentiates man from animal is that man is aware on how to better
express these drives and uplift them. The lack of these drives is where one
becomes a living NPC, no different than a calculator or a computer, and this is
not true divinity but the rise of one aspect of human consciousness so much that
it overshadows and consumes all others, a state of imbalance.
© Joy of Satan Ministries

Reply from [HP Hooded Cobra]:

[Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής] wrote:

Oh my! I have never said or thought it would be a disgrace or such!

Anyone who knows me must know that I love and respect animals, I was
even vegan years ago for a while (unfortunately)...

Totally agree that animals are so pure and innocent and yes, WISE.

I just wrote it annoys me because it annoys me when the jews call us

animals and most people just simply believe we are animals and would not
understand the point of your writing.

Thanks for this post, because this explains it very well.

Every time I make any reply I don't specifically only reply to the matter at hand
but also write extra things for people interested in a subject. I should have been
more specific on this.
Jews do not call us animals as stated, I don't know hebrew in any serious depth,
but the Goyim is something way inferior in meaning to animal. It's in the very
least describing a totally useless, cattle animal, meant only for milking, and lower
than that. This comes because the jews perceive animals as slaves, and the
"Goyim" or gentiles, as lower than animals (even in how THEY perceive animals
as useless lifeforms and slaves).

Jews call animals Khayot as in living animals and cattle. Goyim is inferior to
Khayot it means way below animal. Khayot I think means wild animal aka animal
of the field, while Goyim is inferior even to this in meaning. The jews sacrifice
Khayot (such as goats) and Goyim aka human Gentiles.

There is also a place in the Jewish Bible where Rabbi Yehoshua aka Jesus
Christ compares a Pagan Gentile woman to a dog and judges her inferior to the
dog. This is reflection of the cultural understanding of the jews above. Rabbi
jesus is just speaking in his hebrew connotations there.

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