Reactive Dyes and Their Application: J. R. Aspland, of
Reactive Dyes and Their Application: J. R. Aspland, of
Reactive Dyes and Their Application: J. R. Aspland, of
May1992 CCO 33
Reactive Dyes However, the next three short sections
Table 1. Solution and Fiber Phases
of Reactive Dyes
I may be of little interest to dyers.
The Donnan Model:
A Research Tool
Solution (3) Fiber (f)
In science, all sorts of model systems are
CI- or SOT CI- or SO4
used. They do not need to be completely
OH- realistic, although it helps; however, they
represented by the formula below, where Dye-X Dye-Xb need to be useful! The Donnan model of
Dye-OH Dye-OHb fibers is linked with the name of a pioneer
Nu- is any nucleophilic anion, and X is the Na+ Na+c in the area of semi-permeable membranes,
leaving group.
Dye-X + Nu- - Dye-Nu + X-
Notes:FH-+ the dye leaving groups,
may also be
and it can be used to examine how the
mobile and immobile, reactive and inert,
ionic species will equilibrate in dyebath-
Yes, the reactions are more complicated CI- or SO;.bDyes contain anionic SOggroups, so fiber systems. It is particularly useful for
than this, but the equation represents the these species are anionic. Dye-X is short lived. studying the behavior of alkalis, salts and
CSodiumions from all sources; dyes, salts and al- anionic dyes in cellulose-dyebath systems
beginning and ending state of affairs quite kali.
reliably. Chemists should refer to
so that the concentration of the different
Zollinger ( 3 )for more complete details. ions in the fiber may be calculated from
hydrolysis reaction, by which reactive experimental measurements on the solu-
Batch Dyeing Mechanism
dyes are wasted, to form by-products tions.
which will no longer react with the fiber. The model has been based on a number
Now that the general introduction to the This reaction takes place both in the fiber
unique, reactive dye application category of assumptions, and it has been used along
and in the solution (dyebath) with the with a number of constants some of which
has been made, the actual batch dyeing same rate constant of hydrolysis, kH, but
mechanisms can be discussed. The nature might be labeled empirical. However, they
at different rates, because the concentra- all have a realistic basis, which means that
of the processes involved, both chemical tions of the reactants are different in the
and physical, will be related to the three their use leads to conclusions which make
two locations: good scientific and practical sense. The
steps of conventional reactive batch dye-
ing (exhaustion, fixation and washing- In-Fiber Hydrolysis Rate = assumptions are given below, as are the
off), and the possibility of future technol- [Dye-X]f X [OH-If X kH Eq. 8 nature of the constants used to study
ogy refinements will be explored. cellulose. Their values are given else-
In-Dyebath Hydrolysis Rate = where (7).
Chemical Processes [Dye-XI, X [OH-], X kH Eq. 9
Donnan Assumptions
The chemical equations which follow are The total rate of reaction of the dye, or the
absolutely essential for understanding re- rate at which the dye loses its reactivity, is The following are Donnan assumptions:
active dyeing: given by the sum of the three rates given in Cellulose in (textile) wet processes
can behave as if the external dyebath or
Cell-OH + OH- Cell-0- + H20 Eqs. 7 through 9. Clearly this is larger than
just the rate of fixation (see upcoming solution phase and the internal or fiber
Eq. 4 phase are both aqueous liquids, separated
section, Dyeing, Step 2: Fixation).
by a membrane through which ions but not
Cell-0- + DyeX k_RDye-O-Cell + X- Total Rate of Reaction = cellulose (fiber) derivatives may pass; i.e.,
Eq. 5
Fixation Rate (Eq. 7) + as if the properties of diffusible ions within
In-Fiber Hydrolysis Rate (Eq. 8) + the fibers a t equilibrium can be confined to
In-Dyebath Hydrolysis Rate (Eq. 9) a special reservoir of water intimately
OH- + DyeX k_trDye-OH + X- Eq. I O associated with those outer and inner fiber
Eq. 6 surfaces accessible to water.
Physical Processes 0 Electrical neutrality is achieved in
Compare Eqs. 4,5, and 6 to Eqs. 1 and 3. Exhaust dyeing reactive dyes on cellulose both the external (dyebath) and internal
The reaction represented by Eq. 4 is a involves inorganic and dye ions in two (fiber) phases. This means there are equal
reversible equilibrium reaction between phases, liquid and solid, dyebath and fiber. numbers of positive and negative ionic
cellulose and alkali, to generate the fiber Chemical reactions can take place in the charges in each individual phase. But the
nucleophile with which the dye can react, bath or in the fiber, but the physical two phases may have different numbers of
Cell-0-. This equilibrium is established processes often involve those ions which ions.
almost immediately when the alkali is can move reversibly from dyebath to fiber 0 The conditions of Donnan distribu-
added to the system. and back again. Other ions and molecules, tion of solutes (such as alkali, salt and
The reaction represented by Eq. 5 is the particularly cellulose and cellulose deriva- dyes) across the membrane are applicable.
key to the formation of the covalent tives, are not mobile. The situation can be The most useful condition can be simply
dye-fiber bond and is the reaction, within represented in a simple diagram, Table I, stated. A t equilibrium, the product of the
the fiber, of the dye with the fiber nucleo- which indicates solution and fiber phases, concentrations of each of the ions of a
phile, Cell-0-. This fixation reaction pro- those mobile ions which attempt to equili- solute are equal in both the external and
ceeds a t a rate determined by the product brate between dyebath and fiber (double internal phases. The only caution needed
of the concentrations of the reactants and arrows) and the immobile species. here is that solutes producing more than
their intrinsic reactivity, expressed by the I t is no easy matter to scientifically two ions, even if two or more are the same,
rate constant k R . Squared brackets indi- study all these ion movements and equilib- must be treated as if each ion were
cate concentrations; subscripts f and s ria while studying chemical reaction rates different. For example, sodium sulfate,
mean fiber and solution respectively: as well. The next sections outline a method Na2S04, ionizes to give three ions, two
which is very helpful in such an attempt. sodium ions and one sulfate. The product
Fixation Rate = of the concentrations of these three ions is:
The same general approach has proved
[Dye-X]f X [Cell-0-1 X kR Eq. 7 [Na'] X [Na'] X [SOT] or [Na+12
useful for studying the acid dyeing of
The reaction represented by Eq. 6 is the nylon and the basic dyeing of acrylics (7). X [SO%].The same considerations apply
to the sodium salts of anionic dyes which Reaction proceeds until no further in- equivalent curve for Dye 11, E 11, indicates
can have four or more sodium ions. crease of color depth takes place on the that the original reactive dye, Dye-X, has
fiber, a t which time there is essentially no very little substantivity under the given
Cellulose Constants free reactive dye left. At the end of this conditions and has achieved its full ex-
For cellulosic fibers (7) these include the stage, Step 2, there might be a total of haustion of about 10%before the addition
ionic product for water Kw; either the anywhere from 75-90% of the color, either of alkali.
acidic dissociation constant for cellulose, exhaustedor fixed, on the fiber; i.e., thereis After the addition of alkali, two new dye
KA,or the basic dissociation constant, KB, 10-25% of hydrolyzed color left in the species begin to form. Curves FI and FII
where KB = KA + Kw;the availability of bath. Of the color on the fiber, 15-25% is represent the increase from zero of-the
Cell-OH (actually glucose residues) for not fixed (reacted with the fiber) but is held covalently bound dyes I and I1 respec-
provision of internal surfaces (41% for by substantivity; Le., only 50-75% of the tively; Dye-0-Cell. The continuation of
cotton, 74% for viscose rayon), which reactive dye added to the bath initially is curves E1 and E11 (beyond the 30 minute
percentages are a function of fiber mor- covalently bonded to the fiber. The re- alkali addition) represent the sum total of
phology, crystallinity and amorphous maining 25-50% of hydrolyzed color will all the colored species associated with the
character; the concentration of Cell-OH probably end up, along with a high concen- fiber. At 30 minutes this color is almost all
residues; the concentration of acidic, car- tration of salt, in thedrain. Dye-X, but Dye-0-Cell and Dye-OH ap-
boxylate groups in cotton and viscose This state of affairs has satisfied no- pear gradually, until a t t = 120 minutes, it
rayon and the volume of the surface phase body, and in many developed countries it is is probably all Dye-0-Cell and Dye-OH.
in liters per kilogram of fiber (for cotton becoming an environmental liability. It is not possible to distinguish from the
and viscose rayon: 0.22 and 0.45). These curves alone what percentages of which
latter values are known as volume terms. Exhaustion and Fixation Graphs species of fiber color E1 and E11 represent.
Steps 1 and 2 can be illustrated graphi- The figures at the right hand side of the
Dyeing cally; e.g., Fig. 1. This shows the changes Fig. 1 indicate:
We are now ready to move on to discuss the in dyebath exhaustion and dye fixation on (i) the percentage of the dyes I and I1
three principle steps of all reactive dyeing: the fiber, with time, in a conventional actuallyfixed: (68%, 66%);
exhaustion, fixation or reaction and wash- dyeing process lasting a nominal two (ii) the percentage of hydrolyzed dyes
ing-off. A section will be devoted to ex- hours, with the alkali addition after 30 dropped with the dyebath: (16%, 25%);
plaining the significance of graphical rep- minutes. The curves represent the behav- (iii) the percentages of hydrolyzed dye
resentations of the process. ior of two commercial dyes from the same exhausted onto the fiber: (16%, 9%);
0 Step 1: Exhaustion: In conventional sub-group, but with no suggestion that +
Together, ii iii indicate the percent-
processes the required amount of dissolved they are suitable for use together. The use ages of wasted color: (32%, 34%).
dye is added to the dyebath at ambient of the word color on they axis obviates the It is apparent that the increased sub-
temperature and circulated through the need to distinguish clearly between Dye-X stantivity of Dye I over that of Dye I1 has
goods. The temperature is gradually and Dye-OH, or reactive and hydrolyzed hardly affected the overall yield of fixed
raised to the recommended dyeing and dye. dye, but has produced 7% (16% minus 9%)
fixation temperature and the required After 30 minutes, just before alkali more of a product on the fiber which is
amount of salt is added in portions, to addition, Dye I, curve EI, is 46% ex- moderately substantive and will have to be
exhaust the bath. hausted, and the majority of the dye at this removed by washing. This is a distinct
This parallels direct dyeing, except in stage will be in its original reactive form, drawback.
one respect: the substantivity of the reac- Dye-X. The shape of the curve seems to But, how does 66% of Dye I1 end up
tive dyes is generally quite low, which indicate that the dye is moderately sub- fixed, when its substantivity is so low
would require the amount of salt to be stantive and could have exhausted to about before the addition of alkali? Certainly the
high, sometimes as high as 200% owg, or, 60% if the alkali had not been added. The added alkali (being an electrolyte, like
a t a 20:l liquor ratio, 100 grams per liter.
The exhaustion might be quite low, re-
gardless; maybe as low as 10%.
In the next few sections we will see why
Key: E1 = Exhaustion of Dye I
E11 = Exhaustion of Dye I1 i
FI = Fixation of Dye I
low exhaustion and high salt concentra- FII = Fixation of Dye I1 E1 1
tions are tolerated. Certainly reactive dyes
could be derivatives of selected direct dye
molecules with high substantivity (al-
though they are not outstandingly bright
in color). Why is this usually not the case? % Color
0 Step 2: Fixation: The required (or on Fiber
recommended) amount of alkali is added
to the goods with good circulation, and
fixation (reaction) proceeds. The hydrox-
ide ion, being a very small ion, enters the
cellulose readily and the equilibrium reac-
tion, Eq. 4, the ionization of cellulose, is 68%
quickly established. This produces a sys-
tem with three possibilities for nucleo-
philic reaction with the dye: two in the
fiber (internal) phase, with the cellulosate
and hydroxide ions, one in the dyebath,
with hydroxide ions. 1 t. mins. (nominal)
The dye is distributed between the
dyebath and the fiber after Step 1, and
reaction proceeds in both phases a t rates
which are given in Eqs. 7 and 8. Fig. 1. Exhaustion and fixation vs. time for two reactive dyes.