Assigment (Jurnal)
Assigment (Jurnal)
Assigment (Jurnal)
The aim of this research was to find out the correlation between the students’ vocabulary
mastery and the students’ reading comprehension at the grade 8 of SMPN 3 Sorong. This
research used a correlational research. The population of this study was the second grade
students of SMPN 3 Sorong in the academic year of 2024/2025/ The sample consists of 32
students. The instruments in this research were two kind of test, they were vocabulary test
and reading comprehension test, each test consisted of 20 multiple choice. All the data gained
in this research was analyzed by using the formulation of Pearson Product Moment
Correlation Conficient. According to the result of the analysis and statistical calculate, the
criteria are: a correlation of 0.898 is high, the researcher concluded that rxy = 0.898 with N
31 is significant. This means that the Ho rejected and the Ha accepted. Another that, based on
Pearson product moment formula was compared to r-table the research found that it was r
0,898 > 𝑡 table (0.320) its mean Ho was rejected, and H1 was accepted. In conclusion, the
result showed that there was positive correlation between students‟ vocabulary mastery and
the students’ reading comprehension at the second grade of SMPN 3 Kota Sorong
Language is a means of communication between fellow humans to facilitate a job or
something that is being done between one person and another. The use of language as a vocal
symbol system that must be learned and mastered from childhood in order to communicate
with others. In the world of English learning there are 4 important skills that must be
mastered in order to understand English well. The skills are reading, listening, wrting, and
speaking. As stated by Wardhauhg (1972:3) Language as a system of vocal symbols used for
human communication.
Reading is the activity of looking at the reading text and the process of understanding the
content of the text by vocalizing or silently. Reading is a very important thing, by reading we
can get a lot up-to-date information that is very useful and important for us to know. We can
read anywhere and anytime whether it’s reading in the city library, library at school,
gramedia or even by using a smartphone as a young media taken anywhere so that we can
read or search for information wherever and whenever we are. As stated by Dalman (2014:5)
Reading is an activity or cognitive process that seeks to find various information contained in
wrting. Reading makes someone smarter and creative even though some information can be
obtained without reading, for example, by listening to teacher, radion or television etc.
By reading we can get more information, for example reading newspaper or magazines
rather than listening to or watching television news. Also, a reader can read the news in the
newspaper repeatedly, if on television only once and cannot repeatedly watch the same news.
This is supported by Willis (2008) who states that by reading, someone can find the
information who needs with specific information. According to Bottino (n/d) stated that
reading can be define as a process of looking at and understanding what is written. It means
that when the students reading something (such as book, magazine, newspaper etc.) is a
process of looking at the information that provide on the written text.
In order gain specific information, students at school should be taught how to read and
reasoning. When students read a text, they must calmly think and reason about the meaning
of each sentence read in order to understand the meaning of each reading. Thorndike in
Nurhadi (2000:13) argues that reading is process in thinking and reasoning.
Reading comprehension and vocabulary mastery have a strong relationship. According
to Sedita (2005) who states that vocabulary knowledgei crucial in reading comprehension and
determining how well students are in comprehending the texts. In the regard, this study
attemts to find out the ability of students ‘reading comprehension’ students ‘vocabulary
mastery and the correlation between students’ reading comprehension and their vocabulary
Literature Review
Defenition of Reading
Acording Tadros, (2014). Another definition of reading is stated by Schoenbach
(n/d), reading is a simple process reader decode (figure how to pronounce) each word
in text and then automatically comprehend the meaning of the word as they do with
their own language. It means that reading is not only a process of looking at the
information but also the process of understand the meaning of the text whether it is in
native language or second language.
Johnson (2008:3) states “reading is the practice of using text to create meaning”. It
means that when someone reads a text, the person should put forward the main idea of
the text to create a conclusion or understanding as a result.
According to Tarigan (1998:7) reading is a process which is used by a reader in
order to get the purpose of the writer through the written word. It means that when a
reader reads a text, he/she gets the purpose of the text he reads.
Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension can be interpreted as a series of processes carried out by
readers to find information and understand the information contained in a reading
text. Linse (2005: 71) states that "reading comprehension refers to reading for
meaning, understanding, and entertainment.”
This means that in reading comprehension there is a series of processes carried out
by readers to find meaning, understand the information contained in a reading text,
and provide entertainment. In reading comprehension, experts agree that the reader's
schemata (initial knowledge) determines success in reading comprehension. Peregoy
and Boyle (Linse, 2005: 69) state that there are three things that differentiate students
in reading, including: the initial knowledge that students have (the child's background
knowledge), the student's language knowledge (the child's linguistic knowledge), and
the reading strategies or techniques they use. used (the strategies or techniques the
child uses).
Correspondingly, Anderson, Hiebert, Scott, and Wilkinson, 1985; Jenkins, Larson,
and Fleischer, 1983; O'Shea, Sindelar, and O'Shea (Klinger, Vaughn, and Boardman,
2007: 2) suggest that reading comprehension is the process of constructing meaning
by coordinating a number of complex processes that include word reading, word and
world knowledge, and fluency. Thus, reading comprehension is a process that aims to
build meaning by coordinating a number of complex processes that include reading
words, words and knowledge.
According to Zimmerman (2009) Reading comprehension is essentially the ability
to understand what has been read. In line with that, another definition states that
Reading comprehension can also be interpreted as a series of processes carried out by
readers to find information and understand the information contained in a reading text
(Abidin, 2010: 127).
In line with the definition above, reading comprehension is a type of reading that
aims to understand: 1) literary standards or norms; 2) critical review; 3) written
drama (printed drama); 4) patterns of fiction (pettern of fiction). (Tarigan, 2008: 58)
1. Literal comprehension is to have a straight forward understanding meaning
of a text, such as vocabulary and facts, which is not explicated in that text.
2. Interential comprehension is to conclude information from a text and build
new information which is not explicity stated in text.
3. Reorganization is rearranging information from various parts of a text in
order to get new information.
4. Predictive comprehension is intergrating reader’s understanding of a text and
their own knowledge about that text in order to determine what might happen
next or after it is finished.
5. Evaluate comprehension is like inferential comprehension. The difference is
that evaluate comprehension requires reader’s comprehensive judment about
some aspects in a text and ability to redevelop an understanding by using
related issues.
6. Appreciate or personal comprehension is reading in order to gain an
emotional or other value response from a text, and it demands reader to
respond a text also with their feelings.
According to Lehr (2004: 1) vocabulary is knowledge of words and words
meaning in both oral and print language and in productive and receptive forms which
is used in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Young (2009) defines vocabulary in four ways: the meaning of words, how the
words are used, root words, prefixes, suffixes and analogies.
While Hornby (1974:959) defines vocabulary in three ways: total number of
words (with rules for combining them) which make up a language, range of words
known to a person and containing a list of words with definition or translation.
Vocabulary is all about words, and good mastery of vocabulary helps someone
understand language. It is supported by Wallace (1982) who says that vocabulary is
one of the most important parts of language, because when speaking a language, the
speakers need several words to convey ideas. Therefore, people can understand what
the speakers mean. When a learner intends to learn foreign languagem he/she has to
learn the vocabulary of the foreign language firts.
Wallace (1982) mentions two main reason about the importance of vocabulary.
1. Language exists in two forms, spoken and written, both of them need
vocabulary to develop the existance itself.
2. Vocabulary is needed for production in learning English as a foreign language
rather than only needed for recognition it.
Furthermore, Lehr & Osborn (2001) explain two kinds of vocabulary description
as follow. First, words come in two forms, oral and print.
1. Oral vocabulary include the words that are recognized and used in listening
and speaking.
2. Pritn vocabulary includes the words that are recognized and used in reading
and writing.
a. Population
The population of this research was 32 students in class 8 of junior high AT SMPN 3
KOTA SORONG. The writer took as a total population was 32 students.
b. Sample
Actually, the researcher took all population as the research sample who
have 31 students, but only 28 students attended in the test. The process of taking
sample above was taken by used total sampling. Total sampling was a sampling
technique that involves problem (based on specific goals).
c. Instrument
The instrument used in this research was the form of “Field research”. In this
instrument was divided in two parts: the first was vocabulary test, that consist of 20
questions. The numbers of each item of the test were 20 items of a multiple-choice
type test with four options: A, B, C, or D. In vocabulary test the researcher found out
the improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery that focus on (verb and
adjective). The second test was reading test which consist of 20 questions. The
numbers of each item of the test were 20 items of a multiple-choice type test with four
options: A, B, C, or D. In reading comprehension test the researcher found out the
improvement of the students’ reading comprehension that focus on (sequence and
d. The Procedure of collecting data
To collect data the writer did the procedure of this research as follows:
1. The writer distributed the test namely the vocabulary test and reading
comprehension test.
2. The researcher explained to the students about the test
3. The researcher gave 40 minutes for respondent to answer the entire question.
e. Technique of Data Analysis
In completing the data, the next step of this research was technique of data analysis.
In this research, the writer gave a test to the students at the second grade of SMPN 3
Kota Sorong in academic year 2024/2025. These tests focus on the vocabulary test
and reading comprehension test in English. Since the writer wanted to investigate the
correlation between two kinds of test, vocabulary and reading comprehension, so the
writer used test method. The test was divided into two parts; the first was vocabulary,
which consists of 20 items. The second was reading comprehension, which also
consists of 20 items. The steps in analyze the data were chronologic present as
1) Classifying the students’ vocabulary mastery
To classify the vocabulary mastery of the student, the writer calculated the
mean score of the students' vocabulary mastery test by used the following
pattern and formula:
Where: x = Mean
X =¿
When X = Mean
∑x = Total Raw score
N = Total Number of student
3) Calculating the correlation
To know there was significant correlation between the student’s vocabulary
mastery and their reading comprehension ability, the writer would apply the
following formula
n ∑ xy−( ∑ x )( ∑ y )
r xy =
√¿ ¿ ¿
r xy : Coefficient Variable between variable ‘x’ and ‘y’
If the lies between 0. 40 - 1.00 is accepted, and is rejected. Whereas if the lies between 0.00 -
0. 40, is accepted.
To see whether the correlation between the students‟ vocabulary mastery and their reading
comprehension ability was significant or not, the writer concludes the result by applying the
following comparison between the r analysis and the r table.
Classifying the student‟s vocabulary mastery uses assesment rubric and questionaire.
Assessment tool
A. Assesment rubric
Aspect Score Criteria
Analyzing the message of 3 Students can analyze the message based on the
the story contents of the story.
2 Students can analyze the message, but not based
on the contents of the story.
1 Students cannot analzye the message based on
the contents of the story.
B. Questionnaire
No Statement 1 2 3 4 5
The researcher also indicates the mean score of students’ vocabulary mastery that
focus in two indicators that verb and adjective. The writer calculated the mean
score of the students' vocabulary mastery test by used the following pattern and
formula as stated in chapter three. To see the mean score of indicators in
vocabulary mastery, the writer tried to indicate in the table below.
Tabel 4.2 indicates that in vocabulary test that focus on (verb) the researcher
found the mean score was 35,0. Meanwhile, in vocabulary test that focus on
(adjective) the researcher found the mean score was 40,0. It can be said that the
vocabulary mastery for each indicator was poor.
The researcher also indicates the mean score of students’ reading comprehension
that focus in two indicators that sequence and inference. The writer calculated the
mean score of the students' reading comprehension test by used the following
pattern and formula as stated in chapter three. To see the mean score of indicators
in reading comprehension, the writer tried to indicate in the table below.
Tabel 4.4 indicates that in reading test that focus on (sequence) the researcher
found the mean score was 50, 25. Meanwhile, in reading test that focus on
(inference) the researcher found the mean score was 55,0. It can be said that the
reading comprehension for each indicator was fair
3. Correlation Between the Student’s Vocabulary Mastery and Reading
This data was to determine about there was correlation between the students’
vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension at second grade of SMPN 3
Kota Sorong. After calculating by using Pearson moment formula as stated in
chapter three. To see there was correlation between the student vocabulary
mastery and their reading comprehension, the writer tried to indicate in the table
Tabel 4.5 correlation between the student vocabulary mastery and reading
Reading Vocabulary
N 31 31
N 31 31
Based on the table above, researchers found that in two aspects, namely Vocabulary
and reading students get the same grade level vocabulary and reading. where there is a
relationship between reading and vocabulary because the results are smaller than 0.05.
The correlation level between reading and vocabulary is 0.898, where there is a
perfect result and a positive reading correlation to vocabulary with a perfect
correlation. With up to 31 samples with an r table value = 0.320 and a Pearson
correlation of 0.898. Because the Pearson correlation value is greater than the thick r
value, reading and vocabulary are correlated/ accepted.
From the findings and the discussion above, the writer concluded that the students’
vocabulary mastery was the most important thing in reading comprehension ability
because students’ vocabulary mastery influences the students’ reading comprehension
B. Suggestion
Based on the conclusion above, it was suggested that in reading comprehension
ability and vocabulary mastery are:
Students’ who still low in vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension are
suggested to be more concentrated on in learning English especially in vocabulary
mastery and reading comprehension. The students also need to practice their
knowledge more than before because one language would be mastered by practicing
in our daily activities. Using dictionary is also suggested to help the students to enrich
their vocabulary mastery.
The teachers always give information to the students’ how important vocabulary
mastery to improve four skills in learning English especially in reading
comprehension at the second grade of SMPN 3 Kota Sorong
For the other researchers, it is suggested that the teacher should be more active and
creative in implementing different techniques and may use the modification and
finding an optimal way in teaching vocabulary. Its purpose is to make student
interested and improve their vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension.
Willis, D. (2008). Reading for information: Motivating learners to read efficiently. British
Council-Teaching English.
Johnson, A.P. 2008. Teaching Reading and Writing. New York: Rowman& Littlefield
Linse, Caroline T. (2005). Practical English Language Teaching: Young Learners. New
York: McGraw Hill Companies, Inc
Abidin, Y. (2010). Strategi membaca teori dan pembelajarannya. Bandung: RIZQI PRESS.
Hirsch, E.D. (2003). Reading comprehension requires knowledge ± of words and the world.
American Educator: American Federation of Teachers
Roehrig, Alysia D. & Guo Ying. Reading in a foreign language. United States: Florida State