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Lesson Plan Advance

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At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

A. Distinguish the different Jewish practices and beliefs

B. Appreciate the Jewish practices and beliefs
C. Draw their bible based on their religion

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Judaism
 Torah
 Elaboration on Practices
 Dietary Practices
 Sabbath
 Messiah
B.Reference: Introduction To World Religions and Belief System page 13-32
C. Materials: Chalk and Board, TV, Power Point Presentation

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student Activity

A. Routinary Activities

1. Prayer

Before the class starts, may you lead Student’s will bow their heads and feel the
the prayer for us . Thank presence of our Lord.

2. Greetings

Good Morning/Afternoon Good Morning/Afternoon Sir!

You may take your seats. Thank you
3. Classroom Management

Before the class starts I want you to:

Student’s will pick up all the trash and aligned
Clean your surroundings.
there chairs properly.
Aligned your chairs properly.
1 minute to fix and prepare yourself.

4. Attendance

Before anything else, I will check your

attendance first. Student’s will raise their hands when their
Kindly tell me who are the absentee for named is been called.
How about the late?

5. Motivation: Picture Analysis”

The teacher will present a sets of

pictures wherein they will analyze it
and afterwards they will answer a
follow up question based on the
picture they analyze.

1. What the image is all about? It’s all about Adam and Eve in the Garden of
Eden, the first man and woman that were
tempted by a serpent to disobey.
The picture shown the Noah’s ark wherein a lot
of different animals to be seen such the zebra,
2. What can you describe with the elephant, tiger, and lion and many more.

B. Activity: “ Organize Your Idea”

Using the same group, each group will Judaism is one of the worlds oldest religions
write their ideas about Judaism using spider Judaism is a monotheistic religion.
map in a yellow pad paper. It will be presented Judaism bible is called Tanakh
in the class afterwards. Judaism believes in messiah
Judaism believes in prophets
You have 5 minutes to finish the activity and 2
minutes to present it in front of the class.

Here is your mechanics for the grading of your

activity. Peer grading will be done for each
group and each group will justify scores they
have given to the other group.

Relevance: 5pts
Content: 5pts
Cooperation: 5pts
C. Discussion

 Is one of the world’s oldest religions,
originating around 3,500 years ago.
 “Hebrews refer to those who accepted
Yahweh as their God, and much of their
history is written in the Hebrew bible, or
the old testament of the christian bible.
 “Israelites” refer to the descendants of the
Hebrew, which originated from Abraham.
 Hebrew bible also called the tanakh is a
collection of 24 books, divided into 3
parts, the Torah (Teaching or Law), the
Nevi’im (“Prophets”), and the Ketuvim

 Comes “in the beginning” and explains
“where it all began”;.
 Contains the early history of Judaism as
well as the law and teaching “handed
down” to Moses by Yahweh or God
 Genesis is the first book of Torah of the
Hebrew bible which tell us the mythic
 The first 11 chapters of Genesis are
particularly mythical and must never be
accepted nor understand.

Elaboration on Practices
 Belief in a God that is one, formless, all-
knowing, creator and judge, both loving
and just.
 Belief in the words of prophets, belief that
the Messiah will come and belief that there
is a resurrection of the good in “world to

Dietary Practices
 “Food consumption and handling must be
done according to religious laws”
 All blood must be drained before the meat
is cooked or eaten.
 The Jews do not eat pork and shellfish.
 There are also specific rules of how to
slaughter, cook, and serve animals.

 As mentioned the veneration of the
Sabbath day originates with the Creation
story that God rested in Sabbath.

 One of the most fundamental Jewish
beliefs is that a Messiah or savior will

D. Analysis

1. What is Torah?

Anyone from the class?

Very Good!
Torah contains the early history of Judaism, as
well as the law and teaching “Handed down” to
2. What do Torah contains? Moses by Yahweh or God himself.

Anyone from the class?

Tells us the mythical origin of the entire world.
Very Good! The first 11 chapters of Genesis are
particularly mythical.

3. What are the practices of Judaism?

Anyone from the class

They have dietary practices wherein there is a
certain food consumption and handling must
Very Good! be done according to religious laws.

Any other answer?

Also there is sabbath it is all about God rested

Very Good! in the 7th day while creating the world, also
there is the messiah that Jewish people believe
messiah or savior will come.
E. Abstraction

1. As a student that have different

religion how can you value or
respect the practices and beliefs of I will start it by myself by paying respect for
Judaism? those people who practices the belies and
practices of Judaism, I will not altered any
words about the people who worship this
religion and I will do further exploration and
2. If you were born at the year understanding about their religion.
where Torah exist what will you
do? I will do is to read and understand all the
writings in the Torah in that way I will able to
grasp and understand their religion, their
F. Application history and their religious law.

In a short bond paper the student’s

will illustrate their religions bible.
They are given 10 minutes to
accomplish their works.

Originality: 5pts
Creativity: 5pts
Neatness: 5pts
Content: 5pts

IV. Evaluation

Directions: In a 1/4 sheet of paper answer the

following questions and choose the best
answers that suited to each question,
1. It is the one of the world’s oldest religions,
originating around 3,500 yeas ago.
A. Buddhism
B. Christianity
C. Judaism
D. Roman Catholic 1. C

2. Refers to those accepted Yahweh as their 2. A

A. Hebrews 3. D
B. Jewish 4. D
C. Israelites
D. Messiah 5. C

3. Contains the early history of Judaism as well

as the law and teaching “handed down” to
Moses by Yahweh or God himself.
A. Bible
B. Nevi’im
C. Ketuvim
D. Torah

4. What Genesis means?

A. Bring together
B. Collective Ritual
C. Judgement Day
D. Origin

5. It contains the “food consumption and

handling must be done according to religious
A. Book of Genesis
B. Book of Exodus
C. Dietary Practices
D. None of the Above

V. Assignment
Study and research about Christianity.
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

A. Identify the 21st century skills

B. Apply the 21st century skills in their daily life
C. Write a letter for their future self

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: The 21st Century Learner

 Skills for the 21st century challenges
 The 21st century skills
B. Reference: Introduction To World Religions and Belief System page 13-32
C. Materials: Chalk and Board, TV, Power Point Presentation

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

B. Routinary Activities

1. Prayer

Before the class starts, may you lead

the prayer for us . Thank Student’s will bow their heads and feel the
You. presence of our Lord.

2. Greetings

Good Morning/Afternoon
You may take your seats. Thank you Good Morning/Afternoon Sir!

3. Classroom Management
Student’s will pick up all the trash and aligned
Before the class starts I want you to: there chairs properly.
Clean your surroundings.
Aligned your chairs properly.
1 minute to fix and prepare yourself.

4. Attendance
Student’s will raise their hands when their
Before anything else, I will check your
named is been called.
attendance first.
Kindly tell me who are the absentee for
How about the late?

5. Motivation: “The World In My


Directions: Students will write anything in a

piece of paper that made them bothered,
worries, and stressed in this 21st century world.
They have 3 minutes to accomplish the task.

B.Activity: “Share with us your skill”

Directions: Students will stand up and one by

one they will share their skills in the class.
They will remain standing if no one in the class
got the same skills otherwise they will be
seated if they got the same skills as they did.

C. Discussion


 The 21st century world definitely requires

21st century skill.

 The rapid changes compel one to be

flexible, to take initiative and lead when
needed, and to produce something new and
 McLeod(2010) said “Education, as the
primary avenue, focuses on the
development and use of skills such as
critical thinking and problem solving,
written and oral communication,
collaboration, creativity, and innovation.

Skills for the 21st Century Challenges

 Anchoring

 Filtering

 Connecting with each other

 Being Human Together

 Creating and Deriving meaning

 Evaluation and Authentication

 Altered processes of validation

 Critical and Creative Thinking

 Patter recognition

 Navigation of the knowledge landscape

 Acceptance of uncertainty

 Contextualizing

The 21st Century Skills

1. Learning Skills

 Critical Thinking

 Creative Thinking

 Collaborating

 Communication
2. Literacy Skills

 Information Literacy

 Media Literacy

 Technology Literacy

3. Life Skills

 Flexibility

 Initiative

 Social Skills

 Productivity
Set of abilities that students need to develop in
 Leadership order to succeed in the information age.

The Learning skills, Literacy skills, and Life

D. Analysis skills
1. What is the 21st century skills
Anchoring, Filtering, Connecting with each
other, Being human together, Creating and
2. What are the three types of 21 st deriving, Evaluation and authentication.
century skills.

3. What are the skills for the 21st I can apply it by starting practicing one by one
century challenges. those said skills and if few of the skills I
already practice, I will keep on applying and
practicing the rest of the skills remaining, until
E. Abstraction all the 21st century skills I possess.

1. As a student how can you apply the Yes, because it’s imperative for us to apply this
21st century skills on your daily life? skills for us to adopt and cope up with the
rapid growth and changes in the 21st century.

2. As a student are you willing to adopt

those said skills in the 21st century?

F. Application: “Dear Future Self”

Students will write a letter on their

future self and write everything they
wanted to improve and adopt within
themselves for the future.

They have 7 minutes to accomplish the


Content: 5pts
Relevance: 5pts
Organization of Ideas: 5pts Answer:
Emotional Impact: 5pts
20pts 1. D

2. Life skills
IV. Evaluation
3. Learning Skill
Directions: In a 1/4 sheet of paper
4. Learning Skill
answer the following questions.
5. Anything from the 10 skills for the 21 st
1. The 21st century world requires?
century challenges
A. Comprehension Skill

B. Literacy Skill

C. Learning Skill

D. 21st Century Skill

2-4. Give the 3 three types of 21st

century skill.

5.Give one of the skills for the 21st

century challenges.
V. Assignment
Study and research about Critical

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