General Info
General Info
General Info
1998-2005 GENINFO
All models
Bolts with locking splines, micro-encapsulated bolts and self-locking nuts must always be replaced after
being used once.
There is an increased risk of injury when unscrewing micro-encapsulated bolts due to the sudden breakaway
Before new micro-encapsulated bolts are screwed in, the mating thread must be re-cut in order to remove all the
residue of the old bolt locking compound.
WORK - AH00.00-N-0005-01A
All models
The following measures must be taken before welding in order to prevent damage to various vehicle
13 The ground terminal of the welder must not be attached to the transmission. The welding current can
cause arcing at the bearing points inside the transmission. The structural changes that this causes lead to
premature failure of the equipment.
Model 163
Valid for all ECE vehicles without code 986 except NAFTA.
Fig. 1: Identifying Chassis Number (Valid For All ECE Vehicle Without Code 986 Except NAFTA)
Valid for all NAFTA vehicles and ECE vehicles with code 986
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 2 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 2: Identifying Chassis Number (Valid For All NAFTA And ECE Vehicles With Code 986)
Models 123, 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 168, 170, 201, 202, 208, 210, 215, 220 as of 01.01.78
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
The vehicle data card with all the essential data is required to be able to find the correct replacement parts for
a particular vehicle.
This requires data that cannot be accommodated on the vehicle (e.g. on the model plate) any more.
The vehicle data card format DIN A5 (approx. 21.0 x 14.5 cm) was introduced in January 1978 as a standard for
all manufacturing plants. Only the vehicle data card that is glued into the service booklet has a size of approx.
10.0 x 19.5 cm. The back of this card remains empty. As of 01.09.2005, the vehicle data card is no longer glued
into the service booklet.
Model 100, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 123, 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 168, 170, 201, 202, 208,
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
The body plate is screwed onto the cross member above the radiator. The layout differs from one plant to
another, however, always contains the same data.
Repair methods for MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, AH00.19-P-1000-04A
wiring harnesses 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202,
203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216,
219, 220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251,
414, 461, 463 ...
Methods for repairing MODEL 452.3 /4 AH00.19-P-1000-
wiring harnesses 04RC
Repair methods for MODEL 450.3 /4, 454.0 AH00.19-P-1000-
wiring harnesses 04SM
Notes regarding plug MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, AH00.19-P-1000-06A
connections 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202,
203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216,
219, 220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251,
414, 461, 463 ...
Notes on soft soldering MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, AH00.19-P-1000-07A
164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202,
203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216,
219, 220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251,
414, 461, 463 ...
Notes on crimping MODEL 452.3 /4 Crimp- and AH00.19-P-1000-
Stripping Pliers 09RC
Notes on crimping MODEL 450.3 /4, 454.0 Crimp- and AH00.19-P-1000-
Stripping Pliers 09SM
Notes on soldering MODEL 450.3 /4 AH00.19-P-1000-
Notes on cable MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, AH00.19-P-1000-11A
protection 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202,
203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216,
219, 220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251,
414, 461, 463 ...
Notes on stripping wires MODEL 452.3 /4 Crimp- and AH00.19-P-1000-
Stripping Pliers 12RC
Notes on stripping wires MODEL 452.3 /4 Stripping Pliers AH00.19-P-1000-
Notes on stripping wires MODEL 450.3 /4, 454.0 Crimp- and AH00.19-P-1000-
Stripping Pliers 12SM
Notes on stripping wires MODEL 450.3 /4, 454.0 Stripping AH00.19-P-1000-
Pliers 12SN
Notes on self-locking MODEL all AH00.00-N-0001-
nuts and bolts 01A
Measures for preventing MODEL 450.3 /4 AH00.00-P-0005-
damage to vehicles or 01SM
components when
performing arc welding
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Overall vehicle
Overall vehicle FG00 AH00.00-Z-9999AZ
Complete engine, FG01 AH01.00-Z-9999AZ
crankcase ventilation,
cylinder head, crankcase
Crank assembly FG03 AH03.00-Z-9999AZ
Engine timing FG05 AH05.00-Z-9999AZ
Mixture formation FG07 AH07.00-Z-9999AZ
Air intake, supercharging FG09 AH09.00-Z-9999AZ
Electrical system - engine FG15 AH15.00-Z-9999AZ
Engine lubrication, FG18 AH18.00-Z-9999AZ
engine oil cooling
Engine cooling system FG20 AH20.00-Z-9999AZ
Engine suspension FG22 AH22.00-Z-9999AZ
Throttle control, cruise FG30 AH30.00-Z-9999AZ
control system
Fuel system FG47 AH47.00-Z-9999AZ
Exhaust system FG49 AH49.00-Z-9999AZ
Manual transmission FG26 AH26.00-Z-9999AZ
Automatic transmission FG27 AH27.00-Z-9999AZ
Frame, trailer operation FG31 AH31.00-Z-9999AZ
Suspension FG32 AH32.00-Z-9999AZ
Rear axle FG35 AH35.00-Z-9999AZ
Wheels, chassis FG40 AH40.00-Z-9999AZ
alignment check
Brakes - hydraulic and FG42 AH42.00-Z-9999AZ
mechanical systems
Brakes - pneumatic FG43 AH43.00-Z-9999AZ
system and auxiliary
Steering FG46 AH46.00-Z-9999AZ
Electrical system, FG54 AH54.00-Z-9999AZ
equipment and
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Body - general FG60 AH60.00-Z-9999AZ
Front end and fire wall FG62 AH62.00-Z-9999AZ
Side wall FG63 AH63.00-Z-9999AZ
Rear wall and rear end FG64 AH64.00-Z-9999AZ
Roof FG65 AH65.00-Z-9999AZ
Windows FG67 AH67.00-Z-9999AZ
Interior equipment FG68 AH68.00-Z-9999AZ
Doors FG72 AH72.00-Z-9999AZ
Sliding roof, soft top, top FG77 AH77.00-Z-9999AZ
Central locking, FG80 AH80.00-Z-9999AZ
convenience feature,
drive authorization
Electrical system body FG82 AH82.00-Z-9999AZ
Climate control FG83 AH83.00-Z-9999AZ
Emergency equipment, FG86 AH86.00-Z-9999AZ
sanitary equipment,
Detachable body FG88 AH88.00-Z-9999AZ
components, exterior
Seats, bunks, restraint FG91 AH91.00-Z-9999AZ
Body sealing, corrosion FG97 AH97.00-Z-9999AZ
Paintwork FG98 AH98.00-Z-9999AZ
Model 100, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 123, 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 168, 170, 201, 202, 208,
We disapprove of all vehicle conversions resulting in an alteration to the model. A standard production vehicle
is a design entity which, upon installation of parts alien to the model, usually changes in a detrimental way.
Changes to important components influence the homogeneity of the vehicle in its entirety. For this reason we
have not investigated the details to be observed when performing such conversions. Such conversions can also
lead to changes on the vehicle which require new proof that the vehicle complies with legal requirements.
1. Subsequent installation of a component such as a more powerful engine may overload the remaining
components such as the transmission, brakes, axles, etc.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 11 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
2. Changes to the standard condition may decisively influence the new vehicle warranty, since our warranty
obligation does not cover damage resulting from a change to the original Daimler Benz delivery
3. Proper supply of parts is no longer ensured when major components are replaced.
4. The exchange procedure is based on the "Identical unit exchange" principle. For example, an identical
model reconditioned unit will be supplied in return for a damaged engine. Only then is it possible to be
credited for the returned damaged engine.
NOTE: In addition, vehicles registered in the Federal Republic of Germany are subject
to the law which revokes the operating permit as a result of conversions which
change the model. We cannot issue a Certificate of non-objection for individual
approval by the technical motor vehicle testing authority in each case.
Customer inquiries and requests of this type should be answered along these lines in order to ensure that the
quality standard of our vehicles is not impaired.
Engine 104, 111, 112, 113, 119, 120, 137, 166, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606
The weather station's barometer must be calibrated to the air pressure specified by the local meteorological
KH = Correction for intake air temperature, barometer level and altitude of the relevant test location.
Calculation example
1. Read air pressure, altitude and intake air temperature of the test location off at the weather station.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
In the example:
In order to be able to insert the air pressure (p) into the Table, it must be rounded. In the example, to 910
5. On the basis of the air pressure (p) = 910 hPa, we read a correction factor (KH) of 1.0787 off from the
performance correction Table with an intake air temperature (t) of 20°C.
6. The performance data in relation to normal operating conditions results in the following:
Neo = Ne x KH
Air pressure value of the test location: P= 955 hPa (955 mbar)
1 hPa = 1 mbar
1 Pa = 0.01 mbar
Engine 104, 111, 112, 113, 119, 120, 137, 166, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Neo = Performance in reference to normal operating conditions (sea level, temperature 25°C) in kW.
KH = Correction factor n
Correction factor (K H ): n
Altitude correction
If the air pressure is read off in relation to the sea level (weather station), the following air pressure in the
correction Table must be subtracted.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
990 0.9571 0.9659 0.9745 0.9831 1.0166 1.0000 1.0084 1.0166 1.0249 1.0330 1.0411
985 0.9620 0.9708 0.9795 0.9881 0.9966 1.0051 1.0135 1.0218 1.03831 1.0383 1.0464
900 0.9669 0.9757 0.9845 0.9931 1.0017 1.0102 1.0186 1.0 1.0353 1.0436 1.0517
975 0.9719 0.9807 0.9895 0.9982 1.0068 1.0154 1.0239 1.0323 1.0406 1.0489 1.0571
970 0.9769 0.9858 0.9946 1.0033 1.0120 1.0206 1.04601 1.06 1.0460 1.0543 1.0626
965 0.9819 0.98190.9 0.9998 1.0085 1.0173 1.0259 1.0345 1.0430 1.0514 1.0598 1.0681
960 0.9870 0.9960 1.0050 1.0138 1.0226 1.0736 1.0399 1.0484 1.0569 1.0653 1.0736
955 0.9922 1.0013 1.0102 1.07091 1.0279 1.0366 1.0453 1.0539 1.070 1.0793 1.0793
950 0.9974 1.0065 1.0155 1.0245 1.0333 1.07651 1.0508 1.0849 1.024 1.0765 1.0849
945 1.0027 1.0119 1.09 1.0209 1.0388 1.0476 1.0564 1.08221 1.0907 1.0822 1.0907
940 1.0080 1.0172 1.0263 1.044 1.0443 1.0532 1.05321.0 1.07 1.0794 1.0880 1.0965
935 1.0134 1.0227 1.0318 1.09 1.049 1.0588 1.0677 1.0764 1.1 1.0938 1.1023
930 1.0189 1.0282 1.0374 1.0555 1.055 1.0645 1.0734 1.0822 1.01891.0 1.0997 1.1083
925 1.0244 1.0337 1.03371.0 1.0522 1.0613 1.043 1.0792 1.10561 1.0969 1.1056 1.1143
920 1.0300 1.0393 1.0487 1.0579 1.10 1.06701 1.05791 1.0940 1.1028 1.1116 1.1203
915 1.0356 1.0450 1.054 1.0637 1.0729 1.1000 1.10 1.10 1.1089 1.1177 1.1264
910 1.0413 1.0508 1.0602 1.0695 1.0787 1.0879 1.07871.0 1.1150 1.1150 1.1238 1.1326
905 1.0470 1.0566 1.05661.0 1.0754 1.0847 1.0939 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1300 1.1389
900 1.0528 1.0624 1.0720 1.0624 1.0907 1.10 1.1452 1.1363 1.1363 1.1363 1.1452
895 1.0587 1.0684 1.0779 1.0684 1.0968 1.06841 1.1154 1.1246 1.1336 1.1427 1.1516
890 1.0647 1.0744 1.0840 1.0935 1.10 1.1124 1.1217 1.1309 1.1400 1.1581 1.1581
885 1.0707 1.0805 1.0901 1.0997 1.1092 1.1186 1.1280 1.1373 1.1465 1.1646 1.1646
880 1.0768 1.0855 1.0963 1.10 1.1155 1.1250 1.1344 1.1437 1.1530 1.1712 1.1712
875 1.0829 1.0928 1.1026 1.1123 1.1219 1.1314 1.1409 1.1503 1.1596 1.1688 1.1779
870 1.0892 1.0991 1.1089 1.1847 1.1283 1.1379 1.1474 1.1569 1.1662 1.1755 1.1847
865 1.0954 1.1054 1.1153 1.1251 1.1349 1.1445 1.10541 1.1636 1.1730 1.1823 1.1915
860 1.1018 1.19 1.1985 1.1317 1.1415 1.1512 1.1608 1.1703 1.1798 1.1892 1.1985
855 1.1083 1.1184 1.1284 1.1383 1.12841 1.1579 1.1676 1.1772 1.1867 1.1961 1.2055
850 1.1148 1.1249 1.1350 1.1350 1.1549 1.1647 1.1744 1.12491 1.1937 1.2126 1.2126
845 1.1214 1.1316 1.1417 1.1518 1.1417 1.1716 1.1814 1.21 1.2007 1.2103 1.2198
840 1.1281 1.1383 1.1485 1.1786 1.1686 1.1786 1.1884 1.2 1.2079 1.2175 1.2270
835 1.1348 1.1452 1.1554 1.1656 1.1756 1.1856 1.1955 1.2344 1.22481 1.2248 1.2344
830 1.1416 1.1521 1.1624 1.1726 1.1827 1.1928 1.2027 1.2126 1.2224 1.2321 1.2418
825 1.1486 1.1590 1.1694 1.1797 1.169 1.2000 1.2100 1.2200 1.2298 1.2396 1.2493
820 1.1556 1.1661 1.1765 1.1869 1.1971 11.2073 1.2174 1.2174 1.2373 1.2472 1.2569
815 1.1627 1.1733 1.1838 1.2 1.2045 1.2147 1.2249 1.2349 1.2449 1.2548 1.2647
810 1.1698 1.1805 1.16981.1 1.2015 1.2119 1.22 1.2324 1.2426 1.2626 1.2626 1.2725
805 1.1771 1.1878 1.1985 1.2090 1.2195 1.2298 1.27041 1.2503 1.2604 1.2704 1.2804
800 1.1845 1.1953 1.2060 1.2166 1.27841 11.2375 1.2884 1.27841 1.2683 1.2784 1.2884
795 1.1920 1.2028 1.2135 1.28641.2 1.2348 1.2453 1.2557 1.2660 1.28641.2 1.2864 1.2956
790 1.1994 1.3047 1.2 1.2320 1.2636 1.28431.2 1.26 1.2740 1.2843 1.2945 1.3047
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1.2071 1.2181 1.2290 1.2398 1.2505 1.30281 1.2717 1.22901 1.2925 1.3028 1.3130
780 1.2148 1.2259 1.2369 1.2478 1.2585 1.23691.2 1.2798 1.2904 1.3008 1.3214 1.3214
With the approval of repair solutions for wiring harnesses (in particular airbag, side airbag, window airbag,
emergency tensioning retractor wiring harness), it is necessary to introduce a modified ordering routine for
procuring safety-relevant components. The order formalities are by and large the same as those which are
already familiar from theft-relevant components.
It is only possible to order safety-relevant components by stating the vehicle ident number (refer parts order
note on the parts microfiche).
The repair orders and invoices should be filed in the usual way.
All orders received for safety-relevant components are additionally automatically documented in Fdok.
Model 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219, 220,
221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Model 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219, 220,
221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
The following methods have been approved by DaimlerChrysler for repairing wiring harnesses in Mercedes-
Benz passenger cars:
Repair methods:
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 16 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Solder connection (Raychem)
Axial solder connection (Raychem)
Combination of Raychem and cable tail
Insulation displacement method
Flat conductor pliers
Individual cases must be analyzed in detail to decide which method can and cannot be used to repair wiring
harnesses (wires, contacts and connectors).
In crimping, the insulation is first stripped off an appropriate distance (a) from the end of the wire. Then the
contact pin is placed over the stripped end of the wire and pinched ("crimped") in place by means of a special
pliers-like crimping tool. Crimping is performed quickly and with ease. A special crimper is required.
With this method, special solder connectors are used. The solder connections contain the solder and they also
feature insulation and a seal. A special hot air blower provides the heat required for soldering and shrinking the
insulation. A special reflector is fitted to the hot air blower. The minimum temperature for this repair method is
Raychem is the manufacturer of the solder connections that are required for this method. The Raychem
repair method is mainly used for integrating repair wiring harnesses (cable tails): ?
Cable tails are prefabricated partial wiring harness kits available as Mercedes-Benz replacement parts. They
have the appropriate cable cross-sections and crimped contacts. The Raychem repair method is used to integrate
the cable tails into the wiring harnesses.
Only use cable tails for lines between 4 and 10 mm2 . Starting at 10 mm2 the wiring harnesses must be
The strands of the cable (2) are soldered in the solder contact (axial or radial version) (1) using a soldering iron.
Commercially available solder is used for the soldered connection. This method is only used for repairing plug
This method uses special rapid-connection wire connector blocks. Mercedes-Benz permits the 2-, 4-, and 6-pin
versions. They contain tin-plated rapid connection contacts, which are pressed together to touch the wires of the
cables using pliers. The lines do not have to be separated or stripped.
This method can be used for connection to cables with a cross section of 0.35 to 0.75 mm 2 and for wire end
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
The rapid connection method must only be used inside the vehicle or in the trunk because the connection is
not watertight. They are not permissible for CAN lines.
Select crimp contacts in the wiring harness repair kit and insert into the tool head of the open manual crimp
pliers (2). The flat conductor cable (7) must make contact with the tool head, and the correct edge of the flat
conductor cable (7) must make contact with the adjusting stop (3). The optical adjusting device (4) in the
manual crimp pliers (2) must be fully visible between 2 conductor tracks. Press the manual crimp pliers (2)
together all the way. After it has been pressed down all the way, it can be opened again. Remove the finished
crimp connection.
Equipment and Side cutting pliers Side cutting pliers Side cutting pliers Side cutting pliers
tools required Wire stripper Wire stripper Wire stripper Water-pump pliers
Crimper with Hot air blower with Soldering iron with
special die sets special reflector accessories
Raychem connection Heat shield mat as
Cable tails drip protection
Heat shield mat
Type of contact clamped soldered soldered clamped
Heat source None Hot air gun with Soldering iron None
special reflector (400°C)
Advantages Quick repair, no Insulation occurs Replace soldered No wire stripping
mains power automatically contacts (special or cutting required
connection required Sealing occurs applications) Relatively short
Strain relieved by automatically set-up time
clamping the Avoids taut wires by No special tool
insulation introducing additional required
Simple visual wires
inspection of
Disadvantages Special crimping Mains power Extensive No watertight
components connection required preparation and versions, therefore
required Accessibility for hot post-working only suitable for
air gun must be required use inside the
ensured vehicle or in the
Measures for heat trunk area
protection required Use limited to
certain cable cross-
Not permissible for
CAN lines
Model 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219, 220,
221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Always assess the damage thoroughly before repairing the wiring harnesses.
Type of damage:
Damage caused by scorching/overheating, chafing, clamping, crushing, severing, fatigue, corrosion, cable
chewed by an animal, assembly fault.
Cause of damage:
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
The cause for the damage must be determined to ensure that the damage does not reoccur after the wiring
harness has been repaired.
Repair options:
Internal overheating because
electric currents are too high:
Short circuits at defective
components or lines, cable
cross-section too small,
incorrect fusing (parts not
installed correctly or repairs
not carried out correctly),
short circuits due to bridging
(e.g. at wire ends that are not
insulated, if insulation is
Chafing, clamping, crushing, Lines routed or secured Insulation and wires
severing incorrectly damaged
Damage as a result of an Lines or connections to
accident contacts
Damage to cable when High line resistance
boring holes or when Short circuit to ground and
screwing sheet metal screws power
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 21 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
wrong part
Contact part not engaged properly Latch contact part, then check, and replace if
Not all individual wires are crimped Cut off contact part and install new part
Insulation also crimped Cut off contact part and install new part
Conductor not far enough in contact part Cut off contact part and install new part
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 22 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Contact part not tin-plated Cut off contact part and install new part
Sleeve Cut off contact part and install new part
wrong part
Not soldered properly/dry solder joint Resolder contact part and replace if necessary
Plug-in area full of solder Cut off contact part and install new part
Fault with housing
Screw connections loose Tighten screw connections using an adjusted
torque wrench, replace if necessary
Screw connections Install new screw connections (cable
wrong part
Cable fault
Insulating tubing damaged Rewrap with PVC tape
Insulation damaged Cut through affected line at damaged area and
repair using Raychem repair method
Insulation pulled up Cut through affected line at damaged area and
repair using Raychem repair method
Wrapping defective Rewrap
Splashes of solder on cable Carefully remove splashes of solder using a
suitable tool without sharp edges.
Grommet Pull on new grommet, or install correctly
wrong part
installed incorrectly
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Model 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219, 220,
221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
The coupling and the plug form a plug connection. The female contact and the contact pin form the contact pair.
Fig. 11: Identifying Plug Connections - SLK Family, Coding A (With Circular Conductor)
The plugs and couplings are grouped into families in the same way as the contact groups (e.g. SLK, JPT). The
type and shape of the receptacle chambers in the housing is the major differentiating characteristic. Different
contact families may be installed in the same housing. In addition, different codings (e.g. A, B, C) may exist
within the same plug/coupling family.
Codings are special profiles or teeth on the housings of the coupling and the plug, which may be marked in
different colors (e.g. black, white, violet).
These ensure that connector pairings can only be made with the same codings.
Safety and restraint systems (airbag, emergency tensioning retractor, roll bar) have yellow, orange, or red
plug connections for easy identification.
The housings are assigned according to the part numbers on the housings. On housings made up of several
components, the number on the external housing is critical. (When ordering, all the individual part numbers
must be ascertained.)
This method of identification by means of part numbers can be used when referring to the literature.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
A distinction is made between the contact pin and the female contact. Each contact pin and each female contact
can be clearly assigned to one group or "family" (e.g. SLK, JPT). Within these families distinctions are made
according to the cable cross section and whether there is single-strand insulation for watertight connections. The
contacts are also distinguished by their coating (tin, gold or silver).
Crimp connections
These are used to attach the female contacts or contact pins to the cable. Each contact type must be crimped
with the aid of specifically assigned die sets using a pair of pliers. Determining factors: contact family, size of
cable cross section, with or without single-strand insulation.
This requires a release tool appropriate to the contact family in order to remove female contacts and contact pins
from plugs and couplings.
On some plugs and couplings the housings must first be disassembled and unlocked (secondary release)
according to the instructions before the actual unpinning.
Contact materials
The contacts used in the interior of the vehicle are primarily tin/tin combinations. Those used on the exterior
and in the splash zone are generally silver/silver. Safety systems (particularly the airbag) are equipped with
gold/gold contacts.
Model 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219, 220,
221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
General information
Soft-soldering is a process for creating an inseparable join between two or more metal parts using additional
metals (e.g. soldering tin). The solder melting temperature lies below the melting temperature of the metals to
be joined and is lower than 450°C.
The connection is created by wetting the joint locations with hot liquid solder, without melting the parts to be
The joining procedure is assisted by using a flux, which releases surface oxides on the parts to be joined,
eliminating and preventing surface films (e.g. greases).
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 25 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
The alloy (mainly lead and tin) of the solder determines its melting point and thus the working temperature for
the soft soldering process. Additives modify the properties. Silver components improve e.g. the surface and the
joining properties.
In the electrical system/electronic sector for vehicles, fast solders with a melting point range of approx. 180°C
to 200°C should used. These solders are available in the form of wires. They have flux from resins dissolved in
alcohol (e.g. colophonium) in their hollow center.
Soldering equipment
Soldering equipment with soldering tips that can reach a temperature of 250°C to 300°C are suitable for the
repairs specified by DaimlerChrysler. The aim is to use automatic temperature-regulated equipment (e.g.
soldering stations).
Preparation, general
Model 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219, 220,
221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461 as of 1.4.94, 463
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 26 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Plugs and couplings. with yellow, orange or red housing colors are reserved for safety and restraint systems
(SRS) and roll bars.
Observe the following when repairing couplings for squibs (SRS systems):
The repair area must be between 100 mm and 1000 mm behind the squib. Cables which have already been
repaired are provided with a yellow marking. This is to be applied retroactively to repair lines without color
Carry out the first repair as close to the plug as possible. In the case of subsequent repairs the old soldered
connectors should be removed and the new ones should be attached behind them, the wiring harness should be
replaced if necessary.
Before cutting through the lines it is absolutely essential to assign the lines to the corresponding pins in
accordance with the wiring diagram. Do not mix up the pin assignment.
The line colors of the repair kit may deviate from the original fitting
If more than ten lines per branch-off line are damaged, the wiring harness module must be replaced.
Overview (lines/contacts)
Lines/contacts (Function) Scope affected
Cable Contact
Radio antenna lines Exchange wiring harness/line Exchange wiring harness/line
Navigation antenna lines Exchange wiring harness/line Exchange wiring harness/line
Emergency call system antenna Exchange wiring harness/line Exchange wiring harness/line
Telephone antenna lines Exchange wiring harness/line Exchange wiring harness/line
Radio antenna lines Exchange wiring harness/line Exchange wiring harness/line
TV-antenna lines Exchange wiring harness/line Exchange wiring harness/line
D2B (fiber optic cable) Exchange wiring harness/line Exchange wiring harness/line
MOST (fiber optic cable) Exchange wiring harness/line Exchange wiring harness/line
Telephone handset lines Exchange wiring harness/line Exchange wiring harness/line
ESP/SBC cables Exchange wiring harness/line Exchange wiring harness/line
Model 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219, 220,
221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
1. Check crimped connection for deformation and ensure that the wires fill the crimp tab correctly (cross-
section of enclosed wires).
The crimp tab has an incorrect cross-section and is not full enough.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 28 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 29 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
3. Check crimped connection (ensure that wires and insulation are correct length).
Insulation is too short and is not correctly enclosed by the tab (1).
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 30 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Model 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219, 220,
221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Evenly heat parts to be joined and solder. Avoid heat-dissipating mounts and brackets. The soldering process
lasts between 2 and 4 seconds for the joining of wires and component connections, depending on the cross-
During pauses in soldering, it must be ensured that the soldering tip remains adequately tin-plated.
The solder surface (4) is smooth, shiny, no sharp edges, no interruptions, fluid and free of residues and
The surface of the solder (4) is matt and uneven, it has sharp-edged ends, interruptions, has not flown, covered
with residue.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 31 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
The distance (a) between the solder connector (2) and the line insulation is about 1 mm. The soldered area does
not extend beyond the collar of the solder connector (2). Solder flows in a radius in the direction of the line
insulation and surrounds at least 2/3 of the lead outside the solder connector (2). There are no bare copper wires
visible in the soldering area.
If the distance (a) between the solder connector (2) and the line insulation (a) is greater than 2 mm, the line is
incorrectly inserted. The solder protrudes beyond the extension line from the collar of the solder connector (b).
The solder flows in the wrong direction, the transition from solder to lead is jagged, the solder surface (3) has
not flown and is thus a dry solder joint.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 32 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 16: Identifying Wire Position And Contour Of Soldering Join - Correct And Incorrect
The quantity of solder (4) is adequate. Lead of wire (1) is completely surrounded. Solder connector (2) is not
covered with solder (4) around the collar.
The quantity of solder (4) is inadequate. Lead of wire (1) is not completely surrounded. Single wires are not
incorporated by the solder (4).
Fig. 17: Identifying Solder Covering And Solder Quantity For Soldering Join - Correct And Incorrect
Model 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219, 220,
221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
An attempt should be made to restore the cable protection to its original condition after all repairs to wiring
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 33 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
In areas exposed to particularly high stresses (dampness, scouring), additional safety precautions may however
be required.
Heat-shrinkable tube
Corrugated tube
Wrapping with fabric tape
Spaghetti insulation
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 34 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 35 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 37 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 38 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 39 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 40 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 41 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 42 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 35: Identifying Round Plug Contact (RK)-2.5 Solder Male Contact
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 43 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 36: Identifying Round Plug Contact (RK)-2.5 Solder Female Contact
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 44 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 45 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 46 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 47 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 47: Identifying Micro Quadlock System (MQS) Male Contact For Flat Conductor Model FFC
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 48 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 48: Identifying Micro Quadlock System (MQS) Female Contact For Flat Conductor Model FFC
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 49 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 49: Identifying Micro Quadlock System (MQS) Male Contact For Flat Conductor Model FPC
Fig. 50: Identifying Micro Quadlock System (MQS) Female Contact For Flat Conductor Model FPC
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 50 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 51 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 52 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 56 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
002 540 59 81 10-pin MQS coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
002 540 61 81 3+2-pin MQS, MCP
coupling, A, black
Remove MQS female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
Remove MCP female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
002 540 62 81 3+2-pin MQS, MCP
coupling, B, white
Remove MQS female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
Remove MCP female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
002 540 63 81 3+2-pin MQS, MCP
coupling, C, blue
Remove MQS female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
Remove MCP female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
002 540 64 81 3+2-pin MQS, MCP
coupling, D, violet
Remove MQS female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
Remove MCP female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
002 540 65 81 3+2-pin MQS, MCP
coupling, E, green
Remove MQS female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
Remove MCP female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 58 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 59 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:44 PM Page 60 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 63 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 64 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
coupling, A, black
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-15A
029 545 23 28 12-pin RK 2.5 variant 1
coupling, A, black
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-15A
029 545 25 28 8-pin RK 2.5 variant 1 AR00.19-P-0120-16A
plug, A, black Remove
contact pin
029 545 27 28 4-pin RK 2.5 variant 1
plug, A, black
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-16A
029 545 29 28 12-pin RK 2.5 variant 1
plug, A, black
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-16A
029 545 55 28 3-pin MQS coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
029 545 75 28 15-pin RK 2.5 variant 1
coupling, Z, black
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-15A
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
032 545 21 28 2-pin MQS coupling, D,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
032 545 24 28 2-pin MQS coupling, Z,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
032 545 52 28 8-pin MQS coupling, B,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
032 545 53 28 8-pin MQS coupling, C,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
032 545 68 28 4-pin MQS coupling, D,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
032 545 70 28 4-pin MQS plug, A, black
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-03A
032 545 83 28 12-pin MQS coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
032 545 84 28 12-pin MQS coupling, B,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
032 545 85 28 12-pin MQS coupling, C,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
032 545 86 28 12-pin MQS coupling, D,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
032 545 98 28 4-pin MQS coupling, B,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
032 545 99 28 4-pin MQS coupling, C,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-07A
034 545 42 28 5-pin JPT coupling, B,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-07A
034 545 61 28 4-pin RK 2.5 solder
contact plug, A, yellow
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-18A
034 545 63 28 4-pin RK 2.5 solder
contact coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-17A
034 545 72 28 2-pin RK 2.5 variant 1
coupling, D, violet
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-15A
034 545 73 28 2-pin RK 2.5 variant 1
plug, D, violet
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-16A
034 545 75 28 8-pin MQS coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
034 545 76 28 8-pin MQS coupling, B,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
034 545 77 28 8-pin MQS coupling, C,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
034 545 78 28 8-pin MQS coupling, E,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
034 545 80 28 8-pin MQS coupling, Z,
water blue
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
034 545 93 28 3+4-pin JPT, LSK
coupling, B, white
Remove JPT female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
Remove LSK female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
034 545 94 28 3+4-pin JPT, LSK
coupling, C, blue
Remove JPT female AR00.19-
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 71 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
contact P-0120-
Remove LSK female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Designation, Coding,
Part number Color
035 545 26 28 4-pin RK 2.5 variant 1
coupling, D, violet
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-15A
035 545 27 28 4-pin RK 2.5 variant 1
plug, D, violet
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-16A
035 545 30 28 8-pin RK 2.5 variant 1
coupling, D, violet
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-15A
035 545 31 28 8-pin RK 2.5 variant 1
plug, D, violet
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-16A
035 545 33 28 4-pin RK 2.5 variant 1
coupling, E, green
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-15A
035 545 34 28 8-pin RK 2.5 variant 1
coupling, E, green
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-15A
035 545 35 28 8-pin RK 2.5 variant 1
plug, E, green
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-16A
035 545 36 28 4-pin RK 2.5 variant 1
plug, E, green
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-16A
035 545 45 28 6-pin MQS coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
035 545 46 28 6-pin MQS coupling, B,
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 72 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Designation, Coding,
Part number Color
036 545 10 28 2-pin JPT coupling, -, -
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-07A
036 545 11 28 2-pin JPT coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-07A
036 545 12 28 2-pin JPT coupling, B,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-07A
036 545 13 28 2-pin JPT coupling, C,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-07A
036 545 21 28 20-pin MQS plug, A, black
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-03A
036 545 23 28 3-pin RK 2.5 solder
contact connector, 3, red
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-18A
036 545 55 28 5-pin SLK coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02A
036 545 56 28 5-pin SLK coupling, B,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02A
036 545 67 28 3-pin MQS coupling, D,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
036 545 68 28 4-pin MQS coupling, D,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 73 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Designation, Coding,
Part number Color
037 545 05 28 2 x 2-pin SLK plug, A,
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-01A
037 545 06 28 2 x 2-pin SLK plug, B,
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-01A
037 545 07 28 2 x 2-pin SLK plug, C,
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-01A
037 545 08 28 2 x 2-pin SLK plug, D,
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-01A
037 545 09 28 4-pin SLK coupling, C,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02A
037 545 10 28 4-pin SLK coupling, D,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02A
037 545 11 28 2-pin SLK coupling, C,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02A
037 545 12 28 2-pin SLK coupling, D,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02A
037 545 13 28 2-pin SLK plug, A, black
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-01A
037 545 14 28 2-pin SLK plug, B, white
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-01A
037 545 15 28 2-pin SLK plug, C, blue
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-01A
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 74 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 76 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Designation, Coding,
Part number Color
038 545 12 28 4-pin MQS coupling, B,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
038 545 13 28 5+3-pin MQS, MCP
coupling, B, white
Remove MQS female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
Remove MCP female AR00.19-P-0120-09A
038 545 47 28 3-pin MCP coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-09A
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 77 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Designation, Coding,
Part number Color
168 540 01 81 2-pin MQS coupling, B,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
168 540 11 81 3-pin MQS plug, A,
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-03A
168 545 03 28 4-pin MQS coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
168 545 04 28 4-pin SLK coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02A
168 545 05 28 4-pin JPT coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-07A
168 545 06 28 9-pin JPT coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-07A
168 545 07 28 24-pin MQS coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
168 545 08 28 2 x 26-pin MQS
coupling, A, black
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
168 545 09 28 2 x 20-pin MQS
coupling, A, black
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
168 545 10 28 9-pin JPT coupling, B,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-07A
168 545 13 28 52-pin MQS coupling, -,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
168 545 17 28 4-pin MQS coupling, B,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
168 545 18 28 4-pin JPT plug, A, black
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 79 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02B
168 545 18 40 38-pin JPT, MQS
coupling, -, black
Remove JPT female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
Remove MQS female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Designation, Coding,
Part number Color
170 545 01 28 5-pin JPT coupling, B,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-07A
170 545 05 28 47-pin MQS, MCP
coupling, D, black
Remove MQS female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
Remove MCP female AR00.19-P-0120-09A
170 545 43 28 47-pin MQS, MCP
coupling, D, black
Remove MQS female AR00.19-P-0120-04B
Remove MCP female AR00.19-P-0120-09A
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Designation, Coding,
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 81 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Designation, Coding,
Part number Color
203 540 03 81 3-pin MQS plug, B, black
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-03A
203 545 01 28 6-pin SLK coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02B
203 545 03 28 6-pin SLK coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02B
203 545 05 28 2-pin SLK coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02B
203 545 19 28 47-pin MQS, MCP
coupling, A, black
Remove MQS female AR00.19-P-0120-04B
Remove MCP female AR00.19-P-0120-09A
203 545 20 28 47-pin MQS, MCP
coupling, B, black
Remove MQS female AR00.19-P-0120-04B
Remove MCP female AR00.19-P-0120-09A
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 82 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
203 545 25 28 2-pin SLK coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02A
203 545 30 28 3-pin SLK coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02A
203 545 36 28 4-pin SLK coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02B
203 545 38 28 3-pin SLK coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02B
203 545 46 28 2-pin MLK coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-26A
203 545 48 28 3-pin SLK coupling, -, -
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02A
203 545 49 28 3-pin SLK coupling, B,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02A
203 545 51 28 4-pin JPT coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-07A
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Designation, Coding,
Part number Color
208 540 01 81 14-pin MQS coupling, Z,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
208 540 05 81 14-pin MQS coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
208 545 02 28 8-pin MQS coupling, Z,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
208 545 03 28 8-pin MQS coupling, C,
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 83 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
208 545 04 28 8-pin MQS coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
208 545 05 28 8-pin MQS coupling, B,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
208 545 07 30 14-pin MQS coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
208 545 08 30 14-pin MQS coupling, Z,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
208 545 09 28 8-pin MQS coupling, E,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
208 545 10 28 8-pin MQS coupling, F,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Designation, Coding,
Part number Color
210 440 01 81 6-pin SPT coupling, a
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-10A
210 440 03 81 6-pin SPT coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-10A
210 440 04 81 6-pin SPT coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-10A
210 440 05 81 6-pin SPT coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-10A
210 540 13 81 12-pin MQS coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 84 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
contact P-0120-
Remove JPT female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
210 545 03 30 4-pin JPT coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-07A
210 545 04 81 E95, JPT coupling, 1,
Remove E 95 female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
Remove JPT female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
210 545 05 81 E 95, JPT coupling, 2,
Remove E 95 female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
Remove JPT female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
210 545 07 28 27-pin E 95 coupling, B,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-05A
210 545 07 30 40-pin MQS coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
210 545 11 E 95, JPT coupling, 1,
Remove E 95 female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
Remove JPT female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
210 545 12 81 E 95, JPT coupling, 2,
Remove E 95 female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
Remove JPT female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 86 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
210 545 13 28 2-pin JPT coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-07A
210 545 17 28 25-pin MQS coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
210 545 18 28 30-pin MQS coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
210 545 40 28 1-pin JPT coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-07A
210 545 41 28 3-pin JPT coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-07A
210 545 42 28 5-pin JPT coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-07A
210 545 43 28 8-pin MQS coupling, Z,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
210 545 61 28 3-pin JPT coupling, B,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-07A
210 545 63 28 2-pin JPT coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-07A
210 545 65 28 6-pin JPT coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-07A
210 545 76 28 4-pin JPT coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-07A
210 545 81 28 5+2-pin JPT, SPT
Remove JPT female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
Remove SPT female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
210 545 82 28 5-pin JPT coupling, B,
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 87 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Designation, Coding,
Part number Color
220 540 00 81 6-pin MQS coupling, B,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
220 540 02 81 6-pin MQS plug, A,
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-03A
220 540 03 81 6-pin MQS plug, B,
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-03A
220 540 06 81 3-pin MQS coupling, B,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
220 540 07 81 6-pin MQS coupling, C,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
220 540 08 81 6-pin MQS coupling, Z,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 88 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02A
220 545 40 28 4-pin SLK coupling, B,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02A
220 545 46 28 5-pin SLK coupling, B,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02B
220 545 51 28 6-pin SLK coupling, -, -
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02A
220 545 52 28 6-pin SLK coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02A
220 545 53 28 2-pin SLK coupling, -, -
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02A
220 545 53 28 2-pin SLK coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02A
220 545 55 28 2-pin SLK coupling, B,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-02A
220 545 57 28 4-pin JPT plug, -, -
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-08A
220 545 58 28 4-pin JPT plug, Z, water
Remove contact pin AR00.19-P-0120-08A
220 545 65 28 10-pin MQS coupling, A,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
220 545 66 28 10-pin MQS coupling, B,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
220 545 67 28 10-pin MQS coupling, C,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
220 545 68 28 2+8-pin SLK, LSK
coupling, B, white
Remove SLK female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
Remove LSK female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 90 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Designation, Coding,
Part number Color
230 540 00 81 2-pin MQS coupling, C,
Remove female contact AR00.19-P-0120-04A
230 545 01 28 47-pin MQS, MCP
coupling, A, black
Remove MQS female AR00.19-
contact P-0120-
Remove MCP female AR00.19-P-0120-09A
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 92 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 93 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 94 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 95 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 96 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 97 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 98 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 99 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 100 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 101 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 102 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 103 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 104 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 105 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 106 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 107 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 108 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 109 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 110 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 111 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 112 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 113 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 114 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:45 PM Page 115 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 116 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 117 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 118 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 119 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 120 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 121 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 122 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 123 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 124 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 125 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 126 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 127 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 128 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 129 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 130 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 131 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 132 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 133 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 134 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 135 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 136 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 137 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 138 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 139 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 140 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 141 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 143 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 144 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 145 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 146 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 147 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 148 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 149 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 150 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 151 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 152 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 153 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 154 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 155 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 156 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 157 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 158 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 159 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 160 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 161 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 162 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 163 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 164 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 165 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 166 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:46 PM Page 167 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
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Displaying remaining distance, remaining time or service exceeded when vehicle stationary or when
driving on driver request:
After start switch in position "2", wait 10 s until "DISPLAY OIL LEVEL" text and oil can symbol (or oil
can and clock symbol) appears.
Press reset button for trip counter twice within 1 s: the message "OIL LEVEL OKAY" (or "O.K.") or the
current missing oil quantity appears. If correct oil level measurement is not possible, the text "OBSERVE
WAITING TIME" appears (or the clock symbol and the oil can symbol; the clock symbol flashes).
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Resetting ASSYST after oil change (oil change reset) at instrument cluster:
The table shows a number of possible types of displays of the active service system for different vehicles and
different instrument clusters.
(The display appears in the language set with the HHT under national code.)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
The values of various influencing parameters are required by ASSYST for calculating the demand-based service
interval, and these are included in the calculation of the service interval as weighting factors . There are two
versions within ASSYST, the difference being in the oil level sensors fitted:
The familiar oil level indicator switch (S43) is fitted to engines (104, 111, 119, 120, 602.982, 604, 605,
606). In view of the fact that this is a switch, it is only possible to detect if the oil level drops below the
minimum level.
The oil sensor (oil level/temperature/quality, B40) is used on more recent engines (e.g. 112, 113, 166,
611, 668). This sensor consists of 2 capacitor systems with the engine oil as an insulator. If the water
content of the oil or the oil level changes, there is a change in the capacitance of the "capacitor".
In addition, the oil sensor (oil level/temperature/quality, B40) contains a temperature sensor which
detects the temperature of the engine oil.
All the signals are processed in the electronics integrated in the sensor to form a PWM (pulse width
modulated) signal, and passed to the engine control module (N3).
In addition to the weighting factors, which depend on reallife driving conditions, quality factors are also used
for calculating the demand-based service interval (remaining distance and remaining time).
Engine speed
Oil level
Oil correction factor (is used as comparative value for determining oil level)
Coolant temperature
These data are supplied by the injection system control module (N3) to the service microprocessor over
the CAN.
The data relating to oil level, engine oil temperature and oil correction factor are supplied by the oil
sensor (oil level/temperature/quality, B40) through the injection system control module (N3), and are
therefore only available on engines fitted with this sensor.
Quality factors (these are factory-set to base values and can be changed with the HHT, if operating
conditions of the vehicle so necessitate; they influence the start distance):
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Distance travelled :
ASSYST is supplied with the 4 wheel speeds from the traction systems control module (N47) over the
CAN for calculating the distance travelled.
ASSYST is supplied with the time information from the clock integrated in the instrument cluster.
The table below (status: March 1999) lists the various vehicle models with the different engines and the
different oil level sensors.
In addition, the table also indicates whether an instrument cluster with multifunction display is fitted.
The "Active service system (ASSYST)" draws the attention of the driver to a service which is due.
ASSYST is a demand-activated engine oil service system. In other words, in addition to the pure time and
distance criterion, various factors are taken into account for calculating the demand-oriented service intervals.
These are on the one hand quality factors which are coded with the HHT, and on the other hand weighting
factors which take into account driving conditions and thus actual wear and tear.
After a level has dropped below a warning threshold, the remaining distance or the remaining time is displayed
in text panel (b) and the tool symbol (a) appears in the display (top ill.). In addition, ASSYST features a low
engine oil level display. If the oil level is too low or too high, this appears in text panel (b) and the oil can
symbol (a) is displayed (bottom ill.).
( The illustrations relate to models with multifunction display. For other models, refer to document:
"ASSYST display facilities".)
All models will feature an automatic display of the service (A or B) by no later than modification year 00/1.
More detailed information is contained in the document displaying service.
In view of the complexity of the system, ASSYST features its own processor in the instrument cluster.
ASSYST is supplied with the time information from the electronic clock integrated in the instrument cluster.
The other data required are supplied over the CAN dataline by the traction systems control module (N47) and
by the injection system control module (N3).
wheel speed signals for calculating the vehicle speed and distance (from traction systems control module,
Coolant temperature (from injection system control module, N3)
Engine oil temperature (from injection system control module, N3)
Oil level (from injection system control module, N3)
Engine speed (from injection system control module, N3)
Load torque (from injection system control module, N3)
Oil correction factor (from injection system control module, N3)
block diagram
Active service system (ASSYST) GF00.20-P-0003-04A
display facilities
Active service system (ASSYST) GF00.20-P-0003-05A
influencing variables
Active service system (ASSYST) GF00.20-P-0003-06A
survey of
Remaining distance function GF00.20-P-2007A
Remaining time function GF00.20-P-2008A
Engine oil monitor function GF00.20-P-2009A
Displaying service function Model 129, 202 as of GF00.20-P-2010B
Model 163 as of 1.00
Model 168 as of 9.99
Model 170 as of 12.99
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on engines with oil sensor (e.g. 112, 113, 166, 611) between 15 000 and 30 000 km,
for the new direct injection diesel engine 668 between 20 000 and 40 000 km,
for engines with oil level switch between 15 000 and 22 500 km (for engine 602.982 between 20 000 and
30 000 km).
The service interval achieved depends on the start distance and the driving conditions (cf. remaining
Start distance refers to the service interval in km/miles which is the minimum distance which may be driven
until the next service. On engines with oil sensor (e.g. 112, 113, 166, 611, 668) this applies only, however, if the
specified quantity of oil has been added during the oil change.
(The quality factors are factory-set to a basic setting. They can be altered with the HHT, if operating
conditions so necessitate.)
The start distance is not dependent on the driving conditions (weighting of the distance driven) and on any oil
replenishments .
The standard value is normally 15 000 km, for the new direct injection diesel engine 668 20 000 km.
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
The figure may differ from this, however, depending on quality factors.
The start distance is automatically reset to its initial value by the oil change reset each time the oil is changed.
The start distance is an internal computed quantity and cannot be displayed in the instrument cluster. It is
possible to display the start distance with the HHT.
The remaining distance is the same as the start distance immediately after the oil change. On engines with oil
sensor (e.g. 112, 113, 166, 611, 668) this applies only, however, if the specified quantity of oil has been added
during the oil change.
The remaining distance is the distance which remains from the current kilometer reading until the next
service. The possible length of the interval is at least as great as the remaining distance displayed
immediately after an oil change, and is at the most twice the start distance.
Consequently, ASSYST also takes into account the driving conditions: In the case of a favorable weighting
(e.g. small number of cold starts, no high engine revs, small number of short-distance trips, minimum extent of
towing a trailer etc.) and oil replenishments, the driver is provided with a bonus which extends the remaining
distance and thus the service interval. Account is also taken of whether the vehicle is actually driven or whether
the engine runs at idle speed. ASSYST is constantly supplied with the data regarding the current operating
conditions of the vehicle for this purpose.
In the case of the best weighting , only 0.6 km are added for each kilometer driven.
In the case of the most unfavorable weighting of the distance (e.g. frequent short-distance trips, large number
of cold starts), the remaining distance and thus the service interval is smaller than in the case of the most
favorable weighting (assuming identical quality factors).
In the case of the most unfavorable weighting, up to 3 km are added for each kilometer driven.
The start distance and the remaining distance are once again presented in the form of a graph in the diagram
opposite, taking the example of gasoline engines
Each time the oil is changed, the start and remaining distances are set to the initial value. In this case, the
normal value of 15 000 km is entered as the start distance (top bar) (shaded + dark section). The start distance
may differ from 15 000 km (e.g. 14 000 km; shaded section) if the quality factors do not correspond to the basic
setting. In the case of engines fitted with oil sensor (e.g. 112, 113, 166) the start distance may also be less than
15 000 km if the specified oil quantity was not added during the oil change. The remaining distance (bottom
bar) is always 15 000 km, however, immediately after an oil change. In addition, the service interval is
always at least 15 000 km .
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
The total remaining distance and thus the service interval may be increased to not more than twice the start
distance, 30 000 km in this case (white section) as a result of corresponding bonuses (favorable weighting of
distances driven) and in the case of engines fitted with oil sensor (e.g. 112, 113, 166).
However, a start distance of less than 15 000 km results in a reduction in the maximum attainable service
With the HHT it is possible to set a warning threshold between 250 km and 8000 km for the remaining distance.
This warning threshold is set differently for 3 different distances driven. The system adjusts to the correct
annual distance driven by calculating the daily distance driven (refer to table):
Display of remaining distance (The readout is shown in kilometers or miles depending on the national code.):
at driver request
automatically, after 5 s start switch in position 2 or driving if the warning threshold is reached :
The warning symbol and the readout: "SERVICE IN .... KM" appears for 10 s. (On models not fitted with
multifunction display, the service symbol appears together with the remaining distance in kilometers,
from mid July 97 "... km".)
automatically, after 5 s start switch in position 2 or driving if the remaining distance is exceeded :
In this case, the readout "KM .... EXCEEDED" appears together with the service symbol for 30 s (up to
mid July 97 for 10 s). (On models not fitted with multifunction display, the service symbol appears
together with the remaining distance with a negative sign in kilometers as a flashing display, as of mid
July 97 "... km".)
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
If a speed limit is set at the cruise control, the speed limit appears for a short moment in the display before
the ASSYST text.
In the normal case, it is the remaining distance which is displayed. However, the time information is always
processed in the background to enable the attention of "low-mileage drivers" to be drawn to any service due.
The remaining distance is compared each day with the remaining time. In certain circumstances, the display
switches over, and it is the remaining time which is displayed ( see document "Remaining time").
If certain measured values are not supplied to the ASSYST system, e.g. because of failure of a sensor, it
switches over to stored substitute values. A corresponding entry is made in the fault memory of the relevant
control module.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Start time refers to the service interval in days immediately after the oil change
The start time is not dependent on the driving conditions and any oil replenishments .
The start time is automatically reset to its initial value by the oil change reset after each oil change. The start
time is an internal computed variable and cannot be displayed in the instrument cluster. It is possible to display
the start time with the HHT.
The remaining time is displayed in the instrument cluster under certain conditions as stated below.
The remaining time is the time which remains until the next service.
The remaining time is only of importance for "low-mileage drivers". (It is therefore the remaining distance
which is displayed as a general rule.)
Replenishing oil, however, does not have any influence on the remaining time.
As a result of these dependent factors, ASSYST proves to be a demand-oriented system even for "low-mileage
drivers". Depending on the weighting of the factors, the service interval for "low-mileage drivers" is between 1
and 2 years.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
With the HHT it is possible to set a warning threshold of between 5 and 30 days for the remaining time, with a
stepwidth of one day. The basic setting is 30 days.
The remaining time is always only displayed in those cases where the following condition is met:
Remaining time (in days) x 40 < remaining distance (in km), and the warning threshold is reached.
automatically, after 5 s start switch in position 2 or driving, if the warning threshold is reached:
The service symbol and the readout "SERVICE IN ... DAYS" appears for 10 seconds. (On vehicles not
fitted with multifunction display, the current remaining time, the service and the clock symbol appear.)
automatically, after 5 s start switch in position 2 or driving, if the remaining time is exceeded:
The service symbol and the readout "DAYS ... EXCEEDED" appears for 30 s (for 10 s up to mid-July
97). (On vehicles not fitted with multifunction display, the service and the clock symbol appear. The
"remaining time" is displayed with a negative sign (minus sign). The readout flashes in this case.)
After the display reaches the maximum readout of -730 days, the readout remains at this figure! The
readout is displayed with a resolution of 1 day.
If a speed limit is set at the cruise control, this speed limit is displayed for a short moment before the
ASSYST display.
If certain measured values are not supplied to the ASSYST, e.g. because of failure of a sensor, it switches to
stored substitute values. An appropriate entry is then made in the fault memory of the particular control module.
If the power supply fails, the data are retained. The times without operating voltage (battery disconnected) are
not recorded, however! They can be retroactively included, however, with the HHT.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
The oil level is constantly monitored by the oil sensor, and the appropriate data transmitted to the processor by
Oil replenishments are detected automatically and result in a bonus, which extends the service interval
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
An excess oil level or insufficient oil level appears in the display together with the oil can symbol.
at driver request
Display of warnings:
automatically, at the earliest 60s after engine start and oil temperature greater than 60°C:
if oil level too high: the oil can symbol appears together with the readout "OIL LEVEL ABOVE
MAX". In addition, a brief warning signal sounds. (On models not fitted with multifunction
display, "HI" appears flashing.)
if oil level too low: the oil can symbol appears together with the readout "OIL LEVEL BELOW
MIN". In addition, a brief warning signal sounds. (On models not fitted with multifunction display,
the oil level warning lamp (A1e12) comes on and the readout "-2L" appears flashing.)
if oil at minimum: the oil can symbol appears together with the readout "OIL LEVEL MINIMUM".
In addition, a brief warning signal sounds. (On models not fitted with multifunction display, the oil
level warning lamp (A1e12) comes on.)
automatically 13 s after ignition ON:
if no oil is in engine: the oil can symbol appears together with the readout "OIL LEVEL BELOW
MIN". In addition, a warning signal sounds. (On models not fitted with multifunction display, the
oil level warning lamp (A1e12) comes on and the readout "-2L" appears flashing. In addition a
brief warning signal sounds.)
The missing oil quantity displayed no longer changes during the display. In other words, any change in oil level
cannot be observed directly at the display. The new oil level is only displayed once the conditions described
below exist.
The text "DISPLAY OIL LEVEL?" appears 10 s after the start switch has been turned into position "2" (on
models not fitted with multifunction display, the oil can and the clock symbol are displayed).
If the reset button of the trip counter is pressed twice within one sec. during this readout, for example, "add 1.0L
oil" (or "-1.0L")
appears in the display if oil level too low. The readout appears only after the elapse of a waiting time after
engine OFF. The waiting time depends on the engine oil temperature.
It is
up to 20°C 30 minutes
from 60°C 1 minute
The waiting time is between these two limits at other engine oil temperatures.
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Possible readouts are (text in parenthesis relates to models not fitted with multifunction display.):
If there is a fault at the oil sensor (oil level/temperature/quality, B40) the oil can symbol and the text "OIL
LEVEL SENSOR FAULTY" appears only 30 s after the fault has occurred.
(On models not fitted with multifunction display, the oil level warning lamp (A1e12) comes on accordingly.)
For diagnosis, read also the injection system control module (N3) with the HHT. (The instrument cluster (A1)
receives the sensor data through the CAN from the injection system control module (N3)).
Oil change
The ASSYST has to be reset each time the oil is changed. Resetting ASSYST also resets the remaining time and
the remaining distance. Resetting can be performed at the instrument cluster or using the HHT. The following
data are stored when the system is reset:
If the specified quantity of oil is not replenished when the oil is changed, the (internal) start distance is
With the HHT it is possible to retrieve the last 10 oil replenishments and the corresponding kilometer
readings of the current interval.
In the normal case, detection of an oil replenishment is displayed by the remaining distance in the
instrument cluster being extended
Oil replenishments are always only detected once the following conditions are met:
In the charts overleaf, a number of examples of this are presented. The horizontal (x) axis represents the service
interval and the vertical (y) axis is the remaining distance in each case in km.
There are instances, however, in which the readout of the remaining distance nevertheless appears implausible
after replenishing oil; according to the display, no bonus or only a small bonus has been issued. This is caused
by the fact that the remaining distance is always only displayed within a range from 15 000 km up to 30 000 km
(or 20 000 km up to 40 000 km in the case of engine 668), but internally the system calculates with the actual
values which may also be beyond this range. These internal values can only be displayed with the HHT.
horizontal (x) axis represents the service interval and the vertical (y) axis is the remaining distance in each case
in km.
The readout of ASSYST in the instrument cluster always moves within the light range.
The remaining distance calculated internally may also, however, be within the two dark ranges. These internal
values can only be displayed with the HHT.
Example 1 :
Sufficient oil was added during the oil change. This means that the starting distance is 15 000 km.
After 10 000 km oil is topped up under normal driving conditions (a). The bonus (B1) is issued and displayed.
What this means is that when the remaining distance is retrieved, a greater remaining distance is displayed.
(Provided the aforementioned conditions for detecting the oil replenishment are met.)
Oil is topped up again after a further 5 000 km (b). In this case also a bonus (B2) is issued and displayed.
If, after this, no further oil is topped up and the car continues to be driven in the same manner, a service interval
of about 24 000 km is thus achieved.
In this example, the curve moves at all points within the light range of the chart; consequently, all the oil
replenishments are displayed by increasing the remaining distance.
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Example 2:
The specified quantity of oil was added when the oil was changed.
The car is driven under very favorable conditions and oil is topped up after 10 000 km (a). Internally, the bonus
B1 is issued, the service interval is extended accordingly by enlarging the remaining distance. However, as the
curve is sometimes within the shaded area, only the part of B1 which is within the light area, is at first displayed
as an extension of the remaining distance. (Provided the aforementioned conditions for detecting oil
replenishment are met.)
Oil is topped up once again at 18 000 km (b). In view of the fact that the maximum service interval of 30 000
km was exceeded, the bonus B2 is not initially displayed as an extension. The entire service interval in this case
is 30 000 km.
If, from point b, the car continues to be driven under less favorable conditions, it may still also be possible now
to achieve the maximum service interval of 30 000 km because of the internal bonus B2.
Example 3:
When the oil was changed, the quantity added was less than the specified quantity. Consequently, the start
distance is less than 15 000 km.
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
If oil is now topped up after 5 000 km (a), the remaining distance displayed is not extended as the curve is
within the shaded area. The bonus B1 is nevertheless added internally and results in an extension of the service
interval to slightly more than 15 000 km - provided the driving conditions remain the same or are more
(The service interval of 15 000 km is always reached, however, even if the internal value were less.)
Example 4:
Oil has been topped up after 5 000 km under unfavorable driving conditions (a) and the oil replenishment
(bonus B1) detected internally. We now have two cases to consider:
If the car continues to be driven under the same conditions (unbroken line), the remaining distance
displayed is not extended as the curve is within the shaded area.
The service interval in this case is nevertheless 15 000 km although the internal value is less. (The
remaining distance displayed can always only be within the light area.)
If the car continues to be operated under more favorable conditions (broken line), the value of the internal
remaining distance slowly moves into the light area. Consequently, the service interval may be greater
than 15 000 km.
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In addition to the various service displays, the service work to be performed (A or B) also appears.
The service symbol (wrench) appears once or twice in the display for this purpose.
Following a service B, the next service must be calculated taking into account the kilometer readings. If the
distance of the current service interval is less than 22 000 km, the next service is service A, otherwise service B.
The path of the service displayed A or B can be processed in the service sheet without the need for a
There is no external difference in the instrument clusters with and without the service display.
If service A (one service symbol) is displayed, it is then necessary to ensure by means of the production date
or the control unit identifier , that the vehicle in question is in fact a vehicle with service display . If this is
not the case, the service must be determined as specified in the service sheet.
The table below shows from which control unit identifier the instrument cluster features the service display:
The control unit identifier can be read with the HHT under menu point Control unit version.
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
- AS00.00-Z-0001-01A
Use only approved clamping devices; shield off hazard area if necessary. Inspect special tools for damage
and proper operation (visual inspection). Wear protective gloves.
Risk of pinching and jamming body parts when working on pre-loaded components.
When loosening or removing components that are under significant load, there is a risk of serious injury if
non-approved if clamping devices are used.
Safety instructions/precautions
When conducting repair work on springs, spring bodies, spring-type actuators and other components under
tension use approved clamping devices only .
Spring compressor
The spring compressor should never be clamped or released using an impact wrench.
The coil diameter of the spring should match the groove in the clamping plate.
Wear protective gloves, protective clothing and (where necessary) safety glasses.
Risk of injury
Unprotected contact with hot or glowing objects may cause severe burns to the skin and eyes.
If glowing objects come into contact with water, hot steam or hot splashing water may result in severe skin and
eye burns.
Severe and possibly permanent injuries may result if hot or glowing objects come into contact with unprotected
skin or eyes.
Fire may result if glowing objects come into contact with flammable materials or substances.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Safety precautions/instructions
Flush the affected skin areas with plenty of cold water and dress with sterile bandages.
Consult a doctor without delay.
Risk of death
Freely rotating parts near the running engine and around the drive train can cause serious injuries .
During all work on rotating driven axles the opposite wheel hub spins in rotation as well. This produces a blind
hazard area that must be protected from unauthorized access.
Safety instructions/precautions
Possible hazards
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Risk of accident
from vehicle starting off during starting operation (e.g. when testing compression pressure) as a result of gear
engaged or when engine running, or vehicles with automatic transmission as a result of selector lever position
"P" or "N" not engaged (exception: some vehicles do not have a selector lever position "P" ).
Injury hazard
Severe injuries may be caused by unshielded rotating parts in the area of the running engine.
The heat produced by the running engine can result in severe burns if contact is made with individual,
unshielded parts.
As a general rule, carry out work on the running engine only if this is absolutely necessary.
Before starting the engine, apply parking brake .
On models with manual transmission move gearshift lever into Neutral position .
On vehicles with automatic transmission move selector lever into position "P" or "N" (exception:
some vehicles do not have a selector lever position "P" ).
On models which do not have selector lever position "P", secure selector lever to prevent it from
being operated unintentionally .
Wear closed and close-fitting work clothes.
All items of jewelry like chains or rings must be taken off.
Restrain long hair by wearing an appropriate head cover.
Before commencing any work on the running engine, familiarize yourself with the location of potentially
hot parts.
When carrying out work when starting the engine or when engine is running do not touch any hot and
rotating parts .
Do not rub the skin areas affected; flush with plenty of cold water and cover skin with sterile bandages.
Consult a doctor without delay.
There is an increased risk of injury to the skin and eyes when drilling gas-filled assemblies due to shavings
being thrown out. The shavings are picked up by the escaping gases and accelerated to a greater or lesser extent
depending on the pressure. The extent of injuries increases as the pressure increases. The pressures involved
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Safety instructions/precautions
Do not rub any skin areas affected, as there is the risk that the shavings will break off leaving some of
them behind.
If necessary, consult a physician.
Use insulating mats. Wear protective clothing, safety glasses, and protective mask. Remove highly
inflammable materials from the danger zone. Use air extractor.
Possible hazards
If arc welding work is performed in moist surroundings or on a wet surface, electricity conducted through the
human body may pose a lethal hazard . This can result in severe burns, heart fibrillation or cardiac arrest.
Persons with heart pacemakers should not perform arc welding work.
Risk of explosion!
Risk of injury from welding spatter and UV light when welding as well as from flying sparks when
Severe burns can be caused if hot chips (flying sparks) from grinding or welding sparks or spatter from liquid
welding material come into contact with unprotected body parts.
Normal work clothing (consisting of cotton or synthetic fiber) can ignite from welding sparks and spatter from
liquid welding material or from flying sparks when grinding and cause severe burns.
The UV light emitted during arc welding can lead to eye damage and burns on unprotected skin.
Inhaling the vapors resulting from combustion while welding can lead to headache, nausea, dizziness and
Wear safety shoes (with rubber soles) and use insulating mats.
Ensure a good ground connection is present.
Persons with heart pacemakers should not perform arc welding work.
Remove highly inflammable materials, substances and fluids from the danger zone.
Wear appropriate protective clothing (leather, Kevlar), head covering (welding mask or helmet with
suitable glasses), welding apron and protective gloves.
Perform welding work in well ventilated rooms only.
Wear respiratory mask or use air extractor.
First-aid measures
Rinse affected skin with large quantities of cold water and cover with sterile bandages.
Bring unconscious persons immediately into the fresh air and provide artificial respiration, if necessary.
Consult a doctor without delay.
Potential risks
Risk of accident
caused by vehicle driving off on its own when under operation (e.g. during tests) with engine running and gear
engaged. Danger caused by vehicle falling off the jack stands .
Risk of injury
Caused by exposed rotating parts next to the running engine and around the drive train which can cause serious
injuries .
The heat produced by the running engine can result in severe burns if contact is made with individual,
unshielded parts.
Safety instructions/precautions
The danger zones around and in the vehicle may only be entered by persons required to conduct the work.
Raise vehicle so that the wheels are not touching the ground when operating vehicle.
A person should be sitting in the cab who is acquainted with the vehicle controls and who can initiate
appropriate measures.
When jacking up vehicle, make sure that the jack stands are positioned on solid ground and that they are
The vehicle must be securely positioned on the bearing surfaces, where necessary anti-slip bases should
be placed on the surface.
Wear closed and close-fitting work clothes.
All items of jewelry like chains or rings must be taken off.
Restrain long hair by wearing appropriate head cover.
Before commencing any work on the running engine, familiarize yourself with the location of potentially
hot parts.
When carrying out work when the engine is running do not touch any hot and rotating parts .
Flush the skin areas affected with plenty of cold water and cover skin with sterile burn bandages. Do not
apply the bandages tightly, but rather loosely over the affected skin area. Do not use any frayed bandages
(e.g. old dressing material). Do not rub the affected skin areas.
Consult a physician immediately.
No parts of the body or limbs should be within the operating range of the mechanism when moving
Risk of injury
When working on components which can be moved either by hand, by means of electric motors, or
hydraulically/pneumatically via linkage, serious injuries can occur to body parts being trapped, crushed or
Safety instructions/precautions
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Align vehicle between the columns of the lifting platform and position the four support plates at the
lifting platform support points specified by the vehicle manufacturer.
The vehicle is centered lengthwise and crosswise between the lifting platform columns.
The support plates on the lifting platform support points are all positioned at the same height.
The vehicle is first raised a few inches (wheels are still touching the ground) and the position and fit of
the support plates and lift points are checked before raising the vehicle to the full lifted position.
The vehicle is not raised off the lifting platform plates when components are being supported.
If the arms of the lifting platform or the support plates are not positioned properly, or if components of the
vehicle are supported so that the vehicle raises off the platform, then the vehicle can slip off the platform and
cause life-threatening injuries to you or other people.
Before removing axles and assemblies from the vehicle, make sure the vehicle is secured to the platform or that
sand bags are used to balance the vehicle out.
Otherwise the vehicle could tip because of the uneven distribution of weight. This could cause life-threatening
injuries to you or other people.
NOTE: In Germany, lift platform operators must observe the following regulations and
guidelines: "Berufsgenossenschaftvorschrift (BGV) D29 fur Hebebuhnen" and
the guidelines issued by the lift platform manufacturer. In other countries,
operators must comply with all relevant statutory and accident prevention
When moving components, ensure that no body parts or limbs are within the operating range of moving
Risk of injury
When working on hoods, doors, trunk lids/tailgates and sliding roofs and on their connecting mechanisms,
serious injuries can occur due to cutting, jamming or pinching of body parts like fingers and hands.
Safety instructions/precautions
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
PRESSURE - AS00.00-Z-0012-01A
Remove and install gas struts only in relaxed position and on components which have been secured
Injury hazard
Risk of injury from pinching or crushing when working on gas struts under pressure.
When removing and installing gas struts not in the relaxed position injury can result to body parts from
pinching, crushing or jamming.
Remove and install gas struts only in relaxed position (pressure or thrust rod completely extended).
Support components held by gas strut (tailgates, doors, trunk lids, seat frame, etc.) in position by suitable
means before removing gas struts.
Replace damaged retaining clips or keepers.
When moving components secure motion area of mechanism against reaching in.
Depressurize the hydraulic system completely before starting any work on the system. Wear protective
clothing and eye protection.
Possible hazards
Risk of injury
When disengaging hydraulic lines without first depressurizing the system, dangerous skin or eye injuries may
occur due to the very high pressures (in excess of 200 bar). If hydraulic fluid, particularly central hydraulic fluid
(especially harmful), comes into contact with unprotected skin, this may cause damage to the skin.
Risk of poisoning
If hydraulic fluid is swallowed, this may lead to poisoning symptoms such as headache, giddiness, abdominal
pain, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps and unconsciousness.
Protective measures/guidelines
When commencing work on hydraulic systems, these must be depressurized; the system must be drained
if necessary.
Do not pour hydraulic fluid into beverage containers.
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Only expose skin to hydraulic fluid for as brief a period as possible; in the event of contact with skin,
clean skin with soap and water.
In the event of contact with clothing, replace clothing as rapidly as possible.
First-aid measures
Have the person affected drink plenty of water with activated charcoal additive.
After swallowing large volumes, seek the attention of a physician.
If hydraulic fluid gets into the eyes, immediately rinse the eyes with plenty of clean water/eye rinsing
In the event of injuries to the skin or eyes due to a jet of hydraulic fluid, immediately seek the attention of
a physician.
Shield hazard area with suitable catch device (basket, grate box). Also ensure that no unauthorized
persons are present in the hazard area.
Risk of injury
When installing and removing tight transverse control arm mounts, the rubber mounts can be put under
extremely high tension. If one of the mounts is released suddenly it can shoot out of the installation bore hitting
and injuring anyone in the immediate area.
Safety precautions/instructions
When pressing parts in and out ensure that no one is in the immediate vicinity and therefore in the hazard
area except for the person performing the work.
Also secure the pressing point (hazard area) with a suitable catch device (basket, grate box).
When pressing out loosen mount by tapping a number of times with a hammer. Press out in a number of
intervals relieving the pressure in between.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Risk of explosion
Spray cans (engine compartment preservative, paints, etc.) are pressurized and can explode when heated up to
above 50°C.
Safety instructions/precautions
Protect cans from direct sunlight and temperatures above 50°C. Do not drill or burn the can after use.
Only use in well ventilated areas, wear respiratory protection if necessary.
Wear respiratory protection, protective gloves and safety glasses. Only pour glue into suitable and
appropriately marked containers.
Potential risks
Risk of poisoning
When glue vapors are inhaled , the respiratory system could be damaged because even small amounts of the
substances contained in some types of glues can attack the mucous membranes.
Swallowing glue can cause poisoning symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, cramps, stomach aches,
vomiting, respiratory paralysis and unconsciousness. Moreover, irritation may occur to the respiratory paths and
Risk of injury
Most adhesives can glue limbs and eyelids as well as cause severe irritation to skin and eyes.
Safety precautions/instructions
Before applying adhesives, ensure that you have complied with all use and safety instructions; obtain the
safety data sheet from the manufacturer if required.
Perform gluing work only in well ventilated rooms.
No fire, sparks, open flames or smoking.
Wear protective gloves and eye protection, if necessary respiratory protection and protective clothing.
Do not fill glue into beverage cups
Store glue where it is not accessible for unauthorized persons.
Eye contact
Immediately rinse eyes thoroughly with running, lukewarm water and contact a physician.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Skin contact
Swallowed glue
When working on or in the area of sharp vehicle parts with burrs always wear protective gloves. Deburr
repair panels.
Injury hazard
When working on body, superstructure, assembly and chassis parts which cannot be or are not yet deburred due
to the production procedure or processing stage, injuries are possible from cutting, scratching or scraping
against the burr.
Do not insert your hand into rotating parts. Wear closed and snug-fitting work clothes. Safeguard areas
with rotating vehicle parts and dynamometer rollers against unauthorized access. Safeguard roller
dynamometer from unauthorized access.
Risk of death
Rotating parts in and around the running engine and the drive train as well as rotating dynamometer rollers and
vehicle wheels can cause serious injury .
When performing operations on the roller dynamometer, appropriate shielding (barriers, safety guards) must be
used to protect blind hazard zones from unauthorized access.
Safety instructions/precautions
Always observe the general safety rules for roller dynamometer operation.
Wear closed and close-fitting work clothes.
Remove all items of jewelry (chains, rings, etc.).
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Do not touch parts which conduct high voltages. Persons who wear electronic implants (e.g. heart
pacemakers) must not perform any work on such components.
Electric shocks can cause fibrillation of the heart or even cardiac arrest. The effects of an electric shock may
sometimes first appear after several minutes have gone by; for this reason always seek medical attention.
Safety instructions/precautions
Persons who wear electronic implants (e.g. heart pacemakers) must not carry out any work on such
replacing parts
it is first of all necessary to disconnect the ground cable from the battery.
Risk of death caused by coming into contact with electrical parts of the 220 V system. Electric shocks can cause
fibrillation of the heart or even cardiac arrest. It may also take several minutes for the consequences of an
electric shock to show themselves; for this reason
Electric shock or direct body contact with a power source can lead to burns or scalding.
Safety instructions/precautions
Never connect the 220 V power supply to an outside socket during any repair work.
All repair work should be performed only by a trained electrician or under the direction and supervision of a
trained electrician.
Persons who wear electronic implants (e.g. heart pacemakers) must not carry out any work on such
When performing any repair work on the 220 V system, proper insulated protective clothing must be worn and
insulated tools and protective devices must be used as per the safety regulations.
The shocked person must be immediately removed from the electric circuit.
Use protective gloves and a wood board or a wood ladder to push or move the shocked person out of the danger
Check for breathing. If there is no breathing or insufficient breathing, the preferable action is to perform
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. If necessary, carry out CPR.
If victim is unconscious, but breathing, place victim in the recovery position.
Sterile bandages for burns.
Before commencing any work, ensure that all sources of ignition have been eliminated. Wear protective
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Potential risks
Risk of death
Risk of explosion caused by liquefied petroleum gas leaking out of the system in closed rooms or when gas the
tank is overheated due to work being done.
Risk of frostbite to skin and body parts caused by liquefied petroleum gas spraying out and by coming into
contact with components that are near the valve when the tank is being emptied. Risk of poisoning or risk of
suffocation caused by inhaling liquefied petroleum gas.
Safety instructions/precautions
Before commencing any work, ensure that all sources of ignition have been eliminated. Ensure adequate
ventilation of the immediate area around the vehicle.
Adequate ventilation means an exchange of air at least 3 times an hour at a distance of 3 meters from the gas
shutoff valve.
Close the gas shutoff valves at the compressed-gas tanks before commencing repair work.
Close off gas tank valve if vehicle is to remain in closed rooms, e.g. in halls or garages, for longer periods of
Maintenance and repair work may only be carried out by specially trained personnel.
Due to the fact that explosions can occur when the gas system has leaks, a leak test must be performed before
restarting the system after repairs have been done in which the pipes and lines of the gas system have been
In the Federal Republic of Germany, this leak test can only be performed by specially trained DVFG personnel
as per the DVGW Work Sheet G 607.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
(DVGW - German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water)
If eyes are affected immediately and thoroughly wash out eyes (making sure that eye lids are open) with plenty
of clean water.
If skin is affected drench with water. The victim must be kept warm and calm.
If inhaled , and if drowsiness, headaches, visual problems or irritation of the eyes, nose and throat occur,
remove victim to fresh air. Place unconscious victims in the recovery position and check for breathing and
pulse. If there is no breathing or insufficient breathing, the preferable action is to perform mouth-to-mouth
resuscitation. If necessary, carry out CPR.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Work in well ventilated rooms only. Wear safety glasses with side protection and protective gloves.
Potential risks
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Risk of injury
When working with heat-shrinkable tubing, excessive temperatures may cause burns to skin and eye.
Risk of poisoning
When working with heat-shrinkable tubing, vapors may be produced which lead to symptoms of poisoning such
as coughing, headaches, dizziness and nausea. Moreover, irritation may occur to the respiratory paths and eyes.
Safety precautions/instructions
Flush the affected area immediately with plenty of water for approx. 15 minutes.
Treat affected areas like burn wounds. Do not remove any burned parts.
Contact physician or medical service.
Wear protective gloves, protective clothing and safety glasses. Ensure that the work area is adequately
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
ventilated. Secure power supply cables. Avoid sources of fire in working area.
Potential risks
Risk of injury
Contact with hot objects without suitable protective clothing causes severe burns to the skin and eyes.
Melted, spraying and dripping soldering tin can cause injuries to skin and eyes.
Electric shock may occur if network or high-voltage lines become scorched or cut by sharp objects.
Risk of poisoning
Fire hazard
Caused by igniting combustible materials and objects located close to the soldering equipment.
Safety instructions/precautions
Do not rub affected areas of the skin; pour plenty of lukewarm water over affected areas and cover over
with sterile bandages.
Move unconscious victim immediately to fresh air and provide artificial respiration, if necessary.
With severe injuries, call a doctor immediately.
MODELS 124, 129, 140, 163 up to 30.11.99, 163 as of 1.9.01, 168, 170, 201, 202, 208, 210, 215, 220
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Connect Hand-Held Tester (087) with test cable (Multiplexer) (094) to data link connector (DTC readout)
2. Switch on ignition.
3. According to instructions on display:
a. Read out/erase fault memory
b. Read out actual values
c. Perform actuations
d. Program control modules
4. Disconnect HHT.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 327: Connecting Hand-Held Tester (HHT) For Reading Out Fault Memory
Observe system-specific deviations which are listed for the appropriate diagnosis description in the chapter
"Advanced Information on diagnosis".
Stored faults which can be caused by disconnected cables or a simulation during test work must be erased in the
fault memory upon completion of the work.
Model 168
1. Connect hand-held tester (087) to diagnosis test connector (X11/4) in interior using test cable
(multiplexer) (094) and adapter cable (107).
2. Switch on ignition.
3. According to instructions in display:
a. Read out/erase fault memory
b. Read out actual values
c. Perform actuations
d. Program control modules
4. Disconnect HHT.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 328: Connecting Hand-Held Tester (HHT) For Read Out Diagnostic Trouble Code Memory
Note system-specific deviations listed in respective diagnosis description in chapter entitled "Diagnosis
Previous Knowledge".
Stored faults possibly caused by cables being disconnected during testing or by simulation must be erased from
the fault memory once the work is completed.
Fig. 329: Connecting STAR DIAGNOSIS For Read Out Fault Memory (Illustrated On Model 210)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 330: Connecting STAR DIAGNOSIS For Read Out Fault Memory (Illustrated On Model 163)
Fig. 331: Connecting STAR DIAGNOSIS For Read Out Fault Memory (Illustrated On Model 164.1)
Fig. 332: Connecting STAR DIAGNOSIS For Read Out Fault Memory (Illustrated On Model 461.302)
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 333: Connecting STAR DIAGNOSIS For Read Out Fault Memory (Illustrated On Model 171.4)
1. Connect STAR DIAGNOSIS (0100) to diagnostic socket, on the data link connector (X11/4) or on the
data link connector (1.3) (X11/22).
2. Switch on ignition.
3. Start the Diagnosis Assistance System.
4. In the "Model" menu, select the sub menu "Other model series".
5. Go through the instructions on the screen:
Enter the control unit version.
Perform actuations.
Stored faults which may be caused by disconnecting cables or by simulation during testing operations must
be deleted in the diagnostic trouble code memory following completion of the operations.
MODEL 124, 129, 140, 163, 168, 170, 201, 202, 208, 210, 215, 220
MODEL 124, 129, 140, 163, 168, 170, 201, 202, 208, 210
MODELS 124, 129, 140, 163, 168, 170, 201, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 220
MODELS 211.004 /006 /016 /026 /028 /042 /043 /061 /065 /070 /076 /206 /216 /226 /242 /261 /265 /616,
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 230.474
MODELS 124.034 /036, 129.058 /063 /067 /076, 140, 163 168, 170, 202, 203, 208, 210, 215, 220
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219, 220,
221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 338: Identifying New Passenger Vehicle Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 04 99 00)
Fig. 339: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 340: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (000 589 02 99 00)
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 343: Identifying FL. Crimping Kit 6.3/2.8 (220 589 01 99 83)
Fig. 345: Identifying MLK 1.2 Crimping Set (220 589 01 99 83)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 346: Identifying MCP 2.8 Crimping Set (220 589 01 99 03)
Fig. 347: Identifying MCP 2.8 Crimping Set (220 589 01 99 04)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 350: Identifying SLK 2.8 Crimping Set (220 589 01 99 07)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 351: Identifying MCP 1.2 Crimping Set (220 589 04 99 11)
1. Select crimp contact based on table in wiring harness repair kit, basic wiring harness repair kit or new
passenger car wiring harness repair kit .
2. Strip cable in accordance with table using wire stripper .
Damaged wire leads can cause changes of the line cross-section and result in an unreliable strength of
the crimp connection.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Select crimping kit (1, 2) based on the crimp contact model used in the wiring harness repair kit
, basic wiring harness repair kit or new passenger car wiring harness repair kit . See table.
1. Screw positioner onto crimp pliers (arrow).
2. Fit positioner with quick-release fitting on crimp pliers .
Positioner with screw cap can be replaced with positioner with quick-release fitting.
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
6. Insert crimp contact (1) all the way into crimp nest (2) and into positioner (3) of die sets (4, 5).
Select crimp nest (2) according to cable cross section. Crimp contact (1) must be vertical between the
die sets (4, 5).
7. Close crimp pliers until crimp contact (2) is fixed in crimp nest (3).
Ensure that the crimping contact (2) is correctly seated in the positioner (4).
Do not deform the crimp contact (2) otherwise the cable (1) cannot be inserted correctly into the crimp
contact (2).
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 356: Identifying Guide Cable, Crimp Contact And Crimp Nest - Shown With Circular
The crimp pliers must be squeezed until stop is reached before they will open again.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 358: Identifying New Passenger Vehicle Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 04 99 00)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 359: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 360: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 363: Identifying MQS ELA Crimping Set (220 589 01 99 86)
Fig. 364: Identifying SLK 2.8 / ELA Crimping Set (220 589 01 99 080)
Fig. 365: Identifying SLK 2.8 ELA Crimping Set (220 589 01 99 09)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 366: Identifying MCP 2.8 ELA Crimping Set (220 589 01 99 80)
Fig. 367: Identifying MCP 2.8 ELA Crimping Set (220 589 01 99 81)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 368: Identifying JPT ELA Crimping Set (220 589 01 99 82)
Fig. 369: Identifying MLK 1.2 ELA Crimping Set (220 589 01 99 84)
Fig. 370: Identifying SLK 2.8 / ELA Crimping Set (220 589 01 99 08)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 371: Identifying MCP 2.8 ELA Crimping Set (000 589 13 99 10)
Fig. 372: Identifying MCP 1.2 ELA Crimping Set (220 589 04 99 10)
1. Select crimp contact according to assignment table in wiring harness repair kit, wiring harness repair kit
basic or wiring harness repair kit as supplement to passenger cars .
2. Push single-strand insulation (1) over cable (2) with lip at the front.
3. Strip line (2) using wire stripper according to assignment table.
Damaged wire strands can lead to changes in the line cross-section and an impermissible strength of
the crimped connection.
4. Align single-strand insulation (1) with line (2) ensuring that dimension (b) = maximum 1 mm.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Select crimping set(1, 2) according to the crimp contact type and single-strand insulation used. See
1. Screw positioner onto crimp pliers (arrow).
2. Fit positioner with quick-release fitting on crimp pliers .
Positioners with screw fitting can be exchanged for positioners with quick-release fitting.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
8. Insert crimp contact (1) all the way into crimp nest (2) and into positioner (3) of die sets (4, 5).
Select crimp nest (2) according to cable cross section. Crimp contact (1) must be vertical between the
die sets (4, 5).
9. Close crimp pliers until crimp contact (2) is fixed in crimp nest (3).
Make sure that the crimp contact (2) is inserted correctly in the positioner (5).
Do not yet deform the crimp contact (2), as otherwise the line (1) cannot be inserted correctly into the
crimp contact (2).
10. Guide cable (1) with single-strand insulation (4) into inserted crimp contact (2) (arrow).
11. Squeeze crimp pliers until stop is reached remove crimped connection.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
The crimp pliers must be squeezed until stop is reached before they will open again.
12. Check crimped connection for deformation and ensure that the wires fill the crimp tab correctly (cross-
section of enclosed wires).
The strands of the cable are evenly enclosed. The crimp tab is evenly shaped.
The crimp shackle has the wrong cross-section. The crimp tab is not filled properly. Individual wire
strands are outside the crimp shackle. The crimp tab is too full. The crimp claws touch the bottom of the
crimped fitting. The crimp tab is too full. The crimp tab is deformed incorrectly and therefore damaged.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
13. Check crimped connection to ensure that all wires are enclosed correctly.
Insulation and single-strand insulation must be positioned in the center and enclosed completely by the
crimp tab and they must be able to take up tensile force.
Single-strand insulation must not be pinched otherwise galvanic corrosion can occur if the connection
is penetrated by water.
Wire strands are enclosed correctly by the shackle. Insulation and single-strand insulation are enclosed
correctly by the large tab. All parts can withstand the required tensile force.
The single-strand insulation is not enclosed by the shackle because it was inserted incorrectly during the
crimping procedure.
The crimped area of the single-strand insulation is damaged because the wrong die set or wrong single-
strand insulation was used.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
14. Check crimped connection for correct length and distance of strands and insulation, as well as position
and condition of seal.
Insulation and wires are of the correct length in the shackles. Correct distance between the single-strand
insulation and the end of the insulation.
The single-strand insulation is damaged because the distance between seal and end of insulation is too
Stripped strands are too long, single-strand insulation is therefore not crimped.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 382: Identifying New Passenger Vehicle Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 04 99 00)
Fig. 383: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 384: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
The cable connectors must only be used inside the vehicle. Cable connectors must only be used once.
Use only 2-, 4-, 6- and 10-terminal cable connectors released by DaimlerChrysler.
The approved cable connectors must only be used for a cable cross section of 0.35 to 0.75 mm2 .
1. Select cable connectors according to the cable cross-sections and the number of cables.
2. Insert the cables individually into the notches one by one (arrows).
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
At the ends of cables, ensure that the wire is positioned such that distance (a) between the end of the
wire and the edge of the housing is approx. 2 mm (arrow). Make sure that this distance is not too long or
too short.
Only this ensures that the line is clamped twice and that the distance to the edge of the housing is large
enough to prevent a short circuit.
Fig. 390: Locating Distance Between End Of Wire And Edge Of Housing
3. Press together the cable connector by pressing the top and bottom part at the same time using pliers until
you hear it snap into place.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
4. Check that cable connector has snapped into place all the way round.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 394: Wrapping Insulating Tape Around Corrugated Hose At Both Ends
Fabric tape restores the appearance of the repair area and provides protection from chafing. In parts of
vehicle subject to high levels of stress (e.g. engine compartment) fabric tape should only be used together
with other (watertight) protective measures.
Fig. 395: Identifying New Passenger Vehicle Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 04 99 00)
Fig. 396: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 397: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Expose damaged cable or plug/coupling in easily accessible position and cut off.
When cutting the line, add an allowance of approx. 50 mm (C) for loop formation (strain-relief).
A maximum of seven individual cables maybe inserted into each solder connection.
5. Insert the cables into the corresponding solder connections (Z) according to the total cable cross-section.
6. Ensure that solder connection (Z) is fully rotated onto cables.
Start at tapered end until soldering ring has dissolved and sleeve has correctly wrapped itself around
the line.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
The soldering ring (1) of the solder connection (Z)must no longer be visible. The covering (2) must be
resting smoothly against the cables.
9. Fit solder connection onto cable and wrap fabric tape around repaired area.
Solder connections must not be positioned directly one above the other.
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
by soldering
Repair cable harness using AR00.19-P-0100-06A
rapid connection
Protect repair area after Heat-shrinkable tube AR00.19-P-0100-08A
cable repairs
Protect repair area after Corrugated tube AR00.19-P-0100-08B
cable repairs
Protect repair area after Fabric tape AR00.19-P-0100-08C
cable repairs
Checking wiring harness AR54.18-P-0600-01A
Plugs and couplings as- GF00.19-P-8000A
built configuration
Female contacts and GF00.19-P-7000A
contact pins, installation
survey, as-built
Fig. 408: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Supplement For Passenger Cars (220 589 04 99 00)
Fig. 409: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 410: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
Fig. 411: Identifying Blade Holder With Clamping Pliers (220 589 01 99 50)
1. Insert blade holder with clamping pliers and SLK 2.8 - 97 blade from front side into contact cavity
of connector housing (4).
Both spring shackles on the contact pin (7) are pressed together and, simultaneously, the locking tab
(5) of the connector housing (4) is lifted.
2. Remove contact pin (7) from connector housing (4) by gently pulling the corresponding line.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 413: Unpinning Contact Pins From Plug (SLK Design 97)
Rocking the contact pin back and forth, thus making use of the full housing tolerance, may help to
unpin the contact.
Fig. 414: Identifying New Passenger Vehicle Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 04 99 00)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 415: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 416: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
Fig. 417: Identifying Blade Holder With Clamping Pliers (220 589 02 99 50)
1. Using a suitable tool, push tabs of contact retainer (1) in direction of arrow out of locked position.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 419: Pushing Tabs Of Contact Retainer - Shown On 2-Pin SLK Connector
1. Insert blade holder with clamping pliers and SLK 2.8 blade from front side through openings at
contact cavity of connector (1).
2. A slight tug on the corresponding cable will remove the contact pin from the connector.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Rocking the contact pin back and forth, thus making use of the full housing tolerance, may help to
unpin the contact.
Fig. 421: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Supplement For Passenger Cars (220 589 04 99 00)
Fig. 422: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 423: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 424: Identifying Blade Holder With Clamping Pliers (220 589 01 99 50)
1. Insert blade holder with clamping pliers and SLK 2.8 - 97 blade from front side into contact cavity
of coupling (4).
Both spring shackles on the female contact (7) are compressed and, simultaneously, the locking tab (5)
on the coupling (4) is lifted.
2. A slight tug on the corresponding cable will remove the female contact (7) from the coupling.
Rocking the female contact back and forth making use of the full housing tolerance may help to unpin
the contact.
Fig. 427: Identifying New Passenger Vehicle Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 04 99 00)
Fig. 428: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 429: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
Fig. 430: Identifying Blade Holder With Clamping Pliers (220 589 01 99 50)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Using a suitable tool, push tabs of locking bar(1) in direction of arrow out of locked position.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 432: Pushing Tabs Of Locking Bar - Shown On A 6-Pin SLK Coupling
1. Using a suitable tool, move locking slider (3) in direction shown by arrow.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Using a suitable tool (1), pry up the locking striker (2) in direction shown by arrow.
The seal may be damaged if the tool (1) is inserted too far. Prying up the locking striker (2) beyond the
stop may destroy the locking striker (2).
The locking striker (2) remains unlocked when the female contacts are unpinned.
1. Insert blade holder with clamping pliers and an SLK 2.8 blade from the front side through the
openings in the contact cavity of the coupling (1).
2. A slight tug on the corresponding line will remove the female contact from the coupling.
Rocking the contact pin back and forth, thus making use of the full housing tolerance, may help to
unpin the contact.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 436: Identifying New Passenger Vehicle Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 04 99 00)
Fig. 437: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 438: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
Fig. 439: Identifying Blade Holder With Clamping Pliers (220 589 01 99 50)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 441: Cap From Connector Housing - Shown On 18-Pin MQS Connector
1. Open contact retainer using a suitable tool and lift in direction of arrow.
1. Using a suitable tool, pry up the lock tab on the retaining cap (6).
2. Move retaining cap (6) in direction of arrow up to the stop.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Mount blade holder with clamping pliers and MQS blade from above through the opening (arrow)
in the exposed connector housing (1) at the spring shackle of the male contact (2).
2. Press down the spring shackle of the male contact (2) and push the male contact (2) out of the contact
cavity of the connector housing (1). Tug the corresponding cable at the same time to assist the removal
Fig. 444: Contact Pins From Connector (MQS) - Shown With Circular Conductor
Unpin male contacts from plug with 2nd contact retainer (MQS)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Position the blade holder with clamping pliers and MQS blade from above through the opening (3)
of pin housing (1) at the spring shackle of male contact (2).
2. Press down spring shackle and pull male contact (2) all the way out of contact cavity of pin housing (1).
Carry out the same work step in the opening (4). Tug the corresponding cable at the same time to assist
the unpinning procedure.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 445: Male Contacts From Plug With 2ND Contact Retainer (MQS) - Shown With Circular
Fig. 446: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Supplement For Passenger Cars (220 589 04 99 00)
Fig. 447: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 448: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 449: Identifying Blade Holder With Clamping Pliers (220 589 01 99 50)
1. Insert blade holder with clamping pliers and MQS blade from front side through opening above
contact cavity of connector housing (3).
2. A slight tug on the corresponding cable will pull the contact pin (2) out of the cavity of the plug.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 452: Contact Pins From Connector (MQS) - Shown On 8-Pin MQS Connector
Foil contacts must be unpinned at the same time. Tug on the foil while pressing down the spring to remove
the foil.
Fig. 453: Identifying New Passenger Vehicle Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 04 99 00)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 454: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 455: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
Fig. 456: Identifying Blade Holder With Clamping Pliers (220 589 01 99 50)
1. Guide suitable tool (1) all the way into groove (4) from the side.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
2. Remove retaining cap (2) from coupling housing (3) in direction of arrow.
Fig. 458: Retaining Cap From Coupling Housing - Shown On 3/3-Pin MQS Coupling
1. Lift locking catch (2) of retaining cap (4) using a suitable tool (1).
2. Pull coupling housing (3) from retaining cap (4) in direction shown by arrow.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 459: Pulling Coupling Housing From Retaining Cap - Shown On A 3/3-Pin MQS/MCP Coupling
1. Detach cover (1) from cap (2) in direction of arrow over the catch mechanism.
2. Remove connector housing (3) from cap (2) in direction of arrow.
Fig. 460: Connector Housing From Cap - Shown On 14-Pin MQS Coupling With A Connector Housing
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Using a suitable tool, pry up the lock tab on the retaining cap (5).
2. Pull coupling housing (6) from retaining cap (5) in direction shown by arrow.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 463: Pulling Coupling Housing From Retaining Cap - Shown On 12-Pin MQS Coupling
1. Mount blade holder with clamping pliers and MQS blade from above through the opening in the
exposed connector housing (1) at the spring of the female contact (2).
2. Press the spring shackle of the female contact (2) downward and push the female contact (2) out of the
contact cavity of the connector housing (1). Tug the corresponding cable at the same time to assist the
unpinning procedure.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 464: Unpinning Female Contacts From Coupling (18-Pin MQS Coupling)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 465: Unpinning Female Contacts From Coupling (2-pin MQS Coupling)
Unpin female contacts from coupling with 2nd contact retainer (MQS)
1. Mount blade holder with clamping pliers and MQS blade from above through the opening (3) of the
connector housing (1), press down spring shackle of female contact (2), and pull female contact (2) out of
contact cavity of connector housing (1) up to the stop.
2. Mount blade holder with clamping pliers and MQS blade from above through the opening (4), press
down spring shackle of female contact (2), and pull female contact (2) out of contact cavity of connector
housing (1).
Tug the corresponding cable at the same time to help unpinning procedure.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 466: Identifying New Passenger Vehicle Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 04 99 00)
Fig. 467: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 468: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
Fig. 469: Identifying Blade Holder With Clamping Pliers (220 589 01 99 50)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Using a suitable tool, move both sliding plates (1) in housing in direction of arrow over catch mechanism.
Fig. 471: Moving Both Sliding Plates In Housing - Shown On 38-Pin JPT, MQS Coupling
1. Using a suitable tool (1), slide retaining cage (2) into pre-locking position in direction shown by arrow.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 472: Sliding Retaining Cage - Shown On A 47-Pin MQS Or MCP Coupling
1. Insert blade holder with clamping pliers and MQS blade from front side through the opening near
contact cavity of coupling.
This step presses the spring shackle on the female contact (1) down into position.
2. A slight tug on the corresponding line will remove the female contact (1) from the coupling.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 474: Identifying New Passenger Vehicle Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 04 99 00)
Fig. 475: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 476: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
Fig. 477: Identifying Blade Holder With Clamping Pliers (220 589 01 99 50)
1. Using a suitable tool, push tab in direction of arrow out of locked position.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Using a suitable tool, move slider in direction of arrow into the pre-locking position (1).
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Push retainer (1) in direction of arrow out of locked position using a suitable tool.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Press on tabs of contact retainer between contact cavities (3, 5 or 4, 6) using a suitable tool.
2. Open contact retainer.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Insert blade holder with clamping pliers and E 95 blade from front side through openings on
contact cavity of coupling (2).
Insert tool carefully to prevent damaging webs between contact cavity and openings for release tool.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
2. A slight tug on the corresponding cable will remove the female contact (1) from the coupling (2).
Fig. 484: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Supplement For Passenger Cars (220 589 04 99 00)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 485: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 486: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
Fig. 487: Identifying Blade Holder With Clamping Pliers (220 589 01 99 50)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 321 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 490: Removing Lever Slider Out Of Locked Position - Shown On 4-Pin MT 3 And JPT Coupling
1. Insert blade holder with clamping pliers and MT 3 blade from front side through openings on
contact cavity of coupling.
Do not damage webs between contact cavity and openings for release tool.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
2. A slight tug on the corresponding cable will remove the female contact from the coupling.
Fig. 492: Identifying New Passenger Vehicle Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 04 99 00)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 493: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 494: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
Fig. 495: Identifying Blade Holder With Clamping Pliers (220 589 01 99 50)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 497: Identifying MCP 2.8 / Fl Blade. 2.8 / JPT / SPT (000 589 13 99 30)
1. Using a suitable tool, at the line side unlock the lugs (1) on lock tab.
2. Open the tab.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 325 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Lift locking catch (2) of cap (4) using a suitable tool (1).
2. Pull coupling housing (3) out of cap in direction of arrow.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 326 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
The seal (3) may be damaged if the tool (1) is inserted too far. Prying up the locking striker (2) beyond
the stop may destroy the locking striker (2).
The locking striker (2) remains unlocked when the female contacts are unpinned.
Fig. 501: Identifying Locking Striker And Seal - Shown On 5-Pin JPT Coupling
1. Using a suitable tool, move both sliding plates (1) in housing in direction of arrow over catch mechanism.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 327 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 502: Moving Both Sliding Plates - Shown On 38-Pin JPT, MQS Coupling
1. Using a suitable tool, move contact retainer (1) in direction of arrow out of locked position.
1. Insert a suitable tool between spring (1) and housing and press out spring.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 328 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 504: Pressing Out Spring - Shown On A 7-Pin JPT And SPT Coupling
Fig. 505: Pushing Slider Out - Shown On 6-Pin LSK, JPT Coupling
1. Insert a suitable tool from the side under the lock tab on coupling (5).
2. Open the lock tab in direction of arrow.
1. Press locking catches of retaining cap (1) using a suitable tool and remove retaining cap.
2. Lift spring at coupling housing (2) using a suitable tool and push out internal JPT coupling (3).
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 329 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 507: Identifying Retaining Cap, Coupling Housing And Retainer - Shown On 4-Pin JPT, MPT
1. Insert blade holder with clamping pliers with JPT/SPT blade or MCP 2.8/Fl. 2.8/JPT/SPT blade
from the front through the openings in contact cavity of coupling.
2. A slight tug on the corresponding cable will remove the female contact (1) from the coupling.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 330 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 509: Identifying New Passenger Vehicle Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 04 99 00)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 331 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 510: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 511: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
Fig. 512: Identifying Blade Holder With Clamping Pliers (220 589 01 99 50)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 332 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 514: Identifying MCP 2.8 / Fl Blade. 2.8 / JPT / SPT (000 589 13 99 30)
1. Using a suitable tool, move locking bar (1) in direction of arrow out of locked position.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 333 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Using a suitable tool, pry up the lock tab on the retaining cap (6).
2. Move the retaining cap (6) in direction of arrow until it reaches the stop.
Fig. 516: Prying Up Lock Tab On Retaining Cap - Shown On 4/8-Pin JPT/MQS Plug
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 334 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Insert blade holder with clamping pliers with JPT/SPT blade or MCP 2.8/Fl. 2.8/JPT/SPT blade
from the front through the openings in contact cavity of connector housing (3).
This results in the spring shackles of the contact pin (2) being compressed.
2. Remove contact pin (2) from connector housing (3) by gently pulling the relevant cable.
Fig. 518: Contact Pins From Connector (JPT) - Shown On 4-Pin JPT Connector
Fig. 519: Identifying New Passenger Vehicle Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 04 99 00)
Fig. 520: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 521: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 336 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 522: Identifying Blade Holder With Clamping Pliers (220 589 01 99 50)
Fig. 523: Identifying MCP 2.8 / FL Blade. 2.8 (220 589 01 99 59)
Fig. 524: Identifying MCP 2.8 / Fl Blade. 2.8 / JPT / SPT (000 589 13 99 30)
1. Using a suitable tool, lift locking shackles (1) in direction shown by arrow.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 337 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Using a suitable tool (1), pry up lock tab (2) for coupling cap (4).
2. Pull clutch housing (3) from coupling cap (4) in direction shown by arrow.
Fig. 526: Prying Up Lock Tab For Coupling Cap - Shown On A 3/3-Pin MQS/MCP Coupling
1. Using a suitable tool (1), slide retaining cage (2) into pre-locking position in direction shown by arrow.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 338 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 527: Sliding Retaining Cage - Shown On A 47-Pin MQS Or MCP Coupling
1. Insert blade holder with clamping pliers and MCP 2.8/Fl blade 2.8 or MCP 2.8/Fl. 2.8/JPT/SPT
blade from the front through the openings in the contact cavity of the coupling (1).
This step compresses the spring shackles (2) on the female contact.
2. A slight tug on the corresponding cable will remove the female contact (1) from the coupling.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 339 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 529: Identifying New Passenger Vehicle Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 04 99 00)
Fig. 530: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 531: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 340 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 532: Identifying Blade Holder With Clamping Pliers (220 589 01 99 50)
Fig. 534: Identifying MCP 2.8 / Fl Blade. 2.8 / JPT / SPT (000 589 13 99 30)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 341 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Using a suitable tool, at the line side unlock the lugs (1) on lock tab.
2. Open the tab.
1. Insert a suitable tool between spring (1) and housing and then press spring (1) out.
Fig. 536: Pressing Spring Out - Shown On A 7-Pin JPT And SPT Coupling
1. Using a suitable tool, push the slider out of the last detent in direction shown by arrow.
Press carefully using the tool so that the gasket at the slider is not damaged.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 342 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 537: Pushing Slider Out Of Last Detent - Shown On A 6-Pin SPT Coupling
1. Insert blade holder with clamping pliers with JPT/SPT blade or MCP 2.8/ Fl.2.8/JPT/SPT blade
from the front through the openings in contact cavity of coupling (1).
This step compresses the spring shackles (2) on the female contact.
2. A slight tug on the corresponding cable will remove the female contact (1) from the coupling.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 343 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 539: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Supplement For Passenger Cars (220 589 04 99 00)
Fig. 540: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 541: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
Fig. 542: Identifying Lade Holder With Clamping Pliers (220 589 01 99 50)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 344 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 544: Pressing Out Spring - Shown On A 4-Pin LSK And JPT Coupling
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 345 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 545: Pushing Slider Out Of Locked Position - Shown On A 6-Pin LSK And JPT Coupling
1. Using a suitable tool, push pin out of last detent in direction shown by arrow.
1. Insert blade holder with clamping pliers and LSK 8 blade from front end through the
openings in coupling contact cavity (1).
This step compresses the spring shackles (2) on the female contact.
2. A slight tug on the corresponding cable will remove the female contact (1) from the coupling.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 346 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 548: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Supplement For Passenger Cars (220 589 04 99 00)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 347 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 549: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 550: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
Fig. 551: Identifying Blade Holder With Clamping Pliers (220 589 01 99 50)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 348 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Using a suitable tool, push the disk out of the last detent in direction shown by arrow.
Fig. 553: Pushing Disk Out Of Last Detent - Shown On A 2-Pin LSK Plug
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 349 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Insert blade holder with clamping pliers and LSK 8 blade from front end through the openings in
plug contact cavity (1).
This step compresses the spring tabs (2) on the contact pin.
2. Now the pull line extending from contact-pin slightly to remove it from the back of the plug.
Fig. 555: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Supplement For Passenger Cars (220 589 04 99 00)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 350 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 556: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 557: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
Fig. 558: Identifying Blade Holder With Clamping Pliers (220 589 01 99 50)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 351 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Using a suitable tool, pry up the lock tabs on the retaining cap (1).
2. Pull the retaining cap from the clutch housing (2).
Fig. 560: Pulling Retaining Cap From Clutch Housing - Shown On A 4-Pin MPT And JPT Coupling
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 352 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Insert blade holder with clamping pliers and MPT blade from front end through the openings in
coupling contact cavity (1).
This step compresses the spring shackles (2) on the female contact.
2. A slight tug on the corresponding cable will remove the female contact (1) from the coupling.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 353 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 562: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Supplement For Passenger Cars (220 589 04 99 00)
Fig. 563: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 564: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 01 99 30)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 354 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 565: Identifying Release Tool With RK 2.5 Ejector (220 589 01 99 30)
1. Using a suitable tool (1), push the locking slide valve (2) out of the last detent in direction shown by
Fig. 566: Pushing Locking Slide Valve Out Of Last Detent - Shown On A 15-Pin RK 2.5 Coupling
1. Using a suitable tool (1), push the slide valve (2) out of the last detent in direction shown by arrow.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:50 PM Page 355 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 567: Pushing Slide Valve Out Of Last Detent - Shown On A 1-Pin RK 2.5 Coupling
1. Using a suitable tool (1), open the lock tab (2) in direction shown by arrow.
1. Move contact fuse (1) into pre-locking position using a suitable tool.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 356 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Insert release tool with RK 2.5 ejector into the contact cavity of the coupling (1) from the front end.
In this step, the sleeve (4) of the tool compresses the spring shackles on the female contact (2).
2. By means of the plunger (3) of the release tool with RK 2.5 ejector , press the contact pin (2) against
the spring force of the tool out of the housing seat.
3. Gently pull the respective line to remove the female contact (2) from the coupling (1).
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 357 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 571: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Supplement For Passenger Cars (220 589 04 99 00)
Fig. 572: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 358 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 573: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 01 99 30)
Fig. 574: Identifying Release Tool With RK 2.5 Ejector (220 589 01 99 30)
1. Using a suitable tool (1), push the slide valve (2) out of the last detent in direction shown by arrow.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 359 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Using a suitable tool, slide the secondary retainer (1) to the pre-locking position.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 360 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Using a suitable tool, slide the lock tab to the pre-locking position.
1. Insert release tool with RK 2.5 ejector into the contact cavity of the plug (1) from the front end.
In this step, the sleeve (4) of the release tool compresses the spring shackles on the contact-pin (2).
2. Press the plunger (3) on the release tool with RK 2.5 ejector to apply spring pressure to force the
contact pin (2) from its seat in the connector housing.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 361 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
3. Gently pull the respective line to remove the contact pin (2) from the plug (1).
Fig. 580: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Supplement For Passenger Cars (220 589 04 99 00)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 362 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 581: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 582: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 363 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 583: Identifying Blade Holder With Clamping Pliers (220 589 01 99 50)
Fig. 584: Identifying RK 2.5 Blade Solder Contact (220 589 01 99 53)
Secondary release on version with slide valve (RK 2.5 solder contact)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 364 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 585: Pressing Slide Valve Out Of Last Detent - Shown On A 4-Pin RK 2.5 Solder Contact Coupling
Secondary release on version with retaining clamp (RK 2.5 solder contact)
1. Using a suitable tool, pry up the side clips of the retaining clamp (1).
2. Open the retaining bracket (1) in direction shown by arrow.
Fig. 586: Opening Retaining Bracket - Shown On A 2-Pin RK 2.5 Solder Contact Coupling
1. Insert blade holder with clamping pliers and blade for RK 2.5 solder contact from the back side into
the cable duct of the coupling.
Align the sleeve of the blade for RK 2.5 solder contact with the spring shackle (1) in the coupling.
This step presses the spring shackle (1) in the coupling into position.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 365 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
2. Now gently pull the female contact, together with the blade holder, with clamping pliers and blade for
RK 2.5 solder contact to remove them from the back of the coupling.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 366 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 588: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Supplement For Passenger Cars (220 589 04 99 00)
Fig. 589: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 367 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 590: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
Fig. 591: Identifying Blade Holder With Clamping Pliers (220 589 01 99 50)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 368 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 592: Identifying RK 2.5 Blade Solder Contact (220 589 01 99 53)
Secondary release on version with slide valve (RK 2.5 solder contact)
1. Insert a suitable tool under the slide valve cap (1) and press the slide valve out of the last detent in
direction shown by arrow.
Fig. 593: Pressing Slide Valve Out Of Last Detent - Shown On A 4-Pin RK 2.5 Solder Contact Plug
Secondary release on version with retaining clamp (RK 2.5 solder contact)
1. Using a suitable tool, pry up the side clips of the retaining clamp (1).
2. Open the retaining clamp (1).
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 369 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 594: Opening Retaining Clamp - Shown On A 2-Pin RK 2.5 Solder Contact Plug
1. Insert blade holder with clamping pliers and blade for RK 2.5 solder contact from the back side into
the cable duct of the plug.
Align the sleeve of the blade for RK 2.5 solder contact with the spring shackle (1) in the plug
2. Now gently pull the contact pin, together with the blade holder, with clamping pliers and blade for RK
2.5 solder contact to remove it from the back of the plug.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 370 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 596: Identifying New Passenger Vehicle Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 04 99 00)
Fig. 597: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 598: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 371 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 599: Identifying Unlocking Device With RK 1.5 Ejector (220 589 01 99 20)
1. Insert release tool with RK 1.5 ejector i033 into the contact cavity of the connector (1) from the front
In this step, the sleeve (3) of the release tool with RK 1.5 ejector compresses the spring shackles on
the female contact (2).
2. Press the female contact (2) from its seat in the housing using the plunger on the release tool with RK 1.5
ejector against the spring force of the tool.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 372 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
When pressing out the female contact (2), make sure that the tab (4) does not break off.
Fig. 601: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Supplement For Passenger Cars (220 589 04 99 00)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 373 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 602: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 603: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
Fig. 604: Identifying Unlocking Device With RK 1.5 Ejector (220 589 01 99 20)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 374 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Insert release tool, with RK 1.5 ejector, into the contact cavity of the plug (1) from the front end.
Applying high pressure could break the webs of the contact cavities.
In this step, the sleeve (3) of the release tool with RK 1.5 ejector compresses the spring tabs on the
contact pin (2).
2. Press the contact-pin (2) from its seat in the housing using the plunger (4) on the release tool with RK 1.5
ejector against the spring force of the tool.
3. Gently pull the respective line to remove the contact pin (2) from the plug (1).
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 375 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 606: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Supplement For Passenger Cars (220 589 04 99 00)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 376 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 607: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 608: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 377 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 609: Identifying Blade Holder with Clamping Pliers (220 589 01 99 50)
1. Using a suitable tool, grasp the secondary retainer (1) and push it in the direction shown by the arrow into
the pre-locking position (first detent) (1a).
Fig. 611: Locating Secondary Retainer (Shown On 2-Pin Siemens ELO Coupling)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 378 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Using a suitable tool, pry up the side clips of the retaining clamp (1).
2. Move retaining bracket (1) upward.
3. Detach the retaining bracket (1).
Fig. 612: Locating Retaining Clamp & Bracket (Shown On A 10-Pin Siemens ELO Coupling)
1. Position the blade holder with clamping pliers and MQS blade at the side of the spring shackle for
the female connector (2).
2. Press the spring tab of the female contact downward and push the female contact (2) out of the chamber
of the female contact housing (1). Tug the corresponding cable at the same time to assist the unpinning
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 379 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 614: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Supplement For Passenger Cars (220 589 04 99 00)
Fig. 615: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 380 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 616: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
Fig. 617: Identifying Blade Holder With Clamping Pliers (220 589 01 99 50)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 381 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Using a suitable tool, pry up the side clips of the retaining clamp (1).
2. Move the tabs.
3. Detach the retaining bracket (1).
Fig. 619: Detaching Retaining Bracket - Shown On A 10-Pin Siemens ELO Plug
1. Position the blade holder with clamping pliers and MQS blade on the side of the spring tab of the
contact pin (2).
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 382 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
2. Press down the spring tab of the contact pin (2), and push the contact pin (2) out of the contact cavity of
the connector housing (1). Tug the corresponding cable at the same time to assist the unpinning
Fig. 620: Contact Pins From Plug (Siemens ELO) - Shown On A 10-Pin Siemens ELO Plug
Fig. 621: Identifying New Passenger Vehicle Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 04 99 00)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 383 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 622: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 623: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 384 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 624: Identifying Release Tool With MLK 1.2 Sleeve Ejector (220 589 01 99 25)
1. Using a suitable tool (1), move slider (2) in direction of arrow out of locked position of coupling (3).
Do not push the tool in too far or the gasket behind the slider (2) may be damaged.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 385 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1. Insert a suitable tool (1) between the retaining cap (3) and the clutch housing (2).
2. Slide the retaining cap (3) against the detent resistance from the clutch housing (2) in direction
shown by arrow.
Fig. 627: Identifying Retaining Cap And Clutch Housing - Shown On A 2-Pin MLK Coupling
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:51 PM Page 386 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 628: Locking Cap From Coupling - Shown On A 6-Pin MLK Coupling
1. Insert release tool with MLK 1.2 sleeve ejector from the front into the opening of the contact
cavity of the connector housing (2) until it reaches the stop.
This step presses the spring shackle on the female contact (1) down into position.
2. Press the female contact (1) with the ejector of the release tool with MLK 1.2 sleeve ejector
against the spring force of the tool out of the connector housing.
Fig. 629: Female Contacts From Coupling (MLK) - Shown On A 6-Pin MLK Coupling
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 630: Identifying New Passenger Vehicle Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 04 99 00)
Fig. 631: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit, Basic (000 589 13 99 00)
Fig. 632: Identifying Wiring Harness Repair Kit (220 589 02 99 00)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 633: Identifying Blade Holder With Clamping Pliers (220 589 01 99 50)
1. Using a suitable tool (1), pry the clutch housing (3) from the main housing (2) in direction shown by
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 635: Prying Clutch Housing From Main Housing - Shown On A 2-Pin MLK Plug
During assembly, make sure that the gasket (4) is not damaged. Otherwise, water entering the
connector may lead to contact problems.
1. Using a suitable tool (1), pry up lock tab (2) for cap (3).
2. Slowly pull the plug housing (4) from the cap (3) in direction shown by arrow.
The retaining clamp (5) is under tension due to the lock tab.
3. Before installing the cap (3), center the retaining clamp (5) in the groove and hold it down.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 636: Identifying Plug Housing, Cap, Retaining Clamp And Lock Tab - Shown On An 8-Pin MLK
1. From above, insert the blade holder with the clamping pliers and the MQS blade through the
opening in the exposed connector housing (1) and position it at the spring shackle on the contact pin (2).
2. Press the spring shackle on the contact pin (2) down and slide the contact pin (2) out of the contact cavity
of the connector housing (1). Tug the corresponding cable at the same time to assist the removal
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Fig. 637: Contact Pins From Plug (MLK) - Shown On A 2-Pin MLK Plug
MODEL 124, 126, 129, 140, 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, 199, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 216, 219,
220, 221, 230, 240, 245, 251, 414, 461, 463
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Remove contacts from Micro Quadlock System, AR00.19-P-0120-04B
Micro Quadlock System coupling variant 2
Remove contacts from E AR00.19-P-0120-05A
95 coupling
Remove contacts from AR00.19-P-0120-07A
Junior Power Timer
Remove contacts from AR00.19-P-0120-08A
Junior Power Timer plug
Remove contacts from Spade-type sensor AR00.19-P-0120-01A
sensor laminated contact contact plug
plug Design 97
Remove contacts from Spade-type sensor AR00.19-P-0120-02A
sensor laminated contact contact coupling,
coupling Design 97
Remove contacts from Spade-type sensor AR00.19-P-0120-01B
sensor laminated contact contact plug
plug Variant 2
Remove contacts from Spade-type sensor AR00.19-P-0120-02B
sensor laminated contact contact coupling, variant
coupling 2
Remove contacts from AR00.19-P-0120-10A
standard power timer
Remove contacts from AR00.19-P-0120-11A
standard power timer plug
Remove contacts from AR00.19-P-0120-13A
FIN sensor contact plug
Remove contacts from AR00.19-P-0120-12A
FIN sensor contact
Remove contacts from AR00.19-P-0120-14A
maxi power timer
Remove contacts from Round plug contact 2.5 AR00.19-P-0120-16A
round plug contact 2.5- variant 1
Remove contacts from Round plug contact 2.5, AR00.19-P-0120-15A
round plug contact 2.5- variant 1
Remove contacts from 2.5 AR00.19-P-0120-18A
solder contact plug round
plug contact
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
1 Set time on instrument See Operating
cluster Instructions
2 Set clock of stationary See Operating
heater Instructions
3 Normalize side power See Operating
windows Instructions
4 Activate steering angle Electronic stability AR46.10-P-0300-01A
sensor program (ESP) Code
(472a) as of 1.9.98.
Refer also to operating
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Lifting at front
Place inspection pit lift or garage jack at the front cross bridge for the front-axle carrier The garage jack can use
the side jacking points.
Lifting at rear
Place inspection pit lift or garage jack at the rear cross bridge for the rear-axle carrier The garage jack can use
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:52 PM Page 395 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Workshop equipment
WE58.40-Z-1001-05A Two-post lifting platform
WE58.40-Z-1002-05A Pit lift
PREFACE - AP00.20-P-0000-01C
These "Service Documents" contain all the maintenance operations for the basic and national versions of the
following models:
This maintenance manual became necessary with the introduction of the Active Service System (ASSYST). It
contains all maintenance operations for vehicles with the Active Service System (ASSYST) and is divided into
the two volumes 4 and 4.1.
The system for demand-related complete vehicle maintenance is described in the Introduction into Service
manual "Active Service System (ASSYST)".
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:52 PM Page 397 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
These maintenance documents contain instructions relating to carrying out maintenance and repair operations
on Mercedes-Benz passenger cars. They are intended for the exclusive use of workshops affiliated to the
Mercedes-Benz Organization.
The instructions form the basis for proper and competent service and maintenance.
The nature in which the operations are described is based on the training standard of a fitter who has completed
vocational training and has good knowledge of our products. This level of knowledge is essential for carrying
out the described work.
The continuous further development and improvement of our vehicles may lead to deviations between the
actual technical status of the vehicles and the operation descriptions.
DaimlerChrysler AG reserves the right to make alterations and modifications at any time and without prior
If there are any open questions relating to repair procedures, please take up the matter with the competent
contact person in the relevant national organization (for DCVD refer to valid Service Information Group 99).
Additional information about the breakdown and structure of the work descriptions and the meaning of the
symbols (Logos) can be found in the Workshop Information System WIS.
Each described maintenance operation has a number (operation item) which is stated in the head line. The
operation item in the maintenance manual is identical with that on the SERVICE SHEET for the Active Service
System (ASSYST), enabling the appropriate texts and data to be found straight away if required when
performing maintenance jobs.
Maintenance operations which are not described have no number (operation item) on the SERVICE SHEET.
The group numbers familiar from the workshop literature are used for the first two digits of the 4-digit operation
item numbers. This ensures the assignment of each maintenance operation to the group.
DaimlerChrysler AG
July 2004
Safety information (hazardous situations for persons), warnings (quality of work, property damage).
The logo " " represents safety information (dangerous situations for persons).
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:52 PM Page 398 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
These instructions are to be read carefully and complied with in full In order to rule out any risk of personal
injury, to avoid impairing the reliability and safety of the vehicle, and to prevent damage to the vehicle as a
result of work improperly carried out.
It is therefore not possible for DaimlerChrysler AG to evaluate in the last consequence every situation which
might present a risk of injury for the operative. It is therefore an urgent necessity that everyone who carries out
repair work on Mercedes-Benz passenger cars by applying his professional knowledge satisfies himself that his
own safety is not at risk and that the vehicle will not suffer any negative effects, in particular of a safety
engineering nature, as a result of the repair procedure adopted.
It is therefore expressly pointed out that all work for the operations described must be carried out in compliance
with valid directives and instructions from the responsible local authorities and those relating to health, work
safety and environmental protection.
Models and components, in addition to their 3 to 6-figure designation (e.g. 124 or 124.028), may have different
versions, dates and work procedures. These differences are indicated by the following additional designations:
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:52 PM Page 399 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
The Active Service System (ASSYST) was introduced as of 3/97 first of all on model 210 and as of 1.6.97 on
models 170, 129, 140, 202 and from the start of production on models 163, 168, 203, 208, 209, 215, 220, 230,
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:52 PM Page 400 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
For these vehicles the service sheet for the Active Service System (ASSYST) and the maintenance manual
volume 4 apply.
With the ASSYST service sheet the previous distinction between care service and maintenance service no
longer applies. Instead, the service category A (minor service) and service category B (major service) have been
The service scopes for each model series can be seen in the respective valid service sheet.
On manual transmissions, automatic transmissions, transfer cases, front axles and rear axles the service item
"Check fluid level" has been replaced by an inspection of all visible parts for leaks.
In view of the fact that these components are not oil consumers, as is the case for the engine, a loss of oil can
occur only to the outside.
If any leaks are present, the procedure, as before, is to determine the cause and to rectify it subject to a separate
repair order.
The service operations carried out should be documented in the boxes in front of the operation titles. It is
essential to ensure that the specified service operations are carried out in full.
An indication is given in the boxes after the operation titles of which service operations should be carried out
for service category A (minor service) or service category B (major service). Enter a cross behind these boxes to
identify any items which are not in proper order when the vehicle is received.
Additional operations should be defined by the service adviser in agreement with the customer and an indication
should be made on the service sheet whether these additional operations are to be carried out.
Have the brake fluid replaced if more than 2 years have elapsed since the last change; this is best done in the
The coolant should be inspected for correct anticorrosion/ antifreeze concentration before the beginning of, and
during the cold season of the year. Depending on the model series, the coolant has to be replaced every 3 years
or 15 years (or after 250,000 km).
Refer to the particular valid service sheet for further additional operations based on kilometers or years.
The confirmation in the service booklet must be filled out completely and signed for every service (A or B).
During the first service after exchanging a Mercedes-Benz genuine major assembly the operations listed in the
maintenance sheet or maintenance manual are to be carried out and confirmed.
WARNING: When vehicles without service display are inspected, the assembly will be
serviced within the scope of the following care and/or maintenance
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:52 PM Page 402 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Automatic transmissions: do not use kick-down and do not brake the vehicle by shifting down manually.
After 1 500 km
Gradually bring the vehicle up to its full road and engine speeds.
MODEL 210 as of 1.3.97, 129,140,170, 202 as of 1.6.97, 163, 168, 203, 208, 209, 215, 220, 230, 414 ASSYST
Preface AP00.20-P-0000-01C
Safety notes/warning AP00.20-P-0000-02A
Additional designation AP00.20-P-0000-03A
for models and
Service intervals/work AP00.20-P-0000-04C
sheets general
Special service AP00.20-P-0000-06B
Service date reminder AP00.20-P-0000-07B
Service card for units AP00.20-P-0000-08A
Service Information: Models 129, 163, 168, 170, SI 18.00-P-0011A
Engine oil change 203, 208, 209, 210, 215,
220, 230
SERVICE SHEET for Model 129 as of 1.6.97 AP00.20-P-0001D
Active Service System Model 140 as of 1.6.97 AP00.20-P-0001E
(ASSYST) Model 163 AP00.20-P-0001A
Model 168 AP00.20-P-0001B
Model 170 as of 1.6.97 AP00.20-P-0001C
Model 202 as of 1.6.97 AP00.20-P-0001F
Model 203 AP00.20-P-0001K
Model 208 AP00.20-P-0001G
Model 209 AP00.20-P-0001M
Model 210 as of 1.3.97 AP00.20-P-0001H
Model 215 AP00.20-P-0001J
Model 220 except code AP00.20-P-0001I
Model 220.175/176/178 AP00.20-P-0001IG
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:52 PM Page 403 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Detach lower engine Models 163.172/174/175 AR61.20-P-1105GH
compartment paneling
Remove noise Model 163.113/128 AR94.30-P-5400GH
If traces of fluid are noted Engine:
2 (e.g. oil), then determine Transmission
and correct the cause (on a Transfer case
separate work order). Front axle
Check for leaks Rear axle
Pressure oil pump
3 Check for leaks and fixing Shock absorbers,
suspension struts
4 Inspect for leaks and Rubber boots of front axle
condition shafts
5 Inspect lines and hoses for Radiator
leaks and condition, pay Fuel system
attention to chafing points Exhaust system
and routing Clutch actuation
Automatic transmission
Power steering
Brake system
Install lower engine Models 163.172/174/175 AR61.20-P-1105GH
compartment paneling.
Install noise encapsulation Model 163.113/128 AR94.30-P-5400GH
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MODEL 129, 140, 163, 168, 170, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 215, 220, 230, 240
463.200 /204 /206 /207 /208 /209 /220 /221 /224/225 /227 /228 /230 /231 /232 /233 /240 /241 /243 /244 /245 /24
1 Perform delivery
2 Check battery AR54.10-P-1129-01A
3 Vent stationary heater and Model 163, 168, 170, 202, ra83001291165x
+ top up coolant 203, 208, 209, 210, 211,
215, 220, 230, 240, 461,
Models 129, 140 with
stationary heater, code 228
4 Check fluid level of Model 129, 140, 163, 168,
engine cooling system, 170, 202, 203, 208, 209,
correct if necessary and 210, 211, 215, 220, 230,
check corrosion protection 240
as well as antifreeze and Model 463 with engine AP20.00-P-2010GA
correct if necessary 112, 113
Models 461, 463 with AP20.00-P-2010G
engines 102, 103, 104,
117, 602, 603, 606, 612,
Risk of accident caused Secure vehicle to prevent AS00.00-Z-0005-01A
by vehicle starting off by it from moving. Wear
itself when engine is closed and snug-fitting
running. Risk of injury work clothes. Do not grasp
caused by contusions and hot or rotating parts.
burns during starting
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:52 PM Page 406 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
procedure or when
working near engine
5 Start engine Allow to run at idle
speed until oil pressure is
6 Check refrigerant level of Model 129 up to 31.5.96 AP83.30-P-8312DA
air conditioning system with automatic air
conditioning, code 581a,
Model 140 up to 31.5.95
with automatic air
conditioning, code 581a
with rear air conditioner,
code 582,
Model 202 up to 30.9.95
with automatic air
conditioning, code 581a,
Models 129, 170, 202,
208, 210, 220 with air
conditioning (or
Tempmatic for USA),
code 580
Models 461, 463 with air AP83.30-P-8312G
conditioning, code H02
7 Move the pull switch of Only for Hydropneumatic
the hydropneumatic suspension with automatic
suspension into position N level lowering device and
and allow the engine to controlled damping, code
run at increased idle speed 215c, All-round
until the vehicle has hydropneumatic
reached its normal level suspension, code 487
8 Brake testing on test stand Model 129, 140, 170, 202, AP42.00-P-4290BA
203, 208, 209, 210, 215,
Models 461, 463 AP42.00-P-4290G
9 Check brake disks for For vehicles which
signs of corrosion. were parked for more than
6 months.
10 Replace brake fluid For vehicles which
were parked for more than
6 months.
Model 140 as of 1.7.93 AP42.00-P-4280BA
except code 471
Model 170 except code
Model 202 up to 31.5.94
except code 471
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:52 PM Page 407 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
cleaning agents.
Only for Activated
charcoal filter, code 306:
Cover inside of air inlet
grille on engine hood.
14 Treat paintwork using If films still on *BR00.45-Z-1015-04A
polishing paste and buffer paintwork.
15 Perform treatment using Polish *BR00.45-Z-1013-04A
polish and gloss
Gloss preserver *BR00.45-Z-1014-04A
Repair materials
Number Designation Order number
BR00.45-Z-1017-04A Cleaner A 001 986 13 71
BR00.45-Z-1014-04A Gloss preserver A 000 986 44 74
BR00.45-Z-1015-04A Polish A 000 986 43 74
BR00.45-Z-1013-04A Polish A 000 986 45 74
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
The temperature ranges in the viscosity classes must be observed for the use of the engine oils (see Sheets 224.1
and 224.2)!
Single-grade oils are listed on sheets: 228.0, 228.2 - only to be used in summer.
Multigrade oils are listed on sheets 226.9, 228.1/.3/.5/.51, 229.1/.3/.31/.5/.51 - use possible all year round.
Industrial engines from the car sector (series 100, series 600)
MB 226.9 228.0/.1 226.9229.3 229.5 229.5 229.5 229.3 229.3229 229.5 229.5
Specifications Multi- Single/ Single/ Multi- Multi- Multi- Multi- Multi- Multi- Multi-
for grade multi- multi- grade grade grade grade grade grade grade
Operating grade grade
Fluids Sheet
M 155 (SLR) - - - - - - - • -
AMG engines - - - - - - - - 4
• .) -
except M 155
M 111, 137, - - - - - • • - • -
272, 273
M 112, 113, - - - - - • • • • •
134, 135
M 122, 275 - - - - - - • - • -
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:52 PM Page 414 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
M 160, 160/1, - - - - - - - - • -
M 285
M 166 - - - - - • • - - -
M 266 Turbo, - - - - - - • • • •
M 271
Other - - - - - • • - • -
M 1xx, M 2xx
that are not
listed above
Diesel engines
filter (DPF)
OM660 - - - • - - - - • -
OM 640, 642, - - -/• • • - • • • •
646 in model
series 639
OM 646, 647,
OM611, 612, - -/• -/• • • • • • • •
613, 628, 639,
668, 664, 665
Other - -/• -/• • • • • • • •
OM 6xx not
listed above
filter (DPF)
OM 629, 639, - - - - • - - • - •
640, 646, 647,
648, 664, 665
OM 639 in
model series
639 and 906
OM - - - • - - - - • -
(EU3/EU4 not
with regulated
Other - - - - • - - • - •
OM 6xx with
DPF not listed
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:52 PM Page 415 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Commercial vehicle engines, Industrial engines from the commercial vehicle sector (BR 300, BR 400, BR
500, BR 900)
MB 226.9 228.0/.1 226.9229.3 229.5 228.51 ' 229.1 229.3 229.31 229.5 229.51
Specifications Multi- Single/ Single/ Multi- Multi- Multi- Multi- Multi- Multi- Multi-
for grade Multi- Multi- grade grade grade grade grade grade grade
Operating grade grade
Fluids Sheet
buses without
BR 300, 400, - o/• o/• • • - - - - -
500, 900; OM
457, 460 up to
and including
Euro 3
BR 500, 900; - - o/• • • - - - - -
OM 457, 460
Euro 4/5
Gas engines • - - - • - - - - -
buses with
BR 500, 900; - - o o • - - - - -
OM 457, 460
The detailed maintenance and oil change regulations can be found in the maintenance booklet for the respective
vehicle/ major assembly.
• Enable
o Can only be used in exceptional cases or under certain operating conditions/in certain applications.
1. Sheets 227.0/. 1 no longer exist! Replaced by engine oils in sheets 228.0/. 1/.2/.3/.5/51.
2. Use in combination with low-sulfur (S <50 ppm) or sulfur-free (S <10 ppm) fuel! If fuels with sulfur
contents of S> 500 ppm are being used, the oil change intervals must be reduced!
3. Restriction: Only "Mobil 1 5W-50", SAE 5W-50, sheet 229.3 is approved!
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Sunoco Forza X Sun Oil Co. (Belgium) N.V.,
Aartselaar, Belgium
Super Diesel Oil X Bardahl de Mexico, Mexico,
MB-1 D.F., Mexico
Super Speed 3S X Statoil Lubricants
Diesel Technologies Sp. Z o.o.,
Krakow, Poland
Super Universal X Raiffeisen Central-
15W-40 Genossenschaft Nordwest eG,
Munster, Germany
Super diesel X Conqord Oil S.r.l.,
Lacchiarella (MI), Italy
swd Primus GDX X Swd Lubricants GmbH & Co.
KG, Duisburg, Germany
Tamoil Extra X X Tamoil Petroli S.p.A., Milan,
Diesel Turbo Italy
Tamoil Formula X Tamoil Petroli S.p.A., Milan,
Turbo Diesel (I) Italy
Teboil Power Plus X Oy Teboil AB, Suomen
Petrooli Oy, Hamina/Finland
Tedex Diesel Truck X Tedex Vertriebs GmbH,
Motor Oil Berlin, Germany
Tedex Multifleet X Tedex Vertriebs GmbH,
FE Motor Oil Berlin, Germany
TERRA REC X X Mineralol-Raffinerie
Multigrade Extra E Dollbergen GmbH, Uetze-
Dollbergen, Germany
Texaco Ursa Super X X Chevron Texaco Technology
LA Multigrade Ghent/Gent, Zwijnaarde,
Top Lube Supreme X ABS Lubricants, Abu
Performance DEO Dhabi/United Arab Emirates
Top X Turbo X Muller Mineralole
Beratungsgesellschaft mbH,
Tor Mixfleet Ultra X De Oliebron B.V.,
Zwijndrecht, Netherlands
Total Rubia 4400 X Total Lubrifiants, Paris la
Defense Cedex, France
Total Rubia XT X Total Lubrifiants, Paris la
Defense Cedex, France
Triathlon Diesel X Adolf Wurth GmbH & Co.
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:53 PM Page 427 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Product name 10W-30 10W-40 15W-30 15W-40 20W-40 20W-50 Customer, town/country
76 Guardol QLT X ConocoPhillips, Costa
Mesa, CA, USA
76 Royal Triton QLT X ConocoPhillips, Costa
Mesa, CA, USA
A.P.B. Super Turbo X Ashland Nederland B.V.,
AD XTD ECO PLUS X AD Parts, S.L., Riudellots
de la Selva (Girona),
ad-Cargo Leichtlauf- X Carat GmbH & Co. KG,
Oil Eschborn, Germany
Addinol Diesel X Addinol Lube Oil GmbH,
Longlife MD 1547 Leuna, Germany
Addinol Diesel X Addinol Lube Oil GmbH,
Longlife MD 1548 Leuna, Germany
Addinol Diesel Power X Addinol Lube Oil GmbH,
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:53 PM Page 429 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:53 PM Page 432 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Castrol RX Super Plus X Castrol Limited, GB
Reading RG8 7QR,
Castrol Syndio Plus X Castrol Limited, GB
Reading RG8 7QR,
Castrol Tectio Euro 4 X Castrol Limited, GB
Reading RG8 7QR,
Castrol Tection X X Castrol Limited, GB
Reading RG8 7QR,
Castrol Tection 1040 X Castrol Limited, GB
Reading RG8 7QR,
Castrol Tection Max X Castrol Limited, GB
Reading RG8 7QR,
Castrol Tection Plus X Castrol Limited, GB
Reading RG8 7QR,
Castrol Tection S X Castrol Limited, GB
Reading RG8 7QR,
Castrol Tection T X Castrol Limited, GB
Reading RG8 7QR,
Castrol Tection T Plus X Castrol Limited, GB
Reading RG8 7QR,
Castrol Turbomax X Castrol Limited, GB
Reading RG8 7QR,
Cepsa Diesel Turbo X Cepsa Lubricantes, S.A.,
SHPD Madrid, Spain
Cepsa Euromax X Cepsa Lubricantes, S.A.,
Madrid, Spain
Cepsa Ultra SHPD X Cepsa Lubricantes, S.A.,
Madrid, Spain
Champion Turbofleet X Wolf Oil Corporation
SHPD N.V., Hemiksem, Belgium
Chemoleums Turbo X Chemoleums Limited,
SHPD Chrompet, Chennai, India
Chevron Delo 400 Euro X ChevronTexaco
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:53 PM Page 434 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:53 PM Page 436 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:53 PM Page 437 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:53 PM Page 438 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:53 PM Page 439 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:53 PM Page 440 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:53 PM Page 441 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:53 PM Page 442 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Bebra, Germany
Maxima Turbo X Oil Refinery Modrica,
Modrica, Bosnia-
Medos 600 X Unil S.A., Saumur, France
Medos 650 X Unil S.A., Saumur, France
Mega Truck 15W-40 X Kuttenkeuler GmbH,
Cologne, Germany
Megaturbo X Rilub S.p.A., Ottaviano
(NA), Italy
megol Motorenoel X Meguin GmbH & Co. KG
Performance TOP Mineraloelwerke,
TRANS Saarlouis, Germany
megol Motorenoel X Meguin GmbH & Co. KG
SHPD Mineraloelwerke,
Saarlouis, Germany
megol Motorenoel X Meguin GmbH & Co. KG
Super Leichtlauf Mineraloelwerke,
FAMO Saarlouis, Germany
Midland Super Diesel X X Oel-Brack AG,
Migrol Motor Oil Multi X Migrol-Genossenschaft,
SK Zurich, Switzerland
Migrol Superlife X Migrol-Genossenschaft,
Special Plus Zurich, Switzerland
Mobil Delvac 1300 X Exxon Mobil Corporation,
Super 15W-40 Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Mobil Delvac 1400 X Exxon Mobil Lubricants
Super 15W-40 & Petroleum Specialties,
Fairfax, Virginia 22037-
0001, USA
Mobil Delvac CX X Exxon Mobil Corporation,
Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Mobil Delvac MX X Exxon Mobil Corporation,
Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Mobil Delvac MX 101 X Exxon Mobil Corporation,
15W-40 Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Mobil Delvac MX 111 X Exxon Mobil Lubricants
15W-40 & Petroleum Specialties,
Fairfax, Virginia 22037-
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:53 PM Page 444 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
0001, USA
Mobil Delvac MX X Exxon Mobil Corporation,
15W-40 Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Mobil Delvac MX X Exxon Mobil Corporation,
Extra 10W-40 Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Mobil Delvac Super X Exxon Mobil Corporation,
1300 20W-50 Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Mobil Delvac Super X ExxonMobil Corporation,
1400 15W-40 Paulsboro/USA
Mobil Delvac XHP X Exxon Mobil Corporation,
Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Mobil Delvac XHP X Exxon Mobil Corporation,
15W-40 Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Mobilgard HSD X Exxon Mobil Corporation,
4015W Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Mogul Diesel DTT X Paramo, a.s., Pardubice,
Czech Republic
Mogul Optimal X Paramo, a.s., Pardubice,
Czech Republic
Mogul Optimal FE X Paramo, a.s., Pardubice,
Czech Republic
Moil Dizel 15W40 X Bolunmez Petrolculuk
A.S., Sodak No:6 Cigli -
IZMIR, Turkey
MOL Super Diesel X MOL -LUB Ltd.,
15W-40 Almasfuzito/Hungary
MOL Transit TD X MOL -LUB Ltd.,
MOL Transit TDS X MOL -LUB Ltd.,
Molykote SHPD X Krafft S.A., Andoain
(Guipuzcoa), Spain
Mopar MAX PRO X Exxon Mobil Corporation,
15W-40 Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Morris ring free Euro 3 X Morris & Co. Ltd.,
Plus Shrewsbury, England
Morris ring free XHD X Morris & Co. Ltd.,
Shrewsbury, England
Morris ring free XHD X Morris & Co. Ltd.,
plus Shrewsbury, England
Motor Gold Turbotec X Mineralol-Raffinerie
SAE 15W-40 Dollbergen GmbH, Uetze-
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:53 PM Page 445 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Dollbergen, Germany
Motorenol 10W/40 X Bundesamt fur Betriebe
des Heeres, Bern,
Motorex Farmer MC X Bucher AG Langenthal,
Motorex MC Plus X Bucher AG Langenthal,
Motorex Motor Oil X Bucher AG Langenthal,
Farmer Uni Langenthal/Switzerland
Motorex Turbo SK X Bucher AG Langenthal,
Motorex Universal X X Bucher AG Langenthal,
Motorol Super Long X Chemol, Belgrade/Serbia
Motul Tekma Mega X Motul,
15W-40 Aubervilliers/France
Motul Tekma Mega X 15W-40 X Motul,
Multigrado 15W40 X Krafft S.A., Andoain
SHPD (Guipuzcoa), Spain
Multitruck X Wynns Italia S.p.a., Santa
Croce Sull' Arno (PI)/Italy
Nervol TS4E X Nervol S.A.,
Montpouillan, France
New Process SHPD X New-Process AG, Tubach
Super SG, Switzerland
New Process Super X New-Process AG, Tubach
Dallas SG, Switzerland
New-Process Super X New-Process AG, Tubach
Dallas THC SG, Switzerland
Nils Mistral X Nils Italia GmbH,
Burgstall, Italy
Noaloil Diam LD turbo X Noaloil, Noale (VE), Italy
Oest Dimo Super S 3 X Georg Oest Mineralolwerk
GmbH & Co KG,
Oest Gigant Turbo FE X Georg Oest Mineralolwerk
GmbH & Co KG,
Oest Low-Friction Oil X Georg Oest Mineralolwerk
FE 10W-40 GmbH & Co KG,
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:53 PM Page 446 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:54 PM Page 448 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:54 PM Page 452 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:54 PM Page 454 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Brighouse West
Yorkshire, England
Trysk Top Tir X Paramo a.s.,
Pardubice/Czech Republic
Turbo Leichtlauf 10W- X Raiffeisen Central-
40 Genossenschaft Nordwest
eG, Munster, Germany
Turbopaz X Paz Lubricants &
Chemicals Ltd., Haifa,
TurboplusLD 10W-40 X Verkol, S.A.,
Bera/Navarra, Spain
Turdus 3 SHPD X Grupa Lotos SA., Gdansk,
Turdus Powertec CI-4 X Grupa Lotos SA., Gdansk,
15W/40 Poland
Unil Manto TD X Unil Germany GmbH,
Stuttgart, Germany
Unimot 3 X GB Lubricants,
Urania LD5 X FL Selenia s.p.a.,
Villastellone (Torino),
Urania Turbo LD X FL Selenia s.p.a.,
Villastellone (Torino),
Uranus Turbo X C.F.C.L.,
Ursa Premium TDX X X Productos Texaco S. A. de
C. V., Mexico, D.F.,
Ursa Super TD X X ChevronTexaco
Technology Ghent,
Ursa Super TLF 10W- X Texaco Germany GmbH,
40 Hamburg, Germany
Ursa Turbo X X ChevronTexaco
Technology Ghent,
Valar Adut Uni X NOCC, a.s., Praha 8,
Czech Republic
Valar Egida 154 X NOCC, a.s., Praha 8,
Czech Republic
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:54 PM Page 455 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:54 PM Page 456 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:54 PM Page 457 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
KR/Rep. Korea
0W- 0W- 10W- 10W- 10W- 10W- 15W- 15W- 5W- 5W- 5W- Customer,
Product name 30 40 30 40 50 60 40 50 20 30 40 town/country
76 Guardol X ConocoPhillips, Costa
AD MDX Plus X AD Parts, S.L.,
Riudellots de la Selva
(Girona), Spain
AD Parts LDX X AD Parts, S.L.,
Riudellots de la Selva
(Girona), Spain
AD Parts MDX X AD Parts, S.L.,
Riudellots de la Selva
(Girona), Spain
ad-Diesel-Oil X Carat GmbH & Co.
KG, Eschborn,
Addinol Diesel X Addinol Lube Oil
Longlife MD GmbH, Leuna,
1548 Germany
Addinol light X Addinol Lube Oil
MV 0546 PD GmbH, Leuna,
Addinol X Addinol Lube Oil
Premium Star GmbH, Leuna,
MX 1048 Germany
Addinol Semi X Addinol Lube Oil
synth MV 1047 GmbH, Leuna,
Addinol Super X Addinol Lube Oil
drive MV 1546 GmbH, Leuna,
Addinol Super X Addinol Lube Oil
Longlife MD GmbH, Leuna,
1047 Germany
Addinol Super X Addinol Lube Oil
star MX 1547 GmbH, Leuna,
ad-Leichtlauf- X Carat GmbH & Co.
Oil KG, Eschborn,
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:54 PM Page 458 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Adnoc Global X Adnoc Distribution,
Ultra Engine Oil Abu Dhabi/United
SAE 10W-40 Arab Emirates
Adnoc HPSD X Adnoc Distribution,
Engine Oil Abu Dhabi/United
Arab Emirates
Adnoc Pearl X Adnoc Distribution,
10W-40 Abu Dhabi/United
Arab Emirates
Adnoc Special X Adnoc Distribution,
20W-50 Abu Dhabi/United
Arab Emirates
Adnoc Special X Adnoc Distribution,
SJ Formula Abu Dhabi/United
Arab Emirates
ad-Ultrasynt-Oil X Carat GmbH & Co.
KG, Eschborn,
Agip Eurosport X ENI S.p.A. - Refining
5W-30 & Marketing Division,
Rome, Italy
Agip F1 X X X ENI S.p.A. - Refining
Supermotoroil & Marketing Division,
Rome, Italy
Agip Formula X ENI S.p.A. - Refining
LL Plus & Marketing Division,
Rome, Italy
Agip Sigma X ENI S.p.A. - Refining
Super TFE & Marketing Division,
Rome, Italy
Agip Sigma X ENI S.p.A. - Refining
TFE & Marketing Division,
Rome, Italy
Agip SINT X ENI S.p.A. - Refining
2000 & Marketing Division,
Rome, Italy
Agip SINT X ENI S.p.A. -
COMMON Refining & Marketing
RAIL Division, Rome, Italy
Agip SINT X ENI S.p.A. - Refining
Turbo Diesel & Marketing Division,
Rome, Italy
Agip Synthetic X ENI S.p.A. - Refining
PC Motor Oil & Marketing Division,
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:54 PM Page 459 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Aral BlueTronic X Aral
Hamburg, Germany
Aral X Aral
ExtraElastic Aktiengesellschaft,
Hamburg, Germany
Aral X Aral
ExtraTurboral Aktiengesellschaft,
Hamburg, Germany
Aral X Aral
HighEnergy Aktiengesellschaft,
10W-40 Hamburg, Germany
Aral HighTronic XAral
Hamburg, Germany
Aral X Aral
MultiTurboral Aktiengesellschaft,
Hamburg, Germany
Aral PlusSynth X Aral
Hamburg, Germany
Aral Super X Aral
Elastic Plus Aktiengesellschaft,
Hamburg, Germany
Aral Super X Aral
Elastic Aktiengesellschaft,
Hamburg, Germany
Aral Tronic X Aral
Hamburg, Germany
Argon X Voitlander GmbH &
Leichtlaufol Co. KG, Kronach,
Argon low- X Voitlander GmbH &
friction oil Co. KG, Kronach,
10W-40 SHPD Germany
Argus GX X Hemco,
Super Belgrade/Serbia
Ashland A.P.B. X Ashland Nederland
SynTech DDH B.V., AA,
Ashland A.P.B. X Ashland Nederland
Turbo Guard B.V., AA,
MDX Dordrecht/Netherlands
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:54 PM Page 461 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Motorenol Germany
Turbo 4000
BayWa X BayWa AG, Munich,
Motorenol Germany
Universal HD
1040 MC
BayWa X BayWa AG, Munich,
Universal HD Germany
1040 MC
Behran Motor X X Behran Oil Company,
Oil BMB Tehran - Iran
Behran Super X X X Behran Oil Company,
Pishtaz Tehran - Iran
Bell Elite Synth X Bell chemicals,
Banatsko Veliko
Blasol 15W-40 X Blaser Swisslube AG,
Blasol FEO X Blaser Swisslube AG,
10W40 Hasle-Ruegsau,
Blasol MHP X Blaser Swisslube AG,
15W40 Hasle-Ruegsau,
BP Autovista X BP p.I.c., London,
Leichtlaufol HD England
BP Energol X BP p.I.c., London,
LLO England
BP Euro Spirit X BP p.I.c., London,
BP Motorenoel X BP p.I.c., London,
SL England
BP Visco 2000 X Lubricants UK Ltd,
15W-40 Technology Centre,
BP Visco 2000 X BP p.I.c., London,
15W-50 England
BP Visco 2000 X BP p.I.c., London,
Diesel England
BP Visco 2000 X BP p.I.c., London,
M England
BP Visco 3000 X Lubricants UK Ltd,
10W-40 Technology Centre,
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:54 PM Page 463 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
10W-40 GSX6 GmbH,
15W-40 GSX Dusseldorf/Germany
5W-40 GPD Dusseldorf/Germany
Carl Leichtlauf- X Coparts Autoteile
Motorenol GmbH, Essen,
Diesel Germany
Carl Leichtlauf- X Coparts Autoteile
Motorenol GmbH, Essen,
Economy Germany
Carl Synthetic- X Coparts Autoteile
Motorenol GmbH, Essen,
Power Germany
Carl Synthetic- X Coparts Autoteile
Motorenol Ultra GmbH, Essen,
Castle Euaro X Exxon Mobil
Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Castrol CRF X Castrol Limited, GB
Diesel Reading RG8 7QR,
Castrol CVX X Castrol Limited, GB
Plus Reading RG8 7QR,
Castrol CXD X Castrol Limited, GB
Diesel Reading RG8 7QR,
Castrol GTD X Castrol Limited, GB
10W-40 Reading RG8 7QR,
Castrol GTX X Castrol Limited, GB
Magnatec 10W- Reading RG8 7QR,
40 England
Castrol GTD X Castrol Limited, GB
Plus Reading RG8 7QR,
Castrol GTX X Castrol Limited, GB
10W-40 Reading RG8 7QR,
Castrol GTX X Lubricants UK Ltd,
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:54 PM Page 465 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Eco Switzerland
ESA Syntolub X ESA, Burgdorf,
Pilot Switzerland
Esso Superflo X X Exxon Mobil
Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Esso Ultra X Exxon Mobil
Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Esso Ultra X Exxon Mobil
10W-40 Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Esso Ultra X Exxon Mobil
Turbo Diesel Corporation, Fairfax,
10W-40 Virginia, USA
Esso Ultraflo X Exxon Mobil
10W-40 Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Esso Ultraflo X Exxon Mobil
15W-50 Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Esso Uniflo X Exxon Mobil
Plus 15W-40 Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Essolube XTS 4 X Exxon Mobil
10W-40 Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Eurol Biturbo X Eurol
Ried im Innkreis,
Eurol Integral X Eurol
SXT Produktionsges.m.b.H,
Ried im Innkreis,
Eurol Turbosynt X Eurol BV, Nijverdal,
10W-40 SL/CF Netherlands
EUROLUB GT X Hunold Schmierstoffe
10W/40 GmbH, Eching,
EUROLUB X Hunold Schmierstoffe
Multitec GmbH, Eching,
10W/40 Germany
Evva Galax FE X Evva-Schmiermittel-
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:55 PM Page 472 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Evva Multi GFP X Evva-Schmiermittel-
Evva Multi X Evva-Schmiermittel-
SHPDO Fabrik,
Evva Synth LL X Evva-Schmiermittel-
F1 Master 501 X Companhia Brasileira
de Petroleo Ipiranga,
Rio de Janeiro RJ,
Fenix BM Extra X NIS Fabrika maziva,
Fenix Superior X NIS Fabrika maziva,
Feu Vert X Feu Vert, Dardilly
Polysynthese Cedex, France
Fina Delta X Total Lubrifiants, Paris
Superior la Defense Cedex,
Fina Excel X X Total Lubrifiants, Paris
la Defense Cedex,
Fina Kappa FE X Total Lubrifiants, Paris
la Defense Cedex,
Formula Turbo X BFT, Bonn, Germany
Multitec 3000
Forol SHPD- X Patting d.o.o.,
Max Varazdin, Croatia
Fortis Ultra X Chemol,
Fuchs Titan X Fuchs Petrolub AG,
Formel MC Mannheim, Germany
SAE 5W-40
Fuchs Titan X Fuchs Petrolub AG,
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:55 PM Page 473 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:55 PM Page 474 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Hamburg, Germany
Astris Motor Oil SPS X Astris S.A., Giornico,
Autol Carrera X Agip Schmiertechnik
GmbH, Wurzburg,
Aviaticon Unique DC X Finke Mineralolwerk
5W/30 GmbH,
Azmol Leader X Aot Azmol, Berdyansk,
Bardahl XTC Syntronic X Bardahl NL.,
5W-40 Dordrecht, Netherlands
Blasol PSP 5W-40 X Blaser Swisslube AG,
BP Euro Plus X BP p.I.c., London,
BP Visco 5000 X BP p.I.c., London,
BP Visco 5000 Turbo X BP p.I.c., London,
Diesel England
BP Visco 7000 X BP p.I.c., London,
BP Visco 7000 GM X BP p.I.c., London,
BP Visco 7000 Long Life X BP p.I.c., London,
BP Visco 7000 M X BP p.I.c., London,
BP Visco 7000 Special X BP p.I.c., London,
BP Visco 7000 Sport X X BP p.I.c., London,
BP Visco 7000 Turbo X BP p.I.c., London,
Diesel England
BP Visco 7000 Turbo X BP p.I.c., London,
Diesel Sport England
Car Jack 5W-40 GSR X SIG Import GmbH,
Carl Motorenol Power X Coparts Autoteile
GmbH, Essen,
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:55 PM Page 482 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
30 la Defense Cedex,
Elf Excellium LDX 5W- X Total Lubrifiants, Paris
40 la Defense Cedex,
Engine Oil Power X Oelwerke Julius
Schindler GmbH,
Hamburg, Germany
ENOC Protec X-treme X ENCO International
5W-40 Sales L.L.C.,
Dubai/United Arab
Esso Megatron 5W-40 X Exxon Mobil
Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Esso Ultron X Exxon Mobil
Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Esso Ultron (Fuel X Exxon Mobil
Economy) Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Esso Ultron 5W-40 X Exxon Mobil
Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Esso Ultron SL 5W-40 X Exxon Mobil
Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Esso Ultron Turbo Diesel X Exxon Mobil
5W-40 Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Eurol Futura X Eurol
Ried im Innkreis,
Eurolub Synt SAE 5W- X Hunold Schmierstoffe
40 GmbH, Eching,
Feu Vert 100% Synthese X Feu Vert, Dardilly
5W-40 Cedex, France
Fina First X Total Lubrifiants, Paris
la Defense Cedex,
FormulaShell Ultra X Shell International
Petroleum Co.,
London, England
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:55 PM Page 485 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:55 PM Page 487 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Saarlouis, Germany
megol Motorenoel Super X Meguin GmbH & Co.
Leichtlauf KG Mineraloelwerke,
Multisynth Saarlouis,
Meister-ol Leichtlauf- X Deutsche BP
Motorenol 0W-40 Aktiengesellschaft,
Meister-ol Leichtlauf- X Deutsche BP
Motorenol 5W-40 Aktiengesellschaft,
Midland Avanza X Oel-Brack AG,
Mobil 1 0W-40 X Exxon Mobil
Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Mobil 1 5W-40 X Exxon Mobil
Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Mobil 1 5W-50 X Exxon Mobil
Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Mobil 1 Turbo Diesel X Exxon Mobil
0W-40 Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Mobil 1 Turbo Diesel X Exxon Mobil
5W-40 Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Mobil SHC Formula MB X Exxon Mobil
5W-30 Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Mobil Special X 5W-40 X Exxon Mobil
Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Mobil Synt S 5W-40 X Exxon Mobil
Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Mobil Synt S Turbo X Exxon Mobil
Diesel 5W-40 Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Mobil Syst S X Exxon Mobil
Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Mobil Syst S 5W-40 X Exxon Mobil
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:55 PM Page 488 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Mogul Racing PRO X Paramo, a.s.,
Pardubice, Czech
MOL Dynamic Star 0W- X MOL-LUB Ltd.,
40 Almasfuzito, Hungary
MOL Dynamic Star 5W- X MOL-LUB Ltd.,
40 Almasfuzito, Hungary
MOL Dynamic Synt 5W- X MOL-LUB Ltd.,
40 Almasfuzito, Hungary
Morris Multilife X Morris & Co. Ltd.,
Shrewsbury, England
Motor Gold Supertec X Mineralol-
Motor Oil Plus 5W-40 X Exxon Mobil
Corporation, Fairfax,
Virginia, USA
Motorenoel Ultra X Meguin GmbH & Co.
Performance Longlife KG Mineraloelwerke,
Saarlouis, Germany
Motorex Profile M-XL X Bucher AG
0W-30 Langenthal,
Motorex Profile M-XL X Bucher AG
5W-30 Langenthal,
Motorex Select DX X Bucher AG
Motorex Select SP-X X Bucher AG
0530 Langenthal,
Motorex Select SP-X X Bucher AG
5W-40 Langenthal,
Motorex Xperience FS-X X Bucher AG
Motorex Xperience FS-X X Bucher AG
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:55 PM Page 489 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
0W-30 Langenthal,
Motul 6100 Synergie + X Motul,
10W-40 Aubervilliers/France
Motul 8100 E-Tech 0W- X Motul,
40 Aubervilliers/France
Motul 8100 X-cess 5W- X Motul,
40 Aubervilliers/France
Motul 8100 X-Lite 0W- X Motul,
30 Aubervilliers/France
Motul 8100 X-max 5W- X Motul,
30 Aubervilliers/France
Motul H-Tech Multi X Motul,
Standard Aubervilliers/France
Motul Specific MB 229.5 X Motul,
5W-30 Aubervilliers/France
Motul Synergie X Motul,
Motul Synergie Ester + X Motul,
0W-40 Aubervilliers/France
Multilub Super Synth X Koordination Globus-
Betriebe, St. Wendel,
New Process Fullsynth X New-Process AG,
Tubach SG,
Novolin Sint X NIS Refinery Novi
Sad, Novi Sad/Serbia
Oest ETA Synthetik X Georg Oest
Mineralolwerke GmbH
& Co KG,
Olympia Pro- Tech Fully X Meguin GmbH & Co.
Synthetic Engine KG Mineraloelwerke,
OMV full syn X OMV Refining &
Marketing GmbH,
Vienna, Austria
Opaljet 24 S X Unil S.A., Saumur,
Optima HC Magnum X Oil Refinery Modrica,
Modrica, Bosnia-
Optima Magnum Plus X Oil Refinery Modrica,
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:55 PM Page 490 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Modrica, Bosnia-
OWS TXI Syntholube X OWS, Lohfelden,
5W-40 Germany
Panolin Indy SV X Panolin AG,
Madetswil, Switzerland
Panolin Racing Synth DC X Panolin AG,
Madetswil, Switzerland
Parnas Evo Synthesis X Sakson S.A., Athens,
Pennasol Super Pace X Mineralol-Raffinerie
Dollbergen GmbH,
Pennzoil Performax X Pennzoil-Quaker State,
Houston, Texas 77002,
Pennzoil Platinum X Pennzoil-Quaker State,
European Formula Houston, Texas 77002,
Pentospeed X Deutsche Pentosin-
Werke GmbH, Wedel,
Pentospeed 0W-30 VS X Deutsche Pentosin-
Werke GmbH, Wedel,
Petronas Syntium 3000 S X Petroliam Nasional
Berhad, Kuala Lumpur,
Petronas Syntium 5000 X Petroliam Nasional
FS Berhad, Kuala Lumpur,
Petronas Syntium 900 X Petroliam Nasional
Berhad, Kuala Lumpur,
Platinum Synthetic X Orlen Oil Sp. z o.o.,
SL/CF 0W-30 Krakow, Poland
Platinum Synthetic X Orlen Oil Sp. z o.o.,
SL/CF 5W/40 Krakow, Poland
Platinum Synthetic X Orlen Oil Sp. z o.o.,
SM/SL/CF 5W/40 Krakow, Poland
PO Ultra 5W-40 X Petrol Ofisi Anonim
Sirketi, Istanbul,
POWEROIL X Power Oil e.K.,
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:55 PM Page 491 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Repsol Elite Competicion X Repsol YPF
Lubricantes y
Especialidades, S.A.,
Repsol Elite Cosmos X Repsol YPF
Lubricantes y
Especialidades, S.A.,
ROWE Synth RS 5W-40 X ROWE Mineralolwerk
i GmbH, Bubenheim,
Selenia Digitech X FL Selenia s.p.a.,
Villastellone (Torino),
Selenia Perform X FL Selenia s.p.a.,
Villastellone (Torino),
Selenia WR 5W-40 X FL Selenia s.p.a.,
Villastellone (Torino),
Shell Helix Diesel Ultra X X X Shell International
Petroleum Co.,
London, England
Shell Helix Plus G-B025 X Shell International
Petroleum Co.,
London, England
Shell Helix Plus S X Shell International
Petroleum Co.,
London, England
Shell Helix Ultec X Shell International
Petroleum Co.,
London, England
Shell Helix Ultra X X X Shell International
Petroleum Co.,
London, England
Shell Helix Ultra AB X Shell International
Petroleum Co.,
London, England
Shell Helix Ultra AL X Shell International
Petroleum Co.,
London, England
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Tor Hypersynth X De Oliebron B.V.,
Total activa 9000 X Total Lubrifiants, Paris
la Defense Cedex,
Total quartz 9000 X Total Lubrifiants, Paris
la Defense Cedex,
Triathlon Sprint X Adolf Wurth GmbH &
Co. KG, Kunzelsau,
Ultrasyn Plus X Kuttenkeuler GmbH,
Cologne, Germany
Unicorn Ultrasynt X Unicorn Oil Company
Pte Ltd, Singapore,
Unil Opal Opaljet 32 S X Unil S.A., Saumur,
Unil Synth X Unil Germany GmbH,
Stuttgart, Germany
Unimot Synth 9 X GB Lubricants
Limited, Gateshead,
Valvoline Durablend X The Valvoline
MXL Company, Lexington,
Valvoline SynPower X The Valvoline
Company, Lexington,
Valvoline SynPower 0W- X The Valvoline
40 Company, Lexington,
Valvoline SynPower 5W- X The Valvoline
40 Company, Lexington,
Valvoline SynPro 5W-40 X The Valvoline
Company, Lexington,
Valvoline SynPro motor X The Valvoline
oil Company, Lexington,
Veritas Syntolube 0W-40 X Oelwerke Julius
Schindler GmbH,
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Hamburg, Germany
Wako's ex Synthe X Wako Chemicals Co.,
Ltd, Odawara, Japan
Wako's Super Synthe X Wako Chemicals Co.,
Ltd, Odawara, Japan
Wintershall ViVA 1 X SRS Schmierstoff
Longlife Vertrieb GmbH,
Salzbergen, Germany
Wintershall ViVA 1 X SRS Schmierstoff
topsynth Vertrieb GmbH,
Salzbergen, Germany
Wintershall ViVA 1 X SRS Schmierstoff
topsynth alpha Vertrieb GmbH,
Salzbergen, Germany
Wolf Masterlube X Wolf Oil Corporation
Synflow DC N.V., Hemiksem,
Wolf Masterlube X Wolf Oil Corporation
Synflow Plus N.V., Hemiksem,
Yacco VX 1000 X Yacco SAF, Saint-
Yacco VX 600 5W-40 X Yacco SAF, Saint-
York 748 X Ginouves Georges
S.A., La Farlede,
YPF Elaion Full X YPF S.A. Lubricantes
Performance SM & Especialidades,
ZIC XQ X SK Corporation, Seoul
KR/Rep. Korea
Agip Formula LL DC X ENI S.p.A. - Refining &
Marketing Division,
Rome, Italy
ALPINE Longlife X Mitan Mineralol GmbH,
SAE 5W-30 Ankum, Germany
Aral SuperTronic G X Aral Aktiengesellschaft,
Hamburg, Germany
Aviaticon Unique DC X Finke Mineralolwerk
5W/30 GmbH,
BP Visco 7000 GM X BP p.l.c., London,
Castrol DCO TOPUP X Castrol Limited, GB
Reading RG8 7QR,
Castrol Edge 0W-30 X Castrol Limited, GB
Reading RG8 7QR,
Castrol Formula SLX X Castrol Limited, GB
Reading RG8 7QR,
Castrol Formula SLX X Castrol Limited, GB
LongTec Reading RG8 7QR,
Castrol SLX X Castrol Limited, GB
Professional Longtec Reading RG8 7QR,
0W-30 England
Castrol Syntec 0W-30 X Castrol Limited, GB
European Formula Reading RG8 7QR,
Divinol X Zeller + Gmelin GmbH &
SYNTHOlight MB Co., Eislingen, Germany
SAE 5W-30
Elf Excellium 0W-30 X Total Lubrifiants, Paris la
Defense Cedex, France
Elf Excellium 229.5 X Total Lubrifiants, Paris la
5W-30 Defense Cedex, France
Elf Excellium Full X Total Lubrifiants, Paris la
Tech 0W-30 Defense Cedex, France
FormulaShell Ultra X Shell International
AB Petroleum Co., London,
Galax Syntec, SAE X Rafinerija Nafte DOO
5W-30 Beograd, Belgrade/Serbia
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
General information
The gear oils approved for assemblies installed in MB vehicles are classified according to their application into:
Frequently the "gear oils" fulfill multifunctional requirements, which is why they are used in a wide variety of
transmission designs and hydraulic systems. However, where very specific technological properties of the
transmission oil are required, special transmission oils had to be formulated for these major assemblies and
these are listed on separate sheets of the Specifications for Operating Fluids and explain the large number of
sheets for transmission oils.
The Mercedes-Benz standard for the corresponding lubricant quality and the area of application for assemblies
installed in MB vehicles are documented in the various sheets.
The overviews on Sheets 231.1/.2/.3 provide the allocation of the operating fluid sheets (lubricant quality) to
their use in the respective assemblies.
Gear oils are, like all lubricants, design-specific materials which only fulfill their task best if they are perfectly
matched to the materials in tribological contact with them.
These specific material requirements can be subdivided into structural, technological and material requirements
and are the primary properties that vehicle gear oils have to fulfill.
The general requirements, which are not any less important, are classified into shelf life, environmental
compatibility, worldwide availability, economy and the constant quality of the guaranteed lubricant properties,
which must meet the Mercedes-Benz standards worldwide.
All approved gear oils, either fresh oil or used oil, are valuable substances which can be reused using the
appropriate recycling method for the material. The detailed disposal methods can be found in the waste
guidelines for the countries.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Hypoid gear oils contain a high level of EP/AW additives (Extreme Pressure/Antiwear) and a highly
viscous base oil to prevent seizure when the hypoid gears mesh (mixed and boundary friction conditions)
and to ensure a high degree of protection against wear. The compatibility with radial shaft seals is
regarded as critical with such high concentrations of additives because the P/S additive systems become
thermally unstable at temperatures from 130°C to 140°C and this may lead to sludging of the hypoid oil.
The resultant deposits on the radial shaft seals then generally lead to thermal overload and this in turn
leads to leakage in this component.
The tooth engagement conditions of the hypoid gears result in a high proportion of sliding and a low
hydrodynamic proportion of tooth engagement between the pinion and ring gear. Due to the high
tribological load compared to adhesive wear (seizure) and pitting, the performance of hypoid gear oils
must be particularly high with respect to these types of wear. The formula of the oils is therefore
determined by a high concentration of EP/AW additives and a highly viscous base oil. Alternative oils,
e.g. engine oils, cannot be used for these drive types. Proof of performance that an oil fulfills the
requirements of DaimlerChrysler AG is provided by internal tests. However, the hypoid gear oils must at
least correspond to the US military specification MIL-L-2105 B/C/D and must be classed GL-5 in the
quality grade according to API (American Institute of Petroleum).
The cold flow behavior is only specified for SAE, ... oils. Here, the limits apply according to SAE J 306
c, according to which the dynamic viscosity may be max. 150,000 mPas at -40°C for oils and at -12°C for
oils. As a result of the tendency to form deposits in the transmission, the polymer content is limited to
1 percent by weight for pour point reducers. Polymers as VI improvers for thickening low-viscosity base
oils are not permitted. The kinematic viscosity at 100°C must be at least 16.5 mm2 /s.
The additive and viscosity properties of the transmission oils are adjusted so that they meet all the
requirements placed on manual transmissions with steel/molybdenum synchronization, spur gear axles,
MB and ZF transfer cases and reversing gears. Among other things, this results in the fact that the oils
ensure a defined friction coefficient of the synchronizer elements, even after a high number of shift
operations, without crunching noises.
With gear drives and roller bearings, the adhesive wear (seizure) and pitting in particular should be
minimized as far as possible.
The cold flow behavior is only specified for SAE, 80W, ...oils. Here, the limits according to SAE J 306 c
apply, according to which the dynamic viscosity may be max. 150,000 mPas at -40°C for oils, at -26°C
for oils and at -12°C for oils. Due to the formation of deposits in the transmission, the polymer content is
limited to max. 1 percent by weight for pour point reducers. Polymers as VI improvers for thickening
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
low-viscosity base oils are not permitted. The kinematic viscosity at 100°C 2 must be at least 9.5 mm /s.
In hot zones, gear oils of SAE grade 90 are also permitted.
2.2 Alternative transmission lubricants for commercial vehicle synchromesh transmissions which are
operated with transmission oils as per sheets 235.1, 235.5.
If there are no gear oils according to Sheet 235.1 and 235.5 available, the following engine oils can also
be used as alternatives:
Completely synthetic gear oils are imperative for the Unimog manual transmission UG 3/40, UG 3/65 and
the PTO transmission -as of the vehicle end No. ...179909 -. Older vehicles can have their oils changed
from gear oils according to Sheet 235.1 to gear oils according to Sheet 235.4 when an oil change is due.
The gear oils correspond to the ZF lubricant specifications TE-ML01 and TE-ML02 and are consequently
alternatives to the gear oils according to Sheet 235.1 in all synchronized ZF manual transmissions
installed in MB vehicles, with and without intarders. Furthermore, the approval extends to the MB
transfer case VG 2400 without oil cooler. Due to the favorable viscosity/temperature characteristics, a
good cold-shifting response and, due to the composition of the transmission oil, a good thermal/oxidative
stability of the oil at high transmission oil temperatures can be expected.
The gear oils are approved for MB and ZF manual transmissions with steel/molybdenum synchronization,
MB and ZF transfer cases and corner gears.
The transmission oils have a low chlorine content as well as a potential for lower oil temperatures under
certain operating conditions.
The partly synthetic gear oils are approved for the commercial vehicle manual transmission Model
G16/G28, for the passenger vehicle front-wheel-drive manual transmission SG 150/180 (A class) as well
as for all passenger vehicle in-line transmissions of the model series 717.4 as of transmission serial
number 7 340 241.
Due to the favorable viscosity/temperature characteristics, a very good cold-shifting response and, due to
the composition of the transmission oil, a good thermal/oxidative stability of the oil at high transmission
oil temperatures can be expected.
With regard to the use in passenger vehicle front-wheel drive manual transmissions/in-line transmissions,
which are also installed in cross-country vehicles, the approved gear oil is usually only used in the event
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
The fully synthetic gear oils are approved for all MB commercial vehicle manual transmissions installed
in MB vehicles with steel/molybdenum synchronization with and without oil coolers, in MB transfer
cases with and without oil coolers as well as in ZF manual transmissions with steel/molybdenum
Due to the favorable viscosity/temperature characteristics, a good cold-shifting response and, due to the
composition of the transmission oil, a good thermal/oxidative stability of the oil at high transmission oil
temperatures as well as a fuel savings potential depending on the operating conditions can be expected.
The engine oils must be used with a common oil system for transmissions used in tropical countries, and
for manual transmissions with a torque converter and clutch unit. These engine oils display the very high
seizure resistance required for use in transmissions. The oils need not comply with the engine oil pour
point specifications in these Specifications for Operating Fluids.
Commercial vehicle retarder oils: the products listed in the tables apply to commercial vehicle
transmissions: see MB Specifications for Operating Fluids 231.2. The engine oils are suitable for retarder
use. The oils need not comply with the engine Specifications for Operating Fluids 231.2. The engine oils
are suitable for retarder use. The oils need not comply with the engine oil pour point specifications in
these Specifications for Operating Fluids.
ATFs are comparatively low-viscosity gear oils which, due to their universal use potential as a gear oil or
a hydraulic fluid, can cover a wide spectrum of applications. The ATFs in the individual their universal
use potential as a gear oil or a hydraulic fluid, can cover a wide spectrum of applications. The ATFs in the
individual sheets differ essentially due to their inherent friction coefficients in tribological contact. This
property predestines these oils as function fluids for automatic transmissions whose ease of shifting,
among other things, is considerably affected by the friction coefficient of the ATF. Therefore, to achieve
optimum performance of the vehicles, only the ATF quality (sheet no.) assigned to the major assembly is
to be used. The individual ATF qualities will be described in greater detail below.
The approved ATF correspond to the currently no longer valid GM specification Dexron II-D or the
currently valid GM specification Dexron III.
The field of application of these ATF includes MB automatic transmissions without controlled torque
converter lockup clutch in passenger cars, ZF Ecomat transmissions, Allison automatic transmissions,
Voith-Diwa transmissions and MB automatic transmissions in commercial vehicles and busses except
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
3.2 Automatic transmission fluids (ATF), sheet 236.2 , for MB passenger car and commercial vehicle
transmissions with non-ferrous metal synchronization except front-wheel drive manual transmissions of
the A-Class (see Section 2.5, Sheet 235.10), Allison transmission, commercial vehicle power steering,
hydraulic fan drive.
The ATF must meet all the requirements of the transmissions with nonferrous metal synchronization.
These include, in particular, wear protection against pitting and seizure as well as a defined friction
coefficient of the synchronizer components that is as constant as possible over the entire service life. As a
hydraulic fluid, the ATF is used for hydraulic power transmission and for protecting the hydraulic
assemblies from wear. The seal compatibility must be ensured with all elastomer materials used.
If the approved ATF are not available, engine oils according to sheet 227.0, SAE 10W or, depending on
the outside temperature, 20W-20 can be used in the above-mentioned synchronized manual transmissions
as a makeshift measure (queries should be directed to the Abt. Betriebstoffe EP/QWB (EP/QWB
Operating Fluids Dept.).
The approved ATF according to Sheet 236.2 correspond to the currently no longer valid GM specification
Type A Suffix A. The kinematic fresh oil viscosity at 100°C must be at least 7.0 mm 2 /s, after shearing
(as per CEC- TLPG 7) at least 6.0 mm 2 s.
3.3 Steering gear oil, sheet 236.3 , for all commercial vehicle steering systems, except vans T0 and T1N,
power steering systems for passenger cars, except
S-Class W220, power pack of the A-Class, and cross-country vehicles, manual steering L 075 Z for
passenger cars and manual steering in cross-country vehicle.
In the S class W220, in the Power-Pack of the A class as well as in the Transporters T0 and T1N as
of/below outside temperatures of 25°C the hydraulic fluids according to sheet 345.0 must be used.
3.4 Automatic transmission fluids (ATF) and/or engine oils, sheet 236.5 , for Allison transmission HAT
The oils listed here correspond to the Allison-C4 specification. Allison automatic transmissions in makes
AT 500, MT 600, S1000, S2000, World Transmission MD 3000, HD 4000 must only be filled with the
oils specified in Sheet 236.9 or TES 295.
If prior to starting the vehicle the gear oil temperature is below the critical temperature for the oil used,
then either the gear oil should be prewarmed or the transmission should be warmed up while in neutral.
Automatic transmissions in the model series CLBT 750 must only ever be filled with oils according to
Sheet 236.5. Under extreme operating conditions or for off-road use and/or with outside temperatures
higher than 30°C an engine oil of SAE grade 30 and/or 15W-40 from Sheet 236.5 should be used.
Depending on the outside temperature during vehicle operation, the oils used must be selected from the
following diagram according to their SAE viscosity class and/or Dexron specification:
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
3.5 Automatic transmission fluid (ATF), Sheet 236.6 and 236.7 , for MB automatic transmissions
without regulated torque converter lockup clutch in passenger cars and commercial vehicles and buses
(W4B035 only as of major assembly end no. 005733), ZF Ecomat transmissions, Voith-Diwa
transmissions, commercial vehicle and cross-country vehicle power steering systems. If the approved
ATF according to sheet 236.2 are not available, ATF according to sheet 236.6 can be used in
synchronized passenger vehicle manual transmissions, except GL 76/30-5 and GL 275E (the two sports
transmissions always require ATF according to sheet 236.6) as a makeshift measure.
The approved ATF according to Sheet 236.6 and 236.7 correspond to the currently no longer valid GM
specification Dexron II-D. The kinematic fresh oil viscosity at 100°C must be at least 7.0 mm 2 /s, after
shearing (as per CEC- TLPG 7) at least 6.0 mm 2 /s.
3.6 Automatic transmission fluid (ATF), Sheet 236.8 , for ZF Ecomat transmissions, Voith-Diwa
transmissions, MB automatic transmissions in commercial vehicles and buses except W4B035 and MB
automatic transmissions without regulated torque converter lockup clutch in passenger cars (only in arctic
The approved ATF correspond to the no longer valid GM specification Dexron II-E, Allison C4, Voith
lubricant lists G 607 and G 1363 as well as ZF lubricant specifications TE-ML 14.
Automatic transmission fluid (ATF), sheet 236.81 , for MB automatic transmissions without controlled
torque converter lockup clutch in passenger cars, MB automatic transmissions in commercial vehicles and
buses except W4B 035 as well as ZF Ecomat transmission, Voith-Diwa transmission.
The approved ATF corresponds to the ZF lubricant specifications TE-ML 09, TE-ML 14 and the Voith
lubricant lists G 607 and G 1363.
Automatic transmission fluid (ATF), Sheet 236.9 , for MB automatic transmissions without regulated
torque converter lockup clutch in passenger cars, ZF Ecomat transmissions, Voith-Diwa transmissions,
Allison transmissions.
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
The ATF correspond to the valid GM specification Dexron III, Voith lubricant lists G 607 and ZF
lubricant specification TE-ML 14.
3.9 Automatic transmission fluid (ATF), Sheet 236.10 , for MB automatic transmissions with and without
regulated torque converter lockup clutch (GKUB) in passenger vehicles. This ATF is provided ex works
as lifetime oil in all MB automatic transmissions with regulated torque converter lockup clutch - model
series 722.6 - in passenger cars. For repair work, only the ATF quality specified in sheet 236.10 may be
used for refilling in this new generation of automatic transmissions, and this can be obtained in a 1 liter
container under the part no. 001 989 2103.
All MB automatic transmissions without regulated torque converter lockup clutch in passenger vehicles
can either be filled with the ATF according to Sheet 236.10 or the ATF according to the Sheets
3.10 Automatic transmission fluids (ATF), sheet 236.11 , for ZF automatic transmission "IF 4 HP 20"
and the automatic transmission oil circuit of the VW automatic transmission "AG4"
The approved ATF are usually only used in the event of repair or for refilling.
3.11 Automatic transmission fluids (ATF), sheet 236.12 , for 7-gear automatic transmission oils (ATF), is
also downwards-compatible for all 5-gear automatic transmissions.
3.12 Sheet 236.13 , repair solution for MB automatic transmissions without regulated torque converter
lockup clutch in passenger cars with the complaint of "double harsh engagement after engaging drive
mode D", the MB automatic transmission fluid - part no:.
A 001 989 2303 11 - and/or the ATF "ATF MB 274" from Exxon Mobil Corporation, Fairfax, Virginia,
USA, must be used. The ATF "Shell ATF MB" and/or the MB automatic transmission fluid with the part
no.: A 001 989 0703" previously approved for the above-mentioned application must no longer be used,
but can be used up as an ATF for oil changes necessary as a result of maintenance.
3.13 Automatic transmission fluids (ATF), sheet 236.20 , for CVT transmissions that are used in
Mercedes-Benz A-class and B-Class vehicles with CVT transmission, model 169, 245 with transmission
• Should be used
o Can be used
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
211, 220
Manual ATF •
Power steering ATF •
Manual ATF • o
Sheet 236.6
not for
up to
number 7 340
(model 717.4
transmission ))
MB 4 and 5- ATF • • • o • • • •
gear stage
lockup clutch
Sheet 236.8
only for arctic
MB 5-gear ATF • •
clutch (WUK)
for vehicles
with rear-
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:56 PM Page 508 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
drive (model
MB 5-gear ATF •
clutch (WUK)
for vehicles
with front-
wheel drive
(model 722.7)
MB 7-gear ATF •
(model 722.9)
For Allison transmissions, it is absolutely essential to observe the application instructions under point
G TO 24-5
G V 4/65-6,
4/95-6, 4/110-6
GO 75W-90 •
G 16/28/20/32/33 75W/8 •
G 60, G56, G 85 75W/90W • o(2.) •
G60, G56, G85 40 • •
in tropical
G100, G131-9, 80W •3.) •3.) •
G 211, G 240,
G260, G131,
G221, G230,
ZF manual 80, 80 W • •4.) • •
transmission 85 W 75
W/85 W
SAE 90,
85 W-90)
ZF converter and 30 •
clutch unit 400
Voith retarder 10W, (30)
20 W-20
AG4 - automatic
- final-drive •
Sprintshift 75W/85W •
HA 80W-90 • •
HA 746.210 to M
140 993
HA 746.213 to M
138 406
HA 746.210 as of •
M 140 394
HA 746.213 as of
M 138 407
Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:47:56 PM Page 512 © 2006 Mitchell Repair Information Company, LLC.
2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
MB ATF • •
W 4 B 035
Voith/ZF ATF • • • • • •
Allison ATF o10.) •
ZF 4 HP 20 ATF •
AG4 - •
- final-drive
This table only serves as an overview!
• Should be used.
o Can be used.
When changing to a different oil:
Change service life factors in the maintenance system (WS) and pay attention to specified maintenance
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Application in vehicles/major assemblies refer to ? Sheet 231.1 (passenger cars, crosscountry vehicles)
Sheet 231.2 (commercial vehicles)
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Application in vehicles/major assemblies refer to ? Sheet 231.1 (passenger cars, crosscountry vehicles)
Sheet 231.2 (commercial vehicles)
Zwijnaarde, Belgium
Tor ATF 289 De Oliebron B.V., Zwijndrecht, Netherlands
Application in vehicles/major assemblies refer to ? Sheet 231.1 (passenger cars, crosscountry vehicles)
Sheet 231.2 (commercial vehicles)
Passenger car: Door lock striker bolts and locking eyes Commercial vehicles: Only for liquid grease
central lubrication systems from Willy Vogel AG, Berlin/Germany
For all grease lubrication points apart from, refer to ? Sheet 265.1 (passenger car front wheel hubs)
Sheet 264.0
Sheet 266.2
Sheet 269.2
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2004 Mercedes-Benz ML350
1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
Commercial vehicles: For all grease lubrication points apart from, ? refer to ?
Sheet 264.0
Sheet 266.2
Sheet 268.0
Sheet 269.2
Navigan Multipurpose Grease HL 2 Oelwerke Julius Schindler GmbH, Hamburg,
Oest Mehrzweckfett GOC 190 Georg Oest Mineralolwerk GmbH & Co KG,
Optimol Olit 2 EP Castrol Industrie GmbH, Monchengladbach,
Ravenol multipurpose grease OML Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH, Werther,
Renolit MP Fuchs Petrolub AG, Mannheim, Germany
Rhenus Norlith KSP 2 Rhenus Lub. GmbH & Co KG, Monchengladbach,
Rhenus Norlith MZK 2 Rhenus Lub. GmbH & Co KG, Monchengladbach,
Rhenus Norlith MZN 2 Rhenus Lub. GmbH & Co KG, Monchengladbach,
Shell Retinax EPL2 Shell International Petroleum Co., London, England
Texaco Multifak B EP 2 ChevronTexaco Technology Ghent,
Ghent/Zwijnaarde, Belgium
Texaco Multifak EP 2 ChevronTexaco Technology Ghent,
Ghent/Zwijnaarde, Belgium
Wintershall Wiolub LFK 2 SRS SchmierstoffVertrieb GmbH, Salzbergen,
NOTE: These regulations apply to the Mercedes-Benz, Maybach and smart brands.
1. Coolant
50 vol.-% Water
50 vol.-% Anticorrosion/antifreeze agents (see Sheet 325.0 or 325.2, 325.3) antifreeze protection down to
approx. -37°C
Blend of water and coolant additive in accordance with Sheet 312.0, for prescribed mixture ratio refer to
Sheet 312.0.
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1.1.3 Commercial vehicle engines (exception, not for engines OM 500, OM 900, OM 457 and OM
99 vol % Water
Scope: For constant ambient temperatures above freezing point, e.g. in tropical regions, in which it can be
proven that no approved anticorrosion/antifreeze agents and coolant additives according to Sheet 312.0
are available.
Passenger-car engines, which are installed in a commercial vehicle, must always be filled up as for a
passenger-car engine, refer to points 2.1/2.2.
A quick-glance overview of the fields of application for the approved coolant additives and the
prescribed change intervals are available in Section 5. Please note the mixing prohibition for Sheets 325.3
and 326.3!
1.2 Water
Clean, and where possible, not too hard water should be used for processing the coolant. Drinking water
frequently, although not always, complies with the given specifications.
Sea water, brackish water, brine and industrial waters are not suitable. The level of water containing
dissolved substances can vary greatly depending upon its origin (ground, spring, surface water) and it is
of major significance regarding the presence of corrosion.
Water that is too hard is disadvantageous because of the possibility of scaling or sludging occurring. Salt
content, predominantly chloride, greatly promotes corrosion. If in doubt, analyze the water.
Information concerning the water quality of drinking water is available from the local water-plant
authorities or the official water utilities on request.
If there is no available information regarding the quality of the drinking water then distilled or deionized
water should be used.
If the water fails to comply with the approved analysis values, then it is be processed in a suitable
manner, because even excellent anticorrosion/antifreeze agents are greatly impaired in their ability to
protect against corrosion if water quality is poor.
Should it not be possible to soften the water then the water should be brought up to an approved hardness
by an admixture of soft or distilled (deionized) water.
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If the chloride or total ionic content of the water is too high, then the level can be reduced through the
admixture of demineralized, in other words, ion-exchanged or distilled water.
Particular treatment processes will need to be used (desalination and demineralization or subprocesses)
depending upon the contaminants present in the water. Information on how to conduct water treatment is
available from water plants or water utilities as well as several companies and engineering consultants
who are experienced in this area.
Depending upon the coolant composition, the analysis values for the water should lie within the following
1.2.2 Fresh-water quality for coolant composition as under item 1.1.1 (passenger-cars and
commercial-vehicle engines)
1.2.3 Fresh-water quality for coolant composition as under item 1.1.2/1.1.3 (commercial-vehicle
If in doubt, contact DaimlerChrysler AG, department EP/MOR (operating fluids), C 405, D-70546
Stuttgart, Germany.
* Customary designations for water hardness in various countries: 1 mmol/l=5.6° d=10° f=7.02° e=100
mg/kg Ca CO. 3.
1° d (German degree =1° dGH)=1.78° (French degree)=1.25° e (English degree )=17.9 mg/kg Ca CO 3
(USA hardness).
Several providers have water with premixed coolant in their product range. Provided they are approved
(see below), they can also be used; the regulations relating to application, composition, change intervals,
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etc. of these coolant specifications also apply. It is imperative that the correct concentration (50/50) is
used in their application and, of course, further dilution is not permitted!
Approval status:
Coolants for all vehicle and engines (Basis 325.0) Sheet 326.0
Coolants for commercial vehicle and industrial engines (Basis 325.2) Sheet 326.2
Coolants for commercial vehicle and industrial engines (Basis 325.3) Sheet 326.3
The regulations for each respective Sheet 325.x are to be transferred correspondingly to Sheet
At the time of compiling these regulations it is possible that not all the Sheets 326.x are represented with
approved products.
to provide sufficient corrosion and cavitation protection for all cooling system components
freezing point depression (antifreeze)
increasing boiling point
approx. 50 vol.-% Anticorrosion/antifreeze agents are added if the expected ambient temperatures do not
require an even higher concentration. This concentration (50 vol %) offers frost protection up to approx. -
37°C. A higher concentration is only necessary if the ambient temperatures are even lower.
Even with extremely low ambient temperatures, not more than 55 vol.-% anticorrosion/antifreeze agent
should be used, because at this level the maximum antifreeze protection is reached and a greater
concentration reduces the antifreeze protection again and decreases the heat dissipation (55 vol.-%
corresponds to antifreeze protection down to approx. -45°C).
Should these coolant regulations fail to be observed then corrosion and damage to the cooling
system are inevitable.
The admixture of anticorrosion/antifreeze agent serves to increase the boiling point. By raising the
pressure the boiling temperature can be increased yet further. Both physical relationships are put to use in
modern cooling systems - the maximum coolant temperature is raised, without increasing the danger of
boiling. In keeping with the higher temperature level the cooling performance is also greater. Only
approved products (Sheet 325.0/326.0 or 325.2 or 326.2, 325.3 or 326.3 as well as 312.0 or 311.0)
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
provide reliable cooling system protection. In special cases (commercial-vehicle engines, no antifreeze
specification) coolant additives can be used that are primarily corrosion protection additives. In this case
item 2.3 is valid.
As an exception, if neither anticorrosion/antifreeze agent conforming to Sheet 325.0 nor coolant additives
without addition of antifreeze conforming to Sheet 312.0 are available, proceed according to point 2.4
(exception: OM 500 and OM 900). The systems described under items 2.2/2.3/2.4 are not compatible
with each other. It is recommended to mix the entire coolant quantity outside the engine.
Alongside the correct constitution of the cooling water (point 1.2.2), care must be taken to ensure that
only anticorrosion/antifreeze agents as approved for all engines in accordance with Sheet 325.0 are used.
These products serve to guarantee that, in particular, an effective protection against corrosion is provided
for all light-alloy parts in the cooling system and they are also specified for all passenger-car engines.
In order to ensure that the protection against corrosion is effective, the anticorrosion/antifreeze agent must
remain in the cooling system throughout the year - including when in tropical climates - and regardless of
the operating conditions. In countries with high outside temperatures this is also important in terms of
raising the boiling point.
In the event that these regulations are not observed the cooling system may suffer from damage by
corrosion. As a consequence of corrosion deposits there is a danger that ducts in the radiators (engine
overheating) and heat exchangers (poor heat output) get plugged up thus causing damage to the engine.
As a result of the optimizations we have carried out on the system of engine/coolant/cooling system, in
the majority of our newer passenger cars, a replacement of coolant is not necessary until reaching 15
operating years or 250,000 km (whichever comes first). This may not apply to some models; in these
cases the maintenance booklet will stipulate another regulation.
The coolant in commercial-vehicle engines is made up of both water and anticorrosion/antifreeze agent
(refer to item 1.1.1) and as such offers ideal protection against corrosion and cavitation.
All the approved products on the Sheets 325.2, 325.3 or 325.0 which are part of the Specifications for
Operating Fluids can be used to select an anticorrosion/antifreeze agent. However, it should be noted that
passenger vehicle engines built into commercial vehicles must be filled like passenger vehicles (e.g. OM
601 in T1), i.e. a product conforming to Sheet 325.0 and 326.0 must be used.
Products that are not listed in Sheets 325.0 and 326.0, or 325.2 and 326.2, or 325.3 and 326.3 are not
approved and are therefore not to be used under any circumstances.
Anticorrosion/antifreeze agents or coolants conforming to Sheet 325.3 or 326.3 may be used for
longer than other products due to their composition. The change interval is set at 5 years (refer to
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2.3 Coolant additives for commercial-vehicle engines without antifreeze specifications (refer to item
1.1.2) (not: BR 600, BR 100 and BR 200)
In those application cases where no antifreeze is necessary, coolant for commercial-vehicle engines as
under item 1.1.2 can be mixed to suit. It is impossible to cite generalized mixing proportions because the
application concentrations of products included in Sheet 312.0 may be different. If the tolerances exceed
or fall below those given in Sheet 312.0, then appropriate adjustments must be made. The coolant's
boiling point is only insignificantly increased by these additives. The starting-off water underlies the
more stringent regulations as under point 1.2.3. The usage period for this coolant is shorter than usual (see
position 3). If it is necessary to refill, the same product must be used and at the same concentration level.
The blending of different products is not permitted as stated in Sheet 312.0.
2.4 Coolant regulations for commercial vehicle engines (exception, not for engines OM 500, OM
900, OM 457 and OM 460)
In the event that neither an approved anticorrosion/antifreeze agent is available, nor a coolant additive in
accordance with sheet 312.0 and if temperatures do not drop below freezing then it is possible in this
exceptional case to use a coolant refining agent to 1 vol % if it is approved in sheet 311.0 (soluble
corrosion protection oil). This will not raise the boiling point. The starting-off water itself underlies the
more stringent regulations as under point 1.2.3.
The period of usage for this coolant, which may only be used in exceptional circumstances, is shorter than
usual (refer to position 3).
Water that is too hard may impair the emulsion resistance, with the result that the emulsion
breaks down (oil separation) and the engine's water jackets are contaminated.
When carrying out a new filling (initial filling or filling after a cleansing operation) an emulsion of 1.0-
1.5 vol % should be used. When refilling, an emulsion of 0.5-1.0 vol % should be used. Concentrations
that are too high (>1.5 vol %) do not improve the corrosion protection capability and may exert a negative
influence on seals and hoses.
It is very important to monitor the coolant constantly if the engine is to run trouble free.
The inspection should be conducted with suitable apparatus. If, when monitoring the concentration of the
coolant, it is determined that the concentration of anticorrosion/antifreeze agent has reached 40 vol.% or
less or an antifreeze protection of -28°C is no longer guaranteed, the concentration must be increased to
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the regulation filling of 50 vol.% (-37°C). When topping up (after coolant loss), an anticorrosion/
antifreeze agent content in the coolant of at least 50 vol. % (antifreeze protection down to -37°C) must be
ensured, or the concentration regulations according to point 2.3/2.4.1 must be observed. In closing an
example is given in Overview Section 5.
Non observance a observance of these regulations or the use of non-approved products will
result in serious damage.
The corrosion inhibitors diminish during operation and lose their protective capability. Coolant that is too
old, and has lost its important inhibitors and anti-aging additives, becomes strongly corrosive. The
coolant additives as under Sheets 311.0 and 312.0 will also age. This causes a deterioration in the level of
protection capability, and with regard to coolant refining agents this will also cause the emulsion to break
For this reason it is important to replace the coolant, in order to ensure that its corrosion protection
capability is retained. If necessary the cooling system should be thoroughly cleansed before refilling with
the new coolant. A sufficient level of heat dissipation will only be given if the cooler surfaces are clean.
The maximum permissible period of usage for coolant is cited in Overview Section 5.
The use of approved operating fluids, which naturally include the anticorrosion/antifreeze agents, is
a well-known constituent of the warranty conditions.
4. Disposal of coolants
All statutory regulations or waste water regulations in each individual country with regard to the disposal
of used coolant must be observed.
It is recommended to have the possibilities available for disposing of materials explained by the local
responsible water authorities.
Currently in Germany methods are being compiled for the purification of used coolant. The separate
collection of all used operating fluids is highly recommended.
However, as a consequence of the complex tasks asked of a modern coolant, it is on no account advisable
to use an improperly "recycled" coolant, which has only undergone a mechanical pre-purification process
5. Overview
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Calculation of the antifreeze quantity to be refilled with a concentration that is too low (specified: 50 vol.
Example of calculation:
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Passenger vehicles and crosscountry vehicles, passenger vehicle engines in commercial vehicles:
prescribed for all engines
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1998-2005 GENINFO Overall vehicle - 163 Chassis
These specifications are valid for the Mercedes-Benz and smart brands.
The brake fluid in the brake system and in the hydraulic clutch operating system fulfills hydraulic tasks. Due to
the high heat build-up during braking, these tasks can only be fulfilled by brake fluids which comply with all of
today's technical requirements in terms of their various properties (viscosity-temperature-characteristic, boiling
point, corrosion protection, oxidation resistance, etc.).
The most important properties which a brake fluid must exhibit are:
High boiling point, to ensure that the brake fluid does not form vapor locks at high temperatures. Vapor
locks reduce the operating pressure and thus the braking effect and may ultimately lead to brake failure.
The boiling point should remain as constant as possible throughout the duration of use of the coolant and
not drop under varying atmospheric influences or operating conditions (pressure, temperature), i.e. the
"wet boiling point" should be as high as possible.
Low compressibility, in particular at high temperatures.
The low-temperature characteristic of the fluid - even when at 40°C - must permit operation, i.e.
primarily, the viscosity must not become too high in the cold.
Compatibility with the materials used in the brake units and clutch operating systems, e.g. the rubber
boots or any other seal materials (elastomers) included in the brake components may only swell to a
controlled extent, any shrinkage must be avoided.
Sufficient corrosion protection for all metals present in the brake system.
The brake fluids released for use in MB vehicle models are listed on Sheet 331.0. These brake fluids not only
comply with our requirements, but also those of the US safety specifications FMVSS 116, DOT 4. The released
"DOT 4 plus" brake fluids (internal designation) are more advanced DOT 4 brake fluids with higher wet boiling
point, standard change interval: 2 years. In order to be able to comply with this useful period without any
problem, we strongly advise the use of released products as per Sheet 331.0, during the warranty phase this is a
precondition for any acceptance of customer claims.
The brake fluid listed on Sheet 331.1 "DOT 4 Type 200" is released for special applications in the UNIMOG
range with more stringent thermal requirements. For this type of use, a brake fluid change interval of 1 year
must be adhered to.
Brake fluid based on polyhydric alcohols in oligomer or polymer form and/or their
Esters are hygroscopic and thus absorbs moisture from the air. Water, however, reduces the boiling point of the
brake fluid, whereby the danger of vapor lock formation is present. Therefore it should be noted that brake fluid
is always stored in sealed vessels. Brake fluid that has been stored unsealed can absorb so much moisture in a
few hours that it is rendered unusable.
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Because the brake fluid also absorbs moisture through the vent bore on the expansion reservoir, the wheel brake
cylinder and the brake hoses, the brake fluid has to be changed for safety reasons at regular intervals, best done
in the spring. When performing this change, make sure that the old fluid is also drained off the clutch system.
Generally, it is vital for the brake/clutch system to be completely drained before being filled with new fluid!
For the above-mentioned reasons, used brake fluid must not be used again.
The brake fluid is amber in color and thus can be easily confused with mineral products.
Therefore, brake fluids should always only be taken from original containers and stored separately from other
mineral oils and fluids.
When performing maintenance operations and repairs on brake parts, make sure that fuel, mineral oil, grease or
suchlike do not enter the brake system. Hydrocarbon-based materials will lead to swelling of the elastomers in
the brake and clutch system and - even in low concentrations - will suffice to cause total failure of the systems.
Only new brake fluid may be used as a rinsing and cleaning agent for the cylinders, lines and the expansion
reservoir of the hydraulic brake system.
Experience shows that before handling brake fluid, the hands must be cleaned and any oil and grease removed.
Brake fluid acts aggressively towards paint and color. In the event of any brake fluid spills or splashes, it must
be rinsed away immediately using copious amounts of water (do not rub it away).
When disposing of brake fluid, the relevant national specifications must be observed. It is advisable to try to
have the brake fluid disposed of as economic good; this is contingent on
If this procedure is not possible, used brake fluid is to be disposed of together with any, e.g. paint residue,
solvents and suchlike. Any adding of used oil must be avoided, as it will result in difficulties, if the used oil is to
be recycled; in several countries this is prohibited by the legislators.
Unusable gas pressure dampers, spring accumulators, pressure reservoirs and impact absorbers have to be
depressurized before being scrapped according to the respective valid accident prevention regulations. These
safety measures are necessary because gas pressurized hydraulic parts can explode if heat is applied. A risk of
explosion is given, e.g. when scrapping with cutting torches, smelting or if gas pressurized parts in landfills start
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The scrapping of gas-filled hydraulic parts can also be handed over to a scrap dealer who carries out the
required safety measures. If accepted, the scrap dealer must sign an official declaration (see sample), in which
he/she is bound to scrap gas-filled hydraulic parts in accordance with the respective valid accident prevention
This type of agreement however does require that it is absolutely impossible to retrieve shock absorbers from
the scrap which can then be subsequently repaired. Any such devices therefore need to be damaged to
permanently disable them for any reuse. To this end it is sufficient to bang the shock absorber pipe on a hard
edge, to make a dent in it with a light hammer blow or to crush it slightly in a vise.
On no account should the piston rod be bent, this may cause an accident!
If agreements to render gas-filled hydraulic parts harmless, cannot be made with a scrap dealer, then the
specified safety measures must be performed by the owner. For accident prevention reasons, safety glasses and
gloves must be worn as protection against any escaping gas and oil as well as drill shavings. The balance holes
are to be drilled with as little operating speed as possible. Any escaping oil is to be collected.
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