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National Study on the nexus between

migration, environment and climate

change in Niger.
Project : « towards a better consideration of the nexus between Migration,
Environment and Climate Change in public policies in Niger »

The use of the masculine gender has been adopted in certain sentences in order to lighten the document
and make it easier to read. This choice has no discriminatory intent.

This National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change, sensitive to
gender in Niger is conducted within the framework of the project towards a better consideration
of the nexus between Migration, Environment and Climate Change in public policies in Niger
implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

This study was carried out by : Prof. Mamadou Dimé,

professor-researcher in sociology at the Gaston Berger
University of Saint-Louis (Senegal) as an international
consultant and Mr. M. Abdoulaye Nakoari Tambandia
as national consultant.

Cover picture : © Aerial image of Gao - Protection dyke against devastating rainwater, financed by the
diaspora, Gao, August 2021 / Copyright : IOM
© 2020 International Organization For Migration (IOM)

International Organization For Migration (IOM)

17, Route des Morillons
P.O. Box 17
1211 Geneva 19, Switzerland
+41.22.717 9111 / +41.22.798 6150
Email : hq@iom.int
The village chief describes fields that have become unproductive and
their abandonment for migration, Gao, August 2021 / Credit IOM

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 5
This study is timely and gives voice to communities in Niger that have historically used human mobility
as a strategy for adapting to environmental and climate change.

However, under the combined effects of these changes, security issues and rapidly increasing
demographics, the link between human mobility and environmental change in Niger today tends to go beyond
traditional models of adaptation: It reshapes habitats, livelihood strategies and the availability of life-sustaining
resources. Women, who are essential actors in the fight against climate change, are also the first victims.

During his speech at COP 26 in Glasgow in November 2021, President Bazoum described the upheavals
resulting from these changes as follows: “In my country the effects of climate change are reflected not only in
the increase in extreme temperatures, but also, in the same season, by periods of drought followed by periods
of flooding, both causing considerable loss and damage and undermining the resilience of populations.”

Published in October 2021 by the World Bank, the Groundswell Africa Report: Internal Climate
Migration in West African Countries1, describes large-scale migration on the African continent, driven by the
effects of climate change. The continent will be hardest hit, with up to 86 million Africans migrating within their
own countries by 2050. According to the most optimistic scenario, in Niger, climate change could generate
more than 5 million internal migrants by 2050.

The report concludes that, inclusive and resilient ecological development could reduce the scale of climate
migration. As many avenues of answers as this study, conducted in a collaborative way with the Ministry of the
Environment and the fight against Desertification, the National Council of the Environment for a Sustainable
Development and the Ministry of the Interior, and through the production of evidence, aim to help shape,
promote and implement.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 7

the present report of the National Study on the Migration, Environment and Climate Change nexus
in Niger, sensitive to gender aspects was prepared within the framework of the project Towards a Better
Understanding of the Migration-Environment-Climate Change nexus in Public Policy in Niger.
This project was funded by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Development Fund1 for its
implementation. The project will strengthen the knowledge and capacity of governmental and non-governmental
actors to better manage issues related to the Migration, Environment and Climate Change (MECC) nexus in

For the realization of this baseline study, we benefited from the support and collaboration of several institutional
and community partners involved in the implementation of the project. We would like to express our warm
thanks to all the resource persons who, directly or indirectly, made a decisive contribution to the realization of
this study. We would like to express our gratitude to:

● The IOM Niger Chief of Mission;

● The IOM Niger MECC Project Officer;
● The MECC specialist in West and Central Africa at the IOM Regional Office for
West and Central Africa;
● The members of the study monitoring committee (Ministry of the Interior, Ministry
of the Environment and the Fight against Desertification, National Council for the
Environment for Sustainable Development);
● To all the survey staff for the quality of their work in far from easy conditions.

The IOM Development Fund was established in 2001 to assist developing Member States and Member States with economies in transition to develop and
implement joint US-IOM projects focusing on specific aspects of migration management, particularly capacity building. For more information, see: https://
developmentfund.iom.int/fr. https://developmentfund.iom.int/fr

8 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger

In Niger, which is now a country of (MECC) nexus that the International Organization
departure, transit and destination for migrants, for Migration (IOM) commissioned this study entitled
environmental upheavals and climate change have National Study on the Migration, Environment
contributed greatly to the deterioration of living and Climate Change nexus in Niger, sensitive to
conditions. In particular, they have contributed gender aspects, which is being conducted as part
to undermining the foundations of production of the Towards a Better Understanding of the
systems by weakening agricultural, fishing and Migration-Environment-Climate Change nexus
pastoral activities. This has had an impact on in Public Policy in Niger project under its Migration,
migration dynamics. Environment and Climate Change Division. This division
has published more than 30 titles on the link between
In Niger, a Sahelian country that is migration, environment and climate change in various
particularly vulnerable to climate change, many geographical contexts in Africa and elsewhere in the
localities depend on agriculture, fishing and livestock world (https://environmentalmigration.iom.int/mecc-
farming, as well as on the exploitation of wood division).
resources to acquire the main or additional income
for the socio-economic survival of individuals and This baseline study aims to generate empirical
communities. However, climate change has a major data that will contribute to strengthening the knowledge
impact on these activities. The inherent effect of a and capacity of governmental and non-governmental
degradation of living conditions is an accentuation actors to better manage issues related to the MECC
of the pressures on natural resources. Due to the nexus and, above all, to enable public authorities to
recurrence of phenomena associated with climate adopt specific measures to provide adequate solutions
change in Niger: disruption of the start and end to these communities and strengthen their resilience.
of the rainy season, poor distribution of rainfall
in time and space, decrease in water resources, In particular, the study identified the factors
recurrence of floods, rainfall deficits, ecological of vulnerability to environmental degradation and
disasters and natural disasters, etc., there is a climate change in the regions of Niger. It highlighted
significant risk of increased pressure on natural their impacts on their migration dynamics. Above all,
resources. This is further amplified, among other it identified strategies for promoting green jobs and a
things, by the strong demographic growth that can green economy that would serve as a foundation for the
be observed in both rural and urban areas and by resilience dynamics of rural communities most affected
the intensification of seasonal migrations induced by environmental degradation and climate change.
by the search for better living conditions and by
situations of conflict between producers.

As elsewhere in West Africa and particularly

in the Sahel, migration in Niger appears to be a
strategy for adapting to the environmental changes
to which the populations are exposed, either
brutally, for example, in the form of devastating
floods, or more slowly, for example, through the
advance of the desert. Migration dynamics are thus
accelerating due to the intensity of environmental
changes. These factors are reinforced by the
magnitude of anthropogenic impacts, but also
by political and institutional choices that may
be inappropriate. Located in the heart of the
Sahel, where the security situation is constantly
deteriorating, Niger is classified as a country at high
risk from climate change.

It is to better understand the linkages of

the Migration, Environment and Climate Change

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 9
Traditional fisherman Sorko lamenting increasingly
poor fishing, Niamey, August 2021 / Credit IOM

10 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Acknowledgements 8
Foreword 9
Table of contents 11
List of acronyms 13
Glossary 15
Executive Summary 18
Introduction 23

1.1. Research objectives and conceptual framework of the MECC nexus 27
1.2. Niger: vulnerability to climate change and development challenges 29
1.2.1 A brief presentation of the country 29
1.2.2 A country vulnerable to climate change: intensity and variability of risks and impacts 33
1.3. Methodological approach for the study of the MECC nexus in Niger 36
1.3.1 Selection of survey sites 37
1.3.2 The quantitative component of the study 40
1.3.3 The qualitative component of the study 46
1.3.4 Processing and analysis of survey data 54
1.3.5 Difficulties encountered and methods of resolving them 54

2.1. " Climate change, is widespread disruption " ! MECC nexus links to the prism of rural
household perceptions in Niger 58
2.1.1 Socio-democraphic profiles of households 58
2.1.2 Representations, discourses and pratices about changements environmental change 63
2.1.3 Climate change in rural Niger : multiple declinations of a crucial problem 67
2.1.4 « Migration is the only choice ». The place of migration in the resilience dynamics of rural
households 82
2.2. Internal mobility tested by the ECC binomial in Niger : the case of Niamey 90
2.2.1 Socio-demographic characteristics of the people surveyed 91
2.2.2 Perceptions of environmental disruption and climate change 96
2.2.3 The role of environmental degradation and climate change in internal mobility 102
2.3. MECC nexus and gender issues in Niger 109
2.4. Environmental degradation and climate change as catalyst for migration : regional variability in
linkages, dynamics and flows 113
2.5. « Only the owner of the house knows where the hole in the roof is ». Innovatives pratices and
endogenous initiatives in response to the challenges of the MECC nexus 119

Conclusion 124

Recommendations 127

a) Recommendations to the state of Niger and its deconcentrated and decentralized structures 127

b) Recommendations to the IOM 130

c) Recommendations to international organizations and developmente agencies 131

d) Recommendations to civil society organizations and populations 132

List of consulted documents 133

Public policy reference documents of the Republic of Niger 133

Other documents 134

NBA Niger Basin Authority
AFOLU Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use
FDA French Development Agency
IGAs Income Generating Activities
ADB African Development Bank
CC Climate Change
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
PICDCS Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel
NCSD National Council for Sustainable Development
ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States
COP Conference Of the Parties
NDC Nationally Determined Contribution
ECDNL Expected Contribution Determined at the National Level
ECC Environment, Climate Change
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
GEF Global Environment Facility
EUETF European Union Emergency Trust Fund
FAFC Franc of the African Financial Community
FGD Focus Group Discussion
GCF Green Climate Fund
SRGMSS Study and Research Group on Migration, Space and Society
GHGs Greenhouse gases
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
3NI Nigeriens nourish Nigeriens" Initiative
HDI Human Development Index
LSRSDLD Laboratory of Studies and Research on Social Dynamics and Local
MECC Migration, Environment and Climate Change
MECLEP Migration, Environment and CLimate change: Evidence for Policy
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
IOM International Organization for Migration
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
UN United Nations
CSO Civil Society Organization
WFP World Food Programme
NAPA National Adaptation Program of Action
GDP Gross Domestic Product
LDCs Least Developed Countries
ESDP Economic and Social Development Plan
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
IGAFP Interim Governmental Action Framework Program
WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Sector Program 2016-2030
SDIGS Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth Strategy
NSPACCAS National Strategy and Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change in the
Agricultural Sector
WAEMU West African Economic and Monetary Union
IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature
UNCF United Nations Children's Fund
WWF World Wildlife Fund
The definition of key terms in the study is based on the Glossary - Migration, Environment and Climate
Change: Evidence for Policy (MECLEP) published by IOM in 20141 .

● Adaptation (related to migration) : "In human systems, the process of adjusting to the
current or expected climate and its effects, in order to mitigate harm or exploit beneficial
opportunities. In the context of mobility, adaptation is broadly understood to include forced
and voluntary migration, internal and cross-border migration, and the positive and negative
effects of environmental degradation and climate change on migration, displacement and planned

● Mitigation (of climate change) : "Reducing the rate of climate change by managing the
factors that drive it (greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel combustion, agriculture, land use
change, cement production, etc.).

● Adaptive capacity: "Ability to anticipate and transform a structure, a functioning or an

organization to be better able to overcome a danger."

● Disaster: "A serious disruption of the functioning of a community or society causing losses and
having significant human, material, economic and environmental effects, which the community or
society in question cannot overcome with its own resources."

● Climate change: "Changes that are attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that
alter the composition of the global atmosphere and are in addition to natural climate variability
observed over comparable time periods.”

● Environmental change: "Large-scale changes in the physical and biogeochemical environment

due to natural causes or influenced by human activities (including industrial accidents), or caused
by sudden onset or slow-moving phenomena.”

● Green jobs: "Decent jobs that contribute to the preservation and restoration of the environment,
either in traditional sectors such as manufacturing and construction, or in new and emerging
green sectors such as renewable energy and energy efficiency.”

● Disaster Risk Management: "The systematic process of using administrative guidelines,

organizations, and operational skills and capabilities to implement improved strategies, policies,
and response capabilities to mitigate the negative impact of hazards and reduce the potential for

● Migration governance: "A system of institutions, legal frameworks, mechanisms and practices
to regulate migration and protect migrants.”

IOM, 2014. Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Evidence for Policy (MECLEP) - Glossary, http://publications.iom.int/system/files/pdf/meclep_glossa-
ry_fr.pdf, consultation date: October 10 2021.
National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 15
● Migration influenced by environmental changes: "Where there is evidence that
environmental changes influence migration factors, thereby contributing to the decision to

● Disaster risk reduction: "A conceptual and practical approach to systematically analyzing and
responding to the factors that cause disasters, including limiting exposure to hazards, reducing the
vulnerability of people and property, practicing sound land and environmental management, and
promoting better preparedness for damaging events."

● Resilience: "The ability of a system and its component parts to anticipate, absorb, account for,
or recover from the effects of a hazardous event in an effective and timely manner, including
preserving, restoring, or enhancing its basic structures and essential functions."

● Risk: "The potential realization of consequences involving human values (including human beings
themselves), the outcome of which is uncertain. Risk is often represented as the probability of
occurrence of hazardous trends or events multiplied by the consequences if they were to occur."

● Vulnerability: "The propensity or predisposition to experience adverse effects. Vulnerability

encompasses a variety of concepts, including susceptibility to harm and the inability to respond
and adapt to it.

16 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Dyke to protect against devastating rainwater, financed by the
diaspora, Gao, August 2021 / Credit IOM

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 17

‘‘ Establishing baseline data on the nexus Migration, ‘‘

Environment and Climate Change (MECC) in Niger

As in other West African countries, migration The context and objectives of the
has been at the centre of household and community study required the implementation of a mixed
coping strategies in Niger in the face of environmental methodological approach based on a double
shocks such as droughts, land degradation, floods, complementary approach:
locust invasions and desertification. It has also been
adopted to mitigate the disastrous effects of socio- ● a quantitative approach based on a
economic and security shocks. In a context of climate questionnaire survey of 355 rural households
change, it is therefore legitimate to ask whether this in 14 departments in six regions of the country
role has increased in the face of increasing climate (Agadez, Dosso, Maradi, Tahoua, Tillabéri and
risks. It is also important to analyze how it is possible Zinder), as well as a quantitative survey of 147
to make people’s activities levers for strengthening internal migrants based in Niamey, the capital
the resilience of ecosystems and production activities city of Niger;
to climatic and environmental hazards.
● a qualitative orientation centred on the
There are several questions that are at the realization of 14 focus-group discussions (FGD)
heart of the project under which this study entitled and 24 semi-structured individual interviews with
National study on the link between migration, a diversity of actors (resource persons within the
environment and climate change, gender sensitive deconcentrated and decentralized structures of
in Niger is being conducted. This is the project the Nigerien state, local elected officials, village
Towards a better consideration of the link between chiefs, leaders of women’s groups, producers,
Migration, Environment and Climate Change in public traditional authorities, etc.).
policies in Niger. Implemented by the International
Organization for Migration (IOM) with funding from Thanks to an intensive field survey, carried out
the IOM Development Fund (IDF), the project’s using the ODK collect tool for quantitative surveys,
main objective is to contribute to the development we were able to obtain a large amount of data in order
of public policies that address the issues related to to shed light on how environmental degradation and
migration, environment and climate change in Niger. climate change are perceived by rural households,
the roles they attribute to them in the weakening
Driven by the desire to produce data and of socio-economic systems, and consequently in the
knowledge that would demonstrate the multiple undermining of the social, economic and productive
aspects of the MECC nexus, this study was based bases in the villages, but also the place they attribute
on the IOM’s Migration, Environment and Climate to it in migration dynamics.
Change: Evidence for Policy (MECLEP) conceptual
model. It was carried out using a participatory “Climate change is uncertainty in everything!”
approach based on a dialogue with stakeholders This expression, which we heard at almost every
(study monitoring committee, government focus group, symbolizes the dramatic consequences
technical services, local authorities, development of events that are usually associated with climate
partners, universities and research centres, civil change in the Nigerien context: disruption of rainfall
society organizations, etc.) to define and validate cycles, recurrence of extreme events such as floods,
methodological choices (research approach, survey land degradation, frequent heat waves, shrinking
sites, data collection tools). of grazing areas, drying up of rivers, strong winds,
deforestation, etc.

18 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
‘‘ Climate change is global disruption’! The links of the
MECC nexus through the lens of rural household
perceptions in Niger

The populations did not lack anecdotes, of migration. They have the merit of highlighting the
clues, illustrations, scales of comparison, signs, etc. impacts of environmental degradation and climate
to illustrate all the upheavals that they attribute to change on migration dynamics. The means used to
environmental degradation and climate change. react to environmental shocks and climatic risks is
The clear break deciphered between the times, the to opt, initially, for seasonal migration, alternating
landscapes, the lush nature, the high yields of the between settling in urban areas during the dry season
past and the desolate images of today, which show and returning to the village during the rainy season.
devastated nature, denuded land, the disappearance However, for many households, this move to the city,
of plant and animal species, etc., are, according to namely in Niamey, initially intended to be temporary,
them, all clear signs of climate change. Climate quickly turns into a longer stay, or even a permanent
change and environmental degradation are putting move to the city where the informal economy offers
the resilience of people to the test. a range of survival activities.

The people surveyed identified climate events Internal mobilities tested by the
that further highlight the reality of climate change. ECC binomial in Niger : the case of
Overall, the three most frequent climate events are:
rising temperatures (75.5%), drought (63.9%) and Niamey
strong winds (34.6%). When asked about the overall
impacts of climate change, the quantitative survey Analysis of the effects of climate change and
revealed that, overall, the main impact of climate environmental degradation on migration dynamics has
change on socio-economic activity is a decrease in highlighted the centrality of rural exodus in migration
production, according to 76.6% of respondents. This systems in rural Niger. Migration to the city during the
is followed by more difficult living conditions (59.4%). dry season is deeply rooted in migration systems in
As for the decrease in livestock, it was mentioned by all regions of Niger. Niamey, because of its status as
40% of respondents. a place of concentration of administrative, industrial,
economic, educational and commercial activities,
A large majority of respondents noted etc., is therefore an ideal place to carry out surveys
changes in the availability of natural resources. of internal migrants in order to better highlight the
Overall, the resources most affected by these weight of factors linked to environmental degradation
changes are agricultural land (69%) and water and climate change on migration and vice versa.
(48.2%). This trend is found in the regions of Maradi,
Tahoua, and Zinder. Water was mentioned the most An analysis of the characteristics of the internal
in Agadez, accounting for 4/5 of the total. Timber is migrants surveyed in Niamey reveals the following
most affected in the regions of Agadez, Dosso and typical profile: a young single adult man or woman
Tillaberi. As for pastures, they are more affected in with no schooling, of rural origin, who earns in the
Tillaberi and Dosso. popular economy and has come to seek income to
improve his or her socio-economic situation and that
Most respondents noted recent changes in of his or her family in his or her place of origin. This
the migration of the local population. They represent economic motivation is certainly important, but it is
67.6% of the overall sample. According to the nature not the exclusive factor in internal mobility. Factors
of the change, the majority reported an increase in related to environmental degradation and climate
migration (46.5%). This finding is shared in almost all change play a key role in migration dynamics.
regions. Today, several significant dynamics can be
observed in the different regions of Niger in terms

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 19
The study points to the continuum of concerned about the ecological sustainability of their
vulnerabilities that internal migrants face in Niamey initiatives.
as a result of their settlement in sites that are
highly exposed to risks related to environmental Overall, based on quantitative and qualitative
degradation and climate change. It is therefore not data, women in rural Niger are affected in many ways
surprising that they pay a high price for disasters by climate change and environmental degradation:
such as floods, the recurrence of which is seen as
emblematic of climate change.
1. in the performance of their domestic activities,
which are made more difficult and often
Gender issues around the MECC more painful by the scarcity of resources such
nexus as water and wood due to their depletion,
droughts, deterioration of the land, etc., all
The consequences of climate change have of which contribute to greater precariousness
contrasting impacts on women and men in Niger, in households and within communities. The
especially in rural areas where women face an overlap hardening of living conditions greatly affects
of vulnerabilities against a backdrop of economic and women within the domestic space;
social inequalities reinforced by cultural norms and
religious prescriptions. Environmental degradation 2. by finding themselves with increased
and climate change amplify these inequalities. In responsibilities in addition to others that are
order to understand the roots of these inequalities quite heavy due to the migration of men. The
and to identify ways of building resilience, we have «absence» of men has a multiplier effect on
systematically used an approach that allows us to women’s tasks;
relay the voices of women and other vulnerable
groups, their perceptions of how their lives and 3. by migrating in their turn. This migration of
activities are impacted by environmental upheaval women, which takes several forms (seasonal
and climate change. migration, rural exodus, departure abroad), is
even perceived by several respondents as one of
In Niger, the responsibility for unpaid care the most emblematic changes of climate change
falls heavily on women. The time and effort spent and environmental degradation in rural Niger.
on cooking, health and care of family members, In some localities, such as Kantché, Magaria
cleaning, domestic chores such as fetching water and and Loga, this phenomenon has become more
wood products for cooking, falls on women because widespread and has led to social consequences
of gender norms. This translates into an extremely that have been interpreted differently (divorces,
large amount of work for women. In a context marital conflicts, etc.). The majority of female
where men migrate, this time may be even greater migrants move to urban centres. From this
as women may be forced to combine unpaid care point of view, Niamey stands out as the main
responsibilities with physically demanding domestic destination of these female migratory flows.
and field work to compensate the absence of men.
Regional variability in the linkages
Climate change and environmental degradation of the MECC nexus
are seen as amplifying the difficulties in carrying out
activities of a domestic nature, particularly those that
The extent and intensity of vulnerabilities
rely on the use of natural resources (water supply,
associated with climate change are not uniformly
fuelwood). The performance of these tasks becomes
expressed in Niger. Consequently, the place given
more difficult in the context of climate change. The
to migration in the face of environmental disruption
migration of men is then perceived as an amplifier of
is not homogeneous between regions and even
the constraints experienced by women. Promoting
within a region there are contrasts in the place
socio-economic development that is resilient to
given to migration as a response to environmental
climate change in rural areas should mean supporting
degradation and climate change.
autonomous women’s initiatives: more women stay
in their areas, but above all they implement actions
to overcome development constraints while being

20 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Niger’s regions are therefore, to varying
degrees, areas of mobility with varied causes and
forms (internal migration, international migration,
Only the owner of a house
where his roof has a
hole in it». Innovative practices
emigration and immigration). Mobility has thus always
made it possible to maintain the balance between the
and endogenous initiatives in
population and the possibilities of the environment
response to the challenges of ‘‘
and to cope with the socio-economic difficulties that the MECC nexus
the populations were facing. Mobilities are, however,
a function of the types of environmental change, Despite the scale and intensity of the constraints, the
which can take the form of extreme and sudden Nigerien people have shown remarkable dignity and
events or continuous and slow degradation, which resilience. They have accumulated know-how and
influence the forms and extent of these mobilities. local processes to survive in a hostile environment,
especially because of its aridity. These are valuable
The rural household survey showed that elements for providing appropriate support to rural
the main reasons for people leaving as a result of populations in particular, who have developed what
environmental change are lack of availability of natural could be called a «culture of resilience».
resources for livelihoods (42%), more frequent
droughts (21.4%), lack of livelihood opportunities It is therefore necessary to start from the
(20.6%) and large fluctuations in rainfall preventing needs of the populations, their own initiatives but
livelihood activities (15.8%). also their capacities for action in order to define
the means and interventions likely to contribute to
Mobilities have environmental, social and strengthening their resilience in the face of climate
economic costs in sending, transit and receiving areas. change and environmental degradation. It is also
Significant improvements in living conditions could essential to promote a gender-based approach
help to mitigate the multiple costs of mobility. To in order to identify the most relevant actions for
achieve this, it is important to build people’s resilience women, young people and other vulnerable groups,
by supporting their own initiatives and endogenous while linking them to their socio-economic roles and
practices to adapt to environmental degradation and productive activities and directing them towards the
climate change. removal of barriers to their social and economic
Although throughout the field surveys, the
people we met showed an inclination to describe The populations we met everywhere stressed
in the most realistic terms possible the multiple the urgency of fighting climate change, but above
consequences of environmental degradation all by involving them in this fight, by accompanying
and climate change on their living conditions, their own resilience dynamics. Developing rural
they highlighted the central role of migration in localities, improving living conditions, encouraging the
the resilience dynamics of rural households. But emergence of sustainable empowerment dynamics
the survey data can hardly be confined to these among women and young people, promoting
dimensions. Respondents highlighted the many income-generating activities but with a focus on
innovative initiatives and endogenous practices they preserving natural resources, supporting women in
are developing to implement actions to adapt to the viable and ecologically sustainable economic projects,
‘generalized disruption’ caused by climate change and etc. are all avenues to be explored in order to
environmental degradation. These are, for example, improve the resilience of rural households to climate
new cultivation practices and changes in certain change and environmental degradation. These
productive and domestic activities to adapt to proposals are in line with the perspectives favoured
unpredictable rainfall, land degradation, depletion of by the Nigerien authorities, which emphasize the
wood resources, recurrent heat waves, chronic food fight against desertification, the restoration of
insecurity, etc. degraded land, the reduction of food insecurity, the
promotion of rural water supply, the introduction of
The study identified actions that could serve appropriate technological innovations and the fight
as receptacles for future interventions to support against poverty.
the resilience dynamics of Niger’s populations.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 21
Flood damage in Niamey, 2020 / Credit DGPC

22 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger

As elsewhere in Africa, in order to put in to implement public policies that take into account
place relevant institutional and public responses in the MECC nexus. The basis of this approach is the
Niger in the area of the Migration, Environment and completion of this National Study on the nexus
Climate Change (MECC) nexus, and at the same between migration, environment and climate change,
time bring decision-makers to a good integration gender sensitive in Niger, which should generate data
of the issues and challenges related to this nexus, it and knowledge capable of feeding and informing
is essential to have evidence to show the effects of public policies, identify content elements for capacity
environmental degradation and climate change on building of state actors through training activities,
migration dynamics, but also the impacts of migration formulate recommendations on the integration of
on the environment and on climate change. As in the nexus MECC in public policies and, finally, draft a
other West African countries, migration has been high level policy note on the integration of the nexus
at the center of household and community coping MECC in public policies.
strategies in Niger in the face of environmental
shocks such as droughts, land degradation, floods, The baseline study whose results are
locust invasions, desertification, etc., or to mitigate presented in this report relied on a dual qualitative
the disastrous effects of socio-economic and security and quantitative approach to generate empirical data
shocks. capable of shedding light on the linkages between
migration, environment and climate change in the
In a context of climate change, it is important different regions of Niger. The data used to illustrate
to examine whether this role has increased in the the linkages of the MECC nexus are therefore derived
face of increased climate risks, but also how internal from a questionnaire survey of 355 rural households
mobility increases the pressure on natural resources in six regions of the country, a quantitative survey
in the localities where the populations have been of 147 internal migrants based in Niamey, and a
driven out of their homes by a deterioration in series of semi-structured individual interviews and
environmental conditions. It is also important to focus group discussions (FGDs) with institutional and
analyze how it is possible to use migrant transfers as community actors (local elected officials, agents of
levers to strengthen the resilience of the economies the deconcentrated and decentralized structures of
in the areas of departure, but also to promote the State, community leaders, etc.) and with local
sustainable development practices that can help populations with a focus on the environment. ) and
reduce vulnerability to climatic and environmental with local populations, with special attention given to
hazards and reduce the pressure on natural resources. women in each of the study locations.

There are several objectives here that are

at the heart of the project under which this study This report on the research findings follows
is being conducted. This is the project towards a the first, second, third and fourth deliverables, which
better consideration of the link between Migration, are the work plan, the literature review report, the
Environment and Climate Change in public policies in field survey methodology and the interim research
Niger, implemented by the International Organization findings, respectively. It is structured around two
for Migration (IOM) with funding from the IOM main parts:
Development Fund (IDF). Its main objective is to
contribute to the development of public policies 1. A first one on the contextual, theoretical and
that address issues related to migration, environment methodological elements. It was used to present
and climate change in Niger. To this end, the project the conceptual framework of the MECC nexus
aims to equip key actors and institutions in Niger applied to the Nigerien context, to present

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 23
Niger and especially to show its vulnerability to superimposition of vulnerabilities accentuated by
climate change. Following this inventory, which unequal access to natural resources in rural areas
we carried out using reference documents on (land). The environmental upheavals induced
public policy, particularly in the areas of the and/or accentuated by climate change are at
environment, the fight against climate change, the origin of new social, statutory, economic and
sustainable development, migration, economic migratory dynamics. They reveal the development
and social development, etc., we presented in of autonomous female mobility towards urban
detail the methodological framework used in this centers but also towards foreign countries. They
study. We have insisted on the choices made to are not, however, without consequences at the
remain faithful to the participatory approach family and community levels in particular. The
that has been favored since the beginning of fourth chapter discusses regional variations in
this study. This approach consisted of constant the MECC nexus, as the issues and challenges
dialogue with the study's monitoring committee associated with it are not homogeneous in Niger.
and with other stakeholders during the study's This variability is also expressed in migration
scoping workshop. In this section, we discuss the dynamics. The fifth and final chapter highlights
principles for selecting the localities for the field endogenous practices, innovative initiatives and
survey, the tools (questionnaires, interview guides proposals for action to curb the harmful effects of
and FGD facilitation guides), the conduct of the environmental degradation and climate change.
field survey, and the difficulties encountered and These initiatives of the populations deserve to be
how to resolve them; supported in order to strengthen the resilience
capacities of the populations, especially in rural
2. A second part devoted to the presentation of areas.
the results of the study through five chapters.
The first chapter presents the results of the
questionnaire survey of rural households. It
highlights the multiple faces of environmental
degradation in rural Niger, its high exposure
to climate change and the prominent role of
environmental degradation and climate change
in migration dynamics. These take the form
of seasonal mobility, but they also tend to be
more and more long-term. They are marked by
a more accentuated diversification of strategies,
destination places and links established with the
localities of origin. The second chapter presents
the results of the survey of internal migrants in
Niamey. It shows how environmental degradation
and climate change play a crucial role in internal
mobility. However, once in Niamey, internal
migrants tend to settle in sites exposed to
many vulnerabilities. As a result, they settle in
a continuum of vulnerabilities. The third chapter
highlights gender issues related to the MECC
nexus. Since gender dynamics are a central
dimension of the study, this aspect has been
taken into account in this chapter by highlighting
the impacts of environmental degradation
and change on vulnerable groups (women,
youth, the elderly) and their responses to the

24 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Community consultation on protection aspects, Arlit,
2020 / Credit IOM Monica Chiriac

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 25
This first part is devoted to the presentation of the theoretical and contextual framework of the study as well as
the methodological approach of the research.

First, we describe the objectives of the study and the conceptual framework we use to show the links between
migration, environment and climate change in Niger.

Next, we briefly present Niger, focusing on development challenges and the environmental context in order to
highlight the main climate risks and their evolution.

Finally, the methodological approach is described in detail, focusing on the field research strategy, the principles
that guided our choices regarding sampling, the selection of study sites and the actual field survey.

A village elder recounts the men's departure and the

women's decision to take charge of themselves, Sargagui,
August 2021 / Credit IOM

26 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger

The main objectives of this study on the MECC nexus in Niger are to:

1. show the effects of climate change and environmental degradation on migration in

Niger with particular emphasis on the impact of environmental degradation and climate
change on human mobility, the impact of disasters and catastrophes on human mobility
and the impact of natural resource availability on human mobility

2. analyze the impact of the environmental context on internal and external migration
trends, taking into account the gender dimension (consideration of women, youth and
other vulnerable groups);

3. identify environmental risks and their possible impacts on migration, as well as

environmental policies that have an impact on migration;

4. identify solutions, initiatives and adaptation strategies of local populations, the diaspora,
the government of Niger and its development partners while showing the possibilities
of putting them in synergy for an optimal reinforcement of the capacities of resilience
to environmental degradation and climate change.

To carry out this study, we relied on a capitalization of studies conducted within the framework of the
Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Evidence for Policy (MECLEP)1 project of IOM.

The conceptual framework encompasses not only the climatic variables that determine the link between
climate change and migration such as floods, droughts, high winds, silting of rivers, loss of land, loss of vegetation
cover, destruction of grazing areas, loss of faunal and floral biodiversity, etc., but also non-climatic factors that
directly or indirectly influence migration in Niger such as poverty, food insecurity, conflict, gender inequality,
violence, etc.

In the conceptual framework, climate change variables are divided into rapid onset and slow onset events.
Fast onset events include floods, high winds, bushfires, etc. These fast onset events in turn present secondary climate
risks. These rapid onset events in turn present secondary climate risks, the most damaging of which are erosion
and salinity intrusion, bank erosion, destruction of vegetation cover, land loss, etc. On the other hand, slow onset
events include drought, temperature increase, rainfall variation, etc. Environmental degradation mainly includes
pollution of environmental resources, e.g. water, land and air; land misuse, soil erosion and loss, desertification,
wetland degradation, loss of biodiversity, deforestation, overexploitation of natural resources, reduction in the flow
and extent of rivers, etc

The study attempted to create as diverse a profile as possible of the typical migrant due to environmental
degradation and climate change. To do so, various factors were highlighted, such as geographic origin, perceptions
of environmental degradation and climate change, socio-economic level, production activities, gender, main activity,
access to basic social services (health and education), whether people migrate as a group or individually, perceptions
of the role of migration in the face of environmental disruption, expectations of remittances from migrants and
their ability to support the resilience of the populations left behind, etc.

IOM, 2014. Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Evidence for Policy (MECLEP) - Glossary, http://publications.iom.int/system/files/pdf/meclep_glossary_
fr.pdf, consultation date: September 20, 2021.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 27
The conceptual framework also includes types of migration, i.e., whether mobility is forced or voluntary,
as well as seasonal, temporary, or permanent migration. The destination of migrants is taken into account to
determine whether people have moved within and/or outside Niger. Finally, the research focused on the factors
that define migrants' choice of destination, the reasons behind their choice of settlement location, the livelihoods
in the new location and the environmental conditions prevailing in their new destination areas, their "ecological
footprint" in their settlement locations, etc. The research also considered the impact of migration on households
as well as the effects of migrants' remittances on resilience dynamics.

After collecting data on the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation on migration
patterns, the study sought to establish the links between the three components of the nexus. In theory, climate
change and environmental degradation affect several activities, but especially those related to natural resources:
agriculture, livestock, fisheries, etc. They also have implications for migration. They also have implications for water
supply, food security, infrastructure, human health, etc.

The most affected communities and vulnerable groups are attempting to adapt, including through
migration. For this reason, the study focused on isolating the migration dynamics attributable to climate change
and environmental degradation in Niger. Located in the heart of the Sahel, Niger is considered a climate change
hotspot because of its high vulnerability, which is exacerbated by the many development challenges the country
faces in a sub-regional context characterized by security instability that can compromise government development
efforts and affect the resilience of populations.

28 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger

1.2.1 A brief presentation of the country

A West African country located in the heart of the Sahel, Niger is landlocked and covers an area of
1,267,000 square kilometers, three-quarters of which is desert. Niger's latitude is between 11°37' and 23°33'
North, and its longitude between 0°06' and 16° East. It is bordered by Libya and Algeria to the north, Benin and
Nigeria to the south, Chad to the east, Burkina Faso and Mali to the west. It occupies a position of a crossroads
country between North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa and between West Africa and Central Africa1.

Map 1 : Republic of Niger Location

Source : Republic of Niger, Office of the Prime Minister, SE/CNEDD, State of the Environment in Niger, Interim Report, June 2020.

Niger has eight administrative regions, including its capital Niamey: Agadez, Diffa, Dosso, Maradi, Tahoua,
Tillabéri and Zinder. The country is also divided into four natural zones, each characterized by distinct ecosystem
and wildlife conditions and relief, but with diversity within each zone: the desert zone; the northern Sahelian zone;
the southern Sahelian zone; and the Sudanian zone.

Republic of Niger, Office of the Prime Minister, SE/CNEDD, State of the Environment in Niger, Interim Report, Niamey, June 2020

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 29
Map 2 : Delineation of Niger’s four natural areas

Source : Republic of Niger, Office of the Prime Minister, SE/CNEDD, 2021, State of the Environment in Niger, draft version, p. 17.

The desert zone covers 77% of the country. It is characterized by an average annual rainfall of less than
150 mm per year. It has an arid or semi-arid climate, with high average temperatures and very contrasting extreme
temperatures, a very low relative humidity and rare and extremely irregular rainfall. The vegetation is mainly steppe.
The population density is generally very low (less than 10 inhabitants per km²). The main economic activities are
livestock and non-agricultural activities (crafts, tourism, exploitation of the subsoil, trade). Products such as dates,
wheat, millet, rice, etc. from the irrigation practiced in the oases also represent an important source of income.

The northern Sahelian zone covers 12% of the total area of Niger. It is characterized by an average annual
rainfall of between 150 and 350 mm. It is presented as a transition between the Sahara and the Sahel, with
random rainfall but which, in favorable years, allows for the development of rainfed agriculture (millet). The natural
vegetation is mainly composed of thorny plants. This area, considered to be traditionally pastoral, is being rapidly
colonized by agriculture, especially in areas where demographic pressure is high.

The southern Sahelian zone covers 10% of the country and receives between 350 and 600 mm of rain.
The vegetation here is marked by the presence of clear savannahs. Agriculture is widely practiced here, especially
cereals or in association with legumes. In the wetlands of the valleys, important market gardening and arboriculture
activities are developed. Livestock breeding is also widespread, in extensive transhumant or agro-pastoral systems.
The area is densely populated, especially in the center of the country.

30 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Finally, the Sudanian zone occupies about 1% of the total area of Niger and receives more than 600 mm
of rain per year in normal years. The vegetation is made up of wooded savannahs or wooded areas, which are
increasingly declining due to population growth, land degradation, agricultural expansion and pastoral pressure.
This area is characterized by agricultural potential that is not yet well exploited, especially in irrigated agriculture
and rainfed cash crops.

According to projections based on the results of the last General Census of Population and Housing
(RGPH) of 2012, the population of Niger was estimated in 2019 at approximately 23.3 million inhabitants2.
According to forecasts by Niger's National Institute of Statistics (INS), the country's population is expected to
reach nearly 28,184,991 by 2025. The Total Fertility Rate (TFR), which averages 7.6 children per woman, remains
one of the highest in the world. Life expectancy was 62 years in 2019. Niger's population is mainly rural (83.6%).
It derives much of its income from the exploitation of natural resources. The urban population, which represented
only 5.3% of the total population in the 1960s, reached 13% in 1977 and 16% in 2012. This increase in the urban
population is primarily the result of two important interrelated factors: natural growth and rural-urban migration.

According to demographic forecasts, the population of Niger could reach 41,516,415 by 20353. This
would pose major challenges in terms of meeting the social demands resulting from this strong population growth,
particularly in terms of public investment in the basic social sectors (health, education, housing, employment) and
in balancing land use. This population growth may also increase pressure on natural resources (cropland, grazing
areas, water resources, wood energy, etc.) and fuel conflicts over their use. This is all the more true given that Niger
is located in a Sahelian zone where natural resources are scarce and therefore highly coveted.

As elsewhere in Africa, Niger's population is characterized by its extreme youth: half of the population is
under 25 years old. The preponderance of young people can be an asset, provided that the investments needed
to develop this human capital are effective and efficient and, above all, provide adequate institutional responses
to the aspirations of young people in terms of public investments in health, housing, employment and education.
Otherwise, it can be a burden and a source of socio-political destabilization in a sub-regional context marked by
the jihadist threat against a backdrop of multiple crises (social, political, environmental, geopolitical, etc.). Despite
the efforts made by public authorities to control the rapid growth of the population, this growth has not yet been
curbed due to high fertility rates driven by a strong desire for children because of the prevalence of social, cultural
and religious norms with a strong birth orientation.

Niger's economy is heavily dependent on the exploitation of natural resources, particularly mining, pastoral,
agricultural and fisheries resources. The agricultural sector, on which the country's food security depends, is
made up of many small family farms, which are exclusively self-sufficient. Despite this, it contributes 42% of GDP
(compared to 17% for industry and 41% for services)4 , while remaining the main source of income for the rural
population alongside livestock. However, the rainfed nature of agricultural production places the agricultural sector
in a position of great vulnerability to climate change. Agriculture is therefore the primary activity of the rural
population of Niger. It mobilizes more than 80% of the active population. It is organized around a rainfed crop
system mainly dominated by cereals (millet, sorghum, rice, maize, fonio) and cash crops (cowpeas, groundnuts,
sesame, cotton, etc.), an irrigated system based on the cultivation of rice and wheat in hydro-agricultural facilities
and finally the development of market garden crops including onions and peppers.

Republic of Niger, 2020. National Strategy and Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Agricultural Sector SPN2A 2020-2035, http://spn2a.org/wp-
content/uploads/2020/05/AdaptAction_Niger_SPN2A_document_cadre_10042020.pdf, consultation date: September 15, 2021.
Republic of Niger, Ministry of Population, 2019. National Population Policy 2019-2035, https://pnin-niger.org/pnin-doc/web/uploads/documents/238/Doc-
20191217-095701.pdf, consultation date: September 15, 2021.
Republic of Niger, 2020. National Strategy and Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Agricultural Sector SPN2A 2020-2035, http://spn2a.org/wp-
content/uploads/2020/05/AdaptAction_Niger_SPN2A_document_cadre_10042020.pdf, consultation date: July 15, 2021.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 31
Livestock is the second main activity of rural populations. Employing nearly 87% of the population, which
makes it their exclusive or secondary activity, livestock production in Niger is structured around three interrelated
systems: extensive, semi-intensive and intensive. Niger's pastoral vocation and the size of its livestock population
mean that it plays a key role in supplying West African markets and in pastoral mobility. However, "the surface
area of the pastoral zone, which hardly exceeds 350,000 km², is tending to shrink under the combined effect of
the installation of migrant farmers in pastoral areas and the grabbing of pastoral land by economic operators. Its
integrity is being challenged north of the crop line by extensive agriculture. 69% of the rangelands are located in
the pastoral zone and 25% are located in the intermediate zone."5

Notwithstanding its continental nature, Niger has a fisheries sector based on artisanal and continental
fishing practiced on the Niger River and its tributaries, Lake Chad and artificial ponds and reservoirs. Other
sectors contributing to the Niger economy include tourism, handicrafts, transportation and industry. However, the
industrial sector is relatively undynamic and is composed mainly of mining, agrifood, chemical and para-chemical
industries and those operating in the textile and leather sectors.

Niger has many assets, including its significant natural resources, its large surface area, and a young and
resilient population that has withstood the many political, economic and health shocks that the country has
experienced throughout its tumultuous socio-political history due to the recurrence of coups d'état and attempts
to overthrow regimes. The country has mineral resources such as uranium, which has been mined since the early
1970s, and recently discovered oil. Despite its aridity, Niger has significant water resources. It also has numerous
wildlife and plant resources.

Notwithstanding all this wealth, Niger continues to be classified as a Least Developed Country (LDC) and
as a country with a low level of human development, and ranks last in the world on the Human Development
Index (HDI) with an index of 0.3946. Despite some momentum supported by investments in infrastructure,
extractive industries and services, as well as structural reforms, notably to develop the private sector, and to
strengthen the resilience of agriculture, key human development indicators remain low. Niger continues to face
social inequalities that suggest a high prevalence of poverty affecting nearly 44 percent of the population and high
rates of unemployment and underemployment among youth. The constraints have been greatly accentuated by
the deleterious effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Box 1 : Low level of human development and the extent

of severe poverty in Niger

Niger's human development indicators are very low, making it one of the poorest countries in
the world. Poverty remains endemic, chronically affecting more than a quarter of the population (26.8%).
It is multidimensional (89.8%, with a severity rate of 73.5%), deeply rural (monetary poverty estimated
at 45.4%, 52.4% of which is in rural areas) and female, with an unemployment rate four times higher
for women (28%) than for men (4.4%). The social situation is characterized by a relatively high level of
poverty and poor coverage of basic social needs, reflecting a fragile social protection system, an insufficient
supply of basic social services in terms of quantity and quality, a meager supply of services for youth,
sports, culture, the arts and recreation, as well as the persistence of inadequate socio-cultural practices.

Source : OCHA, 2020. Humanitarian Needs Overview Niger, https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/13012020_ner_

hno_2020.pdf, download date: September 20, 2021.

Republic of Niger, Office of the Prime Minister, SE/CNEDD, 2021. State of the Environment in Niger, Interim Report.
UNDP, 2020. Human Development Report 2020. The Next Frontier. Human development and the Anthropocene, http://hdr.undp.org/sites/default/files/
hdr_2020_overview_french.pdf, consultation date: September 20, 2021

32 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
As a poor Sahelian country, Niger is continually exposed to multiple emergencies that appear simultaneously
and that put its capacity to respond to them to the test. The humanitarian crisis persists and is worsening due to
the security crisis, itself aggravated by the growing instability in neighboring countries, the emergence of multiple
crises in the regions of Diffa, Tillabéri, Tahoua and recently Maradi. This deteriorating security situation has resulted
in the arrival in Niger of thousands of refugees, returnees, migrants, and internally displaced persons (IDPs) whose
need for access to basic social services for survival is essential. The population, especially children and women, is
continuously exposed to malnutrition, food insecurity, recurrent epidemics, cyclical floods, drought, and forced
displacement. These challenges are strongly linked to climate change, and Niger is presented as a country at risk.

1.2.2 A country vulnerable to climate change: intensity and

variability of risks and impacts

Niger is located in the heart of the Sahel. It is considered one of the most at-risk areas in the face of climate
change, which exacerbates an already pronounced vulnerability, particularly in terms of climate. The region7 is
continually exposed to challenges such as chronic droughts, lack of water, rising temperatures, advancing desert,
recurrent violent and dusty winds, destruction of thin vegetation cover, silting of rivers, etc. In recent years,
devastating floods have highlighted the unpredictability of climate scenarios in the area8.

Due to its geographical location and its intrinsic climatic characteristics, Niger is in a vulnerable position
with regard to climate change. The various reports and studies always classify it among the countries where the
repercussions of climate change are likely to have formidable effects9. These climatic evolutions will not fail to
generate consequences among which: the drying up of lands, the loss of biodiversity, famine, migration, floods (loss
of harvests and animal species), the silting up of rivers, the degradation of soils, erosion, etc10.

Awareness of the risks associated with climate change goes back a long way in Niger. The first National
Adaptation Program of Action (NAPA) of 2006 listed all the extreme climate phenomena that Niger is facing due
to climate change.

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 2011. Climate change, migration and conflict in the Sahel, https://publications.iom.int/system/files/pdf/
unep_sahel_fr.pdf, consultation date: September 20, 2021.
Eineddine Nouaceur, 2020. "The resumption of rains and the resurgence of floods in Sahelian West Africa", Physio-Geo [Online], Volume 15, http://journals.
openedition.org/physio-geo/10966, consultation date: September 25, 2021
Postdam Institute for Climate, 2020. Climate Risk Profile: Niger, Germany, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development GIZ, https://www.
adaptationcommunity.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/GIZ_Climate-risk-profile-Niger_FR_final.pdf, consultation date: September 25, 2021
Republic of Niger, Office of the Prime Minister, SE/CNEDD, 2016. National Policy on Environment and Sustainable Development in Niger - 2016

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 33
Beneficiary of the degraded land restoration project, Agadez
region, 2018 / Credit IOM Monica Chiriac

Box 2 : Main climate risks and populations most vulnerable to climate change in Niger

The most common extreme climatic phenomena in Niger are, in order of importance
- Rainfall deficits/droughts
- Floods;
- Violent winds;
- Extreme temperatures;
- Sand and/or dust storms.
Other factors indirectly related to extreme climatic events should also be taken into account: epidemics
(cholera), crop pests (millet earworm, flowering insects, aphids, granivorous birds), bush fires, etc.
The communities and groups most vulnerable to climate variability and change are: farmers, herders, artisans,
the elderly, youth, women, fishermen, and wood and straw harvesters.
The main adverse effects of these phenomena on the national economy in general and on the most vulnerable
sectors in particular are:
- a decrease in agricultural production
- fodder deficit;
- the insufficiency of water points;
- the silting up of water points;
- the drop in the water table;
- the reduction in the surface area of forestry formations;
- the decrease in fish production;
- the decrease in biological diversity (disappearance of certain species, degradation of wildlife habitats);
- the increase in the rate of attack by certain diseases such as measles, meningitis, malaria and respiratory diseases;
- the formation of sand dunes.

Sources : République du Niger, 1998. Politique nationale en matière d’environnement et de développement durable au Niger
(PNEDD) 1998 ; République du Niger, 2006, Programme d’Action National pour l’Adaptation (PANA) au changement climatique
; République du Niger, 2016. Politique nationale en matière d’environnement et de développement durable au Niger – 2016

34 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
In the Niger State of the Environment Report 2020, the main climate extremes identified are floods,
droughts, sandstorms, temperature extremes and high winds. Floods and droughts are considered to have
drastic and long-lasting impacts on agroforestry systems, one of the direct effects of which is the persistence of
chronic grain deficits. Combined with anthropogenic actions, they contribute significantly to land degradation. This
degradation is essentially attributable to activities related to agricultural production, overgrazing, wood exploitation
(energy and service wood) and overexploitation of the soil. Its effects are accentuated by climatic hazards due to
a rainfall characterized by a very high inter-annual variability accompanied by torrential rains and strong and violent
winds that cause strong water and wind erosion, which plays a crucial role in land degradation. The latter goes
hand in hand with increased competition for access to land in a context marked by land conflicts exacerbated by
the phenomenon of land grabbing, which is a reality in Niger, particularly around cities and in pastoral and agro-
pastoral areas.

As with land, wildlife resources are affected by natural hazards and anthropogenic pressures as well as
wildlife protected areas. In addition to the harmful action of poaching and the depletion of natural areas, the
effects of climate change contribute to threaten the survival of species, destroy their natural habitats, and reduce
the wildlife capital of the country.

Despite its continental nature, Niger has significant water resources, mainly formed by the Niger River and
its tributaries, Lake Chad, natural ponds, retention basins, etc. But this potential is not immune to human activity
but also to climate change. Both contribute to the degradation of waterways, notably through silting, the invasion
of aquatic plants, a decrease in flow, and even the drying up of certain water points. This is not without negative
effects on agricultural production, livestock and fishing activities as well as on biodiversity.

With a weakly developed industrial fabric, Niger is a low emitter of greenhouse gases. The most important
industrial nuisances are mainly linked to the exploitation of uranium and oil. Real environmental risks are linked to
the treatment of waste from these industries, to the risks of degradation of natural landscapes and contamination
of water tables, and to atmospheric pollution. Gold panning is also a real environmental threat. In the localities
of Tillabéri, where the activity has recently expanded significantly, the damage caused by the use of chemicals
and land degradation are enormous environmental challenges. An equally crucial challenge is the overwhelming
predominance of biomass (wood energy and agricultural residues) for the energy needs of some of Niger's rural
and urban households. This puts great pressure on the country's wood resources, which are also affected by the
impact of climate change, particularly recurrent droughts. Natural hazards constitute a major threat to timber
resources and their effects are multiplied by anthropogenic factors such as uncontrolled clearing, uncontrolled
cutting, overgrazing, bush fires, urbanization, and ever-increasing land needs, a direct effect of galloping population
growth and rapid urbanization.

Awareness of the need to combat climate change and promote sustainable development has been raised
among Niger's public authorities. It has taken several forms: adoption of international commitments, ratification
of international legal texts (conventions, treaties, agreements, etc.), inclusion of climate change and sustainable
development in public policy documents, implementation of projects and programs to adapt to and mitigate
climate change, combat desertification and restore degraded land, etc.

Niger has signed and ratified the key texts in the field of climate change at the international and African
levels: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Convention on Biological Diversity, United
Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, Kyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement, Libreville Declaration on Health
and Environment, Luanda Declaration on the adaptation of the health sector to climate change, etc. Taking climate
change into account is also stated in almost all of Niger's public policy reference documents, whether at the global
level (Economic and Social Development Plan (PDES) 2017-2021; 3N Initiative Nigériens Nourish Nigériens,
National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 35
etc.) or at the sectoral level (agriculture, livestock, industries, migration, etc.). For example, in the Economic and
Social Development Plan (PDES) 2017-2021, it is stated that "adaptation to climate change is therefore today an
imperative necessity and the most sustainable solution to this effect is that of integrating adaptation measures
into economic and social development policies in order to reduce the vulnerability of populations to the negative
impacts of climate change and to strengthen their resilience to extreme climatic phenomena.”

The consideration of climate change has been strongly expressed in the adoption of reference documents
in this area such as the development of the Sustainable Development and Climate Change Strategy (SDDCI) Niger
2035 as a long-term development framework; the development and adoption of a strategic framework for land
management and restoration of degraded lands; the elaboration of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)
following the Paris Agreement (COP 21); the adoption of the National Policy on Environment and Sustainable
Development in 2016; elaboration of various national communications on climate change, etc.

In almost all of these papers, the role of anthropogenic actions in environmental degradation and the
adaptive practices of populations have been central. As a result, the impacts of climate change and environmental
degradation on migration dynamics and vice versa have been highlighted, but the issues identified have not been
underpinned by evidence that would allow for a detailed understanding of the intrinsic links between the three
components of the MECC nexus, as this study has attempted to do using an appropriate methodological approach.



The context and objectives of the study justified the adoption of a mixed-methods approach based on two
complementary approaches: a quantitative survey and qualitative interviews. Several complementary techniques
were used to better understand the links between migration, environment and climate change in the Nigerien
context: a quantitative survey of households in rural areas, a questionnaire survey of internal migrants in Niamey,
interviews with institutional and community actors, and individual semi-structured interviews and focus groups
with local populations. The use of each of these tools was to be based on systematic integration of gender issues
(consideration of women, youth, and vulnerable groups in the recruitment of respondents and key informants,
inclusion of headings related to the singularities of gender dynamics, and disaggregation of the data collected by
gender at the time of processing and analysis).

The research device set up for the field survey was characterized by its flexibility, diversitý and adaptability,
all of which were essential dimensions for conducting this study in a relatively limited amount of time but without
sacrificing anything to the requirement of rigor.

Given the participatory approach favored for this study, participants in the scoping workshop held on
March 30, 2021 in Niamey made a series of suggestions for improvement that we took into account in the choice
of tools, the selection of survey sites, and the targeting of actors to be interviewed.

36 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Table 1. Methodological improvements suggested by participants at the March
2021 scoping workshop

Dimensions Propositions
Quantitative approaches Stratified approach (men, women, youth)
Generate data on internal and external migration of Nigeriens
Consideration of secondary data on degraded areas and
extent of degradation
Qualitative approaches Field observations
Perception (individual and collective) of the populations on the
MECC nexus through semi-structured interviews
Life stories
Survey sheets
Data collection tools
Spatial Mapping

Sampling Consider target areas in the eight regions

Conducting the actual field survey Recruit investigators in the target areas where the surveys will
take place

Consideration of gender issues Women, youth

As far as possible, we capitalized on the suggestions made by participants at the scoping workshop for the
final choices made on how to conduct the field surveys.

1.3.1 Selection of survey sites

Survey sites were selected with diversity, triangulation, depth, and comprehensiveness in mind. Categorization
logics were used to highlight the diversity of experiences, issues and linkages in the MECC nexus. Because this
study is based on a participatory and inclusive approach, an identification of potential study sites was conducted
at the March 30, 2021 study scoping workshop in which participants were invited to suggest sites of inquiry based
on their knowledge of the issues and challenges related to the MECC nexus and their own research experience.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 37
Table 2. Survey sites proposed at the scoping workshop

Region Brief description of risks Stakeholders to be Justification of

(Proposed survey and vulnerabilities related to targeted for the field the proposed
areas) environmental degradation and survey choices
climate change
Niamey Flooding The migrants Reception area
Waste Technical services
Degradation of natural resources The local authorities
The host population
Agadez (Agadez Environmental degradation The host population Reception area
and Arlit) Pollution The migrants Departure area
The technical services

Zinder Demographic pressure The local population, The Departure area

(Kantché and Land saturation technical services The local
Magaria) Degradation of natural resources authorities

Tillabéri Gold panning, security The local population, The Departure area
(Filingué, Ouallam, Degradation of natural resources technical services The local
Balleyara, Gotey) Security situation authorities

Maradi Land saturation Degradation The local population, Departure area

(Aguié, Gazaoua) of natural resources The technical services
Security situation The local authorities

Dosso Degradation of natural resources The local population, Departure area

(Loga) Security situation The technical services
The local authorities

Tahoua Degradation of natural resources The local population, The Departure area
(Illela, Keita, Security situation technical services The local
Bouza) authorities

We therefore took these proposals into account in the final choice of sites, as well as the objectives and
expected results of the project Towards a better consideration of the link between migration, environment and
climate change in public policies in Niger, which is the framework for this study. As this project is national in scope
and aims to influence public policies so that they integrate the MECC nexus, we have made choices that allow us
to cover a good part of Niger's territory while considering the security situation that prevents access to certain
survey sites.

In addition, it was essential to choose research sites that would allow the singularities of Niger's major
agro-ecological zones, the country's administrative areas (regions, departments, communes, villages, etc.), the
socio-economic situations, the areas of residence (urban and rural), the degree of intensity of environmental
challenges, the variability of climatic risks, the degree of dependence on natural resources, the nature of extreme
climatic events (slow evolution and sudden onset), the characteristics of migrations (motives, trajectories, areas of
departure and destination, the profiles of the migrants, internal mobility, international migrations, the forced or
voluntary nature of mobility), etc.

38 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Finally, the survey sites were selected based on an index of vulnerability to climate change and environmental
degradation. The final validation of the survey sites was done in collaboration with the IOM and the study's
monitoring committee, taking into account accessibility, vulnerability, the status of the site as a place of departure
or reception of migrants, and security guidelines.

Table 3. Criteria for selection of study sites

Criteria related to the conceptual framework

Evidence of environmental degradation, effects of climate change
Increase over the past five to ten years in the frequency and severity of certain environmental events
(e.g., floods, droughts, high winds, erosion, rising temperatures, etc.)
Diversity of production activities
Area considered a "hotspot" for climate change
Importance and varietý of the forms of migratory dynamics: departure, transit or reception zone for
Practical criteria
Geographical accessibility
Logistic conditions
Safety instructions
Duration of the survey

Taking into account these criteria, the means available and the time allocated for the field survey, the
following survey locations were selected

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 39
Table 4. Locations selected for the field survey

Region Selected site

Niamey City of Niamey
Agadez Agadez

Zinder Kantché
Maradi Aguié
Dosso Loga

In terms of sampling, the method chosen for the quantitative survey of rural households was the two-stage
stratified survey. The regions constitute the strata and within each region, the communes are drawn as primary
units (PUs), with a uniform sampling rate of 50%. These secondary units are observed using the field sampling
method. This consists of visiting locations that could accommodate the observation units. Within each commune,
an average number of households (secondary units, SUs) was selected, proportional to the demographic size of
the area. The rural household survey involved a total of 355 households. The snowball effect method was used to
recruit the internal migrants targeted for the survey in Niamey. 147 migrants with different profiles were surveyed.

As for the qualitative survey, two types of sampling were favored in the choice of informants: actor
sampling and geographic sampling, both of which were able to bring out the convergences and dissonances among
the interviewees. In total, the study included 14 focus groups and 24 semi-structured individual interviews. To
these data, we must add the interviews that the consultants had with resource persons at the institutional and
community levels.

1.3.2 The quantitative component of the study

The quantitative part of the study was based on two methods: a questionnaire survey of rural households
and a quantitative survey of internal migrants in Niamey.

40 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger The quantitative survey of rural households

This survey was therefore conducted among households in different localities in Niger. By choosing to
study both places of origin and places of internal destination, we hoped to better understand the varied dynamics
that structure MECC linkages in Niger. Moreover, this choice allowed us to triangulate and diversify the data
while paying attention to the profiles of "mobile" and "immobile" populations in the face of climate change and
environmental degradation. Given the difficulty of isolating factors related to climate change and environmental
degradation from other political, economic, institutional, etc. factors, we focused on voluntary displacement, forced
displacement, seasonal mobility, and internal and external mobility in the study localities.

The household survey focused on perceptions of climate change and environmental degradation, their
causes, their evolution over time, their multiple consequences, their impact on productive activities, their impact
on migration, and the resilience actions of populations, Ways and means to strengthen this resilience in the regions
targeted by the study, notably through the promotion of innovative endogenous practices in terms of environmental
protection (energy saving, innovative practices, productive activities, adapted technologies, endogenous know-how
in terms of restoring degraded lands, agricultural and pastoral practices adapted to the new environmental and
climatic context, etc.).

The household survey questionnaire was structured around the following headings: identification, living
conditions, activities, use of natural resources, migration determinants, perceptions of environmental degradation
and climate change, perceptions of their causes, impact of environmental upheavals on migration dynamics, profiles
of those who leave, profile of those who stay, destination places, promotion of socio-economic activities sensitive
to climate change, good practices in income-generating activities contributing to the climatic and environmental
resilience of the territories, etc. The questionnaire was administered to the head of the household or the person
most willing to answer the various questions while ensuring a gender balance.

The rural household surveys were conducted in 14 departments in six regions of Niger. The table below
shows the regions, communes and villages where the surveys were conducted and the number of questionnaires
administered. For reasons related to IOM's security procedures, the Diffa region was the only region excluded
from the survey.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 41
Table 5 : Distribution of rural household questionnaire surveys

Region Department Commune Village Number of households surveyed

Maradi Tessaoua Tessaoua Takaji 25
Aguie Aguié Dan Kada 27
Subtotal 52
Tahoua Keita Keita Gallé 26
Bouza Allakaï Allakaï 25
Ilella Badaguichiri Badaguichiri 25
Subtotal 76
Tillabéri Filingué Filingué Gao 25
Ouallam Simiri Simiri 25
Subtotal 50
Dosso Loga Loga Sargagui 25
Dogondoutchi Kiéché Garin Guero 25
Subtotal 50
Zinder Tanout Tanout Bakatisira 17
Magaria Kwaya Kwaya 30
Kantché Kantché Kantché 30
Subtotal 77
Agadez Agadez Agadez Tchirozerine 25
Arlit Arlit Arlit 25
Subtotal 50
Grand total 355

The rural household survey was conducted by a team of twelve interviewers, seven men and five women.
They all have at least a bachelor's degree and proven experience in rural surveys and in the electronic administration
of questionnaires. They are essentially students in sociology, economics, law and journalism. The interviewers were
divided into pairs in the survey regions. The interviewers were trained online on Tuesday, May 19, 2021 by the two
study consultants and by the computer scientist-statistician specially recruited for the management of quantitative
surveys (design of survey forms on ODK Collect, management of the database and data processing and analysis).

42 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Map 3 : Sample allocation by department

The rural household survey was conducted during the period from May 20, 2021 to May 25, 2021. All
households in the villages selected for the study were eligible for the survey. It was up to the interviewers to
respect the sampling steps after the segmentation of the village in accordance with the instructions provided by
the study's computer statistician. Thus, in each village, steps of two households were respected.

In accordance with practices in rural areas, at the level of each village, the village chief was the gateway
to facilitate access and consent of households to be surveyed. This social legitimization is essential to ensure that
the negotiation of entry into the field takes place without hindrance. After this first step, the first household
to be surveyed was selected at random, after which the others were selected according to the defined steps.
Once inside the household, the interviewer, equipped with a smartphone, administered the questionnaire in
the language spoken by the respondent, who was either the head of the household or his wife. In general, an
average of 25 households were surveyed in each community over three days. The national and international
consultants respectively coordinated and supervised the field surveys, ensuring that the survey protocol and ethical
requirements were scrupulously respected.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 43
Box 3 : Conduct of the field survey in Kantché

"I arrived in Kantché on May 20, 2021. As soon as I arrived, following the recommendations
I had received during the training and based on my experience of surveys in rural Niger, I went to
the head of the neighborhood to present the purpose of my presence in his neighborhood by
giving him information on the objectives of the study, the expected results, the implementation
process and the main actors. The head of the district welcomed my approach and estimated
that the results should be beneficial for his locality if projects allowing to improve the living
conditions were to result from it. After these explanations, the head of the neighborhood put me
in contact with his representative, who was to guide me in the choice of households to be surveyed.

For each household to be surveyed, the approach was almost the same: a customary greeting,
identification of the person most likely to answer the questionnaire (the head of the household or his
wife), detailed explanations about the study (objectives, actors in charge of implementation, expected
results, and instructions on how to conduct the survey). I then administered the questionnaire by
recording the answers on the form on my phone. The survey was conducted in the national language. The
survey went well, and the respondents were very cooperative and willing to participate in the survey."

Source : excerpt from the field diary of the interviewer assigned to Kantché

Household surveys were conducted everywhere using this approach, which made it possible to avoid
refusals to participate in the study, which is a relatively marginal phenomenon in rural areas. The populations, even
though they may be weary of the endless parade of interviewers for studies that they feel are rarely followed by
concrete actions contributing to the improvement of their living conditions, rarely decline requests for surveys. This
is often not the case in urban areas. The questionnaire survey of internal migrants in Niamey

The choice to conduct a quantitative survey of internal migrants in Niamey was imposed by the need to
better understand the determinants of migration dynamics in the Nigerien capital. Niamey is the main place where
internal migrants settle because of the processes of urbanization, occupation of space and the configuration of
Niger's economy, which contribute to making its capital the most important place of socio-economic attraction
and the site of settlement of populations seeking better living conditions in the capital. The capital is also the main
place where economic, industrial, commercial, administrative, educational and health activities are concentrated in
the country and thus has an attraction effect on the populations of the interior.

44 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Understanding the role of environmental degradation and climate change in internal mobility was essential.
The survey of internal migrants was thus to provide an opportunity to identify the relevant effects of these
two factors on internal migration paths. To do this, a questionnaire structured around headings such as socio-
demographic profile, perceptions of environmental degradation and climate change, motivations and migration
trajectories, factors explaining internal mobility, living conditions in Niamey and finally links with the locality of origin
was developed to obtain baseline data on the profile of internal migrants and on the impact of factors related to
environmental degradation and climate change on their migration dynamics.

The surveys were conducted among 147 internal migrants established in Niamey and presenting different
profiles and evolving in sectors such as petty trade, domestic help, catering, popular urban economy, etc. They
were conducted during the period from May 18 to May 21, 2021 by a team of five interviewers, including three
women. They were preceded by an online training session that took place on Saturday, May 15, 2021, and which
focused on the instructions for administering the questionnaire, the criteria for selecting the people to be surveyed,
and the handling of the ODK collect, which was also the medium used for this part of the study.

Box 4 : A typical survey in Niamey

"On Monday, May 18, 2021, I participated in a survey of internal migrants in Niamey Commune 2
district of Bonkaney. The subject of the survey was the link between climate change and migration. On
Saturday, May 16, along with the other surveyors, we received online training on the survey. The training
was provided by the international consultant, the national consultant and the computer statistician.

Despite the training, I was apprehensive about starting this survey because it was different from
the rural surveys I had previously experienced. Indeed, in the villages where I was used to collecting data,
access and contact with the respondents are often greatly facilitated by the chief, the marabout, or any
other person who can ensure a leadership role in the targeted communities. Once the survey had begun,
we could rely on word of mouth, which often preceded us to the rest of the villagers (which could save
us the trouble of making introductions and greetings).

This time we had to deal with the "mistrust" of the townspeople; approaching a townsman and
starting a conversation with him, when you are unknown to him, is not an easy thing. But when you
have to go, you have to go. The credibility and reliability of the data collection is at stake. My first target
was a group of young people from the Tahoua region. A region whose economy is essentially based on
migration: both external and internal. As luck would have it, I found someone I knew. This facilitated my
access. After administering a few questionnaires (I needed eight for the day) without much difficulty, I
had to change communities to find other targets.

Wanting to diversify the data collection in terms of gender, since I had previously only interviewed
men, I approached two young women from my neighborhood; both are domestic helpers. They were
a little suspicious at the beginning of our interview and also annoyed by the many questions that were
sometimes a little difficult for their intellectual level, so I had to use a lot of diplomacy to get the answers
to my investigation. I also had to ask their bosses' permission to enter their workplace and talk to them
while they were doing their housework. A laborious interview that was constantly interrupted by this
or that task."

Source : field diary of an investigator in Niamey

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 45
The quantitative component of the MECC study was able to help generate a set of data that shed light on
the links between migration, environment and climate change in Niger. For purposes related to the need for depth
and richness of insight, it was also essential to rely on qualitative data.

1.3.3 The qualitative component of the study

The qualitative component of the study relied primarily on a combination of two research tools: focus
groups and semi-structured individual interviews. Focus group discussions

To gather data and information on climate change, environmental degradation and migration issues, focus
group discussions (FGDs) were organized in different survey sites to further address the vulnerabilities related to
climate change and environmental degradation, especially their impact on migration dynamics. They also helped
to obtain baseline data on the challenges posed by environmental degradation and climate change, how they are
perceived, what their consequences are, what their impacts are on migration at the local level, but also to identify
practices to promote the resilience of populations.

In total, this study is based on 14 focus groups organized in the different villages that were selected to host
the quantitative surveys of rural households. All of them were facilitated by the national consultant and supported
by an interviewer who was responsible for taking notes and recording the discussions. The table below provides
an overview of the focus groups conducted as part of this study.

46 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Table 6 : Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Process

Locality Participant
Details of the FGD process
Department Profiles
The FGD with the women of Simiri was conducted in the courtyard
of the chief of the canton. He personally took charge of gathering
the women for the realization of the FGD. One of the notables
Simiri 12 women went around with us to find participants. The chief had mats set
Ouallam between the ages up under a shed which he used as an audience in case of a visit
TILLABÉRI of 20 and 50 or meeting with the people. The women having settled down, the
discussions started at 11:30 am. Having noticed that the women did
not feel comfortable answering in the presence of the chief, we kindly
asked him to withdraw. The women of Simiri then enthusiastically
participated in the discussion.
In this village, we had not found on our arrival, neither the chief, nor
his assistant. However, in the shade of a large tamarind tree, there
was a group of elderly people who were resting. After explaining
the purpose of our visit, we asked them to help us gather 10 people,
including 5 women. Using a female leader, the chief's representative
Gao 5 men and 5 managed to help us reach the size of the FGD after 30 minutes while it
Filingué women was already 4pm. The FGD started 10 minutes later and lasted about
TILLABÉRI an hour. This FGD was very emotional as participants expressed
their dismay at the ravages of land degradation and flooding that have
increased over the past five years in their community.
We arrived in Sargagui, a village not far from the department of Loga,
around 8:00 am. The village chief received us and we presented him
the objectives of our mission. He then called on one of his children
and another person to help us gather the participants in the FGD,
which targeted men. The men sat down under the village's palaver
Sargagui 10 men between tree. The discussions lasted more than an hour. Very interested in the
Loga the ages of 25 subject, the participants did not lack ideas when talking about climate
DOSSO and 50 change and its consequences in the village. Given the atmosphere of
this meeting, other people joined the forum without being invited.
The issue of migration was the most discussed topic.
Garin Guéro In this village, the interviewers were not able to speak with
Dogon Douctchi Men 20 to 60 women for cultural and religious reasons. When we wanted
DOSSO years old to conduct a FGD with women only, we were refused.
However, a FGD with men was possible.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 47
The chief of the village of Alladab was informed of our visit
by an investigator. He gathered about 30 women when we
arrived. Once at the meeting place, we asked the village chief
to help us choose 10 women in order to avoid frustration.
He was able to make the choice and the FGD was held with
Alladab ten women. Here, a good group dynamic was noted and
Tchirozerine Women the women were generous with information to describe the
AGADEZ consequences of climate change and environmental changes
on productive activities, their status and roles, and their lives.
Some sadness could be seen on the faces of some women
when the sub-theme of migration was addressed.
In this area of Agadez, our team found about 15 people waiting
for us. We did everything we could to reduce the number
but it was difficult. We started the FGD. Unfortunately, we
Pays-Bas quickly realized that people did not participate because they
Tchirozerine did not master Hausa, the language used for the animation.
AGADEZ We were forced to stop and reconstitute the group with
speakers of the language. Despite some difficulties related to
intrusions, the FGD went well.
Allakay The rural commune of Allakay was our first stop in the Tahoua
Bouza Men region. The village chief received us and recommended that
TAHOUA we meet the second chief. Each of us designated five men
to participate in the FGD which took place in the hangar of
the big mosque.
We found the village chief in bed. Nevertheless, he received
us, lying in his bed. He nevertheless made the effort to listen
to us. When the theme was announced, he straightened
up and explained to us how much the subject of climate
Gallé Men and women change coupled with the degradation of the environment
Keita meant to him. He gave us the history of his village which
TAHOUA was once, according to him, a "paradisiacal" place before
drawing the dark picture caused by drought, lack of water
and recurrent bad agricultural campaigns. He then asked his
younger brother to gather five women and five men for the
FGD. This took place in the courtyard of the health center.
Both men and women participated in the discussions.

48 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
We stopped in the village at 4:00 p.m. on May 30 to prepare for
the focus group scheduled for the next day. As soon as we started
walking, we noticed a leadership conflict with the existence of two
village chiefs: one very old and the second younger one whose status
seemed to be contested. Faced with this situation, we preferred to
withdraw and promise to return the next day while asking each party
for permission to speak with the people they proposed. The next day
Roumbassa in the afternoon at 3pm, fortunately, we found that the ground had
Illela 10 women been prepared for a FGD with ten women. After the usual greetings
TAHOUA and the setting up of the FGD, the discussions started but after 35
minutes, we stopped because the respondents were not able to
concentrate on the discussion themes in favor of digressions. Despite
all the explanations we had given them, the participants persisted
in believing that we were there to take a census on the basis of
which kits, food or money would be distributed later. The field was
therefore undermined by this idea. Therefore, we preferred to close
the collection at this level.
This village was strongly recommended to us by the departmental
director of the environment in Aguié during our meeting with
him. In Dan Kada, we met with the village chief, who immediately
instructed us to gather ten men for the FGD. We had a very good
turnout because the respondents were comfortable with the topics
Dan Kada of discussion. They recounted in great detail their experience as
Aguié 10 men seasonal migrants and the visible stigma of environmental degradation
MARADI in their village and the upheaval it has caused in family relationships,
the status of women, the hardening of living conditions, etc. As if to
convince us of the relevance of the project, we asked them to tell us
about their experience. As if to convince us of the relevance of their
arguments, the participants insisted that we visit the classified forest
near their village.
With the help of the village chief, we held an FGD with five women
Maijirgui 5 men and 5 and five men. The discussions took place in the chief's courtyard.
Tessaoua women Despite the unfavorable setting, we were able to hold the meeting.
MARADI Here, the men spoke more than the women, despite our best efforts
to balance their voices. The discussions were quite informative and
the participants were welcoming and attentive.
When we arrived in Tsaouni, we found the women mobilized for
another meeting with an NGO. We were introduced to the chief by
his son. The latter explained to us that an agent of an NGO wanted
to talk to the women for 30 minutes and then we could form the
discussion group. After the agent left, the chief helped us by calling
on the women and men who could speak with ease on the subject.
Tsaouni 5 men The meeting took place in a shed that serves as a meeting room in
Kantché 5 women the chief's compound. The women as well as the men understood
ZINDER the theme and freely expressed their observations and experiences in
relation to climate change, insisting on the links between environmental
changes and migrations by taking the example of their village.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 49
Kwaya is located 34 km from Magaria. When we arrived in this village,
we noticed that a wedding ceremony was taking place. After an hour's
wait, we were finally able to meet with the mayor of the commune
who took us to the village chief. After greetings and introductions, a
Kwaya representative of the chief helped us to form the group for the FGD.
Magaria Men This group was composed of young and older people. This certainly
ZINDER explains the divergences noted during the discussion between the
positions of the young and the older people on the reasons for
migration, its consequences, the profiles and motivations of those
who leave, etc.
The department of Tanout is classified as a red zone for insecurity,
but we went there nonetheless. Our meeting with the prefect of
the department and the departmental directors of environment and
agriculture encouraged us to choose the village of Bakatsira for the
FGD. For security reasons, the prefect instructed the departmental
directors to drive us to the village. The choice of this village is to allow
us to see the infrastructure available for off-season work. Once in
Bakatsira Several Men the village, we met with the village chief who received us warmly and
Tanout helped us find people for the FGD, which took place in the hangar
ZINDER at the public square. The number of people present exceeded the
number of ten that we had indicated. Despite explanations to reduce
the number of people, most refused to withdraw. Despite this large
number of participants, we had a very good FGD thanks to a good
management of the group dynamics.

50 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Photo 1 : Focus group with women in Alladab, AGADEZ

The FGDs proved to be a highlight of the data collection phase because of the amount of information they
provided. Everywhere, the participants showed a real interest in the theme of the study and painted a detailed
picture of the climatic risks to which their localities are exposed, emphasizing their impact on living conditions and
on their productive activities.

Photo 2 : Focus group with men in Dan Kada, Aguié, MARADI

Group discussions focused on the roles that environmental degradation and climate change play in the
different types of mobility observed in the localities (transhumance, seasonal mobility, international migration,
forced displacement during disasters such as floods, etc.), the profiles of "mobile" and "immobile" people, the

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 51
impacts of migration, etc. The people who participated in the FGDs were all the more generous with information
because they felt that this study is a prelude to larger actions that could have a direct impact on their living
conditions. Again, in an effort to cast the net as widely as possible in examining the linkages of the MECC nexus and
to gain a more detailed understanding of the interactions, we also relied on individual semi-structured interviews
in this study. Individual semi-structured interviews

They were conducted to complement the household survey in order to address in greater depth the
links between migration, the environment and climate change according to the perceptions and points of view of
local populations, taking care to integrate a diversity of profiles in the choice of respondents. They also involved
institutional actors, mainly resource persons at the level of deconcentrated and decentralized structures of the
Nigerien State (prefects, departmental directors of the environment, agriculture, civil status, migration and refugees,
local elected officials, etc.), customary authorities and members of civil society (leaders of women's groups and
youth associations).

The interviews were conducted on the basis of an interview guide structured around the following headings:
profile, experiences, constraints, activities, perceptions of climate change, consequences, links between climate
change and migration, profiles of migrants, profile of those who stay, motives, migration strategies and destination
places, links with the locality of origin, promotion of activities in the field of sustainable development, etc.

During the field survey, several interviews were conducted at the community, departmental and regional
levels. In general, all the interviews were fruitful due to the availability of the respondents and their interest in the
study's problem. We were supported by the prefects in making contact and appointments with the departmental

The table below presents the different actors with whom we had an interview during the field survey phase

52 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Table 7 : Stakeholders met during the individual semi-structured interviews

Department / Stakeholders met

Chief of the canton of Ouallam
Tillabéri The chief of the village of Gao
Director of the school complex of Gao
The outgoing Mayor of the commune of Balleyara
Departmental Director of Civil Status, Migration and Refugees
Loga Departmental Director of Planning
Dosso Leader of the women of Sargagui
Chief of Sargagui village
Regional Director of Agriculture,
Regional Director of Planning,
Regional Director of the Environment
Tahoua Regional Director of Livestock
Chief of the village of Gallé
Chief of the village of Allakay
Mayor of Keita
Aguié Prefect
Maradi Departmental Director of the Environment
Chief of the village of Dan Kada
Tessaoua Prefect
Maradi Departmental Director of Civil Status, Migration and Refugees
Departmental Director of the Environment
Mayor of Tessaoua
Kantché Prefect
Zinder Mayor of Kantché
Chief of the village of Tsaouni
Tanout Director of Environment
Director of Agriculture
Governor of the region
President of the Regional Council and the Secretary General
Sultan of Agadez
Zinder Vice-Mayor and Secretary General
Regional Council of Agadez
Chief of the village of Alladab

The interviews with institutional and community actors are all the more important as the ultimate goal
of this study is to strengthen the capacities of the main actors and institutions involved in migration and the
environment in order to contribute to the development of public policies that are adapted to the realities and
needs of the communities and oriented towards concrete action.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 53
1.3.4 Processing and analysis of survey data

The questionnaires were collected on the interviewers' smartphones. The data was collected in real time
on the database created on ODK. The data collected through the two questionnaires were analyzed using STATA.
With this software, we were able to generate the most relevant data for the research, cross-reference the variables
and thus report with evidence on the interactions between migration, environment and climate change in Niger.

The analysis of the data consisted of two parts: a descriptive part and an analytical part. The descriptive
analysis of the qualitative variables was done with the frequency (proportion) and the 95% confidence interval and
that of the quantitative variables with the mean, its confidence interval and the standard deviation. The analytical
part of the analysis involved a bivariate analysis of the key indicators of the study with certain characteristics such as
age, gender, main production activity, region, household characteristics, etc. A multivariate analysis was considered
useful to measure the impacts of environmental degradation and climate change on migration dynamics. In addition,
variables were cross-tabulated to provide evidence of the state of play of the MECC nexus in Niger, taking care
to disaggregate variables according to region, area of residence, household socioeconomic characteristics, socio-
geographic vulnerability, intensity of environmental constraints, climate risks, gender and generational inequalities,

The qualitative interviews (individual and group) were recorded, ensuring the consent of the interviewees
in each case. The interview data was then transcribed and subjected to a thematic analysis based on the following
four themes: perceptions of climate change and environmental degradation, their impacts on production activities
and living conditions, adaptation strategies in the face of climate change and environmental degradation, the impact
of the ECC binomial on migration dynamics, and measures to be considered from the perspective of promoting
the strengthening of people's resilience based on their local know-how and innovative endogenous practices.
Significant excerpts were selected from the verbatim to illustrate, support and reinforce the argument at the time
of interpretation and writing.

1.3.5 Difficulties encountered and methods of resolving them

This study went well overall. Nevertheless, some difficulties can be listed. In particular, we can mention:

• The need to translate the questionnaire and interview guides into local languages (Hausa,
Zarma-Songhai). However, our data collection tools are full of learned terms for which it is
difficult to find equivalents in the national language: climate change, sustainable development,
resilience, etc. The understanding of these terms by the respondent was thus conditioned to
the explanation provided by the interviewer and to the latter's fluency in the language used
for the survey. This resulted in a longer administration of the questionnaire and a possible
influence on the respondents' answers. The interviewers had to make sure that the respondent
understood the meaning of the questions before writing down the answer;

• The "fatalism" of the respondents "for whom any change whatsoever can only come from
God. This led them to confine themselves to short explanations even when they were asked
to go into more detail. Other respondents, who were more protesting, thought that the focus
groups would provide a forum for socio-political demands, in particular to complain about the
management of their locality and the many difficulties that beset them on a daily basis. Finally,

54 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
some respondents who think that the survey precedes the arrival of material aid blacken the
picture and present their economic situation as "most urgent";

• the difficulties in setting up the optimal size of the focus groups in certain localities and, in
others, the impossibility of holding focus groups only with women for reasons that are essentially
religious and cultural;

• The size of the study area to be covered and the distance between the survey zones;

• The exclusion of the Diffa region from the survey areas due to security regulations, even
though it is a relevant location for studying the links of the MECC nexus in Niger, particularly
around the Lake Chad basin, which is a zone that is particularly exposed to the effects of
climate change;

• The short duration of the time allocated to the field survey combined with the limited means
made available for the field survey. This did not allow for a higher sample size, especially for
quantitative surveys, which would have ensured a higher level of representativeness;

• The context of the handover of services at the level of the town halls, which meant that the
planned interviews with certain local elected officials could not take place.

All these difficulties did not affect the rigor that prevailed throughout the data collection process. They
were overcome mainly thanks to

• the leadership, initiative, experience and knowledge of the field by the national consultant and
the commitment of the entire survey team

• Adequate coordination and supervision of the field surveys;

• The responsiveness of the project team to difficulties and unforeseen events. The diligence and
sense of anticipation of the project manager made it possible to remove any bureaucratic red
tape that might have slowed down the process of carrying out the field phase;

• the support of the staff of the IOM sub-offices located in the localities concerned by the field
survey for the preparation of the survey;

• the availability of a full-time computer scientist-statistician during all phases of the quantitative

• Good preparation of the data collection phase through the establishment of contacts with
administrative, territorial and customary authorities able to facilitate the fieldwork;

• The availability of local people, especially in rural areas. Even if we arrived unannounced, after
having established a few contacts, it was easy to have enough participants to organize a focus
group. With the exception of a few localities where religious reasons were given as a reason
for not being able to organize a focus group with women only, there were almost no refusals
to participate. Everywhere, people were available as soon as they were asked and were very
generous with information to describe, illustrate, complain, evoke the past nostalgically, worry

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 55
about the future, regarding the manifestations of climate change and the consequences of
environmental degradation and especially to illustrate the links of the MECC nexus in their

Finally, it should be noted that the dedication and commitment of the survey staff in Niamey and in the rural
areas contributed greatly to the results we were able to achieve in this study.

56 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger

Rescue operations for stranded migrants in the

Assamaka desert, 2019 / Credit IOM

This second part of the study is devoted to the presentation and analysis of the results of the double survey
conducted in both urban and rural areas. To do so, we highlight how environmental degradation and climate
change are perceived by rural households, the roles they attribute to them in the weakening of socio-economic
systems and consequently in the undermining of social, economic and productive bases in the villages. What is
noteworthy is the propensity of the populations to dwell on what could be called "empirical markers" to portray
climate change. This is to be understood as a plurality of changes perceptible to them in ecosystems, lifestyles,
production practices, etc., which have the direct consequence of contributing to a more marked hardening of living

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 57
"Climate change is uncertainty in everything!” This expression, which we heard at almost every focus
group, symbolizes the dramatic consequences of events that are usually associated with climate change in the
Nigerien context: disruption of rainfall cycles, recurrence of extreme events such as floods, deforestation, loss of
land, dwindling pastoral resources, etc. The populations used anecdotes, examples and comparisons to explain
and, above all, to illustrate all the upheavals that they attribute to environmental degradation and climate change.

The clear break that the interviewees decipher between the times, the landscapes, the lush nature, the
high yields of the past and the desolate images of today, which show a devastated nature, denuded lands, the
disappearance of plant and animal species, the advance of the desert, destructive violent winds, devastating floods,
etc. are, according to them, so many obvious signs of climate change. Climate change, combined with environmental
degradation, is severely testing the resilience of populations. The direct effect is an intensification of migration,
which today affects all social strata, takes on a variety of forms, and is mostly directed towards urban centers,
especially Niamey. While migration is at the heart of people's coping strategies, the social cost of migration is high,
depending on the population, in terms of the weakening of marital ties and family systems.

The populations are implementing actions to mitigate the ravages caused by environmental degradation but
also to prevent the damage generated by climate change. These are therefore initiatives that should be supported
in order to strengthen their resilience.



Rural areas are usually considered to be highly affected by climate change and environmental degradation.
It was important in this study to test this assertion in rural Niger. The data used in this chapter come from a
questionnaire administered to 355 rural households in six regions of the country, as well as from the analysis of
verbatim from focus groups and semi-structured individual interviews.

2.1.1 Socio-demographic profiles of households

The survey covered all six regions of Niger. Out of a sample of 355 households surveyed, the regions of
Zinder and Tahoua are the most represented with 21.7% and 21.4% respectively. They are followed by the Maradi
region with 14.7% and slightly less the regions of Agadez, Dosso and Tillabéri which each represent 14.1% of the

58 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Graph 1 : Distribution of surveyed households by region

Zinder; 14,1%

The overall sample of respondents is dominated by men with a percentage of 54.9%. This male predominance
is found in almost all regions, with a greater difference noted in Agadez and Dosso with 68% and 66% of men
respectively. Tahoua, on the other hand, is an exception with 57.9% of respondents being female.

Graph 2 : Distribution of respondents by gender

70,0% 68,0% 66,0%

6 0,0% 57,9%
56,0% 54,9%
50,0% 46,2% 48,1%
44,0% 45,1%



Agadez Dosso Maradi Tahoua Til laberi Zinder Niger

woman homme

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 59
As indicated in the title of the study, the gender dimension is central to the analysis of the linkages of the
MECC nexus. This led us to redouble our efforts to focus on female targets in the household survey. Our efforts
to ensure that the questionnaire was administered to as many women as possible were not always successful. Due
to cultural and religious practices, the majority of the survey staff was directed to men. Men are the main heads
of households in rural areas, and they are the ones to whom foreigners are referred, especially if they have come
for the survey.

Nevertheless, for a survey in a rural area, achieving a 45.1% rate of female respondents is satisfactory. This
makes it possible to achieve diversity in the responses. This situation is likely to hide the gender dimension that
we have placed at the heart of this study. In order to better highlight the gender dimension, we favored recruiting
young people and women, particularly during the focus groups, in order to have reference data on the impacts
of environmental degradation and climate change on the productive activities of vulnerable groups, as well as the
singularities of their adaptive practices, particularly those related to migration.

The sample of respondents is essentially composed of married individuals who occupy a share of 86.2%.
This dominance of married individuals is found in all the regions of the study. For the regions of Zinder and Maradi,
only married and widowed individuals are present in the sample. Widowers represent 7% of the sample and are
more represented in the Agadez region with 18%. Single people represent only 3.9% of the sample and are more
represented in Dosso with a proportion of 16%. Divorcees are the least present in the sample with 2.8% and are
more represented in Agadez with 12% of respondents.

Graph 3 : Marital status of respondents

Niger 3,9% 2,8% 86,2% 7,0%

Zinder 93,5% 6,5%

Til laberi 8,0% 84,0% 8,0%

Tahoua 3,9% 93,4% 2,6%

Maradi 94,2% 5,8%

Dosso 16,0% 2,0% 78,0% 4,0%

Agadez 4,0% 12,0% 66,0% 18,0%

0,0% 10,0% 20,0% 30,0% 40,0% 50,0% 60,0% 70,0% 80,0% 90,0% 100,0%

Célibataire Divorcé(e) Marié(e) Veuf(ve)

The majority of those surveyed (48.2%) have only completed quranic studies. This trend is the same in all regions,
with a higher concentration in Maradi (69.2%) and Dosso (52%), where more than half of those surveyed have
only studied the Koran.

60 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
It should be noted that those who have no level of education, i.e., have not attended either Koranic or French
school, have a significant share of the sample, representing one fifth. They are more represented in Tahoua with a
proportion of 36.8%.

As for the French school, the primary level represents 16.6% of the sample and is more represented in the regions
of Dosso and Zinder with 26% and 24.3% respectively. As for the secondary level, it represents 13.2% of the
sample and is more frequent in Agadez with 34% of respondents. Finally, the higher level is very poorly represented
in the sample with only 1.7% of respondents. It is also more frequent in Agadez with 8% of respondents in the

Graph 4 : Educational level of respondents

Such a distribution of results concerning the level of education illustrates a situation of widespread illiteracy
in rural areas. It highlights the challenges of access to schooling in rural areas where many people remain excluded
from the school system, especially for the generations most represented in the sample. Substantial efforts have
been made over the last few decades by the Nigerien authorities, but the gap to be bridged is still considerable,
not to mention the negative representations associated with the school system in social circles that are strongly
attached to the Koranic education system. The prevalence of this teaching model is an element to be taken into
consideration in the analysis of perceptions of the factors that explain climate change.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 61
As for the professional category, the sample is mainly made up of farmers who represent 46%, followed
by housewives and shopkeepers with 19% and 16% respectively. Farmers are more common in all regions, except
Tillabéri and Agadez, where they represent 26% and 16% respectively. In the Agadez region, it is the beginners
who are the most represented with 34%, while in the Tillabéri region, it is the housewives who are the most
represented with 30% of respondents. It should be noted that it is in the Agadez region that we find the most
employed respondents (public and private sector) with 16%.

The term housewives, in the context of surveys in African countries, refers to women defined by the
preponderance of domestic activities carried out within the household, but which conceals the extent of the work
carried out in other areas such as agriculture, livestock and the processing of agricultural products. This term is
therefore not fertile enough to account for the multiple activities of women. It can be seen as a way of confining
women to a rather simplistic "professional assignment" because women in rural areas are never solely housewives,
even if they tend to define themselves as such, especially when faced with interviewers who are unable to show
the subtlety needed to propose choices that are more in line with women's professional reality.

Overall, the majority of respondents are local residents, four out of five. This is consistent across all regions
of the study. Internally displaced persons represent 11.5% of the sample and are more frequent in the Maradi
region with a proportion of 32.7%. Migrants are more numerous in Dosso, where they represent one-fifth of the
sample in the region. Transhumants are more common in Agadez, with 10% of respondents.

Graph 5 : Migration status of those surveyed

Overall, the main activity of the population is agriculture according to 92.4% of respondents. This proportion
of the agricultural sector is found in all regions, except Agadez, which has a proportion of 98% for trade. It should
also be noted that livestock breeding and trade are important activities in all regions, with respective rates of 61.7%
and 66.2%. Handicrafts, which is less practiced overall with 15%, is the second main activity in Agadez with a rate
of 76% of respondents.

62 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Graph 6: Main socio-economic activities by region

This overview of some of the socio-demographic characteristics of the people surveyed in the 14 departments
of Niger was intended to provide some basic information that would later allow for a better understanding of the
socio-cultural roots of social representations of climate change and environmental degradation, their impacts and
the resilience practices of the populations, and the role of mobility.

2.1.2 Representations, discourses and practices about environmental change

An important section of the questionnaire focused on rural households' perceptions of environmental

changes in their locality of residence, as well as their representations of climate change and environmental
degradation, their manifestations and consequences. The quantitative data was complemented by the analysis of
individual and group interviews that provide a plurality of indicators of the transformations that the populations
retain as "empirical markers" of climate change.

A strong majority of respondents stated that they had noticed changes in their environment, 93%. This
trend is confirmed in all regions where at least seven out of ten respondents have noticed these changes. Moreover,
in the regions of Maradi and Zinder, all of the individuals surveyed noticed changes in their environment.

The environmental changes are recent, since 63.7% of respondents have noticed them in the last ten years.
Indeed, 35.5% said they had noticed them in the last five years, while 28.2% had noticed them between 6 and 10
years ago. However, one in five respondents say they noticed these changes more than 15 years ago.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 63
Graph 7 : Observation of environmental changes and duration of findings

After having established the reality of environmental change, it was important to look at what the term
means to the populations surveyed, the multiple variations of environmental change and their perceptions of the
daily repercussions of the main changes identified. An important section of the questionnaire was used to collect
the characteristics of environmental changes.

According to the responses obtained, we note that soil degradation, loss of biodiversity, lack of water
and recurrent droughts are the most significant environmental changes for the populations. Indeed, the main
characteristics of environmental changes are soil degradation (70.7%) and loss of diversity (49.9%). They are
followed by the drying up of rivers and drought with 39.2% and 35.8% respectively. However, one fifth of the
respondents mentioned the frequency of floods and one quarter reported the advance of the desert.

Graph 8 : Characteristics of Environmental Change

64 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
The characteristics indicated by the respondents regarding the nature of the changes that they consider
to be the most significant to them are generally similar to those highlighted to account for the manifestations of
climate change in Niger: floods, the advance of the desert, droughts, the drying up of waterways, and the loss of
biodiversity and land degradation.

As far as the extent of environmental change is concerned, the seriousness of the problem is noted
everywhere. Indeed, 48.5% of respondents think that the extent of environmental change is very important.
Moreover, 44.5% of the sample affirm that the magnitude is important. On the other hand, only 6.4% of the
respondents attest that the magnitude of environmental changes is not very important.

Graph 9 : Extent of Environmental Change

When asked about the causes of environmental changes, the populations overwhelmingly considered that
they are the result of God's work, which is the most cited modality by the respondents with a proportion of
56.9%. It is followed by natural factors, which are highlighted by 40.6% of the sample. Finally, human activities and
climate change are the least mentioned with 26.8% and 26.2% of respondents respectively.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 65
Graph 10 : Cause of environmental changes

With regard more specifically to human causes, agricultural practices and deforestation are the main causes
with proportions of 76.8% and 73.7% respectively. However, 37.9% of respondents mention energy needs, while
27.4% mention industrial activities.

Graph 11 : Anthropogenic causes of environmental change

Environmental changes are perceived as being declined in environmental problems of several natures but
having for common denominator their direct incidences on the living conditions and on the productive activities of
the populations. Overall, almost half of the individuals surveyed think that the main consequence of environmental
change is an increase in poverty, i.e. the majority with 49.5%. This opinion is shared in all regions except for Tahoua,
where most respondents consider that the major consequence of these changes is an increase in population
mobility (48.7%). It should also be noted that, in this region, 43.6% of respondents mentioned an increase in

66 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
poverty. Food insecurity was mentioned by only 21.8% of the respondents in the sample. However, it was raised
more as a consequence in the Dosso region with 38.5% of respondents.

Graph 12 : Consequences of environmental changes

As noted above, climate change was identified as an important cause of environmental change. In order
to remain at the heart of the study, especially with a view to deciphering the links between the environment and
climate change, it was important to examine in greater depth the dimension related to climate change in the
questionnaire. This was done in order to examine the understanding of climate change by the populations surveyed,
the definition they gave of it, the realities to which it refers, its manifestations, its causes, its consequences, etc.

2.1.3 Climate change in rural Niger: multiple declinations of a crucial problem

Most respondents equated climate change with a decrease in rainfall (78%). However, 33% characterized it
as an increase in socio-economic problems, 26.8% as an advance of the desert and 19.7% as an increase in rainfall.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 67
Graph 13 : Perception of climate change

Respondents also identified climate events that further highlight the reality of climate change. Overall, the
three most frequent climatic events are: rising temperatures (75.5%), drought (63.9%) and violent winds (34.6%).
This trend is the same in the regions of Dosso, Tahoua and Maradi. In the regions of Agadez and Tillabéri, in
addition to drought and rising temperatures, flooding was mentioned by 48% and 62% of respondents respectively.
As for the advancing desert, it was noted more in the regions of Tillabéri (50%), Dosso (40%) and Agadez (42%).

Graph 14 : Variability in perception of climate events by region

If there are two areas where climate change is strongly expressed in the eyes of the people, it is rainfall and

Almost all respondents noted changes in rainfall, nearly nine out of ten individuals. This trend was consistent
across all regions, where the vast majority made this observation. Moreover, most of them have noticed these
changes during the last ten years (72.3%). However, 22.1% of respondents said they had noticed them more than
ten years ago.

68 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Graph 15 : Observed changes in rainfall

Graph 16 : Duration of rainfall change

Overall, nearly six out of ten respondents say that the major change is that it rains less. This opinion is
shared in Dosso (88%), Tillaberi (84%), Zinder (66.2%), and Tahoua (46.1%) regions. Second, 44% of respondents
indicated that the rainy season starts later. This proportion is higher in Tillabéri, Dosso and Maradi with values of
80%, 58% and 46.2% respectively. It should be noted that in some regions, the rainy season ends early. This is the
case in Dosso and Tillabéri, with proportions of 66% and 74% respectively.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 69
Graph 17 : Major changes in rainfall

Overall, almost all respondents saw changes in the weather (93%). This trend is consistent across all regions.
However, more than seven out of ten respondents say they have seen these changes in the past ten years.

Graph 18 : Observation of change in temperature

70 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Graph 19 : Duration of the change in temperature

Regarding the characteristics of the changes, the respondents mainly emphasized the increase in temperature,
nine out of ten individuals interviewed. This opinion is shared in all regions of the study. On the other hand, 2.3%
of respondents mentioned irregularity in the temperature. This proportion is higher in Dosso with 38%..

Graph 20 : Characteristics of temperature changes

It should be noted that the households targeted in this survey are located in rural area of Niger. As
mentioned above, the survey was conducted among people with a low level of education, for whom understanding
the key terms of the study depended heavily on the explanations provided by the interviewer in the language used
for the survey. Of note is the propensity of respondents to refer to perceptible changes in their living conditions
and their immediate environment as a result of what they consider to be climate change. For this reason, we felt
it was important to supplement these quantitative results with discursive elements drawn from the qualitative
interviews. These are replete with signs presented as clear manifestations of climate change.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 71
The way in which the respondents describe the evolution of the impacts of climate change shows an
awareness of its magnitude, but above all a vision that shows an inclination to "embellish" the past, to characterize
it perhaps in an idyllic way, and rather to depict today's environmental conditions in more negative terms. These
are thus seen as key factors in the many constraints faced by rural households, foremost among them poverty.
In the eyes of the population, climate change is therefore a "reality" to which they are exposed on a daily basis.
This situation reveals the gap between the environmental context of today and that of the past. Climate change is
crystallized in a series of "empirical markers" with "devastating consequences". These are more intense heat waves,
more destructive floods, disruption of rainfall cycles, diminishing forage resources, degrading and less productive
land, damaging winds and disappearing plant and animal species.

Box 5 : Climate change is above all a set of empirical markers revealing

a confusing disruption in the eyes of populations

"When you have a field where you could harvest 200 or more bunches of millet, sometimes you
harvest 50 or less. This is what we call climate change in our understanding. The climate change
is that, before, the first rain falls early. But now the rain falls late. And usually after the first rain
falls, we see a return of the heat. When you expect moisture, it's heat that dominates. Some of
the plant species we know are completely gone.

Sometimes the rain stops when the produce is not yet ripe. Sometimes the rain continues to fall
at harvest time, which rots the yield. There are many cowpea fields that have not been harvested
because all the cowpea is rotten because of the rain [...]. Climate change is only increasing because
the temperature is only getting higher, the trees are only disappearing. There are only the trees
that we planted ourselves that you can see. Before there were many plant species like baobab,
kirya, but they disappeared. There were trees like baobab, kirya, taramniya, gwadda, kalgo, tsiriri,
tamarind. All these trees have disappeared [...]. In the past, after a rain everything soaked into
the ground, which is not the case today. A small rainfall flows and destroys everything in its path.
When winter sets in, it is an absolute worry. Since the water stagnates instead of infiltrating, there
are caterpillars that come out of the ground that we do not know in the past. There is tawraqa
for example that destroys the plantation. It is an enemy that even our ancestors did not know.

The main problem of climate change is the rainfall, the rains are slow to come and even when
they come, they leave early, not to mention their irregularities. We put seeds that in the beginning
germinate and then die because of soil degradation.

Extract from the FGD in Simiri

72 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
"It is the climate change that makes the wintering not go well anymore. When you sow, the
seedlings come out and grow to a certain level, then the rains stop, or insects come and destroy
them [...].

[...] First the rains come late and end early. The soils are poor. There are more people now and
they can't find new land for farming. So won't the people suffer with this there? What is most
difficult is the delay of the rains, the early end of the rains, the drought that has destroyed the
soil. The drought has killed all the plants that used to provide rainfall. Even the ponds have dried
up. There is no more new land either. These lands! We found our parents cultivating them and
we continue with the same land [...]. Climate change can be defined by the advance of the desert
and the hot winds.

[...] Before, we had enough rain. But now, the rains come late, and then as soon as the plants grow
and rise a little, the rains stop and it's a disaster: everything dries up. That's the kind of suffering
that plagues us every year. You struggle to plant and see the seedlings start to come up, and then
the rains go away. And again in recent years, after you've done the seeding, there are crop pests
that come in and destroy everything. For example, last year, in short, nobody was satisfied with
this agricultural year. All the crops were destroyed by a caterpillar.

[...] Either you sow and everything dies, or it grows and the rains stop and everything dries up.
Sometimes it is even when the millet is almost ripe that other incidents occur. Last year, it was
even hail that broke the millet stalks in the fields.

Extract from the FGD in Sargagui

The interesting thing about these speeches is that they reveal people's tendency to point to empirical
evidence of climate change: disappearance of species, transformation of ecosystems, decline in fertility, new and
unknown diseases, unbearable heat, insufficient rainfall, and great uncertainty about the climate: "It's hot when it
should be cold, and it's cold when you should expect heat. Everything is out of whack," as one woman put it during
the FGD in Simiri.

Box 6 : The impacts of land degradation and fragmentation

"With the demographic explosion, the area of agricultural production is getting smaller every
year. Because when a grandparent or parent dies, those who are the heirs will be left with small
areas. And these areas are not only small but they are also washed away. Because you know the
constraint, in any case, is the washing away of the land. That's why we talk about land degradation.
And so, production will be low because the land is impoverished and small and will not be able
to meet the food needs of the population. And all these combined forces the populations to

Interview with the Departmental Director of the Environment of Tessaoua

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 73
When asked about the overall impacts of climate change, the quantitative survey revealed that, overall,
the main impact of climate change on socio-economic activity is a decrease in production according to 76.6% of
respondents. This is followed by more difficult living conditions (59.4%). As for the decrease in livestock, it was
mentioned by 40% of respondents. However, the increase in conflicts and the disappearance of medicinal plants
were the impacts that were raised the least, with proportions of 7.3% and 14.6% of respondents respectively.

Graph 21 : Impacts of climate change

One of the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation is the exacerbation of conflicts over
natural resources. 27.3% reported this type of conflict. The extent of conflicts is greater in the regions of Dosso,
Zinder and Tillabéri, with 40%, 44.2% and 46% respectively indicating the existence of conflicts over natural

74 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Graph 22 : Conflicts related to natural resources

Overall, the resources most affected by conflicts are agricultural land (21.7%). This is the same for all
regions except Agadez, where water is the resource most affected by conflict. Dosso is fairly balanced between
different resources such as water, wood, agricultural land and pasture. In Tillabéri and Zinder, there is also a good
proportion of pastureland with 32% and 20.8% respectively.

Graph 23 : Resources subject to conflict

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 75
Climate change is considered to have formidable environmental consequences and to greatly affect the
economic sectors on which production activities are based. This allows us to understand the insistence on the
role of climate change in the hardening of living conditions which tends to install the populations in a spiral of
indebtedness and decapitalization which confines in a multiform precariousness.

Box 7 : Indebted and decapitalizing in order to face the precariousness

exacerbated by climate change

"When I learned of the discovery of a gold mining site, I sold my donkey, which I use
for transportation, for 40,000 francs. Sometime later, I learned that their supplies
were exhausted. With the little gold they found, they buy food. Eventually, they
realized that it doesn't work. This is how they returned to Agadez. After some two
weeks of their departure, we learned that they are on their way back. I was told
that any extractor who returns early shows that he has had gold. My grand brother
came home with his friend. And they didn't even announce their arrival. It took him
until the next day to tell me that he didn't get anything. He made me understand
that he had no luck and that his supplies were exhausted, so he chose to go home.
But still, I paid for his transportation to Libya. When he was there, we were farming
two fields. But now that he is away, I hardly work one field. The other is abandoned.
So it's a loss."

"We are the first to suffer at Djado (gold panning site). I was first forced to take on
a debt of 50,000 francs. Every day we were hoping to find gold. We dug wells two
to three meters deep but to no avail. When the supplies ran out, we were obliged
to take out a loan of 10 to 15,000 francs from the local bank. There are debts that
have not been paid up to now. Sometimes the board forgives us some debts when it
understands that we are not able to pay them. We had suffered and unfortunately,
we didn't get anything. On the way back we suffered a lot. As heads of families, we
had been forced to walk on foot and sometimes to ask for help from the drivers and
the population. We did not know in what conditions we would find our respective
families. That's how we managed to get to Tanout along the way. We had some
activities that allowed me to buy a few kilos of rice and condiments. When I arrived
home, the family was waiting for me, but I had nothing.

"Most of the migrants are young people. But there are also people who do not have
children or those whose children are unconcerned about the family's problems.
Their destination is foreign countries, but also gold mining sites in the interior of
the country. At the gold sites, there are old and young people, and all of them incur
debts before leaving. However, not all migrants earn something on their return. So
people should have bought food with their money rather than leaving on an exodus.
The migrants always hoped to earn money in their adventure. That's why if things
don't work out, they continue their adventure in Libya or Algeria because they can't
go back home.

Excerpt from the FGD in Bakatsira, Tanout department

76 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
The questionnaire survey of rural households shows that the most available natural resources are agricultural
land (84.8%), water (63.9%) and pasture (62%). These three resources are most often cited in the regions of
Maradi, Tillabéri and Zinder. Charcoal, precious stones and metals are more available in Agadez, with proportions
of 68% and 40% of respondents in the region, respectively. Wood and timber are more available in Agadez,
Tillaberi and Dosso with 92%, 74% and 62% of respondents in these regions respectively.

Graph 24 : Availability of natural resources by region

A large majority of respondents noted changes in the availability of natural resources. Overall, the resources
most affected by these changes are agricultural land (69%) and water (48.2%). This trend is found in the regions
of Maradi, Tahoua and Zinder. It should be noted that water was mentioned the most in Agadez, where four-fifths
of those surveyed mentioned it. Timber is most affected in the regions of Agadez, Dosso and Tillaberi. As for
pastures, they are more affected in Tillaberi and Dosso.

Graph 25 : Evidence of changes in the availability of natural resources and the

resources affected by these changes

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 77
Most respondents attest to having seen changes in the availability of natural resources
between the last three and six years. However, one out of four respondents said that they had seen
changes in the availability of natural resources more than ten years ago, and one out of five said that
they had seen changes between seven and ten years ago.

Regarding the nature of the changes, four out of five respondents reported a reduction in
the availability of natural resources. It is important to note that 15% of respondents also reported
unpredictable availability.

Graph 26 : Characterization of changes and duration of their observation (%)

Increased Unpredictable Reduced

availability availability availability

The main subsistence activities of the population are subsistence farming and trade according to 79.2% and
62.5% of respondents respectively. They are followed by small livestock breeding, which was mentioned by almost
half of the individuals surveyed (49%). The least practiced subsistence activities overall are transhumance (7.9%),
mineral extraction (8.2%) and charcoal extraction and/or trade (9.3%)

78 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Graph 27 : Main livelihood activities (%)

It should be noted that two out of three respondents affirm that in their locality, i.e. 66.2% of the investigators,
people practice several subsistence activities at the same time in the face of the effects of environmental and
climatic changes against 30.7% who affirm the opposite.

The majority of respondents have noted recent changes in the practice of livelihood activities. In all the
regions surveyed, the main characteristic of the changes noted in livelihood activities is the loss of some livelihoods.
This is followed by diversification of livelihoods, which has higher proportions in Dosso (50%) and Tillabéri (40%).

Graph 28 : Change in production activities and characterization of changes

The interviews give a more empirical character to the changes affecting rural populations in the face of the
scale of environmental upheaval and the intensity of climate change.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 79
Box 8 : Multiple manifestations of climate change

"The decrease in soil fertility has existed for a long time. But before, we used to fallow because
we had enough land. But today, we don't have enough land. And you can find twenty people in
the same concession and not all of them have a stable activity. So people are forced to leave in

[...] Before, there were many trees like hano, tarwatsa, kirya, kanya. But all these trees have
disappeared. You can look for them everywhere but you can't get them. It was the dead leaves of
these trees that served as humus to fertilize our soils.

There is also the advance of the desert which degrades the soil. Yesterday we saw an unusual
wind. So it is this advance of the desert that destroys the soil and decreases the agricultural yield.

The absence of trees makes the wind sweep the soil. Apart from that, when the soil was fertile,
there was no need for fertilizer. Still the cultivated land is insufficient. Not everyone has a hectare.
Only people manage with the small plot of land they manage to own.

The population is growing rapidly. There are many people who remove the roots and bark of the
trees when there is not enough rain. So it is normal that these trees fall.

People cut the wood improperly, which exposes the soil to the sun. Besides, when the soil is in
the shade, it is more fertile. But when there are no more trees that drop their leaves, the wind
always sweeps the soil. So it won't be fertile.

At that time, it was difficult to see a peasant who did not own land. But today the rich have
understood the importance of agriculture. They go around to buy the fields of the poor. They
tell them they need 50, 60 or even 100 hectares. The poor who cannot satisfy their vital needs
are always ready to sell their land. This means that today the poor cannot afford to buy half a
hectare. Today the land is in the hands of the rich. Even if the peasants receive help from both
sides, they do not have the means to reclaim their land. They are reduced to laborers for the
fields of the rich."

Excerpt from the FGD of Dan Kada, Aguié, Maradi region

In the face of environmental change, most respondents revealed that local populations have adopted
adaptation mechanisms, i.e. 62.2% of them. This trend is found in most regions, with the exception of Agadez and
Tahoua, where the majority testified that adaptation mechanisms have not been adopted, with proportions of
56% and 66% respectively.

80 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Graph 29 : Adoption of adaptive practices

As far as adaptation practices are concerned, they are very diversified according to the populations. Thus,
the most frequent are migration and change of job with respectively, 35.8% and 31.3%. However, other less
frequent mechanisms were adopted, notably changing consumption habits (15.5%), changing eating habits (14.9%)
and alternating crops and agricultural practices (10.7%).

Graph 30 : Adaptive practices adopted (%)

In terms of change, the most adopted practice is increasing spending on food and water (76.6%). This is
followed by increased spending on livelihood infrastructure (22.8%) and increased spending on services such as
health care (20.8%.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 81
Graph 31 : Changes in consumption patterns (%)

To respond to the deterioration of their living conditions due to environmental disruptions, rural households
favor internal adjustments through changes in consumption practices and lifestyles. Nevertheless, migration plays
a major role in the dynamics of adaptation.

2.1.4 “Migration is the only choice". The place of migration in the resilience
dynamics of rural households

In the face of a changing environmental context and accelerating climate change, the search for adaptive
practices is of crucial importance for rural households, especially in a more difficult socio-economic context.
Climate change has confusing effects that mean that "everything has become uncertain", to use an expression that
came up as a leitmotif in the interviews and FGDs. In addition, the state is struggling to meet basic social needs
against a backdrop of demographic growth, which is itself seen as exacerbating the difficulties of rural households.

The majority of respondents say that there are people who have left their locality of origin, 61.4% of them.
This opinion is more widespread in the regions of Zinder (93.5%), Tahoua (82.9%), Maradi (78.8%) and Agadez
(58%). In contrast, in Dosso, almost all (94%) of respondents say that there is no displacement of populations in
their locality. This trend is also noted in Tillabéri, where only one out of five individuals noted the displacement of
populations in their locality.

82 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Graph 32 : Existence of displaced persons in localities (%)

The majority of respondents consider the extent of these trips to be not very important with 50.5%.
However, 31.2% considered it important and 18.3% thought it was very important. The exceptions are Zinder and
Agadez, where the majority of respondents considered the scale of these trips to be important or very important.

Graph 33 : Extent of travel (%)

The most common form of travel is from one village to another within the same locality. This is the opinion
of 42.3% of respondents. The other forms of movement, notably between regions, between communes or even
to a neighboring country, are the least practiced by people who leave their locality of origin.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 83
Graph 34 : Main forms of travel (%)

Slightly more than half of the respondents (51.1%) revealed that a member of their family had been forced
to leave their locality of origin. This trend is the same in the regions of Maradi (84.6%), Tahoua (51.3%) and Zinder
(68.8%). In contrast, the opposite effect is noted in other regions such as Agadez, Dosso and Tillabéri, where the
majority said that none of their family members had been forced to leave their locality of origin.

Graph 35 : Family member in migration (%)

Most respondents, 67.6%, think that migration is an adequate response to environmental change. This
tendency is found in almost all regions, with the exception of Agadez where 56% of respondents think the

84 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Graph 36 : Opinion on migration as a response to environmental change (%)

Overall, migration plays an important role in the actions taken to deal with environmental change. But
the role of migration in the dynamics of resilience is better highlighted in the discourses during the qualitative
interviews. They provide insight into the centrality of migration and the transformations affecting them.

Box 9 : The centrality of migration to the dynamics of resilience

and the transformations affecting it

"There are young people between 25 and 35 years old, but also young people of 17 years old.
These young people leave their villages out of necessity because the agricultural yield is very low.
Young people who do not leave will never be able to marry. Because it was thanks to the sale of
agricultural products that young people marry, and now the agricultural yield is low. And today life
is very expensive. If you can't get enough to eat, do you think about marriage? That's why young
people are forced to leave in order to earn something to add to the little they got from farming,
just so they can get married "

FGD in Maijirgui, Tessaoua, Maradi

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 85
"We usually come here after the harvest, as we have only one (production) season, the
rainy season, the able-bodied try to migrate to other horizons. Either inside the country or
outside. If it is within the country, people migrate to Agadez, others go to Zinder or to Diffa.
There are people who go to Konni, to Madaoua and to Niamey. And there are people, most of
whom are returning to Nigeria. A large part of them is still leaving today, with the movement that
is attracting people to the gold mining sites in Tibarkaden and other places, and to Mali, where
people are leaving at the moment. People are even leaving for Libya and Algeria."

Interview with the mayor of Tessaoua Garba, Maradi

"Normally, at the end of the rainy season, after the harvest, the population rushes to
urban centers to find food. The deficits are already there. Often, even before the evaluation of the
agro-pastoral campaign, the deficit is already there. The population sees it. They feel it. So they
are forced to migrate to the more affluent areas, which are the urban centers. And here I assure
you that the commune most concerned is the commune of Ourafane. Because as I said earlier, it
is a commune which, from the point of view of the deficit, is the most marked in the department.
It is true that in the other communes, there are pockets but this phenomenon is much more
noticeable in the commune of Ourafane compared to the other communes."

Interview with the Departmental Director of the Environment of Tessaoua, Maradi

"In this village, there are more than 30 young people who have left. Among them are
married and single people. They are leaving either for Lagos or for Warou. Others are leaving
for Libya. These young people send money to take care of their families and also to improve
agricultural production. As soon as the neighbor becomes aware of the help that others receive,
he does everything to send his child. Once abroad, they do work that requires strength, such
as transporting water and construction. They send their families the means to take care of
themselves [...]. There are migrants who pawn their family fields to pay for transportation. And
it is afterwards that they will send money to recover the field and continue to cultivate. And if
they can't get the field back, they send the money to rent a field [...]. There are young people
who want to get married but they don't have the means. Or they have sisters who have reached
marriageable age. That's why they leave to look for something to organize the ceremonies and
save the dignity of the family."

FGD in Dan Kada, Aguié, Maradi

Migration motives and strategies are often well described in interviews with departmental directors of civil
status, migration and refugees. These migratory dynamics are part of ancient migratory systems organized around
seasonal migration, pastoral mobility, rural exodus and migration abroad, but limited to countries bordering Niger.

86 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Box 10 : Migration systems in Loga and Tessaoua departments
and the effects of climate change

"Loga is a migration zone, but the types of migration that exist here are seasonal migrations, those
commonly called "rural exodus. There are villagers who leave the villages for, for example, the
departmental capital Loga. Others go to Doutchi. Some go to Dosso, some go to Niamey and
others, most of them go to coastal countries such as Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana,
etc. In any case, migration is regional, national, sub regional and African. Because there are some
who go as far as Gabon and Cameroon. But there is another core for whom it is Libya.

"Loga is an agro-pastoral area but rudimentary [...]. With the demographic explosion, the land
is not sufficient for agricultural activities, and the land is impoverished. Because when your
grandfather had exploited the same field, your father exploited it, you yourself exploited it. Every
year, it impoverishes the soil. This is one of the factors of climatic hazards. The rains that we were
expecting, to have a good rainfall, at first they don't come in time, and when they do come, they
don't come at the desired time. So all this is linked to climate change. You saw people before the
end of May, beginning of June in the 80's, people were planting because they had rain. Nowadays,
it takes the end of June to have the first rains in Loga. Second factor: frequently when you talk
to people in the rural world, they will tell you that agriculture does not feed people. Livestock
farming does not provide straw for the animals every year. So he prefers to go outside to look
for some money to come back".

Interview with the Director of the Department of Civil Status, Migration

and Refugees of Loga

"You know, land security is the basis of all this. What is land security? I would like to be clear, we
all know that in Niger, in any case, cultivated land is not increasing, but the population is growing.
This means that inherited land is becoming increasingly small. And because of the lack of mineral
fertilizer or organic matter, agricultural production is becoming increasingly low. This is what
makes that the productions do not manage to satisfy the needs of the families. So necessarily,
people in Tessaoua, and this is true throughout Tessaoua, I don't know if it's immigration or
periodic migration because people are going to Libya. You will see families, groups of young
people who will go up to Mali, Algeria in search of a better life. You see. In any case, even if not
all of the household leaves, there is a part of the household that leaves to look for a better future,
even in Agadez and Arlit. There are even women who leave their households to go begging."

Interview with the Departmental Director of the Environment of Tessaoua

Most respondents have seen recent changes in the migration of the local population. They represent 67.6%
of the overall sample. According to the nature of the change, the majority reported an increase in emigration
(46.5%) as well as an increase in immigration (26.8%). This finding is shared by almost all regions. However, in
the Agadez region, 32% of respondents noted a decrease in emigration and in Zinder 33.8% noted a decrease in

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 87
Graph 37 : Changes in migration and nature of changes (%)

Data from quantitative and qualitative surveys highlight the centrality of migration within rural households
in the face of environmental upheaval and climate change. Today, several significant trends in migration dynamics
can be observed in different regions of Niger, and these trends are reflected in the results of our study. They have
the merit of highlighting the predominant role of environmental degradation and climate change alongside socio-
economic and security factors1 :

• population departures (especially young people) from the regions of Tahoua, Maradi and Tillabéri to
foreign countries due to land degradation exacerbated by the effects of climate change;

• significant internal migration from Tillabéri to urban centers, particularly Niamey, but this concerns
women in particular ;

• massive departures from the Zinder region (especially in the departments of Kantché and Magaria)
and the Dosso region (department of Loga) due to demographic pressure aggravated by land
degradation. These movements are mainly fueled by women and young people and the destinations
are both internal (Niamey) and external (Nigeria, Algeria and Libya in particular) ;

• the reinforcement of the status of the Agadez region (Arlit and Agadez) as a transit area for migrants
from Niger, but especially from other West African countries, whose final destination is Europe via
Libya, despite the measures taken to curb the phenomenon of irregular emigration in Niger by
tightening legislation and repatriating candidates for irregular emigration to their countries of origin ;

Synthesis of trends thanks to : ABDOU H., Karimou I.A., Harouna B.K., Zataou M.T., 2020, "Perception du changement climatique des éleveurs et stratégies
d'adaptation aux contraintes environnementales : cas de la commune de Filingué au Niger", Rev. Elev. Med. Vet. Pays Trop. 73 (2): 81-90, https://revues.cirad.fr/
index.php/REMVT/article/download/31873/31509; BELLO Ibrahim MOHAMED, 2019. "Climate Shocks and Seasonal Migration in the Tahoua Region of Niger:
an approach using a dichotomous model," Region and Development, No. 4, https://regionetdeveloppement.univ-tln.fr/wp-content/uploads/4-Bello.pdf; IOM,
2018. Climate Change, Livelihoods, Migration and Conflict in the Lake Chad Basin. Perceptions from riparian communities in Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Ni-
geria, Displacement Tracking Matrix Report, IOM Development Fund; REPUBLIC OF NIGER, Ministry of Population, National Population Policy 2019-2035,
https://pnin-niger.org/pnin-doc/web/uploads/documents/238/Doc-20191217-095701.pdf.; REPUBLIC OF NIGER, 2020. Niger National Migration Policy, 2020.

88 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
• the increase in the number of internally displaced persons in the regions of Zinder and Diffa due
to the advance of sand dunes, which have caused the disappearance of entire villages in the most
affected localities, forcing the population to seek more suitable sites for their settlement. This poses
real problems in a context of shrinking land availability and increasing conflicts over access ;

• the increase in the flow of internally displaced persons in the Niger River valley and in the Aïr
region due to the recurrent floods recorded in these areas in recent years (2010, 2012, 2018 and
2020). The floods of the 2020 winter season and even those of 2021 resulted in many human
casualties and considerable material damage (collapse of houses, waterlogging of cultivation areas,
loss of livestock, loss of food, etc.) for populations plunged into a spiral of vulnerability (poverty,
settlement on sites particularly at risk from flooding, etc.). Hundreds of thousands of victims have
been counted, most of whom have had to leave their homes temporarily or permanently. With
climate change, floods are likely to become more frequent, so the number of internally displaced
people in Niger is likely to explode, requiring costly responses from the government for their
relocation and for disaster risk reduction ;

• the displacement of populations living around the Lake Chad bed to the communes of Diffa,
Chétimari and Maïné because of the terrorist violence to which these localities are exposed. These
displaced populations can thus contribute significantly to environmental degradation in the host
areas through the collection of wood for energy and the construction of makeshift housing, but also
because of the deforestation they are forced to carry out in order to carry out agricultural activities
that are essential to their survival ;

• the settlement of populations in gold panning sites, particularly in the Tillabéri region and around
Tabelot in the Aïr. This activity is not without environmental nuisances related to the dumping of
chemicals (mercury, cyanide) used for artisanal gold mining, the destruction of natural balances, the
loss of biodiversity, the abusive cutting of wood, soil degradation, etc.

• the influx of refugees from neighboring countries where the security situation has deteriorated,
particularly in the tri-border area (Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger) and in certain parts along the
border with Nigeria where terrorist violence and insecurity have led entire villages in northern
Nigeria to seek refuge in Niger The influx of refugees is not without a fairly high environmental cost;
it also contributes to tensions over the use of agricultural, pastoral and land resources in the Niger
localities where they settle ;

• lthe increase in the number of expelled or "returned" migrants, particularly from Algeria, Libya, Côte
d'Ivoire, Saudi Arabia, Central African Republic, etc. The increase in the category is not without
challenges related to their social reintegration and the management of their socio-professional
reintegration in a context of socio-economic gloom in Niger.

The means used to react to environmental shocks and climatic risks are to opt, initially, for seasonal
migration, alternating between settling in urban areas during the dry season and returning to the village during the
winter months. However, for many households, this move to the city, initially intended to be temporary, quickly
turns into a longer stay, or even a permanent move to the city, where the informal economy offers a range of
survival activities that provide income and, above all, facilitate the integration of internal migrants, who often lack

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 89
the educational and professional qualifications needed to move into other sectors. The rural exodus is not the
only adaptation strategy of rural households in the face of the multiple environmental, climatic, socio-economic,
etc. risks to which they are exposed; leaving for mining areas is one of the adaptation strategies of households, as
is the search for alternative economic opportunities in the gold mining sector.

One of the elements of consensus in the focus groups concerning the changes in the dynamics of migration
in rural areas is that migration is no longer solely a male activity. In localities such as Kantché, Loga and Magaria,
the departure of women is a social fact of great magnitude. Environmental degradation and change play a decisive
role in these female migrations, which are mainly directed towards Niamey, thus feeding internal flows that play a
central role in the growing urbanization of the Nigerien capital.



Analysis of the effects of climate change and environmental degradation on migration dynamics has
highlighted the centrality of rural exodus in the migration systems of rural Niger. Migration to the city during the
dry season is deeply rooted in migration systems in all regions of Niger. Niamey, because of its status as a place
where administrative, industrial, economic, educational, commercial, etc. activities are concentrated, is therefore
well suited to host surveys of internal migrants to better highlight the role of environmental degradation and
climate change on migration and vice versa.

Focusing on the trajectories of internal migrants provides valuable insight into the impacts of environmental
degradation and climate change on migration dynamics. To show these links, we rely on a questionnaire survey of
147 internal migrants interviewed in Niamey.

90 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
2.2.1 Socio-demographic characteristics of the people surveyed

The sample of migrants surveyed is mainly dominated by men. We note that 60.5% were men and 39.5%
were women, all living in Niamey.

Graph 38 : Reason for not moving

lack of financial means lack of knowledge willingness to stay

delayed departure professional retraining (other activities)

In order to better appreciate the centrality of migration in adaptation strategies, we considered it important
to focus on those who did not migrate. The analysis of the reasons for their non-moving provides a valuable
indicator on the “stock of people ready to go on migration”. The survey data show that the main reason for their
non-migration is the willingness to stay according to six in ten respondents. However, four in ten respondents cited
lack of financial resources as a reason for not moving. Finally, 22% of people reported delaying their migration.

Graph 39 : Gender distribution of respondents in Niamey

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 91
The survey of rural households revealed a feminization of migration flows. Internal migration is therefore no
longer the exclusive domain of men, even if there are still more men in rural households who resort to it because
of socio-cultural prescriptions and religious norms that give men more latitude in terms of mobility. However, there
are currently profound changes taking place in rural Niger that highlight the dynamics of women's empowerment
with respect to mobility.

The field survey in rural areas highlighted women's migration as a fact of life that populations have attributed
to climate change and environmental degradation. It is therefore not surprising that more and more women (young
people and adults) are coming to settle in Niamey and taking up employment in the domestic help sector, itinerant
trade, catering, etc. The resourcefulness of women and their resilience can be seen near road junctions, in markets
set up along the roads where they can be found in large numbers with their arms full of products for street sale
(fabrics, beauty products, foodstuffs, etc.) if they are not in front of a table, busy preparing meals for sale, while
others resort to begging as their main activity in urban areas or abroad (Algeria, Nigeria).

Most of the people interviewed in Niamey were young people. Indeed, 67.3% of the migrants surveyed
were under 35 years of age. Moreover, the most frequent age group is 25-34 years old with a percentage of
35.4%, followed by the 18-24 age group which represents 29.9% of the sample. It is worth noting that minors are
the least represented since they represent only 2% of our sample.

Graph 40 : Age distribution of internal migrants

The graph below highlights that internal mobility is the work of young people and adults, which is
corroborated by the survey in rural areas, where the majority of households emphasized that migration is mainly
among young people and adults. It is therefore active people who leave the rural areas to come and settle in
Niamey. This implies fewer hands for field work and other activities in rural households. It is also the most dynamic
segment of the population and the one most inclined to make the changes needed to improve living conditions in
rural areas that opts to move to the city.

92 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
This situation is not without consequences for the resilience of rural areas in the face of environmental
degradation and climate change. It is true that migrant remittances are invaluable for the survival of households,
but for more sustainable resilience dynamics, human resources are essential to develop initiatives that reconcile
economic gains with environmental preservation.

Regarding marital status, the majority of migrants surveyed are married, representing 59.9% of our sample.
At the same time, we note that one migrant out of four is single. Widows and divorcees are the least represented
among the respondents with proportions of 10.9% and 4.1% respectively.

Graph 41 : Distribution by marital status

As for the level of education, the observation that emerges is that more than half of the migrants surveyed
did not attend French school (65.3%). In fact, the majority of them had attended Koranic schools, i.e. 37.4% of the
sample, and 27.9% had not attended either Koranic or French schools. However, all those who attended French
school had a primary or secondary education, with proportions of 21.8% and 12.9% respectively. Thus, none of
the migrants surveyed had attained a higher level of education.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 93
Graph 42 : Distribution by education level

Quranic studies

The level of education is not homogeneous between men and women. It reveals disparities that are
themselves a reflection of the inequalities between men and women that are found in Niger society in general.
These inequalities show that women are generally excluded from the formal school system despite the many
advances that have been made in girls' schooling.

Graph 43 : Educational level by gender

Quranic studies

According to the graph above, there is a strong disparity between men and women according to the level
of education. Thus, among the respondents who did not have to attend any form of school, 60.98% are women.
The trend for Koranic and primary education is almost constant with 34.55% and 37.50% for women against
65.45% and 62.50% for men. The disparity is even more noticeable when the school level evolves because we find
just 10.53% of women at this stage. However, it should be noted that the preceding remarks may be influenced by
the unequal number of women and men in the sample.

94 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
The majority of migrants living in Niamey work in commerce and the informal sector with proportions
of 44.2% and 24.5% respectively. Housewives represent 11.6% of the sample, while the other socio-professional
categories, notably employees, farmers and herders, each represent less than 5% of the sample. Migrants with no
occupation represent 4.1% of respondents.

Graph 44 : Distribution by socio-professional category

The survey of internal migrants indicates that the primary sector (agriculture, livestock, fishing) and the
tertiary sector (commerce, handicrafts) were their main activities in their places of origin. The other activities
represent only 3.40% of the main activities cited by the individuals in the sample.

We also note that agriculture is the dominant activity in the migrants' localities of origin. In fact, it represents
99.32% of the responses cited, followed by livestock (72.11%) and trade (58.50%). Among the activities, fishing is
the one least cited by the migrants: 8.10%.

Graph 45 : Main socio-economic activities in the localities of origin (%)

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 95
Overall, more than half (42.18%) of the migrants interviewed said that men and women do not practice
the same activities in their locality of origin. According to them, trade and other activities outside agriculture, crafts,
commerce, and livestock raising and fishing are the main activities of women. However, men and women do not
have the same perception. More than 7 out of 10 women (70.69%) say that men and women practice the same
activities, unlike men who are divided on the question.

Graph 46 : Perception of equality of activities by gender (%)

An analysis of the characteristics of the internal migrants surveyed in Niamey reveals a typical profile: a
young single adult man or woman with no schooling, of rural origin, who earns in the popular economy and who
has come to seek income to improve his or her socio-economic situation and that of his or her family in his or
her locality of origin. This economic motivation is certainly important, but it is not exclusive to his or her internal
migration trajectory. Factors related to environmental degradation and climate change play a key role in migration

2.2.2 Perceptions of Environmental Change and Climate Change

By collecting data on the migration path and socio-economic choices of internal migrants in Niamey, our
objective is to test the MECC nexus in order to highlight the role of environmental degradation and climate change
in migration dynamics. Before examining their impacts, part of the questionnaire focused on the perceptions of
climate change and environmental disruption of internal migrants in their locality of origin.

We note that 88.44% of respondents in Niamey stated that they had noticed changes in the environmental
conditions in their localities of origin over the past five years or more.

The main characteristic of the environmental changes observed is soil degradation with a percentage
of 73.8%. Decreased rainfall is the second most important change identified with 57.69%. The other changes
indicated by the respondents in Niamey are the lengthening of drought periods (48.5%), the advance of the desert
(49.2%), the loss of biodiversity (39.2%) and the frequency of floods (40.8%). The changes indicated broadly

96 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
overlap with the major environmental constraints in terms of climate change in Niger: floods, droughts, desert
encroachment, and land loss. They are considered to have negative social and economic consequences and play a
major role in migration.

Graph 47 : Perception of environmental change

When asked about the seriousness of climate change, the majority of respondents think it is very serious
(52.3%) while 42.3% perceive it as serious. Those who consider climate change to be normal or insignificant are
in the minority, with only 3.8% and 1.5% respectively. What emerges from the study is the seriousness of climate
change, which is measured by the multiple negative effects perceived by the respondents as having played an
important role in their settlement in Niamey. This percentage of people who perceive climate change as serious
or very serious is interesting because it indicates not only an awareness of its negative effects, but it can serve as
a basis for raising awareness and involving the population in policies and programs for adaptation and mitigation..

Graph 48 : Extent of climate change

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 97
As with the rural household survey, the questionnaire used for the internal migrant survey asked about the
main causes of environmental disruption in the eyes of internal migrants. As with the rural survey, the main cause
cited in Niamey was God's work, with 71.5% of responses. It should also be noted that even if the other causes
were relatively less mentioned, their frequency is not negligible. Indeed, climate change, human activities and natural
factors were highlighted respectively by 36.2%, 41.5% and 46.2% of the migrants interviewed.

With regard to human causes, we note a preponderance of causes such as deforestation (88.9%) and
agricultural practices (81.5%). However, industrial activities and energy needs were the least reported among
human causes with proportions of 31.5% and 29.6% respectively. In terms of actions to combat environmental
disruption, it is important to pay special attention to deforestation and agricultural practices by implementing
appropriate actions to reduce pressures on natural capital, to promote agricultural techniques that reconcile
productivity and protection of ecosystems.

Graph 49 : Causes of environmental change and share of anthropogenic causes

Climate change is perceived in different ways by the people we interviewed in Niamey. Most of them
perceive it as a decrease in rainfall (32.84%). This is followed by an increase in socio-economic problems (26.63%)
and a reduction in forests (24.56%). However, 12.43% perceive it as an increase in rainfall.

Graph 50 : Perception of climate change (%)

98 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
The most frequent climatic event, according to respondents in Niamey, is the rise in temperature with
30.65%. Drought comes second with 23.64%. High winds were recorded for 17.4% and floods for 14.55%. In
addition, 6.49% noted bush fires and 5.19% unseasonal rainfall.

Graph 51 : Climatic events (%)

The environmental problems encountered in the localities of origin are diverse. Indeed, one person out of
four insists on soil degradation, others indicate drought (19.87%) or forest degradation (16.53%) or lack of water
(14.44%). On the other hand, 10.67% consider that the environmental problems in their locality of origin are
erosion (10.7%), the decrease in the flow of water (10.5%) or salinization (3.4%).

Graph 52 : Environmental problems in home communities (%)

As for the environmental problems encountered in Niamey, for respondents in the Nigerien capital, soil
degradation (19.68%) and lack of water (19.35%) are the most frequently cited problems, while 11.61% of individuals
indicate a decrease in river flows, followed by forest degradation (18.39%), drought (14.19%), erosion (5.16%) and
salinization (2.58%).

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 99
Graph 53 : Environmental problems in Niamey (%)

Internal migrants interviewed in Niamey were asked to give their opinion on the main anthropogenic
causes of environmental degradation. For them, land clearing is the main anthropogenic cause of environmental
degradation. One person out of four points to this practice as responsible for environmental degradation. Then
follow agricultural practices (22.91%), overgrazing (17.52%) and bush fires (16.71%). Clandestine exploitation is
mentioned by 15.63% of the individuals interviewed. Land clearing is accentuated by demographic pressure and
land degradation.

Graph 54 : Anthropogenic causes of environmental degradation (%)

More than eight out of ten people say that climate change has had an impact on their activities. According
to them, the impacts range from difficult living conditions (62.59%) to loss of activities (12.49%), a decrease in
production (53.06%) and a decrease in cultivable land (42.18%).

Moreover, the impacts of climate change are not felt in the same way by men and women. Women are
more likely to declare that their socio-economic activities are impacted by climate change. They are 70.69% to
share this opinion against 49.44% for men. The differentiated impacts according to gender are due to the fact
that women's socio-economic activities are more dependent on natural resources (agriculture) in addition to their

100 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
activities in the domestic space for which they are also dependent on natural resources (water and energy wood
supply). Women working in agriculture often find themselves facing more difficult constraints due to the poor land
where they practice their activities and the obstacles related to the arduous efforts they must make to carry out
their activities.

Graph 55: Overall impacts of climate change on the socio-economic

activities of men and women (%)

For the internal migrants interviewed in Niamey, the populations are not powerless in the face of climate
change. They are trying to adapt to this new reality, which has several harsh consequences.

Overall, 58.50% of the respondents stated that they have adapted to climate change either by developing
a new activity (36.05% of the adaptations mentioned) or by migrating a family member (30.61%), or by seeking a
new activity or developing market gardening (29.25%) or selling animals (22.45%).

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 101
Graph 56 : Resilience action against environmental change (%)

As the chart below highlights, migration of family members is one of the main coping strategies according to
the internal migrants interviewed in Niamey. This highlights the centrality of migration within Nigerien households.
Migration has always been the first resort in the face of socio-economic shocks such as drought, crop failure, locust
invasion, etc. It would not be surprising, therefore, if migration were to be the first resort in the face of such shocks.
It would not be surprising, therefore, if internal mobility were fully linked to factors related to environmental
degradation and climate change.

2.2.3 The role of environmental degradation and climate change

in internal mobility

The order of importance of the different reasons for migration from the countryside to the cities shows
that the main reason is food insecurity, according to seven out of ten migrants. It is followed by climate change for
42.7% of migrants and environmental conditions for 40.3% of the sample. As for conflicts, they are ranked as the
least important reason by seven out of ten migrants

102 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Graph 57 : Main reasons for migration to cities

The majority of migrants, three out of four, say that environmental issues played a role in their migration.
Among them, more than half (51.8%) consider this role to be very important. Moreover, 35.5% of them think that
the role played by environmental problems in their migration is important.

Graph 58 : Opinion on the role of environmental factors and their

importance in internal mobility (%)

For the respondents, most of the women who leave are between 20 and 30 years old (according to
three out of four respondents), followed by those under 20 (17.54%). 5.26% think that female migrants are
those between 30 and 40 years old. Finally, a small proportion (1.75%) opts for those over 40. As far as men are
concerned, 43.94% of the respondents think that men in the 20-30 age group are the ones leaving. 37.12% indicate
men in the 30-40 age group. Only 3.79% mention men over 40 years old.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 103
Graph 59 : Age range of men and women leaving (%)

Overall, rural-urban migration is the most common form of migration. Indeed, 85.71% think that migrants
leave rural areas for urban areas. On the other hand, for 6.12% of the respondents, the movements are from urban
areas to rural localities. On the other hand, 8.16% think that migration to foreign countries is the most common.

Graph 60 : Form of mobility of migrants (%)

Most migration is seasonal for 59.18% of respondents. On the other hand, 39.61% think that migration is
temporary and 10.2% that it is permanent.

104 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Graph 61 : Duration of migration (%)

The vast majority of migrants, 85.6%, believe that their socioeconomic situation has improved by migrating
to Niamey. As for the environmental conditions of their place of residence in Niamey, nearly six out of ten migrants
consider them to be difficult, even very difficult.

Graph 62 : Opinion of internal migrants on the evolution of their socio-economic

situation and their environmental conditions in Niamey (%)

The environmental problems to which they are most exposed are: heat (92.5%), insalubrity (74.8%) and a
little less flooding (34%) and sand winds (34.7%).
Nearly all migrants reported returning to their locality of origin. They represent nine out of ten migrants

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 105
Graph 63 : Return to the locality of origin (%)

In terms of frequency, the majority return occasionally (47.8%). However, three out of ten migrants return
several times a year to their place of origin and 12% on the occasion of religious events. As for the reasons, nearly
eight out of ten migrants say they return to visit family, while 17.2% of them return for professional activities.

Graph 64 : Frequency of return to the locality of origin and reasons for return (%)

The majority of migrants have not tried to develop a project in their home community. They represent
nearly seven out of ten of them. Among those who have tried, the main investment sectors are agriculture (54.3%),
trade (56.5%) and livestock (37%).

106 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Graph 65 : Attempt to develop a project in the locality of origin and the area of
investment (%)

The majority of migrants do not wish to return permanently to their locality of origin with a proportion of
47%. However, 45.6% wish to do so while 7.5% are undecided.

Graph 66 : Desire to return to home community (%)

Migrants keep their ties to their families. In fact, almost all the respondents indicated that they help their
families. Most of the time, this assistance consists of regular remittances (67.16% of respondents). The next most
common form of assistance was the sending of goods (23.88%).

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 107
Graph 67 : Types of aid (%)

Overall, the survey of migrants in Niamey shed light on their perceptions of the environmental and climatic
changes prevailing in their localities of origin and in their areas of residence in Niamey. The survey data revealed
an awareness of the negative consequences in their localities of origin, in terms of aggravated socio-economic
problems, including food insecurity, harsh living conditions and the lack of professional and economic prospects in
rural areas.

Migrants put forward economic reasons for moving to Niamey, where they hope to find ways to improve
their economic situation and help their relatives cope with the vulnerability of their villages of origin through self-
help activities. Although more women are "confined to immobility", more and more of them are now migrating.
This growing phenomenon has been seen as one of the most symptomatic of the upheavals caused by climate
change and environmental degradation. This situation poses significant gender issues in both the places of departure
and destination

108 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger

The consequences of climate change have contrasting impacts on women and men in Niger, especially in
rural areas where women face an overlap of vulnerabilities against a backdrop of economic and social inequalities
reinforced by cultural norms and religious prescriptions. Environmental degradation and climate change amplify
these inequalities. In order to understand the roots of these inequalities and to identify ways to build resilience, we
have systematically favored an approach that allows us to relay the voices of women and other vulnerable groups,
their perceptions of how their lives and activities are impacted by environmental disruption and climate change.

Environmental degradation and climate change can generate trade-offs that benefit men because of social
norms and religious prescriptions governing gender status and roles that are more favorable to men: men as
providers of resources and income and women responsible for domestic tasks and confined to the domestic
sphere. "When men are in difficult situations, it is normal that women are also in bad conditions. Because their lives
depend on men's lives," said a woman during a FGD in Gallé in the Tahoua region.

Girls' capacity to respond to disasters is thus diminished because the skills and knowledge needed to survive
disasters are taught more to boys than to girls. In addition, extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, high
winds and bush fires also generate stress and frustration that can impact community and family relations, which can
lead to gender-based violence. The precariousness of living conditions imposed by climate change leads households
to reorganize their health and education practices and to reallocate their resources in ways that may disadvantage
girls and women. For example, the consequences of climate change, through its impact on family incomes, can lead
to girls dropping out of school and early marriage. The scarcity of natural resources is likely to increase women's
working hours, make their living conditions more precarious and accentuate inequalities to their detriment.

In Niger, the responsibility for unpaid care falls considerably on women. The time and effort devoted to
cooking, health and assistance to family members, cleaning, and domestic chores such as finding water and wood
products for cooking fall on women because of the prevalence of gender norms. This translates into an extremely
large amount of work time for women. In a context where men migrate, this time may be even greater as women
may be forced to combine unpaid caregiving responsibilities with physically demanding domestic and field work to
make up for the absence of men.

In rural Niger, women are responsible for household activities such as collecting wood, preparing meals,
and fetching water, all of which take up several hours of their time each day. This can have negative consequences
on girls' schooling and reduce women's time for income-generating activities that can help supplement household
income. Economic constraints and socio-cultural prescriptions that prevent women from accessing land resources,
from engaging in paid employment, and from migrating make it more difficult for them to engage in productive
activities and, for those who do, the sectors they invest in are more dependent on natural resources and therefore
on climatic hazards.

Climate change and environmental degradation are perceived as amplifying the difficulties in carrying out
activities of a domestic nature, particularly those that rely on the use of natural resources (water and energy wood
supply). The accomplishment of these tasks becomes more difficult in the context of climate change, as confirmed
by these excerpts from speeches collected during various FGDs.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 109
Box 11 : Increased responsibilities and tasks for rural women in the
context of climate change

"It is the women who suffer more than the men. Because the latter can leave the house
without leaving anything for the family [...].

It is the women who suffer more because they are the ones who have to take care of
many things. Washing the children, doing the laundry, and even talking about what to eat, when
the husband goes out, it is possible that they are already in charge of the children before the
husband comes because he doesn't have the thing available in advance. She manages with the
children [...].

The women are in many difficult situations that the husbands do not go through. Being
at home, they are the ones who prepare when the husband brings something to prepare. They
are the ones who take care of the children. If the child is sick, the wife cannot sleep, which is not
the case with the husband who can sleep snoring. Three quarters of the women take care of the
home more than the men, regardless of the man's standard of living. Children often go to their
mothers. Some parents can go for years without being able to sit with their children."

FGD in Roumbassa, Illela, Tahoua region

"It is the women who are facing a lot of problems regarding these climate changes. Today,
even if the man doesn't have anything, he will have his eyes on his wife. Nowadays, it is the
women who "do even the marriage" because they manage as best they can, have a considerable
contribution in the household. Apart from farm work, men don't do much for the family and we
all know that agriculture doesn't give like it used to. Even in case of need, if the child goes to the
father's house, the latter will redirect him to his mother. The clothing of the children, the feeding
of the household, the small ways to feed the household are the responsibility of the woman. She
is the one who needs the most support [...].

Women suffer enormously from this situation because they are the ones who manage to
keep the household in balance. Today, even at the edge of the tarmac, they are the ones who
display products in order to provide for the needs of the household because today if the child
needs soap, clothing, food, if the father doesn't have any, it's up to us to do it. If our husband
doesn't have it, it's up to us to do it. So, it is the women who suffer more from this situation [...].
Even the search for wood for the kitchen, it is the woman who does it. Even the solicitations
related to the children's school, it is the woman, otherwise the child will not study".

FGD in Adallab, Tchirozérine, Agadez region

110 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Box 12 : The migration of men, an amplifying effect
of the constraints experienced by women

"The women are in a difficult situation because sometimes they are the ones who have
to manage to feed their children. Because the husband can leave on an exodus and spend three
to four months without sending anything. So the wife has to do everything to feed the children
while waiting for the husband to send something. There are women who are not even in good
boxes. Because the men can go four years without taking over their constructions. Even if they
are made of banco, they have to be rebuilt from time to time, especially in the case of huts" [...].

"The women are in bad conditions because sometimes they are the ones who take care of
themselves and their children that their husbands have left behind after they leave for the exodus.
When the husband leaves the wife while she is pregnant, she does not eat well. The pregnant
woman is always told to add a little cowpea to her sauce. Unfortunately, the food itself is lacking,
especially the cowpea. She will therefore be satisfied with the sauce and salt alone. This is what
she will eat in the evening before going to sleep. Sometimes the woman has to ask the neighbors
for bran to make her evening meal. Because the husband can spend five to six months or even a
year before coming home. During all this time, he neglects the wife. And it is after his return that
he will manifest his power as head of the family. Men really have problems. Whatever situation
we are in, the woman suffers more than the man" [...].

"Generally, men who want to go into exodus are not in peace when they think of the
precarious situation in which they risk leaving their wives. If you leave a woman and her children
when she can't afford to buy soap or food, you will never have a clear conscience [...].

"In migration it is the women who suffer. For example, she is married for two or three
months, her husband leaves for the exodus to find the means of consumption for the household,
she is there while he is in exodus for two or three years without seeing him. Will she feel well?
Will her parents feel good? Not at all. This is a problem for women, and there are men who get
married in their host countries while the woman is there with her parents. As the other one said,
if the harvest is good, eight out of ten go home, but if it is not good, less than one out of ten
go home. That's another problem, and there are some who can't even prepare, their husbands
aren't there" [...].

FGD in Gao, Filingué, Tillabéri region

"Men leave huge difficulties for women. Sometimes they leave you even with a pregnancy
and send nothing for the follow-up. For the ceremony, if you were lucky, they send you the
baptism money a year later. Sometimes, some women are also forced to migrate or do domestic
work to survive, while some activities are not even enough for you to buy gari" [...].

[...] "And some of them come back with diseases like tuberculosis. Everything they could
get is finally spent on treatment. You went out to look for something to survive and in the end
you come back with a disease, sometimes infecting your wife."

FGD in Simiri, Ouallam, Tillabéri region

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 111
Box 13 : Women’s migration, a phenomenon that is growing under
the effects of environmental degradation and climate change?

"Previously the migration of women is not known here. No women go on exodus. We had
never seen that. All the rest and the millet harvested during the rainy season allow us to provide
for everyone until the next season. But now that the rains are no longer good, even the women
are emigrating. As the man himself is no longer able to provide for his wife, he feels obliged to
let her go."

FGD Sargagui Garba, Loga, Dosso region

"You know, in the beginning, migration was a human affair. This is not the case today.
Men and women alike, everyone leaves [...]. The place of the woman was at home. This is no
longer the case today. We are now in a time when almost everyone leaves to migrate in search
of livelihoods "

FGD in Gao, Flingué, Tillabéri

Overall, women in rural Niger are affected by climate change and environmental degradation in multiple ways :

• This has been made more difficult and often more painful by the scarcity of resources such as water
and wood due to the depletion of wood resources, droughts, deterioration of land, etc., all of which
contribute to greater precariousness in households and communities. The hardening of life greatly
affects women within domestic spaces. The analysis of the FGDs shows that many women attribute
the increase in male migration to their inability to find the minimum necessary for family survival in
the villages ;

• In addition, many of the FGDs blame the increased migration of men on their inability to find the
minimum necessary to ensure the survival of their families in the villages, and they find themselves
with increased responsibilities on top of those that are already heavy due to the migration of men.
The "absence" of men has a multiplier effect on the tasks incumbent on women, which can even be
productive activities ;

• by migrating in their turn. This migration of women, which takes several forms (seasonal migration,
rural exodus, departure for foreign countries), is even perceived by several interviewees as one of the
most emblematic changes of climate change and environmental degradation in rural Niger. In some
localities, such as Kantché, Magaria and Loga, this phenomenon has become more widespread and
has led to social consequences that have been interpreted in different ways. The majority of female
migrants head for urban centers.

Globally, men and women experience the effects of environmental/climate change differently. Lack of
equity in the distribution of power and resources, poor access to inputs, equipment and information, while their
responsibilities in household management increase, in the face of early depletion of food and scarcity of vital
resources such as water and energy, mean that the burden is not shared equally. In a context of land shrinkage
and demographic growth, women find themselves in a position of double vulnerability, due to unequal access to
resources and their increasing responsibility for household management.

112 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
As for men, migration is at the heart of women's adaptation practices, but the configuration of migration
dynamics and the roles played by the environment and climate change reveal discontinuities at the regional level,
depending on the extent of environmental upheavals, the acuteness of the socio-economic precariousness
prevailing in the localities of departure, the historicity of migration dynamics and their social anchoring, but also the
sustainability of the endogenous responses of local populations to the multiple vulnerabilities they face.



The impacts of climate change are multifaceted in Niger. All socio-economic sectors are at risk. The effects
of climate disruption are felt in all regions of the country with overall constraints that can be summarized through
challenges such as the recurrence of extreme climatic events against a backdrop of increased human activity.

The extent and intensity of vulnerabilities associated with climate change are not expressed in a uniform
manner in Niger. As a result, the place given to migration in the face of environmental upheaval is not homogeneous
between regions and, even within a region, contrasts are recorded in terms of the place attributed to migration as
a response to environmental degradation and climate change.

In all regions of Niger, some of the changes linked to environmental degradation and climate change
have been perceptible for decades and sometimes follow processes that can be slow and progressive (drought,
desertification, land degradation, etc.). Others, more recent, are attributed to the consequences of global warming
and can manifest themselves in a sudden and abrupt manner (floods, violent winds, bush fires, etc.), depending on
the areas concerned. Whatever the diversity of these processes, their impact on ecosystems and communities is

This impact is manifested in particular through the loss of habitats, the loss of crop land, the continued
decline in agricultural soil productivity and the resulting decrease in agricultural yields that lead to recurrent food
shortages, the disappearance of vegetation cover that exposes soils to water and wind erosion, while at the same
time aggravating the energy wood crisis as well as water supply difficulties.

Niger's regions are therefore, to varying degrees, areas of mobility with varied causes and forms (internal
migrations, international migrations, emigrations and immigrations). Mobility has thus always made it possible
to maintain the balance between the population and the possibilities of the environment and to cope with the
socio-economic difficulties that the populations were facing. However, mobility are a function of the types of
environmental change, which can take the form of extreme and sudden events or continuous and slow degradation,
which influence the forms and extent of these mobility.

In particular, the quantitative survey of rural households highlighted the roles attributed to environmental
factors in migration. The graph below highlights the dominant role of the environmental factor in mobility in
each of the six regions where the survey was conducted. The main reasons for people leaving as a result of
environmental changes are lack of availability of natural resources for livelihoods (42%), more frequent droughts
(21.4%), lack of livelihood opportunities (20.6%), and large fluctuations in rainfall preventing livelihood activities
(15.8%). It should be noted that all of these reasons revolve around livelihoods.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 113
The lack of natural resources to develop subsistence activities is everywhere the main reason given for
migration. This term refers mainly to the lack of resources to develop agricultural activities. It may refer to the
lack of land or, where land is available, its level of degradation. It can also refer to the lack of fodder resources for
livestock production. The lack of availability of natural resources is more evident in regions with an agro-pastoral
vocation such as Maradi, Zinder and Tahoua, which are also important departure areas for internal and external

The second reason that stands out is the more frequent droughts. It is cited by 21.4% of respondents,
although there are significant regional variations, which show the importance of this factor especially in agricultural
regions such as Maradi (71.2%), Zinder (27.3%) and Dosso (16%). Large fluctuations in temperature as well as
sudden climatic events such as floods are also considered factors in migration. Nationally, 3.5 percent and 6.5
percent of the reasons for migration are cited, respectively, with Tillabéri and Zinder standing out from the other
regions in terms of the role of flooding as a driver of forced displacement. These two regions are the ones where
flooding receives the highest percentage of responses, 12% and 19.5% respectively.

Floods are devastating for the population because they cause loss of human and animal life, destruction of
habitat, food and land for cultivation. Because of their recurrence and destructive power, floods are among the
sudden-onset climatic events that most highlight the close links between climate change and migration in Niger.
They generate forced displacements and their management requires the implementation of planned relocation and
disaster risk management actions that test Niger's public authorities every year.

Sudden events lead to sudden massive migratory movements, even if they are not always planned. In such
situations, the consequences of environmental and particularly climatic phenomena on displacement are sudden
and large proportions of the population leave, with the environment and even climate change clearly the direct
cause. Slow changes, on the other hand, result in a gradual deterioration in the living conditions of the populations
and give rise to individual and progressive movements that can, in turn, lead to family migration. In this case,
droughts, land degradation, erosion and the advance of the desert are the main examples of these phenomena in
the different regions of Niger.

114 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Graph 68 : Regional singularities of the MECC nexus (%)

The mobility inherent in the consequences of environmental change are generally internal. They take place
essentially within Niger, from one region to another, from the countryside to the cities. They are more rural than
urban and thus fuel the rural exodus. Most of these movements are short term (circular, temporary, seasonal).
Long-term and/or permanent mobility is rarer. The duration and forms of mobility also vary according to gender,
with seasonal or temporary and circular mobility being more widely practiced by men than by women, who tend
to stay longer in the places of arrival. International migration exists and is directed toward other African countries,
mainly those bordering Niger, and toward coastal African countries.

Environmental change, and climate change in particular, acts above all as a factor in aggravating household
poverty and food insecurity, as well as increasing underemployment, youth unemployment and accentuating the
difficulties encountered by women. It destroys or weakens the already precarious balance of domestic economies
and exacerbates the contextual vulnerability of households facing numerous difficulties (poverty, demographic
growth, reduction of cultivable and grazing areas, obsolescence of agricultural equipment, problems of access to
inputs and equipment, etc.). These are all factors that combine to create a feeling of "generalized disruption" as
highlighted by the qualitative data. As a result, leaving becomes the last resort when all alternative strategies (crop
diversification, diversification of sources of income and professional retraining on the spot, among others) are
exhausted. Migration appears as a real safety net.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 115
In the end, mobility, whether for women or men, is mainly a family and community matter insofar as it is
often the families that designate the people who have to leave in order to find the alternative income necessary for
household survival. The resources derived from migration, however paltry, thus strengthen the families, the main
beneficiaries, in their position, by improving their livelihoods. In this respect, mobility plays the role of a regulating
factor between population growth and the decline in natural resources. By going to seek resources elsewhere,
migrants participate in reducing the pressure on the few resources available.

Table 8 : Synoptic overview of environmental vulnerabilities and migration

dynamics in the eight regions of Niger

Manifestations of environmental Outstanding characteristics of migration

Region degradation and climate change dynamics (profiles, motivations, mobile and
and their consequences "immobile" groups, destinations)
Age of the rural exodus phenomenon
Amplification of the phenomenon by the degradation of
the environment and climate change
• Decrease in soil fertility Large-scale migration of women, men and young
people: Main places of destination :
• Invasion of ponds by aquatic plants
• Niamey
• Advanced degradation of classified
forests • Dosso
Dosso • Maradi
• Recurrent conflicts between
farmers and herders • Tahoua
• Strong advance of the agricultural • Mali
front • Burkina
• Aging of plant species • Nigeria
• Benin
• Togo
• Côte d’Ivoire
• Ghana
International migration is not important for women. It is
mainly a matter for men.
Insistence in the verbatim on the social consequences of
migration (divorce, loss of values)

In addition to environmental upheavals and the

consequences of climate change, there is growing
insecurity in the southern part of the country, along the
Demographic pressure Niger-Nigeria border, and conflicts over the exploitation
Strong advance of the agricultural front of natural resources (land).
Degradation of ecological niches Important source of migrants (men, youth, women)
leading to the disappearance of wildlife Main destination: Niamey and other urban centers,
Abusive mowing of grass Nigeria and other border countries
Invasion of undesirable plants Place of reception of internal (cities) and external
Bush fires in the southern and central migrants from Nigeria
parts of the region Influx of refugees due to the deteriorating security
Animal pressure in fallback areas situation
Environmental pressures caused by the presence of
refugee populations and increased conflicts over natural

116 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Strong urbanization of the rural part Extent of forced displacement caused by flooding each
Lack of legal status of green spaces winter season
Illegal occupation of wooded sites Main destination for internal mobility
Strong pollution by garbage and plastic Place of settlement of migrants from the West African
bags sub-region
Lack of maintenance and protection of Impacts on environmental resources due to heavy
plantations urbanization
Securing of spaces Increase in anthropic actions on ecosystems
Development of quarries
Silting of the Niger River
Devastating floods
Demographic pressure Deep historical roots of migration in this region
Rise of the agricultural front in pastoral Area of large-scale departure more marked during
areas extreme climatic events such as droughts
Enclosure of lowland forest formations Agricultural and pastoral activities strongly affected by
Proliferation of invasive plants environmental degradation and climate change
Conflicts related to natural resource Profiles of the people who leave: young people and men
management Extent and duration of female migration in this region
Frequency of bush fires Vulnerability of women accentuated by climate change,
Land encroachment and strong with more women (with children) leaving for Niamey
Tahoua progression of koris and border countries
Massive rural exodus of young people main destinations:
• Niamey
• Côte d’Ivoire
• Libye
• Nigeria
• Algérie
• Mali
Abusive clearing for the extension of Intermingling of environmental and security factors
crops Place of departure of migrants towards urban centers
Silting of the river and invasion of and abroad (Algeria, Libya, Mali)
water points by proliferating plants Area of influx of refugees
Formation and development of ravines Forced displacement due to flooding
Backward movement of the agricultural Area of transhumance
front towards the North
Host area for migrants attracted by opportunities
Strong degradation of ecosystems and related to gold panning
loss of biodiversity
Overexploitation of forest massifs for
energy wood
Frequency of bush fires Historical roots of migration
Extensive nature of livestock and Tradition of migration to urban centers and abroad
pastoral pressure Women's migration is increasing and is seen as a
Demographic pressure on crop lands "marker" of climate change
and forests
Lowering of the water table
Aging of gum tree stands
Zinder Silting up of ponds, basins and
cultivated land
Conflicts between local actors for the
management of natural resources
Narrowing of passage corridors

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 117
Desert Historical crossroads in terms of mobility in the Saharan
Frequency of bush fires space
Overgrazing and wind erosion Important transit zone
Abusive mowing of grasslands "Hotspot" for irregular migration
Agadez Inaccessibility of the areas most Environmental impact linked to the presence of migrants
affected by desertification in transit
Abusive wood cutting and anarchic Entanglement of environmental, socio-economic and
clearing geopolitical factors (collapse of the Libyan state)
Extent of silting
Bush fires Large number of displaced persons due to the security
Invasion of aquatic plants situation in particular
Recurrent droughts and advance of the Intermingling environmental, security and socio-
dune front economic causes
Uncontrolled abusive cutting of trees Environmental challenges related to the presence of
Diffa thousands of refugees (access to natural resources for
Clearing with burning subsistence activities
Divagation of livestock
Silting up of grazing areas, cultivated
lands and infrastructures
Aging of gum trees

Source : Documentary synthesis and qualitative data analysis (focus groups and individual interviews)

In the present study, Niamey seems to be the favorite destination, followed by certain localities such as
Maradi and Zinder, regardless of the site of origin. Precariousness is a central element in the reasons for migration
and is intimately linked to environmental degradation and climate change. This is what has contributed to the rural
exodus having a deep social and historical anchorage in migration systems in Niger. The considerable improvement
in living conditions in rural areas could help reduce the social, economic and environmental costs of such mobility.

To achieve this, it is important to build the resilience of rural populations by supporting their own initiatives
and endogenous practices to adapt to environmental degradation and climate change. The responses of the
public authorities, which must be commensurate with the challenges, require that stakeholders (government, local
communities, civil society organizations, development partners, etc.) coordinate their actions in order to achieve
a planned adaptation that is capable of taking into account in the short, medium and long term the close links
between migration, the environment and climate change in the Nigerien context.

These interventions should aim to strengthen the resilience of populations as it unfolds through their
innovative practices and endogenous initiatives in response to climate change and environmental degradation.

118 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger

Even though throughout the field surveys, the people we met showed an inclination to describe in the most
realistic terms possible the multiple consequences of environmental degradation and climate change on their living
conditions. They highlighted the central role of migration in the resilience dynamics of rural households. But the
survey data can hardly be confined to these dimensions alone.

The respondents also highlighted the many innovative initiatives and endogenous practices that they are
developing to implement adaptation actions in the face of what they describe as "generalized disruption" induced
or amplified by climate change and environmental degradation. These are, for example, cultivation practices and
changes in certain productive and domestic activities to adapt to "unpredictable rainfall", land degradation, depletion
of wood resources, recurrent heat waves, chronic food insecurity, etc.

We have here as many actions that can serve as receptacles for future interventions to support the
resilience dynamics of the Nigerien populations. Despite the scale and intensity of the constraints, the Nigerien
people have shown remarkable dignity and resilience. They have accumulated knowledge and local processes to
survive in a hostile environment, especially because of its aridity. These are all valuable elements for providing
appropriate support to rural populations in particular, who have developed what could be called a "culture of
resilience", as described by the Departmental Director of the Environment of Tessaoua :

"We have experienced devastating droughts, dramatic famines, destructive floods,

locust invasions that have left nothing in place, but we have coped. We have risen. We have
faced adversity" [...]. So in any case, even if you migrate there, you don't know what you're
going to find. You might as well stay where you are and face adversity and take the solutions
that are there [...]. We are attached to the land, as they say. The land of attachment, even the
man is attached. In Hausa there is an adage that says so.

The data used to report on endogenous initiatives for resilience to climate change and environmental
degradation comes from the analysis of the verbatim of focus groups and semi-structured interviews conducted
mainly with resource persons at the level of the territorial administration, local authorities, technical services of the
Nigerien State at the regional and departmental levels and civil society organizations. We also drew on reference
documents on public policy in Niger in the areas of the environment, sustainable development, climate change
adaptation and mitigation, the fight against desertification, the restoration of degraded lands, etc.

However, attention is focused on the actions and proposals for action formulated by local populations,
especially by women, because as one man pointed out during the focus group in Sargagui: "only the owner of a
house knows where his roof has a hole in it". It is therefore necessary to start from the needs of the populations,
their own initiatives but also their capacity to act in order to define the means and interventions likely to contribute
to the strengthening of the resilience of the populations to climate change and environmental degradation. It is
also fundamental to promote a gender-based approach in order to identify the most relevant actions for women,
youth and other vulnerable groups while articulating them to their socio-economic roles and productive activities
and orienting them towards the removal of barriers to their social and economic participation.

In the table below, we review the main actions and proposals for action resulting from the field survey.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 119
Table 9 : Summary of innovative practices, endogenous initiatives and proposals for
action on climate change and environmental degradation

Practice Description from the verbatim reports
"In each bush, we save one or two shrubs and cut the rest.
And we do this every year. As the bushes grow, more are
Classified land clearing saved. So the field will always be thick and protect the soil
from the winds. But if the field is deserted, the wind blows
everything away."
Natural soil fertilization "Some people transport humus to their fields on carts, on
foot or on donkeys to enrich their fields.”
"We start on the very hard ground on slopes. I do the holes
from the top to the bottom of the hill. I make a hole here
Creation of half-moons, long benches and the next one I'll make by shifting it slightly. That way the
rainwater that comes in here, continues on to here. That
was how I did it that year. I don't even know how much it
was. It stops the water and the debris."
Innovation introduced by a returning migrant
"The plow connected to the motorcycle and you do
"Agriculture with motorcycle" agriculture [...]. The people who have been in migration,
even if they don't bring money, they bring an activity that is
beneficial here".
"We can make the zais and sow plants in them, the rains will
« Zais » water them and by the next hot season, they will be strong
enough to survive for good.”
Goose breeding in areas where this activity was "For example, I saw a young man who came back from Libya
not known before who is breeding geese, long-necked ducks. This has allowed
that now almost, in all the courts you will see the geese".
"Camel farming is the easiest farming. Whether there is
straw or not, there are these trees, the spinach there. Loga
is a very forested area. Climate change is impoverishing it,
so we must adapt. In terms of livestock, that of the camel,
Camel breeding goats, small ruminants there. Why the camel? Because you
only have to give her water and she feeds herself. And the
milk of the camel, you see in Niamey how it is marketed. It is
becoming part of everyone's habits now."
Valorization, transformation and marketing of "We need help to process our products and sell them better.
local products The state must help us to always have the best price."
"We really need to create the conditions for people to
produce in an environmentally friendly way. Because it's not
Adoption of environmentally friendly production about producing like that but really in a way to have a look at
the environment, not to degrade the resources but rather to
practices make sure that these resources are created and developed".

120 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
"On the ponds that are permanent, we can put the conditions
for people to produce. Where there are possibilities to make
spreading sills, we can do it. It is a system that allows us to
retain water upstream and improve the water table, and
there we make catch basins to allow people to produce."
"Every rainy season, we say to ourselves that the water there
causes a flood, but this water can be retained somewhere
where it will be used at least for six months during the dry
season. Where we can do off-season work. This is possible.
These ponds are from south to north. All we have to do is
Development of market gardening in localities
go north of Tessaoua and create a kind of reservoir where
where potential exists (lowlands, waterways, all this water will be released and used. This will solve the
retention basins) problem of flooding and secondly, it will increase economic
activity by doing off-season work."
"It will be enough to invest in agriculture and create the
conditions so that during the dry season, people can carry
out their economic activities in the market gardening sites,
through all the agricultural projects that can ensure that the
able-bodied are there."
"There are already people digging these little holes in their
Soil recovery fields. They make them on dry land and they put manure
in them. They sow seeds in them. At the end of the rainy
season, they are very satisfied."
"It is the government that must mobilize in this sense,
considering for example the production of cowpeas. We
bazaar our productions at 10 or 15 thousand during the
harvests. But today the bag costs 37 thousand francs. If only
the government would pay 25,000 and sell it to us today at
30,000 francs, that would be fine. And you know that the
Creation of commercial circuits allowing a government can pay and resell to the poor without looking
protection of the producers for profit" [...].
"But today foreign countries are buying it. While specifying
that the Nigerian variety is the best compared to that of
countries like Ghana, Nigeria and Mali. That's what they pay
for. But if the government gets involved by expressing its
willingness to pay for the products, even if it does not buy,
the speculators will pay a better price to the producers.
"Migrants should continue to support their families or buy
materials to encourage the work we do at home. And not
to buy big pants or phones of 100 thousand or 80 thousand
and put in the pocket to listen. We ask them to think of
their parents who have supported them. Without them,
Directing the benefits of migration towards the they would not be what they are today. Let them think that
one day they will be like them. Everyone wants their home,
development of productive activities their village or their country to be ranked first.
"There are migrants who do their best to help the village.
We have people from the village who have built wells for
the villagers, which have greatly benefited us by reducing our
suffering from water."
"The cow's purse has many virtues that the breeders know
Cow dung as energy instead of firewood well. It is used as energy for cooking. It is also used to protect
"We need help to get into cattle fattening, which has a lot
Cattle fattening of potential. As agriculture does not allow us to have what
we used to have, we need to develop other activities and
fattening is an alternative to explore."

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 121
Promote the development of income-generating "Irrigated agriculture and vocational training are alternatives
activities, especially for women to keep youth and women from moving. If the woman has
an income-generating activity, she can sometimes help her
husband to support the family".
Rotation crop "Rotation to protect the soil and to increase yields. It's a fairly
old practice."
"You see over here, there is a lot of trees. But here, the
reason why we hold back from the trees is because of the
water and forestry agents. You plant your trees and when
More appropriate legislation and practices to you touch one of its branches, they tax you 5000 F. So how
encourage reforestation are we going to plant the trees again? I had a field in which I
had planted no less than 30 acacia trees. But as soon as you
cut a single branch, you will be arrested."
To promote artisanal activities and outlets for Revaluation of trades that have disappeared, such as weavers
productions and shoemakers
"Agricultural transhumance also depends on the variety
of seeds. We go elsewhere to cultivate what cannot be
cultivated here. For example, late millet can be grown here,
"Agricultural transhumance". but it is better to grow it elsewhere. There are products
that need to be grown here, but other products are more
productive here. So, we practice this transhumance to
increase the agricultural yield."
"First of all, it is necessary to carry out awareness actions.
It is necessary to implement sustainable land management
practices. It is also necessary to initiate para-agricultural
activities such as training in IGAs (income generating
Awareness and sustainable land management activities); the realization of spreading sills and mini dams
with the support of the State and certain partners who
work in sustainable land management, water mobilization
and also to secure them. These actions can help to keep
young people in the area."

Source : Summary of focus groups and individual interviews

The analysis of the FGDs with women and the interviews with leaders of women's groups have made it
possible to highlight a set of proposals that could serve as levers for supporting women's resilience dynamics, given
the socio-economic role played by women, especially in a context of high male mobility. The support of initiatives
could take several forms among which :
• support for the restoration of degraded land;
• support for market gardening in the lowlands;
• the introduction of cooking technologies that allow for significant savings in wood energy, which is
essential to reduce deforestation and the destruction of plant formations;
• the promotion of agro-ecological activities centered on the principles of fertilization based on organic
inputs (e.g. manure), protection by permanent cover (cover with living or dead plant material), water
conservation, development of complementarities between agriculture and livestock, etc.;
• the promotion of reforestation activities centered on species that combine economic profitability
and environmental protection;
• the promotion of small-scale development in the lowlands and of water retention systems with an
ecological dimension to enable the development of market gardening in the dry season;
• the promotion of poultry farming and the breeding of adapted species but with a view to sustainable development

122 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
• the promotion of improved well systems and support for water control through infrastructures of
an appropriate size, which are essential for the development of agriculture beyond the rainy season;
• the generalization of "green manure" (animal manure; composts, etc.);
• the development of community woods. For example, support to women's groups could be
conditional on the development of a community reforestation component;
• the popularization of methods for the recovery of domestic waste (sorting, recovery and recycling);
• the establishment of biogas units through waste-to-energy operations (cow dung), the reuse
of organic waste as cooking gas, the recycling of waste and the reuse of residues in agriculture,
particularly market gardening;
• Support and capitalization of endogenous initiatives (drilling of wells, development of small rural
boreholes using solar energy);
• the promotion of solar energy development.

We have here a diversity of endogenous proposals that can serve as a basis for projects that could
be implemented to support community resilience to environmental degradation and climate change in Niger.
These proposals are in line with the perspectives favored by the Nigerien authorities, which emphasize the fight
against desertification, the restoration of degraded land, the promotion of rural water supply, the introduction of
appropriate technological innovations, the fight against poverty, etc.

For some of the people interviewed, the solutions must be locally based in order to truly speak of resilience
dynamics. For them, migration should not be at the center of this resilience, but rather the actions carried out
by the people who have stayed behind and who are trying to cope with the adversities linked to environmental
degradation and climate change. The following words from the Departmental Director of Civil Status, Migration
and Refugees of Loga summarize this discourse.

"Migration? No, it’s not an adaptation because it means that the person is fleeing.
But you talk about resilience. I’m at home, that’s the change. How am I going to resist that?
But as soon as there’s an exodus, it’s a leak. We no longer have resilience. We are fleeing
the situation. But stabilizing them here, having a livelihood. That is resilience against climate
change. And that is what we want.."

The populations we met emphasized the urgency of fighting against climate change, but above all of
involving them in this fight by supporting their own resilience dynamics. Developing rural localities, improving living
conditions, encouraging the emergence of sustainable dynamics of women's empowerment, promoting income-
generating activities but with a focus on the preservation of natural resources, supporting women in viable and
ecologically sustainable economic projects, etc., are all avenues to be explored in order to improve the resilience
of rural households to climate change and environmental degradation.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 123
The main objective of this study was to analyze the links between the Migration, Environment and Climate
Change (MECC) nexus in Niger. Using a methodological approach based on a questionnaire survey of 355 rural
households and a quantitative survey of 147 internal migrants in Niamey, as well as 14 focus groups and 24
individual interviews with local populations and institutional and community actors, the study analyzed the impacts
of climate change on migration. It also highlighted the multiple faces of environmental degradation in Niger and
the diverse and visible impacts of climate change on ecosystems, activities and social, economic, ecological and
institutional dynamics in areas marked by their real vulnerability to climate risks.

Niger is now presented as a "hotspot" for climate change. The data from our surveys, despite their limited
scope, give an empirical outline to this vulnerability by relaying the perceptions of local populations on climate
change, its effects on their lives and by reporting on the adaptation practices they deploy. The results of the study
confirm that environmental degradation and climate change play an important role in migration dynamics. They
also show an awareness of the reality of climate change and the extent of environmental degradation.

Several "empirical markers" attest, in the eyes of the populations, to the evidence of climate change, which
is synonymous for them with a "generalized disruption" generating more uncertainties and constraints. Several
dimensions have been presented as emblematic of environmental and climatic changes. They are related to the
disruption of the rainfall cycle, the recurrence of droughts, the accentuation of heat episodes, the frequency of
devastating floods, the denudation of landscapes, the impoverishment of the soil, etc. The majority of respondents
agree on the negative consequences of these changes, which are more pronounced in rural areas.

Environmental and climatic changes contribute to a precariousness of living conditions by undermining

the foundations of rural economies. By affecting agriculture, livestock, fishing and contributing to further land
degradation, these changes go hand in hand with an increased precariousness of living conditions for rural
households in a context where the public authorities have difficulty in responding effectively to their basic needs
in the areas of food security, education, health, communication channels, security, access to sufficient and stable
income, etc. In response to this situation, migration has emerged as a means of adaptation to environmental
degradation and climate change.

The study highlighted the multiple impacts of environmental degradation and climate change on women.
With production activities heavily dependent on natural resources as well as responsibility for unpaid care (cooking,
education, health and assistance to family members, cleaning, domestic chores such as finding water and wood
products for cooking, etc.), women are seeing these burdens increase, especially in a context where men are forced
to migrate to find ways to ensure survival in rural localities. This is why it is essential to put women at the heart of
programs and projects to build resilience to environmental degradation and climate change.

The internal migrants interviewed in Niamey did not immediately recognize environmental degradation and
climate change as predominant factors in their migration, focusing instead on the search for new socio-economic
opportunities in the capital or the deterioration of their socio-economic and professional situation in their locality
of origin. However, behind these motives lie direct and indirect links with the environment and climate change. This
situation illustrates the difficulty of isolating environmental factors from other factors (economic, social, institutional,
political, cultural, security, etc.) in the analysis of the MECC nexus.

The socio-economic situation thus remains a key driver of internal and external migration, but environmental
degradation contributes to this migration, especially when the source of family income depends on the primary
sector. The consequences of environmental degradation and climate change are therefore added to structural

124 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
and cyclical constraints in rural localities vulnerable to climate change in Niger. Migration dynamics highlight an
aggregation effect of environmental, climatic, socio-economic factors, etc. in their explanation and development.
As for the role of migration as a practice of adaptation to climate and environmental change, we noted a near-
consensus in the responses of those surveyed. Emigration is considered a strategy for adapting to environmental
degradation and climate change because it allows the populations affected by these constraints to obtain other
income for subsistence.

Implementing actions in response to migration dynamics is tantamount to promoting development

processes that are resilient to climate change. The promotion of development activities adapted to climate change
and taking into account gender dynamics is essential in the localities of departure to be able to act on internal and
external mobility. To implement sustainable solutions, actions have been identified in this study. They are linked to
the need to promote development actions centered, among other things, on the valorization of local resources,
the support of innovative practices and endogenous initiatives of adaptation to environmental upheavals, the
fight against food insecurity, and the improvement of living conditions, all in articulation with the priorities of the
Nigerien public authorities in the areas of the environment, sustainable development, migration, the restoration of
degraded land, the fight against desertification and the fight against poverty.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 125
Drilling in the desert, Assamaka, 2019 / Credit IOM

126 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
At the end of this baseline study on the MECC nexus in Niger, several recommendations can be made.
They concern both adaptation to environmental change and the reduction of the risk of environmental disasters.
These recommendations aim to support and promote the adaptation of populations to environmental changes,
but also to manage and anticipate current and future transformations.

To strengthen the resilience of Niger's territories and communities to environmental and climatic risks, it is
necessary to consider several series of measures that have as a common denominator the significant improvement
of the living conditions of the populations and the development of economic and professional opportunities in the
areas of departure and reception.

a) Recommendations to the State of Niger and its deconcentrated and

decentralized structures :

1. Implement intensive programs to improve the living environment, particularly in rural areas.
Access to drinking water and energy, improved health and education conditions, food security,
optimal opening up of rural localities, and the promotion of socioeconomic activities linked to
urban and rural markets would have direct effects on migration dynamics;

2. Substantially strengthen the research capacity and data collection system on the MECC
nexus by building the capacity of universities, government institutions, research centers and
civil society, etc., to produce studies and knowledge on the MECC nexus, promote empirical
research to document the various dimensions of these linkages and serve as a basis for policies,
programs and projects in this area;

3. Integrating the MECC nexus into policy and planning documents. Given the current and future
importance of this nexus, it is essential to take it into account in public policy documents at both
the national and territorial levels. The effort to integrate the MECC nexus must also concern
strategic documents in the field of the environment and migration. It should also be extended
to other strategic sectors (agriculture, forestry, housing, livestock, water, decentralization, land
use planning, social policy, sanitation, disaster risk reduction, etc.) because of the impact of
migration dynamics on these sectors. When they are revised, public policy documents such as
Niger's National Migration Policy and National Border Management Policy should be given a
place commensurate with the importance of the issues and challenges related to the MECC
nexus in Niger;

4. Strengthen the policy, legal, decision-making and institutional frameworks for MECC through
the establishment of mechanisms and strategies for anticipation, prevention and management
of risks and disasters related to sudden and slow onset events in Niger, as well as planned
relocation. It is essential to strengthen the capacities of governmental and territorial actors in
charge of these issues while ensuring better institutional coordination;

5. Ensure that the gender approach (taking into account inequalities based on gender relations and
aiming to correct them) is effectively taken into account at all important decision-making stages
(local, regional, national and international levels), in the development, planning, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation of programs, policies and actions in the area of the MECC nexus;

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 127
6. Valuing local knowledge and endogenous initiatives to fight against environmental degradation
and climate change. Nigerien populations have always demonstrated great resilience to
environmental shocks, particularly droughts, by developing adaptive practices based on their
endogenous knowledge and their own know-how to, for example, restore degraded land, fight
against erosion and adapt to the unpredictability of rain cycles. This endogenous know-how
and knowledge should thus serve as the basis for government interventions to strengthen the
resilience of populations to the vulnerabilities induced and/or amplified by climate change;

7. Capitalize on and strengthen endogenous initiatives to combat climate change, in particular

those carried out by women and youth through the development of projects that reconcile
economic profitability and ecological viability through, for example, the development of agro-
ecological practices, arboriculture, integrated community farms, animal husbandry, processing
of agricultural products, fish farming, marketing, etc;

8. Support women's initiatives for the establishment of village nurseries and community market
gardens through technical and logistical support and institutional support (linking with partners
in Niger and abroad to share experiences, knowledge and practices);

9. To support the actions of women and youth in promoting initiatives in the field of the green
economy. These projects, which may concern the recycling of domestic waste, innovations in
the field of social economy, handicrafts, processing of agricultural products, etc., could thus
serve as a model effect to demonstrate to women and young people tempted by migration the
locally available potentialities and the socio-economic opportunities they can lead to;

10. Promote solar energy or, failing that, improved stoves in rural areas to reduce pressure on
natural resources, especially those used as the main source of energy by households to prepare

11. Promote the development of solid value chains around non-timber forest products (e.g. natural
fruits) through technical (especially in the area of processing) and commercial capacity building
of women's groups active in the development of these resources, which are now in high
demand in the sub-region and on the world market;

12. Support the development of ecological projects for the recovery, reuse and recycling of
household waste;

13. Develop a territorialized framework for guiding interventions by increasing the involvement
of structures in charge of land use planning and local authorities in order to achieve a
territorialization of the management of issues and challenges related to the MECC nexus in
the various regions of Niger. The planning process at the national and territorial levels should
henceforth be "sensitive to the MECC nexus";

14. Develop the primary sectors, in particular agriculture and livestock, to make rural areas
attractive and thus contribute to curbing migration flows to the cities. Agricultural activity will
continue to be the driving force of Niger's economy for a long time to come and the main
provider of food and income. This study has shown that one of the essential conditions for
the adaptation and resilience of the communities concerned is the promotion of agricultural
and pastoral activities capable of ensuring food security and providing decent and sustainable

128 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
incomes for the populations to meet their needs. Thus, promoting climate change resilient
agriculture and livestock would clearly contribute to influencing migration dynamics in the
different regions of Niger;

15. Take advantage of financing mechanisms in the development of the green economy, sustainable
finance, sustainable development, and international cooperation to implement development
policies and strategies with an ecological dimension in the localities most affected by
environmental degradation in Niger;

16. Define appropriate frameworks and mechanisms for managing conflicts related to natural
resources. Climate change has the direct effect of multiplying these types of conflicts due to
the exacerbation of competition caused by the scarcity of natural resources. This would make
it possible to avoid the security and socio-economic dimensions being added to environmental
factors in migration dynamics;

17. Implement programs and projects to combat environmental degradation and climate change.
Niger has numerous legislative texts, strategic documents and action plans in the area of climate
change that are relatively ambitious and in line with its international commitments and current
challenges. It is often the actual implementation that is the main obstacle. Niger has, through
the CNEDD, a structure with recognized expertise on all issues related to the environment,
sustainable development, etc. It has produced several quality documents proposing a fine
analysis of the issues and identifying courses of action to reduce environmental vulnerabilities,
the implementation of which could greatly contribute to curbing the harmful effects of
environmental degradation and climate change and strengthening the resilience of vulnerable
communities. To this end, it is essential that sustained attention be given to migration issues in
future documents to be developed in the field of environment and sustainable development. It
is essential that what could be called a "MECC reflex" be established, consisting of systematically
taking into account issues related to migration, the environment and climate change in each
revision process of a political, institutional and legal document;

18. Intensify sub-regional cooperation in the area of MECC, especially since the challenges cannot
be confined to the national level because mobility takes place essentially within the West African
sub-region, but also because of the transboundary nature of climate change and environmental
degradation. MECC policies, programs and projects would benefit from an approach based on
stronger coordination of initiatives. This cooperation should also involve harmonizing national
legislation and policies on the environment, natural resource management, migration, etc. The
sub-regional organizations of which Niger is a member, such as ECOWAS, WAEMU, CILSS,
the Niger Basin Authority (NBA), the Great Green Wall (GGW), etc., should thus serve as
frameworks for the implementation of these initiatives, which should be supported by technical
and financial partners.

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 129
b) Recommendations to the IOM :

1. Intensify efforts to integrate the MECC nexus into policy processes in Niger, the Sahel and West
Africa, contributing to a better institutional recognition of the singularities of environmental and
climate change related migration and the need to develop appropriate responses to the new
challenges it brings;

2. Support the development of the capacity of practitioners and policy makers in Niger to
manage, in practice, the complex linkages between migration, environment and climate change;

3. Support efforts to improve data and knowledge on the linkages of the MECC nexus through
further research with a particular focus on case studies, disaster-related displacement and
forced displacement, and the identification of relevant indicators. Gender impact on women
and gender analysis will be central to the data and knowledge generation processes aimed at
better understanding to act for greater community resilience;

4. Support the strengthening of coherence and institutional capacities in the areas of migration,
climate change and the environment, through the production of data and knowledge, the
exchange of good practices and the development of expertise in West and Central Africa;

5. Support the development and consolidation of partnerships to improve cooperation and

understanding of the MECC at all levels (government, civil society, private sector, universities,

6. Implement, in partnership with the Nigerien government and local authorities, projects to
strengthen the resilience of rural communities to climate change based on the results of the
study and a mapping of the initial zones. These projects should aim to support endogenous
initiatives to adapt to environmental degradation and climate change with a particular focus on
experiences that can create green jobs;

7. Support case studies based on a sub-regional and regional approach to better inform and
harmonize sub-regional and regional policies and strategies on climate change and migration.

8. Increase the visibility of issues related to the MECC nexus in order to promote a balanced
approach to human mobility, the environment and climate change, while respecting human

130 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
c) Recommendations to international organizations and development agencies :

1. Support processes aimed at integrating the MECC nexus into their policies and strategies
in favor of the Nigerien State by taking into account the issues and challenges related to
environmental migration and their current and future impacts at the sub-regional, regional and
continental levels;

2. Contribute to the development of data and knowledge on the MECC nexus by providing
appropriate support to increase the capacity of government institutions and research structures
in this area. This support could take the form of setting up research programs and surveys to
obtain detailed evidence on the multiple dimensions of migration linked to the environment
and climate change, with a particular focus on forced displacement, but also the facilitation of
partnerships between Nigerien institutions and those of countries that are sufficiently equipped
to manage these types of displacement;

3. To support governmental efforts in the fight against climate change and environmental
degradation, while ensuring better coordination of actions to avoid redundancy and duplication
in interventions;

4. Support Niger (State and local authorities) in its efforts to integrate climate migration into
development policies and plans. It is essential that national government agencies integrate the
climate migration dimension into all aspects of public action. To ensure the resilience and
development prospects of all stakeholders, actions must be taken at each phase of migration:
before, during and after. Government agencies and local authorities need guidance, technical
assistance and capacity building to develop national and local laws, policies and strategies
consistent with sub-regional, regional, continental and international frameworks related to the
MECC nexus;

5. Support the strengthening of capacities, skills and expertise of the deconcentrated services of
the Nigerien State, local authorities, the academic and research community and civil society
organizations on the MECC nexus through support for the production of knowledge and data
to better highlight the singularities of environment and climate change related migration in the
Nigerien context. It is important to support research structures currently active in the field
of migration to integrate the MECC nexus into their research agenda, to develop research
programs in this field and to establish scientific collaborations at the sub-regional, regional,
continental and international levels;

6. To support the realization of development projects making it possible to reinforce the resilience
of rural and urban populations in the face of climate change by linking them to national priorities,
particularly in the fields of combating desertification and restoring degraded land;

7. Contribute to the implementation of adaptation and mitigation measures as defined in Niger's

new Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) document;

8. Support the development of sustainable finance through the promotion of socially and
environmentally responsible investments, particularly in highly degraded mining areas where
the environmental costs associated with resource exploitation must be taken into account and
mechanisms must be put in place to finance actions to mitigate environmental damage;

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 131
9. Support the development of the green economy and the valorization of the potential offered by
the blue economy (Niger River, rivers, lakes, groundwater, ponds, etc.) through the promotion
of activities allowing the development of value chains around the resources of this niche (e.g.,
fish farming, processing of fish products, etc.) which offers important economic opportunities
for rural Nigerien households. This support could be provided through the development of
a "sustainable fisheries" program, which offers important economic opportunities for rural
Nigerien households, but production practices must be based on resilience and sustainability
in a perspective of reconciling socio-economic profitability and preservation of resources and
the eco-system. This support could be done through the contribution to the financing of pilot
projects in the fields of the green and blue economy with a sustained attention to projects
targeting women's organizations and youth.

d) Recommendations to civil society organizations and populations :

1. Implement actions based on the integration of adaptation to environmental degradation and

climate change into local development planning and the implementation of concrete actions to
benefit communities, especially the most vulnerable;

2. Scale up climate change resilience efforts by increasing endogenous adaptation initiatives;

3. Seize the opportunities available in the field of climate finance and the green economy, which
are currently niches for financing the implementation of projects based on reconciling economic
profitability and sustainable development;

4. Reduce actions that contribute to environmental degradation because concern for environmental
protection should not be limited to prosperous countries. Populations must be made more
aware of the role of human actions in environmental degradation and thus be led to develop
actions to reduce their pressure on natural resources by providing them with sustainable and
accessible alternatives;

5. To develop interventions in the field of environmental education and awareness campaigns

oriented towards the protection of the environment, the improvement of the living environment
and the revitalization of rural areas in particular.

132 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger
Public policy reference documents of the Republic of Niger

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State of the environment in Niger, June 2020

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investment plan

Action Plan 2016-2020 of the 3N initiative “Nigériens Nourish Nigériens

National Action Plan for Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Reduction, Preparedness and
Response 2015-2018

Action Plan for Agricultural Risk Management in Niger (PAGRA) 2014-2023

Economic and Social Development Plan (PDES 2016)

National Forestry Plan NFP - Niger 2012 - 2021

National Migration Policy of Niger 2020

National Nutritional Security Policy in Niger (2016-2025)

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National Policy on Environment and Sustainable Development in Niger - 2016

National Policy on Climate Change (NPCC)

Niger's National Gender Policy 2017

Draft National Border Policy Document 2019-2035

Sustainable Livestock Development Strategy (SLDS) 2013-2035

Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth Strategy – 2017

National Strategy and Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Agricultural Sector SPN2A

National strategy to combat irregular migration

National strategy for the economic empowerment of women in Niger

Third National Communication to the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change 2016

National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 133
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134 National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger

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National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger 135
136 Étude nationale sur le lien entre Migration, Environnement et Changement Climatique au Niger
Mise en page & traduction : Agence Mougani

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