Reemplazo de TMDT para Nitrosaminas
Reemplazo de TMDT para Nitrosaminas
Reemplazo de TMDT para Nitrosaminas
Compression set related laws become easy and purposeful. Considering the
(min) above facts rubber technologist will require more and more
Set 24h at 100c
33 50 46 40 40 tools in future to meet the stringent environmental and
Set 70h at 70c health risk related guidelines. TMTD, which is widely used
36 50 45 40 40
(%) in Butyl Rubber curing accelerator systems, can be replaced
Table. 3: Physical Property Analysis with TBzTD and ZAT type accelerators with a slight tweak
in secondary accelerator type and level in the curing system.
Physical Properties of This review of accelerator systems will provide insights of
Nitrosamine formation and possible alternative to
Vulcanisates conventional butyl rubber curing systems. Future works on
1000 secondary accelerator and its synergy with the thiophosphate
and thiurams other booster chemicals need to be carrying
900 out to collect more date to provide more alternatives.
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