ngữ âm 2 đề
ngữ âm 2 đề
ngữ âm 2 đề
Câu 3: Contrastive distribution is an indication that the two sounds in question are ...
A. different phones
B. similar phonemes
C. different phonemes
D. allophones of the same phoneme
Câu 4: Which of the following word lists has the same vowel?
A. could, routine, source, journal
B. should, through, rule, route
C. quay, each, people, key
D. many, fat, act, sad
Câu 5: The substitutability of one sound for another in a given environment, with no change in the word’s meaning is called ...
A. distribution
B. a minimal pair
C. a near minimal pair
D. free variation
Câu 15: Which of the following is the description of the sound /Z/?
A. A front, short, lax, unrounded vowel
B. A long, tense, rounded vowel
C. A short, lax, open and slightly rounded
D. A central, mid, long, tense central vowel
Câu 17: Which of the following is the description of the sound /i:/?
A. A front, close (high), long, tense, unrounded vowel
B. A front, short, lax, unrounded vowel
C. A more retracted front, short, lax, unrounded vowel
D. A lowest, front, short, lax, unrounded vowel
Câu 18: Pairs of words which differ in one sound only and have different meanings are called ...
A. close pairs
B. different pairs
C. near minimal pairs
D. minimal pairs
Câu 21: In making these vowels: /w/, /i:/, , /u:/ space between the tongue and the roof of the mouth is.......
A. relatively wide
B. very wide
C. very narrow
D. relatively narrow
Câu 22: Which of the following consonant clusters is is example of "Coronal + sonorant"?
A. [skl]
B. [spl]
C. [spw]
D. [str]
Câu 23:
The sounds /w/ and /æ/ are examples of ... 40:50… 3/5
19:50 25/10/2023 Học trực tuyến - Trung tâm đào tạo thường xuyên (Đại học Đà Nẵng)
A. unrounded vowels
B. back vowels
C. rounded vowels
D. long vowels
Câu 24: Complementary distribution is an indication that the sounds in question are ...
A. minimal pairs
B. phones
C. allophones of the same phoneme
D. phonemes
Câu 26: Which of the following pairs of words have different diphthongs?
A. dough - plough
B. aisle - dyke
C. mare - prayer
D. ace - gaol
Câu 27: Which of the following pairs of words have the same diphthong?
A. height - take
B. pure - future
C. mayor - taylor
D. bourse - mature
Câu 28: The beginning sounds of the syllable are called the .............
A. coda
B. rhyme
C. onset
D. nucleus
Câu 29: The sounds /i:/ and /u:/ are examples of ... .
A. tense vowels
B. lax vowels
C. back vowels
D. short vowels
Câu 30: A physical language sound, measurable by acoustic instruments is called ...
A. an allophone
B. a phoneme
C. a minimal pair
D. a phone
Câu 34: In the following words which underlined letter is pronounced /i:/?
A. win2450 40:50… 4/5
19:50 25/10/2023 Học trực tuyến - Trung tâm đào tạo thường xuyên (Đại học Đà Nẵng)
B. machine
C. tick
D. minute
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