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3E2732 User Guide Command Centre v790

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Gallagher Command Centre

User Guide
Version: 7.90
Date: April 2018
Part number: 3E2732
This document gives certain information about products and/or services provided by Gallagher Group Limited
or its related companies (referred to as “Gallagher Group”).

The information is indicative only and is subject to change without notice meaning it may be out of date at any
given time. Although every commercially reasonable effort has been taken to ensure the quality and accuracy
of the information, Gallagher Group makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and it should
not be relied on as such. To the extent permitted by law, all express or implied, or other representations or
warranties in relation to the information are expressly excluded.

Neither Gallagher Group nor any of its directors, employees or other representatives shall be responsible for
any loss that you may incur, either directly or indirectly, arising from any use or decisions based on the
information provided.

Except where stated otherwise, the information is subject to copyright owned by Gallagher Group and you may
not sell it without permission. Gallagher Group is the owner of all trademarks reproduced in this information.
All trademarks which are not the property of Gallagher Group, are acknowledged.

Copyright © Gallagher Group Limited 2018. All rights reserved.

Copyright Notice

The software contains proprietary information of Gallagher Group Limited; it is provided under a license
agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and is also protected by copyright law. Reverse
engineering of the software is prohibited.

Due to continued product development this information may change without notice. The information and
intellectual property contained herein is confidential between Gallagher Group Limited and the client and
remains the exclusive property of Gallagher Group Limited. If you find any problems in the documentation,
please report them to us in writing. Gallagher Group Limited does not warrant that this document is error-free.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission
of Gallagher Group Limited.

Copyright notices of third party components:

• Barcode technology provided in this product is copyrighted by TAL Technologies, Inc.
• NLog usage in this product is provided by Jaroslaw Kowalski.
Copyright © 2004-2009, Jaroslaw Kowalski
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
• Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
• Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
• Neither the name of Jaroslaw Kowalski nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or
promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

This software is provided by the Copyright Holders and Contributors "as is" and any express or implied
warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the Copyright Owner or Contributors be liable for any direct, indirect,
incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of
substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any
theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any
way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
• Report Print Preview in this product is provided by Portions Copyright © ComponentOne, LLC 1991-2002.
All rights reserved.
• Portions of this product were created using LEADTOOLS © 1991-1999, LEAD Technologies, Inc.

Gallagher Group Limited

Private Bag 3026
New Zealand
+64 (7) 838 9800
Internet E-Mail: security@gallagher.com
Website: http://www.gallagher.com
Open Source Licenses

openjpeg License

The copyright in this software is being made available under the 2-clauses BSD License, included below. This
software may be subject to other third party and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights
are granted under this license.

Copyright (c) 2002-2014, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium

Copyright (c) 2002-2014, Professor Benoit Macq
Copyright (c) 2003-2014, Antonin Descampe
Copyright (c) 2003-2009, Francois-Olivier Devaux
Copyright (c) 2005, Herve Drolon, FreeImage Team
Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Yannick Verschueren
Copyright (c) 2001-2003, David Janssens
Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), France
Copyright (c) 2012, CS Systemes d'Information, France
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that
the following conditions are met:

1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.


OpenSSL License


The OpenSSL toolkit stays under a double license, i.e. both the conditions of the OpenSSL License and the
original SSLeay license apply to the toolkit. See below for the actual license texts.

OpenSSL License

Copyright (c) 1998-2017 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that
the following conditions are met:

1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following
"This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project * for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit.
4. The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used to endorse or promote
products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please
contact openssl-core@openssl.org.
5. Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL" nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their
names without prior written permission of the OpenSSL Project.
6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following acknowledgment:
"This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit


This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com). This product includes
software written by Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com).

Original SSLeay License

Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)

All rights reserved.

This package is an SSL implementation written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com).

The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL.

This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as the following conditions are aheared to.
The following conditions apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, lhash, DES, etc., code;
not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright
terms except that the holder is Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com).

Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in the code are not to be removed.
If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution as the author of the parts of the
library used.
This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or in documentation (online or textual)
provided with the package.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that
the following conditions are met:

1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and
the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following
"This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)"
The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library being used are not
cryptographic related :-).
4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from the apps directory (application
code) you must include an acknowledgement:
"This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com)"

The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or derivative of this code cannot be
changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be copied and put under another distribution licence [including the GNU
Public Licence.]

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License

This product uses a password list from the OWASP SecLists Project licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)
Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Contents

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Getting Started 1-1

Logon .......................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Changing your password ..................................................................................................... 1-6
Changing an expired password ........................................................................................... 1-7
Restricting System View ............................................................................................................. 1-8
Logoff ........................................................................................................................................ 1-11
Using the toolbar ...................................................................................................................... 1-12
Using keyboard shortcuts ......................................................................................................... 1-17

Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre 2-1

Viewer Configuration - Overall Process....................................................................................... 2-2

Creating a new Viewer ............................................................................................................... 2-6
Configuring the Viewer Navigation Panel ................................................................................ 2-10
Configuring the Alarm Viewer Navigation Panel............................................................... 2-12
Configuring the Cardholder Viewer Navigation Panel ...................................................... 2-19
Configuring the Controlled Challenge Viewer Navigation Panel ...................................... 2-21
Configuring the Event Viewer Navigation Panel ............................................................... 2-26
Configuring the Monitor Site Viewer Navigation Panel .................................................... 2-33
Configuring the Spot Monitor Viewer Navigation Panel ................................................... 2-36
Configuring Tiles ....................................................................................................................... 2-42
Independent Tile configuration......................................................................................... 2-43
Adding Tiles to Panels ....................................................................................................... 2-43
Removing Tiles from Panels .............................................................................................. 2-43
Repositioning Tiles ............................................................................................................ 2-44
Resizing Tiles ..................................................................................................................... 2-44
Configuring individual Tile types .............................................................................................. 2-45
Configuring an Access Decision Tile .................................................................................. 2-46
Configuring an Alarm Details Tile ...................................................................................... 2-48
Configuring an Alarm Instructions Tile .............................................................................. 2-50
Configuring a Broadcast Notifications Tile ........................................................................ 2-51
Configuring a Camera Tile ................................................................................................. 2-53
Configuring a Cardholder Access Groups Tile ................................................................... 2-57
Configuring a Cardholder Biometrics Tile ......................................................................... 2-58
Configuring a Cardholder Cards Tile.................................................................................. 2-60
Configuring a Cardholder Competencies Tile.................................................................... 2-62
Configuring a Cardholder Details Tile................................................................................ 2-64
Configuring a Cardholder Expiries Tile .............................................................................. 2-68
Configuring a Cardholder History Tile ............................................................................... 2-70
Configuring a Cardholder Images Tile ............................................................................... 2-72
Configuring a Cardholder Notes Tile ................................................................................. 2-75
Configuring a Cardholder Notifications Tile ...................................................................... 2-77
Configuring a Cardholder Operator Groups Tile ............................................................... 2-79
Configuring a Cardholder Otis Compass Properties Tile ................................................... 2-80
Configuring a Cardholder Personalised Actions Tile ......................................................... 2-81
Configuring a Cardholder Relationships Tile ..................................................................... 2-82
Configuring an Event Trail Tile .......................................................................................... 2-83
Configuring a Guard Tour Tile ........................................................................................... 2-87

Part number: 3E2732 vii

Contents Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Configuring an Operator Sessions Tile .............................................................................. 2-91

Configuring a Site Plan Tile ................................................................................................ 2-92
Configuring a Status Tile.................................................................................................... 2-95
Configuring a URL Tile ....................................................................................................... 2-98

Creating Reports .................................................................................................................... 2-102

Scheduling a Report................................................................................................................ 2-109
Inserting a condition for filtering ........................................................................................... 2-112
Editing a condition for filtering............................................................................................... 2-113
Removing a condition for filtering.......................................................................................... 2-113
Configuring a Report Layout................................................................................................... 2-114
Configuring a Summary Activity Report Layout ..................................................................... 2-119
Viewing Report Preview in full screen mode ......................................................................... 2-123

Administration ...................................................................................................................... 2-125

Generic Administration Tasks................................................................................................. 2-126
Sizing the Panels .............................................................................................................. 2-126
Resizing/reordering columns .......................................................................................... 2-126
Searching for items ......................................................................................................... 2-127
Copying items .................................................................................................................. 2-130
Editing items.................................................................................................................... 2-130
Deleting items ................................................................................................................. 2-130
History/Notes tab ............................................................................................................ 2-131
Launch Configuration Client ................................................................................................... 2-133
Access Groups ........................................................................................................................ 2-134
Understanding Access Groups ........................................................................................ 2-136
Access Groups and Lienage ............................................................................................. 2-136
Creating a new Access Group.......................................................................................... 2-137
Configuring Access Group access .................................................................................... 2-146
Granting temporary access by Access Group.................................................................. 2-148
Configuring Access Group Privileges for Terminal access ............................................... 2-150
Configuring Access Groups for Test Modes .................................................................... 2-153
Running Reports from the Access Group Viewer............................................................ 2-154
Calendars and Day Categories ................................................................................................ 2-158
Understanding Calendars and Day Categories ................................................................ 2-159
Creating a Day Category .................................................................................................. 2-160
Creating a special Calendar ............................................................................................. 2-161
Assigning Days to Day Categories ................................................................................... 2-163
Card States.............................................................................................................................. 2-165
Understanding Card States ............................................................................................. 2-166
Creating a Card State Set................................................................................................. 2-167
Adding States to a Card State Set.................................................................................... 2-169
Removing States from a Card State Set .......................................................................... 2-170
Configuring a Card State History Report ......................................................................... 2-170
Macros .................................................................................................................................... 2-171
Understanding Macros .................................................................................................... 2-172
Creating a new Macro ..................................................................................................... 2-173
Scheduling a Macro ......................................................................................................... 2-179
Event Action Plans and Alarm Instructions for a Macro ................................................. 2-180
Adding Command Lines for Macros ................................................................................ 2-182

viii Part number: 3E2732

Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Contents

Editing/Removing Actions for a Macro ........................................................................... 2-185

Operator Groups .................................................................................................................... 2-186
Understanding Operator Groups .................................................................................... 2-187
Creating a new Operator Group...................................................................................... 2-188
Configuring Privileges for an Operator Group ................................................................ 2-194
Personal Data Fields ............................................................................................................... 2-200
Understanding Personal Data Fields ............................................................................... 2-201
Creating a new Personal Data Field ................................................................................ 2-202
Regular Expression Settings ............................................................................................ 2-206
Common Regular Expressions ......................................................................................... 2-208
Schedules ................................................................................................................................ 2-209
Understanding Schedules................................................................................................ 2-211
Creating a new Schedule ................................................................................................. 2-211
Adding Day Categories to Schedules ............................................................................... 2-214
Removing Day Categories from Schedules...................................................................... 2-215
Changing times and states within Schedules .................................................................. 2-216
Duplicating Day Category entries .................................................................................... 2-219
Bulk Changes .......................................................................................................................... 2-220
Understanding Bulk Changes .......................................................................................... 2-221
Creating a new Cardholder Bulk Change......................................................................... 2-222
Creating an Inactive Cardholder Bulk Purge ................................................................... 2-238
Editing and/or Running a saved Cardholder Bulk Change .............................................. 2-242

Configuring Licensable Features ............................................................................................. 2-245

Mobile Client Configuration ................................................................................................... 2-246
Understanding Mobile Client .......................................................................................... 2-247
Creating a new Mobile Device ........................................................................................ 2-248
Generating new Enrolment Codes .................................................................................. 2-251
Event Action Plans and Alarm Instructions for a Mobile Device..................................... 2-251
Configuring settings for all Mobile Devices..................................................................... 2-253
Mobile Barcode Scanning................................................................................................ 2-258
Mobile Notifications ........................................................................................................ 2-260
Workstation Routing .............................................................................................................. 2-262
Understanding Workstation Routing .............................................................................. 2-263
Creating a new Workstation Routing item...................................................................... 2-264
Changing the state of a Workstation Routing item......................................................... 2-267
Invoking Workstation Routing......................................................................................... 2-268
Data Map ................................................................................................................................ 2-270
Understanding Data Maps .............................................................................................. 2-271
Creating a Data Map ....................................................................................................... 2-271
Tag Board feature Configuration ............................................................................................ 2-275
Configuring a Tag Board Tile ........................................................................................... 2-275
Broadcast Notification Configuration ..................................................................................... 2-282
Creating a new Broadcast Notification ........................................................................... 2-283
Configuring a Macro to send a Broadcast Notification (optional) .................................. 2-288
Austco Intercom feature Configuration ................................................................................. 2-290
Creating the Austco Intercom Viewer ............................................................................. 2-290
Configuring the Austco Intercom Viewer ........................................................................ 2-291
Configuring Tiles for Austco Intercom Panels ................................................................. 2-292

Part number: 3E2732 ix

Contents Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Jacques Intercom feature Configuration ................................................................................ 2-294

Creating the Jacques Intercom Viewer ........................................................................... 2-294
Configuring the Jacques Intercom Viewer ...................................................................... 2-295
Configuring Tiles for Jacques Intercom Panels................................................................ 2-296
Kone ELI feature Configuration .............................................................................................. 2-298
Configuring a Cardholder Kone ELI Properties Tile ......................................................... 2-298
Commend Intercom feature Configuration............................................................................ 2-300
Creating the Commend Intercom Viewer ....................................................................... 2-300
Configuring the Commend Intercom Viewer .................................................................. 2-301
Configuring Tiles for Commend Intercom Panels ........................................................... 2-303
Locker Management Solution Configuration ......................................................................... 2-304
Configuring Locker Viewer .............................................................................................. 2-304
Adding Cardholder Lockers tile to the Cardholder Viewer ............................................. 2-305

Chapter 3: Using Command Centre 3-1

Working with Viewers ............................................................................................................... 3-2

Alarm Viewer .............................................................................................................................. 3-3
Determining alarm priorites................................................................................................ 3-5
Acknowledging alarms ........................................................................................................ 3-6
Acknowledging multiple alarms .......................................................................................... 3-6
Processing alarms ................................................................................................................ 3-7
Force Processing alarms ...................................................................................................... 3-7
Entering an Alarm Note ....................................................................................................... 3-7
Expanding the Alarm List ..................................................................................................... 3-9
Alarm Sounds .................................................................................................................... 3-10
Cardholder Viewer.................................................................................................................... 3-11
Simple searching for Cardholders ..................................................................................... 3-12
Searching using a Card ...................................................................................................... 3-15
Advanced searching for Cardholders ................................................................................ 3-17
Searching for Cardholders in a multi-server environment ............................................... 3-20
Creating Cardholders......................................................................................................... 3-20
Creating Cardholders from a MIFARE USB Encoder .......................................................... 3-21
Deleting Cardholders......................................................................................................... 3-22
Configuring Anti Passback Forgive .................................................................................... 3-23
Running Bulk Changes from the Cardholder Viewer......................................................... 3-25
Running Reports from the Cardholder Viewer ................................................................. 3-26
Sending a Notification from the Cardholder Viewer......................................................... 3-29
Controlled Challenge Viewer .................................................................................................... 3-31
Granting/Denying Access .................................................................................................. 3-32
Event Viewer ............................................................................................................................ 3-33
Viewing Live Events ........................................................................................................... 3-34
Viewing Historical Events .................................................................................................. 3-35
Expanding the Event List ................................................................................................... 3-37
Monitor Site Viewer ................................................................................................................. 3-38
Spot Monitor Viewer ................................................................................................................ 3-39
Manually displaying Alarms on a Spot Monitor ................................................................ 3-40
Minimising/Maximising Tiles .................................................................................................... 3-41

x Part number: 3E2732

Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Contents

Tile Actions ............................................................................................................................... 3-43

Access Decision Tile actions .............................................................................................. 3-44
Alarm Details Tile actions .................................................................................................. 3-45
Alarm Instructions Tile actions .......................................................................................... 3-46
Broadcast Notifications Tile actions .................................................................................. 3-47
Camera Tile actions ........................................................................................................... 3-49
Cardholder Access Groups Tile actions ............................................................................. 3-50
Cardholder Biometrics Tile actions ................................................................................... 3-56
Cardholder Cards Tile actions ........................................................................................... 3-60
Cardholder Competencies Tile actions.............................................................................. 3-74
Cardholder Details Tile actions ......................................................................................... 3-79
Cardholder Expiries Tile actions ........................................................................................ 3-83
Cardholder History Tile actions ......................................................................................... 3-84
Cardholder Images Tile actions ......................................................................................... 3-85
Cardholder Notes Tile actions ........................................................................................... 3-89
Cardholder Notifications Tile actions ................................................................................ 3-90
Cardholder Operator Groups Tile actions ......................................................................... 3-94
Cardholder Otis Compass Properties Tile actions ........................................................... 3-101
Cardholder Personalised Actions Tile actions ................................................................. 3-104
Cardholder Relationships Tile actions ............................................................................. 3-107
Event Trail Tile actions .................................................................................................... 3-110
Guard Tour Tile actions ................................................................................................... 3-112
Operator Sessions Tile actions ........................................................................................ 3-115
Site Plan Tile actions........................................................................................................ 3-118
Status Tile actions ........................................................................................................... 3-128
URL Tile actions ............................................................................................................... 3-131

Reports ................................................................................................................................. 3-133

Finding a Report ..................................................................................................................... 3-135
Report Filters .......................................................................................................................... 3-139
Printing a Report .................................................................................................................... 3-139
Report Favourites ................................................................................................................... 3-140
Exporting Cardholder Images ................................................................................................. 3-141

Licensable Features ............................................................................................................... 3-143

Tag Board feature ................................................................................................................... 3-144
Changing the text size ..................................................................................................... 3-146
Resizing columns ............................................................................................................. 3-146
Sorting columns............................................................................................................... 3-146
Viewing Cardholder contact details ................................................................................ 3-147
Operator Selected Access Zones ..................................................................................... 3-147
Manually changing a Cardholder's location .................................................................... 3-149
Austco Intercom feature ........................................................................................................ 3-150
Changing the text size ..................................................................................................... 3-152
Placing a call .................................................................................................................... 3-152
Answering a call............................................................................................................... 3-153
Jacques Intercom feature ....................................................................................................... 3-155
Changing the text size ..................................................................................................... 3-158
Placing a call .................................................................................................................... 3-158
Answering a call............................................................................................................... 3-159
Jacques Isolate function .................................................................................................. 3-161

Part number: 3E2732 xi

Contents Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Kone ELI HLI feature ............................................................................................................... 3-165

Assign or Remove a Call Type.......................................................................................... 3-165
Commend Intercom feature ................................................................................................... 3-167
Changing the text size ..................................................................................................... 3-168
Placing a call .................................................................................................................... 3-168
Answering a call............................................................................................................... 3-169
Commend Isolate function .............................................................................................. 3-170
PIV Card Support .................................................................................................................... 3-171
FIPS201 Topography........................................................................................................ 3-172
PIV Cards in Command Centre ........................................................................................ 3-172
PIV Cardholder Registration Process............................................................................... 3-175
Locker Management Solution ................................................................................................ 3-182
Allocate or Remove a Locker via Locker Viewer ............................................................. 3-185
Assign or Remove a Locker via Cardholder Viewer ......................................................... 3-186
Locker Bulk Changes........................................................................................................ 3-188
Locker Status and Overrides ........................................................................................... 3-189
Locker Bank Status and Overrides................................................................................... 3-190

Index I-1

xii Part number: 3E2732

Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 1: Getting Started

Chapter 1: Getting Started

This topic details a number of operations you will perform regularly when
using the Command Centre system, as well as a number of procedures that
could make your life easier when using the system.

Select the item below that you require further detail on:

Logon (on page 1-2)

Restricting System View (on page 1-8)

Logoff (on page 1-11)

Using the toolbar (on page 1-12)

Using keyboard shortcuts (on page 1-17)

Part number 3E2732 Page 1-1

Chapter 1: Getting Started Gallagher Command Centre User Guide


Your username and password will allow you to access Command Centre.
It is the responsibility of your Command Centre administrator to provide you
with a username and password. If you wish to change your password, refer to
Changing your password (on page 1-6).

• If your Command Centre configuration has changed in the Configuration
Client, you will need to log off then log on again in order for the changes
to take effect.
• When Command Centre is launched, if the server to which the
workstation is trying to connect to is enabled for Active Directory single
sign-on (a licensable feature), the system will try to log the operator onto
the Command Centre Client. If Active Directory single sign-on is being
used, ensure you have a domain account, (e.g.

Follow this procedure to log on and open Command Centre Client:
1. Either:
• Double-click the Command Centre Client icon on your Desktop, OR
• From the Start menu, click All Programs > Gallagher > Command
Centre Client.
2. Is your site licensed for Active Directory single sign-on?
If... then...
no the following logon screen displays:

Go to Step 4.

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 1: Getting Started

If... then...
yes if automatic logon is possible, the Command Centre Client main
window displays.
If not, an error message informing the user of the reason logon
has failed displays, followed by the logon screen below:

Note: For the system to automatically log the operator onto

Command Centre the following must apply:
• the Active Directory is available
• the domain account used to log onto the network has not
been disabled, deleted or locked out in Active Directory
• the domain account is linked to an operator in Command
Go to Step 3.
3. Select the appropriate Authentication Logon method from the Logon
Method drop-down box.
If you click... then...
Windows the system will find the operator linked to the user's
Authentication, domain account and log onto the workstation as
that operator.
Command Centre this allows the operator to enter a Command Centre
Authentication, Logon Name and Password.
Go to Step 4.
4. Type your Logon Name.
Note: When you first log on as the system operator, system is the default
'Logon Name', but there is no default 'Password'. For any other operator
logging on, the Logon Name will be blank for a new install on a workstation
or server that has not had an attempted logon. After that, it will be
populated with last attempted Logon Name for that workstation or server.
5. Click in the Password field (alternatively, press the Tab key).
6. Type your password.
If your password has expired the Expired Password window displays, refer
to Changing an expired password (on page 1-7).

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Chapter 1: Getting Started Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

7. The Language drop-down box provides a list of available languages.

If you have previously logged in, Last Selected will be the first option, and
this is selected by default.
Select another language if required.
8. Click the OK button.

Command Centre Client opens displaying the following information on the
status bar at the bottom of the screen:
• your Logon Name
• the version number of Command Centre currently running
• the current day of the week, date and time
• a Routing button will display if you have the "Use Workstation Routing"
privilege in a Division. If so, you can move any Workstation Routing item
in that Division between the non-Disabled states. See Invoking
Workstation Routing (on page 2-268) for further detail.
• a System View button may also display, depending on whether you have
the operator privilege to see it, (i.e. the "Select System View" or
"Advanced User" operator privilege). If it does display, you can restrict
(change) your system view. See Restricting System View (on page 1-8)
for further detail.
The title bar is tabulated to accommodate the 'Viewers', 'Reports' and
'Administration' functionality. However, the Reports and Administration tabs
will only be visible to you if you have the appropriate privileges, as follows:

To... you need...

• see and access the Reports tab to belong to an Operator Group with at
• access the Find Reports screen least one report assigned, or have one of
the report configuration privileges, (i.e.
• run reports "Run <Report Type> Report" operator
privilege) in at least one division.
access the Report Configuration the "Edit Report Descriptions" operator
screen privilege in at least one division.
see and have access to the in at least one division, an operator
Administration Viewer privilege type of:
• "Edit (or View) Access Groups" (to
reveal the Access Groups button)
• "Edit (or View) Macros" (to reveal the
macros button)
• "Edit (or View) Schedules" (to reveal
the Schedules button)

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 1: Getting Started

The Viewers that you can see (via the Viewers tab), depends on your
privileges in the Divisions in which the Viewers are stored, as follows:
To see... you need the...
an Alarm Viewer, "View Events and Alarms" operator privilege.
a Cardholder Viewer, "View Cardholder" operator privilege.
a Monitor Site Viewer, "View Site" operator privilege
a Controlled Challenge Viewer "Controlled Challenge" operator privilege.
• The session will be added to the list of sessions visible in the Operator
Sessions tile in the Command Centre Client and the Operator Sessions
Viewer of the Configuration Client.
• The first time you logon at a particular workstation the Viewers will
appear in the toolbar in alphabetical order based on name. It is possible
to click and drag the buttons to re-order them. No special privileges are
required for this, and any re-ordering of buttons is remembered for the
windows logon and workstation.

Failed logons
If an operators’ successive logon attempts reach the configured 'number of
failed attempts before lockout', then they will be locked out for the
configured lockout period (or permanently if this option is set). A message
will display on the logon screen indicating that the operator is locked out.

The lockout period (if any) will not be displayed. When the lockout period has
completed, the logon name and password can be re-entered and
authenticated successfully. If the operator needs the account unlocked, a
privileged operator can do so via the Logon Details pop-up on the Cardholder
Operator Groups tile. See Unlocking an Operator account (on page 3-100)
for further detail.
Note: Lockout state does not get replicated to remote servers in a multi-
server environment.

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Chapter 1: Getting Started Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Changing your password

1. Click the Change password button on the Command Centre toolbar.
The Change Password pop-up displays.

2. Type in your Old Password.

• For each character you enter (in all the fields on this window), an
asterisk will display so that your current and new passwords are not
• As you type in each of the fields, the Rules displayed in the lower
section of this screen change accordingly.
3. Type in your New Password.
4. Confirm your new password by re-typing it in the Confirm Password field.
5. Click the OK button.
A message displays in the Rules section confirming your password has
changed, or if it did not change then it provides a reason why.

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 1: Getting Started

Changing an expired password

Follow this procedure to change an expired password:
1. When you attempt to log on using an expired password, the Expired
Password window displays.
2. Type your new password. Your new password must meet the password
restrictions currently being enforced.
3. Click in the Confirm Password field (alternatively, press the Tab key).
4. Re-type your new password.
5. Click the OK button (alternatively, press the Enter key).

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Chapter 1: Getting Started Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Restricting System View

When an operator with the "Select System View" or "Advanced User"
operator privilege logs on to Command Centre, a System View button (on the
status bar) displays their system view selection retained from their last log
off. This button allows an operator to change their view of the system, (i.e.
change the Operator Groups that are in effect). Their system view is limited
to the site items, cardholders, Personal Data Fields (PDFs) and operator
privileges assigned to them from the selected Operator Groups.

What displays on the System view button is determined as follows:

The button will show... if...

All Groups the operator’s current system view includes all
Operator Groups available to the operator at this
workstation (and there is more than one).
Restricted View the current system view includes only some of the
operator's Operator Groups that are available at this
[Operator Group Name] the current system view includes only one Operator

Note: If an operator's system view was restricted, (i.e. did not include all
Operator Groups) when they last logged off, the next time they log on the
Select System View pop-up will display automatically. This allows an operator
to confirm their system view, by either retaining the existing view or altering

This procedure describes how an operator can restrict (change) their system
view. For operators to be able to perform this procedure they require the
"Select System View" operator privilege.
1. From the Command Centre main window, click the System View button
on the Status bar.
The Select System View pop-up displays.

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The selections already made on this screen reflect your current system
view, and the list of Operator Groups at the top includes all Operator
Groups that you belong to.
Any Groups you are a member of that are subject to restriction will
appear in the bottom list. Restrictions apply to:
• any Operator Group you are a member of that is restricted to one or
more Workstations (the Operator Group has been configured with
Restrictions), where the workstation you are accessing System View
from is not in that list.
• any Operator Group that is configured for a Workstation Routing item
that is currently routed to or away from the Workstation from which
the user is accessing System View.
2. Select the Operator Groups that you want to include in your current
system view. You can either check or uncheck individual Operator Group
checkboxes, or use the buttons available.
Button Description
Select All Checks all the Operator Group checkboxes.
Deselect All Unchecks all the Operator Group checkboxes.
If you belong to many Operator Groups, and you want to
restrict your system view to only a few of them, this is a
quick method of achieving that rather than unchecking
all the groups you do not want to include in your view.
Click the Deselect All button and then re-check the
groups you want.
Note: If you leave all Operator Groups unselected the
OK button becomes disabled, forcing you to select at
least one group.

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Chapter 1: Getting Started Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Button Description
OK Saves the settings you have chosen, and closes the
Select System View screen.
Cancel Cancels the changes you made and closes the Select
System View screen.

Your system view has been restricted.

Note: Changing System View in Command Centre Client does not affect what
an Operator can see and do in Configuration Client, and vice versa.

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 1: Getting Started


For security and integrity, it may be important to log off when you are away
from the computer.

1. Click the Log off button on the Command Centre toolbar.
The confirmation message, "Are you sure you want to log off?" displays.
2. Click the Yes button.

Command Centre closes.

To ensure operator preferences are reloaded correctly, users should close
Command Centre from the main window using either the Close button ( X ) or
the Log off button.

For example:
If you have the main Command Centre window and a number of child
windows open, by using either the Close or Log off button on the main
window, when you log back in all those windows will reappear. (Note: The
main window is the only one that has the Log off button on it.)
Likewise, if you have all the windows minimised, and you attempt to close
Command Centre via the taskbar, by right clicking on the main window
taskbar button and selecting Close, when you log back in all those windows
will reappear.

However, if you close Command Centre via the taskbar using the Close all
windows option, the child windows close first, which updates the operator
preferences about the number of windows in use. Therefore, when you log
back in only the main window will appear.

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Chapter 1: Getting Started Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Using the toolbar

The Command Centre toolbar is located at the top of the screen and displays
when you first logon. It is tabulated to accommodate both the Viewers,
Reports and Administration functionality.

Note: The Reports tab is only visible to operators who belong to an Operator
Group with at least one report assigned, or have one of the report
configuration privileges, (i.e. "Run <Report Type> Report" operator privilege)
in at least one division.

Viewers tab
There will be a button for each Viewer accessible to the operator from that
workstation. The Viewers that are available to individual operators is
determined by what Viewers are assigned to the Operator Groups they
belong to. In this example, there are four Viewers available.

This table explains the function of the buttons that appear on the Viewers
toolbar only, and shortcut keys where available.

Button Function
Viewer Click a Viewer button to open that particular Viewer.
Alternatively, the following shortcuts can be used:
• <Ctrl+1> selects the left most Viewer, <Ctrl+2> selects the
second, <Ctrl+3> selects the third, and so on up to and
including the ninth Viewer, (i.e. there are no shortcut key
for Viewers to the right of the ninth Viewer).
• <Ctrl+Tab> to navigate to the next Viewer.
• <Ctrl+Shift+Tab> to navigate to the previous Viewer.
Note: Holding down the <Ctrl> key displays the number
allocated to each button.

Viewer Click to configure Viewers. Alternatively press <Ctrl+0> (zero).

Configuration Note: This button is only visible to operators with the
"Configure Viewers" privilege.

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 1: Getting Started

Reports tab
A button for a Report will only appear if the Report has been added as a
'Favourite', and it is accessible to the operator from that workstation. The
Reports that are available to individual operators is determined by their
privileges in the Divisions in which the Reports are stored. In this example,
there are three Reports available.

This table explains the function of the buttons that appear on the Reports
toolbar only.
Button Function
Find Report This button is always the left-most button on the Reports
toolbar. Click to display a Find Reports window which allows
you to search for a particular report.
Report Click a Report button to open that particular Report.
Report Click to configure Reports.
Configuration Note: This button is only visible to operators with the "Edit
Report Descriptions" privilege in at least one division.

Administration tab
The Administration tab provides buttons to allow an operator who has the
correct privileges to perform regular administration tasks.

This table explains the function of the buttons that appear, (i.e. if you have
the correct privileges), on the Administration toolbar only.
Button Function
Access Groups • Search for an existing Access Group
• Create a new Access Group
• Add, edit and delete access for members of Access
Groups, (i.e. where the cardholders who belong to an
Access Group have access to go)
• Edit an Access Group
• Delete an Access Group
• Duplicate an Access Group

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Chapter 1: Getting Started Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Button Function
Calendars Maintain Calendars, i.e.
• View/Edit the Default Calendar
• Create a Special Calendar
• Assign Days to Day Categories
• Reset Dates
Card States • Search for an existing Card State
• Create a new Card State Set
• Add and remove new card states to a Card State Set
• Duplicate a Card State Set
• Edit a Card State Set
• Delete a Card State Set
Macros • Search for an existing Macro
• Create a new Macro
• Schedule a Macro
• Edit/Remove Actions for a Macro
• Edit/Remove Scheduled run times for a Macro
• Add Command Lines for Macros
• Place a Macro on a Site Plan
• Run a Macro
• Duplicate a Macro
Operator • Search for an existing Operator Group
Groups • Create a new Operator Group
• Configure privileges for an Operator Group
• Duplicate an Operator Group
• Edit an Operator Group
• Delete an Operator Group
Personal Data • Search for an existing Personal Data Field
Field • Create a new Personal Data Field
• Edit a Personal Data Field
• Duplicate a Personal Data Field
• Delete a Personal Data Field
Schedules • Search for an existing Schedule
• Create a new Schedule
• Add/Remove Day Categories to Schedules
• Change times and states within Schedules

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Button Function
• Duplicate a Schedule
• Delete a Schedule
Bulk Changes • Create a Cardholder Bulk Change or Inactive Cardholder
Bulk Purge
• Edit a Cardholder Bulk Change or Inactive Cardholder
Bulk Purge
• Duplicate a Cardholder Bulk Change or Inactive
Cardholder Bulk Purge
• Delete a Cardholder Bulk Change or Inactive Cardholder
Bulk Purge
• Edit and/or Run a saved Cardholder Bulk Change
Configuration This button allows you to launch the Configuration Client
Client client without the need to re-enter credentials.
Note: You need the "Launch Configuration Client" privilege
in at least one division to be able to see and use this button.

The following additional buttons will only appear on the Administration

toolbar if your site is licensed for these features and you have the relevant

Button Function
Mobile Devices • Create a new Mobile Device
• Edit a Mobile Device
• Duplicate a Mobile Device
• Delete a Mobile Device
Workstation • Search for an existing Workstation Routing
Routing • Create a new Workstation Routing
• Duplicate a Workstation Routing
• Edit a Workstation Routing
• Delete a Workstation Routing
Data Map • Create a Data Map
• Edit a Data Map
• Duplicate a Data Map
• Delete a Data Map

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Chapter 1: Getting Started Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Buttons common to all tabs

The remainder of the buttons are common to all toolbars. This table explains
their function, and shortcut keys where available:

Button Function
Change password Click to change your password.
Log off Click to log off Command Centre. Alternatively press
? The following two help files are available by clicking the
Arrow below the ? button:
• Standard Help File describes the operation of the
Command Centre Workstations and the actions the
operators can perform in Command Centre Client.
Note: Alternatively, the Standard Help File can be
opened by clicking the ? button or pressing <F1>.
• Event/Alarm Messages provides a full list of all
messages in Command Centre. A further explanation
of each message is provided along with the Event
Group and Event Type it belongs to.
i Click to display the version number of Command Centre
currently running, the Command Centre licence serial
number, and a number of Copyright notices for third
party components used in Command Centre.
Click the Close button to close this window.

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 1: Getting Started

Using keyboard shortcuts

There are a number of accelerator keys that enable you to perform an activity
using a combination of keyboard characters, (e.g. <Ctrl+A> or <Alt+A>).
Note: <Ctrl+C> and <Ctrl+V> can be used to copy and paste information from
most fields into another application.

Accelerator keys for each screen are as follows:

Toolbar shortcut keys

Button Function
<Ctrl+1> to <Ctrl+9> Open the Viewer indicated by the number, (i.e. working
from the left, 1 = 1st Viewer, 2 = 2nd Viewer, etc.)
<Ctrl+Tab> Navigate to the next Viewer
<Ctrl+Shift+Tab> Navigate to the previous Viewer
<Ctrl+L> Log off
<Ctrl+0> (zero) Configuration
<F1> Command Centre Client Online Help

Viewer specific shortcut keys

Button Function
<Ctrl+S> Save
<Ctrl+Del> Delete
<Ctrl+M> Maximise/minimise the current tile with focus
<Alt+1> to <Alt+9> Transfers focus to the Tile indicated by the number, (i.e.
working from top/left through to bottom/right, 1 = 1st
Tile, 2 = 2nd Tile, etc.)
<Alt+ +> Move to next tile
<Alt+ -> Move to previous tile
<Alt+0> (zero) Move focus to the selected item in the Navigation Panel,
(e.g. the current alarm or cardholder)
<F1> Command Centre Client Online Help
<Shift+F1> Quick Tips relating to the specific Viewer

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Chapter 1: Getting Started Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Alarm Viewer shortcut keys

Button Function
<Alt+A> Acknowledge
<Alt+P> Process
<Alt+N> Add Note
<Alt+T> Text Size
<F9> Mute Alarm

Cardholder Viewer shortcut keys

Button Function
<Alt+H> or <Ctrl+N> Create Cardholder
<Alt+D> or <Ctrl+Delete> Delete Cardholder
<Alt+S> Search text box
<Alt+B> By (column selection)
<Alt+Down Arrow> can then be used to open the
drop-down list of options
<Ctrl+F> Switches the search mode to 'Simple Search' and
puts the focus in the Search text box
<Ctrl+E> Switches the search mode to 'Advanced Search'
and opens the Edit Search pop-up
<Ctrl+D> Switches the search mode to 'Search Using Card'
<Ctrl+S> Save

Challenge Viewer shortcut keys

Button Function
<Alt+G> Grant Access
<Alt+D> Deny Access
<Alt+T> Text Size

Monitor Site Viewer shortcut keys

Button Function
<Alt+0> (zero) Navigate to the list of panels
(Can use the arrow keys to navigate between

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 1: Getting Started

Advanced Search Editing shortcut keys

Button Function
<Alt+I> Insert Condition
<Alt+E> Edit Condition
<Alt+R> Remove Condition
<Ctrl+Up Arrow> Move row up
<Ctrl+Down Arrow> Move row down
<Alt+S> Search
<Alt+C> Cancel

Tile Action shortcut keys (that can be executed without the Tile having focus)
Button Function
<Alt+A> Assign Access
<Alt+Y> Copy Access
<Alt+O> Assign Competency
<Alt+C> Assign Card
<Alt+R> Assign Relationship
<Alt+L> Assign Filter (Notifications)
<Alt+P> Capture (Fingerprint)
Note: Only applies to the main Capture button;
not for the capture of Duress fingerprints.
<Ctrl+P> Print/Encode Card
(only in the scope of the Cardholder Cards Tile)
<Ctrl+I> Capture Image *
<Ctrl+U> Upload Image *

* If the Cardholder Images Tile does not have focus, these shortcut keys will
apply to the first image on the Images Tile, if there is more than one.

Status Tile shortcut keys

Button Function
<Alt+I> Add Item
<Ctrl+Up Arrow> Move row up
<Ctrl+Down Arrow> Move row down

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

This section provides instructional information for operators configuring

Command Centre.
When you log on to Command Centre the tab that is displayed on the title bar,
(i.e. either the Viewers tab, Reports tab or Administration tab) will be the one
you had selected last time you were logged in.

Select the item below that you require further detail on:

Viewer Configuration - Overall Process (on page 2-2)

Creating Reports (on page 2-102)

Administration (on page 2-125)

Configuring Licensable Features (on page 2-245)

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Viewer Configuration - Overall Process

This section describes the overall process for configuring Viewers in Command
Centre. When necessary, this process refers to separate step-by-step
procedures that are detailed elsewhere in this online help.

Operator Privileges
Operators with the "Configure Viewer" operator privilege can create, edit and
delete Viewers in a particular division. They can also look at the Configuration
of Viewers in that Division. Operators also require the "View Site" operator
privilege to look at the Configuration of Viewers in that Division.

1. Select the Viewers tab on the Command Centre title bar.
2. Click the Viewer Configuration button on the toolbar.
The Configuration Viewer displays with the Configuration Navigation
Panel down the left hand side, and the Configuration Panel on the right.

The Configuration Panel is populated with the Viewer and Panel that the user
was looking at in the application prior to clicking the Viewer Configuration
button. The corresponding Viewer entry is highlighted in the Configuration
Navigation Panel.

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

The Configuration Viewer is divided into the following sections:

• Configuration Navigation Panel
This displays all Viewers that the user has the privileges to either edit, or
view the configuration for. By default, the list shows all Viewers grouped
by Viewer Type, however the Choose Filter By Division button allows a
site to display only those Viewers stored in a particular Division or any of
its sub-Divisions. The list can be expanded or collapsed using the
buttons, and the items are listed in ascending alphabetical order at each
level. A warning icon will appear next to the name of any Viewer that
has not been assigned to at least one Operator Group. Although the
Division in which a Viewer is stored has no significance in terms of who
can see it in operational mode, a site may still choose to organise their
Viewers divisionally based on the operators who will be using them.
It is possible to work on and/or view an unlimited number of Viewers
without having to save changes in the interim. Viewers with unsaved
changes should be easily identifiable in the list as they are in bold and
have a * at the end of their name. This includes new Viewers that have
not been saved at all. The entry that corresponds to the Viewer displayed
in the Configuration Panel will appear as selected.
Note: If you close the application with unsaved changes or if you reload
viewers with unsaved changes, they will be lost.
• Viewer Navigation Panel
The content of the Navigation Panel varies depending on the type of
Viewer displayed, and its configuration, (e.g. for an Alarm Viewer the
Navigation Panel will be a list of Alarms, whereas for a Cardholder Viewer
the Navigation Panel will be a list of Cardholders).
• Viewer Panel
The Viewer Panel displays either the only Panel available for the Viewer,
or the one shown in the Currently Viewing Panel field. Depending on
your privileges, you will either be able to View or Edit the configuration of
the Viewer Navigation Panel or Panel.
This table describes the buttons on this screen.
Button Description
Choose Filter By Although the Division in which a Viewer is stored has no
Division significance in terms of who can see it in operational mode, a
site may still choose to organise their Viewers divisionally
based on the operators who will be using them. This button
allows them to display only those Viewers stored in a
particular Division or any of its sub-Divisions.
Regardless of which option is selected, the items are listed in
ascending alphabetical order at each level.
General Details Clicking this button causes the General Details pop-up to
display, and the rest of the screen is disabled.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Button Description
Assign to Clicking this button causes the Viewer Assignments pop-up
Operators to display, and the rest of the screen is disabled. This allows
you to assign the Viewer to one or more Operator Groups.
The pop-up also shows a list of Operator Groups a Viewer is
currently assigned to.
By default no Operator Groups are assigned to a Viewer, and
a Viewer can be saved with no Groups assigned.
In a multi-server environment, only local Operator Groups
appear in the browse tool.

Clicking this button provides quick tips for configuration.

Rename... Next to the Currently viewing panel drop-down, this button

allows the currently selected Panel to be renamed. Clicking
this button causes the Enter the new name for the panel
pop-up to display, and the rest of the screen is disabled. The
current Panel name can be over-typed, but not left blank,
and the name must be unique for the Viewer. The new
Panel name will be updated anywhere it is referenced in the
The options available in the Currently viewing panel drop-
down will depend on the type of viewer being configured.

All viewers, with the exception of the Monitor Site Viewer,

can have an Independent Panel that can be configured to
display when there are either no items selected or no items
to display, (e.g. no alarms in queue, no Cardholder search
performed, etc.). This allows for the "grey space" in the
Viewer Panel to be configured to show independent tiles,
(e.g. Cameras, Site Plans, etc.).
New Viewer Clicking this button displays a list of the Viewer types that
can be created. By selecting the type of Viewer to be
created, the General Details pop-up displays, and the rest of
the screen is disabled.
Note: If the user has created a New Viewer previously, the
type of Viewer last created will be set as the default.
Copy Viewer This operates on the Viewer displayed in the Configuration
Panel. Clicking this button causes the Viewer to be replaced
in the Configuration Panel with a copy of itself.
The Viewer name is set to 'Copy of <name of Viewer being
copied>', and a corresponding entry appears at the
appropriate place in the Viewer list. Each Panel belonging to
the original Viewer is copied, and the copy of the original

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

Button Description
Panel being viewed is displayed and shown as the 'Currently
Viewing Panel'.
Delete Viewer This operates on the Viewer displayed in the Configuration
Panel. When this button is clicked, the confirmation
message "Are you sure you want to delete <Viewer name>?"
displays. On confirmation, the Viewer and associated Panels
are deleted from the database, and the corresponding entry
removed from the Viewer list.
Note: This button is only enabled if the Viewer has been
saved to the database.
Revert to saved This operates on the Viewer displayed in the Configuration
Panel. Clicking this button causes all changes made to the
Viewer (and associated Panels) to revert to the state they
were in following the last save.
Note: This button is only enabled when the Viewer
(including its Panels) has unsaved changes.
Save This operates on the Viewer displayed in the Configuration
Panel. Clicking this button validates the Viewer (and
associated Panels), before saving changes to the database.
Note: This button is only enabled when the Viewer
(including its Panels) has unsaved changes.
Work in full Clicking this button causes the Viewer Configuration Preview
screen config to be displayed in full screen mode, in accordance with the
view screen resolution selected. The maximised version of the
panel layout allows you to configure the layout of the Viewer
Navigation Panel and Viewer Panel in the same way as if you
were working in the minimised version.
From here you can save changes, and easily navigate back to
the minimised version by clicking the Return to normal
config view button.
3. Create/edit a Viewer.
Refer to Creating a new Viewer (on page 2-6) for the procedure.
4. Configure the content of the Viewer Navigation Panel, (e.g. add and
remove columns).
Refer to Configuring the Viewer Navigation Panel (on page 2-10) for the
5. Configure the Tiles for the Viewer.
Refer to Configuring Tiles (on page 2-42) for the procedure.
6. Click the Save button.
Note: Although this saves a new Viewer or changes made to any existing
Viewer, the changes do not appear immediately in operational mode. By
right clicking on the Viewer Configuration button and selecting Reload
Viewers, the changes appear without logging off and on again.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Creating a new Viewer

This procedure describes how to create a new Viewer.
Note: Size and position of the Start menu, size of the taskbar and screen
resolution should all be taken into account when configuring Viewers.
Therefore, it is recommended you configure Viewers either on the machine
that they will be used on, or on a representative screen.

1. From the Configuration Viewer click the New Viewer button, and then
click the type of Viewer you require, (i.e. Alarm Viewer, Cardholder
Viewer, Controlled Challenge Viewer, Event Viewer, Monitor Site Viewer
or Spot Monitor Viewer).
A Configuration pop-up (screen sample) displays.

Note: This example is of the Cardholder Viewer General Configuration

pop-up, however these same fields appear on the pop-ups for the other
Viewer types.
2. Complete the fields as required.
This table describes how the fields are populated.
Field/Checkbox Description
Name Defaults to '<Type of Viewer> Viewer <next
number that would make the name unique>'.
Division Defaults to the last Division in which the Operator
created a Command Centre item, regardless of
whether it was created in Configuration Client or
via Command Centre Client.
The division can be changed, as follows:
a) Click the <Division Name> button.
A browse tool displays.

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

Field/Checkbox Description

Note: Only divisions to which you are privileged to

see will appear in the list.
b) Select the Division you want the Viewer to be
c) Click the OK button.
The browse tool closes and the name of the
button changes to reflect the name of the
Division you selected.
Viewer Description This field is blank.

Dock This is used to determine the position of the

Viewer's Navigation Panel. Available options are
Top, Bottom, Left, Right, with the default value
depending on the Viewer.
Note: It is recommended that you dock the
Navigation Panel either at the top or bottom for a
Spot Monitor Viewer.
Resolution This is used to determine the aspect ratio of the
screen the Viewer is being configured for. The
default is to use the resolution of the screen on
which the Viewer is being configured, represented
by the 'Current Screen' option. The following
standard resolution options are available:
1024x768 (Old CRT monitor or non-widescreen TV,
many projectors)
1280x720 (720p HD video and some widescreen
1280x800 (Many 13-15 inch widescreen laptops)
1366x768 ("HD Ready" TV's and some widescreen

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Field/Checkbox Description
1280x1024 (17 and 19 inch non-widescreen LCD
1440x900 (Some 15-17 inch widescreen laptops or
19 inch widescreen LCD monitors)
1680x1050 (Many 20 and 22 inch widescreen
1920x1080 ("Full HD" TV's, 1080p HD video and
some 24 inch LCD monitors)
1920x1200 (Many 24-27 inch widescreen LCD
• This may change the aspect ratio of the Viewer
displayed in the Configuration Panel.
• If you need to configure a viewer for a
resolution that is not listed then you can do so
by logging on to the client at a PC that has a
monitor of the required resolution.
• The Cardholder viewer is not designed to be
used at resolutions with a height of less than
768, due to the size of the Assign Access pop-
up. However, if you are not using a Cardholder
viewer to assign access, (e.g. for view only
purposes) then any resolution can be used.
Display viewer when This checkbox only appears on the Alarm Viewer
a new alarm is raised configuration pop-up.
If selected, when a new alarm occurs the Alarm
Viewer will pop to the front.
Display viewer when This checkbox only appears on the Controlled
a new challenge Challenge Viewer configuration pop-up.
occurs If selected, when a new qualifying Challenge event
occurs the Controlled Challenge Viewer will pop to
the front.

3. Click the Close button.

The Configuration pop-up closes. No changes will be saved to the
database but will be retained and actioned within the confines of the
Configuration as follows:
• Setting/changing the Name will change what appears in the Name in
the Configuration Panel.
• Changing the Division changes the position of the Viewer entry in the
Configuration Navigation Panel.

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• Changing the Dock setting (of the Viewer Navigation Panel) changes
the layout of the Viewer on the Configuration Panel. The Viewer
Navigation Panel will be relocated, and the Viewer Panel moved
Note: This may mean that the Panel, and its tiles now hang over the
edge of the available real estate. It is up to the user to reconfigure the
tiles on the Panel.
• It is recommended that you dock the Navigation Panel either at the
top or bottom for a Spot Monitor Viewer.
• Changing the Resolution may change the aspect ratio of the real estate
available for configuring the Viewer. This should be obvious to the
user on the Configuration Panel, however it will be up to the user to
reconfigure the Viewer as required.
Note: For a Spot Monitor Viewer, choose the resolution of the screen
on which you intend to use the Viewer. If the correct resolution is not
selected the Viewer Panel may display with scroll bars.
• Resizing Alarm Viewers can be difficult after a number of different
panels have been configured. Therefore, it is important to set the size
of Alarm Viewers prior to configuring any panels as these will all need
to be modified if the size of the Alarm Viewers need to be changed

Configure the Viewer Navigation Panel.
See Configuring the Viewer Navigation Panel (on page 2-10) for the

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Configuring the Viewer Navigation Panel

When creating a new Viewer, or editing an existing Viewer, the
Viewer Navigation Panel needs to be configured.

Note: This is the default position for the Viewer Navigation Panel on all
Viewers except the Monitor Site Viewer, where it appears vertically on the

Before you begin

Before you begin this procedure ensure you have created a new Viewer. See
Creating a new Viewer (on page 2-6) for the procedure.

1. Move the mouse over the Viewer Navigation Panel, and click on the Click
to configure button that appears.
The relevant Configuration pop-up for the type of Viewer you are creating
2. Configure as appropriate.
Refer to the type of Viewer Navigation Panel you require further
information on:
Alarm Viewer Navigation Panel (on page 2-12)

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

Cardholder Viewer Navigation Panel (on page 2-19)

Controlled Challenge Viewer Navigation Panel (on page 2-21)
Event Viewer Navigation Panel (on page 2-26)
Monitor Site Viewer Navigation Panel (on page 2-33)
Spot Monitor Viewer Navigation Panel (on page 2-36)

Add the required Tile types to the Panel.
See Configuring Tiles (on page 2-42) for details relating to adding tiles to a

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Configuring the Alarm Viewer Navigation Panel

The Navigation Panel for an Alarm Viewer is a list of Alarms. Configure as
1. Move the mouse over the Alarm Viewer Navigation Panel, and click on
the Click to Configure button that appears.
The Alarm Viewer Configuration pop-up displays.

2. Select the type of alarms you want to include from the Escalation drop-
down list.
The options are:
- Both Escalated and Non-Escalated Alarms
- Non-escalated Alarms Only
- Escalated Alarms Only
3. Do you want to include all Divisions?

If... then...
yes click the All Divisions radio button.
no you must select the Divisions you want to include.
To do this:
a) Click the Selected Divisions radio button, and then select
the Select Divisions button.
A browse tool displays.

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If... then...

b) Check the Division(s) you want to include in the Alarm

The Deselect All and Add Selection buttons are
c) Click the Add Selection button.
The browse tool closes, and the selected Division(s)
appear in the grid below the Select Divisions button.
4. Do you want to include all Priorities?
If... then...
yes click the All Priorities radio button.
no click the Selected Priorities radio button, and then
individually check those Priorities to be included.
5. Check the Allow Filtering by Alarm State checkbox if you want users to
be able to filter an alarm list in operational mode.
If checked, the Filter options, (i.e. All Alarms, Unacknowledged and
Acknowledged) will be visible in operational mode, allowing users to
select the filter they require for the Viewer.
6. Configure the columns you want to display.
Column selection is indicated by a "tick" and is made by clicking in the
checkbox next to the name.
Note: The Priority, Alarm State, Occurrence Time and Message columns
are selected by default, of which only the Message column can be de-
7. Configure the panel(s) you want to display.
• The button beside the Panel Rules section can be clicked to
provide quick tips for configuring panels.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

• If you have a long list of panels to work with, rather than scrolling
through the list you can use the arrow button at the right of the
panel area to expand it so it takes up most of the Configuration pop-
• If a new Viewer is being created or no specific rules have been defined
for the Viewer, the only entry will be for the default rule. The panel
configured for the default rule will be displayed whenever an Alarm is
selected in the Viewer for which a specific rule has not been defined.
The default rule entry cannot be removed but an alternative panel can
be selected. The Default Alarm Panel is based on a template (Alarm
Panel) which is shipped with the product. It is possible to change the
content of the Default Alarm Panel, including which tiles are selected,
the position, size and configuration of tiles. It is also possible for this
panel to be renamed and/or assigned to a different rule.
Creating a Rule (on page 2-15)
Updating a Rule (on page 2-17)
Deleting a Rule (on page 2-18)
8. Click the OK button.
The columns displayed in the Alarm Viewer Navigation Panel are updated
to reflect the changes made. Any additional columns (selected at Step 5)
are added as the right-most column(s) in the grid with headings to match
the checkbox descriptions.
9. Resize and/or reorder the columns if required, as follows:
Note: The first three columns, (i.e. Priority, Alarm State and Occurrence
Time), are the only ones that cannot be resized or reordered.

To... Steps
reorder columns Click on the column title and drag it to the required
resize columns a) Hover over the column divider until the mouse
pointer changes to a "double-ended arrow".

b) Click and hold down the mouse button.

c) Move the mouse in the required direction until
the column is the required size.

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Creating a Rule on an Alarm Viewer Navigation Panel

1. Click the Create Rule button.
The New Rule Definition pop-up opens.

2. Select the Event Source, as follows:

a) Click the <not filtered> button.
A browse tool displays.

b) Search for the item you want to use as an Event Source by entering
search criteria in the Search field and/or refining the filters.
The grid becomes populated with items that match the search criteria.
c) Click the radio button next to the item name you want to use.
d) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the <not filtered> button changes to the name
of the item you selected.
Note: The Reset button allows you to reset the Event Source selection to
<not filtered>.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

3. Select the required Event Group from the drop-down list.

The Event Type drop-down list is populated with the Event Types
applicable for the selected Event Group.
4. Select the required Event Type from the drop-down list.
5. Assign the Panel for the Alarm by clicking the appropriate radio button:

If you click... then...

Choosing an existing select the required Panel from the drop-down
panel list.
Copying a Panel select the Panel you want to copy from the drop-
down list, and enter a name for the Panel to copy
Creating a new Panel enter a name for the new Panel.
6. Click the OK button.
The New Rule Definition pop-up closes, and the new entry appears in the

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Updating a Rule on an Alarm Viewer Navigation Panel

1. Click on the Panel Rule you want to update so it becomes highlighted.
2. Click the Update Rule button.
The Update Rule Definition pop-up opens.

3. Assign a different Panel for the Alarm by clicking the appropriate radio

If you click... then...

Choosing an existing select the required Panel from the drop-down list.
Copying a Panel select the Panel you want to copy from the drop-
down list, and enter a name for the Panel to copy
Creating a new Panel enter a name for the new Panel.
4. Click the OK button.
The Update Rule Definition pop-up closes, and the Panel to Display is
updated in the grid.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Deleting a Rule from an Alarm Viewer Navigation Panel

1. Click on the Panel Rule you want to delete so it becomes highlighted.
2. Click the Delete Rule button.
The Delete Rule pop-up displays.

3. If there are no other alarms assigned to this panel a Delete the panel
checkbox will appear also on this screen.
Tick this checkbox if you want to delete the panel.
4. Click the OK button.
The Delete Rule pop-up closes, and the entry disappears from the grid.

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

Configuring the Cardholder Viewer Navigation Panel

The Navigation Panel for a Cardholder Viewer is a list of Cardholders.
Configure as follows:
1. Move the mouse over the Cardholder Viewer Navigation Panel, and click
on the Click to Configure button that appears.
The Cardholder Viewer Configuration pop-up displays.

2. Select the fields you want to display by clicking in the checkbox next to
the name of the field.
Note: The First Name, Last Name, Description, Division and Card
Number(s) fields are all selected by default. However, with the exception
of First Name and Last Name, they can be removed.
3. Do you want to include PDFs?

If... then...
no go to Step 4.
yes a) Click the Select PDFs to be included button.
A browse tool displays.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

If... then...

b) If necessary, search for the Personal Data Field(s) you

want to add to the Cardholder Viewer by entering search
criteria in the Search field.
The grid becomes populated with items that match the
search criteria.
c) Click in the checkbox next to each PDF name you want to
include, or click the Select All button if you want to
include all PDFs.
d) Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and each of the Personal Data Field(s)
that were selected individually appears beneath the
button, with a checkbox to the left of its name ticked. A
PDF can be excluded from the Cardholder Details tile by
unchecking the box.
4. Click the Close button.
The columns displayed in the Cardholder Viewer Navigation Panel are
updated to reflect the changes made. Any additional columns are added
as the right-most column(s) in the grid with headings to match the
checkbox descriptions.
5. Resize and/or reorder the columns if required, as follows:

To... Steps
reorder columns Click on the column title and drag it to the required
resize columns a) Hover over the column divider until the mouse
pointer changes to a "double-ended arrow".

b) Click and hold down the mouse button.

c) Move the mouse in the required direction until
the column is the required size.

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

Configuring the Controlled Challenge Viewer Navigation Panel

The Navigation Panel for a Controlled Challenge Viewer is a list of challenge
(dual authorisation, first credential) events. Configure as follows:
1. Move the mouse over the Cardholder Viewer Navigation Panel, and click
on the Click to Configure button that appears.
The Controlled Challenge Viewer Configuration pop-up displays.

2. Do you want to display events for all Controlled Challenge Doors?

If... then...
yes click the All Controlled Challenge Doors radio button.
no you must select the Controlled Challenge Doors you want to
include. To do this:
a) Click the Specific Controlled Challenge Doors radio
button, and then select the Select specific doors to
monitor button.
A browse tool displays.

Note: Local Doors only are displayed. Remote Doors

cannot be monitored in a Controlled Challenge mode.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

If... then...
b) If necessary, search for the Door(s) you want to include
in the Controlled Challenge Viewer by entering search
criteria in the Search field and/or refining the Division
The grid becomes populated with Doors that match the
search criteria.
c) Click the checkbox next to each Door name you want to
include, or click the Select All button if you want to
include all Doors.
d) Click the Add Selection button.
The browse tool closes.
3. Configure the panel(s) to display in response to a Challenge event on a
Door, if required.
Note: There is a Default Challenge Panel to cater for those items where a
more specific Panel has not been defined. This Panel cannot be deleted.
Creating an entry (on page 2-23)
Deleting an entry (on page 2-24)
Assigning a different Panel (on page 2-25)
4. Click the OK button.
Note: The columns displayed in the Controlled Challenge Viewer
Navigation Panel are not configurable (i.e. they cannot be reordered or
resized) from here. However, in operational mode it is possible to resize
the columns.

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Creating an entry to a Controlled Challenge Viewer Navigation Panel

1. Click the Create entry button.
The Assign Panel for Door pop-up displays.

2. Select the Door from the drop-down list.

3. Assign the Panel for the Door by clicking the appropriate radio button:

If you click... then...

Choosing an existing select the required Panel from the drop-down
panel list.
Copying a Panel select the Panel you want to copy from the drop-
down list, and enter a name for the Panel to copy
Creating a new Panel enter a name for the new Panel.

4. Click the OK button.

The Assign Panel for Door pop-up closes, and the new entry appears in
the grid.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Deleting an entry from a Controlled Challenge Viewer Navigation Panel

1. Click on the entry you want to delete so it becomes highlighted.
2. Click the Delete entry button.
The Delete the panel assignment for the Door pop-up displays.

3. If there are no other doors assigned to this panel a Delete the panel
checkbox will appear also on this screen.
Tick this checkbox if you want to delete the panel.
4. Click the OK button.
The Delete the panel assignment for the Door pop-up closes, and the
entry disappears from the grid.

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Assigning a different Panel to a Controlled Challenge Viewer Navigation Panel

1. Click on the entry you want to assign a different panel to, so it becomes
2. Click the Assign different Panel button.
The Assign different Panel for the Door pop-up displays.

3. Assign a different Panel for the Door by clicking the appropriate radio

If you click... then...

Choosing an existing select the required Panel from the drop-down
panel list.
Copying a Panel select the Panel you want to copy from the
drop-down list, and enter a name for the Panel
to copy to.
Creating a new Panel enter a name for the new Panel.

4. Click the OK button.

The Assign different Panel for the Door pop-up closes, and the Panel to
Display is updated in the grid.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Configuring the Event Viewer Navigation Panel

The Navigation Panel for an Event Viewer is a list of Events. Configure as
1. Move the mouse over the Event Viewer Navigation Panel, and click on the
Click to Configure button that appears.
The Event Viewer Configuration pop-up displays.

2. Do you want to include all Divisions?

If... then...
yes click the All Divisions radio button.
no you must select the Divisions you want to include. To do this:
a) Click the Selected Divisions radio button, and then select
the Select Divisions button.
A browse tool displays.

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If... then...
b) Check the Division(s) you want to include in the Alarm
The Deselect All and Add Selection buttons are enabled.
c) Click the Add Selection button.
The browse tool closes, and the selected Division(s)
appear in the grid below the Select Divisions button.
3. Configure the columns you want to display.
Column selection is indicated by a "tick" and is made by clicking in the
checkbox next to the name.
Note: The Occurrence Time, Division, Entry Access Zone, Event Group,
Event Source, Event Type and Message columns are selected by default,
of which only the Occurrence Time column cannot be de-selected.
4. Configure the panel(s) you want to display.
• The button beside the Panel Rules section can be clicked to provide
quick tips for configuring panel.
• If you have a long list of panels to work with, rather than scrolling
through the list you can use the arrow button at the right of the
panel area to expand it so it takes up most of the Configuration pop-
• If a new Viewer is being created or no specific rules have been defined
for the Viewer, the only entry will be for the default rule. The panel
configured for the default rule will be displayed whenever an Event is
selected in the Viewer for which a specific rule has not been defined.
The default rule entry cannot be removed but an alternative panel can
be selected. The Default Event Panel is based on a template (Event
Panel) which is shipped with the product. It is possible to change the
content of the Default Event Panel, including which tiles are selected,
the position, size and configuration of tiles. It is also possible for this
panel to be renamed and/or assigned to a different rule.
Creating a Rule (on page 2-29)
Updating a Rule (on page 2-31)
Deleting a Rule (on page 2-32)
5. Click the OK button.
The columns displayed in the Event Viewer Navigation Panel are updated
to reflect the changes made. Any additional columns (selected at Step 5)
are added as the right-most column(s) in the grid with headings to match
the checkbox descriptions.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

6. Resize and/or reorder the columns if required, as follows:

To... Steps
reorder columns Click on the column title and drag it to the required
resize columns a) Hover over the column divider until the mouse
pointer changes to a "double-ended arrow".

b) Click and hold down the mouse button.

c) Move the mouse in the required direction until
the column is the required size.

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Creating a Rule on an Event Viewer Navigation Panel

1. Click the Create Rule button.
The New Rule Definition pop-up opens.

2. Select the Event Source, as follows:

a) Click the <not filtered> button.
A browse tool displays.

b) Search for the item you want to use as an Event Source by entering
search criteria in the Search field and/or refining the filters.
The grid becomes populated with items that match the search criteria.
c) Click the radio button next to the item name you want to use.
d) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the <not filtered> button changes to the name
of the item you selected.

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Note: The Reset button allows you to reset the Event Source selection to
<not filtered>.
3. Select the required Event Group from the drop-down list.
The Event Type drop-down list is populated with the Event Types
applicable for the selected Event Group.
4. Select the required Event Type from the drop-down list.
5. Assign the Panel for the Event by clicking the appropriate radio button:

If you click... then...

Choosing an existing select the required Panel from the drop-down
panel list.
Copying a Panel select the Panel you want to copy from the drop-
down list, and enter a name for the Panel to copy
Creating a new Panel enter a name for the new Panel.
6. Click the OK button.
The New Rule Definition pop-up closes, and the new entry appears in the

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Updating a Rule on an Event Viewer Navigation Panel

1. Click on the Panel Rule you want to update so it becomes highlighted.
2. Click the Update Rule button.
The Update Rule Definition pop-up opens.

3. Assign a different Panel for the Event by clicking the appropriate radio

If you click... then...

Choosing an existing select the required Panel from the drop-down
panel list.
Copying a Panel select the Panel you want to copy from the
drop-down list, and enter a name for the
Panel to copy to.
Creating a new Panel enter a name for the new Panel.
4. Click the OK button.
The Update Rule Definition pop-up closes, and the Panel to Display is
updated in the grid.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Deleting a Rule from an Event Viewer Navigation Panel

1. Click on the Panel Rule you want to delete so it becomes highlighted.
2. Click the Delete Rule button.
The Delete Rule pop-up displays.

3. If there are no other events assigned to this panel a Delete the panel
checkbox will appear also on this screen.
Tick this checkbox if you want to delete the panel.
4. Click the OK button.
The Delete Rule pop-up closes, and the entry disappears from the grid.

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

Configuring the Monitor Site Viewer Navigation Panel

The Navigation Panel for a Monitor Site Viewer is a list of Panels created for
the Viewer. Configure as follows:
1. Move the mouse over the Monitor Site Viewer Navigation Panel, and click
on the Click to Configure button that appears.
The Monitor Site Viewer Configuration pop-up displays.

Unless additional Panels have been created for this Viewer by the user,
the only entry in the Panels list will be the Default Panel. The first entry
in the list will be selected. If specific doors have been defined for the
selected panel they will display in the grid on the right.
2. Click on the function you want to perform.
Adding a new Panel (on page 2-34)
Copying a Panel (on page 2-34)
Deleting a Panel (on page 2-34)
Adding Doors to a Panel (on page 2-35)
3. Click the OK button.
The preview mode of the Monitor Site Viewer Navigation Panel is
updated to reflect the Panel(s) added/removed.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Adding a new Panel to a Monitor Site Viewer Navigation Panel

1. Click the New Panel button.
A new Panel appears in the Panels list with a default name of 'Panel
<number>'. The number on the end ensures the Panel name is unique,
and increments by one each time a new Panel is added.

2. Give the Panel a more meaningful name if required.

• You cannot enter a name which is a duplicate of another Panel for the
same Viewer.
• You can use the up and down arrows to the side to change the order of
the Panels, (i.e. select the Panel you want to move and click either the
up or down arrow to move it).

Copying a Panel to a Monitor Site Viewer Navigation Panel

1. Click the Copy Panel button.
The Copy Panel pop-up displays.

2. Select the Panel you want to copy from the From drop-down list.
3. Enter a name for the Panel to copy to in the To field.
4. Click the OK button.
The Copy Panel pop-up closes and the new entry appears in the Panels

Deleting a Panel from a Monitor Site Viewer Navigation Panel

1. Click on the Panel you want to delete.
Note: You cannot delete the last Panel, (i.e. there must always be one
Panel present).
2. Click the Delete Panel button.
The Panel is removed from the Panels list.

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

Adding Doors to a Panel (Monitor Site Viewer Navigation Panel)

Specific doors are associated with a Panel, and are the conditions that control
when the associated Panel name will flash (to attract the user's attention) in
the Viewer Navigation Panel.
1. Ensure the Panel you want to associate Doors to is selected, and click the
Select Door(s) button.
A browse tool displays.

Note: The Door monitored must be a local Door. Identifying a

Cardholder who last badged at a remote Door is not possible.
2. If necessary, search for the Door(s) you want to add to the Panel by
entering search criteria in the Search field and/or refining the Division
The grid becomes populated with Doors that match the search criteria.
3. Click the checkbox next to each Door name you want to include, or click
the Select All button if you want to include all Doors.
4. Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and each of the Door(s) that was selected individually
appears in the grid on the right when that Panel is selected in the Panels

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Configuring the Spot Monitor Viewer Navigation Panel

The Navigation Panel for a Spot Monitor Viewer can display Event messages
and/or Warning messages, or it can be configured to be blank. Configure as
1. Move the mouse over the Spot Monitor Viewer Navigation Panel, and
click on the Click to Configure button that appears.
The Spot Monitor Viewer Configuration pop-up displays.

2. Check the Display Event Message and/or Display Warning Message

checkboxes if you want these to display in the Viewer Navigation Panel.
Note: If neither of these are selected the Viewer Navigation Panel will
appear blank in operational mode. If you want it to be blank, you can
resize the Navigation Panel to a minimal height to allow more screen area
for tiles.
3. Configure the panel(s) you want to display.
Note: The button beside the Panel Rules section can be clicked to
provide quick tips for configuring Spot Monitor panels (on page 37).
Creating a Rule (on page 2-37)
Updating a Rule (on page 2-39)
Deleting a Rule (on page 2-40)
4. Click the OK button.
The Spot Monitor Viewer Configuration pop-up closes.
5. Assign the Spot Monitor Viewer to the operators who require it, as

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

If you are... then...

using a purely automated a) Set up the Operator Profile for the
Spot Monitor, dedicated Workstation.
b) Set up the Operator Group to be
associated with the Spot Monitor.
allowing other Operators a) Add these Operators to the Operator
to take control of the Group that will be associated with the
Spot Monitor, Spot Monitor.
b) Set up an Alarm Viewer for the Spot
Monitor Operator Group.
c) Configure the Alarm Viewer Navigation
Panel to add Spot Monitor Viewer controls
to the Navigation Panel.
6. If you intend viewing camera footage on the Spot Monitor Viewer via
Camera tiles, you need to set up cameras in Configuration Client first.
See Setting up DVR Cameras (on page 2-40) for further detail.

Creating a Rule on a Spot Monitor Viewer Navigation Panel

1. Click the Create Rule button.
The New Rule Definition pop-up opens.

2. Select the Alarm Priority from the drop-down list.

3. Click the appropriate radio button to indicate whether you want to
activate the Spot Monitor Viewer from a Single Source or Multiple
Note: This provides the option for different panels to display depending
on the number of sources in alarm.
4. Click the appropriate radio button for the Event Source(s) you want to
Which option did you select?

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

If... then...
All Sources, go to Step 5.
Specific Sources Select the Event Source(s), as follows:
OR a) Click the Add Event Sources button.
All Sources By A browse tool displays.
Division and
Item Type,

b) Search for the item(s) you want to use as an Event

Source by entering search criteria in the Search
field and/or refining the filters.
The grid becomes populated with items that match
the search criteria.
c) Click in the checkbox next to the item name you
want to include, or click the Select All button if you
want to include all items.
d) Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and the item(s) you selected
appear in the Event Sources grid.
Note: An Event Source can be removed using the
Remove button.
5. Assign the Panel for the Alarm Priority by clicking the appropriate radio
If you click... then...
Choosing an existing select the required Panel from the drop-down
panel list.
Copying a Panel select the Panel you want to copy from the drop-
down list, and enter a name for the Panel to copy
Creating a new Panel enter a name for the new Panel.
6. Click the OK button.
The New Rule Definition pop-up closes, and the new entry appears in the
Panel Rules grid.
Note: The up and down arrows to the side of the Panel Rules grid can be
used to change the order if required, (i.e. select the rule you want to
move and click either the up or down arrow to move it).

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

Updating a Rule on a Spot Monitor Viewer Navigation Panel

1. Click on the Panel Rule you want to update so it becomes highlighted.
2. Click the Update Rule button.
The Update Rule Definition pop-up opens.

3. Change any of the 'Rule Properties' if necessary.

4. Assign a different Panel for the Alarm Priority by clicking the appropriate
radio button:

If you click... then...

Choosing an existing select the required Panel from the drop-down
panel list.
Copying a Panel select the Panel you want to copy from the
drop-down list, and enter a name for the Panel
to copy to.
Creating a new Panel enter a name for the new Panel.
5. Click the OK button.
The Update Rule Definition pop-up closes, and the Panel to Display is
updated in the grid.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Deleting a Rule from a Spot Monitor Viewer Navigation Panel

1. Click on the Panel Rule you want to delete so it becomes highlighted.
2. Click the Delete Rule button.
The Delete Rule pop-up displays.

3. If there are no other alarms assigned to this panel a Delete the panel
checkbox will appear also on this screen.
Tick this checkbox if you want to delete the panel.
4. Click the OK button.
The Delete Rule pop-up closes, and the entry disappears from the grid.

Setting up DVR Cameras for a Spot Monitor Viewer

Cameras need to be set up in Configuration Client if you want to view camera
footage on the Spot Monitor Viewer. This means creating a DVR System and
DVR Camera(s). For details on how to create these, refer to the topics
"Configuring a DVR System" and "Configuring a DVR Camera" in the Gallagher
Configuration Client User Guide.
Once the DVR Camera(s) have been created, they can be assigned to the
properties of all the required Command Centre items, by dragging and
dropping the cameras from the External Systems Master List Window onto
the Cameras tab.

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

The up and down arrows to the side can be used to change the order of the
DVR Cameras if required, (i.e. select the camera you want to move and click
either the up or down arrow to move it).

The order you sort the cameras here will be their "position in list" when you
choose to Live feed from Event Source Camera, and specify the number of
the camera that the feed will be taken from on a Camera Tile in Command
Centre Client. In this example, Fixed Camera = Camera 1, Foyer DVR Camera
= Camera 2 and Carpark DVR Camera = Camera 3.

Therefore, in the following screen shot, the Carpark DVR Camera has been
selected to live feed from.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Configuring Tiles

Tiles can be configured to appear on a Panel in a Viewer. The floating 'Tile

Toolbox' contains a list of the tile types (in alphabetical order) that are
available for the type of Viewer you are configuring. The Toolbox can be re-
positioned anywhere within the panel layout area by clicking on it and
dragging it. It can also be minimised so that only the header displays.

Note: This example of the Tile Toolbox shows the tile types available when
configuring an Alarm Viewer.

Tile types determine the information that can appear on that tile and the
configuration options available. Each type of Tile may appear more than
once on a Panel. See Configuring individual Tile types (on page 2-45) for
further detail about configuring the individual types of Tiles.

Independent Tile configuration (on page 2-43)

Adding Tiles to Panels (on page 2-43)

Removing Tiles from Panels (on page 2-43)

Repositioning Tiles (on page 2-44)

Resizing Tiles (on page 2-44)

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

Independent Tile configuration

Some of the tile types can operate independently from a Viewers Navigation
Panel, and can therefore have static configuration (or allow Operator
selected). These tiles can be placed on any viewer.

Adding Tiles to Panels

1. Click the Viewer Configuration button on the Command Centre toolbar.
The Configuration Viewer displays with the Configuration Navigation
Panel down the left hand side, and the Configuration Panel on the right.
2. Double-click the tile type entry on the 'Tile Toolbox'. See Configuring
individual Tile types (on page 2-45) for further detail about the Tile type
you have selected.
The tile appears on the Configuration Panel section of the screen, in a
position determined by the system.
Note: Once a tile has been added to a panel, it can be repositioned and
resized as required. See Repositioning Tiles (on page 2-44) and Resizing
Tiles (on page 2-44) for further detail.
3. Move the mouse over the Tile you have added, and click on the Click to
configure button that appears.
A Tile Configuration pop-up displays, allowing you to configure as
Note: In operational mode, tiles on a panel can be maximised (made larger)
so all the content is visible without scrolling (see Minimising/Maximising Tiles
on page 3-41). When a tile is maximised, all other tiles on the panel become
minimised as icons in a list. As a result of this, the more tiles there are, the
more unrecognisable the minimised icons will become.

Therefore, it is important when adding tiles to a Viewer panel that you

consider how the icons will appear when minimised. When configuring, check
the Viewer in operational mode to see if the minimised icons are still
recognisable. This is best checked on a screen similar in size to that being
used by operators who will be using this Viewer.

Removing Tiles from Panels

Move the mouse over the Tile you have added, and click on the Delete Tile
button that appears.
The tile is removed from the Configuration Panel.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Repositioning Tiles
1. Move the mouse pointer to the Tile you want to reposition.
2. Click and hold down the mouse button, so that the pointer changes into
3. Move the mouse (and hence the Tile) to the required new position.
4. Release the mouse button.
• When a Tile is moved in proximity to a panel border or another Tile
edge, cross hairs display and magnetic window snapping functionality
applies, (i.e. this enables you to align Tiles perfectly with each other
and with screen boundaries).
• It is not possible for Tiles to be dragged outside the border of the
• Tiles should not be configured on top of each other or overlapping,
with the exception of the Camera Tile which will always be on top.

Resizing Tiles
1. Move the mouse pointer to an edge of the Tile.
2. When the pointer changes to a "double-ended arrow", ( ) click and
hold down the mouse button.

3. Move the mouse in the required direction, and the Tile resizes
Note: You can resize the Tile vertically, horizontally or both directions at
the same time.
4. When the Tile is the required size, release the mouse button.
Note: If when resizing a Tile it is moved in proximity to a panel border or
another Tile edge, cross hairs display and magnetic window snapping
functionality applies, (i.e. this enables you to align Tiles perfectly with
each other and with screen boundaries).

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

Configuring individual Tile types

Each Tile type has different configuration options available. Refer to the Tile
type you require further information on:
Access Decision Tile (on page 2-46)
Alarm Details Tile (on page 2-48)
Alarm Instructions Tile (on page 2-50)
Broadcast Notification Tile (on page 2-51)
Camera Tile (on page 2-53)
Cardholder Access Groups Tile (on page 2-57)
Cardholder Biometrics Tile (on page 2-58)
Cardholder Cards Tile (on page 2-60)
Cardholder Competencies Tile (on page 2-62)
Cardholder Details Tile (on page 2-64)
Cardholder Expiries Tile (on page 2-68)
Cardholder History Tile (on page 2-70)
Cardholder Images Tile (on page 2-72)
Cardholder Notes Tile (on page 2-75)
Cardholder Notifications Tile (on page 2-77)
Cardholder Operator Groups Tile (on page 2-79)
Cardholder Otis Compass Properties Tile (on page 2-80)
Cardholder Personalised Actions (on page 2-81)
Cardholder Relationships Tile (on page 2-82)
Event Trail Tile (on page 2-83)
Guard Tour Tile (on page 2-87)
Operator Sessions Tile (on page 2-91)
Site Plan Tile (on page 2-92)
Status Tile (on page 2-95)

URL Tile (on page 2-98)

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Configuring an Access Decision Tile

This Tile is used to display the Access Decision, as determined by the system in
response to an access request, at the entry reader on a designated Door. This
Tile is only applicable to the Monitor Site Viewer. When used for Challenge, it
is only used in a scenario where the dual authorisation functionality
(Controlled Challenge), currently available in Configuration Client is not
applicable. The configured door will be a dummy and not monitored.

Note: The Door monitored must be a local Door. Identifying a Cardholder

who last requested access at a remote Door is not supported.

How to configure
The only specific configuration for this tile is to select the Door against which
the reader to be monitored for access requests, as follows:
1. Double-click on Access Decision on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Access Decision Tile appears on the Configuration Panel section of
the screen in preview mode.

2. Move the mouse over the Access Decision Tile you have added, and click
on the Click to configure button that appears.
The Access Decision Tile Configuration pop-up displays.

3. Enter an appropriate Title for this tile.

4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware that Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

5. Click the Select Door button.

A browse tool displays.

Note: Local Doors only are displayed. Remote Doors cannot be selected.
6. Check the door you want to use.
7. Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the Select Door button changes to the name of the
door you selected.
8. Click the Close button.
The preview mode of the Access Decision Tile now displays the name of
the Door that it has been configured for.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Configuring an Alarm Details Tile

This tile is used to display the Details of an Alarm, including its History. This
tile is only applicable to the Alarm Viewer, Event Viewer and the Spot Monitor

How to configure
1. Double-click on Alarm Details on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Alarm Details Tile appears on the Configuration Panel section of the
screen in preview mode. It displays dummy data in all the fields.

2. Move the mouse over the Alarm Details Tile you have added, and click on
the Click to configure button that appears.
The Alarm Details Tile Configuration pop-up displays.

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3. Enter an appropriate Title for this tile.

4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware that Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys
5. Uncheck the details that are not required, and click the Close button.
The preview mode of the Alarm Details Tile still displays dummy data, but
now only the fields you selected, (i.e. left as checked on the Configuration
pop-up) appear in the order listed.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Configuring an Alarm Instructions Tile

This tile is used to display the Alarm Instructions applicable to the selected
Alarm. This tile is only applicable to the Alarm Viewer and Event Viewer.

How to configure
1. Double-click on Alarm Instructions on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Alarm Instructions Tile appears on the Configuration Panel section of
the screen in preview mode, displaying dummy data.

2. Move the mouse over the Alarm Instructions Tile you have added, and
click on the Click to configure button that appears.
The Alarm Instructions Tile Configuration pop-up displays.

3. Enter an appropriate Title for this Tile.

4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware that Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys
5. Click the Close button.
The preview mode of the Alarm Instructions Tile now displays the title

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Configuring a Broadcast Notification Tile

This Tile allows you to send a broadcast notification message to one or more

Note: Notifications is a licensable feature so this Tile can only be added to a

Panel if your site has the appropriate license.

How to configure
1. Double-click on Broadcast Notification on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Broadcast Notification Tile appears on the Configuration Panel
section of the screen in preview mode.

2. Move the mouse over the Broadcast Notification Tile you have added,
and click on the Click to configure button that appears.
The Broadcast Notification Configuration pop-up displays.

3. Enter an appropriate Title for this Tile.

4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the Tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware that Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

5. Click on the Select Broadcast Notification List button, select an item from
the browse tool and click the OK button.
6. If you want to lock the Tile down to only the chosen Broadcast
Notification item then check the Prevent selection via drop down
7. If you want to only show one specific message on the Tile, click the
Specific radio button and select the message from the list.
The full message will show in the box below.
8. If you want the Tile to show all messages, so that the operator may
choose from multiple messages at the time of sending, then click the List
configured messages radio button.
9. Click the Close button.
The Broadcast Notification Configuration pop-up closes.
Note: A Broadcast Notification item that is assigned in the configuration
for a Broadcast Notification Tile cannot be deleted. De-configure the
Broadcast Notification item from all Tiles before deleting it.

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Configuring a Camera Tile

This tile is used to display either a live feed or stored footage (depending upon
its configuration) for a camera.
The camera tile can be operated independently from a Viewers Navigation
Panel, so can therefore have static configuration (or Operator selected). This
tile can be added to any Viewer. Depending on the type of Viewer the
Camera tile is being added to, the Camera tile can be configured to show:
• a live feed from a Specific Camera, OR
• live or stored footage from a camera which is Event Based,
• a blank tile where by an Operator can select a camera at will,
• a live feed from a camera associated with a Spot Monitor or an Intercom,
• live or stored footage from a camera associated with an event source,
• a live video stream from the integrated Camera on the Jacques Intercom
Panel from which the call was made.
Note: If you intend viewing camera footage on a Spot Monitor Viewer, you
need to set up cameras in Configuration Client. See Setting up DVR Cameras
(on page 2-40) for further detail.

How to configure
1. Double-click on Camera on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Camera Tile appears on the Configuration Panel section of the screen
in preview mode.

Note: This example is how the tile preview will appear when being placed
on an Alarm Viewer only. On a Controlled Challenge Viewer, Monitor Site
Viewer or Spot Monitor Viewer, it will remain empty until it is properly
2. Move the mouse over the Camera Tile you have added, and click on the
Click to configure button that appears.
The Camera Tile Configuration pop-up displays, and differs slightly
depending on the type of Viewer you are adding the Camera tile to:

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• Alarm Viewer or Event Viewer

• Controlled Challenge Viewer or Monitor Site Viewer

• Spot Monitor Viewer

• Intercom Viewer

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• Jacques Intercom Viewer

3. Enter an appropriate Title for this Tile.

4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware of the following impacts this has:
• Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys <Ctrl+M>
• The Camera tile cannot be manually refreshed.
5. Uncheck the Show Camera Controls checkbox if you want the camera
controls to be removed on the Camera tile.
6. Do you want a configuration free Camera tile so operators can select a
camera to view in operational mode?
If no, go to Step 7.
If yes, click the Operator Selected Camera radio button, and go to Step 8.
7. Configure what you want displayed on the tile, as follows:
For... then...
live feed from a specific a) Click the Please select a camera button.
camera, A browse tool displays, listing all Cameras
the operator configuring the tile is able to
see, displayed in alphabetical order.

b) Select the Camera you want to use.

c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the Please select a
camera button changes to the name of the
Camera you selected.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

For... then...
stored footage recorded click the Stored footage from Action Plan
automatically in Camera(s) radio button.
response to an event (as
configured in the Action
Plan) ,
live feed from the click the Live feed from Action Plan Camera(s)
Camera(s) that recorded radio button.
footage in response to
the event,
live feed or stored a) Click the appropriate radio button, (i.e. either
footage from event Stored Footage from Event Source Camera
source camera, or Live feed from Event Source Camera).
b) Enter the 'position in list' number of the
camera, for stored or live video from a
camera associated with the Intercom or Item
identified as the source of the event.
The system will use the 'position in list'
number to find the required camera from the
list of cameras configured for the Spot
Monitor, Intercom or Alarm Viewer identified
as the source of the event.
Note: The 'position in list' number of a
camera is determined by the order of
cameras on the Cameras tab in Configuration
live video stream from click the Jacques Video Stream radio button.
the integrated Camera
on the Jacques Intercom
Panel from which the
call was made,
Note: When the application is run, if there is more than one camera to
display stored or live video from event related cameras, additional tabs
will appear for the tile, with each one displaying the footage or feed from
one of the cameras.
8. Click the Close button.
The preview mode of the Camera Tile now displays the title given. It is
unable to show a preview of what will appear in operational mode, so
when viewed in preview mode the configuration will display a 'still' image
that has been shipped with the product.
Note: The Camera Tile is the only tile that can be configured on top of or
overlapping other tiles.

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Configuring a Cardholder Access Groups Tile

This tile displays the Access Groups assigned to an individual Cardholder. It
can be configured to show details for:
• the Cardholder selected from the Cardholder List (on a Cardholder
Viewer), OR
• the Cardholder who last badged or presented their finger at a Door (for
Challenge), OR
• the Cardholder related to an Event.

How to configure
1. Double-click on Cardholder Access Groups on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Cardholder Access Groups Tile appears on the Configuration Panel
section of the screen in preview mode.

Note: This example is how the tile preview will appear when being placed
on a Cardholder Viewer. On other viewers the buttons for assigning,
copying and removing Access Groups will not appear.
2. Move the mouse over the Cardholder Access Groups Tile you have added,
and click on the Click to configure button that appears.
The Cardholder Access Groups Configuration pop-up displays.

3. Enter an appropriate Title for this Tile.

4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware that Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys
5. Click the Close button. The preview mode of the Cardholder Access
Groups Tile now displays the title given.
Note: The number of Access Groups a Cardholder can be assigned will
vary, so it is important you size the tile accordingly.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Configuring a Cardholder Biometrics Tile

This tile provides the user with the ability to capture and verify biometrics,
(i.e. fingerprint and finger vein), and is only used on a Cardholder Viewer.

How to configure
1. Double-click on Cardholder Biometrics on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Cardholder Biometrics Tile appears on the Configuration Panel
section of the screen in preview mode.

2. Move the mouse over the Cardholder Biometrics Tile you have added,
and click on the Click to configure button that appears.
The Cardholder Biometrics Configuration pop-up displays.

3. Enter an appropriate Title for this Tile.

4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware that Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys
5. The Capture duress biometrics checkbox controls whether to display the
Duress Biometrics capture options or not, and is checked by default.
Uncheck it if not required.

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6. What model of Morpho Biometric reader do you have?

If... then...
MA1xx, MA Sigma, MA J, leave the Allow choice of reader database
MA VP or MA5xx without checkbox unchecked as these readers only
an IDENTPLUS licence have one database.
MA5xx with an IDENTPLUS check the Allow choice of reader database
licence checkbox as these are multi-database
7. Click the Close button.
The preview mode of the Cardholder Biometrics Tile now displays the title

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Configuring a Cardholder Cards Tile

This tile displays the cards assigned to an individual Cardholder.
Note: This tile cannot be placed on a Monitor Site Viewer.

How to configure
1. Double-click on Cardholder Cards on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Cardholder Cards Tile appears on the Configuration Panel section of
the screen in preview mode.

Note: This example is how the tile preview will appear when being placed
on a Cardholder Viewer only. On other viewer types the Assign Card and
Remove buttons are missing from the preview.

• Although most sites will only assign one card to a Cardholder the grid
expands to display additional information about the assigned card, so
it is important you don't make the tile too small.
• The buttons for assigning and removing cards are disabled in
configuration mode, as they can only be used in operational mode.
2. Move the mouse over the Cardholder Cards Tile you have added, and
click on the Click to configure button that appears.
The Cardholder Cards Configuration pop-up displays.

3. Enter an appropriate Title for this Tile.

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4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware the Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys
5. To support sites using MIFARE® Cards, it is possible to configure a Card
Serial Number (CSN) column to display in the Cards grid.
Do you require a Card Serial Number (CSN) column?
If... then...
no go to Step 6.
yes a) Check the Show Column checkbox.
b) Check the Reverse Bytes checkbox if you require the card
number to be in reverse-byte-order.
Note: The Reverse Bytes format is used by Command
Centre when using the CSN as a Card Number. Other
systems use the unique serial number of the card (UID).
c) Select the appropriate Number Format from the drop-down
list, (i.e. Decimal or Hexadecimal).
Note: This is the only configurable column on the Cardholder
Cards Tile. The order of all the other columns is fixed, and if
configured to display, the CSN column will appear as the last
column with no option to move it.

6. Click the Close button.

The preview mode of the Cardholder Cards Tile now displays the title

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Configuring a Cardholder Competencies Tile

This tile displays the Competencies assigned to an individual Cardholder. It
can be configured to show details for:
• the Cardholder selected from the Cardholder List (on a Cardholder
Viewer), OR
• the Cardholder who last badged or presented their finger at a Door (for
Challenge), OR
• the Cardholder related to an Event.

How to configure
1. Double-click on Cardholder Competencies on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Cardholder Competencies Tile appears on the Configuration Panel
section of the screen in preview mode.

• The preview of this tile looks different depending on the viewer it is
placed on. This is an example of how it will appear on a Cardholder
Viewer only.
• The buttons for assigning, removing and disabling Competencies are
disabled in configuration mode, as they can only be used in
operational mode.
2. Move the mouse over the Cardholder Competencies Tile you have added,
and click on the Click to configure button that appears.
The Cardholder Competencies Configuration pop-up displays.

Note: If you are adding this tile to a Monitor Site Viewer there will be an
additional Source section at the bottom for selecting a Door.

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3. Enter an appropriate Title for this Tile.

4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware the Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys
5. Are you adding this Tile to a Monitor Site Viewer?

If... then...
no go to Step 6.
yes you must select a door. To do this:
a) Click the Select Door button.
A browse tool displays.

Note: Local Doors only are displayed. Remote Doors

cannot be selected.
b) Check the door you want to use.
c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the Select Door button changes to
the name of the door you selected.
6. Click the Close button.
The preview mode of the Cardholder Competencies Tile now displays the
title given.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Configuring a Cardholder Details Tile

This tile displays details of a Cardholder. It can be configured to show details
• the Cardholder selected from the Cardholder List (on a Cardholder
Viewer), OR
• the Cardholder who last badged or presented their finger at a Door (for
Challenge), OR
• the Cardholder related to an Event.

How to configure
1. Double-click on Cardholder Details on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Cardholder Details Tile appears on the Configuration Panel section of
the screen in preview mode.

Note: The preview of this tile will look different if you are adding it to a
Monitor Site Viewer, (i.e. it will be blank until the door is configured). For
other viewers, it will show the fields configured for display. This gives you
an idea of what it will look like in Operational mode. The actual field
labels are shown, including PDF names, however the data content is
'dummy data'.
2. Move the mouse over the Cardholder Details Tile you have added, and
click on the Click to configure button that appears.
The Cardholder Details Configuration pop-up displays.

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Note: If you are adding this tile to a Monitor Site Viewer there will be an
additional Source section at the bottom for selecting a Door.
3. Enter an appropriate Title for this Tile.
4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware that Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys
5. Select the fields you want to display by clicking in the checkbox next to
the name of the field.
Note: The First Name, Last Name, Short Name, Description and Division
fields are all included automatically, (i.e. they are checked by default), but
can be removed.
6. Do you want to include Personal Data Fields (PDFs)?

If... then...
no, click the No PDFs radio button.
all PDFs, click the All PDFs radio button.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

If... then...
some PDFs, a) Click the Selected PDFs radio button.
A browse tool displays.

b) If necessary, search for the Personal Data Field(s)

you want to add to this tile by entering search
criteria in the Search field.
The grid becomes populated with PDFs that match
the search criteria.
c) Click the checkbox next to each PDF name you want
to include, or click the Select All button if you want
to include all PDFs.
d) Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and each of the Personal Data
Field(s) that was selected individually appears
beneath the button, with a check box to the left of
its name ticked. A PDF can be excluded from the
Cardholder Details tile by unchecking the box.
7. Select the Salto Settings that you want to apply to an individual
8. Are you adding this tile to a Monitor Site Viewer?

If... then...
no go to Step 9.
yes you must select a door. To do this:
a) Click the Select Door button.
A browse tool displays.

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If... then...

Note: Local Doors only are displayed. Remote Doors

cannot be selected.
b) Check the door you want to use.
c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the Select Door button changes to
the name of the door you selected.

9. Click the Close button.

The preview mode of the Cardholder Details Tile now displays the title
given, the actual field labels, including PDF names, however the data
content is 'dummy data'.
Note: The Cardholder Details Tile does not have a horizontal scroll bar on
it, therefore if PDFs are included, it is important to size the tile according
to the length of the PDF names. Checking the preview mode during
configuration should highlight any issues.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Configuring a Cardholder Expiries Tile

This tile is intended for use as part of a Challenge operation, and will display a
warning if one or more of a Cardholder's Cards or Competencies have expired
or are within a warning expiry period. This tile can be used on all viewers.

This tile can be configured to show details for:

• the Cardholder selected from the Cardholder List (on a Cardholder
Viewer), OR
• the Cardholder who last badged or presented their finger at a Door (for
Challenge), OR
• the Cardholder related to an Event.

How to configure
1. Double-click on Cardholder Expiries on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Cardholder Expiries Tile appears on the Configuration Panel section
of the screen in preview mode.

• The data content displayed is 'dummy data' to give you an idea of what
it will look like in Operational mode.
• The preview of this tile will look different if you are adding it to a
Monitor Site Viewer, (i.e. it will be blank until the door is configured).
2. Move the mouse over the Cardholder Expiries Tile you have added, and
click on the Click to configure button that appears.
The Cardholder Expiries Configuration pop-up displays.

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Note: If you are adding this tile to a Monitor Site Viewer there will be an
additional Source section at the bottom for selecting a Door.
3. Enter an appropriate Title for this Tile.
4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware that Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys
5. Are you adding this Tile to a Monitor Site Viewer?

If... then...
no go to Step 6.
yes you must select a door. To do this:
a) Click the Select Door button.
A browse tool displays.

Note: Local Doors only are displayed. Remote Doors

cannot be selected.
b) Check the door you want to use.
c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the Select Door button changes to
the name of the door you selected.
6. Click the Close button.
The preview mode of the Cardholder Expiries Tile still displays 'dummy

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Configuring a Cardholder History Tile

This tile displays the audit history for a Cardholder. The Cardholder will be
determined by the tile's configuration.

This tile can be configured to show details for:

• the Cardholder selected from the Cardholder List (on a Cardholder
Viewer), OR
• the Cardholder who last badged or presented their finger at a Door (for
Challenge), OR
• the Cardholder related to an Event.

How to configure
1. Double-click on Cardholder History on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Cardholder History Tile appears on the Configuration Panel section of
the screen in preview mode. The data content displayed is 'dummy data'
to give you an idea of what it will look like in Operational mode.

2. Move the mouse over the Cardholder History Tile you have added, and
click on the Click to configure button that appears.
The Cardholder History Configuration pop-up displays.

Note: If you are adding this tile to a Monitor Site Viewer there will be an
additional Source section at the bottom for selecting a Door.

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3. Enter an appropriate Title for this Tile.

4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware that Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys
5. Are you adding this Tile to a Monitor Site Viewer?

If... then...
no go to Step 6.
yes you must select a door. To do this:
a) Click the Select Door button.
A browse tool displays.

Note: Local Doors only are displayed. Remote Doors

cannot be selected.
b) Check the door you want to use.
c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the Select Door button changes to
the name of the door you selected.
6. Click the Close button.
The preview mode of the Cardholder History Tile now displays the title
given, and still displays 'dummy data'.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Configuring a Cardholder Images Tile

This tile can display one or more "Image" type PDFs stored against a
Cardholder. It can be configured to show details for:
• the Cardholder selected from the Cardholder List (on a Cardholder
Viewer), OR
• the Cardholder who last badged or presented their finger at a Door (for
Challenge), OR
• the Cardholder related to an Event.

How to configure
1. Double-click on Cardholder Images on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Cardholder Images Tile appears on the Configuration Panel section of
the screen in preview mode, with a light border representing the
outline(s) of where the "Image" type PDF(s) will display. This allows you
to size the tile correctly.
Note: The number of outline images that display depends on the number
of "Image" type PDFs that are configured in Configuration Client.

2. Move the mouse over the Cardholder Images Tile you have added, and
click on the Click to configure button that appears.
The Cardholder Images Configuration pop-up displays.

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Note: If you are adding this tile to a Monitor Site Viewer there will be an
additional Source section at the bottom for selecting a door.
3. Enter an appropriate Title for this Tile.
4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximised the available screen real estate, be
aware that Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys
5. In the Fields section, click the appropriate radio button for what PDFs you
want to include, (i.e. either All PDFs or Selected PDFs).
Did you select Selected PDFs?

If... then...
no go to Step 6.
yes a list displays of all the "Image" type PDFs that exist. Select
those PDF(s) you want to include by clicking in the checkbox
next to the PDF.
6. Are you adding this Tile to a Monitor Site Viewer?

If... then...
no go to Step 7.
yes you must select a door. To do this:
a) Click the Select Door button.
A browse tool displays.

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If... then...

Note: Local doors only are displayed. Remote Doors

cannot be selected.
b) Check the door you want to use.
c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the Select Door button changes to
the name of the door you selected.
7. Click the Close button.
The preview mode of the Cardholder Images Tile now displays the title
given, and outline images for the number of "Image" type PDFs you

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Configuring a Cardholder Notes Tile

This tile can display notes recorded for a Cardholder. It can be configured to
show details for:
• the Cardholder selected from the Cardholder List (on a Cardholder
Viewer), OR
• the Cardholder who last badged or presented their finger at a Door (for
Challenge), OR
• the Cardholder related to an Event.

How to configure
1. Double-click on Cardholder Notes on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Cardholder Notes Tile appears on the Configuration Panel section of
the screen in preview mode. The data content displayed is 'dummy data'
to give you an idea of what it will look like in Operational mode.

2. Move the mouse over the Cardholder Notes Tile you have added, and
click on the Click to configure button that appears.
The Cardholder Notes Configuration pop-up displays.

Note: If you are adding this tile to a Monitor Site Viewer there will be an
additional Source section at the bottom for selecting a door.
3. Enter an appropriate Title for this Tile.
4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware that Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys

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5. Are you adding this Tile to a Monitor Site Viewer?

If... then...
no go to Step 6.
yes you must select a door. To do this:
a) Click the Select Door button.
A browse tool displays.

Note: Local Doors only are displayed. Remote Doors

cannot be selected.
b) Check the door you want to use.
c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the Select Door button changes to
the name of the door you selected.
6. Click the Close button.
The preview mode of the Cardholder Notes Tile now displays the title
given, and still displays 'dummy data'.

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Configuring a Cardholder Notifications Tile

This tile is used to configure Event Notifications for a Cardholder. It allows you
• enable/disable all assigned Notification Filters at the Cardholder level
• schedule the enablement/disablement of all Notifications Filter
assignments at some point in the future, indefinitely or for a period of
• enable/disable each Notification Filter assignment independently.
• Notifications is a licensable feature so this tile can only be added to a
Panel if your site has the appropriate license.
• This tile cannot be placed on a Monitor Site Viewer.

How to configure
1. Double-click on Cardholder Notifications on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Cardholder Notifications Tile appears on the Configuration Panel
section of the screen in preview mode.

• This example is how the tile preview will appear when being placed on
a Cardholder Viewer. On an Alarm or Controlled Challenge Viewer
the buttons for assigning and removing Notification filters will not
• The data content displayed is 'dummy data' to give you an idea of
what it will look like in Operational mode.
2. Move the mouse over the Cardholder Notifications Tile you have added,
and click on the Click to configure button that appears.
The Cardholder Notifications Configuration pop-up displays.

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3. Enter an appropriate Title for this Tile.

4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware that Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys
5. Click the Close button.
The preview mode of the Cardholder Notifications Tile now displays the
title given, and still displays 'dummy data'.

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Configuring a Cardholder Operator Groups Tile

This Tile is only applicable to the Cardholder Viewer, and provides Operators
with the ability to:
• Join Operator Groups and become an Operator.
• Set Operator's logon name.
• Reset Operator's password to blank.
• Force Operator to change password at next logon.
• Enable the advanced drag and drop feature for an Operator.
• Configure a Windows logon to be used to log the Operator onto the
system using single sign-on.
Note: This is only available if the server to which the workstation
connects is enabled for Active Directory single sign-on.

How to configure
1. Double-click on Cardholder Operator Groups on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Cardholder Operator Groups Tile appears on the Configuration Panel
section of the screen in preview mode, displaying dummy data.

2. Move the mouse over the Cardholder Operator Groups Tile you have
added, and click on the Click to configure button that appears.
The Cardholder Operator Groups Tile Configuration pop-up displays.

3. Enter an appropriate Title for this tile.

4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware that Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys
5. Click the Close button.
The preview mode of the Cardholder Operator Groups Tile now displays
the title given.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Configuring a Cardholder Otis Compass Properties Tile

This Tile is used in conjunction with the Otis Compass High Level Interface
(HLI) feature of Command Centre. This Tile allows you to assign the following
Otis Compass Properties to a Cardholder:
• Default Floor
• Passenger Type
Note: The Otis Compass HLI feature is a licensable feature so this Tile can only
be added to a Panel if your site has the appropriate license.

How to configure
1. Double-click on Cardholder Otis Compass Properties on the 'Tile
The Cardholder Otis Compass Properties Tile appears on the
Configuration Panel section of the screen in preview mode.

2. Move the mouse over the Cardholder Otis Compass Properties Tile you
have added, and click on the Click to configure button that appears.
The Cardholder Otis Compass Properties Configuration pop-up displays.

3. Enter an appropriate Title for this Tile.

4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the Tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware that Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys
5. Click the Close button.
The Cardholder Otis Compass Properties Configuration pop-up closes.

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Configuring a Cardholder Personalised Actions Tile

The Personalised Actions feature allows specific actions to be triggered for
specific cardholders, upon being granted access to an Access Zone. The
configuration for when the action is to be initiated, (i.e. on 'Access Granted' or
on 'Access Taken'), is done in the Configuration Client (on the Personalised
Actions tab of the Access Zone properties).

This tile can be configured to appear on the Alarm Viewer, Event Viewer,
Cardholder Viewer and Controlled Challenge Viewer.

How to configure
1. Double-click on Cardholder Personalised Actions on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Cardholder Personalised Actions Tile appears on the Configuration
Panel section of the screen in preview mode.

2. Move the mouse over the Cardholder Personalised Actions Tile you have
added, and click on the Click to configure button that appears.
The Cardholder Personalised Actions Tile Configuration pop-up displays.

3. Enter an appropriate Title for this tile.

4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware that Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys
5. Click the Close button.
The preview mode of the Cardholder Personalised Actions Tile now
displays the title given.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Configuring a Cardholder Relationships Tile

This tile displays:
• any other Cardholders and their roles, that this Cardholder reports to (for
the purpose of card and competency notifications)
• the roles this Cardholder performs and the Cardholders who report to
them in each role (for the purpose of card and competency notifications).

How to configure
1. Double-click on Cardholder Relationships on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Cardholder Relationships Tile appears on the Configuration Panel
section of the screen in preview mode.
Note: The buttons for assigning and removing Relationships are disabled
in configuration mode, as they can only be used in operational mode.

2. Move the mouse over the Cardholder Relationships Tile you have added,
and click on the Click to configure button that appears.
The Cardholder Relationships Configuration pop-up displays.

3. Enter an appropriate Title for this Tile.

4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware that Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys
5. Click the Close button.
The preview mode of the Cardholder Relationships Tile now displays the
title given.

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Configuring an Event Trail Tile

This tile displays a list of the most recent Events for use in a Monitor Site
scenario or when viewing a specific Alarm or Cardholder.

The Event Trail tile can be added to any Viewer and configured to show the
most recent events for:
a) the selected Cardholder (to be used on the Cardholder Viewer)
b) the Cardholder associated with the selected Event
c) the source of the Event
d) the Cardholder related to the Event and/or Source of the Event, as
determined by the system based on the following:
• if the Event has a related Cardholder, the tile will show events for the
Cardholder (by default), with the ability for the user to choose in
Operation, to view events for the Event Source. A 'Door Open Too
Long' event is considered to have a related Cardholder, in the form of
the Last Cardholder through the door
• if the Event does NOT have a related Cardholder, the tile will show
events for the Event Source
e) a selected Site Item, which should be selected using the Browse Tool
f) the Site. This will show the most recent events the Operator is able to
• If Event Aggregation is not enabled and the Event Trail tile is being viewed
for an Alarm where the Event Source is a remote item, only events
occurring while the tile is 'open' will display. If the Operator switches to a
different Alarm and back again the Events displayed may be different as
any remote Events generated while the tile was last viewed will be lost.
• If Event Aggregation is not enabled and the Event Trail tile has been
configured for all Events, when the tile is first displayed only local Events
will display. For the period during which the tile is displayed any events
occurring remotely will display. If the Operator switches to another
Viewer any remote Events received since the tile was first displayed will
remain (as the tile is still considered to be 'open'), but if they switch to a
different Panel on the same Viewer they will be lost.
• If Event Aggregation is not enabled, any events generated for the
Cardholder on a remote server while the Event Trail tile is 'open' will be
included, but any while the tile is not 'open' will not be included, in which
case the Events displayed will not be complete.

How to configure
1. Double-click on Event Trail on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Event Trail Tile appears on the Configuration Panel section of the

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

screen in preview mode with columns for Occurrence Time, Message and
Event Type. The data content displayed is 'dummy data' to give you an
idea of what it will look like in Operational mode.

2. Move the mouse over the Event Trail Tile you have added, and click on
the Click to configure button that appears.
The Event Trail Tile Configuration pop-up displays.

Note: This is how the Configuration pop-up looks when you are adding an
Event Trail tile to an Alarm Viewer, Controlled Challenge Viewer or a Spot
Monitor Viewer. If you are adding this tile to a Cardholder Viewer,
Monitor Site Viewer or an Intercom Viewer, not all the Event Source
options will be available.
3. Enter an appropriate Title for this Tile.

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4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware that Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys
5. In the Prior Events section, the most recent events to show can be
determined either by:
- last <number> events (the default = 20), OR
- events generated in last <number> minutes/hours/days/weeks.

Enter a value in the Show field, and select the required criteria from the
drop-down list.
6. Click the appropriate radio button for the Event Source you require.
What event source did you select?

If... then...
• Based on selected item plus go to Step 9.
• Based on the selected item only,
• All events, or
• All items on a Site Plan based on
the selected Alarm/Event,
• All items on a specifc Site Plan, you must select a Site Plan. Go
to Step 7.
• Specific Event Sources, you must select at least one
specific item. Go to Step 8.
7. Select the specific Site Plan as follows:
a. Click the Select Site Plan button.
A browse tool displays.

b. Check the Site Plan you want to use.

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c. Click the OK button.

The pop-up closes and each of the Select Site Plan button changes to
the name of the Site Plan you selected.
8. Select specific item(s) as follows:
a. Click the Add Items button.
A browse tool displays.

b. Search for the item(s) you want to add to this tile by entering search
criteria in the Search field and/or refining the filters.
The grid becomes populated with items that match the search
c. Click the checkbox next to each item name you want to include, or
click the Select All button if you want to include all items.
d. Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and each of the item(s) that was selected
individually appears beneath the button, with a check box to the left
of its name ticked. An item can be excluded from the Event Trail tile
by unchecking the box.
9. Click the Close button.
The preview mode of the Event Trail Tile now displays the title given, and
still displays 'dummy data'.

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Configuring a Guard Tour Tile

This tile displays the details of a Guard Tour that has previously been
configured in Configuration Client. Guard Tours is a licensed feature so this
tile can only be added to a Panel if the site has the appropriate license.
The Guard Tour tile can be operated independently from a Viewers Navigation
Panel, so can therefore have static configuration. This tile can be added to
any Viewer. This tile can be configured to:
• show a particular Guard Tour
• allow the user in Operation to choose the Guard Tour to be shown. The
Tours the user can choose from will either be:
- any of those stored in any of the configured Divisions or their sub
- any from a configured list
• display the Tour that generated the Alarm. This is to allow the tile to be
added to a Panel displayed in response to selecting an Alarm with a Guard
Tour related Event Group/Type in the Alarm Viewer.

How to configure
1. Double-click on Guard Tour on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Guard Tour Tile appears on the Configuration Panel section of the
screen in preview mode.

2. Move the mouse over the Guard Tour Tile you have added, and click on
the Click to configure button that appears.
The Guard Tour Tile Configuration pop-up displays.

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Note: This is how the Configuration pop-up appears if you are adding a
Guard Tour tile to a Monitor Site Viewer. If you are adding it to an Alarm
Viewer, there will only be the Title field and the Show Tile Header
3. Enter an appropriate Title for this Tile.
4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware that Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys
5. What type of viewer are you adding this Tile to?
If an Alarm Viewer, then go to Step 7.
If a Monitor Site Viewer, then go to Step 6.
6. What do you want to show on this tile?

If you want to... then...

monitor a specific you must select as least one specific Guard Tour.
Guard Tour(s), To do this:
a) By default the Specific Guard Tours radio
button is selected.
Click the Select specific guard tours to
monitor button.
A browse tool displays.

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If you want to... then...

Note: Local Guard Tours only are displayed.

Guard Tours residing on a remote server cannot
be selected.
b) If necessary, search for the Guard Tour(s) you
want to include for monitoring by entering
search criteria in the Search field and/or
refining the Division filter.
The grid becomes populated with Guard
Tours that match the search criteria.
c) Click the checkbox next to each Guard Tour
you want to include, or click the Select All
button if you want to include all Guard Tours.
d) Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and each of Guard Tour(s)
that was selected individually appears
beneath the button, with a checkbox to the
left of its name ticked. A Guard Tour can be
excluded from the Guard Tour tile by
unchecking the box.
monitor Guard Tours a) Click the All Guard Tours in Specific Divisions
stored in specific radio button. A browse tool displays.

Note: Local Divisions only are displayed.

Divisions on a remote server cannot be

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

If you want to... then...

b) Check the Division(s) you want to include.
The Deselect All and Add Selection buttons
are enabled.
c) Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and each Division(s) that
was selected individually appears beneath
the button, with a checkbox to the left of its
name ticked. A Division can be excluded
from the Guard Tour tile by unchecking the
7. Click the Close button.
The preview mode of the Guard Tour Tile now displays the title given.

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Configuring an Operator Sessions Tile

This tile is used to display operator sessions and their current status in a
manner that allows a privileged operator to view, and if required, terminate
sessions. This tile can be operated independently from a Viewers Navigation
Panel, and has static configuration. It can be added to any Viewer.

How to configure
1. Double-click on Operator Sessions on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Operator Sessions Tile appears on the Configuration Panel section of
the screen in preview mode. It displays dummy data in all the fields.

2. Move the mouse over the Operator Sessions Tile you have added, and
click on the Click to configure button that appears.
The Operator Sessions Tile Configuration pop-up displays.

3. Enter an appropriate Title for this Tile.

4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware that Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys
5. Click the Close button.
The preview mode of the Operator Sessions Tile now displays the title

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Configuring a Site Plan Tile

This tile is used to display a Site Plan, the content of which will have been
configured in Configuration Client. The Site Plan displayed will be determined
by the tile's configuration.
The Site Plan tile can be operated independently from a Viewers Navigation
Panel, so can therefore have static configuration. This tile can be added to
any Viewer.

The Site Plan tile can be configured to either show:

• a Specific Site Plan, OR
• a Site Plan that is Event Based, (i.e. related to the source of the Alarm).

How to configure
1. Double-click on Site Plan on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Site Plan Tile appears on the Configuration Panel section of the
screen in preview mode.

2. Move the mouse over the Site Plan Tile you have added, and click on the
Click to configure button that appears.
The Site Plan Tile Configuration pop-up displays.

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Note: If you are adding this tile to a Monitor Site Viewer the only Source
option is to select a specific Site Plan. However, on an Alarm Viewer,
Controlled Challenge Viewer, Spot Monitor Viewer or Intercom Viewer,
both options shown here are available.
3. Enter an appropriate Title for this Tile.
4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware of the following impacts this has:
• Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys <Ctrl+M>
• Hiding navigation options on the Site Plan tile means that you cannot
navigate back once you have clicked away.
5. Click the appropriate radio button for your requirements.
Did you click the Specific Site Plan radio button?

If... then...
no go to Step 6.
yes a browse tool displays.

a) Select the Site Plan you want to use by searching or

browsing the list.
b) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the Please select a Site Plan
button changes to the name of the Site Plan you
6. If you do not want the Navigation Bar to appear on the Site Plan tile,
uncheck the Show Navigation Bar checkbox.
7. Check the Prevent Navigation via drop down checkbox if you want to
prevent operators from navigating to the Site Plan via the drop-down list
on the Site Plan tile.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

8. Click the Close button.

The preview mode of the Site Plan Tile now displays the title given, and:

If you clicked the... then...

Specific Site Plan the selected Site Plan will display, scaled
radio button proportionally to ensure the whole Site Plan is
visible in the tile. If the aspect ratio of the tile is
wrong for the chosen Site Plan, a blank space will
appear between either the right or bottom edge of
the Site Plan and the edge of the tile. It is up to
the user to change the size of the tile to meet their
Based on selected the Tile will remain empty.
Event radio button Note: Because the Site Plans that could be
displayed in this mode can vary in size and aspect
ratio it is up to the person configuring the system
to choose a size for the tile that is appropriate for
viewing any of the Site Plan(s) that may appear.

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Configuring a Status Tile

This tile is used to display the current status of items pertinent to the task the
Guard is undertaking. It can be operated independently from a Viewers
Navigation Panel, so can therefore have static configuration (or Operator
selected). This tile can be added to any Viewer.

How to configure
1. Double-click on Status on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Status Tile appears on the Configuration Panel section of the screen
in preview mode with columns for Name, Status and Updated.

Note: This example is how the tile preview will appear when being placed
on an Alarm Viewer or Monitor Site Viewer. On a Controlled Challenge
Viewer the tile preview will be empty.
2. Move the mouse over the Status Tile you have added, and click on the
Click to configure button that appears.
The Status Tile Configuration pop-up displays.

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Note: If you are adding this tile to a Monitor Site Viewer or Controlled
Challenge Viewer, the Items Related to an Alarm radio button (in the
Source section) will not appear.
3. Enter an appropriate Title for this Tile.
4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware that Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys
5. What items do you want monitored?

If you want to... then...

monitor items that click the Items Related to an Alarm radio button.
relate to an alarm Note: This option is only available if you are
adding this Tile to an Alarm Viewer.
select items to be click the Operator Selected Items radio button.
monitored during

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If you want to... then...

select specific items a) Click the Preconfigured Items radio button.
A browse tool displays.

b) Search for the item(s) you want to include for

monitoring by entering search criteria in the
Search field and/or refining the filters.
The grid becomes populated with items that
match the search criteria.
c) Click the checkbox next to each item name
you want to include, or click the Select All
button if you want to include all items.
d) Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and each of item(s) that
was selected individually appears beneath
the button, with a check box to the left of its
name ticked. An item can be excluded from
the Status tile by unchecking the box.
Note: You can use the up and down arrows to the
side to change the order of the items, (i.e. select
the item you want to move and click either the up
or down arrow to move it).
6. In the Display section, click the appropriate radio button for how you
want the item icons to be displayed, (i.e. small or large).
7. Click the Close button.
The preview mode of the Status Tile now displays the title given and each
of the items selected. How the item icons display will depend on the
selection you made.

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Configuring a URL Tile

This Tile is effectively an "embedded web browser". It can be used to display
the content located at a specific URL, (e.g. a web page, Internet/Intranet,
etc.), or a related URL, (i.e. Alarm Instructions or Cardholder PDF).

The URL tile can be operated independently from a Viewers Navigation Panel,
so can therefore have static configuration. This tile can be added to any

How to configure
1. Double-click on URL on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The URL Tile appears on the Configuration Panel section of the screen in
preview mode.

2. Move the mouse over the URL Tile you have added, and click on the Click
to configure button that appears.
The URL Tile Configuration pop-up displays.

Note: The pop-up differs depending on the type of Viewer you are
adding a URL tile to.
This first example is how it appears on a Monitor Site Viewer.

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This second example is how it appears on an Alarm Viewer and a Spot

Monitor Viewer.

The only difference when it appears on a Cardholder Viewer or a

Controlled Challenge Viewer is that there is no option to select an Alarm
3. Enter an appropriate Title for this tile.
4. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware of the following impacts this has:
• Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys <Ctrl+M>
• The URL tile cannot be manually refreshed

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• Hiding navigation options on the URL tile means that you cannot
navigate back once you have clicked away.
5. Click the appropriate URL related radio button for what you want to show
on this tile.
Which radio button did you click?

If... then...
Specific URL/File, either enter a Specific URL/File or click the button
to use the browse tool to make your selection.
URL Addressing:
There are 3 possible URL addresses, as follows:
- a website (internal to an intranet or external to the
www Internet)
- a specific file (within a Local area or internal shared
- a specific folder

The following addressing schemes (protocols) are

file://, http:// and https://

Note: You only need to enter "www" or a drive

letter, (e.g. D) without the need to pre-pend with
URL Personal Data a) Click the Select PDF button.
Field, A browse tool displays.
Note: If you are adding this tile to a Monitor Site
Viewer there will be a Select Door button,
allowing you to select the last Cardholder through
the door.
b) Check the PDF you want to use.
c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the Select PDF button
changes to the name of the Personal Data Field
you selected.
Alarm Instruction a URL which has been set up against an individual
Note: Only if tile Alarm Instruction (in Configuration Client) will be
is being added to used.
an Alarm Viewer
6. Click the appropriate Navigation radio button, as follows:

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If you click... then in operational mode...

Enable Navigation, the Navigation bar will be visible and available, (i.e.
users will be able to type any URL they like in the
Address bar, and all the navigation buttons will be
Enable Restricted users will be able to navigate through all the
Navigation, displayed links in the site but the URL cannot be
changed. The Address bar and Go button will be
visible but permanently disabled, while all other
buttons will be available.
Disable Navigation, the Navigation bar will not be displayed, therefore
disabling any navigation for links in the displayed
pre-configured site.
7. Click the Automatically Refresh Tile checkbox if you require the URL tile
to automatically refresh at a set interval.
Note: Some websites already update automatically within the browser,
and there is no need to refresh the tile. However, if the file is a static
html or PDF the refresh icon needs to be pressed to refresh the tile.
8. Specify the refresh frequency in seconds, minutes or hours.
• The refresh frequency minimum is 60 seconds.
• If the "Auto refresh option" is selected and "Navigation is enabled" the
tile will refresh the screen the tile has currently viewed.
9. Click the Close button.
The preview mode of the URL Tile now displays the title given, and
displays a mock representation of live data.

Note: This example is how the tile preview will appear when navigation
has been disabled, (i.e. the Navigation bar does not display).

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Creating Reports

The Reports tab provides a separate area from the viewer functionality for
creating, editing and running reports.

1. Select the Reports tab on the Command Centre title bar.
2. Click the Report Configuration button on the toolbar.
The General Report Configuration screen displays with the Configuration
Navigation Panel down the left hand side, and the Configuration Panel on
the right (sample screen).

3. Click the New Report button, and then the type of report you require:
Report Type Description
Access The Access Report provides a list of Cardholders who can
Report access a door/zone during a specified time period.
Operator Privileges
Operators can only create, edit or delete Access Reports in
divisions where they have the "Configure Access Report"

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Report Type Description

Activity The Activity Report is a tool for reporting exactly what has
Report been occurring in the system. It is a query tool and is not
expected to be used to print regular reports for filing
Note: In a multi-server environment, for any given server
where event aggregation is enabled, an operator can run
an Activity Report which incorporates events from remote
site items. The Activity Report can be filtered by remote
site items.
Operator Privileges
Operators can only create, edit or delete Activity Reports in
divisions where they have the "Configure Cardholder and
Activity Report" privilege.
Cardholder The Cardholder Report allows the operator to print a listing
Report of Cardholder information. The operator specifies a set of
cardholders as criteria.
Operator Privileges
Operators can only create, edit or delete Cardholder
Reports in divisions where they have the "Configure
Cardholder and Activity Report" privilege.
Evacuation The Evacuation Report provides a list of cardholders
Report present on a site. This can be used in an evacuation
situation, such as a fire, and allows better management of
evacuation situations and improved cardholder safety.
Note: In a multi-server system that uses Visitor
Management (a licensable feature), visit data does not get
replicated between servers. Therefore, the Evacuation
Report cannot report on remote visitors.
The Evacuation Report relies on cardholder location
information, and is therefore only effective at sites where
all cardholders swipe their cards every time they enter or
exit an Access Zone.
Operator Privileges
To create a new Evacuation Report, or to delete or edit the
properties of an existing Evacuation Report an operator
must have the "Configure Evacuation Report" operator
privilege in the Evacuation Report's Division.
Summary The Summary Activity Report focuses on event statistics. By
Activity default it shows a graphical representation of events over a
Report report time period. There is also an option to display
statistics in table format so that the data can be exported
to CSV. The report also allows grouping of time so that a

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Report Type Description

trend can be shown, (e.g. Numbers of events per week over
the past three months).
Operator Privileges
Operators can only create, edit or delete Summary Activity
reports in divisions where they have the "Configure
Cardholder and Activity Report" privilege.
Time Report The Time Report provides the ability to track hours worked
(either by individual Cardholders. Door entry and exit events are
Detailed or used in the system to calculate hours worked by individual
Overview) Cardholders. In general, a Door entry event is equated to a
Cardholder clocking in or starting work, while a Door exit
event equates to a Cardholder clocking out or ending work.
Note: In a multi-server environment, for any given server
where event aggregation is enabled, an operator can run a
Time and Attendance Report which incorporates events
from remote readers. The Time and Attendance Report can
be filtered by remote readers.
Operator Privileges
Operators can only create, edit or delete Time Reports in
divisions where they have the "Configure Time Report"
Detailed Time Report
The detailed Time Report will show entry and exit times for
cardholders that badge at selected readers. The time
report will contain configurable Earliest Daily Entry Time
(EDET) and Latest Daily Exit Time (EDET) boundaries. These
boundaries will be used to define entry and exit times
when a cardholder tailgates entry or exit, or badges before
EDET or after LDET. The time report will produce one row
for each continuous period of times between entry and exit
pairs (Time on Site column). These may be actual or
assumed exit and entry pairs.
Overview Time Report
The Overview Time Report will show a summary of total
time based on cardholder attributes: Name, Card Type,
Cardholder Division and PDF values.
The Overview report will contain similar filters as the
Detailed report. The report can be used alongside all reader
and time filter configuration options including EDET/LDET,
Max Time on Site, Separate/Combined readers, First
Entry/Last Exit, Grace Time, Display assumed time. The
filters column in the table below shows the filters that
differ from the detailed report.

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Report Type Description

Note: This report also includes the filter 'Total Days'
that enables an operator to report the total days a
Cardholder has been on site within a specified reporting
Voltage The Voltage Report is only available for customers licensed
Report for Fence Controllers. It allows an operator to produce a
report of logged volts for a Fence Zone. These results are
displayed on screen as a line graph, which can be printed
out, or saved to file as a CSV format.
Operator Privileges
Operators can only create, edit or delete Voltage reports in
divisions where they have the "Configure Voltage Report"
The new report will appear in the Report Configuration Navigation Panel
(on the left), and configuration options and a Report Preview will display
on the right.

Note: This screen example is for an Activity Report, which has one filter
condition added by default. The only report types that do not have some
filter conditions already applied to them by default are the Cardholder
Report and Access Report.

This table explains the functions of the buttons on this screen.

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Button Description
Choose Filter ByAlthough the Division in which a Viewer is stored has no
Division significance in terms of who can see it in operational
mode, a site may still choose to organise their Viewers
divisionally based on the operators who will be using
them. This button allows them to display only those
Viewers stored in a particular Division or any of its sub-
Regardless of which option is selected, the items are
listed in ascending alphabetical order at each level.
General Details Clicking this button causes the Report General
Configuration pop-up to display, and the rest of the
screen is disabled.
Schedule/Macro Clicking this button causes a Schedule/Macro Output
Output pop-up to display, and the rest of the screen is disabled.
Assign to Clicking this button causes the Report Assignments pop-
Operators up to display. This allows you to assign Operator Groups
to the report so that members of those groups will be
able to run the report from the Find Reports screen.
Note: A warning icon will appear in the report
navigation panel next to the name of any Report that
has not been assigned to at least one Operator Group.
New Report Clicking this button displays a list of Report types that
can be created. By selecting the type of Report to be
created, the new report appears in the Report
Configuration Navigation Panel (on the left), and
configuration options and a Report Preview will display
on the right.
Insert Filter * This button allows you to add one or more conditions to
allow filtering of cardholder records based on the
defined criteria.
* This button allows you to edit an existing condition.
Note: You must select (highlight) the condition in the
'Filters' section of the screen to be able to edit it.
* This button allows you to remove the condition from the
'Filters' section of the screen.
Copy Report This operates on the Report displayed in the
Configuration Panel. Clicking this button causes the
Report to be replaced in the Configuration Panel with a
copy of itself. The Report name is set to 'Copy of <name
of Report being copied>', and a corresponding entry
appears at the appropriate place in the list of Reports in
the Report Configuration Navigation Panel. At this
stage, the copied report can be renamed and the other
general details can be configured.

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Button Description
Delete Report This operates on the Report displayed in the
Configuration Panel. When this button is clicked, the
confirmation message "Are you sure you want to delete
<Report name>?" displays. On confirmation, the Report
is deleted from the list of Reports in the Report
Configuration Navigation Panel.
Revert to saved This operates on the Report displayed in the
Configuration Panel. Clicking this button causes all
changes made to the Report to revert to the state they
were in following the last save.
Note: Only enabled when the Report has unsaved
Save This operates on the Report displayed in the
Configuration Panel. Clicking this button validates the
Report before saving changes to the database.
Note: Only enabled when the Report has unsaved
* Note: These buttons are present for all report types once a filter has
been inserted, with the exception of Evacuation Reports. Evacuation
Report filters exist permanently inside the filter area, and cannot be
added or deleted. They can however be edited inside the collapsible filter
4. The report can be named by either:
a) typing in the Name field in the Report Configuration Panel, or
b) clicking the General Details button.
A General Report Configuration pop-up displays.

Note: This example is the Report Configuration pop-up that appears

for a Cardholder Report.
Which method of naming the report did you choose?
If method (a), then go to Step 12.
If method (b), then go to Step 5.
5. Enter an appropriate Name for this Report.
6. Click the Root Division button.
A browse tool displays.

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7. Check the Division that you want to save this report in, (i.e. only
operators with access to the Division you select will be able to see the
8. Click the OK button.
The browse tool closes and the Root Division button changes to the name
of the Division you selected.
9. Type the report Description. For example, you may mention the report is
printed to the screen.
10. When a report is run, all dates and times within the report will display in
the selected time zone. By default, it will use the 'local' time zone of the
workstation, but this can be changed to another time zone if required.
Any dates and times configured within a report, (e.g. in an event time
filter), will be assumed to be within the selected time zone (rather than
the time zone on the configuring operator's workstation).
If required, select a time zone from the Time Zone drop-down list. Note:
The only place the time zone appears when a report is run is on the cover
page. Therefore, there will be no indication of time zone if you do not
configure a cover page to display.
11. Click the Close button.
The General Report Configuration pop-up closes.
12. Configure the report as appropriate. Click on the following function that
you want to perform to do this:
Scheduling a Report (on page 2-109)
Inserting a condition for filtering (on page2-112)
Editing a condition for filtering (on page 2-113)
Removing a condition for filtering (on page 2-113)
Configuring a Report Layout (on page 2-114)
Configuring a Summary Activity Report Layout (on page 2-119)
Viewing Report Preview in full screen mode (on page 2-123)
13. Click the Save button.
Note: Although this saves a new report or changes made to an existing
report, the changes do not appear immediately in operational mode. By
right clicking on the Report Configuration button and selecting Reload
Reports, the changes appear without logging off and on again.

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Scheduling a Report
All reports configured in Command Centre Client, (i.e. Activity, Cardholder, Evacuation, Time,
Voltage and Access reports) can be scheduled to run at specified times, as follows:
1. Click the Schedule/Macro Output button.
The Schedule/Macro Output pop-up displays, which allows you to configure
a report to be run at either scheduled or ad hoc times.

Note: Changing the destination type in the Send To drop-down list

changes the controls that display in the 'Schedule and Macro Output'
section of this pop-up. This example shows the fields that display when
'Email' is selected.
2. Do you want the report to be run at multiple explicit times or repeat times?
If the report is
to be run at... then...
multiple explicit a) Click the Run at radio button.
times, b) Enter a date and time, and click the Add button.
The date and time appears in the Next Scheduled
Run Times grid.
c) Repeat Steps 1 - 2 for each explicit time you require.
Note: If you click the Repeats radio button, then the
explicit additions are removed from the Next
Scheduled Run Times grid.
repeat times, a) Click the Repeats radio button.
b) Select the 'initial' From date and time.
c) Select an Until date and time if required.
Note: If no Until date is entered, the report will
repeat indefinitely.
d) Select the regularity for the report to be run, (i.e.
Every one or many Hours, Days, Weeks or Months).
Note: When Weeks is selected from the drop-down
list, the days of the week display with an ability to

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If the report is
to be run at... then...
select one or multiple days, (e.g. Monday and
Thursday). The next five dates and times appear in
the Next Scheduled Run Times grid.

3. Click the appropriate option from the Send To drop-down list for where
you want the report to be generated:
Select... if you want to...
Printer print the information to a selected printer, and type in the
printer name.
File save the information to file. Select the required file type for the
report from the Format drop-down list, and type in the file
location and name. You can also append the date and time to
the file name if required, by checking the Append date/time
Note: Selecting the Export images option from the Format list
will output report images as individual files and export the
report itself as a CSV file. If you select this option, an additional
field displays:

By clicking the Default naming style button, a Choose file

names pop-up displays.
Go to Step 3 of the Exporting Cardholder Images (on page
3-nn) for the full procedure.
Email a) select Cardholders and/or manually enter email addresses
to receive the emailed Report, as follows:
Selecting Cardholders:
Click the Select Cardholders button and use the browse tool
to search for the required cardholders.
• Emails will only reach the cardholder if the Notifi-cation
flag is enabled for that email address PDF.
• If a selected cardholder has more than one email
address, the 'first' one displays, with the string ', ...'
(indicating they have more than one).
Manually entering email addresses:
Click the Add Email Address button and enter the required
email address in the free-text pop-up that displays. Click the
Add button, and either enter additional email addresses or

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Select... if you want to...

click the Close button. Only the email address will display,
and the Cardholder Name will be left blank.
b) Select the required file type for the report from the Format
drop-down list.
Note: Email addresses display here as 'Read-only'.
4. A report run from a schedule or a macro will run as if being run by the last
operator to save the report. This operator name displays as 'read-only' in
the Run As field.
Note: If Operator 1 creates and saves a report and assigns it a schedule
(or it is run from a macro), the report will 'Run as' Operator 1. If
subsequently Operator 2 edits and saves the same report, the report will
then 'Run as' Operator 2.
5. Click the OK button. The Report Schedule is saved.
Note: An operator may choose to cancel the schedule by selecting Cancel,
or to remove the schedule by clicking Delete Schedule.
The following table provides some error messages that can appear if a scheduled
report fails, and what can be done to resolve the problem.
Error Message Solution
"PrintTicket If the scheduled report fails with this error you will need to
provider failed to download and apply a patch from Microsoft. Please refer to
bind to printer. Microsoft Article ID: 2954953.
Win32 error: -
"PrintTicket This error means the logon account for the FT Command
provider failed to Centre service does not have privileges to the printer.
bind to printer. Perform the procedure below to change the logon account.
Win32 error: From v7.70 onward you need to use the Recovery Code
Access is denied" when changing the logon account.
1. Make sure you have a recovery code, make a new one if
necessary while logged on.
2. Change the FT Command Centre Service login (using
services.msc) to your domain name\user and password
(or local user and password if not on a domain).
3. Go off the domain (onto a workstation) and then back on
the domain.
4. Using CCFTRecoveryCode.exe, apply the existing
recovery code again.
Services will start. You can now schedule printing.
This applies to both network and local printers.
Note: If you change the FT Command Centre Service login to
a user who is a standard user (not an administrator) you will
not be able to schedule printing.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Inserting a condition for filtering

Note: Evacuation Report filters exist permanently inside the collapsible
‘Filters’ section, and cannot be added or deleted, but can be edited. For this
reason the Insert Filter button is not available for Evacuation Reports.
1. Click the Insert Filter button.
2. From the context menu, select the required filter condition.
• All the filter conditions available relate to distinct types of information
about a Cardholder.
• Each filter condition can only be added once to a report, with the
exception of unique Personal Data Fields and Competencies.
When you create an Activity Report, by default it has the "Event
Occurrence Time" filter added, therefore you will not be able to add
this filter condition again.
The Edit Condition pop-up displays.

Note: Options on this pop-up depend on the Condition Type selected.

3. Select the appropriate options for the condition you require.
4. The Allow change when report is run checkbox, if available for the
selected filter Condition, allows a filter value to be overridden (changed)
at runtime. Check this checkbox if required.
5. Click the OK button.
The condition is added to the 'Filters' section of the Configuration Panel.

6. Repeat Steps 1 - 5 for each additional filter condition you want applied to
this report.
Each additional filter condition is also added to the 'Filters' section.

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Note: Each time a filter condition is added, a Refresh button appears

over the Report Preview, which can be clicked to update the preview.

Editing a condition for filtering

Note: The Edit this Filter button is not available for Evacuation Reports.
Instead, Evacuation Report filters, (i.e. an "Ignore old card events" filter, a
"Select Access Zones" filter and the option whether or not to display Access
Zones with no cardholders in them), exist permanently inside the collapsible
‘Filters’ section where they can be edited, but not added or deleted.
1. Click the Edit this Filter button.
(Alternatively, you can double-click on the condition.)
The Edit Condition pop-up displays and is populated with data relevant to
the condition type selected.

2. Edit the condition as required, and click the OK button.

The condition is altered accordingly in the 'Filters' section.
Note: Each time a condition is edited, a Refresh button appears over the
Report Preview, which can be clicked to update the preview.
Removing a condition for filtering
Note: Evacuation Report filters exist permanently inside the collapsible
‘Filters’ section, and cannot be added or deleted, but can be edited. For this
reason, the Remove Filter button is not available for Evacuation Reports.
1. Select (highlight) the condition you want to remove.
2. Click the Remove Filter button.
The condition is removed from the 'Filters' section.
Note: Each time a condition is removed, a Refresh button appears over
the Report Preview, which can be clicked to update the preview.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Configuring a Report Layout

Note: This procedure is the same for all report types except the Summary
Activity Report. See Configuring a Summary Activity Report Layout (on page
2-119) for the procedure.
1. Click the Configure Layout button that appears over the Report Preview in
the Configuration Panel.
The Report Layout Configuration pop-up displays.

Note: This is how the Report Layout Configuration pop-up looks for an
Activity, Cardholder or Time Report (Overview). For an Evacuation,
Access or detailed Time Report there will be an additional Show top level
group on new page checkbox at the bottom of the pop-up. For a Voltage
Report there will be additional Display graph and Display data table
checkboxes at the bottom of the pop-up.
This pop-up is used to select, sort, group, order and size columns, as well
as set page layout options, (i.e. page size and orientation).
Note: The Restore Default Configuration button allows you to restore
everything on this page to how it was when you first opened it. Even if
you have saved your configuration settings, and reopen the Report Layout
Configuration pop-up, clicking this button will still restore the default
Selecting Columns
2. Select another category from the Column filter drop-down if necessary.
The options are:
- All Columns
- Cardholder Access and Operator Groups
- Cardholder Base Details
- Cardholder Card Details

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- Cardholder Card History Details

- Cardholder Competencies
- Cardholder Personal Data Fields
- Cardholder Roles
- Event Details
Note: If another category is selected, the list of possible column names
will change accordingly.
3. If necessary, search for the column(s) you want to include in the Report
by entering search criteria in the Search field.
4. Click the checkbox next to each Column name you want to include, or
click the Select All button if you want to include all Columns.
As columns are selected, they appear in the Column Configuration
section in the lower part of this pop-up (in the order you select them).
The only exception to this is if you select any 'Cardholder Competencies'
or 'Card Serial Number (CSN)'. For either of these, additional 'Display'
options appear, as follows:
• For each selected Competency, one or more attributes can be selected
for column name(s), (i.e. 'Status', 'Expiry Warning Date', 'Expiry Date',
'Re-enable Date' and 'Comment').
• When selecting the 'Card Serial Number (CSN)' column, one or more
CSN formats can be selected for the CSN column(s), (i.e. 'Hexadecimal',
'Decimal', Hexadecimal Reverse bytes' and Decimal Reverse bytes').

Sorting and Grouping Columns

Sorting, grouping and counting are configured at column level, in the Column
Configuration section (in the lower part of this pop-up), as follows:
5. Click on the icon beside a column name.
Note: This icon is the default that appears before an unsorted column

6. From the context menu, select the required option.

Option Function
Sort ascending This option sorts a column in ascending order, (i.e. A-Z,
1-9, etc.), and is indicated by a icon beside the
column name.
Sort descending This option sorts a column in descending order, (i.e. Z-
A, 9-1, etc.), and is indicated by a icon beside the
column name.

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Option Function
Group by this This option moves a column to become the next level
column (either first or successive) group-by column, as shown:

When one or more columns are grouped a Show top

level group on new page checkbox appears at the
bottom of the configuration pop-up, allowing you to
have the top-level group start on a new page in the
report output.
Remove this This option removes the column from the report
column selection.

7. Repeat Steps 5 - 6 for each column.

Note: You can change the option selected for a column if necessary.
8. Did you select the Group by this column option, which moved a column
to the next level group-by column?
If yes, go to Step 9.
If no, go to Step 11.
9. Click on the triangle icon beside the group name.

10. From the context menu, select the required option(s).

Option Function
Sort ascending This option sorts the group in ascending order. In the
example at Step 9, Zone A would become before
Zone B.

Sort descending This option sorts the group in descending order. In

the example at Step 9, Zone B would become before
Zone A.

Show count This option returns a count of records returned for

each item in this group.

Ungroup by this This option removes the column as a group-by

column column and returns the column to the data grid.

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Option Function
Remove this This option removes the column as a group-by
column column and removes the column from the report

11. Check the Display Total Report Count checkbox if required.

If checked it will return a total count of records in the report regardless of
whether or not grouping is used in the report. In the report output the
'Total Count' will display at the end of the report.

Ordering and Sizing Columns

12. Reorder the columns if necessary, by clicking on the column title and
dragging it to the required position.
13. Resize the columns if necessary, as follows:
a) Hover over the column divider until the mouse pointer changes to a
"double-ended" arrow.

b) Click and hold down the mouse button.

c) Move the mouse in the required direction until the column is the
required size.

Changing the page layout

Change the default Page Layout options if necessary, (i.e. Page Size and Page
Orientation), as follows:

14. Change the Page Size if required.

Note: The page size defaults to the last page size used by the operator
(via operator preference) or to A4 if this is the first use of reports for an
15. Select 'Landscape' from the Page Orientation drop-down list if you want
the orientation of the report layout to be 'Landscape' rather than the
default of 'Portrait'.
16. Note: If page size and/or orientation changes are made, the Column
Configuration section (in the lower part of this pop-up), changes to show
the new aspect ratio of the page size selected, and column widths
automatically adjust to fit the new orientation.

Configuring Headers, Footers and Cover page

17. Click the Configure Header/Footer/Cover Page button.
The Header, Footer and Cover Page pop-up displays.

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18. Tick the relevant checkboxes for what you want to display on the report,
(i.e. a Cover page, headers and footers).
• The Display Header and Display Footer options are selected by
• Evacuation Reports ALWAYS display the following disclaimer as a
Footer, regardless of the whether or not Display Footer is checked:
The information presented in this report is dependent on system and
report configuration. Gallagher does not accept responsibility for sites
relying on this Evacuation Report.
19. Do you want to upload a logo for the cover page and/or header on the
If yes, go to Step 20.
If no, go to Step 23.
20. Click the Upload Logo button.
A Select Image to Upload dialog displays.
21. Path your way to the required image file.
Note: Only BMP, JPG, PNG and GIF image files, less than 5MB in size, are
supported formats for report logos.
22. Click the Open button.
The dialog closes and the Upload Logo button changes to the name of the
image file you selected.
23. Do you want to upload a disclaimer or other appropriate details for the
If yes, go to Step 24.
If no, go to Step 27.
Note: If you upload a disclaimer file and do NOT select the Display Cover
Page option, the disclaimer file contents will replace the cover page.
However, if the Display Cover Page option is selected then the disclaimer
file contents will be appended to the cover page contents.

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24. Click the Upload Disclaimer button.

A Select File to Upload dialog displays.
25. Path your way to the required image file.
Note: Only RTF and TXT files, less than 5MB in size and no bigger than
approximately 20 pages, are supported formats for report disclaimers.
26. Click the Open button.
The dialog closes and the Upload Disclaimer button changes to the name
of the file you selected.
27. Click the OK button.
The Header, Footer and Cover Page pop-up closes, and returns you to the
Report Layout Configuration pop-up.
28. Click the OK button.
The Report Layout Configuration pop-up closes. The following message
may display above the Report Preview in the Configuration Panel:

If so, click the Refresh button. The Report Preview updates to reflect the
configuration options selected.

Configuring a Summary Activity Report Layout

1. Click the Configure Layout button that appears over the Report Preview
in the Configuration Panel.
The Report Layout Configuration pop-up displays.

This pop-up is used to set the graph type and layout, and page layout
options, (i.e. page size and orientation).
Setting the Graph layout
2. Set all the Graph Layout settings as required.
Field Description
Graph Type The types of graph options available from the drop-
down are Pie, Bar (default) and Line.

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Field Description
Count by (X-Axis) This is what to count by on the X-Axis of the graph.
The options available from the drop-down are Event
Group, Event Type, Event Source and Event Priority
Trend events by This control allows event counts to be grouped to
display a trend through time. The options are
Minutes, Hours (default), Days, Weeks, Months or
• When selected, the Count by (X-Axis) string
changes to Count by (data series) and the
Display Top <number> only control is disabled.
• When ‘Pie’ is selected for the Graph Type, this
control will not be visible since a Pie chart can
not show a trend of data through time.
Display Top This control is only available when the Trend events
<number> by control is deselected and the Count by (X-Axis) is
not set to 'Event Priority'.
When this control is selected:
• only the largest X data points (by count) will be
displayed in the graph and the table outputs.
• the Report Name (as appears in the cover page
and in the report header) will be appended with
the string "(Top X)".
discard others Selecting this option will include the count of all
other data points that are outside of the "Top X",
and will display this count as "others".
Display Graph By default the Display Graph option is selected,
which means the report output will show a graph/
chart. If this option is deselected the graph/chart
will not display (and neither will the legend, data
values nor percentages regardless of selection).
Display legend Selecting this option will show a legend on the
graph/chart to distinguish by name each of the data
Display data values Selecting this option will show a numeric count for
each data point.
The Values and Percentages radio buttons are only
available when ‘Pie’ is selected for the Graph Type.
The default will be Values which will show a
numeric count for each data point. If Percentages is
selected a percentage will show for each data point.

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Field Description
Display data table If this option is selected the data points will be
shown in a table format. If Display Graph is also
selected, the table will display below the
Group by time This option is only editable when the Trend events
by control is selected.

Changing the page layout

Change the default Page Layout options if necessary, (i.e. Page Size and Page
Orientation), as follows:
3. Change the Page Size if required.
Note: The page size defaults to the last page size used by the operator
(via operator preference) or to A4 if this is the first use of reports for an
4. Select 'Landscape' from the Page Orientation drop-down list if you want
the orientation of the report layout to be 'Landscape' rather than the
default of 'Portrait'.
Note: If page size and/or orientation changes are made, the Column
Configuration section (in the lower part of this pop-up), changes to show
the new aspect ratio of the page size selected, and column widths
automatically adjust to fit the new orientation.
Configuring Headers, Footers and Cover page
5. Click the Configure Header/Footer/Cover Page button.
The Header, Footer and Cover Page pop-up displays.

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6. Tick the relevant checkboxes for what you want to display on the report,
(i.e. a Cover page, headers and footers).
Note: The Display Header and Display Footer options are selected by
7. Do you want to upload a logo for the cover page and/or header on the
If yes, go to Step 8.
If no, go to Step 11.
8. Click the Upload Logo button.
A Select Image to Upload dialog displays.
9. Path your way to the required image file.
Note: Only BMP, JPG, PNG and GIF image files, less than 5MB in size, are
supported formats for report logos.
10. Click the Open button.
The dialog closes and the Upload Logo button changes to the name of the
image file you selected.
11. Do you want to upload a disclaimer or other appropriate details for the
If yes, go to Step 12.
If no, go to Step 15.
Note: If you upload a disclaimer file and do NOT select the Display Cover
Page option, the disclaimer file contents will replace the cover page.
However, if the Display Cover Page option is selected then the disclaimer
file contents will be appended to the cover page contents.
12. Click the Upload Disclaimer button.
A Select File to Upload dialog displays.
13. Path your way to the required image file.
Note: Only RTF and TXT files, less than 5MB in size and no bigger than
approximately 20 pages, are supported formats for report disclaimers.
14. Click the Open button.
The dialog closes and the Upload Disclaimer button changes to the name
of the file you selected.
15. Click the OK button.
The Header, Footer and Cover Page pop-up closes, and returns you to the
Report Layout Configuration pop-up.
16. Click the OK button.
The Report Layout Configuration pop-up closes. The following message
may display above the Report Preview in the Configuration Panel:

If so, click the Refresh button. The Report Preview updates to reflect the
configuration options selected.

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Viewing Report Preview in full screen mode

To get a better idea if what a report will look like, (e.g. when in landscape
layout or when a larger page size is chosen), the Report Preview portion of the
Report Configuration Panel can be expanded to cover the full area of the
Configuration Panel by clicking the Filters button in the middle of the Report
Configuration Panel.
Report Preview not expanded:

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Report Preview expanded:

In this mode you can still perform all page layout functionality, (i.e. Select
Columns, configure the Page Layout and Sort and Group Columns).
When a Report Preview has been expanded it will only return to normal size
when you click the Filters button to revert to normal size. When the list
reverts to normal size the button will change back to its expand/maximise

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The Administration tab provides a separate area from the Viewer and Reports
functionality for operators, with the appropriate privileges, to perform regular
administration tasks.
• What buttons appear on the Administration toolbar is determined by
what privileges an operator has.
• Licensable feature buttons may also appear on the Administration
toolbar if your site is licensed for them, (i.e. Mobile Devices and/or
Workstation Routing). Functionality for these two licensable features is
covered in the Configuring Licensable Features section (on page 2-245).

Select the item below that you require further detail on:

Generic Administration Tasks (on page 2-126)

Launch Configuration Client (on page 2-133)

Access Groups (on page 2-134)

Calendars and Day Categories (on page 2-158)

Card States (on page 2-165)

Macros (on page 2-171)

Operator Groups (on page 2-186)

Personal Data Fields (on page 2-200)

Schedules (on page 2-209)

Bulk Changes (on page 2-220)

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Generic Administration Tasks

Some tabs are common to a number of Command Centre Administration

items, (e.g. all Administration items have a History/Notes tab). Likewise, some
of the procedures for maintaining items in Command Centre are very similar,
(e.g. deleting items).
Select the item below that you require further detail on:
Sizing the Panels (on page 2-126)
Resizing/reordering columns (on page 2-126)
Searching for items (on page 2-127)
Copying items (on page 2-130)
Editing items (on page 2-130)
Deleting items (on page 2-130)
History/Notes tab (on page 2-131)

Sizing the Panels

It is possible to resize the proportions between the Viewer Navigation Panel
and Viewer Panel, as follows:
1. Move the mouse cursor to where the two panels meet.
2. When the cursor changes to a "double-ended arrow", click and hold down
the mouse button.

3. Move the mouse in the required direction until the panels are the
required size, and release the mouse-button.
Resizing/reordering columns
It is possible to resize and/or reorder columns on any of the Administration
Viewer Panels and some tiles if required, as follows:
To... Steps
reorder columns Click on the column tile and drag it to the required position.

resize columns a) Hover over the column divider until the mouse pointer
changes to a "double-ended arrow".

b) Click and hold down the mouse button.

c) Move the mouse in the required direction until the
column is the required size.

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Searching for items

There are a number of ways an Operator can search for a site item, as follows:
1. From the Viewer Navigation Panel, select what criteria you want to search
on from the By drop-down list.
Note: The options available vary depending on the item type.
2. Click on an option below for a description how to use the search criteria.

For... Option
search options Search by Name:
common to more Start entering characters in the Name field.
than one item type Automatic searching starts when a minimum of 2
characters are entered, and subsequent characters
entered refine the results.
Search by Division:
A 'Select a Division' browse tool displays.
a) Click the radio button next to the Division you
want to search by.
b) Click the OK button.
The browse tool closes and the Select a Division
button changes to the name of the Division you
Search by Description:
Start entering characters in the Description field.
Automatic searching starts when the first character
is entered, and subsequent characters entered
refine the results.
Search by Related Item:
A 'Select an Item' browse tool displays.
a) Search for the Scheduled item you want ot use
for searching by entering search criteria in the
Search field and/or refining the filters.
The grid becomes populated with items that
match the search criteria.

b) Click on the radio button next to the item name

you want to use.
c) Click the OK button.
The browse tool closes and the Select an Item
button changes to the name of the item you

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For... Option
Access Groups only Search by Door:
A 'Select a Door' browse tool displays.
a) Click on the radio button next to the Door you
want to search by.
b) Click the OK button.
The browse tool closes and the Select a Door
button changes to the name of the Door you
Search by Access Zone:
A 'Select an Access Zone' browse tool displays.
a) Click on the radio button next to the Access
Zone you want to search by.
b) Click the OK button.
The browse tool closes and the Select an Access
Zone button changes to the name of the Access
Zone you selected.
Macros only Search by Macro Action Item:
A 'Select an Item' browse tool displays.
a) Search for the Macro Action item you want to
use for searching by entering search criteria in
the Search field and/or refining the filters.
The grid becomes populated with items that
match the search criteria.
b) Click on the radio button next to the item name
you want to use.
c) Click the OK button.
The browse tool closes and the Select an Item
button changes to the name of the item you
Operator Groups Search by Viewer:
only A ‘Select a Viewer’ browse tool displays.
a) Click on the radio button next to the Viewer you
want to search by.
b) Click the OK button.
The browse tool closes and the Select a Viewer
button changes to the name of the Viewer you

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For... Option
Search by Report:
A ‘Select a Report’ browse tool displays.
a) Click on the radio button next to the Report you
want to search by.
b) Click the OK button.
The browse tool closes and the Select a Report
button changes to the name of the Report you
Schedules only Search by Schedule Type:
A Schedule Type drop-down box displays.
Select the Schedule Type you want to search by.
Search by Scheduled Item:
A ‘Select an Item’ browse tool displays.
a) Search for the Scheduled item you want ot use
for searching by entering search criteria in the
Search field and/or refining the filters.
The grid becomes populated with items that
match the search criteria.
b) Click on the radio button next to the item name
you want to use.
c) Click the OK button.
The browse tool closes and the Select an Item
button changes to the name of the item you
Search by Day Category:
A ‘Select a Day Category’ browse tool displays.
a) Click on the radio button next to the Day
Category you want to search by.
b) Click the OK button.
The browse tool closes and the Select a Day
Category button changes to the name of the day
category you selected.
Bulk Changes Search by Bulk Change Type:
A Bulk Change Type drop-down box displays.
Select the Bulk Change Type you want to search by.

The Viewer Navigation Panel is populated with a list of items that fit the
search criteria.

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3. Click on the item you want to look at.

The Viewer Panel is populated with the relevant related details, allowing
you to directly edit the data or copy/delete the item.

Copying items
Operators privileged to create site items can also duplicate site items, which
makes the task of setting up multiple items that are very similar much quicker.
This is achieved as follows:
1. Click on the item that you want to copy from the list in Viewer Navigation
The properties for that item populate the Viewer Panel.
2. Click the Copy <item> button.
All properties of the item are copied, however the Name changes so that
it is prefixed by 'Copy of', (e.g. Copy of Schedule 1).
3. Change the Name and amend other properties if necessary.
4. Click the Save button.

Editing items
The procedure for editing information about existing items in Command
Centre Client is very similar for most items, as demonstrated by the following
1. Click on the item you want to edit from the list in the Viewer Navigation
2. Click the appropriate tab(s), and edit the relevant information as
3. Click the Save button.
The item details are changed accordingly.

Deleting items
The procedure for deleting items in Command Centre Client is very similar for
most items, as demonstrated by the following procedure.

Note: The system will only allow the deletion if the item is not used. If any
site item is linked to the item you want to delete, (and hence is valid in the
security operation of the site), you cannot delete it, (e.g. a Day Category used
by a Schedule, a Schedule used to gain access to an Access Zone, etc.).
1. Click on the item you want to delete from the list in the Viewer
Navigation Panel.
2. Click the Delete <item> button.
A confirmation message displays.

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3. Click the Yes button to delete the item.

The item disappears from the list in the Viewer Navigation Panel.

Locating linked items
If you attempt to delete an item that is linked to another item a message will
display, for example:
"Changes have not been saved: This Schedule cannot be deleted as there is still
a site item which depends on it for proper operation."

History/Notes tab
All site items include a History/Notes tab in their Properties window. This tab
displays the item’s creation date and time, who last modified the item's
properties and when, and allows you to add any relevant notes about the

Note: The tabs that display alongside the History/Notes tab will differ
depending on the site item. This example is for a Schedule.
1. Enter any note(s) you want to record in the Notes field.
• The Notes field accepts at least 2,500 characters.
• The scroll bar can be used to move through the text, or the normal
navigation keys can be used, (i.e. Up and Down Arrows, Page Up and
Down, and Home and End).
• Right clicking anywhere in the Notes field will display a context menu
with the following options:

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Option Description Short-cut

Revert Text can be removed by clicking this prior to Ctrl-Z
clicking OK or Apply.

Cut Only enabled when text is selected. The Ctrl-X

selected text can be cut to the Windows

Copy Only enabled when text is selected. The Ctrl-C

selected text can be copied to the Windows

Paste Only enabled when the Windows clipboard Ctrl-V

contains text, (i.e. text has already been cut or
copied). The text can be pasted from the
Windows clipboard to the current text-edit
cursor position.

Delete Only enabled when text is selected. The

selected text will be deleted if clicked.

Select All Only enabled when no text is selected.

Clicking it will select all the text in the Notes

2. The History grid is "read-only" and shows Audit history details for the
Each entry represents one change made to the item. The entries are
sorted by time, in descending order, with the latest change at the top.
Note: Extra details can be revealed for an entry by selecting (highlighting)
an entry.

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Launch Configuration Client

The Configuration Client button only appears on the Administration toolbar

for users with the "Launch Configuration Client" privilege in at least one
division. It allows a user to launch the Configuration Client without re-
entering their credentials.

Launch the Configuration Client as follows:

1. Select the Administration tab on the Command Centre title bar.
2. Click the Configuration Client button on the toolbar.
The Configuration Client opens in a logged-in state with last-log-in
preferences (windows) displayed.
• The Configuration Client and Command Centre clients continue to
operate independently.
• The existing Configuration Client privileges continue to control what
can be accessed.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Access Groups

The Access Groups button only appears on the Administration tab for users
with the "Edit Access Groups" or "View Access Groups" privilege in at least
one division.

Select the Administration tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then click
the Access Groups button on the toolbar. The Access Groups Viewer opens.

Note: The Configuration Client button will only appear on the Administration
toolbar if you have the "Launch Configuration Client" privilege in at least one

The Navigation Panel for the Access Groups Viewer provides a list of all the
Access Groups. What appears in it the first time you open Access Groups
depends on how many Access Groups there are in the system, as follows:

If there are... then...

no Access Groups created, the Navigation Panel will be blank.
more than 100 Access the following message will display in the
Groups, Navigation Panel, until details are entered for
search criteria (see Searching for items on page

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If there are... then...

2-127 for further detail):
"There are <number> items which is too many to
display. Please search for the items you want to
less than 100 Access all of them will be loaded and display in the
Groups, Navigation Panel until details are entered for the
search criteria (see Searching for items on page
2-127 for further detail).

The button beside the Search field can be clicked to provide quick tips for
working with Access Groups.

There are a number of ways to search for an Access Group. See Searching for
items (on page 2-127) for further detail.

The proportions between the Viewer Navigation Panel and Viewer Panel can
be resized. See Sizing the Panels (on page 2-126) for further detail.

Columns on the Viewer Panel can be resized and/or reordered if required.

See Resizing/reordering columns (on page 2-126) for further detail.

Select the item below that you require further detail on:

Understanding Access Groups (on page 2-136)

Access Groups and Lineage (on page 2-136)

Creating a new Access Group (on page 2-137)

Configuring Access Group access (on page 2-146)

Granting temporary access by Access Group (on page 2-148)

Configuring Access Group Privileges for Terminal access (on page 2-150)

Configuring Access Groups for Test Modes (on page 2-153)

Running Reports from the Access Groups Viewer (on page 2-154)

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Understanding Access Groups

An Access Group is a group of cardholders.
An Access Group also defines the access (and other properties) that these
cardholders have.
You can define the 'Name' and 'Privileges' for an Access Group, and assign the
following properties to an Access Group:
• Members (who - which cardholders belong)
• Access Zones (where the members have access to go)
Note: There is a limit of 255 Alarm Zones/Access Zones per Access Group
per Controller. If this limit is exceeded, an alarm will be generated (in the
Alarm Viewer window), and the first 255 zones only will be sent to the
• Access Schedule (when the members have access)

Access Groups and Lineage

Lineage is a concept concerned with the inheritance of privileges between
parents and children. If you belong to an Access Group, you automatically
have the privileges of its parents in the hierarchy.

A cardholder may need to belong to more than one Access Group to obtain
their full access requirements, (i.e. access zones and schedules). There are
also privileges assigned to Access Groups, (e.g. to escort visitors). These
privileges relate to the access zones and schedules defined for that Access

Child Access Groups inherit both the access requirements, (i.e. Access Zones
and Schedules) and Access Group privileges, (e.g. to escort visitors) from their
parent(s). The way this works is illustrated in the following example.

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In this example, cardholders in the 'Head Office' Access Group can lock and
unlock Access Zones, as well as escort a visitor through Levels 1 & 2. They can
also access the Front Door as they inherit the access rights of their immediate
parent, (i.e. 'All Cardholders').
A visitor wishing to go through Levels 3, 4 & 5 however will need to be
escorted by a cardholder from the 'IT Department' Access Group.

As part of the configuration of an Access Group you can configure Lineage

functionality (via the Parent field).
See Creating a new Access Group (on page 2-137) for the procedure.

Creating a new Access Group

Perform the following procedure to create a new Access Group:
1. Click the New Access Group button on the Viewer Navigation Panel.
The new Access Group is added to the Viewer Navigation Panel, and the
Access Group Configuration pop-up displays.

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2. If you want to replace the default name the system has given the Access
Group, enter a new name in the Name field (limited to 60 characters).
3. If required, enter a logical Description (limited to 200 characters).
4. The Division button defaults to the name of the last Division in which the
Operator created a Command Centre item, regardless of whether it was
created in Configuration Client or via Command Centre Client.
If this is not the appropriate Division for this Access Group to be in, select
a Division as follows:
a) Click the Division button.
A browse tool displays.

b) Select the appropriate Division.

c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the button changes to the name of the Division
you selected.
Note: If you have not set up Divisions yet, you can add these to your
Access Group at a later stage.
5. If this Access Group is part of a hierarchy, select the "Immediate Parent"
Access Group as follows:
Note: See Access Groups and Lineage (on page 2-136) for an explanation
of how hierarchy works.
a) Select the Parent button (this appears as -- None Selected -- by
A browse tool displays.

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b) Select the "Immediate Parent" Access Group from the browse tool.
c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes. The button changes to the name of the Access
Group you selected and the Access Group moves to the appropriate
position in the list in the Viewer Navigation Panel.
All privileges assigned to the parent will be inherited by this Access
6. Click the Close button.
The Access Group Configuration pop-up closes, displaying the five
configuration tabs. The Access tab displays by default.
Click each tab in turn and configure the Access Group properties as
• Access tab (on page 2-140)
• Cardholders tab (on page 2-142)
• Alarm Zone tab (on page 2-144)
• Personalised Notifications tab (on page 2-146)
• History/Notes tab (on page 2-131)
7. Click the Save button.
A new Access Group has been created, and cardholders belonging to this
Access Group can gain access to the specified zones at the specified

Editing and Deleting Access Groups
Refer to Editing items (on page 2-130) and Deleting items (on page 2-130) for
procedures on how to edit and delete Access Groups.

Duplicating Access Groups

Operators privileged to create Access Groups can also duplicate Access
Groups, which makes the task of setting up multiple Access Groups that are
very similar much quicker.
Refer to Copying items (on page 2-130) for the procedure.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Access tab
This procedure describes the configuration on the Access tab for an Access
1. Click the Access tab.

2. The Access section allows you to set where members of this Access Group
have access to (Access Zones) and when they have access (Schedules).
See Configuring Access Group access (on page 2-143) for further detail.
3. Select the appropriate Access Privileges as required for the Access Group.

Access Privilege Enables members to...

Visitor be escorted through selected Access Zones by
someone with 'Escort' privileges for the same Access
Visitor Escort escort visitors to the Access Zones (according to the
schedules) assigned to the Access Group.
Lock/Unlock change the state of an Access Zone that the Access
Access Zones Group gives access to, from a card reader or IDT. This
is known as a 'local override'. For further details refer
to Configuring Local Overrides at Card Readers.
Entry During Lock enter Access Zones contained in the Access Group
Down when those Access Zones are in lockdown mode,
provided they meet the access criteria required
during lockdown. When a site is placed in lockdown
mode, certain people, (e.g. emergency services) will
still require entry. For further details refer to
Performing a Lockdown Override.
First Card Unlock unlock an Access Zone from SECURE state to FREE
state, once access is granted.
Note: When a site is licensed for Aperio Doors, there will be two
additional access privileges, as follows:

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Access Privilege Enables members to...

Aperio Privacy unlock doors even when in Privacy Mode. Default =
Override unticked.
• Privacy Mode is activated by a button on certain
Aperio locks. This feature needs to be enabled in
Aperio Programming Application Protocol (PAP) in
order to take effect.
• An Aperio door that is closed, locked, and in Privacy
Mode displays a red and yellow padlock icon in the
Hardware window of Configuration Client.
Aperio Offline unlock doors even when the door is offline (only
Access supported by V3 type locks; V2 type locks do not
support this functionality).
Important: This feature is considered a potential
security risk and should be used sparingly.
Note: This feature requires configuration in PAP to turn
the mini cache on and determine how long the cache
entries live for (maximum 30 days). The cache can be
cleared at any time from Command Centre.
4. Select the appropriate responses you require for Anti-Passback violations
and Anti-Tailgating violations.
Click here for definitions of the violations.
Type of violation Definition
Anti-Passback A condition where the system has detected that a card
passback has occurred, (i.e. a cardholder has attempted
to enter an Access Zone, or Access Zone Group, when
they are already recorded as within it).
Anti-Tailgating A condition where the system has detected that a card-
holder has tailgated, (i.e. a cardholder has attempted to
enter an Access Zone when they are currently recorded
as outside the Access Zone, or Access Zone Group, from
which they are entering).
Note: While the anti-tailgating response is configured
here on the Access Group, the "Check for tailgating on
exit from zone" option is configured on the Access Zone.
5. Return to Step 6 of Creating a new Access Group (on page 2-137) for
configuration instructions for the other Access Group tabs.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Cardholders tab
This procedure describes the configuration on the Cardholders tab for an
Access Group.
1. Click the Cardholders tab.

2. Add Personal Data Fields (PDFs) appropriate for this Access Group as
a) Click the Add Personal Data Fields button.
A browse tool displays.

b) Click the checkbox next to each PDF name you want to include, or click
the Select All button if you want to include all PDFs.
c) Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and each of the selected Personal Data Field(s)
appear in the Personal Data grid.
Note: To remove a Personal Data Field, select (highlight) the PDF you
want to remove and click the Remove button.
3. Select the cardholders you require to be members of the new Access
Group as follows:
a) Click the Add Cardholders button.
The Select Cardholders pop-up displays.

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b) To find the Cardholder that you want to make a member, select what
criteria you want to search on from the By drop-down list, (i.e. Name,
Description, Division, Card Number, Last Zone Entered, Authorised or
By default, Name is selected.
c) Start entering characters in the Search field.
A minimum of 3 characters starts the search. However, if you selected
Card Number(s) as the search criteria, you need to click the button
after you enter a number in the Search field.
d) From the search results, click on the Cardholder(s) you want to make
The Cardholder(s) appear in the lower section and are all checked by
e) Uncheck any Cardholders you do not want to assign, and click the OK
The pop-up closes and the selected Cardholder(s) now appear in the
Cardholder Membership grid.
Note: If you decide to remove a Cardholder from the list, the Remove
button allows you to do so.
Note: Cardholders that have no 'From' and 'Until' dates beside their
names are permanent members of the Access Group.
If you want to make any cardholders temporary members, (i.e. give them
access for a limited period of time), see Granting temporary access by
Access Group (on page 2-148) for the procedure.
4. The Membership Defaults section allows a membership period to be set
up for the Access Group. By default, the start and end dates are set to
none, therefore membership is permanent.
5. Return to Step 6 of Creating a new Access Group (on page 2-137) for
configuration instructions for the other Access Group tabs.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Alarm Zone tab

This procedure describes the configuration on the Alarm Zone tab for an
Access Group.
1. Click the Alarm Zone tab.

2. Add Alarm Zones appropriate for this Access Group, as follows:

a) Click the Add Alarm Zones button.
A browse tool displays.

b) Click the checkbox next to each Alarm Zone name you want to include,
or click the Select All button if you want to include all Alarm Zones.
c) Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and each of the selected Alarm Zone(s) appear in
the Alarm Zones grid.
Note: To remove an Alarm Zone, select (highlight) the Zone you want to
remove and click the Remove button.
3. Select the Alarm Zone Privileges required for this Access Group.

Alarm Zone Privilege Enables members to...

Change to the Disarmed disarm Alarm Zones associated with any
state Access Zone associated with the Access Group.

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Alarm Zone Privilege Enables members to...

When checked, the Prompt for alarm zone
selection option becomes enabled.
Change to the Armed arm Alarm Zones associated with any Access
state Zone associated with the Access Group.
When checked, the three options immediately
below it become enabled.
- Prompt for alarm zone With this privilege selected, a list of all the
selection available Alarm Zones will be provided on the
- Force-arm alarms zones If an Alarm Zone would not normally set
because there were open Inputs, by having
this privilege you can go to the "Arm Failed"
menu on the Terminal and force-arm alarm
zones by pressing the FORCE key.
Note: Without this privilege the FORCE key is
not available on the "Arm Failed" menu.
- Auto-isolate alarm zones If an Alarm Zone would not normally set
because there were open Inputs, by having
this privilege you can go to the "Arm Failed"
menu on the Terminal and isolate the Inputs
so that the Alarm Zone will arm, by pressing
the ISOLATE key.
Note: Without this privilege the ISOLATE key is
not available on the "Arm Failed" menu.
Change fence to HV/LF change the HV/LF mode of an Alarm Zone
mode associated with any Access Zone associated
with the Access Group.

Note: The Terminal Privileges and Terminal Access sections of this tile
relates only to Terminals. Therefore, the privileges and access options should
only be selected if your site has Terminals installed and this Access Group
will be using them.
Refer to Configuring Access Group Privileges for Terminal Access (on page
2-150) and/or Configuring Access Groups for Test Modes (on page 2-153) as
appropriate, for further detail.

4. Return to Step 6 of Creating a new Access Group (on page 2-137) for
configuration instructions for the other Access Group tabs.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Personalised Notifications tab

This procedure describes the configuration on the Personalised Notifications
tab for an Access Group.
1. Click the Personalised Notifications tab.

This tab allows you to assign Notification Filters to the Access Group, and
enable or disable them as required. The Notification Filter will only send
notifications to the Access Group (and child groups) members while the
Notification status and Filter status are enabled.
Notification Filters can also be configured against cardholders, so the
procedure for configuring them against the Access Group is very similar
to that described in Cardholder Notifications Tile actions (on page 3-90).
2. Return to Step 6 of Creating a new Access Group (on page 2-137) for
configuration instructions for the other Access Group tabs.

Configuring Access Group access

The Access section allows you to set where members of an Access Group have
access to (Access Zones) and when they have access (Schedules).

Note: There is a limit of 255 Alarm Zones/Access Zones per Access Group per
Controller. If this limit is exceeded, an alarm will be generated (in the Alarm
Viewer window), and the first 255 zones only will be sent to the Controller.
1. Click on the Access Group that you want to configure access for from the
list in Viewer Navigation Panel.
2. Click the Access tab, if not already displayed.
3. Click the Add Access button.
An Add Access Zone/Schedule Pairs pop-up displays to select Access
Zones from.

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4. If necessary, search for the Access Zone(s) you want by entering

characters in the Search field and/or refining the search mode and filters.
The grid becomes populated with Access Zones that match the search
5. Check the Access Zone(s) you want the group to have access to, and click
the Add Selection button.
The Add Access Zone/Schedule Pairs pop-up changes to show a list of
available Cardholder Access Schedules to select from.

6. Click the radio button next to the Schedule you want to use for the Access
Zones you have selected.
7. Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the selected Access Zone(s) and Schedule populate
the grid.
Each entry will have an asterisk ( * ) beside it indicating that it is unsaved
until the Save button is clicked.

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• In a multi-server environment, remote access entries display in italics.
• To remove an Access Zone, select (highlight) the Zone you want to
remove and click the Remove button.

Granting temporary access by Access Group

Temporary access can be granted to members of an Access Group as follows:
1. Click on the Access Group you want to add temporary members to, from
the list in the Viewer Navigation Panel.
2. Click the Cardholders tab, if not already displayed.
3. Click the Add Cardholders button.
The Select Cardholders pop-up displays.

4. To find the Cardholder that you want to give temporary access to, select
what criteria you want to search on from the By drop-down list, (i.e.
Name, Description, Division, Card Number, Last Zone Entered, Authorised
or All). By default, Name is selected.
5. Start entering characters in the Search field.
A minimum of 3 characters starts the search. However, if you selected
Card Number(s) as the search criteria, you need to click the button
after you enter a number in the Search field.
6. From the search results, click on the Cardholder(s) you want to give
temporary access to.
The Cardholder(s) appear in the lower section and are all checked by
7. Uncheck any Cardholders you do not want to assign, and click the OK
The pop-up closes and the selected Cardholder(s) now appear in the
Cardholder Membership grid.
Note: If you decide to remove a Cardholder from the list, the Remove
button allows you to do so.

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8. Highlight a cardholder that requires temporary access.

Note: The columns can be reordered if you want, (e.g. you may find
having the Date columns first useful so you can sort by date and see
which cardholders have the same temporary access periods). To do this,
click on the column title and drag it to the required position.
9. Click the button in the From field and select the date the cardholder
needs access from. The selected date and a time of 00:00 populates the
From field .
10. Alter the time to the time the Cardholder needs access from on this date.
11. Repeat Steps 9 and 10 for the Until field, (i.e. the date and time of the last
day the Cardholder needs access up to).
12. Do you want temporary members to be removed from the Cardholder
Membership grid when their temporary access period expires?

If... then...
yes leave the Automatically remove expired memberships checkbox
Note: By leaving the checkbox ticked, all expired memberships
will be deleted automatically from the Cardholder Membership
grid when they expire.
no uncheck the Automatically remove expired memberships
Note: By unchecking the checkbox, cardholders with temporary
access will remain in the Cardholder Membership grid once their
access period expires.
Note: Cardholders can only belong to 255 unique, and active or pending,
Access Groups.
13. Click the Save button.
An Access Group now has temporary member(s).
Note: The colour of the text for the data in a row is dependent upon
Status, as follows:

Colour Status
Black Active: The period for access is current.
Blue Pending: The period for access is in the future, so has not
become active yet.
Red Expired: The period for access is in the past.
Note: Expired entries display if the Access Group has not been
configured to remove Cardholders on expiry of membership.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Configuring Access Group Privileges for Terminal access

This procedure describes how to assign Alarm Zones to an Access Group, and
specify associated privileges for Terminal use.
1. Click on the Access Group you want to assign Alarm Zones to from the list
in Viewer Navigation Panel.
2. Click the Alarm Zone tab, if not already displayed.
3. In the Terminal Privileges section, select the appropriate privileges as
required for the Access Group.
Privilege Description
View Alarms and With this privilege selected, a list of all the available
items alarms will be provided on the "Alarms" menu and
all the inputs on the "Inputs" menu of the Remote
Arming Terminal.
This privilege enables a user to view all available
alarms and all inputs on an HBUS Terminal or HBUS
Alarms Only Terminal.
- Shunt items This privilege enables the SHUNT key on the
Remote Arming Terminal so you can shunt items.
This privilege enables a user to shunt and unshunt
inputs using an HBUS Terminal or HBUS Alarms Only
- Acknowledge all This privilege enables the ACK key on the Remote
alarms Arming Terminal so you can acknowledge alarms of
all priorities.
This privilege enables a user to acknowledge all
available alarms using an HBUS Terminal or HBUS
Alarms Only Terminal.
- Acknowledge This privilege enables the ACK key on the Remote
alarms below high Arming Terminal so you can acknowledge alarms
priority below high priority.
This privilege enables a user to acknowledge all
available alarms below high priority using an HBUS
Terminal or HBUS Alarms Only Terminal.
- Lock out fence This privilege enables the LOCKOUT key on the
zones Remote Arming Terminal so you can lockout
selected Fence Zones.
The fence cannot be energized when in lockout
mode. Lockout is persisted during a Fence
Controller or Controller restart (it is not persisted
during a DIP Switch 2 Controller restart).

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Privilege Description
Only the Cardholder that placed the fence in lockout
can take it out of lockout. This is only possible from
the Remote Arming Terminal that was used to put
the fence into lockout.
- Cancel others lock This privilege enables the UNLOCK key on the
out Remote Arming Terminal so you can cancel the
lockout of the selected Fence Zones.
This is only possible from the Remote Arming
Terminal that was used to put the fence into
Prompt for alarm This option is only available if the Change to the
zone selection Disarmed state and/or Change to the Armed state
options are also checked (in the Alarm Zone
Privileges section). With this privilege selected, a
list of all the available Alarm Zones will be provided
on the Remote Arming Terminal.
This privilege enables a user to view a list of Alarm
Zones for which the user has this privilege for, when
the Arm or Disarm key is selected on the Welcome
screen of an HBUS Terminal or HBUS Alarms Only
This privilege enables a user to view a list of Alarm
Zones for which the user’s Access Group assignment
provides privilege for, from the Menu, on an HBUS
Terminal or HBUS Alarms Only Terminal.
Force-arm alarm This option is only available if the Change to the
zones Armed state option is also checked (in the Alarm
Zone Privileges section). If an Alarm Zone would not
normally set because there were open Inputs, by
having this privilege you can go to the "Arm Failed"
menu on the Remote Arming Terminal and force-
arm alarm zones by pressing the FORCE key.
Note: Without this privilege the FORCE key is not
available on the "Arm Failed" menu.
If an Alarm Zone would not normally set because
there were open Inputs, by having this privilege you
will be provided with the option to force-arm the
Input’s Alarm Zones, when arming from the menu
of an HBUS Terminal or HBUS Alarms Only Terminal.
Note: Without this privilege the force-arm options
are not available.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Privilege Description
Auto-isolate alarm This option is only available if the Change to the
zones Armed state option is also checked (in the Alarm
Zone Privileges section).
If an Alarm Zone would not normally set because
there were open Inputs, by having this privilege you
can go to the "Arm Failed" menu on the Remote
Arming Terminal and isolate the Inputs so that the
Alarm Zone will arm, by pressing the ISOLATE key.
Note: Without this privilege the ISOLATE key is not
available on the "Arm Failed" menu.
If an Alarm Zone would not normally set because
there were open Inputs, by having this privilege you
will be provided with the option to auto-isolate the
Input’s Alarm Zones, when arming from the menu
of an HBUS Terminal or HBUS Alarms Only Terminal.
Note: Without this privilege the auto-isolate
options are not available.

Note: The Terminal Access section is for configuring periodic testing, to

allow members of the Access Group to disarm the system via a Terminal.
Refer to Configuring Access Groups for Test Modes (on page 2-153) for
further detail.
4. Select the Alarm Zones to be managed by this Access Group, as follows:
a) Click the Add Alarm Zones button.
A browse tool displays.

b) If necessary, search for the Alarm Zone(s) you want by entering

characters in the Search field and/or refining the search mode and
The grid becomes populated with Alarm Zones that match the search

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c) Check the Alarm Zone(s) you want the group to have access to, and
click the Add Selection button.
The browse tool closes, and the selected Alarm Zone(s) appear in the
Alarm Zones grid.
5. Click the Save button.

Configuring Access Groups for Test Modes

It is possible to configure groups of staff members with the Alarm Zones they
are allowed to disarm and the period of time they can disarm them for. This
procedure describes how to configure the Access Groups you require for
testing via Terminals.
1. Click on the Access Group you want to configure test modes for, from the
list in Viewer Navigation Panel.
2. Click the Alarm Zone tab, if not already displayed.
3. Check the Change to the Disarmed state checkbox in the "Alarm Zone
Privileges" section.
4. If cardholders are required to arm Alarm Zones associated with any
Access Zone associated with this Access Group, check the Change to the
Armed state checkbox.
5. If cardholders are required to select an Alarm Zone to test on the
Terminal, check the Prompt for alarm zone selection checkbox.
6. Select the appropriate "Cardholder Access Schedule" to control when the
Cardholder can access the Terminal, as follows:
a) Click the Schedule button (this appears as --None Selected -- by
default) in the "Terminal Access" section.
A browse tool displays.

b) Select the appropriate Schedule from the browse tool.

c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the button changes to the name of the
Schedule you selected.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

7. Check the Override Alarm Zone unset time checkbox and enter the
period of time you require the Alarm Zones to be unset. (Default = 60
This time will override the Alarm Zone unset time for all Alarm Zones
associated with this Access Group, when unset from the Terminal only.
Note: If an Alarm Zone unset time is greater than the configured override
unset time, the Alarm Zone will be reset at the time specified by the
8. Check the User can initiate input test mode checkbox.
Cardholders belonging to this Access Group will be able to perform input
9. Select the Alarm Zones that the members of this Access Group are
authorised to test in the Alarm Zones section, as follows:
a) Click the Add Alarm Zones button.
A browse tool displays.

a) If necessary, search for the Alarm Zone(s) you want by entering

characters in the Search field and/or refining the search mode and
The grid becomes populated with Alarm Zones that match the search
b) Check the Alarm Zone(s) you want the group to have access to, and
click the Add Selection button.
The browse tool closes, and the selected Alarm Zone(s) appear in the
Alarm Zones grid.
10. Click the Save button.

Running Reports from the Access Groups Viewer

Providing an operator has the correct privileges, a report can be run from the
Access Groups Viewer if the report contains at least one "Cardholder Access
Group" or "Access for Access Group" filter with the Allow change when
report is run checkbox selected, as follows:
1. Click on the Access Group in the Viewer Navigation Panel.

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2. Click the Run Report button.

If there is more than one available report to choose from, a Reports pop-
up appears listing all the available reports. If this screen appears, select
the report that you want to run, and click the Run Report button.

A Report Preview pop-up displays.

The Report Preview is populated with a Filters panel on the left and a
Preview panel on the right. The Filters panel will differ slightly depending
on the type of Report, and allows editable filters to be changed at
This example is the preview pop-up for a Cardholder Report.
3. Take appropriate action to run the report.
Button Description
Save When this button is clicked a context menu displays
listing all the file types you can save a report as for
further use.

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Button Description
Print Clicking this button (or pressing <Ctrl+P> on your
keyboard) displays a Print dialog.
Copy Clicking this button copies the report to the
clipboard, to allow pasting into Excel or other text
application, (e.g. Word, Notepad, etc.).
Email When this button is clicked a context menu displays
listing all the file types you can email a report in.
When the file type is selected, the report is attached
to an open email. The email recipients then need to
be added manually by the user in the email client.
Note: If an email client is not available on the
workstation an exception message will appear
explaining this.
Fit to Width Clicking this button (or pressing <F5> on your
keyboard) zooms the report so that the width of the
page matches the width of the Report Preview.
Fit to Page Clicking this button (or pressing <F3> on your
keyboard) zooms the report so that an entire page
fits in the Report Preview.
Thumbnails Clicking this button (or pressing <Ctrl+T> on your
keyboard) displays thumbnails of the pages in a
report allowing you to quickly navigate to a section
you want to get to.
Find Clicking this button (or pressing <Ctrl+F> on your
keyboard) displays a Find What field below the
Report Preview allowing you to search on text in a
Clicking this button refreshes the Report Preview.
The navigation arrows, (i.e. First page, Previous
page, Next page and Last page) can be used to move
through the report. The page currently viewing and
the total number of pages in the report also display,
(e.g. Page 2 of 7).
Clicking this button (or pressing <Shift+F2> on your
keyboard) will result in a single page displaying in
the Report Preview.
Clicking this button (or pressing <Shift+F3> on your
keyboard) will result in a continuous page display in
the Report Preview, (i.e. all report pages will display
as a vertical ribbon).

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Button Description
Clicking this button (or pressing <Shift+F4> on your
keyboard) will result in a multiple page display in
the Report Preview, (i.e. the report will be zoomed
so that as many pages as can be fit in the window
will display).
A horizontal slider to size the report as it appears in
the Report Preview section.

4. Click the Close button when the report is run.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Calendars and Day Categories

Select the Administration tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then click
the Calendars button on the toolbar. The Calendars and Day Categories
Viewer opens.

Note: The Configuration Client button will only appear on the Administration
toolbar if you have the "Launch Configuration Client" privilege in at least one
The Navigation Panel for the Calendars and Day Categories Viewer provides a
list of all the Calendars and Day Categories.

The button beside the Search field can be clicked to provide quick tips for
working with Calendars and Day Categories.
There are a number of ways to search for a Calendar or Day Category. See
Searching for items (on page 2-127) for further detail.
The proportions between the Viewer Navigation Panel and Viewer Panel can
be resized. See Sizing the Panels (on page 2-126) for further detail.
Columns on the Viewer Panel can be resized and/or reordered if required.
See Resizing/reordering columns (on page 2-126) for further detail.

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Select the item below that you require further detail on:

Understanding Calendars and Day Categories (on page 2-159)

Creating a Day Category (on page 2-160)

Creating a special Calendar (on page 2-161)

Assigning Days to Day Categories (on page 2-163)

Understanding Calendars and Day Categories

Days are assigned to Categories on a Schedule, (e.g. Monday to Friday could
use a "Weekday" category, while Saturdays and Sundays may require a
category each).

Specific dates such as holidays are also assigned categories, which override
the repeating schedule for that day. Holidays display by default in all new
schedules and can be configured as required.

Using calendars, you assign Day Categories to days of the year.

Assign Monday to Friday to the Day Category "Weekday".
Assign Statutory holidays to the Day Category "Holiday".

There are two types of Calendars in Command Centre, as described below:

Calendar Type Description
Default • Only one default system-wide calendar can exist.
Calendar • Changes to the day of the week day categories made at
the default calendar level automatically apply system-
• Day categories can be assigned to a specific date or a
particular day of the week within the default calendar.
Special • Multiple special calendars can exist.
Calendar • Special calendars inherit and display the same day
categories that are assigned to the days of the week in
the default calendar. These cannot be changed in the
Special Calendar.
• Different day categories can be assigned to specific
• Special calendars cater for organisations that span
multiple geographic areas by allowing their local
operators to administer the scheduling of special days,
(e.g. public holidays), applicable to their region or site.

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• While you can add or delete special calendars, you are not able to remove
the default calendar.
• Day categories and calendar(s) should be set up before creating and
assigning schedules. Any new day categories assigned to the calendar
after creating schedules will need to be added to each existing schedule
• It is recommended that any calendar changes are made out of normal
business hours as they can result in system performance issues, (e.g.
events get slower and slower, and then a barrage of events flood

Creating a Day Category

Perform the following procedure to create a new Day Category:
1. Click the New Calendar or Day Category button on the Viewer Navigation
Panel, and then select Day Category.
The new Day Category is added to the Viewer Navigation Panel, and the
Day Category Configuration pop-up displays.

2. If you want to replace the default name the system has given the day
category, enter a new name in the Name field (limited to 60 characters).
3. If required, enter a logical Description (limited to 200 characters).
4. Click the Close button.
The Day Category Configuration pop-up closes.
5. There are two tabs, (i.e. Colour and History/Notes). The Colour tab
displays by default.
6. To change the colour, click on the required colour square from the
displayed colour swatch under Standard Colours.
The selected colour displays in the large Colour square, and the RGB (Red,
Green, Blue) values of the colour display beside it.
7. If you want to record any note(s) about the Day Category, click the
History/Notes tab.
Refer to History/Notes tab (on page 2-131) for further detail.
8. Click the Save button.
A new Day Category has been created.

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Editing and Deleting Day Categories
Refer to Editing items (on page 2-130) and Deleting items (on page 2-130) for
procedures on how to edit and delete Day Categories.

Duplicating Day Categories

Operators privileged to create Day Categories can also duplicate Day
Categories, which makes the task of setting up multiple Day Categories that
are very similar much quicker.
Refer to Copying items (on page 2-130) for the procedure.

Creating a Special Calendar

Perform the following procedure to create a special Calendar:
1. Click the New Calendar or Day Category button on the Viewer Navigation
Panel, and then select Special Calendar.
The new special calendar is added to the Viewer Navigation Panel, and
the Special Calendar Configuration pop-up displays.

2. If you want to replace the default name the system has given the
calendar, enter a new name in the Name field (limited to 60 characters).
3. If required, enter a logical Description (limited to 200 characters).
4. The Division button defaults to the name the last Division in which the
Operator created a Command Centre item, regardless of whether it was
created in Configuration Client or via Command Centre Client.
If this is not the appropriate Division for this calendar to be in, select a
Division as follows:
a) Click the Division button.
A browse tool displays.

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b) Select the appropriate Division.

c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the button changes to the name of the Division
you selected.
Note: If you have not set up Divisions yet, you can add these to your
calendar at a later stage.
5. Click the Close button.
The Special Calendar Configuration pop-up closes.
6. There are two tabs, (i.e. Calendar and History/Notes). The Calendar tab
displays by default.
Configure the Special Calendar as required. See Assigning Days to Day
Categories (on page 2-163) for further details.
7. If you want to record any note(s) about the Special Calendar, click the
History/Notes tab.
Refer to History/Notes tab (on page 2-131) for further detail.
8. Click the Save button.
A new Special Calendar has been created.

Editing and Deleting Special Calendars
Refer to Editing items (on page 2-130) and Deleting items (on page 2-130) for
procedures on how to edit and delete Special Calendars.

Duplicating Special Calendars

Operators privileged to create special Calendars can also duplicate special
Calendars, which makes the task of setting up multiple special Calendars that
are very similar much quicker.
Refer to Copying items (on page 2-130) for the procedure.

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Assigning Days to Day Categories

Perform the following procedure to assign days to Day Categories.
Note: Individual dates, (e.g. Monday 25 October) can be assigned to Day
Categories on any Calendar, whereas particular days, (e.g. All Saturdays) can
be assigned to Day Categories on the Default Calendar.

Assigning particular days to Day Categories

1. Click on the Default Calendar from the list in Viewer Navigation Panel.
2. Click the Calendar tab, if not already displayed.
3. Click on the Day name on the calendar.
A browse tool displays.

4. Select the required Day Category and click the OK button.

The pop-up closes.
The Day name will be the colour assigned to the selected Day Category
(see example below), and the Assigned Day Categories list on the right
will show the selected Day Category beside the Day.
5. Click the Save button.

Assigning individual dates for Day Categories

1. Click on the appropriate Calendar, (i.e. either the Default Calendar or a
Special Calendar), from the list in Viewer Navigation Panel.
2. Click the Calendar tab, if not already displayed.
3. Click on the specific date on the calendar.
A browse tool displays.

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4. Select the required Day Category and click the OK button.

The pop-up closes.
The date will be inside a box of the colour assigned to the selected Day
Category (see example below), and the Assigned Day Categories list on
the right will show the selected Day Category beside the date.

• Day Categories that have been defined in the Default Calendar will
display differently in a Special Calendar, i.e. instead of a date being
inside a coloured box it will be in a plain box, (e.g. 28th January in the
above example), and in the Assigned Day Categories list it will display
in italics.
• There is a limit of 400 special days in the Default Calendar and 400 in
each Special (regional) Calendar. This allows a total of 800 special days
to be defined for any one Special Calendar. When the limit is reached,
the system will remove special days in the past without warning, until
all newly selected days can be added. If all special days in the past
have been removed and the limit is still exceeded, the extra newly
selected days will not be added and a warning message will display.

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Card States

Select the Administration tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then click
the Card States button on the toolbar. The Card States Viewer opens.

Note: The Configuration Client button will only appear on the Administration
toolbar if you have the "Launch Configuration Client" privilege in at least one

The Navigation Panel for the Card States Viewer provides a list of all the Card
State Sets.

The button beside the Search field can be clicked to provide quick tips for
working with Card States.

There are a number of ways to search for a Card State. See Searching for
items (on page 2-127) for further detail.

The proportions between the Viewer Navigation Panel and Viewer Panel can
be resized. See Sizing the Panels (on page 2-126) for further detail.

Columns on the Viewer Panel can be resized and/or reordered if required.

See Resizing/reordering columns (on page 2-126) for further detail.

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Select the item below that you require further detail on:

Understanding Card States (on page 2-166)

Creating a Card State Set (on page 2-167)

Adding States to a Card State Set (on page 2-169)

Removing States from a Card State Set (on page 2-170)

Configuring a Card State History Report (on page 2-170)

Understanding Card States

Custom card states go beyond the traditional states of Active, Expired and
Disabled. Custom Card State configuration allows operators to track and
report on Lost, Stolen and Damaged cards (default custom states), as well as
pending, suspended, on-hold or any other required card state.

Card assignment, removal, issue-level and state changes are written to the
card history and this history can be reported on using Cardholder and Activity
reporting, to provide audit information on card changes. Card State history
also provides enhanced security ensuring cards are not reproduced when lost
or stolen cards exist outside the premises.

Card State Set assigned to a Card Type

Card State Sets get assigned to the properties of a Card Type (on the Setup
tab), in Configuration Client. Once assigned and saved the set cannot be
changed for the Card Type. Bulk changes can be used to change the Card
Type if an alternative set of states is required.

Multi-server systems
In a multi-server system the following applies for Card States:
• Card states and their properties need to be replicated in a multi-server
environment, so that card states configured in a local server are available
to use at a remote server.
• Custom card state assignments need to be replicated, (e.g. A card that is
marked as Lost on one server will need to replicate to other servers).
• Multi-server Card State conflicts raise alarms.

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Creating a Card State Set

Perform the following procedure to create a new Card State Set:
1. Click the New Card State Set button on the Viewer Navigation Panel.
The new Card State Set is added to the Viewer Navigation Panel, and the
Card State Configuration pop-up displays.

2. If you want to replace the default name the system has given the Card
State Set, enter a new name in the Name field (limited to 60 characters).
3. If required, enter a logical Description (limited to 200 characters).
4. The Division button defaults to the name of the last Division in which
the Operator created a Command Centre item, regardless of whether it
was created in Configuration Client or via Command Centre Client.
If this is not the appropriate Division for this Card State Set, select a
Division as follows:
a) Click the Division button.
A browse tool displays.

b) Select the appropriate Division.

c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the button changes to the name of the Division
you selected.
Note: If you have not set up Divisions yet, you can add these to your Card
State Set at a later stage.

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5. Click the Close button.

The Card State Configuration pop-up closes.
There are two tabs, (i.e. Card States and History/Notes). The Card States
tab displays by default.

6. Change the Initial Card State if required, by selecting another one from
the drop-down list.
7. Add and remove Card State(s) as required for this Card State Set. See
Adding States to a Card State Set (on page 2-169) and Removing States
from a Card State Set (on page 2-170) for the procedure.
8. Indicate whether a custom card state is available for selection on the
Cardholder Cards tile.
States available for selection are indicated by a "tick" and are made by
clicking in the checkbox in the Available for use column.
Note: By default, all custom card states are available for selection.
9. Change any of the custom card states to Permanently Disabled if
Note: The "Active" and "Disabled (manually)" states cannot have their
attributes changed, (i.e. they are always available and cannot be made a
permanently disabled state).
10. If you want to record any note(s) about the Card State Set, click the
History/Notes tab.
Refer to History/Notes tab (on page 2-131) for further detail.
11. Click the Save button.
A new Card State Set has been created.

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Editing and Deleting Card State Sets
Refer to Editing items (on page 2-130) and Deleting items (on page 2-130) for
procedures on how to edit and delete Card State Sets.
Note: A Card State Set cannot be deleted if it is assigned to a Card Type.

Duplicating Card State Sets

Operators privileged to create card state sets can also duplicate card state
sets, which makes the task of setting up multiple card state sets that are very
similar much quicker.
Refer to Copying items (on page 2-130) for the procedure.

Adding States to a Card State Set

User -defined Card States can be added to a Card State Set as follows:
1. Click on the Card State Set you want to add states to, from the list in
Viewer Navigation Panel.
2. Click the Add Card State button.

3. Type the name of the new state into the field that appears at the bottom
of the list.
Note: You can use the up and down arrows (beside the Add Card State
button) to change the order of the card states, (i.e. select the state you
want to move and click either the up or down arrow to move it), so that
perhaps the more commonly used states appear at the top of the drop-
down list when changing the state of a card.
4. Repeat Steps 2 - 3 for each user-defined card state you wish to add to the
Card State Set.
5. Click the Save button.

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Removing States from a Card State Set

A user-defined Card State, (e.g. Pending or Suspended) can be deleted from a
Card State Set only if that state has never been used on any cards. Once it has
been used on even a single card, the state will be written to history and
cannot be deleted.
Remove a user-defined Card State (that have not been used on any cards) as
1. Click on the Card State Set you want to remove states from.

2. Click the button beside the Card State you want to remove.
Note: If you decide to cancel this change, the Revert to Saved button
allows you to do so before saving it.
3. Click the Save button.

Configuring a Card State History Report

A privileged operator can utilise the Cardholder Report structure to report on
Card History. When one or more of the Card History columns is added to a
Cardholder Report, along with Cardholder Name column(s), then the report
will include a row for each card assignment, state change, issue level change
and removal. The report is filterable by Historical Card Status and Historical
Card Status Time.

• Use of other card filters will not restrict the report at the historical card
level, rather at the cardholder level. Hence it is recommended not to use
Card Type or Card Number filters.
• If required, use any other Cardholder filter to restrict the cardholders
returned in the report, (e.g. Cardholder Personal Data Field filter).

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The Macros button only appears on the Administration tab for users with the
"Edit Macros" or "View Macros" privilege in at least one division.

Select the Administration tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then click
the Macros button on the toolbar. The Macros Viewer opens.

Note: The Configuration Client button will only appear on the Administration
toolbar if you have the "Launch Configuration Client" privilege in at least one
The Navigation Panel for the Macros Viewer provides a list of all the Macros.
• The columns on the Viewer Navigation Panel can be resized and/or
reordered if required. See Resizing/reordering columns (on page 2-126)
for further detail.
• The Next Run Time column displays the next scheduled run time for a
Macro. If a Macro has no scheduled times in the future, "Not Scheduled"
displays instead.
• The Macros are intially sorted by the Next Run Time column, with the
earliest time first, and "Not Scheduled" Macros last.

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• The Remaining column lists the total number of times the Macro is
scheduled to run.

The button beside the Search field can be clicked to provide quick tips for
working with Macros.

There are a number of ways to search for a Macro. See Searching for items
(on page 2-127) for further detail.

The proportions between the Viewer Navigation Panel and Viewer Panel can
be resized. See Sizing the Panels (on page 2-126) for further detail.

Select the item below that you require further detail on:

Understanding Macros (on page 2-172)

Creating a new Macro (on page 2-173)

Scheduling a Macro (on page 2-179)

Event Action Plans and Alarm Instructions for a Macro (on page 2-180)

Adding Command Lines for Macros (on page 2-182)

Editing/Removing Actions for a Macro (on page 2-185)

Understanding Macros
Macros can be created for scheduling a set of pre-programmed overrides or
for scheduling a bulk change. Macros provide the ability to group and
schedule them for a specific time and for specific durations, either on a one-
off basis or for events that repeat on a daily or weekly basis.

Such overrides would cater for special after-hours events that require changes
to the normal security settings for the site. For an after-hours event, an area,
(e.g. a conference venue), must be set to free access, and the associated
Alarm Zone disarmed for the duration of the event. It may also require
switching lights or air-conditioning on for the duration of the event, and it is
not convenient to have an operator on-site to perform these overrides at the
required time.

For some sites, some pre-programmed overrides may be a repeating event,

(e.g. a class held every Tuesday evening for 10 weeks).

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Creating a new Macro

Perform the following procedure to create a new Macro:
1. Click the New Macro button on the Viewer Navigation Panel.
The new Macro is added to the Viewer Navigation Panel, and the Macro
Configuration pop-up displays.

2. If you want to replace the default name the system has given the Macro,
enter a new name in the Name field (limited to 60 characters).
3. If required, enter a logical Description (limited to 200 characters).
4. The Division button defaults to the name of the last Division in which the
Operator created a Command Centre item, regardless of whether it was
created in Configuration Client or via Command Centre Client.
If this is not the appropriate Division for this Macro to be in, select a
Division as follows:
a) Click the Division button.
A browse tool displays.

b) Select the appropriate Division.

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c) Click the OK button.

The pop-up closes and the button changes to the name of the Division
you selected.
Note: If you have not set up Divisions yet, you can add these to your
Macro at a later stage.
5. Click the Icons button if you want to change the Icon Set for this Macro.
If no selection is made, the default is selected.
6. Click the Close button.
The Macro Configuration pop-up closes, displaying the five configuration
The Actions tab displays by default.
Click each tab in turn and configure the Macro properties as required:
• Actions tab (on page 2-175)
• Run-time Options tab (on page 2-177)
• Action Plans/Alarm Instructions tab (on page 2-178)
• Advanced tab (on page 2-178)
• History/Notes tab (on page 2-131)
7. Click the Save button.
A new Macro has been created to perform a number of actions quickly
with minimal operator interaction. This Macro can now be placed on a
Site Plan for future execution if required.
Note: If the Macro contains items and actions that you do not have
sufficient privileges to save, then an error message will display informing
you of the disallowed items, and the changes will not be saved.

Editing and Deleting Macros
Refer to Editing items (on page 2-130) and Deleting items (on page 2-130) for
the procedure on how to edit and delete a macro.
Note: A macro cannot be deleted if it is on a Site Plan or is used in an Action
Plan. Likewise, operators, workstations and site items that appear on a
macro's Actions tab cannot be deleted from the system.

Duplicating Macros
Operators privileged to create macros can also duplicate macros, which makes
the task of setting up multiple macros that are very similar much quicker.
Refer to Copying items (on page 2-130) for the procedure.

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Actions tab
This procedure describes the configuration on the Actions tab for a Macro.
1. Click the Actions tab.

This tab allows you to add Command Centre item(s) that you want to
perform actions on for this macro.
Note: Only Command Centre items that can be supported by macros,
and to which you have the correct privilege(s), can be added to this
section, (i.e. Outputs, Access Zones, Alarm Zones, Interlock Groups, Logic
Blocks, Doors, Bulk Changes, Guard Tours, Controllers, Fence Zones,
Macros, Morpho Biometric Readers, Command Centre Access Reports,
Evacuation Reports, Configuration Client Exception Reports, Activity
Reports, Configuration Client Guard Tour Reports, Cardholder Reports,
Command Centre Time Reports, Command Centre Voltage Reports and
Z10 Tension Sensor Groups).
2. Click the Add Items button.
A browse tool displays.

3. If necessary, search for the item(s) you want by entering characters in the
Search field and/or refining the search mode and filters.
The grid becomes populated with items that match the search criteria.

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4. Click the checkbox next to each item name you want to include, or click
the Select All button if you want to include all items.
5. Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and each of the selected item(s) appear in the Items
Note: To remove an item, select (highlight) the item you want to remove
and click the Remove button.
6. These Command Centre items need to have actions configured for them.
Select the first item in the list and click the Configure Actions button.
A Configure Actions pop-up displays.

Note: The options available on this pop-up depend on the type of

Command Centre item. This example is for an Alarm Zone.
7. Configure actions as required, and click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and details of the currently configured action for that
item populate the Actions column for the item.
• Some items only support one action, (e.g. for doors you can "Open
Door", for bulk changes you can "Run Bulk Change", and for
Controllers you can "Re-sync Databases"). However, for items that
support more than one action, (e.g. items supporting override actions),
then the default action is "None Selected".
• For Alarm Zones, the Alarm Processing drop-down list (as shown on
the above screen) only displays if you have the "Bulk Process Alarms"
privilege. By selecting "Acknowledge all alarms" or "Process All the
Alarms", all existing alarms for the Alarm Zone will be acknowledged or
processed, respectively. By selecting "Auto-Acknowledge All the
Alarms", all subsequent alarms for the zone will be auto-
acknowledged, up until the point where all alarms on the zone have
been processed.

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IMPORTANT: These options bypass both mandatory alarm notes and

the option to disallow an operator from processing escalated alarms.
• For Evacuation, Exception, Activity, Cardholder and Guard Tour
Reports the settings that have been saved for the report display. These
settings can be changed (if you have the operator privilege to edit the
report in the report's Division), by right clicking on the Report in the
Name grid and selecting Properties.
• For Exception, Activity, Cardholder and Guard Tour Reports, you need
to select the report in the Name grid in order for its Division to be
selected automatically.
8. Return to Step 6 of Creating a new Macro (on page 2-173) for
configuration instructions for the other Macro tabs.

Run-time Options tab

This procedure describes the configuration on the Run-time Options tab for a
1. Click the Run-time Options tab.

2. If you want to schedule the macro now, see Scheduling a Macro (on page
2-179) for a detailed procedure.
3. Check the Operator confirmation required when run manually checkbox
if you want operators to be presented with a confirmation dialog prompt
before the macro runs.
The "Custom Confirmation text" field is enabled.
Note: Confirmation dialogs only display when macros are manually-
triggered by an operator.
4. Alter the custom confirmation text if you want something different from
the default, (i.e. "Are you sure you want to run this macro?"), to appear
on the confirmation dialog.
Note: This field is limited to 200 characters, and while multiple lines are
allowed, new lines take up two characters.

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5. Return to Step 6 of Creating a new Macro (on page 2-173) for

configuration instructions for the other Macro tabs.

Action Plans/Alarm Instructions tab

This procedure describes the configuration on the Action Plans/Alarm
Instructions tab for a Macro.
1. Click the Action Plans/Alarm Instructions tab.

This tab lists all the Event Groups available for macros, and allows you to
assign Action Plans and/or Alarm Instructions to them.
Refer to Event Action Plans and Alarm Instructions for a Macro (on page
2-180) for further detail.
2. Return to Step 6 of Creating a new Macro (on page 2-173) for
configuration instructions for the other Macro tabs.

Advanced tab
This procedure describes the configuration on the Advanced tab for a Macro.
1. Click the Advanced tab.

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This tab allows you to configure command lines to the macro, if required.
Refer to Adding Command Lines for Macros (on page 2-182) for further
2. Return to Step 6 of Creating a new Macro (on page 2-173) for
configuration instructions for the other Macro tabs.

Scheduling a Macro

To be able to schedule macros requires the "Schedule & Run Macros"
operator privilege (a separate privilege from running a macro), because the
ability to schedule macros means an operator could potentially unlock secure
areas after hours, allowing unauthorised people access.
This procedure details how to schedule the date and time for a macro to run.

1. Click on the Macro you want to schedule from the list in the Viewer
Navigation Panel.
The properties for that Macro populate the Viewer Panel.
2. Click the Run-time Options tab.
This tab allows run times and repetition properties to be defined for the
Note: There is no limit to the number of times a macro can be scheduled
to run.
Do you want the macro to be run at multiple explicit times or repeat
If the macro is to
be run at... then...
multiple explicit a) Click the Run at radio button.
times, b) Enter a date and time, and click the Add
The date and time appears in the Next
Scheduled Run Times grid.
c) Repeat Steps a - b for each explicit time you
Note: If you click the Repeats radio button,
then the explicit additions are removed from
the Next Scheduled Run Times grid.
repeat times, a) Click the Repeats radio button.
b) Select the 'initial' From date and time.
c) Select an Until date and time if required.

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If the macro is to
be run at... then...
Note: If no Until date is entered, the macro will
repeat indefinitely.
d) Select the regularity for the macro to be run,
(i.e. Every one or many minutes, hours, days,
weeks or months).
Note: When weeks is selected from the drop-
down list, the days of the week display with an
ability to select one or multiple days, (e.g.
Monday and Thursday).
The next seven dates and times appear in the
Next Scheduled Run Times grid.
3. Click the Save button.
A macro has been scheduled. The Viewer Navigation Panel displays the
next scheduled run time and the number of future run times for this
Note: Once a scheduled run time is reached and the macro is run, the
entry is removed from the list on the Run-time Options tab.

Event Action Plans and Alarm Instructions for a Macro

This tab allows you to individually link macro related events to Action Plans,
and assign Alarm Instructions to each of the Event Types and/or their Event

1. Click on the Macro from the list in the Viewer Navigation Panel.
The properties for that Macro populate the Viewer Panel.
2. Click the Action Plans/Alarm Instructions tab.
All the Event Groups available for Macros are listed.
3. Click the Event Group you want to assign an Action Plan to.
Two buttons become available in the grid, providing the ability to change
the Action Plan for the Event Group.
Note: Action Plans are assigned at Event Group level, whereas Alarm
Instructions can be assigned at both Event Group and Event Type level.

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4. Click the Use Default button in the Action Plan column.

A browse tool displays, listing all the available Action Plans in alphabetical

5. Select the appropriate Action Plan, and click the OK button.

The pop-up closes and the Use Default button changes to the name of
the Action Plan you selected.
6. Repeat Steps 3 - 5 as necessary.
7. Click the Event Group/Type you want to assign an Alarm Instruction to.
Two buttons become available in the grid, providing the ability to change
the Action Plan and/or Alarm Instruction for the Event Group.
8. Click the Use Default button in the Alarm Instruction column.
A browse tool displays, listing all the available Alarm Instructions in
alphabetical order.

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9. Select the appropriate Alarm Instruction, and click the OK button.

The pop-up closes and the Use Default button changes to the name of
the Alarm Instruction you selected.
10. Repeat Steps 7 - 9 as necessary.
Note: If you change the assignment of alarm instructions for items already in
alarm, they will not show the change of alarm instruction until the
workstation is logged off and on again. Any new alarms that come in will
however adopt the changes straight away.

Adding Command Lines for Macros

A macro can be configured to execute a user-specified command line action at
the Command Centre Server, when the macro is run, (e.g. emailing a person a
specific message on receipt of an event in Command Centre, or running an
application that closes down specific workstations). Multiple command line
entries can be added to a single macro, and other items and actions that
macros currently perform can also be added to the same macro.

This procedure allows you to add a command line to a macro.

Note: You need to know a valid logon name and password for the Server PC
to be able to run command lines.

1. Click on the Macro that you want to add Command Line(s) to, from the
list in the Viewer Navigation Panel.
The properties for that Macro populate the Viewer Panel.
2. Click the Advanced tab.

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

3. Click the Add button.

A Command Line pop-up displays.

Note: There is no limit to the number of command lines that can be

added to the Command Line grid.
4. Complete the fields as appropriate.
Field Description
Command Specify the executable or batch file to initiate when the
macro is run. The application or file specified does not have
to be limited within Command Centre, (i.e. any file name or
extension is acceptable).
The command line can, optionally, include up to 300
characters free text entry, used to specify the parameters
associated with the file to be run from the command line.
The free text entry can include ASCII characters, (e.g. #, %
and /). These parameters, if configured, are passed to the
command line, in addition to the file that is called when the
macro is run.
(Maximum length = 300 characters)
Agruments Specify the additional command line arguments that are
passed to the executable.
(Maximum length = 300 characters)
5. Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes.

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6. Click the appropriate radio button for how you want the command lines
to be executed.
Field Description
Run only when user This option will only run the command lines if you
is logged on are actively logged into Windows when the macro
executes. If a command line has a GUI component
it will be visible.
Run whether user is This option runs the command lines regardless of
logged on or not whether you are logged into Windows, but all
commands will be run in the background, (i.e. any
GUI component in a command will not be visible).
7. Complete the Windows account fields as appropriate.
Field Description
User Name To configure a command line with a domain account, you
must prefix the 'User Name' with the domain name plus a
slash character, (e.g. Gallagher 1\ FTUser).
(Maximum length = 280 characters)
Password and The password for the Windows User Account must be
Confirm typed in both the 'Password' and the 'Confirm Password'
Password fields. The password will not be made visible during
configuration or when the macro properties are viewed.
(Maximum length = 260 characters)
Note: A valid Logon name/password on the Server PC must have one of
the following privileges under 'Local Security Settings':
• Log on locally.
This allows interactive access, and any program run from a macro
(from another workstation) will show running actively on the server
• Log on as a batch.
This allows the program to execute in the background on the server
(need to view through Task Manager).
• NOT be "denied access from the network" as this will stop an
executable running if the user doesn't also have the "log on locally"
8. Click the Save button.
A macro has been configured to execute a user-specified command line(s)
when the macro is run.
Note: When macros with command line(s) are run, problems may occur if
there are 32 user accounts on the server that are used to run separate
macros. This is due to a restriction in your operating system.

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Editing Command Lines
Only one Command Line entry can be edited at once. Therefore, if none of the
Command Line entries are selected, the Edit button will be disabled.

You must re-enter the account password to log onto the Server's operating
system. If you do not re-enter the account password you will be prevented
from saving any changes to the Command Line configuration.

Removing Command Lines

Command Line entries can be removed by selecting the entry you want to
remove and clicking the Remove button.

Local Policies
If you are running 'FT Command Centre Service' as a specific user, apply that
user to "Replace a process level token" (via Control Panel > Administrative
Tools > Local Security Policy > User Rights Assignment), to allow you to run
all Macros that require local system or Network service privileges.

Editing/Removing Actions for a Macro

This procedure details how to edit or remove 'Actions' for a Macro.
1. Click on the Macro you want to edit from the list in the Viewer Navigation
The properties for that Macro populate the Viewer Panel.
2. Click the Actions tab, if not already displayed.
3. Do you want to edit or remove an Action?

If... then...
edit a) Select the item in the list and click the Configure Actions
button. The Configure Actions pop-up displays.
b) Select another override action from the Action drop-down
c) Click the OK button.
The Actions column populates with the new override
action for that item.
remove select the item in the list and click the Remove button.
4. Repeat Step 3 if there are other Actions you want to edit or remove.
5. Click the Save button.
The appropriate Action(s) have been edited or removed for the Macro.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Operator Groups

The Operator Groups button only appears on the Administration tab for users
with the "Edit Operator Groups" or "View Operator Groups" privilege in at
least one division.

Select the Administration tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then click
the Operator Groups button on the toolbar. The Operator Groups Viewer

Note: The Configuration Client button will only appear on the Administration
toolbar if you have the "Launch Configuration Client" operator privilege in at
least one division.

The Navigation Panel for the Operator Groups Viewer provides a list of all the
Operator Groups. What appears in it the first time you open Operator Groups
depends on how many Operator Groups there are in the system, as follows:
If there are... then...
no Operator Groups the Navigation Panel will be blank.

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If there are... then...

more than 100 the following message will display in the Navigation
Operator Groups, Panel, until details are entered for search criteria (see
Searching for items on page 2-127 for further detail):
"There are <number> items which is too many to
display. Please search for the items you want to
less than 100 Operator all of them will be loaded and display in the
Groups, Navigation Panel until details are entered for the
search criteria (see Searching for items on page
2-127 for further detail).

The button beside the Search field can be clicked to provide quick tips for
working with Operator Groups.

There are a number of ways to search for an Operator Group. See Searching
for items (on page 2-127) for further detail.

The proportions between the Viewer Navigation Panel and Viewer Panel can
be resized. See Sizing the Panels (on page 2-126) for further detail.

Columns on the Viewer Panel can be resized and/or reordered if required.

See Resizing/reordering columns (on page 2-126) for further detail.

Select the item below that you require further detail on:
Understanding Operator Groups (on page 2-187)
Creating a new Operator Group (on page 2-188)
Configuring Privileges for an Operator Group (on page 2-194)

Understanding Operator Groups

An Operator Group is a group of cardholders who are authorised to use the
Command Centre software. Each Operator Group defines the privileges its
members have as Command Centre operators, (e.g. view only access, editing
ability, site configuration ability, etc.). The privileges only apply within the
Divisions assigned to that Operator Group. Operator Groups generally
represent roles that an operator can have, (e.g. "Monitoring Alarms for
Buildings 1 and 2").
Note: An operator’s system view can be changed to include all, some or only
one of the Operator Groups they belong to. System view is limited to the site
items, cardholders, Personal Data Fields (PDFs) and operator privileges
assigned to them from the selected Operator Groups.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Configuring Operator Groups

An operator needs to have the "Edit Operators" privilege in at least one
Division to create and configure operators and Operator Groups.

The "Edit Operators" privilege within a Division allows an operator to create

Operator Groups in that Division and assign any (or all) operator privileges to
that group.

An operator configuring an Operator Group will only be able to:

• assign cardholders to the Operator Group if they have "View Cardholders"
or "Edit Cardholders" privilege in the cardholder's Division.
• assign or remove Divisions configured in the Operator Group if they have
"Edit Operators" privilege in that Division.
• assign or remove Personal Data Field privileges configured in the
Operator Group if they have "View Personal Data Definitions" or "Edit
Personal Data Definitions" privilege in the Personal Data Field's Division.

Creating a new Operator Group

Perform the following procedure to create a new Operator Group:
Note: Cardholders and Personal Data Fields need to be set up prior to
performing this procedure.
1. Click the New Operator Group button on the Viewer Navigation Panel.
The new Operator Group is added to the Viewer Navigation Panel, and
the Operator Group Configuration pop-up displays.

2. If you want to replace the default name the system has given the
Operator Group, enter a new name in the Name field (limited to 60
3. If required, enter a logical Description (limited to 200 characters).
4. The Division button defaults to the name of the last Division in which the
Operator created a Command Centre item, regardless of whether it was
created in Configuration Client or via Command Centre Client.
If this is not the appropriate Division for this Operator Group to be in,
select a Division as follows:

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a) Click the Division button.

A browse tool displays.

b) Select the appropriate Division.

c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the button changes to the name of the Division
you selected.
Note: If you have not set up Divisions yet, you can add these to your
Operator Group at a later stage.
5. Click the Close button.
The Operator Group Configuration pop-up closes.
There are four tabs, (i.e. Operators, Privileges, Viewers & Reports and
History/Notes). The Operators tab displays by default.
6. Select the cardholders you require to be members of the new Operator
Group as follows:
a) Click the Add Cardholders button.
The Select Cardholders pop-up displays.

b) To find the Cardholder that you want to make a member, select what
criteria you want to search on from the By drop-down list, (i.e. Name,
Description, Division, Card Number, Last Zone Entered, Authorised or
All). By default, Name is selected.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

c) Start entering characters in the Search field.

A minimum of 3 characters starts the search. However, if you selected
Card Number(s) as the search criteria, you need to click the button
after you enter a number in the Search field.
d) From the search results, click on the Cardholder(s) you want to make
The Cardholder(s) appear in the lower section and are all checked by
e) Uncheck any Cardholders you do not want to assign, and click the OK
The pop-up closes and the selected Cardholder(s) now appear in the
Operator Membership grid.
 If you decide to remove a Cardholder from the list, the Remove
button allows you to do so.
 If a Cardholder has Notification PDFs, (e.g. Mobile number, Email
address, etc.), these can be displayed by clicking the icon beside
their name in the Operator Membership grid.
7. Do you want to restrict the workstations accessible to this Operator
If yes, go to Step 8.
If no, go to Step 10.
Note: By default, the Restrict this Operator Group to these workstations
checkbox is unchecked and the grid is disabled. This means that the
Operator Group is unrestricted and therefore its privileges are available
for use at any workstations.
8. Check the Restrict this Operator Group to these workstations checkbox.
The grid is enabled.
Note: Once this checkbox is checked, at least one workstation must be
assigned to the grid before you can apply and save the changes.
9. Select the workstations you want to restrict the Operator Group to, as
a) Click the Add Workstations button.
The Add Workstation Restriction pop-up displays.

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b) Click the checkbox next to each workstation name you want to include,
or click the Select All button if you want to include all workstations.
c) Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and each of the selected workstation(s) appear in
the Restrictions grid.
Note: To remove a workstation, select (highlight) the workstation you
want to remove and click the Remove button.
10. If required, tick the Invoke automatic logoff after inactivity checkbox and
specify a time that users will get logged off after that period of inactivity.
(Default = 60 minutes. Range = 1 minute to 1440 minutes, i.e. 24 hours)
11. The Privileges tab allows you to configure the privileges for this Operator
Group as required.
See Configuring Privileges for an Operator Group (on page 2-194) for the
12. Click the Viewers & Reports tab.
13. Assign the Viewers that you want operators belonging to this group to be
able to see, as follows:
a) Click the Assign Viewers button.
The Add Access to Viewers pop-up displays.

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b) Search for the Viewer you want by entering search criteria in the
Search field and/or refining the filters.
The grid becomes populated with Viewers that match the search
c) Click the checkbox next to each Viewer you want to include, or click
the Select All button if you want to include all Viewers.
d) Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and each of the selected Viewer(s) appear in the
Command Centre Viewers grid.
Note: If you decide to remove a Viewer from the list, the Remove button
allows you to do so.
14. Assign the Reports that you want operators belonging to this group to be
able to see, as follows:
a) Click the Assign Reports button.
The Add Access to Reports pop-up displays.

b) Search for the Report you want by entering search criteria in the
Search field and/or refining the filters.
The grid becomes populated with Reports that match the search
c) Click the checkbox next to each Report you want to include, or click
the Select All button if you want to include all Reports.
d) Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and each of the selected Report(s) appear in the
Command Centre Reports grid.
Note: If you decide to remove a Report from the list, the Remove button
allows you to do so.
15. Do you wish to configure Alarm Note options?
If no, then go to Step 16.
If yes, then click the appropriate radio button for the option you require.
Option Description
Optional The privileged operator can optionally select alarm
(Option A) note(s) before processing or acknowledging an alarm.

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Option Description
Required when The privileged operator must select one or more
processing alarms alarm notes in order to process, or bulk process
(Option B) alarms at a priority level that is equal to or higher
than the alarm notes priority threshold.
Required when The privileged operator must select one or more
acknowledging or alarm notes in order to acknowledge, process or bulk
processing alarms process alarms at a priority level that is equal to or
(Option C) higher than the alarm notes priority threshold.
• If none or only one alarm note has been configured in the Server
Properties (in Configuration Client), then the 'Alarm Notes' option will
not be enabled.
• Where an alarm monitoring operator is a member of more than one
Operator Group then the following rules apply:
IF at least one Operator Group to which the operator belongs is set to
Option A, THEN alarm notes are optional to Acknowledge, Process or
Bulk Process.
IF at least one Operator Group to which the operator belongs is set to
Option B, THEN alarm notes are mandatory to Process or Bulk Process
and optional to Acknowledge.
IF all Operator Groups to which the operator belongs are set to Option
C, THEN alarm notes are mandatory to Acknowledge, Process or Bulk
16. Check the Operator cannot acknowledge or process escalated alarms
checkbox if required for operators in this group.
Note: If checked, the Acknowledge and Process buttons will be disabled
on the Alarm Viewer for escalated alarms.
17. Do you wish to configure Alarm Display options for Configuration Client?
If no, then go to Step 19.
If yes, then click the appropriate options you require.

Option Description
Automatically The Alarm Viewer will be opened, made visible and
display on alarm brought to the front of all other windows on the
occurrence occurrence of any new alarm.
With this option enabled you cannot locate the
Alarm Viewer off screen and the entire Alarm
Viewer will be visible at all times.

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Option Description
Always on top The Alarm Viewer will always be in front of all other
With this option enabled the entire Alarm Viewer
will be visible at all times and you cannot:
- minimise the Alarm Viewer, or
- locate the Alarm Viewer off screen.
18. Do you want escalated alarms to display in a separate window from the
main Alarm Viewer in Configuration Client?

If... then check the...

yes Enable Escalated Alarm Viewer checkbox. The Escalated Alarm
Viewer will be accessible from the Monitor menu, along with
the main Alarm Viewer.
no Leave escalated alarms in main Alarm Viewer checkbox. Any
escalated alarms will remain in the main Alarm Viewer with
non-escalated alarms.
Note: By checking both options you can have escalated alarms appear in
both the main Alarm Viewer as well as the Escalated Alarm Viewer.
19. If you want to record any note(s) about the Operator Group, click the
History/Notes tab.
Refer to History/Notes tab (on page 2-131) for further detail.
20. Click the Save button.
A new Operator Group has been created.

Editing and Deleting Operator Groups
Refer to Editing items (on page 2-130) and Deleting items (on page 2-130) for
procedures on how to edit and delete Operator Groups.

Cardholder (Operator) details

The cardholder(s) you added to this Operator Group (in Step 6) will now have
details displayed in the Cardholder Operator Groups tile, (i.e. Logon Name
and Operator Group Membership details).

Configuring Privileges for an Operator Group

Perform the following procedure to configure the privileges for an Operator
1. Click on the Operator Group that you want to configure privileges for
from the list in Viewer Navigation Panel.
2. Click the Privileges tab, if not already displayed.

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3. The Divisions to which privileges apply grid dictates where you can use
the operator privileges you select for this group. Select the divisions you
want for the Operator Group, as follows:
a) Click the Select Divisions button.
The Select Operator Divisions pop-up displays.

b) Click the checkbox next to each division(s) you want to include.

c) Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and each of the selected division(s) appear in the
Divisions to which privileges apply grid.
Note: If you decide to remove a division from the list, the Remove button
allows you to do so.
4. Select the operator privileges appropriate for this Operator Group, as
a) Click the Assign Privileges button.
The Add Operator Privileges pop-up displays.

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b) Click the checkbox next to each privilege you want to include, or click
the Select All button if you want to include all privileges.
c) Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and each of the selected privilege(s) appear in the
Privileges Granted grid.
Note: If you decide to remove a privilege from the list, the Remove
button allows you to do so.
5. By default, the Personal Data Field privilege overrides grid will not be
populated with any Personal Data Fields (PDFs). Instead, this Operator
Group will get the privileges for PDFs that are assigned at the PDF level. If
you want to override the default privilege to something else, assign PDFs
here, as follows:
• The level of operator privilege to view or edit cardholder information
stored in a cardholder's Personal Data is determined for individual
PDFs. The PDF privileges only apply to cardholders in the Operator
Group's Divisions (as configured in the Divisions to which privileges
apply grid above).
• The default operator privilege for each PDF is determined when the
properties of the PDF are configured. The default operator privilege
can be overridden for each PDF by selecting a new option.
a) Click the Assign Personal Data Fields button.
The Add Personal Data Field Access pop-up displays.

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b) Click the checkbox next to each PDF you want to include, or click the
Select All button if you want to include all PDFs.
c) Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and each of the selected PDF(s) appear in the
Personal Data Field privilege overrides grid.
Note: If you decide to remove a PDF from the list, the Remove button
allows you to do so.
6. To determine the level of operator privilege for each of the PDFs,
highlight the PDF and click the drop-down list beside it, then choose one
of the following privileges.

Privilege Description
Edit Operators will be able to enter, view, change and delete
cardholder information for this PDF, for cardholders in this
group's Divisions.
Hide Operators will not see the cardholder information recorded
for this PDF, for cardholders in this group's Divisions.
View Only Operators will be able to view cardholder information for
this PDF, for cardholders in this group's Divisions.
• There are separate Operator Privileges to view and edit the properties
for PDFs. If operators do not have the "View Personal Data Field" or
"Edit Personal Data Field" operator privilege (as listed in the Privileges
Granted grid), and an individual PDF is 'hidden' from their view, they
will not even be aware of its existence.

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• If Operator Groups and PDFs are being created at the same time, the
list of PDFs that will be saved into the new Operator Group will only
include those that were "Applied" before the Operator Group was
created. To ensure all PDFs are included in the list either create all
PDFs first, or check Operator Groups as you create them, and assign
any new PDFs.
7. By default, the Competency privilege overrides grid will not be populated
with any competencies. Instead, this Operator Group will get the
privileges for competencies that are assigned at the competency level. If
you want to override the default privilege to something else, assign
competencies here, as follows:
• The level of operator privilege to view or edit cardholder information
stored in a cardholder’s competency is determined for individual
competencies. The competency privileges only apply to cardholders in
the Operator Group’s Divisions (as configured in the Divisions to which
privileges apply grid above).
• The default operator privilege for each competency is determined
when the properties of the competency are configured. The default
operator privilege can be overridden for each competency by selecting
a new option.
a) Click the Assign Competencies button.
The Add Competency Access pop-up displays.

b) Click the checkbox next to each competency you want to include, or

click the Select All button if you want to include all competencies.
c) Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and each of the selected competency(s) appear in
the Competency privilege overrides grid.
Note: If you decide to remove a competency from the list, the Remove
button allows you to do so.

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8. To determine the level of operator privilege for each of the

competencies, highlight the competency and click the drop-down list
beside it, then choose one of the following privileges.

Privilege Description
Edit Operators will be able to enter, view, change and delete
cardholder information for this competency, for cardholders
in this group's Divisions.
Hide Operators will not see the cardholder information recorded
for this competency, for cardholders in this group's Divisions.
View Only Operators will be able to view cardholder information for
this competency, for cardholders in this group's Divisions.
9. Click the Save button.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Personal Data Fields

The Personal Data Field button only appears on the Administration tab for
users with the "Edit Personal Data Definitions" or "View Personal Data
Definitions" privilege in at least one division.

Select the Administration tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then click
the Personal Data Field button on the toolbar. The Personal Data Field
Viewer opens.

Note: The Configuration Client button will only appear on the Administration
toolbar if you have the "Launch Configuration Client" privilege in at least one

The Navigation Panel for the Personal Data Field Viewer provides a list of all
the Personal Data Fields (PDFs). What appears in it the first time you open
Personal Data Fields depends on how many PDFs there are in the system, as

If there are... then...

no PDFs created, the Navigation Panel will be blank.

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If there are... then...

more than 100 the following message will display in the Navigation
PDFs, Panel, until details are entered for search criteria (see
Searching for items on page 2-127 for further detail):
"There are <number> items which is too many to display.
Please search for the items you want to administer."
less than 100 all of them will be loaded and display in the Navigation
PDFs, Panel until details are entered for the search criteria (see
Searching for items on page 2-127 for further detail).

The button beside the Search field can be clicked to provide quick tips for
working with Personal Data Fields.

There are a number of ways to search for a Personal Data Field. See
Searching for items (on page 2-127) for further detail.

The proportions between the Viewer Navigation Panel and Viewer Panel can
be resized. See Sizing the Panels (on page 2-126) for further detail.

Columns on the Viewer Panel can be resized and/or reordered if required.

See Resizing/reordering columns (on page 2-126) for further detail.

Select the item below that you require further detail on:

Understanding Personal Data Fields (on page 2-201)

Creating a new Personal Data Field (on page 2-202)

Regular Expression Settings (on page 2-206)

Common Regular Expressions (on page 2-208)

Understanding Personal Data Fields

Personal Data is information that is stored for an individual cardholder. This
information can include items such as car license plate, date of birth,
signature, photographs, company division, etc.

Personal Data Fields (PDFs) are created as separate entities and are attached
to Access Groups. Cardholders inherit the Personal Data Fields from the
Access Group(s) they belong to.

When viewing a cardholder's record, it will contain all the Personal Data Fields
specified in the Access Group(s) the Cardholder belongs to.

There are nine different types of Personal Data Fields, as follows:

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

• Text (an operator may enter any free hand text)

• Text - List (if "Restrict to List" is enabled, an operator may select from a
list of pre-defined entries or leave it blank. If "Restrict to List" is not
enabled, free text entry is allowed)
• Numeric
• Date
• Image (an operator may capture an image, e.g. signatures, cardholder
photographs, etc.)
• Address
• Phone
• Mobile
• Email

Creating a new Personal Data Field

Perform the following procedure to create a new Personal Data Field:
1. Click the New Personal Data Field button on the Viewer Navigation Panel.
The new Personal Data Field is added to the Viewer Navigation Panel, and
the Personal Data Field Configuration pop-up displays.

2. If you want to replace the default name the system has given the
Personal Data Field, enter a new name in the Name field (limited to 60
3. If required, enter a logical Description (limited to 200 characters).
4. The Division button defaults to the name of the last Division in which the
Operator created a Command Centre item, regardless of whether it was
created in Configuration Client or via Command Centre Client.
If this is not the appropriate Division for this Personal Data Field to be in,
select a Division as follows:
a) Click the Division button.
A browse tool displays.

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b) Select the appropriate Division.

c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the button changes to the name of the Division
you selected.
Note: If you have not set up Divisions yet, you can add these to your
Personal Data Field at a later stage.
5. Click the Close button.
The Personal Data Field Configuration pop-up closes.
There are two tabs, (i.e. Personal Data Fields and History/Notes). The
Personal Data Fields tab displays by default. It determines the type of
data to be entered against the PDF and which Access Group(s) the
Personal Data Field is to be attached to
By default "Text" populates the Data Type field.
6. Click within the Data Type field and select the appropriate type from the
drop-down list.
Note: For each type, additional information must be entered, some of
which is common to all types, while other information is specific to
individual types, as follows:

If you select... the...

Text, or any following additional fields display:
contact PDF
types, (i.e.
Address, Phone,
Email or Mobile)

The Regular Expression feature is for text and contact

type PDF data validation to allow the enforcement of
text values. It allows you to write a regular expression
that will force PDF entered values to obey the rules of
the expression. If values are entered that break the
expression, then an error message displays detailing

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

If you select... the...

the expression requirements.
See Regular Expression Settings (on page 2-206) for
further detail on entering information into this section.
Text - List following additional fields display:

These fields allow you to define a set of entries that

may be selected from, when entering data against a
cardholder. To do this, enter a value in the List Values
field, then click the Add button.
When the Restrict to List option is enabled the Default
Value must be one of the list values or blank. If Restrict
to List is not enabled, free text entries can be entered
against a cardholder.
Image following additional fields display:

These fields allow you to specify details about the

image that is saved to the database. Refer to Capturing
an Image for the procedure on how to capture images
for an Image Personal Data Field.
Date Default Value field changes to a Date control, and two
additional fields display:

Leave the Default Value field blank if you do not want

a default.

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If you select... the...

A lower and/or upper date range may be specified to
control the dates entered into the PDF.
Note: The dates will display on-screen and in reports in
the date format specified in the workstation settings.
7. Check the following boxes as necessary:

If... is checked, then...

Required Field Data for the Personal Data Field will be mandatory
when editing a cardholder.
Unique Value an operator will be prevented from entering the same
value across multiple cardholders (although the system
will allow a "no data" value to be entered multiple
times). The Default Value field is disabled.
Note: The Unique Value field is not available for Text - List, Image and
Date types.
Click within the Default Privilege field and select the appropriate privilege
(i.e. type of access), from the drop-down list.
This determines the base operator rights for this Personal Data Field.
8. Alter the Sort Order field if necessary. This controls the order in which
PDF records are shown in the cardholder property page.
The lower the number, the higher up the list it will display, (e.g. 1 will
display the PDF at the top of the screen, 100 will put it at the bottom, and
if all are set to the same number they will display in alphabetical order).
9. Select the Access Group(s) appropriate for this Personal Data Field, as
a) Click the Add Access Group button.
The Add Access Groups pop-up displays.

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b) Click the checkbox next to each group you want to include, and click
the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and each of the selected group(s) appear in the
Access Group grid.
Note: If you decide to remove a group from the list, the Remove button
allows you to do so.
10. If you want to record any note(s) about the Personal Data Field, click the
History/Notes tab.
Refer to History/Notes tab (on page 2-131) for further detail.
11. Click the Save button.
A new Personal Data Field has been created.
Note: Once a Personal Data Field has been created and data has been
recorded against it, the ability to alter its Data Type will not be available.
For recording cardholders personal data against PDFs, see Editing a
Cardholders PDF data for the procedure.

Editing and Deleting Personal Data Fields
Refer to Editing items (on page 2-130) and Deleting items (on page 2-130) for
procedures on how to edit and delete Personal Data Fields.
Note: Deletion of a Personal Data Field is only allowed if it is not currently
assigned to be used anywhere in the system, except if it is saved against a

Regular Expression Settings

Regular expressions can be used to define what data is valid and may be
entered in a Personal Data Field. For example, a regular expression can be
used to ensure Employee IDs always contain two letters followed by up to six

Checking the the Regular Expression checkbox (on the Personal Data Field
tab of a PDF), enables all the fields in that section.
Configure as appropriate:
Note: Refer to Common Regular Expressions (on page 2-208) for a list of
example regular expressions.
Field Description
Syntax This field allows a regular expression syntax, of up to 2048
characters, which is used to validate cardholder PDF data. It
allows multiple lines and carriage returns.

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Field Description
Description This field allows up to 2048 characters to describe regular
expression syntax. It allows multiple lines and carriage returns.
Note: This is the message which will be displayed to an
operator if the value entered cannot be saved because it
doesn't meet the regular expression validation.
Test String This field allows a sample string, of up to 2048 characters,
which helps technicians to write/test regular expression syntax.
Note: This field is not saved into the Command Centre
Validate This button validates the test string against the regular expression syntax
button when clicked. The returned messages could be one of the following:
• "The Syntax field cannot be empty.",
• "The Test String field cannot be empty.",
• "Validation succeeded.", or
• "Validation failed as the value does not match the regular
Note: "Mobile" and "Email" type PDFs have an additional Default
Notification checkbox on this tab. If checked, this provides a default value
for cardholder contacts.

When the Regular Expression checkbox is checked:

• The Syntax field must not be empty.
• If the Default Value field is not empty, its value must meet the regular
expression syntax.
• For an existing PDF, if the Syntax field is modified and this PDF is being
used by one or more Access Groups, the system will validate all related
cardholder PDF data against the new regular expression syntax. If
validation fails, an error message box pops up saying:
"Cardholder has one or more invalid PDF data values."
• The regular expression cannot be saved until all existing data is validated
against this expression.

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Common Regular Expressions

The following table provides a number of regular expression examples that
have been tested and can be used to validate text-type PDF data.

Category Regular Expression Description

Email Address ^[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@(?:[A-Za-z0-9-]+\.)+[A-Za- Case insensitive, must include an @ symbol
z]{2,4}$ and optional email characters such as dots
and dashes with maximum 4 characters in
the generic top-level domain.

Phone Number ^0[1-9]\s\d{3,4}\s\d{4}$ Requires an STD prefix 01..09 followed by a

(example) compulsory space then seven or eight digits
with a compulsory space separating the last
four digits,

(e.g. 07 3482 7520 or 07 386 4902)

Phone Number, ^[+]\d{7,18}$ Forces a '+' character at the start of the

international string followed by 7 to 18 integers (no
format (example) spaces).

License ^(?:CNS|BNE|TNS)\d{4,6}(?:-(:?[1-9]|1[0-5]))?$ Three upper case letters CNS, BNE, or TNS,

Number/ID immediately followed by 4-6 integers,
(example) optionally followed by a dash and an
integer of 1-15, (e.g. CNS15425-13 or

Numeric ID ^\d{4,8}$ Only integers but must consist of a

(example) minimum of 4 digits and a maximum of 8.

Car Registration ^[A-Z]{3}\d{3}$ Three upper case letters immediately

(example) followed by three integers, (e.g. KMO512).

Single limited ^[0-4]$ Numeric value 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4

numeric value

Alpha ^[A-Za-z]+$ Any uppercase or lowercase characters

characters only only, no spaces.

Upper case ^[A-Z]+$ (continuous string) All upper case characters.

^(?:[A-Z]\s?)+$ (single spaces allowed, e.g.

Lower case ^[a-z]+$ (continuous string) All lower case characters.

^(?:[A-Z]\s?)+$ (single spaces allowed,
e.g.rgag dhgdh afg)

Proper case ^(?:[A-Z]\w*\s?)+$ First Letter Of Each Word Must Be Upper


Boolean ^0|1$ A simple on/off by using only the values 0

or 1.

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The Schedules button only appears on the Administration tab for users with
the "Edit Schedules" or "View Schedules" privilege in at least one division.

Select the Administration tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then click
the Schedules button on the toolbar. The Schedules Viewer opens.

Note: The Configuration Client button will only appear on the Administration
toolbar if you have the "Launch Configuration Client" privilege in at least one

The Navigation Panel for the Schedules Viewer provides a list of all the
Schedules, including the already configured "Default Schedules", (i.e. one for
each of the six Schedule Types; Access Zone, Alarm Zone, Cardholder Access,
HV/LF, Notification and Output).
Note: The Notification Schedule only appears if your site is licensed for

What appears in the Navigation Panel the first time you open Schedules
depends on how many Schedules there are in the system, as follows:

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If there are... then...

no Schedules created, the Navigation Panel will be blank.
more than 100 the following message will display in the Navigation
Schedules, Panel, until details are entered for search criteria
(see Searching for items on page 2-127 for further
"There are <number> items which is too many to
display. Please search for the items you want to
less than 100 Schedules, all of them will be loaded and display in the
Navigation Panel until details are entered for the
search criteria (see Searching for items on page
2-127 for further detail).

The button beside the Search field can be clicked to provide quick tips for
working with Schedules.

There are a number of ways to search for a Schedule. See Searching for items
(on page 2-127) for further detail.

The proportions between the Viewer Navigation Panel and Viewer Panel can
be resized. See Sizing the Panels (on page 2-126) for further detail.

Columns on the Viewer Panel can be resized and/or reordered if required.

See Resizing/reordering columns (on page 2-126) for further detail.

Select the item below that you require further detail on:

Understanding Schedules (on page 2-211)

Creating a new Schedule (on page 2-211)

Adding Day Categories to Schedules (on page 2-214)

Removing Day Categories from Schedules (on page 2-215)

Changing times and states within Schedules (on page 2-216)

Duplicating Day Category entries (on page 2-219)

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

Understanding Schedules
A Schedule is a "list of times and states that control an item". Schedules are
one of the three prerequisites of Access Groups. You must have the Schedules
set up before you can link cardholders to Access Groups.

Schedules Types indicate what attribute they relate to. For example:
Cardholder Access type schedules relate to access = when the cardholder has
Alarm Zone type schedules relate to Alarm Zones = when items change state.

Using Schedules you can set an Alarm Zone to unset at the same time an
associated Access Zone changes to free access.

Before setting Schedules you must ensure Day categories and Calendar days
(Day Categories assigned to Calendar) are already set up.
Note: Schedules and active Day categories in the default calendar need to
stay in sync. To do this, update schedules so that they reflect the active day
categories assigned to the default calendar.

Creating a new Schedule

Perform the following procedure to create a new Schedule:
1. Click the New Schedule button on the Viewer Navigation Panel, and then
the type of Schedule you require, (i.e. Access Zone, Alarm Zone,
Cardholder Access, HV/LF, Notification or Output Schedule).
Note: The Notification Schedule type only appears as an option if your
site is licensed for Notifications.
The new Schedule is added to the Viewer Navigation Panel, and the
Schedule Configuration pop-up displays.

2. If you want to replace the default name the system has given the
Schedule, enter a new name in the Name field (limited to 60 characters).
3. If required, enter a logical Description (limited to 200 characters).
4. The Division button defaults to the name of the last Division in which the
Operator created a Command Centre item, regardless of whether it was
created in Configuration Client or via Command Centre Client.

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If this is not the appropriate Division for this Schedule to be in, select a
Division as follows:
a) Click the Division button.
A browse tool displays.

b) Select the appropriate Division.

c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the button changes to the name of the Division
you selected.
Note: If you have not set up Divisions yet, you can add these to your
Schedule at a later stage.
5. Click the Close button.
The Schedule Configuration pop-up closes.
There are two tabs, (i.e. Schedules and History/Notes). The Schedules
tab displays by default.
The "Schedule Times" section provides a grid where 'From' times and
states can be entered/edited for each Day Category. Initially the grid will
be blank.
6. Add and remove any other Day Categories required for this Schedule. See
Adding Day Categories to Schedules (on page 2-214) and Removing Day
Categories from Schedules (on page 2-215) for procedure.
Note: Ensure you are consistent in the use of day categories between
calendars and schedules.
7. Add, remove or change the times and states of each Day Category as
required. See Changing times and states within Schedules (on page
2-216) for procedure.
Note: If the times and states for one Day Category are required for
another Day Category, these can be duplicated (copied) to another Day
Category to speed up the process. See Duplicating Day Category entries
(on page 2-219) for the procedure.
8. The "Scheduled Items" section shows a list of items that the schedule is
attached to. The items listed will depend on the Schedule type, as follows:

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Schedule Type Description of Listing

Cardholder Access Access Groups that have some zone access
controlled by the Schedule.
Access Zone Access Zones associated with the Schedule.
Alarm Zone Alarm Zones that are controlled by the Schedule.
Output Output items that are controlled by the Schedule.
Notification Cardholders that have the Schedule on a
filter/schedule assignment.
HV/LF Alarm Zones (assigned to a Fence Zone) associated
with the Schedule.
9. Click the View Calendar button.
The Calendar View pop-up appears.

This screen is "read-only" and displays the following:

• Weekly view of the states in existence for the Schedule
• Each day will display the active Day Category
• Scroll mechanism(s) to change the active week view (Monday will
always be the left-most column)
• A View Calendar drop-down to view any Special Calendars that may
Note: Special Calendars do not appear in the View Calendar drop-
down for Notification Schedules.
• An ability to quickly find the next occurrence of a particular Day
Note: If state changes are so close together due to there only being a
short interval between them, the time cannot be displayed legibly inside
the interval. Therefore, by hovering the mouse over the day, a summary
of the times and states for that particular day display.

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10. Click the Close button.

The Calendar View pop-up closes.
11. If you want to record any note(s) about the Schedule, click the
History/Notes tab.
Refer to History/Notes tab (on page 2-131) for further detail.
12. Click the Save button.
A new Schedule has been created.

Editing and Deleting Schedules
Refer to Editing items (on page 2-130) and Deleting items (on page 2-130) for
procedures on how to edit and delete Schedules.
Note: If a schedule has items which depend upon it for proper operation, you
are prompted for confirmation and cannot delete it even when Yes is clicked.
A message explaining why you cannot delete the schedule displays.

Duplicating Schedules
Operators privileged to create schedules can also duplicate schedules, which
makes the task of setting up multiple schedules that are very similar much
quicker. Refer to Copying items (on page 2-130) for the procedure.

Adding Day Categories to Schedules

Day Categories can be added to a Schedule as follows:
1. Click on the Schedule you want to add Day Categories to, from the list in
Viewer Navigation Panel.
2. Click the Add Day Category button.
A browse tool displays listing all the available Day Categories, (i.e. unused
Day Categories).

3. Select the required Day Category, and click the OK button.

The pop-up closes and the Day Category now displays in the Schedule
Times grid. The state/time bar beside the Day Category is an
approximate representation of scheduled times and represents a 24 hour

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cycle, (i.e. 00:00 to 24:00). Initially the default state will display, but is
editable via the State/time data entry pop-up that also displays.

4. Do you want to alter states for different times for this Day Category?
If... then...
no click the OK button.
The State/time data entry pop-up closes.
yes see Changing times and states within Schedules (on page 2-216)
for the procedure.
5. Repeat Steps 2 - 4 for each Day Category you wish to add to the Schedule.
Note: If all Day Categories are added to the Schedule, the browse tool
will be blank.
6. Click the Save button.

Removing Day Categories from Schedules

Day Categories can be removed from a Schedule as follows:
1. Click on the Schedule you want to remove a Day Category from.

2. Click the button beside the Day Category you want to remove.
The message "Are you sure you want to remove the Day Category
<Name> from this schedule?" displays.
3. Click the Yes button.
The Day Category disappears from the Schedule Times grid.
Note: If you decide to cancel this change, the Revert to Saved button
allows you to do so before saving it.
4. Click the Save button.

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Changing times and states within Schedules

You can change the state of any of the time-state list options as required.
1. Click on the state/time bar of the Day Category you want to make a state
change to.
A State/time data entry pop-up displays, allowing you to alter states for
different times during the 24 hour cycle.

Note: The name of the Day Category will display in the title bar. This
example is for the "Weekends" Day Category.
2. The From time of 00:00 (Midnight) cannot be changed, however the State
can be by selecting another state from the drop-down list.
The available states will depend on the Schedule type.

Schedule Type Possible States (Note: The default state is highlighted)

Access can be "Granted" or "Denied".
Access Zone *

The various modes available set the access mode for

the Access Zone, (e.g. Free - No PIN, Secure - No PIN,
Secure - PIN, etc.). The access mode controls the
credentials required in order to identify a Cardholder
at the reader.
Note: The access mode also controls the action

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Schedule Type Possible States (Note: The default state is highlighted)

required when performing an Access Zone or Alarm
Zone override at the reader.
For an HBUS Terminal, the Log On Credentials on the
Welcome Screen tab control the action required when
performing an Access Zone or Alarm Zone override at
the terminal using the Arm or Mode keys. However,
the access mode controls the action required when
performing a double card override at an HBUS
Terminal. For example:
Free - No PIN
With this mode the door is in free access. To perform
an override you need to press the appropriate function
key on the reader, (i.e. Arm or F1 for Alarm Zones and
Mode or F2 for Access Zones), and present a valid
credential. When attempting to unset an Alarm Zone
you will need to present a valid credential.
Free - PIN
With this mode the door is in free access. To perform
an override you need to press the appropriate function
key on the reader, (i.e. Arm or F1 for Alarm Zones and
Mode or F2 for Access Zones), present a valid
credential and enter your 4 digit PIN. When attempting
to unset an Alarm Zone you will need to present a valid
credential and enter the PIN.
Secure - PIN
With this mode the door is secure. For access present
a valid credential and enter your PIN. To perform an
override you need to press the appropriate function
key on the reader, (i.e. Arm or F1 for Alarm Zones and
Mode or F2 for Access Zones), present a valid
credential and enter your PIN.
Code Only - Card and No PIN
With this mode, for access you can either enter the 4
digit code (set on the Access Mode tab of the Access
Zone Property pages), or present a valid credential.
To perform an override you need to press the
appropriate function key on the reader, (i.e. Arm or F1
for Alarm Zones and Mode or F2 for Access Zones), and
present a valid credential.
Dual Auth - No PIN
With this mode, access is gained by two authorised

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Schedule Type Possible States (Note: The default state is highlighted)

Cardholders, each presenting a valid credential. To
perform an override you need to press the appropriate
function key on the reader, (i.e. Arm or F1 for Alarm
Zones and Mode or F2 for Access Zones), and present a
valid credential.
Note: Dual Authorisation is not supported for Elevator
Alarm Zone *

(or as defined in Configuration Client on the Alarm

Zone States tab of the Server Properties)
All items in the Alarm Zone change to the same state
(set/unset, armed/disarmed) at the same time.
Output *

Sets the action (on, off, etc.) of the outputs that are
assigned to this Schedule. This is where you would
configure a Time Clock Relay.

Notifications can be “Disabled” or “Enabled”.

If in “Disabled” state, then cardholders with this
Schedule will not receive notifications during this time.

Set the action (High Voltage, Low Feel or Cancel

Untimed Overrides) for all Alarm Zones that this
Schedule has been assigned to.
* Included in the list of States is the option to Cancel Untimed Overrides.
A Cancel Untimed Overrides instance entered at a particular time of day
returns the state of an Access Zone, Alarm Zone or Output type Schedule
to the scheduled state.
A Cancel Untimed Override instance entered on a Schedule acts to cancel
any non-timed override in existence for all items controlled by that
Schedule. As it does not have a time interval it appears on the state/time

bar as a , so it is easily recognised as a cancel override.

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3. Click the Add a state change button.

A new State drop-down field appears with the Time Box beside it

4. Select the required State from the drop-down list.

5. Alter the Time Box to the time you want that State to change from.
6. Repeat Steps 1-5 for each state change you want to make to any of the
Day Categories on this Schedule.
7. Click the OK button.
The State/time data entry pop-up closes. The following screen shot is an
example of how the screen will start to look as you add state changes.

8. Click the Save button.

Note: Whilst the state/time bar shows pending updates, these are not
committed to the database until the Save button is clicked.

Duplicating Day Category entries

You can duplicate/copy all entries including times and states entered against
one Day Category to another.
1. Click on the Schedule that you want to copy entries from.

2. Click the button beside the Day Category.

A browse tool displays.
3. Select the required Day Category, and click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the Day Category now displays in the Schedule
Times grid with the same times and states as the Day Category you
copied from.
4. Click the Save button.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Bulk Changes

Select the Administration tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then click
the Bulk Changes button on the toolbar. The Bulk Changes Viewer opens.

Note: The Configuration Client button will only appear on the Administration
toolbar if you have the "Launch Configuration Client" privilege in at least one

The button beside the Search field can be clicked to provide quick tips for
working with Bulk Changes.
There are a number of ways to search for a Bulk Change. See Searching for
items (on page 2-127) for further detail.
The proportions between the Viewer Navigation Panel and Viewer Panel can
be resized. See Sizing the Panels (on page 2-126) for further detail.
Select the item below that you require further detail on:
Understanding Bulk Changes (on page 2-221)
Creating a new Cardholder Bulk Change (on page 2-222)
Creating an Inactive Cardholder Bulk Purge (on page 2-238)
Editing and/or Running a saved Cardholder Bulk Change (on page 2-242)

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Understanding Bulk Changes

The bulk changes feature provides an automated method of changing a
common set of properties on a group of items in Command Centre. Bulk
changes can be scheduled to run at specific times. This is achieved using the
Macro functionality. See Macros (on page 2-171) for further details.

Only one bulk change can be run at one time. If an operator attempts to start
a bulk change when there is already one running the second one will be
queued and run once the first one has finished. Likewise, if bulk changes are
scheduled to run (via macros), they will be queued and run in the order
scheduled, with only one being executed at a time.

IMPORTANT: As authorisations will not be checked before a bulk change is

run, an operator with the "Bulk Change" operator privilege will be able to see
any data that is contained in a bulk change that has been saved. Even if they
do not have the privilege to view the data any other way, they will be able to
see it in the bulk change.
For example:
A bulk change may contain a number of cardholders or Access Groups that the
bulk change editor does not have access to view. However, in the bulk change
they will be able to see this information.

Bulk Change Status

All saved bulk changes are listed in the Bulk Changes Viewer Navigation Panel.

The status of a bulk change is provided by way of an icon beside the name. If a
bulk change has only been saved but not executed, it will have beside it. A
bulk change that has been successfully completed will have beside it, until
the next time it is edited, at which time it will revert to .
Status The bulk change...
Blank has no status. The bulk change either has not been run or it
has been redefined/saved since the last run.

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Status The bulk change...

Active is running.
Note: Bulk changes go through a run twice to check if any
items that were locked during the first run are now unlocked.
Cancelled is idle, having been stopped due to an operator cancelling the
Queued is queued waiting for another bulk change that is running, to
Successful is idle, having completed with 100% success.
Failed is idle, having completed with less than 100% success.

Creating a new Cardholder Bulk Change

Perform the following procedure to initiate a new Cardholder Bulk Change:

Note: To perform this procedure operators need both the "Bulk Change" and
"Edit Cardholders" operator privileges. In addition, operator's need sufficient
divisional and other privileges to carry out each individual change listed within
a bulk change.
1. Click the New Bulk Change button on the Viewer Navigation Panel, and
then Cardholder Bulk Change.
The new Cardholder Bulk Change is added to the Viewer Navigation
Panel, and the Bulk Change Configuration pop-up displays.

2. If you want to replace the default name the system has given the Bulk
Change, enter a new name in the Name field (limited to 60 characters).
3. If required, enter a logical Description (limited to 200 characters).
4. The Division button defaults to the name of the last Division in which the
Operator created a Command Centre item, regardless of whether it was
created in Configuration Client or via Command Centre Client.
If this is not the appropriate Division for this Bulk Change to be in, select a
Division as follows:
a) Click the Division button.
A browse tool displays.

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b) Select the appropriate Division.

c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the button changes to the name of the Division
you selected.
Note: If you have not set up Divisions yet, you can add these to your Bulk
Change at a later stage.
5. Click the Close button.
The Bulk Change Configuration pop-up closes.
There are two tabs, (i.e. Change and History/Notes). The Change tab
displays by default.
6. Click the Select Cardholders to Update button to select all the
cardholders that require changing.
Note: Individual cardholders can be selected, or an Access Group can be
selected if all the cardholders belonging to the group require changing.
7. Select Cardholders to be updated using any of the following methods:
By… then…
Access Group, a. Select by Access Group.
The Select Access Groups pop-up displays.

b. Click the checkbox next to each Access Group name

you want to include.
c. Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and the Cardholder filter appears in
the Cardholder Selection grid.

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By… then…
Cardholder, a. Select by Cardholder.
The Select Cardholders pop-up displays.

b. To find the Cardholder that you want to update, select

what criteria you want to search on from the By drop-
down list, (i.e. Name, Description, Division, Card
Number, Last Zone Entered, Authorised or All).
By default, Name is selected.
c. Start entering characters in the Search field.
A minimum of 3 characters starts the search.
However, if you selected Card Number(s) as the
search criteria, you need to click the button after
you enter a number in the Search field.
d. From the search results, click on the Cardholder(s) you
want to update.
The Cardholder(s) appear in the lower section and are
all checked by default.
e. Uncheck any Cardholders you do not want to update,
and click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the Cardholder filter appears in
the Cardholder Selection grid.
Criteria, a. Select by Criteria.
The Advanced Search Rule Definition pop-up displays.

b. Refer to the appropriate procedure for the function

you want to perform:

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By… then…
- Inserting a condition (on page 2-280)
- Editing an existing condition (on page 2-281)
- Removing a condition (on page 2-281)
c. Click the Search button.
The search starts immediately and the Cardholder
filter appears in the Cardholder Selection grid.

• Clicking the button opens a Cardholder

Selection pop-up that displays the cardholders
that fit the search criteria.

• Cardholder filters in the Cardholder Selection grid

can be edited by clicking the button, or
removed by clicking the button.

8. Click the Select Changes to Apply button to select all the changes
9. Select the option(s) you require from the drop-down list.
Note: If you select Delete selected cardholders, no other options can be
selected. However, one or more of the other options can be selected.
10. Did you select the Delete selected cardholders option?
if yes, go to Step 12.
If no, go to Step 11.
11. There are eight options to choose from, (i.e. Access Groups, Authorisation,
Card or Mobile Credential Details, Competencies, Division, Lockers,
Personal Data Fields and Relationships).
Refer to the option(s) you have selected in the following table for further

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Options Action
Access Groups a. Select Access Groups.
The Change Access Groups pop-up displays.

b. Select the Access Groups that need adding to and/or

removing from the cardholders, by clicking the Select
Access Groups button in the appropriate section on
the screen, (i.e. either in the "+Add these Access
Groups" section or the "-Remove these Access
Groups" section).
The Select Access Groups pop-up displays.

c. Click the checkbox next to each Access Group you

want to select.
d. Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and each of the selected Access
Group(s) now appear on the Configure Access Groups
e. The From and Until date/time fields on this screen
allow temporary membership to an Access Group to
be configured if required.
Is temporary access required?
If yes, go to Step f.
If no, go to Step h.
f. Select (highlight) the Access Group the cardholders
require temporary access to.

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Options Action
g. Click the button in the From field and select the
date the cardholder needs access from.
The selected date and a time of 00:00 populates the
From field .
h. Alter the time to the time the Cardholders need
access from on this date.
i. Repeat Steps g. and h. for the Until field, (i.e. the date
and time of the last day the Cardholders need access
up to).
j. Check the Remove all Access Groups as selected
checkbox if required.
If checked, all Access Groups listed in the “-Remove
these Access Groups” section will be removed from
the nominated Cardholders irrespective of From and
Until date/times, that may or may not have been
entered for each Access Group selection.
If unchecked, and NO From date/time is entered, only
permanent access will be removed.
If unchecked, and a From date/time is entered, only
one temporary access for that exact period will be
k. Click the OK button.
The Change Access Groups pop-up closes.
Authorisation a. Select Authorisation to make changes to the
authorised state of each cardholder.
The Change Authorisation pop-up displays.

b. Click the radio button for the state you require, (i.e.
Authorised enables a card for use and Not
Authorised disables a card).
c. Click the OK button.
The Change Authorisation pop-up closes.

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Options Action
Card or Mobile a. Select Card or Mobile Credential Details.
Credential The Change Card or Mobile Credential Details pop-up
Details (to displays.
change Card) b. Select the Card Type you require from the drop-down
list, or click the button to use the Card Type
browse tool to make your selection.
c. Do you want to remove or modify the selected card
type for cardholders?
If remove, click the Remove Card radio button and go
to Step e.

If modify, click the Modify Card radio button and go

to Step d.

d. Configure the changes you want to make as

One or more of these options can be selected.
Increment Issue Level
Check if the selected cardholders require bulk
incrementation of card issue level.
Enable/Disable Card
Choose to either enable or disable the card by
checking the appropriate checkbox.

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Options Action
Change Card Type
Check if the card type of the card for the selected
cardholders requires changing. When ticked, the drop-
down field is enabled allowing you to select a
different card type.
• Only card types with the same Card Number
Formats can be exchanged.
• Only those card types that you have view privileges
for will appear in the drop-down list.
• If a cardholder has more than one card of a Card
Type, they will all be changed unless one card fails
to update. When a card fails to update, no cards for
that particular cardholder will be updated.
• Only cards in a non-customised card state at the
time the bulk change is run will be able to change
card type, (i.e. cards in any state including Lost,
Stolen and Damaged can be changed, but not cards
in a card state that is added manually by an
Change Activation Date
Check if the access start date needs to be changed.
When checked, the date and time fields are enabled
allowing you to select a new activation date.
Change Expiry Date
Check if the access end date needs to be changed.
When checked, the date and time fields are enabled
allowing you to select a new expiry date.
e. Click the OK button.
The Change Card or Mobile Credential Details pop-up
closes and your changes are saved.
Card or Mobile a. Select Card or Mobile Credential Details.
Credential The Change Card or Mobile Credential Details pop-up
Details (to displays.
change Mobile b. Select the Mobile Credential you require from the
Card Type drop-down list, or click the button to
use the browse tool to make your selection.
c. Do you want to issue, remove or modify the selected
mobile credential for cardholders?
If issue, click the Issue Credentials radio button and
go to Step d.

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Options Action
If modify, click the Modify Credentials radio button
and go to Step e.
If remove, click the Remove Credentials radio button
and go to Step f.
d. Configure the changes you want to make as

Note: One or more of these options can be selected.

Select the required credential state from the drop-
down list. Available options depend on which Card
State Set is being used (refer to Card States on page
Note: The State field will automatically select the
initial card state for that card type’s (credential’s) card
state set.
Email Personal Data Field
If there is only one Email Personal Data Field, this will
automatically populate to that field. Otherwise, you
need to select the one you want to use by clicking the
button or the drop-down list.
Mobile Personal Data Field
If there is only one Mobile Personal Data Field, this
will automatically populate to that field. Otherwise,
you need to select the one you want to use by clicking
the button or the drop-down list.
Change Activation Date
Check if the access start date needs to be changed.
When checked, the date and time fields are enabled
allowing you to select a new activation date.
Change Expiry Date
Check if the access end date needs to be changed.

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Options Action
When checked, the date and time fields are enabled
allowing you to select a new expiry date.
Go to Step g.
e. Configure the changes you want to make as

• One or more of these options can be selected.
• Different options will display depending on
whether you are editing a Card Type or a Mobile
Select the required credential state from the drop-
down list. Available options depend on which Card
State Set is being used (refer to Card States on page
Change Activation Date
Check if the access start date needs to be changed.
When checked, the date and time fields are enabled
allowing you to select a new activation date.
Change Expiry Date
Check if the access end date needs to be changed.
When checked, the date and time fields are enabled
allowing you to select a new expiry date.
Go to Step g.
f. Select the required credential state from the drop-
down list. Available options depend on which Card
State Set is being used (refer to Card States on
page 2-165).

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Options Action

Go to Step g.
g. Click the OK button.
The Change Card or Mobile Credential Details pop-up
closes and your changes are saved.
Competencies a. Select Competencies.
The Change Competencies pop-up displays.

b. Select the Competencies that need adding to and/or

removing from the cardholders.
c. In the "Add these Competencies" section of this
screen, the checkboxes under Overwrite existing
indicate whether the values shown in the grid will
override the appropriate field in the relevant
cardholder competencies.
d. If you want to disable a competency, select it and
click the Disable button.
The Disable Competency pop-up displays.

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Options Action
e. Do you want this competency to be re-enabled at any
time? If no, go to Step f.
If yes, check the Re-enable selected competencies
automatically checkbox and use either the In control
to specify the length of time until it will be re-
enabled, or the On date and time control to set when
it will be re-enabled.
f. Click the Disable button.
The Disable Competency pop-up closes and the
Disable button is replaced with a Re-enable button.
Note: When a disabled competency is selected, it
can be re-enabled by clicking the Re-enable button.
g. Click the OK button.
The Change Competencies pop-up closes.
Division a. Select Division.
The Change Division pop-up displays.

b. Click the Select Division button.

A browse tool displays.
c. Select the appropriate Division and click OK.
Note: Only Divisions to which you have the “Edit
Cardholder” operator privilege will appear.
d. Click the OK button. The pop-up closes.
Lockers (only a. Select Lockers.
displays if site is The Change Locker Assignments pop-up displays.
licensed for

b. Select the appropriate radio button:

- Add Assignments
- Modify Assignments

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Options Action
- Remove Assignments
c. Select the appropriate radio button to apply changes
using any Lockers or selected Locker Banks.
If you opted to apply the changes using selected
Locker banks, go to step '6' otherwise go to step d.
d. Select the Select Locker Banks button.
The Select Locker Banks browse tool displays.

e. Select the checkbox(es) for the appropriate Locker

• Locker Banks listed here are based on the
Operator privileges.
• You can filter Locker Banks by division.
f. Select the Add Selection button.
g. From the Assignment Option grid, select the
appropriate radio button.
• For the 'Assign locker until' option (Modify
Assignments only), you are required to select a
date and time.
• Remove Assignments section does not have the
'Assignment Options' section.
h. Click the Save button.
The Run Bulk Change window displays.

Note: The ‘Result of Last Change’ shows the

successful and failed change(s).

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Options Action
Personal Data a. Select Personal Data Fields.
Fields The Change Personal Data Fields pop-up displays.

b. If you want to make personal data changes, select the

Personal data field from the drop-down list, or click
the button to use the PDF browse tool to make
your selection.
• This Personal Data Field is the target PDF.
• Image PDFs and unique PDFs cannot be changed in
a bulk change, therefore these PDF types will not
appear in the drop-down list.
• If the PDF is an "Email" or "Mobile" type PDF, then
the Update Notification checkbox becomes
c. Check the Update value checkbox.
The other options become enabled.
d. Click the radio button for the type of change you
want to make.
Search and replace
When clicked, the Search for and New value fields are
enabled allowing you to replace a selected value with
a new one.
Search for
The text to be searched for is entered (limited to 200
characters), and replaced with what is entered in the
New value field wherever it is found in the PDF of the
selected cardholders.
• If the Personal Data Field selected is a "Text - list"
PDF, the Search for field becomes a drop-down list
containing the optional text strings available.
• For "Date" PDFs the Search for field changes to a
Date/Time control.

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Options Action
Replace by new value
When clicked, the New value field beside it is enabled
allowing you to replace a value.
New value
Enter new value for PDF (limited to 200 characters).
This is checked to make sure it contains valid data.
• If the Personal Data Field selected is a "Text - list"
PDF, the Search for field becomes a drop-down list
containing the optional text strings available.
• For Date" PDFs the Search for field changes to a
Date/Time control and a checkbox is included to
represent 'no value', but only for non-required
Copy values from
When clicked, the Personal data field drop-down list
beside it is enabled allowing you to replace the target
PDF data with the data existing in the source PDF.
Personal data field (source)
This is the source PDF. When selecting the Copy
values from option, the data in this source PDF will be
"copied" to the target PDF.
Note: The source PDF must be of the same data type
as the target PDF. However, "Text", "Text-List",
"Email", "Mobile", "Address" and "Phone" type PDFs
can be used interchangeably since the underlying type
is "Text" for all of these.
When clicked, the New value field beside it is enabled
allowing you to append a new value to existing data.
Note: If the Personal Data Field selected is a
"Numeric", "Text - list" or "Date" PDF, this field will
not be enabled as it is not possible to append these
types of PDFs.
When clicked, no additional fields are enabled, but
this allows you to remove data.
Note: If the PDF is required to have data in it, (i.e. it is
mandatory), the Remove option will not be available.
e. Click the OK button.
The Change Personal Data Fields pop-up closes.
Relationships a. Select Relationships.
The Change Relationships pop-up displays.

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Options Action

b. Do you want to add or remove Relationships for the

If remove, go to Step h.
If add, click the Assign Relationship button.
The Assign Relationship pop-up displays.

• If the Bulk Change action is to 'add' a relationship
record to a cardholder for a Role that is already
filled, then the result will effectively be a change to
the cardholder held against the role.
• All Roles added to a cardholder, must be
accompanied with a populated cardholder filling
that role, (i.e. a Role cannot be added that is
c. Click on the Select Role drop-down list, and select the
required Role.
The drop-down list is populated with all Roles
configured in Configuration Client.
d. To find the Cardholder that you want to assign to this
Role, select what criteria you want to search on from
the By drop-down list, (i.e. Name, Description,
Division, Card Number or All).
By default, Name is selected.
e. Start entering characters in the Search field.
A minimum of 3 characters starts the search.
However, if you selected Card Number(s) as the

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Options Action
search criteria, you need to click the button after
you enter a number in the Search field.
f. From the search results, click on the Cardholder you
want to assign to this Role.
g. Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the Role, and Cardholder
assigned to that Role, now appears on the Configure
Relationships pop-up.
h. Select the Relationships that need removing from the
cardholders by clicking the Select Roles button in the
"Remove these Relationships" section.
The Select Roles pop-up displays.

i. Click the checkbox next to each Role name you want

to remove, or click the Select All button if you want
to remove all Roles.
j. Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and each of the selected Role(s)
now appears on the Configure Relationships pop-up.
k. Click the OK button.
The Change Relationships pop-up closes.
12. The Allow Bulk Change to be run independently in the Cardholder
Viewer checkbox allows this Cardholder Bulk Change to be run directly
from the Cardholder Viewer. Check this checkbox if required.
Note: Any change filters in the Changes to Apply grid can be edited by
clicking the button, or removed by clicking the button.
13. If you want to record any note(s) about the Cardholder Bulk Change, click
the History/Notes tab.
Refer to History/Notes tab (on page 2-131) for further detail.
14. Click the Save button.
The Cardholder Bulk Change and its settings are saved.

Editing and Deleting Cardholder Bulk Changes
Refer to Editing items (on page 2-130) and Deleting items (on page 2-130) for
procedures on how to edit and delete Cardholder Bulk Changes.

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Duplicating Cardholder Bulk Changes

Operators privileged to create Cardholder Bulk Changes can also duplicate
them, which makes the task of setting up multiple Cardholder Bulk Changes
that are very similar much quicker.
Refer to Copying items (on page 2-130) for the procedure.

Creating an Inactive Cardholder Bulk Purge

Perform the following procedure to create an Inactive Cardholder Bulk Purge:
• To perform this procedure operators need both the "Bulk Change" and
"Delete Cardholders" operator privileges. In addition, operator's need
sufficient divisional and other privileges to carry out each individual
change listed within a bulk purge.
• An Inactive Cardholder Bulk Purge can be scheduled to run at specific
times, via a Macro. See Macros (on page 2-171) for further detail.
1. Click the New Bulk Change button on the Viewer Navigation Panel, and
then Inactive Cardholder Bulk Purge.
The new Inactive Cardholder Bulk Purge is added to the Viewer Navigation
Panel, and the Bulk Change Configuration pop-up displays.

2. If you want to replace the default name the system has given the Bulk
Purge, enter a new name in the Name field (limited to 60 characters).
3. If required, enter a logical Description (limited to 200 characters).
4. The Division button defaults to the name of the last Division in which the
Operator created a Command Centre item, regardless of whether it was
created in Configuration Client or via Command Centre Client.
If this not the appropriate Division for this Bulk Purge to be in, select a
Division as follows:
a) Click the Division button.
A browse tool displays.

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b) Select the appropriate Division.

c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the button changes to the name of the Division
you selected.
Note: If you have not set up Divisions yet, you can add these to your Bulk
Purge at a later stage.
5. Click the Close button.
The Bulk Change Configuration pop-up closes.
There are two tabs, (i.e. Change and History/Notes). The Change tab
displays by default.
6. Click the Select Cardholders by Divisions button to select all the
cardholders that require changing.
The Cardholder Selection pop-up displays.

7. Click the Select Divisions button.

A browse tool displays.

8. Check the Division(s) that have inactive cardholders that require purging.
The Deselect All and Add Selection buttons are enabled.

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Note: When a division is selected, its entire child hierarchy will be

selected also.
9. Click the Add Selection button.
The browse tool closes, and the selected Division(s) appear in the grid
below the Select Divisions button.
Note: The Deselect All and Select All buttons allow you to alter which
Divisions you include.
10. Specify the period of inactivity that will classify a cardholder as inactive.
There are two options, as follows:
• Modified - The cardholder record has not had any changes, i.e. no
modification was made to the cardholder, (e.g. change name,
description, or add/remove cardholder to/from access groups, etc.)
within the specified number of days.
• Access - the cardholder has not used any access credentials and has
not been in any Access Zone with for the period specified, i.e. no
access information can be found, or the last access is before the
specified number of days.
11. Click the OK button.
The Cardholder Selection pop-up closes and the ‘Cardholders to be
purged’ grid is populated with the cardholders that meet the inactivity

12. If there are any cardholders in the ‘Cardholders to be purged’ grid that
you want to exclude from the bulk purge, tick the checkbox beside the
cardholder (in the 'Excluded' column).
The cardholder is now displayed in red italics.
13. Additional cardholders that do not meet the inactivity criteria, and
therefore do not appear in the grid, can be added as follows:

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

a) Click the Add Cardholders to Exclude button.

The Select Cardholders pop-up displays.

b) To find the cardholder, select what criteria you want to search on from
the By drop-down list, (i.e. Name, Description, Division, Card Number,
Last Zone Entered, Authorised or All).
By default, Name is selected.
c) Start entering characters in the Search field.
A minimum of 3 characters starts the search. However, if you selected
Card Number(s) as the search criteria, you need to click the button
after you enter a number in the Search field.
d) From the search results, click on the cardholder(s) you want.
The cardholder(s) appear in the lower section and are all checked by
e) Uncheck any cardholders you do not want, and click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the cardholder(s) appear in the ‘Cardholders to
be purged’ grid in blue italics.
14. If you want to record any note(s) about the Cardholder Bulk Change, click
the History/Notes tab.
Refer to History/Notes tab (on page 2-131) for further detail.
15. Click the Save button.
The Bulk Purge and its settings are saved has been created.

Editing and Deleting Inactive Cardholder Bulk Purges
Refer to Editing items (on page 2-130) and Deleting items (on page 2-130) for
procedures on how to edit and delete Inactive Cardholder Bulk Purges.

Duplicating Inactive Cardholder Bulk Purges

Operators privileged to create Inactive Cardholder Bulk Purges can also
duplicate them, which makes the task of setting up multiple Inactive
Cardholder Bulk Purges that are very similar much quicker.
Refer to Copying items (on page 2-130) for the procedure.

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

Editing and/or Running a saved Cardholder Bulk Change

This procedure describes how to edit and/or run an existing bulk change in
Command Centre. To perform this procedure operator's need both the "Bulk
Change" operator privilege as well as the appropriate item editing privilege.
• When a bulk change is run, it uses ALL privileges an operator has,
regardless of their currently selected system view. For example, an
operator may exclude an operator privilege from their current system
view, but if a bulk change is run, that privilege will form part of the
operator privileges under which the bulk change will run.
• Bulk changes are subject to any workstation restrictions in place on the
workstation at which it is run.
1. Click on the Bulk Change from the list in the Viewer Navigation Panel.
2. Do you want to edit the Bulk Change before running it?

If... then...
no, go to Step 3.
yes, a) Make any necessary changes.
Refer to Creating a new Cardholder Bulk Change (on page
2-222) or Creating an Inactive Cardholder Bulk Purge (on
page 2-238) for further detail if required.
b) Click the Save button.
3. Click the Run Bulk Change button.
The message “Some Bulk Changes may impact system performance. Are
you sure you want to run this now?” displays.
4. Click the Yes button.
The Run Bulk Change pop-up displays.

This screen shows the progress of the bulk change. While in progress, the
status of the bulk change will show as ‘Active’ in the Viewer Navigation

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Panel, and if it completes successfully, (i.e. the progress bar reaches

100%), the status will change to ‘Successful’. When it completes the
number of cardholders changed displays.
While the bulk change is
in progress, if.. then…
you click the Stop button, any changes already made when it is
stopped cannot be cancelled, instead they
are completed. If the Stop button is
clicked, you get the option to end the bulk
change, or to go back and edit it.
you click the Close button, the Run Bulk Change pop-up will close
and the bulk change will continue to run
in the background while you continue
working with other bulk changes.
the bulk change is still the Run Bulk Change button changes to
selected in the Navigation the Display Progress button.
5. Click the Close button.
An existing (saved) bulk change has been run.
Note: Once a bulk change run has completed, the results can be found in
the History/Notes tab. If any items failed to change, viewing the details
will give you an idea of what caused the failure.

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

Configuring Licensable Features

Command Centre has a number of features that are licensable. Therefore, if
your site does not have a particular feature included in their licence file, those
options will not be available to you.

This section provides detail on how to configure the licensable features. Select
the item below that you require further detail on:

Mobile Client Configuration (on page 2-246)

Workstation Routing (on page 2-262)

Data Map (on page 2-270)

Tag Board feature Configuration (on page 2-275)

Broadcast Notification Configuration (on page 2-282)

Austco Intercom feature Configuration (on page 2-290)

Jacques Intercom feature Configuration (on page 2-294)

Kone ELI feature Configuration (on page 2-298)

Commend Intercom feature Configuration (on page 2-300)

Locker Management Solution Configuration (on page 2-304)

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Mobile Client Configuration

The Mobile Client feature allows users to log on to Command Centre from a
mobile device. For mobile devices to be able to connect to Command Centre,
they need to be configured and approved in Command Centre. By doing this,
each time the server receives a log on request from a mobile device, the system
will check whether there is an approved entry for that device ID in the list.
The Mobile Client can run on iDevices running iOS8 or later, and Android
devices running v5.0 or later. Android devices must have the Google Play App
installed for Mobile Notifications to work.
Further Mobile Client documentation is available in the 'Mobile Client'
folder of the Command Centre installation files if required, (i.e. Command
Centre Mobile Client Network Deployment Options TIP, Command Centre
Mobile Client Security TIP and Configuring the Mobile Client Web Service).
Select the Administration tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then click
the Mobile Devices button on the toolbar. The Mobile Devices Viewer opens.
Note: The Mobile Client is a licensable feature, therefore it will only appear on
the toolbar if your site has it included in their license file and you have the
'Manage Mobile Devices' privilege.

The Navigation Panel for the Mobile Devices Viewer provides a list of all the
Mobile Devices.
The proportions between the Viewer Navigation Panel and Viewer Panel can be
resized. See Sizing the Panels (on page 2-126) for further detail.

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

Columns on the Viewer Panel can be resized and/or reordered if required. See
Resizing/reordering columns (on page 2-126) for further detail.
Understanding the Mobile Client (on page 2-247)
Creating a new Mobile Device (on page 2-248)
Generating new Enrolment Codes (on page 2-251)
Event Action Plans and Alarm Instructions for a Mobile Device (on page 2-251)
Configuring settings for all Mobile Devices (on page 2-253)
Mobile Barcode Scanning (on page 2-258)
Mobile Notifications (on page 2-260)

Understanding the Mobile Client

The Gallagher Mobile Client allows security guards to manage alarms and
perform common overrides using a mobile device.
For guards who spend time at a workstation, but who are also expected to
patrol the site, this feature offers the opportunity to spend more time out and
about without missing important alarms. Responding to open door requests can
be performed from a mobile device, without the person requesting access
having to wait for the guard to return to the control room.
Guards attending incidents and alarms can have access to the relevant details
on their device. The guard can also add a note, explaining what they found at
the scene. In addition, actions taken using the Mobile Client are automatically
visible to those in the control room.

If you are using mobile devices via Wi-Fi connection within your site, an internal
IP address or hostname is sufficient. However, when using mobile devices away
from your site via a cellular connection, you need to use an external IP address
or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) to connected to the server.
Switching between Wi-Fi and cellular networks is only supported when the
server has the same IP address/FQDN on both networks.
Your site may opt to open both ports 8901 and 8902, although only opening
port 8901 and enrolling all devices on the local network is a more secure option.
The enrolment port (8902 by default) only listens for connections when a
mobile device is waiting to be enrolled.

Mobile Notifications
Mobile Notifications allows a Command Centre site to send alarm notifications
to Mobile Client users. Selecting a notification allows the user to view the
alarm's details within the Mobile Client. For further information see Mobile
Notifications (on page 2-260).

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Mobile Access Feature

The Mobile Access feature provides a mobile solution to ensure accurate access
control, while maintaining the integrity of Command Centre, when a fixed
access reader is compromised or unsuitable for use. Access is granted to zones
rather than doors. To do this an operator (guard) allocates a zone into the
Access Reader which they are granting Cardholders access into. A cardholder's
authorisation to a zone via the Mobile Reader is essentially the same as via a
fixed door reader.
Coupled with the Gallagher Mobile Reader, the Access Reader grants the ability
for operators to ‘move’ a cardholder into a zone. The cardholder’s
competencies, access groups and card credentials are authenticated by the
system and displayed in the user interface – clearly resulting in a granted or
denied access decision.
Macros, doors and their associated outputs can be activated when a cardholder
is successfully granted access to a zone.
There can potentially be thousands of zones on any one site, therefore to
prevent an arduous search by the Mobile Client user the zones can be allocated
in the following ways:
• 'Access Reader Zones' can be allocated in the System Settings menu. See
Configuring settings for all Mobile Devices (on page 2-253) for further
• Zones can be further limited via operator privileges.
• The following are NOT supported in the Mobile Access feature:
• Multi-tenanted buildings (requires additional configuration)
• Special Calendars and special days
• Support for Lifts
• Advanced Access Zone features, (i.e. Anti-passback, Tailgating, Zone Count
(requires additional configuration), No Alone Zone, Dual Authorisation,
PINs and Code Only Access)
• DVRs
• Personalised Actions
• Disarming Alarm Zones
• Double-Card Overrides
• Card Trace
Creating a new Mobile Device
Perform the following procedure to create a new Mobile Device:
1. Click the New Mobile Device button.
The new Mobile Device is added to the Viewer Navigation Panel, and the
Mobile Device Configuration pop-up displays.

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Note: The text in the lower part of the pop-up informs the user that an
Enrolment Code will be generated when the Mobile Device is created, on
the first save.
2. If you want to replace the default name the system has given the Mobile
Device, enter a new name in the Name field (limited to 60 characters).
3. If required, enter a logical Description (limited to 200 characters)
4. The Division button defaults to the name of the last Division in which the
Operator created a Command Centre item, regardless of whether it was
created in Configuration Client or via Command Centre Client.
If this is not the appropriate Division for this Mobile Device to be in, select a
Division as follows:
a) Click the Division button.
A browse tool displays.

b) Select the appropriate Division.

c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the button changes to the name of the Division
you selected.
5. Click the Close button.
The Mobile Device Configuration pop-up closes.
There are three tabs, (i.e. General, Action Plans/Alarm Instructions and
History/Notes). The General tab displays by default, providing the ability to
configure settings for this Mobile Device.
Note: If you require the same system settings to apply to ALL Mobile
Devices, refer to Configuring settings for all Mobile Devices (on page
2-253) for further detail.

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6. Click the appropriate radio button to specify whether or not the Mobile
Client application should lock and require user re-authentication after a
period of inactivity.
(Default = Auto-lock after 5 minutes of inactivity. Range = 1 - 59 minutes)
7. The Action Plans/Alarm Instructions tab lists all the Event Groups available
for Mobile Devices, and allows you to assign Action Plans and/or Alarm
Instructions to them.
Refer to Event Action Plans and Alarm Instructions for a Mobile Device (on
page 2-251) for further detail.
8. Click the Save button.
A new Mobile Device has been created, and a Device Enrolment Code pop-
up displays.

The Enrolment Code needs to be entered

on the device, before that device can be
used to log on to Command Centre
(sample device enrolment screen).
Note: Enrolment Codes can only be used
once and they expire after 24 hours. In
case an Enrolment Code does expire
before a Mobile Client tries to connect to
Command Centre, a new Enrolment Code
can be generated. See Generating new
Enrolment Codes (on page 2-251) for the

Editing and Deleting Mobile Devices
Refer to Editing items (on page 2-130) and Deleting items (on page 2-130) for
procedures on how to edit and delete Mobile Devices.
Note: Deleting a Mobile Device will clear notification tokens, so that the Mobile
Device will no longer receive Mobile Notifications (on page 2-260).
Duplicating Mobile Devices
Operators privileged to create mobile devices can also duplicate mobile devices,
which makes the task of setting up multiple mobile devices that are very similar
much quicker.
Refer to Copying items (on page 2-130) for the procedure.

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Generating new Enrolment Codes

To allow for an Enrolment Code expiring before a Mobile Client tries to connect
with that Enrolment Code it is possible to generate a new Enrolment Code, as
1. Click the Mobile Device from the list in the Viewer Navigation Panel.
The properties for that Mobile Device populate the Viewer Panel.
2. Click the General Details button.
The Mobile Device Configuration pop-up displays.

3. Click the Generate New Enrolment Code button.

A Device Enrolment Code pop-up displays.

4. The Enrolment Code needs to be entered on the device, (i.e. Smartphone or

Tablet), before that device can be used to log on to Command Centre.

Event Action Plans and Alarm Instructions for a Mobile Device

This tab allows you to individually link mobile device related events to Action
Plans, and assign Alarm Instructions to each of the Event Types and/or their
Event Group.

1. Click the Mobile Device from the list in the Viewer Navigation Panel.
The properties for that Mobile Device populate the Viewer Panel.
2. Click on the Action Plans/Alarm Instructions tab, if not already displayed.
All the Event Groups available for Mobile Devices are listed.

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3. Click the Event Group you want to assign an Action Plan to.
Two buttons become available in the grid, providing the ability to change
the Action Plan for the Event Group.
Note: Action Plans are assigned at Event Group level, whereas Alarm
Instructions can be assigned at both Event Group and Event Type level.

4. Click the Use Default button in the Action Plan column. A browse tool
displays, listing all available Action Plans in alphabetical order.

5. Select the appropriate Action Plan, and click the OK button.

The pop-up closes and the Use Default button changes to the name of the
Action Plan you selected.
6. Repeat Steps 3 - 5 as necessary.
7. Click the Event Group/Type you want to assign an Alarm Instruction to.
Two buttons become available in the grid, providing the ability to change
the Action Plan and/or Alarm Instruction for the Event Group.
8. Click the Use Default button in the Alarm Instruction column.
A browse tool displays, listing all the available Alarm Instructions in
alphabetical order.

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9. Select the appropriate Alarm Instruction, and click the OK button.

The pop-up closes and the Use Default button changes to the name of the
Alarm Instruction you selected.
10. Repeat Steps 7 - 9 as necessary.
Note: If you change the assignment of alarm instructions for items already
in alarm, they will not show the change of alarm instruction until the
workstation is logged off and on again. Any new alarms that come in will
however adopt the changes straight away.
Configuring settings for all Mobile Devices
Perform the following procedure to configure settings to apply to ALL Mobile
1. Click on System Settings in the Navigation Panel.
The System Settings Panel displays.

2. Click the appropriate radio button to specify whether or not the Mobile
Client application should lock and require user re-authentication after a
period of inactivity.
(Default = Auto-lock after 5 minutes of inactivity. Range = 1 - 59 minutes)
3. Uncheck the Allow unlock with Touch ID on supported iOS devices
checkbox (checked by default), if this is not required.
4. Tick the Allow barcode scanning checkbox if required, then select the pre-
configured Card Type from the drop-down menu.

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5. Click the Cardholders tab.

This tab allows you to configure the following:

• the Personal Data Field that contains the photo to be shown on the
Cardholder Details screen
• any other Personal Data Fields to be displayed on the Cardholder Details
• fields to be used for manually searching for Cardholders
• reasons for a Cardholder failing or passing a challenge
6. The Photo (only one will display) grid allows you to specify the Image PDF
(containing the cardholder photo) that will be shown on the Details screen.
Note: More than one PDF can be selected because a cardholder's photo
may be captured in different PDFs for different cardholders. Only one PDF
will be used for each Cardholder. If more than one PDF applies to an
individual Cardholder, the one configured with the lowest Sort Order will
display. Select the Image PDF(s) as follows:
a) Click the Add Image button.
A browse tool displays.
Note: Only Image PDFs that you have the privilege to see will display.

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b) If necessary, search for the Image PDF(s) you want by entering

characters in the Search field and/or refining the search mode and
The grid becomes populated with Image PDFs that match the search
c) Check the Image PDF(s) you want and click the Add Selection button.
The browse tool closes, and the selected PDF(s) appear in the Photo
7. The Reasons for Challenge Decision grid allows you to pre-configure a list of
reasons for a Cardholder either failing or passing the challenge.
Add reasons as follows:
a) Click the Add Reason button.
An Add Challenge Reason pop-up displays.

b) Enter a Reason and click the OK button.

The reason is added to the bottom of the list.
• Reasons can be removed from the list by selecting the reason to be
deleted and clicking the Remove button.
• You can use the up and down arrows to the side to change the order of
the reasons, (i.e. select the reason you want to move and click either the
up or down arrow to move it).
8. The Information to Display and Search by grid shows the four types of
information that can be displayed for a cardholder, (i.e. Personal Data
Fields, Access Groups, Competencies and Cards).
Configure what information you want displayed and whether it should be
possible to search on that information type using the drop-down lists.
• It is not possible to search for cardholders by Access Group or
• You can use the up and down arrows to the side to change the order of
the items, (i.e. select the item you want to move and click either the up
or down arrow to move it).
• The 'Display' and 'Search by' options you select for the Personal Data
Field entry will determine whether or not the Personal Data Fields grid
will be enabled or not.
9. The Personal Data Fields grid can display information needed to validate a
Cardholder's identity and whether they should be where they are.
Note: Your site may choose not to include any PDFs.

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Add the Personal Data Fields you want displayed and whether they can be
searched on, as follows:
a) Click the Add Personal Data Fields button.
A browse tool displays.

b) If necessary, search for the PDF(s) you want by entering characters in

the Search field and/or refining the search mode and filters.
c) Check the PDF(s) you want and click the Add Selection button.
The browse tool closes, and the selected PDF(s) appear in the Personal
Data Fields grid.
10. Click the Access Reader tab.
This tab allows you to allocate Access Reader zones for granting Cardholders
access to via a Mobile Device.

11. Add Access Zones as follows:

a) Click the Add Access Zones button.
A browse tool displays.

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b) Check the Access Zone(s) you want and click the Add Selection button.
The browse tool closes, and the selected Access Zone(s) appear in the
grid. These Access Zone(s) will now be available for selection in the
'Search' feature within the Access Reader Application.
12. A Cardholder granted into an Access Zone may need to trigger a
personalised action, (e.g. opening a boom gate when a Cardholder is
granted entry to a compound). Therefore, Mobile Access Zones can have
doors and macros assigned to them, which trigger once access is granted.
Assign an 'Access Action' for a Zone as follows:
a) Select (highlight) the Access Zone in the grid.
A Select Item button appears in the "Grant Access Action" column.
b) Click the Select Item button.
A browse tool displays.

c) Click the radio button next to the access action you require and click the
OK button.
The browse tool closes, and the Select Item button changes to the name
of the access action you selected.
13. Click the Save button.

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Mobile Barcode Scanning

The Mobile Barcode Scanner feature allows the user to scan and decode
configured barcodes using an iPhone or Android device. The Mobile Client will
recognise that barcode as a card number, allowing it to look up the cardholder
to whom the barcode belongs.

The Mobile Barcode Scanner feature supports the Gallagher Command Centre
mobile app vMBC7.70 (or later).
It is compatible with any Apple mobile device running iOS 9 or later, which
supports the Command Centre mobile app.
Android devices running the Command Centre app are also supported.

Gallagher has successfully tested this feature with the following barcode
• Aztec Code 2D • DataMatrix 2D • PDF417 2D
• QR Code 2D • Macro PDF417 2D • Semacode 2D
• Code 128 1D • Code 32 1D • Code 39 1D
• EAN-13 1D • EAN-8 1D • ISBN 1D
• EAN-99 1D • EAN-Velocity 1D • Interleaved 2 of 5 1D
Gallagher cannot guarantee the support for all barcodes, however other
barcode formats may work. We recommend using QR codes if the option is
available as they produce a superior user experience, with faster read times and
successful scanning even when not aligned straight to the camera.

To configure this feature, perform the following procedures on the Command
Centre server in the order specified:
Creating a Card Type

Barcodes must be entered into the Configuration Client as cards, and require a
Facility Code to be added in the Card Type Setup tab. If a user scans a barcode
that has not been set up as a Card Type in the Configuration Client, an error
message will display. If no Card Types have been configured, the 'Scan Code'
option will not be available in the main menu. Set up a Card Type in the
Configuration Client to represent the barcodes, as follows:
1. Click Configure from the menu bar, then Card Types.
The Card Type Master List Window opens.
2. Create a new Card Type and complete the fields as required.
For full details on setting up a new Card Type, refer to the topic "Setting up

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Card Types" in the Configuration Client online help.

3. Click the Setup tab.

4. Assign the card type a unique Facility Code and change the Card Number
Format to 'Text' (this prevents issues with barcode numbers that have
leading zeros).
• Once you have clicked OK or Apply, the Region Code, Facility Code,
Format and Card State Set fields cannot be altered.
• The Issue Level of the cards (barcodes) will be ignored, so the Card Issue
Level must match default checkbox can be left unticked.

Configuring the Mobile Device's settings

You need to give mobile devices permission to scan barcodes before they are
able to do so.

When a barcode is scanned, the associated Cardholder and their configured

information will display. You can configure what is displayed via Command

Refer to Configuring settings for all Mobile Devices (on page 2-253) for further

Confirming configuration

To ensure that the Mobile Barcode Scanner feature has been configured
correctly, open the Command Centre app on an iOS device and ensure the Scan
Code option is available from the main menu:

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Note: The "View Cardholder" privilege is required to use this feature. If an

operator doesn't have the "View Cardholder" privilege, the main menu entry
will not appear. For more information, refer to the topic "Cardholder Access" in
the Configuration Client online help.

Mobile Notifications

Enabling Mobile Notifications allows a Command Centre site to send alarm
notifications to Mobile Client users. Selecting a notification allows the user to
view the alarm's details within the Mobile Client.
Only alarm notifications from the most recent Command Centre site that the
Mobile Client user has logged into will be sent. Only alarms are sent as Mobile
Notifications, not events.
Mobile Notifications use the Notifications Filters and Notifications Schedules to
determine who receives the notifications and when. For details on how to
configure Mobile Notifications, refer to the chapter "Notifications" in the
Configuration Client Online Help.
• If you receive notifications from Site A, and then you log into Site B (that
doesn't have Mobile Notifications enabled), you will continue to receive
notifications from the previous site (Site A).
• If multiple alarm notifications are generated while your device is powered
off, or otherwise unable to connect to the internet, then upon reconnection
you may only receive a notification for the most recent alarm. This limitation

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is imposed by iOS and Android. Open the 'Alarm List' screen within the App
to ensure you are aware of all the alarms that have occurred.

How are they sent?

Mobile Notifications are sent over the internet, using Wi-Fi or cellular data.
Hence a Mobile Client user will continue to receive notifications (via cellular
data), if Wi-Fi connectivity for the Mobile Client is unavailable.

If the Command Centre Cloud is offline or the internet is down, notifications are
queued in Command Centre awaiting delivery to the cloud when conditions
allow. If a queued alarm has been processed by an operator it will not be sent
to the cloud.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Workstation Routing

The Workstation Routing button only appears on the Administration tab for
users with the "Configure Workstation Routing" privilege in at least one
The Workstation Routing licensable feature allows a semi-automatic transfer of
Alarm Management and Site Monitoring functionality from one set of Operators
to another. For further detail see Understanding Workstation Routing (on
page 2-263).
Select the Administration tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then click
the Workstation Routing button on the toolbar. The Workstation Routing
Viewer opens.

The button beside the Search field can be clicked to provide quick tips for
working with Workstation Routing.
There are a number of ways to search for a Workstation Routing. See Searching
for items (on page 2-127) for further detail.
The proportions between the Viewer Navigation Panel and Viewer Panel can be
resized. See Sizing the Panels (on page 2-126) for further detail.
Columns on the Viewer Panel can be resized and/or reordered if required. See
Resizing/reordering columns (on page 2-126) for further detail.

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Understanding Workstation Routing (on page 2-263)

Creating a new Workstation Routing item (on page 2-264)
Changing the state of a Workstation Routing item (on page 2-267)
Invoking Workstation Routing (on page 2-268)

Understanding Workstation Routing

The Workstation Routing function allows a semi-automatic transfer of Alarm
Management and Site Monitoring functionality from one set of Operators to
another. This allows a site to manage alarms and monitor their site locally
during the day, and then hand control over to a central monitoring station at
night without operators having to perform complex operations in order for this
to happen. Functionality (through the enabling and disabling of privileges) can
be routed from one group of Workstations to another.
The following table describes the key system components involved in
Workstation Routing, and how they are involved:
Component Description
Divisions Divisions are used for grouping system items that have
something in common, (e.g. their location, the company they
belong to, the department they belong to, etc.). Using Divisions
allows a site to give Operators different privileges for items in
different groups, and can be used as a way of sub-dividing items
into logical groupings. For large sites this makes the system
easier to use, allowing involved in the current action to be
filtered out easily. The Workstation Routing feature relies on
(system) Items that are to be made visible to a set of Operators
when functionality is routed to their workstations and hidden
when it is routed away, being stored in different Divisions from
the items the Operator can see that are not affected by
Workstation Routing.
Operator Operator Groups are used to control which (system) Items an
Groups Operator can see, and the functions they can perform on those
items based on the Item's Division and the privileges granted
for those Divisions. The semi-automatic 'activation' and
'deactivation' of certain Operator Groups for Operators using
nominated Workstations is a key component of Workstation
Workstations Although workstations are software Items, they can be used to
represent physical locations by virtue of the physical PC they
are associated with. As the action of routing functionality can
affect all Operators in a particular location (regardless of who
they are logged on as), Workstation Items are used to denote
'what' is affected by the routing. This allows the site to perform
one action to invoke the routing without individual Operators
having to perform an action.

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Creating a new Workstation Routing item

Perform the following procedure to create a new Workstation Routing item:
1. Click the New Workstation Routing button.
The new Workstation Routing item is added to the Viewer Navigation Panel,
and the Workstation Routing Configuration pop-up displays.

2. If you want to replace the default name the system has given the
Workstation Routing item, enter a new name in the Name field (limited to
60 characters).
3. If required, enter a logical Description (limited to 200 characters).
4. The Division button defaults to the name of the last Division in which the
Operator created a Command Centre item, regardless of whether it was
created in Configuration Client or via Command Centre Client.
If this is not the appropriate Division for this Workstation Routing item to be
in, select a Division as follows:
a) Click the Division button.
A browse tool displays.

b) Select the appropriate Division.

c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the button changes to the name of the Division
you selected.
Note: If you have not set up Divisions yet, you can add these to your
Workstation Routing items at a later stage.
5. Click the Close button.
The Workstation Routing Configuration pop-up closes.

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There are three tabs, (i.e. Workstations, Routing Rules and History/Notes).
The Workstations tab displays by default. All Workstations involved on one
side of the routing, (e.g. from or to) should be configured as a single group.

The From Workstations are those from which functionality is being

removed, and the To Workstations are those to which the additional
functionality is being transferred.
Note: It makes no difference which group is configured as ‘From’ or ‘To’
6. By default, the Shortname for the Workstation Groups is "Group A" and
"Group B". Change the Shortnames to more meaningful names if required.
Note: Each Name is limited to 20 characters.
7. Select the Workstations for each group, as follows:
a) Click the Add Workstations button.
An Add Workstations to Group pop-up displays, listing all the available
Workstations in alphabetical order, (i.e. Workstations that are on the
local server).

b) Check the appropriate Workstation(s), and click the Add Selection

The pop-up closes, and the selected Workstation(s) appear in the grid.

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8. Click the Routing Rules tab to set the rules for what happens when routing
is invoked.

9. Configure the Operator Groups that will be allowed to determine the

functionality being transferred between Workstations, as follows:
a) Click the Add Operator Groups button.
An Add Operator Groups pop-up displays.

b) Check the appropriate Operator Group(s), and click the Add Selection
The pop-up closes, and the selected Operator Group(s) appear in the
10. If you want the Workstation Routing item to be controlled by Macros,
configure as required.
11. If you want to record any note(s) about the Workstation Routing item, click
the History/Notes tab.
Refer to History/Notes tab (on page 2-131) for further detail.
12. Click the Save button.
A new Workstation Routing item has been created.
Note: When Workstation Routing items are first created their state is

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Editing and Deleting Workstation Routing items
Refer to Editing items (on page 2-130) and Deleting items (on page 2-130) for
procedures on how to edit and delete Workstation Routing items.
Note: It is only possible to edit the configuration of a Workstation Routing item
when it is in the "Disabled" state.

Duplicating Workstation Routing

Operators privileged to create Workstation Routing items can also duplicate
Workstation Routing items, which makes the task of setting up multiple
Workstation Routing items that are very similar much quicker.
Refer to Copying items (on page 2-130) for the procedure.

Changing the state of a Workstation Routing item

A Workstation Routing item will be in one of three states, (i.e. Disabled, Routed
to <Group Name> or Routed to <Group <Name>).

The current state appears in the Routing State column in the Navigation Panel,
beside the Workstation Routing item name. When necessary, perform the
following procedure to change the state of a Workstation Routing item to one
of the other two states:
1. Select the Workstation Routing item in the Navigation Panel.
2. Click the Change Status button.

3. Select the required state.

A Comments pop-up displays.

4. If you want to add a comment, type your comment in the Comment field
(Maximum of 250 characters).
5. Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the new state now appears in the Routing State

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Invoking Workstation Routing

Once Workstation Routing has been configured, this procedure describes how
an operator can invoke Routing:
1. From the Command Centre main window, click the Routing button on the
Status bar.
The Workstation Routing pop-up displays.

2. Routing is remembered as an Operator Workstation Preference, therefore

the Workstation Routing button defaults to the name of the most recent
Routing performed.
If this is not the required Routing option, select an alternative Routing as
a) Click the Workstation Routing button.
A browse tool displays.

b) Select the appropriate Routing.

c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the button changes to the name of the Routing
you selected. The Current State also changes to that of the selected
3. Select the required action from the Action drop-down list.
The options available in the list will depend on your privileges.

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4. If you want to add a comment, type your comment in the Comment field
(Maximum of 250 characters).
5. Click the Route button.

The Routing is invoked and:
• any Macro(s) configured for that state change will run,
• all Operator Groups configured for the Workstation Routing item will be
'activated' for Operators logged onto Workstations in the group to which
the Routing was initiated, and 'de-activated' for Operators logged onto
Workstations in the other group.
Note: If the server workstation is included in either group it gets ignored
when Routing is actioned, so it cannot be locked out.

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Data Map

Select the Administration tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then click
the Data Map button on the toolbar. The Data Map Viewer opens.

Note: The Configuration Client button will only appear on the Administration
toolbar if you have the "Launch Configuration Client" privilege in at least one
The Navigation Panel for the Data Map Viewer provides a list of all the Data
The button beside the Search field can be clicked to provide quick tips for
working with Data Maps.
There are a number of ways to search for a Data Map. See Searching for items
(on page 2-127) for further detail.
The proportions between the Viewer Navigation Panel and Viewer Panel can be
resized. See Sizing the Panels (on page 2-126) for further detail.
Columns on the Viewer Panel can be resized and/or reordered if required. See
Resizing/reordering columns (on page 2-126) for further detail.

Understanding Data Maps (on page 2-271)

Creating a Data Map (on page 2-271)

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Understanding Data Maps

The ‘Visitor Management OCR Passport / Drivers License Interface’ allows the
Gallagher Visitor Management Client to support an interface to the ScanShell
1000B Passport Scanner, such that Visitor fields in the Visitor Management
Client can be automatically populated when a form of ID is scanned, (e.g.
Passport or Driver’s License). The aim is to reduce the amount of manual data
entry required by an Operator and improve Visitor processing time.
The process for configuring the ‘Visitor Management OCR Passport / Drivers
License Interface’ feature involves a number of procedures, including 'Creating
Data Maps'. For further detail of the entire process, see "Visitor Management
Passport/Drivers License Scanning Process" in the Configuration Client Help.
Visitor Management Scanning requires the following Interface (Accuant OCR
Scanner Interface - C12716) and Licence file entry - (Visitor Management ID
Scanning=1) to enable the capture of:
• Passports, Drivers Licenses and National Identity Cards, and
• information from visitors at the Visitor Management workstation, when
integrated with Command Centre.

Creating a Data Map

Perform the following procedure to create a new Data Map:
Note: Before you perform this procedure, ensure the:
• Scanner software (that provides the DLL's required as a prerequisite to
setting up Data mapping items) is installed, and
• Personal Data Fields (that will be used by the scanner) are created and
added to the appropriate Access Groups (Visitor Types) and the Selected
Fields grid on the Visitor Fields tab of the Visitor Management Division
1. Click the New Data Map button on the Viewer Navigation Panel.
The new Data Map is added to the Viewer Navigation Panel, and the Data
Map Configuration pop-up displays.

2. If you want to replace the default name the system has given the Data Map,
enter a new name in the Name field (limited to 60 characters).
3. If required, enter a logical Description (limited to 200 characters).

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4. The Division button defaults to the name of the last Division in which the
Operator created a Command Centre item, regardless of whether it was
created in Configuration Client or via Command Centre Client.
If this is not the appropriate Division for this Data Map, select a Division as
a) Click the Division button.
A browse tool displays.

b) Select the appropriate Division.

c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the button changes to the name of the Division
you selected.
Note: If you have not set up Divisions yet, you can add these to your Data
Map at a later stage.
5. Click the Close button.
The Data Map Configuration pop-up closes.
There are four tabs, (i.e. Source Configuration, Destination Configuration,
Mappings and History/Notes). The Source Configuration tab displays by
6. Select the appropriate document type, (e.g. General ID or Passport) from
the Source drop-down list of available DLL's installed.
7. If you select General ID as the Source, you must also click one of the region
radio buttons and select the appropriate region from the drop-down list.
For the ‘Auto detect option’, there are four regions to choose from, (i.e.
Asia, Australia, Canada and United States). For the ‘More specific’ option
there is a more extensive list of regions available.
8. Click the Destination Configuration tab, and select the appropriate
Destination from the drop-down list.
9. Click the Mappings tab.
10. Click the Add Mapping button to configure the scanning software to
automatically populate the Visitor fields (within Visitor Management) when
a form of ID is scanned.

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11. Click the drop-down under Source Field.

All available OCR Source fields are listed. The majority of fields are text type
PDFs with the exception of the last three that are image type PDFs, (i.e.
Image of document, Portrait and Signature).
12. Select the field you want to map to a Destination Field.
13. Click the drop-down under Destination Field and select the appropriate field
to map the source field to.
Note: If the type of Destination Field you select is incompatible with the
Source Field, (e.g. an image mapping to a text PDF), an error message will
display in the Transformation field.

Although you can carry on performing other functions, the Save button will
remain disabled until you correct the error by either changing one of the
fields so they are compatible, or selecting a transformation type from the
Transformation drop-down list.
14. Repeat Steps 10 - 13 for each mapping you require.
15. If you want to record any note(s) about the Data Map, click the
History/Notes tab.
Refer to History/Notes tab (on page 2-131) for further detail.

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16. Click the Save button.

A new Data Map has been created.
Note: Once a Data Map is saved the Source and Destination cannot be
changed on the Data Map Configuration pop-up.

Editing and Deleting Data Maps
Refer to Editing items (on page 2-130) and Deleting items (on page 2-130) for
procedures on how to edit and delete Data Maps.

Duplicating Data Maps

Operators privileged to create Data Maps can also duplicate Data Maps, which
makes the task of setting up multiple Data Maps that are very similar much
Refer to Copying items (on page 2-130) for the procedure.

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Tag Board feature Configuration

The purpose of the Tag Board Tile (a licensable feature), is to show how many
people and the specific individuals who are in a particular area of a site, where
the area can include one or more Access Zones. One of the primary uses for
this feature is safety, (e.g. a Mine wanting to ensure that nobody is in a blast
zone before explosives are detonated). However, by filtering a Tag Board, sites
also have the ability to discern specific groups of people in an area, (e.g. where
are the first aiders, visitors, contractors, security guards, etc.).

To configure the Tag Board feature, perform the following procedure:

Configuring a Tag Board Tile (on page 2-275)

Configuring a Tag Board Tile

This Tile can be operated independently from a Viewers Navigation Panel, so
can therefore have static configuration (or Operator selected). This tile can be
added to any Viewer. If required, multiple Tag Board Tiles can be added to a
single Panel. The Tag Board Tile lists all Cardholders within the nominated
Access Zones. The list is dynamically updated as Cardholders move in and out
of the Access Zones.
Note: Gallagher recommend that Tag Board Tiles should only be used to
monitor people actively entering and leaving an area. They shouldn't be used to
'monitor' people who are actually outside the system because not every change
possible in Command Centre for that person will be reflected in the Tag Board.
Operators can configure Tag Board Tiles to display either a detailed view or a
summary view of all nominated Access Zones. The summary view groups
Cardholder by Access Zone. Colours can be used to highlight the state of the
Access Zone, (i.e. where the number of Cardholders in an Access Zone is greater
than zero, the background colour of the row will display red. Where the
number of Cardholders in an Access Zone is zero, the background colour of the
row will display green). In addition, an operator can configure a Personal Data
Field and/or Competency to be displayed with the Tag Board Tile.

How to configure
1. Select the Viewers tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then the
Viewer Configuration button on the toolbar.
The Configuration Viewer displays with the Configuration Navigation Panel
down the left hand side, and the Configuration Panel on the right.
2. Do you want to add the Tag Board Tile to a new or existing Viewer?
If... then...
an existing Viewer, click the button for it on the Configuration Navigation
Panel down the left hand side.
a new Viewer, create a new Viewer. See Creating a new Viewer (on
page 2-6) for the procedure.

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3. Double-click on Tag Board on the 'Tile Toolbox'.

The Tag Board Tile appears on the Configuration Panel section of the screen
in preview mode.

4. Move the mouse over the Tag Board Tile you have added, and click on the
Click to configure button that appears.
The Tag Board Tile Configuration pop-up displays.

5. Enter an appropriate Title for this tile.

6. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware that Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys
7. Do you want operators to be able to choose the Access Zone(s) to be
monitored in operational mode?
If... then...
yes click the Operator Selected Access Zones radio button.
Note: The Backup section on this Configuration pop-up
becomes greyed out.

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If... then...
no a) Click the Preconfigured Access Zones radio button.
A browse tool displays.

Note: Local Access Zones only are displayed. Access Zones on

a remote server cannot be selected.
b) Check the Access Zone(s) you want to add.
c) Click the Add Selection button.
The browse tool closes and the Selected Access Zone(s)
appear in the grid below the Add Access Zones button.
8. The Data Filters section allows you to configure which cardholders to
display. If you want to configure this Tile to ignore location information
more than a specified number of hours old, check the Ignore location
information more than <nn> hours old checkbox, and (if necessary) change
the default figure of '24' to the number of hours required.
9. Click the appropriate radio button for how you want the tile contents
• Display ALL Cardholders in the selected zones
This option should be selected if you want the tile is to show the total
number of people and the specific individuals who are in the selected
Access Zones. Go to Step 10.
• Display only Cardholders that match the filter criteria
WARNING: Do not use this option if this tile is to be used for safety or
evacuation purposes, (e.g. a Mine wanting to ensure that nobody is in
a blast zone before explosives are detonated).
The Advanced Search Rule Definition pop-up displays, allowing you to
set the rules, (i.e. one or more conditions), to define your search.

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This pop-up allows you to set the rules, (i.e. one or more conditions) to
define your search. If a rule has been defined previously this pop-up
will be pre-populated, otherwise the grid will be empty.
a. Click on the function you want to perform.
Inserting a condition (on page 2-280)
Editing an existing condition (on page 2-281)
Removing a condition (on page 2-281)
b. Click the OK button.
The Filter you have configured displays in the grid on the Tag Board
Tile Configuration pop-up.

Note: The filters can be edited again if necessary, by clicking the

button to re-open the Advanced Search Rule Definition pop-up.
10. If the Backup section is enabled, enter the location and file name for the
backup file. Alternatively, click the Browse button to select from the
existing directory paths and type in the file name. Anytime there is a
change to the data displayed in the Tag Board Tile, a copy of the data is
written to a backup file.
• The backup file is written once an operator has viewed the Tag Board
Tile at least once following logon to Command Centre Client. After this,
the backup file will be written whenever there is a change to anything
which would affect the content of the Tag Board Tile, (e.g. Cardholder
• Ensure the Windows operator (also the Command Centre operator) has
the appropriate privileges in order to write and view the backup file.
• Ensure the Tag Board Tile is configured with a unique backup file name,
as multiple Tag Board Tiles may be configured.
• In the event that one of the configured Access Zones is offline, the
backup file will contain the name of the affected Access Zone. When the
Access Zone returns to online, the file will be re-written accordingly.
• Tags, (e.g. <datetime>) cannot be used in the backup file name.
11. What type of view do you want displayed on this Tile?
View then click...
Detailed the Detailed View radio button.
Summary the Summary View radio button. If you also want to use
colour to highlight zone states, check the Use colour to
highlight zone states checkbox.

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12. Select another category from the Column filter drop-down if necessary. The
options are:
- All Columns
- Access Zone and Division Details
- Cardholder Details
- Visitor Details
• If another category is selected, the list of possible column names will
change accordingly.
• Image Personal Data Fields cannot be viewed in the Tag Board Tile, and
are therefore not included in the list of available PDFs.
• If Visitor Management is included in your license file, the Column
Selection list will include Visitor related columns for the purpose of
including visitor numbers in the total count.
13. If necessary, search for the column(s) you want to include in the Tag Board
by entering search criteria in the Search field.
14. Click the checkbox next to each Column name you want to include.
As columns are selected, they appear in the Column Display Order section
in the lower part of this pop-up (in the order you select them).
• Reorder the columns if necessary, by clicking on the column title and
dragging it to the required position.
• Remove a column if necessary, by clicking on the button beside the
column title.

15. Click the Close button.

The preview mode of the Tag Board Tile now displays the view that it has
been configured for.
This first example is how it appears when configured for 'Detailed View' with
'Operator selected Access Zones'.

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This second example is how it appears when configured for 'Summary

View' with colour used to highlight zone states.

Inserting a condition
1. Click the Insert Condition button.
The Cardholder Search Condition pop-up displays.

2. Select a Condition Type from the drop-down list.

The options available depend on the Condition Type you selected.
3. Select the appropriate options for the condition you require.
Note: For a multi-server system, if you select to search on "Cardholder last
requested access", aggregation must be turned on in order for the search
results to be accurate.
4. Click the OK button.
The condition is added to the Advanced Search Rule Definition pop-up.

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5. Repeat Steps 1 - 4 for each additional condition you want applied to this
Each additional condition is also added to the Advanced Search Rule
Definition pop-up. As conditions are added an 'And' will appear to the left of
the added row (as shown below):

• Only Cardholders who match ALL conditions will be returned in the
Search results.
• Each condition can only be added once to the same "And" grouping in
a Cardholder search, with the exception of unique Personal Data Fields
and Competencies.

Editing an existing condition

1. Click the Edit button.
The Cardholder Search Condition pop-up displays and is populated with data
relevant to the condition type selected.

Note: In this example, all cardholders that have a disabled Competency will
be included in the Advanced Search.
2. Edit the condition as required, and click the OK button.
The condition is altered accordingly in the Advanced Search Rule Definition

Removing a condition
1. Click the OK button.
The Filter you have configured displays in the grid on the Tag Board Tile
Configuration pop-up.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Broadcast Notification Configuration

Select the Administration tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then click
the Broadcast Notifications button on the toolbar. The Broadcast Notifications
Viewer opens.
Note: The Broadcast Notifications is a licensable feature, therefore it will only
appear on the toolbar if your site has 'Notifications' included in the license file
and you have the 'Configure Broadcast Notifications' privilege.

The Broadcast Notifications feature introduces the Broadcast Notification tile.

When added to a Viewer, an operator with the 'Send Broadcast Notification'
privilege can send the same email or SMS message (Short Message Service) to
many Cardholders at once. For example, to warn them of a danger on site, or
that the site is in lockdown.
The Navigation Panel for the Broadcast Notifications Viewer provides a list of
predefined notifications. Each notification contains a list of Cardholders who
will receive the notification and the message that will be sent. At the time of
sending, an operator may add additional Cardholders to the list and/or edit the
An operator can configure a Command Centre Activity Report to view all
Broadcast Notification succeeded or failed events.
The proportions between the Viewer Navigation Panel and Viewer Panel can be
resized. See Sizing the Panels (on page 2-126) for further detail.
Columns on the Viewer Panel can be resized and/or reordered if required. See
Resizing/reordering columns (on page 2-126) for further detail.

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• If multiple Cardholders have the same notification email address or SMS
number configured, then that email address or phone may be sent more
than one notification.
• Emails are sent as plain text. Html encoding is not supported.

Creating a new Broadcast Notification (on page 2-283)

Configuring a Macro to send a Broadcast Notification (optional) (on page

Creating a new Broadcast Notification

Before you begin

Set up the Notification, Email, and SMS Server Properties. Refer to the topics
"Notifications", "Outgoing Email", "Incoming Email" and "Mobile/SMS
Notifications" in the Configuration Client Online Help for the procedures.

Configure Command Centre Notifications. Refer to the topic "Setting

Cardholder 'Email' and 'Mobile' PDFs" and in the Configuration Client Online
Help for the procedure.

Perform the following procedure to create a new Broadcast Notification item:
1. Click the New Broadcast Notification button.
The new Broadcast Notification item is added to the Viewer Navigation
Panel, and the Broadcast Notification Configuration pop-up displays.

2. If you want to replace the default name the system has given the Broadcast
Notification item, enter a new name in the Name field (limited to 60
3. If required, enter a logical Description (limited to 200 characters).
4. The Division button defaults to the name of the last Division in which the
Operator created a Command Centre item, regardless of whether it was
created in the Configuration Client or via the Command Centre Client.

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If this is not the appropriate Division for this Broadcast Notification item to
be in, select a Division as follows:
a) Click the Division button.
A browse tool displays.

b) Select the appropriate Division.

c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the button changes to the name of the Division
you selected.
Note: If you have not set up Divisions yet, you can add these to your
Broadcast Notification items at a later stage.
5. Click the Close button.
The Broadcast Notification Configuration pop-up closes.
There are two tabs, (i.e. Settings and History/Notes). The Settings tab
displays by default.

6. In the left-hand side of the viewer, choose the Cardholders to send the
notification message to, by clicking the Select Cardholders to Message
Cardholders to be added to the Broadcast Notification item using any of the
following methods:

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By… then…
Cardholder, a. Select by Cardholder.
The Select Cardholders pop-up displays.

b. To find the Cardholder that you want to update, select

what criteria you want to search on from the By drop-
down list, (i.e. Name, Description, Division, Card
Number, Last Zone Entered, Authorised or All).
By default, Name is selected.
c. Start entering characters in the Search field.
A minimum of 3 characters starts the search.
However, if you selected Card Number(s) as the
search criteria, you need to click the button after
you enter a number in the Search field.
d. From the search results, click on the Cardholder(s) you
want to update.
The Cardholder(s) appear in the lower section and are
all checked by default.
e. Uncheck any Cardholders you do not want to update,
and click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the Cardholder filter appears in
the Cardholder Selection grid.
Criteria, a. Select by Criteria.
The Advanced Search Rule Definition pop-up displays.

This pop-up allows you to set the rules, (i.e. one or

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By… then…
more conditions) to define your search. If a rule has
been defined previously this pop-up will be pre-
populated, otherwise the grid will be empty.
b. Click the function you want to perform:
- Inserting a condition (on page 2-280)
- Editing an existing condition (on page 2-281)
- Removing a condition (on page 2-281)
c. Click the Search button.
The search starts immediately and the Cardholder
filter appears in the Cardholder Selection grid.

• Clicking the button opens a Cardholder

Selection pop-up that displays the cardholders
that fit the search criteria.

• Cardholder filters in the Cardholder Selection grid

can be edited by clicking the button, or
removed by clicking the button.

7. In the right-hand side of the viewer, choose the type of notification you wish
to send, (i.e. either Email, SMS, or both).
8. The Broadcast Notification item starts with a default message that says "This
is the default message".

9. Click on the button to edit this message.

The Broadcast Notification Content pop-up displays.

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10. Enter your message and click the OK button to confirm the message, or click
the Cancel button to revert it.
• If the Broadcast Notification List is configured for sending SMS
messages, the grey text at the bottom left of the pop-up shows how
many characters are left in the current message, followed by a slash,
followed by the number of text messages required for sending this
message. If the number after the slash is 2 or more, then a multi-part
message will be used when sending the message. Check with your email-
to-SMS provider to see if they support sending multi-part messages, and
what limits the provider has on these.
• If the Broadcast Notification List is configured for sending emails, the
pop-up will show in brackets how many characters have been used, out
of the maximum 1000 possible characters.
• If there is a spelling error in the message, then a red squiggle will appear
below the miss-spelt word. Clicking on the squiggle will reveal a list of
possible corrections. If the word is in fact correct then the squiggles
may be ignored.

11. If you want to record any note(s) about the Broadcast Notification item,
click the History/Notes tab.
Refer to History/Notes tab (on page 2-131) for further detail.
12. Click the Save button.
A new Broadcast Notification item has been created.
Note: When configuring Cardholders to be selected via selection criteria,
the actual list of Cardholders to notify is determined at the time the
message is to be sent.

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Editing and Deleting Broadcast Notification items
Refer to Editing items (on page 2-130) and Deleting items (on page 2-130) for
procedures on how to edit and delete Broadcast Notification items.
Note: It is only possible to edit the configuration of a Broadcast Notification
item when it is in the "Disabled" state.

Duplicating Broadcast Notifications

Operators privileged to create Broadcast Notification items can also duplicate
Broadcast Notification items, which makes the task of setting up multiple
Broadcast Notification items that are very similar much quicker.
Refer to Copying items (on page 2-130) for the procedure.

Configuring a Macro to send a Broadcast Notification

Before you begin

Create a Macro. Refer to the topic Creating a new Macro (on page 2-173) for
the procedure.

1. From the Add Action Items pop-up, choose the Broadcast Notification items
that you wish to add to the macro.
2. Once the items have been added to the macro, click on the item whose
action you wish to configure and click the Configure Actions button.
The Configure Actions for Broadcast Notification pop-up displays.

Note: You may select more than one Broadcast Notification item at a time,
if you wish to configure the same action for multiple Broadcast Notification
items. Hold the control or shift keys to select multiple items.

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3. When the item is first added you will need to choose a message. Select a
pre-configured message from the combo box. The selected message will be
copied into the edit box beneath where you may then further customise the
4. If you want to override the Notification option (email or SMS) for this
Broadcast Notification item, check one or both of the checkboxes in the
Notification Options section.
5. Click the Save button to save the macro action.
Running the macro will now send the Broadcast Notification to its
configured list of cardholders, taking into account any configured criteria.
• A Broadcast Notification item cannot be deleted while it is used in a
• Deleting a pre-configured message does not affect operation of existing
macros. The currently selected message in the macro action is always
shown as a selectable option even if the message no longer exists
against the Broadcast Notification item itself.
• An operator configuring the Macro action must have the privilege to
perform the Macro action, (i.e. "Send Broadcast Notification"). The
operator running the macro does not need to have the "Send Broadcast
Notification" privilege because the Macro is run in the context of the
operator who configured it. This is standard behaviour for all actions
run from macros.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Austco Intercom feature Configuration

The Austco Intercom licensable feature enables an operator to place an

intercom call, or respond to an intercom call from within the Command Centre
Client. The Austco Intercom Viewer lists the intercom call events for the
intercoms configured for the Viewer, where the call event has not been
processed. Selecting a call event displays either the Viewer Panel configured
specifically for the intercom for which the call event was generated, or the
default Panel.
To configure the Austco Intercom feature, perform the following procedures:
Creating the Austco Intercom Viewer (on page 2-290)
Configuring the Austco Intercom Viewer (on page 2-291)
Configuring Tiles (on page 2-292)

Creating the Austco Intercom Viewer

Perform the following procedure to create the Austco Intercom Viewer:
1. Select the Viewers tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then click the
Viewer Configuration button on the toolbar.
The Configuration Viewer displays.
2. Click the New Viewer button, and then Austco Intercom Viewer.
The Austco Intercom General Configuration pop-up displays.

3. Type in the Name, Viewer Description and select the Division.

4. Select the position of the Viewer's Navigation Panel from the Dock drop-
down list. Available options are Top, Bottom, Left or Right, with the default
value being Top.
5. Select the screen resolution from the Resolution drop-down list.
Note: Choose resolution of the screen on which you intend to use this
Viewer. If the correct resolution is not selected the Viewer Panel may
display with scroll bars.
6. If required, check the Display viewer when a new intercom request occurs

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When a new intercom call event occurs the Austco Intercom Viewer will pop
to the front.
Note: If an Alarm Viewer has been configured to display when a new alarm
is raised, the Alarm Viewer may have priority over the Intercom Viewer.
7. Click the Close button.
The Austco Intercom Viewer displays down the left hand side of the
Configuration Navigation Panel.
8. Click the Save button.
The Austco Intercom Viewer is saved.
9. Assign the Viewer to the operators who will require it.
10. Right click the Viewer Configuration button and select Reload Viewers.
The Austco Intercom Viewer appears in the toolbar.

Configuring the Austco Intercom Viewer

Perform the following procedure to configure the Austco Intercom Viewer:
1. From the Configuration Viewer, ensure the Austco Intercom Viewer is
highlighted in the Configuration Navigation Panel, then click the Click to
configure button.
The Austco Intercom Viewer Configuration pop-up displays.

2. Ensure the All Intercoms radio button is selected. This Viewer will display
events for all intercoms.
Note: The recommended configuration is to create a single Austco Viewer
that displays events for all intercoms. Once the viewer and Intercom Panels
are configured you can restrict the intercom call events an operator can
view by assigning the intercoms to specific divisions. An operator can only
process call events for intercoms within their division.

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3. Configure the Panel(s) you want to display for each intercom. Create a
Panel as follows:
a) Click the Create entry button.
The Assign Panel for Intercom pop-up opens.

b) Select the intercom from the Select Intercom drop-down list.

c) Select the Creating a new Panel radio button.
d) Enter a name for the new Panel, (e.g. Intercom 1 Panel).
e) Click the OK button.
The Assign Panel for Intercom pop-up closes and the new entry appears
in the grid.
4. Click the OK button.

Configuring Tiles for Austco Intercom Panels

Tiles can be configured to appear on an Intercom Panel. The floating 'Tile
Toolbox' contains a list of the tile types that are available for the Austco
Intercom Viewer. Tile types available are:
- Camera
- Event Trail
- Guard Tour
- Operator Sessions
- Site Plan
- Status
- Tag Board
- URL Tile
To add a tile to an Intercom Panel:
1. From the Configuration Viewer, ensure the Austco Intercom Viewer is
highlighted in the Configuration Navigation Panel and select the Intercom
Panel you want to configure from the Currently viewing panel drop-down
Note: The Panel will display as blank if not previously configured.
2. Double-click the tile entry on the 'Tile Toolbox'.

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

The tile appears on the Panel section of the screen, in a position determined
by the system.
Note: Once a tile has been added to a Panel, it can be repositioned and
resized as required.
3. Move the mouse over the Tile you have added, and click on the Click to
configure button that appears.
A Tile Configuration pop-up displays allowing you to configure as required.
4. What type of tile are you configuring?

If... then refer to...

a Camera tile, Configuring a Camera Tile (on page 2-53)
an Event Trail tile, Configuring an Event Trail Tile (on page 2-83)
a Site Plan tile, Configuring a Site Plan Tile (on page 2-92)
a Status tile, Configuring a Status Tile (on page 2-95)

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Jacques Intercom feature Configuration

To configure the Jacques Intercom feature, perform the following procedures:

• It is important you take into consideration the hierarchy of Intercom
workstations when configuring a Jacques system, otherwise when an
operator logs off the only active Intercom workstation, all existing intercom
calls will be lost and new calls are unable to be placed from intercoms.
• If you change the configuration of the intercom attached to your
workstation, you will be unable to make or receive any new calls. Calls
currently in the queue can be processed, but no new ones will be added to
your queue.
You may need to restart your Command Centre client and/or check your
Jacques system configuration.
Creating the Jacques Intercom Viewer (on page 2-294)
Configuring the Jacques Intercom Viewer (on page 2-295)
Configuring Tiles (on page 2-296)

Creating the Jacques Intercom Viewer

Perform the following procedure to create the Jacques Intercom Viewer:
1. Select the Viewers tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then click the
Viewer Configuration button on the toolbar.
The Configuration Viewer displays.
2. Click the New Viewer button, and then Jacques Intercom Viewer.
The Jacques Intercom General Configuration pop-up displays.

3. Type in the Name, Viewer Description and select the Division.

4. Select the position of the Viewer's Navigation Panel from the Dock drop-
down list. Available options are Top, Bottom, Left or Right, with the default
value being Top.
5. Select the screen resolution from the Resolution drop-down list.

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Note: Choose resolution of the screen on which you intend to use this
Viewer. If the correct resolution is not selected the Viewer Panel may
display with scroll bars.
6. If required, check the Display viewer when a new intercom request occurs
When a new intercom call event occurs the Jacques Intercom Viewer will
pop to the front.
Note: If an Alarm Viewer has been configured to display when a new alarm
is raised, the Alarm Viewer may have priority over the Intercom Viewer.
7. Click the Close button.
The Jacques Intercom Viewer displays down the left hand side of the
Configuration Navigation Panel.
8. Click the Save button.
The Jacques Intercom Viewer is saved.
9. Assign the Viewer to the operators who will require it.
10. Right click the Viewer Configuration button and select Reload Viewers.
The Jacques Intercom Viewer appears in the toolbar.

Configuring the Jacques Intercom Viewer

Perform the following procedure to configure the Jacques Intercom Viewer:
1. From the Configuration Viewer, ensure the Jacques Intercom Viewer is
highlighted in the Configuration Navigation Panel, then click the Click to
configure button.
The Jacques Intercom Viewer Configuration pop-up displays.

2. Configure the Panel(s) you want to display for each intercom. Create a
Panel as follows:
a) Click the Create entry button.
The Assign Panel for Intercom pop-up opens.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

b) Select the intercom from the Select Intercom drop-down list.

c) Select the Creating a new Panel radio button.
d) Enter a name for the new Panel, (e.g. Intercom 1 Panel).
e) Click the OK button.
The Assign Panel for Intercom pop-up closes and the new entry appears
in the grid.
3. Click the OK button.

Configuring Tiles for Jacques Intercom Panels

Tiles can be configured to appear on an Intercom Panel. The floating 'Tile
Toolbox' contains a list of the tile types that are available for the Jacques
Intercom Viewer. Tile types available are:
- Camera
- Event Trail
- Guard Tour
- Operator Sessions
- Site Plan
- Status
- Tag Board
- URL Tile

To add a tile to an Intercom Panel:

1. From the Configuration Viewer, ensure the Jacques Intercom Viewer is
highlighted in the Configuration Navigation Panel and select the Intercom
Panel you want to configure from the Currently viewing panel drop-down
Note: The Panel will display as blank if not previously configured.
2. Double-click the tile entry on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The tile appears on the Panel section of the screen, in a position determined
by the system.
Note: Once a tile has been added to a Panel, it can be repositioned and
resized as required.

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3. Move the mouse over the Tile you have added, and click on the Click to
configure button that appears.
A Tile Configuration pop-up displays allowing you to configure as required.
4. What type of tile are you configuring?

If... then refer to...

a Camera tile, Configuring a Camera Tile (on page2-53)
an Event Trail tile, Configuring an Event Trail Tile (on page 2-83)
a Site Plan tile, Configuring a Site Plan Tile (on page 2-92)
a Status tile, Configuring a Status Tile (on page 2-95)

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Kone ELI feature Configuration

To configure the Kone ELI feature, perform the following procedure:

Configuring a Cardholder Kone ELI Properties Tile

This Tile is used to display the name, description, call type and lifts of each
configured elevator HLI. It also shows all current Call Type assignments.

How to configure
1. Click Viewer > Cardholder Viewer > Viewer Configuration.
2. Double-click on Cardholder Kone ELI Properties on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The Cardholder Kone ELI Properties Tile appears on the Configuration Panel
section of the screen in preview mode.

3. Move the mouse over the Cardholder Kone ELI Properties Tile you have
added, and click on the Click to configure button that appears.
The Cardholder Kone ELI Properties Configuration pop-up displays.

4. Enter an appropriate Title for this tile.

5. Uncheck the Show Tile Header checkbox if you want the tile header to be
removed in operational mode.
Note: While this feature maximises the available screen real estate, be
aware that Tile maximise/minimise can only be achieved using hot keys
6. Click the Close button.
The preview mode of the Cardholder Kone ELI Properties Tile now displays
the title given.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Commend Intercom feature Configuration

The Commend Intercom licensable feature enables an operator to place an

intercom call or respond to an intercom call from within the Command Centre
Client. The Commend Intercom Viewer lists the intercom call events for the
intercoms configured for the Viewer, where the call event has not been
processed. Selecting a call event displays either the Viewer Panel configured
specifically for the intercom for which the call event was generated, or the
default Panel.

Commend Components
This integration has been tested using the following Commend software and
Software Commend Native Hardware
Commend Server: VirtuoSIS • Master: EE900A and Commend Intercom Client
(GE300 and GE800 are • Cell station: 100094-3
• Door station: 100094-2
Minimum firmware version Note: Commend advises that all IoIP (Intercom
PRO800 5.0 over IP) devices produced by Commend should
function with this integration. For further
information please contact Commend.
Third Party SIP Hardware
• SIP Server: Grandstream
• SIP Video Phone: T-CCS-SIP-MS1-W
• SIP Video Door Intercom: T-CCS-SIP-DSV1
Note: Commend advises that not all SIP intercoms
will function with this integration. Gallagher
recommends that you contact Commend to
understand if your intercoms are compatible.

To configure the Commend Intercom feature, perform the following

Creating the Commend Intercom Viewer (on page 2-300)
Configuring the Commend Intercom Viewer (on page 2-301)
Configuring Tiles (on page 2-303)

Creating the Commend Intercom Viewer

Perform the following procedure to create the Commend Intercom Viewer:
1. Select the Viewers tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then click the
Viewer Configuration button on the toolbar.
The Configuration Viewer displays.

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre

2. Click the New Viewer button, and then Commend Intercom Viewer.
The Commend Intercom General Configuration pop-up displays.

3. Type om the Name, Description and select the Division.

4. Select the position of the Viewer's Navigation Panel from the Dock drop-
down list. Available options are Top, Bottom, Left or Right, with the default
value being Top.
5. Select the screen resolution from the Resolution drop-down list.
Note: Choose the resolution of the screen on which you intend to use this
Viewer. If the correct resolution is not selected the Viewer Panel may
display with scroll bars.
6. If required, check the Display viewer when a new intercom request occurs
If ticked, when a new intercom call event occurs the Commend Intercom
Viewer will pop to the front.
Note: If an Alarm Viewer has been configured to display when a new alarm
is raised, the Alarm Viewer may have priority over the Intercom Viewer.
7. Click the Close button.
The Commend Intercom Viewer displays down the left-hand side of the
Configuration Navigation Panel.
8. Click the Save button.
The Commend Intercom Viewer is saved.
9. Assign the Viewer to the operators who will require it.
10. Right click the Viewer Configuration button and select Reload Viewers.
The Commend Intercom Viewer appears in the toolbar.

Configuring the Commend Intercom Viewer

Perform the following procedure to configure the Commend Intercom Viewer:
1. From the Configuration Viewer, ensure the Commend Intercom Viewer is
highlighted in the Configuration Navigation Panel, then click the Click to
configure button.
The Commend Intercom Viewer Configuration pop-up displays.

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

2. Ensure the All Intercoms radio button is selected. This Viewer will display
events for all intercoms.
Note: The recommended configuration is to create a single Commend
Viewer that displays events for all intercoms. Once the viewer and Intercom
Panels are configured you can restrict the intercom call events an operator
can view by assigning the intercoms to specific divisions. An operator can
only process call events for intercoms within their division.
3. Configure the Panel(s) you want to display for each intercom. Create a Panel
as follows:
a) Click the Create entry button.
The Assign Panel for Intercom pop-up opens.

b) Select the intercom from the Select Intercom drop-down list.

c) Select the Creating a new Panel radio button.

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d) Enter a name for the new Panel, (e.g. Intercom 1 Panel).

e) Click the OK button.
The Assign Panel for Intercom pop-up closes and the new entry appears
in the Commend Intercom Viewer Configuration grid.
4. Make sure the new entry is selected, then click the OK button.

Configuring Tiles for Commend Intercom Panels

Tiles can be configured to appear on an Intercom Panel. The floating 'Tile
Toolbox' contains a list of the tile types that are available for the Commend
Intercom Viewer. Tile types available are:
- Event Trail
- Guard Tour
- Operator Sessions
- Site Plan
- Status
- Tag Board
- URL Tile

To add a tile to an Intercom Panel:

1. From the Configuration Viewer, ensure the Commend Intercom Viewer is
highlighted in the Configuration Navigation Panel and select the Intercom
Panel you want to configure from the Currently viewing panel drop-down
Note: The Panel will display as blank if not previously configured.
2. Double-click the tile entry on the 'Tile Toolbox'.
The tile appears on the Panel section of the screen, in a position determined
by the system.
Note: Once a tile has been added to a Panel, it can be repositioned and
resized as required.
3. Move the mouse over the Tile you have added, and click on the Click to
configure button that appears.
A Tile Configuration pop-up displays allowing you to configure as required.
4. What type of tile are you configuring?

If... then refer to...

an Event Trail tile, Configuring an Event Trail Tile (on page 2-83)
a Site Plan tile, Configuring a Site Plan Tile (on page 2-92)
a Status tile, Configuring a Status Tile (on page 2-95)

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Chapter 2: Configuring Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Locker Management Solution Configuration

The purpose of the Locker Management Solution (a licensable feature), is to

manage Cardholders' access to the Lockers. You can configure the Locker
Viewer to show Lockers based on one of the following filters:
• All Lockers
• Selected Divisions
• Selected Locker Banks

Configuring Locker Viewer (on page 2-304)

Adding Cardholder Lockers tile to the Cardholder Viewer (on page 2-305)

Configuring Locker Viewer

Perform the following procedure to configure the Locker Viewer:

1. Select the Click to Configure button.
The Locker Viewer Configuration pop-up displays.

2. Click the appropriate radio button to filter Lockers.

To filter by... then...
All Lockers a) Click the All Lockers radio button.
Selected Divisions a) Click the Selected Divisions radio button.
b) Click the Select Divisions button.
c) Click the appropriate division checkbox(es).
d) Click the Add Selection button.
Selected Locker a) Click the Selected Locker Banks button.
Banks b) Click the Select Locker Banks button.
c) Click the appropriate Locker Bank checkbox(es).
d) Click the Add Selection button.
3. Click OK, then click Save.

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Adding Cardholder Lockers tile to the Cardholder Viewer

The Cardholder Lockers tile is used to assign and/or remove Lockers from
Cardholders. To add the Cardholder Lockers tile to the Cardholder Viewer,
perform the following procedure:
1. From Gallagher Command Centre, click Viewers > Cardholder Viewer.
2. Click the Viewer Configuration button.
The Cardholder Viewer is displayed in Configuration mode.
3. From the Tile Toolbox, drag and drop the Cardholder Lockers tile on the
Cardholder Viewer tile.
4. Click Save to keep your changes.
Click Revert to saved to undo changes.

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 3: Using Command Centre

Chapter 3: Using Command Centre

This section provides instructional information for the users of Command

When you log on to Command Centre the tab that is displayed on the title bar,
(i.e. either the Viewers tab, Reports tab or Administration tab) will be the one
you had selected last time you were logged in.

Note: Functionality available on the Administration tab is covered in the

Configuring Command Centre section. See Administration (on page 2-125) for
further detail.
Select the item below that you require further detail on:
Working with Viewers (on page 3-2)
Reports (on page 3-133)
Licensable Features (on page 3-143)

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Chapter 3: Using Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Working with Viewers

This section provides instructional information for users working with

Note: Your privileges determine which Viewers display on the Viewers tab.

Select the item below that you require further detail on:

Alarm Viewer (on page 3-3)

Cardholder Viewer (on page 3-11)

Controlled Challenge Viewer (on page 3-31)

Event Viewer (on page 3-33)

Monitor Site Viewer (on page 3-38)

Spot Monitor Viewer (on page 3-39)

Minimising/Maximising Tiles (on page 3-41)

Tile Actions (on page 3-43)

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 3: Using Command Centre

Alarm Viewer

The Viewers that display are determined by your privileges. Select the
Viewers tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then click the Alarm
Viewer button on the toolbar. The Alarm Viewer opens.

The Navigation Panel for an Alarm Viewer is a list of Alarms. The columns
displayed are dependent on the configuration for the Viewer. However, the
first two columns (which do not have column titles) are always Priority and
Alarm State, and cannot be resized or reordered. All other columns can be
resized and reordered, with the exception of the the Occurrence Time column
which can only be resized, (i.e. it cannot be reordered).
The Tiles that have been configured for this Viewer only populate the Viewer
Panel once an alarm is selected. Tiles can be maximised (made larger) so all
the content is visible without scrolling. See Minimising/Maximising Tiles (on
page 3-41) for further detail.
If 'Filtering by Alarm State' was configured for this Viewer the Filter options,
(i.e. All Alarms, Unacknowledged and Acknowledged) will display. These
options allow you to select the filter you require for the Viewer. If you select
one of these filters the selected filter button will be highlighted to show that a
filter has been applied to the visible alarms.
Note: The count at the bottom of the panel "# Alarm(s), # Unacknowledged"
will reduce as will the count on the coloured priority buttons on the panel.

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Chapter 3: Using Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

• When an alarm is selected it becomes 'locked' so that it remains visible in
the Navigation Panel, (i.e. it will not be pushed off the display by incoming
alarms), until either you scroll the display or select another alarm. If
multiple alarms are selected, the 'locked' alarm is the last one selected.
• Alarm Viewers can be configured to pop to the front when a new alarm
With this configuration, if no Alarm Viewer is currently displayed, and
there are multiple Alarm Viewers that meet the alarm criteria when either
a Priority Block on the Status bar is clicked, or an alarm occurs for a 'Pop to
front' Viewer, the system will display the 'first' Alarm Viewer returned
from the server that contains the new alarm.
• If you view an alarm for 10 seconds or more the alarm history will be
• The size of the text can be adjusted by clicking on and then
dragging the indicator that displays as necessary.
• An online help file listing all the event/alarm messages can be accessed via
the ? button on the Command Centre toolbar, and provides explanations
of what each message means.
• There are a number of keyboard shortcuts available for performing
activities on the Alarm Viewer. See Using keyboard shortcuts for further
• The button can be clicked for quick tips on using the Alarm Viewer.
• It is recommended that the system not be operated with large quantities
of alarms.
• The Count column (if configured to display), indicates either:
- the flood count for an alarm flood. Only one instance of an alarm flood
will display, with the flood count for each alarm flood, or
- the number of times a stateful alarm has occurred.
An operator should be able to distinguish these two scenarios by looking
at the event history in the Alarm Details Tile.
• Icons can populate the Alarm State column to indicate the current state of
an alarm, as follows:
Icon Indicates that an alarm....
Alarm Bell is active, (i.e. the problem has not yet been resolved).
Alarms in this state can be acknowledged but not
Film Strip has images associated with it.
Yellow Arrow is escalated. The yellow arrow appears as an overlay over
both Film Strip and Alarm Bell icons.
Crossed comes from a remote server that is currently offline, and
Circle the operator will be unable to process the alarm.

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Determining alarm priorities (on page 3-5)

Acknowledging alarms (on page 3-6)
Acknowledging multiple alarms (on page 3-6)
Processing alarms (on page 3-7)
Force Processing alarms (on page 3-7)
Entering an Alarm Note (on page 3-7)
Expanding the Alarm List (on page 3-9)
Alarm Sounds (on page 3-10)

Determining alarm priorities

The priority of each Alarm is indicated by the colour of the bar that appears at
the beginning of each row. The priority of an alarm can be determined by
• hovering over the coloured bar beside the alarm.
A pop-up displays indicating the Event Priority of the alarm. This example
shows a Medium High Priority alarm.

• clicking on an alarm in the list (so it becomes highlighted).
The corresponding coloured block (in the set of coloured blocks above the
Alarm List) expands to display the Event Priority of the alarm selected,
along with the number of alarms of that priority.

The set of coloured blocks above the Alarm List provides a summary of the
number and priority of the alarms in the Viewer. There is a block for every
Event Priority, (i.e. even if there are no alarms of a particular priority, the
outline of the block still displays in priority order).

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Chapter 3: Using Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Note: If you click on one of the coloured blocks, the system scrolls the list
so the most recent unacknowledged alarm of that priority is selected and
becomes visible.
Acknowledging alarms
The coloured bar at the beginning of an alarm flashes if the Alarm is
unacknowledged. Acknowledge an alarm by either:
• clicking anywhere on the coloured bar at the beginning of the alarm you
want to acknowledge, OR
• clicking on the alarm in the list that you want to acknowledge (so it
becomes highlighted), and click the Acknowledge button.
Note: The Tiles configured for this Alarm Viewer display in the Viewer
Panel below the Alarm List. Any Cardholder Tiles are not editable from
this Viewer.

• The coloured bar at the beginning of the alarm stops flashing and
reduces in size, so it is easy to identify which alarms are still
• The corresponding coloured block above the Alarm List is selected and
• An entry is written to the alarm's history.
• The number of unacknowledged alarms changes below the alarm. In
this example, it now states 3 Alarm(s), 2 Unacknowledged.
Acknowledging multiple alarms
Multiple alarms can be acknowledged at once, as follows:
1. Hold down the <Ctrl> key while you click on each row of the alarms to
be acknowledged.
Each row selected becomes highlighted.
Note: As soon as more than one alarm is selected, any Tiles
populating the Viewer Panel disappear.
2. Click the Acknowledge button.
The coloured bars at the left hand side of each selected alarm stops
flashing and reduces in size, and an entry is written to the alarm's

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Processing alarms
Use the following procedure to process an alarm:
1. Click on the row of the alarm you want to process, so it becomes
2. Click the Process button.
The alarm disappears from the alarm list, and an entry is written to the
alarm's history. The next alarm in the list is selected automatically.
Force Processing alarms
Under normal circumstances only inactive alarms should be processed,
however sometimes the state of an alarm does not change to inactive even
after the cause of the alarm has been dealt with. In these instances an
operator with the "Edit Alarm" and "Force Process" privileges in the division of
the alarm can force process one or more active alarms, as follows:
1. Click on the row of the alarm you want to process, so it becomes
2. Right click and select Force Process.
The alarm disappears from the alarm list, and an entry is written to the
alarm's history.
Entering an Alarm Note
Alarm notes can be entered when acknowledging or processing alarms, using
the following procedure:
Note: Alarm notes default to voluntary, but they can be compulsory for
"process only" or "acknowledge and process" if the Operator Groups are
configured that way in Configuration Client. In this case, the Enter an Alarm
Note pop-up will automatically appear depending on the configuration.
1. Click on the row of the alarm you want to add a note to, so it becomes
2. Click the Add Note button.
The Enter an Alarm Note pop-up displays.

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Chapter 3: Using Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

• The buttons that appear on the Enter an Alarm Note pop-up depends
on what action has already been taken, e.g.
- If the alarm has already been acknowledged only a Process button
- If the alarm has been acknowledged and is active, neither the
Acknowledge or Process buttons appear.
- If the alarm is active but has not been acknowledged only an
Acknowledge button appears.
• If multiple alarms are selected the number of alarms selected will
appear in brackets beside the title of the 'Enter an Alarm Note' pop-up.
3. Select the appropriate Alarm Note(s), and optionally enter details of what
action you have taken in the Comments field.
• As soon as one Alarm Note is selected, or you begin typing in the
Comments field, the Process button changes to Process with Note, or
if the Acknowledge button is displayed, it will change to Acknowledge
with Note.
• Alarm Notes can be selected either by checking the checkbox beside
the Note, or via function keys. By default, <F1> to <F8> are assigned to
match the first eight alarm notes.
If a function key that has no matching Alarm Note is pressed, then
nothing happens.
4. Click the appropriate button, as follows:

If you click the... then...

Add Note button • the Enter an Alarm Note pop-up closes,
• the Note is added to the alarm, and
• the alarm remains in the Alarm List.
Acknowledge with • the Enter an Alarm Note pop-up closes,
Note button • the Note is added to the alarm, and
• the coloured bar at the beginning of the alarm
stops flashing and reduces in size, indicating that
the alarm is acknowledged.
Process with Note • the Enter an Alarm Note pop-up closes,
button • the Note is added to the alarm, and
• the alarm is processed and disappears from the
Alarm List.
Note: Manually entered Alarm Notes are shown as bold in the Alarm
History on the Alarm Details Tile.

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 3: Using Command Centre

Expanding the Alarm List

Configuring the Alarm list at the top or bottom of the Viewer allows you to
see a reasonable number of columns for each alarm but not many Alarms in
one go, which could be frustrating for sites with a lot of Alarms. Therefore, it
is possible to expand the Alarm List (either automatically or manually).

Automatically expanding the Alarm List

Regardless of the dock position of the Alarm List, multi-selecting Alarms
automatically expands the Alarm List to fill the Viewer. As there is no Panel to
display, nothing will be hidden. Having no Alarm selected will not auto
expand the Alarm List.

If the Alarm List is expanded due to multi-selection, moving to a position

where a single Alarm is selected, either because the user has de-selected all
but one Alarm or because the multi-selected Alarms have been processed, the
Alarm List will return to normal size.

Manually expanding the Alarm List

To allow an operator to manually expand/maximise the Alarm List, a button in
the middle of the Panel facing edge of the Alarm List Navigation Panel (see
example below) has been provided.

When the List is maximised the button will change to point in the other
direction to indicate the Alarm List can be returned to its original size.

Whether the 'maximise/return to normal size' button appears depends on the

configuration for the Viewer. There will be an Allow Alarm List to be
expanded checkbox available on the Alarm Viewer General Configuration

If the Alarm List has been expanded manually, it will only return to normal size
when you click the button to revert to normal size. When the list reverts to
normal size the button will change back to its expand/maximise state. If a
single Alarm is selected it will appear at the top of the list.

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Chapter 3: Using Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Alarm Sounds
Audio feedback is an option for when an alarm message is generated. A sound
(configurable via the Server Properties in Command Centre Classic), is played
when there are unacknowledged alarms within either the Alarm Viewer or the
Escalated Alarm Viewer.

If two alarms occur and the lower priority alarm has an alarm sound
configured, but the higher priority alarm has "No Sound" configured for that
event priority, then no alarm sound will play. Therefore, we recommend that
you do NOT turn off alarm sounds for an event priority if there are lower
event priorities that have an alarm sound configured.

Which alarm sound plays

In the Alarm Viewer, the alarm sound that plays is the alarm sound selected
for the highest priority, unacknowledged alarm, provided that this alarm
occurred, or was escalated, since the last time the operator muted alarm

Once the operator has muted the alarm sounds, no alarm sound plays until:
• the next new alarm occurs,
• the next existing alarm is escalated, or
• a new instance of a flood alarm occurs that is outside the "Forget Flood

What stops alarm sounds from playing

Any of the following actions stops an alarm sound from playing at an
operator's workstation:
• The operator mutes alarms (via <F9>).
In this case, no alarm sound plays.
• A new, higher priority alarm occurs (than the alarm that is currently the
cause of the alarm sound).
In this case, the alarm sound for the new, higher priority alarm is played (if
• All alarms in the operator's Alarm Viewer are acknowledged.
In this case, no alarm sound plays.
All unacknowledged alarms of the priority currently triggering the alarm
sound, are acknowledged. In this case, the standard rules determine which
alarm sound plays (if any).

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Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Chapter 3: Using Command Centre

Cardholder Viewer

The Viewers that display are determined by your privileges. Select the
Viewers tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then click the Cardholder
Viewer button on the toolbar. The Cardholder Viewer opens.

The Navigation Panel for a Cardholder Viewer is a list of Cardholders. The

columns displayed are dependent on the configuration for the Viewer.
However, First Name and Last Name are always included. The columns can
be resized and reordered.
The Tiles that have been configured for this Viewer only populate the Viewer
Panel once a Cardholder is selected. Tiles can be maximised (made larger) so
all the content is visible without scrolling. See Minimising/Maximising Tiles
(on page 3-41) for further detail.
• On the bottom right hand side of the Status bar, a set of coloured blocks
provides a summary of the number and priority of alarms that are
currently in the Alarm Viewer (taking account of privileges). To view these
alarms, either click the Alarm Viewer button on the toolbar, or click on
one of the coloured blocks on the Status bar. The Alarm Viewer opens.
• No Cardholder results are displayed following logon, (i.e. when the
Cardholder search screen is first displayed the results grid will be blank).

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Chapter 3: Using Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

• The size of the text can be adjusted by clicking on below the

Cardholder list, and then dragging the indicator that displays as necessary.
Change in text size is remembered as an operator preference.
• The button can be clicked to provide quick tips for simple cardholder
• The Navigation Panel of the Cardholder Viewer allows a user to:
- create new Cardholders,
- delete one or more existing Cardholders, and
- search for Cardholders.
Note: There are three different search modes available, as follows:
Mode Description
Simple Search This mode supports the most common requirements
for finding Cardholders.
Search Using Card This mode allows sites using USB Encoders to search
for a Cardholder by placing a card on the Encoder.
Advanced Search This mode supports more complex requirements for
finding Cardholders, with the ability to specify date
ranges and combined field searching.
Simple searching for Cardholders (on page 3-12)
Searching using a Card (on page 3-15)
Advanced searching for Cardholders (on page 3-17)
Searching for Cardholders in a multi-server environment (on page 3-20)
Creating Cardholders (on page 3-20)
Creating Cardholders from a MIFARE USB Encoder (on page 3-21)
Deleting Cardholders (on page 3-22)
Configuring Anti Passback Forgive (on page 3-23)
Running Bulk Changes from the Cardholder Viewer (on page 3-25)
Running Reports from the Cardholder Viewer (on page 3-26)
Sending a Notification from the Cardholder Viewer (on page 3-29)

Simple searching for Cardholders

This procedure describes how to perform a "simple search" for Cardholders in
the Cardholder Viewer.
1. Click the Cardholder Viewer button on the Command Centre toolbar.
The Cardholder Viewer opens with no Cardholders displayed.
2. Ensure the search mode is set to Simple Search.
3. Select what criteria you want to search on from the By drop-down list, (i.e.
Name, Description, Division, Card Number or All). By default, Name is

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4. Start entering characters in the Search field.

5. What search criteria did you select?
- If you selected 'Card Number', go to Step 6.
- If you selected 'Name', 'Description', 'Division' or 'All', go to Step 7.
6. Enter a number(s) in the Search field, and click the button.
The Cardholder Viewer Navigation Panel lists all Cardholders that fit the
search criteria.
For example:
In the following screen, the number '3' was entered in the Search field. All
Cardholders that have a '3' in their Card Number display in the results, in
ascending alphabetical order based on Cardholder's Last Name.

7. Start entering characters in the Search field.

A minimum of 3 characters starts the search.
For example:
In the following screen, the letters 'don' are entered in the Search field. As
soon as the third letter was entered, all Cardholders names (both First and
Last) that have the letters 'don' in them display in the results, in ascending
alphabetical order based on Cardholder's Last Name.

After minimum characters are entered in the Search field, results are
refined as additional characters are entered.
For example:
In the following screen, an 'a' was entered after 'don' in the Search field
and one of the Cardholder names dropped off the results, (i.e. Donna
McNabb disappeared from the results as neither her first or last names
have 'dona' in them).

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• Matching is not case sensitive.
• Inter spaces in search criteria are not ignored.
• If you want to use an underscore in search terms then you have to
either search with the entire string or use a wildcard * after the
8. Click on the Cardholder you want to look at.
The Cardholder Viewer Panel is populated with the Tiles that have been
configured for it.
For example: In the following screen, the Tiles that display are:
- Cardholder Details
- Cardholder Images
- Cardholder Access Groups
- Cardholder Expiries
- Cardholder Cards

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• Cardholder Tiles can be edited from this Viewer.
• The Save and Revert to Saved buttons will only be enabled if there are
pending changes.

Searching using a Card

This procedure describes how to perform a "Search Using Card" for
Cardholders in the Cardholder Viewer.
Note: Card types that are supported are MIFARE Classic or Plus, and DESFire.
1. Click the Cardholder Viewer button on the Command Centre toolbar.
The Cardholder Viewer opens with no Cardholders displayed.
2. Change the search mode from the default setting of Simple Search to
Search using Card.
The Search field is replaced with text stating either:
• 'Place card on encoder' if a USB encoder is connected, OR
• 'Present Card to Reader' if the workstation is configured for a door,
and no USB encoders are connected.
Note: This text will display even if the configured door does not have a
reader, but it will not work.

Note: When both an encoder and reader are configured for 'Search using
Card', then the encoder will take precedence over the reader, (i.e. the text
'Place card on encoder' will display).
3. Place the card on the encoder.
The 'Place card on encoder' statement is replaced with 'Reading card...'
while the sectors on the card are searched.
If the card is... then...
assigned to a the Cardholder will appear (and be selected) in the
Cardholder, search results, and the Viewer Panel is populated with
the Tiles that have been configured for it.
• If the card presented has a different issue level than
that on the Cardholder, a pop-up displays over the
top of the Cardholder indicating this. By clicking the
Close button the pop-up closes.

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If the card is... then...

• If the card is of a type where re-encoding is
prevented and it has a different CSN from one
recorded in the past for that identifier, a 'Potential
Duplicate Card' alarm will be generated. If this
occurs, we recommend the safest course of action
for your site is to issue the Cardholder who is
currently assigned a Card with that identifier, a new
NOT assigned to the Search using Card pop-up displays with details of
a Cardholder, the Card Number, Issue Level, Card Type and the Card
Serial Number (CSN), and the message "This Card is not
assigned to a Cardholder".

This example shows that there is no associated card

type, (i.e. the facility code does not match any card

The Create Cardholder button will only be available

under certain circumstances. See Creating Cardholders
from a MIFARE USB Encoder (on page 3-21) for further
• If there is no card type match, 'Unknown Card Type'
will populate the Card Type field.
• If there is more than one possible card type match,
the first two will be listed in the Card Type field
followed by ... to indicate there are more possible
blank, or the Search using Card pop-up displays with the message
encoded with "Unable to identify this Card in the system" and the Card
only Morpho or Serial Number (CSN).
Salto data,

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If the card is... then...

The Create Cardholder button will only be available

under certain circumstances. See Creating Cardholders
from a MIFARE USB Encoder (on page 3-21) for further

Note: If the Card Serial Number displays as '0', this is a

mis-read. Removing the card and placing it back on the
encoder should correct this.
Note: If you do not have the privilege to view the Cardholder who the
card is assigned to, the Search using Card pop-up displays with the
message "This Card is assigned to a Cardholder that you are not authorised
to view".

Advanced searching for Cardholders

This procedure describes how to perform an "advanced search" for
Cardholders in the Cardholder Viewer.
1. Click the Cardholder Viewer button on the Command Centre toolbar.
The Cardholder Viewer opens with no Cardholders displayed.
2. Change the search mode from the default setting of Simple Search to
Advanced Search.
The Search field is replaced with a non-editable text field stating
'Advanced Search', with an Edit Search button beside it.

3. Click the Edit Search button to define your search.

The Advanced Search Rule Definition pop-up displays.

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This pop-up allows you to set the rules, (i.e. one or more conditions) to
define your search. If a rule has been defined previously this pop-up will
be pre-populated, otherwise the grid will be empty.
4. Click on the function you want to perform:
Inserting a condition (on page 3-18)
Editing an existing condition (on page 3-19)
Removing a condition (on page 3-19)
5. Click the Search button.
The search starts immediately and all Cardholders that fit the search
criteria appear in the Cardholder Viewer Navigation Panel.

Inserting a condition
1. Click the Insert Condition button.
The Cardholder Search Condition pop-up displays.
2. Select a Condition Type from the drop-down list.
The options available depend on the Condition Type you selected.
3. Select the appropriate options for the condition you require.
Note: For a multi-server system, if you select to search on "Cardholder
last requested access", aggregation must be turned on in order for the
search results to be accurate.
4. Click the OK button.
The condition is added to the Advanced Search Rule Definition pop-up.

5. Repeat Steps 1 - 4 for each additional condition you want applied to this
Each additional condition is also added to the Advanced Search Rule
Definition pop-up. As conditions are added an 'And' will appear to the left

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of the added row (as shown below):

• The conditions can be re-ordered by clicking the buttons.
• Only Cardholders who match ALL conditions will be returned in the
Search results.
• Each condition can only be added once to the same "And" grouping in
a Cardholder search, with the exception of unique Personal Data Fields
and Competencies.
• The 'And' setting of a condition can be changed to 'Or' by selecting the
condition and clicking the Change to 'Or' button. The 'And' is replaced
with 'Or' above the row of the selected condition (as shown below):

Should you want to revert it back to 'And', either select the row the
'Or' is on and click the Change to 'And' button, or click the Cancel

Editing an existing condition

1. Click the Edit Condition button.
The Cardholder Search Condition pop-up displays and is populated with
data relevant to the condition type selected.
2. Edit the condition as required, and click the OK button.
The condition is altered accordingly in the Advanced Search Rule
Definition pop-up.
Note: The conditions can be re-ordered by clicking the buttons.

Removing a condition
Click the Remove button.
The condition is removed from the Advanced Search Rule Definition pop-up.

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Searching for Cardholders in a multi-server environment

Cardholders are global items, so no distinction is made between those that
were created locally or remotely when returning Cardholders in the search
When Cardholder search results are returned:
1. If the Cardholder was last identified at a site supported by the local server,
the zone recorded in the Last Zone Entered column will be correct (unless
there have been connectivity issues between the hardware and the
2. If the Cardholder was last identified at a site supported by a remote
server, and the local server has cardholder location aggregation enabled
for that remote server, the zone recorded in the Last Zone Entered column
will be correct (unless there have been connectivity issues between the
hardware and the server).
3. If the Cardholder was identified at a site supported by a remote server,
and the local server does not have cardholder location aggregation
enabled for that server, the zone recorded in the Last Zone Entered
column will show the name of the 'Root' Division on the remote server the
Cardholder was last identified at.
• The Cardholder search results show the values applicable at the time the
search was run. Hence the Last Zone Entered value may have changed.
• If the Cardholder is at a site supported by a remote server that is not
aggregated with the local server, the date and time that appears in the
Zone Entered Time column will be the date and time the local server was
notified the Cardholder was at the remote server.
Creating Cardholders
There are two methods for creating Cardholders in the Cardholder Viewer.
• via the Create Cardholder button on the Command Centre toolbar
(procedure described below),
• when a search using a card placed on a MIFARE USB Encoder finds an
unassigned card, you are given the option of creating a Cardholder.
See Creating Cardholders from a MIFARE USB Encoder (on page 3-21)
for further detail.

1. Click the Cardholder Viewer button on the Command Centre toolbar.
The Cardholder Viewer opens with no Cardholders displayed.
2. Click the Create Cardholder button.
The Create Cardholder pop-up displays.

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3. Enter a First Name and Last Name for the Cardholder.

4. Either select the appropriate Division from the drop-down list, or click the
button to use the Division browse tool to make your selection.
5. Click the OK button.
The new cardholder is created and saved with the name and division
details that have been entered. The full name of the new cardholder
appears in the Search field and a 'Name' search is executed, resulting in
the new cardholder appearing in the Cardholder panel.

Creating Cardholders from a MIFARE USB Encoder

When a search using a card (see "Searching using a Card" on page 15) placed
on a MIFARE USB Encoder finds an unassigned card, you are given the option
of creating a Cardholder, providing the following are available:
• you have the "Edit Cardholder" privilege in any Division, and the "Edit
Cardholder" privilege in the Division of the Card Type
• the card is MIFARE Classic®, MIFARE Plus® or MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 / EV2
• your Cardholder Viewer has the "Cardholder Cards tile"
• the card is valid for the site, (i.e. there is as least one Card Type configured
which is applicable to the card on the encoder).
The option to create a Cardholder is via a Create Cardholder button that
appears on the Search using Card pop-up.

This example shows that there is no associated card type, (i.e. the facility code
does not match any card types).

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1. Click the Create Cardholder button.

The Create Cardholder pop-up displays, showing details of the card that
will be assigned to the Cardholder you are creating.

This example is for an unassigned card with Gallagher data.

If an unassigned card was only encoded with Morpho or Salto data, (i.e.
had no Gallagher data), this pop-up would not have the Issue Level field,
and the Card Number field would show the unique Card Serial Number
(CSN) of the card in decimal format and reverse byte order.
2. Enter a First Name and Last Name for the Cardholder.
3. Either select the appropriate Division from the drop-down list, or click the
button to use the Division browse tool to make your selection.
4. Change the Card Type if required.
5. Click the OK button.
The new cardholder is created and saved with the name and division
details that have been entered, and the card details automatically
populate the "Cardholder Cards tile".

Deleting Cardholders
This procedure describes how to delete a Cardholder from the Cardholder
Note: Users required the "Delete Cardholder" operator privilege in the
Division in which the Cardholder is stored, in order to delete them. If the user
does not have this privilege in any Division they will not see the Delete
Cardholder button.
1. Click the Cardholder Viewer button on the Command Centre toolbar.
The Cardholder Viewer opens with no Cardholders displayed.
2. Search for the cardholder you want to delete. See Simple Searching for
Cardholders (on page 3-12) for the procedure.

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3. From the search results, click on the cardholder you want to delete in the
Cardholder panel.
4. Click the Delete Cardholder button.
The message "Delete cardholder '<Last name>, <First name>'?" displays.
5. Click the OK button.
The cardholder disappears from the list in the Cardholder panel.
Note: Mulitple cardholders can be selected for deletion at once, using either
the <Shift> key for consecutive entries (in the list), or the <Ctrl> key for non-
consecutive entries. When multiple cardholders are selected and the Delete
Cardholder button clicked, the message that displays changes to "Delete the
<number> selected cardholders?".

Configuring Anti Passback Forgive

This procedure describes how to set up "Anti-Passback Forgive" for a specific
cardholder or cardholders, which will allow them to re-enter an anti-passback
zone(s) even though they have not made a valid exit.

You must have the "Override" operator privilege, and be in the same Division
(or a parent Division) as both the Access Zone and the Cardholder.

1. Click the Cardholder Viewer button on the Command Centre toolbar.
The Cardholder Viewer opens.
2. Select one or more cardholder records in the Navigation Panel.
3. Click the Actions button.

4. Select Anti Passback Forgive from the drop-down.

The Anti Passback Forgive pop-up displays.

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5. Click the Select Access Zones button.

A browse tool displays.

6. If necessary, search for the Access Zone(s) you want to include by refining
the Division filter.
The grid becomes populated with Access Zones that match the search
Note: Only Access Zones that have Anti Passback enabled (on the
Advanced tab in the Configuration Client) will appear in the browse tool
7. Click the checkbox next to each Access Zone name you want to include, or
click the Select All button if you want to include all Access Zones.

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8. Click the Add Selection button.

The browse tool closes and the Access Zone(s) selected appear in the
column on the right of the Anti Passback Forgive pop-up.
9. Click the Forgive button.

Running Bulk Changes from the Cardholder Viewer

Providing an operator has the correct privileges, a bulk change can be viewed,
edited and/or run from the Cardholder Viewer, as follows:
1. Click the Cardholder Viewer button on the Command Centre toolbar.
The Cardholder Viewer opens.
2. Select one or more cardholder records in the Navigation Panel.
3. Click the Actions button.

4. Select Bulk Change from the drop-down.

A Bulk Changes pop-up appears listing all the available bulk changes.

5. Select the bulk change that you want to run, and click the Run Bulk
Change button.
The message “Some Bulk Changes may impact system performance. Are
you sure you want to run this now?” displays.
6. Click the Yes button.
The Run Bulk Change pop-up displays.

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This screen shows the progress of the bulk change. While in progress, the
status of the bulk change will show as ‘Active’ in the Viewer Navigation
Panel, and if it completes successfully, (i.e. the progress bar reaches
100%), the status will change to ‘Successful’. When it completes the
number of cardholders changed displays.

While the bulk change is

in progress, if.. then...
you click the Stop button, any changes already made when it is stopped
cannot be cancelled, instead they are
completed. If the Stop button is clicked, you
get the option to end the bulk change, or to
go back and edit it.

you click the Close button, the Run Bulk Change pop-up will close and the
bulk change will continue to run in the
background while you continue working in the
Cardholder Viewer.
7. Click the Close button.
An existing (saved) bulk change has been run.

Running Reports from the Cardholder Viewer

Providing an operator has the correct privileges, a report can be run from the
Cardholder Viewer if the report contains at least one "Cardholder is" or
"Cardholder responsible to (Role)" filter with the Allow change when report is
run checkbox selected, as follows:
1. Click the Cardholder Viewer button on the Command Centre toolbar.
The Cardholder Viewer opens.

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2. Select one or more cardholder records in the Navigation Panel.

3. Click the Actions button.

4. Select Run Report from the drop-down.

If there is more than one available report to choose from, a Reports pop-
up appears listing all the available reports. If this screen appears, select
the report that you want to run, and click the Run Report button.

A Report Preview pop-up displays.

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The Report Preview is populated with a Filters panel on the left and a
Preview panel on the right. The Filters panel will differ slightly depending
on the type of Report, and allows editable filters to be changed at runtime.
This example is the preview pop-up for a Cardholder Report.
5. Take appropriate action to run the report.
Button Description
Save When this button is clicked a context menu
displays listing all the file types you can save a
report as for further use.
Print Clicking this button (or pressing <Ctrl+P> on your
keyboard) displays a Print dialog.
Copy Clicking this button copies the report to the
clipboard, to allow pasting into Excel or other text
application, (e.g. Word, Notepad, etc.).
Email When this button is clicked a context menu
displays listing all the file types you can email a
report in. When the file type is selected, the
report is attached to an open email. The email
recipients then need to be added manually by the
user in the email client.
Note: If an email client is not available on the
workstation an exception message will appear
explaining this.
Fit to Width Clicking this button (or pressing <F5> on your
keyboard) zooms the report so that the width of
the page matches the width of the Report
Fit to Page Clicking this button (or pressing <F3> on your
keyboard) zooms the report so that an entire page
fits in the Report Preview.
Thumbnails Clicking this button (or pressing <Ctrl+T> on your
keyboard) displays thumbnails of the pages in a
report allowing you to quickly navigate to a section
you want to get to.
Find Clicking this button (or pressing <Ctrl+F> on your
keyboard) displays a Find What field below the
Report Preview allowing you to search on text in a
Clicking this button refreshes the Report Preview.
The navigation arrows, (i.e. First page, Previous
page, Next page and Last page) can be used to
move through the report. The page currently
viewing and the total number of pages in the

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Button Description
report also display, (e.g. Page 2 of 7).
Clicking this button (or pressing <Shift+F2> on
your keyboard) will result in a single page
displaying in the Report Preview.
Clicking this button (or pressing <Shift+F3> on
your keyboard) will result in a continuous page
display in the Report Preview, (i.e. all report pages
will display as a vertical ribbon).
Clicking this button (or pressing <Shift+F4> on
your keyboard) will result in a multiple page
display in the Report Preview, (i.e. the report will
be zoomed so that as many pages as can be fit in
the window will display).
A horizontal slider to size the report as it appears
in the Report Preview section.

6. Click the Close button when the report is run.

Sending a Notification from the Cardholder Viewer

An operator with the 'Send Broadcast Notification' privilege can send a
notification to one or more Cardholders from the Cardholder Viewer, as

Note: Broadcast Notifications is a licensable feature, therefore this option will

only appear if your site is licensed for Broadcast Notifications.
1. Click the Cardholder Viewer button on the Command Centre toolbar.
The Cardholder Viewer opens.
2. Select one or more Cardholder records in the Navigation Panel.
Note: The Cardholder to be notified must have the Notifications checkbox
checked for the relevant "Email" or "Mobile" Personal Data Fields in order
for the Cardholder to receive notifications. If the Notifications checkbox is
not checked, the Cardholder will not receive notifications and no error will
be reported.
3. Click the Actions button.

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4. Select Send Notification from the drop-down.

The Broadcast Notification Content pop-up displays.

5. If required, click the Add Cardholders button to add additional

Cardholders to the list of recipients.
Note: The Remove Cardholders button is enabled when one or more
cardholders are selected. Cardholders can be removed by selecting them
and clicking the Remove Cardholders button.
6. In the right-hand side of the pop-up, choose the type of notification you
wish to send, (i.e. either Email, SMS, or both).
7. Enter the message you wish to send.
• If you have selected Email, the grey text above the message will show
how many characters have been used, out of the maximum 1000
possible characters.
• If you have selected SMS, the grey text above the message will show
how many characters are left in the current message, followed by a
slash, followed by the number of text messages required for sending
this message. If the number after the slash is 2 or more, then a multi-
part message will be used when sending the message. Check with your
email-to-SMS provider to see if they support sending multi-part
messages, and what limits the provider has on these.
• If there is a spelling error in the message, then a red squiggle will
appear below the miss-spelt word. Clicking on the squiggle will reveal a
list of possible corrections. If the word is in fact correct then the
squiggles may be ignored.
8. Click the Send Notification button.
The Broadcast Notification Content pop-up closes and the system begins
notifying Cardholders.

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Controlled Challenge Viewer

Select the Viewers tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then click the
Controlled Challenge Viewer button on the toolbar. The Controlled Challenge
Viewer opens.
Note: You require the "Controlled Challenge" operator privilege to be able to
see this Viewer.

The Navigation Panel for a Controlled Challenge Viewer is a list of challenge

(dual authorisation, first credential) events for the doors configured for the
Viewer, where the event has not been processed. Events that time out remain
in the list until you remove them (refer to the Access Request times out
section). Default sort order is seconds remaining, with the one due to expire
soonest at the top. Any timed out events will be considered to have no time
remaining. The columns displayed in the Navigation Panel can be resized but
not reordered.

Selecting an Event displays either the Viewer Panel configured specifically for
the Door for which the event was generated, or the default Panel. Tiles on
the Viewer Panel can be maximised (made larger) so all the content is visible
without scrolling. See Minimising/Maximising Tiles (on page 3-41) for further

Note: The size of the text can be adjusted by clicking on below the

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list of unprocessed Challenge events, and then dragging the indicator that
displays as necessary. Change in text size is remembered as an operator

Granting/Denying Access
This procedure describes how to grant or deny access to a Cardholder from
the Controlled Challenge Viewer.
1. Click on the row of the Challenge event you want to make an access
decision for, so it becomes highlighted.
Note: Either the Panel configured specifically for the Door for which the
event was generated, or the default Panel will display. Any Cardholder
Tiles are not editable from this Viewer.
2. Decide whether to grant or deny access to the Cardholder, and click the
Grant Access or Deny Access button as appropriate.
Note: If you fail to grant or deny access within the time specified, (i.e. the
time indicated in the "Seconds Remaining" column), the cardholder is
denied access.
If you chose to deny access and the Operator comment required after
each Cardholder Challenge option has been enabled in Configuration
Client, (either on the Challenge tab of the Server Properties or for the
Door) the Challenge Decision pop-up displays.

Enter a short reason why access has been denied.

3. Click the OK button.
Regardless of the decision, the event is cleared from the list, the number
of Challenge events waiting decreased by one, the next event selected
automatically, and the appropriate panel displayed. If there are no more
events in the Navigation Panel, the Panel area will be cleared, and the
Grant/Deny buttons disabled.

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Event Viewer

The Viewers that display are determined by your privileges. Select the
Viewers tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then click the Event
Viewer button on the toolbar. The Event Viewer opens.

The Navigation Panel for an Event Viewer is a list of Events. The columns
displayed are dependent on the configuration for the Viewer. All columns can
be resized and reordered, with the exception of Icon column (which does not
have a title), and the Occurrence Time column. The Icon column, which will
display a Film Strip icon for events that have associated DVR footage, can
be reordered but not resized. Whereas the Occurrence Time column can be
resized but not reordered.

The event data by default is listed/ordered descending (chronologically) from

the most recent event displayed meeting the criteria.
Note: The order can be changed using a column sort, toggling between
ascending/descending, the column header will remain highlighted for the
duration of the sort option, although is not persisted after the operator logs

The Tiles that have been configured for this Viewer only populate the Viewer
Panel once an event is selected. Tiles can be maximised (made larger) so all

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the content is visible without scrolling. See Minimising/Maximising Tiles (on

page 3-41) for further detail.

Live vs Historical Events

You can select to view either Live or Historical Events on the Event Viewer
which updates dynamically, (i.e. when new activity occurs, the appropriate
event message is displayed). The Command Centre system has a limit as to
how many messages are displayed, (i.e. 500 events), therefore, selecting
Historical Events enables you to view older activity that has occurred.

• The size of the text can be adjusted by clicking on and then
dragging the indicator that displays as necessary.
• An online help file listing all the event/alarm messages can be accessed via
the ? button on the Command Centre toolbar, and provides explanations
of what each message means.

Viewing Live Events (on page 3-34)

Viewing Historical Events (on page 3-35)

Expanding the Event List (on page 3-37)

Viewing Live Events

By default, the viewing mode for the Event Viewer is set to Live Events. A
maximum of 500 events can populate the Event Viewer which updates
dynamically, (i.e. when new activity occurs, the appropriate event message is
displayed). In the situation where more than 500 events meet the criteria, a
message displays explaining that the display limit has been exceeded.

When Autoscroll is unchecked, events arriving at a later time than the visible
events will not cause the visible events to scroll.

You can filter out irrelevant data from the event list, as follows:
1. Click the Filters button.
The Event Search Filters pop-up displays.

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2. Select the appropriate Event Source from the drop-down list, (i.e. either
'Any' or 'Specific').
If you select 'Specific', the Specific Event Source or Related Items button
is enabled, allowing you to select the item(s) you require.
3. Select the appropriate Event Group or Type from the drop-down list, (i.e.
either 'Any' or 'Specific').
If you select 'Specific', the Specific Event Groups and Types button is
enabled, allowing you to select those you require.
4. Click the Close button.
The Event Search Filters pop-up closes and the event list is populated with
events that fit the filter criteria.
A message displays beside the Filters button, along with a Clear button.

Note: This message acts as a warning that any applied filters will persist
until you click the Clear button.

Viewing Historical Events

This procedure describes how to refine the event list to view historical events:
1. Change the viewing mode from the default setting of Live Events to
Historical Events.
Date and Time fields, a Filters button and Search button display.

2. Select a date time range, (i.e. From and To dates and times).

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3. Do you want to filter out irrelevant data?

If... then...
no go to Step 4.

yes a) Click the Filters button.

The Event Search Filters pop-up displays.

b) Select the appropriate Event Source from the drop-down list,

(i.e. either 'Any' or 'Specific').
If you select 'Specific', the Specific Event Source or Related
Items button is enabled, allowing you to select the item(s)
you require.
c) Select the appropriate Event Group or Type from the drop-
down list, (i.e. either 'Any' or 'Specific').
If you select 'Specific', the Specific Event Groups and Types
button is enabled, allowing you to select those you require.
d) Click the Close button.
The Event Search Filters pop-up closes and the following
message displays beside the Search button:

Note: This message acts as a warning that the Search criteria,

and any applied filters, will persist until changed or you log
4. Click the Search button.

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Expanding the Event List

Configuring the Event list at the top or bottom of the Viewer allows you to see
a reasonable number of columns for each event but not many Events in one
go, which could be frustrating for sites with a lot of Events. Therefore, to
allow an operator to manually expand/maximise the Event List, a button in
the middle of the Panel facing edge of the Event List Navigation Panel (see
example below) has been provided.

When the List is maximised the button will change to point in the other
direction to indicate the Event List can be returned to its original size.

If the Event List has been expanded, it will only return to normal size when
you click the button to revert to normal size. When the list reverts to normal
size the button will change back to its expand/maximise state.

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Monitor Site Viewer

The Viewers that display are determined by your privileges. Select the
Viewers tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then click the Monitor Site
Viewer button on the toolbar. The Monitor Site Viewer opens.

This Viewer provides "view-only" monitoring functionality for sites. The

Navigation Panel for a Monitor Site Viewer is a list of Panels created for the
Viewer. The Panel at the top of the list is selected by default. Each pre-
configured panel(s) on this Viewer can consist of a number of tiles to be
monitored, (e.g. a Panel of Cameras on a site, or a Panel of Site Plans for a

The Tiles that have been configured for this Viewer only populate the Viewer
Panel once a panel is selected. Tiles can be maximised (made larger) so all
the content is visible without scrolling. See Minimising/Maximising Tiles (on
page 3-41) for further detail.

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Spot Monitor Viewer

The Viewers that display are determined by your privileges. Select the
Viewers tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then click the Spot
Monitor Viewer button on the toolbar. The Spot Monitor Viewer opens. It is
primarily designed to be an alarm driven "view only" display on a larger
screen monitor.

The Spot Monitor Viewer can be set up as either an additional monitor, or a

dedicated workstation. It is intended to be an automated display viewer in
Command Centre on a stand-alone workstation which is typically left
unattended after log on. The workstation would typically be logged on by an
operator that belongs to an Operator Group that only had Spot Monitor
Viewers available.

Spot Monitor Viewers automatically populate with the appropriate details,

dependant on alarms and rules created.
• Pressing the <Alt+Enter> key combination in a Command Centre window
will switch between full screen mode and normal display modes.
• As alarms are processed the Spot Monitor Viewer automatically updates.

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Manually displaying Alarms on a Spot Monitor

The standard Alarm Viewer will display a control button for each Spot Monitor
Viewer which is usable by the current operator, allowing the operator to
manually take control of a Spot Monitor.

For these Spot Monitor control buttons to appear in the Alarm Viewer
Navigation Panel, an operator needs to:
• have the "View Events and Alarms" or "Edit Alarms" operator privilege in
the Division of the Spot Monitor Viewer for the button to appear, and
• belong to the Operator Group that the Spot Monitor is assigned to.

Perform the following procedure to make an alarm display on a Spot Monitor:
1. Select the Viewers tab on the Command Centre title bar, and then click
the Alarm Viewer button on the toolbar.
The Alarm Viewer opens with control button(s) in the Navigation Panel for
each Spot Monitor Viewer accessible to you.

2. Select the alarm (by clicking on it) that you want to display on a Spot
3. Click on the control button of the Spot Monitor you want the alarm to
display on.
The selected alarm displays on the Spot Monitor according to the Spot
Monitor's configuration.
• If there is no rule set configured for the selected alarm, then the Spot
Monitor Viewer will either remain blank or display the current
selection that still meets the criteria. There will be no UI feedback on
the Alarm Viewer, however a status message will appear on the Spot
• The alarm will remain on the Spot Monitor until either it is processed
or a higher priority alarm occurs.

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Minimising/Maximising Tiles

Tiles on a panel can be maximised so you can see either:

• a larger version of the tile's content, if the content is an image, (e.g. Site
Plans, Image PDFs, Camera footage, etc.),
• all of the fields and/or textual information on a tile without scrolling,
where the content is not an image.

Click on the Title bar of the tile you want to maximise.

The selected tile is maximised and all other tiles on the panel are minimised in
a list on the right hand side of the panel. In minimised mode, each tile type
has an icon that will display, with the exception of the Cardholder Images,
Camera and Site Plan tiles, as follows:
• Cardholder Images tiles display the first of the images assigned to the
cardholder (if there is more than one in the tile) in minimised view.
• Camera tiles display a minimised version of the Camera footage/feed that
was displayed when the tile was in it's normal state. A Camera Tile can
only be maximised by clicking on the heading of the tile, because the
active portion of the screen, (i.e. the part showing the DVR footage), does
not recognise a mouse click.
• Site Plan tiles display a minimised version of the Site Plan that was
displayed when the tile was in it's normal state.

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• A maximised tile can be replaced by a different one, by clicking on the
minimised tile you want to maximise. The previously maximised tile
becomes minimised in the list on the right hand side of the panel.
• Clicking on the Title bar of the maximised tile returns the panel to its
normal layout.

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Tile Actions

Some of the Tiles allow users to perform functions from them when they
appear in a Viewer Panel.
• Access Decision Tile (on page 3-44)
• Alarm Details Tile (on page 3-45)
• Alarm Instructions Tile (on page 3-46)
• Broadcast Notification Tile (on page 3-47)
• Camera Tile (on page 3-49)
• Cardholder Access Groups Tile (on page 3-50)
• Cardholder Biometrics Tile (on page 3-56)
• Cardholder Cards Tile (on page 3-60)
• Cardholder Competencies Tile (on page 3-74)
• Cardholder Details Tile (on page 3-79)
• Cardholder Expiries Tile (on page 3-83)
• Cardholder History Tile (on page 3-84)
• Cardholder Images Tile (on page 3-85)
• Cardholder Notes Tile (on page 3-89)
• Cardholder Notifications Tile (on page 3-90)
• Cardholder Operator Groups Tile (on page 3-94)
• Cardholder Otis Compass Properties Tile (on page 3-101)
• Cardholder Personalised Actions Tile (on page 3-104)
• Cardholder Relationships Tile (on page 3-107)
• Event Trail Tile (on page 3-110)
• Guard Tour Tile (on page 3-112)
• Operator Sessions Tile (on page 3-115)
• Site Plan Tile (on page 3-118)
• Status Tile (on page 3-128)
• URL Tile (on page 3-131)
Note: When performing functions on Tiles, if you enter incorrect information
into a field an error will be indicated by a red border around the field, and an
error message will display when the field has focus. This example shows that
the 'Until Date' entered is prior to the 'From Date' which is not possible.

While you do not have to correct the error immediately, and can carry on
performing other functions, the Save button will remain disabled as long as
there is an error(s) present. A summary of the error(s) also displays beside
the Save button.

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Access Decision Tile actions

If this Tile is viewed, prior to the first person EVER requesting access at the
reader, the Tile will show the door it is configured for and the message "No
content to display".

Whenever a card is badged or a finger is presented at the reader (whichever is

applicable) on the configured door, the Tile will display either:
• the message "Access Granted on dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss", and an Access
Granted Icon.
• the message "Access Denied on dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss", and an Access
Denied Icon.

Operator Privileges
To View the content of the Tile you need one of the following privileges in the
division of the door for which the Tile is configured:
• "View Site"
• "Edit Site"
• "Override Open Door"
• "View Challenge"
• "Controlled Challenge"

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Alarm Details Tile actions

The Alarm Details Tile will display the appropriate details for the configured
fields, and can only appear on an Alarm Viewer, Event Viewer or a Spot
Monitor Viewer.
Alarm Details will only be displayed in response to selecting an Alarm, so if the
user has the privilege to see the Alarm they will be able to see the related
Alarm Details.

If the Alarm is for a remote Event Source the name of server will be displayed
in the title of the Tile, (i.e. in square brackets following the configured title).

For Flooded Alarms the Last Occurred date and time in the Alarm Details
reflect the date and time of the most recent flooded entry, and the No. of
Occurrences indicates the number of individual Alarms included in the flood.

Manually entered Alarm Notes show as an Alarm History entry in bold text.

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Alarm Instructions Tile actions

Alarm Instructions will only be displayed in response to selecting an Alarm, so

if a user has the privilege to see the Alarm they will be able to see the related
Alarm Instructions.

When an Alarm is selected, either from the Alarm List, or via a Site Plan, either
the applicable instructions display on this Tile, OR if none have been
configured, the text "No content to display" appears.

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Broadcast Notification Tile actions

Broadcast Notifications are sent from the Broadcast Notification Tile.

Operator Privileges

Privilege Is required to...

View Site view Broadcast Notification items.
Send Broadcast Notification to send a Broadcast Notification.
View Cardholders configure and send notifications.

Sending a notification
1. If the button at the top of the Tile does not show the Broadcast
Notification item that you intend to use, and the Tile allows a different
item to be chosen, click the button and choose another Broadcast
Notification from the pop-up, then click the OK button.
2. Select the message that you wish to send.
Note: If there is only one message then it will already be selected for you.
3. Click the Send Notification... button.
The system will now look up the relevant Cardholders and load them into
a list in a Broadcast Notification Content pop-up.

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4. You may now add additional Cardholders to the list of recipients, and also
make changes to the message that will be sent. These changes are not
saved they only apply to this message being sent.
Note: The Remove Cardholders button is enabled when one or more
cardholders are selected. Cardholders can be removed by selecting them
and clicking the Remove Cardholders button.
5. Click the Send Notification button.
The Broadcast Notification Content pop-up closes and the system begins
notifying Cardholders.
The following event is logged:
Operator "<operator name>" initiated a Broadcast Notification
"<broadcast notification list name>".
Further events will be logged, one per email batch, which indicates if the
Cardholders were all successfully notified.

• You may have to scroll down in the Tile to find the message you are
looking for.
• Upon clicking the Send Notification... button on the Tile, the system looks
up Cardholders according to the configured criteria. This search may take
a moment and will only find Cardholders that the operator sending the
broadcast Notification has "View Cardholders" privilege for, so you must
ensure that the operator has "View Cardholders" privilege for the divisions
required or some Cardholders will not be notified.
• Cardholders to be notified must have the Notifications checkbox checked
for relevant "Email" or "Mobile" Personal Data Fields in order for the
Cardholder to receive notifications. If the Notifications checkbox is not
checked, the Cardholder will not receive notifications and no error will be

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Camera Tile actions

This tile displays either stored footage or a live feed from the camera, as
determined by the system from the configuration settings.

If Operator Selected Camera was selected as the source when this tile was
configured, prior to an operator selecting a camera, the tile content will be
blank and the Title will read "No Camera Selected".

The tile will have a Find Camera browse button to provide a search facility and
a Clear button for when the operator no longer wants to stream footage from
the selected camera. The Clear button remains greyed out until such time as
there is something to clear.

When an operator has selected a camera, the footage will stream as normal.
If they then want to select a different camera, they have two options. Either:
• select the Find Camera button again to replace the existing camera
streaming with another from the browse tool, OR
• drag and drop a camera from the Site Plan on to the Camera tile.

Operator Privileges

To... you need...

view stored DVR no special privilege. However, as it will always be
footage, associated with an Alarm, you need the "View
Events and Alarms" privilege in the division in which
the image sequence is stored (which will be the
division of the Alarm) in order to view it.
view live DVR feed, the "View Digital Camera" privilege in the division of
the Camera.
access the Pan, Tilt, the "Adjust DVR PTZ controls" privilege.
Zoom controls,

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Chapter 3: Using Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Cardholder Access Groups Tile actions

The Cardholder Access Groups Tile displays the Access Groups assigned to an
individual Cardholder.

The colour of the text for the data in a row is dependent upon Status, as
- Active = black
- Pending = blue
- Expired = red
Note: Expired entries display if the Access Group has not been configured to
remove Cardholders on expiry of membership.

Columns on the Cardholder Access Groups Tile can be resized and/or

reordered if required. See Resizing/reordering columns for further detail.

Operator Privileges

To... you need...

view Access Group one of the following privileges in the division of
assignments for a the cardholder:
• "View Cardholders"
• "Edit Cardholders"
• "View Cardholder Notes"
• "Edit Cardholder Notes"
• "Edit Cardholder Notification"
• "Print/Preview & Encode Card"
• "Delete Cardholders"
add, copy or remove the "Modify Access Control" operator privilege in
Access Groups from a the division of the individual Access Group, as
Cardholder, well as "Edit Cardholders" in the Division of the

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Tile Actions
Assigning Access (on page 3-51)
Copying Access (on page 3-54)
Removing Access (on page 3-55)

Assigning Access
Additional Access Groups can be added to a Cardholder, as follows:
1. Click on the Assign Access button.
The Assign Access pop-up displays.

2. There are three methods available (via three different tabs) for assigning
access, as follows:
• The By selecting Access Groups tab allows you to select one or more
Access Groups from those you have the privilege to assign.
• The By Last Assignment tab allows you to assign access based on the
latest access to be assigned in this session to a Cardholder, either by
the Assign Access or Copy Access function.
• The Find by Door tab allows you to find Access Groups that will allow
the Cardholder access to a particular Door.
Which method do you want to use to assign access?
If by... then...
selecting Access select the Access Group(s) you want to assign to this
Group, cardholder by searching or browsing the list.
The Deselect All and Add Access buttons are enabled.

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If by... then...
Note: The buttons allow you to expand and
collapse all the hierarchies of the Access Groups.
last assignment, 1. Click the By Last Assignment tab.
The tab displayed on the Assign Access pop-up

2. Check the Select Access Groups based on last

assignment checkbox.
The component showing the last access assigned
will be enabled, along with the Deselect All and Add
Access buttons.
3. Check those assignment(s) you want to use.
Note: Where an Access Group is not at the top level
of the hierarchy an arrow head displays to the left
of the Access Group. By default, it will be collapsed.
By clicking on an arrow head a second line will
appear showing the Access Group with any Groups
above it in the hierarchy, allowing you to see the
impact of the selection.
Note: The grid on this screen will be blank in a new
finding by a 1. Click the Find by Door tab.
particular door, The tab displayed on the Assign Access pop-up

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If by... then...

Note: The grid on this screen will be blank in a new

2. Search for the Door by entering search criteria in
the Search field and/or refining the Division filter.
The top grid becomes populated with Doors that
match the search criteria.
3. Select the appropriate Door.
The lower grid becomes populated with all Access
Groups that have an Access Zone configured on
either the Entry or Exit tabs of the selected Door.
Note: Where an Access Group is not at the top level
of the hierarchy an arrow head displays to the left
of the Access Group. By default, it will be collapsed.
By clicking on an arrow head a second line will
appear showing the Access Group with any Groups
above it in the hierarchy, allowing you to see the
impact of the selection.
4. Check those Access Group(s) you want to use.

3. Click the Add Access button.

The pop-up closes and the Access Group(s) now appears in the list of
Access Groups on the Cardholder Access Groups tile.
Note: If you decide to cancel this change, the Revert to Saved button
allows you to do so before saving it.
4. Click the Save button.
Note: Assigning an Access Group may affect the PDFs that are displayed
in the Cardholder Details and Cardholder Images tiles. If it does these tiles
are updated immediately.

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Copying Access
Access can be copied from one Cardholder to another, as follows:
1. Find the Cardholder you want to copy access to.
2. Click on the Copy Access button.
The Copy Access pop-up displays.

Note: If the Remember Cardholder checkbox is not ticked when the pop-
up appears, the search criteria and results will be blank. However, if it is
ticked, details of the remembered Cardholder will be displayed. The
Remember Cardholder checkbox is useful for copying Access Group
assignments from one Cardholder to a 'number' of other Cardholders.
3. To find the Cardholder that you want to copy access from, select what
criteria you want to search on from the By drop-down list, (i.e. Name,
Description, Division, Card Number or All).
By default, Name is selected.
4. Start entering characters in the Search field.
A minimum of 3 characters starts the search. However, if you selected
Card Number(s) as the search criteria, you need to click the button
after you enter a number in the Search field.
5. From the search results, click on the Cardholder you want to copy access
The Access Group(s) the Cardholder belongs to appear in the lower
section and are all checked by default.
Note: Where an Access Group is not at the top level of the hierarchy an
arrow head displays to the left of the Access Group. By default, it will be
collapsed. By clicking on an arrow head a second line will appear showing
the Access Group with any Groups above it in the hierarchy, allowing you
to see the impact of the selection.

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6. Uncheck any Access Groups you do not want to assign, and click the Add
Selected button.
The pop-up closes and the selected Access Group(s) now appear in the list
of Access Groups on the Cardholder Access Groups tile for the other
Note: If you decide to cancel this change, the Revert to Saved button
allows you to do so before saving it.
7. Click the Save button.

Removing Access
Access Groups can be removed from a Cardholder, as follows:
1. Click on the Access Group you want to remove from the cardholder.
2. Click the Remove button.
The Access Group disappears from the list of Access Groups on the
Cardholder Access Groups tile.
Note: If you decide to cancel this change, the Revert to Saved button
allows you to do so before saving it.
3. Click the Save button.
Note: Removing an Access Group may affect the PDFs that are displayed
in the Cardholder Details and Cardholder Images tiles. If it does these tiles
are updated immediately.

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Cardholder Biometrics Tile actions

The Cardholder Biometrics Tile displays a set of fingerprints/finger veins that

have been captured for a Cardholder, for use at Morpho Biometric Readers.

Note: The Duress Biometrics section and the Reader Database ID field will
only appear if these options were selected during configuration.

Operator Privileges

To... you need...

view a Cardholder's one of the following privileges in the division of the
biometrics, cardholder:
• "View Cardholders"
• "Edit Cardholders"
• "View Cardholder Notes"
• "Edit Cardholder Notes"
• "Edit Cardholder Notification"
• "Print/Preview & Encode Card"
• "Delete Cardholders"
Note: You only need the privilege to view the
Cardholder in order to "Verify" their biometrics.

capture or remove a the "Edit Cardholders" privilege in the Division of

Cardholder's the Cardholder.

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Capturing Biometrics
Use the following procedure to enroll a Cardholder for a Morpho Fingerprint
or Finger Vein:
1. Click the Capture button for either the Main or Duress Biometrics group.
Note: For fingerprint or finger vein capture to work the following needs
to be installed:
For the... you need...
Server + Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributables (x86 & x64)

Client + Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributables (x86 & x64)

Workstation + Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributables (x86 & x64)
If they are missing, the following error message will display when you click
the Capture button:
"Failed to capture fingerprints.
Reason: Device dll or one of it's dependencies is missing or not registered."
These files are located in the 'Morpho Utilities\Microsoft Visual
C++ Redistrib (x86 & x64)' folder of the Command Centre installation
The Capture Finger screen displays with instructions on what to do next
within the appropriate finger capture area.

2. Select the finger you want to capture biometric templates for from the
Finger drop-down list.
As a complete capturing process, both the Main and Duress Biometric
groups require fingerprints or finger veins to be captured for two fingers,
(e.g. the 'Left Index Finger' and the 'Left Middle Finger'), and three
fingerprints/finger veins must be captured per finger.
Note: Biometric captures are stored on the reader and take up quite a bit
of space, therefore if duress is not an issue for your site it is suggested
that you do not bother capturing 'Duress Biometrics'. Also, duress will
only work if a cardholder has been given access to that Morpho Reader.

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3. Place the appropriate finger on the enrolment device.

As each biometric capture occurs the quality of that individual capture is
displayed at the bottom of the biometric display area, which remains
visible after they have moved on to the next capture.
• The overall quality (score) of the biometrics that are captured needs to
be more than 165 to be validated by the system.
• At any time the user can click the Recapture button to re-start the
process for capturing the three samples for the current finger.
4. Repeat Step 2 twice so you have three captures of the same finger.
5. Repeat Steps 2 - 3 for the second finger of that Biometric group.
On capturing two fingers successfully:
• an image displays under the appropriate Biometric group on the
Cardholder Biometrics Tile to indicate that something has been
• the Clear button (used for deleting the captured biometrics) for the
group is enabled, and
• the Verify button is enabled.
This button allows you to verify that the Cardholder's
fingerprint/finger vein templates that have been captured can actually
be used successfully for biometric authentication, (i.e. there is a match
between the captured templates and the person's fingerprints/finger
6. Click the Verify button.
The Verify Biometric pop-up displays.

7. Place the appropriate finger on the enrolment device.

The system verifies whether the captured biometrics match the existing
templates already captured, and the appropriate message box displays
indicating if there is a match or not. Once a match has been made the
finger image is removed and result is displayed at the bottom.

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8. Click the Close button.

9. Does the Reader Database ID field appear on the Tile?
If no, this procedure is complete.
If yes, go to Step 10.
10. What model of Morpho Biometric reader do you have?
If... then...
MA1xx, MA Sigma, the default value of '0' can remain in the Reader
MA J, MA VP or Database ID field.
MA5xx without an

MA5xx with an these multi-database readers have 5 databases that

IDENTPLUS licence each hold 10,000 sets of biometrics.
Do you expect to capture biometrics for more than
10,000 cardholders (or 5000 cardholders if using
Duress biometrics)?
If no, the default value of '0' can remain in the
Reader Database ID field.
If yes, go to Step 12.
11. Select an appropriate value in the Reader Database ID field between 0 -
15 to indicate which of the 16 databases is to be used.
The number of biometrics in each database can be determined from the
reader status screen.
A value greater than zero will mean that Cardholders will be required to
enter this Database ID using the reader's keypad before placing their
finger for identification. For databases 10 - 15, a '#' needs to be entered in
place of the '1', (e.g. for database 14, a cardholder would enter '#4').
12. Select an appropriate value in the Reader Database ID field between 0 - 4
to indicate which of the 5 databases is to be used.
The number of biometrics in each database can be determined from the
reader status screen. A value larger than 4 will be accepted but the
biometrics will be stored in database '0'.
A value greater than zero and less than 5 will mean that Cardholders will
be required to enter this Database ID using the reader's keypad before
placing their finger for identification.

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Chapter 3: Using Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Cardholder Cards Tile actions

The Cardholder Cards Tile displays the cards assigned to a Cardholder and/or
the credentials registered to a Cardholder.

The colour of the text for the data in a row is dependent on Status, as follows:
- Active = black
- Inactive, (e.g. Card Not Yet Activated) = blue
- all others = red
Columns on the Cardholder Cards Tile can be resized and/or reordered if
required. See Resizing/reordering columns (on page 2-126) for further detail.
Note: If your site is using MIFARE® Cards, it is possible that a Card Serial
Number (CSN) column has been configured to display also. If so, the Card
Serial Number column will appear as the last column with no option to move
it. CSN's will display in this column in the format chosen at the time of
configuration, (i.e. either Hexadecimal, Decimal, byte swapped Hexadecimal
or byte swapped Decimal).

Operator Privileges
To... you need...
view cards or mobile one of the following privileges in the division of
credentials belonging to a the Cardholder:
Cardholder, • "View Cardholders"
• "Edit Cardholders"
• "View Cardholder Notes"
• "Edit Cardholder Notes"
• "Edit Cardholder Notification"
• "Print/Preview & Encode Card"
• "Delete Cardholders"
add, copy or remove cards the "Edit Cardholders" privilege in the division
or mobile credentials from of the Cardholder AND in the division of the
a Cardholder, Card Type or Mobile Credential Type.
print, encode or preview the "Print/Preview & Encode" privilege in the
the layout of a card, division of the Cardholder.
disable a card or mobile the "Disable Card" privilege. This also allows
credential, you to edit the Expiry Dates of cards or mobile
credentials that are still active.

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To... you need...

de-authorise a the "De-Authorise Cardholder" privilege.

Tile Actions
Viewing additional card or mobile credential information (on page 3-61)
Assigning a card or registering a mobile credential (on page 3-62)
Removing a card or mobile credential (on page 3-65)
Printing a card (on page 3-66)
Encoding a card (on page 3-67)
Assigning a card via an Encoder (on page 3-69)
Assigning PINs (on page 3-70)
Viewing PINs (on page 3-71)
Changing Card States (on page 3-71)
Re-issuing cards or mobile credentials (on page 3-72)
Viewing additional card or mobile credential information
Cardholder card or mobile credential information that is not used on a regular
basis is hidden in the normal view of the card list. To display this information,
click on the arrow head to the left of the card or mobile credential you want
to see the details for. This results in a second line appearing with the hidden
information as shown below:

If you have the "View Mobile Credential Email and Mobile" privilege (see
Configuring Privileges for an Operator Group on page 2-190), you will be able
to see the email address and mobile number that credentials were last sent
to. This will also appear in the Cardholder History tile. If you do not have this
privilege, the last used email address and mobile number fields will be blank
in the Cardholder Cards tile, and absent from the Cardholder History tile.

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Assigning a card or registering a mobile credential

A Cardholder can either be assigned:
• a brand new card, where the card number and issue level are
automatically assigned by the system, OR
• a recycled card, where the Administrator sets the card number and issue
level based on a spare card they have available, either manually or by
badging the card at a reader, OR
• a Cardholder can be registered to a mobile credential for use at
Bluetooth® enabled readers.
To assign cards or register mobile credentials in bulk, see Creating a new
Cardholder Bulk Change (on page 2-222).
To assign a card or register a mobile credential:
1. Click the Assign Card button.
The Assign Card pop-up displays.
The first example shows the appearance of the Assign Card pop-up when
assigning a card.

The second example shows the appearance of the Assign Card pop-up
when registering a mobile credential.

This table explains how the fields are populated.

Field Description
Card Type This drop-down list is populated with an alphabetical list of
the Card Types and/or Mobile Credential Types that can be
assigned/registered to a Cardholder AND that the user has the

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Field Description
privilege to assign.
Either select a Card Type or Mobile Credential Type from the
drop-down list or click the button to use the browse tool
to make your selection.
State The state defaults to the Initial Card State as defined in the
Card State configuration, and can be changed to any other
available state in the drop-down list prior to assignment of the
card or mobile credential.
Email The mobile credential recipient's email address. The
Registration Server will send the invitation email to this
address. This field will be populated if the Cardholder has an
Email Address PDF assigned.
Mobile The mobile credential recipient's mobile phone number. This
is required by the Registration Server in order to authorise the
phone. This field will be populated if the Cardholder has a
Mobile Phone PDF assigned.
Phone ID This field enables you to identify the phone that will be
authorised, (i.e. the Cardholder may have multiple phones).
Name The mobile credential recipient's name. This field will be
populated with the Cardholder's First Name.
Number Each card requires an encoded number to uniquely identify it.
The card number format of the selected card type will
determine what characters can be used, as follows:
Decimal: A decimal card range is supported. The system
"auto-allocates" a card number, (i.e. the next unassigned
number for the selected Card Type), however this can be
overwritten if required by typing another number over the
one allocated prior to saving changes on this screen.
Text: If the selected Card Type has a syntax string configured,
you will be forced to enter a card number that fits that
definition. There will be a red border around this field, and a
message indicating what the expected format is will display
when the field has focus, as shown in the following example:

Note: A maximum of 251 characters are supported. However,

with some languages this may be less as some characters use
more than one byte.
Issue Level This is set to the default for the Card Type. It can be changed
for a different value as long as it is within the allowable range
for issue levels. If the Card Type is changed, the system will
reset this to the default for the new Card Type.

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Field Description
From This defaults to the 'from date and time' for the Card Type or
Mobile Credential Type. This can be overtyped but if the Card
Type or Mobile Credential Type is changed, the 'from date' will
be reset. This field can be left blank.
If the date/time is in the future and the Enabled checkbox is
checked, the warning message "Card not yet activated" will
appear to the left of the Cancel button.
Until This defaults to the 'until date and time' for the Card Type or
Mobile Credential Type. This can be overtyped but if the Card
Type or Mobile Credential Type is changed the 'until date' will
be reset. This field can be left blank.
If the date/time is in the past and the Enabled checkbox is
checked, the warning message "Card expired" will appear to
the left of the Cancel button.
Resident Check this box if you require the details of this Cardholder to
be stored (resident) at the Controller. This is unchecked by
Note: Mobile credentials are stored on Controller 6000s only.
The Controller stores a 'resident' Cardholder and security
parameters database to enable it to carry out access control
and security functions. The Cardholder database stores access
data for Cardholders who will regularly use the devices
attached to that Controller. It enables the Controller to make
access control decisions instantaneously.
For Cardholders that are not included in the resident
Cardholder database, when they present their card or mobile
credential, the Controller requests access information from
Command Centre. Their information is then stored on the
resident database, but may get discarded if the Controller
Cardholder database becomes full and another unknown user
presents their card or mobile credential. If communications
fail and the Cardholder information is not in the Controller,
that Cardholder will not be able to gain access.
2. Click the OK button.
If valid, the Assign Card pop-up will close and the card or mobile
credential will appear in the grid in the Cardholder Cards tile.
Note: If you decide to cancel this change, the Revert to Saved button
allows you to do so before saving it.
3. Click the Save button.
Mobile credential registration process
The following table describes the mobile credential registration process.
Stage Description
1 An operator registers a mobile credential to a user, using the
Command Centre Cardholder Cards tile. When registered, a request is

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Stage Description
sent from Command Centre to the Registration Server in the cloud.
The following information is sent from Command Centre:
- email address,
- phone number,
- invitation expiry time, and
- mobile credential identifier
2 The Registration Server sends an invitation email to the user.
The email contains a link to the Gallagher Mobile Connect App which
the user is required to download and install on their mobile device.
The invitation also contains the Accept Credential button which the
user must select in order to accept the credential.
Acceptance of the credential is valid for X days/hours from when it
was registered to a user in Command Centre.
3 The Registration Server sends an SMS containing a six digit confirm-
ation code to the phone number provided. The user is required to
enter the code into the app in order to authorise the device.
4 The user must specify their second authentication factor, either PIN or
fingerprint. If the door's access mode is set to 'Secure-PIN', a second
authentication factor is required. The PIN or fingerprint is entered
using the device, not the keypad on a reader.
5 The user can now request access at a Gallagher Bluetooth® enabled
reader. The credential identifier is stored on the Gallagher Controller.
Internet connectivity is not required for the device to request access
at the reader - Bluetooth® comms are used.

Removing a card or mobile credential

An operator can remove a card or mobile credential, as follows.
To remove cards or mobile credentials in bulk, see Creating a new Cardholder
Bulk Change (on page 2-222).
1. Click on the card or mobile credential you want to remove from the
2. Click the Remove button. The Remove Card pop-up displays.

3. Select the appropriate card state for card history, (e.g. Lost, Damaged)
from the Change Reason (Card Status) drop-down of available card states.
4. Click the OK button.
The Remove Card pop-up closes and the card or mobile credential
disappears from the list of cards on the Cardholder Cards tile.

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Note: If you decide to cancel this change, the Revert to Saved button
allows you to do so before saving it.
5. Click the Save button.
Printing a card
To print a card for a Cardholder:
1. There are potentially seven options that the Print/Encode Card button can
display as, (i.e. Print, Quick Print, Encode, Quick Encode, Print and Encode,
Quick Print and Encode and Print Preview) depending on what was last
Note: The Quick Print option is not available if the card has previously
been printed, unless the Card Type has Allow re-printing enabled. You will
not be able to re-print a card using a Card Type that does not allow re-
printing, unless you have the “Allows Re-Printing and Re-Encoding”
privilege, in which case using Print will prompt you to ‘Proceed’ or ‘Cancel’.
If it does not display as the option you require, (in this case Print), then
click on the beside it and select the option you require.
The Printing Card pop-up displays.

A red * will display next to the Reason field if it is compulsory.

• The "Quick" options for printing and/or encoding cards are to help
speed up the process, however for them to work effectively the
following configuration needs to be in place first:
- the "Reason for printing" is not configured as compulsory in
Configuration Client
- that a card has already been printed so that a default printer is known,
- the cardholder only has one card.
• If you use the Quick Print option, the Printing Card pop-up does not
display, and the card is printed to the default printer.
2. Select the required device to be used for card printing from the Device
drop-down list of available printers.
The system will remember this printer and default to it every time you
preview/print a card until you change it again using the same procedure.
3. Click the Setup button to alter the printer settings if necessary, then click
the OK button.
Note: The Setup button is enabled if the operator has either the
"Print/Preview & Encode Card" or "Allows Re-Printing and Re-Encoding"
privilege, and a printer is selected in the Printer combo box, and the
cardholder currently has one or more cards. Otherwise it will be disabled.

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4. Select the appropriate reason for printing from the Reason drop-down list,
or type your own reason into the text field. The reason selected will be
logged in the event details.
Note: The OK button will be disabled until a reason is entered if the
Operator must provide a reason for printing or encoding a card checkbox
was checked on the Photo ID Configuration window when "Reasons for
Printing" were configured.
5. Click the OK button.
The card is printed to the selected printer.
Encoding a card
To encode a card for a Cardholder:
1. There are potentially seven options that the Print/Encode Card button
can display as, (i.e. Print, Quick Print, Encode, Quick Encode, Print and
Encode, Quick Print and Encode and Print Preview) depending on what
was last selected.
Note: The Quick Encode option is not available if the card has previously
been encoded, unless the Card Type has Allow re-encoding enabled. You
will not be able to re-encode a card using a Card Type that does not allow
re-encoding, unless you have the "Allows Re-Printing and Re-Encoding"
privilege, in which case using Encode will prompt you to 'Proceed' or
'Cancel'. If you have the "Edit Cardholder" privilege you are prompted to
increase the Issue Level. If you have both the "Edit Cardholder" and
"Allows Re-Printing and Re-Encoding" privileges you can either increase
the Issue Level or 'Proceed'.
If it does not display as the option you require, (in this case Encode), then
click on the beside it and select the option you require.
The Encoding Card pop-up displays.

• A red * will display next to the Reason field if it is compulsory.
• The PIN selection section only appear if the Card Type has been
configured for PIN.
• The “Quick” options for printing and/or encoding cards are to help
speed up the process, however for them to work effectively the
following configuration needs to be in place first:
- the "Reason for printing" is not configured as compulsory in
Configuration Client

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- that a card has already been printed so that a default printer is

known, and
- the cardholder only has one card.
• If you use the Quick Encode option, the Encoding Card pop-up does
not display, and the card is encoded by the default printer.
2. Select the required device to be used for card printing/encoding from the
Device drop-down list of available printers/encoders.
The system will remember this printer and default to it every time you
preview/print a card until you change it again using the same procedure.
3. Click the Setup button to alter the printer settings if necessary, then click
the OK button.
Note: If you are encoding a MIFARE card, using a serial MIFARE encoder,
you need to select the port that the encoder is connected to. To do this:
a) Click the Setup... button to display the Printer properties.
b) Click the Encoding tab.
c) Select the port the encoder is connected to from the drop-down list.
4. Select the appropriate reason for printing/encoding from the Reason
drop-down list, or type your own reason into the text field. The reason
selected will be logged in the event details.
Note: The OK button will be disabled until a reason is entered if the
Operator must provide a reason for printing or encoding a card
checkbox was checked on the Photo ID Configuration window when
"Reasons for Printing" were configured.
5. Does the PIN selection section display?
If… then…
no go to Step 6.
yes either:
• manually type a PIN number into the User PIN field, and then
retype the PIN into the Confirm field that appears when the
minimum PIN length is reached. The confirmation PIN must
match the user defined PIN before the card can be encoded.
Note: There is no mechanism to reduce the maximum size of a
PIN. Hence if a site sets minimum at 4, the user can enter PIN
length anywhere from 4 to 8 digits, OR
• click the Generate PIN button to automatically generate a
random PIN.
Note: Generated PINs will only display while the pop-up remains
open. There will be no way of reviewing the PIN number since
the PIN itself is not stored. Generated PINs will be of length
equal to the minimum PIN length set against the Card type.
If you leave it unchecked, the PIN number displays as a row of X's.
If you check it, for audit purposes, an event is logged to say you
viewed PINs.
6. Click the OK button.
The card is encoded by the selected printer.

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Assigning a card via an Encoder

To assign a Card directly from a MIFARE USB encoder to an existing Cardholder,
click the Assign Card from Encoder button.
The Assign Card from
Encoder button will be… if…
enabled • The operator has New/Edit cardholder privileges
to create a new Cardholder and a new Card
• The Card is MIFARE Classic®, MIFARE Plus® or
• The Card has valid Gallagher Data/has been
disabled the Encoder is not functioning or unplugged, or
there is no card on the Encoder.
If no matched Card Type is found, the Unknown Card Type pop-up opens.

If there is only one matched Card Type found and the card has not been
assigned to any Cardholder, clicking the Assign Card from Encoder button will
create a new card and assign the card to the currently displayed Cardholder
right away.
If the card has been assigned to any Cardholder but multiple matched Card
Types are found, a Select Card Type pop-up opens.

If you click the OK button, a new Card is created and assigned to the currently
displayed Cardholder.
If the card has been
assigned to a cardholder… then…
but with a different issue a Card Assignment Warning pop-up opens with
level, the message "this card is already assigned to
another cardholder but with a different issue

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If the card has been

assigned to a cardholder… then…
and you have the “Edit the following Card Assignment Warning pop-up
Cardholder” privilege on opens:
the Cardholder,

If you click the Continue button, the existing Card

will be removed from the current owner and
assigned to the currently displayed Cardholder.
and you do NOT have the a Card Assignment Warning pop-up opens with
“Edit Cardholder” privilege the message "this card is already assigned to
on the Cardholder, another cardholder and you do not have the
privilege to remove Card from the Cardholder".

Assigning PINs
For any selected card that an operator has the privilege to edit, the
Cardholder Cards tile will display an Assign PIN button to launch the Assign
PIN window.

The Assign PIN button will be enabled if the card type has been configured to
‘Use PINs’ (in Configuration Client), otherwise it will be disabled.
Note: If an operator only has the privilege to view the card, the Assign PIN
button will be disabled. PINs cannot be assigned to a mobile credential.

To assign a PIN:
1. Click the Assign PIN button.
The Assign PIN pop-up displays.

2. Either:
• manually type a PIN number into the first User PIN field, and then
confirm it by repeating it in the second User PIN field, OR
• Click the Generate PIN button to automatically generate a random

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Note: Generated PINs will only display while the Assign PIN window is
open. Once closed, there will be no way of re-viewing the PIN number
since the PIN itself is not stored. Generated PINs will be of length equal
to the minimum PIN length set against the Card type.
3. Click the OK button.
The Assign PIN pop-up closes.
4. Click the Save button.

Viewing PINs
There are two types of PINs, (i.e. System Generated PINs and User Defined
PINs). An operator with "View PINs" privilege can view PINs assigned to cards
according to the following rules:
• An operator can only see User Defined PINs if they have the "View PINs"
privilege AND the Store PINs for later viewing checkbox is checked on the
Server Properties Card Security tab (in the Configuration Client).
• An operator can see System Generated PINs if they have the "View PINs"
privilege AND the PIN has not been changed. If changed it then becomes
a User Defined PIN and the rule above applies.
• User Defined PINs changed prior to the Store PINs for later viewing
checkbox being checked (on the Server Properties Card Security tab) are
not retrievable and will need to be reallocated if the cardholder has
forgotten it.
To view a PIN:
1. Click the View PIN button.
The View PIN pop-up displays showing the User PIN.

Note: If the PIN has not been stored and encrypted (via the setting in the
Server Properties), the following message will display on the View PIN
pop-up rather than the User PIN:
"The PIN for this card is not stored in a retrievable form."
2. Click the Close button.
The View PIN pop-up closes.

Changing Card States

The state of a card or mobile credential can be changed manually in the
Cardholder Cards tile (or in the Cards tab of Cardholder properties in
Configuration Client) as follows:
Note: To change the state of a card or mobile credential that is in a
permanently Disabled state, you need the "Override Card Status" privilege.

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1. Click in the Status field of the card or mobile credential.

A drop-down list of the available states displays. The states that are
available are determined by:
• The Card State Set assigned to the card’s Card Type or mobile
credential's Mobile Credential Type.
• The states that are ‘Available for use’ within that Card State Set.

2. Select the required Card State from the drop-down list.

The Status changes.
3. Click the Save button.

Re-issuing cards or mobile credentials

Re-issue a card
If a card is replaced, you do not need to go through the process of creating a
new card; you can simply increment the issue number (1 - 15).
A card may need to be replaced if the Cardholder has lost their card, for
1. Click the Issue Level button of the card.
The Reissue Card pop-up displays.

2. The Issue Level of the card needs to increment by one.

Ensure the number that defaults into the Issue Level field is correct.
3. Select the appropriate reason for why you are re-issuing the card, (e.g.
Lost, Damaged, etc.) from the Change Reason (Card Status) drop-down of
available card states.
4. Click the OK button.
The Reissue Card pop-up closes.
5. Click the Save button.

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Re-issue a mobile credential

Mobile Credentials can be re-issued similarly to re-issuing cards. This may
happen for a number of reasons, for example if the Cardholder’s phone is
stolen, lost, damaged, or replaced. To re-issue a mobile credential:
1. Select the Mobile Credential that needs to be re-issued and click the
Reissue button.
If you have Card States enabled (see Creating a Card State Set), the
Remove Card popup displays.

Select a Change Reason from the drop-down menu, then click the OK
The Reissue Card pop-up displays.

The Email and Mobile fields will be pre-populated if you have the "View
Mobile Credential Email and Mobile" privilege.
2. Adjust field data as required, then click the OK button.
The Reissue Card pop-up closes.
3. Click the Save button in the lower-right corner of the Cardholder Viewer
The Mobile Credential is re-issued to the Cardholder.

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Cardholder Competencies Tile actions

The Cardholder Competencies Tile displays the Competencies assigned to an

individual Cardholder.

The colour of the text for the data in a row is dependent upon Status, as
- Active = black
- Pending = blue
- Expired = red
- Disabled = red

Columns on the Cardholder Competencies Tile can be resized and/or

reordered if required. See Resizing/reordering columns for further detail.

Operator Privileges
To view a competency that has been assigned to a cardholder you need one of
the following privileges in the division of the cardholder:
• "View Cardholders"
• "Edit Cardholders"
• "View Cardholder Notes"
• "Edit Cardholder Notes"
• "Edit Cardholder Notification"
• "Print/Preview & Encode Card"
• "Delete Cardholders"
The following diagram shows how an operator's ability to 'View' or 'Edit' a
competency in the division of the cardholder is determined.

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To assign or remove a competency from a cardholder, or to disable it and set

re-enable dates, you need the "Edit Cardholders" privilege AND the privilege
to 'Edit' the competency in the same division as the cardholder to whom it is
being assigned, removed or edited, is stored.
The following diagram shows how an operator's ability to 'Edit' a competency
in the division of the cardholder is determined.

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If the user has the "Advanced User" privilege in the division of the cardholder
they do not need the 'View' or 'Edit' privilege for the competency.

Tile Actions
Adding comments to competencies (on page 3-76)
Assigning competencies (on page 3-76)
Removing competencies (on page 3-77)
Disabling competencies (on page 3-77)

Adding comments to competencies

Additional comments can be added to a Cardholder Competency in the list,
that will be hidden in the normal view of the Competencies list.
1. Click on the arrow head to the left of the competency you want to add a
comment to.
A Comment field appears below the competency.

2. Type your comment in the Comment field.

Note: If you decide to cancel this change, the Revert to Saved button
allows you to do so before saving it.
3. Click the Save button.
The Comment field becomes hidden, but the comment you have entered
is saved. Clicking on the arrow head again reveals the comment.

Assigning competencies
Additional competencies can be added to a Cardholder, as follows:
1. Click on the Assign Competency button.
A browse tool displays.

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2. If necessary, search for the competency(s) you want to assign to this

cardholder by entering search criteria in the Search field.
The grid becomes populated with competencies that match the search
3. Click the checkbox next to each competency you want to include, or click
the Select All button if you want to include all competencies.
4. Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and the competency now appears in the list of
competencies on the Cardholder Competencies tile.
Note: If you decide to cancel this change, the Revert to Saved button
allows you to do so before saving it.
5. Click the Save button.

Removing competencies
Competencies can be removed from a Cardholder, as follows:
1. Click on the competency you want to remove from the cardholder.
2. Click the Remove button.
The Competency disappears from the list of competencies on the
Cardholder Competency tile.
Note: If you decide to cancel this change, the Revert to Saved button
allows you to do so before saving it.
3. Click the Save button.

Disabling competencies
Competencies can be disabled for a Cardholder, as follows:
1. Click on the competency you want to disable for the cardholder.
2. Click the Disable button.
The Disable Competency pop-up displays.

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3. Do you want the competency to be re-enabled at a later date?

If no, then go to Step 4.
If yes, then check the Re-enable selected competencies automatically
checkbox, and use either the In control to specify the time until it will be
re-enabled, or the On date and time control to set when it will be re-
4. Click the Disable button.
The Disable Competency pop-up closes and the Disable button is replaced
with the Re-enable button.
Note: If you decide to cancel this change, the Revert to Saved button
allows you to do so before saving it.
5. Click the Save button.

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Cardholder Details Tile actions

The Cardholder Details Tile displays the configured fields (subject to an

Operator's privileges and the rules for displaying PDFs) populated with data
for the Cardholder, where the Cardholder is determined based on the
configuration of the tile. The non-PDF fields displayed are determined by the
configuration of the tile. However, an individual PDF will only display if it has
been configured for the tile, AND the Cardholder belongs to an Access Group
that includes that PDF. In the event that a configured PDF cannot be displayed
for any reason, PDFs that were due to display beneath the missing PDF are
moved up to fill the gap.


• Notification buttons ( or ) only appear next to "Email" and "Mobile"

Personal Data Fields (PDFs) if your site is licensed for the Notifications
• Regular Expression PDFs have a beside them. This can be clicked to
display the required format of the expression to help you enter the data
• A red * will display next to required PDFs.
• Longer PDF names may not display in full on this tile. If so, this may be
resolved by maximising the tile so all the content is visible. See
Minimising/Maximising Tiles (on page 3-41) for further detail.
• If any Salto Settings have been configured to display they will appear in a
separate section to clearly indicate they are Salto related fields.

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Operator Privileges
To view a cardholder's details you need one of the following privileges in the
division of the cardholder:
• "View Cardholders"
• "Edit Cardholders"
• "View Cardholder Notes"
• "Edit Cardholder Notes"
• "Edit Cardholder Notification"
• "Print/Preview & Encode Card"
• "Delete Cardholders"
Whether a PDF displays on the Cardholder Details Tile depends on the tile
configuration, the Access Groups assigned to the cardholder and the user's

The user must have the "View Cardholders" or "Edit Cardholders" privilege in
the division of the cardholder AND the privilege to 'View' or 'Edit' the PDF in
the same division. If the user has the "Advanced User" privilege in the division
of the cardholder they do not need the 'View' or 'Edit' privilege for the PDF.

The following diagram shows how an operator's ability to 'View' or 'Edit' a PDF
in the division of a cardholder is determined.

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To edit a cardholder's details the user needs the "Edit Cardholders" privilege
in the division of the cardholder. To edit a PDF value the user needs the
privilege to 'Edit' the PDF in the same division. If the user has the "Advanced
User" privilege in the division of the cardholder they do not need the 'Edit'
privilege for the PDF.

The following diagram shows how an operator's ability to 'Edit' a PDF in the
division of a cardholder is determined.

Tile Actions
Changing Cardholder Details (on page 3-81)

Enabling/Disabling Notifications (on page 3-82)

Changing Cardholder Details

Changes can be made to the Cardholder Details, as follows:

1. Make the required change to the details.

Note: As you begin typing, the Save and Revert to Saved buttons become

2. Click the Save button.

The changes are immediate.
Note: The Revert to Saved button allows you to cancel a change before
saving it.

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Enabling/Disabling Notifications
If your site is licensed for the Notifications feature, you can configure
Command Centre to send notifications automatically of significant events,
such as alarms, to cardholders via SMS to their mobile phone, or to a
nominated email address.

Notification buttons display beside "Email" and "Mobile" contact type

Personal Data Fields (PDFs) to indicate the current Event Notification Status,
as follows:

ENABLED, (i.e. Notifications will be sent to the Cardholder via this


DISABLED, (i.e. Notifications will not be sent to the Cardholder via this

Clicking on these buttons enables/disables notifications for the cardholder.

Note: The Notification button changes colour to indicate the current Event
Notification Status for the PDF.

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Cardholder Expiries Tile actions

The Cardholder Expiries Tile displays the Cards or Competencies that have
already expired (for the Cardholder) above any Cards or Competencies that
are due to expire.

If there is nothing for the tile to report, either because it is viewed before the
first card badge at the door it is configured for in a Challenge scenario, or
because none of the Cardholder's cards have expired or are due to expire, the
tile will display the message "No expiries to report".

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Cardholder History Tile actions

The Cardholder History Tile is "read-only" and shows Audit history details for a

The following operator privileges are required:

• "View Cardholders",
• "View Mobile Credential Email and Mobile" (to see mobile credential
• "View Cardholder Notes" (to see changes to notes), and
• "View Operators" (to see changes to operator configuration).
The entries on this Tile display in tree view, and each entry represents one
change made to the cardholder. They are sorted by time, in descending order,
with the latest change at the top. The titles of the entries show when the
change was made and what the change was. Extra information is sometimes
included in the titles to make a change identified easily, (e.g. when a card was
created, the card number and card type are included in the title).
Viewing details for an entry
Click the arrow head beside an entry to expand the list of items below it.

The first item under the entry shows the operator who made the change, and
the workstation where the change was made.
All the other items that follow show the details of the change.

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Cardholder Images Tile actions

The Cardholder Images tile is available on all Viewer types, and displays one or
more image PDFs stored against a Cardholder. It only displays the image PDFs
that have been configured for the tile AND the Cardholder belongs to an
Access Group that includes that PDF.

By hovering over the Cardholder Images tile a number of options become

available allowing you to capture an image from a webcam, providing there is
a webcam attached to your workstation, and you have the privilege to edit
the PDF.

Operator Privileges

To... you need...

view a Cardholder's one of the following privileges in the division of the
images, cardholder:
• "View Cardholders"
• "Edit Cardholders"
• "View Cardholder Notes"
• "Edit Cardholder Notes"
• "Edit Cardholder Notification"
• "Print/Preview & Encode Card"
• "Delete Cardholders"

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To... you need...

edit a Cardholder's the "Edit Cardholders" privilege in the division of the
images, cardholder AND the privilege to "Edit" the PDF in the
same division.
Note: If you have the "Advanced User" privilege in the
division of the cardholder you do not need the "Edit"
privilege for the PDF.

Whether a PDF displays on the tile depends on:

• the configuration of the tile,
• the Access Groups assigned to the Cardholder
• the user's privileges.
The user needs "View Cardholders", "Edit Cardholders", "View Cardholder
Notes", "Edit Cardholder Notes" OR "Print/Preview & Encode Card"
privilege in the division of the cardholder AND the privilege to "View" or
"Edit" the PDF in the same division.
Note: If the user has the "Advanced User" privilege in the division of the
cardholder you do not need the "View" or "Edit" privilege for the PDF.

Tile Actions
Capturing an image (on page 3-86)
Uploading an image (on page 3-87)
Copy and Pasting an image (on page 3-88)
Note: Copy is only available if there is already an image on the particular
Cardholder Images tile you are focused on.
Deleting an image (on page 3-88)

Capturing an image
1. Hover over the Cardholder Images Tile, and click on the Capture Image
button. (Alternatively, press <Ctrl + I> on your keyboard.)
The Image Capture window displays, showing whatever is picked up by
the webcam.
2. Crop the image if necessary, as follows:
a) Select the area of the image to be retained by clicking on the image.
b) Drag out the corner of the drawing tool to create a border, either as a
square or rectangle, around the part of the image to be kept.
Note: The maximum area that can be selected is determined by the PDF
3. Click the Capture button.
The Image Capture window closes and the image visible in the display
field prior to the window being closed is displayed on the Cardholder
Images Tile.

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• If you click the Cancel button the Image Capture window closes with
no changes to the content of the Cardholder Images Tile.

• If the area selected is smaller than the PDF image definition, the
'retained image' is zoomed to fill the space available as specified in the

• The frame rate from a laptop's camera may be very slow. If you
experience this issue, you can resolve it by updating the webcam

4. Click the Save button.

Uploading an image

1. Hover over the Cardholder Images Tile, and click on the Upload Image
button. (Alternatively, press <Ctrl + U> on your keyboard.)
The standard window for selecting a file from the PC or network displays,
with the folder from which the last image was uploaded open by default.

2. Select the required file.

Note: The system will check that the file chosen is a valid image.

3. Click the Open button.

The Crop Image pop-up displays showing the content of the selected file,
in preparation for cropping, if necessary.

4. Crop the image as necessary, and click the OK button.

The image now displays on the Cardholder Images Tile.
Note: If you decide to cancel this change, the Revert to Saved button
allows you to do so before saving it.

5. Click the Save button.

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Copy and Pasting an image

1. Hover over the Cardholder Images Tile, and click on the Copy Image
button. (Alternatively, press <Ctrl + C> on your keyboard.)

2. Paste the image either:

• into an external application, using <Ctrl + V>, OR
• directly onto another Cardholder Images Tile from the clipboard by
clicking on the Paste Image button or using <Ctrl + V>.
The Crop Image pop-up displays showing the content of the selected file,
in preparation for cropping, if necessary.

3. Crop the image as necessary, and click the OK button.

The image now displays on the Cardholder Images Tile.
Note: If you decide to cancel this change, the Revert to Saved button
allows you to do so before saving it.

4. Click the Save button.

Deleting an image

1. Hover over the Cardholder Images Tile, and click on the Delete Image
(Alternatively, press <Del> on your keyboard.)
The message "Are you sure you want to delete this image?" displays.
2. Click the Yes button.
The image disappears from the Cardholder Images Tile.
Note: If you decide to cancel this change, the Revert to Saved button
allows you to do so before saving it.
3. Click the Save button.

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Cardholder Notes Tile actions

This tile displays all notes captured to date for that Cardholder. Operators
who are authorised to edit the notes, can add to, update or delete previously
captured details. The ability for an Operator to view and/or edit notes for the
Cardholder will depend on their privileges.

Operator Privileges

To... you need...

view Cardholder notes, either the "View Cardholder Notes" OR "Edit
Cardholder Notes" privilege in the division of the

Note: In the event that you do not have the

privileges required to view the notes, the following
message will display in the tile:
"You are not authorised to view this content. Please
contact your Administrator"

edit Cardholder notes, "Edit Cardholder Notes" privilege in the division of

the cardholder.

add Cardholder notes, the "Add Cardholder Note" privilege.

Note: This privilege does not allow you to delete
Cardholder notes.

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Cardholder Notifications Tile actions

The Cardholder Notifications Tile displays the current enablement status for a
Cardholder and the grid displays any Notification Filters assigned to the
Cardholder. If a future enablement/disablement condition has been set for
the Cardholder the checkbox will be ticked and the From/Until dates set.

Columns on the Cardholder Notifications Tile can be resized and/or reordered if

required. See Resizing/reordering columns (on page 2-126) for further detail.

Notification Filters
Each Notification Filter:
• can be enabled (check box ticked) or disabled individually. When enabled
the text will be black, when disabled the text will be red
• can have a schedule assigned which controls when Notifications are sent.
Only schedules of type 'Notification Schedule' can be used
• must specify the Notification Method. Options are Email, SMS or Mobile

Operator Privileges
To... you need...
view a cardholder's Event one of the following privileges in the division of
Notification Filters, the cardholder:
• "View Cardholders"
• "Edit Cardholders"
• "View Cardholder Notes"
• "Edit Cardholder Notes"
• "Edit Cardholder Notification"
• "Print/Preview & Encode Card"
• "Delete Cardholders"
- edit the enabled/disabled state the "Edit Cardholder Notification" or "Edit
of Filters either as a whole for a Cardholders" privilege in the division of the
cardholder or individually, cardholder.
- assign a new Notification Filter
to a cardholder,
- change the Schedule or
Notification method of a Filter
already assigned to a

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To... you need...

see an individual Notification the "View Site" privilege in the division of the
Filter to assign, Notification Filter.
see an individual Schedule to the "View Schedules" privilege in the division of
assign, the Schedule.
remove a Notification Filter the "Edit Cardholder Notification" or "Edit
assignment from a cardholder, Cardholders" privilege in the division of the
cardholder AND the "View Site" privilege in the
division of the Notification Filter.

Tile Actions
Assigning Notification Filters to a Cardholder (on page 3-91)
Removing Notification Filters from a Cardholder (on page 3-92)
Disabling all Notification Filters for a Cardholder (on page 3-93)
Enabling all Notification Filters for a Cardholder (on page 3-93)

Assigning Notification Filters to a Cardholder

1. Click the Assign Filter button.
The Assign Notification Filter pop-up displays.

2. Select the Notification Filter you want to assign to this Cardholder:

a) Click the Notification Filter button (this appears as --None Selected--
by default). A browse tool displays.

b) Select the appropriate Notification Filter from the browse tool.

c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the button changes to the name of the
Notification Filter you selected.
3. Optionally, select the Notification Schedule you want to assign to this
Cardholder, as follows:

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a) Click the Schedule button (this appears as --None Selected -- by

default). A browse tool displays.

b) Select the appropriate Schedule from the browse tool.

c) Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the button changes to the name of the
Notification Schedule you selected.
• The browse tool contains only "Notification" type Schedules.
• The Schedules displayed will depend on the server that the Notification
Filter is on. Both the Schedule and Notification Filter must reside on
the same server.
4. If you want to change the notification method from "Email", select
another option from the Notification Method drop-down list.
Note: Mobile Notifications are alarm notifications that a Mobile Client
user will receive.
5. The Enabled option is checked by default. Uncheck it if not required.
6. Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the Notification Filter is added to the grid on the
Cardholder Notifications Tile.

7. Click the Save button.

Note: The Schedule, Method and Enabled options can be changed for a
Notification Filter that has been assigned, by clicking on the field you
want to change.
Removing Notification Filters from a Cardholder
One or more Notification Filters can be removed from a Cardholder:
1. Select the rows of the Notification Filter(s) you want to remove.
2. Click the Remove button.
The Notification Filter(s) disappears from the list on the Cardholder
Notifications tile.

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Note: If you decide to cancel this change, the Revert to Saved button
allows you to do so before saving it.
3. Click the Save button.
Disabling all Notification Filters for a Cardholder
When the current status is Enabled, all the Notification Filters can be disabled
at the Cardholder level either immediately, or at some time in the future.
Disabling Notification Filters immediately
1. Click the Disable Now button.
All Event Notifications are disabled immediately. The status changes to
Disabled (in red text), and the text colour of the individual Notification
filters changes to red also.
Disabling Notification Filters at some time in the future
1. Enter a date and time for the Event Notifications to be disabled from in
the Disable On field.
2. Set the duration for the Event Notifications to be disabled for. You can
either make it:
- indefinitely, by leaving the Enable On field blank, OR
- until a specific date and time, by entering a date and time for the Event
Notifications to be re-enabled from in the Enable On field.
3. Click the Save button.
Note: The system automatically updates the status and the
enablement/disablement condition and dates when the saved From date
and time (in the Disable On field) is passed.
Enabling all Notification Filters for a Cardholder
When the current status is Disabled, all the Notification Filters can be enabled
at the Cardholder level either immediately, or at some time in the future.
Enabling Notification Filters immediately
1. Click the Enable Now button.
All Event Notifications are enabled immediately. The status changes to
Enabled (in green text), and the text colour of the individual Notification
filters changes to black.
Enabling Notification Filters at some time in the future
1. Enter a date and time for the Event Notifications to be enabled from in
the Enable On field.
2. Set the duration for the Event Notifications to be enabled for. You can
either make it:
- indefinitely, by leaving the Disable On field blank, OR
- until a specific date and time, by entering a date and time for the Event
Notifications to be disabled from in the Disable On field.
3. Click the Save button.
Note: The system automatically updates the status and the
enablement/disablement condition and dates when the saved From date
and time (in the Enable On field) is passed.

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Cardholder Operator Groups Tile actions

The Cardholder Operator Groups Tile) provides Operators with the ability to:

• Join Operator Groups and become an Operator.

• Set Operator's logon name.
• Reset Operator's password to blank.
• Force Operator to change password at next logon.
• Enable the advanced drag and drop feature for an Operator.
• Configure a Windows logon to be used to log the Operator onto the
system using single sign-on.
Note: This is only available if the server to which the workstation
connects is enabled for Active Directory single sign-on.

Columns on the Cardholder Operator Groups Tile can be resized and/or

reordered if required. See Resizing/reordering columns (on page 2-126)
for further detail.
Assigning Operator Groups (on page 3-94)
Copying Operator Groups (on page 3-95)
Viewing additional Operator Group details (on page 3-96)
Removing Operator Groups (on page 3-97)
Setting Logon Details (on page 3-97)
Resetting/Generating Passwords (on page 3-99)
Unlocking an Operator account (on page 3-100)

Assigning Operator Groups

Operator Groups can be assigned as follows:

1. Click on the Assign Operator Groups button.

The Assign Operator Groups pop-up displays.

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2. If necessary, search for the Operator Group(s) you want to assign this
cardholder to by entering search criteria in the Search field.
The grid becomes populated with Operator Groups that match the search

3. Click the checkbox next to each Operator Group you want to include, and
click the Add Operator Groups button.
The pop-up closes and the Operator Group(s) now appears in the list of
Operator Groups on the Cardholder Operator Groups tile.
Note: If you decide to cancel this change, the Revert to Saved button
allows you to do so before saving it.

4. Click the Save button.

Copying Operator Groups

Operator Groups can be copied from one Cardholder to another, as follows:

1. Find the Cardholder you want to copy Operator Groups to.

2. Click on the Copy Operator Groups button.

The Copy Operator Groups pop-up displays.

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3. To find the Cardholder that you want to copy Operator Groups from,
select what criteria you want to search on from the By drop-down list,
(i.e. Name, Description, Division, Card Number or All).
By default, Name is selected.

4. Start entering characters in the Search field.

A minimum of 3 characters starts the search. However, if you selected
Card Number(s) as the search criteria, you need to click the button
after you enter a number in the Search field.

5. From the search results, click on the Cardholder you want to copy access
The Operator Group(s) the Cardholder belongs to appear in the lower
section and are all checked by default.

6. Uncheck any Operator Groups you do not want to assign, and click the
Add Operator Groups button.
The pop-up closes and the selected Operator Group(s) now appear in the
list of Operator Groups on the Cardholder Operator Groups tile for the
other Cardholder.
Note: If you decide to cancel this change, the Revert to Saved button
allows you to do so before saving it.

7. Click the Save button.

Viewing additional Operator Group details

Additional information configured for Operator Groups can be displayed, as
1. Move the mouse over the Operator Group you want to see additional
information for.
A appears beside the Group.

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2. Click on the .
The Operator Group Details pop-up displays.

3. Click on the beside the item you want more detail on. The items are:
- Divisions
- Privileges
- Personal Data Field overrides
- Competencies
- Command Centre Client Viewers
Note: Viewing additional Operator Group information this way is also possible
from the Assign Operator Groups and Copy Operator Groups pop-ups.

Removing Operator Groups

Operator Groups can be removed from a Cardholder, as follows:
1. Click on the Operator Group you want to remove from the cardholder.
2. Click the Remove button.
The Operator Group disappears from the list of Operator Groups on the
Cardholder Operator Groups Tile.
Note: If you decide to cancel this change, the Revert to Saved button
allows you to do so before saving it.
3. Click the Save button.

Setting Logon Details

An operators Logon details can be set, as follows:
1. Click the Logon Details button.
2. Is the server to which the workstation is connected configured for Active
Directory single sign-on?

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If... then...
no the following Logon Details pop-up displays:

Go to Step 4.
yes the following Set Logon Details pop-up displays.

Go to Step 3.

3. By default, the Window Logon checkbox is checked. Clicking Command

Centre Logon checkbox allows the operator to enter a Command Centre
Logon Name and Password.
Click the appropriate Logon checkbox:
If you select... then...
Command Centre Logon, go to Step 4.

Windows Logon, a) If the User Name field is empty, it needs to be

populated with the domain name, (e.g.
"Gallagher.Local"). Do this by either:
• typing your user name or pasting it into the
User Name field, or
• clicking the button to browse the Active
Directory for a Windows user name.
b) Go to Step 5.

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4. Modify the Operator's default Logon Name if required.

5. Generate a password for the operator by either:
• manually typing a password into the Password field, and re-typing it in
the Confirm field, OR
• clicking the Generate button to generate a random password.
A system generated password populates the Password field.
6. Check the Force password change at next logon checkbox if required.
7. Click the OK button.
The Logon Details pop-up closes.
8. Click the Save button.

Resetting/Generating Passwords
Examples of when a system administrator would need to generate/reset a
• An operator's password may need to reset if they forget their password.
• The System Administrator may want to reassign an operator login to
someone else, (e.g. if they were using a generic operator name rather
than specific ones), then they would generate a new password so the
new person could login.
Only the System Operator, or an operator with the correct privileges, can
reset passwords.
1. Click the Logon Details button.
The Logon Details pop-up displays.

2. Generate a password for the operator by either:

• manually typing a password into the Password field, and re-typing it in
the Confirm field, OR
• clicking the Generate button to generate a random password.
A system generated password populates the Password field.
3. Check the Force password change at next logon checkbox.
4. Click the OK button.
The Logon Details pop-up closes.

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5. Click the Save button.

The first time the operator logs on they will be forced to change their

Unlocking an Operator account

If an operators’ successive logon attempts reach the configured 'number of
failed attempts before lockout', then they will be locked out for the
configured lockout period (or permanently if this option is set). A message will
display on the logon screen indicating that the operator is locked out.
Note: Lockout state does not get replicated to remote servers in a multi-
server environment.

A privileged operator (with the "Edit Operators" privilege) can clear an

account lockout for an operator in the Command Centre client by either:
• selecting the Unlock button on the appropriate operator/cardholder
Logon Details pop-up, OR
• by resetting an operator's password
1. Click the Logon Details button.
The Logon Details pop-up displays.

Note: The Unlock button is enabled, indicating that the operator account
is locked out.
2. Click the Unlock button.
The account is unlocked and the message "The operator account has been
unlocked" displays.
Note: If the lockout occurs for a configured period of time, and if the
operator record remains open during the process, the Unlock button will
not disable after that time has elapsed. However, the Unlock button will
disable on successful logon.
3. Click the OK button.
The Logon Details pop-up closes.
4. Notify the operator that their account has been unlocked.

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Cardholder Otis Compass Properties Tile actions

The Cardholder Otis Compass Properties Tile displays the Default Floor and
Passenger Type assigned to an individual Cardholder.

After presentation of a valid access credential, the default floor assigned to

the Cardholder will be automatically selected. The Cardholder may override
the default floor and choose another destination floor, if required. Default
floor functionality is only supported using Otis operational modes 1 or 4.

Columns on the Cardholder Otis Compass Properties Tile can be resized

and/or reordered if required. See Resizing/reordering columns (on page
2-126) for further detail.

Operator Privileges

To... you need...

view a Cardholder's one of the following privileges in the division of
Otis Compass the Cardholder:
• "View Cardholders"
• "Edit Cardholders"
• "View Cardholder Notes"
• "Edit Cardholder Notes"
• "Edit Cardholder Notification"
• "Print/Preview & Encode Card"
• "Delete Cardholders"
add, edit or remove the "Edit Cardholders" operator privilege in the
Otis Compass Division of the Cardholder.
from a Cardholder,

Tile Actions
Assigning a Default Floor and Passenger Type (on page 3-102)

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Assigning a Default Floor and Passenger Type

Use the following procedure to assign a Default Floor and Passenger Type to a
1. Within the Cardholder Viewer, search for the Cardholder that you wish to
assign a Default Floor and Passenger Type to.
2. Select the Cardholder, then click the Assign button located in the
Cardholder Otis Compass Properties Tile.
The Assign Elevator HLI pop-up displays.

3. Click the checkbox next to each Elevator HLI you want to include, or click
the Select All button if you want to include all Elevator HLIs.
4. Click the Add Selection button.
The Assign Elevator HLI pop-up closes and the Elevator HLI(s) will appear
in the grid on the Cardholder Otis Compass Properties Tile.

5. Click the button for the Elevator HLI you wish to assign a Default Floor
or Passenger Type.
The Modify Cardholder Otis Compass Properties pop-up displays.

6. Configure the Cardholder's Otis Compass Properties as required.

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Field Description
Default Floor Enter the Default Floor for this Cardholder.
Range 0-255. The value 0 means no Default Floor
has been assigned.

Passenger Type Select the appropriate Passenger Type(s) for this

Cardholder. The Passenger Types listed
correspond to the passenger bit descriptors for
bits 1-7 within the Otis protocol.
• When selecting the 'Disability' Passenger Type ensure the checkbox
Use extended access time is checked for the Cardholder on the Cards
tab within the Cardholder's properties in the Configuration Client.
When checked, an additional 25 seconds will be provided between the
card badge and floor selection (not between floor selection and card

• Passenger Types 'Standard' and 'Disability' are neutrally exclusive, (i.e.

only one or the other can be selected) hence 'Standard' is not shown
within this dialog. The 'Use extended access time' is not applicable if
the Cardholder is a 'Standard' Passenger Type.

• If required you can create a Cardholder Report to view the Default

Floor and Passenger Types assigned to each Cardholder.
7. Click the OK button.
8. Click the Save button.

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Cardholder Personalised Actions Tile actions

The Cardholder Personalised Actions Tile displays personalised actions for

each cardholder. It allows Access Zones and associated Outputs or Macros to
be added, edited or removed for the cardholder.

The configuration for when the action is to be initiated, (i.e. on 'Access

Granted' or on 'Access Taken'), can only be edited in the Configuration Client
(on the Personalised Actions tab of the Access Zone properties).

Operator Privileges
An operator requires the "Assign Personalised Actions" privilege in the
division of the output or macro, to be able to assign that item to the
Cardholder Personalised Actions tile.
Note: The operator requires "View Site" or "Edit Site" in the division of the
Access Zone to assign it to the tile.

• For Personalised Action Macros to run successfully, the Controllers must
be online with the CCFT server. If the CCFT server is shutdown or
otherwise offline at the time of an access then any configured macro
actions will not be run.
• For Personalised Action Outputs to be switched successfully, the
Controller hosting the Output must be contacted by the Controller hosting
the door. This means that if there is a network outage at the time of the
access then any configured Output actions will not be run if the Outputs
are on a remote Controller. Ideally, Personalised Action Outputs should be
located on the same Controller that is hosting the door hardware that
provides the access.

Tile Actions
Adding Actions (on page 3-105)

Changing Outputs/Macros (on page 3-106)

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Adding Actions
Personalised Actions can be added as follows:
1. Click on the Add Actions button.
The Add Access Zone / Output or Macro Pairs pop-up displays.

2. If necessary, search for the Access Zone(s) you want by entering

characters in the Search field and/or refining the search mode and filters.
The grid becomes populated with Access Zones that match the search
3. Click the checkbox next to each Access Zone you want to include, or click
the Select All button if you want to include all zones.
4. Click the Add Selection button.
The Add Access Zone / Output or Macro Pairs pop-up changes to show a
list of available Macros and Outputs to select from.

5. Click the radio button next to the Output or Macro you want to use for
the Access Zones you have selected.
6. Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the selected Access Zone(s) and Output or Macro
populates the grid.
7. Click the Save button.
The Personalised Action is saved.

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Note: To remove a Personalised Action, select (highlight) the row of the

Action you want to remove and click the Remove button. Multiple actions
can be selected for removal by holding down the <Ctrl> key while each
action is clicked on, and then clicking the Remove button.

Changing Outputs/Macros
The Outputs/Macros selected for a Personalised Action can be changed as
1. Click on the row of the Output/Macro you want to change.
The Output/Macro changes to a button.

2. Click the Output/Macro button.

A browse tool displays.

3. Click the radio button next to the Output or Macro you want to use.
4. Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the name of the button changes to reflect the
name of the Output or Macro selected.
5. Click the Save button.
The row is no longer selected (highlighted), and the Output/Macro is no
longer displayed as a button.

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Cardholder Relationships Tile actions

The Relationships tab on this tile displays any Cardholders and their Roles
that this Cardholder reports to.

The Roles Held tab is "read-only" and is populated with the Role(s) this
Cardholder performs and the Cardholders who report to them in each Role.

Columns on the Cardholder Relationships Tile can be resized and/or reordered

if required. See Resizing/reordering columns (on page 2-126) for further

Operator Privileges
To... you need...
view cardholder relationship one of the following privileges in the division of
assignments for a cardholder, the cardholder for whom the relationship
assignments are being viewed:
• "View Cardholders"
• "Edit Cardholders"
• "View Cardholder Notes"
• "Edit Cardholder Notes"

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To... you need...

• "Edit Cardholder Notification"
• "Print/Preview & Encode Card"
• "Delete Cardholders"
assign a relationship to a the "Edit Cardholders" privilege in the division
cardholder, of the cardholder.

remove a relationship from a the "Edit Cardholders" privilege in the division

cardholder, in which the cardholder to whom the
relationship is assigned is stored.

see an individual Role, the "View Cardholders" OR "Edit Cardholders"

privilege in the division of the Role.

see a cardholder to assign to the "View Cardholders" OR "Edit Cardholders"

a Role, privilege in the division of the cardholder to be

Note: It is not possible to edit a Relationship. Instead, the Relationship must

be removed and a new one assigned.

Tile Actions
Assigning Relationships (on page 3-108)

Removing Relationships (on page 3-109)

Assigning Relationships
1. Click the Assign Relationships button.
The Assign Relationship pop-up displays.

2. Click on the Select Role drop-down list, and select the required Role.
The drop-down list is populated with all Roles configured in Configuration

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3. To find the Cardholder that you want to assign to this Role, select what
criteria you want to search on from the By drop-down list, (i.e. Name,
Description, Division, Card Number or All).
By default, Name is selected.
4. Start entering characters in the Search field.
A minimum of 3 characters starts the search. However, if you selected
Card Number(s) as the search criteria, you need to click the button
after you enter a number in the Search field.
5. From the search results, click on the Cardholder you want to assign to this
6. Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the Role and Cardholder assigned to that Role now
appears on the Cardholder Relationships tile.
Note: If you decide to cancel this change, the Revert to Saved button
allows you to do so before saving it.
7. Click the Save button.

Removing Relationships
1. Select the Relationship you want to remove.
2. Click the Remove button.
The selected Relationship is removed from the Cardholder Relationships
• If you decide to cancel this change, the Revert to Saved button
allows you to do so before saving it.
• Multiple Relationships can be removed in a single action.
3. Click the Save button.

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Event Trail Tile actions

The Event Trail tile displays, in a grid, a list of events as determined by the
configuration of the tile. It can appear on an Alarm Viewer, Cardholder
Viewer, Controlled Challenge Viewer and a Monitor Site Viewer.

To view an individual event in the list, operators need either the "View Events
and Alarms", "Edit Alarms" or "View Events" privilege in the division of the
source of the Event.
Events are displayed in descending Occurrence Date/Time order, and the
columns displayed are:
• Occurrence Time (date and time the event occurred)
Note: The format in which these dates appear is determined by the
regional settings of the Client PC.
• Message
• Event Type
Note: Columns on the Event Trail Tile can be resized and/or reordered if
required. See Resizing/reordering columns (on page 2-126) for further detail.

By clicking on a particular Event, additional details display for the Event.

When the tile is viewed on an Alarm Viewer, if you select an alarm in the
Navigation Panel the Event Trail tile updates so that alarm becomes
highlighted and expands out the information about it.

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When the tile is viewed on a Monitor Site Viewer, the most recent events
criteria will be applied from the current date and time. For example, if the tile
has been configured to show all events generated for a specific door in the
last 2 hours, new events for that door should be displayed as they occur, and
'old' events drop off once the two hours has expired. When the tile is
configured to display in response to an Alarm, the 'most recent events' criteria
applies from the time of the Alarm. No events that have occurred since that
time will be added to the display, and no events will drop off.

A maximum of 500 events can populate the Event Trail tile. In the situation
where more than 500 events meet the criteria, a message displays beneath
the 500th entry explaining that the display limit has been exceeded.
• In a multi-server environment, for any given server where event
aggregation is enabled, an operator will be able to view event history
related to a remote item's alarm.
If you are unable to view the remote event, the message "Content is
unavailable" displays.
• If the Tile has been configured with either the "All items on a Site Plan
based on the selected Alarm/Event" option or the "All items on a specific
Site Plan" option, and you do not have the privilege to view the Site Plan,
the message "There is no content to display or you are not authorised to
view the content" will display on the Tile. This is independent of whether
you have the privilege to view events.
• In all other cases, (i.e. where you either do not have the privilege to view
events, or there are no events that meet the criteria, or it is taking more
than 20 seconds to return events to the tile), the orange loading indicator
(displayed on the left side of the tile's Title bar), will disappear and no
message will display. If the reason nothing is displayed is due to
privileges, it will be because you do not have a privilege which allows you
to view qualifying events in the necessary divisions.

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Guard Tour Tile actions

The Guard Tour tile displays the details of a Guard Tour that has previously
been configured in Configuration Client. It is anticipated this tile will be used
in a Monitor Site Viewer where the Panel is either all Guard Tour tiles or a
mixture of Guard Tour tiles and other. It is quite feasible that the Panel may
contain a mixture of tiles some of which are pre-configured for a particular
Tour and others that allow the Operator to choose the Tour in operation.

If the tile is configured to... then...

show a particular Guard Tour the details shown will be for the specific Tour.

allow the user to choose the the details shown will be for the last Tour
Guard Tour to be shown selected from this Tile.
By default the first Tour in the list will selected.

display the Tour that the details shown will be for the Tour related
generated the Alarm to the Alarm selected.

Columns on the Guard Tour Tile can be resized and/or reordered if required.
See Resizing/reordering columns (on page 2-126) for further detail.

Operator Privileges

To... you need...

view a Guard Tour, one of the following privileges in the division of
the Tour:
• "View Guard Tours"
• "Edit Guard Tours"
• "Manage Guard Tours"
select a Guard Tour and/or the "Manage Guard Tours" privilege in the
run a Tour, division of the Tour.

Tile Actions
Selecting a Tour (on page 3-113)

Selecting a Guard (on page 3-113)

Starting a Tour (on page 3-113)

Stopping/Halting a Tour (on page 3-114)

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Selecting a Tour
The ability to select a tour is only available if the tile was configured to allow
the user in operation to choose the Guard Tour to be shown. All Guard Tours
display in the list, even if they have not been configured properly. However,
when selected, the message "tour not configured" will display.

Selecting a Guard
Only Cardholders belonging to the Access Group configured for the Guard
Tour can be selected. A Guard must be selected before a Tour can be started.
A different Guard cannot be selected while a Tour is in Progress. If a Tour is
halted and then started again it is considered to be a new Tour so an
alternative Guard can be selected.

Starting a Tour
It is only possible to start a Tour which is not currently in progress and for
which the selected Guard is not on another Tour which is in progress. Only
Operators with the appropriate privilege can start a Guard Tour.

1. Is the Tour field a drop-down list?

If... then...
no this tile was configured to monitor a specific Guard Tour, (i.e. the
Guard Tour displayed).
yes select the Guard Tour you want to start from the Tour drop-down
2. Select the guard that is responsible for performing the tour from the
Guard drop-down list.
The Start Tour button becomes enabled.
3. Select the checkpoint you want the tour to start at by selecting the
appropriate row in the checkpoint grid.
4. Click the Start Tour button.
The following occurs:

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• the Started on date is set to the current date

• the tour status of Tour not Running (in black text) changes to Tour
in Progress (in green text)
• any checkpoints before the selected start checkpoint in the grid will
go grey
• the Expected time field will be populated for the start checkpoint
and any following checkpoints
• the Status will be set for the start checkpoint.
• the Stop Tour button becomes enabled.

Stopping/Halting a Tour
A Tour that is in progress can be stopped (halted) at any stage by an Operator
with the appropriate privileges, as follows:

1. Click the Stop Tour button.

The following occurs:

• prompts the Operator to enter a comment (up to 200 characters).

Entry of a comment is optional

• the Status of the next Checkpoint the Guard is due to visit is set to

• the tour staus of Tour in Progress (in green text) changes to Tour
Halted (in red text), and the text for any Checkpoints before the
Tour's start Checkpoint are set to black. This is because the Operator
can choose to (re)start the Tour at a Checkpoint prior to the start
Checkpoint the last time the Tour was run.

Note: When a Tour is halted, all the details of the Tour including Guard
selected, (e.g. the expected times, actual times, status', etc.) will remain
until the Tour is run again.

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Operator Sessions Tile actions

The Operator Sessions Tile displays operator sessions and their current status
in a manner that allows a privileged operator to view, and if required,
terminate sessions.

The columns on the Operator Sessions Tile are described in the following

Column Description
Licensing Group The name of the Licensing Group that the Workstation
session belongs to, if one exists.

Workstation The name of the workstation FT item associated with the


Operator The name of the cardholder who has logged on as an


Session Type Shows the role assigned to the session for licensing
purposes. The user that is logged on will have one of the
following roles:
• None, (i.e. empty)
• Operator
• Operator (Configuration Client)
• Mobile
• Receptionist
• Visit Pre-registration
• Import/Export
• Remote
Note: In a multi-server system, when an operator is
logged onto a remote server, (e.g. monitoring remote
alarms), they will show as a "Remote" session.

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Column Description
Session Name The Windows Terminal Services Session Name.
Status Each session has a Status of either "Active" or "Expired".
An Active session is alive and has pinged the server in the
past 50 seconds.
An Expired session is an orphaned session that has not
pinged the server in the past 50 seconds, and has been
disconnected. It will be removed from the session list within
5 minutes or when the next operator logs on or off.

Tile Actions
Grouping sessions by Licensing Group (on page 3-116)
Terminating sessions (on page 3-117)

Grouping sessions by Licensing Group

Operator Sessions can be grouped by Licensing Group, and when displayed in
this manner they also show a summary of the Licensing Group limits.

Click the Group by Licensing Group button.

The data is arranged in a grid as shown below, and the button becomes the
Ungroup button.

Each Licensing Group will display as the group header alongside a summary of
'in use' and 'dedicated' licenses for each item type (Workstations, Mobile,
Kiosk) that has been limited in the group.
• If your site does not use Licensing Groups, or if some Operator Sessions
are floating, (i.e. they do not belong to a Licensing Group), then these
floating sessions will display under a 'Floating' group.

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• Clicking the Ungroup button returns the display to the default

'ungrouped' display.

Terminating sessions
1. Click on the Session you want to terminate, and click the Terminate
Session button.
The confirmation message “Are you sure you wish to terminate this
operator session?” displays.

2. Click the Yes button to terminate the session.

The terminated session disappears from the Operator Sessions Tile, and:

• the following Network Connection Failure message displays for the

operator whose session has been terminated:
"Your session has been terminated by a system administrator"

• an Operator Event is generated.

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Site Plan Tile actions

What displays on the Site Plan tile depends on the option that was selected
when configuring, as follows:

If the... then...
Specific Site Plan radio the specific Site Plan will display, whenever the Panel
button was selected, on which the tile is configured is displayed.

Event based radio a Site Plan containing the item identified as the Event
button was selected, Source for the selected Alarm will display. If the item
appears on more than one Site Plan the Site Plan with
the earliest creation date and time will be displayed
(as per Configuration Client).

The Site Plan will appear as it has been configured in Configuration Client, and
cannot be edited from here. Any icons, lines, areas, etc. (on the Site Plan)
representing Command Centre items show the current status of that item.
This means that when the status of an item on the Site Plan changes, the Site
Plan will update to reflect this.
• When you hover over an icon, a tool tip displays the name and status of
the item.
• EMF and WMF image formats are supported as background images.
Actions can be performed and overrides carried out on single or multiple
items on a Site Plan Tile via a context menu. When an item is in alarm on this
Tile, the item's icon will be the appropriate colour to reflect the priority of the
alarm, and will also flash if the Alarm is unacknowledged.

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Operator Privileges
To View a Site Plan, operators need either the "View Site" or "Edit Site"
operator privilege in the division of the Site Plan. This gives them the ability
to see the Item Icons regardless of whether they have the privilege to see the
items themselves. Site Plan links will also display regardless of whether the
user has the privilege to see the linked Site Plan.

Tile Actions
Hiding/Showing item names (on page 3-119)
Multi-selecting items (on page 3-119)
Navigating between Site Plans (on page 3- 120)
Viewing Alarms (on page 3-121)
Performing Actions/Overrides (on page 3-122)
Running Reports (on page 3-124)
Running Macros (on page 3-126)
Copying to clipboard (on page 3-127)

Hiding/Showing item names

Item names appear by default, but can cause a Site Plan to become quite
cluttered. You can turn them off and on again by clicking the button.
Note: The system will remember this setting as a preference in the database.

Multi-selecting items
Actions can be performed and overrides carried out on multiple items on a
Site Plan Tile. To select multiple items, use either of the following two

Method 1:
Hold down the <Ctrl> key and click on each item you want to select,


Method 2:
Hold down the left mouse button and drag until all the items you want are
included in the dragged out area, (i.e. included in a box).

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The selected items are highlighted and a menu appears at either the current
location of the mouse pointer (if Method 1 was used), or at the location of the
last click (if Method 2 was used), for the group of items.

Navigating between Site Plans

Site Plans can be configured in Configuration Client to display links to other
Site Plans. If a Site Plan has another Site Plan linked to it, (i.e. the icon for a
Site Plan appears on another Site Plan), the links will only display if you have
the appropriate privileges for the associated Plan. Selecting the link will cause
the Site Plan currently displayed in the tile to be replaced with the linked Site
Plan. If you navigate away from the original Site Plan you can use the
navigation buttons on the Site Plan Tile toolbar, to do the following:

• jump back to the original (Home) Site Plan by clicking on the Home
• return to the last Site Plan you viewed by clicking on the Back button.
• return to the Site Plan you were on before you clicked the Back button by

clicking the Forward button.

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• see a list of Site Plans (maximum of 10) you have navigated through, by
clicking the Recent button, (i.e. the small arrow to the right of the Forward

Note: The ability to navigate to other Site Plans (that are not linked) using the
drop-downs will depend on whether the Site Plan has been configured to
prevent this action or not.

Viewing Alarms
When an item is in alarm, the details of the alarm can be viewed via a context
menu, as follows:

1. Either:

• Click on the beside the item (on a Status Tile),

Note: The colour of the button depends on the priority of the alarm.
• Right-click on the item's icon (on a Site Plan Tile).
A context menu displays.

2. Click View Alarm... from the context menu.

An Alarm Properties pop-up displays for the item.

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This pop-up provides details and history of the Alarm, and Alarm
Instructions if applicable. If there is more than one Alarm for the
selected item the Previous Alarm and Next Alarm buttons are
enabled, allowing you to navigate through all the Alarms for the item
without returning to the Tile.
3. Take the appropriate action, as follows:
To... then...
enter an Alarm Note a) Select the appropriate Alarm Note(s) via the
function keys indicated.
b) Optionally enter any comments in the
Comments field.
c) Acknowledge and/or process the Alarm, as
d) You can save Alarm Notes (and comments)
without having to acknowledge or process
an alarm, using the Close button.

acknowledge the click the Acknowledge button.

alarm If there is only one Alarm for the item, the
Alarm Properties pop-up closes. If there is more
than one, the Alarm remains on screen so you
can navigate to the next/previous Alarm using
the Previous Alarm and Next Alarm buttons.
The unacknowledged Alarm count (top right
corner of pop-up) reduces as applicable.

process the alarm click the Process button.

If there is only one Alarm for the item, the
Alarm Properties pop-up closes. If there is more
than one, the next Alarm displays automatically
and the "Alarm of" count (top right corner of
pop-up) reduces, otherwise the current Alarm
should remain on screen so the user can
navigate to the next (or previous) Alarm.

Performing Actions/Overrides
Actions can be performed and overrides carried out on single or multiple
items on Site Plan or Status Tiles via a context menu. The options available
from the context menu depends on the type of item. Any Quick Actions will
be listed first, followed by a Cancel Override option (if applicable), then an
Override... option (if applicable), and finally a View Alarm option if the item is
in Alarm.
Note: You can double-click anywhere on a Macro to run it.

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1. Either:

• Click on the beside the item (on a Status Tile),

• Right-click on the item's icon (on a Site Plan Tile).
A context menu displays.

Note: The example above is for an Access Zone. The Quick Actions
available are 'Free', Secure' and 'Secure - PIN'. This Access Zone is not in
Alarm, as there is no View Alarm option.
2. What action do you want to perform?
• If an Override, go to Step 3.

• If a Quick Action or Cancel Override, click on the appropriate action

from the context menu.
The state of the item is changed until the next schedule change, and an
event is generated in Command Centre.
3. Click Overrides... from the context menu.
An Overrides pop-up displays for the item.

Note: All actions, regardless of whether they appeared as a Quick Action

on the context menu or not, will be available.
4. Select the Override to perform from the drop-down list.
A section requiring additional information may appear, depending on the
type of override. For example:

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5. Configure as required, and click the OK button.

Running Reports
Reports that are added to a Site Plan or Status Tile can be run from the tile via
a context menu, as follows:

1. Either:

• Click on the beside the item (on a Status Tile),

• Right-click on the item's icon (on a Site Plan Tile).
A context menu displays.

2. Click Run Report... from the context menu.

A Report Preview pop-up displays.

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3. Take the appropriate action to run the report.

This table explains the functions of the buttons on this screen.
Button Description
Save When this button is clicked a context menu
displays listing all the file types you can save a
report as for further use.
Print Clicking this button (or pressing <Ctrl+P> on your
keyboard) displays a Print dialog.
Copy Clicking this button copies the report to the
clipboard, to allow pasting into Excel or other text
application, (e.g. Word, Notepad, etc.).
Email When this button is clicked a context menu
displays listing all the file types you can email a
report in. When the file type is selected, the
report is attached to an open email. The email
recipients then need to be added manually by the
user in the email client.
Note: If an email client is not available on the
workstation an exception message will appear
explaining this.
Fit to Width Clicking this button (or pressing <F5> on your
keyboard) zooms the report so that the width of
the page matches the width of the Report
Fit to Page Clicking this button (or pressing <F3> on your
keyboard) zooms the report so that an entire
page fits in the Report Preview.
Thumbnails Clicking this button (or pressing <Ctrl+T> on your
keyboard) displays thumbnails of the pages in a
report allowing you to quickly navigate to a
section you want to get to.
Find Clicking this button (or pressing <Ctrl+F> on your
keyboard) displays a Find What field below the
Report Preview allowing you to search on text in a
Clicking this button refreshes the Report Preview.
The navigation arrows, (i.e. First page, Previous
page, Next page and Last page) can be used to
move through the report. The page currently
viewing and the total number of pages in the
report also display, (e.g. Page 2 of 7).

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Button Description
Clicking this button (or pressing <Shift+F2> on
your keyboard) will result in a single page
displaying in the Report Preview.
Clicking this button (or pressing <Shift+F3> on
your keyboard) will result in a continuous page
display in the Report Preview, (i.e. all report pages
will display as a vertical ribbon).
Clicking this button (or pressing <Shift+F4> on
your keyboard) will result in a multiple page
display in the Report Preview, (i.e. the report will
be zoomed so that as many pages as can be fit in
the window will display).
A horizontal slider to size the report as it appears
in the Report Preview section.

4. Click the Close button when the report is run.

Note: A report run from a Status tile will run using the actioning Operator's
privileges. This overrides any existing "Run As" Operator that may be
configured in the Schedule/Macro Output pop-up, (i.e. if a scheduled report
has a "Run As" Operator of Operator 1, but Operator 2 runs the report from
the Status tile, then the report will "Run As" Operator 2).

Running Macros
Reports that are added to a Site Plan or Status Tile can be run at any given
time from the tile via a context menu, as follows:
1. Either:

• Click on the or right-click on the icon beside the Macro, and select
Run Macro,
• Double-click on the Macro's icon.

2. Does a message similar to the one below display?

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If… then…
yes the Macro has the "Operator confirmation required when run
manually" option selected (on the Schedule/Repeats tile of the
Macro's properties).
Click the Yes button, and the Macro will run.
no The Macro will run.

The Macro icon changes image for several seconds as an indication the
macro has run.
• An "Operator Ran Macro" event will be generated.
• When a Macro runs it is possible that some of its actions cannot be
carried out, (e.g. when a Macro is set-up a relay may support pulse
overrides, however when the Macro runs this could have been changed).
In such cases, if the Macro was run (from a Schedule or by an Operator),
then an event is generated indicating which item(s) and action(s) could
not be carried out.
• If the server goes offline at the time a Macro is scheduled to run, the
Macro will only run if the server comes back online within one minute of
the scheduled run time. If it is not run, when the server comes back
online an event will be generated.

Copying to clipboard
A Site Plan can be copied to a clipboard where the image can then be posted
into another document type, as follows:
Note: Only the visible content of the Site Plan tile will be copied.

1. Click on the button.

2. Open the application you want to copy the Site Plan image into.

3. Right click and select Paste from the Context menu.

• If any icons are in an alarmed state they will appear the same way in the
• If the Site Plan tile is maximised a larger image is produced.

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Status Tile actions

The Status tile displays a list of configured items in a grid. The list of items is
fixed via configuration, (i.e. it will be configured to either display a pre-
configured list of items, or the Operator will be able to select the items to be
monitored). The order in which the items are displayed is also determined via

If the tile is configured for "Operator Selected Items", operators can

add/remove and reorder items during use, as follows:

Adding Items
Items can be added to the Status tile, as follows:
1. Click the Add Item button.
A browse tool displays.
2. Search for the item(s) you want to add to this tile by entering search
criteria in the Search field and/or refining the filters.
The grid becomes populated with items that match the search criteria.
3. Click the checkbox next to each item name you want to include, or click
the Select All button if you want to include all items.
Note: In a multi-server environment, remote reports are unable to be
added to a local server's Status tile.
4. Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and the item(s) now appears in the list of items on the
Status tile.
Note: You can also drag items from a Site Plan tile into this tile.

Removing Items
Items can be removed from the Status tile, as follows:
1. Click on the item you want to remove from the Status tile.
Note: Multiple items can be removed at once by holding down the <Ctrl>

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key while you click on each item to be removed. Each item selected
becomes highlighted.
2. Click the Remove Item button.
The item(s) disappears from the list of items on the Status tile.

Ordering Items

You can use the up and down arrow buttons to change the order of the
items on the Status tile, (i.e. select the item you want to move and click either
the up or down arrow to move it).

Actions, including viewing alarms, can be performed and overrides carried out
on single or multiple items on a Status Tile via a context menu. When an item
is in alarm on this Tile, the that appears beside the item will be the
appropriate colour to reflect the priority of the alarm, and will also flash if the
Alarm is unacknowledged.

Note: Columns on the Status tile can be resized if required. See Resizing/
reordering columns (on page 2-126) for further detail.

Operator Privileges
Preconfigured Items
If the tile is preconfigured to show particular items, you will be able to see all
the configured items if you have the privilege to see the individual items. This
includes the Item's Icon showing the state of the item and the status text.
This applied to all Item Types except Cardholders.

Operator Selected Items

If the tile is configured for "Operator Selected Items", the following privileges
are needed for the items to appear in the browse tool when adding an item:

For... you need...

Macros the "Edit Macros", "Run Macros" or "Schedule & Run Macros"
privilege in the Macro's division for them to appear in the
browse tool.

Cardholders one of the following privileges in the division of the

cardholder for them to appear in the browse tool:
• "View Cardholders"
• "Edit Cardholders"
• "View Cardholder Notes"
• "Edit Cardholder Notes"

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For... you need...

• "Edit Cardholder Notification"
• "Print/Preview & Encode Card"
• "Delete Cardholders"
all other items "View Site" or "Edit Site" privilege in the division of the item
for them to appear in the browse tool.

Tile Actions
Multi-selecting items (on page 3-119)

Viewing Alarms (on page 3-121)

Performing Actions/Overrides (on page 3-122)

Running Reports (on page 3-124)

Running Macros (on page 3-125)

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URL Tile actions

The URL Tile displays either the content located at a specific URL, (e.g. a web
page, Internet/Intranet, etc.), or a related URL, (i.e. Alarm Instructions or
Cardholder PDF), depending on how it was configured. Whether or not a
Navigation bar displays at the top of the tile, (i.e. the URL address and
navigation buttons) depends on whether navigation was enabled or disabled
when the tile was configured, as follows:

Note: This example has been configured with navigation enabled, hence the
Navigation bar at the top of the tile.

Enable Navigation
• The Navigation bar will be visible and available, (i.e. users will be able to
type any URL they like in the Address bar, and all the navigation buttons
will be available).

• The Forward and Back buttons are available and follow standard
browser behaviour.
• A Home button is also available to return the operator to the URL that
is configured to display.
• The other buttons to the right of the URL text are Go and Refresh.
• Operators can click through any links in the web page.

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Enable Restricted Navigation

• The Address bar and Go button will be visible but permanently

disabled, while all other navigation buttons will be available.
• Users will be able to navigate through all the displayed links in the pre-
configured web page, but the URL cannot be changed.

Disable Navigation
• The Navigation bar will not be displayed, therefore disabling any
navigation for links in the displayed pre-configured web page.

• The display of any non-standard web pages depends on what plug-ins the
user has installed for IE on the workstation that the client is running on.
• If you have the privilege to view the content of the PDF that contains the
URL then you can also view the URL tile and its content. Otherwise you
just get the standard message "You are not authorised..."

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The Reports tab provides a separate area from the Viewer and Administration
functionality, for creating, editing and running the following types of reports:
Report Type Description
Access Report The Access Report provides a list of Cardholders who can
access a door/zone during a specified time period.
Operator Privileges
Operators can only create, edit or delete Access Reports in
divisions where they have the "Configure Access Report"
Activity The Activity Report is a tool for reporting exactly what has
Report been occurring in the system. It is a query tool and is not
expected to be used to print regular reports for filing
Note: In a multi-server environment, for any given server
where event aggregation is enabled, an operator can run an
Activity Report which incorporates events from remote site
items. The Activity Report can be filtered by remote site items.
Operator Privileges
Operators can only create, edit or delete Activity Reports in
divisions where they have the "Configure Cardholder and
Activity Report" privilege.
Cardholder The Cardholder Report allows the operator to print a listing of
Report Cardholder information. The operator specifies a set of
cardholders as criteria.
Operator Privileges
Operators can only create, edit or delete Cardholder Reports
in divisions where they have the "Configure Cardholder and
Activity Report" privilege.
Evacuation The Evacuation Report provides a list of cardholders present
Report on a site. This can be used in an evacuation situation, such as
a fire, and allows better management of evacuation situations
and improved cardholder safety.
Note: In a multi-server system that uses Visitor Management
(a licensable feature), visit data does not get replicated
between servers. Therefore, the Evacuation Report cannot
report on remote visitors.

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Report Type Description

The Evacuation Report relies on cardholder location
information, and is therefore only effective at sites where all
cardholders swipe their cards every time they enter or exit an
Access Zone.
Operator Privileges
To create a new Evacuation Report, or to delete or edit the
properties of an existing Evacuation Report an operator must
have the "Configure Evacuation Report" operator privilege in
the Evacuation Report's Division.
Summary The Summary Activity Report focuses on event statistics. By
Activity default, it shows a graphical representation of events over a
Report report time period. There is also an option to display statistics
in table format so that the data can be exported to CSV. The
report also allows grouping of time so that a trend can be
shown, (e.g. Numbers of events per week over the past three
Operator Privileges
Operators can only create, edit or delete Summary Activity
reports in divisions where they have the "'Configure
Cardholder and Activity Report" privilege.
Time Report The Time Report provides the ability to track hours worked by
(either individual Cardholders. Door entry and exit events are used in
Detailed or the system to calculate hours worked by individual
Overview) Cardholders. In general, a Door entry event is equated to a
Cardholder clocking in or starting work, while a Door exit
event equates to a Cardholder clocking out or ending work.
Note: In a multi-server environment, for any given server
where event aggregation is enabled, an operator can run a
Time and Attendance Report which incorporates events from
remote readers. The Time and Attendance Report can be
filtered by remote readers.
Operator Privileges
Operators can only create, edit or delete Time Reports in
divisions where they have the "Configure Time Report"
Detailed Time Report
The detailed Time Report will show entry and exit times for
cardholders that badge at selected readers. The time report
will contain configurable Earliest Daily Entry Time (EDET) and
Latest Daily Exit Time (EDET) boundaries. These boundaries
will be used to define entry and exit times when a cardholder
tailgates entry or exit, or badges before EDET or after LDET.

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Report Type Description

The time report will produce one row for each continuous
period of times between entry and exit pairs (Time on Site
column). These may be actual or assumed exit and entry pairs.
Overview Time Report
The Overview Time Report will show a summary of total time
based on cardholder attributes: Name, Card Type, Cardholder
Division and PDF values.
The Overview report will contain similar filters as the Detailed
report. The report can be used alongside all reader and time
filter configuration options including EDET/LDET, Max Time on
Site, Separate/Combined readers, First Entry/Last Exit, Grace
Time, Display assumed time. The filters column in the table
below shows the filters that differ from the detailed report.
Note: This report also includes the filter 'Total Days' that
enables an operator to report the total days a Cardholder has
been on site within a specified reporting period.
Voltage The Voltage Report is only available for customers licensed for
Report Fence Controllers. It allows an operator to produce a report of
logged volts for a Fence Zone. These results are displayed on
screen as a line graph, which can be printed out, or saved to
file as a CSV format.
Operator Privileges
Operators can only create, edit or delete Voltage reports in
divisions where they have the "Configure Voltage Report"

Go to the following function that you want to perform:

Finding a Report (on page 3-135)
Report Filters (on page 3-139)
Printing a Report (on page 3-139)
Report Favourites (on page 3-140)
Exporting Cardholder Images (on page 3-141)

Finding a Report
This procedure describes how to search for Reports on the Reports tab.
1. Select the Reports tab on the Command Centre title bar.
2. Click the Find Report button on the toolbar.
A Find Reports screen opens allowing easy searching for reports (based on
Name, Description, Division and ALL). When first opened, the Find
Reports screen will list ALL reports in the Viewer Navigation Panel.

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This table explains the functions of the buttons on the Viewer Navigation
Button Description
Refresh New reports are not added to the report list dynamically.
Reports Instead, a search needs to be re-run, or alternatively you can
click the Refresh Reports button.
Add to Reports can be added to the Report tab toolbar to allow quick
Favourites access to regularly run reports. See Report Favourites (on
page 3-139) for further detail.
Dock This button can be used to determine the position of the
Search Left navigation panel, (i.e. either at the left of the screen or at the
top). When clicked, the navigation panel will display on the
left and the button changes to Dock Search Top, allowing you
to change the position of the navigation panel back to the top.
3. You can either:
• scroll through the list to get to the report you want (if all reports do
not fit on the screen), or
• start entering characters in the Search field.
Automatic searching starts when the first character is entered, and
subsequent characters entered refine the results.
Note: Searching is not case sensitive.

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Searched reports are always returned sorted by Name ascending. They

can be resorted by clicking on any of the column headers. The first 'click'
will always sort the reports in the column's ascending order. Subsequent
'clicks' will toggle the sort order between descending and ascending.
4. Click on the Report you want.
Below the list of reports, the screen is populated with a Filters panel on
the left (to allow editable filters to be changed at runtime), and a Preview
panel on the right.

This table explains the functions of the buttons on this screen.

Button Description
Save When this button is clicked a context menu displays
listing all the file types you can save a report as for
further use.
Note: The Export images option outputs report
images as individual files and exports the report
itself as a CSV file. See Exporting Cardholder
Images (on page 3-141) for the full procedure.
Print Clicking this button (or pressing <Ctrl+P> on your
keyboard) displays a Print dialog.
Copy Clicking this button copies the report to the
clipboard, to allow pasting into Excel or other text
application, (e.g. Word, Notepad, etc.).

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Button Description
Email When this button is clicked a context menu displays
listing all the file types you can email a report in.
When the file type is selected, the report is attached
to an open email. The email recipients then need to
be added manually by the user in the email client.
Note: If an email client is not available on the
workstation an exception message will appear
explaining this.
Fit to Width Clicking this button (or pressing <F5> on your
keyboard) zooms the report so that the width of the
page matches the width of the Report Preview.
Fit to Page Clicking this button (or pressing <F3> on your
keyboard) zooms the report so that an entire page
fits in the Report Preview.
Thumbnails Clicking this button (or pressing <Ctrl+T> on your
keyboard) displays thumbnails of the pages in a
report allowing you to quickly navigate to a section
you want to get to.
Find Clicking this button (or pressing <Ctrl+F> on your
keyboard) displays a Find What field below the
Report Preview allowing you to search on text in a
Clicking this button refreshes the Report Preview.
The navigation arrows, (i.e. First page, Previous
page, Next page and Last page) can be used to move
through the report. The page currently viewing and
the total number of pages in the report also display,
(e.g. Page 2 of 7).
Clicking this button (or pressing <Shift+F2> on your
keyboard) will result in a single page displaying in
the Report Preview.
Clicking this button (or pressing <Shift+F3> on your
keyboard) will result in a continuous page display in
the Report Preview, (i.e. all report pages will display
as a vertical ribbon).
Clicking this button (or pressing <Shift+F4> on your
keyboard) will result in a multiple page display in
the Report Preview, (i.e. the report will be zoomed
so that as many pages as can be fit in the window
will display).
A horizontal slider to size the report as it appears in
the Report Preview section.

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Report Filters
Report Filters are configured when a report is created, and provide the ability
to filter event and alarm details, and cardholder details. There are two types
of Reports Filters, (i.e. Editable Filters and Non-editable Filters).

When you select a report, the screen is populated with a Filters panel on the
left (to allow Editable Filters to be changed at runtime, and Non-editable
Filters to be viewed), and a Preview panel on the right. The Editable and Non-
editable areas are expanded by default but are collapsible up and down. The
separation bar between the two sections can also be dragged up and down.
Likewise, the entire Filters panel can be collapsed to the left (to expand the
Preview panel) by clicking the Filters button.

Editable Filters are the report filter values that can be overridden (changed)
at runtime. See Editing a Filter (on page 2-113) for the procedure.

Non-editable filters cannot be changed at runtime, but can be viewed by

clicking the View this Filter button.
The Edit Condition pop-up displays in 'read-only' mode.

Printing a Report
This procedure describes how to print a Report from the Preview Panel.
1. Click the Print button.
A Print dialog displays.
2. Select the required printer from the drop-down list of available printers.
3. Click the Preferences button if you need to set information about the
printer, (e.g. paper size, or printing more than one page on a single sheet
of paper), and set the Page Range and Number of Copies.
4. Click the Print button.
The Report prints to the printer indicated.

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Report Favourites
Report 'Favourite' buttons can be added to the Report tab toolbar to allow
quick access to regularly run reports, as follows:
1. Click the Find Report button on the toolbar.
A Find Reports screen opens listing ALL reports in the Viewer Navigation
2. From the list of reports, click on the report you want to make a
'Favourite', and either:
• drag and drop it on to the toolbar (beside the Find Report button), or
• click the Add to Favourites button.
A new Report button is added to the toolbar for the report you selected.

• When a report is selected from the toolbar by clicking a report 'Favourite'
button, the Viewer Navigation Panel, (i.e. the list of reports) disappears
from the screen, and it becomes populated with a Filters panel on the left
and a Preview panel on the right.
• By clicking a report 'Favourite' button on the toolbar, a Remove from
Favourites button displays (in place of the Add to Favourites button)
allowing the favourite to be removed from the toolbar.

The report panel displays the last time the report was run beside a Reload
button. This is necessary because if you navigate away from a 'Favourite'
button and then back to it, the report will not automatically re-run.
• 'Favourite' buttons on the toolbar can be reordered by clicking on the
button and dragging it to the required position.

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Exporting Cardholder Images

The ‘Export Images’ option outputs the report images as individual files in the
desired format and exports the report itself as a CSV file.
To export cardholder images, perform the following procedure:
1. Click on the Save button, and select Export images from the list of file
types that displays.
The Save As window displays.
2. Enter the report name and click Save.
The Choose file names pop-up displays.

Note: The report will be saved in the default location (Documents) unless
you select a different location.
3. Click the appropriate radio button for the naming style required.
If you selected… then…
Default naming click the Default name style radio button.
style Format = Index_FirstName_LastName_ImagePdfName
(e.g. 1_Anna_Goodwin_Profile Image.jpg)

Prefix with a. Click the Select Personal Data Field button which
unique Personal is now enabled. A browse tool displays.
Data Field

Note: You must have unique PDFs configured and

assigned. For more detail see Creating a new
Personal Data Field (on page 2-202).

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If you selected… then…

b. Click the radio button for the desired PDF.
c. Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the Select Personal Data
Field button changes to the name of the Personal
Data Field you selected.
Format = UniquePdf_FirstName_LastName_ImagePdfName
(e.g. 1_Bernard_Silva_Profile Image.jpg)

Same as unique a. Click the Select Personal Data Field button which
Personal Data is now enabled. A browse tool displays.

Note: You must have unique PDFs configured and

assigned. For more detail see Creating a new
Personal Data Field (on page 2-202).
b. Click the radio button for the desired PDF.
c. Click the OK button.
The pop-up closes and the Select Personal Data
Field button changes to the name of the Personal
Data Field you selected.
Format = UniquePdf
(e.g. 1.jpg)

4. Select the Image format from the drop-down list.

BMP is selected by default. Other supported formats are PNG and JPEG.
5. Click the OK button.
The Choose file names pop-up closes.

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Licensable Features

Command Centre has a number of features that are licensable. Therefore, if
your site does not have a particular feature included in their licence file, those
options will not be available to you.

This section provides detail on how to use the licensable features. Go to the
appropriate page for the function that you want to perform:

Tag Board feature (on page 3-144)

Austco Intercom feature (on page 3-150)

Jacques Intercom feature (on page 3-155)

Kone ELI HLI feature (on page 3-165)

Commend Intercom feature (on page 3-167)

PIV Card Support (on page 3-171)

Locker Management Solution (on page 3-182)

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Tag Board feature

The Tag Board Tile lists all Cardholders within nominated Access Zones, and the
list is dynamically updated as Cardholders move in and out of the Access
Zones. This Tile can be operated independently from a Viewers Navigation
Panel, so can therefore have static configuration (or Operator selected), and
can be added to any Viewer.
Note: There are a number of conditions where the system will check which
Cardholders should be shown in a Tag Board Zone, (e.g. when the Tile is first
displayed or when a Cardholder changes location even if they are not moving
in or out of a Tag Board Zone). When this occurs, the period of time each
Cardholder has been in a Tag Board Zone will be checked and if it exceeds the
configured value they will be removed. However, in the absence of any of
these triggers it may be that a Cardholder should be removed from the display
of a Tag Board purely due to the passage of time. For performance reasons, to
run the Ignore location information more than <nn> hours old check once an
hour will mean the Cardholders displayed on a Tag Board could be out of sync
with those displayed on an Evacuation Report for the same Zones.

The configuration of the Tag Board Tile determines what view the tile will
display, as follows:
• a detailed view of all nominated Access Zones

• a summary view of all nominated Access Zones

Clicking the expander to the left of the Access Zone name lists all cardholders
whose last known location is in the Access Zone. Cardholders are sorted
alphabetically by First Name.

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• a summary view using colours

Where the number of Cardholders in an Access Zone is greater than zero, the
background colour of the row will display red. Where the number of
Cardholders in an Access Zone is zero, the background colour of the row will
display green.
• For sites using Visitor Management, if a Cardholder/Host has Visitors or
Tour Groups in the Access Zone, the number of Visitors is added to the
total count. Individual Visitors are named on the Tag Board, whereas Tour
Groups are recorded under a Visitor, (i.e. Tour Group Leader) plus a
number of unnamed Visitors.
In the example below, the Berkley Tour Group consists of 5 members,
including Jamie Strange who is the Tour Group Leader, and their host is
Anne Bachman.

• A Change Zones button will only appear on Tag Board Tiles configured to
allow operators to choose the Access Zones to be monitored, (i.e. the
Operator Selected Access Zones option is selected on the Tag Board Tile
Configuration pop-up).

Communication issues
If the system is in a state where updates to one or more of the nominated
Access Zones are not being relayed to the server, the icon will display. This
icon indicates that the information may be partially or completely out of date.
It disappears once all communications have been restored and the information
displayed is known to be up to date.
Changing the text size (on page 3-146)
Resizing columns (on page 3-146)

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Sorting columns (on page 3-146)

Viewing Cardholder contact details (on page 3-147)
Operator Selected Access Zones (on page 3-147)
Manually changing a Cardholder's location (on page 3-149)

Changing the text size

The size of the text can be adjusted by clicking on below the

nominated zones, and then dragging the indicator that displays as necessary.
Change in text size is remembered as an operator preference.

Resizing columns
It is possible to resize columns on the Tag Board tile if required, as follows:
1. Hover over the column divider until the mouse pointer changes to a
"double-ended arrow".

2. Click and hold down the mouse button.

3. Move the mouse in the required direction until the column is the required

Sorting columns
It is possible to sort the information in a column by either descending or
ascending alphabetical order, as follows:
1. Move the mouse pointer to the column header you want to sort, so the
background of the header becomes blue.
2. Click the mouse button on the header so an arrow appears (as shown

3. Click the mouse button again. The arrow changes direction.

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Viewing Cardholder contact details

Cardholder Contact details can be displayed, as follows:
1. Move the mouse over the Cardholder you want to see contact details for.
A appears beside the Cardholders name.
Note: The will appear for Cardholders in the First Name, Last Name,
Cardholder Name, Host Name and Role Name columns.
2. Click on the .
A Contact Details pop-up displays.

The details provided in the pop-up are the Cardholders contact PDFs, (e.g.
Address, Phone, Email and Mobile). The details can be copied and email
addresses can be hyperlinked to the client email.

Operator selected Access Zones

If a Tag Board Tile has been configured to allow operators to choose the Access
Zones to be monitored, there will be additional options for:
• Dragging and dropping Access Zones onto the tile from a Status or Site Plan
Note: When dragging from a Site Plan Tile, either the icon or the area
associated with the Access Zone item can be dragged across. Monitoring of
an Access Zone begins as soon as it is dragged onto the Tag Board Tile.
• Adding and removing Access Zones using the Change Zones button, as

1. Click the Change Zones button.

The Tag Board Access Zones pop-up displays.

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2. What action do you want to take?

To... then...
add Access a) Click the Add Access Zones button.
Zone(s), A browse tool displays.

b) If necessary, search for the Access Zone(s) you want

by entering characters in the Search field and/or
refining the search mode and filters.
The grid becomes populated with Access Zones that
match the search criteria.
c) Check the Access Zone(s) you want to be monitored,
and click the Add Selection button.
The browse tool closes, and the selected Access
Zone(s) appear on the Tag Board Access Zones pop-
remove Access uncheck the checkbox beside the Access Zone(s) you
Zone(s), want to remove.
Note: If you want to remove all the Access Zones
currently selected, click the Deselect All button.
3. Click the OK button.
The Tag Board Access Zones pop-up closes. The first time the tile is
displayed for an operator it will be empty. Subsequently, operator
preferences will determine the Zones being monitored from this tile.

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Manually changing a Cardholder's location

Cardholders can be moved between Access Zones or outside the system
(where outside is the same as exiting the site). The "Manage Cardholder
Location" operator privilege is needed to perform this activity.
Note: If you want to differentiate between the Cardholders who are genuinely
outside and those that have just been moved from one Access Zone to an
unknown location, you need to configure an Access Zone for this and name it
something like 'muster point'.
Use the following procedure to manually change a Cardholder's location:
1. Select the Cardholder(s) you want to move.
2. Click the Move to Location button.
The Change the Cardholder's Location pop-up displays.

3. What action do you want to take?

To... then...
remove a Cardholder(s) click the Remove from list button.
from the list, The Cardholder(s) is removed from the list.
move a Cardholder(s) click the Outside the system radio button, then
outside the system, click the OK button.
The Cardholder(s) is moved outside the system
and the Tag Board Tile is updated accordingly.
move a Cardholder(s) to a) Click the Select an Access Zone button.
a specific Access Zone, A browse tool displays.
b) Select the Access Zone to move the
Cardholder(s) to.
c) Click the OK button.
The browse tool closes and the Select an
Access Zone button changes to the name of
the Access Zone you selected.
d) Click the OK button.
The Cardholder(s) is moved to the selected
Access Zone and the Tag Board Tile is
updated accordingly.

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Austco Intercom feature

When you first log on to Command Centre the Viewer that displays depends on
your privileges. Click the Austco Intercom Viewer button on the Command
Centre toolbar, if the Austco Intercom Viewer is not already open.

The Navigation Panel for an Austco Intercom Viewer is a list of call events for
the intercoms configured for the Viewer, where the event has not been
processed. Events that time out disappear from the list. Default sort order is
seconds remaining, with the one due to expire soonest at the top. The
columns displayed in the Navigation Panel can be resized but not reordered.
Incoming calls display in red text, and when a call is connected the incoming
call text changes from red to green.

Selecting an event displays either the Viewer Panel configured specifically for
the intercom for which the event was generated, or the default Panel. Tiles on
the Viewer can be maximised (made larger) so all content is visible without

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• If Command Centre loses its network connection to the Austco server, then
once the network comes back and the SAD is online, it can take several
minutes before the connection to Austco is restored. This delay can be
shortened by restarting the Austco server.
• Austco calls do not appear in the calling list when an operator logs on.

Austco Intercom icons

The Austco Intercom icon (which can appear on the Status tile and Site Plan
tile) has three states, as follows:

When an intercom is... then the icon is in the...

idle, Normal Operation state, and on a Site Plan the
line/area colour is Black.
ringing, Call ringing state, and on a Site Plan the
line/area colour is Red.
connected on a call, Call connected state, and on a Site Plan the
line/area colour is Green.

Operator Privileges
To view and perform the necessary functions within this viewer, you will
require the appropriate operator privileges, as follows:

Operator Privilege Required to...

"Use Intercom" connect to an intercom.
"Override - Open Door" open an intercom's associated door.
"View Events" view intercom call events.
"View Site" view Austco Intercom Systems or Austco Intercom
"Edit Site" add, remove or modify Austco Intercom Systems or
Austco Intercom items.

Changing the text size (on page 3-152)

Placing a call (on page 3-152)

Answering a call (on page 3-153)

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Changing the text size

The size of the text can be adjusted by clicking on below the list of
call events, and then dragging the indicator that displays as necessary. Change
in text size is remembered as an operator preference.

Placing a call
An operator can place a call from:
• an Austco Console connected to a Command Centre workstation,
• an Austco Intercom item configured in Command Centre (located on a Site
Plan tile or Status tile), or
• an Austco Intercom Viewer.
• If an operator attempts to call an intercom which has a call waiting in the
list, then that existing call in the list simply enters the "Connected" state.
• The Call button remains enabled when the Austco Intercom System is
offline, the workstation Austco Configuration is incorrect, or the Austco
Console is disconnected from the workstation.
1. Open the Austco Intercom Viewer.
2. Click the Call button.
The Place Call pop-up displays with a list of possible call destinations.

Note: This list excludes the workstation intercom you are calling from.
3. Highlight the intercom you want to call and click the OK button.
The workstation calls the intercom and the call appears in the list.

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Answering a call
An operator can answer a call from:
• an Austco Console connected to a Command Centre workstation,
• an Austco Intercom item configured in Command Centre (located on a Site
Plan tile or Status tile), or
• an Austco Intercom Viewer.
• You can configure the Austco Intercom Viewer not to pop to the front, if
required. See Creating the Austco Intercom Viewer for detail.
• When a new call appears in the "Ringing" state in the list, the workstation
plays the "IntercomCall" sound as configured in the workstation "Sound"
control panel in Windows. By default, the notify.wav sound file from the
Windows Media folder is configured to play. You can choose to select a
different sound file, if required.
• If a call arrives while the operator is handling another call, the new call is
added to the list.
1. Open the Austco Intercom Viewer.
2. Click on the row of the call event you want to respond to, so it becomes
Either the Panel configured specifically for the intercom for which the call
event was generated, or the default Panel will display.
3. To connect to the call event click the Connect button.
The call event is cleared from all other workstations. The time remaining is
cleared, and the console will connect to the intercom.
Note: If you fail to connect to the call event within the time remaining, (i.e. the
time indicated in the "Seconds Remaining" column), the cardholder will be
denied access and the call event is cleared from the list.
You can now:
- talk to the cardholder, if required via the Austco console,
- open the door associated with the intercom, or
- end the call.
Take the appropriate action as required:

Opening the door associated with an intercom

1. Click the Open Door button.
The door that is associated with the intercom opens.
- If no door is associated the Open Door button is disabled.
- You need the "Override - Open Door" operator privilege to perform this

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Ending a call

Once you have answered a call, you have the option to end the call at any time.
1. Click the Cancel button.
The call event is cleared from the list and removed from all other
workstation PCs. The next call event is selected automatically, and the
appropriate Panel displayed.
Note: If an operator attempts to cancel a call from another workstation,
the error message "Access is denied" displays in the Austco Intercom
Viewer. A workstation can only cancel its own calls.

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Jacques Intercom feature

When you first log on to Command Centre the Viewer that displays depends on
your privileges. Click the Jacques Intercom Viewer button on the Command
Centre Client toolbar, if the Jacques Intercom Viewer is not already open.

• To view and perform necessary functions within the Jacques Intercom
Viewer, you will require the appropriate operator privileges, as described
• The Jacques Intercom Viewer displays for the Configuration Client Master
Intercom External System Item, (i.e. the Intercom item that has a
workstation assigned to it).
The Navigation Panel for a Jacques Intercom Viewer is a list of calls for the
intercoms configured for the Viewer. The columns shown can be resized but
not reordered. Calls are sorted by Status, ascending and then Time Call Placed,

Selecting a call displays either the Viewer Panel configured specifically for the

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intercom for which the call was generated, or the default Panel. Tiles on the
Viewer panel can be maximised (made larger) so all content is visible without
• If this is the only workstation running, a message displays indicating that
this is the only active Intercom workstation.
• If the operator logs off the only active Intercom workstation, then all
existing intercom calls will be lost, and new calls are unable to be placed
from intercoms.
• Calls will only appear on one Jacques Intercom workstation. If the
workstation is closed the calls will be diverted to the intercom's parent
intercom, as specified in the Jacques configuration.
• If you change the configuration of the intercom attached to your
workstation, you will be unable to make or receive any new calls. Calls
currently in the queue can be processed, but no new ones will be added to
your queue. You may need to restart your Command Centre Client and/or
check your Jacques system configuration.
• Only one workstation per PC can service an intercom at a time. If a second
Command Centre workstation is opened (configured with a Jacques
Intercom Viewer), then the second Jacques Intercom Viewer will be
disabled and the message "Viewer disabled. Only one intercom workstation
per machine" will display. This also occurs when opening one instance of a
Configuration Client workstation and one instance of a Command Centre
workstation, or with two instances of Configuration Client workstations.
• If a change is made to one of the following fields, the Intercom Viewer will
display the message "Viewer disabled due to config change. Log off and log
back on". The viewer remains disabled and will not accept calls, until the
operator does as the message asks. The fields are:
- The Intercom External System's address
- The name of the workstation Intercom you are connected as
- The serial number of the workstation Intercom you are connected as
• The Stop taking Calls button is available as long as the Jacques system is
online and there are no connected calls. It allows you to put the
workstation into remote mode. Remote mode will hang up all existing calls
to this workstation, and divert any new calls to this intercom's parent
intercom. When clicked, the name of the button changes to Start taking
Note: Whether the workstation intercom starts up in remote mode or not
is determined by the Jacques Intercom Server and not by Command Centre
Client, (i.e. the state of the Stop taking Calls button is not remembered as
an operator or workstation preference in Command Centre).

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Jacques Intercom Icons

The Jacques Intercom icon (which can appear on the Status tile and Site Plan
tile) has four states, as follows:

When an intercom is... then the icon is in the...

idle, Normal Operation state, and on a Site Plan the
line/area colour is Black.
ringing, Call ringing state, and on a Site Plan the line/area
colour is Red.
connected on a call, Call connected state, and on a Site Plan the
line/area colour is Green.
on hold, On Hold state, and on a Site Plan the line/area
colour is Orange.

Operator Privileges
To view and perform the necessary functions within this viewer, you will
require the appropriate operator privileges, as follows:

Operator Privilege Required to...

"Use Intercom" connect to an intercom, and to call from and to an
intercom from a Site Plan tile or Status tile.
"Override - Open Door" open an intercom's associated door.
"View Events" view intercom call events.
"View Site" view Jacques Intercom Systems or Jacques Intercom
"Edit Site" add, remove or modify Jacques Intercom Systems or
Jacques Intercom items.

Changing the text size (on page 3-158)

Placing a call (on page 3-158)

Answering a call (on page 3-159)

Jacques Isolate function (on page 3-161)

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Changing the text size

The size of the text can be adjusted by clicking on below the list of
call events, and then dragging the indicator that displays as necessary. Change
in text size is remembered as an operator preference.

Placing a call
An operator can place a call from:
• a Jacques Console connected to a Command Centre workstation,
• a Jacques Intercom item configured in Command Centre (located on a Site
Plan tile or Status tile), or
• a Jacques Intercom Viewer.
• If the operator attempts to call an Intercom which has a call waiting in the
call list, then that existing call in the call list simply enters the "Connected"
• The Call button remains enabled when the Jacques Intercom System is
offline, the workstation Jacques Configuration is incorrect, or the Jacques
Console is disconnected from the workstation.
1. Open the Jacques Intercom Viewer.
2. Click the Call button.
The Place Call pop-up displays with a list of possible call destinations.

• The Call button is always enabled, unless the workstation is in remote
mode, (i.e. the Stop taking Calls button was clicked, and is now called
Start taking Calls).
Note: Whether the workstation intercom starts up in remote mode or
not is determined by the Jacques Intercom Server and not by Command

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Centre Client, (i.e. the state of the Stop taking Calls button is not
remembered as an operator or workstation preference in Command
• This list excludes the workstation Intercom you are calling from.
3. Highlight the Intercom you want to call and click the OK button.
You are returned to the Jacques Intercom Viewer. The workstation calls
the Intercom and the call appears in the list.
You can now forward, hold, open a door or hang up the call.

Answering a call
An operator can answer a call from:
• a Jacques Console connected to a Command Centre workstation,
• a Jacques Intercom item configured in Command Centre (located on a Site
Plan tile or Status tile), or
• a Jacques Intercom Viewer.
• When a call is answered from a Site Plan tile or Status tile, an operator
cannot then Forward the call or Open a Door associated with the Intercom
from there. They can however do any of the following:
• Hang-up the call,
• put the call on Hold,
• Isolate / Deisolate the call (Isolating allows an intercom to be put into a
temporary suspended unusable state)
The ability to isolate/de-isolate is dependant on a registry key setting,
and the ability to set a time on isolation is configured in the Jacques
system. See Jacques Isolate function (on page 3-161) for further detail.
• When a Command Centre Client workstation receives a call request, the
Jacques Intercom Viewer pops to the front if it is not already visible. You
can configure the Jacques Intercom Viewer not to pop to the front, if
required. See Creating the Jacques Intercom Viewer for further detail.
• When a new call appears in the "Ringing" state in the list, the workstation
plays the "IntercomCall" sound as configured in the workstation "Sound"
control panel in Windows. By default, the notify.wav sound file from the
Windows Media folder is configured to play. You can choose to select a
different sound file, if required.
• If a call arrives while the operator is handling another call, the new call is
added to the list.
• Bridging calls to multiple Command Centre workstations is possible if it has
been configured in the Jacques system. Only one Operator will be able to

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action the call (e.g. answer it), and then other operators will be able to see
the status of that call.
1. Open the Jacques Intercom Viewer.
2. Click on the row of the call event you want to respond to, so it becomes
Either the Panel configured specifically for the Intercom for which the call
was generated, or the default Panel will display.
3. To connect to the call event, click the Answer button.
The workstation Intercom will connect to the call. You can now:
- talk to the cardholder, if required via your Intercom,
- place the call on hold,
- open the door associated with the Intercom,
- forward the call, or
- end the call.
Take the appropriate action as required:

Placing a call on hold

Once you have answered a call, you have the option to place the call on hold at
any time.
1. Click the Hold button.
The status of the call changes to "On hold".

Opening the door associated with an Intercom

1. Click the Open Door button.
The door that is associated with the Intercom opens.
- If no door is associated the Open Door button is disabled.
- You need the "Override - Open Door" operator privilege to perform this

Forwarding a call

A current call or any queued call can be forwarded to another Intercom.

1. From the Intercom Viewer, select the call you wish to forward to another
2. Click the Forward button.
The Forward Call pop-up displays with a list of all the Intercoms in the
operator's division that have the "Calls can be forwarded to this intercom"
option enabled.

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Note: This list excludes the Intercom that initiated the call, and the
workstation Intercom you are forwarding from.
3. Highlight the Intercom you wish to forward the call to, and click the
Forward button.
The call is forwarded to the Intercom selected. The next call is selected
automatically, and the appropriate Panel displayed.

Ending a call

Once you have answered a call, you have the option to end the call at any time.
1. Click the Hang Up button.
The call is disconnected. The call is cleared from the list and removed from
all other workstations. The next call is selected automatically, and the
appropriate Panel displayed.

Jacques Isolate function

The Jacques Intercoms 'Isolate' function is an override option. It enables an
operator to effectively ignore calls from a specified intercom for a pre-
configured period of time.
Note: Some intercoms cannot be isolated, (e.g. Gallagher video terminal and
monitoring station).

Configuring the Isolate function

There are a number of procedures that need to be performed to configure and
use this function, as follows:
Creating a registry key

To enable the Isolate option, you will need to create a registry key, as follows:
1. From the Start menu, click Run...
2. Type in 'regedit' and click OK.
The Registry Editor opens.

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Centre FT.
Note: If using a 64 bit system, path you way to
Centre FT.
4. Right click, then click New from the drop-down menu.
Another drop-down menu displays.
5. Click DWORD (32-bit) Value.
Your new DWORD Value is populated at the bottom of the registry values
6. Name the DWORD Value "EnableIntercomIsolate".
7. Double-click your newly created DWORD Value.
The Edit DWORD (32-bit) Value window displays.
8. Select Decimal as the Base and enter “1” in the Value data field.
9. Click the OK button.
Note: Deleting the Registry key will remove the Isolate option from your

Adding permissions for bridged or remote modes

If a workstation is in bridged or remote mode, you must also add permissions

(capabilities) for the workstation to isolate intercoms, otherwise the override
will not work.
1. Open HeidiSQL and click the Data tab.
2. Assign a tag to each intercom for each workstation that you want to enable
the ‘Isolate’ override on.

Setting a time limit for isolating in Jacques

The length of time an intercom is isolated for, by default is 15000 milliseconds

(15 seconds). However, this time is configurable as follows:
1. In HeidiSQL, ensure the isolate-allowed value is set to "1", which indicates
it is allowed to be isolated.

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2. Set the isolate-duration value to the time required.

In the example below, Intercom 333 is allowed to be isolated and the
isolation duration is 15 seconds.

3. Restart the Jccpserver service for the changes to take affect.

Note: If you change the isolate-allowed value to "0", log out and back into
Command Centre, the Isolate option will be greyed out for Intercom 333.

Using the Isolate function

When configured (as above), the Isolate/Deisolate function is available for an
Intercom from a Site Plan or Status tile, as follows:
1. Either:

• on a Status Tile, click on the beside the Intercom

• on a Site Plan Tile, right-click on the Intercom's icon
A context menu displays.

2. Click Isolate from the context menu.

The red 'Ghost buster' overlays the Intercom icon to reflect its change of
status to "The intercom endpoint is isolated", and the Isolate option
changes to Deisolate.

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No calls can be made from Intercom. However, operators can still make
calls to the Intercom.
Note: Deisolate returns the Intercom to normal, (i.e. calls can be made
from the Intercom again).

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Kone ELI HLI feature

The Kone ELI licensable feature allows Command Centre to support message
type 11. This enables CC to set flags against a Cardholder to allow for a
particular behaviour. The flags can be used to prioritize and/or restrict access
to certain floors based on the Cardholder privileges. With message type 11, CC
can be used to configure both front and rear doors for access.

This feature also supports Kone Destination Operation Panels (DOPs) and Kone
Car Operation Panels (COPs). COPs are located inside the elevator car. A
Gallagher reader is positioned at each DOP or COP. When a cardholder badges
their card at a reader, Command Centre instructs the Kone System which levels
the cardholder has access to. The cardholder can then select a destination,
limited to those floors. If the cardholder is using a DOP, the DOP will instruct
the cardholder on which elevator car to use, alleviating the need for floor
selection within the elevator car itself.

WARNING: If a cardholder badges at a reader associated to a Kone terminal

(DOP or COP) and then walks away without selecting a floor, another user may
select a floor based upon that cardholder’s access privileges until the
configured floor selection timeout is reached. If any cardholder attempts to
present another card during this time, their card read will be ignored. Any floor
selection made will be subject to the first cardholders access privileges. The
floor selection will be reported as belonging to the first cardholder.

Assign or Remove a Call Type

Once Call Types are configured, you can assign a Call Type to Cardholder. Each
Elevator HLI can contain numerous Call Types. However, you can assign only
one Call Type to a Cardholder from a particular Elevator HLI. To assign another
Call Type to the same Cardholder, another HLI must be configured and
assigned to the Cardholder.
1. From the Gallagher Command Centre menu, click Viewers > Cardholder
2. Enter the Cardholder’s name in the search bar.
The Cardholder is displayed.
3. Do you want to assign or remove a Call Type?
To… then…
assign, a. From the 'Cardholder Kone ELI Properties' tile, click Assign.
The Assign Elevator HLI window displays.
b. Select the check box for the appropriate Elevator HLI then,
click the Add Selection button.
Note: You assign multiple Elevator HLI to a Cardholder by
selecting multiple check boxes.

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To… then…
c. From the Call Type drop-down list, select the appropriate
Call Type.
By default, the first Call is selected. Calls are listed
remove, a. From 'Cardholder Kone ELI Properties tile, select an Elevator
HLI. By default, the first Elevator HLI is selected.
b. Click the Remove button.
4. Select the Save button to keep your changes.
5. Select the Revert to Saved button to undo changes.

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Commend Intercom feature

When you first log on to Command Centre the Viewer that displays depends on
your privileges. Click the Commend Intercom Viewer button on the Command
Centre Client toolbar, if the Commend Intercom Viewer (sample screen) is not
already open.

The Navigation Panel for a Commend Intercom Viewer is a list of call events for
the intercoms configured for the Viewer, where the event has not been
processed. Events that time out disappear from the list. Default sort order is
seconds remaining, with the one due to expire soonest at the top. The columns
displayed in the Navigation Panel can be resized but not reordered. Incoming
calls display in red text, and when a call is connected the incoming call text
changes from red to green.

Selecting an event displays either the Viewer Panel configured specifically for
the intercom for which the event was generated, or the default Panel. Tiles on
the Viewer can be maximised (made larger) so all content is visible without
Notes: Commend calls do not appear in the calling list when an operator logs
on but the intercom status will display correctly in Site Plan and Status tiles.

Commend Intercom Icons

The Commend Intercom icon (which can appear on the Status Viewer and Site
Plans) has seven states, as follows:
When an intercom is... the icon is in the...
and on a Site Plan/Area the colour is black.
ringing in,
and on a Site Plan/Area the colour is red.
ringing out,
on a Site Plan/Area the colour is orange.
connected (on a call),
on a Site Plan/Area the colour is green.
paused (on hold),
on a Site Plan/Area the colour is yellow.
on a Site Plan/Area the colour is purple.
on a Site Plan/Area the colour is blue.
The Commend Intercom system icon (which can appear on the Status Viewer
and Site Plans) is . It only has one state.

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Operator Privileges
To view and perform the necessary functions within this viewer, you will
require the appropriate operator privileges, as follows:
Operator Privilege Required to...
"Use Intercom" connect to an intercom.
“View Events”
"Override - Open Door" open/override an intercom's associated door.
"View Site" view Intercom External Systems or Intercom
External System items.

Changing the text size (on page 3-168)

Placing a call (on page 3-168)
Answering a call (on page 3-169)
Commend Isolate function (on page 3-170)

Changing the text size

The size of the text can be adjusted by clicking on below the list of
call events, and then dragging the indicator that displays as necessary. Change
in text size is remembered as an operator preference.

Placing a call
An operator can place a call from:
• a Commend Console,
• a Commend Intercom item configured in Command Centre (located on a
Site Plan tile or Status tile), or
• a Commend Intercom Viewer.
• If an operator attempts to call an intercom which has a call waiting in the
list, then that existing call in the list simply enters the "Connected" state.
• The Call button remains enabled when the Commend Intercom System is
offline or the Commend Console is disconnected from the workstation.
1. Open the Commend Intercom Viewer.
2. Click the Call button.
The Place Call pop-up displays with a list of possible call destinations.
Note: This list excludes the workstation intercom you are calling from.
3. Highlight the intercom you want to call and click the OK button.
The workstation calls the intercom and the call appears in the list.

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Answering a call
We strongly recommend that you disable privacy mode in the Commend
software in order to answer calls via any of the available methods. Note that
privacy mode MUST be disabled if you want to answer calls using one of the
options in Command Centre or the Configuration Client.
An operator can answer a call from:
• a Commend Console,
• a Commend Intercom item configured in Command Centre or the
Configuration Client (located on a Site Plan tile or Status tile), or
• a Commend Intercom Viewer in Command Centre.
• You can configure the Commend Intercom Viewer not to pop to the front, if
required. See Creating the Commend Intercom Viewer (on page 2-298) for
• If a call arrives while the operator is handling another call, the new call is
added to the list.
1. Open the Commend Intercom Viewer.
2. Click on the row of the call event you want to respond to, so it becomes
Either the Panel configured specifically for the Intercom for which the call
was generated, or the default Panel will display.
3. To connect to the call event, click the Connect button.
The call event is cleared from all other workstations. The time remaining is
cleared, and the console will connect to the intercom.
Note: If you fail to connect to the call event within the time shown in the
"Seconds Remaining" column, the cardholder will be denied access and the
call event is cleared from the list.
You can now:
- talk to the cardholder, if required via your Commend console,
- open the door associated with the intercom, or
- end the call.
Take the appropriate action as required:

Opening the door associated with an intercom

1. Click the Open Door button.
The door that is associated with the intercom opens.
- If no door is associated the Open Door button is disabled.
- You need the "Override - Open Door" operator privilege to perform this

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Ending a call
1. Once you have answered a call, click the Hang Up button to end it at any
The call event is cleared from the list and removed from all other
workstation PCs. The next call in the queue is selected automatically, and
the appropriate Panel displayed.

Commend Isolate function

The Commend Intercoms 'Isolate' function is an override option. It allows an
operator to disable a specified intercom until the operator chooses to de-
isolate it.
Note: Some intercoms cannot be isolated, (e.g. master and SIP intercoms).

In Command Centre, you can isolate intercoms via the Status tile or Site Plan
tile while in the Commend Intercom Viewer. See the Commend Intercom
Configuration topic (on page 2-300) for instructions on setting up the
Commend Intercom Viewer.

To isolate an Intercom from either the Status tile or the Site Plan tile:
1. Right click the Commend Intercom you want to isolate.
A context menu displays.

2. Click Isolate.
The Intercom is now isolated and no calls will be able to be placed from this
To de-isolate an intercom from either the Status tile or the Site Plan tile:
1. Right click the Commend Intercom you want to de-isolate.
A context menu displays.
2. Click De-isolate.
The Intercom is now de-isolated and the operator will receive notifications
related to the Intercom again.

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PIV Card Support

The Federal Information Processing Standard Publication 201 (FIPS201) is a
United States federal government standard that specifies Personal Identity
Verification (PIV) requirements for Federal employees and contractors.

U.S. federal departments and agencies must use accredited issuers to issue PIV
cards containing identity credentials for federal employees and contractors.
Issued cards are enrolled into Gallagher Command Centre via the pivCLASS
Workstation software. Biometric and PIN validation occurs at this enrolment

Enabling Windows FIPS mode

1. From the Start menu, click Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Local
Security Policy > Local Policies > Security Options.
2. Scroll down and double-click on System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant
algorithms for encryption, hashing and signing.
3. Click the Enabled radio button, and then the OK button.
Note: The Command Centre Notifications feature is not supported in Windows
FIPS 201 mode. Therefore, sites wishing to use the Windows FIPS 201 mode
setting should not enable the email or SMS Notifications feature settings in
Command Centre.

While registering PIV Cardholders is actioned in Command Centre Client, most

of the configuration for PIV Cards is done in the Configuration Client, therefore
see "PIV Card Support" in the Configuration Client Help file for further detail.

FIPS201 Topography (on page 3-172)

PIV Cards in Command Centre (on page 3-172)

PIV Cardholder Registration Process (on page 3-175)

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FIPS201 Topography

PIV cards in Command Centre

There are a number of differences between PIV cards and other card types,
and how they appear in either of the Command Centre clients, (i.e.
Configuration Client and Command Centre Client).

When PIV card types appear on the 'Cardholder Cards Tile' in Command Centre
Client, or on the Cards tab of a Cardholders properties in Configuration Client,
it is important to be aware of the following differences with other card types:
• The Issue Level is "read-only" for PIV cards.
• Activation (From) and Expiry (Until) Dates/Times are not enabled, as they
are read directly from the PIV card itself during enrolment and registration.
Note: The Until Time is Midnight UTC and will show as the local
workstation time, (i.e. New Zealand will be 12:00).
• When assigning a card to a cardholder, the PIV Card Type does not appear
in the Card Type drop-down list, as PIV cards cannot be manually assigned.

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• None of the encoding options are enabled for PIV cards.

• When the Validation server is unable to be contacted, the cardholder card
status shows as 'Certificate status unknown', (i.e. in the Status column in
the Command Centre Client, or to the right of the Card Enabled checkbox
in the Configuration Client). PIV cards with this status remain in an 'active'
state and can still be used to gain access where appropriate.
• In Command Centre Client, the Last Validation Time column only appears if
a cardholder has at least one PIV card, and will be populated with the last
successful time that the active PIV card certificates have been validated.
• In Command Centre Client, a random or user generated PIN number can be
securely hashed and stored in the database for each PIV card record.
Note: The PIV card will not be read at the time of setting the PIN.
For any selected PIV card that an operator has the privilege to edit, and has
been configured to ‘Use PINs’ (in Configuration Client), the Cardholder
Cards tile will display an enabled Assign PIN button to launch the Assign
PIN window.
Note: When the operator only has the privilege to view the card, the
Assign PIN button will be disabled.

Assigning PINs
1. Click the Assign PIN button.
The Assign PIN pop-up displays.

2. Either:
• Manually type a PIN number into the first User PIN field, and then
confirm it by repeating it in the second User PIN field, OR
• Click the Generate PIN button to automatically generate a random
Note: Generated PINs will only display while the Assign PIN
window is open. Once closed, there will be no way of re-viewing

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Chapter 3: Using Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

the PIN number since the PIN itself is not stored. Generated PINs
will be of length equal to the minimum PIN length set against the
PIV Card type.
3. Click the OK button.
The Assign PIN pop-up closes.
4. Click the Save button.

Searching for PIV cards in Command Centre Client

Simple Searching
When performing a simple search for a PIV card, by card number, the numbers
entered in the Search field must match the Federal Agency Smart Credential
Number (FASC-N) PIV card format, including the dashes, (i.e. 4-4-6 digits. With
the first 4 digits being the Agency code, the next four digits the System code
and the last six digits the Credential number).
For example, if there was a PIV card number 1234-5678-987654, and 123456*
was entered in the Search field, the card would not be found. However, if
1234-56* was entered, it would appear in the search results.

Advanced Searching
When performing an advanced search for PIV cards, there are a number of
conditions available to help define your search. When you click the Insert
Condition button on the 'Advanced Search Rule Definition' pop-up, the
following options are available:
• From the Condition Type drop-down list you can select either Cardholder
has Card issued by Certification Authority (PIV) or Cardholder has Card
not validated during past 24 hours (PIV).

The Cardholder has Card issued by Certification Authority (PIV) option


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- find all cardholders that have PIV cards issued by a particular

Certification Authority.
- combine with a revoked search to find all revoked cards for a particular
Certification Authority.
- combine with other search filter criteria to find a subset of cards issued
by a particular Certification Authority.
The Cardholder has Card not validated during past 24 hours (PIV) option
returns cardholder records that have PIV cards that have failed to have all
certificates validated in the past 24 hours, due to an inability of Command
Centre to contact the Validation Authority.
Note: Newly created cardholder records will not be returned until a
minimum 24 hours after enrolment.
• By selecting the Condition Type "Cardholder Card Status" from the drop-
down list, you can search for PIV cards of either a Revoked or Not Trusted

PIV Cardholder Registration Process

The PIV Cardholder Registration process is only available to sites that are
licensed for Personal Identity Verification (PIV). The registration process
supports both PIV and PIV-I cards.
Note: Expired and revoked cards cannot be enrolled in Command Centre.

During PIV Cardholder Registration, various information is read from a card and
stored in Command Centre. As part of this, an Image Personal Data Field (PDF)
is needed to store the facial image read from the card. Although not
necessary, be aware that if this isn't done, facial images read from cards will
not be stored and will not be available later for viewing.

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Chapter 3: Using Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Gallagher recommend:
• To store images: Create an Image PDF and link it to the PIV Card Type.
Follow "Creating an Image PDF" (Step 1 below).
• To view images in the Cardholder Viewer: Assign this Image PDF and
Cardholder to the same Access Group. Follow "Assigning Cardholders to
Access Group" (Step 19 below) after the cardholder is registered.

To register PIV Cardholders, perform the following procedures in the order
Creating an Image PDF
1. Create an Image Personal Data Field (PDF) in the Command Centre Client,
and assign the Image PDF to an Access Group.
See Creating a new Personal Data Field (on page 2-202) for the procedure.

Configuring Registration Options on the PIV Card Type

Operators require the "Configure Site" privilege in the appropriate division to

link an Image Personal Data Field to the PIV card type, set certificate validation
options and enable fingerprint verification. This procedure is performed in the
Configuration Client, as follows:
2. Click Configure from the menu bar, then Card Types.
The Card Type Master List Window opens with the "PIV Card" appearing by
3. Right click on the "PIV Card" and select Properties.
By default the General tab displays.
4. Click the Registration Options tab.

5. Configure the PIV Cardholder registration options as required:

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a) Select the Image PDF from the drop-down list, which will be used to
store the facial image read from PIV cards.
b) If you require certificate validation, check the Enable certificate
validation checkbox, and then check each of the options you want to be
enforced at the time of PIV Cardholder registration.

Option Description
Validate optional If checked, the two optional certificates, (i.e. Key
certificates Management Certificate and Digital Signature
Certificate) will be validated.
Validate the content If unchecked, the content signing certificate will
signing certificate not be validated. This is used to digitally sign the
PIV objects and is issued to the issuer of the card
and not for the cardholder.
If you choose to trust this issuer then you may be
happy to not validate this certificate.
Ignore end-entity If checked you are allowing entity certificate with
certificate revocation unknown revocation status to be enrolled. This
unknown may be of benefit when experiencing network
problems or the CA server is down, to allow
enrolment immediately.
Ignore certificate If checked you are allowing intermediate
authority revocation certificate with unknown revocation status to be
unknown enrolled. This may be of benefit when
experiencing network problems or the CA server
is down, to allow enrolment immediately.
Enforce CHUID If checked, all certificate expiry dates need to be
expiration nesting on or before (not after) CHUID expiry date.
Ignore time not valid If checked, validation will ignore expired
certificates and certificates not yet active.
c) If you want fingerprint verification to be part of the PIV Cardholder
registration process, ensure the Enable Fingerprint scan and
verification checkbox is checked.
6. Click the OK button to exit and save your changes.

Registering a PIV Cardholder

Register PIV Cardholders in the Command Centre Client, as follows:

7. Click the Cardholder Viewer button on the Command Centre toolbar.
The Cardholder Viewer opens.
8. Select the cardholder in the Navigation Panel.

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Chapter 3: Using Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

9. Click the Register PIV Cardholder button.

Note: The Register PIV Cardholder button will only be active if you have
the privileges to create and edit a cardholder.
If a card has NOT been inserted in the reader, the Insert PIV card screen of
the Register PIV Cardholder pop-up displays. If this screen does not
display, go to Step 12.

10. Select the Registration Reader from the drop-down list, and insert a card
into the reader.
11. If a PIV card is inserted in the reader, the Enter PIN screen of the Register
PIV Cardholder pop-up displays.

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12. Get the Cardholder to enter their PIN.

Note: The PIN will display as a row of asterisks (*) as it is entered.
13. Click the Next button.
Does the Scan Fingerprint screen of the Register PIV Cardholder pop-up

If... then...
no, go to Step 14.
yes, a) Select the available (installed) reader from the Fingerprint
Reader drop-down list.
A red light activates on the fingerprint reader indicating that
it is ready to scan the Cardholders finger.
b) Get the Cardholder to place their finger on the fingerprint
The fingerprint captured is verified against the fingerprint
template existing on the card.
14. As the card data is being registered, progress is indicated to the operator
on the Retrieving card information… screen.

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Once registration has completed successfully, the cardholder details display.

Note: The Name, Employee Affiliation and CHUID Expiry Date are non-
editable fields as read from the card. The First Name, Last Name and
Division are editable fields representing the details that will exist in the
Command Centre database when saved.
15. Edit the Name and/or Division fields if necessary.
16. Click the Save button.
The following occurs:
• The cardholder details appear in the Cardholder Viewer, (i.e. the
cardholder is selected in the Navigation Panel and applicable tiles are
populated and visible), and

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• The Register PIV Cardholder pop-up returns to the Insert PIV card
17. Remove the PIV card from the reader.
18. Repeat Steps 10 - 16 for each subsequent PIV cardholder you wish to
19. When all registrations are complete, click the Cancel button to close the
Register PIV Cardholder pop-up and return to the Cardholder Viewer.

Assigning Cardholders to Access Group

If you want the image to display in the Cardholder Images tile, perform the
following step:
20. Assign each of the PIV cardholders the Access Group that has the Image
PDF assigned to it (from Step 1).
Note: There are a number of methods that can be used to assign the
Access Group to cardholders, (e.g. from the Cardholder Access Groups tile
in the Cardholder Viewer, from Access Groups on the Administration tab).

When a card already exists
If a card with the same FASC-N as an existing card in Command Centre, is
registered or re-registered in Command Centre, the card will 'replace' the
existing card record for the same cardholder. If the name of the cardholder
has been changed in the database at or since the earlier card registration then
the updated First Name and/or Last Name will be displayed during registration
thus reflecting the names held in the database. These fields can be further
changed if required during this (re)registration.

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Chapter 3: Using Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Locker Management Solution

The 'Locker Management Solution' is used to manage Cardholders access to

the Lockers. You can configure Lockers (in the Configuration Client) to enable
Cardholders to self-assign Lockers, or you can manually assign Lockers to
Cardholders via the Locker Viewer, Cardholder Viewer or Bulk Changes. Using
the Locker Viewer, an Operator can view all current assignments.

This feature enables you to (in either the Command Centre Client or the
Configuration Client):
• Manage individual and project team access to Lockers
• Configure Lockers for self-assignments and/or manual assignments
• Notify the Cardholder when a Locker has been assigned or removed (via
existing Command Centre Notifications framework), see Cardholder
Notifications Tile actions (on page 3-90)
• Report on Locker activity (access events plus alarms such as Locker Forced
Open and Locker Open Too Long)
• Report on Cardholders including current Locker assignments
• View status and, override Lockers and Locker Banks (unallocated Locker
Banks only) from a Command Centre workstation
• Manage remote site Lockers. See Multi-server section below.

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The 'Locker Management Solution' is a licensable feature, i.e. your license file
must contain the following option:

Lockers=n [n] indicates the number of Lockers that can be created

Operator Privileges
An Operator requires the appropriate Locker privileges to perform Locker
tasks. The privileges only apply within the Divisions assigned to that Operator
Operator Privilege... is required to...
“Manage Locker assign (allocate), modify and/or remove Lockers
Assignments” from Cardholders. It does not include View
Cardholder privilege however; View Cardholder
privilege is not required to see existing Locker
assignments in Locker Viewer.
“Edit Lockers” create, edit and delete Lockers and Locker Banks.
“Override - Open Locker” open Lockers and open unallocated Lockers.
“View Lockers and view Lockers, Locker Banks and Locker
Assignments” assignments.
• Edit Site does not include Edit Lockers therefore, you cannot create, edit or
delete Lockers or Locker Banks.
• View Site cannot view Lockers or Locker Banks.

The following Command Centre multi-server functionalities are supported:
• Override Lockers (Open Locker) from a local server.
• Override Locker Banks (Unlock Unallocated Lockers) from a local server.
• View remote site Lockers from a local a server.
• Assign and/or remove Lockers from a local server.

Locker Columns and Event Group/Type

The following Locker columns can be used to configure an Activity report
and/or a Cardholder report:

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Chapter 3: Using Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide


Locker Bank
Locker Name

The following Locker columns can be used to configure an Activity report

and/or a Cardholder report: Event Group or Type:
Event Group Event Group/Type
Cardholder Locker Assignment Cardholder Locker Assignment
Cardholder Locker Removal Cardholder Locker Removal
Cardholder Locker Removed Cardholder Locker Removed
Locker Removed from Cardholder
Card Event Locker Access Granted
Cardholder Locker Assignment Locker Assigned to Cardholder
Locker Forced Open Locker Forced Open
Locker Not Locked Locker Not Locked
Card Event Locker occupancy timeout
Locker Open Too Long Locker Open Too Long
Locker Status Locker Opened
Locker Re-secured
Locker Status
Operator Event Operator requested locker bank override
Access Denied No Allocated Locker
Operator Event Group Operator requested Open Locker override

To configure Locker Management, perform the following procedures in
Command Centre Client:
Allocate or Remove a Locker via Locker Viewer (on page 3-185)
Assign or Remove a Locker via Cardholder Viewer (on page 3-186)
Locker Bulk Changes (on page 3-188)
Locker Status and Overrides (on page 3-189)
Locker Bank Status and Overrides (on page 3-190)

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Allocate or Remove a Locker via Locker Viewer

Before proceeding with this procedure, ensure the following pre-requisites
have been configured:
• 'Adding Cardholder Lockers tile to the Cardholder Viewer' in Command
Centre Client.
• 'Configuring a Locker Bank' in Configuration Client.
• 'Configuring a Locker' in Configuration Client

Perform the following procedure to allocate and/or remove a Locker from a
To… then…
allocate, a. Click the button.
The Cardholder search window displays.
b. Enter the Cardholder’s name in the search bar.
The Cardholder checkbox is automatically selected.
c. Click OK.
d. Click the button, then select an allocated-from date.
e. Click the button, then select an allocated-until date.
 Once a date has been selected, you can modify the
time by individually selecting the hour(s), minute(s)
and second(s).
 If the assignment doesn't have an Allocated From
and Allocated Until dates, the assignment will be
permanent until it's changed by an Operator.
remove, a. Click on the Cardholder’s name.
A dialog box displays.

b. Click Yes.

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Chapter 3: Using Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Allocate or Remove a Locker via Locker Viewer

The assigning or removing of a Locker is achieved via 'Cardholder Lockers' tile
in Gallagher Command Centre.

Before proceeding with this procedure, ensure the following pre-requisites
have been configured:
• 'Adding Cardholder Lockers tile to the Cardholder Viewer' in Command
Centre Client.
• 'Configuring a Locker Bank' in Configuration Client.
• 'Configuring a Locker' in Configuration Client.

To assign or remove a Locker, perform the following procedure:
1. From Gallagher Command Centre, click Viewers > Cardholder Viewer.
2. Enter the Cardholder’s name in the search bar.
The Cardholder is displayed.
3. Are you assigning or removing a Locker?
If you are… then…
assigning, a. From the Cardholders lockers tile, click Assign.
The Assign Locker window displays.

b. If you want to assign an already allocated Locker, select

the Include assigned lockers check box, otherwise go to
step c.
Note: You can apply the Division and/or Locker bank
filters to narrow search results.
c. Select the checkbox for the appropriate Locker, then click
the Add Selection button.
d. Do you want to configure a From and Until date?

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If you are… then…

removing, a. Select the appropriate Locker, by default the first Locker is
b. Click the Remove button.
The Locker is removed from the Cardholder.

4. Click Save to apply the change.

Click Revert to Saved to undo the change.

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Chapter 3: Using Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Locker Bulk Changes

The following changes can be applied to Lockers:

Change Description
Add Assignments Assign Lockers to Cardholders (with no current
assignments) from selected Locker Banks
permanently or use assignment defaults from Locker
Modify Assignments Alter Cardholders' current Locker assignments using
all or selected Locker Banks to assign Lockers
permanently or assign until a particular date and
Remove Assignments Delete Cardholders' current Locker assignments using
all or selected Locker banks.

• Assign Locker permanently: Cardholders will be assigned with Lockers with
no end date/time or until the assignments is modified or removed by the
• Use assignment defaults from Locker Bank: Uses settings from the Locker
Bank 'Self Assignment' tab.

To configure and change Locker assignments, refer to Creating a new
Cardholder Bulk Change (on page 2-222) for the procedure.

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Locker Status and Overrides

To override a Locker, perform the following procedure:

1. From Command Centre main window, click Viewers > Locker Viewer.

2. Click the button for the appropriate Locker.

3. Select Open Locker.
The Locker is unlocked.
Note: You can also perform Locker overrides via Monitor Site Viewer and
Site Plan.

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Chapter 3: Using Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Locker Bank Status and Overrides

An Operator can perform the following overrides at the Locker Bank level:
• Unlock Unallocated Lockers - opens all unassigned Lockers
• Cancel Override - Cancels the Unlock Unallocated Lockers override

Ensure that you have configured the Monitor Site Viewer to include the Status
tile, and added the Locker Bank items to the Status tile.
Refer to the Adding Locker Items topic (next) to add Locker Bank items to the
status tile.

To override a Locker Bank, perform the following procedure:
1. From Command Centre main window, click Viewers > Monitor Site Viewer.

2. Click the button for the appropriate Locker Bank.

3. Select Overrides.
The Locker Bank Override window displays.

4. Configure as required.
To… then…
Unlock Unallocated a. Select Unlock Unallocated Lockers from the
Lockers, override to perform drop-down list.
b. You can either:
• select the Until this time radio button, and
enter the time of day you want the override
to end, or

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To… then…
• select the For xx Hours, xx Minutes radio
button, and enter the hours and/or minutes
(this is limited to a maximum of 23 hours and
59 minutes).
Note: If the Until this time is set to a past time,
the override changes from today to tomorrow.
Cancel Override, select Unlock Unallocated Lockers from the
override to perform drop-down list.

5. Select OK.

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Chapter 3: Using Command Centre Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Adding Locker Items

Items can be added to the Status tile, as follows:

1. From the Gallagher Command Centre, click Viewers > Monitor Site Viewer
> Viewer Configuration.
2. Add the status tile to viewer if not already added.
3. Double-click on the Click to configure button.
The Status Tile Configuration window displays.

4. Click the Add Item button.

A browse tool displays.

5. Search for the Locker item(s) you want to add to this tile by entering search
criteria in the Search field and/or refining the filters.
The grid becomes populated with Locker items that match the search
6. Click the check box next to each item name you want to include, or click
the Select All button if you want to include all items.

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Note: In a multi-server environment, remote reports are unable to be

added to a local server's Status tile.
7. Click the Add Selection button.
The pop-up closes and the item(s) now appears in the list of items on the
Status tile.

Part number 3E2732 Page 3-193

Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Index


A Assigning competencies (Cardholder

Access Decision Tile actions • 3-44 Competencies Tile) • 3-76
Access Decision Tile, Configuring •2-46 Assigning Days to Day Categories • 2-163
Access Groups • 2-134 Assigning Notification Filters to a Cardholder
Access Groups and Lineage • 2-136 (Cardholder Notifications Tile) • 3-91
Acknowledging alarms • 3-6 Assigning Relationships (Cardholder
Acknowledging multiple alarms • 3-6 Relationships Tile) • 3-107
Adding a new Panel to a Monitor Site Viewer Austco Intercom feature Configuration •
Navigation Panel • 2-34 2-289
Adding Cardholder Lockers tile to the B
Cardholder Viewer • 2-305
Adding Command Lines for Macros • 2-182 Broadcast Notification Tile actions • 3-47
Adding comments to competencies Broadcast Notification Tile, Configuring •
(Cardholder Competencies Tile) • 3-76 2-51
Adding Day Categories to Schedules • 2-214 Bulk Changes • 2-220
Adding Doors to a Panel (Monitor Site Viewer Bulk Changes, Creating a new Cardholder
Navigation Panel) • 2-35 Bulk Change • 2-222
Adding Items (Status Tile) • 3-127 Bulk Changes, Creating an Inactive
Adding States to Card State Sets • 2-169 Cardholder Bulk Purge • 2-238
Adding Tiles to Panels • 2-43 Bulk Changes, Editing and/or Running a
Administration • 2-125 saved Cardholder Bulk Change • 2-242
Advanced searching for Cardholders • 3-17 Bulk Changes, Understanding • 2-221
Alarm Details Tile actions • 3-45 C
Alarm Details Tile, Configuring •2-48
Alarm Instructions Tile actions • 3-46 Calendars and Day Categories • 2-158
Alarm Instructions Tile, Configuring •2-50 Camera Tile actions • 3-49
Alarm Sounds • 3-10 Camera Tile, Configuring • 2-53
Alarm Viewer • 3-3 Capturing an image (Cardholder Images Tile)
Alarm Viewer Navigation Panel, Configuring • 3-86
• 2-12 Capturing Biometrics (Cardholder Biometrics
Allocate or Remove a Locker via Locker Tile) • 3-57
Viewer • 3-185 Card State Sets • 2-165
Answering a call (Jacques Intercom feature) • Card State Sets, Adding States to a Card State
3-156 Set • 2-169
Assign or Remove a Call Type, Kone ELI HLI Card State Sets, Configuring a Card State
feature • 3-165 History Report • 2-170
Assign or Remove a Locker via Cardholder Card State Sets, Creating • 2-167
Viewer • 3-186 Card State Sets, Removing States from Card
Assigning a card (Cardholder Cards Tile) • State Sets • 2-170
3-62 Card States, Understanding • 2-166
Assigning a Default Floor and Passenger Type Cardholder Access Groups Tile actions • 3-50
(Cardholder Otis Compass Properties Tile) Cardholder Access Groups Tile, Configuring •
• 3-101 2-57
Assigning a different Panel to a Controlled Cardholder Biometrics Tile actions • 3-56
Challenge Viewer Navigation Panel • 2-25 Cardholder Biometrics Tile, Configuring •
Assigning Access (Cardholder Access Groups 2-58
Tile) • 3-51 Cardholder Cards Tile actions • 3-60

Part no. 3E2732 I-1

Index Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Cardholder Cards Tile, Configuring •2-60 Configuring a Camera Tile • 2-53

Cardholder Competencies Tile actions • 3-74 Configuring a Card State History Report •
Cardholder Competencies Tile, Configuring • 2-170
2-62 Configuring a Cardholder Access Groups Tile
Cardholder Details Tile actions • 3-79 • 2-57
Cardholder Details Tile, Configuring •2-64 Configuring a Cardholder Biometrics Tile •
Cardholder Expiries Tile actions • 3-83 2-58
Cardholder Expiries Tile, Configuring •2-68 Configuring a Cardholder Cards Tile • 2-60
Cardholder History Tile actions • 3-84 Configuring a Cardholder Competencies Tile •
Cardholder History Tile, Configuring • 2-70 2-62
Cardholder Images Tile actions • 3-85 Configuring a Cardholder Details Tile • 2-64
Cardholder Images Tile, Configuring • 2-72 Configuring a Cardholder Expiries Tile • 2-68
Cardholder Notes Tile actions • 3-89 Configuring a Cardholder History Tile • 2-70
Cardholder Notes Tile, Configuring • 2-75 Configuring a Cardholder Images Tile • 2-72
Cardholder Notifications Tile actions • 3-90 Configuring a Cardholder Kone ELI Properties
Cardholder Notifications Tile, Configuring • Tile • 2-298
2-77 Configuring a Cardholder Notes Tile • 2-75
Cardholder Operator Groups Tile actions • Configuring a Cardholder Notifications Tile •
3-94 2-77
Cardholder Operator Groups Tile, Configuring Configuring a Cardholder Operator Groups
• 2-79 Tile • 2-79
Cardholder Otis Compass Properties Tile Configuring a Cardholder Otis Compass
actions • 3-100 Properties Tile • 2-80
Cardholder Otis Compass Properties Tile, Configuring a Cardholder Personalised
Configuring • 2-80 Actions Tile • 2-81
Cardholder Personalised Actions Tile actions Configuring a Cardholder Relationships Tile •
• 3-103 2-82
Cardholder Personalised Actions Tile, Configuring a Guard Tour Tile • 2-87
Configuring • 2-81 Configuring a Report Layout • 2-114
Cardholder Relationships Tile actions • 3-106 Configuring a Site Plan Tile • 2-92
Cardholder Relationships Tile, Configuring • Configuring a Status Tile • 2-95
2-82 Configuring a Summary Activity Report
Cardholder Viewer • 3-11 Layout • 2-119
Cardholder Viewer Navigation Panel • 2-19 Configuring a Tag Board Tile • 2-275
Changing an expired password • 1-7 Configuring a URL Tile • 2-98
Changing Cardholder Details (Cardholder Configuring Access Group access • 2-146
Details Tile) • 3-81 Configuring Access Group Privileges for
Changing the state of a Workstation Routing Terminal access • 2-150
item • 2-263 Configuring Access Groups for Test Modes •
Changing the text size • 3-143, 3-149, 3-155, 2-153
3-163 Configuring an Access Decision Tile • 2-46
Changing times and states within Schedules • Configuring an Alarm Details Tile • 2-48
2-216 Configuring an Alarm Instructions Tile •2-50
Changing your password • 1-6 Configuring an Event Trail Tile • 2-83
Commend Intercom feature configuration Configuring an Operator Sessions Tile • 2-91
• 2-298 Configuring Anti Passback Forgive • 3-23
Commend Isolate function • 3-165 Configuring Command Centre • 2-1
Common Regular Expressions • 2-208 Configuring individual Tile types • 2-45
Configuration Client, Launch • 2-133 Configuring Licensable Features • 2-245
Configuring a Broadcast Notification Tile • Configuring Locker Viewer • 2-304
2-51 Configuring Privileges for an Operator Group
• 2-194

I-2 Part no. 3E2732

Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Index

Configuring settings for all Mobile Devices • Creating a Rule on a Spot Monitor Viewer
2-253 Navigation Panel • 2-37
Configuring the Alarm Viewer Navigation Creating a Rule on an Alarm Viewer
Panel • 2-12 Navigation Panel • 2-15
Configuring the Austco Intercom Viewer • Creating an entry to a Controlled Challenge
2-290 Viewer Navigation Panel • 2-23
Configuring the Cardholder Viewer Creating an Inactive Cardholder Bulk Purge •
Navigation Panel • 2-19 2-238
Configuring the Commend Intercom Viewer Creating Cardholders • 3-20
• 2-299 Creating Cardholders from a MIFARE USB
Configuring the Controlled Challenge Viewer Encoder • 3-21
Navigation Panel • 2-21 Creating Reports • 2-102
Configuring the Jacques Intercom Viewer • Creating the Austco Intercom Viewer • 2-290
2-295 Creating the Commend Intercom Viewer •
Configuring the Monitor Site Viewer 2-298
Navigation Panel • 2-33 Creating the Jacques Intercom Viewer •
Configuring the Spot Monitor Viewer 2-294
Navigation Panel • 2-36
Configuring the Viewer Navigation Panel • D
2-10 Data Map • 2-270
Configuring Tiles • 2-42 Data Map, Creating • 2-271
Configuring Tiles for Commend Intercom Data Map, Understanding • 2-271
Panels • 2-301 Deleting a Cardholder • 3-22
Configuring Tiles for Austco Intercom Panels Deleting a Panel from a Monitor Site Viewer
• 2-292 Navigation Panel • 2-34
Configuring Tiles for Jacques Intercom Panels Deleting a Panel from a Spot Monitor Viewer
• 2-296 Navigation Panel • 2-40
Controlled Challenge Viewer • 3-31 Deleting a Rule from an Alarm Viewer
Controlled Challenge Viewer Navigation Navigation Panel • 2-18
Panel, Configuring • 2-21 Deleting an entry from a Controlled
Copy and pasting an image (Cardholder Challenge Viewer Navigation Panel • 2-24
Images Tile) • 3-88 Deleting an image (Cardholder Images Tile) •
Copying a Panel to a Monitor Site Viewer 3-88
Navigation Panel •2-34 Deleting Cardholders • 3-22
Copying Access (Cardholder Access Groups Deleting items • 2-130
Tile) • 3-54 Determining alarm priorities • 3-5
Copying items • 2-130 Disabling all Notification Filters for a
Creating a Card State Set • 2-167 Cardholder (Cardholder Notifications Tile)
Creating a Cardholder • 3-20 • 3-93
Creating a Data Map • 2-271 Disabling competencies (Cardholder
Creating a Day Category • 2-160 Competencies Tile) • 3-77
Creating a new Access Group • 2-137 Disabling Notifications (Cardholder Details
Creating a new Cardholder Bulk Change • Tile) • 3-82
2-222 Duplicating Day Category entries • 2-219
Creating a new Macro • 2-173
Creating a new Mobile Device • 2-248
Creating a new Operator Group • 2-188 Editing a condition for filtering • 2-113
Creating a new Personal Data Field • 2-202 Editing and/or Running a saved Cardholder
Creating a new Schedule • 2-211 Bulk Change • 2-242
Creating a new Viewer • 2-6 Editing items • 2-130
Creating a new Workstation Routing item • Editing/Removing Actions for a Macro •
2-264 2-185

Part no. 3E2732 I-3

Index Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Enabling all Notification Filters for a J

Cardholder (Cardholder Notifications Tile)
Jacques Intercom feature Configuration •
• 3-93
Enabling Notifications (Cardholder Details
Jacques Isolate function • 3-158
Tile) •3-82
Encoding a card (Cardholder Cards Tile) •
3-67 K
Entering an Alarm Note • 3-7 Keyboard shortcuts • 1-17
Event Action Plans and Alarm Instructions Kone ELI feature Configuration • 2-298
for a Macro • 2-180 Kone ELI HLI feature • 3-165
Event Action Plans and Alarm Instructions
for a Mobile Device • 2-251 L
Event Trail Tile actions • 3-109 Launch Configuration Client • 2-133
Event Viewer • 3-33 Licensable Features • 3-140
Event Viewer, Expanding the Event List • Licensable Features, Configuring • 2-245
3-37 Linked Site Plans, navigating between (Site
Event Viewer, Viewing Historical Events Plan Tile) • 3-119
• 3-35 Live Events, Viewing • 3-34
Event Viewer, Viewing Live Events • 3-34 Locker Bulk Changes • 3-188
Expanding the Alarm List • 3-9 Locker Management Solution Configuration •
Expanding the Event List • 3-37 2-304
Locker Management Solution • 3-182
Locker Bank Status and Overrides • 3-190
Finding a Report • 3-134 Locker Status and Overrides • 3-189
FIPS201 Topography, PIV Card Support • Logoff • 1-11
3-163 Logon • 1-2
Force Processing alarms • 3-7
Macros • 2-171
Generating new Enrolment Codes • 2-251 Manually changing a Cardholder's location on
Generic Administration Tasks • 2-126 a Tag Board • 3-146
Getting Started • 1-1 Manually displaying Alarms on a Spot
Granting temporary access by Access Group • Monitor • 3-40
2-148 Minimising/Maximising Tiles • 3-41
Granting/Denying Access • 3-32 Mobile Barcode Scanning • 2-258
Grouping Operator Sessions by Licensing Mobile Client Configuration • 2-246
Group • 3-115 Mobile Notifications • 2-260
Guard Tour Tile actions • 3-111 Monitor Site Viewer • 3-38
Guard Tour Tile, Configuring •2-87 Monitor Site Viewer Navigation Panel,
H Configuring • 2-33
Multi-selecting items (Site Plan or Status Tile)
Hiding/Showing item names (Site Plan Tile) •
3-118 •3-118
Historical Events, Viewing • 3-35 N
History/Notes tab • 2-131
Navigating between linked Site Plans (Site
Plan Tile) • 3-119
Inserting a condition for filtering • 2-112
Invoking Workstation Routing • 2-268 O
Operator accounts, Unlocking • 3-100
Operator Groups • 2-186

I-4 Part no. 3E2732

Gallagher Command Centre User Guide Index

Operator Sessions, Grouping by Licensing Resizing Tiles • 2-44

Group • 3-115 Resizing/reordering columns • 2-126
Operator Sessions, Terminating • 3-116 Running Bulk Changes from the Cardholder
Operator Sessions Tile actions • 3-114 Viewer • 3-25
Operator Sessions Tile, Configuring • 2-91 Running Reports from the Access Groups
Ordering Items (Status Tile) • 3-128 Viewer • 2-154
Running Reports from the Cardholder Viewer
• 3-26
Performing Actions/Overrides (Site Plan or
Status Tile) •3-121
Personal Data Fields • 2- Schedules • 2-209
200 PIV Card Support • 3- Scheduling a Macro • 2-179
166 Scheduling a Report • 2-109
PIV Card Support, FIPS201 Topography • Searching for Cardholders in a multi-server
3-167 environment • 3-20
PIV Card Support, PIV cards in Command Searching for items • 2-127
Centre • 3-167 Searching using a Card • 3-15
PIV Card Support, PIV Cardholder Selecting a Guard (Guard Tour Tile) • 3-112
Registration Process • 3-170 Selecting a Tour (Guard Tour Tile) • 3-112
Sending a Notification from the Cardholder
Placing a call • 3-149, 3-155, 3-163 Viewer • 3-29
Printing a card (Cardholder Cards Tile) • 3-66 Sending a notification (Broadcast Notification
Printing a Report • 3-138 Tile) • 3-47
Processing alarms • 3-7 Setting up DVR Cameras for a Spot Monitor
Viewer • 2-40
Shortcut keys • 1-17
Registration Process for PIV Cardholders • Simple searching for Cardholders • 3-12
3-166 Site Plan Tile actions • 3-117
Regular Expression Settings • 2-206 Site Plan Tile, Configuring •2-92
Removing a card (Cardholder Cards Tile) • Sizing the Panels • 2-126
3-65 Spot Monitor Viewer • 3-39
Removing a condition for filtering • 2-113 Starting a Tour (Guard Tour Tile)
Removing Access (Cardholder Access Groups • 3-112
Tile) • 3-55 Status Tile actions • 3-127
Removing competencies (Cardholder Status Tile, Configuring •2-95
Competencies Tile) • 3-77 Stopping/Halting a Guard Tour • 3-113
Removing Day Categories from Schedules • T
Removing Items (Status Tile) • 3-127 Tag Board feature Configuration • 2-275
Removing Notification Filters from a Tag Board Tile, Configuring • 2-275
Cardholder (Cardholder Notifications Tile) Terminating Operator Sessions • 3-116
• 3-92 Tile Actions • 3-43
Removing Relationships (Cardholder Tiles, Configuring • 2-42
Relationships Tile) • 3-107 Toolbar buttons • 1-12
Removing States from Card State Sets • 2-170 U
Removing Tiles from Panels • 2-43
Report Favourites • 3-138 Understanding Access Groups • 2-136
Report Filters • 3-137 Understanding Bulk Changes • 2-221
Reports • 3-132 Understanding Calendars and Day Categories
Reports, Creating • 2-102 • 2-159
Reports, Scheduling • 2-109 Understanding Card States • 2-166
RepositioningTiles • 2-44 Understanding Data Maps • 2-271

Part no. 3E2732 I-5

Index Gallagher Command Centre User Guide

Understanding Macros • 2-172

Understanding Mobile Client • 2-247
Understanding Operator Groups • 2-187
Understanding Personal Data Fields • 2-201
Understanding Schedules • 2-211
Understanding Workstation Routing • 2-263
Unlocking Operator accounts • 3-100
Updating a Rule on a Spot Monitor Viewer
Navigation Panel • 2-39
Updating a Rule on an Alarm Viewer
Navigation Panel • 2-17
Uploading an image (Cardholder Images Tile)
• 3-87
URL Tile actions • 3-130
URL Tile, Configuring • 2-98
Using Command Centre • 3-1
Using keyboard shortcuts • 1-17
Using the Austco Intercom feature • 3-147
Using the Commend Intercom feature • 3-162
Using the Jacques Intercom feature • 3-152
Using the Tag Board feature • 3-141
Using the toolbar • 1-12
Viewer Configuration - Overall Process •
Viewers, Creating • 2-6
Viewing additional card or mobile credential
information (Cardholder Cards Tile) •
Viewing Alarms (Site Plan or Status Tile) •
Viewing details for an entry (Cardholder
History Tile) • 3-84
Viewing Historical Events • 3-35
Viewing Live Events • 3-34
Viewing Report in full screen mode • 2-123
Working with Viewers • 3-2
Workstation Routing • 2-262

I-6 Part no. 3E2732

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