Peb 2024
Peb 2024
Peb 2024
1. [30 marks: 4 + 20 + 6]
Consider a used car market with 600 buyers each willing to buy
exactly one used car, and 500 sellers each having exactly one
used car. Out of the 500 used cars, 400 are of good quality
(peaches) and 100 are of bad quality (lemons). The monetary
valuation of owning a peach is Rs. 100 for a buyer and Rs. 50 for
a seller. On the other hand, the monetary valuation of owning
a lemon is Rs. 10 for both a buyer and a seller. A seller knows
whether the car she owns is a peach or a lemon, whereas a buyer
only knows that there are 400 peaches and 100 lemons. Both
the buyers and the sellers know the various valuations.
(b) (i) Derive, with a clear explanation, the supply of used cars
as a function of price. Draw this supply curve by plotting
number of used cars on x-axis and price on y-axis. [You
must label all the important points in the figure clearly.]
(ii) Derive, with a clear explanation, the demand for used cars
as a function of price. Draw this demand curve in the same
figure as in part (i). [You must label all the important
points in the figure clearly.]
(iii) Use the demand and supply functions above to find out
all possible competitive equilibria in the used car market
mentioning clearly which types of car, lemon or peach, are
bought and sold in each equilibrium.
(c) Now suppose that buyers also know the identity of all cars, that
is, whether any given car is a peach or a lemon. Use a similar
demand-supply analysis as above to solve for all possible com-
petitive equilibria in the used car market in this scenario.
2. [30 marks: 5 + 3 + 3 + 11 + 8]
(a) For any qr and qu , derive the expressions for (i) private firm’s
profit, (ii) public firm’s profit, (iii) consumer surplus, and (iv)
welfare (sum of consumer surplus and producer surplus).
(b) The private firm’s objective is to maximize its own profit. For
a given qu , set up the private firm’s maximization problem and
derive its optimal choice of output qr . [This exercise gives you
the reaction function of the private firm.]
and qr in y-axis). [You must label the important points in
the figure clearly.]
(e) Suppose that the marginal cost of the private firm falls to cr < c
while the marginal cost of the public firm remains the same at
c. Draw the new reaction functions and explain clearly how the
following outcomes change in the new equilibrium (as compared
to the old equilibrium): qr , qu , Q, price, profits of the two firms,
consumer surplus and welfare. [There is no need to derive the
exact expressions; just qualitative answers are enough.]
(a) For any price p, derive, with a clear explanation, the demand
facing the monopoly firm.
(b) Derive, with a clear explanation, the monopoly price and profit
(c) Suppose that the firm can, for a cost, get to know whether a
consumer belongs to the interval [0, 45 ], or to the interval ( 45 , 1].
What is the maximum amount the firm is willing to pay for this
information? Give a clear explanation for your answer.
Group B (Macroeconomics)
1. [30 marks: 4 + 6 + 10 + 5 + 5]
(c) Choose an arbitrary aggregate price level, P, and draw the ag-
gregate labour supply (LS ) and aggregate labour demand (LD )
curves, as functions of W , by plotting labour (L) on x-axis and
nominal wage (W ) on y-axis. Think about the labour market
equilibrium for the arbitrary aggregate price level P that you
have chosen.
therefore the aggregate labour force grows at a constant rate
n > 0.
(a) The government taxes the interest earnings at the rate 0 < τ <
1. Wage earnings are not taxed. The government uses the col-
lected taxes to fund government consumption; in particular, the
tax collection is not used for investment at all.
(iv) How does k ∗∗ change with changes in τ ? Compare with the
response of k ∗ and explain the economic reason behind the
differential impact.
3. [30 marks: 9 + 5 + 6 + 4 + 6]
(b) Note that β < 1 implies that the individual is myopic (short-
sighted), she puts less weight on future period. Explain intu-
itively whether a more myopic individual will save more or less
than a less myopic individual. Verify your intuition by deter-
mining the sign of .
(c) Note also that the individual’s personal savings, s, depends
on the government mandated savings T . Explain intuitively
whether the government mandated savings increases or decreases
personal savings. Verify your intuition by determining the sign
of .
(d) One rupee received in benefits in period 2 would require an in-
dividual to save an amount (< 1 since R > 1) in period
1. Explain intuitively whether the government mandated sav-
ings make the individual cut back her personal savings at a rate
higher or lower than . Verify your intuition.
(e) In the light of your answer to part (b) and from the expression
of you expect that the rate of change in personal savings
in response to a change in T depends on the discount factor β.
Prove that more myopic individuals reduce their personal savings
at a higher rate.
Group C (Mathematics)
1. [30 marks: 20 + 10]
C := {(x, y) : 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, 0 ≤ y ≤ 1, y ≤ x}.
max ax + by
is either (0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1). Describe all possible values of a and
b for which each of {(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1)} is an optimal solution.
3. [30 marks: 5 + 5 + 15 + 5]
– The functions f1 (x) = ex − 1 and f2 (x) = ln(x + 1) are in
– If f (x) and g(x) (not necessarily distinct) are in F, then
the functions f (x) + g(x) and f (g(x)) are in F.
– If f (x) and g(x) are in F and f (x) ≥ g(x) for all x ∈ [0, ∞),
then f (x) − g(x) is in F.
(b) If f (x) and g(x) are in F, show that the functions ln(f (x) + 1)
and ln(g(x) + 1) are in F.
(c) If f (x) and g(x) are in F, show that the function f (x)g(x) +
f (x) + g(x) is in F.
(d) If f (x) and g(x) are in F, show that the function f (x)g(x) is in