Vsms Manual
Vsms Manual
Vsms Manual
Centre Guidance
confirmed .its usefulness With the men
cetarded children, The results to date taly
appear so promíslng
that the use of thisscale at many
other clinics, guince
ssccenter may bring forth further valuable information. With
the arrival of more
research findings in our OWn country
nay. -eventually produce a scale that can be widely used in
It is important to remember in this context that this
insttument just not oniy provides a measure oi Social Age
Social Quotient. It will also indicate the Socia!
de f i c i t s and social assets in growing child. Aith he
Social Age
S.Q. = x 100
Actual Age
quarte houc
objects, for
7. Plays with rattle or simple
or longer without need cf
'talked' to or beyond
Indicates desire to be
handling, or care for physical needs.
established control of saliva
16. IHas
except hen eating.
chin does not require wiping
to particular objectS in
Comes when called; points
.7. general cooperates on verbal
pictures when asked; in
Iequest in very simple
pushing a cart on
Activity is
gets along' indivídual
with other rather than
28. Eats
children. coQperative, but he
things like buiscçit or
hand or uses SDOon ro bread holding in his
eat fo
bo, Cup, piate, OWn
35. By
actions or speech expresses to
ease himself. to
May be
assisted at same.
urinate Or