The Night of The Rise
The Night of The Rise
The Night of The Rise
Written By:
Jeff C. Stevens
Cover and Internal Artist
Daniel F. Walthall
Internal Art: Free! Fantasy Stock Art by Daniel F. Walthall is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License. CC BY 4.0)
Background image:
Zsuzsa Fige
Reviewed By:
Ken Carcas, Jean Headley, JVC Parry, Allison Rossi
Test Players:
Bryan Stevens, Jeremy Kirsch, Travis Grant, Andrew Thompson, Casey Bax, Jonathon Dierking,
Bridget LaRue, Ricky Biggers, Elissa Moe
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The Night of the Rise 2
Introduction Text in textboxes is to be read to the players. You
The Night of the Rise is a unique adventure that may summarize the text or make changes if you
offers the party an alternative to the "hack & wish.
slash" approach. The opportunity for role play
is high and it is sure to tap into skills and
abilities most of your characters never knew
they possessed. Not only does it offer a new Text in grey boxes is for your information and
experience for your players, but hopefully it has should not be read to the players.
them smiling several times during the night.
The stat blocks for the creatures in this module
A town official approaches the adventuring can be found in the 5th Edition Monster Manual.
party and asks for their help. A group of
bandits, led by the notorious Giles Ne’Ville, has A Battle Stat Tracker is included at the end of
set up a camp two-days from here and is this module. I include this to make preparation
charging a toll to travel that section of the road. time easier for the DM.
This is greatly affecting the town’s supplies and
commerce. For all maps: 1 square = 5 feet
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The Night of the Rise 3
Part 1. The Hook
A town official approaches the adventuring His face scrunches and his eyes squint as he speaks
party and asks for their help. A group of the bandits name. “I don’t care how you do it. He
bandits, led by the notorious Giles Ne’Ville, has
and his bandits have caused enough havoc in this
set up a camp two-days from here and is
region. I’m sure if you cut off the head of the
charging a toll to pass that section of the road.
snake…well…the tail will die.”
This is greatly affecting the towns supplies and
“I’ll offer you 100 gold pieces each if you dispatch
The town official asks the adventurers to go to him. Again, do whatever you need to do. Bring me
the bandit camp and make them leave – using his bandolier of daggers as proof the task is
whatever means is necessary. A reward of 100 complete. It’s quite famous and easily recognizable
gold pieces each will be paid, and the party may with its gold studs and buckle.”
keep all that they plunder.
Landall looks up at the sky, scratches his head, and
says, “I’ll even throw in a night’s stay at the inn and a
Landall Hempsire is the assistant to the town’s
mayor. The mayor, John Bels, tends to leave all credit of 10 gold pieces each.”
the mayoral duties to Landall which allows John
more time to imbibe at the local tavern and If asked, Landall could share the below
mingle with the citizens. information with the party. Or, a player may
attempt a DC 10 Intelligence (History) check
Landall is an older dwarf with a long, white to see if they recall anything about Giles
beard. He is dressed in fine clothing and he has Ne’Ville. On a success, the character recalls:
a very happy demeanor. Landall enjoys what
he does and hopes to become mayor at the next Giles Ne’Ville’s career started as a rogue in a
election. small band of adventurers. Giles eventually
became greedy and power hungry. His skills as a
Read or summarize: rogue had grown, and he found himself not
caring any longer to help others; only himself.
A plump, well-dressed dwarf walks up to you, his
belly bounces as he moves. “Hello there, fine On a dark night, many years ago, while still in the
adventurers,” he says as he proffers his hand. “I’m company of his original sword-for-hire party,
Landall Hempsire, assistant Mayor. Welcome to our Giles’ fame escalated when he single-handedly
town.” infiltrated a bandit camp and killed their leader,
usurping control of the bandits.
“Are you in town for pleasure? Or, looking for
work, perhaps? If so, I have something that needs –
let us say – tending to.”
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The Night of the Rise 4
Part 2. The Journey “You’d better hope you aren’t caught. They’ll gut you
The journey will take two days. like the pigs that you are.”
Read or summarize: The night grows silent for a moment and they
hear several men talking before the sounds of
The journey has been uneventful, and the weather is night return.
quite enjoyable. But, you begin to hear the baying of
a horse just over the next hill. As you move closer to These men were traveling about an hour
the top of the hill you begin to hear a woman’s voice behind the adventuring party. They have just
yelling incoherently. Then, the voices of two men pulled off the road for the night.
can be heard. You crest the hill and see a woman on
DM’s Option: You may want to make this a
horseback pulling a small cart full of apples. A burly
Wisdom (Perception) check. The two highest
man on horseback blocks the woman’s path and
rolls will hear the following text clearly.
holds her horse at bay. Another man has
dismounted and is taking apples from the woman’s
cart and stuffing his saddlebags.
Read or summarize:
The men are bandit scouts (Scout, MM, p 349) The night is very pleasant. A cool breeze rustles the
from the bandit camp of Giles Ne’ville. They tree limbs as you sit next to the campfire recounting
were performing their scouting duties when the encounter with the bandits and deciding who
they saw this young woman and decided to will stand watch for the evening.
torment her.
The breeze dies down, and the sounds of the night
The scouts will fight if confronted, but will try
hush for a moment. You see an orange glow further
to flee if one falls in combat. If captured, they
down the road - a campfire, perhaps. Voices can
will curse the party and tell them that they
now be heard coming from that direction. The
work for the bandit Giles Ne’Ville. They will be
head strong, exaggerate the numbers of the voices are soft, but you are able to make out the
bandit camp, and curse the players. Very little following:
useful information will be extracted from them.
Horatio (Rogue/deep, scratchy voice): “I say we kill
“There are hundreds of us!” ‘em while they’re sleepin’.”
“Giles has never been defeated in combat.”
“You’ll never infiltrate that camp.”
Continued next page…
Continued next column…
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The Night of the Rise 5
Milan (Mage/timidly): “But…I need to rest to
recover my spells.” • A covered wagon blocks the view to the
campfire and the men. The wagon’s
Horatio (scratchy voice): “We don’t need your position keeps this group of men from
spells. I’ll slice ‘em up real easy like.” noticing the adventurer’s campfire.
• Two drafts horses are tied to a tree on
Betum (Cleric/pleading): “Giles. Don’t be hasty. the other side of the wagon/campsite.
We need to prepare!”
• Four men sit around a campfire:
o A short, stocky man with a bit of
Alexander (Fighter/brave voice): “Yes – Giles. We
must wait until dawn!” whisker scruff and a scar that
runs down his left cheek. He
And then the breeze picks up again and the sounds wears leather armor and a gold-
of night return. studded bandolier of daggers.
He is shuffling a dagger between
the fingers of his right hand.
o A slender man with short,
trimmed black hair. He wears
spectacles and brown robes. A
fancy quarterstaff lies on the
ground next to him.
o An athletic-looking man wearing
chain mail armor and carrying a
throwing hammer at his side.
o A burly man with a well-
trimmed brown beard. He is
wearing full plate armor and
If the party approaches the campsite, they will carries a longsword at his side.
also hear the below. This may be saved for
when the party is investigating the campsite or
as they approach.
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The Night of the Rise 6
Who Are They? Horatio Bols (the Rogue) is a middle-aged man
The four men are not bandits. They are made up to look like the bandit captain Giles
Entertainers. They work for Smyth’s Ne’Ville. In character as Giles, Horatio uses a
Entertainment Co. and they have been deep, scratchy voice. When out of character,
contracted to perform at the birthday Horatio speaks very eloquently and with a
celebration of Giles Ne’Ville. Their performance smooth tone. Horatio has been a performer
is a re-creation of an iconic encounter that most of his life.
escalated Giles’s fame as an evil bandit. Their
armor and weapons are costume and they are Milan Blaine (the Mage) is a young man and is
rehearsing their lines before they turn in for the the spitting image of your typical mage. Milan
night. A DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check started acting three years ago, after failing in a
will reveal that weapons and armor that the career as a basket weaver. He speaks timidly in
men carry do not appear to be of the highest character and out of character.
quality. The poor campfire light makes it
difficult to discern that the weapons are Betum Hammerfell (the Cleric) is an older
costume. If viewed in full light (light spell), dwarf and has a deep voice. Betum had a brief
change to a DC 10. career as an adventurer, but left that profession
many years ago, when his party fell prey to a
These performers are not concerned if they see pack of dire wolves. Having barely escaped
another campfire, nor are they concerned about with his own life, Betum took up acting. He
keeping their voices down. They know the found that it brought about the same
contract they hold will grant them safe passage excitement as adventuring.
if they encounter any bandits.
Alexander Lansfellow (the Fighter) is a
middle-aged man who speaks very bravely
If Attacked: while in character. Alexander is new to the
If attacked, each man has the stats of a profession and, until recently, was a beet
Commoner (MM, p 345). The men will be farmer. Several giants trampled his crops and
surprised and beg for their lives when they Alexander needed a way to make money. This
have the chance. However, a party focused on is actually his first gig. The actor that usually
combat may kill the performers before they performs this role bailed at the last minute.
have the chance to surrender. Alexander is not accustomed to traveling these
roads and is very weary of what may happen on
If any survive, they will explain that they are the road and at the bandit camp.
entertainers and are rehearsing their lines for a
performance that they have scheduled for Inspection of the wagon reveals:
tomorrow afternoon. They are to perform at • the canvas of the wagon facing the
the birthday celebration for Giles Ne’Ville. They campfire reads ‘Smyth Entertainment
will also show the party the contract they carry Co.’
that will allow them access to the bandit camp.
• four entertainer’s packs
• If all the entertainers are killed, • a multi-colored jester’s cap
searching the bodies easily reveals the • various pots of makeup
armor and weapons are costume. • a disguise kit
• Each man carries several pieces of • several different costumes including
paper. The title page reads “the Night four bandit costumes.
of the Rise”.
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The Night of the Rise 7
• a small, wooden chest that holds 10 GP,
10 SP and a CONTRACT.
The Contract:
A handout of the CONTRACT is located at the
end of this adventure.
If Confronted:
If the men are confronted, they will Contract to Perform
immediately explain that they are entertainers
Smyth Entertainment Co. contracts with Brill
rehearsing their lines. This may lead to some
Haverkoss, to perform at the birthday celebration of
DC 8 Intelligence (Insight) checks by the Giles Ne’Ville. By signing this contract, both parties
players to validate the claims. Read or agree that a 10% deposit is required (already
summarize: collected) and the remaining 100 gold pieces is to be
collected by the performing party on the day of the
“What are you doing here?’ asks the man in plate event. It is agreed that payment will be made to the
mail armor. “Leave us be!” party prior to their performance.
The agreed upon performance will be the re-
enactment of the famous encounter known as “the
“Yes,” says the man in robes. “Leave us be. We are
Night of the Rise”.
entertainers and we don’t have anything of value.” Signed:
Starting with the first round, roll a d20 every Mr. Will Smyth Brill Haverkoss
three rounds of questioning and consult the
below table for the actions of the performers. NOTE: If the performers give a grand performance,
there is the chance that they will have a private
You may need to make adjustments if the
meeting with Giles. He does enjoy the theater.
performers are bound.
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The Night of the Rise 8
For ease of integration with your party, the The bandit camp is comprised of 30 bandits
script is broken into four voices (1, 2, 3, 4). For (CR 1/8, MM, p 343), Brill Haverkoss (Spy,
a party of more than four players, the other CR 1, MM p 349), and Giles Ne’Ville (Bandit
characters may act as the narrator, backup Capt., CR 2, MM p 344).
performers, stage hands, makeup artists, or
whatever else they come up with. Five tents are setup on either side of the road,
creating a wall-like barrier. An additional,
The script is not that long and only highlights larger tent sits in between the other tents on
the events of the Night of the Rise. If the party the left side of the road. In addition, just off
practices the script, you may assume they can from the large tent, roughly thirty chairs are set
memorize their lines in the time they are given. up around a makeshift, 25 ft. by 25 ft. wooden,
Players may help one another learn their lines open-air stage.
and Bards may also give assistance with the
preparation of the lines. If either of these are Roughly 20 bandits can be seen behind the
done, the player will have Advantage on his/her tents on the right side of the road. They appear
performance roll during the actual to be having a very good time. They stand
performance. In addition, certain spells and around a large boar roasting over a low fire and
abilities (Bless, Bardic Inspiration, Enhance frothy liquid spills from their mugs as they
Ability) may also aid the players during their move about.
Read or summarize:
Part 3. The Bandit Camp The town official was correct. The bandits have set
up a toll. Five tents sit on either side of the road and
The party will reach the bandit camp mid-
create a wall-like barrier. An additional, much larger
afternoon. A full-size map of the camp is
tent sits behind the other tents on the left.
located at the end of this adventure.
On the right side of the camp, a large group of men
stand around a large boar that is roasting over a low
fire. The men appear to be having a very good time!
Their laughter is vibrant and their mugs slosh about
as they toast one another.
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The Night of the Rise 9
10 Charisma (Deception, Persuasion, crossbow and a short sword. His appearance
Performance) as they interact with the other suggests that he has been a bandit for most of
bandits and make their way to Giles. Two his life.
consecutive failures tip off the bandits. They
attack in waves of 10 at a time. Brill Haverkoss Brill will tell the adventurers the show should
and Giles Ne’Ville will attack in the last wave. start in about 30 minutes. He then turns to
leave, hesitates for a moment, leans up to
While mingling, the other bandits may pose the ____________ (insert name of the character playing
below questions. the fighter here) ear, and whispers “It’s all
under control. You know what to do.”
• Hey…who are you? Read or summarize:
• Are you one of them new fellas?
A lanky man dressed in brown leather armor waits
• Where did you come from?
for you near the stage. A hand-crossbow hangs from
• Have you seen Billy?
his hip and he wears a longsword. His long, black
• Do you like the ale? hair flits in the breeze as he turns and looks at you.
“Oy! I’m Brill Haverkoss and yer the entertainment,”
Entering the Camp as he says. “The boys are gettin’ restless, so you’d best
put on a good show tonight. Giles and the boys are
Performers: over there,” he says as he gestures toward a group of
If the party is using the wagon, they merely men on the other side of the road. “You have thirty
need to state that they have come to perform
minutes ta get ready. I’ll be bringing the boys over
for Giles Ne’Ville. The guards are aware of the
celebration and are anxiously awaiting the
arrival of the entertainers.
Brill begins to leave, hesitates, and then turns
around and approaches ________ (insert name of the
character playing the fighter here). He leans in close
and whispers, “It’s all under control. Ya know what
to do.” And then he quickly leaves.
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The Night of the Rise 10
Brill Haverkoss is not a fan of Giles Ne’ville.
Brill was second in command before his
leader was struck down by Giles. Brill had
been plotting to usurp the old leader, but
Giles beat him to the punch.
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The Night of the Rise 11
Part 4. The Performance He will then give the FIGHTER a slap on the
Brill will come and gather the party after 30 rump, nod, and say something to the effect of
minutes have passed. He will escort them to the “you’ve got this”.
stage and ask which one of the performers will
be the opening act. All performances have an If he is asked, he will look at the FIGHTER and
opening act! He will quickly be called away say:
before the party has a chance to answer him.
Read or summarize: Brill leans in close, scowls, grits his teeth and says,
“We had a deal. When ya and I spoke in the tavern
You see the bandits begin to take their seats along ya agreed to do this for the diamond. Don’t ya go
the stage. Brill walks up to you with a smile on his
backin’ out on me. If you do…yer all dead.”
face and says, “We are just about ready! I hope you
are, too!”
Opening Act Roll:
“Good…now…which one of ye is the opening act?” 1-5 ‘Boos’ and rotten vegetables are
thrown at the opening act. A dagger
is also thrown at one of the
If the players state they do not have an opening performers. Make a +3 ranged attack
act, Brill will suggest that they create one roll against one of the opening act
quickly. performers. A hit deals 1d4+1
piercing damage.
6-9 Groans and sighs are heard. “It’d be
“No opening act? Ya must be kiddin’! We paid for an more entertaining to kill ‘em,” is
opening act and a main act.” Brill leans forward,
heard mumbled in the crowd.
places a hand on the hilt of his sword, and says
10-15 Loud applause. A few of the crowd
members stand.
through gritted teeth, “I suggest ye come up with one
16+ A standing ovation complete with
quickly…” And then he walks off.
hoots, hollers, and whistling.
The opening act could range from acrobatics, When the opening act is finished, Brill will look
subtle magic, comedy, re-enactment, you name at the performers and say one of the below
it. It could also include more than one of the depending on the result of the Opening Act
adventures. Whatever your players come up Roll:
with – run with it.
1-9 “I hope your main act is a lot better
than that! If not, there might be
Brill will return shortly, but allow the players a some trouble.”
little time to discuss their options for an 10+ “Nice job! Keep it up!”
opening act. Have the opening act roll a DC 10
Charisma (Performance) check and grant
advantage to the roll if the act is worthy.
The Main Act:
Brill will be standing with the other performers Brill will walk onto the stage first and announce
while the opening act is commencing. At this the main act.
time, and if he is asked, Brill would be able to
explain his earlier statement of ‘ya know what
to do’.
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The Night of the Rise 12
“Brothers, prepare yerselves for the main act. In look on his face. He is truly in awe of the
honor of Giles Ne’Ville, The Smyth Entertainment Co. performance.
is here to perform ‘The Night of the Rise’. Many of us
have heard the story, but only a few witnessed the
Brill is waiting for the party as they exit the
stage. The party will see Giles leave the crowd
original occurrence. I hope ya enjoy the show.”
and enter his private tent.
Brill will lead the audience in clapping as the Brill will escort the party to Giles’s tent, and say
performers enter the stage. From here it is all the below as they walk:
up to the performers and their performance. Read or summarize:
After The Script has been read and/or acted “I’ve arranged for yer private meetin’. Giles is a big
out by the players, have each of them roll a DC fan of the performing arts and he would still like to
10 Charisma (Performance) check. Grant
meet with you.”
Advantage to each player you feel deserves it
for the performance they gave.
Brill takes a moment to look over his shoulder. He
then turns back to you and says quietly, “I’m gonna
The crowd reacts based on the overall
successes of the four rolls. Feel free to add your ‘entertain’ the rest of the camp while you do this.
own outcomes to the rolls. You have 30 minutes. Get it done!”
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The Night of the Rise 13
Part 5. The Private Meeting You enter the large tent and there, sitting on a large,
When the party enters the large tent, they will wooden chair lined with plush, silk pillows, sits Giles
see Giles Ne’Ville sitting in a large, wooden Ne’Ville. He’s nearly identical to the entertainer that
chair that is covered in plush cushions. A bed you found earlier. Complete with the gold studded
sits in the middle of the room and two small bandolier of daggers.
tables stand behind the bed. A small chest rests
on another table that stands just behind the Giles stands from his chair. He walks up to you and
chair. A map of the tent is found at the end of proffers his hand. “Not one of your better
this adventure. performances, I gather. I hope there is a good
reason for this? I would suggest that you study the
works of some of your more accomplished brethren.
Mayhap a few performances at summer fairs to hone
your skills are in order? Nonetheless, we appreciate
your performance today, even if it was lacking.
Good day.”
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The Night of the Rise 14
of the camp. If he does realize that they are not If Brill is attacked and defeated, he carries a
performers, he may make a deal. His chest pouch that holds 25 GP and two small diamonds
holds a good amount of treasure that could be worth 25 GP each.
used during negotiations.
Giles may also ask the party to deal with Brill if Conclusion:
he returns to the tent. This could be done Once the party has exited the camp, the return
quietly, and he will play whatever role is trip to the town will be uneventful. The town
necessary to deceive Brill. official will pay them the agreed upon sum of
100 GP each if they return with the bandolier of
He could also suggest that the copy of his daggers.
bandolier of daggers could be used to prove
that the party completed their original quest. If the adventurers return with the real
bandolier, the Landall will be very impressed.
Treasure: Giles wears 5 gold rings with a value He will keep the bandolier as a trophy and hang
of 25 gold pieces each. He also wears his gold it on the wall of his home.
studded bandolier that holds 10 daggers (250
GP value with the daggers), and +1 leather If they return with the fake bandolier, Landall
armor. In addition, the dagger that he carries will look at it and say “Curious, I would have
on his hip is a +1 dagger and he carries a pouch thought it would have been of finer
that holds 15 GP, 15 SP, three small emeralds craftsmanship. It looks more like a costume
worth 10 GP each, a small brass key, and a set of prop, really”
thieves’ tools.
A successful DC 12 Intelligence
(Investigation) check will reveal the trap.
Disarming the trap requires ONE successful DC
13 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.
Another DC 13 Dexterity check using thieves’
tools is required to open the chest if the
adventurers did not find the key.
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The Night of the Rise 15
Overnight Map:
Bandit Camp:
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The Night of the Rise 16
The Tent:
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The Night of the Rise 17
Contract to Perform
Brill Haverkoss
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The Night of the Rise 18
The Night of the Rise
A play written for four or more players performers
Voice 2 – Mage: (With an agreeing tone) “True. And we will restore justice
to the villages of this area.”
Voice 4 – Giles: (With grit and disdain) “I say we kill ‘em while they are
Voice 4 – Giles: (Overzealous) “We don’t need your spells. I’ll slice ‘em up
real easy like.”
Voice 1 - Fighter: (Bravely and with confidence) “Yes – Giles. We must wait
until dawn!”
(Mage removes robes and becomes Narrator. Or, someone else may narrate if
they are available)
Narrator: “And so, while the rest of the party slept, the uncanny and very
cunning Giles Ne’Ville left his allies and, under the cover of darkness and the
sounds of night, slipped into the bandit camp.”
Narrator: “Giles made his way through the darkness. He avoided hazard
after hazard and skillfully slipped into the camp.”
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The Night of the Rise 19
Narrator: “Using his magnificent disguise abilities, he was able to pass
himself off as a member of the bandits. He spoke to them, and drank with
them, until he was able to get close enough to their leader.”
Voice 4 – Giles (to the audience) “My blades will find their mark this
evening. Of that I am certain.”
(Giles is then seen mingling with others, drinking from a goblet, and making
his way around the stage)
Narrator: “Giles slipped up next to the leader, shook his hand and laughed
with him. He then pulled him in close, whispered something in his ear, and
slashed then man’s throat with his dagger.”
(Giles and Leader play out this scene behind or next to the narrator)
Narrator: “The other bandits watched as their leader’s body slowly dropped
to the floor. They looked at the body, and then at Giles. Giles raised his arms
and said,”
Voice 4 – Giles “That man was weak, you should have a strong and
intelligent leader. One that will treat you with respect and shower you in
riches. That man is me! The great Giles Ne’Ville! Follow me and I will show
you the glory that should be yours!”
(At this point – you hope the crowd applauds. If they don’t, you had better run).
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The Night of the Rise 20
Battle Stat Tracker
Initiative CR XP AC Speed Attacks Weapon Range Damage HP
Page Hit
4 (1d6+1)
Bandit 343 +1 1/8 25 12 30 ft. 1 Scimitar +3 5 ft. 11
Light 5 (1d8+1)
+3 80/320
Crossbow P
Initiative CR XP AC Speed Attacks Weapon Range Damage HP
Page Hit
Scout 349 +2 ½ 100 13 30 ft. 2 +4 5 ft. (1d6+2) 16
Keen hearing and Sight: The scout has advantage on Wisdom
Longbow +4 150/600 (1d8+2)
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sight.
Performers Initiative CR XP AC Speed Attacks Weapon Range Damage HP
Page Hit
Commoner 345 +0 0 10 10 30 ft. 1 +2 5 ft. 1d4 B 4
BRILL Initiative CR XP AC Speed Attacks Weapon Range Damage HP
Page Hit
Short 5 (1d6+2)
Spy 349 +2 1 200 12 30 ft. 2 +4 5 ft. 27
Sword P
Cunning Action: On each of his turns, Brill can use a bonus action
to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
Hand 5 (1d6+2)
Sneak Attack: Once per turn, Brill deals an extra 7 (2d6) damage +4 30/120
Crossbow P
when he hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage on
the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 ft. of an ally that isn’t
incapacitated, and Brill doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
GILES Initiative CR XP AC Speed Attacks Weapon Range Damage HP
Page Hit
Bandit Dagger 7 (1d6+4)
344 +3 2 450 16 30 ft. 3 (2) +6 5 ft. 65
Capt. (Melee) S
Multiattack: Giles makes three melee attacks with his daggers. Or
two ranged attacks with his daggers.
Dagger 20/60 5 (1d4+3)
Parry: Giles adds 2 to his AC against one melee attack that would hit (Ranged) ft. P
him. To do so, Giles must see the attacker and be wielding a melee
For adventurers of level 7 or higher, you may consider changing the Bandits to Thugs, increase Brill to 60 HP and
Giles to 90 HP.
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The Night of the Rise 21
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The Night of the Rise 22