Broken Family Experiences
Broken Family Experiences
Broken Family Experiences
ISSN 2722-4023 Vol. 2 No.1 March 2021
123Guidance and Counseling Lecturer, PGRI University of Banyuwangi East Java Indonesia
Family is the main source or environment that educates children in developing children's potential
with love between mother and father. The role of parents as role models and role models for children's
psychological and emotional development. Children need direction, control and adequate attention
from their parents where parents are one of the most important factors in shaping children's character
apart from environmental, social and social factors. On the other hand, if the family cannot function
properly, it is possible to form problematic generations that can become a social burden in society. .
Disharmony in the family can lead to a broken home, the cause of a broken home can be infidelity,
differences in life principles or caused by internal or external problems from both parties. This study
aims to determine the impact of the Broken Home on Student Achievement in SMA PGRI
Purwoharjo, which includes: 1) How is the impact of the Broken Home on student achievement at
SMA Pgri Purwoharjo. 2) How Are The Steps Used To Overcome The Impact Of Broken Home On
The Learning Achievement Of High School Students Of Pgri Purwoharjo. This research study is
expected to provide learning or information for students, parents, teachers and even schools and the
community. The results of the study showed that children with broken home conditions experienced
changes both academically and psychologically.
Familyis the main source or environment that educates children in developing children's abilities with love
between mother and father. Children begin to develop from family relationships between parents and children, father
and mother and children's relationships with other family members who live together (Willis, 2017: 124). His first and
strongest interaction was with his family. Especially with his parents who are useful as role models and role models
for socializing with the community outside the nuclear family.
The role of parents as role models and role models for children's psychological and emotional development.
There must be a child who directs, controls and gives sufficient attention where parents are one of the most important
factors in the process of shaping children's character apart from environmental, social, and social factors. Conversely,
if the family cannot function properly, it is not impossible to form a problematic generation which becomes a social
burden in society (Gintulangi, et al, 2018: 336-341).
Over time, the family's condition not only went well but also faced many problems and made the relationship
ISSN 2722-4023 Vol. 2 No.1 March 2021
unharmonious. Disharmony in the family can lead to a broken home, the cause of a broken home can be infidelity,
differences in life principles or internal and external problems on both sides. The condition offamiliespoor broken
home causescommunication and reduced attraction between partners. According to (Willis, 2015), broken home is
seen from two aspects, namely the existence of one parent who died or divorced and a child whose parents are not
divorced but often do not show a harmonious relationship or fight. Researchers conducted initial research at SMA
PGRI Purwoharjo where students who have low learning achievement are caused by divorced parents. This is one of
the factors in student learning achievement to decline as a result of which the learning scores tend to be low. I obtained
this data from preliminary observations and interviews with students and teachers. The results of the preliminary study
explain that students whose parents are divorced have low learning achievement.
Based on data in the Banyuwangi Religious Court, there are 7,000 divorce cases in a year in 2019. The causes
of divorce include domestic violence, lack of income, and the absence of harmonious communication between spouses
(Fanani, 2019). A married couple's divorce does not only affect married couples, but also children.
The period of divorce is a critical period, especially for children, this is due to the reduced quantity and
quality of communication between children and parents. In addition, children are also faced with various questions or
ridicule that come from some of their peers. Based Tasmin (in Kertamuda 2019) of children of divorced parents will
feel safe, feel unwanted, sad, lonely, feel angry, feel lost, feel guilty and think that he is the cause of four parents
divorce. This makes children more irritable, rude, quiet, no longer cheerful, doesn't like to hang out, likes to daydream
(imagines that their parents can get together again), has difficulty concentrating, is not interested in schoolwork so
that school achievement tends to decline.
Broken home can cause children to have psychological, mental, attitude and behavioral problems towards
education. Education is important for children in order to develop their potential. To develop this potential, it is
necessary to have guidance, education from parents, the community, and educational institutions. Exploring the
potential of children, it is necessary to have an active role for parents, where parents are role models who understand
children's development and provide care and education. Education that has been given by parents must be upgraded
to the level of school education so that children are able to develop their potential and be able to become independent
children (Siregar, 2017: 11-27).
Children whose families are broken home can have an effect on academics at school, such as feeling inferior
to their friends because of the condition of their divorced parents, lazy to study, difficulty adapting, like being alone,
aggressive, truant, and like opposing teachers. Therefore it needs to be realized that it must pay attention to children's
learning achievement in the process of learning activities at school.
According to learning achievement is an ability that is generated due to the interaction of various factors from
individuals in learning. Meanwhile learning achievement is the learning result obtained by individuals from activities
in learning. This is in accordance with the opinion (Hamdani, 2011) which explains where learning achievement is
the result obtained by individuals in the form of impressions as a result of a learning activity. Learning achievement
obtained by a person is inseparable from the interaction of various factors that influence each other's activities carried
out by a person where these factors are able to encourage or inhibit. These two factors have a great influence on the
learning achievement of students whose families are broken homes, this is supported by research (Nurbayah, 2015)
which explains that there is an impact of broken homes on student achievement. The impact caused by a broken home
is so much for children, namely that children do not get enough attention, love, physical and psychological needs are
not fulfilled, and support for learning so that it has an impact on achievement at school.
Based on the above background, the researcher is interested in lifting the title "Analysis of Learning
Achievement ofChildren Broken Home in SMA PGRI Purwoharjo (Phenomenology Study ofChildren Broken
Home)." The reason that became the basis of this research was because it was found that several students experienced
many problems, where the students came fromfamilies broken home. So that researchers are interested in conducting
research at the school.
ISSN 2722-4023 Vol. 2 No.1 March 2021
This study used a qualitative descriptive study. With this method, it aims to gather information about the
implementation of management of learning facilities in related schools. With qualitative research, researchers can get
a picture of the phenomena and facts relevant to the object of research. Researchers observe subjects in their
environment, interact and interpret the subject's opinion about the world around.
With qualitative research, it is hoped that a clear picture of the management of learning facilities is expected
to support the quality of education at the State Vocational School of Agricultural Development Jambi. The qualitative
research method is a research method based on the philosophy of postpositivism, used to examine the condition of
natural objects, where the researcher is the key instrument, data sampling is done by purposive sampling, data
collection techniques are using triangulation (combined), namely method triangulation and source triangulation. , data
analysis is inductive / qualitative, and qualitative research results emphasize meaning rather than generalization.
To obtain data, facts and information that will reveal and explain problems, descriptive analysis research
methods are used through library research and field research. Data collection techniques using the method of
observation, interviews, and documentation. The instruments used to collect data were observation sheets, interview
guides, and documentation guides. The validity of the data was measured using triangulation of sources and methods.
Learning AchievementLearning
Functionachievement function according to (Arifin, 2011) , learning achievement has several functions as
1. As an indicator of the quality and quantity of knowledge that students have mastered.
2. As a symbol of satisfying curiosity.
3. As information material in educational innovation.
4. As an internal and external indicator of an educational institution.
5. Can be used as an indicator of the absorption of students.
Factors Affecting Learning Achievement
According to (Fahmi Rizal, et al, 2017) there are many types of factors that affect learning achievement, but
can be classified into two, namely internal and external factors.
1. Internal factors include: Psychological aspects of consisting
a. Intelligence Very big influence on learning progress
b. Attention to ensuring good learning outcomes, students must pay attention to the material to be
c. Interests have a big effect on learning, because if the learning material being studied does not match
the interests of students, they will not really learn.
d. Talent Is a potential skill that a person has to achieve success.
e. Motivation is closely related to the goals to be achieved.
f. Readiness needs to be considered in the learning process so the learning process will be good.
2. External factors include:
a. Family Aspects
ISSN 2722-4023 Vol. 2 No.1 March 2021
1) The way parents educate their children has a big impact on their children's learning.
2) Home atmosphere, to make children learn well it is necessary to create a conducive home
3) The economic situation of the family also greatly affects children's learning.
b. School Aspects
1) Teaching methods
According the teaching method is a way or path that must be passed in teaching.
2) Teacher relations with students
Teachers who do not interact with students can cause the teaching and learning process to be less
3) Disciplinediscipline
Schoolis closely related to the craft of students going to school and learning.
4) Condition of the Building The number of students is large and the characteristics of each vary,
they demand that the condition of the building must be adequate for each class.
5) Learning Tools
Seeking a good and complete learning tool is necessary so that teachers can learn and receive
lessons well.
c. Community aspects
1) Forms of community life The life of the surrounding community can also affect children's
2) b. Social friends
In order for students to learn well, students should make efforts to hang out with good friends
and supervision from parents and educators must be wise enough.
Family Broken Home
The meaning of broken home in Indonesian is a division in a family, a broken home can also be defined as a
family condition that is not harmonious and does not work like a family that is harmonious, peaceful, and prosperous
due to commotion and disputes that lead to quarrels and lead to divorce. This has a big impact on the home atmosphere
which is no longer conducive, parents no longer pay attention to their children which has an impact on children's
development, especially adolescents. The psychological impact experienced by adolescents who experience broken
homes becomes more quiet, shy and even has prolonged depression. Family disharmony that occurs makes teenagers
prefer to hang out in an environment that makes them comfortable and understandable, while their parents are already
busy with their own affairs. If adolescents are in a negative social environment, because their condition is unstable, it
does not rule out the possibility of adolescents falling into a valley of bad associations.
What is meant by the case of abroken homecan be seen from two aspects: first, the family is divided because
the family structure is not intact because one of the heads of the family is divorced, and the second parent is not
divorced but the family structure is no longer intact because father or mother is often away from home and or not
showing affectionate relationships anymore. For example, parents often quarrel so that the family is not
psychologically healthy.
From the families described above will be born children who experience personality crises, emotional
disturbances and even neurotics.cases offamilies broken home We often encounterin schools with poor self-
adjustment, such as laziness to study, aloof, aggressive, truancy and like opposing teachers (Willis, 2017)
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ISSN 2722-4023 Vol. 2 No.1 March 2021
and careers or employment opportunities. In addition, the function of this distribution is to assist students in choosing
curriculum activities, study groups, organizations and so on in schools.
2) Function Adaptive,
namely the function of guidance as a provider of assistance to school staff (especially teachers) to adapt the
educating behavior of school staff, and especially the teaching and learning program integration of teachers with the
needs, skills, talents and interests of the participants. students. In the implementation of this adaptation function,
cooperation between teachers and counselors is very important and really requiresskills relationship highfor
counselors and teachers with the main provision of mutual understanding and understanding that their educational
task is solely for the benefit of students.
3) Adjustment Function (Adjustive)
The guidance function is to provide assistance to students so that they get personal adjustment and advance
optimally in their personal development. The implementation of this function is manifested in helping students face
the adjustment problems they experience; namely through self-identification and the problem, understanding
themselves and their problems so that students can solve their own problems.
Guidance and Counseling
The Objective sobjectives of guidance and counseling according can be divided into two, namely:
1) General
The general purposepurpose of counseling guidance is to help individuals develop themselves optimally
in accordance with the stages of development and predisposition owned (such as basic abilities and
talents), various backgrounds (such as family background, education and socioeconomic status), and in
accordance with the positive demands of the environment. In this regard, guidance and counseling helps
individuals to become useful persons in their lives who have various insights, views, interpretations,
choices, adjustments, and appropriate skills regarding themselves and their environment.
2) Specific
specific objectives Theobjectives of counseling guidance are the elaboration of these general objectives
which are directly related to the problems experienced by the individual concerned, in accordance with
the complexity of the problems. Individual problems are of various types, intensities and interrelations
and each is unique. Therefore, the specific purpose of guidance and counseling for each individual is
unique as well.
Based on the nature, objectives and type of this research is qualitative research. Qualitative research is
research that is temporary and develops after field research is carried out (Sugiyono, 2012). Judging by the nature of
the problem, this research is a phenomenological study research. This type of qualitative research uses several data
collection methods, namely interviews and observations of visible phenomena. The interviews conducted were semi-
structured interviews. Apart from using the interview method, this researcher also uses the observation method, which
is to observe the subject's behavior based on data obtained from the subject's close friends. Qualitative research can
be descriptive and use analysis with an inductive approach. The use of relevant theories as qualitative data analysis
can yield in-depth descriptions of the subject cases. The research site is in SMA PGRI Purwoharjo. Because this school
there are students who have problems where the students come fromfamilies broken home. Determination of research
subjects is a method used in determining the subject to be studied. To determine the research subject can be reached
by taking the subject from SMA PGRI Purwoharjo. Researchers took the subject from class XI students of SMA PGRI
Purwoharjo and related parties, namely counseling teachers and parents of students.
ISSN 2722-4023 Vol. 2 No.1 March 2021
adolescent development which can lead to juvenile delinquency and psychological disorders such as stress, anxiety
and depression. The meaning of thecase Broken home can be seen from two aspects, namely: (1) The family is divided
because the structure is not intact because one of the families died or got divorced, (2) Parents are not divorced but
the family structure is no longer intact because of the father and Mother doesn't stay home often, or doesn't show
harmony anymore. For example, parents often quarrel so that the family is not psychologically healthy. Broken home
occurs due to division of the family unit, disconnection or breakdown of the family structure so that the function of
the family does not work well. Broken home is also a family condition that is not harmonious, where parents are not
good role models for their children. (Hasanah S, et al 2017: 1-6)
Some of the impacts that arise from someone experiencing a broken home include: Academic Problems,
where someone who experiences a broken home will become someone who is lazy to learn, and is not enthusiastic
and does not achieve, Behavioral Problems, they start to rebel, be rude, indifferent, have destructive habits, smoke,
drink alcohol, gamble, consume illegal drugs (drugs).
The opinion above is supported by the results of an interview withone of the teachers at SMA PGRI
Purwoharjo following the results of the interview:
Mr. Romadhon,"Mr. Romadhon said that when a student experiences a broken home condition he will
definitely seek an outlet like he is behaving badly, for example rebelling when the teacher gives directions ,
often sleeps in class, uses excessive makeup to seek the attention of the people around him (interview, 25
August 2020) "
From a psychological or psychological perspective, someone who experiences a broken home will have the
result like a broken heart where that person will feel pain and heartbreak so that he sees life as futile and disappointing.
This tendency forms the student to become someone who is in a crisis of love and usually runs away to negative
things. This tendency forms students who are indifferent to others, reckless, looking for attention, rude, selfish, do not
listen to other people's advice, tend to "go their way".
ISSN 2722-4023 Vol. 2 No.1 March 2021
decides to seek affection and care. likely to have a negative impact on the child. In addition, because of this
busy factor, communication in family relationships does not work as it should, both parents blame each other
and conflict occurs in the environment. Families, where parents are usually parents, do not have much time
to communicate with their partners and children properly, there is not much time to share experiences,
feelings, and thoughts with other family members and eventually trigger a rift in family relationships.
b. Egocentric Attitude
Egoism is a selfish trait, while egocentrism is a trait that makes itself the center of attention of other parties
who are endeavored to be willing to follow it. Egocentrism between husband and wife is one of the causes
of conflict in the household which eventually leads to constant quarrels. As for the impact on children, namely
stubbornness, difficult to teach, and likes to fight with siblings. Parents should give examples of good
attitudes such as working together to help each other, be friendly, and be friendly. Egoism or egocentrism in
this discussion is defined as a bad character or behavior that parents have, in this case someone is always
selfish and makes himself the center of everything, and thinks that other people are not important. For
example, a mother who always accompanies her child to study and do homework At one time he was also
busy cleaning the messy house, the mother then asked the father for help to accompany his child, but the
father refused because he was tired and wanted to rest, and finally an argument between parents occurred,
and it became a bad example and had a negative impact on the child .
c. Economy
There are two types of causes of family crises, including the following:
1. Poverty
Poor families are still large in number in this country. Various ways have been attempted by the
government to alleviate poverty. Poverty clearly has an impact on family life. If the life of a husband
and wife is immature, there will be quarrels. Because, the wife has a lot of demands besides eating and
drinking. Whereas with the husband's income as a casual laborer, he can only provide food and a shelter
where the rent is affordable. However, the human name is often lustful to have everything like a normal
family. Because the husband is unable to fulfill the demands of his wife and wife and their children for
the aforementioned needs, husband and wife quarrels arise which end in divorce. Husbands who are
selfish and cannot contain their emotions then divorce their wives. The result is a family as a result of
economic deprivation.
2. Lifestyle
In contrast to poor families, rich families develop a luxurious international lifestyle. Cars, luxury homes,
and all kinds of goods that follow the world fashion. But not all husbands like to live glamorous, or vice
versa. This is where husband and wife contradict, which is a matter of lifestyle. If wives are following
the world's lifestyle while their husbands want to be normal then quarrels and crises will occur. Maybe
the husband cheated on him as revenge against his unruly wife. If caught, the family crisis will worsen
and can lead to divorce, and the sufferer is their child.
d. Busyness
The busyness of the husband or wife who comes home late at night will affect the condition of the family. In
the end, children become victims because they are not close enough, lack affection and attention. Lack of
attention to husband or wife due to busyness is the basis for communication problems in the family.
e. Low Understanding of Education Educational
Problems are often the cause of crises in the family. If the husband / wife's education is rather good, then the
insight into family life can be understood by them, on the other hand, husbands and wives with low education
often cannot understand the twists and turns of the family. Because it is often wrong to blame when problems
occur in the household. As a result, there are always quarrels that lead to divorce. If there is religious
education, it is possible that the weaknesses in the field of education will be overcome. Which means that
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husband and wife will be able to hold back their respective passions so that fights cannot occur.
f. Infidelity
There are several factors that cause an affair, namely
1) The relationship between husband and wife that has lost intimacy and love, this is related to sexual
incompetence, the wife does not dress up at home except for going to invitations or parties, jealous both
personally and incitement by a third party.
2) Pressure from third parties such as in-laws and others (other family members)
3) The existence of their respective activities so that life outside is more comfortable than family life.
g. Conflict in the Family Environment, the
relationship between the two is not harmonious because of conflicts, disputes and disputes physically.
Husband and wife do not obey the rules in the household, as a result they are sling to step on their own at
will and the household is messy and runs without rules. In fact, quarrels, differences of opinion, and disputes
that occur in the family environment are normal and natural, this is due to various personal differences that
exist in them. Starting from very small differences that are not realized until large differences that can
eventually lead to conflict.
From the results of the interview with Bpk. Yudha as a counseling teacher at SMA PGRI Purwoharjo: "said
that from various factors my broken home as a counseling teacher provides reinforcement to students so that these
students can be forgiving and be generous with the circumstances that occur. By providing positive reinforcement to
students, students can get better changes. (interview results 25 August 2020) "
ISSN 2722-4023 Vol. 2 No.1 March 2021
problems that arise in the family environment and this is the trigger for the decline in student achievement, and in
SMA PGRI Purwoharjo there are several students who experience this condition. Things that make learning
achievement decrease such as divorce from both parents so that it has a negative impact on these students, students
are more likely to be sad, alone, do things that are detrimental to themselves, often skip school, are lazy to study so
that it affects their performance in school.
According to the results of an interview with Bpk. Romadhon as the classroom teacher explained that:
"Parents who divorce have a huge impact on their children, this can be seen from learning activities at school, students
who experience this will tend to be less enthusiastic in accepting learning in the classroom, for example, when learning
begins, they are not enthusiastic. falling asleep or not even paying attention to the teacher who is learning in the
classroom, it makes their learning achievement decrease ”(interview result 25 August 2020).
However, this opinion is in line with Mrs. Kristin as the Pkn subject teacher explained that:
“ When students who experience the decline in learning achievement the main factor that affects is internal
problems, this is very unfortunate. Because it has a very bad impact, especially in school learning, it greatly affects
their learning achievement "(interview results 28 August 2020)
Learning achievement is impossible for students to achieve as long as students do not participate in active
learning such as listening to subject teacher explanations, taking notes, doing assignments for each subject. given by
the teachers.
Steps Taken to Overcome the Impact of Broken Home on Student Achievement at PGRI Purwoharjo High
Counseling teachers and homeroom teachers approach students so that students feel comfortable and have
attention as well as students do not feel their own burden. BK and homeroom teacher to be a place for children to
share, so that all the complaints that the child feels can be
channeled properly and does not cause the child seeking attention elsewhere or perform actions that harm
themselves that have an impact on student achievement declined. This is in accordance with research conducted by
Hasanah et al (2017: 5) explaining that BK teachers are supported by school personnel to work together in providing
guidance and counseling at school so that it can run well. The counseling teacher also designs the counseling
implementation process needed by students whose parents are divorced to solve student problems.
From the results of the interview with Bpk. Yudha as a counseling teacher at SMA PGRI Purwoharjo is as
"What is done to broken home children is by approaching their children directly so that they know whether
the child is indeed a broken home. If the child is a broken home, an interview is conducted regarding the reasons for
the break and what the child felt when he heard that his parents had separated. In this case, techniques such as
techniques are needed, such as techniques that are carried out by conducting individual counseling, and assessing
students how their psychological condition is, after which suggestions are given so that students are more ready and
able to accept the current conditions, even though their parents are divorced, students can still be devoted and be good
children, especially more accomplished ". (interview result 25 August 2020)
There are many changes experienced by children after their parents divorce, where divorce causes
delinquency because they feel unprepared for the divorce from their parents. Divorce causes children to experience
trauma which is sometimes difficult to heal. One of the special actions or treatments carried out by the counseling
teacher is by relaxing to remove all the pressure the child is experiencing so as not to affect the child's psychology.
Fitriani & Alsa (2015: 160) which explains that relaxation can improve emotional regulation skills in students so that
students whose parents are divorced are able to control emotions. This is in accordance with research conducted by
Sukeri (2018: 88) who conducted research that used relaxation techniques to reduce stress experienced by children.
The teacher teaches students to always think positively in all the conditions they face even though their
parents are divorced. It is not easy to think positively even in conditions that seem to make you give up. However, if
students continue to think sadly and always think negatively and take actions that harm themselves is not the right
ISSN 2722-4023 Vol. 2 No.1 March 2021
solution. The teacher teaches slowly to start accepting reality and trying to think positively by starting to forgive their
parents, this is in accordance with the research conducted by Hikmah (2015: 244) which conducted research on treating
the wounds of children who are victims of divorce through forgiveness, where children forgive people parents become
more peaceful and loving to cope with the pain that is experienced as a result of parental divorce.
This study provides information about students whose parents divorced have a negative impact, especially in
academics where students have low learning achievement. This is in accordance with research conducted by Novianto,
Zakso, & Salim (2019: 7) explaining the impact that occurs on students who experience broken homes, some are
positive and some are negative. Impact of Behavioral Problems: Students fromfamilies broken home have good
behavior and poor behavior due to their family background. The impact of Academic problems is experienced by
students, there are those who have good performance even though they come fromfamilies broken home and some
have low achievements due to the impact of the broken home.
Family is the main source or environment that educates children in developing their potential with the love
between mother and father. The role of parents as role models and role models for children's psychological and
emotional development. Children need direction, control and adequate attention from their parents where parents are
one of the most important factors in shaping children's character apart from environmental, social and social factors.
On the other hand, if the family cannot function properly, it is possible to form problematic generations that can
become a social burden in society. Over time, the family's condition not only went well, but also faced many problems
and made the relationship unharmonious. Disharmony in the family can cause a broken home. The factors causing a
broken home can be due to several psychological factors and economic factors. In this case it is very influential on
child development. at SMA PGRI Purwoharjo where students who have low learning achievement are caused by
divorced parents. This is one of the factors in student learning achievement to decline as a result of which the learning
scores tend to be low. For this reason, the role of the teacher is very important, in this case the steps taken by the
counseling teacher and homeroom teacher to approach students so that students feel comfortable and there are those
who pay attention and students do not feel their own burden. The counseling teacher and homeroom teacher become
a place to share for children, so that all the complaints that children feel can be channeled properly and do not cause
children to seek attention in other places or take actions that are detrimental to themselves which have an impact on
student achievement.
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