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Project Title


Supervised by:

Sarwar Hossain Mollah,

Dept. Head of CIS

Submitted by:


ID: 181-16-274

Submission Date: 22th June, 2020.

Spring, 2020

Department of Computing and Information System (CIS),


©Daffodil International University
©Daffodil International University
©Daffodil International University
First of all I would like to give all the credit to almighty Allah who gives me physical and
mental strength during my project to do it properly. This project is the final stage to
complete my BSc (Honors) degree in Computing and Information System from Daffodil
International University.
I would like to thank my mentor, beloved and most respected teacher, my project
supervisor Mr. Sarowar Hossain Mollah, Head of the Department of CIS, Daffodil
International University. During my project he helped me a lot, he supervised me properly,
give proper inspiration and provide the actual guideline I have needed. Without his help
and proper guideline I can’t complete my project properly.
I would also like to thanks my classmates, others teacher and my family member for their
greatest support during project time. They help me and give me proper support.

And finally again all the praises goes to almighty Allah and I’m really very much grateful
to him


ID: 181-16-274, Dept. of CIS

Daffodil International University

©Daffodil International University
Executive Summary
Stock management system is a web based system which is developed for managing
stock in dynamic way. In the age of modern world everything has been digitalized and
people comes out from the traditional things. Stock management system is platform
independent system. It can used for any kind of business to manage stock. Such as Super
shop’s stock management, Medicine sector’s stock management, Garments’ stock
management etc. People or organizations who wants to manage their stock dynamically,
only for them I developed this system. By using this system they can easily manage their
stock and can know the current status of their stock. The can easily prevent business
losses and can increase the level of profit by using this system.

©Daffodil International University
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1
Initial description of the Project: ................................................................................................. 1
Document Context of the project: ............................................................................................... 2
Chapter 2 – Initial Study .................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Project Proposal: ...................................................................................................................... 3
1. Initial Conception ........................................................................................................................ 3
a) Brief description of the project: ........................................................................................... 3
b) Proof of the concept:.............................................................................................................. 4
i) Prototyping: .......................................................................................................................... 4
ii) Initial Research .................................................................................................................... 4
2. Feasibility Study ............................................................................................................................. 5
a) Operational Feasibility: ............................................................................................................. 5
b) Technical Feasibility .................................................................................................................. 5
c) Economic feasibility: ................................................................................................................. 5
d) Market research analysis based on feasibility factors: ...................................................... 7
3. Foundation....................................................................................................................................... 8
a) Defined goals/objectives of the project: ................................................................................ 8
High level features/requirement to achieve goals/objectives: ............................................... 9
4. Exploration and Engineering ..................................................................................................... 10
a) Iterative development: ............................................................................................................. 10
Time box: ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Gantt chart: .................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Background of the project:................................................................................................... 12
2.2.1 Goals of the project: ....................................................................................................... 13
2.2.2 Objectives of the project: .............................................................................................. 13
2.3 Problem areas: ........................................................................................................................ 13
2.4 Possible solution: .................................................................................................................. 14
Chapter 3 - Literature review .......................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Discussion on problem domain based on published articles: ...................................... 15
3.2 Discussion on problem solution based on published articles:..................................... 15
3.3 Comparison of 3/4 leading solution: .................................................................................. 16
3.3.1 Best features: ................................................................................................................... 16

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3.3.2 Limitations: ....................................................................................................................... 18
3.4 Recommended approach: .................................................................................................... 18
Chapter 4 - Methodology ................................................................................................................. 19
4.1 What to use and why to use: ................................................................................................ 19
4.1.1 Waterfall approach: ......................................................................................................... 19
4.1.2 Rapid action development methodology: .................................................................. 19
4.1.3 Dynamic system development methodology: ........................................................... 20
4.3 Section of Methodology: ....................................................................................................... 20
4.4 Implementation plans ............................................................................................................ 21
Chapter 5 – Planning........................................................................................................................ 23
5.1 Project Plan ............................................................................................................................. 23
5.1.1 Work Break down Structure (WBS): ............................................................................ 23
5.1.2 Resource Allocation ....................................................................................................... 24
5.1.3 Time Boxing ..................................................................................................................... 25
5.1.4 Gantt Chart ....................................................................................................................... 25
5.2 Test Plan .................................................................................................................................. 26
5.2.1 Required Testing ............................................................................................................. 26
5.2.2 Test Case: ......................................................................................................................... 27
5.2.3 User acceptance testing: ............................................................................................... 28
Chapter 6 - Feasibility ...................................................................................................................... 29
6.1 All possible types of feasibility............................................................................................ 29
6.1.1 Economic feasibility: ...................................................................................................... 29
6.1.2 Operational Feasibility: .................................................................................................. 30
6.1.3 Technical Feasibility ....................................................................................................... 31
6.2 Cost Benefit Analysis ............................................................................................................ 31
6.3 DSDM – Good or Not for this project:................................................................................. 32
Chapter 7 - Foundation .................................................................................................................... 33
7.1 Overall requirement list ......................................................................................................... 33
7.2 What technology to be implemented:................................................................................. 34
7.3 Recommendations and justifications: ............................................................................... 35
Chapter 8 - Exploration.................................................................................................................... 36
8.1 Old full system use case: ..................................................................................................... 36
8.2 Old system full activity diagram:......................................................................................... 37

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8.3 Prototype of new system: ..................................................................................................... 39
Chapter 9 - Engineering .................................................................................................................. 44
9.1 New system modules: ........................................................................................................... 44
9.2 Use case Diagram: ................................................................................................................. 45
9.3 Class diagram ......................................................................................................................... 46
9.4 Sequence Diagram ................................................................................................................. 47
9.5 System Interface ..................................................................................................................... 48
Chapter 10 - Deployment................................................................................................................. 53
10.1 Core modules coding samples of my system: ............................................................... 53
10.2 Possible problem breakdown ............................................................................................ 61
Chapter 11 - Testing ......................................................................................................................... 62
11.1 Unit Testing ........................................................................................................................... 62
11.2 Module Testing ..................................................................................................................... 64
11.3 Integration Testing ............................................................................................................... 67
Chapter 12 - Implementation .......................................................................................................... 69
12.1 Training .................................................................................................................................. 69
12.2 System Implementation ...................................................................................................... 69
12.3 Recommended implementation process ......................................................................... 70
Chapter 13 - Critical appraisal and evaluation ............................................................................ 71
13.1 Objectives that could be met ............................................................................................. 71
13.1.1 Success rate against each objective ......................................................................... 71
13.1.2 How much better could have been done .................................................................. 71
13.1.3 How better is the features of the solution? .............................................................. 72
13.1.4 Which features couldn’t be touched: ........................................................................ 72
13.2.1 Why this feature couldn’t be touched ....................................................................... 72
13.2 Objective totally not met / touched ................................................................................... 72
13.2.1 Why it could not be touched ....................................................................................... 72
13.2.2 What could have been done? ..................................................................................... 72
Chapter 14 - Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 73
14.1 Summary of the project....................................................................................................... 73
14.2 Goals of the project ............................................................................................................. 73
14.3 Success of the project ........................................................................................................ 73
14.4 Value of the project .............................................................................................................. 73

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14.5 My experiences ..................................................................................................................... 74
References ................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Plagiarism Report: ................................................................................................................................. 97

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Table of Figures

Figure 1: Sales Binder Inventory Management System application......................................................... 16

Figure 2: Inflow Inventory Management System application .................................................................. 17
Figure 3: Trade decko Inventory Management System application ........................................................ 17
Figure 4: Work break down structure of proposed system ..................................................................... 23
Figure 5: Resource allocation of proposed system ................................................................................. 24
Figure 6: Time box of proposed system ................................................................................................. 25
Figure 7: Gantt chart of proposed system .............................................................................................. 25
Figure 8: acceptance testing template. .................................................................................................. 28
Figure 9: Use case diagram for stock management system .................................................................... 45
Figure 11: Sequence diagram for stock management system ................................................................. 47
Figure 16: Product added successfully ................................................................................................... 65
Figure 17: Supplier added successfully ................................................................................................... 65
Figure 18: Purchase product from supplier ............................................................................................ 66
Figure 19: Purchase product from supplier ............................................................................................ 67
Figure 20: Sold product successfully ...................................................................................................... 68
Figure 21: Category added and showing successfully ............................................................................. 76
Figure 28: Purchase product from supplier ............................................................................................ 81
Figure 29: Sold product successfully ...................................................................................................... 82

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Chapter 1 - Introduction

Initial description of the Project:

Now a day’s people wants everything digitally. Because it is very easy to handle things in
dynamic way. And also in system based operation data can be stored and you can access
these data anytime when you need. You can’t do all the things in traditional approach. It
is very tough for an organization or business to handle and manage their stock
traditionally. And this approach also time consuming. They don’t get their report when
they want that’s why they can’t take decision based on report. As a result organization
have to suffer.
From this point of view I decided to develop Stock Management system and in developed
As I mentioned previously there are lot of problems to manage stock traditionally. There
are lot of possibilities of getting loss if ones manage their stock traditionally. That’s why I
decided to build up a web based system which name is Stock Management system. The
expected result of Stock Management System is Manage Stock dynamically. After fully
development of this system, system should be able to setup category, product under
category, supplier and customer. It should be able to purchase product and sale product
and required functionalities under purchase and sale module. After development admin
can get stock current status, periodically report on sale and purchase.

©Daffodil International University
Document Context of the project:
Document context of the project are given below according serial number:
 Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter is all about the introduction and explanation of your proposed system
 Chapter 2: Initial study
Here I have explained about the background, aims, objectives of proposed system
and finding problem area of this system.
 Chapter 3: Literature Review
In this chapter I have discussed about domain problem and the proposed solution
for it and compared my project (because it already exist) with world leading
 Chapter 4: Methodology
Here I have discussed about the methodology what should use and which I have
used and reasons behind it.
 Chapter 5: Planning
Here I have discussed about the way how I managed my plan according
breakdown structure, how I handled risk management and how I execute test plan.
 Chapter 6: Feasibility
Here I have explained about the economical, operational, social and technical
feasibility of my proposed system.
 Chapter 7: Foundation
In this chapter I have explained the whole process of project with proper diagram.
 Chapter 8: Exploration
Here I have discussed about old system and its boundaries with different types of
 Chapter 9: Engineering
Activities and engineering part of my proposed system are described here.
 Chapter 10: Deployment
Development with work prioritization, its technique and steps are described here.
 Chapter 11: Testing
Here I have showed all the possible test cases of my system.
 Chapter 12: Implementation
Here I have explained the implantation step and technique of my project.
 Chapter 13: Critical Appraisal and Evaluation
Here I have provide the description about the evaluation of this project that are
 Chapter 14: Conclusion
Here I have provide a short descript about project and process of project to
©Daffodil International University
Chapter 2 – Initial Study
2.1 Project Proposal:
1. Initial Conception
a) Brief description of the project:
Now a day’s people wants everything digitally. Because it is very easy to handle things in
dynamic way. And also in system based operation data can be stored and you can access
these data anytime when you need. You can’t do all the things in traditional approach. It
is very tough for an organization or business to handle and manage their stock
traditionally. And this approach also time consuming. They don’t get their report when
they want that’s why they can’t take decision based on report. As a result organization
have to suffer.
From this point of view I decided to develop Stock Management system and in developed

As I mentioned previously there are lot of problems to manage stock traditionally. There
are lot of possibilities of getting loss if ones manage their stock traditionally. That’s why I
decided to build up a web based system which name is Stock Management system. The
expected result of Stock Management System is Manage Stock dynamically. After fully
development of this system, system should be able to setup category, product under
category, supplier and customer. It should be able to purchase product and sale product
and required functionalities under purchase and sale module. After development admin
can get stock current status, periodically report on sale and purchase.

©Daffodil International University
b) Proof of the concept:
i) Prototyping:

ii) Initial Research

Market Viability:
Stock management system is a web based system which is developed for managing
stock in dynamic way. In the age of modern world everything has been digitalized and
people comes out from the traditional things. Stock management system is platform
independent system. It can used for any kind of business to manage stock. Such as Super
shop’s stock management, Medicine sector’s stock management, Garments’ stock
management etc. People or organizations who wants to manage their stock dynamically,
only for them I developed this system. By using this system they can easily manage their
stock and can know the current status of their stock. The can easily prevent business
losses and can increase the level of profit by using this system.

In our country there are lots of Inventory management system which is very much vast
and costly. Small and medium organizations can’t afford them. From that point of view I
would like to build up this system to grab this market

©Daffodil International University
2. Feasibility Study
a) Operational Feasibility:
By using this system different types of organization can handle their stock dynamically.
There will be one user in this system called admin. To manage stock he can setup
category, product, customer, supplier, can know current status of stock, can see
periodically report. Also can take decision based on stock status. Here I will provide better
type of operational feasibility for my system:-
 All kind of user such as customer and admin easily access to my system.
 All kind of product added easily.
 All kind of stock maintain easily.

b) Technical Feasibility
To run developed system which is a web based system we need just one computer and
one server. Where PC is in the client end and server is in server end. All the information
pushed through the system will stored in server. According necessity data will be fetched
from server to the client end.
Hardware PC/Laptop (4 GB RAM, 1TB HDD), Wi-Fi Router

Software  Adobe creative Cloud

 MS office 2016
 OS windows-10
 Visual Basic.

c) Economic feasibility:
As we want to build this project for managing stock we just need one pc and one server.
So, we can manage it in low cost because we don’t need a large number of pc and

 Development cost
 Software cost.
 Hosting cost
 Storage cost (Anon., n.d.).

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S.N Component Price (BDT)

01. Hardware 30,000/=

02. Software 20,000/=

03. Cost of Web Hosting 1,500/=

04. Other Components 10,000/=

Total 61,500/=

Hardware Price: Required hardware’s prices are given below:

S.N Component Price (BDT)

01. Desktop/pc 40,000/=

02. Wi-Fi Router 2,000/=

03. Electrical components 2,000/=

Total 44,000/=

Software Price: For making this system required software list and prices are

S.N Component Price (BDT)

01. MS Office 10,000/=

02. Browser (Free) 0/=

03. Adobe Create Cloud 10,000/=

04. OS (Windows) 10,000/=

05. Visual Basic 15,000/=

Total 40,000/=

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Hosting Price:

S.N Hosting Name Price(BDT)

01. https://www.StockManagementSystem.com 1,500/=

d) Market research analysis based on feasibility factors:

After analyzing all the feasibility factor I can say that this system is possible to develop
technically, economically and physically. The system would be good for small and
medium size company.

©Daffodil International University
3. Foundation
a) Defined goals/objectives of the project:
The main goal of the proposed system is manage stock or warehouse to prevent loss.
This system was wanted as a supportive tool to manage stock or warehouse properly.

1. Category setup: Admin can setup category to setup products under each category.
He can edit and delete category

2. Product setup: Admin can setup product under each category. He also can set
product reorder level that’s why system can inform him if product is going below
reorder level. There are also an option from where admin can easily access if
needed during add product under category.

3. Supplier setup: Admin can setup supplier with their details so that he can track
from where they purchase product. Here also he can edit and delete supplier.

4. Customer setup: Admin can setup customer with their details so that he can track
to whom they sale their product. Here also he can edit and delete customer.

5. Purchase: Admin can purchase product under supplier multiple times. Here
product code and total cost of product will auto appear, if admin set unit price and
quantity. Admin can delete purchase before save it to database because there is
a partial table where purchase store temporarily before sending it to database.

6. Sale: Admin can sell product to customer and he can sell product multiple times.
Here customer will rewarded on specific product according their loyalty point.
Admin can delete sell before save it to database because there is a partial table
where sell store temporarily before sending it to database.

7. Stock: Admin can check stock for expire product, sold product, damage product
etc. He can also which product is going under reorder level. System will notify to
admin to restore product again. He can check how many product are in, how many
products are out, product opening balance, product closing balance etc.

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8. Report: Admin can see report periodically on sale and purchase. He can also
check business loss and profit. He can make decision based on statistics.

High level features/requirement to achieve goals/objectives:

 Add product
 purchase product
 Selling product
 Check stock periodically
 Common searching feature
 Generate report periodically
 Live notification
Nonfunctional requirements:
1. System validation and verification
2. System security
3. Reliability
4. Response time of each function
5. Testability
6. Efficiency of system

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4. Exploration and Engineering
a) Iterative development:
Iterative development are listed below:
 Checking stock
 Notify user

Time box:

Gantt chart:

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Features wise development:
First of all I have to complete user authentication part, then category setup, product setup,
supplier setup, customer setup, purchase product, sale product, check stock, report
generate and going on accordingly

I will develop web based application and there will be only one user in my system known
as admin. After comparing with others I think web server means web based application
will be best suited for our proposed system. It has lot of features and advantages such as
accessible from anywhere through internet connection, effective cost, doesn’t need to be
installed on any devices, fast and easy updating etc.
I will complete my project by using ASP.NET as backend, jQuery for UI and make it first
and more responsive, HTML and CSS for structure, MsSQL for store data and many more
according needs.

©Daffodil International University
2.2 Background of the project:
Now a day’s people lives in a modern era. They made everything according to their needs.
They tried all the possible way to make their life easy and comfortable. Stock house or
warehouse is a very common term right now. People stores their needed thing for different
purpose. It is a very toughest thing to manage stock in proper way. After that people
manage their stock in analogue way. Their stock management was paper or oral based.
As a result, most of the time they have fallen in a great loss. From that point of view I
have decided to build a system which will be known as stock management system.
Stock management system is a kind of system which one will be developed to manage
any kind of business’s stock. As I mentioned previously there are lot of problems to
manage stock traditionally. There are lot of possibilities of getting loss if ones manage
their stock traditionally. That’s why I decided to build up a web based system which name
is Stock Management system. The expected result of Stock Management System is
Manage Stock dynamically. After fully development of this system, system should be able
to setup category, product under category, supplier and customer. It should be able to
purchase product and sale product and required functionalities under purchase and sale
module. After development admin can get stock current status, periodically report on sale
and purchase.

There are only one user in this system. There won’t multiple user. Only admin can handle
it because there is no need of multiple user to manage stock. All the types of functional
and non-functional requirements will be implemented for this system. The system has
total 8 modules. Here first of all admin need to setup category and setup product under
category. Then he need to setup supplier and customer from where the organization buy
products and to whom they sell their product. When admin setup products he can set
reorder level against individual product. And when setup customer he can add loyalty
point for customer and next time during purchasing customer will get reward according
their loyalty point. There also purchase and sale module. Admin can store all the
information about purchase. Such as which kind of products they bought, total products,
product MRP etc. Admin can also store sale information. He can check stock. Such as
which product get expired, number of damaged product, number of sold product, number
of stored product etc. there also report module in this system where admin can check
daily or monthly report of purchase and sale. He can also get statistics about loss and

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2.2.1 Goals of the project:
 Selling and purchasing easily
 Manage stock in proper way
 Generate periodical report to make decision
 Customer prioritization

2.2.2 Objectives of the project:

 The main objectives of my proposed system is manage stock properly to prevent
any kind of losses
 Help organization to make right decision in right time
 Keep each and every calculation

2.3 Problem areas:

There are always some problems in every project. Before I built stock management
system for one organization they use traditional approach to run their business and
manage their stock. They used paper based system to manage and store their sensitive
information like customer information, transaction information, and purchase and sell
information etc. That’s why the management of this organization wants to make this
system fully digital. In spite of having too short time, they has a lot of task to do. But I
figure out main functionality of proposed system to be done:
 Product Catalog a. Product Category Setup (Entry, Edit, Search) b. Product Setup
with Category (Entry, Edit, Search)
 Party Module a. Customer Setup (Entry, Edit, Search)
 Supplier Setup (Entry, Edit, Search)
 Purchase Module a. Purchase Entry b. Purchase Edit
 Purchase Confirm d. Purchase Search
 Sales Module a. Sales Entry b. Sales Edit c. Sales Confirm d. Sales Search
 Stock Module a. Periodical Stock Report (From - To, Opening Balance, In, Out,
Closing Balance) b. Find Low product & Expired product.
 Reporting Module a. Periodic Income Expense Report on Sales b. Periodic
Income Expense Report on Purchase

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2.4 Possible solution:
As I mentioned previously there are lot of problems to manage stock traditionally. There
are lot of possibilities of getting loss if ones manage their stock traditionally. That’s why I
decided to build up a web based system which name is Stock Management system. The
expected result of Stock Management System is Manage Stock dynamically. After fully
development of this system, system should be able to setup category, product under
category, supplier and customer. It should be able to purchase product and sale product
and required functionalities under purchase and sale module. After development admin
can get stock current status, periodically report on sale and purchase.

©Daffodil International University
Chapter 3 - Literature review

A literature review is a kind of article review. Literature review basically helps to gain
knowledge about present and past. It also helps to know about theoretical and
methodological contribution to a particular topic.

3.1 Discussion on problem domain based on published articles:

To grow business by using stock management system, there are several activities which
should be considered.
 Products are damageable: Products can be damaged during transportation. So it
is very difficult to keep tract.
 Lack of basic facilities: In third world country like us, there are always have
problem like electricity problem, transportation problem, telecommunication
problem etc. as a result it may very costly to run a single/small business
 Financial unavailability: Some business organization wants to apply it to run their
business properly but it may not be financially feasible.
 Support of government: In our country, recently government announced and
investing on IT development but government’s help is not enough. Without this
there are lot of boundaries like vat and taxes on product for importing and
3.2 Discussion on problem solution based on published articles:
 Provide basic services like electricity, telecommunication, easy transportation
system, banking services etc.
 Training: Train people to carry and manage things properly on shop
 Advertise campaign: Make audio and video advertisement for rural people and for
urban people make web advertisement.
 Information system for inventory: Information system can be used for sharing
information and knowledge.
 Mobile service for inventory system: To connect with huge number of peoples
mobile features should be enabled.
 The mandatory thing is flexibility and adaptability in terms of technology.

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3.3 Comparison of 3/4 leading solution:
Here I will compare leading 3/4 project to give best solution for organization. These
leading websites are given below and will be compared.
 https://www.salesbinder.com/
 https://www.inflowinventory.com/software-features
 https://www.tradegecko.com/
3.3.1 Best features:
Sales Binder:
 Cloud based online inventory system
 Has ability to organize supplier, customer, invoice and many more
 They are currently providing different type of features like Multi ware-house, cloud
based, barcoding etc.
 They provides trial period for 30 days.
 Hass different subscription plan (Anon., n.d.).

Figure 1: Sales Binder Inventory Management System application

 Online inventory management system on the cloud
 Has ability to organize supplier, customer, invoice and many more
 Has live chat option for customer
 They are currently providing different type of features like Multi ware-house, cloud
based, barcoding etc.

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Figure 2: Inflow Inventory Management System application

Trade decko:
 Has ability to organize supplier, customer, invoice and many more
 It has 14 day trial period for customer
 Provide multiple feature like order management, purchasing, inventory
management etc (Anon., n.d.).

Figure 3: Trade decko Inventory Management System application

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3.3.2 Limitations:
Sales binder:
 Need good internet service as the provide cloud based service
 In cloud you may face lot of problems during changes

 Need good internet service as the provide cloud based service
 In cloud you may face lot of problems during changes (Anon., n.d.).

3.4 Recommended approach:

It would be better to developed by using agile philosophy where the system developed
according prioritization of their demand and entire requirement would be stored properly
so that they can easily and properly go through with their business without any hassle.
Before start the development proper risk management plan and implementation of
development should be analyzed. After development acceptance criteria should be
matched. Anyhow this project should be done with massive features within fixed

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Chapter 4 - Methodology

Methodology always leads a project to complete within fixed budget and timeframe

4.1 What to use and why to use:

To develop this proposed system I have chosen DSDM which is belong to agile
methodology. There are lot of reasons of choosing it. It helps to create focus on complete
project within fixed budget and timeframe (Anon., n.d.).
Main reason of using DSDM are explained in below by comparing with different
4.1.1 Waterfall approach:
Waterfall model was the first model introduced with development. It is also called linear
Advantages and disadvantages of waterfall approach:
 Easy to arrange time and task
 simple and easy to understand
 Milestones are well understood and sets requirements stability

 Very difficult to go back and change things
 Uncertainty and high amount of risk (Anon., n.d.).

4.1.2 Rapid action development methodology:

Rapid action methodology is all about do more and less talk. It has four phases:
Requirement, planning, user design, construction and cutover.
Advantages and disadvantages of Rapid action methodology:
 Break down the whole project into smaller task
 Optimizing team efficiency and assign specific task to experienced one
 One can get desire product into short time frame

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 Technical risk is very high
 Short time, less feature

4.1.3 Dynamic system development methodology:

It is an agile development methodology. It focusses on early delivery, strategic goals, and
completed project on time and real benefit to the business

Advantages and disadvantages of DSDM:

 User involvement is very high in development
 completes project on time
 rapidly provide basic functionality
 Follow MoSCoW prioritization
 Not suitable for smallest one
 DSDM is restrictive and difficult to work
After comparing with all other methodology I think DSDM is the best methodology to work.
That’s why I’m going with DSDM.

4.3 Section of Methodology:

 Pre-project: Initial phase where project is selected and project proposal is made.
Business problems are also identified here. Initial budget will be allocated here
according project. This types of problem and solution are identified in this pre
 Feasibility: Here feasibility study specify that proposed system is financially and
technically feasible or not to develop. It helps to make decision about proposed
system that will work or not.
 Foundation: It defines problem, establishes goals and objectives, and builds a
project plan to manage the resources. It provides tip to keep track of project
performance to increase performance and gain customer acceptance.
 Exploration: All the functional requirements identify here and prioritize these
requirements according Moscow analysis. It will help me to make decision on
activities and deliverables to be achieved in any time box within the project,

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 Engineering: This process is incremental and very highly iterative development
process to achieve product’s operational preparation. During engineering and
exploration phase system testing is taken
 It involves with physical implementation. If any types of problem can be found then
back to engineering phase and solve the problem
 Post-project: After completing the whole project deploy it where realize benefit to
the business

4.4 Implementation plans

There are lot of key elements which need to be considered to implement our chosen
methodology (DSDM Attern). These are given below:
 Acceptance of DSDM methodology: Before start working developer and
organization must have to agree with DSDM Attern else it loses it philosophy.
 A supportive commercial relationship: For development purpose developer team
need to access an organization data. That’s why company must have willingness
to help them.
 Only one team collaboration: Developer and organization should think themselves
as only one team else system can’t reach its goal.
 Solution development team stability: Development team of solution must need to
be stable. Anyone from outside shouldn’t be allowed at mid of the project.
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 Solution development team skill: Selected team should have proper knowledge
about project and development before agreement.
 Development team size: Development team size shouldn’t be more than 10 and
the ideal size is 6.
 Incremental Delivery: Systems’ delivery needs to be in an incremental process. So
that early business benefit can come in short time.
 Considering risk: Some external and internal risk can be happen during
development like electricity loss, employee sick leave etc. In that case before start
project, risk planning should be taken.

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Chapter 5 – Planning

For any kind of project planning is very important. Because it shows the way how to and
in which way one can complete their project properly.
5.1 Project Plan
5.1.1 Work Break down Structure (WBS):
It is a working process where we divided out total task into multiple small task in order to
complete it properly and easily within time.

Serial Task Starting Ending Duration

1. Initial work for the project. 05/01/2020 10/01/2020 6 days

2. Project proposal and creation 11/01/2020 15/01/2020 5 days

3. Analysis of the project 16/01/2020 27/01/2020 10 days

4. System Designing 28/01/2020 12/02/2020 15 days

5. Deployment of the project 13/02/2020 3/03/2020 20 days

6. System Testing 04/03/2020 12/03/2020 10 days

7. Project Documentation 13/03/2020 17/03/2020 5 days

8. Conclusion 18/03/2020 22/03/2020 5 days

Total: 76

Figure 4: Work break down structure of proposed system

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5.1.2 Resource Allocation
Time Boxes Task Name Resource Name

Introductions Analyst

Initial study Analyst

T - 01 Literature Review Analyst

Methodology Analyst

Planning Analyst, user

Feasibility Analyst, Developer

T - 02 Foundation Analyst, Developer

Exploration Analyst, Developer

Engineering Analyst, Developer

Deployment Developer team, Tester Team

T - 03 Testing Tester

Implementation Analyst, Developer

Evaluation Analyst, Developer

T - 04 Critical Appraisal Analyst, Developer

Conclusion Analyst, Developer, Tester

Figure 5: Resource allocation of proposed system

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5.1.3 Time Boxing
It shows the duration that will be taken to complete a task.

Figure 6: Time box of proposed system

5.1.4 Gantt Chart

It shows the activity within fixed timeframe.

Figure 7: Gantt chart of proposed system

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5.2 Test Plan
5.2.1 Required Testing
In this time there has lot of testing method for software testing. I have chosen some of
them, like- Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Module Testing, and Acceptance Testing.
Here I have describe about these type of testing:-
 Unit Testing: Unit testing is a procedure which mainly used for validate any kind
of software or individual unit of source code is working perfectly or not. It is a
smallest testable part of an application. When this type of testing is running, it
usually has one or few input and usually single input for identify actual result of
 Integration Testing: Integration testing is known as second level of testing
method for any kind of software or application. It comes after unit testing. The main
purpose of this testing is individual components of a software are tested in a group
and find out software faults (Anon., 2020).
 Module Testing: A module testing is a technique, which is a process of testing
individual software components, classes, subroutines, subprograms in a program.
This type of testing are mainly carried out by a group of software testers. This
group’s main target is testing software components in isolation also check about
business requirement match or not (Anon., 2020).
 Acceptance Testing: It is a formal testing according to user needs, requirements
and business processes conducted to determine whether a system satisfies the
acceptance criteria or not and to enable the users, customers or other authorized
entities to determine whether to accept the system or not (Anon., 2020).

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5.2.2 Test Case:
A test case is a document, which has a set of data, precondition, post condition, excepted
result, actual result and test description. It developed for a particular test scenario to check
the specific function or requirement. Test case are starting point of test execution. Some
input values applying for application testing and get actual result. After completing testing,
test document is ready for test description (Anon., 2020).
Here I have provided a test case template:

Test case ID: Test Case Name:

Design By: Design Date:

Executed by: Execution date:



Step Action Excepted Result Actual Result Comment

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5.2.3 User acceptance testing:
User acceptance testing is a methodology where end users involved in this testing. End
users testing that the product is validate against their requirements or not. Generally it
performed at client location developer site. Here I have provided an acceptance testing
template: -

Test case ID User Name

Test Type Role

Test Name



Steps Excepted Result Actual Result Comments

Figure 8: acceptance testing template.

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Chapter 6 - Feasibility
It measure that the proposed system would be technically and operationally feasible or
6.1 All possible types of feasibility
6.1.1 Economic feasibility:
As we want to build this project for managing stock we just need one pc and one server.
So, we can manage it in low cost because we don’t need a large number of pc and

 Development cost
 Software cost.
 Hosting cost
 Storage cost.
S.N Component Price (BDT)

05. Hardware 30,000/=

06. Software 20,000/=

07. Cost of Web Hosting 1,500/=

08. Other Components 10,000/=

Total 61,500/=

Hardware Price: Required hardware’s prices are given below:

S.N Component Price (BDT)

04. Desktop/pc 40,000/=

05. Wi-Fi Router 2,000/=

06. Electrical components 2,000/=

Total 44,000/=

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Software Price: For making this system required software list and prices are

S.N Component Price (BDT)

06. MS Office 10,000/=

07. Browser (Free) 0/=

08. Adobe Create Cloud 10,000/=

09. OS (Windows) 10,000/=

10. Visual Basic 15,000/=

Total 40,000/=

Hosting Price:

S.N Hosting Name Price(BDT)

02. https://www.StockManagementSystem.com 1,500/=

Total Price 1,500/=

6.1.2 Operational Feasibility:

By using this system different types of organization can handle their stock dynamically.
There will be one user in this system called admin. To manage stock he can setup
category, product, customer, supplier, can know current status of stock, can see
periodically report. Also can take decision based on stock status. Here I will provide better
type of operational feasibility for my system:-

 All kind of user such as customer and admin easily access to my system.
 All kind of product added easily.
 All kind of stock maintain easily.

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6.1.3 Technical Feasibility
To run developed system which is a web based system we need just one computer and
one server. Where PC is in the client end and server is in server end. All the information
pushed through the system will stored in server. According necessity data will be fetched
from server to the client end.

Hardware PC/Laptop (4 GB RAM, 1TB HDD), Wi-Fi Router

Software  Adobe creative Cloud

 MS office 2016
 OS windows-10
 Visual Basic.

6.2 Cost Benefit Analysis

Cost Estimation:

Basic for Cost (BDT)

Hardware 30,000/=

Software 30,000/=

Hosting 1,500/=

Others 10.000/=

Maintenance 5,000/=

Implementation 10,000/=

Total 86 ,500/=

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Benefit Estimation:

Basic for Benefit (BDT)

Business Improvement 50,000/=

Improvement of Productivity 20,000/=

Saving from Changes 30,000/=

Total 1,00,000/=

6.3 DSDM – Good or Not for this project:

DSDM is a very good approach and we should use DSDM approach. Reasons behind
using DSDM approaches are given below:
 It provides techniques independent solution and process
 very much flexible during requirement gathering and evaluating
 Time frame is very much strict
 Tester is required in each team
 Designed from root level by corporate people
 has approach to specify each task impotency
So we can say that, DSDM is good for this proposed system

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Chapter 7 - Foundation

7.1 Overall requirement list

There are two types of requirement in software engineering and they are functional
requirement and non-functional requirement. Functional and non-functional requirements
of this proposed system are given below:
List of functional requirement:
9. Category setup: Admin can setup category to setup products under each category.
He can edit and delete category

10. Product setup: Admin can setup product under each category. He also can set
product reorder level that’s why system can inform him if product is going below
reorder level. There are also an option from where admin can easily access if
needed during add product under category.

11. Supplier setup: Admin can setup supplier with their details so that he can track
from where they purchase product. Here also he can edit and delete supplier.

12. Customer setup: Admin can setup customer with their details so that he can track
to whom they sale their product. Here also he can edit and delete customer.

13. Purchase: Admin can purchase product under supplier multiple times. Here
product code and total cost of product will auto appear, if admin set unit price and
quantity. Admin can delete purchase before save it to database because there is
a partial table where purchase store temporarily before sending it to database.

14. Sale: Admin can sell product to customer and he can sell product multiple times.
Here customer will rewarded on specific product according their loyalty point.
Admin can delete sell before save it to database because there is a partial table
where sell store temporarily before sending it to database.

15. Stock: Admin can check stock for expire product, sold product, damage product
etc. He can also which product is going under reorder level. System will notify to
admin to restore product again. He can check how many product are in, how many
products are out, product opening balance, product closing balance etc.

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16. Report: Admin can see report periodically on sale and purchase. He can also
check business loss and profit. He can make decision based on statistics.

List of non-functional requirements:

7. System validation and verification
8. System security
9. Reliability
10. Response time of each function
11. Testability
12. Efficiency of system

7.2 What technology to be implemented:

Client server application
Client server application is a kind of application which installed on client side and it runs
on client machine. Core features of client server application is given below:
 Need to be installed on client pc.
 Against client request server sends response to it
 Due to increasing uses of mobile service, it will add more values to customer
 As they follow common protocol, it is very easy to communicate with each other’s
(client and server).
 Server can accommodate only limited number of request

Web server application:

It’s a kind of application which doesn’t need to be installed on client machine. Client can
use this type of application by using HTTP communication process. Core features of web
server application are given below:
 It can be accessible from anywhere, anytime through internet connection if you
have capable device.
 It doesn’t required to be installed on client machine
 Availability of storage (cloud)
 Up to date always and upgrade and updates are very fast.
 Web based application’s interface is very much easier and user friendly than others
 More secured than other systems
 It can also run from mobile device

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7.3 Recommendations and justifications:
In order to find out best possible solution for our proposed system and we have already
discussed about different types of application and its core features and advantages for
our proposed system.
After comparing I think web server means web based application will be best suited for
our proposed system. It has lot of features and advantages such as accessible from
anywhere through internet connection, effective cost, doesn’t need to be installed on any
devices, fast and easy updating etc. So after all it is clear that web server application is
best for our proposed system.

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Chapter 8 - Exploration

Main purpose of exploration is find out requirements and better understanding of system
by using different types of tools like diagram, prioritization etc.
8.1 Old full system use case:
Use case is an easy and simplest representation of interaction between user and system.
Here I have provide use case for old system:

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8.2 Old system full activity diagram:
Activity diagram is a visual representation of a series of a system. Here I have provide an
activity diagram for old inventory management system:
User management:

Buy product:

Availability of product:

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Product release:

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8.3 Prototype of new system:
Category Setup: Prototype of category setup is given below

Product setup: Prototype of product setup is given below

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Supplier setup: Prototype of supplier setup is given below

Customer setup: Prototype of customer setup is given below

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Purchase: Purchase prototype is given below

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Sale: Sale prototype is given below

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Stock: Prototype of stock status is given below

Report: Prototype of report is given below

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Chapter 9 - Engineering

9.1 New system modules:

There are different type of modules in my proposed system which are developed
according to customer requirements. These are given below:
 Product Catalog a. Product Category Setup (Entry, Edit, Search) b. Product Setup
with Category (Entry, Edit, Search)
 Party Module a. Customer Setup (Entry, Edit, Search)
 Supplier Setup (Entry, Edit, Search)
 Purchase Module a. Purchase Entry b. Purchase Edit
 Purchase Confirm d. Purchase Search
 Sales Module a. Sales Entry b. Sales Edit c. Sales Confirm d. Sales Search
 Stock Module a. Periodical Stock Report (From - To, Opening Balance, In, Out,
Closing Balance) b. Find Low product & Expired product.
 Reporting Module a. Periodic Income Expense Report on Sales b. Periodic
Income Expense Report on Purchase

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9.2 Use case Diagram:
Use case diagram for stock management system is given below:

Figure 9: Use case diagram for stock management system

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9.3 Class diagram
Class diagram for stock management system is given below:

Figure 10: Class diagram of stock management system

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9.4 Sequence Diagram

Figure 11: Sequence diagram for stock management system

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9.5 System Interface
Customer Setup:
In customer setup module here admin can setup category to setup products under each
category. He can edit and delete category. There is also an option for admin to search
category what he wants to see or wants to manipulate.

Category setup:
In category setup module he can setup product under each category. He can edit and
delete each product. He also can set product reorder level that’s why system can inform
him if product is going below reorder level. There are also an option from where admin
can easily access if needed during add product under category. He can also search
specific category from list of products.

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Supplier setup:
He can setup supplier with their details so that he can track from where they purchase
product. Here also he can edit and delete supplier. He can also search specific supplier

Customer setup:
He can setup customer with their details so that he can track to whom they sale their
product. Here also he can edit and delete customer. He can also search specific customer


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Admin can purchase product under supplier multiple times. Here product code and total
cost of product will auto appear, if admin set unit price and quantity. Admin can delete
purchase before save it to database because there is a partial table where purchase store
temporarily before sending it to database.


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Admin can sell product to customer and he can sell product multiple times. Here customer
will rewarded on specific product according their loyalty point. Admin can delete sell
before save it to database because there is a partial table where sell store temporarily
before sending it to database.


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Admin can check stock for expire product, sold product, damage product etc. He can also
which product is going under reorder level. System will notify to admin to restore product
again. He can check how many product are in, how many products are out, product
opening balance, product closing balance etc.

Admin can see report periodically on sale and purchase. He can also check business loss
and profit. He can make decision based on statistics.

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Chapter 10 - Deployment

After completing all of analysis deployment/development starts from this chapter. I have
divided all of my task into small and specific portion and then it was very easy to develop
all of those task.
10.1 Core modules coding samples of my system:
Category setup coding samples:

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Product setup coding samples:

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Customer setup coding samples:

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Supplier setup coding samples:

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Product purchase coding samples:

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Product sale coding samples:

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Stock check coding samples:

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Report generate coding samples:

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10.2 Possible problem breakdown
In this chapter, first of all I have find out possible problems which have to develop. Then
I divided all the possible problem into multiple small task to complete easily. Possible
problem breakdowns of my proposed system is given below:
Database designing and query manipulation:
 Gather data from sources
 Create ERD
 Create database
 Manipulate query

Front-End designing:
 Create prototype on paper
 Then design on IDE using html, CSS and bootstrap
 Link pages with each other’s

Back-End Developing:
Purchase product:
 Develop category setup function
 Develop Product add function
 Develop Supplier setup function

Sale product:
 Develop category setup function
 Develop Product add function
 Develop Customer setup function

Stock checking:
 Develop category setup function
 Develop Product add function
 Develop Customer setup function
 Develop Supplier setup function
 Purchase product setup
 sale product setup

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Chapter 11 - Testing

Different types of testing and test cases are explained here. Testing is must do parameter
in software development to check all of requirements are met or not. It works to detect
the difference between actual and expected result.
Test case:
11.1 Unit Testing
Username: MD. ABU SAEM Role: Tester
Sl No Test name Expected Result Success Factor Comments
1. Category Setup Category add and Category can be Successful
show them added successfully
2. Customer setup Customer add and Customer can be Successful
show them added successfully
3. Product Setup Product add and Product showed Successful
show them successfully

Category setup:

Figure 12: Category added and showing successfully

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Customer setup:

Figure 13: Customer added and showing successfully

Product Setup:

Figure 14: Product added and showing successfully

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11.2 Module Testing
Username: MD. ABU SAEM Role: Tester
Sl No Test name Expected Result Success Factor Comments
1. Product Product add then Purchase should be Successful
Purchasing purchase successful

Category Add:
First of all I have to add category to add product under each category.

Figure 15: Category added successfully

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Product Setup:
In order to purchase product, add product under each category

Figure 16: Product added successfully

Add Supplier:
In order to purchase add supplier:

Figure 17: Supplier added successfully

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Purchase product from supplier:

Figure 18: Purchase product from supplier

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11.3 Integration Testing
Username: MD. ABU SAEM Role: Tester
Sl No Test name Expected Result Success Factor Comments
1. Sale product Product purchase Selling product Successful
then sale should be

Purchase product: Purchase product at first in order to sale

Figure 19: Purchase product from supplier

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Sale product:

Figure 20: Sold product successfully

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Chapter 12 - Implementation

12.1 Training
Here all types of user will learn how to use the system and I will describe the Training
area, Time limit for Training and details of the training.

As my system has only one user called admin, so I have to just train admin to run this
system properly:

Serial Name of Training Area Time Details

No. the User Limit

Each module About 2 Admin can understand how

Admin hour to conduct the system

12.2 System Implementation

There are four types of implementation process in projects. Using in those process
system has been implemented in the real world. I will describe those process.
 Big Bang: it is a process of implementing a new system by turning off the old
system. In that process, data loss can be happening because this process is much
quicker than others.
 Direct Implementation: it is a process of implementing a system by removing the
old system after completing all the testing procedure. In that process there will be
no existing of old systems.

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 Pilot: it’s a process of running new system as test implementation purposes. In
that process in some organizations, new system has been implemented. After a
several period of times, if all the features of system have been working well, then
the final installation will be done of the system.
 Parallel: it is a process of running new system with the old system and the old
system works as the backup of the new system.

12.3 Recommended implementation process

I think the pilot schema implementation process can be install because it is the process
of implementing system in various branches of organization as pilot testing purposes. If
all the features of a system work as expected, then the system will launch finally for real
world implementation.

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Chapter 13 - Critical appraisal and evaluation

Here in this chapter I will evaluate and critically analyze the system and system objectives.
So many objectives are identified in the above (previous part). It will help system to be
more successful.
13.1 Objectives that could be met
Though I tried to meet all the objectives but all objectives are not met.
13.1.1 Success rate against each objective
Academic objectives:
 User friendly system
 Suitable methodology for this system has been used
 Feasibility study and risk analysis has been done
 Database designing and developing
 Analysis and documenting properly to make it rich system
 Standard and understandable documentation for all

Business objectives:
 Easy and proper view
 Purchase and sale product
 Generate report
 Show product status

Personal objectives:
 Different types of report
 Efficient and user friendly system

13.1.2 How much better could have been done

 Common search option for whole system
 Displaying product rating on product view
 Real time notification option

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13.1.3 How better is the features of the solution?
 Proposed system should be full responsive
 It should be fully user friendly
 It should be efficient and smooth
 It should have performance parameter
 It should have option so that it can be maintained easily
 All the data should be secured

13.1.4 Which features couldn’t be touched:

 Common search option
 Setting price range
 product rating on product

13.2.1 Why this feature couldn’t be touched

Due to have time limitation and budget problem and less number of developer (only me)
I have not touched these given (in above) features.

13.2 Objective totally not met / touched

 Common search option for whole system
 Setting price range
 Some types of report
13.2.1 Why it could not be touched
Though I tried to fulfill all the requirement but some things are not complete because of
time limitation. Without having anyone help in deployment I completed this project and
here I have played different types of role or all the role exist in software development.
That’s why I couldn’t met all the mentioned requirements.

13.2.2 What could have been done?

As much as I know, hiring 4-6 developer could complete this project within fixed time
frame but for that we have to have more budget. Without that we have to follow agile
methodology for its proper focuses on early delivery and strategic goals. If we can follow
above things then project can complete on time and added value in business,

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Chapter 14 - Conclusion

14.1 Summary of the project

Within given time, I have completed all the mentioned task and I have tested it and
working properly. During project time I have faced lot of problems and risks. I have worked
hard to complete it within proposed time and budget. I have learned lot of thing during my
project development and documentation time. This project taught me how to complete a
project/ task within short time and how to complete it properly. I have given all the effort I
had and tried to fulfill all the requirements. Adding some more features can make it more
perfect to manage stock or warehouse. I hope, in future this project will contribute to
manage warehouse properly.

14.2 Goals of the project

The main goal of the proposed system is managed stock or warehouse to prevent loss.
This system was wanted as a supportive tool to manage stock or warehouse properly.

14.3 Success of the project

Basically, success rate of project depends on how many requirements or objectives has
been completed properly. I think I have done 65 % of objectives and 35 % are rest. This
rest portion will be further development. As I done this project in single hand, it was a very
big challenge for me to complete this project within fixed time frame. Having 4-6 more
developer is plus to complete this project successfully. Success ratio of project not
depends on having any extra feature.
As I completed all the features so I can say that the project is successful.

14.4 Value of the project

Now a day’s people all over the world wants everything in their hand and wants to does
everything in technical way. This system will create big platform for small/big organization
to manage and control their stock in dynamically. This project is a platform independent
project. So it has high chances to gather a huge attention for business organization. It will
create a new area in warehouse or stock management area.

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14.5 My experiences
During my project completion, I have learned a lot of things such as how to collect data,
how to complete task within fixed time frame, how to face problems and overcome it.
Developing a full project in single hand was very tough but was great opportunity for me
to handle it and complete it properly. I have completed all the requirements within fixed
budget and time. Hope that this project knowledge will be very helpful in future for my
career. I want to thanks almighty Allah who gave me all the physical and mental strength
and also to my module leader for his great support.

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Anon., 2020. geeksforgeeks. [Online]
Available at: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/acceptance-testing-software-testing/
[Accessed 17 April 2020].

Anon., 2020. javatpoint. [Online]

Available at: https://www.javatpoint.com/integration-testing
[Accessed 17 april 2020].

Anon., 2020. professionalqa. [Online]

Available at: https://www.professionalqa.com/module-testing
[Accessed 17 april 2020].

Anon., 2020. tutorialspoint. [Online]

Available at: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/software_testing_dictionary/test_case.htm
[Accessed 17 april 2020].

Anon., n.d. [Online]

Available at: https://osarome.blogspot.com/2011/10/1-technical-feasibility-2-operational.html

Anon., n.d. [Online]

Available at: https://www.salesbinder.com/

Anon., n.d. [Online]

Available at: https://www.tradegecko.com/

Anon., n.d. [Online]

Available at: https://www.inflowinventory.com/?utm_expid=.5nDW8CphQjWfBA-

Anon., n.d. [Online]

Available at: https://www.agilebusiness.org/page/TheDSDMAgileProjectFramework

Anon., n.d. [Online]

Available at: https://www.guru99.com/what-is-sdlc-or-waterfall-model.html

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Test case:
11.1 Unit Testing
Username: MD. ABU SAEM Role: Tester
Sl No Test name Expected Result Success Factor Comments
1. Category Setup Category add and Category can be Successful
show them added successfully
2. Customer setup Customer add and Customer can be Successful
show them added successfully
3. Product Setup Product add and Product showed Successful
show them successfully

Category setup:

Figure 21: Category added and showing successfully

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Customer setup:

Figure 22: Customer added and showing successfully

Product Setup:

Figure 23: Product added and showing successfully

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11.2 Module Testing
Username: MD. ABU SAEM Role: Tester
Sl No Test name Expected Result Success Factor Comments
1. Product Product add then Purchase should be Successful
Purchasing purchase successful

Category Add:
First of all I have to add category to add product under each category.

Figure 24: Category added successfully

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Product Setup:
In order to purchase product, add product under each category

Figure 25: Product added successfully

Add Supplier:
In order to purchase add supplier:

Figure 26: Supplier added successfully

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Purchase product from supplier:

Figure 27: Purchase product from supplier

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11.3 Integration Testing
Username: MD. ABU SAEM Role: Tester
Sl No Test name Expected Result Success Factor Comments
1. Sale product Product purchase Selling product Successful
then sale should be

Purchase product: Purchase product at first in order to sale

Figure 28: Purchase product from supplier

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Sale product:

Figure 29: Sold product successfully

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User Guide:
First of all admin need to complete his registration to the system then he has to login in
the system in order to conduct the system. Then sequentially he has to setup category,
then product under each category, then supplier setup, then customer setup, then
purchase setup, then sales, then check stock. Here below I’m showing steps through
Customer Setup:
In customer setup module here admin can setup category to setup products under each
category. He can edit and delete category. There is also an option for admin to search
category what he wants to see or wants to manipulate.

Category setup:
In category setup module he can setup product under each category. He can edit and
delete each product. He also can set product reorder level that’s why system can inform
him if product is going below reorder level. There are also an option from where admin
can easily access if needed during add product under category. He can also search
specific category from list of products.

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Supplier setup:
He can setup supplier with their details so that he can track from where they purchase
product. Here also he can edit and delete supplier. He can also search specific supplier

Customer setup:
He can setup customer with their details so that he can track to whom they sale their
product. Here also he can edit and delete customer. He can also search specific customer

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Admin can purchase product under supplier multiple times. Here product code and total
cost of product will auto appear, if admin set unit price and quantity. Admin can delete
purchase before save it to database because there is a partial table where purchase store
temporarily before sending it to database.

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Admin can sell product to customer and he can sell product multiple times. Here customer
will rewarded on specific product according their loyalty point. Admin can delete sell
before save it to database because there is a partial table where sell store temporarily
before sending it to database.

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Admin can check stock for expire product, sold product, damage product etc. He can also
which product is going under reorder level. System will notify to admin to restore product
again. He can check how many product are in, how many products are out, product
opening balance, product closing balance etc.

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Admin can see report periodically on sale and purchase. He can also check business loss
and profit. He can make decision based on statistics.

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System code
Category setup coding samples:

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Product setup coding samples:

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Customer setup coding samples:

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Supplier setup coding samples:

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Product purchase coding samples:

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Product sale coding samples:

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Stock check coding samples:

©Daffodil International University
Report generate coding samples:

©Daffodil International University
Plagiarism Report:

©Daffodil International University

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