Pathfit 1
Pathfit 1
Pathfit 1
PE 101
Course Code
Module No. _1_
Part- Time Instructor
Cover Page……………………………………………………………….1
Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………2
Instruction to the User……………………………………………………………3
Chapter 1……………………………………………………………………………….5
Title of the Chapter: …………………………………………………….6
Overview ……………………………………………………………………7
Learning Outcomes…………………………………………………….8
A. Learning Outcomes………………………………………………..8
B. Time Allotment…………………………………………………….8
C. Discussion……………………………………………………………9
D. Activities/Exercises………………………………………………10
E. Evaluation/Post-test……………………………………………..11
References …………………………………………………………………………………12
Chapter 1
Title of the Chapter: Physical Education
A. Learning Outcomes
C. Discussion
The psychomotor domain refers to the physical aspects of learning. It addresses motion,
reflexes, and how muscles are engaged during physical activity. In your PE classes, you can
help students build a number of psychomotor skills, including reflexive skills, perceptual
The cognitive domain addresses the development of content knowledge and intellectual
skills. Teaching and learning in the cognitive domain is essential to PE, as without it, students
are less likely to understand rules or develop strategies to excel in activities, sports, and
games. You can use Bloom’s Taxonomyopens in new window as a tool to build students’
knowledge of healthy movements.
The affective domain focuses on students’ feelings, attitudes, and values about movement.
Learning in this domain is difficult to measure because it takes place internally. However,
you can use the Bloom’s Affective Taxonomyopens in new window as a guide to observe
your students’ learning. For starters, focus on a student’s ability to pay attention and place
value on the importance of movement.
Activities in the Physical Education Program
The activities in the physical education program are specifically classified into six
main categories as follows:
1. Developmental Activities
2. Simple Games (Group Games)
3. Rhythmic Activities
4. Gymnastics
5. Sports- type Game (Lead –up Games)
6. Athletic Sports
1. Development Activities
The simple or basic type of activities that contribute to the normal
growth and health of the children and which enhance the development of further
skills are called development activities. This also aid in the acquisition and
improvement of certain qualities of physical fitness such as strength, agility, flexible,
among others. The specific activities that fell under this category are:
a. Perceptal Motor Activities. These are simple activities that develop neuro-
mascular coordination of the young child to attain competency in managing his own
body. The specific activities are:
1. Right- Left discrimination
2. Directionality (forward, backward, sideward, etc.)
3. Laterality (unilateral, bilateral, cross lateral)
4. Spatial orientation (own space, moving with partner, moving with a group
5. Balancing activities
6. Manipulate activities for eye- hand, eye- foot coordination)
2. Simple Games
Refers to the games of low organization or quickly organized games.
Under this category are:
a. Story Plays
b. Simple Organized Games
c. Relays and Races
3. Rhythmic Activities
Refers to those activities where an individual response physically and
emotionally to music or any rhythmic accompaniment.
Activities that fall under this headings are:
a. Fundamental Rhythms- combination of loco motor movements structures
and organized for natural dances.
b. Rhythmic interpretations- are activities wherein the child interprets his
own conception of the movement of the nature, animals, real or imaginary character,
mechanical objects and activities.
c. Singing Games- when an activity has both the song game elements.
d. Folk dances- traditional dances that express the thoughts, ideas and
feelings of a group of people.
e. other dance forms-include dance mixers, jazz, modern dance , social and
ballroom dancing.
4. Gymnastics-
Gymnastics are systematic bodily exercise or feats of performance which
are based on scientific principles. These include:
a. Self-testing activities. These are activities or feats of performance where an
individual can test his ability to perform a difficult activity. Under this heading are:
(1.) Stints- any feat or performance is considered a stunt.
Types of stunts are:
a. Individual stunt
b. Dual or Couple stunt
c. Group stunt
d. Combative stunt
e. stunt race
5. Sports- Type Games- these type of games are sometimes called lead-up
game or game of high organization.
6. Athletic Sports- refers to the traditional games which are highly
organized and which are governed by rules and regulations . These includes:
a. Team sports
b. Individual Dual Sports
c. Track and Field
d. Swimming
Comprehension questions
Check your understanding of the input by answering the following questions:
Student’s Information
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