Unit 6
Unit 6
Unit 6
- Has Ps look at the dialogue on p.40 and tells Look at the dialogue and
them that: We're going to read a story in which the listen.
characters talk about their school lessons.
- Has Ps identify the characters and the situations. Identify.
- Sets the context: Mai is talking to Long on the Listen.
Internet about their school lessons.
- Has Ps listen to the recording. Listen.
- Plays the recording again and asks Ps to repeat Listen and repeat.
sentence by sentence.
- Models the dialogue with the class. Play the roles.
- Asks Ps to work in pairs and play roles. Work in pairs.
- Invites some pairs to practice the dialogue in Practice in the front.
front of the class.
- Corrects Ps’ pronunciation and gives feedback. Listen.
- Plays the recording again for the whole class to Listen and repeat.
repeat each line in the speech bubbles to reinforce
their pronunciation.
Knowledge construction
⁕ Aim: Helps Ps to find out the new words and
sentence patterns related to the topic School
⁕ Procedure:
a) Teach vocabulary:
+ How many: [explanation] bao nhiêu (hỏi về số Listen and write down.
+ lesson: [pic] tiết học/ bài học
+ School subjects: Maths, IT, Science, Art, Music,
Vietnamese, PE, English.
- Reads and asks Ps to repeat. Listen and repeat.
- Calls on some Ps to read aloud. Read aloud.
- Checks Ps’ understanding: Play the game Play the game.
Passing the box.
b) Teach the sentence pattern:
How many lessons do you have today?
→ I have ….
- Explains the form, meaning and use of the Listen and write down.
sentence pattern.
- Models the sentence pattern with a finished P. Model with the teacher.
- Checks Ps’ understanding of the new sentence Make examples.
pattern by making examples.
7ms 3. Activity 3: Practice
Task 2: Point and say. (Pair-work)
Grade 5 Teacher: Tran Thi Lan Vien
Le Thanh Tong Primary & Secondary School | School year: 2022 – 2023
conversations in front of the class. The rest of the Listen and comment.
class listens and gives comments.
- Gives feedback.
⁕ Reminds Ps of how to ask and answer questions Revise.
about how often someone has a subject.
- Educates Ps that school subjects are interesting Listen.
and learning is fun.
- Asks Ps to learn by heart the new words; Practice Listen and write down.
the structures; Do the exercises (WB); Prepare for
the next lesson: Unit 6 – Lesson 3 (1,2,3).