Before The Office of The Deputy Registrar Co-Operative Societies, Belapur CBD Application No. of
Before The Office of The Deputy Registrar Co-Operative Societies, Belapur CBD Application No. of
Before The Office of The Deputy Registrar Co-Operative Societies, Belapur CBD Application No. of
Below is the process and the bye law of MCS Act 1960 for admitting a
new associate member in the co-operative housing society.
5. The opponent states that the treasurer .i.e. Bhavana Thakkar has not
transferred active membership to Applicant by which way she can
hold the position of the office bearer in the co-operative housing
society. As per bye law 117 of MCS 1960 states the rules for being
elected as a member of the committee.
(a) he / she has been convicted of the offence, involving moral turpitude,
unless the period of six years has elapsed since his conviction ;
(b) he / has defaults the payment of dues to the Society, within three months
from the date of service of notice in writing, served either by hand delivery
or by registered post, demanding the payment of dues ;
(c) he /she has been held responsible under Section 79 / 88 / 147 of the Act
or has been held responsible for the payment of the costs of enquiry
under Section 85 of the Act;
(d) In case of an Associate Member, non-submission of the no-objection
certificate and undertaking, as prescribed under these bye-laws, by the
Member ;
(e) he is not an Active Member ;
(f) he has without previous permission in writing has sublet his flat or part
thereof or given it on leave and license or care taker basis or has parted
with its possession in any other manner or has sold his shares and interest
in the society
7. The Opponent states that the treasurer had not resigned from the
post and there has been no transfer of the post to another member
whereas as per the summon from Deputy Registrar of Co-operative
Society N ward, it states that on the behalf of treasurer i.e. Bhavna
Thakkar, Meera Thakkar has signed the resignation letter which is
As per bye law no 131 the rules laid down for resignation of office
bearer are as below:
8. As per section 27(2) of the Act, the associate member only has the
right to attend the general meeting and also vote but not act as a
treasurer on the behalf of member.
9. The opponent states that the Applicant themselves are defaulter due
to non-payment of maintenance which amounts to disqualification as
committee member, as per section 73-CA of Maharashtra Co-
Operative Societies Act, 1960.
10. As per the complaint from the Applicant to the Deputy Registrar
Co-Operative Societies, N ward dated 21/7/2022 the Applicant states
that the Chairman has resigned from his position on 27 th March 2022,
which is complete false statement, the Chairman has still not resigned
from his position.
12. As per sec 78(2) of MCS ACT 1960, where there is a willful failure
on the part of the committee to hold election to the committee
before the expiration of its term, the committee shall cease to
function on the expiration of its term and the members thereof shall
cease to hold office and the Registrar may himself take over the
management of the society or appoint an Administrator (who shall
not be from amongst the members of the committee the term of
which has so expired) and the Registrar or Administrator shall hold
election within a period of six months and the committee shall be
constituted before the expiration of that period.
13. The law provides for appointment inter alia of the administrator for
a maximum period of 6 months which may be extended for a
further maximum of 3 months. However, suffice to emphasize that
such an extension has to be for the reasons to be recorded in
writing and under proper intimations to the society. All powers
whether judicial, quasi judicial or administrative are to be exercised
objectively and reasonably. The spirit of the law is that the
administrator should set the things right and hold the elections at
the earliest. The administrator is like a guest to manage the affairs
of the society on adhoc basis till new committee is constituted by
due process of law. Problems may arise when the guest overstays
and beyond the need
As per the MCS Act 1960 rules & bye laws the Deputy Registrar
pleased to pass:
Place :