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1 Complete the dialogues with the Present 3 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs Rea
Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous below.
form of the verbs in brackets. 1 R
do not finish have play q
A: Joel! What 0 have you been doing (you / do) in try watch win
here? Mo
B: I 1 (cook). A: Hello. Your eyes are red. 0Have you been watching (you) TV? traf
A: 2 (you / finish)? B: No, I 1 a computer game. I’m the manager
of a football team and I 2 the World Cup
B: Yes. Why? fou
Final three times! Lon
A: Because you 3 (not do) the
A: Is it a new game? Ah
washing up. Please do it now.
B: No, but my computer used to be slow. I 3 boa
A: Danny looks hot. 4 (he / it upgraded last month and now it works really well. tha
help) you in the garden? one
A: Great. 4 (you) your maths homework? hou
B: Yes. He 5
(cut) the grass. I5 to do it all afternoon but I don’t you
A: 6 (he / finish)? understand it. of t
B: Nearly. He 7
(not do) the B: Well, I started it this morning but I 6 it. Do
grass in front of the house. He’s having a rest you want to do it now? We can help each other. The
/6 aw
/7 the
4 Complete the text with one word in each gap. 80
of t
2 Complete the sentences with the correct eac
We’ve got a big house. There’s a living room and a kitchen
causative form. che
downstairs. 1 , there’s a terrace and a big garden. My
parents’ bedroom is 2 . My bedroom is one floor 3 So
0 Mum had a new dress made (a new dress / who
make) last month. theirs, so they can hear my music at night.
1 My grandmother (her lawn / On 4 side of my bedroom is my bed and next to that is my div
cut) every week. desk with some shelves above it. There’s a nice 5 of the
garden from my window.
2 My sister (her photo / 1
take) at the moment.
3 They (a pizza / deliver)
last Friday.
5 Complete the sentences with the words below. There are
4 Dad (the kitchen cupboards / 2
three extra words.
remove) some time soon.
5 We (just / our computer / appliance cottage detached downtown
upgrade). Now it works perfectly. feature lawn location outskirts terraced
6 I (have to / my jacket / 3
clean). 0 Dave has an apartment downtown . He loves being in the
centre of the city.
7 I think my parents
(our windows / replace) soon. They’re very old. 1 I have to cut the in our garden every week.
2 We live in a(n) house, so we have neighbours on both 4
/7 sides of us.
3 The most useful in this kitchen is the dishwasher.
4 When you choose a house, is very important. You can 5
change everything about the house, but not its position.
5 I live in a small in the country. It’s beautiful.




M01_CHOI_TES_INTGLB_2353_P1.indd 20 18/01/2012 13:37

Reading 7 Men who own houseboats are often
a married. b young. c good at repairing things.
1 Read the text. Choose the correct answer to the

More and more people would like to escape from the crowded,
V? traffic-filled streets of London, but they still have to work there.
One option is to live in the suburbs and spend hours each day Listening
on buses, trains or in the car. However, some lucky people have
up 2 5 Listen to a man talking about a house. Choose the
found the perfect home in a beautiful, quiet part of central
London: a houseboat on the Regent’s Canal in Little Venice. best answer to the questions.

A houseboat can cost as much as a million pounds, but most

1 Harry mentions:
boats are much cheaper. A basic boat is also much cheaper
than a house in London. It costs about the same as a cheap, a one home. b two homes. c three homes.
one-bedroom flat – and is much nicer. It is also easier to buy a
? 2 He doesn’t mention repairs to
houseboat than a house, and there is less paperwork. Of course,
you’ll have to make sure the boat is in good condition. Not all a the roof. b the windows. c the walls.
of them are. You’ll then live in a much nicer area of the city with 3 He hasn't:
helpful, friendly neighbours.
t. Do
a moved into the house. b finished working on the
The biggest disadvantage is finding somewhere to ‘moor’ or park
house. c spent much time in the house.
your boat. One of the most popular places in London is Little
Venice, which only has sixty places and hundreds of people on 4 What does Harry like most about his house?
/6 a waiting list. A place to moor can sometimes cost as much as
a its size b its position c its appearance
the boat itself. That can cause problems. Banks will lend you
80 percent of the cost of a boat, but this may only be 40 percent 5 Harry's house is:
of the total cost. You also have to pay thousands of pounds
a big. b cosy. c like his grandmother's house.
each year to keep your place and you will have to have the boat
checked every five years. 6 The house has:
So who owns houseboats? Some owners are rich, but most people a fireplaces. b no heating. c central heating.
who live on houseboats are middle-aged boat lovers, almost all of
7 Harry thinks swimming pools are:
them men. Often they have had to sell their homes because of a
is my divorce. They aren’t rich but they can do most repairs themselves. a expensive. b cheap. c hard work.
8 Harry and his wife:
1 The aim of the text is to discuss: a live in separate houses. b argued about the house.
c didn’t design the kitchen together.
/5 a the good and bad points of owning houseboats.
b reasons not to buy a houseboat
c ways to buy a houseboat /8
2 Which of these is not a reason for living in a houseboat?
a London is noisy and crowded.
b Travelling from the suburbs takes a long time.
c It is difficult to find work outside London. 3 Choose the best word to complete the sentences.
3 Which of these statements is true?
0 Can/Would/Let/Do I help you?
a Basic houseboats are cheaper than houses
b One-bedroom flats in London are not pleasant. 1 Could/Shall/Would/Do you want a hand with the
c Only millionaires can afford houseboats. washing up?
both 4 Which of these is not always true about houseboats? 2 Do/Would/Shall/Let I come with you?
a The neighbours are helpful. b The location is nice. 3 Would/Could/Do/Shall you like me to help you?
r. c They are in better condition. 4 I’d/I’ll/I’m/I tidy up if you like.
u can 5 How much can a place for a houseboat cost? 5 Shall/Would/Could/Let me make dinner today.
a More than the boat. b About the same as the boat.
c About 80 percent of the cost of the boat. /5
6 Which of these is not a problem if you buy a houseboat?
a Banks will lend you 80 percent of the cost. TOTAL SCORE /20
b You pay for the houseboat and a place to moor it.
/30 c The boat must be checked regularly.


M01_CHOI_TES_INTGLB_2353_P1.indd 21 18/01/2012 13:37

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