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Dielectric Properties of Basaltic Glass and Glass-Ceramics: Modeling and Applications As Insulators and Semiconductors

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Silicon (2019) 11:579–592



Dielectric Properties of Basaltic Glass and Glass-Ceramics: Modeling

and Applications as Insulators and Semiconductors
G. A. Khater1 · B. S. Nabawy2 · J. Kang3 · M. A. Mahmoud1

Received: 26 May 2018 / Accepted: 26 July 2018 / Published online: 2 August 2018
© Springer Nature B.V. 2018

Sinai basaltic rocks were melted as glass and casted into disc- and rode-shapes and subjected to thermal treatment to
induce crystallization as a glass-ceramic. The dominant crystalline phases were assigned as diopside, with some amounts of
anorthite and magnetite crystals. Different techniques were used in that study such as differential thermal analysis, X-ray
diffraction, SEM and dielectric properties (dielectric constant and loss beside to the electric conductivity). Glass-ceramic
samples that were thermally treated at low temperatures (850 ◦ C) gives surface crystalline and coarse-grained textures, while
glass-ceramic samples treated at relatively higher temperatures (1000 ◦ C) introduced volume crystalline and fine-grained
textures. The dielectric constant (ε ) was measured at 1000 points in the frequency range 42 Hz up to 8MHz. It decreases
with increasing the applied frequency and decreases with increasing the crystallization degree, where it varies between 9.99
at 42 Hz and 7.61 at 8 MHz. The dielectric loss values are relatively low (0.68 at 42 Hz down to 0.03 at 8 MHz), whereas
the electric conductivity (σ ) values refer to insulator materials (σ <10−8 S/m) at low electric frequencies at 42 Hz and to
semiconductor materials at high electric frequencies at 8 MHz (10−8 <σ <103 S/m). The results show that the glass-ceramic
can be used in low dielectric materials in the electronics covering industry.

Keywords Basalt · Dielectric properties · Glass · Glass-ceramic · Crystallization

1 Introduction for cleaning purposes of industrial gas emissions without

preliminary cooling [6]. By the advance of the multimedia
Basalt rocks are widespread volcanic rocks brought to the applications and electronic industries, it became necessary
surface through lava flows and eruptions. Basalts have many to reduce the weight of the electronic devices, to be
applications as pavement rocks for the historical roads and miniaturized, and greatly efficient. Therefore, the role of
as aggregates for paving the high ways. The vesicular and microwave apparatus is becoming important for giving
fractured basalts have been known for many decades as out large-capacity information. There is a considerable
hydrocarbon reservoirs and underground water aquifers [1, 2]. amount of microwave apparatus, such as GPS (global
Recently, additional application of basalts is in the positioning system; 1.5 GHz), WLAN (wireless local
form of basalt fibers which have been widely used for area network), cell-phones (0.9:1.8 GHz), Bluetooth (2.4
heating purposes and sound insulation [3–5]. In addition, GHz) and satellite communications (dozen of GHz) [7,
due to their high thermal stability, basalt fibers are used 8]. Glass-ceramics can be used in multifunctional ceramic
substrates with high strength, adequate dielectric constant,
 G. A. Khater
and low coefficient of thermal expansion. Therefore, glass-
j.khater@yahoo.com ceramics are among the best materials that have the required
properties, where their dielectric and mechanical properties
1 Glass Research Department, National Research Centre, can be simply controlled and enhanced. In general,
Cairo, Egypt low-temperature co-fried ceramic (LTCC) materials are
2 Department of Geophysical Sciences, National Research separated into two groups: substrate materials with low
Centre, Cairo, Egypt dielectric constants (below 10); and a set of capacitor
3 School of Materials Science and Engineering, University materials that are appropriate for multifunction and have
of Jinan, Jinan 250022, China moderate to high dielectric constants [9]. There have
580 Silicon (2019) 11:579–592

been numerous studies on low temperature fired ceramic cess, the basalt samples were molten and formed as glass
substrate materials in the next systems: MgO–Al2 O3 –SiO2 and glass-ceramic basalt. The wide range of the studied
glass [10], alumina–lead borosilicate glass [11], and La2 O3 – dielectric properties of the studied basalts may introduce the
B2 O3 –TiO2 [12]. present study as a development for characterizing precisely
A study has been carried out on the CaO–MgO–SiO2 the properties of basalts and adds a new application for the
glass system revealed that the glass-ceramic substrate has basaltic glass and glass-ceramic as electric insulators and
low dielectric loss and high strength values [13]. The semiconductors. The present paper characterizes the dielec-
CaO–Al2 O3 –SiO2 system has been newly reported to have tric properties of the basaltic glass and glass-ceramic using
adequate dielectric constant and good chemical durability alternating electric field through a wide range of frequen-
and low coefficient of thermal expansion [14]. Anywise, cies, extending from 42 Hz up to 8 MHz. It investigates the
the dielectric properties and the mechanical properties are effect of crystallization progress and glassy matrix on the
affected by the low crystallinity and high porosity of the dielectric properties.
glass-ceramic materials. The mechanical characteristics and
dielectric properties of glass-ceramic materials, which have
complex microstructures, should be controlled by the degree 2 Experimental Procedure
of the mineral crystallization of their main components.
The satellite and microwave telecommunication and 2.1 Basalt Melting and Glass Preparation
transmission industries have pronounced fast progress
through portable telephones. The dielectric components Some basalt samples have been collected from the western
should also be miniaturized to decrease the device size. In coast of Sinai, crushed and milled for a while in an agate
latest years, low-temperature co-fired ceramics have been mill till reaching very fine powder size that was sieved to
developed to raise the volume competence by integrating obtain particles less than 75 μm sizes. The obtained powder
passive apparatus such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors samples were then mixed up to get an average sample
[15, 16]. The dielectric constants of trade low dielectric loss, which is more representative for chemical composition of
low-temperature co-fired ceramics materials are generally the Sinai basalts. Chemical analyses were carried out for the
between 4 to 9 [17]. obtained basalt powder by using X-ray Fluorescence (XRF).
The CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 glass system has attracted The prepared mixed-up batch sample was then melted in
much attention due to its low densification temperature, low alumina crucible at 1350 ◦ C to 1450 ◦ C for 2 hours to
Thermal Expansion Coefficient (TEC <5 x 10−6 / ◦ C), low obtain a homogeneous and a bubble-free glass. After that,
dielectric constant (ε <10) and better chemical durability the bubble-free melt was casted onto a steel plate in the
[18]. To ease crystallization in CaO-MgO-Al2 O3 -SiO2 form of very thin disc samples (4.0 mm thickness and 2 x 2
glass, dissimilar nucleating agents, for instance CaF2 , TiO2 , cm dimensions of two parallel surfaces to avoid irregularity
and ZrO2 , have been reported [19, 20]. in thickness), and then transferred to a preheated muffle
Due to the appropriate dielectric properties of the basalt furnace adjusted at 550 ◦ C, which was then switched off to
rocks, the present study introduces a new application for cool gradually to room temperature.
the basalt rocks for electric insulators and semiconductors Table 1 shows the chemical composition of the inves-
purposes (insulators <10−8 S/cm <semiconductor <103 tigated glass samples. The prepared glass samples are
S/cm <conductors) and as alternatives for substrates. To our referred as (1-B1), whereas the other processed and reman-
knowledge, the present study is the first study concerned with ufactured samples as glass-ceramics were referred as (2-B1)
the electric properties of the Egyptian basalts at differ- thermally-treated at 850 ◦ C, (3-B1) thermally-treated at
ent frequency levels. The dielectric properties including the 900 ◦ C, (4-B1) thermally-treated at 950 ◦ C and (5-B1, pol-
dielectric constant and loss as well as the electric con- ished sample to detect the effect of polishing on the obtained
ductivity were measured for some basalt flows widespread results) thermally- treated at 950 ◦ C (non-polished), and
in Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. Prior to the measuring pro- (6-B1) thermally-treated at 1000 ◦ C.

Table 1 Chemical composition of the investigated glass sample

Calculated Chemical Composition (mol %)

SiO2 Al2 O3 Fe2 O3 TiO2 CaO MgO Na2 O K2 O

54.86 11.11 4.86 1.39 11.11 12.51 3.47 0.69
Silicon (2019) 11:579–592 581

2.2 Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) 2.4 X-ray Diffraction Analysis (XRD)

The Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) scan of about 60 Diffraction patterns were acquired from the heat-treated
mg of a powdered glass sample (0.20 mm ≤ grain size glass samples by Philips PW1390 type diffractometer
≤ 60 mm) was applied with Al2 O3 powder as a reference with Ni-filtered Cu-Ka radiation. All device settings were
material using a Perkin-Elmer Micro differential Thermo- maintained and matched for all analysis using a Si disc as
analyzer. The analysis was applied at a heating rate of an external set; this was required to make the measurements
20 ◦ C/min and sensitivity of 8μV/cm for all the DTA runs based on the peak height more accurate.
that were performed in ambient conditions and pure flowing
N2 (flowing at a rate of 30 cc/min). The DTA technique is 2.5 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Studies
used as a guide for the temperature range that applied for
crystallization of the glass-ceramic samples. The microstructure of the crystalline samples was studied
using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of model XL30,
2.3 Thermal Treatment Phillips. Some representative fresh broken samples were
etched chemically by 1% HF+ 1% HNO3 solution for 1s.
Thermal treatment was applied in a muffle furnace from The samples were then dehydrated and coated with a gold
room temperature up to temperatures of 1000 ◦ C at 50 ◦ C film for SEM imaging.
intervals with a heating rate of 10 ◦ C/min based on DTA
results as shown in (Fig. 1). Soaking times for 2 hours were 2.6 Dielectric Measurements
applied to start from the time at which the sample reached
the desired temperature. Choosing the soaking time is based The samples were introduced into a ceramic holder for
on the optimum time required to induce the crystallization non-polarizing electrodes (resistivity less than 0.5 ohm)
process in this type of glass. After soaking time, the furnace linked to a highly precise and computerized IM3536 LCR
was switched off and the samples were kept cooling inside it Hitester Hioki impedance bridge. The capacitance effect
down to the room temperature. A double stage heat treatment (Cp), the electric resistivity (Rp) and the electric loss
was applied to study its effect on the obtained mineral tangent (D) were measured in a parallel arrangement by
phases and microstructure, where the glass samples were first sweeping through a full range of frequency at 1000 points
soaked at 700 ◦ C for 1 h (for sample 1-B1) then at 850 ◦ C of measurements (at frequencies ranging from 42 Hz up to
(for sample 2-B1), 900 ◦ C (for sample 3-B1), 950 ◦ C (for 8 MHz) at ambient conditions. The dielectric constant (ε ),
samples 4-B1 and 5-B1) and 1000 ◦C (for sample 6-B1) for 2h. the dielectric loss (ε  ) and the electric conductivity (σ ) of

Fig. 1 Differential Thermal

Analysis (DTA) of the
investigated glass
582 Silicon (2019) 11:579–592

Table 2 X-ray diffraction (XRD) of the investigated glass samples heat treated at different temperatures

Sample No. Heat treatment (◦ C, h) Phases developed Calculated phases developed (wt%) in samples 3-B1 and 6-B1

Diopside Anorthite Magnetite

1-B1 No treatment amorphous glass

2-B1 850 ◦ C, 2h diopside, anorthite, magnetite
3-B1 900 ◦ C, 2h diopside, anorthite, magnetite 55.0% 28.5% 16.5%
4-B1 950 ◦ C, 2h diopside, anorthite, magnetite
5-B1 950 ◦ C, 2h diopside, anorthite, magnetite
6-B1 1000 ◦ C, 2h diopside, anorthite, magnetite 66.6% 18.3% 15.1%

the basaltic glass and glass-ceramic basalt samples were The obtained electric properties for the different samples
calculated as follows. were found to increase incrementally with the increase of elec-
tric frequency in the applied range from 42 Hz up to 8 MHz.
Cp × L
ε = (1)
A × εo
where, Cp is the measured electric capacitance in parallel, 3 Results
L (4 mm) is the sample thickness, A is the surface area of
the measuring electrode (22.07 mm), and εo is the dielectric XRF analysis showed that the basaltic rocks samples is
constant of the air (8.85 x 10−12 F/m). composed mostly of SiO2 (54.86 %), Al2 O3 (11.11 %),
Fe2 O3 (4.68 %), CaO (11.11 %), MgO (12.51 %), Na2 O
ε = ε × D (2) (3.47 %) and TiO2 (1.39). From (Fig. 1) differential thermal
analyses of the studied glasses showed endothermic peak
Where; ε is the dielectric loss and, D is the measured temperatures recorded at about 683 ◦ C while exothermic
electric loss tangent (tan δ). peak recorded at about 840 ◦ C, the wide of the exothermic
L peak indicates a wide temperature range through which
σ = (3) crystallization of the studied glass-ceramic samples.
A × RP
X-ray diffraction (Table 2 and Fig. 2) indicates that diop-
where, σ is the electric conductivity, RP is the measured side, magnetite and minor amounts of anorthite were the main
electric resistance in parallel, L (4 mm) is the sample crystalline phases formed in sample 3-B1 (after heat treat-
thickness, and A is the surface area of the measuring ment at 900 ◦ C for 2h). In sample 6-B1 (thermally treated
electrode (22.07 mm). at 1000 ◦ C for 2h) the X-ray patterns show increasing

Fig. 2 XRD of the investigated

basalt glass that are thermally
treated at 900 and 1000 ◦ C
for 2 h
Silicon (2019) 11:579–592 583

Fig. 3 SEM micrographs of the

investigated glass samples;
a sample no. 2-B1, thermally
treated at 850 ◦ C, b sample
no. 3-B1, thermally treated at
900 ◦ C, c sample no. 4-B1,
thermally treated at 950 ◦ C, and
d sample no. 6-B1, thermally
treated at 1000 ◦ C

the percentage of the diopside and magnetite phases with seems to have relatively higher conductivity (σ ) than the
decreasing of the anorthite phases. other samples through the overall behaviour, whereas (σ )
The SEM microscopic examination of samples no. seems to have the lower values for samples no. 2 and
2-B1 and 3-B1 (heat treated at 850 ◦ C and 900 ◦ C 6 as shown in Fig. 4. The obtained conductivity values
for 2h, respectively) shows surface crystallization and for the studied basaltic glass and glass-ceramic seem to
coarse grained textures. While in samples 4-B1 and 6-B1 be much higher and out of the range of conductivity
(thermally treated at 950 ◦ C and 1000 ◦ C for 2h showed fine (10−5 -10−9 μs/cm) measured by Mostafa et al. [21]
crystals textures and bulk crystalline (Fig. 3). for some Egyptian basalt at different temperatures. The
The obtained values of the electric conductivity indicate studied samples are characterized by conductivity values
a range varies between 2.0 x 10−4 μs/cm at 42 Hz for in the range of insulators and semiconductors (insulators
sample no. 4 and 33.34 μs/cm at 8 MHz for sample <10−8 S/cm <semiconductor <103 S/cm <conductors).
no. 3 as shown in Table 3. It indicates a wide range of For simplicity, the studied electric behaviour (electric
variation with some anomalous low values recorded at the signature) can be divided into three stages; 1) Initial Pre-
start of sweeping measurements at 42 Hz. Sample no. 3 saturation stage (A), commonly known as DC-stage (42Hz

Table 3 Electric properties of the measured samples as a function of the electric frequency

Sample No. ε ε σ (μs/cm)

42 Hz 2.0 MHz 3.5 MHz 8.0 MHz 42 Hz 2.0 MHz 3.5 MHz 8.0 MHz 42 Hz 4.5 MHz 6.0 MHz 8.0 MHz

1 9.73 9.00 8.78 8.29 0.72 0.18 0.14 0.07 0.0011 4.42 6.85 32.18
2 9.28 8.57 8.38 7.74 0.69 0.17 0.13 0.09 0.0036 3.99 6.20 30.85
3 9.07 8.38 8.16 7.61 0.68 0.15 0.14 0.03 0.0004 5.37 8.59 33.34
4 9.16 8.51 8.37 7.95 0.69 0.22 0.17 0.04 0.0002 4.69 7.24 30.34
5 9.27 8.68 8.54 8.07 0.69 0.20 0.16 0.06 0.0013 4.61 6.61 30.55
6 9.99 9.29 9.15 8.84 0.75 0.25 0.19 0.04 0.0027 3.99 5.62 29.59

where, ε is the dielectric constant, ε is the dielectric loss and σ is the electric conductivity
584 Silicon (2019) 11:579–592

a c

Fig. 4 Electric conductivity (σ ) of the investigated glass samples as the frequency range 42-4500 kHz, b transitional stage in the frequency
a function of the electric frequency. A detailed illustration of this range 4500-6000 kHz, and c final abrupt increase in the frequency
behaviour can be divided into three stages; a pre-saturation stage in range 6000-8000 kHzW

– 4.5 MHz), 2) Transitional stage (B) (4.5-6.0 MHz), and 3) Results of the dielectric constant (ε  ) were swept at
Final stage (C) (6.0-8.0 MHz) (Fig. 4). Stages (B) and (C) different electric frequencies ranging from 42 Hz up to
(4.5-8.0 KHz) are known as AC-stage. 8MHz (Fig. 5). The range of variation seems to be limited
Silicon (2019) 11:579–592 585

Fig. 5 Dielectric constant (ε ) of

the investigated glass samples as
a function of electric frequency.
A detailed illustration of this
behaviour can be divided into
three stages; a initial stage in the
frequency range 42-2000 kHz, a
b transitional stage in the
frequency range 2000-3500 b
kHz, and c final stage in the c
frequency range 3500-8000 kHz

starting from 9.07 (sample 3) up to 9.99 (sample 6) at 42 rearrangement before glass crystallization [22]. The degree
Hz (Table 3). Generally, the highest (ε  ) values are recorded of crystallization fluctuates around ±30◦ of the crystal-
for sample no. 6 and the lowest values for sample no. 3 lization peaks due to the milled glass. Surface nucleation
(Fig. 5). The measured values show some steady decrease and crystallization tend to obscure the internal structural
at the lower frequencies down to 2 MHz with constant slope changes [23]. The extensive nature of the exothermic peaks
(initial stage, A), then slight decrease followed by a slight (Fig. 1) indicates the broad temperature range during crys-
increase up to a frequency level at 3.5 MHz (transitional tallization of the studied glass samples.
stage, B). Finally, the decrease continues in its steady Figure 2 and Table 2 show that all samples from 2-B1
decrease till reaching the end of measurement at 8 MHz, to 6-B1 are composed of diopside (CaMgSi2 O6 ), magnetite
the final stage(C) (Fig. 3). However, in general the obtained (Fe3 O4 ) and anorthite phases. Diopside pyroxene seems
curve decreases slightly with a steady slope and can be modeled to correspond to the main crystalline phase in the wholly
using a general empirical equation as shown in Table 4. crystallized samples. The elevated frequency of the diopside
The fluctuation of the measured values is higher for sign together with the experimental small shift of the
the dielectric loss (ε ) (Fig. 6) than that assigned for the diffraction position towards higher 2θ values in relation to
dielectric constant (ε ). The dielectric loss values also show the standard ASTM d-spacing (ASTM powder file 11-654)
a relatively steep decrease through the initial stage (A) indicates the presence of solid solution most, perhaps of Ca-
decrease till reaching 2 MHz. The (ε  ) starts with 0.68 at Tschermak’s component (CaAl2 SiO6 )-diopside pyroxene.
42 Hz (sample no. 3) then go to much fewer values at the This appears the formation of pyroxene phases in quantities
end of this stage (ε  = 0.15 at 2 MHz). The behaviour better than their normative principles. This is superior by the
of the ε − f curve through the transitional stage (B) is tendency of aluminum to share in the building of compound
highly fluctuated and can’t be modeled except for sample no. pyroxenes.
6 (Table 4). A slight decrease in the ε  values can be noticed in The dislocation of the main characteristics d- spacing
the final stage (C) (Fig. 6). In general, sample no. 6 shows the lines of the pyroxene range towards higher 2θ values might
highest (ε ) as the sample no. 3 shows the lowest (ε  ) values. support the proposal that Al3+ was induced in the pyroxene
solid solutions of diopside type. Omar and El-Shennawi [24]
studied the crystallization of basaltic rocks and basaltic-like
4 Discussion silicate melts and showed that the boundary curves between
the plagioclase and pyroxene fields of crystallization are
4.1 Characterization displaced towards the widening of crystallization field of
complex aluminous pyroxene phases.
The differential thermal analysis (DTA) was a useful tech- Diopside is the most extensive part of pyroxenes
nique in determining the temperature range of crystalliza- and represents a group of minerals which are directly
tion and heat-treatment range to be applied to the investi- connected with the chemical formula of CaMgSi2 O6 of
gated samples. The endothermic peak may show molecular equal structures, but containing dissimilar percentages of

Table 4 The final electric model for the studied samples

Item S. No. Initial stage (A) Transitional stage (B) Final stage (C)

Dielectric 1 ε = 2 x 10−8 f 2 –0.0003f + 9.20 (R2 = 0.976)

Constant (ε ) 2 ε = 2 x 10−8 f 2 –0.0004 f + 9.76 (R2 = 0.980)
3 ε = 2 x 10−8 f 2 –0.0004f + 9.04 (R2 = 0.980)
4 ε = 2 x 10−8 f 2 –0.0003f + 9.23 (R2 = 0.967)
5 ε = 2 x 10−8 f 2 –0.0003f + 9.10 (R2 = 0.969)
6 ε = 2 x 10−8 f 2 –0.0003f + 9.93 (R2 = 0.975)
Dielectric 1 ε = −4 x 10−8 f 2 -0.0001f + 0.556 (R2 = 0.993) ——– ε = 5 x 10−9 f 2 - 0.0001f + 0.40 (R2 = 0.872)
Loss (ε  ) 2 ε = −4 x 10−8 f 2 -0.0002f + 0.652 (R2 = 0.994) ——– ε = 4x 10−9 f 2 - 0.0001f + 0.39 (R2 = 0.860)
3 ε  = −4 x 10−9 f 2 -0.0002f + 0.650 (R2 = 0.993) ——– ε = 3x 10−9 f 2 - 0.0001f + 0.33 (R2 = 0.819)
4 ε  = −4 x 10−8 f 2 -0.0001f + 0.662 (R2 = 0.994) ——– ε = 5x 10−9 f 2 - 0.0001f + 0.45 (R2 = 0.795)
5 ε  = −3 x 10−8 f 2 -0.0002f + 0.658 (R2 = 0.994) ——– ε = 5x 10−9 f 2 - 0.0001f + 0.47 (R2 = 0.838)
6 ε  = −3 x 10−8 f 2 -0.0002f + 0.731 (R2 = 0.994) ε = 6 x 10−8 f 2 + 0.0003f - 0.077 (R2 = 0.692) ε  = 4x 10−9 f 2 - 0.0001f + 0.48 (R2 = 0.874)
Electric Conductivity 1 σ = 2 x 10−7 f 2 - 1.3 x 10−4 f + 0.093 (R2 = 0.981) σ = −7 x 10−7 f 2 + 0.008 f - 20.2 (R2 = 0.812) σ = 1 x 10−7 f 2 + 0.102 f - 59.4 (R2 = 0.997)
σ (μs/cm) 2 σ = 2 x 10−7 f 2 -2.5 x 10−4 f + 0.129 (R2 = 0.978) ——– σ = 2 x 10−7 f 2 + 0.0084f – 52.2 (R2 = 0.997)
3 σ = 3 x 10−7 f 2 - 4 x 10−6 f + 0.067(R2 = 0.988) σ = −1 x 10−6 f 2 + 0.017 f - 43.2 (R2 = 0.922) σ = 5 x 10−7 f 2 + 0.0045 f - 37.9 (R2 = 0.997)
4 σ = 2 x 10−7 f 2 - 8 x 10−5 f + 0.080 (R2 = 0.985) σ = −8 x 10−7 f 2 + 0.0096 f - 22.7 (R2 = 0.773) σ = 5 x 10−7 f 2 + 0.0046 f – 36.8 (R2 = 0.997)
5 σ = 2 x 10−7 f 2 - 3 x 10−6 f + 0.029 (R2 = 0.983) σ = −6 x 10−7 f 2 + 0.0077 f - 16.5 (R2 = 0.505) σ = −8 x 10−8 f 2 + 0.0124 f – 64.6 (R2 = 0.997)
6 σ = 2 x 10−7 f 2 - 5 x 10−5 f + 0.044 (R2 = 0.973) ——– σ = −9 x 10−8 f 2 + 0.030 f – 68.9 (R2 = 0.997)
Silicon (2019) 11:579–592
Silicon (2019) 11:579–592 587

a c

Fig. 6 Dielectric loss (ε ) of the investigated glass samples as a func- frequency range 42-2000 kHz, b transitional steady stage in the fre-
tion of the electric frequency. A detailed description of this behaviour quency range 2000-3500 kHz, and c final slight decrease stage in the
can be divided into three stages; a initial abrupt decrease stage in the frequency range 3500-8000 kHz

sure elements [25]. In the light of the new results, it is octahedral (AlO6 ) and tetrahedral (AlO4 ) position in the
stated that there is an intermediary association between structure.
diopside (CaMgSi2 O6 ) and Ca-Tschermak (CaAl2 SiO6 ). Figure 3 shows SEM micrographs of the crystallized
This member represents a mineral middle between these two samples. From the microscopic investigations of samples
minerals beside to this series, where Al3+ occupies both 2-B1 to 6-B1, it can be observed that crystallization
588 Silicon (2019) 11:579–592

began in samples 2-B1 and 3-B1 at relatively low materials that have not been by Nabawy and Rochette [27]
temperatures and gives up a surface crystallization. While can be assigned at frequencies more than 4.5 MHz. Finally,
in samples 4-B1 and 6-B1 crystallization starts at higher the studied samples cross the transitional stage (B) into the
temperatures and gives up bulk crystallization. The bulk final abrupt increase stage (C) at frequencies higher than 6
nucleation predominates in samples 2-B1 & 6-B1, where MHz where the electric conductivity increases abruptly with
crystallization readily took place throughout the entire much higher rate (Fig. 4c). So the present electric signature
volume of these samples and crystal sizes ranging from could be considered as a complementary behaviour for that
120-170 nm 6-B1 (Fig. 3d) and 210-260 nm 2-B1 (Fig. 3a). assigned for the iron-bearing meteorites and alloys [27].
Samples 2-B1 and 3-B1 were thermally treated at rela- The obtained conductivity values for the studied basaltic
tively low temperatures 850 ◦ C and 900 ◦ C, respectively; glass and glass-ceramic seem to be out of the range of con-
therefore they did not give up a full surface crystallization ductivity (10−5 -10−9 μs/cm) measured for some Egyptian
and still contain a high proportion of residual glass, leading basalt (collected from the Eastern Desert) at different tem-
to the formation of coarse grain texture (Fig. 3a,b). While peratures [21]. The present glass-ceramic basalt samples
samples 4-B1 and 6-B1 were thermally treated at higher (collected from Sinai Peninsula) are characterized by rela-
temperatures 950 ◦ C and 1000 ◦ C, respectively; and give up tively higher conductivity and higher dielectric constant val-
complete bulk crystallization, which led to the formation of ues. These relatively high values are mostly related to higher
fine grained texture (Fig. 3c,d) [26]. percentage of mafic minerals (conductive iron oxide, FeO,
The relatively high fluctuation of the electric conductiv- Fe2 O3 , Fe3 O4 ), where the aphanitic rocks (extrusive rocks
ity by increasing the frequency is referred as an electric formed from lava crystallization with fine to very crystals,
signature which is diagnostic for the composition of the e.g. basalt, andesite and rhyolite) with mafic constituents
studied samples [27]. In their studies on the electric resis- causing a significant increase of conductivity by an order
tivity of iron and stony meteorites, Nabawy and Rochette of magnitude than the phaneritic rocks (intrusive igneous rocks
[27] mentioned that the electric signature of the iron mete- with relatively coarse crystals, e.g. gabbro, diorite and gran-
orites is much complicated than that of siliciclastic mete- ite) of the mafic same composition [21, 28].
orites. Therefore, the presence of mafic minerals like iron The behaviour of the dielectric constant values (ε ) as a
oxides content causes much more complicated and fluctu- function of the electric frequencies (Fig. 5) seem to be simple in
ated electric behaviour (electric signature) than the felsic correlation to the electric conductivity and the dielectric loss
minerals-bearing rocks. (Figs. 4, 5 and 6). The (ε  ) values decrease slightly through the
They divided the electric signatures into four main initial stage (A) up to 2.0 MHz with 6.36-7.65 % decrease
electric stages: 1) Pre-saturation stage or “building up in the (ε  ) values. The transitional stage (B) extends from 2
energy stage”, in which the measured electric resistivity MHz up to 3.5 MHz with additional slight decrease followed
increases up with one or more peaks. In the present by abrupt increase in the values through this stage causing a
study, this stage is characterized by very high values; 2) slight decrease (1.40-2.43 %) as a net result for this fluctu-
threshold stage or “steep stage”, in which the material ation. Finally, the values continue in their slight decreasing
attains the saturation stage and the measured electrical at the same rate causing a total slight decrease for the different
resistivity decreases steeply with increasing the frequency; samples at the end of the measuring process (11.5-16.6%).
3) transitional stage; and 4) steady stage, in which The simplicity of this behaviour is accompanied by some
increasing the electric frequency has a slight or no effect on fluctuations at the higher frequencies (>6MHz, Fig. 5).
the electric resistivity. However, the decrease of the (ε ) values at the end of the mea-
However, though they classified the electric signature suring process is not more than 17 % for all the basaltic
into four stages, they referred that the first peak in the first glass and glass-ceramic samples.
stage mostly starts early at less than 100 Hz and that this A decrease in the (ε ) with increasing frequency is
stage finishes early at 1 kHz, whereas they can’t access the common in most of the dielectric materials due to the
steady stage for the iron meteorites and Fe-Ni alloys till dielectric relaxation, as the speed of the dipole rotation of
the end of the measuring frequency at 100 KHz, i.e. it is most polar materials at high frequency (f ) is insufficient to
present at higher frequencies. For the present study which match the shift in the applied AC bias [29]. At the ambient
starts at 42 Hz, the measured conductivity increases slightly conditions, this dipole rotation follows the AC field. At
through the initial stage (A) which may be assigned as pre- higher frequencies, it seems that the dipole rotation and
saturation stage (A) ended mostly at frequencies more than molecular mobility became much more difficult. In other
4.5 MHz (Fig. 4a) with a relatively low conductivity. Then words, decreasing the (ε  ) with increasing frequency means
the electric signature of the studied samples go through the that the molecular rotation and rearrangement became more
transitional stage (B) where the electric conductivity to be difficult and the friction between molecules increases with
steady (Fig. 4b), i.e. the steady stage of the iron-bearing increasing (f ).
Silicon (2019) 11:579–592 589

On melting the basalt samples and after their thermal start of the measurement followed by decrease of the (ε  )
treatment at different temperatures, the obtained glass- at frequencies higher than 1 kHz. The dielectric loss for the
ceramic samples contain some free metals (e.g. Fe2+ , Al3+ , studied samples seems to be relatively low in relation to
Ca2+ , Mg2+ , Na1+ and Ti4+ ) that elaborated and enforced the dielectric constant values through the initial stage (A)
at relatively higher frequencies. Comparing the dielectric (ε /ε ≤ 7.5 %) and abruptly decreased through transitional
values for the different samples indicates that the higher (B) to less than 2.7 %, whereas diminishes at the final stage
(ε ) is assigned for sample 6-B6 which has been thermally (C) to ≤ 1.15 % (Fig. 6: B, C). Therefore, thermal heating
treated at 1000 ◦ C. This sample has lower anorthite than of the glass-ceramic basalt with increasing frequencies is
that for the other samples, i.e. higher free Al3+ ions. On accepted, at the higher frequencies in particular.
contrary, the least (ε  ) is assigned for sample 3-B3 which has Correspondence of the behaviour of the X-Y plots of
the highest anorthite i.e. lower free Al3+ ions and therefore the electric properties of the studied basalt samples as a
more systematic behaviour for the dielectric constant as a function of frequency indicates increasing the (σ ), and
function of frequency. decreasing both (ε ) and (ε ) with increasing frequency
Some similar case studies on basalts, sandstones and (Figs. 4, 5 and 6). This correspondence can be attributed to
heterogeneous materials, in which (ε  ) decreases with ionic polarization that created on applying the external AC
increasing frequency with some disturbance and beaks field that causes displacement of the positive and negative
through the measuring process, at the higher frequencies in ions of the mafic minerals in the glass-ceramic basalt (i.e.
particular, have been published by some authors [30–34]. increasing the polarization) up to the point where the ionic
Ahmad and Zihlif [34] on their study on electric properties bonding force can stop this displacement.
of basalt rocks indicated similar behaviour to our present
studies in the range of 10-1000 Hz, whereas Li et al. [29] 4.2 Modeling
showed similar behaviour on their studies on glass fiber
PCB substrate at frequencies more than 400 KHz. Modeling process is applied to the measured electric values
This dielectric behaviour of the heterogeneous materials after finishing the characterization of the electric properties
(e.g. basaltic glass-ceramic) can be also explained by the and ranges of the basaltic glass-ceramic samples. Prediction
Maxwell-Wagner polarization mechanism. In the Maxwell– of electric behaviour and values at different frequencies
Sillars polarization a separation of charges occurs, with is the main purpose for the modeling process. Modeling
a considerable distance relative to the atomic and molec- the dielectric constant is easier than the other parameters,
ular sizes. Therefore, it becomes easier for the ions to where its behaviour is more consistent with increasing the
rotate freely with increasing the frequency and the contribu- applied frequency. The obtained model equations are listed
tion to dielectric loss can therefore be orders of magnitude in Table 4. The reliability of the obtained equations of
larger than the dielectric response due to molecular fluc- the dielectric constant (ε ) as a function of frequency (f )
tuations. This polarization mechanism occurs either at the for the different samples is very high (R2 ≥ 0.967), i.e.
inner dielectric boundary layers on a mesoscopic scale or at predicting the (ε  ) seems to be typically 97% close to the
the external electrode-sample contact interface on a larger real value. Representing the obtained model as ε = a.
macroscopic scale [35]. This mechanism can be explained f 2 – b. f + c reveals that the similarity in the factors
in more details by describing the inhomogeneous structure a & b (Table 4) indicates that the slope of the ε  − f
as a double or multi-layers arrangement, where each layer is curves is typical. The slight difference in the constant value
characterized by its dielectric and its conductivity proper- (C) indicates the intercept with the y-axis, i.e. refers to the
ties. In addition, since conductivities of the different layers sample having the higher dielectric constant ε  . The highest
are frequency dependent, therefore the double layer com- value for constant C is assigned for sample no. 6 (C = 9.93),
posite generally has a frequency dependent relaxation time whereas the lowest values are assigned for sample 3 (C =
even if the individual layers are characterized by frequency 9.04, Table 4). Therefore, it is indicated that the highest
independent dielectric properties (DC behaviour). There- dielectric constant is assigned for the glass-ceramic sample
fore, the dielectric properties of the basalt samples are that has been thermally treated up to 1000 ◦ C, i.e. which has
the net result of a multi-layer arrangement including the the highest diopside content (Fig. 2). A bulk model can be
diopside, Anorthite and Magnetite phases in which the per- introduced tracing this relationship as follows.
centage of the Anorthite seems to be the key-factor control
for that behaviour ε  = 2 × 10−8 f 2 − 0.0003f + C1 (R2 ≥ 0.969)(42Hz − 8.0MHz) (4)
The dielectric loss (ε  ) decreases by decrease the
dielectric constant values and increase the applied AC Where C1 is a constant referring to the mineral
frequency with relatively high fluctuations through the final composition, it increases with increasing the diopside
stage (C) but with some increase in the (ε ) values at the content.
590 Silicon (2019) 11:579–592

Though the dielectric loss ε increase by increasing the therefore the polarization (ε  ) is relatively high, whereas at
ε ,modeling the ε seems to be much more complicated higher frequencies the electron flow (σ ) and electric charges
than that for the ε . Therefore, discriminating the dielectric are higher and therefore the ability of electrons to rotate as
loss signature into three stages helps greatly in the modeling fast as changing the frequency (changing the positive and
process. The behaviour of ε through the transitional stage negative electrodes) and the polarization (ε  ) decreases. This
(B) (2 -3.5 MHz) seems to be hazy and highly complicated behaviour should go through a transitional stage.
to be traced except for sample no.6 with the well-developed
diopside phase (Fig. 6B, Table 4). In the initial stage (A), 4.3 Applications as Insulators and Semiconductors
the steady decrease in ε values can be easily traced and
modeled in high precision (R2 = 0.994). It can be generally For a given material to be considered as insulator, it
represented by the following model. should be poor electric conductor (insulators <10−8
S/cm <semiconductor <103 S/cm <conductors). For the
ε = −4 × 10−8 f 2 − 0.0002f + C2 (R2 = 0.994) (42Hz − 2.0MHz) insulating material, it should be consists of electronic
(5) bands, some of them are completely filled with electrons
Where; C2 value is related to the diopside content. and in between there are completely empty bands, i.e.
Increasing the constant C2 refers to increasing the empty band is surrounded by higher filled band valence
diopside content, so the highest value is assigned for sample and next higher conduction band (filled with electrons).
no. 6 that has the highest diopside content. C2 increases This band gap between both the conduction and valence
consistently from sample no. 1 (that represents the initial bands are large enough for insulation and for preventing
stage model where no thermal treatment) up to sample no. 6 the electrons from transfer between the different bands,
(thermally treated at 1000 ◦ C). For sample no. 3, the effect i.e. high energy is needed to promote electrons into the
of the thermal treatment seems to be mixed up with the conduction band. This energy can’t be obtained at the room
effect of mineral composition similar to that for ε behavior temperature and heating is needed. A dielectric material is
(Table 4). an insulating material for electric current flow. It exhibits
The plot of the electric conductivity (σ ) as a function an electric dipole structure, where the negative and positive
of the applied frequency is less complicated than that of charges displace their positions, i.e. their center of gravity
ε − f plot (Fig. 6). The σ − f plot can be sliced into three is different. They can be polarized on applying the electric
main parts; initial (A) (42Hz-4.5 MHz), transitional (B) field [36].
(4.5-6.0 MHz), and final stages (C) (6.0-8.0 MHz). In the The dielectric polarization causes positive charges to
initial stage, the relationship between the two parameters be displaced toward the applied electric field and the
seems to be steady, DC stage and can be modeled with very negative charges to be shifted in the opposite direction.
high precision (Table 4). A general model can be introduced The dielectric insulator can be considered as a polarized
to calculateσ as a function of f in stage (A) as follows. material (charges accumulated on its surface) with no
internal charges (average charge inside the dielectric is zero)
σ = 2×10−7 f 2 −C3 f +C4 (R2 ≥ 0.973)(42Hz−4.5MHz) [37].
(6) All dielectrics are electrical insulators. However, at the
room temperature, the dielectric insulators can conduct a
Where, both are constantly based on the diopside content few amounts of electricity but along their most surface
and the thermal treatment. and impurity ions [38]. Though the electric conductivity
The lowest C3 and C4 values are assigned for samples values seem to be close to each other for the different
no. 6 (treated at 1000 ◦ C) and 5, (treated at 950 ◦ C, polished samples in the initial stage, at frequency less than 1 MHz in
sample) whereas the highest values are recorded for sample particular, curves separation is noticed at frequencies higher
no. 3 (treated at 900 ◦ C). Through the transitional stage, the than 5 MHz with higher electric charges. The least values
electric signature of the studied samples can be modeled for are assigned for sample no. 6 (treated at 1000 ◦ C) with
some samples with less precision than that for the initial and higher diopside content. The higher conductivity values
final stages (Table 4). The precision of modeling process are recorded for samples no. 1 (basaltic glass) and no. 3
increases through the final stage (R2 = 0.997). However, (treated at 900 ◦ C). The highest dielectric constant values
values of the multiplication factors and the constant of the are assigned for sample no. 6, whereas the lowest values are
obtained equations vary from sample to sample, i.e. it is assigned for sample no. 3, i.e. the polarization and insulation
not accepted to a general model for the different samples is the highest for sample no. 6. Therefore, the thermal
(Table 4). This could be explained by the fact that at lower treatment for the studied samples up to 1000 ◦ C helped
frequencies, the electric charges and energies are relatively in enhancing the dielectric properties and insulation of the
low and not so enough to start the electric flow (σ ) and basaltic glass-ceramic by increasing the diopside content.
Silicon (2019) 11:579–592 591

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