Anesthesia Guidelines
Anesthesia Guidelines
Anesthesia Guidelines
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second physician reports the associated moderate sedation When multiple surgical procedures are performed during
procedure/service 99155, 99156, 99157; when these a single anesthetic administration, the anesthesia code
services are performed by the second physician in the representing the most complex procedure is reported. The
nonfacility setting (eg, physician office, freestanding time reported is the combined total for all procedures.
imaging center), codes 99155, 99156, 99157 would not
be reported. Moderate sedation does not include minimal
sedation (anxiolysis), deep sedation, or monitored Unlisted Service or Procedure
anesthesia care (00100-01999).
A service or procedure may be provided that is not listed
To report regional or general anesthesia provided by a
in this edition of the CPT codebook. When reporting
physician also performing the services for which the
such a service, the appropriate “Unlisted Procedure” code
anesthesia is being provided, see modifier 47 in
may be used to indicate the service, identifying it by
Appendix A.
“Special Report” as discussed in the section below. The
“Unlisted Procedures” and accompanying code for
Anesthesia is as follows:
01999 Unlisted anesthesia procedure(s)
60 *=Telemedicine :=Add-on code ~=FDA approval pending #=Resequenced code H=Modifier 51 exempt 333=See p xvii for details
CPT 2020 Anesthesia Guidelines
Anesthesia 00100-01999
the addition of a physical status modifier. The use of year and older than 70 (List separately in addition to code
other optional modifiers may be appropriate. for primary anesthesia procedure)
(For procedure performed on infants younger than 1 year
Physical Status Modifiers of age at time of surgery, see 00326, 00561, 00834,
Physical Status modifiers are represented by the initial
letter ‘P’ followed by a single digit from 1 to 6 as defined : 99116 Anesthesia complicated by utilization of total body
in the following list: hypothermia (List separately in addition to code for
primary anesthesia procedure)
P1: A normal healthy patient
: 99135 Anesthesia complicated by utilization of controlled
P2: A patient with mild systemic disease hypotension (List separately in addition to code for
P3: A patient with severe systemic disease primary anesthesia procedure)
P4: A patient with severe systemic disease that is a : 99140 Anesthesia complicated by emergency conditions
constant threat to life (specify) (List separately in addition to code for primary
anesthesia procedure)
P5: A moribund patient who is not expected to survive
without the operation (An emergency is defined as existing when delay in
treatment of the patient would lead to a significant
P6: A declared brain-dead patient whose organs are being
increase in the threat to life or body part)
removed for donor purposes
These six levels are consistent with the American Society
of Anesthesiologists (ASA) ranking of patient physical
status. Physical status is included in the CPT codebook to
distinguish among various levels of complexity of the
anesthesia service provided.
s=Revised code I=New code c b=Contains new or revised text i=Duplicate PLA test ^=Category I PLA American Medical Association 61