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JPEK (Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan)

Vol. 8, No. 1 April 2024, Hal. 100–108

DOI: 10.29408/jpek.v8i1.24372
E-ISSN: 2549-0893

Hotel Customer Perspectives Through The Customer Journey On

Omnichannel Marketing In 4.0 Era
Ketut Aryati Utami1, Gede Sri Darma2
Master of Management, National Education University, Denpasar
Correspondence: aryatiutami58@gmail.com
Received: 4 Desember, 2023 | Revised: 24 Desember 2023 | Accepted: 30 Maret 2024
Customer The emergence of digitalization and technology has led consumers to utilize various channels
Journey; and service providers for their purchases. It is undeniable that the market is increasingly shifting
Omnichannel towards online channels, creating a hybrid situation where some products exist in an omni-
Marketing channel environment. This situation gives rise to unique phenomena in the industrial world,
which subsequently question the presence and relevance of offline channels in promoting and
selling products/services in a company. This research aims to deeply explore how hotel
customers' perspectives are viewed from the customer journey in omnichannel marketing in the
era of 4.0. This study utilizes primary and secondary data. Primary data is collected through
direct interviews with informants. Semi-structured in-depth interviews are conducted with 4 hotel
customers from the four largest market segments of the hotel. This study employs a non-
probability sampling technique, as in this case, the population is not easily accessible or there is
no complete list of the existing population. This method is based on the researcher's discretion
in selecting a sample considered representative or relevant. The sample is taken from four
respondents representing the four main market segments of the Four Star by Trans Hotel.The
research results reveal the stages of the hotel customer journey in an omni-channel environment,
from the initial stage to the end. Started from awareness stage, research stage, usage stage, and
the final stage. It follows the customer journey mapping which is persona, timeline, touchpoint,
channel and emotion. Moreover, this research reveal that All respondent havings the same
general factor for choosing the channel by considering how it is easy for them to use.

Kata Kunci: Abstrak

Customer Digitalisasi dan teknologi yang muncul menyebabkan konsumen menggunakan berbagai saluran
Journey; dan penyedia layanan untuk pembelian mereka, tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa kini pasar semakin
Omnichannel beralih ke saluran online, ini menciptakan keadaan hibrid, dimana beberapa produk ada di
Marketing lingkungan omni-channel. Keadaan ini menimbulkan phenomena unik dalam dunia industri yang
kemudian mulai mempertanyakan keberadaan dan relevansi dari offline channel dalam
mempromosikan dan menjual produk/pelayanan di suatu perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan
untuk Menggali secara mendalam bagaimana perspektif pelanggan hotel ditinjau dari customer
journey dalam omnichannel marketing di era 4.0. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dan
sekunder. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui wawancara langsung dengan informan. Wawancara
mendalam semi terstruktur dilakukan dengan 4 pelanggan hotel dari 4 segmen market terbesar
dari hotel. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknis non-probability sampling, karena dalam hal ini
populasi tidak dapat diakses secara mudah atau tidak ada daftar lengkap dari populasi yang ada.
Metode ini didasarkan pada pertimbangan peneliti untuk memilih sampel yang dianggap
representatif atau relevan. Sample diambil dari empat orang respondent yang mewakili 4
segmentasi market utama dari hotel Four Star by Trans Hotel. Hasil penelitian didapatkan
Tahapan customer journey pelanggan hotel di lingkungan omni – channel mulai dari tahapan
awal hingga akhir. Dimulai dari tahap kesadaran, tahap penelitian, tahap penggunaan, dan tahap
terakhir. Ini mengikuti pemetaan perjalanan pelanggan yang mencakup persona, timeline, titik
kontak, saluran, dan emosi. Selain itu, penelitian ini mengungkap bahwa semua responden
memiliki faktor umum yang sama dalam memilih saluran dengan mempertimbangkan seberapa
mudahnya bagi mereka untuk digunakan.

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Utami, Darma. Hotel Customer Perspectives Through the Customer Journey on Omnichannel Marketing in 4.0 Era

The development of technology and the digitalization process have significantly
impacted the industrial world, particularly in marketing strategy and consumer behavior. The
emergence of digitalization and technology has led consumers to use various channels and
service providers for their purchases (Mali, 2021). It's undeniable that the market is increasingly
shifting towards online channels, creating a hybrid environment where some products exist in
a multi-channel setting (Josephson, 2021). In recent years, advanced technology has enabled
people to access goods and services through various channels, including the Internet, mobile
devices, social media, and physical stores (Sun et al., 2020). This has led to a unique
phenomenon in the industry, questioning the relevance of offline channels in promoting and
selling products/services within a company.
Research indicates that in the tourism industry, particularly in the B2B market, the trend
is shifting towards online channels. In 2018, online sales represented 12% of all market
transactions, projected to reach 17% by 2023, highlighting the growth of the online market in
Indonesia (Blonde et al., as cited in (Josephson,2021)). Consequently, many tourism industries,
especially in Bali's hospitality sector, have begun increasing their online marketing efforts, even
reducing their offline channels' focus to concentrate on online marketing. This shift indirectly
raises concerns about the significance of offline channels, particularly offline sales, in the
coming years, especially in Bali, the largest tourism industry in Indonesia. This should provide
a clear picture of tourism marketing, especially in the hospitality sector, essential for strategic
management decisions in hotel companies (Alexios, 2015).
The subsequent question is whether total disruption will occur in online channel
marketing or if both online and offline channels will continue to complement each other in the
hospitality industry. Observing consumer shopping behavior has dramatically changed due to
increased Internet usage, smartphones, and mobile devices (Trenz et al., as cited in (Sumrit &
Sowijit, 2023). Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the growth of online
sales through internet-based marketing channels, enabling customers to access information,
place orders, make payments, and receive post-purchase support across multiple touchpoints
(Son et al., as cited in (Sumrit & Sowijit, 2023).
This shift has normalized multi-channel shopping by customers as a new norm in the
business-to-consumer retail sector (Mishra et al., as cited in (Sumrit & Sowijit, 2023). However,
multiple channels alone do not necessarily guarantee customer satisfaction. Offering various
channels, if coupled with optimal integration, provides the best experience for customers.
Conventional wisdom dictates that customers expect the same shopping experience in e-
commerce, regardless of the channel they purchase from (Le & Nguyen-Le, as cited in (Sumrit
& Sowijit, 2023). This has led to the emergence of omnichannel retailing, a strategy that
combines all customer touchpoints into one channel (Hossain et al., 2020). Unlike traditional
shopping, omnichannel allows customers to switch freely from one channel to another without
obstacles (Do Vale et al., as cited in (Sumrit & Sowijit, 2023).
As we have developed a fair understanding of consumers in traditional marketing
environments, facing the evolution towards omnichannel, companies and researchers need to
reevaluate our understanding of consumers. Consumers still value, if not sometimes prefer, the
basics in traditional marketing; therefore, understanding how new technology-based marketing

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creates real value is fundamental (Dzyabura & Jagabathula, n.d., 2005) Consumer needs can
become increasingly diverse in the context of multi-channel variations due to the level of
acceptance of different new marketing channels (Dinner et al., 2011) However, with various
marketing channels available and increasing technological capabilities, handling heterogeneity
in consumer needs can be better managed (Dinner et al., 2011).
Research by (Josephson, 2021) illustrates the shift trend from offline marketing to
online marketing. Another study by (Lesscher, 2021) argues that both online and offline
marketing run in parallel and contribute separately to their target markets. Reviewing several
studies related to omnichannel marketing across various industries indicates that customer
perceptions significantly determine the success of the applied omnichannel marketing. For
instance, a study by (Banerjee & Bhardwaj, 2019) suggests differences in outcomes between
online and offline channels regarding customer demand. According to (Lee et al., 2019) the
optimal success of omnichannel marketing is achieved through periodic measurement and
evaluation. This emphasizes not only having multiple channels to reach consumers but also
how effectively and periodically the entire channels can be integrated and measured for their
effectiveness. Another study by (Gao et al., 2021) reveals that channel variations alone will not
offer the best customer experience without receiving feedback from customers. The research
findings indicate that both integrating multiple channels and trust significantly influence both
online and offline customer loyalty, driving repeat purchase intentions by customers.
Several studies have revealed the tendencies of online channel marketing within an
industry, yet there hasn't been specific research targeting omnichannel marketing in the
hospitality industry. From the research available, it's evident that companies tend to focus on
online channel marketing trends, but there's a lack of specific studies regarding consumer trends
and opinions related to omnichannel marketing, especially within the hospitality industry. As
we know, it's common for customers to use different channels in making purchasing decisions,
such as gathering information online but conducting transactions offline.
By deeply and comprehensively understanding hotel customers' perceptions of
omnichannel marketing in the 4.0 era, it's hoped that recommendations can be provided
concerning decision-making in appropriate strategic management for marketing hotels in Bali
specifically. Moreover, this research aims to fill a gap in literature by offering an empirical
model related to factors influencing hotel customers' choices in purchasing channels within
omnichannel marketing.

The topic of omnichannel is still relatively new and rarely examined from the customer
perspective, thus requiring qualitative research to help enhance knowledge about this subject.
This research employs a methodology centered on case studies, specifically selected to delve
into instances involving the evolution of a luxury sustainable destination. Information was
gathered through observations, documentation, and thorough interviews.
The research focuses on room rentals to allow for numerous touchpoints between customers
and the hotel. Due to the broad phenomenon of omnichannel, interviews were limited only to
room sales. Four Star by Trans Hotel is one of the hotels in Denpasar Bali that caters to various
segments or markets encompassing government, corporate, and leisure travel, making it an

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Utami, Darma. Hotel Customer Perspectives Through the Customer Journey on Omnichannel Marketing in 4.0 Era

excellent example of omnichannel implementation. The company has both offline direct sales
channels and digital sales channels, actively engaging in social media.
Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with hotel customers from the four largest
market segments: government, corporate, travel agent, and leisure. This research used a non-
probability sampling technique. The method employed was saturation, where interviews were
conducted until reaching a saturation point in data collection.
Once data collection concludes, an interactive analysis method consisting of three key
components—data reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusions—is employed. Following
this, thematic analysis techniques are utilized to identify and categorize themes and sub-themes
pertaining to the possibilities, challenges, and opportunities associated with hotel management.


Customer Journey Mapping
In customer journey analysis, companies concentrate on how customers engage with
various touchpoints, spanning from initial consideration and search to the purchase,
consumption, and subsequent engagement or repeat buying. The aim is to outline this journey
and grasp the range of touchpoints customers can select across different buying stages as stated
in (Lemon & Verhoef, 2016).
Bitner, Ostrom, and Morgan in (Lemon & Verhoef, 2016) stated that the roots of
customer journey analysis lie in both service and multichannel management. However, while
multichannel researchers typically follow the traditional purchase funnel and examine the
phases from search to purchase, the customer journey's focus is slightly different. It aims to
comprehend the various options and pathways customers might take to accomplish their task.
Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) is a design tool used to create a visual presentation
that depicts the relationship, interactions, and user journey while using and engaging with both
products/services and the company itself (Rahmalia, 2020). The Customer Journey Map
combines two instruments: storytelling and visualization to help companies understand and
define the needs as well as the satisfaction of customers/users. The Customer Journey Map
consists of five crucial components: persona, timeline, channel, touchpoint, and emotion as
explained in (Rahmalia, 2020). Therefore, Customer Journey Map is also referred to as an
effective tool to overcome the difficulty of creating the perfect Customer Experience.

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Table 1.

Profil Responden Penelitian

Kode Nama Usia Profesi

Subject 1 Dessy (DS) 32 Dokter

Subject 2 Devi (DV) 20 Mahasiswa

Subject 3 Mario (MR) 37 Karyawan

Subject 4 Arya (AY) 28 Karyawan

Based on the research from the interview process, several statements were obtained as
a. Purchasing rooms at Four Star by Trans Hotel is done through both online and offline
b. All respondents conducted research about Four Star by Trans Hotel through online
c. Some respondents feel more comfortable viewing information and making purchases
online, while others opt for offline purchases to experience emotional closeness to
the hotel.
d. The decision for online or offline purchases is based on the room booking purpose,
quantity, and the amount of discounts offered.
e. During the awareness stage, most users started to become aware of Four Star by Trans
Hotel through social media like Instagram, while some respondents' awareness began
with recommendations. At this stage, users' emotions are neutral.
f. During the research stage, users started to become interested and began seeking
information about Four Star by Gtrans Hotel by either contacting the hotel directly
or searching through online booking channels. At this stage, users experienced
positive emotions that influenced their desire to make a booking.
g. During the usage stage, users experienced good experiences at each touchpoint
throughout the process.
h. In the final stage of the customer journey, users remain loyal and even attempt to
provide feedback through online or offline reviews.

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• 4 respondents, including a 35-year-old doctor, a 37-year-old
entrepreneur, and a 28-year-old, along with a group of students
around 20 years old.
• The respondents became customers of Four Star by Trans Hotel in
2023, meaning it's been less than a year, so the memories or
experiences they had as customers are still vivid.
• Respondents are aware that Four Star by Trans Hotel has both
online and offline channels for obtaining information and making
• The respondents' reasons for booking a room at Four Star by Trans
Hotel include business trips, leisure, and meetings.
• Customers' choice of channel is influenced by the number of
rooms booked and the abundance of promotions and discounts
Awareness Use Feedback
- Receiving
response from - Feeling assisted
- Looking at
hotel in shopping
Timeline - Confirming online/offline
- Receiving
the reservation and - Recommending
procesing to others
- Online: - Hotel Gate - Google Review
Instagram, Google - Hotel - OTA
- Offline: Hotel, Lobby - Paper form
Wedding Fair - Hotel room - Email
- Online: - Online - Google Review
Traveloka, Agoda, travel agent - OTA
tiket.com - Website - Paper form
- Offline: Sales - Sales - Email
person, direct call to Person


Emotion Neutral


The Factors That Determine Customers' Choice Of Purchasing Channels In

Omnichannel Marketing

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Apart from providing responses and listing the obstacles faced during the interview
process, the interviewees were also asked to provide information regarding the factors that led
them, as hotel customers, to choose specific channels (methods). This was an initiative to gather
ideas, thoughts, and expectations from users aimed at improving and enhancing user experience
both online and offline. The recommendations for improvement were derived from the
interviewees' opinions, as seen in Table 3, considering the factors that were most frequently
taken into account. These ideas are then recommended by the researcher for consideration by
readers and the hotel. Explanations regarding the factors determining hotel customers' choices
in channel selection within omnichannel marketing have been summarized in the following
Table 3.
Customer’s choice on channel booking
Code Channel Reason

DS Offline Sales Easy Booking : Group booking

DV Traveloka Easy Booking : user friendly
MR Offline Sales Easy booking: fast response
AY Booking.com Easy Booking : efficient and cashless

Based on Table. 3, respondent answering related to their own purpose of stay which
is different from one to another. Several statement can be obtained related to the table, such
a. All respondents conducted different purpose of stay and had different background
b. Some respondents feel more comfortable viewing information and making purchases
online through OTA (onlinet travel agent), while others option for offline by
communicationg directly with offline sales in charge.
c. All respondent havings the same general factor for choosing the channel by
considering how it is easy for them to use.
d. Respondent whose purpose of stay is for group booking with meeting will find it
easier to contact offline sales directly to discuss about arrangement of the group, so
the offline channel is suitable for that type of customer.
e. Respondent whose purpose of stay is for holiday and typically having short period of
stay find online travel agent easier to use because they can cut the unnecessary
communication, straightly can book the hotel and process the payment through

The review primarily aims to summarize the peer-reviewed literature that utilizes the
concept of the customer journey. The study findings unveil the progression of the hotel
customer experience across multiple channels, encompassing stages from the beginning to the
culmination. Commencing with awareness, research, usage, and concluding stages, this journey
aligns with the mapping of customer experiences, including persona, timeline, touchpoint,
channel, and emotion. Furthermore, the research highlights a consistent factor among all
respondents in channel selection, emphasizing the ease of use. Its key role is to establish a

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foundation for upcoming research and practical applications. Specifically, it focuses on

exploring the customer journey perspective, delving into terminology related to customer
journeys, and uncovering potential opportunities in customer journey methodologies.
Moreover, in industry 4.0 the concept of digitalitation will dramatically increased and somehow
creating chaos on omnichannel world which believe offline and online channel can work
together integerately. The review's scope was restricted to searching for peer-reviewed journal
articles and conference papers focusing on customer journeys, posing a limitation. However,
despite this constraint, the review offers valuable insights into potential areas for future research
and practical application. Specifically, it highlights the necessity for forthcoming studies
addressing methods for data collection and analysis in customer journey mapping, the
proposition of customer journey as an approach, and the requirement to adopt a terminology
for customer journeys that facilitates both thorough analysis and innovative design practices.
The intention is for this review to serve as a foundational reference for future investigations
into customer journeys, encouraging their advancement to aid service management and design.

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