Yunong Zhang
School of Information Science and Technology,
Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU),
Guangzhou 510006, China (zhynong@mail.sysu.edu.cn)
Abstract : This paper adapts look-ahead and backward finite difference formulas to compute future eigen-
vectors and eigenvalues of piecewise smooth time-varying symmetric matrix flows A(t). It is based on the
Zhang Neural Network (ZNN) model for time-varying problems and uses the associated error function E(t) =
A(t)V (t) − V (t)D(t) or ei (t) = A(t)vi (t) − λi (t)vi (t) with the Zhang design stipulation that Ė(t) = −ηE(t) or
ėi (t) = −ηei (t) with η > 0 so that E(t) and e(t) decrease exponentially over time. This leads to a discrete-time
differential equation of the form P (tk )ż(tk ) = q(tk ) for the eigendata vector z(tk ) of A(tk ). Convergent look-
ahead finite difference formulas of varying error orders then allow us to express z(tk+1 ) in terms of earlier A and
z data. Numerical tests, comparisons and open questions complete the paper.
Subject Classifications : 65H17, 65L12, 65F15, 65Q10, 92B20
Key Words : matrix eigenvalues, matrix computations, symmetric matrix flows, Zhang neural network, time-
varying equations, time-varying computations, 1-step ahead discretization formula, error function, numerical anal-
ysis, numerical linear algebra
1 Introduction
Many numerical methods in most every branch of applied mathematics employ matrices, vectors and spatial or
time-dependent models to solve specific problems. Static-time and time-varying problems sometimes behave very
differently as far as their numerics are concerned. Therefore time-invariant and time-varying problems may require
different approaches when they deal with different challenges and their own inherent computational limitations.
Time-varying numerical matrix matrix and ZNN methods are a relatively new subject and differ greatly from
our classical numerical canon and textbooks. The very words neural networks have multiple uses in Numerics and
simply refer to the natural propagation of impulses that are passed along nervous systems. ZNN methods differ
substantially from every other so called neural network, see e.g. [18], and from any other standard ODE based
method, see e.g. [10], or from decomposition methods, see e.g. [5].
ZNN methods have two main and differing ingredients: the first is the error equation and the ZNN stipulation that
the error equation is to decay exponentially fast to zero over time. Once this new, quite unusual and nowhere else
used error function ODE has been discretized in ZNN, the second novel part of ZNN is its subsequent reliance on
1-step ahead convergent finite difference equations, rather than on standard ODE IVP solvers. Such look-ahead
difference schemes have never occurred in any of our finite difference uses or the literature. The first ones were
in fact constructed by hand on scratch paper within the last couple of years, see [12] and [14]. These first tries
achieved rather low truncation error orders. A formal process to obtain higher error order 1-step ahead convergent
difference schemes appears in [17].
There are several hundred papers with time-varying Zhang type methods in engineering journals, but relatively
few, not even a handful, in the Numerical Linear Algebra literature.
For over a dozen years now, a special class of dynamic methods has been built on the idea of Yunong Zhang and
Jun Wang [25] from 2001. These are so called Zhang dynamics (ZD), or zeroing dynamics; see [23, 24, 6, 19] and
2 Frank Uhlig and Yunong Zhang
Zhang neural networks (ZNN), or zeroing neural networks; see [28, 7, 20]. ZD methods are specifically designed
for time-varying problems and have proven most efficient there. They use 1st-order time derivatives and have been
applied successfully to – for example – solve time-varying Sylvester equations [22, 9, 8], to find time-varying
matrix inverses [21, 7, 3, 12] (see also [4]), and to optimize time-varying matrix minimization problems [26, 11],
all in real-time. These algorithms generally use both, 1-step ahead and backward differentiation formulas and run
in discrete time with high accuracy. From given time-varying matrix or vector valued problem, all ZNN methods
form a problem specific error function e(t) that is stipulated to decrease exponentially to zero, both globally and
asymptotically [24, 28, 29] by the ODE ė(t) = −ηe(t) for a decay constant η > 0. This discretized time-varying
error matrix ODE problem is then solved successfully through finite difference formulas and simple recursive
vector additions without the use of any standard numerical matrix factorizations, local iterative methods, or ODE
solvers, except possibly for computing the necessary starting values.
The ZNN method is a totally new branch of Numerical Analysis. It is essential for robot control, self-driving vehi-
cles, and autonomous airplanes et cetera where its ability to predict future systems states accurately is an essential
ingredient for engineering success. ZNN’s numerical findings and open challenges are many and most of these
have not even been recognized or even named in their own right.
In this paper we extend the ZD method for the recently studied time-varying matrix eigenvalue problem [27] that
dealt with convergence and robustness issues of the DE based ZNN model solution. Here we propose a new
symmetric discrete-time ZD model that computes all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of time-varying real symmetric
matrix flows A(t), be they repeating or not. Our model uses convergent look-ahead and standard backward finite
difference formulas instead of an ODE solver as was done in [27] for example.
Previous efforts to find the eigenstructure of time-varying matrix flows, mostly via DE solvers and path following
continuations go back at least to 1991 [1] where the smoothness of the eigendata and SVD data of a time-dependent
matrix flow was explored in detail. A few years later, Mailybeav [13] studied problems with near identical eigenval-
ues for time-varying general matrix computations. Matrix flows with coalescing eigenvalues pose crucial problems
for these methods. These problems were observed and further studied by Dieci and Eirola in 1999 [5] and more re-
cently by Sirković and Kressner [15] in 2016 and they likewise occur for a related parameter-varying matrix eigen
problem of Loisel and Maxwell in 2018 [10]. Our ZNN eigenvalue algorithm is impervious to these restrictions as
it handles repeated eigenvalues in symmetric matrix flows A(t) without any problems, see Figures 1, 5, and 8.
The new ZD model of this paper is a discrete dynamical system with the potential for practical real-time and
on-chip implementation and computer simulations. We include results of computer simulations and numerical
experiments that illustrate the usefulness and efficiency of our real-time discrete ZD matrix eigenvalue algorithm,
both for smooth data inputs and also for piecewise smooth time-varying matrix flows A(t) that might occur natu-
rally when sensors fail or data lines get disrupted in the field.
havior of A(t) before time tk+1 has arrived, such as for robot optimization processes etc, the naive method would
compute and deliver the ’exact’ solution for an instance in the past, one that may have little or no relation to the
current time situation. And besides, how would the delayed solution maneuver discontinuities in A(t) in real-time
or when large entry value swings occur in A(t)? Therefore to solve time-varying matrix eigenvalue problems
reliably in real-time we need to learn how to predict the future value of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A(t)
for the time instance tk+1 solely from earlier and past A(tj ) data instances tj with tj < tk+1 . This challenge is
rather new and has not been much explored in numerical analysis.
Our best static matrix eigenvalue methods use orthogonal matrix factorizations and these are backward stable.
Backward stability gives us the exact solution to an adjacent problem whose distance from the given problem is
bounded by the eigenvalue condition numbers of the given matrix. For time-varying matrix problems, we appar-
ently need to relax on backward stability and instead work on accurate forward predictions. Here is how this can
be done by using Zhang Neural Network ideas for time-varying matrix eigenvalue problems.
Statement of the Problem and the Zhang Neural Network Error Equation
For a real symmetric flow of matrices A(t) ∈ Rn,n and 0 ≤ t ≤ tf , we consider the problem of finding non-
singular real matrices V (t) ∈ Rn,n and real diagonal matrices D(t) ∈ Rn,n so that
Since we assume A(t) to be real symmetric at all times t, such matrices V (t) and D(t) will exist for all t. Our aim
is to find them accurately and predictively in real-time. To solve (1), the Zhang Neural Network approach looks at
the time-varying homogeneous error equation which has the form
e(t) = A(t)V (t) − V (t)D(t) = On ∈ Rn,n . (2)
Next, the ZNN approach stipulates exemplary behavior for e(t) by asking for exponential decay of e(t) as a
function of time, or
ė(t) = −ηe(t) (3)
with a decay constant η > 0. Equation (3) can be written out explicitly as
ė(t) = Ȧ(t)V (t) + A(t)V̇ (t) − V̇ (t)D(t) − V (t)Ḋ(t) = −ηA(t)V (t) + ηV (t)D(t) = −ηe(t), or (4)
A(t)V̇ (t) − V̇ (t)D(t) − V (t)Ḋ(t) = −ηA(t)V (t) + ηV (t)D(t) − Ȧ(t)V (t) (5)
where in (5) we have gathered all terms with the derivatives V̇ (t) of the unknown eigenvector matrix V (t) and
Ḋ(t) of the eigenvalue matrix D(t) on the left hand side.
When we specify equation (5) for one eigenvalue/eigenvector pair xi (t) and λi (t) of A(t) and i = 1, ..., n we
A(t)ẋi (t) − λi (t)ẋi (t) − λ̇i (t)xi (t) = −ηA(t)xi (t) + ηλi (t)xi (t) − Ȧ(t)xi (t) (6)
since scalars and vectors always commute, which was not the case for the n by n matrix equation (5).
Note that we do not know how to solve the full system eigenequation (5) via ZNN directly.
Upon rearranging terms in (6) we finally have
(A(t) − λi (t)In )ẋi (t) − λ̇i (t)xi (t) = (−η(A(t) − λi (t)In ) − Ȧ(t))xi (t) (7)
constant µ.
Note that the leading n by n block matrix A(t) − λi (t)In of the system matrix in equation (8) is symmetric for
symmetric matrix flows A(t). To help speed up our computations we transform the error differential equation
2xi (t)T ẋi (t) = −µ · (xTi (t)xi (t) − 1) for e2 slightly by dividing it by −2. That leads to the equivalent error
function differential equation −x(t)T ẋi (t) = µ/2 · (xTi (t)xi (t) − 1) for e2 . Thus for all symmetric matrix flows
A(t), we can replace the non-symmetric ZNN model (8) by its symmetric version
A(t) − λi (t)In −xi (t) ẋi (t) (−η(A(t) − λi (t)In ) − Ȧ(t))xi (t)
= . (9)
−xTi (t) 0 λ̇i (t) µ/2 · (xTi (t)xi (t) − 1)
The full eigenvalue and eigenvector problem (1) of time-varying symmetric matrix flows A(t) ∈ Rn,n can now be
solved for each of its n eigenpairs separately by using the matrix differential equation (9) with a symmetric system
matrix for i = 1, ..., n in turn.
In this paper we study and solve (1) with the help of convergent look-ahead difference schemes of varying
truncation error orders for discrete, smooth and non-smooth symmetric time-varying matrix A(tk ) inputs.
3 Solving the Zhang Neural Network Error Equation via Look-ahead and
Backward Discretization Formulas
Our model (8) has recently been solved in real-time by using the standard ODE solver ode15s of MATLAB, see
[27]. In [27], model (8) was shown to be convergent and robust against data perturbations. ODE based solvers
can unfortunately not be adapted easily to real-world sensor driven applications since they rely on intermediate
data that may not be available with discrete-time sensor data. They work best for model testing of function valued
time-varying A(t) inputs. Thus there is a need to develop alternate discrete-time solvers such as ZNN methods
that go beyond what was first explored in continuous-time in [27].
For discretized symmetric input data A(tk ) = A(tk )T ∈ Rn,n and k = 0, 1, 2, ... it is most natural to discretize
the differential equation (9) in sync with the sampling gap τ = tk+1 − tk which we assume to be constant for all
k. With choosing µ = η we have
A(tk ) − λi (tk )In −xi (tk ) n+1,n+1 xi (tk )
P (tk ) = ∈ R , z(t k ) = ∈ Rn+1 ,
−xTi (tk ) 0 λi (tk )
(−η(A(tk ) − λi (tk )In ) − Ȧ(tk ))xi (tk ) n+1
and q(tk ) = ∈ R
η/2 · (xTi (t)xi (t) − 1)
for k = 0, 1, 2, ..., each equidistant discrete time step 0 ≤ tk ≤ tf , and each eigenpair xi (tk ) and λi (tk ) of A(tk ).
Note that P (tk ) is always symmetric if the input matrix A(tk ) is.
Our look-ahead finite difference formula for zk is the five-instant forward difference formula 5-IFD that we have
adapted from [12] for żk as
8zk+1 + zk − 6zk−1 − 5zk−2 + 2zk−3
żk = . (13)
It also has the truncation error order O(τ 3 ). By replacing żk in (11), multiplying equation (13) by 18τ and
reordering terms we obtain
where we have expressed the solution x of the linear system P x = q by the MATLAB symbol P \q. By multiplying
equation (13) by 18τ , we have raised the truncation error order of the resulting difference equation (14) by one
power of τ to O(τ 4 ). Solving equation (14) for zk+1 gives us the following look-ahead finite difference equation
for the discretized time-varying matrix eigenvalue problem
9 1 3 5 1
zk+1 = τ (P \q) − zk + zk−1 + zk−2 − zk−3 . (15)
4 8 4 8 4
Completely written out in terms of the block entries of P and with q as defined in (10), the last equation becomes
11Ak − 18Ak−1 + 9Ak−2 − 2Ak−3
9 Ak − λk In −ẑk (η(A k − λ I
k n ) + ẑk
zk+1 = − τ \ 6τ
4 −ẑkT 0 T
−η/2 · (ẑk ẑk − 1)
1 3 5 1
− zk + zk−1 + zk−2 − zk−3 .
8 4 8 4
Here ẑk = zk = xi (tk ) ∈ Rn consists of the leading n entries of zk ∈ Rn+1 and contains the current
approximate unit eigenvector xi (tk ) for the ith eigenvalue λi (tk ) of A(tk ). The five-instant forward difference
formula 5-IFD (13) was discovered, developed and analyzed extensively in [12, sections 2.3, 2.4]. There is was
shown to be zero stable and consistent and hence convergent when used in multistep recursion schemes.
The same truncation error order as in (13) is achieved by the following convergent six-instant forward difference
formula 6-IFD of [14, Sections III A and Theorems 2 and 3]
13 1 1 1 1 1
żk = zk+1 − zk − zk−1 − zk−2 − zk−3 + zk−4 (17)
24τ 4τ 12τ 6τ 8τ 12τ
with truncation error order O(τ 3 ). But it gives slightly better results when combined with the five-instance back-
ward difference formula, see [2, p. 356],
pairs such as (17) and (18) or higher error order ones instead would require finding additional starting values and
adjusting the code lines that define Ȧk and zk+1 accordingly.
To start the 5-IFD iteration (16) requires knowledge of four start-up matrices A(tk ) ∈ Rn,n for k = 1, ..., 4 and
their complete eigendata, i.e., knowledge of all n eigenvectors and associated eigenvalues of A(t.. ) at the four time
instances t1 , ..., t4 . In this paper’s ZNN eigen algorithms we always start from t1 = 0 with A(0) and then gather
the complete eigendata of A(0), A(t2 ), A(t3 ), and A(t4 ) in an n+1 x 4 eigendata matrix ZZ using Francis’ QR
algorithm as implemented by MATLAB’s eig m-file. To evaluate z(tk+1 ) ∈ Rn+1 with an eigenvector preceding
the respective eigenvalue for any k ≥ 4 via formula (16), we always rely on the four immediately time-preceding
eigendata sets.
We repeat this ZNN process in a double do loop, in an outer loop for increasing time instances tk from t5 on
until the final time tf is reached, and in an the inner, a separate loop to predict each of the n eigenvalues and the
associated eigenvectors of A(tk+1 ) from earlier eigendata for the next time instance tk+1 by using the look-ahead
finite difference formula (13).
This works well for smooth data changes in A(t) and all eigenvalue distributions of the flow. Note that ZNN
succeeds even for symmetric matrix flows with repeated eigenvalues, where both, decomposition and ODE path
following methods suffer crucial breakdowns, see e.g. [5] and [10]. When the computed approximate derivative
Ȧ(tk ) computed by a discretization formula such as (12) has an unusually large norm above 300, we judge that
the input data A(tk ) has undergone a discontinuity, such as from sensor or data transmission failure. In this case
we restart the process anew from time tk on, just as we did at the start from t1 = 0 on and again use Matlab’s
eig function for four consecutive instances to produce the necessary start-up eigendata. Thereafter we compute
recursively again from tk+4 onwards via (16) as done before for t1 = 0, t2 , t3 , and t4 , but now for the jump-
modified input data flow Aj(t). This proceeds until another data jump occurs and the original data flow A(t)
continues as input till the final time tf . In that way we can find the complete eigendata vectors zm (tj ) and
j > k + 3 for all affected indices m until we reach the final specified time instance tf . Our method thus allows for
piecewise smooth data flows A(t) and renders it adaptive to real-world occurrences and implementations.
In the following we show some low dimensional test results for the symmetric time-varying eigenvalue problem
with the 7 by 7 seed matrices
sin(t) + 2 esin(t) 0 −esin(t) 1/2 1 + cos(t) 0
esin(t) cos(t) − 2 0 1 cos(2t) 1 0
−0.12t2 + 2.4t − 7
0 0 0 0 0 0
As (t) =
−esin(t) 1 0 1/(t + 1) arctan(t) sin(2t) 0
1/2 cos(2t) 0 arctan(t) 1 ecos(t) 0
1 + cos(t) 1 0 sin(2t) ecos(t) 1/(t + 2) 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 −0.15t2 + 3t − 6
turns and nearly cross paths. Figure 3 shows the behavior of the norm of the derivative matrix Ȧ(t) as computed
via (12) over time. This norm varies very little between 2 and 4 unless the input data becomes discontinuous at
the chosen jump points where it spikes to around 2,000. Figure 4 examines the orthogonality of the computed
eigenvectors over time. They generally deviate from exact orthogonality by between 10−4 and 10−7 except for
spikes when two computed eigenvalues make sharp turns, sharper than the chosen sampling gap τ allows us to see
clearly. The troublesome behavior of ’coalescing’ eigenvalues in matrix flows was noticed earlier by Mailybeav
[13] and studied more recently by Dieci and Eirola [5]. Without graphing, our algorithm’s typical run times for this
data set and duration until t = tf = 20 sec are around 0.5 seconds and take about 2.5 % of the total simulationtion
time. This leaves the processor idle for around 97 % of our 20 second time interval and indicates a very efficient
real-time realization.
Figure 1
Figure 2
8 Frank Uhlig and Yunong Zhang
Figure 3
Figure 4
Time-varying Matrix Eigenvalues via ZNN and Finite Difference Equations 9
To reach higher accuracies with the sampling gap shortened to τ = 1/1,000 sec, the results are much improved, see
Figures 5 through 7 below. Here we have raised the value of η to 80. When using its previous value of 4.5 with
τ = 0.001 sec, the plots would look much the same, but the achieved accuracy would suffer a wee bit. On the
other hand for τ = 0.005 in Figures 1 – 4, increasing η from our chosen value would not have worked well. With
τ = 0.001 sec and for any almost any η 1, the average eigendata computation time for a run without graphing
averages at around 2.5 sec. This allows the processor to be idle for around 87 % of the total process time and again
shows that our ZNN based discretized eigendata algorithm is well within real-time feasibility.
Figure 5
Note that in Figure 5 the eigenvalue glitch of Figure 1 near –2 and t = 19 has been smoothed out. There are 31
incidences of eigenvalue crossings or repeated eigenvalues in this example that were handled by ZNN without any
problems at all.
In Figure 6 below, the eigenvalue equation errors have been lowered by a factor of around 103 by decreasing
the sampling gap by a factor of 5 from Figure 2 and 54 = 625 ≈ 1, 000, validating the 5-IFD error order O(τ 4 )
Figure 6
10 Frank Uhlig and Yunong Zhang
Figure 7
The seven plots above were obtained by using the 5-IFD 1-step ahead difference formula (13) in conjunction
with the 4 instance backward difference formula (12). The 6-IFD (17) and the 5 instance backward formula (18)
pair have the same error order as the former difference formula pair (13) and (12) but they achieve superior results
as the following plots indicate.
Figure 8
This plot shows no glitches near –2 and t = 19 sec when compared with Figure 1 and it shows a clear 32nd
eigenvalue crossing at that former glitch point.
Time-varying Matrix Eigenvalues via ZNN and Finite Difference Equations 11
Figure 9
When using the 6-IFD in our Matlab code Zmatrixeig2 3sym.m [16], the computed results generally have
lower relative errors of between a half to one digit than with the 5-IFD method and Zmatrixeig2 2sym.m in
[16]. Both methods have the same truncation error order 4 and run equally fast.
Finally we investigate another way to try and predict the eigendata of Ak+1 = A(tk+1 ) from that of earlier
eigendata for Aj = A(tj ) with j ≤ k. If the sampling gap τ is small such as τ = 0.001 sec, how would the
eigendata of A(tk ) fare as a predictor for that of A(tk+1 )? To generate the plot below we have computed the
eigenvalues of A(t) 20,000 times using the static Francis matrix eigenvalue algorithm that is built into Matlab in
Figure 10
Clearly this naive method does not reliably predict future eigendata at all since it generates past eigendata whose
average relative errors of magnitudes between 10− 4 and 8 · 10−4 exceed those of our two tested ZNN algorithms
significantly. This has been corroborated in general for static methods in [21]. Static method appropriations
for time-varying problems suffer gfrom sizable residual errors. The discretized ZNN methods of this paper are
reliable predictors for time-varying matrix eigenvalue problems. ZNN can achieve high accuracy. It is predictive
and discretizable, as well as capable of handling discontinuous and non-smooth input data flows A(t).
12 Frank Uhlig and Yunong Zhang
In the course of this research we have come upon a number of interesting observations and intriguing open question
which we post here.
A : Orthogonal Eigenvectors for Time-varying Symmetric Matrix Flows A(t)
Our ZNN based methods with low truncation error orders do not seem to compute nearly orthogonal eigenvectors
for time-varying real symmetric matrix flows A(t) as depicted in Figures 4 and 7. In theory, the set of eigenvectors
of every symmetric matrix A(t) can be chosen as orthonormal and the static Francis QR algorithm computes them
as such by its very design of creating a number of orthogonal similarities on A(t) that then converges to a diagonal
eigenvalue matrix for the symmetric matrices A(t). But ZNN dynamics have no way of knowing that each A(t)
is symmetric and besides they pay no heed to backward stable orthogonal static methods. We have tried to force
orthogonality on the eigenvectors of each A(t) by adjoining the following exponential decay differential equation
as an additional error function
− x1 − .
. . !
ee(t) =
xk (t) = ok−1
− xk−1 − .
to the P (tk )ż(tk ) = q(tk ) formulation in equation (11). But this made for worse orthogonalities than occur
naturally with our simpler method. However, the new higher truncation error order convergent look-ahead dif-
ference schemes of [17] seem to put this problem with discretized ZNN methods to rest. See Figure 13 be-
low where we have made use of the new 5th error order convergent 7-IFD finite difference method, coded as
Zmatrixeig3 3bsym.m in [16] to give us
−80zk + 182zk−1 + 206zk−2 − zk−3 − 110zk−4 + 40zk−5
zk+1 = .
Figure 11
Figure 13 shows only moderate deviations from orthogonality of around 10−15 for the computed 7 by 7 eigenvector
matrices except for the deliberately chosen discontinuities at 4.5 and 13. Otherwise there only a couple of relatively
small glitches with orthogonality in the 10−9 to 10−12 range plus one major one in the 10−5 range near t = 19.
Time-varying Matrix Eigenvalues via ZNN and Finite Difference Equations 13
B : General Time-varying Matrix Flows A(t) ∈ Rn,n or Cn,n and their Eigendata
How will the Zhang Neural Network method work for general square matrix flows A(t), independent of their entry
structure and eigenvalues? Its main task is updating the eigendata vector z(tk ) by a rule such as the 5-IFD based
formula below with truncation error order 4, coded as Zmatrixeig2 2sym.m in [16]
9 1 3 5 1
zk+1 = τ (P \q) − zk + zk−1 + zk−2 − zk−3 . (15)
4 8 4 8 4
This task is relatively simple: create the matrix P and the right hand side vector q such as indicated in formulas (10)
and (16), for example; compute a prescribed linear combination of previous z vectors and solve a linear equation.
By all signs, a generalization of our method should be able to work with arbitrary matrix flows, not just symmetric
flows A(t) ∈ Rn,n . But we have not checked.
C : Matrix Flows A(t) ∈ Rn,n for Large Dimensions n, both Dense or Sparse, and their Eigendata
How will an iteration rule such as (15) work with large dense or huge sparse matrix flows A(t)? Its main work
consists of solving the linear system P \q for large dimensions n. Here all of our known static linear equation
solvers for sparse and dense system matrices, be they Gauss, Cholesky, Conjugate Gradient, GMRES or more
specific Krylov type methods should work well. Future tests will tell.
D : Matrix Flow A(t) Eigendata Computations with Singular System Matrices P in Equation (11)
P (tk )ż(tk ) = q(tk )
Must ZNN based discrete methods break down if the DE system matrix P (t) becomes singular at some time t? If
n is relatively small and we fail with Gaussian elimination to find P \q, i.e. if P (t) is singular, then we can append
one row of n + 1 zeros to Pn+1,n+1 and a single zero to q, and the backslash operator \ of Matlab will not use
elimination methods but solve the augmented non-square linear system
P q
\ (11a)
0 . . . 0 n+2,n+1 0 n+2
instead by using the SVD for the augmented equation (11a). This is a little more expensive but delivers the least
squares solution. We wonder what could be done for singular P for sparse and huge time-varying matrix eigen-
value problems in the singular P (t) case.
E : Is it more advantageous to perform n separate Iterations, each with one n+1 by n+1 DE System Matrix
P as was done here, or use just one n2 + n by n2 + n comprehensive DE System at each timestep tk ?
We have tried both approaches and the outcome depends. Further tests are warranted.
Time-varying matrix problems form a new and seemingly different branch of Numerical Analysis. ZNN Neural
Network based algorithms rely on a few known stable 1-step ahead discretization formulas for their simplicity,
speed and accuracy, and on solving linear equations. ZNN method sensitivities such as the accuracy problems with
sharply turning eigenvalue paths as depicted in Figures 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 11 near t = 19 are new and differ
from what we have learned in static matrix numerical analysis. This gives us fertile ground for in-depth numerical
explorations of ZNN methods with time-varying matrix problems in the future.
Matlab codes of our programs for time-varying matrix eigenvalue problems are available inside the folder
http://www.auburn.edu/˜uhligfd/m_files/T-VMatrixEigenv . The 5-IFD version is called
Zmatrixeig2 2sym.m (via 5-IFD), the 6-IFD version is Zmatrixeig2 3sym.m (via 6-IFD) and the 7-IFD
method is Zmatrixeig3 3bsym.m in [16].
Acknowledgements : We thank Françoise Tisseur and Peter Benner and his group for valuable suggestions
and additional references.
14 Frank Uhlig and Yunong Zhang
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