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3.3 Joint Design For Welding and Brazing

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3.3 Joint Design for Welding and Brazing

1. Generai definitions according to DIN EN 12345

1.1 Joint
The junction of members or the edges of members that are to be joined or have been joined.

1.2 Types of joint

The type of joint is determined by the number, dimensions and relative orientation of the parts to be
joined. Examples are given in schematic form in figure 1, with the corresponding terms and explanations.

Table 1: Types of joints

I.....,, , , =_=_". t __


The parts lie in the same

plane and abut against one

parallel joint:

The parts lie parallel to each ~

other, e.g. in explosive
cadding corner joint:
Two parts meet at their edges

I at an angle greater than 30°
to each other .

l,apjOint: I I
The parts lie parallel to each ~
other and overlap each
edge joint:
IOlher ~ Two parts meet at their edges
at an angle of 0 to 30°

_.. . _=_"'parts
4­ ___meet each other
1__ I,f:_....-: __ _ T
Q\ I '~II\, G\11~1t:;;:;, \IVIIIIIII~ G\ ,­
...... .
shape) Three or more parts meet at
any required angles to each

cruciform joint:
Two parts lying in the same
plane each meet, approxi­ cross joint:
mately at right angles, a Two parts (e.g. wires) lie
third part lying between
them (forming a double T­
Icrossing over each other

1.3 Types of joint preparation

Figures 2 to 7 illustrate terms concerning types of joint preparations. The references shown in the figures
are listed against the corresponding terms. Lengths and angles are identified by numbers are areas by
framed ietiers. The figures are mereiy iiiustrations; they do not purport to be a basis for technicai draw­

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3.3 Joint Design for Welding and Brazing

A upper work-
piece surface
8 reverse side
C plate edge
D1) fusion face
E 1} fusion face
F root face
X weld pool
Figure 1: Joint preparation for square butt Figure 2: Joint preparation for single bevel backing
••• ~I,.J hi .....,. ,.,_I,..J ,.,:",,", "' __ I.,; ....... ,....


plate thick­

? side edge of

4 1) root gap
5 side of gap
6 side of fusion
7 joint length
8 longitudinal
edge of
9 jOint thickness
10 root radius
11 1) root gap
12 depth of root
Figure 3: Joint preparation for Figure 4: Single U joint preparation
14 side edge of
single V-butt weld
root face
15 side edge of
16 width of
17 angle of bevel
18 depth of
19 width
____ -.I
of pre­
.£ _ _ _

IJdl t::U Idv~

joint width
44 land
Figure 5: Joint preparation for fillet weld Figure 6: Joint preparation for double-bevel 1) See clause e, use
(T-joint) T -butt welds of equivalent terms

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20 2
3.3 Joint Design for Welding and Brazing
" '.'_1.-1 __1 ________ L! _ __ _
~. vvelueu \';Uflnel,;LlUJl~

2.1 Through-penetration butt welds

In general butt welds that are executed expertly show an even flow of force lines and resulting from this
an even stress.

The stress distributions in section I and /I are characterised by a slight increase of stresses .

." T1' T T
1'T 1'''

i~ ~ "\
i:_" if B.. rI
\ I

iII l-.6K-l L~~

Figure 7: Stress distribution in a through-penetration weld

The geometrical notch effect can largely be reduced if the welding has been done very carefully or if the
weld surface has been machined flush afterwards. The assumed stress distribution can be seen in sec­
tion I and II.


Figure 8: Stress distribution in a through-penetration weld finished flush

The same statements apply to other shapes of groove which are chosen depending on the workpiece
thickness and the selected welding procedure.

2.1.1 Weld dimensions

Throat thickness
The design throat thickness of butt welds is determined by the workpiece thickness of the components to
be connected. If the workpiece thickness of the components varies , the design throat thickness' corre­
sponds to the workpiece thickness of the smaller component.

According to DIN 18 800 Part 1 the permissible difference of workpiece thickness in the example below
may not exceed 10 mm.

t~l ~t <J \] According to DIN EN 22553

Table 5, the designation of
r- the throat thickness of a butt
1 Q<:: t2 [mm] welds is "s",

Figure 9: Design throat thickness of butt welds

If the structure is dynamically loaded and the difference of workpiece thicknesses is more than 3 mm, a
special preparation of the components is necessary.

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3.3 Joint Design for Welding and Brazing

I I 'T'~'\'\~IN>"'~'\\i
~ >3mm
At> 3mm

Figure 10: Conditions of execution for butt joints during dynamic loading

Weld length
The design weld length "I" corresponds to the full length of a weld or the width of the components to be
connected. This can only be assumed if the weld endings are free from end craters. Freedom from end
craters can be achieved by the arrangement of run-out plates. If the components are manufactured ac­
cording to DIN 18 800 Part 7 freedom from end craters can also be reached by other suitable measures .

.J ~ 11 II

. ~'"
~ I Iw = Weld length
. Run-out plate

Figure 11: Design weld length

2.1.2 Conditions of welding

a) faultless through-penetration welding of the root pass or broaching of the root pass and backwelding
of a sealing run;
b) dimensional accuracy of the vyelds; .
~, •• ,~I...J: __ ~~ 401..~ •• ,~I...J ~~...J: __ ~ ~_~~ ~_~~ ~_~,,~_~.

Iv) VVvIUIII~ UI lflv VVvlU vIlUI"~;:) I l v v IIUIII IvIClU:;J;:),

d) flat interface between weld and base metal without damaging undercuts
e) freedom from cracks in general and at the root of the weld in particular, no lacks of fusion and free­
dom from inclusions (This has to be verified in the case of increased stresses in welds.).

The specifications given in DIN 18 800 Part 1 and Part 7 can be explained in greater detail by
DIN EN 25817.
There are 3 quality levels for through-penetration butt welds, namely D, C and B. The quality level in­
vi f ..."t'V\
n +" 0

Depending on the verified quality of weld, permissible tensional stresses of varying height can be put in
for the stress analysis of the butt welds.

Table 2: Quality levels for butt welds

Quality levels
(A) B C D (E)
DIN EN 25817
high medium low

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3.3 Joint Design for Welding and Brazing
I") A '1 \ 1 __ :.c: __ 4.: __ _ .c ••• _1....1 _ •• _1:4.••
'-.I.v Vvllll\JallUII UI VVvlU yualllY

Adequate weld quality shall be deemed to have been provided if a radiographic or ultrasonic testing
shows that at least 10% of welds are in perfect order, taking into account all the welding work done.
VVelds are in perfect order when the welding work shows no lack of fusion in general and at the root of
the weid in particuiar, and is free from cracks and inciusions except for isoiated minor siag inciusions and
pores. Appropriate documentation shall be provided.

In addition to the through-penetration butt welds DIN 18 800 (11/90) also mentions partial-penetration
butt welds. However, these welds do not show the even stress distribution of the through-penetration
butt welds in the area of the welding joint.

2.2.1 Weld dimensions

Throat thickness
The design throat thickness of partiai-penetration weids is given in the foiiowing figure.

Figure 12: Design throat thickness of partial-penetration welds

2.2.2 Welding
For partial-penetration butt welds the following requirements have to be taken into account:
a) sufficient penetration
b) dimensional accuracy of the welds;
c) predominant freedom from notches and craters;
d) freed9m from cracks (Visual examination is normally sufficient).

2.3 Fillet welds

Fillet welds are the most frequently used welds during the manufacturing of welded steel constructions.
This is due to the fact that these welds can be put into the grooves single-sided or double-sided. These
grooves result from the rectangular arrangement of components.

Depending on the arrangement of the fillet welds we differentiate between neck welds, side welds, edge
I"'I"\ ... nol"
'-"-'I 11"-'1
ulolrlc:.- o:lnrl utoh ulcdrlc:.­
VV""""'\.A~ U-Il'-A vw,-,v ".\,.,11'\"..1'1..).

Side welds Edge weld Corner weld

\. I Z _\~At5Iiiij" I '---1 "mI:j"

"JiD:I'1t !! ~
! • ][[\ N~:weld5 ~I_+7 _ . ...L.......---I) ~

Figure 13: Designation of fillet welds depending on their arrangement

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3.3 Joint Design for Welding and Brazing

2.3.1 Weld forms

In general we use isosceles weld forms for the welds mentioned above.
Convex fillet weld Mitre fillet weld Concave fillet weld

~ ~ kV
~(» ~(»
y }J~"""""""

For edge welds non-isosceles welds can be useful.

The leg length can also be designated with "z"

=2 : 1
Z1 : Z2

Figure 14: Designation of weld forms

2.3.2 Throat thickness of fillet welds

The throat thickness "a" shown in the figure above is equal to the height of the associated isosceles tri­
angle measured up to the design root.

In principle this weld form should be avoided because it is uneconomic and shows
the greatest notch effect. This weid form is oniy suitabie for comer weids.

Thi ... \&,,,1..-1 4=" .. ..".. it' f-h", """"'t"+ ""'".... "..,,..i'" " .... "" h",,,,,",,, ...,, +h", ..", it" .... " , ......... "''''"............... , 1&1,,1..-1
I I II,;) VVvl .... IVIIII I,;) ~llv IIIV.;)\. v'vVIIVIIIJ'v VI I v ..... v'vO\,.l.;)v \,1 I v l v I,;) IIV \,.II" Iv'vV';)';)OI J yVvl ....

volume. But although there is a notch effect, this weld form should be used for pre­
dominantly statically loaded components.

This weld form shows the slightest notch effect and should be preferred for dynami­
cally loaded components. The disadvantage of this weld form is that more weld vol­
ume has to be melted off than can be considered when calculating the weld

The non-isosceles weld form can be used for edge welds in order to decrease the
nntrh affo"t
I I V \ ' V I ' '-"I""",,\..

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3.3 Joint Design for Welding and Brazing

2.3.3 Limits of throat thickness

The throat thickness of fillet weld connections can normally be taken from the structural analysis or the
technical documentation (drawings). Certain limit values must be considered in the technical documen­
tation as well as during the manufacturing.

Minimum throat thickness - min a

The minimum throat thicknesses are determined by the respective standards and specifications, e. g. :
according to DIN 18 800 - Structural steelwork min a = 2,0 mm
according to OS 952 - Construction of railroad vehicles min a = 3,0 mm
according to OS 804 - Railway bridges min a = 3,5 mm

. For welding-technological reasons the throat thickness of fillet welds shall remain within the following
min a ~ .Jmax t - 0,5 .

This equation applies to plate thicknesses of up to 30 mm. If the plate thickness exceeds this value the
throat thickness shall be not less than 5 mm (single-pass welding), unless greater design throat thick­
nesses result from the structural analysis. Possibly pre-heating may be necessary.

Maximum throat thickness - max a

In principle the maximum throat thickness should not exceed 0,7 times the minimum wall thickness.

max a = 0,7 . min t

During the dimensioning of fillet welds you should consider that these welds are not adjusted according
t() thA m;:)ximlJm limit v;:)IIJA m;:)x ;:) hlJt ()nlv h;:)VA thA nAr.p-ss;:)rv
-- ---- . . . -- - - . . . . - .. . . . - . . . . - -- - . - - -- -' .1 rip-sinn
. - -- - . - -- ..-- - - -- - - .
thr();:)t thir.knp-ss_ This is n()t ()nlv
- - -- - "- J . . - -- - ._ . - ..;.1- - • . - --- - - • • •. - • ... . - - - - • • • -- -- •• _ - - - -- J

due to economic reasons but also due to reasons of manufacturing.

Fillet welds with deep penetration

If the penetration of a fillet weld exceeds the design root tip, a compound throat thickness can be ap­


a - corresponds to a
e - has to be determined in procedure qualification test.

Figure 15: Fillet welds with deep penetration

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3.3 Joint Design for Welding and Brazing

2.3.4 Limits of weld length in direct connections according to DIN 18800 Part 1
In direct connections between splice plates and between linear members the design weld length has to
be considered in addition to the above mentioned limitation of throat thickness.

According to the edition of November 1990 the following equations are valid:

max I = 150 a
min! =6 a ~30 mm

Connection only with side welds Connection with end welds and side welds
• 1~'
_;:::, _ _ . . . . . _ _ I=v~rY\nloc
- , " ' _ • • • t " l _ ....... nf rlirort rnnnortinnc
_. _II __ " __ I II , _ _ , • ..." . . . ...."

Figure 17: Stress distribution in direct connections

... .~ ... .. ......

~-~~ ........ ................-
Th~ r~~~('\n f('\r th~ limit~ti('\n ('\f th~ \f,,~lrf .........
~. ~ ~
l~n('1th i~ th~
~~~.~ ........ 11n~\I~n~
...................... ~~ _
. ...... ...... rfi~trihllti('\n
~ ~ ~ -
...... ,. ~rr('\~~
...... , ...... ...... th~
~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~

length. The longer the edge welds are the higher the stress concentrations at the weld endings will be.
The stress concentrations resulting from the uneven stress distribution are increased by weld defects
(e. g. end craters) often occurring at the weld endings.

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3.3 Joint Design for Welding and Brazing

2,3.5 Intermittent fillet welds

Intermittent fillet welds are primarily found at thin-walled components and at the connections of trans­
verse stiffeners and longitudinal stiffeners. The advantages of intermittent fillet welds are the positive
effect on the residual stresses and - resulting from this - the lower distortion of the components.

The remaining unwelded gaps of components which are erected in the open and are subject to an in­
creased danger of corrosion are unfavourable.

In the case of intermittent fillet welds one should select cutout weldings which can be executed with
carefully boxed edges. As an alternative you can ensure a specific protection against localised corrosion
in the unwelded areas.

a = Throat thickness
I = Length of weld
e = Distance between adjacent
weld elements
n = Number of weid eiements

Figure 18: Execution of intermittent fillet welds

2.3.6 Conditions of welding

The execution of fillet welds can be done according to 3 quality levels, namely D, C and 8.

Table 3: Quality levels for fillet welds

Quality levels
(A) B C D (E)
DIN EN 25817
high medium low
Req uirements

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3.3 Joint Design for Welding and Brazing

2.4 Other welds

Welds that cannot be classified as butt welds or fillet welds or a combination of these two are designated
as other welds.

"Other welds" can again be divided into through-penetration welds and partial-penetration welds.

Through-penetration welds I Partial penetration welds

1- __ ...1 __ ... _ _ _ _ _ t.... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...: _ _ •••: ...t.... Lt...._ I_ ••• __ L _ _ _ _ :t....I_
III VI U~I LV I ~OI."'1 0 vVIIII~vllVII WIll' l i l t IVWt'>L jJV,>;:'IUlt DUiing the execution of components accoiding to
notch effect in aT-joint, the following types of welds are DIN 18800 with a not too high utilisation of stresses
used. you can use the following types of welds.

The throat thickness a is

~~ •• ~I ... ~ "'k~ -I:~ ... ~_~~
vYUOI lU U Iv UIi:>lOllvv

from the design root tip to

the weld surface.

&~I~ .:.~::


If the weld quality can be verified the utilisation of in­ These types of welds show a certain notch effect,
creased stresses in the welds is possible. therefore, only the reduced stress values are valid.
Figure 19: Through-penetration weids I Figure 20: Partial-penetration weids

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3.3 Joint Design for Welding and Brazing
1. General
In the technical field the graphical representation is used as a communicative aid. Graphical representa­
tions may be simple sketches as well as detailed drawings.
The necessity to rule out misunderstandings and to establish unambiguousness has led to the edition of
standards. Always the latest edition of standards is valid. In August 1994 the European standard
DIN EN 22553 was established for the graphical representation of welding joints. This standard replaces
DIN 1912 Part 5 edited in 1987. There are no considerable differences compared to DIN 1912 Part 5.
The weld is represented by elementary symbols or combined symbols as before . See DIN EN 22553 ,

2. Symbols (Extract from DIN EN 22553)

2.1 1=1An1.o.nt~ru ~\lrnhnl~
_ . _ . . . _ . ' ' ' - ' , 7 "',7 ••• _ _ . - !:lnN
_ •• - t'n.rnhino.n c:.\lrnhnl~
- _ . . . _ ••• _ - "',7 . . . _ _ .'"

Table 1: Selected elementary symbols Table 2: Combined symbols

i INo. Designation
I Illustration Sym-
No. Designation Illustration I~Y~-

~~ X
2 Square butt weld II 3-3 Double-V butt weld

L. ;§'i" /J
:3 Single-v butt weld
W~~~ V

~ K
Single-bevel butt weld
4 butt weld V

Single-V butt weld
5 with broad y ::;;>t
5-5 Ol)1~~-\! m~tt lO!~1Q / ~

~ X
with broad root face
Single-bevel butt
6 weld with broad
root face

Single-U butt weld
7 (parallel or sloping
sides) 6zL~
6-6 Double-bevel butt
weld with broad
root face
14 Steep.flanked

~ li
single-V butt weld
7-7 Double-U butt weld

9 Backing run ~U&;~
~~~~ 3-9
Single-V butt weld
and backing run ~

10 I
Spot weld

Fillet weld

10-10 Double fillet weld
~ ~

Elementary symbols and combined symbols can be completed by supplementary symbols and comple­
mentary indications which point to the planned shape of weld surface and the course of welds.

2.2 Supplementary symbols for the shape of weld surface

Table 3; Suppteme--ntary symbols for the shape of weld slJrfac..e
Supplementary symbols
Shape of weld surface Supplementary symbol
convex n
flat (usually finished flush) -
I rC\nr~:'-\IP
-_ .. __ . ­ l. L

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3.3 Joint Design for Welding and Brazing

2.3 Supplementary symbols for the shape of weld

Table 4: Supplementary symbols for the shape of weld

Shape of weld Symbol

Toes shall be blended smoothly

Permanent backing strip used

Removable backing strip used


t l _

4 1'"
.:.: 0 .­
c .....
f3.1) /
/ -ROnf_"::
Attached back-up strip:
not removable after welding ofjoint
Back-up strip:
removable after welding ofjOint

Figure 1: Designations of the details of a groove shape

2.4 Complementary indications

Complementary indications may be necessary for the determination of characteristic features of the
weld, e.g.:
Peripheral weld Site weld
I.A~L ___ !_o ___ J,J ,L,_ .L. _ _ _ -1 _ _ u _ _ _ __ _ -'
VV 11t::11 a Wt::IU I~ LU ut:: IIIClUt:: all al UUIIU A fiag IS to be used to Indicate a field
a part, the symbol is a circle. or site weld.

Indication of peripheral weld indication of field or site weld

Figure 2: Complementary indications

welding may be taken from a welding sequence plan if applicable.

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3.3 Joint Design for Welding and Brazing

3. fYiethod of representation
During this world-wide valid method of representation the following determinations have to be followed:
• an arrow line points to the welding jOint;
• a reference line: consisting of two parallel lines: comprises a continuous line and a dashed line. The
dashed line can be drawn either above or beneath the continuous line.

For symmetrical welds the dashed line is unnecessary and should be omitted.

The iDeation of weid is defined by specifying

• the position of the arrow line;
• the position of the reference line;
• the position of the symbol.

Method of representation

1 2a 2b 3
\ \ \ \

Arrow line
2a Reference line
(continuous line)
2b Identification line
, j (dashed line)
3 Welding symbol
Top view of welding joint Front view of welding joint
FigYr~ 3~ Method of representation

3.1 Position of the arrow line

The arrow Hne joins one end of the continuous reference iine so that it forms an angie with it and shaii be
completed by an arrow head.
In the case of welds that only need the preparation of one fusion face, the arrow line shall point towards
the plate which has to be prepared.

L J",---4.V -=
Figure 4: Position of the arrow line

3.2 Position of the reference line

The reference line shall preferably be drawn parallel to the bottom edge of the drawing or, if impossible,
r _. ,- - . - -. - --- -_ .. J ­

3.3 Position of the symbol with regard to the reference line

The symboi is to be piaced either above or beneath the reference iine. Within a drawing the same
method of representation should a/ways be used.

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3.3 Joint Design for Welding and Brazing

According to the determinations for the symbolic representation of welded joints, seveial variations of
entry for the same weld are possible. Within the field of application of DIN EN 22 553 the following
agreements should be observed:
• the symbol shaH always be placed on the continuous line side of the reference line;
• the symbol shouid be piaced in a way ihai the groove shape corresponds with the position of the
symbol whenever possible;
• during entry it has to be mentioned that the arrow line has to be placed immediately adjacent to the
joint. If that is not the case, a symbolic representation of the view or section concerned is not possi-

Table 5: Position of the symbol with regard to the reference line

The symbol is placed on the continuous line side of the The symbol is placed on the dashed line side of the refer­
reference line if the weld (weld face) is on the arrow side ence line if the weld (weld face) is on the other side of the
of the jOint. joint.

~ ) W ~ L , 7\­
A l:r
, , I

1 ~
\ I !

I J = )__~~~~~I
t .t---,--__,

\ .

I = I =

g::::J ={

I ~ = I
nr-= I1
! v f Figure 5: Position of the symbol according to the reference line

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3.3 Joint Design for Welding and Brazing

For both-sided symmetricai weids, which are represented by comoined symoo is, the dashea line IS un­
necessary and should be omitted.

(C / ..... (" / C (' / ( / (' / \

Figure 6: Examples to be completed

4. Dimensioning of weids
Each weld symbol may be accompanied by a certain number of dimensions. These dimensions are
written as follows

b) longitudinal dimensions are written on the right-hand side of the symbol.

s n{
Figure 7: Examples of the principle

The method of indicating dimensions is very important for fillet welds.

Th8r8 8 r 8 two method!5 to indi~~te dim~n!5ion-'5 of fi!!~t w~/d!5 world-w id8 , th8f8for8 th8 18tt8fS 8 or z
shall always be placed in front of the value of the corresponding dimension. Within the field of application
of DIN EN 22 553 the method of indicating dimensions is "a".
=Throat thickness
_ I _ _ 1 _ _ _ 4.1­

'" - L.v~ Ivl '~1I1

6 [\300
Throat thickness

Figure 8: Indications for fillet welds

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3.3 Joint Design for Welding and Brazing

leg length

Figure 9: Indications for fillet welds

ThA ~h~Anr.A nf ~nv inrl ir.~tinn fnllnwinn thA ~vmhnl mA~n~ th~t thA wAlrl ml J~t hA r.nntinl Jnll~ nVAr thA
. . . .. . . . . J . .. . . . ..., .. J . . • . . . . _ . ... - " . . . . .. ­

whole length of the workpiece.

4.1 Intermittent fillet welds

The indication of longitudinal dimensions of intermittent fillet welds comprises:

n - number of weld elements;
I - length of weld (without end craters);
e - d:st3:1CB bet\A:een 3dj3cent \A:e!d e!emente.

The distance between adjacent weld elements "e" is put into brackets to avoid confusion regarding the
formerly used indication.

Table 6. Intermittent fillet welds

Illustration Symbolic representation

a!\nxt(e) single-sided
C---- ---­ intermittent fillet weld

I =
= Throat thickness
Length of weld
\QJ::,-,,_x~{.el !
e = Distance between
adjacent weld elements

intermittent fillet weld

U ~Il'; lei
IQ nxlle) i

intermittent fillet weld

v = lead length

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3.3 Joint Design for Welding and Brazing
5. Complementary indications
Besides the above mentioned indications for welding joints, complementary indications can be used to
give additional information. The characteristics of welds can be indicated either by complementary sym­
bols or by indications written between the two branches of a fork at the end of the reference line remote
from the reference line .

5.1 Indication of weld ing process

If rpnllirprl thp \/\Iplrlinn nr()rp~~ i~ t() hp ~\Imh()lkpri h\l ~ nllmhpr in ~rr()rrl::mrp \/\Iith nlf\1 I=N ?L10h1. In
. - • - -, - .. - - , _. - - - - _. _ . . ' ,;;/ 1- ' - - - - - . - • - - - - J • •• - - •• - - - .- J -. .• -
••• - _ . .• - - - - - • - _ •• - - _. "." . - _. - _ . • - • - - - - -".

addition, there is the possibility to use the symbols according to DIN 1910. In the following you find a
selection of processes and accompanying ordinal numbers and symbols:
Table 7: Indication of welding process
Ordinal mlmber in accordance
Weiding process
with DIN EN 24 063
111 Manual metal-arc welding
131 Metal-arc inert gas welding; MIG welding
135 Metal-arc active gas welding; MAG welding
141 Tungsten inert gas welding: TIG welding
21 Spot welding; resistance spot welding
12 Submerged arc welding
311 Oxy-acetylene welding

5.2 Indication of the acceptance level

Table 8: Acceptance levels in accordance with DIN EN 25817 or DIN EN 30042.
I_ .. .•. .. I_'.~
DUlt vvelUlS \ DVV} o-C-D D-iuw
C - middle
Fillet welds (FW) 8-C-D B - high

5.3. Indication of the working position

Working positions a"re standardised in DIN 1912 Part 2, however, the indications in accordance with ISO
6947 are getting more important.


I Horizontlll


PF =
Vertical-up position;
PG = Vertical-down position
.",-... _ •.. __ L _ I _ L ___ .1.'- _ ___ :._ • . __ '_1:.__ ____ !L! _ _ _
h,:>V-;:'YI'IUVI;:' I VI lI'~ IIIGlIII VV~IUII'~ jJV;:'llIVI';:'

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3.3 Joint Design for Welding and Brazing

Terms Deseri ption Symbol Slope S Rotation R
Flat position Horizontal working, centre line of weld PA 0° 90°
vertical, top layer on top 180° 90°
Horizontal vertical posi- Horizontal working, top layer towards PB 0° 45°
tion the top 0° 135°
180° 45°
180° 135°
Horizontal position Horizontal working, centre line of weld PC 0° 0°
horizontal 0° 180
180 0 00
180° 180 0
Horizontal overhead Horizontal working, overhead, top layer PO 0

position towards the bottom 0 315°
180 0 225 0
180 0 315
Overhead position Horizontal working, overhead, top layer PE 0° 270°
0 0
towards the bottom 180 270
Vertical-up position Working upwards PF 90" -­
Vertir..Fil-rlown !10~ition Working downwt=lrd~ I PG 270 0 -­
1. The letter "P" (for position) shall always be used for the indication of main positions, to avoid confusion relating to existing abbreviations
(e.g. F like flat).
2. Permissible variations are not laid down in this international standard because they depend on the applied welding process.

There are additional indications for pipes:

H - Welding upwards
J - WAlding downwards
K - Working orbltaly


Figure 11: Examples for welding with horizontal centre line of pipes

The inclination of the pipe 1S indicated additionally by the letter L and the number of degrees.

e.g. J- L 150 \90' e.g. H- L 045

j zenith

180 0 • _ _ _ _ _ • _ _...L. .-----_.­r.f

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3.3 Joint Design for Welding and Brazing
If'" .II •• __ L= ___ _____ A. _ _=_I_
_...lI~ ~~=II

IIIUlvOLIVIl VI 1111\::1 ItlCI\\::I.ClI~

e.g. in accordance with DIN 1732 aluminium

e.g. in accordance with DIN EN 499 covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding
e.g. in accordance with DIN EN 440 wire electrodes and deposits for gas-shielded metal arc welding

fi-- ~nmnIAt~ inrfir-;:atinn~ fnr

- ----,----- --------------- --- w~lrlinn
6.1 Sequence of information in the tail of the reference mark

[=~ :
~ ~ ~~~~:~ :~:~~~:::

Plugweldorslotvveld - d = Diameter
Plugorslotweldorseamweld c = Width of slot
Symbol with supplementary symbols and
I complementary indications
I Weld lenoth. number of weld elements
-Q)- ~­ - ­ - - ~ ~ ! - __ ~_ ! __ ~ _! __ Yd

Welding process in accordance ~

with DIN EN 24063
Acceptance level in accordance
with DIN EN 25817 or DIN EN 30042

Working position in accordance

with ISO 6947

Filler materials e.g. in accordance

with DIN EN 499. DIN EN 440 _ _ _-----J

Figure 13: Complete indications for welding joints

6.2 Collective indications

Indications for welding joints which are valid for all welds or for a great number of welds can be laid down
in a table near the title block of a drawing. The table comprises, e.g. the fol/owing indications: weld form
and throat thickness, welding process, acceptance level, working position, filler material, pre-heating,
,...... ............. '" ........... """"".lII't::J hO!lt
t.....".~ •
"""""'t ............... , oV!:IYYlin!ltinn
-. ........ -".......- ••••••....".. ... ...,. " nonor!:ll tnlor!:lnt'"'oc i=vt'"'ontinnc !:Iro l!lirl rln\A/n !:It tho
;:1-' .""""' .......... , ... .....,.._11 """""'. ,...., ...... .....-'" --.,""-...,f"""", ..............,. ......... _ ,.............. __
,,"t'_ 1_ • ....,. - , ._­
'II . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

sign in this case.

The welds can be represented in simplified terms jf the indications for all welds are the same. The indi­
cations are laid down near the title block or in a separate table.

Figure 14: Representation of welds in simplified terms

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3.3 Joint Design for Welding and Brazing
1._ _ _J_f!L! _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ - ' .1._:1 ____ ~-'!~ __ L_ .r:_... * __ AI"\ _'£:.1.1_ _ _ L_~ __' _ _ J:_ ~ ____ !'_,_ ~,.~l_!_J_ !_.... .-I: __ .1. _ _ ____ :.c:_ !~ __ L_~~_

III ClUUlllVl1 Cl vIV"~U tClII ClvvVI UIII~ tV II~UI ~ 1 i!. VI 1I1~ ;::,tClIIUdl U I;::' ~V;::'''IUI~ Wllfvll IIIUlvCll\:,;;., ;::'~~vnlv 1I1;::'1I UV­

tions for groups of equal welds by a reference sign. The closed tail includes a capital letter or a combina­
tion of a capital letter and a number. The meaning of the reference sign is explained near the title block
or in a separate table.

A, =as ~ <'11 lOIN EN 25811-DIIS06941-PA
A, =/ 5 0 10(20)

Figure 15: Representation of welds in simplified terms

0.3 Exampies of compiete indications for weiding joints

Circumferential pipe weld,

40&.,._.,_--- .. __ ___......__...........
square butt weld, throat
..... """'........""..................... , t"'U'~"""'''''~ ...,y
lOIN EN 25817-C/PC
gas welding, required accep­
tance level C, horizontal

Single-V butt weld with

backing run, throat thickness 1£.¥ 2000 ( lll1DIN EN 25817­
12 mm, weld length 2000 mm,
produced by manual metal-arc
welding, required acceptance
levei (;, ven:ical-up position i='F I \I I I

Figure 16: Examples of complete indications

Symbolic representation

V / 1111DIN EN 25817-0/180 6947-PAI

Front view . I-~-' DIN EN 499 - E 380 RR 12


Top view

Figure 17: Single-V butt weld with backing run

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