Conso FS Lesson
Conso FS Lesson
Conso FS Lesson
A parent shall present consolidated financial statements, except when (PAS 27)
The parent is itself a wholly-owned subsidiary, or is a partially-owned
subsidiary of another entity
The ultimate parent produces consolidated financial statements available for
public use
The parent’s debt or equity instruments are not traded in a public market
The parent did not file, nor is in the process of filing, its financial statements
with a securities commission for the purpose of issuing any class of
instruments in a public market
Consolidated statements are prepared from the separate
statements of the acquiring company and acquired company(ies)
from the standpoint of a single economic entity.
The acquiring company, generally, is a parent if it owns, directly
and indirectly, more than 50% of the outstanding voting shares of
the acquired company. If the controlling interest is not 100%, the
difference would represent the non-controlling interest.
Non Controlling Interest
Under revised provisions of IFRS3 (and also IFRS 10), the non-
controlling interest may be measured at either:
TOTALS 210,000
2.1.c. Goodwill or (IFA ) AT DOA
Fair value of shares acquired
Parent’s cost at fair value P 756,000 P 756,000
NCI 189,000 182,000
Totals P 945,000 P 938,000
FV of acquired net assets (910,000) (910,000)
(PNI o/o)
Parent 80% NCI
Investment Inc 20%
CNI attri to the Parent= PNI o/o + Inv Income CNI attri NCI= Adj SNI * NCI%
Consolidated RE NCI (B/S)
CNI= PNI o/o + SNI +/- Adj CNI= PNI o/o + SNI +/- Adj
2019 2020
RSNI 198,000 RSNI 285,000
+/- Adj (44,500) +/- Adj (17,500)
Adj SNI 153,500 Adj SNI 267,500
NCI 189,000
NCI - IS 30,700
NCI - BS 30,700
2019 RPNI 348,000 RSNI 198,000 2020 RPNI 512,000 RSNI 285,000
DI (48,000) BCVR (44,500)
PNI o/o 300,000 Adj SNI 153,500
NCI Share (30,700)
Inv. Inc 122,800
NCI 189,000 - 12,000 + 30,700 NCI 189,000
2019 RPNI 348,000 RSNI 198,000 2020 RPNI 512,000 RSNI 285,000
DI (48,000) BCVR (44,500) DI (92,000)
PNI o/o 300,000 Adj SNI 153,500 PNI o/o 420,000
NCI Share (30,700)
Inv. Inc 122,800
NCI 189,000 - 12,000 + 30,700 NCI 189,000 - 23,000
DI 48,000 DI 92,000
NCI 12,000 NCI 23,000
Dividends 60,000 Dividends 115,000
4.5 Working Paper entries
2019 RPNI 348,000 RSNI 198,000 2020 RPNI 512,000 RSNI 285,000
DI (48,000) BCVR (44,500) DI (92,000) BCVR (17,500)
PNI o/o 300,000 Adj SNI 153,500 PNI o/o 420,000 Adj SNI 267,500
NCI Share (30,700)
Inv. Inc 122,800
NCI 189,000 - 12,000 + 30,700 NCI 189,000 - 23,000
2019 RPNI 348,000 RSNI 198,000 2020 RPNI 512,000 RSNI 285,000
DI (48,000) BCVR (44,500) DI (92,000) BCVR (17,500)
PNI o/o 300,000 Adj SNI 153,500 PNI o/o 420,000 Adj SNI 267,500
NCI Share (30,700) NCI Share (53,500)
Inv. Inc 122,800 Inv Inc 214,000
RE: DI (48,000)
NCI Share (30,700)
Dividend 60,000
TOTAL (18,700)
RE= 978,000 – 48,000 + 122,800= 1,052,800 NCI= 189,000 + 30,700 -12,000 = 207,700
Direct Method (using BCVRs)
Sales (P 1,500,000 + P900,000) P2,400,000
Cost of goods sold (P600,000 + P315,000) (915,000)
Gross profit P1,485,000
Expenses(P480,000+P300,000) + P17,500 797,500
Consolidated net income P 687,500
Attr to: Parent [(P420,000 + P214,000) P 634,000
NCI (P285,000 – P17,500) X 20% 53,500
Total P687,500
Cash P 224,400 P 98,000 P - P 322,400
Accounts receivable 300,000 160,000 - 460,000
Inventories 180,000 150,000 - 330,000
Land 150,000 P 50,000 200,000
Buildings 180,000 63,000 243,000
Equipment 500,000 360,000 16,000 876,000
Investment in Stocks 756,000 -
Patent 32,000 32,000
Goodwill 22,000 22,000
Total assets P1,960,400 P 1,098,000 P 183,000 P 2,485,400
RSNI 288,000
US Adj:
RGP 2,880
DGP (21,600)
Adj SNI 269,280
Parent: 75% NCI: 25%
CNI: P 614,760
CNI 682,080
The reported income of the parent company includes P78,336 of dividend income each
1. Calculate Prime Company’s investment income from Spear Company in 2018, 2019, and
2. Determine non-controlling interest in the net income of the subsidiary in 2018, 2019
and 2020.
3. Show the consolidated net income for 2018, 2019 & 2020. Allocate each to Controlling
and non-controlling interests.
4. Elimination entries for 2018, 2019, and 2020.
2018 2019 2020
Parent In Between Yrs
Subsidiary Computation under
Yr of ICT Yr of Sale to Outsider Consolidation
1 Calculate Port Company’s investment income from Satellite Company in 2019 and in
2. Determine non-controlling interest in the net income of the subsidiary for 2019 and
for 2020.
3. Show the consolidated net income for 2019 and 2020. Allocate each to Controlling
and Non-controlling interests.
4. Elimination entries for 2019 and for 2020.
On January 1, 2019, Satellite, INC. a 90%
owned subsidiary of PORT COMPANY transferred
equipment to its parent in exchange for 2019
P115,200 cash. At the date of transfer, the Parent
subsidiary’s record carried the equipment at a SP 115,200 16,457
cost of P162,816 less accumulated depreciation
of P69,120. The equipment has an estimated
remaining life of 7 years. The subsidiary OAC 162,816
reported net income for 2019 and 2020 of P AD (69,120) 93,696 13,385
202,752 and P302,592, respectively. The parent
GOS 21,504 3,072
company reported income of P 337,920
(including dividend income of P 69,120) and
P453,120 (including dividend income of 69,120)
for 2019 and 2020, respectively. GOS 21,504 AD 3,072
Eqpt 47,616 Dep Exp 3,072
1 Calculate Port Company’s investment income AD 69,120
from Satellite Company in 2019 and in
2020. Yr of ICT Succeeding Yrs
2. Determine non-controlling interest in the net I/S:
income of the subsidiary for 2019 and for GOS (-) x
3. Show the consolidated net income for 2019 RDG(GOS/#yrs) (+) (+)
and 2020. Allocate each to Controlling and
Non-controlling interests.
4. Elimination entries for 2019 and for 2020.
US/ BCVR: Adjust the SNI, then allocate
2019 2020
RSNI 202,752 RSNI 302,592
US Adj: US Adj:
DGOS (21,504)
RDG 3,072 RDG 3,072
Adj SNI 184,320 Adj SNI 305,664
Land Transfer
Intercompany Transactions
BCVR: 25,600/ .75= 34,133
34,133/ 10 = 3,413 (3,413)
CNI P 380,586