Lec 01
Lec 01
Lec 01
Lecture - 01
Instrumental Variable Estimation – Part Ⅰ
Welcome, to the class of applied econometrics and we will start our discussion with a very
important topic called instrumental variable estimation.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:38)
Before we start discussing about this topic, let us try to understand why is it required. As I said
it is an important topic, we need to understand why instrumental variable estimation technique
is so important in econometric analysis. If you recall that, let us say that this is the model we
are trying to estimate
𝑦! = 𝛼 + 𝛽𝑥! + 𝜇!
In ordinary list square (OLS) technique we assume ten assumptions, while discussing about
classical linear regression model.
While applying ordinary list square technique to estimate α hat and β hat and we said that if
those assumptions are satisfied, then only our estimator’s α hat and β hat they will exhibit the
desirable properties. One such assumption was what we assume that 𝑥! is exogenous. What
does it mean? This implies covariance between 𝑥! and 𝜇! is basically 0.
𝐶𝑜𝑣$𝑥𝑖 , 𝜇𝑖 % = 0
There is no covariance or correlation between the explanatory variable and the error term.
𝐶𝑜𝑣$𝑥𝑖 , 𝜇𝑖 % ≠ 0
Now suppose, we are in a situation wherein, let us now assume that covariance between 𝑥! and
𝜇! that is actually not equals to 0.
𝑥! and 𝜇! they are correlated. That basically implies, that 𝑥! is no longer an exogenous variable
rather it becomes endogenous. When 𝑥! and 𝜇! they are correlated that means 𝑥! becomes
endogenous then in presence of endogeneity, OLS estimates are inconsistent and biased.
It means OLS is no longer applicable in a model, wherein 𝑥! and 𝜇! they are actually correlated,
this is called the endogeneity problem.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:52)
There are three different reasons for endogeneity problem. Number 1, there is simultaneity
between 𝑦! and 𝑥! . So, that means when I am estimating a model,
𝑦! = 𝛼 + 𝛽𝑥! + 𝜇!
Generally what we assume the direction of causation runs from 𝑥! to 𝑦! . But in case where 𝑦!
also causes 𝑥! then there is a simultaneous relationship between 𝑦! and 𝑥! .
And as a result of which, 𝑥! becomes endogenous. For example, let us say that we are estimating
a demand function where demand is a function of price and price is also a function of the
demand. So, price and demand they are simultaneously determined. So, if at all we are
interested in estimating a demand function, we need to estimate that model using a
simultaneous equation framework because in that model, price is no longer an exogenous
variable. There is simultaneity between 𝑦! and 𝑥! that is one reason for endogeneity.
Second one, is called omitted variable. Let us say that we are estimating this model, let us say
this is the model,
𝑦! = 𝛼 + 𝛽# 𝑥#! + 𝛽$ 𝑥$! + 𝜇!
This is the complete model. But we have no data on 𝑥$! as a result of which, we estimate
𝑦! = 𝛼 + 𝛽# 𝑥#! + 𝜇!
Why we have no data on 𝑥$! ? May be 𝑥$! cannot be observable. it means 𝑥$! is an unobserved
variable. There is no proxy for 𝑥$! so on and so forth. As a result of which, we are not able to
include 𝑥$! , even though theoretically 𝑥$! also is an important variable determining 𝑦! . So, if
we cannot include that variable in the model what where will that variable go? That variable
will be here in 𝜇! only. So, 𝜇! , the error term, as it captures the impact of important variable
which are omitted from the model.
The moment 𝑥$! is omitted, it would be there in the error term and if we assume that this 𝑥#! and
𝑥$! , they are correlated. If we assume,
𝐶𝑜𝑣(𝑥2𝑖 , 𝑥1𝑖 ) ≠ 0
that in turn will indicate that covariance between
𝐶𝑜𝑣$𝑥1𝑖 , 𝜇𝑖 % ≠ 0
that means 𝑥#! will become an endogenous variable because of this omitted variable problem.
So, we have to keep in mind what is omitted variable and how this omitted variable may lead
to endogeneity problem.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:34)
Third reason for endogeneity is called measurement error in 𝑦! and 𝑥! . It means there is no
guarantee that all the time we will be able to measure our 𝑦! and 𝑥! correctly. And if there is
some measurement error, that means we are partially captured the impact of a particular
variable. Then that variable will also become endogenous because the other part will be there
in the error term.
So, this measurement or error in variable 𝑦! and 𝑥! may also lead to endogeneity. Now out of
these three reasons, in this course we will discuss only these two while discussing about
endogeneity problem and we will start with the omitted variable problems. Simultaneity bias
or when endogeneity arises from simultaneous relationship that we will discuss in our next
topic when we will be discussing about simultaneous equation model.
So, let us now talk about the omitted variable problem in econometric model, omitted variable.
So, we will start with an example. Let us say that we are estimating an wage function, where
wage is a function of
𝐿𝑛(𝑤𝑎𝑔𝑒)! = 𝛼 + 𝛽# 𝑒𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛#! + 𝛽$ 𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦$! + 𝜇!
So that means we can think of
𝑦! = 𝛼 + 𝛽# 𝑥#! + 𝛽$ 𝑥$! + 𝜇!
economist they say that wage is determined not only by the education of the individual but also
the individual’s inert ability or skill.
Now ability or skill is a factor which is not directly observable. Just by looking at an individual
we cannot determine what is the individual's ability or skill factor. So, that means ability is a
variable, which is highly important in determining wage. But it is not directly observable and
there is no direct proxy also to measure the ability variable. As a result of which what the model
in turn we will estimate is,
𝐿𝑛(𝑤𝑎𝑔𝑒)! = 𝛼 + 𝛽# 𝑒𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛#! + 𝜇!
Some people they say that, ability can be measured by IQ. But IQ is also something which is
not directly observable. How will you measure IQ of an individual? Some people they say that
we can measure IQ of an individual just by asking some questions and then we will say that
this individual's IQ is twice higher than Einstein, or thrice lower than the Einstein, there is
some way.
But that is also not a proper way to measure somebody's IQ just by asking some question. So,
that means this ability factor is not directly observable, and we cannot measure this variable.
As a result of which, this ability will always go into the error term and if we believe that
education and ability they are correlated, positive or negative that I am not commenting here.
Sometimes we think that highly educated people would be with high amount of ability.
Sometimes education makes people enable also. So, I am not commenting on positive or
negative, but at least education and ability they have some kind of correlation which we cannot
deny. So, in education and ability they are correlated we cannot include the ability factor in the
model that is why 𝜇! will capture the factor ability. And as a result of which, this correlation
between education and ability will lead to covariance between education and 𝜇! that is not
equals to 0 and that implies education is actually an endogenous variable.
Education is an endogenous variable. So, when education is endogenous variable, then the OLS
is no longer applicable because it will lead to inconsistency and biased estimates of β1 and α
(Refer Slide Time: 17:00)
Now what is the solution? So, that means this is our model to start with a simple model
𝑦! = 𝛼 + 𝛽# 𝑥#! + 𝜇!
where, 𝐶𝑜𝑣$𝑥1𝑖 , 𝜇𝑖 % ≠ 0
𝐸(𝑢! |𝑥! ) = 0
Zero mean assumption is still valid. If this is the case, then OLS is not applicable, as it will lead
to inconsistency or inconsistent and biased estimates of α hat and β hat.
So, what is the solution? The solution to avoid this inconsistency and biased estimates is
instrumental variable estimates, or IV estimation in sort. What is this technique? Let us assume,
there is a variable called 𝑧! , such that
where, 𝐶𝑜𝑣(𝑥1𝑖 , 𝑧𝑖 ) ≠ 0
𝑧! is highly correlated with the endogenous variable x 1 i. But,
where, 𝐶𝑜𝑣$𝑧𝑖 , 𝜇𝑖 % = 0
If these two conditions are not satisfied, then we cannot call 𝑧! as an instrument. Now, the
question is when we are estimating wage function, where wage is a function of education can
you think of a variable which will be highly correlated with somebody's education but not at
all correlated with that individual's wage. What could be the example? Just take a minute and
Wage is a function of education and education is endogenous, because the ability factor is
excluded from the model, omitted from the model. And we need to identify an instrument for
education. And that instrument is highly correlated with education, but not at all correlated
with the wage factor. What could be that factor, that variable? Now an example could be,
father's education.
It is quite obvious that somebody's education will be highly correlated with that individual's
father's education. If father is educated that father will try to make more attention to his kids
education as well. But when the kid entered into the job market, then obviously the employer
will bother less about that individual's father's education while determining his wage which
quite obvious.
It means, we can think of father's education as an instrument for that individual's education.
This is an example for 𝑧! , father's education. And then how will you estimate the model? How
will you check whether this condition these two conditions are satisfied or not?
(Refer Slide Time: 23:00)
When we assume 𝑧! is an instrument for that 𝑥#! , so that means, we can easily run a regression
𝑥#! = 𝜋' + 𝜋# 𝑧! + 𝑣!
and what is our null hypothesis here? Null is 𝜋# = 0 and alternative is actually 𝜋# ≠ 0. So, if the
null is rejected which implies 𝑧! is actually significant. This is all we know from what basic
So, that means 𝑧! is actually significant. And what does it mean? 𝑧! and 𝑥#! they are actually
correlated, not equals to 0. So, this way by running a simple regression of 𝑥#! on 𝑧! then we can
identify whether the 𝑧! is actually significant. That means whether 𝑧! can be considered as an
instrument for 𝑥#! . The first condition is satisfied.