CO2 and Silane To Give CO
CO2 and Silane To Give CO
CO2 and Silane To Give CO
S Supporting Information
© 2014 American Chemical Society 6142 | J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 6142−6147
Journal of the American Chemical Society Article
Scheme 1. Selected Approaches for the Reduction of CO2 to Table 1. Copper Source Screening for the Reduction of CO2
CO to CO with Disilanea
Scheme 2. Initial Experiment on the CO2 Reduction and conversion was observed at all in both chambers (entries 2 and
Application in a Pd-Catalyzed Aminocarbonylation 3).
An increase in reactivity was nevertheless noted when
potassium acetate was replaced with 10 mol % potassium
fluoride. Hence, at 80 °C and even at 40 °C, the conversions to
1 and 2 were high (entries 4 and 5) implying that the CO2
reduction step was indeed effective at these temperatures. On
the other hand, negligible reactivity was again observed at 20
°C (entry 6). A screening of various solvents (entries 7−13)
proved rewarding and revealed that the use of DMSO
permitted the effective transformation of CO2 to CO at 20
°C (entry 13). Finally, after examining other fluoride sources
including TBAF, LiF, NaF, and CsF (entries 14−17), the latter
was found to exhibit the highest reactivity leading to complete
conversion in both chambers. Hence, cesium fluoride proved to
be an excellent catalyst for the room temperature and
In our efforts to optimize these new reduction conditions for stoichiometric reduction of CO2 to carbon monoxide with
the transformation of CO2 to CO with disilane, we decided to the disilane, (MePh2Si)2.
investigate the effect of the copper source (Table 1). The two Furthermore, the catalyst loading could be reduced down to
copper(I) salts that were examined were ineffective as shown in 5 mol% without lowering the conversions in both chambers
entries 1 and 2. Cu(acac)2 furnished disiloxane 1 from the (entry 18). Less reactive substrates for the aminocarbonylation
disilane with a conversion of 67% (entry 3), while Cu- reaction generally need a slight excess of CO.8 To meet this
(OCOCF3)2 in entry 4 proved to be almost as efficient as requirement a slight excess of CO was indirectly applied by
Cu(OAc)2 (94% conversion). On the other hand, Cu(OTf)2 increasing the amount of disilane. With these conditions, a 99%
did not lead to any conversion at all (entry 5). Due to the large isolated yield of amide 2 could be secured (entry 19).14
influence of the different counterions of the Cu(II) salts, we After optimizing the parameters for the catalytic activation of
speculated whether they would exhibit catalytic activity in the diphenylmethyldisilane for the reduction of CO2, it was decided
absence of copper. Hence, a similar set of experiments were to screen other disilanes (Table 3). Having only methyl or
performed as illustrated in Scheme 2, though with the phenyl groups present on the disilane proved detrimental for
exception that the Cu(OAc)2/DPPBz combination was the reaction (entries 1 and 2). However, it is worth noting that
replaced with KOAc.13 To our delight, complete conversion hexaphenyldisilane was insoluble in DMSO, which could
to the disiloxane 1 and amide 2 was observed (Table 2, entry 1) explain its lack of reactivity. Substituting two of the phenyl
with only 10 mol % of added potassium acetate suggesting that substituents with methyl groups provided the high activity of
indeed CO2 reduction to CO could be catalyzed by this simple the system (entry 3). The presence of o-methoxy substituents
salt. Lowering the reaction temperature to 80 °C led to a on the aromatic rings completely shuts down the reaction,
substantial drop in the conversion, whereas, at 20 °C, no which could possibly be explained by coordination between the
6143 | J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 6142−6147
Journal of the American Chemical Society Article
Table 2. Optimization of the Reduction of CO2 to CO with Table 3. Screening of Disilanes for the Reduction of CO2 at
Disilane Catalyzed by Simple Saltsa Room Temperaturea
R3SiOSiR3 1 amide 2
entry cat. solvent T [°C] % convb % convb
1 KOAc NMP 150 100 100
2 KOAc NMP 80 50 50
3 KOAc NMP 20 0 0
4 KF NMP 80 100 99
5 KF NMP 40 95 95
6 KF NMP 20 4 4
7 KF THF 20 0 0
8 KF dioxane 20 0 0
9 KF MeCN 20 0 0
10 KF toluene 20 0 0
11 KF DCE 20 0 0
12 KF DMF 20 75 75
13 KF DMSO 20 90 90
14 TBAF DMSO 20 0 0
15 LiF DMSO 20 0 0
16 NaF DMSO 20 0 0
17 CsF DMSO 20 100 100 a
18 CsFc DMSO 20 100 100
Conditions: Chamber A was loaded with disilane (0.50 mmol), CsF
(0.050 mmol), DMSO (3.0 mL), and last CO2 (21 mL, 0.85 mmol) by
19d CsF DMSO 20 100 100[99]e
injection through the septum. Chamber B was loaded with p-
Conditions: Chamber A was loaded with (MePh2Si)2 (0.50 mmol), iodoanisole (0.50 mmol), n-hexylamine (1.0 mmol), Pd(dba)2 (0.025
activator (0.050 mmol), solvent (3.0 mL), and last CO2 (21 mL, 0.85 mmol), PPh3 (0.050 mmol), Et3N (1.0 mmol), and dioxane (3.0 mL).
mmol) by injection through the septum. Chamber B was loaded with The reaction mixture in Chamber B was stirred at 80 °C for 18 h and
p-iodoanisole (0.50 mmol), n-hexylamine (1.0 mmol), Pd(dba)2 in Chamber A at 20 °C for 18 h. bBased on 1H NMR conversion.
(0.025 mmol), PPh3 (0.050 mmol), Et3N (1.0 mmol), and dioxane c
Disilane (0.17 mmol).
(3.0 mL). The reaction mixture in Chamber B was stirred at 80 °C for
18 h. bConversions were measured by analysis of the 1H NMR spectra
of the crude product mixtures in the individual chambers (see
Supporting Information). cLoading of CsF was reduced to 0.025
mmol. dLoading of disilane was increased to 0.75 mmol. eIsolated yield
(%) of amide 2.
Scheme 3. Reduction of CO2 in the Presence of Aira Scheme 5. Proposed Mechanism for CO2 Reduction with
CsF and Disilane
Conditions: Chamber A was loaded with (Ph2MeSi)2 (0.50 mmol),
KHF2 (0.050 mmol), DMSO (3.0 mL), and last CO2 (21 mL, 0.85
mmol) by injection through the septum. Chamber B was loaded with
p-iodoanisole (0.50 mmol), n-hexylamine (1.0 mmol), Pd(dba)2
(0.025 mmol), PPh3 (0.050 mmol), Et3N (1.0 mmol), and dioxane
(3.0 mL). The reaction mixture in Chamber B was stirred at 80 °C for
18 h and in Chamber A at specified temperature for 18 h.
Scheme 6. Combining the CO2 to CO Reduction Protocol with the Pd-Catalyzed Amino- and Alkoxycarbonylation
abstraction step from CO2. This work will be reported in due
S Supporting Information
We are deeply appreciative of generous financial support from
the Danish National Research Foundation, (Grant No.
DNRF59), the Villum Foundation, the Danish Council for
Copies of 1H NMR, 13C and 19F NMR spectra for all the Independent Research: Technology and Production Sciences,
coupling products, and details on experimental procedures. the Carlsberg Foundation, and Aarhus University for generous
This material is available free of charge via the Internet at financial support of this work.
Corresponding Authors
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