We will cover what is procrastination and try to see possible remedies or ways in which we could come
out. Once we get Exam schedule in our schools days we keep changing our learning schedules
Procrastination is the reason of delaying or postponing an action. Why Procrastination? From the role
model, genetically it will impact.
• Unconsciously
• Lack of belief
• Focus on Present gain than future gain
• Depression / Anxiety
• Discomfort Intolerance
• Lack of Motivation
• Low self-confidence
• Fear of Failure
• Lack of understanding
• Trouble concentrating
• Perfectionism (30% fall in this)
• Low energy levels
• Poor organisation skills
Science of Procrastination
We have to understand our brain. One Neuron is better than world’s best super computer. Pleasure
centre in Brain, Limbic system, always move towards pleasure. Brain has Prefrontal Cortex is the
captain of the brain. It is little weak compared to Limbic. It takes decision. Whenever we
procrastination understand that our brain works. If we understand why you postpone, when we
search for pleasure we procrastinate.
In case you fall in ‘C’ just observe, if you fall in ‘B’ if you observe and apply the learning. C means you
are like me we need to learn and change from the session.
Figure out where you belong to. Try to apply whichever gives you result try intensely.
1. Pro Awareness. During this lockdown we accept this way of life and go along with this.
What you missed today? Book reading, exercise etc., Plan accordingly. Write and see it. See-
Listen-write (type). Rest room is where your sensory organ will be highly stimulated.
2. Name it – Close your eyes recall the one which you postpone. Give a crazy name to that person
who postpone (pulla Kai example).
3. Give yourself a PUSH - Nobody is going to push for ourselves. We have to push ourself
4. Develop FANATIC Skill – I mob in different way at my house daily. Cleaning gives good feel
5. WIN the morning – Never snooze the alarm, set right the bed the moment you wake up
6. Become a GREAT problem solver – Review, evaluate the options. Test and evaluate
7. Kick start (give a crazy to yourself) demand your inner self and confront yourself
8. Brain-Dump Journal. Write and do other things again write till you empty your brain.
9. Role model Decision Making – Think about the role model you like think what your role model
will do in similar situation. Association disassociation
10. Record the achievements. Like ‘Hall of Fame’ / Wall of Fame.
You can start from anywhere even if you start one it will work wonder.
The more you sweat in Peace the less you lose in war.
Like military be prepared always. Do not work only when required. Let’s create unlimited excellence
in each one of us.
Lead by example.
PAIN & PLEASURE determine our life. Instead of planning for clear debts think of earning more.
Pattern breaking, disciplined life is good.
Compiled by
YES, Chennai-1