Av2-1004020-Dap An
Av2-1004020-Dap An
Av2-1004020-Dap An
Invigilator 2:
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A. in B. with C. on D. at
27. I've been to London, Paris, New York and lots of other ______.
A. towns B. cities C. countries D. villages
28. I speak Arabic, some English and some Spanish, but at school I wasn't interested in ______.
A. themes B. subjects C. languages D. countries
29. He eats bananas every day. It's the only ______ he likes.
A. drug B. vegetable C. fruit D. ingredient
30. Put the cheese and milk back in the ______.
A. cooler B. colder C. cooker D. fridge
31. Do her parents let her ______ TV?
A. to watch B. watch C. watching D. that she watches
32. Why do I always ______ the same mistakes?
A. do B. make C. take D. speak
33. Going ______ will only cause further confusions to our passengers and won't get us any closer to an
A. on strike B. on maternity leave C. out of work D. in employment
34. By the way, the easiest way to clean up the glittering things near the sofa is to use a ______.
A. dishwasher B. washing machine C. lawnmower D. vacuum cleaner
35. While I was ______ I slipped on some ice and toppled over into the snow.
A. sailing B. skiing C. windsurfing D. cycling
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3. Mail the card and $21. 95 US to the address provided
*This is a limited time offer only. Application and funds must be received no later than Dec 1st 2004.
Canadian residents should add $3 US for shipping. Offer not available for residents outside of North
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Questions 42-43 refer to the following advertisement
Purchase a 12 month subscription to Vacation the Nation today and receive a free pair of Sunnies Sunglasses
with your very own soft leather case*. To get your free Sunnies, follow these 3 easy steps.
1. Purchase a copy of Vacation the Nation, New York’s #1 Travel magazine.
2. Fill out the application card (found in the center of the magazine).
3. Mail the card and $21.95 to the address provided
*This is a limited time offer only. Application and funds must be received no later than DEC 1 st 2004. Canadian
residents should add $3 for shipping. Offer not available for residents outside of North America.
42. How much do the sunglasses cost?
A. They are free with a subscription. B. They cost $1.
C. They cost $3 Canadian. D. They cost $21. 95 US.
43. Who cannot benefit from this special deal?
A. Canadians. B. UK residents. C. North Americans. D. US residents.
Need a real break during working hours?
Having trouble relaxing after work?
Human Resources is bringing you
“The Stress Buster”
15 minutes of total relaxation free of charge.
Choose the table for full bodywork.
Choose the chair for neck, shoulders, and back.
Where: Employee Lounge
When: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
Times: During breaks, lunchtime, after work
44. What is this announcement about?
A. Length of breaks B. Massages C. Furniture sales D. Language classes
45. How much will this service cost the employees?
A. Fifteen dollars for fifteen minutes B. They pay nothing.
C. It depends on the service. D. Human Resources has the rate.
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Questions 46-48 refer to the following announcement.
According to a new report, people now work more hours than before. Ten years ago, most professional people
worked 40 hours a week or less. Now, 75% of professionals work 50 hours a week or more, and 15% of
professionals work 55 hours a week or more. Researchers in the Labor Department released these numbers last
46. Who is the report about?
A. Laborers B. Professionals C. All workers D. Researchers
47. Ten years ago, how many hours a week did most professional people work?
A. 40 or less B. 50 or more C. 55 or more D. 75 or less
48. When did researches report these figures?
A. Yesterday B. 7 days ago C. 15 days ago D. 10 years ago
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Questions 51-53 refer to the following announcement.
The Law Office of Murphy & Mann is moving.
Our new address, starting April 12, is:
45 Oakland Avenue
Suite 10
(near the corner of Oakland Avenue and Broadwood Road, across the street from the National State Bank)
Our new office hours are M-F 8:30-6:00
Sat. 9-12:30
Our phone number will stay the same:
51. When will the new office open?
A. April 1 B. April 2 C. April 12 D. April 21
52. Where is the new office?
A. On Oakland Avenue B. In Suite 45
C. On Broadwood Road D. Next to a bank
53. What will NOT change?
A. The suite number B. The office hours
C. The telephone number D. The location
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Questions 57-58 refer to the following memo
To: All personnel
From: Joseph Oh
Re: Training seminar
Date: July 15
This is a reminder that a training seminar in the use of the new software package we have adopted will take
place next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 9:30 to 3:00. All seminar participants should be seated in
Conference Room B by 9:30. Participation in this training seminar is mandatory for all staff of the Finance
Office. Any other staff members who wish to participate should contact Mr Oh in the Human Resources Office
before Friday.
We are pleased to have Patricia Rossi of Intelligent Software Design, Inc., as our trainer. Ms. Rossi
57. Who must attend the seminar?
A. All personnel B. Everybody in the Finance Office
C. Anybody who wants to D. People contacted by Mr. Oh.
58. Where will the seminar take place?
A. At the Intelligent Software Design Company B. In the Human Resources Office
C. In the Conference Room B D. In the Finance Office
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Questions 61-65 refer to the following notice and e-mail.
The Dental Office of
Dr. Lilia Molari, DDS
Notice to all patients
We are here to serve you. In order to do so, the following policies are in effect.
Cancellation Policy
When you make an appointment, we reserve that time for you. Cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance
or a $40 cancellation fee will be charged.
Payment Policy
We expect payment in full upon receipt of services. Payment may be made by check, credit card, or money
order only.
Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-5, Fri. 12-8
Emergency phone: 555-9754 when the office is closed.
During normal office hours, call us at 555-4825.
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64. How much will Jim Wilson pay for his appointment today?
A. $24 B. $40 C. $240 D. $400
65. What day of the week will Jim Wilson’s next appointment be?
A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Thursday D. Friday
She can’t get you a flight on Tuesday morning. There is a flight late Tuesday afternoon and one on Wednesday
morning. Which do you prefer? Also, she can get you a room at the Grand Hotel, as you requested, but she can
get you a better deal at the Marionette Hotel or the Riverside Hotel. Which hotel do you prefer? What day do
you want to return? Please let her know before 3:00 this afternoon.
Compiled by Approved by
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