2020-21-S2 Geography
2020-21-S2 Geography
2020-21-S2 Geography
Section A Multiple Choice Questions (2%×5)
1. Refer to the photo below.
Which of the following descriptions about the area shown above are correct?
i. It is a sandy desert
ii. It can only support little vegetation cover
iii. It is an arid region
A. i and ii only
B. i and iii only
C. ii and iii only
D. i, ii and iii
4. Which of the following descriptions about oases is correct?
i. They provide habitats for humans if the area is large enough
ii. They can only be found in tropical deserts
iii. They are the areas where the water table meets the surface of a desert
iv. They are areas of vegetation in a desert that surround a water source
A. i, ii and iii only
B. i, ii and iv only
C. i, iii and iv only
D. ii, iii and iv only
Section D Data Response Questions (72%)
1. Study the information below and answer the questions. (26%)
Figure 1a
Figure 1b
(a) Name the Deserts C, D, E and F. (3%×4)
(b) Refer to the two climatic graphs shown in Figure 1b. Which climatic graph
shows the climate of Place X? (2%)
(b) ii. Based on the climatic graph you choose in Q(b)i, describe the climatic
condition of Place X. (3%×4)
2. Figure 2a shows the location of Region A. Photograph 2b is taken in Region A.
Figure 2c shows the climatic graph of Place X in Region A, and its highest and
lowest temperatures over a day. Photograph 2d shows a kind of vegetation
found in Region A. (19%)
Figure 2a Photograph 2b
Figure 2c Photograph 2d
3.Figure 3 shows the natural environment of Place Y in different periods of time. It
is located in the Sahel. (27%)
In 2016
(a) Refer to Figure 3, describe the changes in the environment of Place Y in the
1960s and 2016 in terms of vegetation cover and soil. (2%×4)
(b) Name and explain the process that has caused the changes in the environment
of Place Y. (2%×4)
(c) “Human activities are the reasons of such changes in Place Y.” Based on Figure
3, name THREE human activities and explain your answer in details. (3%×3)
(d) List ONE negative impact of changes to people who live in Place Y. (2%)
First Term Uniform Test (2020-2021)
Secondary Two Geography
Answer Sheet
2.(C) (D)
Section C True or False (2%×4)
Write (T) for a true statement and (F) for a false statement.
1. 2. 3. 4.
2.a. Region A is the Desert. (2%)
First Term Uniform Test (2020-2021)
Secondary Two Geography
Answer Sheet
2.a. Region A is the Sahara Desert. (2%)
3.a. Vegetation Cover : There was grassland with scattered trees in 1960s ( 2 )
3.b. Desertification (2 )
- Places with low rainfall and high evaporation are called drylands ( 2 )
3.c. – Over-cultivation ( 2 ), the moisture and the nutrients in soil will be used