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Effects of Tiktok

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http://wjel.sciedupress.com World Journal of English Language Vol. 13, No.

7; 2023

The Effects of TikTok Application on the Improvement of EFL Students‟

English-Speaking Skills
Narueta Hongsa1, Pattharaporn Wathawatthana1 & Wannatida Yonwilad1
Faculty of Education and Educational Innovation, Kalasin University, Kalasin, Thailand
Correspondence: Narueta Hongsa, Faculty of Education and Educational Innovation, Kalasin University, Kalasin 46230, Thailand,
Pattharaporn Wathawatthana, Faculty of Education and Educational Innovation, Kalasin University, Kalasin 46230, Thailand, Thailand
Wannatida Yonwilad, Faculty of Education and Educational Innovation, Kalasin University, Kalasin 46230, Thailand, Thailand.

Received: April 20, 2023 Accepted: June 14, 2023 Online Published: July 11, 2023
doi:10.5430/wjel.v13n7p77 URL: https://doi.org/10.5430/wjel.v13n7p77

Technology development and the COVID-19 pandemic altered teaching and learning processes. TikTok, a social media platform that
integrates short videos, became a medium of instruction to help students master communication skills, in particular listening and speaking
skills. This study, using mixed-methods research, investigated the effects of using the TikTok application on EFL students‟ speaking skills
and the students‟ perceptions toward the use of the TikTok application to improve their speaking skills. Speaking tests and questionnaires
were administered to 60 students enrolled in a public speaking class. Additionally, 13 students volunteered to take part in semi-structured
interviews. The results showed that TikTok was effective in improving EFL students‟ English-speaking skills. Moreover, students had
positive perceptions towards the TikTok application. Most students agreed that utilizing TikTok is enjoyable and promotes creativity, and
provides new opportunities to learn English. TikTok should be integrated into language learning contexts to make the classroom
environment more engaging and promote students‟ language proficiency.
Keywords: TikTok, EFL students, speaking skills, perceptions
1. Introduction
In the contemporary era of communication, innovative technologies have had a profound impact, providing people with access to a diverse
range of social media platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok. These platforms serve as avenues
for individuals to express their thoughts, feelings, desires, and queries (Ucwdev, 2021; Doyle, 2023). While the significance of social media
in facilitating communication is widely recognized in today's society, it is evident that Thai people's proficiency in effectively
communicating in English is insufficient. Despite English being taught and learned for over a decade, Thai students continue to face
challenges in mastering the language (Syakur, 1987; Tahe, 2021; Herlisya & Wiratno, 2022). Particularly, speaking, as a complex skill,
involves various components, including pronunciation, fluency, grammar, and vocabulary, as emphasized by Syakur (1987). Herlisya and
Wiratno (2022) highlight that many students majoring in English hesitate to communicate in English when they lack proficiency in the
language. Insufficient practice and a limited vocabulary contribute to difficulties in speaking, with a notable preference for writing over
speaking in English among students. Proficiency levels also reflect this challenge, as Thai students' average TOEFL scores (less than 500)
are lower compared to other ASEAN countries, and EF English proficiency index reports (2022) rank Thais 97th out of 111 countries.
Consequently, Pratiwi et al. (2021) propose six components to aid students in mastering English-speaking skills, including gaining
confidence, enhancing fluency and accuracy, improving wording, displaying speaker direction, engaging audiences, and sounding natural.
Therefore, the instructional strategies employed play a crucial role in determining the effectiveness of students' English-speaking abilities.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant effect on organizations, businesses, industries, and educational fields. Therefore, people
have had to change their way of living, for instance by adhering the social distancing rules. During the pandemic, technology was an
essential tool, especially in educational contexts. In the educational field, teaching, and learning shifted from face-to-face to online. Using
technology in teaching and learning allowed teachers to cater to students who domiciled far away from schools through synchronous and
asynchronous methods (Putri, 2022). But teachers found it extremely difficult to provide knowledge to students using an online platform.
Additionally, because there was little interaction between teachers and students, online learning diminished students' motivation to study.
Consequently, students were unable to improve their English proficiency, especially their speaking ability (Ferstephanie & Pratiwi, 2021;
Putri, 2022).
As people had to be quarantined during the COVID-19 pandemic, interactions between groups were impractical. The best way to keep in
touch with others was through the social media platform. According to Sharma (2019), social media applications are useful tools for
improving students' linguistic competence as well as increasing their learning motivation as students are already familiar with social media.
Moreover, the activities that happened on the internet are often practical and interactive. It provides students more chances to be active

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learners instead of sitting in the class and listen to lectures (Gumenyuk et al., 2021; Popovych et al., 2020). Social media is classified as a
learning medium. There are four basic reasons why people use social media: entertainment, socialization, to gain information, and
educational purposes (Yang, 2020). Hence, the social media applications have been integrated into educational contexts to improve students‟
language proficiency.
Using social media in teaching and learning is not a new thing. Various social media platforms have been used as learning media. For
example, Kreishan and Abbadi (2022) investigated the frequency of and willingness to use English in social media contexts among
undergraduate English majors. Study results showed that social media had a significant effect in improving and developing English
competence and skills in this technological era. Additionally, Tambunan et al. (2022) investigated the impact of social media as a mobile
phone-based classroom teaching and learning method on students' English proficiency and motivation to learn. They found that students
were already using social networking sites informally to enhance their learning. Thus, students were aware of the educational benefits
provided by technology. Apriyanti et al. (2018) showed that Instagram may be useful in enhancing students‟ public speaking abilities.
Wulandari (2019) conducted research on the impact of Instagram vlogs on student speaking abilities and found that this application could
improve speaking ability and increase motivation and self-esteem. Utomo and Bastiar (2020) also evaluated the use of Instagram to
improve English literature students‟ self confidence in mastering speaking skill. Dweikat (2016) used Facebook as a platform to improve
students‟ communication skills and examined students‟ learning outcomes using pre-post-test scores. Similary, AlSaleem (2018)
investigated the use of Facebook in enhancing students‟ oral communication skills. Moreover, Lirola (2021) used Facebook as a medium to
improve students‟ academic writing and their acquisition of social competencies. Likewise, Sah (2015) investigated the effectiveness of
using Twitter in ESL/EFL classroom and revealed that Twitter‟s size restrictions on posts fosters creativity and improves
students' collaborative skills as well as their language development. Celi and Pintado (2020) used Twitter to enhance senior high school
students‟ writing skills. Hence, Twitter is an effective tool in enhancing students‟ writing products. Consequently, social media platforms
have been increasingly integrated into academic platforms in this era.
With reference to the previously mentioned use of social media applications, it is inevitable that learning media, which are user-friendly and
do not make students feel uncomfortable, must be integrated into the educational context. Putri (2022) mentions that a learning medium is a
tool that develops along with learning technology and comes in various of forms including audio, visual, and audio-visual. Putri (2022) also
pointed out that learning media plays an important role in introducing or transferring information as well as simplifying the abstract into
something less complicated. Therefore, the appropriate use of social media in teaching may influence students‟ learning outcome.
Xiuwen and Razabi (2021) stated that social media platforms that integrate short videos have garnered a lot of attention in English
communication contexts as it drove online education during the outbreak. TikTok, a recent social media platform, allows users to share their
content as a short video, produce entertaining movies and communicate with other users through comments or even direct messages. This
application, launched in September 2016 in China, has been downloaded more than 500 billion times worldwide as of April 2022. During
the COVID-19 pandemic, this application was of substantial interest to content creators globally who used it as a platform to share
educational, scientific, and other creative videos (Putri, 2022). According to (Xiuwen & Razali, 2021), TikTok can be used as a language
assessment tool to evaluate student learning outcomes. TikTok can also be used to help students improve their speaking ability, a crucial
language learning goal. For TikTok to be used as a language-learning tool, its teaching processes must be specified. Watching selected
TikTok videos can help students familiarize themselves with this application following which students can use TikTok to create
self-recorded videos in English.
In the literature, there is previous research related to the use of TikTok to improve students‟ English-speaking skills. Putri (2022)
investigated the effectiveness of employing TikTok on improving the speaking ability of 20 university students studying in an English
Educational Study Program during online learning using a qualitative approach and a questionnaire to collect the data. Study results showed
that TikTok could be used as a medium to improve students‟ speaking ability. Besides, students showed positive attitudes towards learning
by using this application. Similarly, Herlisya and Wiratno (2022) revealed through classroom action research that 20 English Education
major students‟ learning activities and their speaking skill were improved after using TikTok as a medium of instruction. Novitasari and
Addinna (2022) conducted a qualitative study that revealed that students have a positive opinion toward using TikTok to study English.
Students, who can enhance their English proficiency by using TikTok to study, find the application enjoyable and stress-free. Also, TikTok is
easy to use, has a variety of engaging and easy-to-understand video material, and allows users to learn from native speakers, etc. Nasichah
(2023) also showed that the majority of students have a positive attitude toward the TikTok application and believe that it can help improve
their speaking abilities. So, TikTok may be a useful tool for improving students' speaking abilities.
Besides university students, Ferstephanie and Pratiwi (2022) showed that using TikTok could develop the tenth-grade students‟
English-speaking skills. The TikTok application encouraged students to enjoy their study, particularly when it came to developing their
speaking skills. In creating the content, students were free to express their thoughts and creativity. The TikTok app provided students with
new ways to improve their English skills. TikTok introduced students to actual learning situations and real-world circumstances, allowing
them to reflect on their language learning and develop English competencies, especially their speaking abilities. Zaitun et al. (2021)
evaluated students‟ speaking skills using a specific aspect, storytelling, after using the TikTok as a medium of instruction, by employing a
descriptive qualitative methodology using classroom action research techniques. They reported that the eighth-grade students‟ speaking
achievement improved significantly in the post-test session 2. Therefore, TikTok can increase students‟ speaking confidence and provide
them with opportunities to express their ideas freely.

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Using social media platforms has some disadvantages. Novitasari and Addinna (2022) reported that issues with the internet network and
expensive internet payment hamper utilizing TikTok to learn English. Students must purchase data bundles from their internet service
provider to use TikTok, and this might be expensive. Furthermore, numerous contents on TikTok can divert students' attention away from
what they should be concentrating on. Also, students are unable to obtain immediate responses when they have queries or require further
explanations from the content creators. Safitri (2021) claimed that two of the biggest challenges students face when using social media to
learn English are poor internet connections and inappropriate content.
Several previous studies indicated that despite the potential for certain difficulties, using the TikTok application as a medium of instruction
to improve students' speaking ability was an intriguing topic. Although TikTok is a popular social media platform, research studies on the
use of TikTok as a medium to improve EFL students‟ speaking skill are limited, especially in the Thailand educational context. Besides, the
previous studies have used either qualitative or quantitative approaches. Therefore, the present study investigated the effects of using
TikTok application on the improvement of EFL students‟ speaking skill and students‟ perceptions toward the use of TikTok application as a
platform to improve their speaking using a mixed methods approach.
The research questions are as follow:
1. To what extent doses using the TikTok application affect students‟ English-speaking skills?
2. What are students‟ perceptions toward the use of the TikTok application?
2. Method
The current study used classroom action research to assess changes in students‟ English-speaking proficiency after using the TikTok
application as a learning platform. Bogdan & Biklen (1992) describe action research as a method that employs systematic data collection to
modify social change. Additionally, action research could also be described as a systematic method for helping teachers create teaching and
learning activities. Action research is a responsibility that teachers must carry out while teaching (Hoban & Hastings, 2006; Moran, 2007.
Klomkul et al., 2011).
2.1 Participants
Study participants were 60 students majoring in English at the faculty of education and educational innovation, Kalasin University,
Thailand. Purposive sampling was used to select participants from those enrolled the Public Speaking course in the 2 nd semester of the
academic year 2023. All participants, who were undergraduates studying in the same faculty and university, had similar educational
2.2 Instruments
2.2.1 Speaking Tasks
Students were encouraged to engage in public speaking in various occasions through speaking tasks to fulfil the requirements of the Public
Speaking course. Three speaking patterns used to score students‟ speaking performances: topical speech, chronological speech, and
persuasive speech. Firstly, topical speech is a fundamental pattern that motivates students to utilize language by connecting it to the main
subject. Lumen Learning (2023) and Goodman (2023) mention that topical speech is the most common way to structure speeches, especially
in delivery the information to audiences, because the organizational pattern of subtopics is relevant to nearly any topic or type of speech. For
instance, in organizing a five-paragraph essay, subtopics are typically divided into three sections. Secondly, for chronological speech,
students were asked organize their speaking points in chronological or reverse chronological order. Speakers should aim to deliver an idea
clearly and chronologically. Thirdly, persuasive speech employs persuasive skills in public speaking in discussions that range from debating
politics to considering what to eat for dinner. Persuasive speaking is strongly connected to an audience since speakers need to convince
audiences to believe or to do something ((University of Pittsburgh Communications Services Webteam, 2015). Speakers must persuade their
audients to embrace their beliefs in a particular topic. Persuasive speech maybe challenging as it encourages the speakers to use both
creativity and language proficiency to communicate with target audiences.
As TikTok was a popular platform for entertainment, people would often watch interesting content whenever they had the time to do so.
After the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations embraced the „new normal.‟ Additionally, online learning became popular among
teachers and younger students. Subsequently, students were supported to create contents related to the given speaking patterns,
chronological speech and persuasive speech, and post their content video clips on the TikTok application, a more interesting and engaging to
students in the new era, in place of being supported to speak publicly in front of the classroom.
2.2.2 Speaking Assessment Rubric
An overall mark on bands scales or score points were used as to gauge students‟ speaking proficiency. These assessments offer valid, reliable
and consistent results (Ulker, 2017). Knight (1992) also proposed lists of speaking criteria for teachers to contextualize to their students‟
needs, curriculum/course objectives, and so on. Knight‟s (1992) criteria include grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, fluency,
conversational skill, sociolinguistic skill, non-verbal, content, and pragmatic competence. In this study, grammar, vocabulary, fluency,
pronunciation, and content, were used to evaluate students‟ speaking performance in each circle.
2.2.3 Survey Questionnaire
A questionnaire was used to explore the students‟ perceptions toward the use of TikTok application to improve their speaking skill. A

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questionnaire presents topic-specific statistical information. Jones et al., (2013) stated that a survey questionnaire and a semi-structured
interview were utilized in this study to investigate students' attitudes on the usage of TikTok as a medium of learning. Using survey
questionnaires allows a researcher to gather information from a large population. Questionnaires can consist of both closed-ended and
opened-ended questions (Creswell, 2015). Closed-ended questions provide information that supports the study framework, whereas, the
opened-ended questions may provide additional useful information to that provided by the closed-ended questions. However, opened-ended
questions may not always yield in-depth information from the participants. According to Hyman and Sierra (2016), closed-ended questions
are useful where the respondents' communication skills are limited, information is required within a short time frame, simple questions are
posed and evaluation required, and special interviewer expertise is not required. On the other hand, open-ended questions allow respondents
to offer a variety of responses and follow-up inquiries can be made for intriguing answers. Hence, this study used both closed-ended
questions in a questionnaire and follow-up by semi-structured interviews to get both general and in-depth information.
2.2.4 Semi-structured Interview
Semi-structured interviews (SSI) combine closed- and open-ended questions. Most questions are often followed by why or how questions.
SSIs are appropriate for a variety of tasks, especially where there is a need to probe further (Adams, 2015). Additionally, SSI aide in gaining
in-depth information from the interviewees. DeJonckheere and Vaughn (2019) describe SSI as entailing a conversation between a researcher
and a research participant, aided by a flexible interview methodology and enhanced by follow-up inquiries. SSI permit a researcher to gather
unstructured information, and investigate participants' thoughts, feelings, and beliefs regarding a specific subject. Therefore, an SSI which
included five questions were used to gain in depth information about students‟ perceptions about using the TikTok.
2.3 Data Collection
The classroom action research (CAR) approach was employed to evaluate change in participants‟ speaking skills after utilizing the TikTok
application. CAR identifies appropriate solutions to a problem (Burns, 2010). Garpersz and Uktolseja (2020) also noted that the CAR
enhances classroom learning practices through implementing specific actions. CAR is crucial to scientific research because it avails quality
findings. Kemmis and Mc Taggart (1992) describe classroom action research as a cycle process divided into four steps including planning,
implementing, observing, and reflecting.
This study utilized the four steps of classroom action research in two cycles, to enhance students' speaking ability using the TikTok
application as a medium of instruction. In the planning stage, the researcher decided how to conduct activities in a learning practice
developed in response to the study problem. Students‟ speaking problems were identified from their learning outcomes in a previous
speaking course. The pre-test results were also used to identify problems and obstacles students encountered during speaking. Furthermore,
the planning phase involved organizing learning plan strategies, teaching materials, a speaking assessment rubric, and questions to elicit
student opinions. In the implementation stage, teaching and learning activities were done utilizing the TikTok application. After
implementing the learning activity, the researcher gathered data from students‟ speaking tasks, chronological speech and persuasive speech
(assigned during the learning practice) during the observation stage. The researchers then evaluated students‟ speaking proficiency using a
speaking assessment rubric. Additionally, students‟ perceptions toward using TikTok as a platform to improve their English speaking were
obtained using the closed-ended questions‟ questionnaire and semi-structure interview. In the reflection stage, the researchers analyzed and
interpreted the students' learning outcomes as well as their perceptions towards using of TikTok application.
2.4 Data Analysis
The pre-and post-test videos of students‟ speaking performances were analyzed using a speaking assessment rubric based on some of the
speaking aspects suggested by Knight (1992) and Frestephanie and Pratiwi (2021), including grammar, vocabulary, fluency, pronunciation,
and content. Numerical scoring criteria ranged from 1 to 5 as shown in the table below.
Table 1. Speaking Assessment Rubric
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Grammar Consistently uses a Use a variety of There are some Grammatical errors are There are numerous
variety of grammatical grammatical errors found even in basic grammatical errors that
error-free grammar structures with a that do not obscure structures obscure the meaning
s few errors the meaning;
limits structural
Vocabulary Chooses the right A few mistakes are Speakers use The lexical resources Frequently demonstrates
words that match made while adequate basic are limited; incorrect use of lexical
the context; wide employing a wide vocabularies to inappropriate use of items; word choice does
range of lexical range of express their ideas some basic vocabularies not correspond to the
resources vocabularies expressed meaning
Fluency Speaks with Has few hesitation Some hesitation Speakers frequently Speakers frequently show
natural pauses: has pauses; slightly pauses where show their hesitancy their hesitancy through
few or no searches for speakers rephrase through volume volume changes and
hesitation pauses unfamiliar words and search for the changes and pauses pauses while speaking;
right words while speaking the speech rate often
distracts the audience

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Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Pronunciation Pronounces words Mostly Some Many pronunciation Many pronunciation
correctly with few demonstrates pronunciation errors which often errors which consistently
errors, and sounds correct errors are made affects the listener‟ affect listener‟
like a native pronunciation and which require comprehensibility comprehensibility; makes
speaker attempts to make listeners to major errors
the message interpret what
understandable speaker says
Content Demonstrates Shows mostly Displays adequate Speaker has inadequate Speaker has no
complete understanding a knowledge and knowledge about a knowledge about a topic
knowledge and topic, and provides understanding topic, misses some and misses important
understanding important details about a topic, important points which details; the overall
about a topic, with omits some minor affects listeners‟ content is
logical- arranged points understanding incomprehensible
Furthermore, questionnaire responses were summarized as percentages, mean, and standard division. Additionally, quantitative descriptive
statistics were used to interpret data. Students‟ responses to semi-structured interview questions were transcribed and transcripts coded by
3. Results
In response to the first question, which examined whether the use of TikTok had an effect on students' English-speaking skills, the following
results were obtained.
Table 2. Students‟ average scores in Three speaking tasks.
Pre-test Post-test Circle I Post-test Circle II
Topical speech Persuasive Chronological
Types of speech (Max 25 points) (Max 25 points) (Max 25 points)
Average Score 16.04 17.09 18.37
Improvement - 1.05 1.28
Therefore, using TikTok as a medium of instruction improved students‟ English speaking proficiency in both post-test circle I (improvement
of 1.05 points) and post-test circle II (an improvement of 1.28 points). (Table 2)
Table 3. Changes by criterion
Pre-test Post-test Circle I Post-test Circle II
Topical Chronological Persuasive
Content (5) 3.49 3.62 4.16
Vocabulary (5) 3.02 3.30 3.79
Fluency (5) 3.26 3.51 3.52
Grammar (5) 3.03 3.18 3.21
Pronunciation (5) 3.23 3.48 3.69
The total Scores (25) 16.04 17.09 18.37
Students‟ scores were higher in every criterion in both post-test circles I and II. Content scores for each task in pre-test topical, post-test
chronological and post-test persuasive were 3.49, 3.62, and 4.16; vocabulary scores were 3.02, 3.3, and 3.79; fluency in speaking scores
were 3.26, 3.51, and 3.52; grammar scores were 3.03, 3.18, and 3.21; and pronunciation scores were 3.23, 3.48, and 3.69. (Table 3)
Table 4. Comparing pre-test to post-test circle I scores by criterion
Pre-test Post-test Circle I Improvement
Criteria Topical Chronological
Content (5) 3.49 3.62 0.13
Vocabulary (5) 3.02 3.30 0.28
Fluency (5) 3.26 3.51 0.25
Grammar (5) 3.03 3.18 0.15
Pronunciation (5) 3.23 3.48 0.25
Total Scores (25) 16.04 17.09 1.05
Post-test results‟ scores exceeded pretest score in every criterion. The highest score (0.28) indicates an improvement in using a wide range of
lexical resources. This score was followed by students‟ ability to speak naturally and pronouncing words correctly (an improvement score of
0.25); then an ability to use grammar correctly (an improvement score of 0.15) and lastly students‟ ability to demonstrate complete
knowledge and understanding of the topic had the lowest improvement score (0.13). (Table 4)

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Table 5. Comparing post-test circle I scores to post-test circle II scores by criterion

Post-test Circle I Post-test Circle II Improvement
Chronological Persuasive
Content (5) 3.62 4.16 0.54
Vocabulary (5) 3.30 3.79 0.49
Fluency (5) 3.51 3.52 0.01
Grammar (5) 3.18 3.21 0.03
Pronunciation (5) 3.48 3.69 0.21
Total Scores (25) 17.09 18.37 1.28
There were changes between Post-test Circle I and II scores. The highest improvement (0.54) illustrates students' mastery of knowledge and
understanding about a given topic. Students‟ improvement scores in vocabulary knowledge gained and ability to pronounce words correctly
were 0.49 and 0.21, respectively. In the post-test circle II, there were minor improvements in grammatical knowledge and fluency with
scores of 0.03 and 0.01, respectively.
Table 6. Students‟ perception towards the use of TikTok
Statements Mean Percentage S.D. Interpretation
1. TikTok application is an effective platform in improving my English- speaking skills 4.15 83.00 0.63 Agree
2. Using TikTok as a medium of instruction provides new experiences to practice speaking. 4.07 81.33 0.54 Agree
3. Creating the content on the TikTok platform allows me to express my opinion freely and
4.15 83.00 0.60 Agree
creatively in English.
4. I find using TikTok to hone my public-speaking skills enjoyable and useful. 4.12 82.33 0.58 Agree
5. My speaking ability improved after using the TikTok application as a practice platform. 3.92 78.33 0.53 Agree
6. The video recording helped me review what I had done while performing the tasks. 3.98 79.67 0.62 Agree
7. Creating new content within a specified time limit is very challenging. 4.13 82.67 0.64 Agree
8. TikTok helps me overcome my fear of public speaking by giving me plenty of
3.97 79.33 0.66 Agree
opportunities to practice.
9. TikTok inspires me to be more comfortable expressing myself in front of an audience. 3.97 79.33 0.58 Agree
10. TikTok should be utilized as a medium of instruction to improve students‟ learning
4.08 81.67 0.67 Agree
Total 4.05 81.07 0.60 Agree
Most students recommended using TikTok as a platform to enhance their English speaking (mean score of 4.05 or 81.07%). Statement 1
(TikTok‟s effectiveness in improving English-speaking skills) and statement 3 (TikTok allowing students to freely express their ideas)
received the highest scores (mean score of 4.15 or 83% for both statements). Statement 7 (challenges with creating content within a time
limit) had a mean score of 4.13 or 82.67%, while statement 4 (enjoyability and usefulness of using the TikTok to enhance their public
speaking) had a mean score of 4.12 or 82.33%. Additionally, statement 10, with a mean score of 4.08 or 81.67%, revealed that students felt
that the TikTok should be used as a medium of instruction to enhance students‟ leaning ability. Moreover, statement 2, which had a mean
score of 4.07 or 81.33%, indicated that TikTok provided students with new opportunities to practice English. Besides, statement 6, which
discussed the advantages of using video recording to help students review their performance, had a mean score of 3.98 or 79.67%.
Meanwhile, statements 8 and 9, which highlighted the importance of using TikTok as a platform to help users overcome their fears and
encourage them to become more confident while they are speaking publicly, had a mean score of 3.97 or 79.33%. Lastly, statement 5
(students‟ uncertainty as to whether or not their speaking skills had improved from using TikTok as a platform for practice), received the
lowest mean score 3.92 or 78.33%. (Table 6)
Semi-Structured Interview
Students’ opinions about using TikTok as a learning platform
Most students had positive attitudes towards using this application. Many students felt that sharing their public speaking performance on
TikTok was both entertaining and enjoyable. English practice could be done in different and interesting ways. Some students were motivated
to work harder because their friends or followers would see what they posted videos online. Furthermore, using an online flatform, which is
popular among people of all ages, made learning more interesting and reduced boredom because the of platform‟s concise contents. As a
result, it was simple to grasp learning content which also captured the attention of many people, particularly teenagers.

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Table 7. Students‟ opinions about using TikTok as a learning platform

Interviewees Interview Quotes
Students 1 “I think that learning languages on this platform is beneficial. It is engaging and not monotonous.
We can also learn a variety of things.”

Student 2 “I am very excited because this is my first time using this application. Besides that, I found the
TikTok application interesting because it has a lot of attention-catching content.”

Student 3 “I feel like I have learnt a variety of skills by using TikTok as a platform to practice English. It was
interesting. I also learnt tips and tricks that can be use in daily life.”

Student 4 “I enjoyed learning English using TikTok. It provided techniques that could be applied in daily life”

Student 5 “I feel as if I have a friend who encourages me to learn English. I have tried to do something new.
TikTok also encouraged us to look for our favorite things. It also improved my listening and
speaking skills, as well as my confidence.”
Student 8 “It [TikTok] assisted students in understanding how to use English in everyday situations.
Besides, the information posted on this platform was easy to remember because it was brief and
Students 10 “I think that the way people learn today has changed. Learning through online content is
increasingly popular these days. There are numerous mobile applications available for students to
use to learn quickly and easily. TikTok is a popular app among both content creators and content
users, including children and adolescents. As a result, the use of TikTok in education is quite

Students 12 “I am very excited and feel like I have to do my best.”

Students’ opinions about how they used TikTok to practice English speaking.
Most students were interested in watching English-teaching clips from famous English teachers both in Thailand and foreign countries.
They remembered how make engaging content from those tutors and used this information to practice creating English content. The students
also found the teachers‟ knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, their fluency, and ability to pronounce words correctly useful. Therefore,
students must focus on both language and content when recording their own clips on the online platform.
Table 8. Students‟ opinions about how they used TikTok to practice English
Interviewees Interview Quotes
Student 1 “[when] browsing through the platform‟s activity, occasionally I found a channel where the tutor
had produced a video to teach vocabulary. I went to his profile and saw that he was an English tutor.
He made instructional videos on basic conversations, vocabulary, grammar, and English reading. I
thought his teaching technique was interesting and enjoyable. I then selected "Subscribe." When this
tutor published new videos or live broadcasts, I went to this channel to learn about or watch the
latest releases [from the platform‟s notifications]. On this platform, there are additional
English-learning channels from both Thailand and other nations. I learnt [a lot] from watching
those clips.”
Student 7 “Making Tik Tok content is something I am interested in. I came across two accounts of Teacher
Dew and Teacher Adam, who produced educational videos that are incredibly fun, informative, and
interesting. I then clicked "Follow" to stay updated on [their] new English language learning
Student 10 “I usually spend my free time on TikTok studying English. To enhance my English, I am following
tutors who provide informative content.”
Student 12 “I improve my English by watching videos uploaded to TikTok by people whose first language is
English .”
Students’ opinions about the benefits of practicing English using TikTok
TikTok provided a lot of advantages t its users. Primarily, using TikTok to practice English speaking transformed the learning environment
from a traditional classroom to an online platform. Furthermore, it improved students' learning abilities and memorization more than
classroom learning because TikTok‟s engaging features allowed students to have fun while creating topics-specific videos. Additionally, the
time limit on TikTok made language learning more pleasurable and fascinating than on other platforms. The users had to pay close attention
to grasp information shared on TikTok. In addition, after observing several English videos, students learnt more words and phrases used in
routine communication.

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Table 9. Students‟ opinions about the benefits of practicing English using TikTok
Interviewees Interview Quotes
Student 2 “The learning environment is now more private. Because TikTok has engaging features, I retained
what I learnt better than when I studied in a classroom. For instance, watching videos about word
guessing games helped me understand new words and their proper pronunciation. I had a nice
experience and learnt something new.”
Student 7 “I learnt about English pronunciation and new words and phrases. This platform allowed me to
practice and to improve my English skills, particularly listening and speaking. In addition, many
sentences learnt from observing tutors can be used in daily conversations.”

Student 10 “Learning English on TikTok helps me have a deeper understanding of new vocabularies,
languages, and cultures, as well as knowing how to use new words and phrases. I had more chances
to practice speaking and to improve my pronunciation.”
Students’ opinions about their experiences using TikTok as a media for learning English
The majority of students stated that TikTok was easy to use and simply required an internet connection. English could be learnt and practiced
from anywhere and at any time. Moreover, using TikTok as a platform to post speaking clips about the assigned topics encouraged the
development of 21st century skills, including creativity & innovation, communications, information & media literacy, computing & ICT
literacy, problem-solving, and career & learning skills. Additionally, this application was convenient for students who disliked reading, as
they could acquire knowledge from a variety of tutoring channels by simply focusing on English education-related content. Also, TikTok
could be downloaded and installed on any electronic device. Moreover, TikTok was a helpful tool that could aid people in improving their
language proficiency.
Table 10. Students‟ opinions about their experiences using TikTok as an English-learning medium
Interviewees Interview Quotes
Student 1 “I had more time to practice and verify my pronunciation before sharing the best version online, so I felt more confident
when my teacher asked me to publish my speaking clips on the required topics on the platform. I really enjoyed creating
the content through this platform.”

Student 3 “It is an application that is easy to use and has a lot of interesting content.”

Student 4 “It serves as a useful learning tool [that can be used] anywhere and whenever. The clips are concise and easy to

Student 5 “It is convenient for users, as we can study at any time and in any location.” “Creating videos on this platform improves
my creativity and sharpens my social media search abilities because sometimes [I need to find] information from other
sources that can be used to enrich the content and make my videos more engaging.”

Student 7 “Generally, each video lasts no longer than three minutes, yet it still offers clear information.”
“There are a variety of contents.”
“It integrates media literacy instruction.”
“It is an application that can be downloaded on all electronic devices.”

Student 10 “TikTok's ease of use makes it a popular app. You can learn endlessly, wherever you are and whenever you choose. Also,
it aids in the development of English competence, particularly communication skills.”
Students’ opinions about challenges encountered when using TikTok as a media for learning English
When students used TikTok to learn English, many reported time constraints because creating engaging content in a short period required
then to work harder. Some pupils were not confident in their speaking abilities. Thus, they did not want their friends to see their published
videos. Moreover, some students had challenges using the application because they had never used it before. Besides, students were unable
to obtain immediate feedback from TikTok content creators about any questions or concerns they had regarding the content they had
learned. Furthermore, students‟ attention would be distracted by materials that were not related to language learning. As a result, TikTok
should only complement conventional classroom-learning.

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Table 11. Students‟ opinions about challenges encountered when using TikTok as a media for learning English
Interviewees Interview Quotes
Student 1 “We could be distracted from studying because this platform is the hub of a wide range of information, including games,
cooking, product reviews, plays, teaching in many areas, politics, etc.”

Student 8 “Due to the brief nature of the clips, the content is occasionally incomplete……[and] you may only concentrate on it for
a short time.”

Student 10 “TikTok interruptions, such as advertisements or numerous entertainments can divert my concentration from my studies.
Therefore, it [Tiktok] is quite distracting when studying.”

Student 12 “.. my English was not good enough to make it [ my TikTok content] available to the general audience. Also, I am a shy
person and I dislike being the center of attention.”

Student 13 “We might not always fully understand certain topics as we learn. The content providers may not convey things to us
in-real time as teachers do in class.”
4. Discussion
Comparing the pre-test results to the post-tests in the two circles showed that students' speaking abilities had improved in post-test circles I
and II. Therefore, the researcher agrees with (Putri, 2022; Herlisya & Wiratno, 2022; Ferstephanie & Pratiwi, 2022; Zaitun et al., 2021) who
found that TikTok appears to be an effective platform in improving students' English-speaking abilities Putri 2022, state that TikTok can be
used as a tool to enhance students' English-speaking ability. Moreover, Herlisya and Wiratno (2022) found that students' speaking abilities
were enhanced by the incorporation of classroom action research. Furthermore, Ferstephanie and Pratiwi (2022) mentioned that using
TikTok with tenth-grade kids helps them improve their speaking skills by providing a pleasant learning atmosphere that allowed students to
freely share their ideas. Like the study by Zaitun et al., (2021), which collected data from eighth-grade students, the results from this study
supported the effectiveness of TikTok in improving students' speaking ability and their confidence and allowing them to independently
articulate their thoughts.
Students had a positive attitude towards the use of TikTok as a medium of instruction. Most students felt that using TikTok as a media to
improve their speaking skill was beneficial in line with the study by Putri (2022), Ferstephanie and Pratiwi, (2022), Novitasari and Addinna
(2022), and Nasichah (2023).
As TikTok is one of popular applications that easy to access by all ages, sharing their topic-specific videos online was entertaining and
enjoyable. In addition, using TikTok, in an educational context made learning more interesting and reduced boredom consistent with the
findings of Novitasari and Addinna's (2022). These researchers also found that the short duration of the video and the presentation of
interactive and engaging content made learning less tedious. Students also relished learning new words and phrases, as well as useful tips
and tricks, which they could apply in everyday life in concurrence with findings by Putri (2022). Nasichah (2023) also showed that students
had positive attitudes towards this application. TikTok can be used as a medium of instruction to help students improve their speaking skill.
Additionally, students mentioned watching English- teaching clips from the famous tutors or clips that communicate in English. Novitasari
and Addinna (2022) posit that students practice English after watching live broadcasts and videos made by English speakers.
Regarding the benefits of practicing English with TikTok, students learnt and remembered vocabularies more than they did when studying in
a classroom. The platform encouraged students to develop and enhance their English skills, in particular listening and speaking skills.
Ferstephanie and Pratiwi (2022) illustrated that learning through TikTok helped students to improve their communication skills. Moreover,
several students found using the application easy and fun. Students could access the application from anytime and anywhere as learning is
integrated with an online platform: results that concur with those of Novitasari and Addinna (2022). Students felt TikTok was a user-friendly
platform that could make studying English easier. TikTok has numerous English-teaching videos students can select from. Since many
content creators are also native English speakers, TikTok‟s fantastic resources are useful to anyone wishing to develop their language
However, there were some challenges and disadvantages found when using TikTok as an English-learning medium. Due to the time
constraints imposed by TikTok, students had to put in greater effort than usual to create engaging content. Besides, some students still had no
confidence in their speaking proficiency and thus were reluctant to publicly share their content. Students could also be distracted by a variety
of TikTok content, including entertainment, politics, games, etc., which are all available on the application. Such media could draw the
students' interest and persuade them to spend more time scrolling through TikTok instead of paying attention to what they were learning.
Moreover, students could not obtain immediately feedback or explanations from content creators when they had questions about what they
had learnt on TikTok: a finding supported by Novitasari & Addinna (2022). Novitasari and Addinna (2022) Safitri (2021) also reported that
students could face major difficulties due to bad internet connection and inappropriate content.
5. Conclusion
TikTok serves as an effective medium for enhancing students' English-speaking proficiency, as evidenced by the consistent improvement in
speaking test scores with each administration. The platform plays a pivotal role in fostering an engaging and exciting learning environment

Published by Sciedu Press 85 ISSN 1925-0703 E-ISSN 1925-0711

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that promotes students' speaking abilities. Notably, TikTok offers a diverse range of content that aligns with students' interests, including
authentic conversations by native English-language speakers. These curated materials, crafted by talented content creators, effectively
contribute to the enhancement of students' English proficiency. Furthermore, the utilization of TikTok as a learning tool proves to be an
enjoyable and interactive experience. Students are afforded the freedom to express their ideas on various assigned topics, encouraging them
to actively participate and learn from the platform's vast community of content creators. Despite encountering occasional obstacles,
TikTok's efficacy in aiding students' English-speaking skills remains undeniable. Its unique features and user-friendly interface make it a
valuable resource for language learning and improvement.
The study provides important pedagogical implications. TikTok can be used as a medium of instruction to improve students' language
learning abilities. Using TikTok as a platform to practice speaking not only encourages students‟ creative thinking, but also allows them to
enjoy new learning experiences. TikTok provides teachers with a variety of engaging content, such as lessons on teaching English from
well-known tutors, which they may use to create more effective classroom materials. This study employed classroom action research to
investigate the efficacy of using TikTok to enhance university students' speaking proficiency. Further studies may focus on the students at
the primary or secondary level.
Firstly, the authors would like to thank all participants who were involved in this research. Without their cooperation during the conducting
period, the present study would not be completed. Sincere gratitude also goes to our EDI colleagues for their suggestions and kindly
assistance throughout this research.
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