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Extrusion of Flavored Corn Grits Structu

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LWT - Food Science and Technology 54 (2013) 434e439

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LWT - Food Science and Technology

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Extrusion of flavored corn grits: Structural characteristics, volatile

compounds retention and sensory acceptability
Michele Eliza Cortazzo Menis, Talita Maira Goss Milani, Amanda Jordano,
Maurício Boscolo, Ana Carolina Conti-Silva*
Departamento de Engenharia e Tecnologia de Alimentos, Instituto de Biociências, Letras e Ciências Exatas, Universidade Estadual Paulista,
Rua Cristóvão Colombo, 2265, CEP 15054-000, São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The effects of the moisture content of the raw material, extrusion temperature and screw speed on flavor
Received 14 January 2013 retention, sensory acceptability and structure of corn grits extrudates flavored with isovaleraldehyde,
Received in revised form ethyl butyrate and butyric acid were investigated. Higher temperature resulted in more expanded
14 June 2013
extrudates with lower density and cutting force, while higher moisture content increased ethyl butyrate
Accepted 25 June 2013
retention. The most acceptable extrudates were those obtained with low moisture content, under con-
ditions of high extrusion temperature and high screw speed, or low screw speed and low extrusion
temperature, whereas the aroma intensity closest to the ideal was observed under conditions of low
Thermoplastic extrusion
extrusion temperature and low moisture content of the raw material.
Corn grits Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Response surface methodology

1. Introduction the product and may lead to nutritional imbalance when consumed
in large quantities. The lipid content in extrudates that are flavored
Flavor is the sensory characteristic of food that is most affected post-extrusion ranges from 18 to 41 g/100 g, with a caloric value of
in processes that use high temperatures, such as the thermoplastic 450e575 calories per 100 g of product (Heyhoe, 2000).
extrusion. In the extrusion process, when the material leaves the However, new forms of flavoring have been studied in order to
die, expansion occurs and much of the volatiles are lost along with reduce the fat content and the caloric value of extrudates, including
the steam (Reifsteck & Jeon, 2000; Yuliani, Bhandari, Rutgers, & pre-extrusion flavoring. In this flavoring method, flavor is added to
D’Arcy, 2004). the raw material to be extruded, thus providing uniform distribu-
Several factors are involved in volatile retention or loss during tion and better oxidative stability. This flavoring method is more
extrusion, including: raw material composition; extrusion condi- suitable because no lipid vehicle is needed for it to be implemented.
tions such as residence time, extruder temperature, moisture However, considerable loss of the volatile compounds added may
content of the raw material, compression and pressure; format and occur during processing, with possible changes to the texture and
size of the final product; vapor loss during expansion; and diffu- structure of the extrudates (Bhandari et al., 2001).
sivity of the volatiles in the mass (Reifsteck & Jeon, 2000; Bhandari, Few studies relating to this topic are found in the literature
D’Arcy, & Young, 2001; Yuliani et al., 2004). (Yuliani, Torley, D’Arcy, Nicholson, & Bhandari, 2006a; Yuliani,
One of the methods most commonly used for flavoring by the Torley, D’Arcy, Nicholson, & Bhandari, 2006b; Yuliani, Torley, &
food industry is aromatization after extrusion, in which the flavor is Bhandari, 2009; Conti-Silva, Arêas, & Bastos, 2012). Thus, further
sprayed onto the final product. This method, although greatly work to develop better understanding of the effect of extrusion
adding flavor to the extrudate, thereby increasing the pleasure conditions on the structure and retention of flavor in pre-flavored
sensation at the time of consumption, increases the fat content of extrudates is required.
Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of
the moisture content of the raw material, extrusion temperature
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ55 17 32212548; fax: þ55 17 32212299. and screw speed on the structural parameters, volatile compounds
E-mail addresses: m.eliza@yahoo.com.br (M.E.C. Menis), talitagoss@
yahoo.com.br (T.M.G. Milani), jord_amanda@yahoo.com.br (A. Jordano), boscolo@
retention and sensory acceptability of corn grit extrudates flavored
ibilce.unesp.br (M. Boscolo), contisil@ibilce.unesp.br (A.C. Conti-Silva). using response surface methodology.

0023-6438/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.E.C. Menis et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 54 (2013) 434e439 435

2. Materials and methods unknown and, therefore, it is necessary to find an adequate

approximation to the true relationship between the response and
2.1. Materials the independent variables (Montgomery & Runger, 2006).

The corn grits (7.7 g/100 g protein, 1.1 g/100 g fat, 0.3 g/100 g ash
and 90.0 g/100 g total carbohydrates, on a dry basis) were pur- 2.4. Adjustment of the moisture content of the corn grits
chased from a local market and were not subjected to any process
before extrusion. For flavoring, a mixture of three volatile liquid Samples of 400 g of grits were prepared to achieve moisture
compounds was used: isovaleraldehyde, ethyl butyrate and butyric contents of 10, 12, 15, 18 and 20 g/100 g on a dry basis. The amount
acid (SigmaeAldrich, Milwaukee, USA). of water required to raise the moisture content of the corn grits to
15, 18 and 20 g/100 g (db) was added to the sample under constant
stirring with the aid of a planetary mixer at low speed. After
2.2. Corn grits composition addition of water, the samples were packed in polyethylene bags
and refrigerated for 24 h for homogenization. To adjust the mois-
The corn grits composition was determined in accordance with ture content of the samples to 10 and 12 g/100 g on a dry basis,
the AOAC (1997) for ash and proteins, and in accordance with the drying was performed at 70  C for approximately 60 and 30 min,
AOCS (2009) specifications for lipid content, and the total carbo- respectively. The moisture content of the corn grits after adjust-
hydrates content was estimated by difference. The corn grits were ment to the desired values was then determined by drying at 105  C
ground in a knife mill (model 340, Marconi, Piracicaba, Brazil) and (AOAC, 1997).
the analyses were performed in triplicate.

2.5. Flavoring of the corn grits

2.3. Experimental design
Each volatile compound was added at proportion of 1.5 g/100 g
The response surface methodology was applied using a rota- to the corn grits, as described by Conti-Silva et al. (2012). The vol-
tional central composite design for three independent variables atiles were added by volume, based on the density of the com-
(Barros-Neto, Scarminio, & Bruns, 2010), namely: the moisture pounds. Therefore, 7.53, 6.83 and 6.26 mL of isovaleraldehyde, ethyl
content of the raw material (dry basis), the extrusion temperature butyrate and butyric acid, respectively, were added to 400 g of corn
(temperature in third barrel zone) and the screw speed. The grits to each extrusion conditions. Sample homogenization was
dependent variables used were the expansion ratio, density, cutting performed manually in the packaging and then the packages were
force and volatile retention for each compound individually and in sealed and kept at room temperature for 2 h before extrusion.
total for all the compounds. Seventeen tests were performed: eight
tests of factorial points (23) (three levels for each factor), six axial
points (two for each variable) and three repetitions of the central 2.6. Extrusion process
point (Table 1).
The results from the dependent variables were subjected to The flavored corn grits were extruded in a single screw extruder
multiple regression analysis using the Statistica 7.0 software (LAB 20, AX Plásticos, Diadema, Brazil) with four independent
(StatSoft Inc., Oklahoma, EUA) and coefficients with p values below heating zones. The first and second zones were maintained at 50
0.05 were considered significant. The regression was evaluated by and 90  C, respectively; the third zone was adjusted according to
means of analysis of variance: the regression was considered to be the experimental design (Table 1); and the fourth zone was
significant when p  0.05, but no lack of fit at p > 0.05. Linear and adjusted to 10  C below the temperature of zone 3. The length/
quadratic models were tested to explain the influence of inde- diameter ratio of the barrel was 26:1, and the screw used had a
pendent variables on the response variables, because in Response compression ratio of 4.6:1. The die diameter was 3.3 mm and feed
Surface Methodology, the relationship between these variables is rate was kept constant at 46 g min 1.

Table 1
Experimental design with encoded and real values of the independent variables used under each extrusion condition.

Extrusion conditions Encoded variables Real variables

X1 X2 X3 Moisture content (g/100 g) Extrusion temperature ( C) Screw speed (rpm)

1 1 1 1 12 157 165
2 þ1 1 1 18 157 165
3 1 þ1 1 12 177 165
4 þ1 þ1 1 18 177 165
5 1 1 þ1 12 157 175
6 þ1 1 þ1 18 157 175
7 1 þ1 þ1 12 177 175
8 þ1 þ1 þ1 18 177 175
9 1.682 0 0 10 167 170
10 þ1.682 0 0 20 167 170
11 0 1.682 0 15 150 170
12 0 þ1.682 0 15 184 170
13 0 0 1.682 15 167 162
14 0 0 þ1.682 15 167 178
15 0 0 0 15 167 170
16 0 0 0 15 167 170
17 0 0 0 15 167 170
436 M.E.C. Menis et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 54 (2013) 434e439

2.7. Evaluation of the structural parameters of the extrudates The panelists received 4.5 g of the extrudates in plastic cups
coded with three digits and covered with two layers of aluminum
2.7.1. Expansion ratio foil: the first with orifices for suction of flavor and the second
The expansion ratio was determined from 15 random mea- without orifices to prevent loss of volatile compounds. The sensory
surements on the diameter of the extrudates using digital calipers analysis was performed in two sessions: nine samples were eval-
(Digimess IP54), in accordance with the following equation: uated in the first session and seven in the second one. The samples
expansion ratio ¼ mean diameter of the extrudates/die diameter. were presented in the form of complete random blocks so balanced
and monadic.
2.7.2. Density Ninety untrained panelists were recruited in the first session of
The density was determined from 15 random measurements on the test, but only sixty six panelists returned to finish the test.
the diameter (D, cm) and length (L, cm) of the extrudates using Therefore, the sensory panel was formed by sixty six panelists.
digital calipers (Digimess IP54), and the weight (W, g) was deter- They were asked to give their opinions regarding the accept-
mined on an analytical balance. The density (g cm 3) was obtained ability of the product aroma. Two scales were used: 1) hedonic scale
from the following equation: r ¼ 4W/pD2L (Chávez-Jáuregui, Silva, of 9 points (9 ¼ extremely liked; 5 ¼ neither liked nor disliked;
& Arêas, 2000). 1 ¼ extremely disliked), to assess how much the panelists liked the
flavor of the products; and 2) a just-about-right (JAR) scale of nine
2.7.3. Cutting force points (9 ¼ extreme of higher intensity than ideal, 5 ¼ ideal in-
The force required to completely break the extrudates was tensity, 1 ¼ extreme of lower intensity than ideal), to assess how
determined using the TAXT2i equipment (Stable Micro Systems, perfect the intensity of the flavor products was (Meilgaard, Civille, &
Godalming, Inglaterra) and the “Texture Expert” software (Stable Carr, 1999).
Micro Systems, Godalming, Inglaterra), using a probe with a knife The results from the JAR scale were adjusted in accordance with
blade set. Ten samples of approximately 5 cm in length were cut Bower and Boyd (2003). For this, the ideal flavor intensity was
perpendicularly by the probe and the peak maximum force taken to be the dependent variable.
required was taken to be the cutting force of the extrudate.
2.10. Correlation analysis
2.8. Analysis on volatile compounds retention in the extrudates
Pearson correlation analysis was performed between the
Two grams of milled extrudate were added to vials (duplicates for structural parameters and between the amount of volatile com-
each extrusion condition), and the volatile compounds present in the pounds and the sensory acceptability of the extrudates using the
extrudates were captured using an automated headspace sampler PASW Statistics 18 software (SPSS Inc., Hong Kong, China).
(40 HStrap, Perkin Elmer, Shelton, USA). The following conditions
were used: heating the vial at 70  C for 30 min; needle temperature of 3. Results and discussion
80  C; vial pressurization time of 3 min; transfer line temperature of
210  C; injection mode constant; injection duration of 0.1 min; in- 3.1. Structural parameters
jection pressure of 193 kPa; and column pressure of 159 kPa.
The compounds were then analyzed using a gas chromatograph The expansion ratio of the extrudates ranged from 1.61 to 3.08,
(Clarus 680T, Perkin Elmer, Shelton, USA) coupled to a mass spec- which was considered to be good expansion, given that addition of
trometer (Clarus 600T, Perkin Elmer, Shelton, USA). A fused silica volatile components prior to extrusion can reduce the extrudate
capillary column was used (Elite 5MS; 30 m  0.25 mm  1.4 mm, expansion. These expansion ratio values were similar to those
Perkin Elmer, Shelton, USA) with helium at a rate of 1 mL/min as found by Conti-Silva et al. (2012), who observed expansion ratios of
carrier gas. The chromatographic conditions used were: injector at 2.9e3.7 for extruded corn grits flavored with the same volatile
230  C; splitless mode until 1 min, split 1:100 until 1.5 min and split compounds used in this study, and higher than those found by
1:200 until the end of the run; column programming starting at Yuliani et al. (2009), who obtained expansion ratios of 1.7e2.2 for
40  C for 3 min, with elevation to 210  C at 25  C min 1, and extrusion of corn starch aromatized with encapsulated D-limonene.
remaining at 210  C for 2 min (total run time 12 min). The mass The best fit to the expansion ratio was observed for the linear
spectrometer conditions were: interface temperature 230  C; model, and only the extrusion temperature was significant
ionization source for electron impact at 70 eV and 210  C; and (Table 2). The increase of extrusion temperature enhanced the
extension of mass between 40 and 120 m/z. expansion ratio of the extrudates (Fig. 1), which can also be
The volatiles were injected separately at different known con- observed by the positive sign of the coefficient of the linear term of
centrations (four concentrations for each compound), in order to temperature in Table 2. This effect was due to increasing size of the
construct standard curves for each compound. The amount of each air cells caused by steam conduction. When the dough left the die,
volatile compound retained in the extrudates was determined from the sudden drop in pressure caused rapid evaporation of the su-
the respective standard curve. perheated water present in the material. This led to formation of
The chromatograms and spectra obtained were analyzed using bubbles, which grew in mass due to the pressure difference be-
the TurboMass software, version 5.4.2 (PerkinElmer Inc., Shelton, tween the mass and the atmospheric pressure, thereby resulting in
EUA). the expansion of the final product. The higher the extrusion tem-
perature was, the lower the viscosity of the dough and the higher
2.9. Sensory analysis on extrudates the temperature of the superheated water present in the dough
were, thus increasing the pressure differential at the exit from the
Sensory analysis was performed at the Sensory Analysis Labo- extruder and promoting formation of bubbles and expansion of the
ratory, Department of Food Technology and Engineering, Instituto material (Campanella, Li, Ross, & Okos, 2002). Saeleaw, Dürrschmid,
de Biociências, Letras e Ciências Exatas, Universidade Estadual and Schleining (2012) and Yu, Ramaswamy, and Boye (2013)
Paulista “Julio de Mesquita Filho”, using individual booths with observed the same behavior in relation to the expansion ratio of
white light. This study was approved by the Research Ethics Com- rye flour extrudates and extrudates prepared from blends soy
mittee of the same institute (Opinion 050/11). protein isolate and corn flour, respectively.
M.E.C. Menis et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 54 (2013) 434e439 437

Table 2
Models and goodness of fit for the dependent variables.

Dependent variable Equation R2 (%) p-value Lack of fit

Expansion ratio (ER) YER ¼ 2.508 þ 0.356T 50.43 0.024 0.385

Density (D) YD ¼ 0.369 0.174T 60.07 0.006 0.251
Cutting force (CF) YCF ¼ 37.905 8.525T 61.97 0.005 0.618
Ethyl butyrate retention (EBR) YEBR ¼ 0.204 þ 0.058M 38.67 0.086 0.710
Acceptability e hedonic scale (HS) YHS ¼ 5.325 0.230M þ 0.114T*S 89.83 0.009 0.299
Acceptability e adjusted JAR scale (A-JAR-S) YA-JAR-S ¼ 6.6 0.199M þ 0.186M*T 77.96 0.098 0.431

T ¼ extrusion temperature, M ¼ moisture content of raw material, S ¼ screw speed.

The density of the extrudates ranged from 0.13 to 0.85 g cm 3 increases reduce the viscosity of the dough and promote growth of
and was below the values found by Yuliani et al. (2006a) and air bubbles, the thickness of cell walls in the extrudates decrease
(2006b) from extrusion of corn starch aromatized with encapsu- (Yuliani et al. 2006a), thus reducing the cutting force.
lated D-limonene, and Yuliani et al. (2009) from extrusion of corn The cutting force of the extrudates was negatively correlated
starch flavored with unencapsulated D-limonene. Moreover, Conti- with the expansion ratio (r ¼ 0.628, p ¼ 0.007) and positively
Silva et al. (2012) found density values of 0.12e0.28 g cm 3 for correlated with the density (r ¼ 0.726, p ¼ 0.001), given that
extrusion of flavored corn grits, i.e. lower density values than were extrudates presenting greater expansion or lower density may be
found in the present study. structurally more fragile or have lower mechanical strength
The best fit to the density of the extrudates was observed for the (Yuliani et al., 2009).
linear model, and only the extrusion temperature was significant
(Table 2). Increasing the temperature reduced the density of the 3.2. Volatile compounds retention
extrudates, i.e. the effect was the inverse of what was found for the
expansion ratio, which can be observed by the negative sign of the Volatile compounds retention ranged from not-detected (ND) to
coefficient of the linear term of temperature (Table 2). This rela- 0.49 mg/g of extrudate for isovaleraldehyde, from 0.05 to 0.62 mg/g
tionship was also observed through the Pearson correlation coef- of extrudate for ethyl butyrate and from ND to 36.10 mg/g of
ficient between the expansion ratio and density (r ¼ 0.952, extrudate for butyric acid. The bigger retention was found to the
p < 0.001), thus indicating a strong negative correlation between butyric acid, followed by ethyl butyrate and isovaleraldehyde, as
these two dependent variables. Density is a parameter that can also found by Conti-Silva et al. (2012). This behavior is due to vapor
be used to assess the degree of expansion of the extrudates. While pressure and boiling temperature of the volatile compounds. Iso-
the expansion ratio considers only the cross-section of the material, valeraldehyde, the compound less retained in all extrusion condi-
density considers expansion in all directions. Low density is tions, has the biggest vapor pressure (4009 Pa) and lowest boiling
desirable for extruded products (Meng, Threinem, Hansen, & temperature (92.5  C), as opposed to butyric acid that was more
Driedger, 2010). The same temperature effect on extrudate den- retained because of the lowest vapor pressure (57 Pa) and biggest
sity was observed by Yuliani et al. (2009) in relation to extrusion of boiling temperature (163.7  C) (Lide, 1997). The low volatility pro-
corn starch with D-limonene and by Saeleaw et al. (2012) in relation motes a higher diffusivity of the compound through the matrix of
to extrusion of rye flour. the extrudate, resulting in a bigger encapsulation and, consequently,
The cutting force of the extrudates ranged from 20.98 to 51.60 N, higher retention. Moreover, the hydrophilic polarity of the starch
which was close to the range of values found by Conti-Silva et al. favors retention of polar flavor molecules, as butyric acid, due to the
(2012) for the cutting force of flavored corn grit extrudates, capacity of the starch to form hydrogen bonds with aroma com-
which was 23.7e34.2. The best fit for the cutting force of extrudates pounds (Boutboul, Giampaoli, Feigenbaum, & Ducruet, 2002).
was also observed for the linear model, and only the extrusion The best fit for retention of ethyl butyrate was observed for the
temperature was significant (Table 2). linear model (p < 1) and only the moisture content of the raw
It was observed that increasing the extrusion temperature not material was significant. Higher moisture content of the corn grits
only decreased the density but also decreased the cutting force of increased the retention of this compound, which can be verified by
the extrudates, also verified by the negative sign of the coefficient the positive sign of the coefficient of the linear term of moisture
of the linear term of temperature (Table 2). Since temperature content (Table 2). Conti-Silva et al. (2012) observed greater reten-
tion of ethyl butyrate in corn grit extrudates under extrusion con-
ditions that were less severe (20 g/100 g moisture and extrusion
temperature 90  C) than those used in the present study. However,
none of the previous studies that evaluated the effect of extrusion
conditions on flavor retention in extrudates using the response
surface methodology (Yuliani et al., 2009; Yuliani et al., 2006a,
2006b) studied the effect of moisture content of the raw material
on this retention. Therefore, the results found in the present study
could not be compared with those of other authors.
The adjusted models to retention of isovaleraldehyde and of
butyric acid were not significant.

3.3. Sensory acceptability

The means for flavor acceptability on the hedonic scale ranged

Fig. 1. Expansion ratio of extrudates as a function of the temperature and moisture from 4.88 to 5.92, i.e. between “disliked slightly” and “liked
content of the raw material, with screw speed of 165 rpm. slightly”. The acceptability of the extrudate flavor on the hedonic
438 M.E.C. Menis et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 54 (2013) 434e439

Fig. 2. Acceptability of flavor on the hedonic scale as a function of temperature and moisture content of the raw material, with screw speed of 165 rpm (A), and as a function of
screw speed and temperature, with moisture content of the raw material of 12 g/100 g (B).

scale was dependent of the linear term of the moisture content of On the adjusted JAR scale, the value of 9 indicated the “ideal
the raw materials and also of the interaction between extrusion intensity” for the characteristic evaluated, and the further away
temperature and screw speed (Table 2). The reduction in moisture from 9 that this value was, the less ideal the intensity this charac-
content of the raw material resulted in increased acceptability of teristic was, independent of whether it was more or less intense
the extrudate flavor among the panelists (Fig. 2A). Greater accept- than the ideal (Bower & Boyd, 2003). The ideal values adjusted for
ability of extrudate flavor was also observed with increasing screw the flavor intensity ranged from 5.73 to 7.23. The acceptability of
speed at high temperature and decreasing temperature of extru- the flavor intensity of the extrudates on the adjusted JAR scale was
sion at low screw speeds (Fig. 2B). dependent of the linear term of the moisture content of the raw
There was a strong negative correlation between the amount of material and the interaction of the moisture content of the raw
volatile flavor and acceptability on the hedonic scale (r ¼ 0.759, material with the extrusion temperature (Table 2). Increasing the
p < 0.001 for isovaleraldehyde; and r ¼ 0.785, p < 0.001 for ethyl extrusion temperature at high moisture content resulted in extru-
butyrate), even when the quantities of the three volatiles were dates with flavor intensity close to the ideal. However, extrudates
summed (r ¼ 0.772, p < 0.001). This shows that when the volatiles with flavor intensity values closer to the ideal were observed with
were present in minor amounts, the acceptability of the extrudates decreasing temperature at low moisture content (Fig. 3).
was higher, thus indicating that lower volatile retention after The specific mechanical energy is a measure of the work done by
extrusion was a contributory factor toward the acceptability of the the extruder on the material and results of process conditions, such
products. as moisture of the material. The water can act as a lubricating agent
during processing, favoring the flow and reducing shearing of the
material inside extruder (Campanella et al. 2002; Kokini, Chang, &
Lai, 1992). Therefore, when moisture is reduced, acceptability by
adjusted JAR scale increases, probably because of shear increasing
and consequent decrease of volatile compounds retention (Fig. 2).

4. Conclusion

Increasing the extrusion temperature resulted in extrudates

with greater expansion, lower density and lower cutting force,
while the retention of ethyl butyrate in the extrudates increased
with increasing moisture content of the raw material.
The flavor acceptability on the hedonic scale was dependent of
the moisture content of the raw material and of the interaction
between extrusion temperature and screw speed. The most
acceptable extrudates were processed with lower moisture, under
conditions of high extrusion temperature and high screw speed, or
low screw speed and low extrusion temperature.
The flavor acceptability intensity on the adjusted JAR scale was
influenced by the moisture content of the raw material and the
extrusion temperature. Flavor intensity closer to the ideal was
observed at low extrusion temperature and low moisture content
of the raw material.
Among the extrusion conditions studied for extruding flavored
Fig. 3. Acceptability of flavor on the adjusted JAR scale as a function of temperature corn grits, those using elevated temperature favored extrudate
and moisture content of the raw material, with screw speed of 165 rpm. expansion, while low moisture content of the raw material favored
M.E.C. Menis et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 54 (2013) 434e439 439

sensory acceptability of the flavor due to lower retention of ethyl Conti-Silva, A. C., Bastos, D. H. M., & Arêas, J. A. G. (2012). The effects of extrusion
conditions and the addition of volatile compounds and flavour enhancers to
butyrate in the final product.
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extrudates. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 47, 1896e1902.
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