Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 7
Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 7
Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 7
I. Objectives
A. Learning Activities
“Yes Ma’am!”
The students will be divided in to four;
each group will be given pieces of paper
with words written on them. “Yes Ma’am!”
“Thanks. Now, let’s take a look at the (Student will volunteer to read the first
sentence that group 1 came up with. This sentence: “An interrogative sentence
one is a declarative sentence. Could you asks a question and ends with a
tell me the reason why it’s classified as question mark.)
(The student will give an example.)
“Very good. Well said. Now, can
somebody give me an example of a
declarative sentence?”
“Yes, Ma’am!”
Nice answers! Now let’s talk about the
second type of sentence. Would someone
read the definition written on the board?”
“Yes, Ma’am!”
“Nice one and could you give me an
example as well?”
“Thanks. Now, let’s check the sentence (A student volunteers and answers:
that group 3 came up with. It ends with a Ma’am, it’s because the sentence do
period but that doesn’t mean it’s a not state a fact an opinion. It states a
declarative sentence. Can somebody request.)
explain the class why?”
Can you please give me that.
“You got it! Perfect! Now, I want you class
(students volunteer to give their
to give me an example of an imperative
(Student reads: “An exclamatory
“Oh! Well done!
sentence conveys emotion and ends
Now let’s discuss the last type of with an exclamation mark.”)
sentence. Exclamatory sentence. Read
OMG! I saw James Reid.
the definition, ___________.”
student answers:
1. Declarative: She reach the mountain
“Now, class, let’s remember that top.
sentences have four functions. They can 2. Interrogative: Did she hike alone?
be declarative, interrogative, imperative or 3. Imperative: Please take me to the
exclamatory. Can you again tell me the mountain top.
differences of the four?” 4. Exclamatory: At last! I reached the
Well said! So I guess all of you
understand the four functions. Yes ma’am.