SSRN Id3377617
SSRN Id3377617
SSRN Id3377617
I. INTRODUCTION this is not the only approach used these days. The
inclusion of ‘Quality Education’ as a key
ICT brought waves of industry transformations,
sustainable development goal has led to the
which is also visible in education industry. The
expansion of the education sector globally
transformation of Indian industries is visible since
(Pothula, 2018)[4]. ICT in education is being used
the last two decades. The increased worldwide
to enhance creativity, interaction and knowledge
exposure has enhanced the competitiveness of the
sharing apart from student learning. To achieve all
firms in context of product or service delivery. ICT
the above objectives, Government of India
is getting key component of every industry and
introduced centrally sponsored schemes like
education industry is not an exception to it.
Educational Technology (ET) and Computer
Education sector is also equally inspired by the
Literacy and Studies in Schools (CLASS). ICT in
remarkable potential of information and
Education Curricula for students and teachers has
communication technology for upgrading the
been developed at the national level and being
quality of education along with outreach (MHRD
implemented across the country.
Policy, 2012)[1]. Owing to the advancement of
Likewise, e-Pathshala is developed by NCERT for
technology as well as the mentality of the people;
showcasing and disseminating all educational e-
Indian education system is evolving in many ways
resources. A major breakthrough by the Indian
(Jain, 2017)[2]. With the changing environment
Government includes the introduction of
and the industry demand, student’s perspective
SWAYAM. It provides an integrated platform for
towards learning is also changing at a fast pace.
online courses, using ICT that covers all higher
Focus area of ICT Policy is the participation of
education subjects and skill sector courses to
youth in the growth of knowledge society,
ensure the provision of the best quality higher
promoting the co-creation of quality content and
education at affordable cost. Apart from this,
developing networks between different
National Digital Library of India (NDL), a virtual
stakeholders. Technavio analysts report (2018)[3]
repository of learning resources has been created
revealed that the key factor that has contributed to
for wider accessibility of books (in the form of e-
the growth of e-learning market in India is the
books) (Press Release by MHRD, December 17,
increased penetration of internet and smart phones.
Gone are the days when teachers used to merely
teach through blackboards in a lecture hall. But,
ICT is increasingly used by the educational developing and improving this platform. Despite
institutions as an aid to teach students. Information the efforts by the Government, students are still not
technology has enabled and mediated resources for fully convinced with the potential benefits of e-
teaching and learning. IT has leveraged the learning. Furthermore, these platforms have
dissemination of information of sparse educational confused the students regarding which one should
resources for widespread availability or reach. they opt for. Based on these findings, the authors
Teachers are using this technology to make the have developed managerial implications for the
class interesting with giving some practical insights educators, students as well as educational
on one hand, while students use it to gain an in- institutions.
depth knowledge of the subject where they have
interest on the other hand.
The present study employed Interpretative
E-Learning has gained popularity amongst the
Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to intensely
students in India as it has brought a paradigm shift
scrutinize the lived in experiences of the
in their lives. Besides sharpening the skills of the
participants (Eatough & Smith, 2008; Smith, 1996,
students, it provides the comfort of anytime,
2004, 2011; Pringle et al., 2011)[7-11]. IPA is a
anywhere learning. ICT has opened new career
qualitative technique which is specifically used for
opportunities for students who are driven to explore
those studies where typical quantitative studies in
and learn – at their own pace and time. There is an
the discipline attempt to examine a smaller sample
increasing affinity of students for new technologies
of respondents in depth using, for example, semi-
and products as there is a huge potential for
structured interviews (Smith, 1996)[8]. It helps the
technology to be integrated into education industry.
investigator gain insights in depth and provides a
Students are embracing ‘self-learning’ through e-
clear understanding of the participants’ perceptions.
learning teaching models which act as a significant
As referred by, Dipboye & Foster (2002)[12], it
communication bridge between students and
provides better description and hence draws
teachers. Studies reveal that the creative use of
meaningful specified conclusions based upon pre-
Information and Communications Technology in
existing theories and concepts.
education has the capacity to increase the quality of
The determination of sample size is critical and due
people’s lives by enhancing teaching and learning
care should be taken while selecting participants
(Goyal, 2017)[6]. It recognizes the child’s
for this type of study to gain meaningful data. The
cognitive, social and emotional development
studies based on IPA can be conducted with a
significantly. Moreover, it extends the child’s
sample size ranging from one to 15 or more (Smith
immediate learning environment, offering
& Osborn, 2008)[13]. In the present study, the
incredible opportunities to push learning beyond
respondents were selected from Delhi NCR of
the confines of the classroom.
India. Semi-structured interviews were conducted
Teachers, nowadays, do not only deliver lectures to
to collect the primary data to understand the
the students; rather they facilitate in the provision
student’s perspectives on Impact of ICT in
of an e-learning environment by incorporating new
Education industry. The fifteen respondents (6
age digital media technologies while doing so. It
Females and 9 Males) showed their interest and
has thereby increased the scope of interactivity.
volunteered to be a part of the study with age
Digital platforms have resolved many issues like
ranging from 18-25 years. Most of the respondents
boredom, monotony, usage of same traditional
were unmarried. Three respondents were post-
pedagogy and lack of teachers for specialized
graduates, seven were pursuing graduation while
subjects thereby paving way for the best e-learning
another five were pursuing post-graduation.
experience through the flavor of independence in
their learning style. But, the question is whether e-
learning environment is able to achieve these
objectives? For the purpose of this research, primary data has
This paper will try to uncover how e-learning is been collected with the help of semi-structured
giving a new shape to the education industry. Also, interviews to gain in-depth insights from the
it will encompass the students’ perspective and respondents. The researchers used an open-ended
experience of e-learning. The results reveal that guide while conducting interviews. The reliability
government is taking many initiatives for and validity of the checklist was verified by four
experts in the field and due modifications were The researchers have tried to capture the data of the
incorporated as per the given suggestions. To current research through the analysis of three
further test the construct validity, the revised draft different situations, which are detailed below.
with suggested changes was given to four students
who were not included in the study.
This section presents the findings from the analysis
In the first phase, followed by demographic details;
of fifteen interviews using Interpretative
two trigger questions were asked to the participants
Phenomenological Analysis. The findings have
- “What do you feel about online leaning courses?”
been grouped under two sections referred as
“What are the motivators that drive you to e-
‘themes,’ which includes ‘drivers for e-learning
learning? “What challenges do you think reduce the
adoption’ and ‘inhibitors which restrict the
interest in e-learning?” Questions asked by the
adoption of e-learning’.
researcher were simple and clear to avoid any
ambiguity. The average time duration of each
Situation 1
interview was forty-five minutes, though the
It was 2:00pm and Dr. Smitha, a finance faculty,
overall timings of the interviews fluctuated
was delivering a lecture in a management college.
between thirty five to eighty minutes.
The students were least interested as they were
Data as the whole was analyzed with the help of feeling sleepy. The teacher tried a lot to generate
ATLAS.ti version 8. As recommended by Smith & interest, but it was of no use. On being asked by the
Osborn (2008)[13], the current research work teacher the students replied, why don’t you make
followed the steps for analyzing interview data. the class interesting as we see in online courses?
The verbatim transcripts were closely read for Why are we still following the same old pedagogy
identification of essential themes, issues, and that we used to follow decades back? What if, we
expressions that provided meaningful insights into want to know more about this topic? Do you think
each participant’s outlook on e-learning. In the all related information will be available in a book?
second phase, the notes prepared were examined The teacher was taken aback with all these
for themes emerging and were marked up on the questions. She realized that she has to update
transcripts. Later, identified themes were recorded herself if she wants to stay in this profession. The
separately to the transcript and list of themes demands of the students have changed, so she has
emerged were analyzed for associations-checking to also change her pedagogies.
for similarities and differences between them and
forming clusters of the theme. Similar themes were The responses received from the respondents were
placed together and given terminology. The as follows:
researchers coded independently and validated the
E-learning makes use of interactive technologies to
entire process with internal consistency amongst enhance the learning experience’ (Respondent 2).
them was eighty percent. Each interview was ‘Education through online platform is more or less
analyzed from the transcript notes which were like an interactive text book’ (Respondent 5).
converted to themes and thereby clusters leading to ‘I believe visuals, apart from holding the attention
high order themes. The ‘cutting and sorting’ of the student, help in retaining the content for
technique suggested by Ryan &Bernard (2000)[14], longer period’ (Respondent 10).
‘I believe that e-learning breaks monotony from the
to ensure objectivity and transparency of the
regular study pattern. It is visually appealing &
analysis process. The results obtained were further interactive’ (Respondent 12).
deliberated till consistency is achieved. Further ‘The use of technology helps enhance the
authentication is confirmed by supporting understanding and the knowledge part of the
outcomes with verbatim excerpts from interview concepts’ (Respondent3)
participants. As suggested by Smith (2011)[10], ‘E-learning helps in diving and exploiting more
excerpts from three to four respondents per theme resources other than textbooks to impart knowledge
and content’ (Respondent 13).
are sufficient for sample size bigger than eight. To
‘Being a Marketing student myself, the digitized
maintain the word count, the perspective of every
aspect of it is taught with great extensity and detail,
individual participant was not detailed; although
it makes it that much more logical to use such aids
aspects of all individuals and themes were
for learning the same’ (Respondent 14).
identified across the entire group.
• Most of the students are motivated to adopt e- access to internet. They lose interest when given
learning or engage themselves in courses through a chance to surf net. Almost everyone has a smart
online education due to the ease in access of phone and a laptop along with internet
online courses. It’s just on touch of a button the connection. If left alone, they would be more
students can study or learn the courses of their prone to engagement in other activities like
interest. Students yearn for learning more, but gaming, watching movies or series which may
not at the cost of convenience. E-learning is a also give rise to potential health risks associated
very convenient and flexible option of training with excessive usage.
oneself not only on a day-to-day basis, but
• Students were of the opinion that even though e-
whenever one has free time to. It enables just-in-
learning is interactive, but still they feel that
time learning.
face-to-face interaction and the knowledge
• Students are eager to adopt courses through e-
sharing is a must for education which is missed
learning because they find it affordable. There
on virtual platform. Students shared that there is
are many online education portals that are
lack of motivation to study alone. They are
providing quality education free of cost, which is
tempted away from studying when they connect
a major attraction for the students. Many students
to the internet, hence may not be able to perform
adopt e-learning of some specialized courses
as well as they would do it in a traditional class.
parallel with their education (degree course) as it
is cost-effective with not much of a financial
• The students highlighted that they adopt e- India is emerging as a superpower and it cannot
learning because of its captive nature. The e- function without the support of ICT (Goyal,
learning content can capture the interest of 2017)[6]. During the investigation, the researchers’
participants because of the use of multimedia and recommended that technology should not drive
in some cases its interactive nature. Students education; rather, educational goals and needs must
were highly motivated to adopt e-learning due to drive technology use. Due care must be taken in
interactivity it creates and hence engage the developing e-learning content because students
audience for longer time duration. look forward for this as an opportunity to excel.
• The students also shared that it adds value to Merely providing ongoing e-learning courses for
their on-going courses or education and hence academics is insufficient; they expect some hands
increase the chance of employability. The on experience for better understanding of the
courses can be selected as per one’s choice and concepts. E-learning cannot by itself resolve
thereby knowledge can be enhanced without educational problems in the developing world.
even setting the limit. Itcan act as additional educational tools, if they are
• Students showed their inclination for e-learning used prudently, to raise the quality of education. E-
due to many reasons. But, the consideration of learning can be employed to give users quick
future opportunities was very much talked about. access to ideas and experiences from a wide range
Directly or indirectly their major concern for of people, communities and cultures to increase the
gaining knowledge was attached with future tangibility. Also, it encourages active and
prospects or building a good career. The students independent learning, self-responsibility and
discussed those e-learning acts as a support for maturity for learning. E- Learning is a relatively
carving their career. It helps in grooming their new concept in Indian education whether in
skills and enhancing their knowledge which schools, colleges or other academic institutions, but
ultimately provides employment opportunities. it has a huge potential in the next few years. With
• Students felt that one of the major causes of the integration of ICT in schools, education in India
disinterest in e-learning is data security. The is poised for a paradigm shift, where the education
student’s creativity is also at stake as it system will be compatible with international
encourages plagiarism. education standard (Jain, 2017)[2]. Technology has
entered in every domain of the society and
• Students were of the opinion that that they are embedding itself while providing advantages like –
not motivated to study alone. They are being faster and easier access to information, increased
tempted away from studying when they have an flexibility, affordability and many more. There are
still few hurdles which make this ride a bit more psychology review, Vol.5 No. 1, pp.9-27.Author
Name, “Title of paper,” unpublished.
comfortable and smooth. For this, many bridges are
11. Pringle, J., Drummond, J., McLafferty, E., &
yet to be crossed like the confusion or clutter, tech- Hendry, C. (2011). Interpretative phenomenological
phobia, reliability, etc to name a few. Indeed, it is a analysis: a discussion and critique. Nurse researcher,
long term strategy and will take time for its 18(3), 20-25.
12. Dipboye, R.L. and Bigazzi Foster, J., (2002). Multi-
acceptability by the stakeholders. It is the
level theorizing about perceptions of organizational
researchers’ conviction that the systematic politics.In The many faces of multi-level issues (pp.
consideration of these factors will contribute in 255-270). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
gearing up this industry as a whole. This can make 13. Smith, J.A. and Osborn, M., 2008.Interpretative
Phenomenological Analysis. Qualitative psychology:
e-learning the most effective way of learning in
a practical guide to research met hods. Smith JA,
today's scenario. It will be seen as a way of editors.
transforming the face of education in India. 14. Ryan, G. W., & Bernard, H. R. (2000).Techniques to
identify themes in qualitative data. Handbook of
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