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Po1982403927 839

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PO No :PO1982403927-839


Age/Gender : 19/Female Registration Date : 15-Aug-23 09:32 AM
Patient ID : OKH872507 Collection Date : 15/Aug/2023 09:02AM
Barcode ID/Order ID : D4725137 / 7821956 Sample Receive Date : 15/Aug/2023 12:18PM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 15/Aug/2023 02:08PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Interval Method

Lipid Profile
Cholesterol - Total 147 mg/dL Desirable <200, Enzymatic
Borderline High 200-239,
High >=240
Triglycerides 61 mg/dL Normal: <150, GPO
Borderline: 150 - 199,
Very High>=500
Cholesterol - HDL 39 mg/dL Undesirable/high risk Elimination/catalase
Cholesterol - LDL 96 mg/dL Desirable: <100 Calculated
Above desirable: 100 -
Borderline high : 130 -
High : 160 - 189
Very high : >=190
Cholesterol- VLDL 12 mg/dl <30 Calculated
Cholesterol : HDL Cholesterol 3.8 Ratio Desirable : 3.0-4.0 Calculated
High risk : >4
LDL : HDL Cholesterol 2.48 Ratio Desirable : 2.0-2.5 Calculated
High risk : >3.0
Non HDL Cholesterol 108 mg/dl Desirable:< 130, Calculated
Above Desirable:130 -
Borderline High:160 -
High:190 - 219,
Very High: >= 220

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PO No :PO1982403927-839


Age/Gender : 19/Female Registration Date : 15-Aug-23 09:32 AM
Patient ID : OKH872507 Collection Date : 15/Aug/2023 09:02AM
Barcode ID/Order ID : D4725137 / 7821956 Sample Receive Date : 15/Aug/2023 12:18PM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 15/Aug/2023 02:08PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Interval Method

•Lipid profile measurements in the same patient can show physiological & analytical variations. It is recommended that 3 serial
samples 1 week apart may be tested.
•Indians are at a high risk of developing atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD); at a much earlier age and more severe
with high mortality. Dyslipidemia (abnormal lipid profile) is the major risk factor and found in almost 80% Indians.
•Total cholesterol is the total amount of cholesterol in blood comprising of HDL, LDL-C, and VLDL.
•LDL Cholesterol (LDL-C) or “bad”cholesterol contributes most significantly to atherosclerosis leading to heart disease or
stroke and is the primary target for reducing risk for cardiovascular disease.
•High-density lipoprotein (HDL) or “good” cholesterol can lower risk of heart disease and stroke.
•Triglyceride (TG) level also plays a major role in CVD. Indians are more prone to Atherogenic dyslipidemia, a condition
associated with high TG, low HDL-C and high LDL-C; this is associated with diabetes, metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance.
Hence high triglyceride levels also need to be treated.
•Non-HDL-Cholesterol (Non-HDLC) measures all plaque forming lipoproteins (e.g. remnants, LDL-C, VLDL, Lp(a), Apo-B).
Monitoring of Non-HDLC is important in patients with high TG (e.g. diabetics, obese persons) and those already on statin
•Lipid Association of India (LAI-2020) recommends:-

Screening of all Indians above the age of 20 years for CVD risk factors, esp. lipid profile.
Identification of Risk factors: Age (male ≥45 years, female ≥55 years); Family h/o heart disease at younger age (<55 yrs
in males, <65 yrs in female), Smoking/tobacco use, High blood pressure, Low HDL (males <40 mg/dl and females
Fasting lipid profile is not mandatory for screening. Both fasting and non-fasting lipid profiles are equally important for
managing Indian patients.
Non-HDLC should be calculated in every subject. LAI recommends LDL-C as the primary target and Non-HDLC as the co-
primary target for initiating drug therapy.
Lifestyle modifications are of first and foremost importance for management and prevention of dyslipidemia. Among low
risk groups, treatment is started only after 3 months of lifestyle changes.
Testing for Apolipoprotein B, hsCRP, Lp(a ) should be considered for patients in moderate risk group.
Newer treatment goals based on Risk Groups and values of LDL-C and Non-HDLC

New treatment goals by Lipid Association of India (2020)

Risk groups LDL-C (mg/dL) Non-HDLC (mg/dL) LDL-C (mg/dL) Non-HDLC (mg/dL)
<50 <80
Extreme Risk Gp Cat. A ≥50 ≥80
(Optional ≤30) (Optional ≤60)
Extreme Risk Gp Cat. B >30 >60 ≤30 ≤60
Very High Risk ≥50 ≥80 <50 <80
High Risk ≥70 ≥100 <70 <100
Moderate Risk ≥100 ≥130 <100 <130
Low risk ≥130* ≥160* <100 <130
*After an adequate non-pharmacological intervention for at least 3 months

•As per NCEP Expert Panel (2011) guidelines, universal screening for dyslipidemia is recommended for children between 9
- 11 yrs (repeat at 17-21 yrs). Screening is not recommended before the age of 2yrs. Above the age of 2 yrs, selective screening
is done in children with family history of premature CVD or risk factors like obesity, diabetes, and hypertension.

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PO No :PO1982403927-839


Age/Gender : 19/Female Registration Date : 15-Aug-23 09:32 AM
Patient ID : OKH872507 Collection Date : 15/Aug/2023 09:02AM
Barcode ID/Order ID : D4725137 / 7821956 Sample Receive Date : 15/Aug/2023 12:18PM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 15/Aug/2023 02:08PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Interval Method

Note: Reference Interval as per National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Report.

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PO No :PO1982403927-839


Age/Gender : 19/Female Registration Date : 15-Aug-23 09:32 AM
Patient ID : OKH872507 Collection Date : 15/Aug/2023 09:02AM
Barcode ID/Order ID : D4725137 / 7821956 Sample Receive Date : 15/Aug/2023 12:18PM
Referred By : Dr. Report Status : Final Report
Sample Type : Serum Report Date : 15/Aug/2023 05:41PM

Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Interval Method

Prolactin 27.48 ng/ml 4.3-23.1 CLIA

In case of High Prolactin, repeat testing with pooled sample in fasting state is advised

Prolactin, a polypeptide hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary, initiates and maintains lactation in postpartum period.

Clinical utility: Primarily in work-up of suspected pituitary tumor,Menstrual Irregularities,Infertility,Impotence and Galactorrhea.

Increased in: Sleep (levels rise rapidly during sleep and peak in early hours), nursing, breast stimulation, exercise,
hypoglycaemia, emotional stress, exercise, ambulation, protein ingestion, hypothyroidism, pituitary tumors (prolactinomas and
others), hypothalamic/pituitary stalk lesions,renal failure. HIV infection (21%), CHF, SLE, advanced multiple myeloma, Rathke cleft
cyst. Drugs intake of dopamine antagonists- phenothiazines, haloperidol , risperidone , reserpine, methyldopa , estrogens,

Decreased in: Pituitary deficiency: Pituitary necrosis / infarction, Drugs: Bromocriptine, Levodopa, Pseudohypoparathyroidism

* Macromolecular prolactin (macroprolactin), a complex of prolactin with IgG antibodies may lead to apparently high values in
some patients
with maintained fertility.
* PRL levels usually remain stable over time.
* Hypothalamic secretion of dopamine inhibits secretion of prolactin.
* Prolactin is secreted episodically, so multiple sampling technique i.e. pooling equal volume of sera from specimen's
drawn at 20-30 min interval is advantageous.

*In case of High Prolactin, repeat testing with pooled sample in fasting state is advised
* Please note test values may vary depending on the assay method used.

*** End Of Report ***

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Conditions of Laboratory Testing & Reporting:

Test results released pertain to the sample, as received. laboratory investigations are only a tool to facilitate in arriving at a diagnosis and should be
clinically correlated by the interpreting clinician. Result delays may happen because of unforeseen or uncontrollable circumstances. Test report may vary
depending on the assay method used. Test results may show inter-laboratory variations. Test results are not valid for medico-legal purposes. Please mail
your queries related to test results to Customer Care mall ID cs.labs@lmg.com

Disclaimer: Results re/ate only to the sample received. Test results marked "BOLD" indicate abnormal results i.e. higher or lower than normal. All lab test
results are subject to clinical interpretation by a qualified medico/ professional. This report cannot be used for any medico-legal purposes. Partial
reproduction of the test results is not permitted. Also, TA TA 1mg Lobs is not responsible for any misinterpretation or misuse of the information. The test
reports alone may not be conclusive of the disease/condition, hence clinical correlation is necessary. Reports should be vetted by o qualified doctor only.

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