Question 1.
List out the action words in the poem.
dive, dip, snaps …………, ………..
Find out the meanings of these words.
dive, dip, snaps, soars, climbs, rides, pulls, falls
Dive: Plunge head first into water with one’s arms raised over one’s head.
Dip :Put or let something down quickly or briefly in or into (liquid).
Snaps: Break suddenly and completely, typically with a sharp cracking sound.
Soars: Fly or rise high in the air.
Climbs: Go or come up a (slope or staircase); ascend. .
Rides: Sit on and control the movement of something.
Pulls: Exert force on (someone or something) so as to cause movement towards
Falls: Move from a higher to a lower level, typically rapidly and without control.
Question 2.
Read these lines from the poem.
Then soars like a ship
With only a sail
The movement of the tailless kite is compared to a ship with a sail. This is called a
simile. Can you suggest what or who the following actions may be compared to?
He runs like ………………. He eats like ……………….
She sings like ………………. It shines like ……………….
It flies like ……………….
(i) He runs like a cheetah.
(ii) He eats like a bird.
(iii) She sings like a nightingale.
(iv) It shines like a star.
(v) It flies like a kite.
Question 3.
Try to make a kite with your friends. Collect the things required such as colour paper/
news¬paper, thread, glue, a thin stick that can be bent.
After making the kite see if you can fly it.
Do it yourself.
Question 1
How does the kite look in the sky?
The kite looked bright in the clear blue sky.
Question 2.
When does the kite take rest?
The kite seems to take rest when the wind falls. It waits for the wind to blow so that it
can fly again,
Question 3.
What happens to the thread when it gets loose?
The master of the kite, who controls it, rolls back the thread when it gets loose.
Question 4.
When does the kite lose its beauty?
The kite loses its beauty and shine when it gets trapped in the branches of a tree.
Question 2.
What happend when the kite get trapped in a tree?
The kite looked dull after it was trapped in a tree. It fluttered when its string was caught
in the tree branches. The master of the kite could no longer control the kite and its
string. The kite could no longer move upward in the air.
Extract 1
Directions (Q. Nos. 1-6) Read the extract given below and answer the following
Question 1.
Who makes sharp sound with its tail?
The kite makes the sharp sound with its tail while moving in the air.
Question 2.
What do you mean by the line, “Then soars like a ship”?
The poet has compared the movement of a kite with a ship with only one sail with the
help of the line.
Question 3.
What has the kite been compared to?
The kite has been compared to ship.
Question 4.
Find the antonym of the word ‘bright’.
(a) Dark
(b) Shine
(c) Movement
(d) Clear
(a) Dark
Question 5.
Give the synonym for the word ‘dive’.
(a) Deep
(b) Dull
(c) Beat
(d) Plunge
(d) Plunge
Question 6.
Give one word substitute for a piece of material extended on a mast to catch the wind
and propel a boat or ship or other vessel.
(a) Captain
(b) Sail
(c) Raincoat
(d) Cloth
(b) Sail
Extract 2
Directions (Q. Nos. 1-6) Read the extract given below and answer the following
Of wind it rides,
Climbs to the crest ’ Of a gust and pulls,
Then seems to rest
As wind falls.
When string goes slack
You wind it back.
Question 1.
What happened to the string attached to the kite?
The string attached with the kite gets lose and the kite could not move upward.
Question 2.
Who tries to roll back the thread of the kite?
The master of the kite rolls back the thread when it gets lose. The master controls the
Question 3.
When does the kite climb?
The kite climbs after going up and down.
Question 4.
Write antonym for the word ‘puli’.
(a) Climb
(b) Increase
(d) Push
(d) Push